The Image Restoration Discourse of Pope Francis and Pope Emeritus Benedict Surrounding the Historic Vatican Sex Abuse Summit

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The Image Restoration Discourse of Pope Francis and Pope Emeritus Benedict Surrounding the Historic Vatican Sex Abuse Summit ABSTRACT Divine Apologia: The Image Restoration Discourse of Pope Francis and Pope Emeritus Benedict Surrounding the Historic Vatican Sex Abuse Summit Heather Gerber, M.A. Mentor: Lacy G. McNamee, Ph.D. Crisis can threaten the legitimacy and viability of even the largest and most resilient of organizations. The discursive strategies that organizations employ to navigate and respond to the crisis, are key to their ultimate success or failure in managing their own organizational identity, as well as member identities. This study engages in a textual analysis of the organizational communication used by Pope Francis and Pope Emeritus Benedict in response to the ongoing child sex-abuse scandal. Specifically, this project examines communications during a unique time for the Catholic Church, in which there essentially conflicting leadership messages. Divine Apologia: The Image Restoration Discourse of Pope Francis and Pope Emeritus Benedict Surrounding the Historic Vatican Sex Abuse Summit by Heather Gerber, B.A. A Thesis Approved by the Department of Communication David W. Schlueter, Ph.D., Chairperson Submitted to the Graduate Faculty of Baylor University in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree of Master of Arts Approved by the Thesis Committee Lacy McNamee, Ph.D., Chairperson David Schlueter, Ph.D. Tony Talbert, Ph.D. Accepted by the Graduate School May 2020 J. Larry Lyon, Ph.D., Dean Page bearing signatures is kept on file in the Graduate School. ! Copyright © 2020 by Heather Gerber, M.A. All rights reserved TABLE OF CONTENTS LIST OF TABLES ......................................................................................................... vi ACKNOWLEDGMENTS ............................................................................................. vii CHAPTER ONE ............................................................................................................. 1 Introduction ................................................................................................................. 1 Literature Review........................................................................................................ 8 Preview of Chapters .................................................................................................. 24 CHAPTER TWO .......................................................................................................... 25 Methodology ............................................................................................................. 25 Importance of this Timeframe ................................................................................... 25 Selection of Texts ..................................................................................................... 27 Coding for Image Restoration Strategies ................................................................... 28 Justification for Textual Analysis .............................................................................. 29 CHAPTER THREE ....................................................................................................... 32 Pope Francis’ Image Restoration Discourse August 2018-February 2019 .................. 32 Pope Francis and the ‘Letter to the People of God’ .................................................... 32 Pope Francis Opening Statement at the Summit ........................................................ 37 Pope Francis: Closing Speech at the Summit ............................................................. 42 Conclusion ................................................................................................................ 48 CHAPTER FOUR ......................................................................................................... 51 Pope Emeritus Benedict’s Image Restoration Strategies ............................................ 51 RQ 1 Findings: Evading Responsibility/Blame Shifting Strategy .............................. 52 RQ1 Findings: Denial Strategy .................................................................................. 60 RQ1 Findings: Differentiation and Corrective Action Strategy .................................. 63 CHAPTER FIVE ........................................................................................................... 68 A Tale of Two Popes ................................................................................................. 68 RQ 2: Findings: How Do the Image Restoration Strategies of Pope Francis and Pope Emeritus Benedict Differ or Converge in Their Discourse Surrounding the 2019 Summit Meeting? .............................................................................................. 68 RQ3 Findings: What Impact Does Dual Leadership Messaging Have on the Credibility and Effectiveness of Papal Image Restoration Discourse with Both Internal (Leadership and Clergy) and External (Parishioners, the General Public) Audiences? ........................................................................................................ 73 Recommendations for Best Practices in Future Image Restoration Discourse ............ 74 Contributions to the Field of Communication ............................................................ 76 Recommendations for Future Research ..................................................................... 78 iv BIBLIOGRAPHY ......................................................................................................... 81 v LIST OF TABLES Table 2.1. Pope Francis Image Repair Strategies Employed Within His Addresses .......................................................................................................... 58 Table 3.1. Pope Emeritus Benedict Image Repair Strategies Employed Within His Letter ..................................................................................................... 78 vi ACKNOWLEDGMENTS I want to show my gratitude by dedicating this work to my family and the special person who supported me, showed an abundance of kindness and believed in me even when I wasn’t sure if I believed in myself. First, I want to give my sincerest appreciation to my husband, Matt, and two children Gavin and Reagan, because without your support on the home front, I would not have been able to devote attention to my graduate studies. I would also like to thank my advisor, Dr. Lacy McNamee. Lacy, without your insightful direction, caring support, detailed editing, and constant words of encouragement this thesis, as well as my graduate studies, would not have been what they are today. Thank you so much for all your time and work helping me become a better academic member. Finally, thank you to my thesis committee, Dr. Lacy McNamee, Dr. David Schlueter, and Dr. Tony Talbert. Thank you all for taking time to serve on my committee and for your thoughtful consideration of this work. vii CHAPTER ONE Introduction All organizations undergo some sort of crisis, large or small, within their lifetime. These crises can threaten even the strongest and largest of organizations. The key to weathering the crisis is how an organization chooses to respond. The strategies and methods that organizations use to navigate and respond to the crisis are crucial to their inevitable success or failure in managing their own organizational identity, as well as member identities. Adding to the already complex nature of organizational crisis communication, religious organizations have what could be described as a greater sphere of influence or personal impact with their audiences. For example, when a corporate organization experiences crisis, say a failed product, they risk bankruptcy, stakeholder uncertainty, lawsuits, etc. But what happens if that organization is one’s religion and that product is one’s faith? The breadth and depth of impact religious organizations possess is but one reason why examining their crisis communication is of grave importance. Arguably, the Catholic Church is one of the religious institutions most plagued by crisis throughout its existence. By the 1990s, cases of sexual abuse by the Church had caught the attention of the media. Perhaps most notably, in 2002, the Boston Globe shone new light on horrible abuses at the hands of Catholic clergy (Boston Globe, 2002, para. 1). In addition to thousands of cases of children who had been sexually abused by clergy, the scandal also exposed the cover up happening within the Catholic Church to protect those abusers. Pope John Paul II led investigations of abuse and condemned the abuse as 1 the antithesis of the teachings of Jesus. Three years later, his successor, Pope Benedict, apologized and further condemned the abuse, but offered no further strategy to combat the problem. The image restoration strategies that the Church employed were highly criticized for their pervasive use of blame shifting and differentiation, or the process where “the act is distinguished from other similar but more offensive actions” (Benoit, 1997, p. 181). Then in 2013, Pope Benedict surprisingly resigned – becoming only the second Pope since the 1400s to have ever resigned the position. He named himself Pope Emeritus, a position that has retained the style of the current Pope by continuing to wear the papal color of white and has made occasional public appearances alongside his successor, Pope Francis. After realizing the child sex abuse scandal continues to be a global issue, Pope Francis started to make shifts in the crisis responses and image restoration strategies the Church chooses to deploy in response
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