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This week on .com This week in the paper New strategic John Eric Stacy concept for the Det er umulig å slavebinde mentalt eller sosialt, Norwegian et bibellesende folk. visits Armed Forces - Horace Greely Read more Read more at www.blog.norway.com on page 9 Norwegian American Weekly

Vol. 120, No. 43 November 27, 2009 7301 Fifth Avenue NE Suite A, Seattle, WA 98115 Tel (800) 305-0217 • www.norway.com $1.50 per copy Online News Dateline Norway to see fastest economic recovery The Organization for Network of men leaders to Economic Co-operation combat violence against and Development says women that recovery has already This Nov. 24, Norway’s Minis- started in Norway with ter of Justice, Knut Storberget, large fiscal and monetary joined U.N. Secretary-General stimulus boosting Ban Ki-moon in launching consumption and a Network of Men Leaders sustaining employment to Combat Violence against Women. The launch will take Co m p i l a t i o n place at the UN headquarters Norwegian American Weekly Staff in New York. Other members of the Network include former Norway will be the first presidents and current prime country to completely recover ministers as well as Nobel lau- from the financial crisis, and its reates and renowned authors. economy should be back to full (Ministry of Justice and the capacity by 2011, according to Police) the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development Harnessing the power of (OECD). OECD has just presented its salt, Norway tries osmotic Photo: Nancy Bundt/Innovation Norway semi-annual report on the economy power The Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development in Paris said last week Norway would be the first European state to return to economic health. Consumer spending and stable employment conditions have helped the situation. Statkraft is the world’s leader CONTINUES PAGE 6 in the development of osmot- ic power. Osmotic power is Leif Ove Andsnes Northug does it again clean, renewable energy, with a global potential of 1,600 to captures New York again Northug comes 1,700 TWh (Terawatt hours) – Internationally acclaimed pianist Leif Ove Andsnes out victorious in equal to China’s total electric- collaborates with artist Robin Rhode in a captiving Men’s 4x10 relay in ity consumption in 2002. On concert series “Pictures Reframed” Beitostølen, Norway Nov. 24, Her Royal Highness Crown Princess Mette-Marit Special Release of Norway opened the world’s FasterSkier first osmotic power plant at Tofte, outside Oslo. (Statkraft) (NOR) pulled off his patented move, attacking What’s inside? on the last climb to bury Russian News 2-3 Ilia Chernousov, and claim victory for Norway in the men’s 4×10km Photo: FasterSkier Business 4 relay. Petter Northug claims victory for Sports 5 CONTINUES PAGE 5 Norway. Op-Ed 6-7 Whidbey Island Nordic Fest Taste of Norway 8 Memories, heritage, Travels to Norway 9 and celebration at Roots & Connections 10 Nordic Fest on Nov. 21

Faith & Religion 11 So l v e i g Lee Arts & Entertainment Photo: Liv Ovland Mount Vernon, Wash. 12 “Pictures Reframed,” unites two strikingly original artists - pianist Leif Ove In Your Neighborhood 13 Andsnes and visual artist Robin Rhode — in a collaborative performance which centers around Mussorgsky’s epic piano suite Pictures at an Exhibition. A Nordic day on Whidbey Norwegian Heritage 14 Island! Daughters of Norway Ester Moe Lodge #39 held its annual Education El s e Hv i s t e n d a h l completely sold-out Alice Tully 15 Nordic Fest at South Whidbey New York, N.Y. Hall. Something new was added to Island High School on Saturday, New York City’s concert scene on Leif Ove Andsnes did it again: In Nov. 14. Could there be a better Photo: Solveig Lee $1 = NOK 5.58 Nov. 13 and 14. Norway’s beloved A Weaving Demonstration by Suzanne a new Lincoln Center performance way for a Norwegian to spend the updated 11/23/09 Ramsey. Note the lovely loom (a 10/16/09 $1=NOK 5.63 he captured the audience in a CONTINUES PAGE 13 CONTINUES PAGE 12 memory from Vesterheim). 2 No r g e - Uk e n s o m g i k k Nyheter på Nettet Bursdagfeiring på Statfjord A Peter Mueller mistet jobben Mange av de ansatte på Statfjord A har jobbet på plattformen siden oppstarten Mueller fikk sparken etter trakasseringen av Maren Haugli (24). Et enstemmig i 1979. 24. november er det 30 år siden styre opphevet avtalen for brudd på forbundets etiske verdier første Statfjord-olje kom på dekk. Se Skøytepresident Vibecke Sørensen er bilder på Aftenbladet.no. (Stavanger Aftenblad) Ad r e s s av i s e n sikker på at man vil få på plass et skikkelig sportslig opplegg for løperne i god tid før Under tre måneder før OL har Håvard lekene i . Stavsjøfjelltunnelen stengt i ett felt Bøkko mistet treneren sin. Mueller og Bøk- – Vi mener at Olympiatoppen og vår 23. november ble det meldt om et mindre ko har jobbet tett siden skøytestjernen var sportslige ledelse kan få til et godt samar- ras ved E6. Det er foretatt gravearbeid junior. beid slik at Bøkko får muligheten til å ta de ved tunnelen og deler av fyllmassen skal – Sportslig vil det være den beste løsnin- medaljene som han har satt som mål i OL, ha beveget seg. Massen skal fylles igjen gen. For det finnes ingen som er i nærheten sa Sørensen. i løpet av kvelden, men for å unngå mer av å være like god trener som Peter. Men det Både Jarle Pedersen og Hans Trygve vibrasjoner på stedet er sørgående felt kan oppstå praktiske problem i forholdet til Kristiansen er nevnt som aktuelle navn til å avstengt. Det skal ikke være fare for at resten av laget og forbundet, sier Bøkko til erstatte Mueller som landslagstrener. E6 kan rase ut. Omkjøring skjer langs lokalavisen. Styret i Norges Skøyteforbund mener Foto: Adressavisen gamle E6 fra Hommelvik til Storsand. Skøytepresident Vibecke Sørensen øn- Muellers oppførsel overfor Maren Haugli Nordgående felt er ikke berørt. sker foreløpig ikke å ta stilling til om Bøkko var et klart kontraktsbrudd og at treneren 1000 meter i 1976, er skuffet over skøytefor- (Adressavisen) kan få jobbe videre med Peter Mueller. ikke har krav på økonomisk kompensasjon. bundets avgjørelse. Toppidrettssjef Jarle Aambø ville ennå – Vi mener opptredenen er helt uforen- – Saken er blitt fremstilt i mediene som Kastet av bussen – funnet ikke si noe om Mueller kan få OL-akkred- lig med skøytesportens og idrettens etiske om jeg har drevet seksuell trakassering av Politiet mener at det var den savnede itering som Bøkkos personlige trener eller retningslinjer. Norges Skøyteforbund ønsker Maren Haugli. Dette har jeg ikke gjort, skrev 48-åringen som ble funnet druknet i ikke. ikke å identifisere seg med slik opptreden Mueller. English Synopsis: Peter Mueller, the na- Krøderen, like ved stedet der han ble satt – Først må vi få på plass de personene og ønsker ikke å ha en rollemodell som op- tional speed-skating coach, has been fired av bussen natt 22. november. som skal ha ansvaret fram til OL og kanskje pfører seg slik overfor våre utøvere. Etter due to allegations of sexual harassment - Han er ikke formelt identifisert ennå, ut sesongen. Vi må finne ut hvilke roller og vår mening er det et alvorlig kontraktsbrudd by Maren Haugli. Only three months men vi har grunn til å tro at det er denne trenere vi trenger i et sånt team. Vi har god som gjør at vi kan heve treneravtalen, sa Sø- remain before the Olympics, and the team mannen, sier Krødsherad-lensmann Stein tid fram til OL til å se hvem som skal ha de rensen. is scrambling for a new head coach. Arild Gjestmoen til Aftenposten. Den ulike akkrediteringer og roller, sa Aambø. Amerikaneren, som ble OL-mester på savnede var på vei fra Oslo hjem til Gol i Hallingdal, men måtte gå av bussen i Noresund sentrum i Krødsherad rundt klokken 01 natt til søndag på grunn Kongeparet på plass i Sør-Afrika av beruselse. Han ble meldt savnet av familien søndag. Det helt nydelig her, sa dronning Sonja da hun og kong Harald besøkte (ANB-NTB) den norske ambassaden i Sør-Afrika 23.november November mot normalt seremoni og åpning av det tre dager lange statsbesøket, der handel og forskning står på Ved Værvarslingen på Blindern i Oslo er ANB agendaen. det registrert drøyt 30 prosent mer nedbør i Ambassaden ligger flott plassert med Formålet med reisen er styrking av sa- november – i forhold til hva som er normalt utsikt over den sørafrikanske hovedstaden. marbeidet mellom landene innen næringsliv for hele måneden. har bare Like etter solnedgang ankom kongeparet til og forskning. Etter planen skal det under- hatt 16,7 millimeter nedbør – tilsvarende privat middag hos ambassadør Tor Christian skrives en ny intensjonsavtale mellom lan- 24 prosent av det som er normalt for Hildan, etter en solrik og varm første dag i dene, ettersom gjeldende avtale utløper ved måneden. Og Tromsø har ikke hatt mer enn Pretoria. Forsommerkvelden, sval og be- utgangen av 2009. 10 prosent av normalen – 10,5 millimeter hagelig, falt i smak hos kongeparet: Kongeparet ledsages av utenriksminis- per 23. nov. - Dette bildet forteller oss at – Det er helt nydelig her, perfekt tem- ter Jonas Gahr Støre (Ap), forsknings- og lavtrykkene denne måneden har kommet peratur, sa dronning Sonja til NTB da hun og høyere utdanningsminister Tora Aasland inn langt syd, sider førstekonsulent Stein kongen stilte opp for fotografene i ambas- (SV), samt to statssekretærer i Handels- og Kristiansen ved Meteorologisk institutts sadens hage. næringsdepartementet og Olje- og energide- klimaavdeling. De ble tatt i mot av ambassadør Hildan partementet. (ANB) (Aftenposten) Foto: Ned Alley, ANB English Synopsis: Their Majesties King og hans kone, Tove Bruvik Westberg. Like Kong Harald og dronning Sonja er på plass Harald and Queen Sonja visited South etter kom resten av den norske delegas- i Sør-Afrika. Dette bildet er fra en tidligere Africa for a three-day state visit Nov. 23- Mann i 80-årene død etter påkjørsel jonen. anledning. 27 to promote industry and technology. Det var rett før klokken 15.00 at mannen 24. november er det offisiell velkomst- ble påkjørt én kilometer nord for Vinger kirke i en fotgjengerovergang. Bilen, som kjørte på mannen, var på vei mot Kongsvinger sentrum. Føreren Tatt for pepperkakehærverk fikk førerkortet beslaglagt på stedet. Fotgjengeren ble sendt til Kongsvinger sjukehus med svært alvorlige skader, men Mennene er siktet for hærverk etter ødeleggelsene av livet hans sto ikke til å redde. Trafikken er sperret og omkjøring på riksvei 20 er Pepperkakebyen i skiltet. (Glåmdalen) Ne t t a v i s e n som har fanget opp hva som skjedde, sa Bergensavisen og flere firmaer har politioverbetjent Bjørn Johnsen til BA.no. også utlovet dusør etter hærverket, på totalt Netcom-problemer i Sør-Norge - Vi har siktet to unge menn, bekrefter Politiets krimteknikere var på stedet i 100.000 kroner. NetCom har problemer med politiinspektør og jourhavende i går og sikret seg prøver som de blant annet Halvparten av pengene skulle gå til et mobildekningen i deler av Hordaland, politidistrikt, Jan Grahl Madsen, overfor håper kan gi DNA-spor og -bevis. veldedig formål, mens 50.000 kroner skulle Rogaland og Agderfylkene. Feilen er BA.no. Pågripelsen fant sted i Bergen i Ansvarlig for Pepperkakebyen, Steinar gå direkte til tipser. En forutsetning var at lokalisert til en sentral i Stavanger, hvor 19-tiden mandag kveld. Kristoffersen, ble vekket søndag klokken tipset bidro til å løse saken. folk fra Netcom arbeider på spreng med De arresterte er fra bergensområdet og 07. Beskjeden var da at noen hadde rasert feilretting. Netcom melder ved 16-tiden er henholdsvis 21 år og 26 år gammel. Pepperkakebyen. Det som møtte han da han English Synopsis: Two young men in at trafikken i mobilnettet er i ferd med å Ingen av dem er kjenninger av politiet. kom frem var verre enn han hadde fryktet. their twenties destroyed approximately stabilisere seg, etter at sentralen i Stavanger Politiet vil ikke kommentere foranledningen - Det har vært folk inne og gjort helt 1000 gingerbread houses in Bergen. There som feilen var lokalisert til ble restartet. - for arrestasjonen. meningsløst hærverk i natt. Dette er helt is little evidence, so police are looking Vi foretar nå en kontrollert igangsetting Tidligere mandag opplyste politiet til ufattelig, sa han etter hærverket. for DNA clues. The town is being rebuilt, av senderne i det berørte området, sier BA.no at de hadde få spor i saken og ba Det er bygget rundt 1000 kakehus til and will re-open in the first week of kommunikasjonssjef Øyvind Vederhus i publikum om tips. årets pepperkakeby. Rundt 90 prosent av December. Netcom. (Aftenposten) - Det er ingen av kameraene i området disse skal være fullstendig ødelagt. NORWEGIANNORWEGIAN AMERICANAMERICAN WEEKLYWEEKLY •• WWW.NORWAY.COMWWW.NORWAY.COM •• SEPTEMBERNOVEMBERNOVEMBER 27,13, 11, 20092009 Ne w s 3 Norway to phase Unstable Icelandic economy costs This week on Norway.com out stiumulus to First out of economic trouble: Norway Norwegian travelers big time The Organization for Economic Coop- eration and Development in Paris said this avoid krone gains Fluctuation in currency week Norway would be the first European Norway must remove makes ticket prices nearly state to return to economic health. The government stimulus or risk faster double by the time credit Norway Post reported Friday that Norway interest-rate increases that would was projected to reach “full capacity” by strengthen the krone and stifle an card was charged 2011 in the OECD semi-annual economic export recovery, Finance Minister report. (United Press International) Sigbjørn Johnsen says Ca r l Al f r e d Da h l Prime Minister Stoltenberg addressed Aftenposten Buyer beware! Changes in exchange rates may “My main task is to try to prevent fiscal change the cost of some online purchases. global challenges in LSE speech policy putting an extra burden on the krone,” “Our challenge is to meet the growing de- Just over a year ago, a Norwegian bought “The complainant claims that the buyer Johnsen, named to the post last month, mand for energy and at the same time re- six flights on Icelandair.is in the Icelandic runs an unreasonably great risk when the bank said in a Nov. 20 interview in Oslo. “The duce emissions to protect the environment,” krona by credit card. At the time of purchase, sets a course that involves near doubling of extraordinary efforts of the fiscal policy the Prime Minister said in his speech at the current exchange rate made the cost of the price. Banking Complaints Board refers should be phased out.” London School of Economics and Political the tickets approximately NOK 15,500. to the term agreements, which stated that the Prime Minister Jens Stoltenberg’s Science on Nov. 20. (Goverment.no) When the card was actually charged, actual price charged will be conversion of Labor-led government, which was re-elected six days later, the exchange rate had so the transaction amount using exchange rates in September, will breach expenditure Lonely Planet ranks train from Trondheim dramatically changed that the actual price on the clearing date, and not on the date of guidelines for a second consecutive year to Bodø among Europe’s eight best night charged for the tickets was NOK 27,370. purchase,” writes the Tribunal, dismissing after using a record amount of the nation’s trains These kind of discrepancies happened to the complaint. $440 billion oil wealth to revive the economy “Under normal circumstances the jaw- a number of customers who complained to The Council also shows that currency in 2009. The pre-election pledge to spend dropping views offered by any Norwegian the Banking Complaints Board. fluctuations may just as easily turn out to the more came after the world’s sixth-biggest rail journey would mean taking a night train These incidents happened in a period customer’s advantage. oil exporter, which boasts Europe’s lowest would be a wasted opportunity. But there when the Icelandic economy was very unemployment rate, had already emerged are two factors in favor of taking the 10- unstable, and the currency swung very much from recession in the second quarter. hour Trondheim to Bodø service. Firstly, if in a short time. (Bloomberg) you do this journey during the summer you needn’t miss anything – the sun will hardly set. Secondly, Norwegian trains are very Mutation of pandemic pleasant places to hang out for a while, and World’s largest inland delta H1N1 in Norway a berth on a night train is an excellent deal On Nov. 12, 2009, His Royal Highness Crown Prince Haakon visited the On Nov. 20, the Norwegian Institute of in a country where bargains aren’t always Okavango Delta as part of his three-day trip to Botswana under the Public Health announced to have found a obvious.” (Lonely Planet) auspices of UNDP (United Nations Development Program) mutated version of the influenza A (H1N1) virus in three patients in Norway who had Exclusion of metallurgical and mining tested positive for the new flu Ko n g eh u s e t company No r w e g i a n In s t i t u t e o f Pu b l i c He a l t h On the advice of the Council on Ethics for the Government Pension Fund – Global, Under the shade of the trees in the The Norwegian Institute of Public the Norwegian Ministry of Finance has village of Samochima, the Crown Prince Health has analyzed virus from a number decided to exclude the Russian metallurgi- met with the local authorities and fishermen. of patients as part of the surveillance of the cal and mining company Norilsk Nickel. The village is located in the Okavango Delta, pandemic flu virus. The viruses have many The Council on Ethics finds it probable the world’s largest inland delta. The Crown similarities, but some mutations have been that Norilsk’s operations are contributing Prince took the initiative to talk to the people observed. This is normal and most of these to extensive environmental damage that about fishing conditions in the delta. The resources are a source of conflict between mutations will probably have little or no will have effects far into the future. This is women in the village – who are trained to subsistence fishermen, commercial fisheries importance. deemed to be in breach of the ethical guide- fish and who carry out a large portion of the and tourists who fish for sport. UNDP is However, one mutation has caught lines for the Fund. (Ministry of Finance) commercial fishing activity – demonstrated assisting the groups in finding a rational special interest. It has been found in two local fishing techniques. and sustainable regime for managing their patients who died from the new influenza fisheries resources. A (H1N1) and in one patient with severe Fishing trip The Crown Prince’s activities included influenza disease. These were the two first Fish is the most important source a fishing trip with local fishermen. of protein in Samochima. However, the wetlands are vulnerable, and fisheries CONTINUES PAGE 14 CONTINUES PAGE 14 Deadline Two great offers for you this season! extended! Give the gift of the Norwegian American Reserve a spot in the 2009 Christmas Issue for your personalized greeting Name: Weekly and we’ll give you a great deal! Message: for any new gift subscription Only $35 City/State/Phone: purchased now until Dec. 14, 2009 Sorry this offer is not valid on renewals. DEADLINE: DECEMBER 5, 2009 • Send check & greeting request to: 7301 5th Ave. NE Suite A., Seattle, WA 98115 Help your friends and family celebrate their You can also pay by credit card Norwegian Heritage all year long! (Visa or MasterCard). Just give us a call toll-free at 1(800)305-0217. Name: God jul og godt nyttår Address: OLAV & LENA LARSON Merry Christmas City/State/Zip: Petersburg, Alaska Solveig Hansen Given By (Your name): Your Phone #: Mankato, Minnesota Send your check and this form to: 7301 5th Ave. NE, Suite A, Seattle, WA 98115 $20 for a large ad (1.5” by 3”) $10 for a small ad (1” by 2”) or to pay by credit card (Visa or MasterCard) call us toll-free at 1(800) 305-0217

Norwegian American Weekly (USPS 679-840) (ISSN 1942-1389) is published weekly except the last two weeks of July, the first two weeks of August and the last week of Dec. by Norwegian American Weekly Inc, 7301 Fifth Avenue NE Suite A, Seattle, WA 98115. Periodicals postage paid at Seattle, WA and at additional mailing offices. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to Norwegian American Weekly 7301 Fifth Avenue NE Suite A, Seattle, WA 98115. Phone: (206)784-4617 • Email: naw@norway. Proud to bring you the Norwegian American Weekly com • Website: norway.com. Annual subscription cost: USD $50 domestic; USD $70 to Canada; USD $175 to Norway and all other foreign countries. NORWEGIAN AMERICAN WEEKLY • WWW.NORWAY.COM • NOVEMBER 27, 2009 4 Bu s i n e s s Exchange Rates Oslo Børs: (November 23 09) Vinnere Navn Siste % A taste of Norway Green Reefers 1,46 28,07 Norsk Kr. 5.5883 Int. Gold Exploration 0,31 19,23 Seajacks International Ltd. 75,00 15,38 Jarlsberg popular across the globe Dansk Kr. 4.9743 Oceanteam 0,67 9,84 Badger Explorer ASA 21,50 9,14 Ra s m u s Fa l ck Svensk Kr. 6.8793 Tapere Oslo, Norway Navn Siste % Biotec Pharmacon 6,16 -83,79 Canadian $ 1.0566 Jarlsberg cheese is one of the best Petrojack 3,10 -32,09 Golar LNG Energy Ltd. 9,69 -11,91 known Norwegian products in America. Euro 0.6684 Eitzen Chemical 2,26 -6,61 Last year Americans ate 12,000 tonnes of the Apptix 1,55 -6,06 party cheese. Consumption has doubled over the last 20 years. In the movie “The Devil wears Prada” with Meryl Streep the cheese Discount Car Rentals in Norway plays an important role. When the fashion assistant Andy throws a cheese sandwich in We work exclusively with HERTZ the basket the immediate comment is. What are you doing? It’s real Jarlsberg.” Later in Scandinavian owned & operated 1.800.870.7688 the movie Andy argues that it is all right that the cheese recipe from 1830. Professor Ole they move to Philadelphia because they have Martin Ystgaard and his team developed Jarlsberg there to. during his research the product as we It all started in the 1830s when the know today combining the cheese making Swiss came to southern Norway to teach traditions with modern technologies. 1 week 2 weeks the Norwegian’s to make cheese. These Today’s Jarlsberg is not made at foreign master cheese makers were famous Category / Period NOK / Approx $ NOK / Approx $ small, rural farms or dairies, but in for making cheese with holes. Entrepreneur carefully controlled, high-tech laboratory A - Ford Ka 2492 / $ 428 4634 / $ 795 B - Ford Fiesta 4704 / $ 808 and farmer Anders Larsen Bakke produced environments. The recipe and bacterial 2534 / $ 435 cheese inspired by the Swiss cheese makers. culture for Jarlsberg are produced and C - Ford Focus 5208 / $ 894 2800 / $ 480 His cheese was first noted in the annual closely guarded at the company’s research E - VW Passat 3283 / $ 563 6104 / $ 1048 county report of Jarlsberg and Larvik and development center in southern Norway. J - Ford Mondeo Automatic 4137 / $ 710 7686 / $ 1320 Amt in 1855. The cheese then somehow The special bacteria that gives Jarlsberg its N - Volvo V70 Wagon 4494 / $ 772 8344 / $ 1433 disappeared. famous wide-eyed holes and sweet flavoring *All prices are in Norwegian Kroner, rates include unlimited km’s, liability insurance & VAT tax In 1956 the Agricultural University at is a well-kept Norwegian secret. Ås (now the Norwegian University of Life Please see www.ViKiNgCARClub.COm You will hear more about the secret Science) undertook the task of reviewing recipe from 1956 in the company’s new for a complete listing of vehicles & rates 108 N. Main St., Cranbury, NJ 08512 • [email protected] Business News & Notes

Lundin Petroleum strikes oil at Norway Aker Solutions signs service contract with LUNDE MARINE ELECTRONICS, INC. Viper Prospect Reliance Industries Sales and Service Lundin Petroleum AB (LUPE.SK) Aker Solutions has been awarded a said on Nov.19 it has struck oil at the Viper contract from Reliance Industries Ltd to prospect in the Norwegian North Sea. provide support services to the MA-D6 and The size of the find is estimated at KG-D6 field developments located in Bay of between 5 million and 10 million barrels of Bengal, India. The USD 25 million contract recoverable oil. “It is likely that the discovery covers inspection, testing and maintenance will be developed as a subsea tieback to the of subsea equipment and tools for a period Seattle,WA Tacoma,WA Dutch Harbor, AK Alvheim floating production storage and of three years. “We are happy to be entrusted phone (206) 789-3011 phone (253) 627-6968 phone (907) 581-1498 offtake unit,” Lundin Petroleum said. with servicing the fields for Reliance. fax (206)782-3188 fax (253)383-4965 fax (907) 581-1402 (Wall Street Journal) With this contract, they are utilizing our lifecycle offerings capability, which covers Wicona lands Spiegel project in Hamburg all phases of a field’s lifetime. This is fully Hydro’s Wicona brand is going to deliver in line with our business strategy,” says [email protected] energy-saving aluminum building systems Dave Hutchinson, President of Subsea Asia 5415 24th Ave NW, Seattle 98107 for Spiegel Group’s new headquarters in Pacific, Aker Solutions. Hamburg. This is a prestigious project that will change the look of the city and its harbor Trade balance up LEWIS O. TITLAND Quality Accounting & Tax Services for: area. Danish architect bureau Henning Exports of goods reached NOK 65 billion Certified Public Accountant Small businesses Larsen has designed the two buildings, in October, while imports came to NOK 37.5 (206)789-5433 Individuals which will provide more than 50,000 square billion. Both exports and imports increased 3824 18th Ave Specialized Assistance meters of office space. The investment in compared to the previous months, and the Seattle, WA 98119 the Hamburg-based project is expected to trade balance reached the highest value since total €180 million. “Technology for ideas” July at NOK 27.4 billion. The trade balance in Full Service Agency With Experienced Norwegian Speaking Consultants! is Wicona’s new brand slogan. The brand October increased 27 percent compared with Full Service Agency WithOur Experienced daily specials Norwegian and regularly Speaking updated Consultants! intends to prove, with the Spiegel deliveries, the previous month. In this period the import information will help you make wise travel that the slogan is right on target, and that this value remained almost unchanged, down just Our daily specials and regularly updated information will help you make wise travel decisions in a constantly changing world! decisions in a constantly changing world! particular architectural design can become 1 percent, while exports went up 9 percent. Sp e c i a l s t o Sc a n d i n a v i a , VERRAZANOSpecials to Scandinavia TRAVEL & LEISURE reality. (Hydro) Increased crude oil exports contribute to Eu r o p e & t h e Ca r i b b e a n Europe & the1 Caribbean (718) 979-6641 the high October figures. In October, the Call us for details! [email protected] us for details! • [email protected] Hurtigruten teams up with National Geo- export value of crude oil ended at NOK 24.1 graphic billion, up NOK 4.3 billion from September Verrazano TraVel & leisure this year. This is the highest monthly value 1 (718) 979-6641 The Norwegian Coastal Ferry Hurtigruten of crude oil exports since October 2008. MULLAVEY, PROUT,[email protected] GRENLEY & FOE will probably grab an even larger part of the The number of exported barrels went up 8.8 a t t o r n e y s a [email protected] d c o u n s e l o r s a t l a w international tourism market after the ship- owner Hurtigruten ASA has teamed up with million barrels from the previous month. the worldwide known company National The average crude oil price was NOK 416 Advice regarding maritime and civil claims, disputes, Geographic. “This is an acknowledgement per barrel in October, up from NOK 402 in commercial transactions and estate planning. of the Coastal Ferry as being something September. The growth is mainly due to an unique, Managing Director in Hurtigruten increase in exported volume. Compared to 24001 NW Sixty-fifth P.O. Box 70567 Seattle, WA 98107 ASA Olav says,” Web site E24.no October 2008 however, the export value of reports, according to BarentsObserver. natural gas is halved. (Statistics Norway) Telephone: (206) 789-2511 Fax: (206) 789-4484

NOVEMBER 27, 2009 • WWW.NORWAY.COM • NORWEGIAN AMERICAN WEEKLY Sp o r t s 5 Swedish Women Take Relay Victory Bjørgen skis away from the rest on Rival’s Soil FIS-SKI

Fa s t e r Sk i e r Marit Bjørgen is back. At the World The Swedish women’s relay team of Cup opener in Beitostølen, the Norwegian Anna Olsson, Sara Lindborg, Anna Lindborg, veteran showed that she’s ready to compete and Charlotte Kalla turned an early 17 for Olympic medals by convincingly winning second deficit into a 16 second victory over the women’s 10km freestyle race. rival Norway. With a strong surge in the last half of Conditions were described as the race, Bjørgen put 30 seconds into Swede “midwinter” with new snow softening the icy Photo: Kristin Størmer Steira Official Web site Charlotte Kalla-her closest competition-and tracks that welcomed racers in yesterday’s Norway’s Kristin Størmer Steira. beat all but four others in the 90-woman field Photo: FasterSkier individual freestyle. The temperature was (SWE) who was third in yesterday’s 10km by more than a minute. Kalla’s teammate Anna Haag took the final spot on the Norway’s Marit Bjørgen shines at the World Cup just under freezing at -1 ˚C. freestyle, and Kristin Størmer Steira (NOR) Opener in Beitostølen, Norway. The top-5 teams plus one pulled brought the Scandinavian teams back into podium. 61st at the first time split, a quarter of the away in the first leg—Sweden, Norway, contention. Russia II remained in striking “I knew that I was in good shape, but way through the race, and gained another 11 , Russia, and a surprising distance, just under 30 seconds back. you never know what the other girls have places in the last 2.5 km between the second Kazakhstan were grouped 10 seconds up at The last leg set up as a fight between done,” Bjørgen said in the post-race press time split and the finish. the first exchange. That quickly changed the top two in yesterday’s race - Marit conference. “It’s good to be back.” Liz Stephen, eying a return to the top 30 when Finland’s Virpi Kuitunen put on a Bjørgen (NOR) and Kalla - plus the always Both Kalla and Bjørgen mentioned the after her strong performances at last year’s strong move, breaking away and it appeared dangerous Aino Kaisa Saarinen (FIN). But challenge posed by the icy, slippery course. World Championships, ended up tied for that the Finnish dominance of recent years Saarinen and Bjørgen could not hold the Fourth-place Kristin Størmer Steira took a 48th, just over two and a half minutes back would remain intact. pace and Kalla skied Sweden to the top of fall, according to Langrenn.com, which cost and 25 seconds from scoring World Cup By the end of the second leg, Finland the podium with the fastest skate leg of the her a chance for the top-three. points. Morgan Arritola, the third American held a 16 second lead on Russia II, who had day. Bjørgen, continuing to show strong Video and photos from Beitostølen women, finished 71st, another 40 seconds climbed back into contention. The rest of form, bested Saarinen, finishing second, showed a clear day with what looked to be behind Stephen and over three minutes the top teams remained within 25 seconds of 16.7 seconds back. hard-packed, near-bulletproof conditions, behind Bjørgen. the lead. Bjørgen mentioned that she struggled a and Bjørgen’s time was fast-less than 25 And in her return to the World Cup after Riita-Liisa Roponen kept Finland in bit on the climbs - that Kalla “floats” better in minutes for a 10km race. struggling with injuries last year, Canada’s first, but lost most of Kuitunen’s hard earned the soft conditions. Coach Egil Kristiansen American Kikkan Randall showed Chandra Crawford—who’s primarily a margin, and the battle for the victory was agreed, and was pleased overall with second that she has stepped up her distance racing, sprinter-finished in 86th, five and a half set with Norway and Sweden back within place, noting that Norway needed four strong finishing just over two minutes back, in minutes down. 4 seconds. Strong legs from Anna Haag legs for a victory. 21st. The Alaskan skied her way up from NOrthug does it ... with Belarus (9th). Devon Kershaw and SeaMates Consolidation Service, Inc. (…continued from page 1) Ivan Babikov kept the team with the leaders through the two classic legs. Alex Harvey Northug took the tag down 10 seconds Ocean Freight Consolidators for Household Goods, maintained position in 7th, before Graham on leaders Russia and Germany. He closed Personal Effects and Commercial Cargo Nishikawa, on his first European World Cup over the first several kilometers, and with to Scandinavia and other Worldwide Destinations trip after winning last year’s NorAm series, three kilometers to go, dropped back to 10th. (GER) fell off the pace, setting up the two- 316 Main Street, East Rutherford, New Jersey 07073 Kris Freeman turned in his usual solid way battle for first. Tel: 1-800-541-4538 • Fax: 1-201-460-7229 opening leg, staying in the lead pack. Torin Overall, seven teams finished within 20 Koos took over, and dropped two minutes to www.seamates.com seconds of the lead. the leaders. The U.S. skaters Andy Newell Contact Sig Samuelsen: [email protected] Eldar Rønning and Martin Sundby and Lars Flora faired better. Newell lost Johnsrud led Norway in the classic legs, a spot overall, but his leg was 1:29 slower staying in the lead group. Ronny Hafsås, the than the fastest, as compared to Koosí 2:42 biathlete who won Saturday’s 15km freestyle, down. lost contact with (RUS) e Scandinavian Hour Flora posted the 15th fastest time on the and Rene Sommerfeldt (GER) on third leg Celebrating over 40 years on the air anchor leg, moving the U.S. team up two before turning over to Northug. spots and outsprinting Florian Kostner of After the race, Northug commented, KKNW - 1150 AM . “I’m happy with my race today. It is always Newell posted on his Twitter feed that Saturdays 9:00 - 10:00 am good to take a home victory. On the last round while the result was not the best, it was a I just stayed behind and decided to take my Streaming live on the internet at: “fun relay,” and that the soft conditions made chance on the last uphill. There were a lot for a tough skate leg. www.1150kknw.com of Norwegians cheering and it helped me to “Andy had a really solid race and it push hard to overtake Chernousov.” showed a lot of athleticism,” said USST The Russian Team was pleased with Head Coach Pete Vordenberg. “Torin raced second and Legkov with his performance. solid and Lars finishing 15th in his leg was a “I had amazing skis on my winner skis! Seattle, Washington Norwegian Commercial Club good showing.” The finish for a team is not Always when I take them I am very good. a goal for us yet. We don’t have a team yet The entire team is happy with second place. where we can look for those results. Fisherman’s Night Unfortunately Ilia was not able to follow “Freeman’s goal of the day was to work Petter on the last uphill but anyway second on classic racing in a head to head mass start Thursday, Dec. 10 at 6 p.m. place is very good.” situation and I think he had a good race, King Neptune Award And while Norway was pleased to be on finishing sixth in the first leg,” Vordenberg the podium, the team recognizes they cannot Senator Ted Stevens of Alaska concluded. always depend on Northug to bail them out. Last year’s defending World Cup “Although we have Peter at the end, there is Hero Awards Champion, , had a strong race a limit on how far we can be back. I think Matt Chester, Jr posting the second fastest anchor leg, and it will be difficult if he is more than a half skiing the Swiss team up 7th, just 19 seconds Ken Edwards minute behind,” said coach Morten Aa back. Matt Chester Djupvik. “We can not gamble on Peter,” he The best leg of the day belonged to added. “Eventually, he gained an advantage, (SWE). Hellner took but in the future he will be beaten.” Sweden from 14th to 6th in the last 10km, Finland finished fourth, buoyed by Leif Erikson Hall 2245 NW 57th St. while posting the top skate leg of the day. For more information, call Ozzie at (206) 297-4254 ’s strong anchor. Heikkinen Other strong individuals included continues a strong start to the season - he was Alexsey Ivanov (BLR), Alexey Polaranin third in the individual on Saturday. He edged (KAZ), (ITA) and Odd- Norway’s Frode Andersen by 1.4 seconds. Bjørn Hjelmeset (NOR). supporting local Norwegian business since 1932 Canada finished 10th in a photo finish NORWEGIAN AMERICAN WEEKLY • WWW.NORWAY.COM • NOVEMBER 27, 2009 6 Op Ed Norwegian American WEEKLY Guest Editorial 7301 Fifth Avenue NE Suite A, Seattle, WA 98115 with Steinar Opstad toll free: 1 (800) 305-0217 local:(206) 784-4617 fax: (206) 448-2033 email: [email protected] What is happening in “my” USA? Publisher & Editor-In-Chief Jake Moe [email protected] In late October, I read an Oslo North Dakotans and Minnesotans are lucky enough things to worry about. Keeping WA Managing Editor Tiffanie Davis [email protected] newspaper that several hundred people to have some of the most talented physicians, your health care coverage should not be across the United States have expressed nurses and health care practitioners in state- one of them. Copy Editor & Subscriptions Manager Christy Olsen Field [email protected] their intentions to kill the President. What of-the-art hospitals, clinics and health care The United States has the Medicare (206) 441-3044 is going on in the world’s largest and most facilities. program for millions of older citizens; why Assistant Layout Editor prominent defender of democracy and free To me, names such as Mayo, Altru, and not make the same system available to all? Harry Svenkerud [email protected] speech? Why are some in America willing Unity signal quality. I have some personal When I visited Grand Forks recently, to kill a political leader whom they disagree experience with this issue. I heard people talk about a “socialistic” with but have chosen in an open, fair and But the way the United States pays for system and say they were afraid of the democratic election? this first-class care looks to me like a mess. government’s involvement in health Contributing Editors We thought these were stories we’d Americans spend more on health care per issues. This is not the system we have in Anita Alan Carmel, Calif. hear only from countries we do not want capita than any other country in the world— Norway. I have been in the operating room Eric Dregni Minneapolis, Minn. to be associated with. I understand that the about twice as much as Norway, Germany, five times in my life, two of those times Gary G. Erickson Sunburg, Minn. threats come from very small fraction of France and Great Britain, according to in Minneapolis. In all cases, the doctors Rasmus Falck Oslo, Norway Marit Fosse Geneva, the population. But still ... World Health Organization statistics from simply decided what to do and never asked Heidi Håvan Grosch Sparbu, Norway I can’t believe that the people I know 2008. And still, so many people are left the Norwegian government or involved any Victoria Hofmo Brooklyn, N.Y. Leslee Lane Hoyum Rockford, Minn. and admire in the Midwest are sending outside the system. bureaucrats in Oslo. Else Hvistendahl New York, N.Y. such messages to the White House. In my I don’t understand why a physician In the two cases in Minneapolis, my Solveig M. Lee Seattle, Wash. Nina Lichtenstein Hartford, Conn. understanding, the only way to disagree or a hospital in North Dakota gets a lower Norwegian health care system paid the bill, Inger-Torill Kirkeby Miami, Fla. about the result of an election is to vote reimbursement than hospitals in other parts and the hospital had no objections. Dagfinn Magnus New Orleans, La. different next time. This is how our of the United States. Why is the health The Norwegian system has a lot of Donald V. Mehus New York, N.Y. Berit T. Mesarick Williamsburg, Va. Norwegian constitution was formed in 1814, care system in the Midwest punished for room for improvement; but when you David Moe Juneau, Alaska very much built on what the Americans had its efficiency compared to its less-efficient need medical help, you get it without any Lisa Portelli Bradenten, Fla. Roman Scott Herre, Norway written years before. counterparts? questions about money or insurance. I have John Erik Stacy Seattle, Wash. I cannot think and have never heard And as I understand it, an uninsured never waited to be treated, and the quality Rolf Kristian Stang New York, N.Y. Kjell Olav Strømsli Trondheim, Norway that any Norwegians send life-threatening patient who visits a hospital with, say, a has been excellent and includes a year- Wendy K. Winkelman Mesa, Ariz. hate mails to His Majesty the King if they broken arm must pay more than another long systematic follow-up—all of this, in disagree with political priorities. patient who also has a broken arm, but what some people in the Midwest call a CORRECTIONS: Norwegian American Weekly strives So I ask again: what is happening in whose insurance company has negotiated socialistic system. to make its news report fair and accurate. If you have a question or comment about news coverage the United States, the country I admire so a reduced price with the hospital. To me, They should know that Norway never call (206) 784-4617. • Norwegian American Weekly much? this suggests that those who can afford it has been a socialistic society. Even when reserves the right to edit any and all submissions for The ongoing discussion on health care the least must pay the most. We would call we had an active Communist Party after style, grammar, accuracy and/or space, and the right not to print submissions deemed libelous, in poor reform also makes me also wonder if we can it a lack of social solidarity. World War II, the Communists had only taste, or not suited for publication in this newspaper. classify the United States as an inclusive Also as I understand it, about 14,000 about 5 percent support. And in the general • The opinions expressed by opinion writers and and modern democracy. I am not qualified Americans lost their health insurance every election this fall, they scored 0.0 percent of letter writers are not necessarily those of Norwegian American Weekly, and our publication of those views is to talk about the specific remedies, but for day this year after being laid off by their the votes in our Parliament. not an endorsement of them. Comments, suggestions the world’s wealthiest country to leave 30 employers. The United States must be the The social democracy we have is just and complaints about the opinions expressed by the million to 50 million people uncovered only industrialized country in the world a name for a well-functioning capitalistic paper’s editorials should be directed to the editor- in-chief. • Norwegian American Weekly is published with health care is unacceptable for me. where you lose your health care when you system. weekly except the first week of the calendar year, Whether the solution is a government lose your job. the last two weeks of July, and the first two weeks plan or a network of private plans is not the I hope the United States winds up Opstad is the founder of The American of August by Norwegian American Weekly, INC. • Please send address changes to 7301 Fifth Ave. issue. To me, it can be either - as long as it with a system such as Norway’s. I’m not College of Norway in Moss, Norway, a NE Suite A Seattle, WA 98115 • Annual Subscription works and includes all. saying we are perfect, but we are not denied project he undertook in cooperation with Cost: US$50 Domestic, US$70 to Canada, Partly based on my own experience, health care if we have high blood pressure, UND. Grand Forks Mayor Mike Brown US$175 to Norway and all other foreign countries. I know that the Midwest has one of the diabetes, or another serious problem. appointed him an honorary citizen of SINCE 1889: Formerly Norway Times & world’s best health care delivery systems. And when you lose your job, you have Grand Forks. Western Viking & Washington Posten. . . Comprising 2011. Additionally, Gross Domestic The report says the recovery is tepid Decorah-Posten og Ved Arnen, Minneapolis- Norway To see fast… (…continued from page 1) Product is slated to grow by 1.3 percent in because economic activity is being held Tidende, Minnesota Posten, Norrona and 2010 and 3.2 percent in 2011 and imports of back by households and businesses repairing Skandinaven of the industrial nations of the world, and goods and services is expected to grow by their finances and reducing their debts. With among the 27 most well-to-do member NORWEGIAN AMERICAN WEEKLY, INC. 4.3 percent in 1010 and 5.4 percent in 2011. a subdued recovery and substantial spare nations, Norway looks to completely recover The economic recovery that is beginning capacity, inflation is projected to continue to first, according to the report. to spread across OECD countries other than fall well into 2010. OECD states that economic recovery Norway, however, is still too timid to halt the European financial activity will benefit has already started in Norway, with the continuing rise in unemployment. from the same growth drivers as the United Proud to bring you the large fiscal and monetary stimulus boosting Norwegian American Weekly The jobless rate is expected to peak in States, but work-sharing schemes and other consumption and sustaining employment. the first half of 2010 in the Unites States, but factors which have helped maintain many To learn more about the Private consumption is expected to grow it may not be until 2011 that unemployment jobs during the crisis may also weaken the Norwegian American Foundation visit: by 4.4 percent in 2010 and 4.5 percent in http://noram.norway.com begins to fall in the Euro area. rate of job creation over the coming months. SAM & ELLIE By Ray Helle

NOVEMBER 27, 2009 • WWW.NORWAY.COM • NORWEGIAN AMERICAN WEEKLY Op Ed 7 Letters to the Editor: Do you have something to say? Send your letters to: Jake Moe, Editor-In-Chief • [email protected] • 7301 Fifth Avenue NE Suite A, Seattle, WA 98115

Dear Norwegian American Weekly, Dear Tim, Dear Editorial staff, I love the Weekly and read it cover to Thank you so much for bringing this I lived in a boarding house on Yesler cover each week. Thought you might be great story to our attention. We contacted Way in Seattle in 1961. I hung over head interested in this story that ran in our local your local paper, the American-Statesman, garage doors all over the mountains and paper last week. and they graciously allowed us to reprint it islands and have many wonderful memories for our readers to enjoy! of the area. Is the building which was owned 27. november All the best, by the Danish Brotherhood still there? Hans Klykken Camano Island WA Tim Sincerely, I love Pastor Dagfinn’s warmth and Harold T Nordsletten Souris ND Editor personal honesty, and Pastor Larsen’s 28. november reminiscences. Hjalmar M Haaland Albert Lea MN Olav Vetrhus Ottawa IL Austin artist designs road- Sincerely, Thomas Eliassen Ft Pierce FL H. Birt Birkelund Gunnar Tonnesen Prescott AZ Baldwin, N.Y. Kanuda Vicik going Viking vessel 29. november Dear Norwegian American Weekly, Ludvik Bruun La Crosse WI Evelyn Anderson LaFourette As the 45-foot-long Human- Recently we’ve been being taxed on our Norwegian pensions. We are all very upset. Scotts Valley CA Powered Road-Going Viking Are you going to report on this? 30. november Boat made its way down Isak Furuseth Marysville BC Can Magnus Melgard Huron SD Bolm Road in East Austin on Sincerley, Ester Bru Baum Olaug Asbjørg Segel Tacoma WA Saturday, a curious crowd Seattle, Wash. Courtney Olsen Richland WA 1. desember of pedestrians and cyclists Hans Nordby Boston MA gathered, naturally, to get a Dear Ester John M Winge Starbuck MN Thank you for writing to the Norwegian better look Hans G Nordby Boston MA American Weekly. Because we share an Albert Hendrickson De Land FL office with the Honorary Royal Norwegian Nikki D Haglund Je r e m y Sch w a r t z Photo: Rodolfo Gonzalez/ American-Statesman Lauderhill FL Consulate in Seattle, we have certainly American-Stateman Staff Artist Matt Norris spent two years designing his Alf Sather Seattle WA Road-Going Viking Boat, which was built with heard about the taxed pensions. You are not John Brock-Utne Stanford CA What they saw were 13 Austinites $2,500 from E.G.A.D. AdVenture Capital. alone in your frustration. The Consulate has 2. desember sitting in a boat made of steel and corrugated received a number of calls regarding the Betty Hegge Seattle WA plastic, gliding on trailer tires and “rowing” or a truck, strip the body and build on that.” taxes but unfortunately we don’t currently Tim Kelley Ashland OR a complicated system of pulleys and cables. After building a much smaller prototype, have information about the tax. We agree Catherine Sattlethight Frerichs All the while, the hoary group, most wearing Norris ended up using the axle of a golf cart that this is an important issue that affects Harriman NY and car airbags for springs. plastic Viking helmets, bellowed in unison a number of Norwegian-Americans and it 3. desember something that sounded like a cross between The boat is the first art project funded is absolutely worthy of coverage. We are Thor H Hoivik St Paul MN “pull!” and “aaargh!” by a E.G.A.D. AdVenture Capital, a new arts researching the situation and will report on Alice (Boe) Barikmo Iola WI As the Viking boat arrived at its support group in which each of its participants it in a future issue. Bergljot Haglund Cambridge MD destination, Cobra Studios on Gardner Road, donated $50 to fund a single project. The Edwin Peterson Madison MN it was serenaded, naturally, by a mariachi group put out a call for proposals and after Sincerely, John K Sjong Seattle WA Barbara Monson Hackensack MN band. The crew quickly broke up and made weeding the original 50 artists down to 10 Editor a beeline for a keg. The musicians wandered finalists, picked the Human-Powered Road- past the boat, the trumpeter remarking: Going Viking Boat. Want to see your birthday in the “That’s a sweet machine, man.” “The title itself grabs you,” said Benjamin Serrato, the founder of E.G.A.D. DEADLINE EXTENDED! Norwegian American Weekly? The Viking boat was perhaps the most Attention readers: The Norwegian Give us a call at (800) 305-0217. “It was an intriguing, crazy idea. I think the unusual part of the annual East Austin Studio American Weekly has extended the deadline Birthday listings are free, whimsical nature appealed to people.” but must be submitted at least Tour, which ends today. Growing steadily for submitting Christmas Greetings in our Norris said he applied for what turned one month in advance. since it began in 2003, the tour gives people a 2009 Christmas Issue coming out Dec. 18. out to be about $2,500 in funding as a lark chance to visit more than 150 artists’ studios The new deadline is Dec. 5. At only $10 after seeing a call for submissions in the on the east side. for a small ad, and $20 for a large ad, this is Austin Chronicle. A month later, Serrato The Viking Boat is the brainchild of a great opportunity to spread a little holiday called to tell him he’d won. local artist Matt Norris, 36, who spent more cheer with Norwegian-Americans across the “I was like, oh ... I actually have to do Proud to bring you the than two years designing and building the country. For more information see the ad on this,” Norris said. Norwegian American Weekly contraption. page 3 or give us a call, toll-free at 1(800) Copyright 2009, Austin American- “I spent a lot of time thinking about 305-0217. To learn more about the it,” said Norris, an artist at the Big Medium Statesman; reprinted with permission Norwegian American Foundation visit: http://noram.norway.com studio. “Originally I was going to get a van Han Ola Og Han Per

NORWEGIAN AMERICAN WEEKLY • WWW.NORWAY.COM • NOVEMBER 27, 2009 8 Th e Ta s t e o f No r w a y It’s beginning to taste a lot like Christmas Fattigman

2 whole eggs 2 egg yolks 1/2 cup sugar 1/2 cup cream 1/2 cup melted butter 1 tablespoon baking powder 2-1/2 to 3 cups flour 1/4 teaspoon vanilla or cardamom powdered sugar

Beat eggs and sugar. Add butter and the center of each cookie. Pull bottom point cream. Stir in baking powder. Slowly of cookie through the slit. This makes the add 2-1/2 cups of flour. Add more flour, cookies into a bow shape. if necessary, to get the right rolling Drop cookies into hot oil and fry until consistency. light brown. Roll dough out about 1/2 inch thick. Drain on newspaper and sprinkle with Cut dough into diamond shapes, 3 inches powdered sugar. Recipe from www.baking. long and 1 and 1/2 inched wide. Cut a slit in about.com. Rosettes 3 eggs 2 T sugar 1 cup whole milk 1 1/2 cups flour 2 T melted butter

Whisk eggs, sugar, and milk lightly together. Sift over the flour and mix. Add the melted butter, mixing well. Refrigerate 30 minutes.

Scanorama Viking Ad 1 Place your order today!4/5/06 9:12:16STU Heat the shortening or oil to 350 degrees Scandinavian Specialties F. Heat the rosette iron in the fat. Dip the iron Remove the rosette with a fork and drain into the batter. The batter should just reach on paper towels. the top of the iron, not over it. Deep fry in Sprinkle with powdered sugar. the fat until just stiff, about 1 minutes.

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Photo: norway-hei.com Go on, take the Credit(s) On vacation from June 28th to August 4th! Oslo International Summer School at the University of Oslo offers a wide variety of courses for academic credit. Choose from topics such as Norwegian Language and Culture to International Politics and Peace Research. Full course descriptions are available at www.uio.no/iss. “A Taste of Norway in the Heart of Brooklyn!” Contact us at (800) 639-0058 or at [email protected] for more information.

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NOVEMBER 27, 2009 • WWW.NORWAY.COM • NORWEGIAN AMERICAN WEEKLY Tr a v e l s t o No r w a y 9 Visiting Voss Experience one of Norway’s most beautiful outdoor escapes

Jo h n Er i k St a c y outside the Fleischer hotel is the gondola that Seattle, Wash. levitates travelers to the alpine ski center (a truly amazing place to ski). This can also be What’s so special about Voss? Why a start point back country skiing or a walk would a small town in to the summit of Lønehorgi, the brooding be such an attraction for travelers and a gray mass of stone that is one of the most source of deep pride for locals? Perhaps the prominent peaks in Voss. combination of living culture, tradition and For those with family in Voss, there is location can begin to explain the phenomenon almost certainly a connection to a farm and that is Voss. From the people of Voss springs all the cultural content that this entails. The true enthusiasm for activities ranging from yearly rhythm of sheep farming includes the extreme-sport to experimental music. birth of lambs in the spring, setting the flock These cultural pursuits are an extension out to range free on the mountain, bringing of traditions that have long characterized salt-licks in the summer, herding together in the spirit of a region where challenges are the fall, shearing and slaughter. Each of these embraced and written into song. Culture and phases in the “dance of life” that marks the tradition are in turn anchored in a landscape passage of time for a vossing can be a special that is simultaneously daunting, awesome experience for relatives and guests of more ,and empowering. urbane habit. Voss sits in a nexus of valleys that The wonder of these experiences is connect passages from fjords with the obvious to those of entrepreneurial bent, and mountains to the east. Voss might be thought an industry in gardsturisme (agro-turism) has of as the “country cousin” of Bergen. Voss begun to surface. Entrance into a Voss farm is is intimately connected to Bergen through like opening a box of unexpected heirlooms. Photos courtesy of John Erik Stacy. its proximity, generations of inter-marriage, These include folk music, dance and art. similar dialectic inflection and thirst for Surprisingly many farmers are proficient a crossing on Highway 7 parallel to the train at Haukalifjell and more) or the Northern cultural expansion that is surely rooted in musicians and cultivate their interests in line through Hallingdal that then deviates route on E16 through Valdres and on to the the cosmopolitan aspirations of Bergen’s clubs and gatherings. Similarly, the useful south of the Hardangerjøkulen glacier fjord-town of Lærdal and then through an Hanseatic past. In many ways, Voss is a and decorative arts are practiced throughout with a stop at the dizzying Vørringsfossen impressive tunnel connecting to , meeting point between the most rustic aspects the population. The food of western Norway, waterfall in Mobødalen. The way continues Flåm, Gudvangen, Stalheim, and Voss of Norway’s rural population and its deepest in particular its milk products and smoked- on toward the ferry crossing between (segments of the “Norway in a nutshell” connections to European culture. From a meat (dravle, spekjøtt, smalehove) are also Brimnes and on the arm route). western-Norwegian’s perspective, Voss can an integral part of the experience. of and so through tunnel and The very act of getting to Voss is an also be thought of as a point of connection to The intertwined strands of culture, over switch-back ascent along Skjervefossen important aspect the experience and one that the east. In the days when Norway was still tradition and location can set the agenda for (the stretch of road that was the scene of the creates a bond between visitors and locals many small kingdoms, the aspiring Sverre travel to Voss. The “Norway in a nutshell” long-board event in the last Extreme-Sport as well as between modern Norwegian and imposed his will through an invasion via tour helps to shows how Voss is a cross- Week held in Voss). Other routes between ancient ancestors. So, in planning a trip to the perilous pass (Sverresgong) of Raundal road between inland and fjord locations Oslo and Voss include the southern route Norway, consider the many possibilities that valley. The engineers of the current train line and how lines of communication by boat on Highway 11 through Telemark and its Voss offers the first time visitor and initiate between Oslo and Bergen have followed and overland could be accomplished in the many possibilities (canal boat travel, skiing alike! parts of King Sverre’s route. challenging terrain that is Western Norway. Today the train travels safely between The “nutshell” tour is a detour from the main Oslo and Bergen several times a day. The Bergen-Oslo train line. Points on the route station in Voss is just outside the venerable include the mountain out-post of Myrdal, Land of the Fleischer Hotel with its classic slate-shingled the fjord towns of Flåm and Gudvangen, the gables (slate is one of the natural resources Midnight Son: iconic mountain view from Stalheim and MidnightNorwegian Christmas inSon: America and the quarries of Voss have covered most on to Voss. The Bergen-Oslo train line also Norwegian Christmas in America The gift that lasts a lifetime. of the roofs in the region). In April each year offers the interesting possibility of bicycle the hotel is booked to capacity (as is the Park Jewelry made with stones (not to mention back-country skiing in the from Scandinavia Hotel and virtually all other accommodations appropriate season) from the high-point of All pieces are in town) as Vossjazz blossoms onto the Finse (1,222 meters = 4,000 ft) along the numbered one of a kind. Made to your specifications. Work town. Musicians and music lovers converge gravel road that was used to construct the in sterling silver and 18ky gold. on Voss from Bergen, Oslo and the world train line (known as the Rallarvegen) to beyond to take part in nearly week-long Myrdal and eventually Mjøllfjell station and From Norway – thulite, vasskis, aquamarine, peridot, green expression of rhythmic and melodic forms the head of Raundal valley. The river runs amazonite that range from traditional to completely through Raundal and eventually opens into Your favorite Norwegian and American ChristmasYour favorite songs and Norwegian native music and Americanfrom the Sami From Sweden – Sweden stone – From Denmark from the old iron smelters – amber far-out (including genres like swing and Vangsvattenet-lake on which the town of andChristmas Huron people songs andperformed native musicby Linda from (Gundersen) the Sami Dixie-land in between). Again at the end of and Huron people performed by Linda (Gundersen) Voss is located. There are “youth-hostel” Priebe, Mezzo-Soprano, Ola Gjeilo, Piano, and Brian From Finland – labradorite, spectrolite June, hotels and campgrounds are packed Priebe,Priebe Mezzo-Soprano, Alphorn, Trombone, Ola Gjeilo, and Piano, Percussion. and Brian style accommodations at both Mjøllfjell and Priebe Alphorn, Trombone, and Percussion. From Greenland – Christmas stone, as “Extreme Sport Week” (Ekstremsport on the shore of Vangsvattenet (Norwegians satellite stone The perfect gift for the Norwegians on your list! Veko) and its adrenaline-junkies descend now call these vandreheim which is a more TheThe perfectperfect giftgift forfor thethe NorwegiansNorwegian onon your your list! list! onto Voss. This event is headlined by people befitting term since “wanderers” of all ages View stones and more jewelry online like Kari Traa (free-style skiing champion www.judyhoch.com – and in particular traveling groups and Price:Available $15.00 + at$3.00 www.Amazon.com; shipping & handling and now purveyor of designer clothing). The families with children – often book bunk-bed Price:www.itunes.com; $15.00 + $3.00 and shipping www.CDbaby.com. & handling Judy Staby Hoch • 719.539.5494 Buy secure online at PO Box 1407, Salida, CO 81201 sporting-spirit of the town has produced more Buy secure online at rooms sleeping four or more). The Mjøllfjell Or directwww.ArriviMarketing.com from the Artists by email to www.ArriviMarketing.com than its fair share of champions, including and Voss vandreheim are often occupied [email protected],or email your order to or email your order to an unusually high concentration of Winter by kayak and rafting enthusiasts that make [email protected]$15 + shipping. Olympic Medalists and, of course, American use of the Raundal river in their pursuit of [email protected] football legend Knut Rockne. watery thrills. QuantitiesQuantities will are belimited limited - In addition to Vossajazz and Exteme- Heading west to Voss by car opens Quantities will be limited Proud to bring you the Get yours TODAY!TODAY! Sport Week, Voss offers many experiences additional dramatic travel options, including Get yours TODAY! Norwegian American Weekly for participation of young and old alike. Just NORWEGIAN AMERICAN WEEKLY • WWW.NORWAY.COM • NOVEMBER 27, 2009 10 Ro o t s a n d Co nn e c t i o n s Norwegian American Weekly Photo of the Week EN POPULÆR DRIKK av Sölvi Dolland

Photo courtesy Deanna Egeland Dowell. Svenn Lovlie helps out at the Sons of Norway Lutefisk Dinner on Nov. 1 at Oslo Lodge 2-35 in Bremerton, Wash.

What did you pay for that? $3.58 USD $3.59USD is the sale price for is the median price for 17.5 oz. frozen french 30 oz. frozen french fries fries in Norway. in the U.S. The NAME Game

NOVEMBER 20: Helle, Halvdan victory and laos folk/people. The name has Helle is presumably derived from been used in Norway since the 11th century. Helga, an Old Norse word associated with Abbreviations include: Nils, Nikolai, Niklas, Did you know? the adjective heilagr-hellig/holy. The name Klas, Claus and Nick. Klement which comes Ole and Random facts about Norway was once mostly used in Denmark, but is now from the Latin means mild and is an Old widely used in Norway. Norse form of Clemens, used in Norway Halvdan derives from the Old Norse since the 12th century. Lena As per Encyclopedia Halfdanr-halvt dansk/half Danish. Britannica, Norwegians NOVEMBER 24: Gudrun, Guro, NOVEMBER 21: Marianne, Mariann Gud read more than any other Marianne is a French dimunitive of Gud is a common first syllable in Old Ole and Lena were expecting population in the world. Marie. May come from the Greek Mariamne, Norse names and can mean both God/Gud and their first baby. As the time an alternative form of Mariam. Could also be god/good. Run means hemmelighet/seecret, a combination of Maria and Anne. Maria is hemmelig, kunnskap/secret knowledge, but it approached, Lena announced, a Greek version of the Hebrew Mirjam, the can also mean trofast venn/loyal friend. Guro name of Jesus’ mother. The name presumably is a Norwegian dialect version of Gudrun. “I think it’s time for the baby… means beautiful. Related versions include: but with the traffic this time of Answer key for Nov. 20 Mariann (more recent), Marian, Mary, Marie, NOVEMBER 25: Katarina, Katrine, Marion. day, I’m not sure we will get to THANKSGIVING WORD SEARCH Kari Karen, Karna, and Karin are Nordic the hospital in time.” NOVEMBER 22: Cecile, Silje, Sissel forms, Kate and Katy are English. Katinka Ole thought a minute and Cecilia is the original form, derived from and Katja are Russian. The origion is thought teh Latin Caecilia, the name of a prominent to be the Greek Aikatherine, of katharos. then said, “Well, maybe we had Roman family. The name has been in use in Norway since 1100. better take two cars. That way, NOVEMBER 26: Konrad, Kurt The name derives from the Old German one of us is sure to make it.” NOVEMBER 23: Klaus, Klement Kuoni-modig/brave and rat- råd, rådgiver/ Klaus is an abbreviated version of the advice, adviser. Kurt and Kort are contractions German name Nikolaus, which derives from of the name. the Greek Nikolaos. Nike means - seier/

NOVEMBER 27, 2009 • WWW.NORWAY.COM • NORWEGIAN AMERICAN WEEKLY Fa i t h a n d Re l i g i o n 11 In honor and memory of Do you have a loved one or friend who has recently passed? Send a brief memoriam to [email protected]. Just a minute Encouraging columns by the late Pastor Per W. Larsen, brought back to life Grace Gimre Schettler after being previously printed in the Norway Times. November 24, 1922 - November 14, 2009 Regular Days Grace Gimre Schettler passed away peacefully on Nov. 14 in Bellevue, Wash. Her relationship and faith in Jesus remained strong throughout her life. She wanted all to know “she has gone to be with the Lord after a brief illness.” Grace was born to Sven Anders and Kirsten Gimre on Nov. 24,1922 Regular days—what a blessing they and they will pass. in Astoria, Ore. She graduated from Astoria High School in are! How we should be grateful for the When discontentment is threatening 1940 and the University of Oregon in 1949 with a B.A. in days when things are going at a steady our peace of mind, let us then consider Sociology. She was a member of the Alpha Gamma Delta pace; when we can get up in the morning all the things for which we ought to be Sorority and the Sociology Honor Society, Alpha Kappa Delta. and go to our task without any unsuspected grateful. After graduation, she moved to San Diego where she met a events disturbing our peace of mind. There Yes, let us also reach out to those Navy pilot; they fell deeply in love and were married Aug. 13, are many tormented souls in this world who have been afflicted by tragedies and 1955 in Astoria. She had a rich life as a loving wife and a wonderful mother and grandmother who gladly would exchange their misery sorrow in life. Let them not be left alone in to her three children and nine grandchildren. Her loving and giving spirit touched all who with our regular days. their misery, but let us tell them we care— knew her. Grace’s childhood summers at Seaside, Ore., were a source of fond memories for There are certainly times when we we who are blessed with those wonderful her. She was proud of her Norwegian heritage and everyone loved her Norwegian pancakes feel that our lives have become a treadmill, regular days. (Psalm 23) and cookies. She also enjoyed many camping trips along the ocean with her family. Grace was when we feel a little blue and depressed. a long-time member of St. Thomas Church, where she served faithfully in many capacities, But those time are a part of the rhythm of including Directress of Altar Guild. Grace is survived by William, her husband of 54 years, life. Don’t take them too seriously, don’t her children James (Moira) Schettler, Susan (Tim) McMains, and Barbara (James) Moffat, allow yourself to be overcome by them, and her grandchildren: Joshua, Mark, Melissa and Daniel Schettler; Greg, David and Scott McMains; and Ethan and Deborah Moffat. She will be greatly missed by her close family, relatives and numerous friends. Signe Helene Olsen Signe Helene Olsen, died on Oct. 29. She is survived by these beloved family members who will miss her greatly and will pass on her amazing life story: her husband Frithjof kong olav v’s kirke Olsen, to whom she was married for 73 years, her daughter Sonja Olsen Bloom and her SjømannSkirken husband Peter Bloom, her grandchildren Linnea Olsen Bloom and Erik Bloom, his wife The Norwegian Church in New York Melissa Standen and her great-grandchildren Elio and Inez. Signe Helene was born on the island of Hidra, off the coast of Flekkefjord. She emigrated to America in 1930. She lived 317 east 52nd street (Betw. 1st & 2nd aves.) with Frithjof for over 60 years in Bay Ridge, Brooklyn and they moved to the Paul Spring new york, ny 10022 Retirement Home in Alexandria, Va. in 2003. 1-212-319-0370 • [email protected] Åpningstider: man - tors: 11-18, fre - søn: 12-17 Edna Geneva Halverson WWW.kjerka.com September 25, 1910 - November 16, 2009 gudstjenester: familiegudStjeneSte : 29. november gudstjeneste og søndagsskole: Hver søndag kl. 11 Edna and her twin sister Ethel were the med kirkekaffe i etterkant. Søndagsskole går parallelt med gudstjenestene. youngest of nine children born to Norwegian immigrant parents, Hans and Theoline Familiegudstjeneste: Hver første søndag i måneden holder vi Slotsve. Edna is predeceased in death by her familiegudstjeneste kl. 14. 00 og aktiviteter for barna fra kl. 13. 00. Etter gud- husband Kenneth and her son Lance. She is stjenesten serverer vi kirkekaffe. survived by her twin Ethel; daughter Geri (Nat) Crawford, grandchildren Cathie (Hank) What’s happening: Lewis, Scott (Patty) Crawford, Colleen Crawford, Cheryl (John) Barnett II, Gail RisgRøt-seRveRing: Hver lørdag kl. 13-16: Donasjon $5 Crawford, Rolf (Andrea) Halverson, Britta veRksted FoR baRna: 6.desember. Vi arrangerer verksted med Halverson and 16 great-grandchildren. ulike aktiviteter for barn den første søndagen i hver måned, i forbindelse med familiegudstjenestene. Verkstedet begynner kl.13, og familiegudstjenesten kl.14. Velkommen! julelunch: 9.desember fra kl. 12.00. Vi serverer en velsmakende, tradisjonell norsk julelunch fra kl 12.00 til kl. 14.00. Pris -og påmeldingsinfor- Norwegian Lutheran Memorial Church masjon kommer senere. Den Norske Lutherske Minnekirke småbaRnstReFF: 10. desember fra kl. 10.30 The Norwegian Lutheran Memorial Church offers the best venue in Chicago for Norwegians, Scandinavians and others who are interested in the wonderful language, culture and people of Norway. We welcome you to our warm and friendly ung i new YoRk: 1. og 12. desember kl. 18.00 family of members. Please visit us soon and help support this Norwegian tradition. FamilieløRdag med RisgRøt: 19.desember Én lørdag hver måned inviterer vi spesielt familier til sjømannskirken for å spise grøt sammen og treffe andre familier i New York-området. December 6th Norwegian Service with Communion ung i new YoRk julegRøt: 19.desember fra kl. 13.00 andre December 13th Norwegian Service unge nordmenn i New York. Aldersgruppe ca 16-35 år. Gjennom året består samlingene av f.eks. grillkvelder, quiz- og filmkvelder, konserter, middager med December 20th Norwegian Service with English Sermon tradisjonell norsk mat, bowlingturnering, fotballtur, skitur osv. Vi håper du blir December 27th English Service med på våre arrangementer. The more the merrier! trygve Lie gaLLery: ingun dahlin, ceRamic and elin halvoRsen, aRt Quilt on display thru january 4, 2010 exhibit open to the public. admission free.

2614 North Kedzie Boulevard Chicago, Illinois 60647 • (708) 867-7051 WWW.trygveLiegaLLery.com

NORWEGIAN AMERICAN WEEKLY • WWW.NORWAY.COM • NOVEMBER 27, 2009 12 Ar t s a n d En t e r t a i n m e n t Book Review: “Ulvedal: Valley of the Wolves” A psychological thriller by Dr. Dan Chesnut

Ch r i s t y Ol s e n Fi e l d Copy Editor

What happens when you combine family “I was impressed by a lot of things tragedy, a new beginning in America, and a in Norway… Norwegians are sensitive, chance of happiness? Read the psychological good people,” says Chesnut. “I study thriller “Ulvedal: Valley of the Wolves” by people… an observer by nature.” Noting Dr. Dan Chesnut to find out. the influences of the dark winters and cold Photo: Solveig Lee “Ulvedal” is the story of Gudrun Sola, weather, Dr. Chesnut draws the connection Cecil Monson with daughters Mary Alice Kois on the left and Martha on the right with Martha’s the beautiful, linguistically-gifted protagonist between environmental factors and the high husband Vern Olsen holding Cecil’s great-granddaughter Aaliyah Kois-Jacob. with a natural inclination towards diplomacy. suicide rates in Norway, the makings for an Whidbey island ... their own home on the island, a place so Gudrun’s intelligence paved the way for her interesting plot. His 40+ years of experience (…continued from page 1) special where Cecil could relax and look admittance to the University of Oslo, and a in the emergency room and family practice at the view before him, watch ships sailing day than to attend such an event to taste the position in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. gave him plenty of experience to draw from by in that wonderful setting of Admiralty foods of Norway, listen to Nordic music, and, As she grows more successful in her career, his characters. In particular, his novel focuses Inlet. For 36 years, Cecil’s home has been on perhaps, do a little Christmas shopping? traumatic events from her childhood haunt on family suicide clustering, a growing Whidbey Island. Among those in attendance was Cecil her and follow her to New York. Caught phenomenon especially among women. On Whidbey, reflections of life in Monson. A third-generation Norwegian in between two worlds, Gudrun must make Chesnut wrote his story for many years, Wisconsin live on. The Monsons cherish the America, Cecil was enjoying the festivities a decision if she will allow happiness into working in his spare time between his family loveseat that once stood in the grandparents’ with his family. One soon realized that he her life, leading to a stunning and heart- medical practice, taking creative writing home. (No one is allowed to sit in it.) Memoirs understands the realities of the past and has wrenching climax. classes at the University of Oklahoma, from days of yore have been expressed in used his experiences as a means of growth. Chesnut himself is not Norwegian, but and other activities. One unique aspect of writings, “Do You Remember?” Cecil wrote In October, Cecil turned 100. his wife Gudbjørg is from a small town “Ulvedal” is the 75 illustrations by Chesnut— 115 columns for the South End Whidbey Heritage means much to Cecil. He near Haugesund, Norway. The Chesnuts he shows the reader different aspects of the Island senior newsletter. Topics, such as the told about his grandparents, immigrants met in Oklahoma, where Dr. Chesnut had characters as he imagines them to be, without following, bring back memories to many: from Norway. His grandmother, Christine a family medical practice, and they married using excessive words or description. “Saturday Night in a Small Town in the Systelien, emigrated to America when she in the 1980s. They returned to Norway to Full of symbolism and subtle plot twists, Country,” “Dance Music in the 1930’s,” and was age 15. Shortly, her mother died of restore Dybing, Gudbjørg’s childhood home. “Ulvedal: Valley of the Wolves” is a novel “Learning to Drive.” Cecil’s son John has the typhoid. Christine’s alternative was Dybing, a remote farm west of Heskestad in you won’t put down until you are finished. compiled these articles into a book. What to become a domestic. He described his western Norway, has been in Gudbjørg’s “I want this book to give the reader a lot greater gift could one give to his children? grandfather, Peter Brenum, as a “simple” family since 1650, and now a vacation rental to think about, and challenge their intellect… Cecil has also been blessed with a man. By that, he meant that his grandfather for those who seek rest in the natural beauty It’s a complex novel, and people miss a lot in talented son-in-law, Vern Olsen. Since the had no bad habits. He owned a 40-acre farm of Norway. Dybing also was the inspiration their first read,” says Chesnut. onset of the Nordic Fest, Vern has been an near Wiota, Wis. He did not court the woman for the setting of “Ulvedal.” To purchase your signed copy of integral part of Nordic Fest festivities and is he married. Peter simply offered himself as The couple lives at Dybing for three to “Ulvedal: Valley of the Wolves,” send a often heard performing as soloist, sometimes a husband. So, it was. The two married in five months a year, allowing Chesnut to fully $20 check to Restoration Publishing, 11912 accompanying himself on the accordion, 1879. immerse himself in Norwegian culture and Rosedale Drive, Oklahoma City, OK 73162. singing a duet with his brother, Karl, or Cecil’s father, Martin, also farmed. It society. His careful character development Please contact for international shipping performing with the Randy Bradley Band or was on that farm that Cecil was born. He, shows a true understanding of the Norwegian rates. the Shifty Sailors, a world-renowned singing therefore, also learned to farm. Cecil, psyche. group. What more touching way could Vern however, attended the University of end the performance on Saturday than to sing Book Review: Wisconsin in Madison where he received “Nid Elven” with the Randy Bradley Band. a degree in accounting. He became chief The applause was tremendous. accountant for Wisconsin Electric Power in Vendors were in attendance from many “The Boys from Milwaukee, Wis. Upon retirement, he and his areas in the Pacific Northwest. Musical wife, Alyce, made the trip west to Whidbey groups to perform included Tre Norske, Talia Vangen: Island where their daughter and son-in- Marcus, Yours Truly, NW Nordic Ladies law, Martha and Vern Olsen, had bought a Chorus, Vern Olsen, Young Skandia Dancers, log house built by a Finn near Greenbank. and the lively Randy Bradley Band. Vangsgutane” Cecil’s plan was to help his son-in-law work For all, Nordic Fest on Whidbey was a on the home just for the summer. wonderful day! A bilingual children’s Whidbey Island! Why, it was a beautiful place! What could they do? They bought classic (1895-1983), became the Vangen boys’ starting point for the bilingual 2009 book. Sp ec i a l Re l e a s e mother, Sigrid. The Norwegian text is written in bokmål, Vangsgutane has been published as a while most of the dialogue is in nynorsk. The pre-Christmas magazine every year since contents of the 1973 book are from the 1941- In 1939, Leif Halse was inspired by 1941, with the exception of three years. It 1942 magazines. The 2009 bilingual book is Hans Aarnes, an editor and champion of the was not published in the years 1944, 1946 an expanded version of the 1973 book. nynorsk, to create a cartoon series to be set and 1963. In 1953 and 1983 there were This book is a charming piece of on a farmstead, where kind and easy-going two editions, both a summer and a winter Norwegian history, the perfect keepsake boys helped keep their home place in order. magazine. The series had many artists but to pull out and read to children during the The series was designed to set an example it was Jens R. Nilssen (1880-1964) who holiday season. The 2009 version was just for Norwegian children. Because Halse had illustrated the series from 1941 until 1957, published by Astri My Astri Publishing. experience with that type of work, it was and the 1962 edition. It is hardcover with 176 pages, all in full Kåre, having to take over his role. The almost an autobiography for him. Right Halse’s book edition of Vangsgutane color. Written by Leif Halse. Illustrated neighbor, Strong-Ola Bakken, gives Sigrid after the war, Vangsgutane (literally, Vangen from 1973, published by Fonna Forlag, Oslo, by Jens R. Nilssen. Bilingual English and her boys a hand when needed. Near the Boys) was used as curriculum material in Norway, was originally distributed in two and Norwegian, translated into English farm lies Skjorhagen, where Martin and his Norwegian schools, as the series had easy- versions, one in nynorsk and one in bokmål. by Alexander Knud Huntrods. ISBN-13: son, Larris, live. They cause many problems to-read text with pictures. Only one letter on the cover distinguished the 9780976054153. This book is available for for the Vangen boys. Leif Halse used his own The plot of the series involves Sigrid two books: “N” for nynorsk, “B” for bokmål. purchase online at www.astrimyastri.com or sons’ names in Vangsgutane: Kåre (1922- losing her husband in a work accident and It was the bokmål 1973 book that was the by calling (563) 568-6229. the sons of the Vangen farm, Steinar and 1993) and Steinar (1931-); his wife, Sigrun NOVEMBER 27, 2009 • WWW.NORWAY.COM • NORWEGIAN AMERICAN WEEKLY In Yo u r Ne i g h b o r h o o d 13 Petter Nore, Director of Norway’s Oil Book Your Christmas Trip To Norway Today! for Development program in Houston For The Best Rate, Book Your Airfare Early! • Highly competitive prices Ro y a l No r w e g i a n Em b a s s y • Personal, professional service • Cruise and train arrangements Petter Nore, the Director of the • Tailor-made travel plans to Norway Government of Norway’s Oil for • Experienced, multi-lingual travel consultants Development Program, visited Houston, Texas on Nov. 16, where he gave a lecture 7906 Fifth Ave., Brooklyn, New York 11209 • [email protected] at University of Houston Law Center and Tel: (718) 748-7400 • Toll free: (800) 822-5838 • Fax: (718) 238-3604 spoke at a reception in the Royal Norwegian Consulate General with representatives from Photo: Bjørn Tormod Akselsen academia and the petroleum sector. HIDDEN FALLS Behind the Blackout This was Nore’s second visit to Houston organizations and consultancies. A by Carla Danziger secretariat located in the Norwegian Agency Curtains in his capacity as Oil for Development Mystery for Development Cooperation, is responsible By Ellen Dahlberg Zahl director. Suspense for coordination and implementation. “I am pleased to be back in Houston, & Romance A Young Girl’s Life in known as the energy capital of the world, OfD cooperates with 25 countries, Nazi occupied Norway covering areas such as legal frameworks, in western Norway and speak to students studying international only $14.95 plus $5 shipping efforts to improve governance and the administration and supervision mechanisms, carladanziger.com licensing and tendering processes, amazon.com send check or money order: environment in managing energy resources. Ellen Dahlberg Zahl As a country blessed with petroleum organization of public/private interfaces barnesandnoble.com P.O. Box 96 Saint Helens, OR 97051 (503) 366-9493 resources, Norway’s government is of petroleum governance, local content 1-800-843-2665 x3 committed to helping developing countries and industrial development, environmental manage their natural resources in ways challenges and revenue management that will lift their people out of poverty and issues, including taxation and petroleum contribute to their development.” funds. Some countries are considered to The Oil for Development (OfD) be core cooperation countries whereas initiative aims at assisting developing others are countries with more limited countries with petroleum resources in their cooperation. Core cooperation countries By Dan E. Chesnut efforts to manage these resources in a way include Bolivia, Ghana, Nigeria, Uganda, Angola, Mozambique, Sudan, Madagascar, A gripping psychological drama with a that generates economic growth, promotes touching love story in post-war Norway... the welfare of the population as a whole, and Vietnam, and Timor-Leste. OfD also assisted is environmentally sustainable. OfD cuts Afghanistan with its petroleum legislation Is there an Ulvedal in your life? across and involves the relevant Norwegian and preparation for its first licensing round governmental agencies in addition to earlier this year. Order your signed copy today! Leif ove andsnes... Send $20 check or money order to: (…continued from page 1) Restoration Publishing 11912 Rosedale Drive • Oklahoma City, OK 73162 and highly respected world-famous pianist, For international shipping, please contact for rates working with acclaimed visual video artist Robin Rhode, collaborated on an entirely new world premiere production called Pictures Reframed. They worked together to reinvent Christmas Greetings 2009 Mussorgsky’s Pictures at an Exhibition. It’s not too late! Deadline Extended to Dec. 5! “This conveys Mussorgsky’s impression on attending a memorial exhibition of $20 for a large ad (1.5” by 3”) paintings by the Russian artist Victor Hartmann,” says the modest Norwegian Merry Christmas genius. His partner, Robin Rhode, adds: God jul og godt nyttår! Solveig Hansen “The event with related pictures prominent is a captivating picture of a grand piano in Mankato, Minnesota water.” Photo: Felix Broede/ EMI Classics OLAV & LENA LARSON The concert was played in a newly The internationally acclaimed pianist Leif Ove $10 for a small ad (1” by 2”) improved Alice Tully Hall with a new cafe Andsnes has been referred to as “an eminently Petersburg, Alaska Call us at (800) 305-0217 up front near the entrance. The huge concert sensual musician, an artist capable of grace and introspection” by the Financial Times while the hall was decorated inside with enormous to place your greeting! BBC Music Magazine commented on “how hard picture displays on the ceiling. Under these, it is to over-praise the vitality and distinction of Andsnes modestly took his seat and began this princely pianist.” Spread Christmas cheer with the Norwegian American Weekly! playing Mussorgsky’s Pictures monumental piano suite. Pictures at an Exhibition is re- Moss, the vice president for programming at imagined and transformed in this exciting Lincoln Center, who introduced the artists. Play a Vital Role in Your Norwegian Heritage The product of their collaboration, Pictures collaboration between Andsnes and the Purchase a Vesterheim membership gifted visual artist, South African born Robin Reframed, an intriguing multimedia piano Rhode. recital 80 minutes long, was presented and receive a one-time After greeting some admirers and without an intermission Friday evening.” 20%-off discount at the museum stores leaving to prepare for the next evening’s In his review headlined “Sound and from Nov. 27 through Dec. 24. performance, which was programmed to be Vision: A Piano Recital with a Multimedia Shop for Christmas gifts at followed by a discussion period, he left Alice Heart,” the critic explains his reactions. Tully Hall. When Leif Ove Andsnes comes He confides that for him Mr. Andsnes’s vesterheim.org, our secure online store. performance was the news. “He brought to play in New York, it is always more than Memberships start at $25 vigor, character and textural transparency to a special occasion. So also this time, when and can be purchased at vesterheim.org. music often subjected to Romantic excess the concert hall was filled with new and old Members receive and bombast,” writes Mr. Tommasini. The admirers. the fabulous Vesterheim magazine, New York Times critic adds that he had The concert program did not include plus a continuing 10% discount at the stores. an intermission. The performance went never before heard the music played with on continuously, with a program that such effortless brilliance and sly humor. For a unique holiday present— overwhelmed you with its original concept. Pictures Reframed will be presented how about a Gift Membership! New York Times critic Anthony around the world. We may point out Oslo Tommasini has this to say: “The remarkable as one place! Mr. Tommasini confides that Norwegian pianist Leif Ove Andsnes is a he is glad to have attended the concert in self-effacing, substantive and completely New York. But he is looking forward even Preserving a heritage. Connecting us all. unflashy artist. Mr. Andsnes met the South more to enjoying Mr. Andsnes’s recording of 523 W. Water St., Decorah, Iowa • 563-382-9681 • vesterheim.org African video artist Robin Rhode through Jane Mussorgsky’s works without visuals. NORWEGIAN AMERICAN WEEKLY • WWW.NORWAY.COM • NOVEMBER 27, 2009 14 No r w e g i a n He r i t a g e

The Norwegian American Chamber of Commerce Greater Seattle Chapter invites you to our A leader will be missed Annual Christmas Julebord Proud Norwegian Seattle Golf Club, 210 NW 145th St., Seattle Svein Gilje passes Friday, December 4, 2009 11:30 a.m. - Champagne Reception, 12:00 Noon - Traditional Luncheon away Nov. 13 Live Entertainment, NACC Award Presentation Co m p i l a t i o n Menu: Orange & Spiced Cranberry Salad, Crown Roast of Pork Norwegian American Weekly Staff Rice Cream Dessert, Coffee and Tea LINJE Aquavit, Beer, Wine Svein Gilje, born 1934 in Stavanger, Reservations required! RSVP by December 1st, 2009 emigrated to the United States in 1954 COST: $80 per person (members & spouses); $90/non-members; $40 students and volunteered for the U.S Military You may reserve a table for 8, 9 or 10 people. Draft and served two years overseas for Send check or credit card information to: the Army. Following his service in the NACC 7301 Fifth Ave. NE, Suite A, Seattle, WA 98115 military, Svein enrolled at the University of Washington where he earned his Bachelor for reservations call 206.441.9282 or of communications in 1959 and a Masters email: [email protected] degree in public administration in 1970. Photo courtesy of Shelby Gilje. Beginning as a reporter for the Bremerton Sun, he subsequently worked for the Seattle Svein and his legacy,” reported Eric Nelson, Times where he became an award-winning the museum’s executive director. We now offer distinctive Norwegian artifacts! reporter. His “beat” was anything from the “He was certainly one of the leaders economy, to business, architecture, military in the local Norwegian community,” adds affairs and real estate. Thomas Stang, retired Norwegian Consul His wife, Shelby states, “I always found The Oseberg Tapestry of AD 834 reproduced by University of Oslo & Viking Ship Museum for Washington and Idaho. it quite amazing that Svein could earn his technology (sold at the Museum). Fine pewter pieces from distinguished Norwegian metalsmiths, Svein Gilje died Nov. 13. He had been including the whimsical Viking Ship bowl. Norwegian Viking King Figurines, historically accurate, living as a journalist in English, which was ill for six to seven years with a neurological artistically designed, & hand painted. Plus many more Nordic artifacts. not his native language – in fact, he spoke disorder called cortical basal ganglionic Discover the magnificent artistic culture of The Vikings! French, German, Danish, Swedish, and of degeneration (CBGD) or Parkinson’s Plus. course Norwegian and he could read novels Visit us at www.vikingtrader.net “I am relieved that his suffering is over in those languages!” but we will surely miss him greatly. Sadly Call toll-free 1.800.842.1676 or email [email protected] Upon his retirement from the Times in his brother, Ivar, arrived from Norway the 1989, he headed a consulting firm focused Sons of Norway Building, B-20 afternoon of his death and wasn’t able to see on business interests in both Norway and the 1455 W. Lake Street him—but having him here will comfort all Norway Art United States. Minneapolis, MN 55408 of us,” his wife Shelby commented. (612) 339-7829 In 1975, he escorted King Olav V through Svein had resided in a small adult and exhibition on Norwegian immigration at www.norwayartonline.com • email: [email protected] family home for the past 4 years. On Sunday, Seattle’s Museum of History and Industry. By appointment please Nov. 1, he suffered seizures and was moved The visiting royal was impressed with the to a hospital, then to a nursing facility. exhibit, but dismayed that there was no A memorial celebration will be held permanent home for it. Dec. 14 at 12:30 p.m. at the Nordic Heritage Mr. Gilje considered that conversation The Viking Game™ Museum, of which Svein was the founding more of a royal commission. He and others president. KUBB- of Nordic heritage in the Northwest set to In lieu of flowers the family requests (Pronouned KOOB) work to create their own museum, which donations to the Nordic Heritage Museum in opened in 1980. Svein’s name. “So much of the heart of the Nordic Heritage Museum can be traced back to The Coolest Lawn, Beach, World’s largest... visited Xakanaxa in the Moremi Game Party, Tailgate Game Ever! (…continued from page 3) Reserve to see how water resources are managed. The projects are part of a larger TEST YOUR ACCURACY AND SKILL. It is estimated that 120,000 people are effort in which UNDP is assisting the AGES 6 TO 106… more or less dependent on the resources Botswanan authorities in their efforts to of the wetlands of the Okavango Delta. fulfil their commitments under the Ramsar Approximately 47 percent of the population Convention on Wetlands. 2-12 players in and around the enormous delta live under The Crown Prince is visiting Botswana Played by Viking the poverty line and have not benefited from Enjoy outdoors in his capacity as Goodwill Ambassador for the country’s positive economic development children and Adults UNDP. He will conclude his trip on Friday Get a group to the same extent as other members of the A Scandinavian 1,000 years ago with a visit to a research centre in Maun in together and play population. tossing game Kubb... northwest Botswana before returning to the in the grass capital of Gaborone to give a lecture on the Discover a new side Xakanaxa worldwide in the snow UN Millennium Development Goals at the of the Viking age! In the afternoon Crown Prince Haakon competitions in the sand University of Botswana. As seen on the Mutation of pandemic... and found the mutation in only these three hit TV show (…continued from page 3) patients,” says Director General Geir Stene- The Amazing Larsen at the Norwegian Institute of Public Race! patients who died from the new influenza in 1,000 year old game! Health. “Based on what we know so far, Norway. Some of those who died later have it seems that the mutated virus does not Adult supervision recommended been examined without finding the same circulate in the population, but might be a mutated virus. result of spontaneous changes which have A fun Christmas gift the whole family is sure to The mutation could possibly make the occurred in these three patients.” virus more prone to infect deeper in the enjoy together! Order your set today! “There is no indication that this change airways and thus cause more severe disease. in the virus is of any importance for the “We have analyzed approximately 70 effect of the vaccine or the effect of antiviral viruses from confirmed Norwegian cases To order contact Old Time Games treatment,” concludes Stene-Larsen. Proud to bring you the www.oldtimegames.com Norwegian American Weekly (800)833-1448 • [email protected] To learn more about the Norwegian American Foundation visit: http://noram.norway.com

NOVEMBER 27, 2009 • WWW.NORWAY.COM • NORWEGIAN AMERICAN WEEKLY Ed uc a t i o n 15 Two Norwegian researchers win Events on Norway.com top EU grants Kenneth Hugdahl and For more information on these and other events visit us at: Christopher Henshilwood have www.norway.com/calendar.asp each been awarded the highly- Does your organization have an event coming up? Would you like to have it added to our events calendar? competitive Advanced Grant Send an email to Christy at [email protected] or give us a call at 1(800) 305-0217. from the European Research Council (ERC). It marks the first Arizona p.m. $25 ($15 ASF members). The Scan- time Norwegian researchers Nordic Fair dinavian Chamber Orchestra of New York December 5 returns to Scandinavia House for its an- in the humanities and social Professor Christopher Tucson, Ariz. nual holiday concert. Led by its founders sciences/psychology have Henshilwood The event will take place at Streams of Per Tengstrand and Magnus Martensson, received this prestigious grant the Desert Lutheran Church, and is co- SCO will perform classical works along with traditional Scandinavian Christmas sponsored by the Norse Federation, Sons The Re s e a r ch Co u n c i l o f No r w a y of Norway, VASA, the Finnish Club, Dan- music. ish Club, and individual vendors. Join us for delicious Nordic foods, baked goods, Ohio Professor Henshilwood will receive and crafts. Folk dancers and and musi- Norsemen Annual Christmas Party roughly NOK 20 million over five years from cians will entertain throughout the day. December 5 the EU to investigate the relationship between For more information, contact Solveig at Rocky River, Ohio climate change and human behavior. [email protected]. Julefest will be held from 4:30 to 9 p.m. on Professor Hugdahl has been awarded at the Community Room at Don Umerley the same amount to conduct research on California Center. Scandinavian items for sale, chil- schizophrenic patients who hear voices. Christmas Luncheon dren’s craft table, music, singing around Both researchers work at the University of Professor Kenneth December 8 the tree, visit from Julenisse, and buffet Bergen. Hugdahl San Pedro, Calif. dinner. Reservations are needed by Nov. experience this phenomenon as well,” says A service of all Norwegian Christmas 27. Contact information: (440) 356-6533 Studying climate’s effect on behavior Professor Kenneth Hugdahl of the University food at the Norwegian Seamen’s Church. or (440) 821-8891. Reservations due by In the TRACSYMBOLS project, of Bergen’s Department of Biological and $25 per person. RSVP by Dec. 5 at (310) Nov. 27. Professor Henshilwood and his research Medical Psychology. 832-6800 partners will study how environmental WASHINGTON changes affected the primary behavioral In the research project VOICE, Professor Hugdahl will study the brains of IDAHO NACC Annual Christmas Julebord traits of Homo sapiens and Neanderthals in southern parts of Africa and Europe. schizophrenics and healthy people who hear 12th Annual Grondal Lodge Bazaar December 4 “Our approach will set a new standard voices, with the help of functional magnetic and Lunch Seattle, Wash. for understanding the behavioral evolution resonance imaging (FMRI), among other December 5 Begins at 11:30 a.m. with a champagne of our ancestors within an environmental tools. MRI machines use magnetic and Boise, Idaho reception, and the traditional luncheon be- and ecological framework,” states Professor radio-frequency pulses to form images of the Featuring Scandinavian vendors, Baked gins at noon at the Seattle Golf Club. Res- Henshilwood. brain’s functions. goods (lots of lefse), woodcarvings, rose- ervations are required for this event. For “In the grant proposal I focused heavily on malings, and decorations. Live music: more information, contact Inge at naccse- Seeking the origins of auditory how schizophrenics’ auditory hallucinations Scandinavian Triplets, Family dancers to [email protected] or (206) 441-9298. hallucinations occur in the brain. It would be a tremendous perform! Lunch Served. For more infor- “Hearing voices is one of the most breakthrough to locate the mechanisms in mation, contact Lorna Niehay at (208) Norwegian Laides Chorus Holiday common symptoms of schizophrenia, but it the brain that cause schizophrenics to hear 321-0731 or [email protected]. Concert and Dessert Reception voices,” says Professor Hugdahl. December 6 is not unusual for normal, healthy people to IOWA Seattle, Wash. Norwegian Christmas Weekend Join the Norwegian Ladies Chorus of Se- December 5-6 attle for their annual holiday concert, and New energy program at BI Decorah, Iowa enjoy Scandinavian cookies and desserts BI Norwegian School of Management capitalizes on its Experience the living traditions of a Nor- following the performance! The event will success with the Executive Master in Energy Management wegian Christmas at Vesterheim Norwe- take place at Our Redeemer’s Lutheran gian-American Museum from 10:00 a.m. Church at 3 p.m. with the launch of a new Executive MBA program in Energy to 4:00 p.m. each day. A lively event that Management (EMBA) to commence in January 2010 appeals to all ages, the Norwegian Christ- WASHINGTON, D.C. mas Weekend features folk-art demonstra- Tree Lighting Sp ec i a l Re l e a s e management is offered in addition to the tions, live music, a book signing, Scandi- December 3 existing Executive Master program in navian food, and many holiday traditions, Union Station, Washington, D.C. “The Executive MBA program is a Energy Management. While the Executive both old and new. Museum admission is Ambassador Wegger Chr. Strømmen flips cooperation with Nanyang Business School Master program covers all aspects of energy, free. the switch to light the 32-foot-tall Christ- in Singapore and IFP School in Paris. We from oil, electricity and nuclear to renewable mas tree. A representative from Mayor educate executives to understand a global energy. This program has just a taste of New York Fenty’s Office will accept the tree on be- industry and the dynamics in Asia are very three general mangement courses (10%). 40th annual Lucia Pageant and half of the people of Washington, D.C. relevant in that connection. No matter if you The EMBA, however, is a generalist degree Christmas Dinner Dance Admission: free. For more information are a professional or an executive, if you do with a flavor of energy courses. The general December 12 call (202) 333-6000 or visit www.norway. business in Asia or not, you will be affected management courses account for about 2/3 Brooklyn, N.Y. org. by developments there,” says Glenn Ruud, of the total. The Swedish Folkdancers of New York’s Director of Studies, MBA Programs, BI “The market has responded very 40th annual Lucia Pageant and Christmas VIRGINIA Norwegian School of Management. positively to the Executive Master degree in Dinner Dance will be held from 7-11p.m. Norwegian-American Holiday Energy Management. The 35 students in this at the Danish Athletic Club (DAC). Swed- Bazaar Make a difference year’s class represent 16 countries, including ish and American Dance music will be December 4-5 BI Norwegian School of Management a number of African countries, Russia, the provided by “Smörgåsbandet” with Jeanne Fairfax, Va. is not located at the center of the world and U.S., Latin America and Europe. The seats and Wayne and there will be a Folkdance Norwegian-American organizations host is a relatively small player internationally. of the program were already filled in June exhibition. Call (718) 748-7844 for reser- a shopping extravaganza featuring tradi- The school therefore needs to focus on and as a result we have a waiting list. The vations. Price $30.00 per person (dinner, tional crafts from Norway, including hand international activities and areas where they interest was so overwhelming that we have tax & gratuities). made items, jewelery, calendars, trolls, can really make a difference. already started the admission process for the dolls, holiday ornaments, pewter items, “This is why BI Norwegian School autumn of 2010 intake,” says Glenn Ruud. Annual Holiday Concert with the sweaters, and food. At the Elks Club of of Management focuses on areas such He hopes for a similar success Scandinavian Chamber Orchestra Fairfax. For more information call (202) as shipping and energy, which are areas regarding the Executive MBA in Energy December 13 333-6000. Norway is renowned for in the rest of the Management. New York, N.Y. world,” Ruud continues. Scandinavia House hosts the concert at 4 The Executive MBA in Energy NORWEGIAN AMERICAN WEEKLY • WWW.NORWAY.COM • NOVEMBER 27, 2009 Your Travel Partner to Paradise

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