Columns Winter Cover2016b_Dallas Cover 12/17/15 11:42 PM Page 1 A Publication of the Dallas Chapter of the American Institute of Architects | Winter 2015 Vol. 33 No. 1 No. 33 Vol. 2015 Winter | Architects of Institute American the of Chapter Dallas the of Publication A COLUMNS SeNSe of place Repurposing New Urbanism + Rooms that Inspire Dallas Re-Imagined Shown: Wall and Floor Tile: PAR-KER® Chelsea Provenza; Accent Wall Tiles: Forest Chelsea Provenza; Free Standing Sink: Unique; Bathtub: Unique; Tub Filler: Lounge; Wall Mounted Faucet: NK Concept; Robe Hooks: Arquitect TILE MOSAICS KITCHEN BATH HARDWOOD & LAMINATE Decorative Design Center 1617 Hi Line Drive, Suite 415, Dallas, TX 75207 | Phone: 214.377.2327 Showroom & Distribution Center 11639 Emerald Street, Suite 100, Dallas, TX 75229 | Phone: 469.310.2870
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