Present; M Curtice (Chairman), J Williams, J Curtice, M Preece, K Jones

Prior to the meeting starting the Chairman outlined to those present the emergency escape routes in the event of the need to vacate the building during the meeting.


216. APOLOGIES. None received from Cllr G Evans

217. Minutes of the Accounts Committee meeting held on January 6th 2010 were agreed as a true record, and signed accordingly by the Chairman.

218.Committee received the Income / Receipts statement from the Clerk and approved the payment of the following outstanding cheques.

a. ACCOUNTS Feb 2010 .

1. Inland Revenue NI contributions / Tax £ 538.54 (NI employer 129.54/ employee 111.32/ tax 297.68) 2. Clerks salary £ 1079.40 3. Stationery / admin / flowers / stamps/ printer cartridges reimburse Clerk £ 102.62 4. Clerk monthly mileage 136 m x 60.1p mile £ 81.74 5. Mayors part 2 allowance payment £ 550.00 5. CCS Xmas Sleigh . £ 155.00 (inc vat 23.09)

The meeting closed at 6.30pm


Present; V Bruno (Chairman), C Freeman, J Curtice, K Jones, M Curtice, D Thomas, J Williams, M Preece., S Cannon, D Lewis, J Dunckley, N Rees


220. APOLOGIES were received from Cllrs H Payne, G Evans

221. Minutes of the Planning Committee meeting held on 6th January 2010 were agreed as a true record, and signed accordingly by the Chairman.

a. NO OBJECTIONS were raised to the following applications received from Council as the Local Planning Authority;

• 2010/0012 2 storey and single storey rear extensions/front porch 69 Frampton rd Gorseinon • 2010/0109 Football pitch r/o New Lodge, Alexandre rd Gorseinon

The Town Council asked for conditions to be considered to protect the amenity of the adjoining residential properties with respect to Light pollution from floodlights, Noise, and hours of activity. Residential Properties adjoining should also have some form of boundary treatment introduced at the rear of their properties, where appropriate as part of the development cost. b. OBJECTIONS were raised to the following applications received from Swansea Council as the Local Planning Authority;

• 2009/1821 Retrospective application for extension car breakers yard for open storage adjacent 139 Coalbrook rd .

The Town Council objected to the unauthorised extension of this facility into the countryside, and the manner in which it has incrimentaly been occurring, in conflict with the open countryside policies of the UDP for the area. Comments were made about the loss of trees as a result of clearance of the site and concerns about the water pollution into streams and nearby river, from the commercial activities on the site. Reinstatement to the approved boundaries of the site is requested.

• 2010/0053 Extension opening hours from 10.30am to 3am, 69 High St (Pompei Pizza) Gorseinon

The Town Council objected to the extension of opening hours of this facility into the early hours of the morning, because of the adverse impact upon the residential amenity of adjoining residential flats above the premises in High Street and the anti social problems being caused by late night opening within the High street. Concern was also expressed about the precedent created for other commercial operations locally, by allowing the extended hours.

• 2010/0072 Change of Use to A3, new shop front / extractor duct at rear, Unit 2 Gorseinon Shopping Park

The Town Council objected to the introduction of more A3 uses into the town centre, feeling it is more appropriate to retain modern facilities for traditional retail outlets within the Town Centre, in order to protect the viability and vibrancy of the shopping area. c. Enforcement matters. None raised.

The meeting ended at 7pm


Present; V Bruno (Chairman), C Freeman, J Curtice, K Jones, M Curtice, D Thomas, J Williams, M Preece, S Cannon, D Lewis, J Dunckley, N Rees.

222. DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST. None received. Members completed the new schedule of Members interests.

223. APOLOGIES received from Cllrs H Payne, G Evans.

224. POLICE MEETING . Apologies were received from Sgt Gill that the Police were unable to attend tonights meeting.

225. PUBLIC FORUM. The public raised and discussed 5 items a. Trinity street parking restrictions. Clerk confirmed he had written to the residents of Trinity street asking for their views on the removal of the yellow line adjoining their properties. Whilst a petition with 42 names and 4 letters supporting the removal had been received, 2 residents attended the meeting to object to the removal of the lines. Mr Mark Evans 126 Trinity street, and the owner of 24 Trinity Street raised their concern about the removal of the lines and asked for double yellow lines to be placed at the junctions of Trinity Street, to improve safety. Members discussed the issues but as there did not appear to be a clear agreed view from all residents, the Clerk was asked to consider options for the next meeting. b. Lewis Jones Pub and restaurant, Lime street Gorseinon

Clerk reported that police had advised that new conditions including revised closing times of 11.30pm, requirements for proper management of the facility and new gates to be erected and closed to keep people out of the car park after closing time,appeared to be in place although they were being monitored and there were still some areas for concern. . c. Loss of trees at McCarthy and Stone retirement complex 20 Alexandre rd, Cwrt Hywel .

A group of residents from the housing scheme attended to ask why trees had been felled at the rear of the scheme on Education land surrounding the “Barn”.This had a detrimental affect on their privacy and local amenity. Clerk was asked to write to the City Council asking what was intended at the site. ( contact Mrs Joan Williams apt 26 Cwrt Hywel 20 Alexandre rd ). d. Frampton rd Penyrheol, Noise of heavy lorries crossing speed bumps.

Mr/Mrs Gowen attended to again raise concerns about the noise issues from heavy vehicles. Chairman advised that their concerns would be raised when he and Clerk met with Officers from the Highways dept of Swansea Council. Mrs Gowen was to forward a recording she had made of the noise being suffered by residents from heavy vehicles. e. Recently cleared building in High Street Gorseinon.

Mr Dave Gowan asked for an update on the recently demolished frontage in High Street. The Chairman outlined the recent planning proposal for the redevelopment of the site by the owner. He was also updated on the current application for the extension of hours at 69 High street (Pompei Pizza) which the Town Council was objecting to.

226. APPROVAL OF MINUTES a. Council approved the Minutes of the January 6th 2010 Council meeting (proposed J Curtice, seconded N Rees) b. Council approved the Minutes of the January 13th 2010 Finance meeting (proposed M Preece, seconded S Cannon)

227. MATTERS ARISING a. Cllr J Curtice passed to Clerk a response to recent letter from Mr Alan Cairns AM, and asked that a letter be sent to him supporting the campaign to oppose further dredging in the Channel. Members agreed the action.

228.CLERKS MATTERS. a. Clerk advised Members of Larger Council meeting of One Voice in Llandrindod Wells on 20 January 2010. b. Clerk advised that the next Council forum was on Tue March 16 th 2010 at 5pm in County Hall. c. Clerk advised members of the proposed Diversion of footpaths 15,16 and 103 (Pontlliw, Grovesend, Gorseinon) as had been advised by Swansea Council legal dept. Members deferred discussion to investigate the footpath links further.

Clerk had also received a letter from Swansea Council advising of the proposed extinguishment of footpath LC49 along Heol Pentre Bach on the Queensgate estate. No objections were raised to the proposed extinguishment. d. Clerk reported concerns from Cllr D Lewis that there had been no lollipop lady at the Pontardulais rd crossing during January. As she had not been replaced following retirement concern was raised. Ideally a new pelican crossing was needed, but funding was unlikely. It was agreed to add to the list of matters to be discussed with the Highways dept. e. Clerk confirmed that he and the Chairman had met Swansea Council staff over the cost of the recent elections, in order to clarify the future election procedures, in an attempt to keep costs to a minimum. Swansea Council had offered to remove the cost of hired tables/ chairs from the recent bill and reduce the invoice by £382. f. Clerk summarised his report which outlined the outstanding list of local highway matters which would be discussed at the next quarterly meeting with the Highways Authority. Members discussed the content and were asked to advise the Clerk of any additions. ( note - add lollipop ladies in Road to list). g. Clerk reported following a request, he had sent two letters of support to the CEO at the Canolfan, for 2 bids submitted for a new heritage trail in Gorseinon and a time banking proposal from the Development Trust.

A letter was also read out from Cllr H Payne who had chaired a recent meeting of the Trust Board. Concerns had been raised about rumours regarding the funding of the Canolfan. Whilst these concerns had been dismissed, an offer was made for the CEO to meet Members to discuss future funding arrangements if needed. The Chairman advised that discussions were ongoing regarding a working Charter between the Trust and Town Council to formalise future funding / working arrangements which Members noted and awaited discussion over the draft report. h. Clerk had received a request for assistance to run the Gorseinon Food festival on 24 April between 8.30am and 5pm. Members were asked if they could help out, and the following offered support.

Morning 8.30-1.00 Malcolm / Janet Curtice, Victor Bruno, Darren Thomas, Ken Jones, Steve Cannon Afternoon 1-5.00 Christine Freeman, Malcolm / Janet Curtice,

229. STANDING ORDERS . Clerk outlined the proposed areas for reviewing in the Councils Standing Orders. These included ;

New Appendix on Code of Conduct, New outline on procedures at elections, New appendix on election procedures following elections Review of separating the role of Chairman / Mayor para 7 Defining the role and period of appointment of the Chairman / Mayor more specifically

Members discussed the proposed areas for review, and discussed why they were being submitted. It was agreed to discuss the changes in detail at the March 3rd meeting.

230. VARIOUS CORRESPONDENCE a. 90th birthday acknowlegements . 18 Jan Mr George Edward Beatrup (2 Grenfell Avenue, Penyrheol) contact 533486 Mrs Anne Ingamalls b. Clerk confirmed the appointment of DCK Beavers as accountants to produce the 2009/10 accounts for the Audit Commission.

231 .REPORTS FROM COUNTY COUNCIL MEMBER. a. Cllr Alan Jopling not present at meeting. As the March 3rd 2010 meeting would be the 6 th monthly meeting in succession he had not attended which would lead to his deselection, the Clerk was asked to write to him about his non attendance at the meetings.( Note letter of resignation subsequently received by Clerk from Cllr Jopling on Feb 8 2010).

232. REPORTS FROM OUTSIDE BODIES . a. One Voice Wales Larger Council meeting Jan 2010 had been cancelled because of snowfall in Llandrindod Wells. b. One Voice Wales Larger Council meeting Jan 25 2010 discussing the Charter procedure being taken forward at Swansea Council. Cllr Bruno had attended and had explained the small working group was looking in detail at the emerging document on behalf of Community Councils in the Swansea Council area. c. Cllr M Curtice advised that no PACT meeting had taken place in the last month. Next meeting Feb 11th@ 6pm Gors Infants school. d. Lantern Parade meeting Feb 3 rd . Next meeting March 3rd @10am.

The working group had met to start planning the 2010 event scheduled for Tuesday Nov 30th. The destination for the parade would now be the Canolfan centre car park and building.


Members discussed the report submitted by the Clerk of grant applications for 2009/10. The Clerk provided a schedule of rules to guide consideration of the applications. Members discussed the options, and the Chairman advised that there would not be an awards evening at the end of February this year. He intended to invite suitable groups to his Mayors Community dinner at the end of April instead.

Members agreed that in view of the shortage of funding this financial year the Council was not in a position to award any further grants on top of those already given amounting to nearly £18000 in 2009/10. The Clerk was asked to write to the following advising them of the decision - racing pigeon society,Gorseinon Gateway Monday club 3rd Lliw valley scouts and Arts group.


Cllr M Curtice as Chairman of the Accounts sub Committee of January 6 th 2010 confirmed that the accounts had been scrutinised and approved for payment.

235. The Clerk updated members on the progress with the development of the new web site for the Town Council. He highlighted the new Public forum which was now active . Members agreed the need to raise the profile of the web site with appropriate promotional banners in the town.