Vol.2, No.4, 244-255 (2012) Open Journal of Ecology http://dx.doi.org/10.4236/oje.2012.24028 The current state of the plant diversity in the Tlemcen region (Northwest Algeria) Smaïn El-Amine Henaoui*, Mohammed Bouazza Department of Ecology and Environment, Faculty of Natural Sciences and Life and Earth Sciences and the Universe, University of Tlemcen, Tlemcen, Algeria; *Corresponding Author:
[email protected] Received 28 July 2012; revised 11 September 2012; accepted 20 September 2012 ABSTRACT The problem posed by the dynamics of non-tree struc- tures (steppe, shrubland and lawns) can however lead to Tlemcen region is characterized by a Mediter- the understanding that their current expansion has been ranean climate, with a remarkable vegetal cover. and is still under the human action impact, mainly through The latter is influenced by the anthropozoo- fire and grazing, but also the clearing [9]. logical action. For that, we realized a phytoeco- In most North Mediterranean countries (France, Spain, logical study based on the minimum area clas- etc.) these attacks are somehow controlled and give a sical method [1] which allows us to have a good biological rise, while in the Southern Mediterranean coun- overview on plant biodiversity and better ana- lyze and interpret the vegetation at different tries (Algeria, Morocco, Tunisia, etc.) they continue in an levels (systematic composition; biological, mor- uncontrolled manner. phological and biogeographical characteriza- [10] emphasizes that “the analysis of the floristic rich- tions; stratification; and plant species inventory ness of different groups and their biological and chrono- which we hope comprehensive). The results logical characteristics allows to demonstrate their floral show that our ecosystems are disrupted be- originality, conservation condition and, consquently, their cause therophytisation, before last vegetation heritage”.