
GETTING READY FOR GRADE 7 GETTING READY FOR GRADE 7 LESSON GR1.2 Model GR1.2 Model Integer Addition with Different Signs ESSENTIAL QUESTION with Different Signs ? How can you use a line to model addition of with different signs?

Engage EXPLOREEXPLORE ACTIVITY ACTIVITY 1 To find the sum of integers with different signs, such as 1 + (-3), start at 1 and move |-3| = 3 units in the negative direction. ESSENTIAL QUESTION -3 -2 -10123 How can you use a to model addition of integers with Model each sum on a number line. different signs? Start at the first integer. Move the number of units A Model 2 + (-5). indicated by the second integer. Move to the right if the of Start at 2. To move in the negative direction, move left. -5 -4 -3 -2 -10123 the second integer is positive. Move to the left if the sign of the Move 5 units left. second integer is negative. - 2 + (-5) = 3 Motivate the Lesson B Model -6 + 4. -6 -7 -6 -5 -4 -3 -2 -101 Ask: The school’s science club raised $300, but spent $45 on Start at . supplies to raise the money. How can you express the actual To move in the positive direction, move right . amount earned as the sum of two integers with different signs? Move 4 units right . - Begin the Explore Activity to find out. -6 + 4 = 2

REFLECT 1. The sum of -6 + 4 is negative. Is the sum of -6 + 7 positive or Explore negative? How do you know? The sum is positive because when I move 7 units right Connect Vocabulary ELL EXPLORE ACTIVITY from -6 on the number line, the total is to the right of 0. Help students understand the term integers. Ask students to name some that are not integers. They may answer with __8 examples that are or . Help them to see that is YOUR TURN

2 Company Mifflin Harcourt Publishing © Houghton a in form only, and that its value is the integer 4. Use the number line to find each sum. 2. 5 + (-3) = 23 3. (-4) + 7 =

Explain 056781 2 3 4 -5 -4 -3 -2 -10123

YOUR TURN Avoid Common Errors Getting Ready Lesson 1.2 12 2 Some students may forget to use the sign of the integer with the greater value. Encourage these students to check the sign on every sum. ADDITIONAL PRACTICE Find each sum.

1. 4 + (-3) 1 2. 6 + (-6) 0 3. 2 + (-5) -3 4. 1 + (-2) -1 5. 1 + (-9) -8 6. -5 + 4 -1 7. (-7) + 2 -5 8. 8 + (-1) 7 9. 1 + (-5) -4 10. -7 + 4 -3

12 GR1 Guided Practice

Model each sum on the number line. Elaborate

1. 3 + (-3) -2-1 0 123456 Talk About It Summarize the Lesson Where should you start on the number line? 3 Ask: How do you use a number line to model addition Should you move left, in the negative direction, or right, in the positive direction? left of integers with different signs? Start at the first integer. 3 + (-3) = 0 Move the number of units indicated by the second integer. Move 2. -9 + 4 to the right if the sign of the second integer is positive. Move to - -10 -9 -8 -7 -6 -5 -4 -3 -2 Where should you start on the number line? 9 the left if the sign of the second integer is negative.

Should you move left or right? right Is the direction you move positive or negative? positive GUIDED PRACTICE Avoid Common Errors - -9 + 4 = 5 Exercises 1–2 As students write problems with negative numbers, a leading negative sign, as in -5 + 4, may get lost. ? ESSENTIAL QUESTION CHECK-IN Encourage students to make their negative signs clear and long 3. Describe how to model the sum -5 + 4. enough to be seen. Sample answer: Start at -5. Move to the right 4 units to -1. Connect to Daily Life Mathematical Processes and Practices Make sure students understand how negative integers may be Independent Practice used in real-world situations. Examples: a football game where a Find each sum. loss of 3 yards is expressed as -3 yards, a bank account where a 4. -8 + 2 - 6 5. 3 + (-9) - 6 6. 10 + (-7) 3 withdrawal of 5 dollars is expressed as -5 dollars, a depth where

7. -7 + 7 0 8. -4 + 5 1 9. -11 + 8 - 3 a distance below sea level is expressed as a .

10. During two plays at a football game, the Hawks had a gain of +10 yards followed by a loss of -3 yards. Did they have a total gain or loss of yardage at the end of the two plays? How many yards were gained or lost? Evaluate 10 + (-3) = 7; a gain of 7 yards LESSON QUIZ 11. James deposits $25 in his checking account. After deducting money from an ATM, he writes -$20 in his check register. Which expression best represents the transaction? Find each sum. A -$25 + $20 B -$25 + (-$20) $25 + (-$20) D $25 + $20

© Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company Mifflin Harcourt Publishing © Houghton 1. -8 + 7 -1 2. 10 + (-5) 5 12. A submarine at a depth of -50 feet rises 10 feet. What is the depth of the submarine after it rises? 3. + - 4. - + - -50 + 10 = -40; -40 feet 2 ( 2) 0 9 2 7 5. -3 + 12 9

13 Getting Ready Lesson 1.2


1. Draw Conclusions You have modeled the sum of 1 plus 3 by 2. Communicate Mathematical Ideas For -7 + 4, do you need to starting at 1 on the number line and moving to the right 3 units. put parentheses around the -7 or around the 4? Explain. No, Would it be possible to model this by starting at 0? How would this Sample answer: the parentheses are needed to separate two change the instructions? Yes; Sample answer: start at 0, move to 1, operation signs, such as + and -. DOK 3; MP.7 and then move 3 units more to the right. DOK 3; MP.4 4. Communicate Mathematical Ideas Explain how 12 and -12 are 3. Represent Real-World Problems Write an expression that models the same. How are they different? They are the same number of units the movement of a fish that dives 3 feet down and then comes up 2 away from zero. The difference is 12 is 12 units to the right of 0, while feet? -3 + 2 DOK 2; MP.4 -12 is 12 units to the left of 0. DOK 3; MP.2

Model Integer Addition with Different Signs 13