THE PORTLAND DAILY PRESS, BUSINESS CARDS. . BUSINESS STOVES. Let us that Mr. Talbot’s DIRECTORY EDUCATIONAL. THE PRESS. hope economy The Amuesty Dill. Published every day (Sundays excepted) by the resolve introduced in the House yesterday was Al.nji.N J. BI.ETIIE9I, Booksellers and Stationers. Clias. S. not for fun. Undoubt- PORTLAND PUBLISHING CO., & Kobiclick, passed unanimously Mr fll.iiucN HUITA No. 91 Middle Streft, Richardson Boynton’s Wednesday moaning, jan. 12, ms IlenMonM for Excepting J«-A- FOGG, of tie Germai# Language, Union edly Mr. Talbot is in earnest about it. He is At log Exchange St., Portland. Attorney at Law, 491-2 Exchange Street. TEACHERHouse, Temble St., Portland. Private lessons cr»ou Davin. C^f^Business executed with and dis- Book Binders. in and out ot the house. Terms moderate, not a and is never to those nice Terms: Dolors a Year in advance. To promptness We do not read lotters and conmiuni- politician lip Eight patch.. janiodlw * anonymoas mail subscribers Seven Dollars a Year it in ad- jall<12m IVM. A. <{IJINCV, Room 11, Printer*’ little to tickle the ears tax paid caticn?. The name and address of the writer are in games of payers. vance. No. Ill Nt. Exchange, Exchange Iron During the debate iu the House u Dr. ABBOTT FAMILY SCHOOL, all cases indispensable, not necessarily tor publication It must be that he led Monday dTt. S7IALL & SKACKFO R No, 35 Plum Wrought remembered, however, 4 WiideT ?>, tbe The Little Blue, Farmington, .Tic*., for Boys. but as a of general amnesty bill Mr. Blaiue took STATE PRESS Natural Ragnetic Physician, Street. guaranty good faith. the House last year in the THE terms ridieuliDg attempt floor in of his He shall hands on them and shall be healed. Advantages unsurpassed and reasonable. We cannot undertake to return cr commu- support amendment :o exc* lay they reserve of Mr. of to restore Is Thursday Morning it $2.50 a The Winter Nc*»ion 12lh. Lyman Machias, the old published every Rooms 11 and II Fluent Block Carpenters and Bn'lders. Oprun January nications that are not used. Jefferson Davis from its operation, and said year, if paid in advance at $2.00 a year. DOY8 dtf FURNACE. For circulars and information apply to precedent of members but for WHITNRY & MEANS, Prarl Street, op- having mileage If 1 can induce the House to reconsider AITIBVCO.se P. KELSEY. A. Kates of advertising: One inch of the posite Park. in., one way. Had Mr. Talbot not so vote whereby the bill was it is space, 4 dec23deod4w Principal. Every regular attache of the Press is furnished conspicu- rejected, my length of column, constitutes a “square/* II. L. & led tention to offer an amendment time GREOG CO.7 with a Card certificate T. ously against this matter, the State Treas- Every $1.50 per square daily first week; 75 cents per week Furniture—Wholesale and Retail. countersigned by Stanley that the qu> st on of amnesty has been broogbt after; three insertions, or less, Eaton Editor. Ail urer’s balance would have been $1.00; continuing SHIP BR O K E R S. WALTER COREY A- CO., Arcnde, No, Family School For Boys, Pullen, railway, steamboat and hotel $3000 larger before tbe House by the gentleman of the oth- every other day after first week, 50 cents. 18 Eree Stre€*t. inanagors will confer a favor upou us by demanding at least than now’ and er side for the last two it has been Half square, three insertions, or less, 75 cents; one —AT— reported. Practicing Congresses, UomiiLiEBion & Merchants GEORGE A. No. 5(5 Ex- credentials of our dnue with a certain flourish of week, $1 00; 50 cents per week after. Forwarding WHSIIV'EI, every person claiming to represent are magnanimity, preaching frequently quite different in the which au Special Notices, one third additional. chance Mt. UphoNleriug of all kindti KOSUiHDtfEtVOCSi, R3AME. journal. is imputation ou this side of the Under head of “Amusements” and Petroleum, f«rniu and other Charters, done to order* ______same House as the which “Auction For apostle. though Republican party, $2.00 insertions Negotiated. Fieight meats made Circular El. F. Eaton, Priu. bus been iu of Salks,” per square per week; three State charge the governmeoj for the or less. lor ali pares of the world. augl9-tf Temperance Convention. $1.50. Horse Sboers. The Darwinians rejoice for Mafu- last twelve or fourteen year-*, had been bigoted, Advertisements inserted in ihe “Maine State iYlarine Insurance eflerted in reliable The temperance men and women of Maine, of all greatly; O ikees. ItOHINNON A' narrow, illiberal, and as though certain few Press” lias a circulation in YOUNG, Experienced religious, political and temperance organizations, and the female in the Dresden (which large every part Hoist shoers at No* 70 Pearl Mt* ka, gorilla collec- and South- of the those not connected with are invited to worthy deserving gentlemen in tbe State) ior $1 00 per square tor first insertion, 108 WALNUT either, meet tion STREET', novSdtf at Meonian Hall, in on of animals, while in the article of death ern states had been down under and 50 cents per square for each insertion. The oldest Bbusiness ■ institution Bf^ollege ■ Augusta, Wednesday, Janu- grouud great subsequent of the kind PHILADKLPHIA. 1 11 and Address all communications to ln the State. Thorough in- B struction ary lOtb, 187tf, at o’clock A. M., for the purpose of kissed her and took tyranny oppression, which the bard beari- teb8 ii Pattern and Maker. in keeper repeatedly leave PORTLAND PUBLISHING CO. Iv Model holding a Mass Temperance Convention. edness of this side of the Hou«e could not pos- J. 1. 15 ARK -J50 Fore Cor. oic'lLaw This being the centennial year of our national ex- of him with lavish demonstrations of OB'K, Street, emansliiD.OooMeeDinglanA %11 the B B regret sibly be prevailed npou fo rruiove. I desire collateral ■hranchee of a it is and CHAS. H. HOWE & SON. of Cions. Portland. fC'-l'K'iS (3 istence, highly important fitting that we S0S» I M B B IDirCATlON, and a'lection. Man has been defined as a now to place on record just what tbe Republi- For f* her information, Address. should meet in convention and declare ourselves free ENTERTAINMENTS. L. A. Gray, A.M Fortiand, ^£■£5' can party has done iu tnis matter. I wiab to Maine. and independent of King Alcohol, anti take everv and now the alone of the Civil Engineers and Architects Photographer. kissing animal, ape it there as an record of a Portland* au7 eod&wGm means in our power to declare him a wrar of place imperishable ajainst A. S. DAVIS & CO., No SO Middle Street. utter extermination. other animals is given also, it seems, to oscu- liberality, large mindedn»*ss, magnanimity and PORTLAND MUSEUM, 17G Middle Street the as Among many quesfious that it may be proper lation. nence the connection between the mercy, such has uot been shown iu tbe Plumbers. to the are Cor. of and street*. Horn BLOCK. consider, following important:—“What world’s history by conquerers to conquered. CjnffrcMM fcichauge can be two has my 22 dtf JAMES MILLER, No. 91 Federal Street done to aid the reform clubs in their noble received another proof. A like in- The gentleman from Pennsylvania (Randall) work?” “How can we and those no- I. T. WVER db CO., Proprietor*. PUBLIC REPORT encourage help stance is on it is in the account aud myself entered this Congress in the midst ble women who are organizing crusade movements record, true, Boofers. — — of the hot flames of war, when tbe Union was 8. C. ANDREWS. OF A and women Christian temperance societies?” “Is ot the monkey’s into the baboon The of the Eminent English Artist marriage to no mau engagement J. N. McCO Y & CO., ‘IS Spring Sttrct. there not a necessity that something should be done rocking its fouudatiou and knew when he “smacked his and then a Counsellor at to more effectually suppress the sale of intoxicating family, lips whether we were to have country or not He MISS SOPHIE MILES, Law. This furnace is POLICE HI A A cider and Real Estate without exaggeration, domestic wines?” “Should not the vari- he kissed her,” but it is not would have been surprised,wLeo he and I were Agents. I ous religious denominations of the State take more unfortuuately and Favorite Comedian 88 MIDDLE the most powerful heating furnace ever have not enjoyed good health for several years officers of the 38th Congress, it he could then STREET, JOHN C. No. 915 Exchange decided and active measures in this well authenticated. PROCTER, past, yet Lave not allowed it to interfere with la- great cause?” have foreseen that before our mutual service made. I< has the best Orate and Sifter my not (in Cana) Bank Building,) bor. one to the “Ought the legislative, judicial, executive and Mtreet._ ever in a The radiators are Every belonging laboring class ended be should have seen gentlemen, WM. CALDER. put furnace. knows the inconvenience of municipal bodies of our state to take and sixty-one * being obliged to labor stronger Some who has the fear of in arms Stair Builders. made of more decisive measures for the of Englishman, then against the govern- PORTLAND. MAINE. heavy plated Iron and riveted when the body, from almost refuses to per- sarpression the week Miss Miles will debility, evil of ment, admitted to with our- Curing the Sophie appear B. F. LIBBY, No. 95(J Fore Mtreet, cor. in the most manner. form its task. I never was a believer in great intemperance?” “Should not the vari- another deluge before his has sent to equal privileges Will practice in and Oxford Count- thorough daily dosing ous eyes, in her Great Creations. Androscoggin Crows Ml., in Jlill. with temperance organizations oP the state receive the selved in this House, aud all by the grace aud following ies. de9eodtf Bclano’wt medicines: but having heard the Vegetlne the Arctic occau bottles encouragement of every frfend of 15,000 tightly corked, of the ®. Ij. spoken of so highly, was determined to try it, and temperance?” maguauimity Republican party. VI Jan. 10th and HOOPER, Cor. York and ITIaple It seems to us that there has not been for several outlay and Tue«day, Warranted Gas shin never regret that determination. As a tonic each containing a history of the yyorld from When the war ended, according to the uni- j. Streets. Perfectly Tight. I years a more favorable crisis in the IIlb, and Wedne*day iflatic.ee, hThoopebT” (which every one needs at same it surpasses temperance versal law of war the in of the time) movement in this state than the the creation down to the of the party possession The Sensational Drama of 1 ever heard of. It ihe whole present. The work purchase ECONOMY aTTd DURABILITY everything invigorates done tlio several government, or tbe government itself, which Watches, and Silver Ware. it is a cleanser and of the by temperance organizations, to- UFHO LSTERE H Jewelry system; great purifier Suez canal shares. lie reasons that these was tbe gether with the co-operation of the faithful women controlled by parly, had the right to J. A. MERRILL A CO., 159 Middle St. UNEQUALLED. blood. There are many of my acquaintances who i Nos. 38 and 33 Free engaged in this work, should encouraac every friend bottles if ever the ice-fields break- determine what should be the status of these St, J. A. MERRILL. have taken it, and all unite iu praise ot its satisfac- will, great A. KEITH. of the cause and prompt to renewed Did we measures of AURORAFL.OYD KANUFAOTUBEB OF Please call and examine it before tory effect. diligence. people inaugurate any pur- The convention will be continued up in a new cataclysm, be carried by ocean WedurMdnr and Thursday, Jan. 12th Especially among the aged class of people, it im- probably through prosecutiou? Did we set off ou a career of Parlor Suits, Lounges. Spring chasing. Thursday. While we cannot promise free accommo- and 13th, and Saturday Vlatinee, Watches, Jewelry, &c. parts to them the one thing most needful in old age— currents to every quarter of the globe, and bloodshed and vengeauce? D;d we take prop .Beds, dation to those attending the we will Mattresses, J. W. & H. H. Cor. Middle nights of calm, sweet repose, thereby convention, yet D.d we man all bis civil The Beautitul Drama from the French, entitled McDCFFEE, strengthening make an effort to secure board at that some of the new race erty? prohibit any llcbouonfih Patent Bed Lounge*, tc« & Union Mts. the mind as well as the One who reduced rates. The Champoliiou will body aged lady, usual reduction of fare be rights? Did we taka from him tbe right U JVL JL JU Hi s unified Chairs, Ac. lias been suffering through life from and may expected on the sev- the records scrofula, eral railroads and steamboats. decypher within them. which he enjoys to day—to vote? Not at all; kinds of lias become blind its tried SarAll repairing neatly done. Fnrnhure Nutter Bros. & through effects, having Come come all. 14th Co., one, but instead ot a general and condem- Friiny and Nalurday Evenings, Jan, many remedies with no favorable was induced sweepiug oxed and ma tted. oct5-*69T £& S tl result, JOSHUA NYE, HENRY Objection is made to the aud 15th, friends to the Vegetine. After a few TALLMAN, emblematical nation the Republican party placed in tbe 14th by try taking D. B RANDALL. L. K. 29 MARKET bottles, she obtained such relief that she ex- CALL, of amendment only this exclusion. Alter consid- The Popular Comedy of SQUARE, great G. O. H. M. picture the Old Year and the New in one ■ UABJV'vrc/Ut pressed a wish for her ttiat she might be able PAYSON, BRYANT, the whole* it ended to and ! MAINE. sight, F. E. HENRY ering subject coming MASKS FACES PORTLAND, to look upon the man who had sent ber such a bles- SHAW, FARRINGTON, of the illustrated papers that the one is dood6m DANIEL GEO. W. rep- down to this: Box office open from 9 a. m., until 9 p. m. se2dtf MODEL MAKER & JO ang2 sing. Yours respectfully, ALLEN, HILTON, BIRR, M. W. J. M. resented a3 an old man, the other as a “That no shall be a Senator or 0. P. H. HODGE, Police Station 6. IIALL, HUTCHINS, young person Representa- MANUFACTURER OF Officer, JOHN S. KIMBALL, JOHN tive m or Elector of President and Boston, Mass., May 9,1871. ALLEN. woman, and much wonder is expressed at Congress, Vice "CITY HALL, Watch and Chronometer markers’ Tools, FURNITURE. ABNER TOWNSEND, GEO. E. BRACKETT, President, or hold any office, civil or military, under mathematical. Optical and Philo- State Temperance Committee. the transformation of sex. But the critics the United States or under Stare, who having BBJ£jim.6» JB. A II I’UAILIi, any taken oath as a member of or as Jan. 13th. sophical Instruments, School remember previously Congress Thursday Evening, should that 1876 is quite another an officer ot the United or as a Apparatus, Ac,, St Paul, 22,1864. States, member of Aug. State or It. H. Stevens, Esq. : Professional affair from 1875, and that it is any Legislature, as executive or judicial of- Market Extravagance. leap-year— ficer of to tbe Constitution ot the 5fi Street, Printers Exchange, Dear Sir—I should he wanting in gratitude, if I any State, support it is a matter of reason sufficient for the emblematical I shall failed to acknowledge what the Vegetine‘has done common remark that pro- repre- Unite States, have engaged iu insurrection or THEO. jul PORTLAND, MR. dly rebellion against the same or gave aid or comfort to TILTON, forme. 1 was attacked about eleven months since fessional that men sentation. men, is, who live by edu- the enemies thereof, but a vote of will deliver bis with Bronchitis, which settled into Consumption. I Congress may, by «. A. A It two-thirds ot each remove such disabilities.’* CL K, in. D. had night sweats and fever chills; was distressed for cated labor of a high kind, are much more House, Lieutenant Cameron's in cross- GREAT LECTURE FURNITURE. breath, and frequently spit blood; was all emaciated, lavish in exploit \mv I havA nerpr hppn alilA fit to 74 FREE STREET very weak, and so low that my friends [their expenditures, according — ON THE — thought my ing Africa from Zanzibar on tbe eastern to from any statistical examination, exactly bow case their than are Opposite head of Brown St. hopeless. income, capitalists, traders, or men in the South that affect- I was a on the western coast calls much many exception We have made up our minds not advised to make trial cf the Vegetine, Angola forth Frotolom of Xjifo. Office Hours 2 to 4 P. M. under the of artisans, and the reproach is ed, It has been variously estimated that at which, providence God, has cured me. brought against comment and in The result of a!6dtf to be That he bless the use of medicine to praise Europe. the time of its original insertion in the Consti- TICKETS 50 CENTS. may your others, them as a class that they are thriftless. The as be has to me, and that his divine grace may at- the journey has been to settle almost beyond tution it included somewhere from 20 000 to THE THIRD tend is the heartfelt of vour reproach has some foundation. edu- but as near as I can Reserved Neats without extra charge. JOHN P. you, prayer admiring Highly a 30.000 persons, gather CB1HI, humble seivant. BENJAMIN PETTINGILL. doubt that the river which flows out from cated men, because of that and from the] facts in the case it included about This lecture attracted an audience of HOLD I PARLOR P. 8.—Mine is but one among the many cures vour education, the eastern COUNSELLOR aT SUITS, great lakes, enlarging at one place 18.000 men iu the South, and it let go free Three Thousand at Music Hull, LAW, medicine has effected in this place. B. P. because of a consequent keenness People Annual Exhibition acquired into a of every man of the hundreds of thousands, or of Boston* jauTdOt and will state some of our prices, A body water which Cameron has 119 1-2 of perception of the rare and the beautiful, the millious if you please, who had been en- Exchange Street, — MAKE IT PUBLIC. named Lake OF THE Livingstone, is the Congo. gaged in the to the frequently acquire very expensive and attempt destroy govern- DRAMATIC ENTERTAINMENT ! PORTLAND. South Boston, Feb. 9,1871. tastes, ment, and only held those under disability R. H. Stevens, Esq. are subject to temptations to purchase books, The London papers are complaining that who, in addition to the general revolt, bad vio- Legal business of all kinds promptly at- Sir—I have heard The India Street Full Parlor Dear from very many sources of lated a and and oath Union, of and trifles of which the in the New Forest were special peculiar personal tended to* novlOdtf Suit, the success of Vegetine in cases of objects art, luxury holly-trees great Scrolula, to lupport the Constitution ot the United a at tlie and other other are will give Dramatic Entertainment Vtstry Rheumatism, Kidney Complaint. Catarrh, classes more free from. Those pro- stripped ot their foliage by thieves at Christ- States. of the India Street Church, associ lion 7 Pieces, Hair Cloth or Terry, diseases of kindred nature. I make no hesitation in that I know Vegetine to the fessional men who have achieved suc- mas time for the of That d sabili'y was fixed on the Next aud Mrj saying be most reliable great purpose decorating hardly Thursday Friday evenings. □ will be held in the South until we in remedy for Catarrh and General Debility. cess and who are in began ibis ball and in the of an drama and receipt of large incomes churches. The statement reminds one of the Consisting entertaining comedy. 4 My wife has been troubled with Catarrh for many Senate Chamber (when we had more than two- $ a 9 are Tickets, 25 cents; Children, 15 cent:. CITY HALL, years, and at times very badly. She has thoroughly naturally brought in contact with men of old lady of whom Fielding tells, who stole a thirds Republicans iu both branches) to re- d5t tried that we could anlO every supposed remedy hear of, wealth move it, a ml the very first bill tools the disa and with all this she has for several been large whose incomes are no greater volume of Tillotson’s sermons for the re- PORT LIV’D, ME., 4 3 years grad- bility off from 1378 citizens of the South. The , ually growing worse, and the from the head but who have them in —FROM— discharge behind accumulated capi- ligion them. uext There will be an Entertainment was excessive and very offensive. bill took off 332G by wholesale. Many of tal. The. on in the 5 O She was in this condition when she commenced to expenditures of the men of the the gentlemen this floor have come from Vestry STEPHEN BERRY, ? take Vegetine I could see that she was Current Notes. the and iu these two Jan. 20 to 26, ; improving two classes be about the grace amuesty bills. ’76, Inclusive, on the second bottle. She may equal. But OI Congress Square Church, cn Friday continued taking the Veg- Mr. Blaine almost strikes at After these bills specifying individuals had §5100 in Premium* to be Distributed. etine until she bad used from of the instinctively Evening. Jan. l4tb wnere by special request and o o twelve to fifteen bot- expenses one arc extravagant, of the passed, small bills, whica 1 will nut further re- dfficobj bgaid ePuwfc’h, ^ tles. I am now liappy in and tlic the weak in the armor of the will again be presented that beautiful pantomime, Job informing you pub- other reasonable. the point opposite fer to. were pasted. Iu 1872 the Congress of and Arrangements have been made with tbe lic you choose to make it public) that she is en- Then, too, qualities of entitled the “Sleeping Beauty,” other No. 37 Plum Street. Railroads, (if As a at and party. a prominent champion of the ihe United States by vote of two-thirds of Tableaux. Good music will be iu attendance. For Express Companies, etc., reduced rates. V S Nice. tirely cured, Vegetine accomplished the cure miud which command professional success Admission 25 cents. , Very after else 1 both branches (still being two-thirds the benefit ot the Sunday School. nothing would. Htnce feel justified iu Republicans, he hears his honors gracefully, Republi- All specimens must be exhibited in that Vegetine is the most reliable are not usually those which lead to the accu- can) passed this general law that all Admission, adults 25 cents; Children 10 cents. pairs. M e will make a discount of 20 saying remedy, and discharges the duties incumbent on him political For premium lists, etc., address and would advise all suffering humanity to try it, for disabilities imposed uuder the third sectiOD of jan12d3t* mulation of money. These are the reasons with a and WM. H. CHAS. A. EATON, Sec’y, per cent, on Hair Cloth Suits, and I believe it to be a good, honest, vegetable medicine, ! vigor power acknowledged by his the lllh amendment of the Constitution of the MOTLEY, de22d&w5w51 Ale. and I shall not hesitate to recommend it. I for the 1870. Portland, 30 per cent, on Terry or am, &c., usually assigned thri.'tlessness of pro- political antagonists.—Boston Transcript. United States are hereby removed from all per- 1776^ Plush, respectfully, L. C. CARDELL, fessional men. While we are about if we are to ex- sons whomsoever, Senators and ATTORNEY AT LAW, Uuited from these it want Store 451 it, except Repre- States, prices, parties Broadway. sentatives in the 3fith and 37lh of- CITY HALL, >e: terms as But all or Congresses, such as another reason, striking and punge “religious, pagan atheistic’' OVER I. P. FARRINGTON’S, other relia- suits are being sold by Vegetine acts the causes of these ingenious ficers of judicial, military and naval service of _ j directly upon and and tests from our laws and we the heads Friday Saturday Evenings, Correspondeuce in- Boston dealers in this city. In complaints, It invigorates and strengthens the whole commending itself to the judgment, is institutions, United States, of departments and Jau 14th and 15th, English and foreign system, acts upon the secretive organs, allays infla- forward the as well do it and make the foreign ministers of the United States. Walnut Chamber Sets wc are brought by London Spectator. might thoroughly 180 Middle Street. languages, with Inventors, At- sel- mation, cleanses and cures ulceration, cures const!- I Since that act was passed a very considerable AND SATURDAY MATINEE. and the bowels. That Blaine seems to jau5 dlf tornevs at Law, and other Solicitors, especially with ling at that pation, regulates periodical argues that a capitalist saves amendment—since that be the number of gentlemen included in it have been those who have had their cases in the hands prices deiy competi- rejected because is the with practicable measure on the subject—broad specially by name relieved fiom but of other attorneys. In rejected cases our fees are tion. We have 25 marble Ash money money tool which disability; CEXTEBTIVIAI, Top Has to cover the case of New 1 no one no is made we are Entirely Cured He. enough Hampshire, believe in single instance since the act REMOVAL. reasonable, and ebarge unless suc- he works. The unit which he measures cessful. Chamber Sets that we bought lor by which requires that teachers shall be protest- of May 27, 1872, have disabilities been takeu Boston, October, 1870. is the with STEREOPTICON EXHIBITION ! Til A T\ A If you want a Patent, Cash from a Bankrupt Stoek, the Mr. Stevens: property which he started. By auts, aud that of North Carolina, where all from any man unless on his respectful petition send us a model or sketcli Deal Sir—My daughter, alter having a severe at- the rate at which that increases he persons who the existence of Goa are io Congress that they be removed; and I be- a same Sets we sold tor six gauges deny — THE — IS E 1IOVA E. and full description of $125,00 tack of was left in a feeble slate iu no one OF whooping cougli. of disqualified to hold office and all the cases ot lieve instance except one has there your invention. We will months Wc sell health. advised by a friend she tried the Veg his success. Thrilt is to him the condition bceu ago. will this lot Being tests to when sum- any difficulty by unanimous,vote even to make an examination at etine, and after a few bottles was re- religious applied witnesses War using fully of success. But with the man pass such bills. Revolutioisai'y ! CHARLES “jT WALKER the Patent Office, and if now tor $75 OO each set. marble stored to health. professional moned to testify before courts of justice.— we think it will send and ad- Now f find an equally erroneous varying of lias this removed from patentable, you papers I have been a great sufferer from Rheumatism. I the measure of success is not the on Boston day Top and Cloth Tables of the profit Transcript. in reference to un- BOSWORTH SO. G. A. R. vice, and prosecute your case, Our fee will be in or- Top have taken several bottles of the Vegetine for this judgment the number Btill POSIT 2, AIVO 46 50 UNION STREET, cases, §25. same stoek wc will re- and am to it has mouey invested, but the income We want we want lower der disabilities in tbe South. I have bad oc- will as above a Exhlbi/iou of dinary also sell at complaint, happy say entirely cured yearly retrenchment, give grand Stereopticon — — TO | T\ TT T A 1AOral or written in all mat- me. I have recommenued the Vegetine casion by conference with the departments of the Revolution, illustrated by nearly fifty duced prices. Wc will sell marble toothers, earned. No fresh investment of money will, taxation, but we shall mt have either until views of the with the same good results. It is a great cleanser the navy and war, and by reference to some 153 AND 155 MIDDLE of the it is as a him STREET. Top Tables, 21x31 inches, for $9. and purifier blood; pleasant to take; and rule, procure large gaius. His capi- we take a new departure, by adhering strictly other records, to be able to state to the House principal Battles. Naval Engagements, I can recommend it. jan5 dim* cheeifully tal is his and his and to the few duties with more accuracy lhau has been and Revolutionary Relics, Cloth Top Tables, 21x35 inches, JAMES MORSE, 364 Athens Street. learning brains, money which devolve upon state already stated, just the number of gentlemen who are with views from the for saved will increase neither. is in the and In a lOmteiFM! $10. Parties aboat buying Saving municipal government. republic still under disab.lilies. Those who were officers and inventions. Centennial Celebration in Boston, June 8. direct line of the in the this is all-essential if we would the of the United States at ex- 1875. Emery Ridlon, References:—Hon. M. D. Leggett, Ex-Commis- Furniture will surely save money Solfl all & Dealers capitalist’s thought, escape army, educated the 17, by DruMists Everywhere. of the sioner of Patents, Cleveland, Ohio; O H. Kelley, d4wt course of his business. With the evils of monarchical governments. One of pense government" at West Point, and These views are arranged by J. Black, the Boston ATTORNEY & by calling onus before jan5 regular COUNSELLOR-AT-LAW, Esq.. Sec’y National Louisville, Ky and purchasing. our in this lies in the wbo joined the rebellion, aie still under disa- artist, and delineated by J. W. Winston. Grange, professional man it is his great dangers country Has removed to the Danish and Swedish ministers at Washington, Please give us a call and we w ill otherwise, thoughts of this in the bilities, and are estimated at the War Depart 01,0 TIME PRICES. D. C. army office-holders, and army show our being engaged in quite a different way. With state oient at 323. The number of each persou In Chil- (H3P*Send for our “Guide for obtaining you very exteusive stock nation, and city is increased by the per- Admission to all Parts of the Hall, 25 cents; Stamp $25 $25 $25 $25 the navy is 295, and those coming under the 421-2 a bo^k of 50 — the tradesman the accumulation of wealth formance ot duties rendered en- dren under 12,15 cents. Doors open at 7; commence Exchange St, Patents,” pages. with pleasure, whether you wish THE NEW necessary by other beads, members of the 3titb and 37th at 7 45. doors open at 1.30; commence Address:—COCIS BAGfiDK A- CO., So- d in which mav, without Matinee, IV lead3 to an extension of and to gaging enterprises beads uf MAUVE. licitors of D. P. VUJ VI IIU1, operations Congresses, depaitments and foreign at 2.30. janlOdGt PORTLAND, Patents, Washinaton, C O JQ detriment to the be lelt for individ- janl dtf JBox 444.dec28dtf continued and people, uiiuioitic, x ttiu uuv OUID iu gi» n bUC UUUJUri larger successes. uals to £ McLean & carry out.—Boston Journal. actly, but tbe whole number of perrons under DRAMATIC ENTERTAINMENT Any party in want of Office Desks Hooper ^ At first it would that the artisan appear Of the recent debate in the senate disability iu ibe South is about 750. REMOVAL. of any style we are now to currency prepared has no more motive to save than the I very frankly say that in regard to all these — AT — profess- the Journal Mr. Eaton of nanos and furnish them at manufacturer’s whole- Albany says: l know of uo reason why should not BUTLER & Organs j Improved Elastic Lock-Stitch § ional man. He too measures his success by amnesty LIBBY, be to them as sale prices. We will sell a Connecticut was another Democrat who un- granted it has been to many of can be at the splendid his bought wages, not by his invested capital. But tbe same class. I am not here to argue agaiust MUSIC HALL, Counsellors at Caw, Boll Top Desk with the entire system dertook to speak upon the subject without in his.case the step from the work of the it, since amnesty has already become so gener- have removed to of drawers opened-and closed by one throwing any light upon it. He deprecated al, and f am not going back to that SEW MUSIC STORE skilled to argue ques- laborer the work of the employer tion. I am in J anuary 19tli. MERCHANTS’ BANK BUILDING, lock, on the combination principle. SEWING making it a party question—but how can favor of giving it to them; but — — of labor is an in tbe absence of that of OF Price $90.00 Betail $130 00. I obvious and natural one, which that be respectful form peti- price when the declare NO. 34 EXCHANGE STREET. MACHINES! helped Democracy tion which siuce the 27th of bas ambitious to May, 18T2, M. M. BUTLER. C. F. LIBBY. About the first of Feb, we shall be every workman desires take. for iLflatiou? He himself foi « pronounced become a part of the common law, as a prelim- Benefit ot the MM Fraternity, no25 d3m Win. M. Furbusli & The accumulation of enables him to what hint did he ot to Son, prepared to furnish all styles of Show $25. 5 money resumption—but give inary amnesty, 1 simply wish to put into tbe to reach it ? Mr. Thurman took a law that tbe shall a will consist of the and Cases at manufacturer’s 25 Only take this so thrift is in the direct line of any way persons go before United The performance amusing prices; per step; Drama MATTOCKS & 623 CONGRESS M S baud in without being more decided than he States court, and in open couit, with uplifted entertaining of FOX, ST., cent, lower than have ever been r_ %Ve guarantee these Machines to his business. No such from a less they step prof- was in and Mr. said he could band, swear that mean to conduct them- COUNSELLORS -A.T — Ohio, Bayard they LAW, — pH be lully equal in ST1I.E, HI\- AT offered in this itable to a more mode selves as citizeus of the United States, have removed to city. | 1stII, CAPACITY and Dt'KABIL- S profitable of employing never get the majority to support his measure good ITIf 10 the Machines sold other he failed to lhat is ad, gentlemen. Say that this is a fool- Sfnnton Blork, No 31 1-2 SU PRICES SO SUIT TIIE TIMES. by A the same order of faculties is possible in the though show that he had ever Exchange companies nt $60. G ish exclusion. Well, yes it is; but somehow or C orner o< iTlilk. offered any worthy of support. Robert Macaire, Call and examine oroend for cir- case of the professional man. The Spectator other I am prejudiced in favor of it. I do cot B Slate Agent* for the Celebrated ‘Win. II. cular. The new of iu The a 8* ^ sums spirit independence waDt to impose ou the Or, THE TWO WOtfDERERS, WITjLIAXI K. IVRAIi is member of this firm Iver’d Piano,” and the “Smith American G, A. & Co., up its case thus: “The laborer who citizenship gentlemen. from date. Organ**.” which for smoothness ol tone and Whitney Baltimore Gazette is it to of If I am cotrectly informed there are some quick- has saved is better fitted than leading speak And the Favorite Farce of C. P. MATTOCKS, E. W. ness of action is not Other firMt-clx**** money perhaps gentlemen on this list who have con- FOX, equalled. Democratic brethren with disre- spoken W. K. NEAL Instrument** constantly on hanJ, including 46 I GEORGE ULMER » any one to employ to advantage the kind of exceeding temptuously ot the idea of their taking citizen- Portland. Jan. ” St., 1st, 1876, jan6dlw •*Vos»* & Sons’ Piano* “Wm Kourn,’’ Exchange It says: “There are a couple of score ship under the United States, and have Sarah's Man ! &c. Now is the labor in which he himself is versed. But the spect. spoken Young Bradbury. time to buy a new AGENT FOR with great harshness about their associates in Piano or an Organ. Parties oi l lustru- BELOW MIDDLE ST. MAINE, - IN TEN NIISfL'TES Tilden, lunatic. R. LEYNK,SON&Co! ONfC’E A DAY. into of the low countries, nor the author of the mas- Capital Stock, paid in.$218,800 KHS AJ\P < O VE K u iOlft wil find it to put the hands of their children. It was Southern people do not favor the nomination Debts due from the about Sole Manufacturers, 724 Chestnut Street, Philadel- sacre of Saint uor the thumb Company 7,000 their udvaumge lo call aud examine our Doubles the in three months. Does not not safe to ot Mr. and the truth of this state- Bartholomew, Trade at liberal discount. strength allow the young to read all that Tilden, s rews and and atrocities of Presents! phia. supplied Sample nor dungeons the Boot!*. fatigue exhaust. Refreshes and invigorates. ment be Assets of the Company, cost.$265,281 pair by mail $1.00.de24eodlm was in the will fully proven by the votes which to in Holiday WETTER BROS. & CO. Removes dyspepsia and indigestion. Tones the ner- put newspapers—there were por- Spanish inquisition begin compare atrocity CYRUS Treasurer. will be cast their in the next STURDIVaNT, vous system. Improves the circulation. Warms the by delegates with the hideous crime of Audersonville. I Shall Presents as For Sale. 29 ^Inriint Square Portland Me* tions to be omitted. It was necessary to the Give Away 500 extremities. Increases the general vitality. National Democratic Convention. We have (Sensation iu the hall aud galleries, and a re- Cumberland, ss., January, 1876. and aul7 eodtf German D FLUTE, silver keys attainment of to no doubt that New York wishes to mark Mr. Bobbins of North uit- and sworn to before me. 8-keyed Exercine and Nnlcaroom, personal purity practice force him by Carolina, Follows: Subscribed trimmings, ivory blow joint, German silver ALBERT MARWICK, Public, ONE which in upon the but it is one to wish liear.1 by Mr. Blaiue, tbat it was au infamous Notary lined, patent tuning slide, Gunadill wood. Has been restraint, wrs religion. Parents, South, thing d3t 237 Kiddle Street, Portland, Me. and slander ) One Gold Watch. $50, $50 Of fall but a little used, warranted perfect and in perfect and another a very different thing to do. 8tcck of requiring obedience of tbeir children, should Thank God, Mr. that Two Silver Watcher 25 each, 50 OCJ tune, together with Morocco case, live dollars’ worth Millinery J. if. G ALBERT, New York has been intriguing for a long Speaker, this Congress One Ice Pitcher. 20 OC the Propridor. do so was under different control 20, ATTENTION CONTRACTORS ! of instructions and music. All cost §50.00 at D025 tf by example and kindness. Oftentimes time to secure his from that uuder r nomination, but New One Kuttf Dinh, IO, lO£OCI of Lee & Walker, Philadelphia. Good which it is with a committee And all PerMOiiK Interested. manufactory the needed as much as York will not be the to-day; composed One Cake Banket, IO. IO OC reasons for I will send the instrument C. O. F©R_SALE. parent punishment permitted to control of both is selling. I Can be parties, that tale of honor was placed One Breaklanl Cantor, 5, 5 OC it known, That the Jail Workshop complet- D., with of before being paid for Stock of Millinery in store No. 563 Congres the next Democratic Convention. Gov. Tildeu where it to privilege examining child. could not be denied or gainsaid. I One npoou Holder, 5, 5 OC BE ed and ready lor the machinery required op- by paying charges both ways. If not as rep- THEstreet. Location one of the best for the businei SUCCESSFULLY rest South work at the express | may assured that the West and nold in my hand the written out a One Goblet 5 OC erate the same. Wishing to commence resented it can be returned. Price with case, books in Portland. For and terms a story, by •}> consult particulars inquire TREATED Pbotestantism is advauces will nominate the next Democratic candidate 1-2 Dozen Forks, 5, 5 OC earliest possible time, we are now ready to of &*c Address Jec21dtf making rapid committee of this Congress, and by its au- inter- instruction, $30.00. above._ Without the use of the SO Prenenin Va'ued. 160 OC with, or receive communications from, parties F. W. into one of the of the for the President—aud his name will not be thority I state that w ho is now dead, to LAPHAM, great strongholds Winder, IOO Prenenln Valued, 1.50, 150 OC ested in a hkiuds ot light manufacturing in view nolSdtf Augusta. Maine. i>oublc Harness—Cost to order $300: KNIFE orCALSTICS Tilden.” was sent to Audersonville with the knowledge 300 OC a contract for the use ot said and lias been Catholic the Bavarian The _ 300 Prrneutn, 1, making workshop Fine used six times only; richly gold And without pain. Address, Church, Tyrol. uf bis previous atrocities, aud that those atroci- the labor ot the prisoners in the Jail, mounted; latest For sale CARLE- County style. cheap. Bavarian minister of has au- ties in Richmond were so so that $570 OC EDWIN C. money lo Loan. TON BROS 440 Portland. Domes- UK. A. II. BROWN, public worship The committee of Poston banks on represen- bitter, bad, TOWNSEND,) County Congress street, tbe one me dollars ior Photo W J Lid AM ftiniiN to Kuit oil Rent G.iale tic Machine 208 CnAPEL thorized the establisbmeut two Southern papers, the Richmond Enquirer Every that pays three SMALL, } paMte. Sewing Agency. decli-tf Street, of evangel- tation of the Centennial board recommend a I shall them one of the above presents. SAMUEL D1NGLEY, ) Commissioners. IN At .Ac, <4. K. UAVIN. NEW HAVEN, CONN., for oue, satid when it was done, that they graphs give ical church one in Innsbruck and the kA. in. MLcKBNN V, 4SO 1-2 Cougrttw Ht. County Commissioners’ Office, Portland, Me., tec. Real Estate and Mortgage Broker. 0 PRlXTINtx neatly executed at Enclosing twenty-five cents for unions, subscription of one-thirtieth of one per cent, of thanked God that Richmond was r d of h's s fc.dec2l deod 15lli, 1875. decl5d&wtf nov2eod6mis 30 Office. de22d&vt Gin Eampblet and Postage. other in Meran, their capital stock. presence. We in the North know frsui re-

/ —I—H ii —— * aiwjMWiiwnTfBgTsau-.x »r»g:?7~rj mif i>

at of the letter at tlrs lime it will he submited 'o of Exeter, of Goodwin of The conflict that is between the and turnio ; skele.ous what he had accomplished FIFTY-FIFTH LEGISLATURE. Thompson Vagsalboro, Fortj -Fourth Congress—First Session. FINANCIAL AND COMMERCIAL. waged patieut South Berwick, Maxwell ot Webster. SPECIAL NOTICES. Iteile Isle or Libhe. Fresh from those accom the Natioual Republican Conveutiou. iuch maladies as dropsy, kidney, bladder and glan- On of Parcher of plisbmeuts he was sent by Mr. Davis, against MR. BLAINE’S SCHOOL BILL. Engrossed Bills—Fogler Hope, lular Nowiand of Morrill of complaints, Bright’s disease, gravel, diabetes, the protest of others in the Confederacy, to Leeds, Dalton, Westbrook, The Democratic leaders have bien in confer- [Special to Press.! Pendleton ot -Northport, Littlefield of Wells,Fletcher SENATE. Portland Wholesale Market. ‘emale irregularities, pain in the back and loins, MEDICAL NOTICE. cons ruct this pen of horrors at Audersoovilie. SENATE. ot Corinth. Jan. 11. Tuesday, January 11.—'The general trade is quiet prostration of the neive structured promptly stayed Of coarse it would he utterly beyoud the ence upon Mr. Blaine's constitutional amend- Washington, Business the House—Dutton of Several and in so occasion, and the limits of Jan. 11.— In Senate couveced at of Lewiston, Frank petitions memorials were pre- to-day with no changes to note prices. Pork and ay administeiing Hunt's Remedy, searching is scope of the beyond ment relative to the school question. A draft Augusta, of and of Portland, Neailey Bangor. sented and referred, including the lard are firm at the and it is removes these afflic- DR. ] nit hour, to give any details, but one—arraign- 10 and Rev. Mr. of following: very advance, thought his medicine that it effectually “AYER, of a substitute for Blaine’s amendment has o’clock, Penney Augu-ta, The then announced the Joint Mr. Boutwell presented the of G B. ing elr. Davis. I undertake here to say that I Speik«r petition that there will be a still lurther advance ere long tions from the system and strengthens the wrecked been and will soon be submitted to officiated as chaplain. Boring and many citizens of PHYSICIAN AND do not ask the gentlemeu to take til- testimony prepared, Standing Comraitees (See Senate). Massachusetts, The market is and the is small SURGEON, j New Rhode Island and New grain strong supply constitution. janl2eod*&wlw of a witness 1 do not ask them to take the House a Catholic member. It has re- The chairman tlieu announced the cimmit- Hampshire, York, single i by Mr. Talbot (Dem.) of East Machias offered a with a demand. Floir remains liate of in regard to transportation of cattle in railroad : good unchanged. Philadelphia, the testimony ot a single Union soldier. I ceived the of many of the Democrats teis for the sesdon as approval follows: resolve that it is the of the trains. How ilie Blood is Faltered. ask them to take the of men and of some declaring duty Leg- only testimony : in Congress, Democratic politic- JOINT STANDING COMMITTEES. When the blood contains the elements which Respectfully Informs the citizens of Portland that he Mr. from the Committee cn Naval acrid who themselves were and enlisted in ians elsewhere. It forbids state from mak- islature, in the present depressed condition of Anthony, Daily Domestic Receipt* is located in eugaged any On of of rheumatism, and venal the permanently the Confederate and if that laws Judiciary—Messrs. Swasey Oxford, Keyes Affairs, reported favorably on the bill to pro- water bush cornmeal to G. produce gout disoiders, cause, testimony ing respecting religious establishments, Franklin. of Penobscot of the Senate; business, to cut down all appropriations to the By conveyance-1000 Wheelwright vide for the completion and location of a naval W. True & Co. ought, for it is their office, to filter fiom the does uot entirely carry out and justify this dec- and forbids any clergymau from holding office Messrs. PowoiS of Pike of of kidneys Mechanics’ Hall Room, 1 and 2, Houlton, Calais, Talbot lowest possible sum, and moved that it take its monument in Washington. BaUding, larau.-n, which I will take the liberty to read, under auy state or the United States. It for- East Machias, Eastman ot' Saco, Haynes of Augusta, blo^l, in its passage through them, these hurttul first at the time. Mr. Porter Mr. Morrill of said he had exam- wliero he will be to eee all I will state that 1 have been eutirely iu error bids diverting school fuuds or public laud funds Frank of Portland and Keegan of Madawaska, of reading present Vermont, Q2cfcto:t .’Mock Market When do not, be incited happy who desire reliet the of impurities. they they may from The Dr. is a in mi the House. intd design this monument, which had : 8altering. regular graduate of two reading. to religious uses. (Rep.) of Burlington moved a further suspen- [Sales at the Brokers* Board, Jan. 11.] to a of their and the been gotten up by officers of the audit thorough performance duty, ot the Hist Medical Schools in the country; has been Mr. Blaine then to from the On Legal Affairs— Messrs. Donworth of Aroostook, navy, 50 Eastern Railroad.... LD proceeded quote MR. WOOD S FINANCIAL SCHEME. pcnsiou of the rules tfcat the resolve take a 12} blood thoroughly that admirable cor- in extensive practice for years. His success in the of the Prescott of of of the may would be very handsome one. The bill pass- depurated by report committee on the conduct of the Somerset, Woodbury Kennebec, CG.do. 12} severer fonns of disease, both acute and Tbe bill introduced iu the House Monday by Messrs. Cleaves ot Portland, Stone of Bidde- its secoud reading, which *was done, and the ed. rective of organic inactivity, Hostetter’s Stomach chronic, war extracts in reference to the horrors of An- Senate; 15.do. 123 warrants his saying he ford, of Machias, Kimball of Mr. Mertimon from the Committee ou Rules Bitters. Not is of the over- dersonville. In which it is stated that no pen Mr. Wood of Hew York, to repeal in part the Lynch Waterford, economy measure was passed to be engrossed. 25.do. 13 only torpidity kidneys Robinson of Lincoln, Thompson of Vassalboro,- reported on the resolution of Mr. 50 do. Never fails to care where a care In possible can describp.no painter sketch.no imagina- act of and This is adversely 13} come, through the agency of the Bitters, hut resumption January, 1875, provide -of Bridgton, ot the House. theory. Morton that be made with- U0.do.13} tion comprehend its its unu'lerable authorizing reports is facil.tated, bilious tendencies counter- Particular attention paid to the treatment of those fearful, for a return to payments without con- On Financial Affairs—Messrs. Hinckley of Han- In accordance with this order ot out notice. 50.do.3 30 13 iligestion He then went on to specie economy, previous diseases to the female organism ami Kt. iniquity. say: cock, Sturgis of Androscoggin, Wentworth of Wash- After 85.uo.. 14 acted, and the bowels stimulated to a due dis- j»eculiar I a’so to utilize the seven liun* Mr. Martin of Camden an debate it was recommitted. MFF GIAKINTFFO without resorting to undertake to say that this is a moderate traction, proposes ington, of the Senate; Messrs. Shepherd of Skowhe- (Dem.) presented 95. ...do. 133 The credentials of Johu W. Johnston of charge of their function, which, in connection with that BJistasteful anil Painful T real meal so description of Anderso iville, and I will now dred million four cent, bonds not yet nego- gau, White of Bucksport. of Bath, Hobson of orJer each member of the a 200 .do.s 30 13 per Rogers giving Legislature was that of the tends to free the from the much in at read a from the of Wil- Davis of of Va., presented, read and laid on the table. kidneys system vogue present. paragraph testimony tiated and iu the as a Wiscasset, Portland, Greeley Lewiston, of the laws of This Second Call. remaining Treasury, Bass of of the House. copy 1875. is practice. Mr Paddock of introduced a bill refuse, whose retention is so to liam John Hamilton, a mail who was never ill Bangor, Nebraska, 125 Eastern bodily prejudicial Office Hours 9 lo 14 A M 1 to 5, anil 1 the of small notes Petitions, etc.. Presented and Referred—To divide to enable the of New Mexico to form a Railroad...—©14 the a Catholic at aud a basis, by issuing Treasury On Federal Relations—Messrs. Peaks of Penob- people 6 healt h to 9 P. M. North, priest Macon, theiowu ot of C, G. et als. Boston <& Maine Railroad.107} and where unite those three in lieu of the legal tenders and nation- scot. Lord of York, Tolman of Hancock, of the Sen- Montville; Guptill to constitution and stato government, and for the Democrat, you present build a wharf iufo tbe tide waters of Winter of CONSULTATION FREE. a ate; Messrs. Wiggm of Rockland, Hobson of Wiscas- harbor; admission said state into the Union. qualities—a Sotthcrn man, Democrat and a al hank ft also for the es- of Leonora A. Patterson ot tor deed of lot currency. provides set, Grant of Ellsworth. of of Skowhegau Mr. Mitchell introduced a dec8Fntt Catholic will not find much testi- Neally Bangor, Young of bill to tbe bill to authorize New York Stock and Money Market. priest—yon tablishing ol a sinking fund, to be made up of Trenton, Blanchard ot Yarmouth Mariiu of Cam- land; incori>orate Benjamin Franklin of SPECIAL NOTICES. strained in favor of the ative Association of persons foreign birth, who have declared New York. mony Republican party. one-hall the surplus coin revenue in each fiscal den, ot the House. Co-opei Lewiston; bill to incor- January 11—Evening.—Money closed (Loud and continuous porate the Reed Granite Company of Calais; bill their intention of becoming citizens of the easy at 5 per cent, on call after loaning at 1-32. Na- laughter.) year, after providing for the coin expenditures, On Elections—Messrs. Stevens of Lord Mr. Blaine here read from the Somerset, amending chapter 34 Revised Statutes relating to United States, to be registered as owners or tional bank nores are coming in freely from the West Hbouxtids. testimony of and a'so of one per cent, on the interest on tbe of Baker of of the Messrs. Please tell the that saw their York, Cumberland, Senate; auctioneers (substituting ‘‘such for anv” in the third part owners of American vessels of commerce. and banks are lending money more and every- people you Father Hamilton as given in the Witz trial, in four of the of treely 6 cent. of redeemed per cent, called iu, in lieu Neally Bangor; Hussey of No. Berwick, Pills- line of section oner,petition of Amos Hobbs of Farm- Mr. Mitchell said this thing points to an easier condition or the money per City Portland, Municipal. which the witness related case a bi.l did not propose to advertisement iu the PRESS, the circula the of young small notes issued as a bury of Farmington, Maxwell of Webster, Warren ot to the of fish in market. was reduced bankers (> cent. of aid K. K. treasury redemption ington prevent taking Hobb’s pond; change the na cralization laws of the Foreign Exchange ny per City Portland, man named Farrell, from the north of Ireland, fnud for the of It Westbrook, Hutchins of Fryeburg, Fletcher of Cor- : of John Neal for to extend wharf into country, to 484} @ 484} with business at 485 and 488. lion of exceeds 6 cent. of Bath. resumption specie payments. permission but it did a which, per month, 109,000. per City whom he saw the at Auder- inth, ot the House. wat rs of provide that person who had lived of from this for among prisoners also provides for the suspension of the present Piscataquis river ;of A. C. Fernald of Cran- the Exports produce port the week <5 per cent. of Rockland. Jsle for in country ten years and tiled a declaration City sonville suffering very much from a wound on sinking fund until the shall have On Railroads—Messrs. Haskell ot Cumberland, berry leave to build fish weirs; of J. M. Liv- ending to-day, $5,169,396, against $4,224,416 for the 6 cent. of St. Louis. resumption ermore et als. of for of charter of of his intentions of a citizen week in 1875. per City the right foot, which had opened like an oyster, been and contains various new Hinckley of Hancock, Brown of Piscataquis, of the Eastport change becoming might corresponding accomplished, Messrs. Anderson of Portland. Porter of Bur- Calais & Shore Line ot Gilbert H. Man- be registered as owner or owner of Gold opened at 113, advanced to 113J, fell off to 6 per cent. County of St. Louis, Gold. and which had been simply caused by exposure for the of the fi- Senate; Railway; part any 112} provisions better regulation Smith ot of Ber- chester et als. for leave to build fish weirs in Somes’ vessel. and closed at 1122. The rates paid for carrying were 7 cent. of to the sun in the stockade. The priest had lington, Auburn, Sargent Sedgwick, per City Chicago. nances of tbe government. of Davis ot Locke of of Sound, Mt. Desert; of tbe Warren Society for After the 4}, 6}, 7 and finally at 1 per cent The clearances at him a to cover his and ry Gardiner, Portlaud, Paris, Baptist expiration of the morning hour, 8 per cent. City of Toledo. given stocking foot, the House. authority to sell real estate. the Gold Exchange Bank v/ere $30,941,000. The when he returned to the stockade the Mr. Cooper of Tennessee announced the death 7 r cent. Maine Central R. R. following Orders Assistant Treasurer paid out to-day $230,000 In in- Mnmjoy anil Pine Tree Lodges. p. week he for On Commerce—Messrs. Carney of Liucoln, Watts Passed—Requesting the Secretary ot State of his late Andrew and Bramhall, inquired Farrell, his companion. to furnish monitors colleague, Johnson, terest and $67,000 in redemption of bonds. The 0 per cent. Portland & Ogdenshurg K. It., of Knox, of Penobscot, of the Senate; revised statutes to be returned an He was told that he had Wheelwright pronounced eulogy. customs receipts were Govern- stepped across the Messrs. Jordan of True of Portland, at c’ose of the session; for a Joint Committee to ap- to-day $385,000. Gold. dead line Brunswick, Mr. Morton of Iud. spoke of the life and ment bonds SPECIAL MEETING. and requested the guards to shoot BY Biaisdell of Franklin, Martin of Camden, Blanchard portion the Governor’s address to the several stand- quiet. TELEGRAPH. character of Mr. JohusoD and The following were the of Gov- him He added that the maa was not insane of Yarmouth, Goldthwait of Biddet'ord, Gould of ing committees; by Mr. Porter for a Joint Special declared that he closing quotations High... Kate. Paid far Callrd Oarer a was a brave ernment securities: S. S. will visit this when he had seen him the previous week. Brooks, of the House. Committee to consider the legislation necessary un- aud honest man. He referred to Supreme Chancellor, Davis, meat Boada. der tbe late constitutional amendments the vote for his United States coup. 6s,1881. 1204 city, on THURSDAY EVENING, Jail. 13th, and Mr. Blaiue then continued: I do cot to relative to impeachment which he gave, desire On Mercantile Affairs and Insurance—Messrs. United States 5-20’s 1865, members of each are to be corporation*; by Mr. Martin of Camden directing and said for that he bad no old.116} Lodge requested present & go into such horrible details from FROM AUGUSTA. Wadsworth ot Oxford, of Lincoln, Brackett apology to make. United States at WOODBVBV IWOIJLTON. any purpose Carney the Fisheries Committee to inquire into the results He believed Mr. 5-20*8,1865, new.117} Pythian Hall. of a bad I of of the Senate; Messrs. White of Bucksport, Johnson had violated law, but United States 5-20’s, Joint uov29 a> Mtrfft. raising feeling. desire only to say York, of the Fish Commissioners in their attempts to pro- 1867.119} Convention will open at 8 o’clock. Business- Exchange deodsnly ot Rockland, Meader of of he was willing to let the of what he United States 1868 that the man who administered that prison Wiggin Waterville, Young pagate fish, and report to the Legislature wheth- memory 5-20’s, do.120} Promulgation of Secret Work. Hiram, Smiley of Pittston, Trickev of Cape Eliza- as his fan'ts be buried with him and United States new Per Why let aches and pains your temper spoil? went there by the order of Mr. Davis and was er or not the money is wisely expended, regarded s’s.116} order, Legislative Matters. beth, Allen of Waldoboro, of the House. remember his service to his United States 10-40 coup.118} CHAS. W. A cure is sure by using sustained by him, and that this Wm. J. Ham- Mr. Pike called the bill only country. BEAN, On Banks and of up relative to the rate 6’s.122| K. of R. & S. Bramhall ilton, whose testimony I have just read, went Banking—Messrs. Wheelwright Appropriate remarks were made by Messrs. Currency Lodge. of Watts of of interest. was an The following were the closing quotations of CHAS. H. to Gen Howell that Penobscot, Sturgis Androscoggiu, Knox, He said it old act and McCreery, Merrimon, Paddock, Bogy, Jones n in counts, reported a resolution the number Union Pacific Block, of Penobscot, of of the propriation $222,779.20 currency addi- fixing bonds.’.103} “FOREST TAR BOOK” Uere were those 35,000 poor, helpless, naked, Mr. Littlefield is here to address tbe House, Thurlough Gray Cumberland, aud of the committee In Union Pacific Laud Grants 101} Senate; Messrs. Farrar of Turner, White ot Orono, tion to the $40,000 now on hand for the pay- pay clerks. the starving, sickened, men. This Catholic course Sinking to Forest Tar dying but members of both parties doubt the propric- Stiickland of Chase of Standisb, Lord of ment of interest due Feb. 1st on the 3.65 of the discussion ou the resolution, Wil- Funds.34} olyour druggist, or send 33 cents the 311-2 EXCHANGE COR OF MILK. states Bangor, priest that he went to General Cohb to ot Blanchard of liams said his committee to ST, tv of such a nrocedeure. Lebanon, Hopkinson Limington, District of Columbia bonds. The commissioners proposed provide Co for a box. octl5sn9m* S. C. STROUT. H. W. GAGE. to him that if he could not Portland, Me., represent exchange Cumberland, of the House. sav that either a Congressional for 20 committee clerks in addition to the five Providence Prim dec30 snd&w3m them thev should be taken It has come out that au attempt was intend- appropriation Cloth* market. before the Union w lor law. zo in wii ucuit ju\tmio u»u uimi< itvuwo—ujvooio. mast be made or there must be a default in ibe piuviueu uy mailing an, wnereas lines in Providence, January 11.—The cloths Annua! Maine State Florida and paroled and let go free. ed to the law and that Portland of of York, ot Cumber- of to at the last there were 33. reso- Printing Meeting repeal liquor Piscataquis, Thompson Gray payment interest which the faith of the Congress The market is inactive and at for And if the Union forces were to with- ot the Senate: Messrs. Porter ot unchanged 41 @ 41c Agricultural Society. yet, get and other rumsellers had been asked to con- land, Burliugton. United States is lution was adopted. standard and extra 64 64 in Burnham of of of pledged. @ goods. seven miles, that regular order of Mr. Da- bethel, Libbv Limerick, Tenney The House A resolution aa index Animal Meeting of the Maine State Agricul- to the scheme. It is now Committee on Naval Affairs against printing and vis’s officer was to a a tribute $15,000 carry Chelsea, Nadeau of Fort Kent, Alexander of Linneus, TIIEtural Society, will be held in City Hall, Port- ope battery of grape heard Representative Starkweather of Con- summary of cases adjudicated adversely to C A MPA IGN shot on these Gibson ot Fairfield of the House. n'tKriovn land, at 10 o’clock A. M., WEDNESDAY, Jan. 19, poor wretches, without the slight- said that the project is abandoned. necticut, this morning in the claims commissioners was adopted. Cattle market. est On and Thompson of opposition pro- 1876, fer the purpose of electing a President, possible regard to whit was going on out- have to exam- Ways Bridges—Messrs. abolition Mr. Atkins of from the Watertown, J&n. 11—Cattle The finance committee begun Haskell of of of posed of the New London navy yard. Tenn., appropriation Market.—Receipts Secretary, Treasurer, Trustee and other necessary side. York, Cumberland, Carney Lincoln, 1090 head; the market has improved somewhat from ine the acconnts and other matters the Senate; Messrs. of Piukham of The committee took no action. committee, reported the pension appropriation officers- and also, for the purpose of amending, or I do not the Souihern pertaining Wagg Auburn, last week, being a better feeling and liiSerent lots Now, amigo people Fellows of Windham. Brown of The House Committee on Elections this bill. It was made the special order for revising its Constitution. for this. God forbid the Treasurer’s office. Kennebunkport, Friday sold quicker: prices generally firmer ana some sales that I should charge any to Hamilton of of took the next. It Oldtown, Dexter, Keating Warren, morniDg up contested election case of appropriates $25,533,000. made at a tritling advance; sales of choice at 9 75; SAMUEL WASSON, Sec’y. people with sympathizing with such aa order. after- ot of the House. The The land committee meets Thursday Leavitt Athens, Abbott vs. Frost of the dis- House then proceeded to the considera- extra at 8 50 9 first at 7 00 8 sec- East Surry, Jan. 7,1876. janlOsjdTt Boston, Mass., @ 50; quality @ 25; — — There were many evidences of uneasi- tion of ond OF great noon and the reform school committee Wed- On Fisheries—Messrs. Talbot of Washington* trict. The tistimony was ordered to be print- the amnesty hill and was addressed by quality at 6 00 @ 6 75; third quality at 5 00 @ ness among the Southern people about it, and Thompson of York, Brown of Cumberland, of the ed. Mr. Hill of . 5 75. one of the great crimes of Mr. Davis was that nesday. Senate; Messrs. Farrar of Connor of He Sheep and Lambs—Receipts of 1963 Buckfield, Troy, The Republican Senators held a caucus to- disclaimed any intention to reopen the bead; every- he coocealed it from the Haskell of Deer Trussell of St thing in the Sheep houses sold oft' trade Southern people. We The make up of the committees gives gener. Isle, George, Hopkins day to consider Morton’s bill to provide and quarrel between the North and South, and it early, being have obtained a of Hermou, Clifford of Stockton, Tremont, Reed of active. There was a slight advance in price on CATARRH complete series of Mr. Davis’s al satisfaction so far as I can learn. the of was not his business to defend the career of of the House. regulate coantiug votes lor President choice lots and ordinary grades sold at messages, with official at Jefferson Davis in steady rates; imprint, Richmond, Sumner J. Chadbourne took the oath and Vice-President. The caucus, after the sub- general. His record was we quote sales in lots at 2 00 @ 3 25 each; extra at and are now in the today On Counties—Messrs. Pre3cott of Somerset, Thur- they Congressional Library. had been to already made up and would record a 3 50 @ 6 50. I ot Penobscot, Estes of of the ject discussed, agreed abolish the history have looked over them, and I find in his mes- of office and entered upon his duties as Secre- lough Waldo, Senate; verdict. But he Messrs. Sallev of Drisko of 22d joiDt rule and support Morton’s bill in lieu just claimed that the gentle- of Dec 1861. a; the Madison, Centerville, sage 7, very time when tary of State. of of Davis of Jef- of it. There is hut little differ- man from Maine had not proved his Domestic Markets. 1876. these Woodsura Peru, Robinson Holden, substantially charge So Terrible, horrors were at their acme, at their ex- that Davis was It will be he seen that it was Mr. Cleaves of ferson, Haley of Rangeley, Manter of Anson, of the ence between the joint rule and the bill. privy to the murders at Ander- New York.January tremest verge of he 11—Evening—Flour—receipts desperation, says: House. Senator Davis will submit a resolution to- sonville. His only proof was the report of an 16,366 bbls; the market is steady; sales 15,550 bbls; ‘‘The Portland who preferred the chairmanship of No 2 at 3 That an actnal estimate it is solicitude of the Government for the release On Towns—Messrs. Tburlougn of Penobscot, morrow alleging discrepancies in the statements ex-pane committee and Mr. Davis had not 25 @ 4 00; Superfine Western and State at by of our 4 25 4 extra found that captive tellow citizens has known no abate- the Legal Affairs Committee to a place on Wadsworth of Oxford, White of Waldo, of the Sen- of the annual and of the been allowed to be heard. President Grant @ 60; Western and State at 4 90 @ 5 85; ment. but on the expenditures receipts choice do at 5 40 5 White has, contrary, been still more deep- Messrs. Littlefield of Aldrich of Free- as @ 90; Wheat Western ex- the instead of Mr. Chase as ate; Wells, government and the public and might well be made responsible for the tra at ly affectuil by the additional to which Judiciary, report- Dwinal of Connor of Murch of debt, calling 5 95 @ 7 00: Fancy at 7 01 @ 7 75; extra Ohio mitering they Minot, Troy, for an and credit mobilier as ha/e been bv investigation, whisky riDg Mr. Davis at 5 90 @ 8 25: extra St Louis at 5 25 9 Patent wantonly subjected deprivation of ad- ed. g>rt,uxton, Bean of Belfast, Young of Trenton, of the for @ 00; equate food, and which cruelties at Andersonville, if anv were Minnesota extra to at 6 50 7 LAST YEAR clothing fuel, they have not The remark of Mr. Pike the House. good prime @ 25; choice been permitted to purchase from the respecting practiced. He a law the to double extra at 7 30 @ 9 00, 4000 bbls of prison sutlers,” On Indian -Messrs. Webb of Penobscot. quoted passed by including “money lenders” of our "great mart” was un- Affairs confederate congress providing rations to shipping extra at 5 00 @ 5 20 ; 3100 bbls city mills Aud then adds that the enemy to Talbot of Washington, Wadsworth of Oxford, of the MARINE NEWS. equal IT attempt as to which he said had extra mainly at 5 90 @ fi 75;the market closing quiet; excuse their barbarous conduct the un- intended to he a al- Messrs. of South Thomaston. Dun- prisoners soldiers, by doubtedly complimentary Senate; Sawyer Southern floor at 4 90 @ 8 75. Rye flour in fair re- founded of Sherman ot Stone of been approved by Mr.Davis. He claimed that allegation that it was retaliation for lusion to Portland. S. ning Charleston, Pembroke, quest and unchanged at 4 25 @ 5 40. Corn meal dull Marden of of the were treated as well as con- like conduct on our Hampden. Palermo,Sweetsir Newburg, prisoners the and at 3 00 fa} 3 75. part. of the House. Launched at Batb. heavy Wheat—receipts 28,800 I Dyer of Milbridge federate troops, and whatever No 3 a Now undertake to say that there is not a privaiions they bush; rejected and shade firmer with mcJer- On Claims—Messrs. of Bath, Jan. 11.—There was launched to-day suffered were also suffered the ate other over Confederate soldier now who has IN MAINE. Kyes Franklin, Woodbury by troops. export demand; grades unchanged; sales Killed 60,000 living any MATTERS of Baker ot of the his Blaine 118,000 bush; 98 99c for credit as a man in the aDd who Kennebec, Cumberland, Senate; by E. and A. Sewall, a superior ship of about During speech interrupted him @ rejected Spring; 112(5) community, Messrs. Lamson of Richmond, Linnell of Exeter, and asked him whether he had 114 ungraded Spring; No 3 Chicago in store at 1 09; ever was a prisoner in the hands of the 1500 named owned (Hdl) not been Uoion Norton ot industry, Meachm ot Waterville, Martin tons, Reaper, by the build- No 3 Milwaukee 110 in store; 1 28 for Winter Red forces, who will a member of the confederate senate. For several the Portland say that he ever was eruellv of Stover of of ers Western; 1 45 for choice Amber 1 00 for no years Daily Press THE JEFFERSON BORDEN MUTI- Sebago, Harpswell, Wyman Belgrade, and others, and Edward Poole, who Hill replied that he had been. Penn; treated; that he ever was deprived of the same of the House. grade New York inspection Spring; 1 24 reported for has been the largest and fullest daily paper published ratioos commands her. Blaine then proceeded to a resolution People which the quote straight No 2 Milwaukee and Union soldiers had, or the NEER*. On Pensions—Messrs. of nominally; 1 22 @ 1 23 in and its Publishers announce their deter- Woodbury Kennebec, offered in the confederate Senator for No 3 Maine; same food. Estes of Webb of Penobscot, of the Probably Wrecked. congress by Chicago;1 31 @1 35 tor No 1 Spring tor prime Waldo, Senate; Hill of No 2 mination to make their paper the Mr. Cook of Messrs. of Robinson of Mt. Vernon. Georgia to the following effect: old; Northwestern 1 22 bid for export; held at beyond questiou Georgia—Thousands of them. Fogler Hope, Liverpool, Jan 11.—A head-board with the 1 In the United States. Mr. Yates of Potter of of That every person to be a soldier 25. Rye is steady. Barley quiet and steady. Bar- Blaine—Well, I take issue ou and Bristol, Woolwich, Weymouth name Harvest was pretending that, A Significant Telegram. Queen upon it, picked up or officer of the ley Malt is unchanged. 35,838 1 that not one can Canaan, Wade of Sangerville, Currier of Wilton, United States who shall be Corn—receipts bush; say truthinlly state it. As off West Wexford. The ship Harvest the market is lc lower with a moderate busi- LSpecial to the Press.] of the House. Queen, on the soil of the confederate states $ @ Thiuk ot it, and then remember that lor the small for measures of retaliatio at captured ness for and home ', though goaded by Jansen, arrived Queenstown, Dec. 26th liom export use, closing a shade firmer; sum of .'S3 ceulM can one box ot this Thom Jan. 11.—The Jefferson Borden On Insane French of Kennebec* after the 1st of Jan. 1863, shall be presumed to of you buy terrific treatment of our friends in prison Aston, Hospital—Messrs. San Francisco, received ordeis for Liverpool, sales 94,000 bush; 55 @ 5Cj for unsound Mixed; 58 Mr. Stevens of Somerset, Wentworth of Washington, ot have entered the territory of confederate stales for no for low by Davis, theSenats of the United States murderers have received a cab'e telegram dated and is supp set! to have sailed on or before the @ 5S$c grade Mixed; 65$c Mixed; 66 @ the Senate; Messrs. Ballard of Aujunta, Seward of with intent to incite insurrection and to abet 67c for latter 67c for specially refused to pass a resolution of retal- 1st of but had not arrived at her graded Mixed; extreme; graded “Jan. 10th, 1876.” Kittery Norton of Industry, Carleton of Newfield, January, port and that 65 6Gc for new White as to modern murder, unless satisfactory proof to Yellow; @ Southern; 73c for R/EDER’S iation, contrary civilization and Cook of Lewiston, Peicey of West Bath, Fowler of of destination on the morning of the 10th. old Western Mixed afloat. to the “To George Miller and William Smith, muti- adduced to the contrary before a court Oats—receipts 9320 bush; first precep s of There was of the House. military the market is in BEST NEWSPAPER Christianity. neers ot Albion, The Pacific Disaster. before which moderate request ana unchanged; IN no retaliation or Jefferson Borden, Maine Slate Pris- the trial shall bo had, he shall sales MAINE, attempted justified. It was re- On School—Messrs. of 41,000 bosh; 45 @ 48$c for Mixed Western and on. Reform Sturgis Androscog- San Francisco, Jan. 11.—Tho proceedings suffer death. fused, and Jefferson Davis knew it was re- gin, Biackett of York, Stevens ol Somerset, of the State, including No 3 New York inspeclion 45$c; for GERMAN Get a an 11 can save of the secret investigation of the steamship He asked him whether he was the author SNUFF, fused just as well as he knosvs it reprieve you. Senate; Messrs. Lord of Bluehill, Allen of Welling- of light Mixed do 48$; 46 @ 52$ for White Western and to-day, be- Pacific Waterman that resolution. cause what took Benj. P. Hawes, ton, Cumston of Monmouth, Leavitt of Athens, Clif- disaster, by Capt. and Jas. State. Hay firm. Hops unchanged. Coftee—Rio is place in Washington or what A took Mate of Jefferson Borden.” ford of Stockton, of Farmington, Potter of Hillman, United States inspector, have been Mr. Hill—I will sav to the gentleman from dull and unchanged; cargoes quoted at 16$ @ 19c in preparation which has been pronounced by some place in Richmsnd, of that kind, was Pillsbury of the “12 Aberdeen.” Woolwich, of the House. made public. They report that the accident Maine very frankly that I have not the gold; job lots at 16$ @ 20c gold: Sugar firm with a highest medical talent in the land to be the known on either side ot the line in a or slight- day was moderate demand at 8 @ for fair to refin- only reliable article for this complaint. thereafter. The wiifa Cru- State Prison—Messrs. Prescott of Somerset, Jor- the fault of the officers of the ship Or- est recollection of hearing it before. 8$c good Captaiu Again Chni-gcd for 280 hhds common by making all its departments more and by dan of White of of the and in of Mr. Blaine—You do not ing; 8§c prime; Muscovado 7|c; complete Now this is uot a to Androscoggin. Waldo, Senate; pheus consequence steering wrong. deny it. 1500 boxes Molasses and proposition punish Mr. elly. Messrs. Burnham of Bethel. of Clayed at 7 @ 8c; refined is sparing no effort or expense at their command to Floyd Winthrop, The inspectors are unable to account for the Mr. Hill—I do not know. My own at 10 for Davip. There is to one to do it. I the A ssociated of opinion steady @ 10$c standard A: 10$c for granu- attempting [To Press.] Richardson of Hartland, Parcher of Leeds, Hyler failure of the Pacific to and back when is that I never was the make the Press more valuable and desirable. very that I stop author ot theresalution, lated and powdered; lOgc for crushed. Molasses— frankly say always thought that London Jan. 11.—The crew of the schooner Thomaston, Sweetsir of Newburg, Currier ol Wilton, the collision became inevitable, but find it was but I have no recollection of it. If the Orleans at 50 52c. Rico is and un- The Press has a larger editorial corps than any tbe indictment of Mr. Davis at un- of the House. gentle- steady @ quiet CATARRH! Richmond, to take for the man can me Carolina Louisiana der the administration of Mr. Jefferson Borden have signed a statement impossible steps preservation of give the circumstances under changed ; 6$ (g 7$; 5} @ 6Jc. Pe- paper in Maine, and has unexcelled facilities for col- JohusoD, was a On Public Buildings—Messrs. Brown of Piscata- troleum but refined at weak life after the collision on account of the panic which it was introduced, I may recollect. higher quiet; 13| @ 131; cases news in all of the state. step, for he was indicted for complaining of the condition of the vessel, of quis, Wentworih of Washington. of Han- at at 9. ecting parts The business, only Hinkley the passengers. Mr. the 1st of 17$ @ 19$; Naptha 8$ @ Tallow at 9$ @ 9$. that for was ol Nowland of among Blaine—On Oct. 1862, the Ju- twhich he guilty in common harsh treatment the and of his re- cock. the Senate; Messrs. Dalton, Naval Stores—Rosin at 1 70 @ 1 75 for strained. Tur- agricultural and manufacturing interest of Maine by captain, of Searsmont, of Goodrich of Con- la General. diciary Committee of the Confederate every other gentleman who went into Cooper Gay Casco, Congress pentine at @ 39c. Eggs at 27 (2 30c. Pork is un- CATARRH! will receive the continued attention of the Press. fusal to their have Manter of Pendleton of Rob- made a and offered a series of 38$ the {Confederate movement and pay wages. They say they cord, Anson. Northport, Seven o£ the crew arrested foi on the report resolu- settled: 600 bbls new mess at 20 75; 250 bbls seller for therefore mutiny The growing importance of Portland as a distribu- there was inson of Wild, ot the House. tions, and Senator Hill of Ga. is at 21 500 bbls seller at 21 no particular reason tor singling no doubt the former crew were driven to muti- bark Lennie have been acquitted by a vote of 5 thereupon February 00; April 25, and On French of rpftinlpfl ftS Via V in or nffdrptl tho ruanlnfinn wliiph closing at 21 00 seller and Beet A case ot ting center tor Maine, and its fast increasing whole- him out for indictment. JBut I will under- his Library—Messrs. Kennebec, Swasey to 2 The seamen Vinder, Nort and Jolly have January February. many years standing, ny by cruelty. of Donworth of of the I have read. is auiet. Cut Meats—Western middles at 11 sale make a at this of take to say and with Oxford, Aroostook, Senate; been detained in and sent before a just quiet; trade, dally paper point special this, good delibera- Messrs Pike ol of Currier custody for Western clear; clear at 11. Lard is ia nnf o niri)inn/l __a. Calais, Stone Biddeford, Mr. Hill—I was long city long and so horrible it tion. that thpm maritime for trial. chairman of the Judiciary that caused to- importance to every merchant and business man in ot Wilton. Denison of Cutler, Fowler of Albion. prefect “W" euoifci cuico auv ILO 1'IUUC Sicalll (U lu on tlie lace of the Accidents. Committee in the Senate, and very like the state. globe, very certainly not an Getchell of Dearborn ;of Parsonsfield, of likely, 12 15-16; seller lor Jan quoted at 12} @ 12 500 to the Plymout;, the chairman an rule9 at the last I 15-16; tal cured the use of European government, which would not have [Special Press.] session, may tcs seller February at 13}: 2750 do seller March at deafness, by have consented to that arrested Mr. Davis, or which, when it had him Rockland, JaD. 11.—John Waterhouse acci- JOINT SELECT COMMITTEES. The Proposed Impcachmcn: of Governor report. (Laughter at 13 15-16; 1350 do April at 13 7-16. in of one box of Bseder’s German its power, would not have tried him tor mal- Governor’s of Fr-noli of expense Blaine.) Chicago, January 11 —Flour is dull. Wheat is Snuff, dentally shot himself through the hand to-day Message—Lord York, Antes. Blaine—Does treatment of prisoners of war and Donworth of the gentleman admit that he active and higher; No 2 at on shot him while Kennebec, Aroostook, Spring 98} @ 6853 the within carelessly handling a revolver. Memphis, Jan. 11.—The Appeal’s Jackson, made that report. spot; sold at seller for closed at which costs but 35 cents. thirty days. France, Russia, England, Printing—Ste vens ol Piscataquis, Hinckley of Han- 99}3 February; 98}c Miss., special says the Ames Hill—I do not seller seller S do Germany, Austria, any of them would have This afternoon Samuel Dow, driver of a lime cock, Sturgis of Androscoggin. impeachment know, but it i3 very likely. Februaiy; 99}c March; No at 80 jc; committee had a last rejected at @ 67c. Corn and done it. The poor victim Wirz deserved his rock fell from preliminary meeting night (Derisive laughter on the Republican side.) 66} opened higher closed MontvILLE, Mass., March 23, 1875. team, his load under the horses’ Year Book—Jordan of Androscoggin, Wadsworth at inside No 2 Mixed at on death for the and arranged a plan of pioceedings. They Blaine—The which I have from prices; 44}c the spot; 43e Gentlemen: I must brutal treatment of but of Oxford, (iray of Cumberland. copy quoted bid seller for express my gratitude for the prisoners, feet and was badly kicked. asked for and were si clerk to and is February; rejected 35} @ 36c. Oats are I always it was a weak given day, entitled “Republicanism in America.” I wonderful cure as Raeder’s Ger- As a thought movement on The were announced as the quiet and firm; No 2 at 30}c bid on spot; performed by your Political Journal the [To the Associated following will proceed to take testimony. wish to know whether the 30| @ 30|c part of the government to allow Jeffersoa Press.] immediately gentleman was the seller February. Rye iu light demand and holders man Snufl. I had been afflicted with Catarrh for Davis to at STANDINO COMMITTEES OP THE SENATE. The sentiment for impeachment is strengthen- author of that resolution. Arm at is active and go large and Rang Wirz. Wirz Recovering. 66}c. Barley higher at 82}c ou and it caused On Bills in the Second Tolman Scveial of the committee, Gen. Hill—I that I seller many years, my hearing to become so was nothing ic the world but a mere subordi- Jan. 11.—Charles H. who Beading—Messrs. ing. including reply do not recollect. (Re- spot; 79}e February. Dresswi Hogs strong Bath, Mitchell, that I was nate of Hancock, Wadsworth of Keyes of Frank- called on the Govern- newed on the and at 8 05 @ 8 35. Pork—demand ana poor deaf, I tried many remedies, and aud therefore there was no Oxford, Featberstoue, chairman, laughter Republican side.) higher good tool, phil- was a of a car load of ol Talbot of 19 totally io him badly injured by portion lin, Sturgis Androscoggin, Washington, or in reference to the matter, but the Governor The does tending up at 40 on spot; 19 50} @ 19 52} seller for but without any benefit; but at last I purchased a osophy selecting for punishment. Still Lord of Brown of of Blaine—(persistently). gentleman Lard in lair him a few Vork, Piscataquis. Prescott other business and the February. demand and higher at I do not say that he did not piauk falling upon weeks since, is pleaded pressing inter- not say that he was not the author of it. 12J box ot German Snuft, and its use not entirely deserve it. He Somerset, Woodbury of Kennebec, White of Waldo, on spot: 12 47} Cal 12 50 seller February; 12 57* @ 12 60 only the PRE83 will be devoted as In the past to a desct lm~ did deserve view was not held. Hill—I do but I think I was not the au- cured but richly it,and he deserved no mercy, rapidly recovering. Baker ot Cumberland. not, seller March. Bulk Meats are very Arm; holders are my Catarrh, what was yet more wonderful of the but at thor it. minating support Republican Party, During the same time bis execution me iu John Allen Married. asking higher rates; shoulders rib and clear was and after been put Camp-Meeting On Engrossed Bills —Messrs. Brackett of York, 7|3;clear my hearing fully restored, having the pending important campaign, the Press will mind of the of Blaine—I thought that as the gentleman’s sides at 10} @ 10}. at 1 08. skipping president, superintendent Jan. 11.—The French Kennebec, Haskell of Cumberlaud, Ste- Whiskey deaf for years, I can now hear as well as one. Farmington, marriage of F O R E I a N effort was bbls any attention to the of and board of directors of a railroad iu vens of Somerset, Peaks of Penobscot, Wentworth, to show the humane character of the Receipts—9,000 hour, 51,000 bush wheat, 77,- give special publication political company 000 bush bush This Snuft should be spread broadcast over the the case of a great railroad and Camp-Meeting John Allen, aged eighty-three, of Washington, Jordan of Androscoggin, Hlnkley of Confederate congress this might aid him in re- corn, 13,000 oats, 13,000 bush barley. land, news. accident, hing- 1000 bush of rve. for it will a ing the brakeman on to Hancock, Brown of Cumberland, Thompson of York the facts. prove blessing to all who use it. As the rear car. (Laughter.) Mr3. Sarah A. W. Fellows, aged sixty-five, membering bbls an advertising medium, the Press stands first There is Webb of Penobscot, Donworth of Aroostook. THE FRENCH CABINET. all due Shipments—6,000 flour, 10,000 bush wheat, 18,- Yours no here to ■ Hill—With reference to the gentle- very truly, proposition punish Mr. took place to-day. 000 bush corn, 9,000 busu oats, 3,000 bush barley. among the jotirna's of Maine. Davis. is to do it. The The names of the House members were also man,he did not think any such thing. bush rye. MRS. MILO STRATTON. Nobody asking time Fire in Lewiston. (Laugh- 0,009 for such a thing has gone by. The statute of announced. ter,) He thought he would divert me from the On the call of the Board in the afternoon—Wheat limitation and the common feeling of Lewiston, Jao. 11.—A store on Lisbon Dufnure’s Resignation' purpose of my.argument. was unsettled at 98}c seller for February; 99}c seller Suffering reader, don’t get discouraged if you have humanity The annual report of Hon. Silas G. Hatch, March. Corn easier at would intervene for his benefit. But owned D. at Blaine—(Apologetically.) Oh, no. The 43Jc seller January; 42}c do what you are street, by D, Garcelon, took fire London, Jan. 11.—The Paris hundreds of dollars on Treasurer of the was and re- correspondent February; 45} do Oats dull and un- spent worthless trash without asked to do is to declare, a vote of two-thirds State, presented of the Times writes that M. Dufaure’s gentleman can have all the time be wants. @45}c May. by ten o’clock this morning and the inside was resigna- changed. Pork Arm at 19 15 19 50 seller Februa- of both braaches of ferred to the Committee on Financial Affairs. Hill—What measures the Confederate @ any real but remember that in this Congress, solemnly that we tion was unexpected, and says his withdrawal gov- ry; 19 79} @ 19 80 do March. Lard benefit, simple consider Mr. Davis to burned out. The building had just been va- ernment have to take at unchanged. worthy till the highest Senator Stevens offered an which was alone would not have shaken tbe cabinet, bat may thought proper German offices in the order, that time to Milwaukee, January 11.—Flour is in better de- remedy you have a cure that is always safe Doited States ;f he can a con- cated and was being fitted for a new tenant. the of Dufaure and Wallon protect women and children I do not Reduction of get that the Committees on resignation Jay, mand but not quotably higher. Wheat firm; No 1 Price. stitueDcy to trust him. He is a passed, Education, recollect, but I shall not be diverted the and 8uie, What are the voter; he can The fire is thought to have takeu from a would have deprived the ministry of its entire by Milwaukee Spring at 110}; hard do at 1 20; No 2 Mil- buy, aud he cau he cm State Insane Retorm gentleman from Maine from the course of sell; go aud couie. He Prison, Hospital, School, liberal element, and necessitated tbe immedi- my waukee 1 01}; seller for February at 1 01J; seller lor is as free as stove. Loss estimated at $1500, and insured in to into auy mau in the Doited States. Agriculture aDd Military Affairs, be authorized ate convocation of the Assembly. argument go the history of slavery or March at 1 03; No 3 Milwaukee 84Jo. Corn is active There is a National the or long list of subordinate offices to Hartford. insurrection John Brown’s aid. and in good demand; No 2 at 46. Oats are steady; which is to visit the various institutions which they rep- As No at 32*c. is No 2 he eligible, but this proposition Arrest of a Portland Woman Mr. Hill finished his speech Mr. Garfield Barley easier; Spring at 97 ;No 3 pro- do at 58c. scarce and poses, in view of the record which I resent. He explained his action by stating of Ohio, took the floor, when the debate was Rye nominal; No 1 at 71 @ 73. have read Jan. 11.—Emma Fearfnl of Symptoms the fact that the are Rockland, J. Hewlett of Sntliring Troops iu Douza. Provisions strong and in good demand. Mess Pork Despite Publishers obliged to to declare, by a two-thirds vote of the that it was in that the interrupted by a message from the Senate an- Senate necessary order; Com; at 19 20 cash. Lard—prime kettle do steam at the the Daily and a two-thirds vote of the Portland, under bail for appearauce at the S. London, Jan. 11.—Over 300 soldiers have the action of that in connection 13; pay postage, Press is offered for House, Mr. Davis mittee on Education attend the nouncing body 12}. Hams in Pickle 10} @ salted shoul- and J. Court for might gradua- been frozsu to death near Douza, and with ll}c. Dry $7.00 per annum in $3.50 for six eligible worthy to fill any office up to the keeping a house of ill fame, was many the death of President Johnson. ders at 7}c loose; middles at for boxed. advance; months; tion of the Normal are in the from frost 10@10} of the United States. exercises School at Far hospital bites. Mr. McFarland of lenn rose to offer the Dressed flrrner and held sales at 8 Of $1.75 for three months. Presidency For one, on arrested here this evening at the instance of Hogs higher; 15 @ Catarrh ? full 1 will not The Difficulty not Settled. usual resolutions of but in view of the 8 20. the of deliberation, do it. her sureties and mingtoc, Thursday. respect, During session the Legislature the It has been will he taken to Portland. intense interest manifested in Receipts—5,000 bbls flour, 60,000 hush wheat. frequently said, in mitigation of The of Charles Verrill and other of London, Jan. 12.—The Paris correspondent the amnesty de- 0,- THEY ARE FOUND IN Daily will be furnished lor $2.00 in advance. Mr. Davis in Fire in Gardiner. petition bate 000 corn, 00,000 bush oats, 000 bush 0000 bush the amnesty matter, that the men of the Times the lean he offered to defer the eulogies until to- barley, the of for such legislation as will telegraphs following: rye. who died in such large numbers— ihe Gardiner, Jan. 11.—F. A. fine city Auburn, affirm that the ministerial morrow. victims I Berry’s crisis is not set- Shipments-4,000 bbls flour, 7,000 bush wheat, 00 BAD believe number 15,00J—fell victims to prevent coporal punishment in public schools, but is In that, Mr of BREATH, an epi- dwelling house on School street was damaged tled, aggravated rather. however, Kelley Pa., object- bush corn,0,000 bush oats, 0000 bush rve. demic and died of diseases which coaid not bo was referred to the Committee on Education. ed as irregular and unprecedented. IN by fire this afternoon to the amount of about Cardinal Sedovrchowski. Toledo, January 11.—Flour in fair demand and DROPPINGS THROAT, avoided. Now the records show that of The offer was withdrawn and the 35,01X1 Senator a which was The Pall Mall proceedings market Arm. Wheat strong and higher; No 2 White men about 33 cent $2500. Loss on furniture House insur- Sturgis presented hill, Gazette’s Beilin special says of the GENERAL per died, that is, one in $1200. day were c'osed with speeches in eulogy Wabash at 1 36; No 3 White Wabash at 1 24}; No 1 WEAKNESS, to the Committee on the government has determined to iiberate three. Of the soldiers who were ed tor furniture $800. Fire from referred Judiciary, per- of Mr. Johnson, made by Messrs. McFarland, White Michigan at 126}; No 2 White Michigan at encamped $3500; caught Cardinal Sedowcbowski at the SLIGHT within half a mile of the and the defendant to bonds in trustee unconditionally Tbomberg and Young of Waddell 112; extra White Michigan 1 35}; Amber Michigan DEAFNESS. stockade, who furnace in cellar. mitting give of his term of Tenneesee, guarded it, but one man in 400 died. expiration imprisonment, but he of North of of 1 24; seller February 1 26; do March at 128*; No 2 to the officer the double will Carolina, Conger Michigan,Cox COUGHS, as to the process holding writ,in be closely watched and again arraigned if New and Morton of Red Winter 124 @ 125}; rejected Red at 91 @ 92}c. Now, geueral amnesty. It is too York, Texas. Corn dull and late to the ad damnum of the writ, with suiety or he attempts to exercise his episcopal functions a shade lower; high Mixed 47}c;seller COLDS IN debate it, whether it has in all at THE Tie respests low Mixed 47c HEAD, Maine or otherwise infringes the ecclesiastical Inara dam- State Press January 47}c; ;no grade 44}c; been wise or unwise. I sureties to sec. R. S. shall not detain the MASSACHUSETTS* according chap. 27, 20, aged at 40c. Oats dull and a shade lower; No 2 at House in it. if I The New French Press Law. Crimea anil Casualties. seller seller HEADACHE, discussing Even had convec- — The officer shall give written notice to such 35}c; January 36«; March 35}c. Clover tions on that question. I do not know that it Paris, Jan. 11.—M. Dufaure, minister of Seed at 7 30. Dressed Hog* 8 25 @ 8 30. NOISES IN THE would trustee, shall file the bond in court. A woman of bad repute named Butler, was bbls bush HEAD, be productive of auy great good to dis- Hftcial Science. justice has issued a circular to the Procurator Receipts—0,000 flour; 13,0u0 Wheat,28,000 nilKC if* hilt »»f lha ann.n The House order that all found murdered at her home near North Ve- bush Corn, 1000 bush Oats. PAIN Boston, Jan. 11.—The American Social providing petitions General saying that the new press law is in- IN THE BACK, Jar that non, Ohio, yesterday. Shipments—300 bbls flour, 9,000 bu6h Wheat, 15,- has been enlarged and the spectacle the Republican party, in pos- Soieuce Assoc'ation holds its annual meeting or orders for legislation except for redress of tended solely to repress violent language greatly Improved past NERVOUSNESS. and Is now session of the entire government, has deliber- at the Lowell here to-morrow against and to insure respect for the constitu- Four Lakelcaptains named Craig. Dare, year, one of the largest, ullest and best institute, David wrongs or be presented bp lore the St dull called back grievances, McCormic and one were drowned in Louis, January 11,—Flour and unchanged. ately into public power the A. Wells will Business tion, and is not to touch the liberty of public unknown, weekly paper in Maine. Terms §2.00 per in leading preside. meeting,read- 26th which was when the Sen- Wheat unsettled for cash No 2 Red other- one of the year men of the oue of whom ef and inst., pending discussion. The are tnerefore Lake Michigan, Monday, while to reach Winter, Yes, every above are symptoms of Ca- South, every turns ing reports election of officers in the magistrates rec- trying wise firmer; No 2 Red Winter 1 55 @ 1 57 cash; 1 59} advance; six months for §1.00; three months for out its ever relentless and In ate was taren up, and ommended not to undertake Point au Belee in a sail boat. 1 60 and if are bitter, malignaui morning. the afternoon papers on various adjourned Thursday, prosecutions as @ seller January; 1 63 do February; No 2 do at tarrh, you wise you will cure it with the 69 cents. and that to foe, day, from the Potomac to the topics will be presented. Senator Pencott offered an strik- the act only deals with offences punishable The jury in the case of Geo. D. tried at 1 33} bid. Corn is active and higher; No 2 Mixed at amendment, Lord, Gcrmau Snuft. in tbe use Rio Grande, the men who have at common law. The circular is 39} @ 40c cash; @ 403c seller Remember, of this reme- very received out the and substitut- very liberal Buffalo for bribery in connection with the can- 40} February; 43} (a) this are as ing “Wednesday, 2fitb, do Oats and in fair amnesty busy as they kuow how to and moderate throughout. al frauds, failed to agree. 43}c April. steady demand; No 2 dy there is Special rates to campaign clubs. be in Feb. and out at 35c. Rye scarce and firm at 66c. is firm consolidating into one compact political NEW FORK. ing “Wednesday, 2d,” striking A Solution of the Trouble Probable. Barley G. B. Brigham, one of the indicted whiskey ior high grades; fancy northern at 1 35. A local organization. The old slave states are as the words “four-fifths” and “two agent is wanted in every towr. just substituting Paris,Jan. 11.—A Cabinet was dealers of died from Receipts—3000 bbls flour, 11,000 bush be and we see the meeting held Evansville, Ind., Monday wheat, 57,000 tore, banner blazoned with so that an order introduced at bush corn, 6,000 bush 1,000 bush the thirds,” may pro- to-day, which the proposed electoral pro- anxiety relative to the charges against him. oats, barley, 0,000 insignia that with a united South and a few bush rye, 6u0 cattle. NO SySpecimen copies sont free. of the was discussed 6,700 hogs, FAILURE. Address, votes from the North the Workingmen in Council. vided a two-thirds vote can be obtained. gramme ministry and an- Johu White pushed his wife down stairs country can be gov- other council for to-morrow Cincinnati, January 11.—Pork is quiet and firm erned. X want the New Jao. 11.—A mass A of the directors of the Monmouth appointed morning, Monday night and killed her. Parties resided Try a box. It costs but 35 cents. All people to understand that York, large meeting petition at 20 00 @ 20 25. Lard with a moderate Druggists when it is expected an agreement will be ar York. steady de- this is precisely the that this of workingmen was held at Cooper Institute lu New mand ; steam at 12 37® 12 kettle at motive, is the Mutual Fire Insurance Co. that they be au rived at favorable to the continuance in office 37}; 13 25 Bulk have it.dec7deodsn6m animus and intent. I do not think that offer- last night to give expression to their grievances A of convicts to break Meats are in fair demand jsales fully cured shoulders thorized to cancel all in the first class of the cabinet entire. gang attempted out of to and their policies present clear rib sides clear sides all ing amnesty the 750 men who are now with- declaring principles. Ex-Mayor Op- the Blackwell’s Island prison Monday. One 7}c; 10}; 11, loose; also of that Class was HI. Ollivicr Assailed. sales Cumberland middles at on short out it will hasten or retard that movement. 1 dyke presided. Peter Cooper in a speech said and close up the business re- was shot and the rest submitted. 10} spot; rib Portland fatally seller both rnuanai to. do not think could Paul de in an middles 10} for February, boxed. Bacon that granting amnesty, or refus- justice not be established without rescin- ferred to the Committee on Insurance. Cassagnac, article in the Le CALAIS William Maxwell fell down the of shoulders at 9c; clear rib at clear BONDSF firmer; @12; ing amnesty, to Mr. Davis ding the act of 1802,which made notes Pays, violently opoo-es M. Oll'vier as hatchway 11} will hasten or re- treasury The order to committees candidate the U. S steamer at the Charles- sides at 12} @ 12}; Green Meats are in fair demand tard it. a relating visiting for the Vaudalia, legal lender for all dutief and debts, and department of Var. He says that M. and firm; shoulders 7 @ clear rib 93 hams came town navy yard, yesterday, and fractured his 7}; @ 10; SWAN & X bear it said that we made them convertible iuto the state institutions back amended by the Oliivier shows a lack of moral sense in are going to elevate interest bear- putting skull. He will die. at 10} @ 11c. Whiskey are firm at 1 08. Hogs dull; BARRETT, Mr. Davis iuto a ing bonds of the forward his discredited common to at 6 80 7 very great consequence by re- government. lie felt con- House so that members cannot Invite their personality, anil his good light @ 10; fair to good fusing amnesty to him. That is vinced that when a true of finance is presence in the would be a packing at 7 20 @ 7 35; choice heavy at 7 40 @ 7 50; 200 MIDDLE uot for me to system friends to accompany tnem, and the amend- Assembly calamity ST., consider. I see all to the cause. receipts 12,267 head, large number unsold; shipments only before me, where his name adopted, putting that circulates as money imperial Are to is the under the coutrol ment was adopted. METEOBOLiOniCllL. 496. prepared exchange City ot Calais Bonds aid presented, man who, by a wink of his of government, making it re- Foreign Notes. Lewy’s island Railroad, due ■ceivabie for 11.—Flour is doll at 8 40 December, 1876, giving Portland Press eye, by the wave of his hand, by a nod of his all duties aud debts, employment Senator Donworth of Aroostook,being preent I'GOBAEILITIES FOB THE NEXT TWENTY FOUR Detroit, January very therefor of Calais Bomlsdue Daily Gen. Gordon Granger died at Santa Fe yes- @8 50. Wheat is quiet and extra While City Municipal Decem- head, could have stoppod the atrocities at An- for the working classes and would and steady; ber, 1891, without or loss of prosperity he was conducted to the Governor Council terday. HOURS. Michigan 1 37; No 1 White at 1 No 2 expenses interest. No dersonville. Some of us had folioyv. Michigan 26}; city in the state stands better than kmsmeu there. in. Chas. Boundy & Co., metal merchants of While Michigan at 115}. Corn is No 1 financially Cal- Most of us had Addresses yvere and sworn War Dep’t, Office Chief Signal nominal; ais, and this is a very desrable friends there. All of us had delivered by Leander Thomp- have failed. ) Mixed at 53c Oats steady;No 1 Whiteat 37. exchange for all The Senate went iuto convention for the Birmingham, Liabilities £167- Officer, Washington, U. C., holders of the first issue above named. couotrymen there, aud in the name of those son, Alexander Troup, Watlaco P. Groorne, E. pur- 000. Receipts—830 bbls flour, 3,070 bush wheat, 390 kinsmeu and friends and I P. Miller and others. of oath of office to January 12, (1 A. M.) ) bush com, 1690 bush oats. countrymen here pose administering the Server Pasha has been Highest Market Rates for and shall with vote Thomas S. Cramer reappointed special New Eugland. Shipments—675 bbls flour, 5180 bush 2390 paid protest my protest agai nst # thought wealthy corpora- commissioner at Ffr wheat, tions Messrs. Preble and Stanley councillors elect, Mostar. bush corn, 600 bush oats. Called MO I-avirnineut Bauds. ever calling back and crowning with the honors yvere not taxed equally with poor men. aud Middle states weather and their return There have been heavy snow storms partly cloudy Ntate af Maine Bands. of full American the man Mr Madox read a and after adjourued. through- with S. to New York, January 11.—Cotton is citizenship who or- long address, closing with out In Madrid it is a slight falling temperature W. N. W. dulljMiddling Calais aid Bailroad Job Spain. foot 13 Bauds. ganized that murder. a resolution which was HOUSE. deep. uplands 3-16. (Loud applause ou the unanimously adopted, Tweed is reported to be living in Montreal. winds, falling barometer during the day and Printing that the 11.—Cotton Republican side of the XXouse and in the gal- declaring working people repudiated The House was called to order at 10 a. m. On the snow in the northern portions of New Savannah, January dull; Middling FOR all by other hand the people of Swansbord, N. slight SA.T/E, leries. parties which are controlled by monopolists, York and New England. uplands 12Jc. PORTLAND CITV There was a attendance C have been excited by the landing thereof a R R. AID.«’s and opposed to the best interests of the the Speaker. general New Orleans, January 11.—Cotton Mid- people, party from a steam yacht, all well armed, and easier; nnucirAi.«>. News and and themselves in favor of the of the members. Mr. of dling uplands 12}c. CI.EVBI,AND tt’s Washington Gossip. declaring oigan- Sargent Augusta one Tweed. soon left. CITV ization of a new resembling They 7>s party based upon principles of made an not addressed to MINOR TELEGRAMS. MoBiLE.Jan. 11.—Cotton unchanged :Middllnz up- r.liEVELANDVlTV appropriate prayer The Epoca in reply to an article in the Lon- TOLEDO 7’s liberty, equality and justice to labor, aud re- lands at 12} @ 12}c. CITV the House. don Times holdiug the Spanish government re- Sala is ill NT. i.ocin coir n't if iso i, d.«’■ another questing all labor organizations to send a dele- ‘Geo. Augustus very and his recov- Charleston, 11.—Cotton is OFF third term declaimeb. sponsible for an injury done the British vessels Jannary steady;Mid- MAINE CENTRAL It. It.7’s IC E. gation to a future meeting, to assist in The Speaker announced the House Commit- ery is doubtful. dling uplands 13 @ 13}c. The Boston Journal’s forming by the Carlist batteries, says that Spain can do Washington special a central committee of the labor reform follows: The Massachusetts Court has and other desirable securities. party. tees as nothing beyond punishing the authors of the Superior re- says there is a rumor, well The meeting then the West Boston European Markets. apparently founded, adjourned. HOUSE COMMITTEES. damage to foreign vessels. strained Savings Bauk from that l’resident A nr in or London, 11—1.30 P. M.—Consols at 93 Swan cto Barrett, Grant will send to the Natioual Mug Iteflnerr Trouble. and ot White The commander who receiving payiDg deposits. Owing to a January lVaiIS Means—Shepherd Skowhegan, Egyptian recently oc- 11-16 for money and account. of Hobson of shrinkage in its securities there is little or no Republican Executive Committee, which meets The sugar refinery of Ockershausen Bros., of Bucksport, Ko»ers Bath, Wiseasset, cupied the town of Brava belonging to the 200 MIDDLE STREET. Davis of of Lewiston, and Bass of who uumber are not London, 11—12.30 P. M.—Cotton market Posters, Hand Bill a whose failure has been auuouuced, was run- Portland, Greeley Smtan of Zanzibar obstructed M. Kirk, the surplus. Depositors, 9000, January Dec. 4, 1875. gn3m Bills, Heads, Thursday next, letter to dull and easier; Middling uplands 6 13-16d; do Or- Portland, emphatically disclaim- as usual aud the firm Bangor. British liable serious loss. ning to-day, expressed a consul, who attempted to enter the leans sales 8,000 1000 ing that he is a candidate for a third On ot Washburn, Davis 7}<1; bales, including bales for Presiden- belief that business would hs coutiaued. The Leave of Absence -Storey town for explanation. Bombardment was TbcNew Hampshire Democratic state con- speculation and export. Awning”, Tents, Flags, Boat Satis, tial term. The it is will of of De irborn of Parsons- at t letter, said, refer to embarrassment is said to he due to investments Jefferson, Fowler Albion, threatened and the commander apologized. vention will be held to-day at Concord Cards, Tags, &c., printed shoi the third term aud will state Connor of of Madison, Sawyer of ,Hon. Covers, Canvas agitation, that for iu real estate in former years for the firm, Held, Troy, Salley It is believed in Paris that the British Daniel Marcy of Portsmouth, is the‘most Letterings, the harmony of the he has decided Tbomaston gov- Help or We Perish. party to which ptoved unavailable aud greatly depreci- ernment will accept note. prominent candidate. make known that he will not of of Andrassy’s is what Decorations, Ac., again again he a ated in value. The liabilities will not exceed Change of Names-—Farrar Buckfleld, Dyer This neglected teeth would il notice. of Goodrich of Con- The Massachusetts Court has ren- fay they candidate under any conditions now Miibridge. Dunning Charleston, Supreme eould remonstrate apparent. while the resources, in real es- a with their and The words “under $375,000, chiefly cord, Hopkins of Herwon, Woodsum ot Peru, Now- dered decision dismissing the petition of a owners; mark 49 1-2 any conditions now appar- to over the EXCHANGE STREET, tate, amounted iu 1873 $000,000. With land of Dalton. Geo. Watts and Z. of stockholders ol Franklin this, teeth cannot or or ent’’ are said to be used in the letter. Should K. Pangborne sued the minority Telegraph perish become black an extension of time the firm will be able to Journal for Co. for the dissolution of the if the SOZODOXI anything happen to prevent the On Bills in Third Reading—Hamilton of Dexter, Jersey City Evening $100,000 for Co., holdi ng that yellow is used daily. F. A, LEAVITT. presentation pay in full. Warren of Stone of Linnell libel and the returned a no reasonable cause exists for Westbrook, Biddeford, jury verdict for $55. granting it. janl2 deod&wlw rnarcts sneodtf Supreme Judicial Court. Cumberland Conference. PRESS. news from the outer world crept in slowly, and In Raymond, Jan. 7, William Nason, aged 79 years THE BEFORE JUDGE WALTON. The 107th 8 months. meeting of the Cumberland Con- was matter of talk for a month. It NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. FANCY GOODS. Tuesday.—The term of the Ju permeated In Cumberland. Jan. Mr. J. Coffin, AUCTION SALES January Supreme ference assembled in the Parish 9, Joseph aged | Second chnrch all was viewed from all was ru- 61 years li months 4 WEDNESDAY JAN. (licial Court came in this and witl 1 minds, sides, days. [Massachusetts papers MORNING, 12,1876 morning opened please yesterday morning at 9 o’clock. After an in- minated upon and Now copy.] Please tell the prayer by Rev. Mr. Johnston of Pine street church inwardly digested. In Boston, Jan. 10, Mrs. Hannah Smith, people that you saw their F. O. BAILEY A CO., of an con- formerly --■BUY The was to the docket. teresting prayer meeting hour, the sensations succeed each other drive each of 80 Advertisement in THE BEST-” THE PRESS mornng devoted calling daily, Portland, aged years. the PRESS, the circula- On motion of Hon. J. H. Mr. J. W ference organized by the choice of Bev. Geo. other out of [Funeral services Wednesday afternoon at 3$ o'clk, Auctioneers and Commission Merchants be obtained at the Drummond, mind, give no time for thought. at the tion of per May Periodical Depots of Fes- S. residence ol her sister, Mrs. M. A Barbour, which, month, exceed 1100,000, senden Bros.. was admitted to in all the courts o Dickerman of Lewiston as Moderator. Af- The Marquis, Brunei & Co., Andrews. Pressey practice whole bad history of the world for twentv- No. 32 Oak street. DENHAM’S PATENT Saleroom? 33 and 37 (f». Wentworth. N. B. ter DOUBLE LINEN Exchange Moses, Kendrick, and Chisholm this State. preliminary business a sermon was preach- four hours is to Bros., on all trains that run out of the brought them every evening; ». O. city. ed Kev. L. Z. BAILEY. c. W. ALLEN. At Biddeford, of by Ferris of Gorham, from the and cease to “wonder at have no departure op steamships. Successful Phillsbury. Court. they crime,” Music Books. At Saco, of L. Hodgdon, Superior words in 10 NAME Ephe.3; and 21—To the intent that leisure to condemn before a new wickedness FROM FOR DATE Regular sale ot Furniture and General Merchan- At Waterville, of J. S. Carter. JANUARY CIVIL AND CRIMINAL 1875. BY Shirt dise TERM, Algeria.New York. 12 ! every a. Bosom at 10 m. now .Liverpool.Jan o’clock At of J. O. Shaw. unto the principalities and power in is to their and Getze’s School for Saturday, commencing Bath, MONDS, J., PRESIDING. brought notice, content them- Ethiopia.New York. .Glasgow.Jan 12 Parlor Consignments solicited. oc3dtt At of French Organ! Lewiston, be Crescent .. With Bros., an*Stevcns & Co. Tuesday.—In the case of State vs. James Brad heavenly place might known by the church selves between mails with an occasional moan City.New York. .Havana ..Jan 13 It is already in the hands of 30,000 learners and pattern attached for cutting out the whole of the the Accapulco.New York. .Aspinwali_Jan 15 players on Reed and deserves any size neck BUILDINGS AT ley jury were out all night, but were unable t< manifold wisdom of God; unto him be over the evil Organs, this and great- perfectly. AUCTION. glo- days upon which they have fallen. Hermann.New York.. Bremen.Jan 15 er success. Contains 176 stood nine for in graded lessons, ineluding WEDNESDAY, Jan. U’tb, at 12 o'clock M.. agree. conviction and the church of .. They three fo: ry by Christ Jesus throughout are so of the City Bristol New York .Liverpool.Jan 18 nearly 50 agreeable a dozen we CITY AND VICINITY They busy reading wrong that Pieces, Songs, and 25 A full assortment of ON shall sell the Horse She in rear of No. 205 acquitttal. all 15 short Voluntaries. l, ages, world without end, Amen.” The ser- no Atlas.Boston.Liverpool.Jan £i.30. Newbury Street; entrance on Church Street. Said they have time to for the ... The fight right. They Peruvian...Portland Liverpool.Jan 15 sued is about 20x10 following arraignments were made: Charlei mon was a and ot feet. To be removed. Terms Nrw fitting stirring opening of the come to believe that the world is to the City New York. .New York. .Liverpool. ...Jan 15 Centennial Coll, for Old Folks .40 cash. Advertisements To-Day. Barter, pleaded to the ot a going of Concerts,New. guilty larceny boat fron sessions City Berlin .. .New York. .Liverpool.Jan 15 Kiver. The next of the conference, preparing for the in- so much more attention is to Shining book for Tour Sat- FANCY F. O. BAILEY & CO., Auctioneer*. Joseph H. Randall and H. J. Poland. bad, given the Adriatic.New York. .Liverpool.Jan 15 Sch’l. 35c. GOODS, teresting meetings which followed. chronicle of crime than to the record of Idaho.New York .Liverpool.... Jan 18 JanlO_d3t Abel Tuttle, indicted for a common thief the being City of Havana.New York. Hav ifcVCruz. Jan 18 ENTERTAINMENT column. In the afternoon the subject of prayer under and pleaded not guilty. rapid wonderful progress in humanity, Alps.New York. Pt &c Jan 19 Beliak’s and ADHIXISTKATOU’S SALK Square Cliureli. PriDce, Analytical Method. Hosiery Underwear, Entertainment—Congress Michael three topics—secret, family and social and for of prayer— and culture. Greatest misfortune FOR — Dramatic Entertainment—Music Hall. McCarthy larceny clothing fron science, PIANOFORTE. OF — was valuable and SPECIAL NOTICES. Henry Hammond, pleaded not guilty. discussed, timely suggestions of all, the rustic lad has ceased to be a son of Minin;urc Almanac.January 13* As the very first instruction book, (for tlie first 3 W. that secret is months on the Piano) nothing could be better. Very K George Murray,tor the larceny of property fron being made; prayer the fonndai the soil. He avoids honest dirt as Sun rises.7.29 I water.12.00 M P.—Special Meeting. good filth. High easy pieces, nicely fingered and graded. Does away, Charles N. Deland, pleaded tion of all true life and Sun sets.4.49 Moon rises. 6.40 PM NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. guilty. spiritual power, in the Years ago he went to a limited | mostly, with the dryness and drudgery of the first DRUGGIST STOCK William W. school, pursued D. Merrill & Co. Cunningham, husband of Laura F the the church and quarter. In Paper, 75c. E. S. Copartnership—S. individual, family, world. curriculum, learned at least how to write and MERRILL’S, The Aerated Treatment. who Oxygen Cunningham, pleaded guilty yesterday to an in- prayer is vital to life in the BY AUCTION. Piano lor Sale—Wm. S. Twotnblv. Family spirilual spell and speak English; learned the four rules MARINE High Nchool Choir. 81 00. dictment for adultery, pleaded to an assaull NEWS, For 467 For f the in favor of my release. FOB SALE. SCOTTISH RITES. H;ght slreet church tbi3 evening at 7J pany have declared an annual dividend of five GEORGETOWN--Ar 3d sch E V Glover, Ingersoll, Orr, Administrator. One of who was chairman New York. Lodge—Yates Grand Lodge of Perfection, firs < •’clock. them, of the com- SUBSTANTIAL Three Story Brick House, JOSEPH J. late of dollars per share, which is now payable at the Sid sch Laura H No. 4! WALKER, Bridgton,deceased. Friday. mittee on was 2d, Jones. Cousins, Martinique. A Winter Street; 10 finished rooms, gas, Will and It pardons, considered a hard man petition for the probate, thereof, presented Council—Portland Council P. of J cond Fri- may interest some who have suffered from Treasurer’s office. WILMINGTON—Ar 6th inst, sch & Emily, hard and soft water; all in perfect order; lor bv William on and George ready A. Stevens and George G. Wight, the day. he cold of prisoners, was prejudiced against me Hill, Nassau, NP. occupancy; will be sold at a great bargain; terms Store ! Executors theiein late, to know that last Friday the The Fryeburg Steam Mill Co. have closed Ar named. Rose Croix de n third before he made 8th, sch Lizzie Lane, West. New York. easy; for particulars inquire of Grocery Chapter—Dunlap Chapter himself with the JOSEPH armers were in Canada acquainted their mill till the first of Cld sch John H UPHAM & GRIFFIN, late of Brunswick, deceased. Friday. plowing Hamilton, April. 8lb, Converse, Plummer. Port au GARDINER, Account facts in the case. Then he told me what to do Prince. janl2dlm* No. 7 Our prices speak for themselves. but tbe presented for allowance by Joanna Griffin, Consistory—Maine Consistory, S. P, R. S., fourth Vest. Exchange Street, Nothing Executrix. “in RICHMOND—Ar sch A H UglT*Advertiser very best quality ol goods. Read tbe Friday in March, June, September and December. order to give them an to re- 8th, Lennox, Gray, fm copy following prices The grand jury did not find an indictment entering wedge Philadelphia. of a few or the leading articles. All other goods at THOMAS SIMPSON, late of deceased. the case.” 1 STATE NEWS. Brunswick, open But had neither nor BALTIMORE—Cid sch A B m iauv ivi proportionate low Will and for the I. O. O. F. igainst Charles E. T. Shaw, who was arrested money 8th, Dyer, Downing, isaivt prices. petition probate thereof, presented ME %T»—Best Corned Beef Rib Roast 15 to the influential friends to and I Danversport. Wm. S. 12c, by George'P. Simpson, Executor therein named. A Odd Fellows’ No. 88 Street, tor He was released push my claim, was Ar sch Twombley’s, Exchange Street, a large Sirloin Steak Hall, Exchange adultery. from the jail 10th, Hattie G McBuck, Woodbury, George- 18c, 28c, Rump 30c, Round 20c, Lamb HANNAH K. late of over when AT sized Rosewood case Piano for sale: very little to STINSON, Brunswick, de- on Ancient passed Gov. Perharn retired from ANDROSCOGGIN COUNTY. town, SC. 10 15c, 12c, Pork and Sausage 16c. Lodges—Maine, Monday evenings; resterday. used. Cost $475 Will be sold for Tripe ceased. Petition that Samuel Whitmore may be ap- PHILADELPHIA — Ar $300. Best Brothels, on Thursday evenings; Ligonia, on Friday office. Five elegant silver valued at Oth, sch Ella Pressey, TEAS—Gunpowder 90c, Very Japan 80c, pointed Administrator, presented said Samuel Knights of Pythias should real an announce- trumpets $50 New York. janl2 dlw&wlt* 65 to Best Formosa'80 to by on .v, «■ Presaey, Superior Japan 40c, 65c, Oo- venings; Beacon, Tuesday evenings; Ivy, D., of T nnvf fa.ln.1 ln/,1. t, n_Tv:_a apiece, have just been presented to the Lewis- Whitmore and Helen M. Whitmore, wife of said ; Newcastle—Passed down long 75 to 50c, Breakfest 80 to‘60c. All of ft., second and fourth Saturdav. nent made elsewhere. top fire 8th, barque Ocean Pearl, English Samuel, and sister of said deceased. companies by the underwriters con- for Havana. House for our Teas are and Warranted to only surviving first and third Wed- ter stating my case to him, and his Sale, high grades superior Encampments—Machigonne, answering cerned in the late fire on Bates auy others lor the prices named. MARY B. CUMMINGS, minor child and heir of Eastern second and fourth Wednes- manufacturing Kv/jaiv—uiu, snip l'nsciiia, Merriman, TKTO. 26 Alder Street, three minutes walk from nesdays ; Star, and his council’s questions, he asked me if I as token of their Falmouth. E, 40 days; Bcha T J PURE CO FFEEtS—Green Java Charles W. Cummings, late of New Gloucester, de- first and third Annual Meeting*. corporation, appreciation Stewart. Patterson, Xn Market Street; 10 rooms. 37c, Green days; Portland, Satui,.ays. for Norfolk; Whitten, from 28c, Pure Roasted Rio Pure Roasted ceased. Account presented for allowance by Samuel Relief third in had any questions to ask. I then asked him valuable services rendered at the late fire. Callsta, Baltimore; Willie L J. R. Rio, 32c, Java, association—Every Tuesday the The banks held their Swift, Portland for LUNT, 42c, Pure Roasted Mocha, 50c. P. Cummings, Guardian. month. aunual meetings for the Allen, Virginia; J B Allen, Ran- 546 Street. if be could me reasons I HANCOCK COUNTY. J janl2dtf Congress CAW lection of give any good why dall, Portland; C Rogers, Fletcher, Gardiner. GOODS—Green Corn, 2 lbs 23c; Blue- ELMER E. WINSLOW, minor child and heir of Benefit Association.—Board of Directors meet officers yesterday, with the follow- Ar sch should be here any He consid- A correspondent writes: “Homo Temple 10th, Cephas Starrett, Babbage. Progresso. berries, 2 lbs., 20c: Strawberries, 2 Its. 25c; Lob- Barnabas Winslow, late of New Gloucester, deceased. first of each month. Association i kept longer. Cld 10th. 2 Monday evening ng result: Lodge of Good No. 36 was ship Nimbus, Leonard, San Francisco, Wanted. sters, lbs., 20c; Peaches, 3 lbs, 25c; Tomatoes, 3 Third account presented for allowance by Elisha M. meets first of ered this question and theu asked me “if it Templars organized Passed Hell Gate lbs 15c. Monday evening January, April, July First H. J. at East Hancock last Satur- through 9th, schs Viola May No. 227 Cumberland Street, a girl to do gene- and October. National.—Directors, Libby, St Lamoine, county, New York for cs—i'icucu would not deter other men from Smith, Pembroke; Mansfield. Achorn. ral housework* Reference muuui), yu, v^uecu, yu; insil, ALVIN !. coming into day. There are now 15 in that do for AT required. Pay AUSTIN, late of Freeport, deceased. Smith, J. B. Brown, Ezra Jos. S. lodges county, Boston; Telegraph, Wilson, Weeliawkcn for liberal. 9c; Leatbe>& Gore’s, 9c; Babbitt’s best, 8c; Nixon’s, First and final Carter, the state to rob banks.” I told him it would these been The jan22dtf account presented for allowance bv TEMPLARS OF IIONOR. ] having lately organized. Boothbay. 8c; Imperial, 5c; Cnt Castile, 4c, 8c, 12c, 15c. F. ticker, Thos. M. Heed, AVilliam W. Brown. Grand is desirious Augustus Cox, Administrator. and that I a Loge of putting in a score PROVlDENCE-Ar 8tb, sch C W PURE SPICES—Pepper, per quarter, At Templars’ Hall, No. ICO Exchange Street. not, considered such reason cruel Morse, Marr, 10c; SEWARD P. Ihe board did not organize. more new lodges in the state this winter. Hoboken. Pimento, 8c; Ginger, 9c; Cassia. 12c, 15c; Cloves, JONES, late of Freeport, deceased. first and third in each and unwise. Since then the bank Ar sell Will and petition for tbe thereof, Council—Maine, Mondays Canal Wintbrop Write to the secretary, G. E. Brackett of Bel- loth, Harper, Connor, Port Johnson. 12c, 15c; Royal Baking Powder, 15c; Marjoram, 10c; probate presented month. National.—President, AV. W. Thomas, Sid 8th, sch Cherub. by Aiphonzo C. Jones, tbe Executor therein named. has Deen robbed, aEd an attempt, at least, has fast for aid to organize(oae in town if Fletcher, New York. Savory, 10c; Thyme, 10c; Sage, 10c; Cream Tartar, Temple—Forest No. 1, every fice Wm. your you WARREN—Ar sch Nellie. Saleratus. 8c, 9c. ELLA miner child City, Wednesday President, Hammond; Cashier, B.' been made to rob another bank. Scarecrows do have none.” 8th, Warr, Calais. 12c; WEBSTER, and heir of Simon evening. ( NE W BEDFORD—Ar 9th, schs Boaz, PH BE EXTRACTS—Jamaica Ginger, 4 ox., Webster, and beir-at-law of Mary E. Webster, both 1. Somerby; Directors, AV. AV. C. E. not deter men from banks. Men who KNOX COUNTY. Coombs, Thomas, robbing Hoboken; Waterline, Kelley, im Kennebec lor New 28c; Vanilla, 2 oz., 25c: Lemon, 18c; Peppermint, late of Gray, deceased. Petition for license to sell are at home in the smoke of battle do not run Portland Temperance Reform Club—Head- iarrett, Geo. F. Shepley, AVm. Hammond; A. Edward Hills of Thomaston, one of the coun- 17c; Checkerberry, 17c; Almond, 20c; Castor Oil, and convey real estate, presented by David W. Mer- in corner of away from Quaker guns. If could be BOSTON—Ar sch R 12c. Guardian. quarters Fluent Block, and j. gold commissioners of Knox 19th, Mary Somers, AckleyJ WALLETS 12c; Paregoric rill, Congress F. AV. John N. Lord. ty has been Gilkey, Bailey, found more in the soil of county, Turks Island. MISCELLANEOUS—Portland Kerosene Exchange Streets, Rooms 9 and 10. Open day and easily Maine than in stricken down with and is not Oil, EPHRAIM COBB, late of Windham, deceased. Business at Casco Ira P. men would paralysis likely Below, sch Lizzie D from per 18c; all Porto evening. meeting every Monday evening National.—President, Earring- California, leave the Golden state to recover. Barker, Virginia gal., Nuts, kinds, per lb., 20c; Will and petition for the probate thereof, presented o’clock. 1 for the better Cld 19th, sch Hattie A White, Beilatv. St Rico Molasses, per gal.. 65c, Pure Cider 7J on; Arice President, George P. chance of Maine. And if bank Domingo* 50c, 75c; by Sarah M. Cobb, the Executrix therein named. AVescott; Senator Watts of Knox will remain at home Cld 11th, brig A ,J Ross, Lothrop, St Pierre. Vinegar, per gal, 38c; While Wine Vinegar, per Portland Typographical! Union, No. 75.— { robbers find Maine banks easy to be a gal., BETSEY late oi Cashier, AVm. A. AVinship; Directors, Nathan robbed, over Wednesday to attend the annual SALEM—Ar loth mst, sch Joe Carlton, Thurston. 35c; Cider Vinegar, per gal., 30c; Raisins, per lb., 15 NF.LSON, Falmouth, deceased. Second Saturdav in each mouth. score of scarecrows like myself would not meeting Port Second and final account for allowance S. E. pre- of the stockholders Johnson. to 20c; Beans, per quart, 8 to 10C: Split Peas, 10c; presented by Maine Charitable Mechanic Association— Mmmings, Spring; Jos. Walker, G. P. vent their into the state to of the Thomaston National Sid Mary E. Wells, Executrix. coming rob them. 10th, sch Lucy M Collins, (from Me) for Smoked Halibut, 15c; Ketchup, qts., 30c, pts., 22c; of and streets. Thurs- It is a Bank, of which he is a director. Biistol, Corner Congress Casco First iVescott, J. S. Ira P. great crime to rob a but it is a Chaileston. t«, Pits, Pepper Sauce, 15c; Halford and Sauces, FANNIE B. NORTH, minor child and heir of Sam- Winslow, Farrington, bank, Cigar Epicurean in each month. uel late of day 2 jward H. Daveis. greater, meaner and more cowardly crime for a OXFORD COUNTY. 30e; English Onions, 40c; English Cauliflower, 40c; North, Westbrook, deceased. Account boasted FOREIGN tor allowance Abbie Young Men’s Christian Association- Corner enlightened and Christian state to rob Deacon Leonard Grover of West fell PORTS, Queen Olives, 60c; Sardines, 50c; Pickles, per quart, presented by L. L. North, Guar- and Casco streets. Merchants’ National.—President, Jacob Mc- a Bethel, WORK 15c; Rice, 9c, 10c; Popping 6c; Congress Every evening. helpless man of his To rob a bank down stairs at Arat Bombay Dee 1st, ship Kit BOXES, Corn, Broma, 25c; liberty. Mrs. Ceylon Rowe’s, Thursday, Carson, Spencer, Blueing, 5c; Tapioca, 15c; Knights of Pythias—Bramhall Lodge, No. 3 1 ■lellan; Vice President, S. Hunt; Cash- requires skill and physical but to Greenock. 12c; Sago, 12c; Prunes, JOHN THOMAS, late of Cape Elizabeth, deceased. George courage, rob and sustained severe injuries. Jelly, per tumbler, 12c; Dried Satin Thursday No. 6, Mon- a tellow man of his Sid tm Montevideo Nov 19, J H Currants, 10c; Account presented for allowance William A. Ja- evenings; Munjoy Lodge, j er, Charles Payson; Jacob liberty, as I have been barque Bowers, Gloss Starch, 12c, 14c; Corn Starch, by day evenings; Pine Tree, No. 11, Friday evenings Directors, McLellan, PENOBSCOT COUNTY. Darkness, Valparaiso; Reunion, Emersou, Capeoi 14c; Gelatine, cobson, Executor. S robbed, only requires the will of co'd blooded Good 25c; Peail Barley, 10c; Buckwheat, 5c; Scotch Oat At their Hall, Clapp’s Block, Market Square. ieorge Hunt, Charles Fobes, G. E. B. Jack- intellectual The Commercial the Hope TRINKET ARMASINDA FINNEMORF, late of brutes. says Avery, pedestrian, Sid fin 7lh BOXES, Meal. 10c; Graham Flour, 5c; Com Meal, 21c; Rye Poitland, Portland Army and Navy Union- Comer 8 Kussell Waterford, E, inst, barque Sam B Hale, deceased. Copy of will aDd that the same on, Lewis, Wm. L. Putnam, W. S. I have shown that my being kept here did to walk on the 10th of February, at Haven, Buenos Meal, 4c; Stove Polish, all kinds. 8c; Boot Blacking, petition Congress and Brown streets. First in each Ayres. Boot Brush may be verified and established as the Will of said Tuesday * ordan. not deter men from Proposes 109 miles in 22 and walk Sid fm 5c, 8c; Brushes, 25c, 40c; Brooms, 20c, month. coming into the state to orombega, hours, Leghorn'—, barque T C Berry, Jones, lor presented Samuel L. Execu- backward on 30c; Scrub Brooms, 20c; Best Brooms, 37c; Box Salt, testatrix, by Carleton, Cumberland rob banks. Time is a good teacher, and Gov every 25th mile. If he accom- Boston. tor. Portland institute and public library National.—President, Alvah fin rPaper "Weights, 10c, 16c, 25c; Clothes bines, per yard, 3c; Clothes Dmgley may live to learn that the of plishes the feat he will be presented with a „SId Ciareute —, brig Giles Loring, Anderson, City Building, Open and free to ail from 10 to 1 ( Sonant; Samuel rights New York. Pins, per doz, 2c, 3c. HARRIET H. HUBBS, late of Portland, deceased. Cashier, Small; Directors, one are the. rights of that fair is purse of $250. Will and o 5 and 7 o 9. all,and play the — petition for the probate Sid fm Bordeaux inst, seb W S BEST FAHILY FLOUR AT thereof, presented Llvah Conant, H. N. Jose, J. W. Deering, D. best policy for states as well as for the individ- Mr. F. Snow of Is of the Jordan, Crowell, CAR- by Augustus the Execntor therein named. Payson Literary Society.—Meetings every Joseph Bangor opin- United States. CUT BOTTLES, LOAD PRICES. King, 1 f. ual. When men who make and ion that he is the Monday evening, Brown’s Block, cor. Brown and Ingraham, J. C. Tukesbury. administer coming man for the mayor- Sid fm Hamburg 8th inst, barque Goodell, Crocket, MOSES B. NICKERSON, late of Portland, de- laws ignore the plainest of that and Manila. We think our are sufficient to ceased. Petition for Congress streets, at 7i o’clock. National A. K, Shnrt- principles of law, alty city, has confided his views to inducements call allowance out of personal estate, Traders’.—President, when it suits their the local Sid tm 10th D trade from all parts of the and we will deliver presented by Almira widow of said de- Mercantile Library Association, Congress convenience, they must not editor of the Commercial with the re- Grimsby, E. inst, ship W Chapman, city, Nickerson, Edward A. JC. be alarmed when New Orleans. ail FREE OF CHARGE. ceased. Also of license to cer- Hall Block. Second Monday in each month. Deliv- iff; Cashier, Gould; Directors, they find their example imi- quest that he “Will say it in his He Tukey, goods petitions compromise tated paper.” Arat Havana 8th R W tain claims due said deceased’s ery of books, 2 to 6, 7 to 9, and evening. 6 hurtleff, Frederick G. Bichard O. by these whom the laws were made to thinks ths want him. inst, brig Messer, Hewett, Goods estate, presented by day Messer, people Cardiff. A. Administrator. govern. The sword of F. Car. RICH, Joseph Locke, Portland Fraternity—No. 353J Congress street. ( Charles William G. justice has carved over The schooner Martha A. Ar at Japanese Sonant, H, Haskell, nine Brewer of Belfast, Matanzas 8th inst, barque 3 W Holdrook, SAMUEL WELLS, late of Portland, deceased. Every evening. years out of the bloom of my but I which Brick Store Between Park and State j >avis. life, wasfin collision with the steamer of Mitchell, Philadelphia. — A2JD — Will and petition for the probate am still young and can stand the City Ar Sts.* 639 Congress St., Portlaud. thereof, presented Bosworth Post G. A. every Frida carving for a Richmond a few was at Cardenas 7lh inst, from O. Executrix R.—Meetings The annual few nights since, and libelled brig Jeremiah, Ford, by Mary Wells,-the therein named. evening in Mechanics’ corner of and meeting of the Eagle Sugar Ke- years more. Ardrossan. janll <11 mis Hall, Congress by the government for showing no lights as re- JULIA W. WILLIS, late of Portland, deceased. Casco streets. 1 was held bince my arrest there have been Ar at Cienfuegos 6th inst, sch Hattie G rning Company yesterday afternoon, many things quired by law, has been released after * McFarland, First account presented for allowance Samuel F. said about me that have no paying McFarland, Swansea. by Independent Order of Good Templars—Ar- £ nd the old board of more foundation in a fine of Perley, Trustee of estates ot Adeline Jr.. Mil officers re-elected as fol- fact than the late $200. Cld at Bermuda Dec sch Jas CHRISTMAS GIFTS Willis, cana, Monday; Mission, Wednesday; Forest City report of “my abundant 30, Warren, Drisko, Look at these Prices. Willis and Paul B. Watson, legatees under the will in Williams’ street. Thurs 1 jws: John of the The Bangor Campbell, who Jacksonville. block. Congress Mystic, President, Sparrow; Treasurer, spoils Bowdoinham Bank.” I am guilt- lad, departed of said deceased. at Sons’ of Hall St less with $170 stolen from his father’s Sid fm Nassau, NP Dec 31. sch Alzena, Plummer, day, Temperance Congress N. Geo. S. Hunt & Co of that robbery, have no nor have house, has HEN’S RUBBER~BOOTS, $9.40 JOSEPHINE F. Iron at West End. oseph Thompson; ., money, been (from Copenhagen) for New York. N. WILSON, of Portland, minor- Clad, Thursday, not had a dollar since overhauled at Lewiston and $105 of the OF MAN¥ KINDS AT for 1 John S. my incarceration that Ar at La Have, NS, 6th Anna D BOYS’RUBBER BOOTS, 9.93 Petition license to sell and convey real estate, Patriotic Order Sons of No Lgents; Directors, Sparrow, George was not earned money recovered. inst, brig Torrey, America—Camps by the honest toil of my rela- Haskell, Boston. YOUTHS’ RUBBER I75 presented by George Humphrey, Guardian. L 3 & 4 convenes over the Eastern Express Office, I J. W. Waterhouse. tives. BOOTS, Cunt, Warden Kice can enlighten you on the At the annual meeting of the Penobscot Cen- Arat St John, NB, 8th inst, sch H V Crandall. JENNIE M. BURNELL, minor child and heir of Plum Street; No Ion Tuesday evening; No. 3 on WOMEN’S RUBBER BOOTS, 1.40 The board of directors of the Ocean Insur- subject of my financial if tral held at Corinth on Maloney, Portland. Edward A. Burnell, late of Deering, deceased. First Wednesday evening; No. 4 on Monday evening; No condition, you are Agricultural Society, HISSES’ RUBBER 1.90 skeptical, as all the 5th BOOTS. account for allowance Charles B. 2 at School Turner’s a nce have the choice of communications to and from inst., Tbos. J. Peakes was elected pres- presented by Nash, House, Island, Cape Elizabeth, Company organized by friends (Latest by F. Mealier & Co.’s CHILD’S RUBBER 03 Guardian. ident. It was to European Bteamcrs.l T. BOOTS, Friday evening. my pass through his hands. You may decided hold the next cattle j harles M. Davis, President; A. Ar at George have helped to abuse the public mind concern- show and fair at Charleston. The treasurer’s Liverpool Deo 26, Jos Fish, Hodgman, from MEN’S RUBBER OYER8, 60 HENRY JORDAN, late of Raymond, deceased. ■ ■ ■■ --: Savannah. 1 fright, Secretary and Treasurer. ing me (unintentionally I hope) report shows that the society is free WOHEN’S INT. SANDALS, 37 Copy ot will and petition that the same may be veri- through your entirely Sid fm Nov fied and established as the will of Entertainments.—The ladies of paper, and I will from debt and has in Samarang 15th, Humboldt, Wiley, for DRUG STORE said testator, pre- CoDgress At the annual meeting of the Portland, Ban- hope you kindly help to dis- money enough the treas- HISSES’ INT. SANDALS, 30 sented Ebenezcr abuse it to England. de2P dtf by S. Jordan, Executor. Union are for a by publishing this ietrer. I am not a ury pay 80 per cent of the $230.20 awarded ai Square arranging very pleas- g or& Machias Steamboat held yes- Ar Constantinople Dec 15, Zouave, Means, from CHILDREN’S INT. SANDALS. 98 NATHAN Company, suppliant for mercy. All I have ever asked in premiums for the 1875. New CLEAVES, Judge, ant entertainment at the even- of year York. HEN’S BUCKLE 1.93 A true of tbe Order. vestry Friday t :rday, the officers were chosen for the authorities was fair SCHENCK’S PULMONIC SEA WEED TO NIC ARCTICS, copy original following play, but a man who is WALDO Ar at Havre Dec 23, Vigilate. Fulton, New York. SYBUF, COUNTY. — — Attest: HORACE J. The pantomime entitled down stands a Ar at AT BRADBURY, Register. ing. “Sleeping t te ensuing year: President, AV. F. poor chance for fair play in this Gestmuude Dec 22, John O Baker, McCaity, and Mandrake Pills.—These deservedly cele- w3w2 Milliken; world. I The Kennebec Journal says that Oak Chase Beauty” will be given the hope to go to heaven when I but Philadelphia. brated and medicines have effected a revo- duiing evening. i gent and Treasurer, Cyrus die, of Pittsfield has been arrested for Sid fin Dec popular Hall’s Rubber Sturdivant; Clerk, if I go to the other place I will have of entering Cagliari 18, Nancy Pendleton, Pendle- Store, WE FIND ON TAKING STOCK The India Street Union will a dramatic plenty and the store of ton, Calcutta. lution in the healing art, and proved the fallacy of give £ eorge L. Day; Directors, AV. F. Milliken, J. and will not be robbing Mr. Rice of Unity. company lonesome. Ar at UNDER FALMOUTH HOTEL. that we have a amount of entertainment at the of their church on Chase has already served a term iu the state Dunkirk Dec 24th, Regina Tolk, Ray, from several maxims which have for many yoars obstruct- large vestry j Coyle, J. N, Winslow, George Waiker and Very respectfully yours, NewNork. ocl4 dtf and prison. ed the progress of medical science. The false suppo- Thursday Friday evenings. j idward Cushing. The directors were instruct-' Edward Maguire. Ar at Grimsby Dec 24, Ellen Maine State YORK COUNTY. Munroe, Hotchkiss, sition that Is incurable” deterred Remember the Centennial c xbi- Prison, Thomaston, Jan. San Francisco for Hull. “Consumption phy REMNANTS IN HAMBURG EDG S Stereopticon e 1 to or charter a suitable steimer to 8th, A purchase lodge of Sovereigns of was iusii- for sicians from to find remedies for that dis- And Other bition at Hall on and Industry aw!00 ¥"LrP?>l D®? 2,5- Montebello, Kelley, attempting Jinny Trimming*, City Friday Saturday rotect their interest on the coast. tuted at SW Pass; 26th, John j Eastern Springvale Saturday night by Deputy Clark, Peterson, Bombay. and afflicted with it reconciled them- which we offer to our Ar at Madras ease, patients friends at surprisingly low evenings and Saturday afternoon. The C. A. Tarr of Biddeford. It starts with 20 Dec 2, Jennie S Barker, Wai.m, from Valley of Discontent. Liverpool. selves to death without making an effort to escape Messrs. J. A. & A. 1. Smitli rates. Come early and select. charter members. In another column will be found the an- Ar at St, RpIptih TW* 9fi T JO U'kiifA« -- Forest Cite Temple of Honor.—The spa- irom a doom wmcn tuev supposed to do unavoidable. SWEETSIR & MERRILL, 169 Middle St. The wife of David C. Chadbourne of Pad ant: for New York. nouncement for the dramatic entertainment to ous Water- It :s now that can be have just a nice car-load of eod2w» 0 hall of this order was filled to overflow- was Sid proved, however, Consumption (With a Diatribe against the Daily boro, thrown from a carriage Friday night 26tb, Cuba, Theobold, (from Rangoon) for Liv- jan8__ be given at Music Hall next Wodnesdaj even- last it the Mail.) the erpool, repaired. cured, and that It has been cured in a very great ig creDiog, being ninth anniver- by frightening of the horse, and quite se- havlDg ing for the benefit of the Tickets De° ”5’ from number of cases (some of them apparently desperate Fraternity. 8I iry of the Temple. The meeting was called verely lpjured. flew Latll,y Kich> Lewi8' YoS,k0tlama Pulmonic and in Business Chance. are selling rapidly. Kasselas ones) by Schenck’s Syrup alone; t( order by J. H. McDonald, chairman of the was not happy in his valley. The 29tb, HarHei McGilvery, Blake, from DIRECT PROM LiverpoolDojyhead for other cases by the Bame medicine in connection with CIIICA-G-O, who called W. T. philosophical had his hours At 11 o’cl jck this Rangoon. dfcT Pf K will buy a genteel legitimate business; immittee, upon Small, Esq., Pantagruel of forenoon Messrs. F. O, Weed Tonic and Mandrake one Heal Estate Schenck’s Sea Pills, which they oSer to the trade at A 4 tJ all established; with stock aud fixtures; Transfers.—The following tl Remarks were made members objectless discontent. Fatima was & Co. will sell at De° tip preside. by uneasy Bailey auction the stock of r‘ tb’ Premier* While, TVil- or both, according to the requirements ot the case. sales and profits large; good reason for selling. are the real estate transfers recorded in the until she had DQiAgtonNcerP001 0 : the Order, both from at home and abroad. looltcd into the closet—and then drugs, patent store Dr.Schenck himself, who medicines, fancy goods, for Mjtttia A enjoyed uninterrupted VERY LOW GEORGE ELMER. county yesterday. ^ she became uncasier. Bearse, Anjier; PRICES. select choir, consisting of Miss Andrews, Pandora must needs fixtures, &c., iu store corner of Middle and ex- franklin, GrifBn, Havana. good health for more than forty years, was supposed, Particular* at office of Freeport—Lot of land from Win. Gore to Plymoulh 1)6(1 “ iprano; Mrs. Pratt, alto; Mr. Morgan, tenor; open the box. Even the seers, Swe- change street, *8tb, Bertha, Pote, for New at or.e time, to he at the very gate of death, his phy- E. 9. RIDtON, Joseph I. Merrill. Mahomet, recently occupied by Emmons Means* * with Mrs. W. E. and sicians haying pronounced his case hopeless, and Cor. of Milk & Market Sts. Atwood, 4000 l.bs. Cheese from best Maine Fac- best styles, also plain ones, aud Coffins of all " as with northwestern corner of York the horse shed in the rear of BaltimoreICSSina he is at his sizes, G. Woodman. concluded songs, sociability, &c, county, one of day 205 Newbury purpose professionally principal office, tories. all of which will be furnished on reasonable terms. at U«hraitaf He c A,r je, Atalaya. Allen, Palermo, Arch w3w2* _ I he is in excellent condition and do- those hamlets scarce street. See auction column. ana Corner Sixth and Sts., Philadelphia, every 4000 Lbi. IVew Prunes. Temple very now, the roofs of I old tor Boston); 7tb, Sarah Hobart. Pinkham, that — f°r 1'evT Monday, where all letters for advico must be ad- — FOR SALE BY — Woman’s Board of Missions.—The county ii ig much good. which Asmodeus without the limp, the i Alberti, Orcutt, Smyrna tor Collins & Buxton, 522 Congress have Boston11 dressed. Schenck’s medicines are sold by all drug- of the Maine branch of the Woman’s Spirit of the Age, had left untouched. He street, Old meeting received a new 17th, Sandy Hc ok, Barstow, Alicante. & STABLE FOR and Time had just supply of the “Cracks- gists. SMITH PHILBROOK, SALE, Board of Missions was held at the vestry of the Ckuelte to Houses —It is well known that forgotten the place. It was a Dec 22, Hattie M Baiu, Thestrup, man’s Song,as sung by Arnold at the Museum. ^Ar at^Pauiliao jyl4 jau3deod3p&wlmsn church afternoou. 1 13 society for the prevention of cruelty to ani- green spot tinder the shelter of the New No. 13 Market TO BE REMOVED. Second Parish yesterday Hamp- ilocl3 Street.,dtt 1 ials is much to of shire shaded SPOKEN. There was a attendance of ladies and doing prevent the suffering hills, by great trees, rich in old Dr. Kennison, at U. S. Hotel VT large Chiropodist, 20, lat 20 IS x 20 feet, new, for sale at a a but and 34 S. (or N) Ion 40 OS W, ship W R nearly bargain. Mr. Phil- nimals, there is still more to bo done houses those shingle ruins found in this week. i I Also a x much interest was manifested. Kev. yet decay- "^be’ ftom New llork tor San Francisco. PRICES Southern Pine SIZE good frame Shed, about IS 20 feet. In- 1 l this direction. 3°. oft' Flooring. quire of F. U. a returned at the For instance, a merchant ing villages—a spot to dream in—a spot where r66 Berm uda, sch Robt Palmer, im Savan- RICH, lips, missionary, presided Sons and daughters of Adam use 1 ah tor ITIen’s Rubber Boots $2.50 039 Nirrtl. d business on everywhere Montevideo. C.ngrew Miss of addressed the oing Congress street drove down a man might grow rich and mellow like a win- Adamson s Botanic dan Iat ** 1.50 300 M. Dry 1 & 11-4 Inch meeting. Wood Turkey Cough Balsam. Price 35 2, 33 40, It >n 67 50, sch Josephln e, from New Women’s jantilslw t >wn and a ter pear in or and 75 cts. fork tor st “ “ upon the work of Missions. yesterday, throwing thiu blanket packed bran, altogether rust out, jalO eodlw Pierre. misses’ 1*25 meeting Foreign __ FIRST QUALITY FLOORING, c over his his ™a? -9’ott Dape V .ay Light-ship, brig H B Cleaves, “ “ 1.00 At the close of her Kev. Mr. trelessly horse, left him standing in according to temperament and disposition. Lyon’s 1 om Child’s remarks, Phillips Katharion prevents the hair from Liverpool via1 rybee lor Boston. For sale in lots or car loads at Cargo Prices. t le wind and cold for two The were : men’s Rubbers .65 spoke The theme of the was long hours. No cru- people happy, doing their daily work, falling out or turning renews it briefly. meeting gray, growth, Suit Sandals .3$ J. XV. and III! Difflcultir* of the Feet, .killfnlly * was intended, but it was careless- at the and gives and Women’s DEERING, “What can women at home do fo r other ;ty simply sleeping night sleep of peace, watching strength vigor. It is delightfully “ “ treated. and makes misses’ .30 310 Commercial Street, Foot of Centre sit B ess. The merchant was in haste with a perfumed, a splendid It women.” probably passionless interest the turmoil and is the dressing. 1.25 nel2eodtf cheapest and most > men’s Buckle Arctic MR A MRS. 1)R. that while he was desirable Hair Tonic S. WELCH, Chiropodists, a ad did not think in his well strife of the outer M. “ world. ever produced. Used the elite. C0„ Women’s 1.25 Personal. by Price only NICE 216 FEDERAI. STREET, '' armed office his faithful horse was All this has 50 cents. Payson& FITTING- shivering changed. To them en- Capt. C. M. Davis, of th-3 Ocean lately aprl6deodawly Pare Guin Rubber Boots 3.75 Corner of Portland, Me. Dr. Welch’* president is not a case. DEALERS IN Temple, 11 the street. This solitary Ev- tered, in the gnise of a daily mail, the Devil of Uuuiou Ointment by mail 50 ceuta aud Insurance Company, had a paralytic shock Also a new Style ol Light Over BOOTS A MB SHOES atamp. e a close observer will see horses left on and have in his office ry day Unrest, they fallen from their high MARRIED. Shoes lor men and Women city jail_dlw» -while sitting yesterday morning. «• le street in such a condition. A little at- estate. Their chief the has —AT •One side was wholly paralyzed. just glory, idyllic life, wear. those who have the care Dec. S. * sntion on the part of become to them a reproach. The exasper- !n Brunswick, 29, William G. W’oodward and Government No. 1 Elm Dress & Cloak The wife of Hon. M. Woodbury died yes- Miss Augusta O. Liucoln. Bonds, Street. Maker, 0 f horses at this season of the would pre- reflection has seized them that M. G. PALMER. at of 73 year ating they terday the age yeais. «o- janl dtt OR WILL WORK BY THE DAY. v ent much are not as other The of un- AhStofi!130’Hemauw-Ha"anJ ! State Mrs. A. K. Shurtleff had a severe attack suffering. people. gospel ami PREBLEL2aV1S.T' } LEAVITT & DAVIS. City of rest is making its and Securities, land _dtf Inquire from neuralgia of the heart Monday. way among them, mdnM^ri4G^ereo,i^aet0fWaM0b0r0 Book Store in the World The Museum.—“Aurora will begiv- every commercial runner is its The iiathanid w- 86 Ex-Governor Dingley was in town yesterday. Floyd” apostle. West «*d Miss bank jjj^’oest Spring Street, of old Laura^Wceksf0- STOCK, &c., CHASE & MORRILL, -.- e n at the matinee to-day, and this evening Du- cry Athens is ever in EXCHANGE STREET. ringing Two Old Hair & MISS one the their ears. Veteran Cutters Sharers, UPTON. Off the Track.—Some changed ias’ great creation of "Camille” will be One day they pnzzle themselves *• «•"*• Best of ok* r*-*»rd have taken the rooms references. JanGdlw track near the over the (00,000 B. switch on the Commercial street i rought out. Herzegovina; next day a batch of _DIED. 32 Watch*, and JT.welr, cheap and Exchange Street. U.ad Clack., Over Johnson’s Dining Hall, So. 49 1-2 foot of Moulton street early last evening, Washington rumors sets themall well done and agog; another ffiy~7 and Cleaning Street. LEA & PERRINS’ **ai1, Hannah wife of Hon. * eodtf Repairing Exchange an tender and two cars run off the Accident.—A little son of S. M. Smart, liv- day some new horror in the L Lester, engine, ever-multiplying N. Woodbury, aged 73 years. Warranted. where they will always be found with plenty of Keen is the only GENUINE af- ug on Brackett fell on the ice track. A large force of men worked until street, Saturday nastiness of the criminal record affronts their Ar!to.di7\£an:ll* Nancy Waite Deering, widow | To Razors to remove tbe beard in a first-class manner. 1 ® *a*° Nathaniel F. 73 Let. CO£.Bl”S sons, G. W. CHASE, ■WORCESTERSHIRE S>YUC’IC cars. ast and broke one of his wrists. ears. Time was when Deering, ageE WITT tirely superb every Truiib for T*tchbur|( ami IIoomoc Tun bewilderment, dismay, HOUSE, AVOID QUACKS and and with the ele- From Providence every WEMENDAI our a Monday, Wednesday Friday, nel liine, and at at P Behold life unto our old lite true. by a man, having good knowledge BROWN HOUSE, barn and out-buildings, and NATI'KDAY. arriving Worcester 2.10 ac- LEWISTON, ME.. gant and popular steamer Stonington every Tues- Mm connecting with trains South —H. in the SITUATIONof the Grocery business and an extensive and 16 acres of at from and West. H.f Independent. OTIS laud, Saccarappa. AID and in New York Freight torwarded Norfolk to Washington and Train in Maine, <£c. With request to call on, EDWARD F. Corner Pine and Park POISOH'. day, Thursday Saturday, arriving 11.00 P HI «■om.eei* nt Hot bister quaintance FLINT HOUSE and 7 acres of land Streets, inadvarce of ull other line*. Alexandria by steamer Lady of the Lake and Jane or address HAMMOND & CARNEY. alnayN Bag- With B. & M. trains for Dover. Boston, \c. SHAW, in Cape Elizabeth. II IS, WIINC2, Proprietor checked Mosely. American Genius. IlloodyAr San key. janlO dlw* Irom the effects ot Early Evil Habils, gage through. 4.00 P» HI. New % orU tixprcH* NELSON LEIGHTON HOUSE, in Peering, oppo- Tickets at of Boston & Maine and Freight forwarded from Norfolk to Petersburg and Drawing SUFFERERSmost surely would I save you trom both early procured depots Krooni Car to WorccMer and car from The great revivalists, Messrs. Moody and Saukey, site town house A first-class Hotel in ar- Eastern and Va. and Tenn. R. H. to all in Sleeping every respect, decline or from being quacked and humbugged as I Railroads and at Rollins Adams’, 22 Ex- Richmond, places Worcester to New Vork via all who electrified staid old England with their elo- NOONAN HOUSE, 50 Salem street. with a view to the wants the W. M. 240 Springfield ranged especially have been. Address, In conBdence, BRADFORD change St.,and W. D. Little & Co.’s,494 Exchange St. South, C’ark, Agent, Washington St., rail connecting at f>ran«l Trunk quence and enthusiasm, are fair samples of Ameri- 3 HULL HOUSES on Carroll and Fine streets. of the commercial and Boston. Junction TO LET- pleasure seeking SINCLAIR. P. O. Box 3063. Boston. Mass. L. W. F1LKINS, D. S. BABCOCK, with Trains fiom Montreal and can genius. Springing from among the common peo- Full of water throughout the year an- To all of North and South Carolina Sea- (Portland) way supply guar ,_jpublic. no2Td3m Gen. Passenger Ag’.t, New York. President. points by Lewiston and and at West- ple, their sympathies are alive to tbe wants of the teed. and well-finished. board and Roanoke Railroad and Atlantic Coast Line siations, Auburn, Large marl3-dtf ocU ’73 brook Junction with trains o! Maine Cent- whole people, and herein lies the secret of their great STORE AND SMALL TENEMENT, No. 3 Adams _ _dif G. H. Keith, Agent, 222 Washington Boston. To Let. street, ral R. R. trom Rockland, and all inter- success Those who seek to be popular must study street. Iron M1IL JL1NK TO And to all in the West Baltimore & Ohio Bangor, Furnished Chamber in in the Blood. points by mediate at Nashua for Lowell and and be fhmiltar with the wants of the masses, and Pleasant R. 0. A. 219 Stations, IIS R., Chipley, Agent, Wasnington street, and at %l orccutcr with prove loyal thereto. To thi9 fact we may trace the OneHouse No. Spring St, United States THE PERUVIAN Boston. Boston, (Union Depot) For Sale. Hotel, Si Railroad for grand success in business, as well as in religious un- jaild2w NYRCF Vitalizes and Nova bills of the above named Boston Albany Springfield,Albany 7000 FEET OF LAND. Cor. Canton and Martyr Halifax, Scotia, Through lading giren by New Haven and New York, arriving at dertakings, which many Americans have achieved. PORTLAND, ME. Enriches the blood, Tones Agents. Harttord, To Let. Streets. Good building lots. Will take mortgage New Vork about 5.00 a. m. A car is Strikingly illustrative of these suggestions is that up the System, Builds up With connection* to Prince Edward Is- SI5.00. Excursion Tickets $25. sleeping back for lull value if built upon. Passage reserved at Worcester for this train. great establishment, located at Buffalo, N. Y., and wooden 386 Cumberland Hotel during the past year has beeu enthely the Cures Hreton anri Nt F. For or to Wash two-story house,No. 3 LOTS on Eastern Broken-down, land, Cape John*, IV. freight passage Noriolk, Baltimore, known as the “World’s HOUSE Promenade. Will iemodeled and bv the 0.20 p. m. train for Uerhnui. Dispensary,”—a most appro- THESt., containing seven rooms. Anply to THIS enlarged addition of 24 DjNuepHin, Debility. mgton, or other Intnrmaiion apply to take mortgage back for full value if built upon. uew Tickets sold ami checked to all piiate name, indeed, for that vast institution, within rooms, also new dining room, room, Chills ana The new E. baggage importan EDWIN DOW, SEVERAL SMALL FARMS in the all in reading Dropsy, splendid iron steamship SAMPSON, Agent, whose walls are manufactured remedies which are 31 Brown St. country, sample rooms and billiard hall, giving it a capacity Fevers Chronic Di- “BERM will 53 Central points. janlltf condition and on eas? terms. UDA,”Capt.Clcaver, Wharf, BosIol. Trniu leave** P. in demand in every quarter of the globe, and at good of accommodating 300 guests, making it now. wiih Nervous Af- leave Grand Trunk K. H. ExpreNM Woieemer at4.3*5 TO on arrhoea, Railway ROCKWELL, Agent, which a of sur- $2500 LET mortgage ot citvreal estate. one the Hotel in HI-, connecting with Express trains Raving corps distinguished physicians and House for Kent. exception, largest the city. It has fections, Boils, Hu- V/harf, every SATURDAY at Qc2dt! Prnvideuee, K. under the MATTOCKS & FOX, been and Albany at 10 A. M., and New Vork at 10.00 geons, personal direction ot Dr. Pierce, are newly painten frescoed, refurnished, (many mors, Diseases of the I_ 4 00 p. m. for direct, BRICK house in a desirable neighborhood, con- nov24kl3m 183 Middle St. HALIFAX, A M. arriving in Portland at 11.13 P. M. constantly administering to the needs of thousands of of the rooms with black walnut furniture) and newly Kidneys and Blad- making connections with the Intercolonial A ten and fur Railway, can be foun t at B \RnES sufferers everywhere, and whose success in the treat- taining rooms, Sebago water, gas carpeted, and is in all respects a new hotel, clean der. Female Co to* New and and (^“Tickets BROS No. naco. Kent reasonable. to WM. JH.JKRRIS, Windsor, Truro, Glasgow Pictou, REDUCED RATES and at the ment or all forms of chronic ailments has become so Apply For Sale at a and bright, and will b« kept in all respects as a first plaints, Ac. steamers for Prince Edward Island; also at New 28 Exchange Street, Depot. Real Estate Bargain. — TO — J. M. well known that there is scarcely a hamlet in the Agent. janSdlw* class boiel. Most located in the business Thousands Lave use with LUNT, Supt. NICE House, located, containing 13 centrally been changed by the of this Glasgow, N. S., Lindsey’s Stages for Cape land in which lus name is not familiar. Its centrally part of the it otters to com- from my? atf propri- well finished and city, superior advantages remedy weak, sickly, suftering creatures, to Breiou, and at Halifax with steamers for St. Johns, Sew fork. St. says the Herald and of Detroit, “ta To Let. A rooms, having Sebago gas mercial men and Boston, Chicago, Louis, etor, Torchlight, For further of F. pleasure parties. strong, healthy, harpy men and women; and invalids N. F. a man the writes for and throughout. particulars inquire Its table will San Francisco, and all points of people, them, to them No. 3S Center St. at all times be supplied with the canuot reasonably hesitate to give it a trial. (^“RETURNING will leave Halifax on TUES- West, teuders his eminent services.” T. M KAHER, Cor. Preble and Congress Streets. choicest that the all professional His ad- HOUSE E. C. ANDREWS, market affords. Caution.—Be sure you get the “FK HIT VI AN DAYS, at 4.00 p. m. via the Rail and Steamboat Lines. Florida and the South vertisements are earnest exhortations. novl7 dtf Like the janGdlw30 Center St. TIMGTHV SVRi P»(not Peruvian Bark.) Sold dealers No received after 10 a. in. on cf his enthusiasm is (TOLCOTT, Proprietor. by freight day sailing. VIA. great revivalists, multiplied by tbe eodtf generally. For further information apply to J. B. COYLE, & success of his as as for Sale. A Portland Ilochoster Tickets unparalleled enterprise, well by Stable to Let. House auglO_ 32-page pamplet, containing a treatise on Iron Jr., Franklin Wharf, or the efficacy of his remedies in curing disease. The as a medical and — TO — Park and York Streets. to STORY wooden bouse nearly new, 12 finished agent other valuable papers, testi- oct28dtt JOHN POIiTEOUS, Agent. Atlantic Coast Line of Eailwajs. people beheve in him aud his as Apply monials from remedies, because, S. H. 2$ rooms, good cellar and drainage, Sebago water distinguished physicians, clergyman Worcester, Springfield, Hartford, New the New York Tribune says, “be with CORNER STEVENS, and will be sent to sympathizes Boston & Maine and gas; arranged for two families. For further in- others, free any address. SETH Haven, New York, Philadelphia*, nail Leave New York 3 and 9 P. M., all rail via Wash- them in all their afflictions, efforts and attainments.” Depot. W. FOWLE & and formation inquire on the No. 167 New- SONS. Proprietors, 86 Harrison Washington a! a reduction. ington, Richmond, Wilmington, Charleston, or Col- Hence. Dr. Pierce’s Golden Medical Argus Advertiser Copy. janSif premises, BOSTON STEAMERS. Discovery is to- bury street Portland, Me. oct27dtf CENTAUR Avenue. Boston. ia18deod&weowly umbia, Augusta, Laramab, Jacksonville, etc.; 8.40 day more largely employed as a blood and liver med- To Let. MAINE CENTRAL TICKETS and 9.30 A. M. (Limited Express) via Bay Line from icine, and also as a cough remedy, than any other Baltimore and Portsmouth, via. thence medical in the world. speciai7"notice and less Wilmington, agent His Favorite Prescrip- lower part of building corner Park and Com- Lewiston,Augusta Bfdigor than regular fare as above; and 3.00 P. M. and he COPARTNERSHIP. Tuesday, Thursday, tion, does not recommend as a “cure-all,” as is so THEmeicial Sts. Apply to S. H. STEVENS. bobton boat ticketn. Saturday via Old Dominion to Ports- otten done Steamship by compounders of worthless, humbug Boston & Maine Depot. mouth, Va., and as above. nostrums, but for all diseases and weaknesses pecul- gg^Argus and Advertiser Copy. jan5tf CAMPAIGN ROLLINS, LORING & ADAMS, Parlor Cars by day; Sleeping Cars at night over iar to women it has proved itself so much of a spe- Dissolution of Copartnership. LINIMENTS. No. U*J Excbaniir Street, Portland. the entire line cific that it now enjoys great popularity and univer- To Let. J>3 ,itf Baggage checked through. sal confidence. Dr. Pierce’s Pleasant Purgative Pel- convenient locat- copartnership heretofore existing between In format ion and tickets apply to J. H. WHITE, lets, than mustard have PLEASANT, house, centrally “scarcely larger seed,” A ed, within five minutes walk of Post Office. THEthe undersigned under the firm name of Passenger A gent,General Office, 229 Broad Tway, N. proved so agreeable and reliable as a cathartic that House heated by furnace. Sebago water, and good Y., 222 Washington St., Boston, and Ticket Office are the of the nause- LAMB & FARNSWORTH. HOTELS. they rapidly taking place large, garden connected. For terms, etc., address “RENT/* Connecting Lines. ous pills heretofore so much in use; while his Com- So nearly perfect are the recipes of these wonder- this office. dec22dtf — OF — dec31tfA. POPE, Genh Pass Agent. pound Extract of Smart-Weed is a lavoiite is this day dissolved by mutual consent. The affairs ful paiu soothing and healing Centaur Liniments, remedy of the firm will be settled Mr. Farnsworth at the for Colic, Cramps, Summer-complaint, Diarrhoea, by that we can confidently say they will alleviate any HOTEL DIRECTORY, Cholera and To Let. store heretofore occupied by us at No. 119 Middle from flesh, bone or muscle Dysentery, Cholera-Morbus, and also as pain arising derange- Embracing the Hotels tn the at which, EASTERN RAILROAD. Street. do not that a leading State, a liniment Of Dr. Sage’s Catarrh and Dr. at 6 I 2 Dow Street. Inquire ments. We pretend they will meed further the Pbess Remedy, THOMAS F. LAMB. Until notice Daily may always be found. Pierce's Nasal Douche, little need be said, as they HOUSEon the premise** broken leg or exterminate boils, but even in are known as the deci5 dtf B. B. FARNSWORTH. such cases they will reduce the inflammation and 0u and after Monday, Oct. 11th, everywhere greatest specifics for AUBURN 1875, Catarrh and “cold in tbe head,” ever given to the Portland, Jan 8th, 1876. stop the pain Nor can we guarantee the pro:>er re- THE STEAMER FOREST CITY sult the is UNTIL FURTHER public. And besides this large measure of success, To Let. where body poisoned bv whiskey, Kim Home, Court. Bt. W B. A- A. Yeung, NOTICE, B. B. Earnnworih continues the business of Dr. Pierce seems likely to achieve as renown as Temperance is as necessary to a proper physical, as Will leave Proprietor*. great GOOD Tenements on Munjoy Hill, one for $12, Franklin Wharf, Portland, on an author as he has a physician. His Common the late firm under the style of B. B. FARNSWORTH mental condition 1876. TRAINS WILL LEAVE PORTLAND FOR 3 and one for $9, and one for $7 per month. Ap- Wednesday and Sense Medical Adviser, a book ot about 900 & CO. janlldlw* The While Centanr Liniment is particular- Monday, Friday evenings AUGUBTA. ply to W. W. CARR, Boon 2.00 pages, which he sells at lhe unpaialieled low of ly adapted to all cases of Rheumatism, Lumbago, at 7 o’clock, weather permitting. (except Mondays),9.C0 a. m., 3.10 p. m. price dec7dtf197 Newbury St. Augusta House, Btate Bt. Hari sucn Bah at 6.15 $1 .50, has already been sold to the extent of exhaust- Neuralgia, Erysipelas, Itch, Sprainn, Chillbl dns, arriving am., 1.45, 7.55 p. m„ in ample Dissolution of er, Proprietor. time to connect ing two editions amounting to forty thousand Copartnership. Cuts, Bruises, Stings, Poisous, Scalds, Sciatica, with New York aDd Western trains, copies. FARE $1.00. CouyHouie, G. A. A H. Mnlem, The secret of Dr. Pierce’s success, as well at that of TO Weak Back. Pains in the side, Wounds, Weeping Cony. Proprie Lynn, Nrvvbur, port and Fort*, LET | tor*. month at tbe great revivalists, and scores of other copartnership heretofore existing between Sinews, Barns, Frosted Feet, Palny, Ear-ache’ 2.U0 (except Mondays),9.00 a. m., 3.10 p. Americans, Passengers by this Line secure a com- m. who by (heir genius have advanced step bv step from THEthe undersigned under the firm name of SA- Tooth-ache, Head ache, Ulcers, Old Sores, Broken Boom in fortable night’s rest and arrive in season BANGOR. Gloucester and a. obscurity to affluence and distinction, consists in the Second Story ot the BINE, FLINT & CO., is this day dissolved by mut- Breasts.Sore Nipples.Sore Throat, Croup,Diphtheria, Rorkport at 9 in., 3.10 p. m treating tbe people with Printers’ with it ual consent. The business of the firm will be settled etc. The most of these complaints the Centaur LiDi- to connect with the earliest morning Franklin Houte,-Harlow Bl., TOcI.Hugli ikorer at 9 a. m., 3.10 p. m. consideration, sympathy, | Exchange, power lin A Woliboro candor and honesty. No man, who hopes to attain by Sabine & Flint. meut will cure; all of them it will benefit. It will x- trains, while the expense and inconven- Darin, Proprietor*. Kochott r and Grent Fall, at required. Ay ply to PRKSS OFFICE a. m. either wealth or distinction, can to deal unfair- F. F. FLINT. tract the poi-on from bites and stings, and will m.,3.10 p. afford or to B. TUI A ience of arriving in Poston late at night with the world or be BVrOA CO., Ill M. W. SMALL. cure burns and sea ds withonr a scar. The follow Kilierr, Eliot. Mouth Berwick ly indifferent to the wants and are avoided. BATH. North Inaction, best interests ot humanity. Exchange Street. Portland, Jan. 1st, 1876. ing is but a sample of a thousand similar testimonials: Berwick, Util, and Kennebnnk Bath Hotel, t. it!. at 9 a. 3.10 m. oc29 0C12 dtf J, B. COYLE, Jr., Gen’l A Plummer, Proprieloi m., p jan7deod&wlw III., Dec. 1874. PORTLAND gt. DAILY PRESS Maco, WVil Antioch, 1, HE House contains 40 rooms two It is an indisputable fact that the Centaur Lini- in and its Publishers announce their deter- and Stores; is F. F. FLINT Maine; nn ments are cures nev^r b-fore effect- lij at 8.59 a. m., 12.58. 8.27 p. m. 1 A situated opposite the station of the performing to Canadian and United Slate. Mail*. passenger Portlaud, Jan. 1st, 1876. jan8dlw* mination make their paper beyond question the Salem at 9.12 a. 8.40 m. ASTRAL OIL I Grand Trunk Railway, and in the immediate vicinity, ed by any preparation in existence.—like Chronic BRUNSWICK. ME. m., 110, p Rheumatism of booked to London- Portsmouth at 11 a. m., 2.57,10.14 p. m. and nearer than any ot her Hotel to the of ar- thirty years’ standing,straighten- Passengers P. A K. Dining W. R. Field, point and Rooms, Dover at 10.40 a. m„ 4.45 m. rival and departure of the Halifax, New Dissolution of Copartnership ing lingers and joints which had been stiff for six derry Liverpool. Proprietor. p. European, Ureal Falla at 10.22 a. m.. 4.19 York and Boston Steamers, and the terminus of the years, takiug the soreness from bums, <&c. Return Tickets p.m. S at reduced rates. Keuuebnnk at 4.03 11.20 1 Horse to the western of the copartnerhip heretofore existing between the One dollar, or even lifly cents invested in Centaur granted CAPE ELIZABETH. 12.10, p.m. SAFE I Railway part city and HiAdefor.l at 8.00 Absolutely 1 suburbs. Address THEsubscribers underthe CHASE Liniment will be within reach when an accident The Steamship a. m., 12.30, 4.20, 11.38 p. styleof TUKEY, Ocean House—J. Saco at & was dissolved Jan. mutual con- and will do more than amouDt of P.Chamberlain,Propri- 8.05 a. m., 12 36, 4.25, 11.42 p. m. AUG. P. FULLER- CO., 1st. 1876, by occurs, good any PERUVIAN, Caps. Walla. etor. Perfectly Odorless ! 1u24deodtf Portland, Me. sent. The business will be settled by Chase, Knight money paid for medical attendance When physi- & Co. JAMES G. cians are called use this EASTERN TUKEY, they frequently Liniment, Will leave this pert for Liverpool on CALAIS. RAILROAD TRAINS THO. H. CHASE, and of course charge several prices for it. run To Let at 9 Dollars per Quarter BIST NEWSPAPER IN International W. directly through to points on the Maine Central Burns in any Lamp I GEO. W. BARNES. MAINE, SATURDAY, January 15lh, 1875, Hotel, D. Sintpsoo, Railroad wdhout and make SIX Octave Piano, rosewood be seen Proprietor. transfer, direct connec- case; may Portland, Jan. 6, 1876. I ke Yellow Centaur Liniment tion in Portland with all A at 271 Spring Street. Address Immediately after the arrival ot the Train of the pre- Steamboats and Railroad vious from Montreal. To be diverging therefrom. MRS. CHAS. is to and day followed by the CORNISH. illuminating" qualities HARLOW, adapted the tougli skin, muscles flesh of the Nova Pullman Parlor and 554 Mass, COPARTNERSHIP, Steamship Scotian. .Sleeping Cara are Broadway, South Boston, animal creation. Its effects upon severe cases of Cornisli R. run on all The a. to and Cabin House,M. Davis, Proprietor through trains. for refreshmen octldlwteodtf undersigned hrve this day formed copart- Head and Poll-Evil, Passage Londonderry Liverpool, (ac- Stops Spavin, Sweeny, Wind-Gall, Big to to made at the usual nership under the firm name of CHASE, KNIGHT are little le*s than marvellous. cording accommodations). 870 8SO places, & CO., the business to date from Jan. lor Intermediate passage. 40 DANVILLE JUNCTION. oelldtf GEO. BACHELDER, To Let. 1st, 1876, Messrs. J. McClure & Co., cor. Elm and Supt. the Druggists, all its more and in Gold or its Clark’s purpose of manufacturing and Jobbing Front Sts., Cincinnati, by making departments complete by Payable equivalent. Dining Hall, Grand Trunk Rail- SUPERIOR TO GAS DESIRABLE house to let on Congress St., No. O., say: For or Cabil, to I Boot* and Nttor* and will the old stand no effort or Freight Passage, apply way M. W. Clark. 643, in occupy “in our neighborhood a number of teamsters are sparing expense at their command to Depot, Proprietor. Grand Trunk R. A good repair. Sebago water, gas, fur- ot Tukey. Chase & Co* Nor. A2 & 54 XJnion H. & A ALLAN, No. 1 India St. R. of Canada. nace. at No. using the Centaur Liniment. pronounce it make the Press more valuable and desirable. Inquire 641 Congress St. de:3tf Street. H. They For Steerage Passage inward and and ior THO, CHASE, superior to have ever used. We sell outward, ELLSWORTH. Manufactured expressly to displace the COLUMBUS anything they The Press has a editorial than Drafts on for small to ALTERATION IN TRAINS. KNIGHT, as high as four to live dozen bottles month to larger corps any S'ght England amounts, apply GEO. BARNES. per JAMES L. City Hotel.—N. H. Higgins & Sons, Props n>e of highly volatile and To Let. W, owners of horses and mules.” paper in Maine, and has unexcelled facilities for col- FARMER, Jan. d2w No. 3 India Street. WINTER ARKANGEMKNT first the Stores and Chambers Portland, 6,1876. We have volumes of testimonials cures news in all of dangerous oils. February describing ecting parts the state. The business, Portland, Nov. 23, 1875. nov24dtf FOXCROFT. ABOUTon Union St., now occupied by Caldwell & of Sprains, Kicks, Gails, Poll-Evil, Big-head, and agricultural and interest of Maine Foxcroft Hodsdon, and Whitney & Thomas. Apply to NOTICE OF DISSOLUTION. even Fouuders, which are little less than marvels. manufacturing Exchange. P. M. Jeffords, Pro- 1TM SAFETY under teat* and every possible jalldtf ST. JOHN SMITH. No owner of an animal can afford to be without a will receive the continued attention of the Press. prietor. BOSTON train 7.00 a. m. lor bottle of Centaur which Express Auburn and Lewiston. its perfect burning qualities, are proved by the fact Copartnership heretofore existing between Liniment, any day may The growing importance of Portland as a distribu- Mail — HI train for Gorham and the is this dissolved bv mutual prove worth twenty times its cost. AND BAM. inteimediate stations a that hundreds of thousands of families To Let. THE undersigned day ting center for Maine, and its fast increasing whole- 7.10 a. m. consent. JOHN C. COBB, Sold everywhere, hut prepared only at the Mt. Cutler House,—Hiram Baston, Pro have continued to rie it for years, and BRICK HOUSE No. 74 Danforth sale make a at this of Express train at 1.40 p. m for Auburn and Lew- Street, Portland, Jan. 1, 1876. F. M. RAY. trade, daily paper point special prleto r. iston. containing all the modern In- PHILADELPHIA THE improvements. Laboratory of J. B. Rose & Co., importance to every merchant and business man in Mall quire at No. 10 Central Wharf. LEWISTON. train for Island Pond, 'stopping at all sta- dtf 46 DEI 8T., NEW YORK. the state. Steamship Line. tions to Island Pond,)* connecting with night mail NO JOHN DeWitt House, H. B. train ACCIDENT Jne16_ CTCOBB, Wing, Proprietor for Quebec, iVlontreal and the West at 1.50 To Let. Leave each port every Wed’s’y & Sit’d’y. p. m. HAS EVER OCCURRED COUNSELLOR- AT-LAW LITTLETON, N II. Express train for Auburn and Lewiston at 5.1 PLEASANT front warmed with fur- parlor, Thayers H. L. p. m. from or nace. Also an unfurnished front bas removed to office in Dole!, Thayer, Proprietor. burning, storing handling it. Insurance A chamber, and No Wharfage. Trains will arrive as follows: Companies have never paid a loss arising from its smaller rooms lor lodgers. No. 4 Cotton St., second Mail train from Gorham and door from Free St. STANTON BLOCK, MACHIAS. intermediate stations use; while millions of dollars have been saved them nov30dtf Castoria. From Long Wharf, Boston, 3 p.m. 8.30 a. m. on acconnt ol its introduction. From Pine Street Phila- Eastern notel.—E. E. Stoddard. general 31 1-2 St. Cor. of Milk. Wharf, Prop. Express from Lewis!on and Anbnrn at 8.45 a. m Exchange at 10 a. m. Mall janl d3m delphia, from Quebec, Montreal and the West at LHEND FOB CIRCULAR. Insurance one half the rate of NAPLES* p. m. TO l Cross, sickly babies and children may enjoy health, As a Political Journal __ sailing vessels. from J-ET mothers have rest, if they will use Castoria. Elm House, Nathan Church & Sons, Pro- Express Lewiston and Auburn at 2.50 an for the West the Penn. 5.45 p. m. CHARLES PRATT & New No. 55 on the easterly side of Exchange mortgagee’s Sale ot Real Estate. Worms, feverishness, teething, wind colic, sour Freight by R. R.,and South prietors. 00, York, stomach and food lines forwarded tree of STOREStreet, five doors below Middle Street. Also virtue of a of sale contained in and of* undigested make children cross, by connecting Commission. power and sickness. front and rear offices in same to the ot a certain deed produce I* AS SAGE TEN DOLLARS■ NOKRIDGEH’OCK. Sale Proprietor* and Manufacturer*. building Apply BY provisions mortgage given Castoria will assimilate the FRANCIS FESSENDEN, Job K. of Cumberland food, expel worms, Passenger Offices by Duran, Portland, County, and correct all these For For Freight or Passage apply to Danforth House, D. Danforth. 172 Middle, corner of Exchange St., State of to L. ol said Port- things. twenty years Dr. Proprielo Maine, George Wescott, Pitcher in his to E. B. MAHPNDN. & or HENRY DKERING, land, dated 11th recorded iu the experimented private practice pro- the Press will be devoted as in the past to a descrlm- Agent, 74 CAPEN, SPRAGUE CO., October, 1869, regis- duce an effective Cathartic TO NORTH EXCHANGE nov2dtf 39 St. of deeds for said book which and stomach regulator of Jn23-ly Long Wharf, Bouton. STRATFORD N. H. ST., Exchange try county, 369, page 58, minating support the Republican — — which would be as effective as Castor without Party. Duiing Willard House, C' S. A- Co. P JkWD Nos. 8 and 8 Custom Mouse said mortgage was duly assigned to me, Ira P. Far- Oil, Bailey Street, its unpleasant taste or recoil. the pending important campaign, the Press will prictors. rington, the 28th October, 1875, by assignment re- •rmjMTXSM The reputation of his experiment extended. attention to the of AM twi Ul flUVIA ST corded in said registry, book 422, page 430, will be Phy- give special publication political BOSTON, BOARD. sicians and nurses his to STEAMBOAT. PEAK’S ISLAND. sold, for breach of the conditions of said mortgage, rapidly adopted remedy, news. which he gave the name of Castoria. Union NEW ENGLAND AGENTS. at public auction, on the premises hereinafter de- nouse—W. T. Jones. Proprietor. Tickets Castoria is as pleasant to take as As an advertising medium, the Press stands first sold at Reduced Rates eodcSw3m Board. scribed. on the twenty-eighth day of February next, at honey* regu- WINTER ARRANGEMENT UN- I oel?_ lates the stomach and and does not It 3 o’clock in the afternoon, a certain lot of land, with bowels, gripe. among the journa's of Maine. PARIS To Canada. Del.oil. PLEASANT front to is to all no HILL. Chicago. OTilwnu- » » a room, newly furnished, adapted contains and is vtntoi all the improvements that may be situated ages, alcohol, TIL FURTHER k™i Cincinnati Ni. I.ouih. A let with board; suitable tor two gents or gentle- thereon, absointely harmless to the most tender infant. NOTICE, nobbard Hotel. II. Oniahn, in said Portland on the northwesterly side of Lin- Hubbard, Proprietrr Hagiuaw, Ml. Paul, Nall Lake man and — wife, at 416 Cumberland street. Castoria and will never be with- — Cily, coln street, and bounded as follows; Try once, your FOB THE Man nov27-dtf Commencing out it. PITTSFIELD. Denver, Praneiaeo, on the northerly corner of Lincoln and Elm street, at the of B. Hou and all points in the thence running about northwesterly by the north- Prepared Laboratory J. Rose & Co., PENOBSCOT, MT. DESERT AND Lnncy ie—Fletcher A Gale, Proprie- 46 Dey Street, New York. tors. Newspaper easterly side of Elm street, twenty feet and seven wlyl Northwest* West and Giontliwest, CITY ADVERTISEMENTS to the centre of the wall between tho inches, partition MACH IAS. PHILLIPS. block of two houses numbered thirty-one and thirty- Pure Corn J. C. FURNIVAL, Agt, three (31 and 33) Elm street, thence through the cen- Starch, Reduction of Price. Harden House, Snmnel Farmer, Propri- CITV OF PORTLAND. tre of the partition wall of said block. nl>oiit. north- ONE 'T'-RIP PER WEEK. etor. RAILWAY Is in splendid MANUFACTURED BY condition,irK.A:s'DiTRUNK s well easterly, -five to land now or equipped with first-class rolling seventy feet, formerly and is Advertising. owned Charles stock, making the best connections and In the Year One Thousand Hun- by Q. Clapp, thence 60utheasteily, by PORTLAND. quick- Eight EXCELSIOR STARCH The Steamer CITY OF RICH- esttime or any route from Portland NINETY-NINTH EDITION. the line of said Clapp’s twenty feet and seven CO., Adams to the West dred and Seventy-five. land, MOND, Capt. Kilby, will leave House,Temple St.Charles Adam ACE Containing a complete list of all the towns in the inches, to a stake on the northwesterly side line of From the Best Selected Materials. a,.P4,' DRAWING ROOM Railroad Wharf, every Proprietor. AN1) SLEEPING are • » Portland, CARS attached to the United States, the Territories and the Dominion of Lincoln stieet, thence southwesterly, by the side line For sale all the 'M Albion Hr trains by Grocers, in every variety ot pack- buraday evening, commencing Dec. 2d, at lO House, Federal Si.J.G Perry leaving Portland at 1.50 nt. Canada, having a greater than 5.000 ac- An Ordinance to the of Lincoln street, seventy-five lest, to the bounds the fact that the Publishers are to p. population Relating Transpor- age for Table and Laundry use. Despite obliged o’clock. Proprietor. Baggage checked front to the last census, with the Dames ot at. Said lot since said was American Portland to Detroit and cording together begun lias, mortgage given, the the Daily Press is offered for For Rockland, Camden, Belfast, Bucks- House, India St. E. Pro- and not the the local in tation of Dead Bodies, been said Duran to Nathan oi ALPHEUS H. pay postage, Searsport, Gray, Chicago, subject to Custom Honse examiua- Dewspapers having largest circulation mortgaged by Hill, HARDY & CO Boston, Deer Isle, Southwest Har- prietor. lion. annum in port, Castine, Sedgwick, each of the places named. Also a catalogue of news- Be it ordained by the Mayor, Aldermen and Common Rolliiisforu, State of New Hampshire, and the light New $7.00 per advance; $3.50 for six months; Cite Hotel, Cor. England Agents. bor. Mt. Desert, Millbridge, Jonesport and Machias- Congress and Green St. Tbe are not papers which are recommended to advertisers as Council of the of i?i Council to redeem is now owned, or to be Company responsible tor baggage to City Portland, City supposed owned, by $1.75 for three months. port. J. R. martin, Proprietor. any amount giving greatest value in proportion to prices assembled, as follows: George R. Davis, ot said Portland. Preble exceeding *50 in value (and that person- charged. flgr* the session of the the will leave Machiasport every Mon- House, Congress St. Gibson d l a„ al) unless notice is and Also, all newspajiers in the United States and Cana- Terms cash. 1. P. FARRINGTON. PUKE 0L1YE OIL “Sf' During Legislature Returning,_ given, paid tor at the rate o Section 1. No diiver of any hack, job wagon or ex- — — dny moaning nt Si DO at Proprietors. one foi da printing over 5,000 each issue. Also, all the wtd46 ALSO Daily will be furnished for $2.00 in advance. o’clock, touching passenger every *500 additional value. copies press wagon, or any other vehicle, except a duly ap- above named landings (except and Sears- St. Julian Hotel, Cor. middle and Plum JOSEPH Rclieioua, Scientific and Selected brands of Leghorn and Bordeaux Bucksport HICKSON, General Agricultural, Mechauical, pointed and licenced undertaker shall transport port), arriving in Portland same Sts. G. E. Ward, Proprietor. W. .J. Manaqer, Commer- night. SPICER, superintendent, Medical, Masonic, Juvenile, Educational, through this city or from one place to another in Sheriff's Sale. aBd CYRUS C. S. Hotel, Junction of Congress and Fed- Portland. Jane cial. Insurance, Real Estate, Law, SALAD STURDIVANT, 21.1875, jnel7d«f Sporting, Musical, this city any dead body which is to be buried in any STATE OF OIL, Conslai‘SL™ebynd nov27dtf Ge 1 Agent. eral Sts. Timothy Wolcott, Proprietor. Fashion, and other special class journals; very com- of MAINE,) Commercial cemeteiy belonging to the city without permission Cumberland ss. House—L. O. Sanborn & Co lists. with a list of over f ALPHEUS H. & PORTLAND & plete Together complete the Superintendant of under a of HARDY CO., Proprietors. OGDENSBURG RR 300 German in burials, penalty on execution and will be sold by public ISTERNATIONAL STEAMSHIP CO. papers printed the United States. twenty dollars for each offence, to be recovered for an TtAKENauction on Saturday, 5th. A. I). 1876, Importers & Gen. Commission Merchants, Also, essay upon advertising; many tables of the use of the city by complaint before the judge of February HCKNCANE ISLAND. the cost of in at ten o’clock in the forenoon, at the Sheriff’s office w!3w45 No State Boston. Eastport, Calais and 81. John, Dishy, CHANGE ra?es, showing advertising various the Municipal Court of Portland. street, Calderirood House.— OF TIME. an 1 in Portland, in said county, all the in Windsor and Halifax. E. A. Cnlderwcod, newspapers, everything which a beginner in ad- Section 2. This take on right equity Ordinance shall effect which Edward L. of Portland has or Proprietor. vertising would like to know. and after its Dyer, aforesaid, approval. had on the seventh of A. D. 1875, at four WINTER 1876. day October, ARRANGEMENT. Address GEO. P. ROWELL & CO.f Approved January 4, j