The Camrose (Second Weekend)

The weekend of 4th to 7th March saw the second round of the (home internationals) held at the Metropole Hotel in Llandrindod Wells.

England held a huge lead from the first weekend with the Welsh Bridge Union team (WBU) just holding onto second place, Ireland and Wales also very close behind.

Match One The WBU team played Wales in the first match where Wales gained their revenge for their first weekend defeat. They won 48-62 Imps (7.22-12.78 Vps).

Although many opportunities for swing occurred in the match, the WBU missed the slam on the above when the Wales team bid very simply. One Spade, five diamonds, six diamonds. The match was lost by only 14 Imps, 13 of which could have been saved on this one hand.

Match Two Saturday morning saw the WBU playing Northern Ireland who had defeated us heavily in Ireland last time. This time revenge was sweet for us.

As npc watching the hand above on BBO I became concerned when the WBU doubled a five spade contract and it made for -850. However, you never know what is going to happen at the other table. I quickly changed to the other room where four spades was doubled and left in making an over trick for +990 and a 4 Imp gain.

How often is it correct to at the six level vulnerable for just -200 when your side hold most of the points? It’s a funny old game.

There were many double digit swings, most of which were in favour of the WBU who eventually ran out winners by 105-23 Imps (19.85-0.15 Vps).

Match Three Saturday afternoon saw one of the closest matches for many years. England had defeated the WBU by only 5 imps in Ireland over the first weekend. After the first 16 boards stanza in Llandrindod, a very low scoring, tight match say them edge an 8-6 Imp win.

The second 16 boards saw team WBU become the first team to defeat England over a stanza - by one imp, 23-22 Imps.

Thus the final score saw the WBU lose the match by one Imp. 30-29 Imps (9.78-10.22 Vps).

This match also saw a closer encounter between Wales and Norther Ireland which resulted in a draw after 32 boards (68-68 Imps)!

Match Four Sunday morning say the WBU face Scotland and it was they who were looking for revenge.

For the WBU John Salisbury took some very good inferences from the opening diamond lead which eventually saw him play towards the Queen of hearts and South jumping in with the King to give him his twelve tricks. The same contract went down by two in the other room when the Scots first tried for the clubs to break evenly and ended up taking the losing heart .

Otherwise a fairly even match saw the WBU just edge a win by 84-69 Imps (12.95-7.05 Vps).

Match Five With the trophy decided, England were able to relax a little. However, there was still much to play for between the WBU, Wales and Ireland, all vying for second place overall.

The WBU faced Ireland who turned us over 61-87 Imps (5.32 – 14.68 Vps). Ireland gained 24 imps on consecutive boards where they made two three no contracts while the WBU went off in two four spade contracts.

Board 28 saw some spirited (brave ?) bidding from the Irish which also gained them 13 Imps.

When West decided to pre-empt with three spades on his one point hand and East raised to four spades all the bidding spade had been taken up. South bid five hearts which was raised to six. All that was needed was to win the , draw two rounds of trumps, cross to dummy with the heart Queen and play winning clubs to make 13 tricks.

A free run when West chose not to pre-empt let the Irish get to seven hearts and a big gain.

Once again, tiredness was the downfall of the WBU as all three pairs struggled with concentration at the end of a gruelling weekend.

Wales gained heavily against England on board 31 (below) when they underbid their combined 24 hcp to stay in two hearts.

At all five other tables the contract was four hearts, sometimes doubled. The Welsh gain came when England decided to protect with a take out double. Inexplicably, this was left in when they had a perfectly reasonable nine card diamond suit to play in.

This two hearts doubled contract was also not defended well and an overtrick resulted for +570 to Wales and a gain of 12 Imps.

This and other results saw Wales become the first team to beat England over a 32 board match 61-26 Imps (15.88-4.12 Vps). The result saw them edge the WBU into 3rd place by just over 2Vps with Ireland also very close only another couple of Vps behind the WBU.

Final Camrose table after both weekends :

Team Photographs

WBU team for the first weekend left to right : Tim Rees, Barry Jones, Patrick Jourdain (npc) Bob Pitts, Gary Jones, Mike Tedd, John Salisbury

WBU team for the second weekend : Back Row : John Salisbury, Barry Jones (npc), Gary Jones Tony Ratcliffe Front Row : Tim Rees, Mike Tedd, Patrick Jourdain

Wales team for both weekends : Back Row : Mike Pownall, Adrian Thomas, Richard Plackett, Alan Stevenson (npc) Front Row : Julian Pottage, Paul Denning, Simon Richards