11Th General Assembly
MEETING AT WESTMINSTER THEOLOGICAL SEMINARY Chestnut Hill, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania MAY 16-19,1944 4 Published by THE ORTHODOX PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Minutes of the Eleventh General Assembly The Orthodox Presbyterian Church Minutes of the ’ ELEVENTH GENERAL ASSEMBLY of THE ORTHODOX PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Westminster Theological Seminary Chestnut Hill, <Philadelphia, Pennsylvania May 16-19, 1944 Tuesday, May 16, 1944 The Moderator of the Tenth General Assembly, the Rev. Oscar Holkeboer, opened the devotional service preceding the Eleventh General Assembl at 11 :00 A. M., May 16, 1944, in the Library Auditorium of Westminster Jheological, Seminary, Chestnut Hill, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. Mr. Holkeboer preached a sermon on Romans 8:32, “He that spared not his own Son, but delivered him up for us all, how shall be not with him also freely give us all things?” Fol- lowing the sermon the sacrament of the Lord’s Supper was administered by Mr. Holkeboer, assisted by the Rev. Dr. E. J. Young and the Rev. John H. Skilton, and by Elders C. L. Johnson, Matthew McCroddan, A. H. Squires and H. Van Brummelen. Tuesday afternoon. The Eleventh General Assembly was called to order at 2:OO P. M. by the Rev. Oscar Holkeboer and was constituted with prayer by the Rev. Robert K. Churchill. The roll was called by the Clerk of the Tenth General Assembly. THE ROLL OF THE ASSEMBLY 1 Presbytery of California : I Ministers: Robert K. Churchill, Robert H. Graham. Presbytery of the Dakotas: I _R?iiii.c,ter: Melvin B. Nonhof. Presbytery of’ New Jersey: Ministers: H. Wilson Albright, Robert L. Atwell, Edward B.
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