Ieddie Maier, I
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J "JH "TOWT' --. - , . -.. ., iiijilaiU!IJUHMMMRNMiriMP f' "l m JVM m THE SAN ANGELO PRESS, SAN ANGELO, TEXAS, THURSDAY. JULY 4. 1905 f Ihe rrtnn hesitated a moment; then I SOCIETY. he strode to the door. In the nllej a Pnsquule had come to the hist piece The God In the In his repertory, it was a poor bill Sunday School Clnss Party. tntlon of portloas of Schubert's "Ser On Wednesday evening Mrs. Hirdy Girdy enade." Just as the man reached the W. H. Johnston entertained the door the Jingling notes lloatisl In from momborfl of her Sttiiclnv school By CASPAR. JOHNSON the alley. The man paused. A look of class nt tlio JoliiiHton residence in pain came Into his face. Those Jerky notes brought memories Angolo Heights. Each member Coiirlulit, IW, by K. A. Wlilli-licm- with them -- memories of a big, daik n mid n crowd of brought friend music room with two little spots of forty enjoyed tho ovoning about It was n narrow alley, running be- red In the gloom wheie the candles pmmmiimmmnmnmmimiwmmwimm imnioneoly. tween (lie Illicit yards. It was Intend- binned on the piano; of a Klrl beneath A prize wiih givon to tho ono ed for the convenience of the butcher's tho candles n girl with white neck giving tho best matrimonial ud-vie- o hoy mid the grocer's hoy mid the ash and gleaming shoulders, playing the 1SUMMER FuRNITURt;! riscrS mid wiih won by Mjhh num. instinctively It wiih not Intend- serenade very softly; of a few breath EuphnitoH Smith Delicious re- ed for men of Pnsqunlo Venettl's stamp. less words whlspeicd over her nhoul freshments woro served. Indeed, n sign nt either end announced der; of a pair of luminous eyes which this In no uncertain terms. Hushed nn answer (hut set his heart "Beggars, nnd Musi- pounding madly. And now a The Its and Delightful Birthday Party. Peddlers Street Fourth of July with galtles cians Keep Out," It read. huidy guidy playing that sacred ser- glories Is as good a time as any to talk Mr. und Mrs. H. 0. Lodford I tut. to Pasqtlnle Venelll warning enade In the alley mid this. It was furniture. Our stock Is just what It should b- e- nothing more and nothing less. If jou guvo ii birthday party at their signs In Ihiglish hud no terror from heinous sacrilege. "W homo nortli of tho railroad, from the simple reel Hint written Kngllsh "Lout, I can't stand that," he mut- uimt C to 7 o'clock Wednesday ovon- wiih hejond IiIh ken. Therefoie us he tered, and turned to the girl a face ing, in honor of tho fourth birth- enme trundling the iineleiit liurdy gurdy drawn and while. Into alley, he suld as If the words day of thoir Hon, Master Harrison up the street he looked the "Coodby," Lodford. hiiw Its possibilities the eno with choked til in. Good, Dependable Goods Curtis which coins could he from the the glr)'s face linil whitened I A folks toscd But largo crowd of littlo nnd, forsaking as- step forward, i hack wlndowH the also. She took a gathorod at tho Lodford homo and phalt pavements, where, to lino Ills "Hubert," she said with wide, fright- enjoyed a watermelon feast on gettn own expression, he could "no de ened eyes. our store is tin- - place fur ynu to bring our tho lawn. Each child present biz," he turned Into the alley and, furniture wants. We arc making exception- was givon a littlo United States his musical huttery, sent up lu the alley I'asqualo ground away ally low prices on those tilings which are ilag with Harrison Curtis printed the quavering strains of "Llndy, Lin-dy- , hopelessly. Suddenly a window was In every day demand. We supply jour thereon, as a souvenir. Tho Yo' Is Ma Liidjlovc." rnlscil and a coin dropped at his feet. umts sutlsfactorially and the expenditure is littlo tots will long remember the It Ih a haul, cold world. Pasqtiale It was u shining, yellow coin. Pas-qual- e economical. Come see for: wiurself. happy event. ground away patiently, and whenever Venettl gasped, turned It over a face appeared at any of the win- lu Ills palin, mid then whooped. In a dows he mulled expansively, removed burst of gratitude be began the reper- IJnnowsky-Woodwar- d. his haltered hat and howed profoundly tory all over again, and such was his Mamie b. Norton,! Miss. Kosolyn Woodwood of and even essayed a Joyful shullllng of elation that he essayed to heighten the IMiss Canyon City, Tox., and Mr. L. A. his feet while he turned the crank. effect by singing In a high, squeaky JJanowsky of SUIob, woro married But, despite all these blandishments, to voice. ZZ Successor to Mrs. E. C. Fltztfcrald. hy a over, however, Canyon City, Wednesday say nothing of the appeal made The orgy was soon at choice assortment of selections, rang- patrolman enme down the alley fa 28th. :liO o'clock. for a night Juno at ing from the classic to ragtime, no felzeil exuberant musician. tho resi- mid the Summer Tho wedding ocoured at coins wrapped la white Jaipur came The thought of the yellow coin lu his Serviceable, Furniture. dence of tho brides' undo, W. J. Jingling to Ids feet. To ho sure, one pocket enabled IMsquale to bear this I Movoland. Tho brido and groom fat cook came out to the hack gate and ordeal with equanimity. ?JUUlUIIUIltHWIWUUUIUIlllllUliUHIlUUUUm!K accompanied by tho urooms' sis- nfler ho had played half through the "Alia right, alia right!" he protested ter. Misb Iola JJanowsky, who has hurdy gurdy's assortment gave him n mildly as he was hustled past the boon visiting in Dallas, arrived in penny, nnd nn old gentleman linil warning signs and dumped unceremo- San Angolo Monday afternoon, raised an upper window and, with a niously on the asphalt puvement. and will make Stiles their future thundered "(Jet out of this!" had Hung dime. Hut 11 cents from such a Mr. many him a The Itlillnir I'ltfchlou. homo. Banowsky's promising alley! I'usqimle resented his frionds horo oxtond congratula- The ruling passion Is often very n III treatment mid moved farther up the Ten- ... i tions. strong lu death. A senator from alley. nessee discovered this Home years ngo him No better success attended Iitc. Among his constituents was a certain iS Ho whistled, he danced, he sang. lie Young Ladles Untcrtaln. mini who came to him regularly twice smiled his and bowed his lowest. MiBBes May Hendricks best a year for the purpose of obtaining a Annio the and "Ma Fi- ffJlflPf$ fifleif He tried lnterine.7o puss to Baltimore. The man and his nnd Luetic- Mabson gave a conver- lipino nn equal lack of sue Man" with family had served the senator when ho sation party at tho residence of cess. He leu! his labor for his pains. Up. was llrst making his way up the ladder Two Mexicans Beaten Angclo Heights vs. Silver Cliffs. Goo. 1$. Hendricks last Thursday He moved to the fur end of the alley, I politics, and as a result of this he A Mexican named Jose Vollu, Tho Angolo Iloights played with a view to quitting It He made of 8 DCATI-- ROLL J. night. always obliged him, mid bad, more- whoso wifo runs a restaurant on was a novol ono and A. lioomis' Silver Cliff base bnll Tho gaino over, a soft place lu his heiut for the Concho avonuo, camo tho Garland and Miss Anna into team at Mereta Saturday after- Halbert mail. Ho obtained for him a position Airs. John V. Berry. place Monday morning in a Leo tho two A Harris captured lu one of the departments at Washing- Mrs. John W. Borry died nt drunken condition and proceeded noon, the lattor winning by n prizes offered. Ico cream and seem to be ton; but this did not Sonora Thursday morning at 8:150 to pound on two hombrcs who score of M to 8. were served. Tho thirty enough, regularly the end of Jl cake for at from a complication of woro patrons of tho establish- The Angolo boys to guostH proBont enjoyed tho ovo- each six months he applied for his troubles, returned 152 ment. ho had caiiBed 0 ticket to Baltimore. One day he sick- aged about years. After them town about o'clock Saturday ning vory much. ho admiu-isto- r ened nnd Nils reported to be dying. l!y her bedside at tho time of to depart proceeded to night and report having had a Im- her death was hor hus- a beating to tho Sonora. outing luck play- Cushlng-AInn- n The senator, very much grieved, mother, jolly but hard mediately called upon him. band, two littlo sons, sister, Mrs. Wnltor Spears however happened ing bnll. One of tho Angolo boys Mr. W. Miss. Daisy Mann and ".loo," he said, leaning over ami V. A. Aberthal, of San Angolo, in at this juncture and quieted who pitches most of tho time, F. dialling woro united in marri- speaking very softly, "Is there any- and her brother, Jim Bertram. things down by taking Sonor said that Mr. Loomis was so age at 7 :!50 Thursday morning at thing I can do for you?" Deceased was an all'cctionnte Volla to tho ca3a on Harris pleased with tho result of tho Itev. Sterling City, Jesse Silor The sick man looked up with a flash wifo and fond mother. Tlio many avonuo, known in common par- gamo thnt ho paid nil of thoir ex- bridal couple recognition, and Instantly replied officiating.