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SECTION 3 , TEKS 1A, 1B, 2B, 3B, , and 4D, 15D, 21A, 21C What You Will Learn… Main Ideas 1. European immigrants have If lived there... dominated history and YOU . You live in , the capital of Uruguay. On weekends you 2. Argentina’s capital, Buenos like to visit the old part of the city and admire its beautiful build- Aires, plays a large role in the country’s government and ings. You also enjoy walking along the banks of the Río de economy today. and watching fishers bring in their catch. Sometimes you visit the 3. Uruguay has been influenced by its neighbors. and beaches along the banks of the river. 4. Paraguay is the most rural country in the . How do you think the river has influenced Montevideo? The Big Idea Argentina, Uruguay, and Para- guay have been influenced by European , a tradi- uilding ackground The southern countries of Atlantic tion of ranching, and large urban B B populations. America—Argentina, Uruguay, and Paraguay—have all been influenced by their locations and European culture. Neither Spanish Key Terms and Places influence nor Indian culture is as strong in the southern part of South , p. 267 America as in other parts of the . , p. 268 , p. 268 informal economy, p. 269 Argentina’s History and Culture landlocked, p. 270 Like most of , Argentina was originally home to groups of Indians. Groups living in the hunted wild game, while farther north Indians built irrigation systems for farming. However, unlike most of South America, Argentina has Use the graphic organizer online to very few native peoples remaining. Instead, Argentina’s culture organize your notes on Argentina, has been mostly influenced by Europeans. Uruguay, and Paraguay. Early History The first Europeans to come to Argentina were the Spanish. In the 1500s Spanish conquerors spread from the northern part of the continent into southern South America in search of and . They named the region Argentina. Argentina means “land of silver” or “silvery one.”

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Gauchos on the Pampas

Gauchos were a popular sub- ject in Argentine art. In this painting from 1820, gauchos gather to watch a horse race.

Analyzing Visuals Why would horses be important to a ?

The Spanish soon built settlements in Argentina remained one of South Argentina. The Spanish monarch granted America’s richest countries throughout the land to the colonists, who in turn built the 1900s. However, the country also struggled settlements. These landowners were also under dictators and military governments given the right to force the Indians living during those years. there to work. Some political leaders, like Eva Perón, During the colonial era, the Pampas were popular. But many leaders abused became an important agricultural region. . During the “” in Argentine cowboys, called gauchos (gow- the , they tortured and killed many chohz), herded and horses on the accused of disagreeing with the govern- open . Although is ment. Both the country’s people and its still important on the Pampas, very few economy suffered. Finally, in the , people in Argentina live as gauchos today. Argentina’s last military government gave In the early 1800s Argentina fought up power to an elected government. for independence from . A period of violence and instability followed. Many Indians were killed or driven away by B iographY fighting during this time. Eva Perón Modern Argentina (1919–1952) Known affectionately as , Eva Perón As the Indians were being killed off, helped improve the living conditions of European influences dominated people in Argentina, particularly the poor. the region. New immigrants arrived from As the wife of Argentina’s president, Juan , , and Spain. Also, the British Perón, Evita established thousands of hospitals and schools helped build railroads across the country. throughout Argentina. She also helped women gain the Railroads made it easier for Argentina to right to vote. After years of battling cancer, Evita died at age transport agricultural products for export 33. All of Argentina mourned her for weeks. to . exports, in particular, made Analyzing Why was Eva Perón able to help many people? the country rich.

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People and Culture Argentina Today Argentina’s historical ties to Europe still Today many more of Argentina’s people affect its culture. Most of Argentina’s rough- live in Buenos Aires (bway-nohs eye-rayz) ly 40 million people are descended from than in any other city. Buenos Aires is the Spanish, Italian, or other European set- country’s capital. It is also the second- tlers. Argentine Indians and make largest urban in South America. Sev- up only about 3 percent of the population. eral geographic factors are responsible for Most are Roman Catholic. the dense pattern of population in and Beef is still a part of Argentina’s culture. around Buenos Aires. These factors include A popular dish is parrilla (pah-ree-yah), the location of most of Argentina’s indus- which includes grilled sausage and steak. try in and around the city, and its location Supper is generally eaten late. on the coast and near the Pampas. The Pampas are the country’s most Reading Check Generalizing What kind of developed agricultural region. About governments did Argentina have in the 1900s? 11 percent of Argentina’s labor force works in agriculture. Large and farms there produce beef, , and corn for Argentina: Population export to other countries. Argentina’s economy has always been

PARAGUAY affected by government policies. In the government leaders made economic San Miguel de Tucumán reforms to help businesses grow. Argentina HRW WorldCHILE History r e v joined Mercosur —an organization that wg7fvs_asamap011ba i R

Atlantic South America Argentinaá PopulationBRAZIL n promotes and economic cooperation 30°S a Locator Córdoba r a FinalMendoza Proof 6/27/05a P among the southern and eastern countries Rosario URUGUAY of South America. By the late 1900s and PACIFIC BBuenos Aires OCEAN ARGENTINA ATLANTIC early 2000s, however, heavy debt and OCEAN brought Argentina

40°S into an economic crisis. N


50°W 40°W S 10,000 people

0 300 600 Miles 50°S Argentina‘s Largest Cities 0 300 600 Kilometers 15 Projection: 80°W Lambert Azimuthal -Area

60°W 10

5 Place Buenos Aires is home to nearly a thirdMG7FVS of all Argentines. asamap011ca

1. Interpreting Graphs How many times biggerHRW-MS is Buenos Geography Aires Maps (in millions) Population 0 than Argentina’s second-largest city? Argentina Population Buenos Córdoba Rosario Mendoza San Miguel 2. Analyze What might be a benefit and a drawbackLegend of having Aires de Tucumán most of the country’s population in one area?Replacement Final pass--7/20/05 Cities

268 Chapter 11

MG7FVS asamap011a HRW-MS Geography Maps Argentina Population Final pass--6/27/05 DO NOT EDIT--Changes must be made through “File info” CorrectionKey=TX-A

Buenos Aires Buenos Aires is a huge, modern city. Its main street is said to be the widest avenue in the .

Analyzing Visuals What do the wide street and trees suggest about the people who built this city?

The economic crisis caused a political crisis. As a result, during 2001, Argentina’s government changed hands four times as its leaders tried to solve the problems. By 2003 the economy had stabilized some- what, but thousands of people’s lives had changed forever. The crisis caused many people who once had professional careers to lose their jobs and join the informal economy. The informal economy is a part of the economy based on odd jobs that people perform without government regulation through taxes. Today many Argentines are still searching for ways to improve their economy.

Reading Check Comparing and Contrasting What are some similarities and differences between Buenos Aires and the Pampas? People As in Argentina, people of European descent make up the majority of Uruguay’s Uruguay population. Only about 12 percent of the Tucked between Argentina and lies population is , Indian, or of African Uruguay. Its capital, Montevideo (mawn- descent. Roman Catholicism is the main tay-vee-day-oh), is located on the north religion in the country. Spanish is the shore of the Río de la Plata, not far from , but many people also Buenos Aires. Uruguay has always been speak Portuguese because of Uruguay’s influenced by its larger neighbors. location near Brazil. claimed Uruguay during the More than 90 percent of Uruguay’s colonial era, but the Spanish took over in people live in urban areas. More than the 1770s. By that time, few Uruguayan a third of live in and near Indians remained. A few years later, Montevideo. The country has a high in 1825, Uruguay declared independence rate. In addition, many people from Spain. Since then, military govern- there have good jobs and can afford a ments have ruled Uruguay off and on. In wide range of consumer goods and travel general, however, the country has a strong to Europe. However, many young people tradition of respect for political freedom. leave Uruguay to explore better economic Today Uruguay is a democracy. opportunities elsewhere.

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Economy Paraguay Just as Uruguay’s culture is tied to its Paraguay shares with , neighbors, its economy is tied to the FOCUS ON Brazil, and Argentina. It is a landlocked READING economies of Brazil and Argentina. In fact, country. Landlocked means completely Where can you more than half of Uruguay’s foreign trade surrounded by land with no direct access find the definition is with these two Mercosur partners. Beef of landlocked? to the ocean. The divides is an important export. As in Argentina, the country into two . East of the ranchers graze livestock on inland . river is the country’s most productive Agriculture, along with some ­limited farmland. Ranchers also graze livestock in , is the basis of Uruguay’s some parts of Paraguay. economy. Uruguay has few mineral Paraguay was claimed by Spanish resources. One important source of energy settlers in the mid-1530s. It remained a is hydroelectric power. Developing poor Spanish until 1811, when it won rural areas in the interior, where resources independence. From independence until are in short supply, is a big challenge. 1989, Paraguay was ruled off and on by dictators. Today the country has elected Reading Check Compare In what ways is leaders and a democratic government. Uruguay similar to Argentina?

Paraguay and Uruguay

P 20°S a




HRWBOLIVIA World History u wg7fvs_asamap013ba a


Atlantic South America P i R lc Paraguay and Uruguay: Physical and Political i o v Locator m e ELEVATION ay r Final Proof 6/27/05 o Tropic of Feet Meters Riv er Capricorn 13,120 4,000 PARAGUAY Asunción 6,560 2,000 N Iguazú Falls I 1,640 500 W E gu azú 656 200 River S (Sea ) 0 0 (Sea level) River

á Below Below n a sea level sea level r Many people in Paraguay live in rural areas. a BRAZIL P 0 500 1,000 Miles Livestock raising is an important part of Paraguay’s economy. 0 500 1,000 Kilometers r 30°S e v i

R Projection: Lambert Azimuthal Equal-Area y a




ARGENTINA R Montevideo 60°W ío de 50°W la Plata

MG7FVS asamap013ca HRW-MS Geography Maps Location Paraguay and UruguayParaguay are bordered and Uruguay: by much Physical-Political larger countries. 1. Name What river formsFinal Uruguay’ pass--6/27/05s with Argentina? MG7FVS asamap013aa 2. Analyze Based on the map, why do you think Uruguay is more eco- HRW-MS Geography Maps Uruguay is a mostly urban country. Most nomically developed than Paraguay? Paraguay and Uruguay: Physical-Political people live in cities like Montevideo, the Replacement Final pass--7/20/05 country’s capital.

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People feed themselves and their families. They A great majority—about 95 percent— grow crops such as corn, , , of Paraguayans are mestizos. Indians and and sugarcane. Paraguay also has many people of mostly European descent make small businesses but not much industry. up the rest of the population. Paraguay Paraguay’s future be promising as has two official languages. Almost all the country learns how to use its resources people in Paraguay speak both Spanish more effectively. For example, the country and Guarani (gwah-ruh-nee), an Indian has built large hydroelectric on the language. As in Uruguay, most people are Paraná River. These dams provide more Roman Catholic. power than Paraguay needs, so Paraguay is Paraguay’s capital and largest city is able to sell the surplus electricity to Brazil Asunción (ah-soon-syohn). The city is and Argentina. located along the Paraguay River near the Reading Check Contrast How are the border with Argentina. people of Paraguay different from the people of Economy Argentina and Uruguay? Much of Paraguay’s wealth is controlled by a few rich families and companies. These families and companies have tremendous SUmmary and PReview The people of influence over the country’s government. Paraguay, Argentina, and Uruguay share Agriculture is an important part of some aspects of their European heritage. the economy. In fact, nearly half of the Their economies are also closely tied. In country’s workers are farmers. Many of the chapter you will learn about these farmers grow just enough food to these countries’ neighbors to the .

Section 3 Assessment ONLINE QUIZ

Reviewing Ideas, Terms, and Places Critical Thinking 1. a. Define What is a gaucho? 5. Comparing and Contrasting Look over your notes b. Explain Why is Argentina’s population mostly of on Uruguay and Paraguay. Then draw a diagram European descent? like the one here and use it to show similarities and 2. a. Identify What is Argentina’s biggest city? ­differences between the two countries. b. Make Inferences What benefits do you think Uruguay Paraguay being part of Mercosur brings to Argentina? c. Elaborate What are some benefits the informal economy provides, and what are some of its drawbacks? 3. a. Recall Where is Uruguay’s capital located? b. Summarize How has Uruguay’s location influ- Focus on Writing enced its culture? 6. Thinking about Argentina, Uruguay, and 4. a. Define What does it mean to say a country is Paraguay­ Add details about these countries to landlocked? your notes for your Web site. What information b. Explain What is Paraguay’s economy like? on history, culture, and specific locations will you c. Predict What are some possible ways Paraguay include? For each country, think of one image that may be able to improve its economy in the future? would best illustrate it.

Atlantic South America 271