The original documents are located in Box 39, folder “Ford, Betty - Marriage & Divorce” of the Sheila Weidenfeld Files at the Gerald R. Ford Presidential Library.

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Digitized from Box 39 of the Sheila Weidenfeld Files at the Gerald R. Ford Presidential Library

The new Vice-President and his wife talk fr~nkly about their 25-yea.r marriage, their children and tHe difficult period they. weathered that helped to strengthen them all BY TRUDE B. FELDMAN

· Elizabeth and Gerald Ford have been happily married gathering of Congressional leaders. and proposed that for more than 25 years, but there has been one prob­ Gerald R. Ford be confirmed as the 40th Vice-President lem. "Jerry keeps telling me;· says, "that if of the United States. Less than two months later, on De­ he ever gets a heart attack, it won't be because of long cember sixth, he w·as sworn into that office. hours or hard work but because I'm always late:· Gerald Ford's sudden elevation to a position one step A close friend of the Vic~·President's for more than 20 away from the Presidency has the makings of a personal I'! years, ~illiam Whyte, recalis an incident when the two· drama unparalleled in American history. He is the first families were on a vacation together: "~tty was late for Vice-President to enler office without the months of prep­ t dinner. We were all sitting in the dining room, waiting for aration ihat normally intervene between the time of a her, wqndering where she was. After a. time a long ciga­ national convention and the eventual inauguration of a rette h~lder appeared in the doorway, one leg· emerged new administration, In addition, coming as it does at a from around the door, then we saw an eye win.king at us time of great debate about the possible resignation or from under a big artificial eyelash. Betty, wearing a wig impeachment of Presiden·t Nixon, the appointment puts I and decked out like Mata Hari, made her entrance sing­ him under heavy pressure to maintain his own indepen­ ing, in a deep throaty voice, 'Whatever Lola Wants, Lola dence and integrity while rendering the loyalty that is Gets: Now can you picture that?" traditionally expected of a Vice-President toward the man ·If Betty Ford's stratagem for disarming her husband's in the White House. It was a tribute to Gerald Ford's per· annoyanc~ sounds like something out of an old "Father sonal qualities that both President Nixon and an _over­ Knows Best" episode, the impression is not far off the whelming majority of both houses of Congress felt that he mark. The Fords do have a marked resemblance to those was the best man to undertake those responsibilities. < j happy, wholesome families that populate the television Betty Ford has no doubt that her husband will be able 1 series. To trick his wife into being on time, Gerald Ford to support the President and still be his own man. "Jerry has resorted to such situation-comedy devices as telling wouldn't hesitate;· she says, "to make an appointment her that an eight-o'clock dinner appointment was sched­ with the Pr~sident and walk right in and say, 'I think you're uled for seven o'clock. off the beam'. on this or that. I think that's why the Presi­ "I don'~ know why he complains so much;' Betty Ford dent wanted him. He wanted someone with whom. he says, defending her chronic lateness with mock innocence. agreed philosophically, yet someone he knew well enough "After all, heaven knows he was late for our own wedding. .so that he could sit down and talk to him and say, 'Well, As a matter.of-fact, he was so late that I'd just about de- maybe I'm wrong.Maybe it should be done a different way: cided that if he didn't show up· · "Jerry and the President haven't always agreed. Jerry voted against bills the Presi­ dent wanted put through. Be­ c~use he's always been his own man:· Betty is certain that .no amount of pressure wjll cause her husband to ch~: bowed our heads to take the _ -V ·· \ }0 , ·-~ ~, . ,~ ... , .. :·~· ... ;-:; _,,J f ~.. 1 "He's a very humble per~n....:. none of this l::Sn possibly go ~~~~~~~:!~:g:~~~~~~~ !;~~~~-'.~: ' ig~:~;~2~f'.~!:~~!J to his head:' brown shoes.. He had been in .. "'•· c ...... ~ \ 1~, . .. .,,.,")Iii . '"' · l At the start of his Vice-Pres­ idency, Ford has certainlytrie ~ ··~ I unanimous, the Fords elected g .days before the Fords were to -~~;r~-~1~~~;s{J:r~:~~~ to remain in the ··our-bedroom ~ . 25 h ...~ .. ,.,.. ,_ .,, -·...-,:-f'"";J''' ~~··'·"' -~ """" ._, · '~}\"'~ I ::<: ce Ie b rate t heir t anniver- -;;.;~c;,x~·~.~ i~~.,,;j· ~~a::. ~~ti house they built 20 years ago ...; sary, appeared in Alexandria, Virginia. When El on television at a White Haus~ Mrs. Ford with Steven, 17, and Susan, 15. the Secret I turn to page 138 :::

NSP080901-8/9/74- GRAND RAPIDS, MICH.: (FILE): Two big events took place in the life of Gerald R. Ford in the autumn of 1948. He got married and he got elected to Congress. Here President Ford leaves Grace Episcopal Church in Grand Rapids October 15, 1948 with his new wife, the former Elizabeth (Betty) Bloomer. UPI FILE dk/FILE prominent American men and women who have been movement and its effect upon divorce. It has increased the equality of the sexes in many cases, convincing wives divorce is preferable to subjugation. During· the past decade countless socioeconomic changes have taken place in this country, each making an undeterminable contribution to the ~l growing divorce rate-now the highest \ in our history. Many of these changes have occurred. in other countries as well. Generally, divorce rises in those nations with liberal divorce laws, decreasing church influence, and large numbers of em­ by Charles Peters9n ployed wome~ w_ho are frequently fi-­ nancially independent. The accompanying chart tis~s the WASHINGTON, D.C. has tripled in Great Britain, almost come socially acceptable. It no longer number of divorces for each 100 mar­ ivorce iS booming - practically doubled in the United States. connotes SGillndal. riages. The Scandinavian countries, ex­ :eve_rywhere - in countries Com­ The question is why, and the answers People are n~t as religious or as cept Norway, rank high because they churchgoing as they formerly were. The munist and Capitalist, among are numerous. make divorce easy~ as do several Com­ D, Christians, Jews_ and Buddhists, There is now a greater-social accept­ attitude toward divorce bY a growing munist countries. France ranks low be­ among atheists and believers, in Eu­ ance of divorce as a means of resolving number of the clergy is relatively liberal cause the Catholic church still remains rope as well as in North AmeriGill. marriages considered unworkable by and relaxed in certain religious denomi­ influential there. The Dominican Re­ In the past 10 years the divorce rate husbands and wives. Divorce has be- nations. public ranks third be<:ause in recent years it has becgme a "divorce mecca." In the ranks of the divorced

1•: 't~.iil s...... EUPl . 'f;1·1: .... • USA• • Amtrla 20 DominicaD " Jonlan 1'7 JlepabHc 43 Caucla 1'7 Denmuk• 39 ( .... Eat TheN~r- Germen,. 30 land• H ~ 30 Australia 14 Llbp 30 Norway 14 USSR 21 Poland 12 flnland Zt 12 Cuba H v...-1n1a Wnt ...... 11 Germuy 23 Ina .... t• CsechDSJo. ,.,,... . "'11 valda n ·France 1D • FIGHTER MUHAMMAD AU *FIGURES FOR 1'74. All OTHERS ARE FROM THE 1913 ~ STATISTICAL YEARllOOK OF THE U.N. £ 4 ~--~-

NSP08090l-8/9/74• GRAND RAPIDS, MICH.: (FILE): Two bi9 events took place in the life of Gerald R. Ford in the autumn of 1948. He got married and he got elected to Congress. Here President Ford leaves Grace Episcopal Church in Grand Rapids October 15, 1948 with his new wife, the former Elizabeth (Betty) Bloomer. UPI FILE dk/FILE

. . / 16 Thursday, August 22, 1974 THE EVANSVILLE PRESS Divorces make history

(Happy' endured gossip for 'man she loves' /First Lady's First ": By Wauhillau La Hay years, partly the result of his -U Pt Telephoto byterian minister who mar­ ed their time among their huge at Seal Harbor, which is where ...... ,. ~• ·:. double duplex apartment ori Husband Still Friend "'·· Scrilll>'-Howord Stoff Writer presidential aspirations. ried them was officially re­ "Happy" met her future hus- buked by his superiors and Fifth Avenue; their estate at band. The Murphys were of- ""WASHINGTON - For the The first . Mrs. Nelson A. Of The First Family Rockefeller was Philadelphia the divorce dogged - many Pocantico Hills; a big modern fered land at Pocantico for a lirst time in U.S. history, the ... \~·""t't socialite Mary Todhunter believed denied - Rockefel­ house at Seal Harbor, Maine, summer home. They built the SAN FRANCISCO (UPI) _ first and second ladies or the Oark. They were married for ·1er's presidential ambitions. where other members of the home and thereafter the The new First Lady's first trlnd will be women who were The public also reacted family have summer homes; Murphys and Rockefellers h~sband says he still is a good ·.c1vorced before marrying their !llnle 31 years. About the mid­ cDe of his first term as governor strongly. "No woman walks out their working ranch, "Monte were together frequently. friend of both President and ~bands. who also will make on her children, no matter who Sacro," in the mountains of Mrs. Gerald Ford; but not too 1'story as the first nonelective it became apparent to their "Happy" threw herself into close. friends, and then rather gener­ she is," said one irate woman Venezuela, and a Rockefeller Jieam or president and vice the Rockefeller presidentia I Asked Tuesday by San al knowledge in the New York in. upstate New York. family home in Washington. ii'esident. campaign in 1960. She has said Francisco Chronicle colwnnist area, that there were domestic But the new Mrs. Rockefeller It is expected that "Happy" ~.That's if Nelson A. Rockefel­ often that she enjoys politics Herb Caen whether he had sent problems. was so open and friendly, so and "Rocky" will stay at the ler is confirmed as vice presi­ arid since marrying Rockefel­ congraulations when the new A fire in the governor's man­ obviously anxious to please and Washington home until the new ~t. of course. ler she has accompanied him to President was sworn in, William sion in Albany when the Rock­ aid her husband's political am­ vice presidential quarters at C. Warren replied: '•:It hadn't been generally bitions, that gradually she won the Naval observatory are Republican gatherings, cqn- , in>wn, when Gerald R. Ford efellers were photographed ventions and state affairs. "Well, we're not THAT goOd looking out a window or the the confidence of his family ready for them. friends." . was nominated to be vice presi­ and associates, then New "Happy" is a member or an " Happy" Rockefeller's dent, that theirs was a second burning building occasioned sparkling brown eyes, her shin­ Warren married the former Yorkers and finally the rest of old, rich artd socially impecca­ Bloomer in Grand Rapids nmage for his wife, Betty. It the remark: ing chestnut hair Which she ~tty "This is the first time our the country. ble Philadelphia Main Line Mich., "back in the late 30s 0; wasn't that they wanted or In 1964, after Dr. Murphy re­ family. Her great grandfather wears long and casually, her · maybe it was the early 40s ... you tried to keep her previous, ~vemor and his wife have impeccable taste in clothes and been seen together in months." married, Mrs. Rockefeller founded the Fitler Rope Works know how time flies . .. I was short-lived marriage to a sued to regain custody of her in , still a family her erect carriage make her fr;,sh out of U. of Michigan." Grand Rapids, Mich., furniture Then it became known that very attractive. She is almost he was deeply in love with "Happy" Rockefeller children. . She had kept all four concern, and another great We were married, oh about OOaler secret. "Nobody asked at Pocantico Hills while the grandfather was Gen. George five-feet~ight and prefers low sev~n years,,, he was qu:ited as "Happy" Murphy, wife or Dr. saymg by Caen. me," she explained, when April, 1963, and Dr. Murphy Murphys honeymooned and af­ Gordon Meade who command­ heels so she won't tower over asked. James Slater "Robin" Murphy her husband. Warren, remarried, lives in and mother of four children. He was given custody of their chil­ terward the three older chil­ ed the Union forces at the battle Some years ago a reporter both San Francisco and Puerto But the marital affairs of for­ was a scientist with the Rocke­ dren. The four Rockefeller dren went back to New York of Gettysburg. asked her if she'd like being the Vallar:t;a, Mexico, and repre­ mer·New York Gov. Rockefel­ feller Fmmdation. children were fully grown. One, · City while Melinda, then 3, re­ She grew up in Bryn Mawr, First Lady. "I don't know sents several furniture lines." ler haye been widely publicized The Rockefellers were di­ Michael, died in 1961 on an ex­ mained with her mother and Pa., was graduated from Ship­ Whether one would want the and a matter of observation wrced in March, 1962. The pe4Mdf4'R· man she loves to have such and speculation for some Murphys were divorced in lect art. The suit eventually was de­ the life of a wealthy debutante cided against Mrs. Rockefeller, until her marriage to Dr. Mur­ awesome responsibilities," she The wedding of Margaretta but the visiting privileges are phy in 1948. During World War replied. Fttler Murphy and Nelson generous and the family is II she worked as a driver for Rockefeller took place on May closely united again. The Mur­ the American Women's Vo­ 4, 1963, at the home of his phy children are devoted to lunteer Services. brother, Laurance, in the fami­ their half-brothers, Nelson Al· t. lycompound at Pocantico Hills drich Jr., born in May, 1964, As a Rockefeller Foundation in Westchester County, N.Y . and Mark Fitler, born in 1967. scientist, Dr. Murphy often had The marriage was the gos- been a Rockefeller guest with ..,._ ,.., th..... ,..,., J:",,,...., th" o ... "-:- hie wif" "' Pnr:tntirn Hills :met I I FORMER GOVERNOR AND MID;. Nt;Ll>UN Kou.. r.r ...... 'Happy' Rockefeller Exudes Betty Ford's 1st M. San I• rancisco A ale Talks perous furniture • ug. 14 (UPI)-WiJiiam C ~ celebrity. He is th an; laruhp salesman, has ~ Warren, ~ pros- Betty Ford. e lrst usband of the natio ;ome a~ inst.ant Enthusiasm For Her 'Rocky' But Warren h di n s new first lady, • . not say much ni ar y enthusiastic about h" nice person " or~ •"-'ut Jfrs. ·ii'ord o.. ,__r itsh new status, does ~ By WAHUILLAU LA HAY THEN IT became known children went back to New W•·arren • and h ""' Rn that " s h e •a a Scripps-Howard Staff that he was deeply in love York City while Melinda, Grand Ra ids . t e former Betty Bloom I WASHINGTON - For the with "Happy" Murphy, .wife then 3, remained with her was 29. dhe ~!~!d ';!r~ive -:ears and divo~~et~een~rried in l first time in U.S. history the of Dr. James Slater "Robin" mother and stepfather. Warren was a bit . ·: en ehe was 30 rs. Ford ·( first and second ladies of the Murphy and mother of four The suit eventually was de­ Mrs. .. {k~o thaJt she haJr~o ~=.a~bererecehnt .quote attributed to A' II land will be women who were children. He was a ·scientist cided against Mrs. Rockefel­ II w erry Ford " h . . e was. ~ with the Rockefeller Founda­ ler, but the visiting privi­ Warren wh ' e .said. "We're ~n1 . I divorced before marrying Rusioian Hili wit~ rhrre~nts B-Ome_Grand RapiJs food f~1ends." II their husbands, who also will tion. leges are generous and the of Lombard St k s Wife of 20 years Ma . 1rm11, lives on '4 make history as the first non­ The Rockefellers were di· family is closely united the world " ., nown to tourists as :'the yo, i; a plush block .~J vorced in March, 1962. The again. The Murphy children The ~uple . croo edest street in elective team of President and Vice President. Murphys were divorced in are devoted to their half· and ·e moves 'llVlth locaJJ . April, 1963, and Dr. Murphy 11 I That's if Nelson A. Rock· brothers, Nelson Aldrich Jr:. ~arr~n~ af::q~:: ~~ .to Puerto -J'a1~°:~ YM~;r:ninent people, I was given custody of their born in May. 1964, and Mark mterior desiY.ner, is c~1:J~ M t~e social sc~ne. Mrso, Where the efeller is confirmed as vice ex1can and spe k S · . arren, an president, of course. children. The four Rockefel­ Filler, born in 1967. a s l'an1sh {luentJy. 01 ler children were fully The Rockefellers have divi­ .M grown. One, Michael, died in ded th(!ir time among their * * * 1961 on an expedition to New huge double duplex apart­ ·"<·"' JJ IT HADN'T been generally .. ~· Guinea to collect art. ment on Firth Avenue; their '!1 known, when Gerald R. Ford ·en was nominated to be vice estate at Pocantico Hills; a president, that theirs was a TIIE WEDDING* * * of Marga- big modern house at Seal ;!.\ second marriage for his wife, retta Fitler Murphy and Nel­ Harbor, Maine, where other son Rockefeller took place on -( ~ .:ll! Betty. It wasn't that they members of the family have i,P Q DI 4s wanted or tried to keep her May 4, 1963, at the home of summer homes; their work­ ~~~~i~!~~f~~~~l~ C '1'C'":;, his brother. Laurance, in the ing ranch, "Monte Sacro," in ~ ,.. ~ ID ::;· ~ "' ""' :r "t> ~ 11> • JO previous, short-lived mar· :o OQID,.. ID,.. ,1111110 · ~--11>3::i- family compound at Pocan­ the mountains of Venezuela. '::i 111 1li4 riage to a Grand Rapids, !~!~111!-o~c::~ .... ~~~-c: tico Hills in Westchester and a :;i Ill -·,.. '8 - ""' • N:) ~-( ti);. 1r 11 Mich.. furniture dealer se­ Ill ii :r :r ... Ill ;;;· ..., ... ~ :::!. ~ e: .c: 8 Q.. County, N.Y. home at 2400 Foxhall Road in Ill IOI{ cret. "Nobody asked me," = ID :r ;f "O 5· :r S? g_ ~ ~ -· ::i 11> :... ji;' •t- she explained, when asked. There were immediate re­ Washington. ·a ... · "'- ...... go. llllD~~i::i~ JO .:... ~ ~ 0 i3 ~ ~ ! m · :r :r o · ;;: ... ciQ· ii>" But the marital affairs of percussions from the public. 0 -o.c o. >IDO · .,,~::i 8~ .I "No woman walks out on her . ... · -~o~c.:;-~3m!- .. =. Q..~.,, .. vation and speculation for stay at the Foxhall Road VI.., g... ,_. • " :r ,... Q. C: ~ \l'I co a "'\.j :rvi:T-·:r-.lllOAI 3'3 Ill .., .... some years, partly the result But the new Mrs. Rockefel­ home until the new vice pres­ d 0 <: ler was so open and friendly. c: .,. 3 !!! :r ~ g. 3· o "' => => ... ~ O' n -.. of his presidential aspira­ idential quarters at the Naval Clll:rlD:r:::> -er.ID~ Cl..111-.0 c ti)- tions. so obviously anxious to please Observatory are ready for ~ 0- :::!. ;;;· ~ c .... g i»' lt 0. :r f1) ~ ::i ~ =DI.., and aid her husband's politi· ::::: "O :::> :;· i; :;, ) them. :£ £ ~ cs- ~ ... ~ ~ ~ ~- ~ :;, c: .o o-111iilo· =>:ro o. ""' cal ambitions, that gradually DI TIIE FIRST* *Mrs. * Nelson A. she won the confidence of his "Happy" is a member of :Jo"' ; 0 ~ ! 5_ · -"" i" 0 ID < l ~ '< j ':::r :::> OQ -· cg 0 ! ~ f1) 3 -ti) 0 ,.. ID n 0 ,.... ID :;:i: 0 °'E. ~ °"' Ill Ill ::i ti) Rockefeller was Philadelphia family and associates, then an old, rich and socially im­ ~ :r-"'°"-n-...... :r -· n o - I - "''...... , socialite Mary Todhunter New Yorkers and finally the peccable Philadelphia main 3 ; f1) n "O ,... q !D ID :!. £. 0 "'-! ~ :i. C'l ~ -c Clark. They were married for rest of the country. line family. Her great-grand­ c:: !!?. 3 !!: ~ ::T ..., I» VI n C. ::;' :.... ;:: ~ ~ -· .... ] ==r some 31 years. About the father founded the Fitler ~ OQ fll 11> 0. ID ~ :::> °'E. 0 ~ ~ .; 111 111 :::11111'1> ~c.C.(3-. ID O'<(t er DI middle of his first term of IN 1954, after Dr. Murphy Rope Works in Pennsylvania, (J'I ... "'3 - C'l- ti> er 11) g· cg :r 0 g :r er> ~ . o .. ii: 3 ~.,, 0 governor it became apparent remarried, Mrs. Rockefeller still a family concern, and ? ::ic~;c::~a_ooiil3:::> ::i111~Q c c another great-grandfatt- \ ,.... •·IDC. Q..";' Cl...... to their friends, and then sued to regain custody of her I I rather general knowledge in children. She had kept all was Gen. George r ~~o the New York area, that four at Pocantico Hills while Meade who comrr(\~}'b ~~o,.,, there were domestic prob­ the Murphys honeymooned Union forces "~~ 11~ ,,, 1J • ~ lems. and afterward the three older Gettysbu ,..~,11~')l ·" , - ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~--~~~--~--~~ 6· It ea_.,, e & - e The StZn]NtZn SttZr- Fri"4y 8/23/74. Ford, Rocke£eller Wives Are Both Divorcees By WAUHILLAU La HAY result of his presidential children. 'l'he four Rockefeller afterward the three. older Observatory are ready for the home and thereafter the ScrtPP'"...... ,. staff wrtt.r aspirations. children were fully grown. children went back to New them. Murphys · and Rockefellen WASHlNGTON - For the The fint Mrs. Nelson A. One, Michael, died in 1961 on York City while Melinda, then were together frequentif. first time in U.S. history, the Rockefeller was Philadelphia an expedition to New Guinea 3, remained with her mother " Happy" ls a member of first and second iadie11 of the socialite Mary Todhunter to collect art. and stepfather. ·• an old, rich and socially im­ " Happy" threw henelf into land will be women who were Clark. They were married for The wedding of Margareta The suit .eventually was peccable ~hildadelphla Main the Rockefeller Presidential divorced befo~ tnareyin1 some 31 yeai'a. Abeut tbe'lnid­ fltler Murphy and NelS'on decided against Mrs . Line family. Her ·great campaign in 1900. She bas aald thelr husbands, who also' will dle of his flnt tenn of govem­ Rockefeller took place on May Rockefeller, but the visiting grandfather founded the FIUer often that she- enjoys pollUca mate history as the first ment it be.came apparent to 4, 1963, at the home of his privileges are generous and Rope Works in Pennsylvania, and since marr11-la1 nonelective team of President their friends, and then rather brother, Laurance, in the fami­ the family ls closely united still a family concern, and Rockefeller· she has ac­ ·and Vice President. general knowledge in the New ly compound at Pocantlco Hllls aiain. The Murphy children another great grandfather was companied him to Republican T h a t ' a if · N els on A . York area, that there were in Westchester County, N.Y. are devoted to their Gen. George Gordon Meade gatherings, conventions and • R0ckefeller la confirmed as domestic problems. There were immediate halfbrothera, Nelson Aldrich who commanded the Union state affairs. Vice President, of course. A fire in the· Qovemor'a repercussions from the public. Jr., bom in May, 1964, and forces at the Battle of Get­ It hadn't been generall)' Mansion in Albany when the "No woman walks out on her Mark Fltler, born in 1967. tysburg. " Happy" RockefeUl!rs iparkllng brown eyes, . her known, when Gerald R. Ford Rockefellen were photograpb­ children, no matter who she The Rockefellera have divid­ She grew up in Bryn Mawr, was nominated be Vice ed looking out a window of la," sald one irate woman in sblnlng chestnut balr which tO ed their time among their hu1e Pa., was graduated from President, that theirs was a the burnln1 building oc­ upstate New York: double duplex apartment on she wears long and casuall)', ;' Shipley School there in 1944, her impeccable taste in clothes aecond marriage to be Vice· ca•loned the remark: But the new Mrs . Fifth Avenue .__ their estate and led the life of a wealthy President, that theirs was· a · "Thia is the Ont time our Rockefeller was so open and and heJ' erect carriage mate at Pocantico Hills - a big debutante until her marriage second marriage for his wife, Governor and his wife have friendly, so obviously anxious modem bouae at Seal Harbor, her very attractive. She ls r to Dr. Murphy in llMll. During Betty . .It wasn't that they been seen together in months." to please and ald her husbands almost five-feet-eight .and Me., where other memben ot World War II she worked as wanted or tried to ·keep her Then it became known that political ambitions, that the family have summer prefen I.Ow heels so she won't a driver for the American tower 01ter ller husband. previous, sho~-lived marriage he was deeply in love with gradually !lhe .won the con­ homes - their workln1 ranch, Women's Volunteer Services. to· a Grand Rapids, Mich., Happy Mtirpby, wife of Dr. fidence of his family and "Monte Sacro," in the moun­ Some years ago a reporter furniture dealer secret. James Slater "Robin'' Murphy associates, then New Yorkers tahia of Venezuela, and a As a Rockefeller Foundation asked her if she'd like being "Nobody asked me," she ex- and mother of four children. and finally the rest of the Rockefeller family home at scientist; Dr. Murphy often the first lady. "I don't know plained, when asked. He was a scientist ---with the country. 2400 F-oxball Roa.d in had been a Roctfeller guest whether one would want the But the . marital affairs of Rockefeller Foundation. In 1964, after Dr. Murphy Washington. with his wife at Pocailtico Hllls man she loves to have such former New York Gov. The Rockefellers were remarried, Mrs. Rockefeller It ts expected that "Happy" and at Seal Harbor, which ls awesome reswnslbllltlea," she Rockefeller have been widely divorced in March, 11162. The sued to regain custody of her and. "Rocky" wW stay at the· where ''Happy" met her future replied. If he is confirmed the publiclzed and a matter of Murbys · were divorced in children. She bad kept all four Foxhall Road home until the husband. The Mµrpbya were "m8n she loves" Will be one obsenatiori and speculation April, 11183, and Dr. Murphy at Pocantico · Hll1s while the new Vice Presidential offered land at Pocantico for heartbeat away from "those 'for 10me years, partly the was given cuatod7 .of · their Murpbya _honeymooned and quartets at 'the Naval a summer home. The,- bUllt ~wesome responalbllltiea." l;#ii:-~· ~

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Q. Can you tell us anything about Joe Albritton who A. They were has bought into The Washington Star-News?-Peter "long after" t Lord, Arlington, Va. Ford as a cour A. Joe Lewis Albritton, 49, is a Texas lawyer and asked the Sec1 banker who runs the Houston Citizens Trust Com­ for a few days pany. He also owns a majority interest in Pierce Bros. Q. Is Sally Q Mortuaries of Los Angeles, is chairman of the board Washington P1 of Pierce National Life Insurance Co. of Los Angeles book attackin! and is chairman of the executive committee of first ing her from l International Bancshares of Dallas. He is a religious News?-A/ice Baptist, a conservative Democrat. He was born in en Island, N. Y D'Lo,Miss., the sixth of seven Albritton children. He A. Sally Quinr is married, has an 8-year-old son. book, We're Q. What was the secret of Winston Churchill's great­ Make You a ness? Wasn't it a "gift for gab" rather than a brilliant Simon & Sc intelligence?-Mo.rton Edwards, Raleigh, N.C. publish early A. Churchill was primarily a. great orator. As his Originally pla physician Lord Moran wrote: "Without that feeling article for T for words he would have made little enough in life, ruonthly, the PRESIDENT WARREN G. HARDING AND WIFE FLORENQ for in judgment, in skill, in administratjon, and the was expanded knowledge of human nature he does not at all excel." has received a Q. Isn't Mrs. Gerald Ford the first divorcee in US. Churchill was frequently rude, ill-mannered and self- receive 60 P4 history to become the nation's First Lady? And if she 00sessed. He was always conservative and strongly named all the isn't, who is? And what can you tell us about her?­ anti-labor. In 1910 he called out the troops to break I haven't tried Denise Richardson, Raleigh, N.C. the strikes. Following World War II he was voted out system comes A. The first divorcee to become the nation's First of office by people who unlike himself had no desire Q. Wasn't Ac Lady was Florence Kling Harding, the nagging, dom­ to preserve and pay for the old British Empire. He man army for ineering wife of Warren G. Harding, 29th President was, however, a truly great wartime leader who all generals were of the U.S. Florence Mabel Khng was born in Marion, his lif~ aspired ~ glory and leadership. Generals Von Ohio, in 1860, the daughter of Amos Kling, one of the wealthiest men in town. In 1880, "Flossie" Kling eloped· with Henry de W-91~~ _a,, loca~ playboy. Six 1c inson w o, Von Fritsch, \I Marshall, was born in Prospect, Ohio. stand, knew the late Presi­ European war. In 1886 Florence de Wolfe was granted a divorce, dent John.. F. Kennedy in them. In Von E was permitted to use her maiden name. She turned his Hollywood salad days? cause Von Bloi over her son to her parents. Her 'ex-husband, Henry -T. T., Washington, D.C. and could easi de Wolfe, became a thief and an alcoholic and died A. Angie Dickinson, mar­ morals. To en in 1894 at age 35. He was buried in an -unmarked ried to composer Burt more difficult, grave in Marion, Ohio. Bacharach, recently fin­ spected. Hitle In 1891, Florence Kling married Warren G. Hard­ ished starring in Big Bad trumped-up h• ing. She was 30. He was 25. In 1921, when Harding Mama, the first film to ex­ presided over was sworn in as President of the U.S., Florence ''The ploit the public interest in pletely false a1 Duchess" Harding became First Lady in an Adminis­ the Patty Hearst affair. signed anyway tration which was to become stigmatized as one of over the army , the most corrupt in U.S. history. Harding died in San Q. ft is my understanding Francisco in August, 1923, whereupon his widow that when a President re­ Q. Is there no stupidly burned most of his files and papers. She died tires from his office, only with Nixon's rE ANGIE DICICINSON ' in November, 1924, the American public having he and his wife are enti­ ers' money ha5 learned little of her true background. History has re­ tled to Secret $ervice protection. How come then anyway?-Robc corded her a shrew, her husband as a good-natured, that President Nixon's two 'daughters were accorded A. It should be immoral, incompetent Preside[lt, one of the nation's ·Secret Service protection long after Nixon left the approximately two worst. White House?-Martin Bernstein, Miami, Fla. has been spent

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. . Edited By Marjorie Walker

~rs. Rockefeller Open, Friendly :y WAUHILLAU LA HAY at Pocantico Hills while the Scripps·Howard Staff Writer Murphys hon.eymooned and or the first time in U.S. afterward the three older ory, the First and Second children went back to Nf!W ies of tbe land will be York City ~hile Melinda, tl\en ...... 1en who were divorced 3, remained wlth her mother ore marrying their and stepfather. < Jands, who also will make The suit eventually was 0 Jry as the first n~nelective decided a-gainst Mrs_. n of President and Vice Rockefeller, but the visiting ~ sident. privileges are generous and the hat's if Nelson A. family is closely united again. kefeller is confirmed as The Murphy children are "m ! President, of course. devoted to their half-brothers, Nelson Aldrich Jr:, born in ...... • HADN'T been generally May, 1964, and Mark Filler, wn, when Gerald R. Ford born in 1967. nominated to be Vice ;ident, that theirs was a THE ROCKEFELLERS "' have divided thelr time among ind marriage for his wife, their huge double duplex ::s .y · It wasn't that they apartment on Firth avenue; 0 led or. tried to keep her their estate at Pocantico Hills: 1ious. short·lived marriage a blg modern house at seal a Grand Rapids, Mich., Habor, Maine, where other niture dealer secret. ·body asked me," she ex· members of ~e . family ~ave ned, when asked. summer-homes: their working lut the marital affairs of ranch, "Monte Sacro," in the mountains of Venezuela, and a mer New York Gov. Rockefeller family home at kefeller have been widely 2400 Foxhall road in licized and a matter of Washington. !rvation and speculation for It is expected\hat "Happy" e years, partly the result of and "Rocky" will stay at the ?residential aspirations. Foxhall road until the ie first Mrs. Nelson ·A. - new Vice Presidential quarters __, _ke~eller was Philadelphia at the Naval Qbservatory are '.ahte Mary Tod~unter readyforthem. _k. They were married for "Happy'.' is • member of an e 31 years. ,About. the "1fl-..• M~r ·:_;.1,.11- •-- d~ !>.w _.... :#k~~---~ c~nor'.f 4cume apparent line family Her great ,.,grand· .... -:... 1e1r friends, and ~hen rather father founded the Filler rope cral knowledge m the New works in Pennsylvania, still· a k ~rea, that there were family concern, and another iestlc problems. great grandfatlier was Gen. FIRE in the Governor's George . Gordon Meade who 1sion in Albany when the commanded the Union forces. c k e f e 1 1 e r s w e r e at the Battle of Gettysburg, ographed looking out a iow of the burning building SHE GREW UP in Bryn. isioned the remark: Mawr, Pa., was graduated rhis is the first time our from Shipley ·School there in crnor and his wife have 1944, and led the life of a 1 seen together in months." wealthy debutante until her ien it became known that marriage to Dr. Murphy in was deeply in love with 1948. During World War II she ppy" Murphy, wife of Dr. worked as a driver for the 1es Slater "Robin" Murphy American Womeri;s Volunteer mother of four children. He Services. a scientist with the As a Rockefeller foundation .... kefeller foundation. scientist, Dr. Murphy often had been a Rockefeller guest with HE ROCKEFELLERS his wile at Pocantico Hills and e dlvorced'in March, 1962. at Seal Harbor, which is where Murphys were divorced in "Happy" met her future il, 1963, and Dr. Murphy husband. ThF Murphys were given custody of 'their offered land at Pocantico for a dren. The four Rockefeller summer home. They 'built the dren were fully grown. One, home and'· ·thereafter the hacl, died in 1961 on an Murphys and Rockefellers 0dition to New Guinea to were together frequently. woman walks out. on her sparkling brown eyes, her dren, no matter who she shining chestnut hair which she said one irate woman in wear$ long and casually,' her late New York. impeccable taste in clothes and her erect carr1<1ge make her UT THE NEW Mrs. very attractive. She is almost ·kefeller was so open anq five.feet-eight and prefers low ndly, so obviously anxious heels so she won't tower over -lease and aid her ti11sband's her husband. itical ambitions, that Some years ago a reporter dually she won the con· asked her if she'd like being the ·nee of his family and First Lady. "I don't know ociates, then New Yorkers whether one would want the finally the rest of the man she loves to have such ntry awesome responsibilities," she 1 1964, after Dr. Murphy replied. If he is confirmed the larried, Mrs. Rockefeller "man she loves" will be one d lo regain custody of her heartbeat away from "those ldren. She had kept all four awesome responslbilllies." , ,A~CJ: ... "t•• •• •• ¥ 4 4' • • ._ + • • •• • -r.--r-.. ... • "'• • •-. • w • • + • • y •. /

Husbands First Nonelective Tearn ~ - First, Second .Ladies Will Be Divorcees By Wauhillau La Hay to Republican gatherings, con­ ScrlOPs-Howard Stan Writer ventions and state affairs. r•·'• .., . WASHINGTON - For the "Happy" Rockefeller's first time in U.S. history, the sparkling ·brown eyes, her first and second ladies of the shining chestnut hair which land will be women who were she wears long and casually, divorced before marrying her impeccable taste in their husbands, who also will clothes and her erect carriage make history as the first.none· make her very attractive. She lective team of president and is almost five-feet-eight and vice president. prefers low heels so she won't That's if Nelson A. Reen together in months." Then it b<:came known that he was deeply in love with "Happy" .Murp\w, wife of Dr James Slater (Robin) Murphy and mother of four children. He was a scientist with the Rockefeller Foundation. The Rockefellers were di-1· vorced in March, 1962. The Murphys were divorcee in April 1963, and Dr. Murphy was given custody of their 1 children,. The four Rockefel· ler children were fully grown. One. Michael, died in 196~ on an expedition to New Guinea to collect art. She's Open, Friendly The wedding of Margaretta Fitler Murphy and took place on May 4, 1963, at the home. of his brother, Laurance, m ~he t... familv compound at Pocant1co Hills in Westchester County, ,. N.Y Th"r"' w!'rP immediate reprecwiilWlJi 1 th~ ub\" " No woman wa children, no matter who s~ e is," said one irate woman rn Upstate New York. But the new Mrs. Rockefel· \er was SI> <>pen and friendly. ,,, OO'>'IWSly ;.r-.1.11,~. trJ >''. •. -­ .• nd aid her husband"s pol1t1cal ~mbitions, that Rradua\ly she won the confidence of h1!i fismilv un

. . ,. ·-·9%:' was::ngw:: ea :aces Thursc!ar, Aui;ust 29, 19i4 ....

DIVORCES SURPRISE~t;i,·" . TO MANY IN CAPITAL ",;.s ~~1. Betty Ford's first rr.arriage to William Warren . came as a surprise to many in Washington afte:." Ford's nomination as vice president. None of Ford's biographical records ever mentioned it - nor the fact that his mother had been divorced , when he was an infant. It was not a secret among ' their Grand Rapids frier.ds, many of whom attend­ ed both weddings. Betty Ford obtained a divorce from Warren on Sept. 22, 1947, on grounds of incompatibility. She and Warren had no children. She was given a token settlement of Sl and the furnishings of their Grand Rapids apartment. The couple had been separated for about a year at the time of the divorce. !·· Warren later married the daughter of a former Mexican diplomat and moved to San Francisco. The Warrens and the Fords in 1974 termed their relationship as "amicable." .Mrs. Ford said "Jerry and I recently ran into my former husband at the· airport in Dallas. There's never been any ill feeling or anything like that." Warren has been quoted as saying that they "still have many mutual friends" i? Grand Rapids.


" "' .1J~§~ N~~ ~ ·'ll•Sf;i{ . - .· .-Betty Fortl's lst ltlate Talks ~ · · Ean I•rancisco, Aug. 14 (UPI)-Willi'am C. Warren, a pros- perous furniture and lamp salesman., has become an instant , ':. celebrity. He is the first husband of the nation's new first lady, • Bett~~t FVJ:;ren, hardly enthusiastic about his new status, does ' not say much more ab-Out Mrs. ·Ford other than that "she's a 1 · nice person." . Warren and the former Betty Bloomer were married in Grand Rapids, Mich.~ for five years and divorced when Mrs. Ford was 29. She married Ford when -she was 30• .Warren was a bit irritated at a recent quote attributed to Mrs. Ford that she had no idea where he was. "I know Jerry Ford," he said. "We're still good 'friends." Warren, who represents some Gr.and Rapids firms, lives on Russian Hill wit:h his wife of 20 years, Mayo, in a plush block of Lombard St., known to tounsb as "the crookedest street in the world." . _ The couple moves with locally> socially prominent people, .and jets frequently to Puerto Vallarta, Mexico, where the ·warrens also are active on the social scene. Mrs. Warren, an interior desiY.ller; is half· Mexican and speaks SJ?anish fluently. By Betty Beale they investigated Jerry, ricd in th1 Episcopal Princeton, N.J., on May mittee Chairman Peter and grayer than before Star-Srv..·s Staff Wrater but it was irrelevant to the Church and t be Episcopal 31 Rodino has said he will be came to Washington yes­ hearings" Church wou\dn.' t marry at the 5·30 to 7:30 party terday with his wife Mary r The item in Time maga­ * * • Nobody zine revealing that Betty divorcees w it~out investi­ and so has House Demo­ Lee to be decorated by the Ford was a divorcee when HER FIRST HUSBAND gating. We C9'Jldn't have Robert Redford has cratic Leader Tip O'Neill, Italian government. Am­ she married Gerald Ford was, like the Vice Presi­ been married in the known Rep. Wayne Owens so the big topic is bound to bassador Egidio Ortona years ago was news to dent, a Grand Rapids, church if I h~d not been of Utah only for two years be Watergate and im­ gave a marvelous three­ many in Washington, but Mich man, named Wil­ the innocent party." but they hit it off immedi­ peachment. But Lola Red­ wine, pasta and duck certainly raised no eye­ liam Warren. Warren is ,fesc ribed by jltely and Redford and his ford may use the opportu­ luncheon. brows. " Jerry and I see him a former rcs1l' nt of Grand wife Lola are coming here nity of rubbing elbows "No one had ever both­ from time to time," Betty Rapids as "a oodlooki ng, Monday for the Owens with lawmakers to push In awarding Doug with ered to ask if I had been said "He's been remar­ blonde, curly- aired play- fu ndraising party being her big project, CAN­ the Grand Cross of the married previously," Bet­ ried for years. He's mar­ boy." . given by the Averell Har­ Consumer Action Now. Italian Order of Merit, Asked ty explained. "All our ried to a girl from the Betty, incidentally, is rimans. She helped lobby for no­ Ortona cited his devotion friends knew about it Eastern Shore (of Mary­ becoming in demand as a Redford lives in Utah at fault insurance. to Italy and his particular (some attended both wed­ land) who used to live in public speaker1 his Sundance ski resort assistance in narrating a dings) and there was no Washington. She's accept ~ the West­ and would like to see Ow­ • • * * documentary that brought Her reason to advertise it . . . "I was divorced when I minster Choi l!. College's ens get retiring Sen. Wal­ Douglas Fairbanks Jr., aid to the sinking city of " I suppose the Secret was 29. He did not contest invitation tot give the lace Bennett's seat. as slim and dashing as Service found out when it. Jerry and I were mar- com m en ceme~ address in House Judiciary Com- ever though a little older See BEALE, B·Z I, --

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