
Systematic (2000), 25(3): pp. 539–565 ᭧ Copyright 2000 by the American Society of Taxonomists

Phylogeny of the Coneflowers and Relatives (: ) Based on Nuclear rDNA Internal Transcribed Spacer (ITS) Sequences and Chlorplast DNA Restriction Site Data

LOWELL E. URBATSCH Department of Biological Sciences, State University, Baton Rouge, Louisiana 70803

BRUCE G. BALDWIN Jepson Herbarium and Department of Integrative Biology, University of , Berkeley, California 94720

MICHAEL J. DONOGHUE Harvard University Herbaria, 22 Divinity Avenue, Cambridge, Massachusetts 02138

Communicating Editor: Alan Whittemore

ABSTRACT. The internal transcribed spacer (ITS) region of 18S–26S nuclear ribosomal DNA (rDNA) was sequenced in 65 taxa representing most coneflowers (i.e., in , , , and ) and other taxa representing 21 outgroup genera of tribe Heliantheae. Results of parsimony analysis of the rDNA dataset by itself and in combination with the cpDNA dataset uphold the hypothesis from an earlier cpDNA restriction site study that Echinacea is not closely related to the other three genera of coneflowers. The data support placement of Echinacea in subtribe Zinniinae. The remaining three coneflower genera rep- resent a monophyletic lineage corresponding to subtribe Rudbeckiinae sensu H. Robinson. The rDNA data support two sublineages in Rudbeckia congruent with the two traditionally recognized subgenera, subg. Macrocline and subg. Rudbeckia. In subg. Macrocline, two geographic areas of diversification are indicated: southeastern and western . The widespread species R. laciniata is placed strongly with the western lineage of subg. Macrocline. The rDNA data support transfer of Dracopis to Rudbeckia subg. Macrocline, a relationship also supported by multiple morphological characters. The rDNA data do not confidently resolve the sister group of Rudbeckiinae from among the members of Heliantheae investigated. Multiple hypotheses are suggested for the outgroup taxa, such as expanding subtribe Zinniinae to include Echinacea and Tricho- coryne, a previously regarded as belonging to subtribe Hymenopappinae (Heleneae or Heliantheae sensu lat.). Our findings further support expansion of subtribe Engelmanniinae to include , Bor- richia, and even though these taxa lack ray floret complexes and have fertile disc ovaries. We suggest that bioprospectors might usefully search among taxa of Zinniinae for bioactive substances similar to the immune stimulants of Echinacea.

Traditionally, the genera Dracopis Cass., Echinacea and some have become naturalized in areas beyond Moench, Ratibida Raf., and Rudbeckia L. have been their native ranges. Other species are rare and their known as coneflowers. They are among the best existence is threatened by habitat modifications as- known wildflowers in . Black-eyed sociated with agricultural practices and urbaniza- Susan (Rudbeckia hirta), brown-eyed Susan (R. tri- tion. Echinacea laevigata and E. tennesseensis are list- loba), prairie coneflowers (Ratibida spp.), and purple ed as endangered by the Division of Endangered coneflowers (Echinacea spp.) are common in the cen- Species (U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service). Rudbeckia tral prairies of the United States and along wood- auriculata and R. heliopsidis are considered to be land margins of the eastern states. In addition, threatened or endangered in the southeast United some species in Rudbeckia subg. Macrocline (Torr. & States (Kral 1983). A. Gray) P. B. Cox & Urbatsch occur in the western A focus by systematists on the prominent mor- United States. With few exceptions, the coneflowers phological similarities shared by the four coneflow- display large, showy capitula characterized by er genera accounts for the long-standing acceptance prominently elongated or spherical receptacles and of the hypothesis that Dracopis, Echinacea, Ratibida, colorful, spreading to reflexed ray corollas. Various and Rudbeckia constitute a natural group (Bentham species are cultivated for their ornamental qualities 1873; Gray 1884; Sharp 1935; Fernald 1950; Stuessy 539 540 SYSTEMATIC BOTANY [Volume 25

1977). Cladistic analysis of morphological, chemical, acteristics distinguish the two subgenera. Most ma- and cytological characters resolved the coneflowers croclines are robust perennials with stout, presum- as a single lineage (Cox and Urbatsch 1990; Karis ably long-lived ; persistent basal ; and Ryding 1994). The first challenge to the natu- often clasping, glaucous, cauline leaves; and ex- ralness of the group was by Robinson (1978, 1981). tremely elongated receptacles. Species in subg. Ma- Robinson’s examination of microcharacters led him crocline typically have restricted ranges, being con- to restrict the circumscription of subtribe Rudbeck- fined to hillside seeps and the margins of bayous, iinae Cass. ex Dumort. to the genera Dracopis, Ra- ditches, or streams. The geographic distribution of tibida, and Rudbeckia. He placed Echinacea in sub- subg. Macrocline is bicentric: six species occur in the tribe Ecliptinae Less., close to Balsamorhiza Nutt., western United States and six species are confined Torr. & A. Gray, and Wyethia Nutt. primarily to the Gulf coastal plain of the southeast Results from phylogenetic analysis of chloroplast U.S.A. In contrast, most species in subg. Rudbeckia DNA (cpDNA) restriction site data by Urbatsch and are opportunistic annuals or short-lived perennials Jansen (1995) did not support monophyly of all with an ability to occupy more disturbed habitats coneflowers or placement of Echinacea in subtribe than is typical in subg. Macrocline. In subg. Rud- Ecliptinae but, instead, led to a new hypothesis of beckia, basal leaves typically wither by anthesis, cau- relationships. Echinacea is placed with members of line leaves are usually petiolate, and receptacles are subtribe Zinniinae Benth. in their cpDNA trees. more spherical than in the macroclines. The native Subtribe Zinniinae has been variously interpreted ranges for species in subg. Rudbeckia are in the east- by previous workers but has never included Echi- ern U.S.A.; their occurrence elsewhere has been nacea (Stuessy 1977; Robinson 1981; Karis and Ryd- through human-caused introduction. Attempts at ing 1994). phylogenetic reconstruction within Rudbeckia using Another hypothesis tested in the cpDNA restric- cpDNA resolved certain species groups but rela- tion site study was the origin of Ratibida from with- tionships in much of the genus were not robustly in Rudbeckia. Ratibida consists of seven, primarily reconstructed (Urbatsch and Jansen 1995). prairie-dwelling species (Richards 1968; Turner The taxonomic disposition of Rudbeckia laciniata, 1988). Origin of Ratibida from within Rudbeckia (in a widespread species common throughout most of the species group with columnar receptacles later its range (the Rocky Mountains, the eastern U.S.A., called subg. Macrocline) was suggested by Sharp and southeastern Canada), has been problematic. (1935). Should his proposal accurately reflect the Rudbeckia laciniata has been traditionally assigned to evolutionary history of Ratibida, Rudbeckia would be sect. Macrocline (e.g., Gray 1884; Perdue 1959). Cox paraphyletic. However, cpDNA studies failed to (1991) suggested that the species represents a dif- confirm Sharp’s idea, instead supporting a sister- ferent lineage because of its unique combination of group relationship of Ratibida and Rudbeckia (Ur- morphological and cytological characteristics and batsch and Jansen 1995). proposed giving it subgeneric status. Both x ϭ 18 Dracopis amplexicaulis has been treated as either a and 19 have been reported for R. laciniata, as well monotypic genus or a species of Rudbeckia. Gray as various ploidy levels. Perdue (1959, 1960) re- (1884) gave it sectional status in Rudbeckia, but ge- ported a base chromosome number of x ϭ 18 for neric recognition of Dracopis has been the tendency the species, the base number characteristic of subg. of recent workers (e.g., Correll and Johnston 1970; Macrocline, and he noted additional numbers of 2n Cronquist 1980). Dracopis differs from Rudbeckia ϭ 36, 52, 72, and 102ϩ for the species. Others (Bat- sensu str. mainly by its lower chromosome number taglia 1946; Heiser and Smith 1954; Keil and Stues- (n ϭ 16, as opposed to x ϭ 18 or 19 in Rudbeckia sy 1977; and Pinkava and Keil 1977) report n ϭ 19 sensu str.). Unlike most members of Rudbeckia sensu for R. laciniata, which the base number for subg. str., Dracopis also exhibits an annual habit and is Rudbeckia. epappose. Chloroplast DNA restriction site analysis We continue previous investigations to better un- was inconclusive in resolving the phylogenetic po- derstand the phylogeny of the coneflowers and sition of Dracopis (Urbatsch and Jansen 1995). their relationships to other Heliantheae Cass. (Cox Traditionally, Rudbeckia has been divided into and Urbatsch 1990; Urbatsch and Jansen 1995). Our two well-diagnosed subgenera, subg. Macrocline major goal is to formulate more precise phyloge- and subg. Rudbeckia. Different base chromosome netic hypotheses for coneflowers and putatively re- numbers of x ϭ 18 (subg. Macrocline)andx ϭ 19 lated genera of Heliantheae. Such information will (subg. Rudbeckia) and various morphological char- be useful in devising a more stable classification 2000] URBATSCH ET AL.: ITS PHYLOGENY OF CONEFLOWERS 541 system and will provide a basis for evaluating char- (hexadecyltrimethylammonium bromide) protocol of acter evolution and for understanding biogeograph- Doyle and Doyle (1987). Frozen tissue was ground ic distributions. In the present study, sequence data with a mortar and pestle in liquid nitrogen and dry from the internal transcribed spacers (ITS-1 and tissue was ground using a small amount of sterile ITS-2) of 18S–26S rDNA and a portion of the 5.8S sand. DNAs used earlier for restriction-site analysis nuclear ribosomal gene were analyzed in a phylo- (Urbatsch and Jansen 1995) were purified in cesium- genetic context. Investigations reviewed in Baldwin chloride gradients as outlined by Sambrook et al. et al. (1995) and others, more recently published (1989). More recent isolates were subjected to PCR (e.g., Bogler and Simpson 1996; Downie and Katz- without such purification. Collection and voucher de- Downie 1996), amply demonstrate the usefulness of position data are given in Table 1. the ITS region for resolving relationships within PCR and DNA Sequencing. Various PCR and se- and among closely related angiosperm genera. In quencing protocols were used as procedures and addition, the cpDNA data from Urbatsch and Jan- were gradually optimized. Initially, the asymmetric sen (1995) for Rudbeckiinae and certain outgroup PCR protocol of Baldwin (1992) and Wojciechowski taxa are re-analyzed by comparing and combining et al. (1993), employing the primers designed by them with the ITS dataset. White et al. (1990), were used to generate single- strand DNA containing the ITS-1 and ITS-2 regions. MATERIALS AND METHODS Double-strand DNA for direct sequencing was generated in 100 l PCR reactions using 1 unit of Tfl Taxa. Sixty-five ITS-region sequences spanning polymerase (Epicentre Technologies, Madison, WI),

ITS-1, ITS-2, and approximately 90 bp of the inter- 1.5 mM MgCl2, 0.15 M of each dNTP, 0.3 M of each vening 5.8S region were analyzed from samples primer, and approximately 5 ng of DNA. The initial representing 60 species in 25 genera of tribe He- 10 thermal cycles consisted of 1 min of denaturation liantheae. Twenty-eight of the 30 species of subtribe at 95ЊC, 1 min of annealing at 55ЊC, and 1 min of Rudbeckiinae sensu Robinson (1981), representing extension at 72ЊC with a 4 sec per cycle extension. all three genera (Dracopis, Ratibida, and Rudbeckia) Except for using an annealing temperature of 50ЊC, were included. Echinacea, a genus historically allied the next 20 cycles preceded as before followed by with the three genera of Rudbeckiinae, is repre- one extension phase of 7 mins. sented in this study by six of its nine species. Ur- Because primer ITS5 (White et al. 1990) failed for batsch and Jansen (1995) suggested a relationship certain taxa, a replacement designated ‘‘ITS-I’’ was between Echinacea and taxa typically associated designed. It is located approximately 30 bp 5Ј to the with subtribe Zinniinae. In order to test this hy- ITS5 primer and has the following 5Ј to 3Ј sequence: pothesis further, seven genera frequently placed in GTCCACTGAACCTTATCATTTAG. Primer ITS-I was Zinniinae were included in the present study. In used in equimolar amounts with primer ITS4 (White addition, representatives of six additional subtribes et al. 1990) to amplify ITS-1 and ITS-2 along with of Heliantheae were investigated in order to eval- the 5.8S subunit. uate better the interrelationships among Rudbeck- The ITS region of certain samples (e.g., most her- iinae and other members of Heliantheae. Trichoco- barium material in subtribe Zinniinae) proved dif- ryne S. F. Blake is included in this study because ficult to amplify in amounts sufficient for sequence phylogenetic analyses of ITS sequences for Helian- analysis. To overcome this difficulty, two sets of theae sensu lat. by Baldwin and Wessa (in prep.) nested primers were created to increase PCR prod- indicated that the genus is nested within Helian- uct yield. Conserved sequences outside of the ITS theae sensu str., close to Rudbeckia (other coneflow- region were designed from the published 18S–26S ers and representatives of Zinniinae were not sam- rDNA sequences for Daucus carota L. and Vicia faba pled). L. was included for rooting purpos- L. (Yokota et al. 1989). The outer primer set was es based on phylogenetic results of Jansen et al. designated 18/350 and the inner set 20/262. Primer (1991), Kim et al. (1992), and Kim and Jansen 18 is located in the small subunit of 18S–26S rDNA (1995). about 220 bp 5Ј of ITS-1 and 350 is in the large For each sample, total genomic DNAs were ex- subunit 350 bp 3Ј to ITS-2. Primer 20 is about 200 tracted from approximately one gram of field-col- bp 5Ј of ITS-1 and 262 is about 250 bp 3Ј ITS-2. lected tissue (kept on ice and subsequently Sequences for the primers are as follows (5Ј to 3Ј): stored at Ϫ800C) or (in a few cases) about 0.25 gram 18 (GTAAGCGCGAGTCATCAGCTCG), 350 (CA of herbarium-specimen leaves using the 2X CTAB TCTTTCCCTCGCGGTACTTG), 20 (TCGCGTTG 542 SYSTEMATIC BOTANY [Volume 25

TABLE 1. DNA sources for coneflowers and other genera of Heliantheae examined in the ITS sequence analyses. Herbarium material from which DNA was extracted is marked with an asterisk. Unmarked samples were extracted from freshly collected leaves.

GenBank locus Number ITS 1/2, TAXA Source localities Collectors and herbaria respectively repens (Walter) Louisiana: East Baton Urbatsch 7018, (LSU) AOU73155/AOU74425 Rich. Rouge Parish Ambrosia artemisiifolia L. Louisiana: East Baton Urbatsch 6998, (LSU) AAU73794/AAU74437 Rouge Parish Ambrosia trifida L. Louisiana: East Baton Urbatsch 6999, (LSU) ATU73795/ATU74438 Rouge Parish pumila : Suwannee Co. Urbatsch 6649, (LSU) BPU73788/BPU74431 (Michx.) Nutt. frutescens (L.) Louisiana: Cameron Wendt & Collins 6671, (LSU) BFU73789/BFU74432 DC. Parish vialis Less. Louisiana: East Baton Urbatsch 6996, (LSU) CYU73157/CYU74427 Rouge Parish Coreopsis tinctoria Nutt. Louisiana: East Baton Urbatsch 7040, (LSU) CTU74393/CTU74442 Rouge Parish Dracopis amplexicaulis Louisiana: East Baton Lievens 4436, (LSU) DAU72805/DAU74401 (Vahl) Cass. Rouge Parish DAU72806/DAU74402 : Fayette Co. Urbatsch 6492, (LSU) EAU73149/EAU74419 (Norton) Cronquist E. pallida (Nutt.) Nutt. Louisiana: Bienville Parish Urbatsch 7028, (LSU) EPU73152/EPU74422 E. paradoxa (Norton) : Johnson Co. Urbatsch 6614, (LSU) EPU73153/EPU74423 Britton E. purpurea (L.) Moench Louisiana: Caldwell Urbatsch 5879, (LSU) EPU73148/EPU74418 Parish E. simulata McGregor : Howell Co. Urbatsch 6599, (LSU) ESU73150/ESU74420 E. tennesseensis (Beadle) Tennessee: Nursery Stock Urbatsch 6442, (LSU) ETU73151/ETU74421 Small prostrata (L.) L. Louisiana: East Baton Urbatsch 6813, (LSU) EPU74391/EPU74440 Rouge Parish pinnatifida Texas: Washington Co. Urbatsch 6482, (LSU) EPU73787/EPU74430 Nutt. Helianthella quinquenervis Wyoming: Lincoln Co. Hartman 27869, (RM) HQU73793/HQU74436 (Hook. f.) A. Gray simulans E. Louisiana: East Baton Urbatsch 7024, (LSU) HSU73796/HSU74439 Wats. Rouge Parish annua Hemsl. : Keil 15484, (TEX) AF228512/AF228513 texana A. Texas: Burnet Co. Lievens 4378, (LSU) LTU73792/LTU74435 Gray & Engelm. nelsonii Mexico: Breedlove 28267, (TEX)* PNU74396/PNU74452 (Greenm.) S.F. Blake PNU74445/PNU74453 Ratibida columnaris (Sims) Texas: Burnet Co. Lievens 4391, (LSU) RCU73145/RCU74415 D. Don R. latipalearis E. L. Mexico: Tenorio and Romero 1730, RLU73146/RLU74416 Richards (TEX)* R. mexicana (S. Watson) Mexico: Panero 2257, (TEX) RMU72816/RMU74412 W.M. Sharp R. peduncularis (Torr. & Louisiana: Cameron Urbatsch 6456, (LSU) RPU72817/RPU74413 A. Gray) Barnhart Parish R. pinnata (Vent.) Iowa: Worth Co. Urbatsch 6568, (LSU) RPU72818/RPU74414 Barnhart R. tagetes (James) : Don˜a Ana Worthington 14140 (TEX)* RTU73147/RTU74417 Barnhart Co. Rudbeckia alpicola Piper Washington: Chelan Co. Urbatsch 6803, (LSU) RAU59382/RAU71097 2000] URBATSCH ET AL.: ITS PHYLOGENY OF CONEFLOWERS 543

TABLE 1. Continued.

GenBank locus Number ITS 1/2, TAXA Source localities Collectors and herbaria respectively R. auriculata (Perdue) : Geneva Co. Cox 4973 (LSU) RAU59383/RAU71098 Kral R. californica A. Gray California: Apline Co. Urbatsch 6797, (LSU) RCU59384/RCU71099 R. fulgida Aiton var. Tennessee: Knox Co. Urbatsch 6780, (LSU) RFU72807/RFU74403 fulgida R. glaucescens Eastw. : Josephine Co. Urbatsch 6720, (LSU) RGU71100/RGU72793 R. graminifolia (Torr. & A. Florida: Franklin Co. Urbatsch 6720, (LSU) RGU72808/RGU74404 Gray) C. L. Boynton & Beadle R. grandiflora (Sweet) DC. Louisiana: Beauregard Urbatsch 6525 (LSU) RGU72809/RGU74405 Parish R. heliopsidis Torr. & Alabama: Dekalb Co. McInnis s. n., (LSU) RHU72810/RHU74406 A. Gray R. hirta L. Missouri: Texas Co. Urbatsch 6589, (LSU) RHU72811/RHU74407 R. klamathensis P. B. Cox California: Trinity Co. Urbatsch 6801, (LSU) RKU71101/RKU72794 & Urbatsch R. laciniata L. var. laciniata Louisiana: West Feliciana Cox 4922, (LSU) RLU71102/RLU72795 Parish RLU72405/RLU72796 RLU72406/RLU72797 R. maxima Nutt. Texas: San Jacinto Co. Lievens 4435, (LSU) RMU72407/RMU72798 RMU72408/RMU72799 RMU72409/RMU72800 R. missouriensis Engelm. Mississippi: Phelps Co. Urbatsch 6581, (LSU) RMU72813/RMU74409 ex C. L. Boynton & Beadle R. mohrii A. Gray Florida: Taylor Co. Urbatsch 6701, (LSU) RMU72791/RMU72801 R. mollis Elliott Florida: Suwannee Co. Urbatsch 6650, (LSU) RMU72812/RMU74408 R. nitida Nutt. Florida: Clay Co. Urbatsch 6659, (LSU) RNU72792/RNU72802 R. occidentalis Nutt. California: Humboldt Co. Urbatsch 6799, (LSU) ROU59285/ROU74388 R. scabrifolia L. E. Br. Louisiana: Vernon Parish Urbatsch 5974, (LSU) RSU72803/RSU74389 R. subtomentosa Pursh : Ashley Co. Thomas 97828, (LSU) RSU72815/RSU74411 R. texana (Perdue) P. B. Texas: Montgomery Co. Urbatsch 6495, (LSU) RTU72804/RTU74390 Cox & Urbatsch R. triloba L. Virginia: Montgomery Co. Urbatsch 6792, (LSU) RTU72814/RTU74410 oligocephala Hemsl. Mexico: Michoacan Escobedo 1861 (TEX)* SOU73156/SOU74426 fruticosa Hemsl. Mexico: Puebla Mechano 1446 (TEX)* SFU74394/SFU74443 SFU74395/SFU74444 laciniatum L. Louisiana: Acadia Parish Urbatsch 6449, (LSU) SLU73790/SLU74433 S. perfoliatum L. Iowa: Mitchell Co. Urbatsch 6547, (LSU) SPU73791/SPU74434 trilobata (L.) Louisiana: East Baton Urbatsch 6995, (LSU) STU74392/STU74441 Pruski Rouge Parish Trichocoryne connata S. F. Mexico: Durango Baldwin 972 (Baldwin and Wessa, in Blake prep.) occidentalis (L.) Tennessee: Roane Co. Urbatsch 6788, (LSU) VOU73158/VOU74428 Walt. Wyethia amplexicaulis Wyoming: Lincoln Co. Hartman 27988, (RM) WAU73159/WAU74429 (Nutt.) Nutt. angustifolia Kunth Louisiana: East Baton Urbatsch 7036 (LSU) ZAU74398/ZAU74447 Rouge Parish, cultivated Z. elegans Jacq. Louisiana: East Baton Urbatsch 7105 (LSU) ZEU74399/ZEU74448 Rouge Parish, cultivated ZFU74454/ZFU74455 Z. flavicoma (DC.) Mexico: Hartman & Funk 4192, (TEX)* ZFU74400/ZFU74449 Olorode & A. M. Torres Z. grandflora Nutt. Texas: Jeff Davis Co. Butterwick & Poole B393, (TEX)* ZGU74397/ZGU74446 544 SYSTEMATIC BOTANY [Volume 25

ACTACGTCCCTGCC), and 262 (ATTCCCAAAC Sequence alignments were performed using the AACCCGACTCG). Primers were obtained either CLUSTAL V algorithm (Higgins et al. 1992). Man- from Oligos etc., Inc., Wilsonville, Oregon, or the ual adjustments were made when judged neces- GeneLab, School of Veterinary Medicine, Louisiana sary. Usually bases of questionable alignment were State University. Sequential PCRs were conducted positioned to minimize their impact on phyloge- first using the outer pair of primers with diluted netic analyses. Also, bases of uncertain alignment genomic DNA as template. The resulting PCR prod- where recoded as question marks (unknown or uct was typically diluted 100-fold for use as tem- missing data) when their placement in different po- plate with the inner primer pair. For the sequencing sitions affected tree topologies. Recoding of such reactions the primers of White et al. (1990) were bases allowed inclusion of other, unambiguously used, with ITS-I often substituting for ITS5. aligned data from the sequence region in question Multiple methods were used to purify PCR prod- in the phylogenetic analyses (see Bruns et al. 1992). ucts for sequence analysis. Differential filtration in The GϩC content was determined for each spe- Millipore Ultrafree-MC tubes (Millipore cies with the aid of MEGA (Kumar et al. 1992) and UDC3THK00) was used for single-strand DNA. Re- MacClade version 3.01 (Maddison and Maddison moval of excess primer and dNTP from the ampli- 1992). MacClade was also used to generate trans- fied double-strand DNA was accomplished by var- version/transition (tv/ti) substitution ratios. Pair- ious methods, e.g., Prep-A-Gene, a silica-based pu- wise sequence divergence comparisons were ob- rification matrix (Bio-Rad Laboratories), the en- tained using the distance matrix option in PAUP. zymes Exonuclease I and Shrimp Alkaline The ITS-1 and ITS-2 sequences have been depos- Phosphotase (various suppliers), or QIAquick Spin ited in GenBank under the locus numbers given in PCR Purification columns. The last method proved Table 1. The complete data matrix and the trees to be the easiest to use and provided the most ef- from this study are deposited in TreeBASE (http:// ficient recovery of purified products. phylogeny.harvard.edu/treebase; SN367–1066). Single-strand, purified DNAs were sequenced by Phylogenetic Analyses. Phylogenetic analyses the dideoxy chain termination technique using Taq of the entire ITS data set of 65 sequences were con- DNA Polymerase (TAQuence, U. S. Biochemical Co. ducted to test monophyly of subtribe Rudbeckiinae Cleveland, Ohio) as outlined by Baldwin (1992). and to examine relationships of the group within Double-strand DNA sequencing involved use of ei- Heliantheae. A reduced data matrix consisting of ther Sequenase (U. S. Biochemical) with 35S-dATP as Rudbeckiinae sensu str. and select outgroups was internal label or cycle sequencing with SequiTherm also analyzed to seek maximum resolution of re- (Epicentre Technologies, Madison, WI) employing lationships within Rudbeckiinae. Each of seven taxa 33P-dATP end-labeled primers. Sequences were re- (, Coreopsis tinctoria, Echinacea pal- solved on acrylamide gels as described by Baldwin lida, Eclipta prostrata, Helianthella quinquenervis, He- (1992) and Wojciechowski et al. (1993) or on 6% lianthus simulans, and Wyethia amplexicaulis)was Long Ranger (FMC BioProducts, Rockland, Maine) used individually as the sole outgroup in separate gels and were visualized by autoradiography. The analyses focused on determining relationships Trichocoryne sequence was supplied by Baldwin and within Rudbeckiinae. These same seven taxa were Wessa (in prep.). also used collectively in heuristic searches. For taxa that displayed polymorphic sequences, Unweighted parsimony analyses were performed PCR products were cloned using the TA Cloning using PAUP 3.1.1 (Swofford 1993) or the beta test System (Invitrogen Version 1.3). Plasmids were pu- version, PAUP* 4.0b1 (Swofford 1998). Heuristic pa- rified with the QIAprep Spin Plasmid Miniprep Kit rameters for all searches included using at least 100 (Qiagen Inc.) or the lysis-by-boiling method (Sam- or as many as 1000 random sequence additions brook et al. 1989). Usually, two or three clones were with TBR branch swapping, MULPARS on, and sequenced for each polymorphic taxon. STEEPEST DESCENT off. Parsimony analyses were Sequence Analysis. Boundaries of the spacers performed initially with all potentially informative were determined by comparing the sequences to characters and subsequently by excluding regions those published for Daucus carota L. and Vicia faba of sequence that presented alignment difficulties. A L. (Yokota et al. 1989) and subtribe Madiinae Benth. total of 141 potentially informative characters in the of Asteraceae (Baldwin 1992). Cloned PCR sequenc- entire data matrix presented alignment problems es were entered into the data matrix as individual for analysis. Internal branch support was evaluated OTUs. by bootstrap analysis (Felsenstein 1985) with 100 2000] URBATSCH ET AL.: ITS PHYLOGENY OF CONEFLOWERS 545 replicate heuristic analyses using 10 RANDOM ad- On average, ITS-1 is about 33 bp longer than ITS-2 dition sequence replicates, MULPARS on, STEEP- in the study taxa. The ranges and means for per- EST DESCENT off, and TBR branch swapping on. centage G ϩ C are very similar for ITS-1 and ITS- Bootstrap analyses were conducted using all infor- 2, but somewhat higher for the 5.8S segment inves- mative characters and, for the large data matrix, tigated. G ϩ C content (excluding indels) ranges in with exclusion of the problematic sites. ITS-1 from 41.7% in to 56.9% in A separate data matrix was constructed to take . G ϩ C content (excluding in- advantage of potential phylogenetic information in dels) for ITS-2 ranges from 41.4% in R. mollis to inferred insertion/deletion (indel) mutations. In- 56.6% in Zinnia flavicoma. In the 5.8S segment se- ferred indels were recoded as additional binary quenced, G ϩ C content ranges from 52.8% in Ber- characters for all sequences. Indels in the same landiera pumila to 60.0% in Philactis nelsonii. aligned position and of the same length were Of the gaps inserted to align the sequences, ap- scored as homologous. proximately 67.8% involve one base-pair and 20.9% Parsimony analyses were performed to explore involve two base-pairs. The longest gap necessary the influence of differential weighting of transver- to align a sequence (in Lindheimera A. Gray & En- sion and transition mutations on tree topology in gelm.) is 12 bp long. The next longest gap, 10 bp, the higher-level analyses. Heuristic search param- occurs in a single taxon, . eters included 100 random taxon-addition sequenc- Gaps in ITS-1 outnumber gaps in ITS-2 by nearly es with TBR and MULPARS in effect. Gaps were one third. treated as missing data. Weighted parsimony anal- Approximately 55% of the characters are poten- yses were conducted with transversions weighted tially informative; 338 of 631 nucleotide positions 1.2 or 1.5 fold higher than transitions following rec- exhibit at least two states that are each found in at ommendations of Albert and Mishler (1992). least two taxa. The number of invariant sites in the The ITS trees were compared to those based on entire data set is 195; 98 are variable but uninfor- cpDNA by (Urbatsch and Jansen 1995). In addition, mative. ITS-1 supplies a greater number (171 vs. heuristic and bootstrap analyses were performed as 147) and higher percentage (32% vs. 27%) of infor- previously described on a combined ITS/cpDNA mative sites than does ITS-2. Relative to ITS-1 and data set. Both types of data were available for 43 ITS-2, the 5.8S subunit contains a much lower pro- taxa in Heliantheae including 28 taxa of Rudbeck- portion of informative sites. In the 5.8S 71% of the iinae sensu str. The data set contained a total of sites are invariant compared to 24% in ITS-1 and 1266 characters and Coreopsis served as outgroup. ITS-2 combined. The resulting phylogenetic reconstructions were In the combined ITS-1, ITS-2, and 5.8S data set, compared with trees generated from the separate pairwise sequence divergence between species data sets. Parsimony and bootstrap analyses were ranges from 0.18% (between and also performed on the cpDNA matrix for the 28 E. tennesseensis) to 29.6% (between Rudbeckia mollis taxa of Rudbeckiinae for which ITS sequences are and ). Echinacea paradoxa differs available. Echinacea pallida, Heliopsis Pers., and He- from E. tennesseensis by one substitution and six in- lianthella were chosen as outgroup taxa for subtribe del events. Mean pairwise distance between species Rudbeckiinae based on the ITS results, and each in Rudbeckiinae sensu str. and species in Zinnia L. was used for that purpose in the searches of the or Echinacea exceeds 18.1% in both sets of compar- cpDNA data set. isons. Mean distances between members of Rud- beckiinae and the other taxa of Heliantheae exam- RESULTS ined are greater than 13.8%. Average mean distance for all sequence pairs in Rudbeckiinae is 11.5%. In- Sequence Characteristics and Variation. Length terspecific distances in Rudbeckia range from 0.7% of the ITS-1 varies from 244 bp in (R. glaucescens and R. klamathensis) to 17.8% (R. mol- to 263 bp in Ambrosia artemisiifolia. Within Rud- lis and R. klamathensis). The range in distance values beckiinae, the length of ITS-1 is more uniform, is considerably less within Ratibida (1.0 to 4.5%) or ranging from 246 bp in Rudbeckia mohrii to 256 bp within Echinacea (0.18 to 3.2%) than within Rud- in three taxa. ITS-2 varies in length from 209 bp in beckia. For the ITS-1 alone, interspecific pairwise R. subtomentosa to 226 bp in Silphium laciniatum. The distances range from 4.0% between E. pallida and 218-bp ITS-2 sequences observed in R. californica E. tennesseensis to 38.3% between R. mollis and and R. graminifolia are the longest for Rudbeckiinae. Sphagneticola O. Hoffmann. Several species pairs 546 SYSTEMATIC BOTANY [Volume 25 2000] URBATSCH ET AL.: ITS PHYLOGENY OF CONEFLOWERS 547 within Echinacea and within Ratibida have identical shows a high degree of resolution (Fig. 1). Among ITS-2 sequences. The greatest distance value for the major clades receiving moderate to high boot- ITS-2, 33.9%, is for the comparison between Heliop- strap and character support are Engelmanniinae sis and Sphagneticola. Stuessy, Rudbeckiinae, and Zinniinae. Other deep For certain species, two or three clones of PCR clades outside of the three subtribes received less products per sample were chosen at random and than 50% bootstrap support. No sister relationship sequenced because of polymorphisms evident in between Rudbeckiinae and the outgroup taxa is the original, direct sequence. The two clones of Dra- supported. copis sequenced differ by a single indel event in ITS- Because of uncertainties in aligning particular re- 1. In clones 1 and 2 and clones 1 gions of sequence, parsimony analyses were per- and 4 differ from each other by two indel events formed on the same set of taxa after removal of and a transition. Greater variation was observed problematic basepairs. A total of 147 (79 potentially among the three clones of R. laciniata: clone 2 differs informative) positions were excluded, 106 bp from from clone 3 by 4 indels, 8 transitions, and 4 trans- ITS-1 and 41 bp from ITS-2. Resolution improved versions; clones 2 and 5 differ by 8 indels, 2 tran- somewhat from the previous heuristic search (trees sitions, and 4 transversions. Clones 3 and 5 showed not shown). The major clades resolved in the pre- differences at 12 positions, of which 5 are attribut- vious analysis (i.e., Engelmanniinae, Rudbeckiinae, able to indel events, 5 to transitions, and 2 to trans- and Zinniinae) were supported as was the sister versions. group relationship between the Acmella Lam./Sal- Phylogenetic Results. ANALYSES OF THE COM- mea DC. and the Trichocoryne/Zinniinae clades. Ad- PLETE ITS DATA SET. Parsimony analyses per- ditional resolution not obtained from the analysis formed on the complete ITS data set for all taxa of all ITS characters included (1) Helianthella, Helian- generated trees in numbers exceeding tree storage thus, and Ambrosia as a grade basal to Rudbeckiinae capacity. This result is mainly due to the small and (2) Sphagneticola/Verbesina L. as a clade sister amount of sequence divergence between congeneric to Engelmanniinae and the other taxa except for a species in Echinacea and Ratibida and between the basal grade of Calyptocarpus Less., Eclipta L., and intraspecific clones. For this reason all analyses ex- Coreopsis. The topology of Rudbeckiinae was essen- cept those for Rudbeckiinae sensu str. excluded all tially the same as in the trees from analysis of all but two exemplar taxa for Echinacea and for Ratibida. ITS characters. In the bootstrap majority-rule con- The use of different species pairs for each genus sensus tree, Rudbeckiinae and Engelmanniinae re- had minimal impact on the resulting tree topolo- ceived over 92% support. Zinniinae minus Acmella/ gies. Salmea, Heliopsis/Philactis Shrad., and Trichocoryne In the first analysis, the data set consisted of received nearly 60% bootstrap support. equally weighted ITS-1 and ITS-2 sequences along Among the ITS sequences of the 65 taxa, 234 in- with a portion of the 5.8S region for 57 taxa. Four del characters were detected and scored for pres- species each Echinacea and Ratibida were excluded. ence/absence. Parsimony analysis of the indel data Parsimony analysis resulted in 396 minimal length set alone for all taxa was terminated due to limited trees of 1842 steps, a consistency index (CI) of 0.396 tree storage capacity after 29,000 maximally parsi- (uninformative characters excluded), a retention in- monious trees (431 steps, CI ϭ 0.504, RI ϭ 0.598) dex (RI) of 0.635, and a g1 statistic of Ϫ0.392 for were saved. In the strict consensus tree (not 10,000 random trees generated in PAUP. The CI is shown), Rudbeckiinae is resolved as monophyletic somewhat higher than the value of 0.336 for 57 taxa and Ratibida forms a well-supported lineage. Be- calculated based on data of Sanderson and Dono- yond this, minimal resolution was achieved in Rud- ghue (1989). beckiinae. Additional monophyletic groups delin- The strict consensus tree from the first analysis eated include Zinniinae, with an internal topology

FIG. 1. The strict consensus of 48 minimum length trees from parsimony analysis of the ITS-1, ITS-2, and a portion of the 5.8S sequences with equal weighting of all transformations. Each tree has a length of 1732 steps, a consistency index (CI) of 0.438 and a retention index (RI) of 0.561. Branch lengths are given above the branches and bootstrap support values 50% are given in bold print below. Sequences of unique PCR clones are designated with single digit numbers following the specific name. 548 SYSTEMATIC BOTANY [Volume 25 2000] URBATSCH ET AL.: ITS PHYLOGENY OF CONEFLOWERS 549 much like that seen in Fig. 1 except that Heliopsis three branches of a five branch polytomy when and Philactis were excluded. The clade of taxa usu- equal weights were used (Fig. 1) and a single clade ally associated with Engelmanniinae is also re- when different weights for transitions and trans- solved but it is minus Borrichia Adans., Engelmannia versions were applied (Fig. 3). In the ITS ϩ indels, Torr. & A. Gray ex Nutt., and Lindheimera. subg. Rudbeckia is completely resolved (Fig. 2). Parsimony analysis of the combined ITS sequence There is mimimal agreement on the sister group and indel data sets resulted in six maximally par- relationship for Rudbeckiinae among results of the simonious trees of 2299 steps (CI ϭ 0.442, RI ϭ various analyses. In the unweighted strict consen- 0.619) (Fig. 2). Engelmanniinae, Rudbeckiinae, and sus tree for the ITS data set without recoded indels, Zinniinae clades each received high bootstrap sup- Ambrosia, Helianthus, and Zinniinae are each equally port. The Rudbeckiinae lineage is fully resolved in parsimonious sister group candidates. When 1.2:1 the strict consensus tree (Fig. 2) except for the west- weighting is applied to the ITS data set Helianthus ern Macrocline clade and the lineage of Rudbeckia and Rudbeckiinae are sister. When 1.5:1 weighting maxima clones. Within the western macroclines, is used or when the combined ITS and indel data four lineages are supported but their relationships set is analysed the Ambrosia/Helianthus clade is sis- to one another are unresolved. Membership of the ter to Rudbeckiinae. The composition of Engelman- Engelmanniinae and Zinniinae clades is as in trees niinae and Zinniinae is identical in all analyses and from analysis of ITS sequences without indels re- the topology of each group differs only in a few coded (Fig. 1). details. Weighted parsimony analysis of ITS sequence Phylogenetic analyses for the combined ITS and data was performed using two different weightings cpDNA data matrix resulted in 15 equally parsi- of transversions to transitions, 1.2:1.0 and 1.5:1.0, monious trees of 1840 steps (CI ϭ 0.6158, RI ϭ and resulted in 12 and 40 maximally parsimonious 0.7629). The strict consensus of these trees (Fig. 4) trees, respectively. Tree topologies from both sets is similar in many respects to trees obtained from of data are identical for the Rudbeckiinae and Zin- the ITS data alone. The three major lineages, En- niinae clades (Fig. 3). In the 1.2:1 analysis, Helian- gelmanniinae, Rudbeckiinae, and Zinniinae, have thus is sister to Rudbeckiinae, while in the 1.5:1 bootstrap support values of 100%, 100%, and 56%, weighting, Helianthus is sister to Ambrosia, and the respectively. Helianthella was placed sister to Rud- Ambrosia/Helianthus clade is sister to Rudbeckiinae. beckiinae and Eclipta is sister to all ingroup taxa in For Engelmanniinae, Wyethia is basal to Berlandiera the strict consensus tree. The Helianthella/Rudbeck- DC./Engelmannia and Lindheimera/Silphium L. in iinae relationship received less than 50% bootstrap the 1.2:1 reconstruction. In the 1.5:1 strict consensus support. Within Rudbeckiinae Ratibida is sister to a tree Wyethia and the other two clades form a po- clade with a basal dichotomy between Dracopis/ lytomy. Calyptocarpus, Eclipta, Sphagneticola, and Rudbeckia subg. Macrocline and Rudbeckia subg. Rud- Verbesina constitute a lineage in the 1.2:1 topology beckia. Bootstrap support for Rudbeckia (including that is unresolved in the 1.5:1 analysis. Both sets of Dracopis) is 56%. Dracopis is basal to R. subg. Ma- bootstrap analyses produced values 94% for Engel- crocline and the southeastern and western clades re- manniinae and Rudbeckiinae. Support for Zinni- ceive moderately strong bootstrap support. Rud- inae ranges from 65% to 76% in the two different beckia maxima and R. texana are sisters, as are R. weighted analyses. Bootstrap majority-rule consen- mohrii and R. nitida, which reflect the cpDNA data sus tree topologies are identical for the 1.2:1 weight- rather than the ITS pattern of relationship (Fig. 4). ed analysis, the unweighted ITS data set, and the Trees resulting from separate analyses of the ITS ITS ϩ indel data set. and cpDNA data sets (Urbatsch and Jansen 1995) Comparison of the unweighted and weighted for 43 taxa show considerable agreement. The En- strict consensus trees reveals some differences in gelmanniinae, Rudbeckiinae, and Zinniinae are re- topology. Within subtribe Rudbeckiinae, R. hirta/ solved and strongly supported in trees of both R. mollis, R. grandiflora, and R. heliopsidis constitute data-sets. Heliopsis is placed sister to Echinacea in

FIG. 2. The strict consensus of 30 minimal length trees from parsimony analysis of the combined ITS-region sequence (including 5.8S data) and indel data sets. Branch lengths and bootstrap values are given above and below the branches, respectively. 550 SYSTEMATIC BOTANY [Volume 25 2000] URBATSCH ET AL.: ITS PHYLOGENY OF CONEFLOWERS 551 the cpDNA reconstructions and the clade compris- group) to 135 (with Echinacea as outgroup), tree ing both groups receives Ͼ90% bootstrap support. length varies from 588 steps (with Helianthus as out- In the ITS strict consensus tree, Heliopsis and Ac- group) to 624 steps (with Coreopsis as outgroup), CI mella constitute a clade that is sister to Echinacea. ranges from 0.657 to 0.674, and RI ranges from However, bootstrap support for this relationship is 0.789 to 0.804. less than 50%. Helianthella is sister to Zinniinae in Similar results were obtained when this set of the cpDNA trees, a relationship weakly supported analyses for Rudbeckiinae was performed on the based on bootstrap analysis. Eclipta is the most ba- ITS data with indels coded as a binary character. sally divergent ingroup clade in the ITS phyloge- As in the previous analyses, the sister group rela- nies. tionship between Ratibida and Rudbeckia, including RELATIONSHIPS IN RUDBECKIINAE S. STR. BASED Dracopis, was the most frequently discovered to- ON ITS SEQUENCES. In each of the phylogenetic pology (Fig. 5). One result not found with the ITS analyses limited to Rudbeckiinae plus individual data without recoded indels when Wyethia served and collective outgroups, essentially identical major as outgroup is that the sister group relationship be- groups were resolved and the tree topologies differ tween Dracopis and subg. Macrocline received less minimally from those obtained from the broad- than 50% bootstrap support. In the analyses of scale analyses that included other members of He- Rudbeckiinae using the ITS and ITS ϩ indel data, liantheae. One of the minimal length trees from Ratibida is consistently resolved and receives 100% parsimony analysis with Echinacea pallida as out- bootstrap support in all analyses. Bootstrap sup- group was selected as representative (Fig. 5). Rati- port for Rudbeckia when resolved as a clade in boot- bida, Rudbeckia subg. Rudbeckia, and eastern and strap majority-rule consensus trees receives 61– western groups of Rudbeckia subg. Macrocline are 84%. In six of 16 analyses, Rudbeckia receives Ͻ 50% each resolved as monophyletic and mostly strongly bootstrap support. supported. Three basic topologies that differ from Bootstrap support for Rudbeckia subg. Macrocline one another in the relative placement of Ratibida sensu str. mostly exceeded 80% in all analyses with and Rudbeckia subg. Rudbeckia are obtained from different outgroups. Bootstrap values for the clades the use of different outgroups. In the strict consen- of subg. Macrocline and Dracopis range from 80 to sus trees (not shown) resulting from analyses of the 95% depending on the outgroup used. Bootstrap ITS sequences without indels recoded when Core- support for the southeastern and the western clades opsis, Eclipta, Helianthus or all seven taxa altogether of R. subg. Macrocline range from 74 to 97% with served as outgroups, Ratibida is placed sister to Dra- different outgroups used. Rudbeckia laciniata, the copis/Rudbeckia, which in turn contains two major only species of Rudbeckia that occurs in the Rocky lineages corresponding to Dracopis/subg. Macroc- Mountains and is widespread in the eastern United line and R. subg. Rudbeckia. When Echinacea pallida States, is always placed within the western clade. serves as outgroup, subg. Rudbeckia appears as two Phylogenetic analyses of ITS sequence data and clades, one composed of R. fulgida/graminifolia/ the ITS ϩ indel data for the Rudbeckiinae, with var- grandiflora/missouriensis and the other consisting of ious outgroups used individually and collectively, the remaining five species. These two lineages and produced a topology wherein R. alpicola, R califor- the Dracopis/R. subg. Macrocline clade form a tri- nica, the R. laciniata clones, and a clade of the other chotomy. When Helianthella and Borrichia are out- three taxa (R. glaucescens, R. klamathensis, R. occiden- groups, relationships among Dracopis/subg. Ma- talis) form a polytomy. Clades within the western crocline, subg. Rudbeckia, and Ratibida are unre- macrocline lineage with Ͼ 50% bootstrap support solved (a trichotomy). Ratibida and subg. Rudbeckia include the group comprising the R. laciniata clones constitute a clade that is sister to subg. Macrocline and the group comprising the strongly supported with Wyethia as outgroup. Tree statistics for the sev- clade of R. glaucescens/R. klamathensis and its sister, en analyses are as follows: numbers of minimal R. occidentalis. The greatest resolution within the length trees range from 27 (with Wyethia as out- western clade of Rudbeckia subg. Macrocline was

FIG. 3. Strict consensus of six minimum length trees from weighted parsimony analyses with transversions weighted 1.2-fold higher than transitions. Branch lengths are given above the branches and bootstrap support values are given in bold print below. 552 SYSTEMATIC BOTANY [Volume 25 2000] URBATSCH ET AL.: ITS PHYLOGENY OF CONEFLOWERS 553 achieved in analyses of the ITS data-set minus the trees based on ITS data without the recoded indels. difficult-to-align regions. In the resulting strict con- No resolution is achieved in Ratibida in the strict sensus tree, two subclades are resolved–one with consensus tree based on ITS sequences without re- R. californica sister to R. laciniata and the other with coded indels with Echinacea as outgroup. Bootstrap R. alpicola sister to R. occidentalis plus R. glaucescens/ support for the lineage exclusive of R. mexicana and R. klamathensis. Rudbeckia alpicola was placed with R. pinnata is typically Ͼ 90%. Support for the other the R. occidentalis plus R. glaucescens/R. klamathensis clades is generally weak ranging from Ͻ 50% to lineage in the results from the weighted analyses 75%. (Fig. 3). RESOLUTION OF RELATIONSHIPS IN RUDBECKIINAE Relationships within the southeastern Rudbeckia S. STR. BASED ON THE ITS AND CPDNA. Figure 6 subg. Macrocline clade based on ITS data are fully (right) shows the bootstrap consensus tree for Rud- and identically resolved (except for the R. maxima beckiinae based on cpDNA data with E. pallida as clones) and generally well supported (81–94% boot- the outgroup. In the bootstrap and strict consensus strap) in trees from most of the analyses conducted trees, Dracopis is sister to a large polytomy that in- in the study (Figs. 1,2,3,5). Three pairs of sister taxa cludes Ratibida and Rudbeckia. Ratibida has 100% are evident in these trees: R. auriculata/R. scabrifolia bootstrap support and is part of a large polytomy were placed sister to a lineage comprising two consisting of the species and species groups of Rud- pairs of taxa, R. maxima/R. nitida and R. mohrii/R. beckia. The western species of Rudbeckia subg. Ma- texana. The last four taxa of this lineage forms a crocline are delineated as a clade in the cpDNA re- polytomy in the ITS ϩ indel analysis for Rudbeck- construction with just over 50% bootstrap support. iinae with Wyethia as outgroup. Neither the southeastern species of R. subg. Ma- Support for Rudbeckia subg. Rudbeckia is generally crocline nor R. subg. Rudbeckia are resolved as strong, with bootstrap analyses resulting in values clades. Strong bootstrap support, however, was ob- ranging from 55–100%. Analyses of the ITS ϩ indel tained for various species groups within Rudbeckia. data fully resolved the species into two lineages Bootstrap analyses in which Helianthella or Heliopsis (Figs. 2,5). The first one, containing R. fulgida/mis- served as outgroup identified the same clades with souriensis/triloba/graminifolia, generally received nearly identical support. In the strict consensus tree over 70% bootstrap support. Most of the other anal- from the heuristic search in which Helianthella yses also resulted in the same topology for this con- served as outgroup, Dracopis is sister to R. maxima stellation of taxa. The remaining five species were and R. texana of subg. Macrocline. Topology of the consistently resolved as a clade, with R. heliopsidis tree is similar to that of trees generated using other sister to the clades of R. hirta/R. mollis and R. gran- outgroups. The major areas of differences between diflora/R. subtomentosa in trees of some analy- the two topologies are (1) placements of Dracopis ses(Figs. 2, 5). Within this five taxon sublineage and (2) relationships among the southeastern ma- only R. hirta/R. mollis is well supported by boot- crocline species R. maxima, R. mohrii, R. nitida, and strap values. Overall support for the five-taxon sub- R. texana. None of the two sets of conflicting groups lineage is in the 50–70% range. Analysis of the ITS is strongly supported in either the cpDNA and ITS data minus the recoded indels usually failed to re- trees (Fig. 6). solve all but the R. hirta/R. mollis clade. Although bootstrap support for monophyly of DISCUSSION Ratibida is 100% in all analyses, resolution of clades within the genus was weakly supported. A pecti- ITS Sequence Characteristics. ITS-1 length var- nate series of clades with R. pinnata basally diver- iation recorded in this study falls within the range gent and R. tagetes/R. latipalearis most apically nest- of that reported for other Asteraceae; length varia- ed is the most frequently recovered topology from tion of the ITS-2 ranges to a few base pairs shorter the ITS ϩ indels analyses using different outgroups than previously reported in the family (Baldwin et (Fig. 5). Usually, relationships among R. columnaris, al. 1995; Susanna et al. 1995). The ITS in the study R. latipalearis, and R. tagetes are unresolved in the taxa, as in other angiosperm groups, appears to

FIG. 4. Strict consensus of 168 minimal-length trees derived from parsimony analyses of the combined ITS and cpDNA data matrices. Branch lengths and bootstrap values are given above and below the branches, respectively. 554 SYSTEMATIC BOTANY [Volume 25 2000] URBATSCH ET AL.: ITS PHYLOGENY OF CONEFLOWERS 555 have evolved mostly by nucleotide substitution and include Echinacea and that Balsamorhiza, Helianthella, small (one or two base pair) length mutations rather and Wyethia are possible close relatives of the ge- than by large-scale insertions, deletions, or rear- nus. rangements. Relationship of Echinacea to Zinnia and Rela- The motif GGCRYGYGYCAAGGA reported in tives. Subtribe Zinniinae as originally circum- ITS-1 for Apioideae Seem. and other angiosperms scribed by Bentham (1873) accommodated six gen- by Downie and Katz-Downie (1996) is also seen in era, Aganippea DC. (now synonymous with our sequences and in published Asteraceae data Kunth), Heliopsis, Philactis, Sanvitalia Lam., Tragocer- sets (Baldwin 1992, 1993). This region is thought to as Kunth in Humboldt et al., and Zinnia. Stuessy be an essential recognition element for rRNA pro- (1977) maintained that concept with the important cessing (Liu and Schardl 1994). In other sequence exception of also including the enigmatic genus Bor- regions, uniform nucleotide composition in ITS-1 is richia in the subtribe. He offered chromosome num- limited to individual sites or a few consecutive ber, leaf arrangement, and pappus features as sup- sites. For ITS-2, the first five (of six) conservation porting characters for Zinniinae. Jaegeria had been patterns reported by Hershkovitz and Zimmer removed to Galinsoginae Benth. (Torres and Bea- (1996) were readily identifiable among the taxa ex- man 1964; Torres 1968). Robinson (1981) included amined. Region six was less evident in Heliantheae Zinniinae sensu Stuessy (1977) within Ecliptinae, sequences. Conservation of the six regions may con- asserting that many characteristics of Zinniinae are fer a general secondary structure for ITS-2 (Hersh- also present in Ecliptinae. Karis and Ryding (1994) kovitz and Zimmer 1996). These and other con- substantially changed the composition of Zinniinae served sites in Heliantheae served as valuable by including Acmella, Benth. ex Oerst., guides for alignment. Jacq., and Squamopappus R. K. Jansen, N. Length and sequence variation found among A. Harriman, & Urbatsch, plus the previously men- cloned ITS sequences from the same individuals of tioned core genera, except for Borrichia. They rele- three species (Dracopis amplexicaulis, Rudbeckia laci- gated Borrichia to Verbesininae Benth. Panero and niata, and R. maxima) demonstrate that homogeni- Villasen˜or (1996) published Tehuana Panero & Vil- zation of sequences by concerted evolution is in- lasen˜or and noted its morphological and cytological complete. In a phylogenetic context, variation similarities to Heliopsis and Philactis. Our attempts among ITS paralogues was not problematical–all to isolate usable DNA from dried leaves of Tehuana cloned sequences from particular species were re- were unsuccessful. solved as clades. In the earlier cpDNA restriction site analysis, a Polyphyly of the Coneflowers. We interpret the clade comprising Echinacea and Heliopsis constituted phylogenetic analysis of ITS sequences as strongly one of the most strongly supported lineages, an- supporting a subtribe Rudbeckiinae that includes other being Rudbeckiinae (Urbatsch and Jansen Dracopis, Ratibida, and Rudbeckia but not Echinacea 1995). Both clades had relatively high decay indices (Figs. 1–4). A similar interpretation was based on and bootstrap values. Representatives of Balsamor- findings from cpDNA restriction site analysis (Ur- hiza, Helianthella, and Wyethia, members of Eclipti- batsch and Jansen 1995). Robinson (1978, 1981) nae sensu Robinson (1981), were included in the questioned the affiliation of Echinacea with the other cpDNA study but did not constitute a clade. Weak three coneflower genera. He noted that the non- support was obtained for a cpDNA lineage includ- striate cypselae and base chromosome number of x ing Helianthella and the Echinacea/Heliopsis clade ϭ 11 in Echinacea differ markedly from the striate (Urbatsch and Jansen 1995). Heliopsis has been re- cypselae and base chromosome numbers of x ϭ 18 garded as a core member of Zinniinae by previous to 20 in Rudbeckiinae. He also noted differences in investigators (Bentham 1873; Hoffmann 1894; endothecial cell walls between Echinacea and Rud- Stuessy 1977; Karis and Ryding 1994). The restric- beckiinae (Robinson 1981). Such considerations led tion site data were interpreted as support for an Robinson (1981) to conclude that Ecliptinae should hypothesis that Echinacea is more closely related to

FIG. 5. One of 15 minimum length trees from parsimony analysis of ITS-1, ITS-2, and a portion of the 5.8S region plus recoded indel characters for Rudbeckiinae, with Echinacea pallida as outgroup (772 steps, CI ϭ 0.644, RI ϭ 0.756). Branch lengths appear above the branches and bootstrap numbers for 100 replicates appear below. 556 SYSTEMATIC BOTANY [Volume 25

FIG. 6. Comparison of bootstrap consensus trees for the Rudbeckiinae derived from separate analyses of the ITS and cpDNA data sets. Opposing branches of the two trees contain the same terminal taxa unless otherwise indicated. Lines connecting certain terminal taxa indicate resolved relationships that differ between the two trees. 2000] URBATSCH ET AL.: ITS PHYLOGENY OF CONEFLOWERS 557 traditional Zinniinae than to other taxa in Eclipti- Presence or absence of paleae traditionally has been nae sensu Robinson (1981). a major feature for diagnosing Heliantheae sensu Based on our ITS results we affirm a phyloge- str. and , respectively. Some epaleate core netic position of Echinacea within Zinniinae (Figs. Heliantheae genera are known, e.g., the Geissopap- 1–4), which we sampled more thoroughly than in pus group in Calea and the distantly related Tyler- the previous cpDNA investigation (Urbatsch and opappus Greenman, and are regarded as isolated de- Jansen 1995). Most analyses of our ITS data gave scendants of paleate taxa (Robinson 1981). Based on trees with Echinacea and Sanvitalia as sister taxa. ITS trees of Heliantheae sensu lat. (including He- Zinnia is sister to this clade in some of our trees, lenieae) Baldwin and Wessa (in prep.) similarly mostly with low bootstrap support values. concluded that Trichocoryne descended from paleate Morphological and cytological data are mostly ancestors, a conclusion reinforced by our findings. congruous with placement of Echinacea in Zinni- Harris (1995) showed that disk flowers and paleae inae. Like most other members of Zinniinae, Echi- in Heliantheae initially share a common primordi- nacea has solitary capitula, conical receptacles, rigid um. Suppression of the abaxial portions of such pri- paleae, and a short, crown-like pappus. As noted mordia may result in the loss of receptacular . by Robinson et al. (1981), the base chromosome Despite lack of paleae, Trichocoryne possesses fea- number for Echinacea, x ϭ 11, is similar to the pro- tures characteristic of most Zinniinae, e.g., opposite posed base numbers of x ϭ 8–12 for Zinnia and leaves, highly conical receptacles, and blackened Sanvitalia. Alternate leaf arrangement in Echinacea anther thecae. We interpret such morphological is the only anomalous characteristic among the oth- characteristics together with ITS sequence data as erwise opposite-leaved Zinniinae and possibly the support for reclassification of Trichocoryne within major reason for previous association of Echinacea Zinniinae. with Rudbeckiinae. Segregation of Zinniinae from Ecliptinae. Based The sister group relationship between Echinacea on our results we support recognition of Zinniinae and Sanvitalia in the ITS trees (Figs. 1–3) is sup- as a taxon apart from Ecliptinae sensu Robinson ported by a potential synapomorphy in fruit anat- (1981) and argue for recircumscription of Zinniinae omy. The outer layer of the cypsela wall in Echi- (Figs. 1–3). Renovations of Zinniinae proposed by nacea is composed of a layer of soft, tan tissue sev- Karis and Ryding (1994) such as the addition of eral cells thick, that is underlain by a shiny, dark- Acmella and Salmea are in accord with the ITS data pigmented layer (Schulthess et al. 1991). Similar presented here. Other molecular data provide a ba- characteristics are observed in Sanvitalia fruticosa sis for arguing for removal of Podachaenium Benth. (Urbatsch, unpubl. data). and Squamopappus Jansen, Harriman, and Urbatsch One surprising result from the present ITS se- from Zinniinae (Urbatsch, unpubl. data; Panero et quence analyses is the inclusion of Trichocoryne in al. 1999). Regardless of the eventual composition of Zinniinae (Figs. 1–3). The monospecific genus was Zinniinae, our DNA data constitute evidence for assigned by Robinson (1981), with reservations, to placement of Echinacea and Trichocoryne with taxa Hymenopappinae (Heliantheae sensu lat.). As not- now included in Zinniinae. ed by Robinson (1981), Hymenopappinae and other In our analyses (Figs. 1–4) Helianthella, a putative mostly epaleate subtribes in Heliantheae sensu lat. relative of Echinacea, Balsamorhiza, and Wyethia (fide were regarded as members of Helenieae by earlier Robinson 1981), was resolved as a basally divergent synoptical workers (Bentham 1973 and Hoffman ingroup taxon sister to a clade of Helianthus, Am- 1894), and by Bremer (1994). Results of ITS inves- brosia, and Rudbeckiinae, or a sister to Rudbecki- tigations of helenioid Heliantheae, Baldwin and inae. Analyses of ITS sequences strongly supports Wessa (in prep.) concluded that Trichocoryne is nest- a closer relationship of Helianthella to Adans. ed in Heliantheae s. str. and more closely related to and DC. than to various taxa in this Rudbeckia than to other sampled taxa (none in tra- study or to Balsamorhiza and Wyethia (Urbatsch, ditional Zinniinae). Our subsequent inclusion of Baldwin, and Pell, unpubl. data). A subgroup with- Trichocoryne of the ITS-region sequence in analysis in Ecliptinae composed of Encelia, (A. of the coneflower ITS matrix yielded evidence for Gray) A. Nelson, Flourensia, Torr. & A. Gray, placement of the genus in the Zinniinae clade. ITS and other genera was endorsed by Robinson (1981), evidence for placement of Trichocoryne in Helian- who noted fused stigmatic surfaces, pale anther theae sensu str. in general and Zinniinae in partic- thecae, and sterile rays as supporting evidence of ular is interesting because Trichocoryne is epaleate. relationship. Karis and Ryding (1994) likewise sup- 558 SYSTEMATIC BOTANY [Volume 25 ported the concept of an Encelia, Enceliopsis, Flour- niinae (Clevinger and Panero 1997; Urbatsch et al. ensia, and Geraea lineage and designated it the En- 1997). Balsamorhiza, Wyethia, and Borrichia lack apo- celia group within their Verbesininae. They included morphies characteristic of Engelmanniinae sensu Helianthella in Verbesininae without comment on its str., such as the cypsela complex, and have bisexual generic relationship. Restriction site cpDNA studies disk florets and higher base chromosome numbers support the sister status of Encelia and Helianthella (x ϭ 19, 20 in Balsamorhiza and Wyethia) than those (Panero et al. 1999). The Encelia/Helianthella cpDNA members of Engelmanniinae sensu str. Synapo- lineage is sister to a pair of clades: one branch con- morphic, morphological features for the enlarged taining Zinniinae and the other containing Acmella, Engelmanniinae are pistillate ray florets and large, Salmea, and Spilanthes (Panero et al. 1999). leaf-like phyllaries in most species. Circumscription of Engelmanniinae. Diagnostic Stuessy (1977) regarded Ambrosiinae Less. as characteristics for Engelmanniinae sensu Stuessy sister to Engelmanniinae, with L. and (1977) include the apomorphic cypsela-palea-phyl- A. Gray ‘‘transitional’’ between the two lary complex (hereafter, cypsela complex) and such subtribes. Both genera have cypsela complexes sim- synapomorphic attributes as often alternate and ilar to those found in most Engelmanniinae. Stues- dissected leaves, pistillate ray florets, functionally sy (1973) regarded the cypsela complexes in Am- staminate disk florets, and a base chromosome brosiinae to be pleisiomorphic, with a reversal to number of x ϭ 9. the more typical state (palea, phyllaries, and cyp- The ITS based phylogenies present heretofore un- selas separate) in ‘‘advanced’’ Ambrosiinae, but predicted generic groupings (Clevenger and Panero with continuing specialization in most Engelman- 1997; Urbatsch et al. 1997). Borrichia in the ITS trees niinae. Karis and Ryding (1994) similarly conclud- is a basally divergent element in a clade of genera ed that the cypsela complexes in Ambrosiinae and traditionally treated as subtribe Engelmanniinae Engelmanniinae are symplesiomorphic because the (Figs. 1–3). As mentioned above, Borrichia has been two subtribes and two other groups formed a po- placed variously in Zinniinae (Stuessy 1977), Eclip- lytomy in their trees based on morphological data. tinae (Robinson 1981), and Verbesininae (Karis and Bolick (1983) concluded from her cladistic study of Ryding 1994). Stuessy (1977) noted that the chro- Ambrosiinae and Engelmanniinae a sister group mosome number of Borrichia is consonant with Zin- relationship between the two subtribes is most like- niinae. Robinson (1981) commented on the distinc- ly incorrect. Robinson (1981) concluded similarly tive qualities of Borrichia, but did not suggest pos- that the cypsela complexes originated independent- sible close relatives within subtribe Ecliptinae. Kar- ly in the two groups, a hypothesis we supported is and Ryding (1994) likewise offered no based on our ITS data (Figs. 1–3). phylogenetic hypothesis concerning Borrichia. Ex- Subtribe Ecliptinae and Relatives. The phylo- panded ITS investigations (Urbatsch, Baldwin, and genetic position of Eclipta remains poorly resolved. Pell, unpubl. data) reaffirm the support presented Along with Calyptocarpus, Verbesina, and Sphagneti- here for placing Borrichia in Engelmanniinae, as do cola, Eclipta constitutes a clade in the weighted ITS cpDNA investigations (Panero et al. 1999). tree (Figs. 1,3). In most analyses, however, it was at Previous hypotheses of relationship for the Bal- the base of the tree. In results of the various ITS samorhiza/Wyethia clade are not supported based analyses, none of the clades comprising Eclipta and on our ITS data. Balsamorhiza and Wyethia have been a sister group received more than 50% bootstrap treated as members of Ecliptinae, with Echinacea support. Robinson (1981) suggested a relationship proposed as a close relative (Robinson 1981), or as of Eclipta to Jacq. and a group of approxi- members of Verbesininae, which contain Calyptocar- mately 23 other genera including Calyptocarpus and pus, Verbesina, and many other genera in the circum- Silphium. Stuessy (1977) offered a somewhat similar scription of Karis and Ryding (1994). In the phy- classification for these genera but excluded those of logeny based on the cpDNA restriction site analysis Engelmanniinae. Karis and Ryding (1994) left Eclip- of Urbatsch and Jansen (1995), Balsamorhiza and ta without subtribal placement. The ITS data weak- Wyethia are contained in a well-supported clade of ly support some of the previously suggested hy- core Engelmanniinae. Panero et al. (1999), in a potheses of relationship for Eclipta. Panero et al. much larger cpDNA study of Ecliptinae, re-affirm (1999) offered strong support for placement of this relationship and include additional genera in Eclipta basal to a group of genera they call the Engelmanniinae. ITS data offers strong support for ‘‘wedelioid complex,’’ which contains Sphagneticola aligning Wyethia and Balsamorhiza with Engelman- but not Verbesina. 2000] URBATSCH ET AL.: ITS PHYLOGENY OF CONEFLOWERS 559

Sister Relationship of Rudbeckiinae. Owing to cestor within a complex now treated as Rudbeckia poor resolution or support for the more basal nodes subg. Macrocline, i.e., Ratibida would have been nest- in ITS trees, relationships among the major clades ed within Rudbeckia. Sharp (1935) regarded the and, particularly, idendity of the sister group of highly dissected leaf blades, laterally compressed Rudbeckiinae, remain uncertain. Among the pos- cypselae, seed dispersal mechanism, aggressive sible candidates for sister group of Rudbeckiinae weediness, and occupation of geologically recent are two groups that were resolved as such (but with areas seen in Ratibida as indications of greater spe- weak support) in the various ITS trees: Helianthella cialization relative to that of Rudbeckia. Richards and Helianthus (also Helianthus/Ambrosia). Helian- (1968) cited additional similarities shared by Rati- thella was resolved as sister to Rudbeckiinae in the bida and Dracopis, e.g., resin canal position in the ITS data minus difficult-to-align basepairs and in stems and similar chromosome numbers. One of the ITS ϩ cpDNA-based phylogenies. Chloroplast the tree topologies obtained in the mostly morpho- DNA data by itself, however, does not provide ev- logically-based phylogenetic analysis of Cox and idence for such a relationship (Urbatsch and Jansen Urbatsch (1990) resolved a sister group relationship 1995). Helianthus and Ambrosia/Helianthus are sister of Ratibida and Dracopis. groups of Rudbeckiinae in the 1.2 and 1.5 weighted The molecular data provide a different picture. analyses, respectively. None of the suggested sister In the ITS trees (Figs. 1–3) and in the combined relationships of Rudbeckiinae received more than ITS/cpDNA trees (Fig. 4), and the cpDNA trees 50% bootstrap support. (Urbatsch and Jansen 1995), Ratibida is never nested Relationships in Rudbeckiinae. MAJOR CLADES. within Rudbeckia. Instead, Ratibida is most frequent- Our ITS results corroborate previous cpDNA find- ly resolved as sister to Rudbeckia plus Dracopis, in ings on the monophyly of Rudbeckiinae and pro- accord with an hypothesis of divergence of Ratibida vide the best resolved phylogeny thus far obtained from a common ancestor with Rudbeckia and Dra- for this group. Previous phylogenetic investigations copis prior to the origin of modern species in both of cpDNA identified certain genera and species groups. Less often, Ratibida was placed as one groups and provided incomplete resolution of re- branch of a trichotomy with the two subgenera of lationships among species of Rudbeckiinae (Ur- Rudbeckia, and in some trees Ratibida was placed sis- batsch and Jansen 1995). Our ITS analyses identi- ter to Rudbeckia subg. Rudbeckia, and this clade in fied three major lineages coincident with the tra- turn was placed sister to Rudbeckia subg. Macrocline ditionally recognized genus Ratibida and the two plus Dracopis. Based on the weight of evidence from subgenera of Rudbeckia, subg. Macrocline and subg. ITS and cpDNA data we continue to recognize Ra- Rudbeckia (Perdue 1957, 1959). The results of most tibida as a lineage distinct from Rudbeckia. of our analyses placed the two subgenera of Rud- RELATIONSHIPS OF DRACOPIS. In the ITS trees, beckia together with Dracopis, exclusive of Ratibida. Dracopis is almost always placed sister to Rudbeckia PHYLOGENETIC POSITION OF RATIBIDA. The ITS subg. Macrocline, usually with high bootstrap sup- data corroborate previous evidence for monophyly port. This result conflicts with the earlier hypoth- of Ratibida (Urbatsch and Jansen 1995). Some syn- esized sister-group relationship between Ratibida apomorphic features support the Ratibida lineage. and Dracopis (Sharp 1935; Richards 1968). Based on Ratibida has a different base chromosome number the ITS data, the morphological and cytological (Robinson et al. 1981) and a distinctive chromosom- similarities shared by Ratibida and Dracopis may be al morphology compared to those of other cone- due to convergence or retention of plesiomorphic flowers (Perdue 1959). Morphological characteristics states. uniting species in Ratibida include phyllaries in two In cpDNA trees resulting from a broad analysis unequal series, a dark, resinous gland along the ad- of Heliantheae and from cpDNA analysis of Rud- axial edge of each palea, paleae that enclose the beckiinae with most outgroup taxa included, Dra- cypselae and are shed with them, and laterally copis is placed sister to Ratibida and Rudbeckia (Ur- compressed cypselae. batsch and Jansen 1995), with weak support. A Previous suggestions about phylogenetic relation- slightly more parsimonious solution in an analysis ships in Rudbeckiinae have usually implicated Dra- including fewer taxa is a cpDNA sister group re- copis as the closest relative of Ratibida. Based on lationship between Dracopis and a clade containing their ruderal ecology, similar, biseriate involucres, R. maxima and R. texana, members of Rudbeckia and cylindrical receptacles, Sharp (1935) suggested subg. Macrocline. The cpDNA data thus appear to that Ratibida and Dracopis arose from a common an- be congruent (or not significantly incongruent) 560 SYSTEMATIC BOTANY [Volume 25 with ITS evidence for a close relationship between bers and with evidence from some morphological Dracopis and Rudbeckia subg. Macrocline. Morphol- characters. In fact, previous investigators tended to ogy is also congruent with this relationship. emphasize the distinction between the subgenera Although Dracopis amplexicaulis was originally more than the characteristics uniting the genus described as a species of Rudbeckia, wherein it was Rudbeckia (Perdue 1957, 1959). treated as a section by Gray (1884) and Fernald On the basis of the ITS data, an argument could (1950), more recent investigators have emphasized be made for elevating the two subgenera of Rud- the distinctiveness of Dracopis and followed Cassini beckia to generic status. Bootstrap support for Rud- in assigning it generic status (Gleason 1952; Correll beckia sensu lat. ranges from 58 to 80% in results and Johnston 1970; Cronquist 1980). Despite the of the various analyses. Approximately one-quarter distinctive characteristics of Dracopis (e.g., annual of the ITS analyses failed to resolve Rudbeckia as a habit, lack of pappus, and low base chromosome monophyletic group, and certain analyses, as noted number), it shares many characteristics with taxa above, provide 50 to over 60% bootstrap support in Rudbeckia subg. Macrocline, e.g., rigid, glaucous for a sister group relationship between R. subg. stems; sessile, clasping, glaucous, cauline leaves; Rudbeckia and Ratibida. yellow (vs. yellow-orange) ray corollas; and cone- The case for retaining Rudbeckia is strengthened shaped receptacles. Sectional status for Dracopis when morphological and cytological evidence are within R. subg. Macrocline best communicates ex- considered. The two subgenera of Rudbeckia are isting knowledge by emphasizing both phylogenet- more similar to each other than to Ratibida in in- ic relationships and readily diagnosed groups. volucre, cypsela, and palea morphology. The same Maintaining Dracopis as a separate genus could is true for base chromosome number, with similar only be accommodated by elevating R. subg. Ma- numbers of x ϭ 18 in Rudbeckia subg. Macrocline crocline and R. subg. Rudbeckia to generic rank but and x ϭ 19 in R. subg. Rudbeckia compared to x ϭ would necessitate many name changes. 13, 14, and 16 in Ratibida. Chromosome morphology RELATIONSHIPS WITHIN RATIBIDA. Phylogenetic is also more similar between the two subgenera of resolution within Ratibida was hampered by the Rudbeckia than between either group and Ratibida. limited ITS sequence divergence among species. In Rudbeckia sensu lat., the chromosomes are either The lineage resolved most frequently (with Ͼ 90% short or long, with median, submedian, and sub- bootstrap support) in analyses restricted to Rud- terminal primary constrictions. In addition to these beckiinae comprises Ratibida columnaris, R. latipa- chromosome morphologies, Ratibida also exhibits learis, R. peduncularis, and R. tagetes (Fig. 5). Groups medium length chromosomes with subterminal to resolved within this clade received from less than submedian constrictions, a form not seen in Rud- 50 to 70% bootstrap support. There was no reso- beckia (Perdue 1959). lution in Ratibida in ITS trees with Echinacea as out- THE WESTERN LINEAGE OF RUDBECKIA SUBG. MA- group. When the ITS sequence and indel data sets CROCLINE. For the western North American assem- were combined R. pinnata was basally divergent to blage of R. subg. Macrocline, two species groups, a clade with a pectinate arrangement of the other. each consisting of three species, were recognized Except for the four-taxon clade referred to above by Cox and Urbatsch (1994). Presence or absence of most other lineages received weak support from ray flowers readily distinguishes the two groups. the ITS analyses. Minimal variation in cpDNA Historically, the three radiate species were recog- among members of Ratibida also resulted unstable nized as separate varieties of R. californica and the resoluton of relationships (Urbatsch and Jansen three eradiate species were treated as distinct va- 1995). rieties of R. occidentalis (Cox and Urbatsch 1994). SUBGENERA OF RUDBECKIA. The ITS data and the Judging from the degree of divergence in the ITS combined ITS/cpDNA data, unlike the cpDNA sequences and results of phylogenetic analysis, rec- trees (Urbatsch and Jansen 1995), support recogni- ognition of more than two species is warranted. tion for the two traditionally defined subgenera of The ITS tree topologies (Figs. 1–5) suggest a differ- Rudbeckia, subg. Macrocline and subg. Rudbeckia. The ent phylogeny than that suggested by the presence two clades were resolved in all analyses except or absence of ray flowers. The radiate R. glauces- with the ITS indel data alone. Bootstrap support for cens/R. klamathensis clade based on the results of the subgenera in results of most analyses is above this study shows affinity to R. occidentalis, a wide- 80%. Support for monophyly of the two subgenera spread eradiate taxon. Relationships of the other is congruent with different base chromosome num- western species are not consistently resolved by the 2000] URBATSCH ET AL.: ITS PHYLOGENY OF CONEFLOWERS 561 different analyses, but monophyly of radiate and this complex are not known to hybridize at present. eradiate taxa is not supported. However, they may have done so in the past re- The relationships of the widespread species Rud- sulting in chloroplast capture. For the genus as a beckia laciniata have been controversial largely due whole the species-level cpDNA phylogeny was to differences in chromosome number determina- poorly resolved. The cpDNA trees exhibited nu- tions. Perdue (1959, 1960) identified the base chro- merous polytomies and clades supported by single mosome number for R. laciniata as x ϭ 18, which is mutations. The ITS data provide a more robust set characteristic of subg. Macrocline, where he placed of phylogenetic hypotheses for the southeastern the taxon. Reports for R. laciniata of 2n ϭ 38, 76 macroclines and for other species groups in Rud- (Battaglia 1946) and numerous reports of n ϭ 19 beckia. Cox and Urbatsch (1989) proposed that R. (Heiser and Smith 1954; Keil and Stuessy 1977; Pin- texana and R. nitida, recognized as varieties of the kava and Keil 1977; and Turner 5684, TEX, in same species by Perdue (1962) and Cronquist sched.) suggest a base of x ϭ 19 which is concor- (1980), be recognized as distinct species. The two dant with the base number of subg. Rudbeckia. After molecular data sets are in keeping with this treat- considering chromosome numbers and various ment. morphological characteristics, Cox (1991) suggested RUDBECKIA SUBG. RUDBECKIA. Within R. subg. Rud- that R. laciniata represents a distinctive lineage that beckia, R. fulgida and R. missouriensis were once should receive subgeneric status. Chloroplast DNA treated as a single species, then as varieties of the trees provide weak support for a western subg. Ma- same species (Cronquist 1945), and finally as dis- crocline clade containing R. laciniata (Urbatsch and tinct species (Fernald 1950; Perdue 1957, 1959; Jansen 1995). Our ITS data strongly support place- Cronquist 1980). Among the interspecific crosses at- ment of R. laciniata with the western macroclines. tempted with six species of R. subg. Rudbeckia, the Whether R. laciniata originated in western or south- only successful hybridization was between R. ful- eastern North America, areas where it now natu- gida and R. missouriensis (McCrea 1981). ITS and rally occurs, remains unknown based on the ITS cpDNA trees support a close relationship between results. these taxa. THE SOUTHEASTERN LINEAGE OF RUDBECKIA SUBG. Perdue (1959) noted that R. triloba is a ‘‘highly MACROCLINE. In the southeastern lineage of R. distinct species, not closely related to any other in subg. Macrocline, the R. auriculata/R. scabrifolia clade Rudbeckia.’’ The ITS and cpDNA data (Figs. 1–5) is strongly supported by ITS and cpDNA data. Both moderately support a sister-group relationship of species have relatively restricted distributions in the R. triloba to R. missouriensis/R. fulgida. Attempts to eastern and western Gulf Coastal plain, respective- hybridize R. triloba with other species of Rudbeckia ly. As discussed by Urbatsch and Jansen (1995), were unsuccessful (McCrea 1981), and the results some morphological synapomorphies support this of crossing attempts are equivocal because diploid lineage. populations of this species exhibit some degree of Relationships among the remaining four south- self-compatibility and triploid populations are apo- eastern species of R. subg. Macrocline were resolved mictic (McCrea 1981). differently in ITS trees and cpDNA trees (Fig. 6). , a species known only from The ITS analyses placed the species into two line- five counties in the Florida panhandle, is unusual ages, R. maxima/R. nitida and R. mohrii/R. texana. in the genus because of its small stature and its Each species pair exhibits a geographical distribu- small, deep maroon ray corollas. The ITS results tion pattern like that of R. auriculata/R. scabrifolia, lead us to conclude that R. graminifolia is probably i.e., one species in each pair occurs in the eastern more closely related to R. fulgida, R. missouriensis, Gulf Coastal plain and the other occurs in the west- and R. triloba than to other members of Rudbeckia. ern Gulf Coastal plain. In contrast, the cpDNA In the best resolved trees, R. graminifolia is either analyses resolved an eastern species pair (R. moh- sister to R. triloba or sister to the other three species. rii/R. nitida) and a western species pair (R. maxi- The R. hirta/R. mollis clade received 100% boot- ma/R. texana) (Fig. 6). One possible reason for the strap support in the ITS and cpDNA analyses. In discordance of the cpDNA and ITS trees is the low addition to numerous ITS (Figs. 1–3) and cpDNA level of cpDNA variation within Rudbeckia. Lineage mutations (Urbatsch and Jansen 1995), this relation- sorting is another possible explanation for this in- ship is also supported by a synapomorphy in life congruity, especially if speciation occurred recently cycle. Both species are annual, biennial, or weakly and involved large population sizes. The species in perennial–features unique for the subgenus. Rud- 562 SYSTEMATIC BOTANY [Volume 25 beckia hirta is somewhat weedy and widespread; R. subg. Macrocline appear to represent two separate mollis is restricted to dry sandy soils of the eastern North American radiations, one in the west and one Gulf Coastal plain. In ITS trees in which relation- in the southeast. Whether the disjunction is attrib- ships were fully resolved in subg. Rudbeckia, R. utable to long-distance dispersal or vicariance in- grandiflora and/or R. heliopsidis are sister to the R. volving a widely distributed progenitor is a matter hirta/R. mollis clade. Rudbeckia grandiflora is rela- of conjecture, but the overall phylogenetic pattern tively common on prairies from Texas to in Rudbeckiinae leads us to suggest that the sub- northward to and Missouri; R. heliopsidis is tribe may have diversified to some extent in eastern rare, occurring in a few scattered localities from North America before the evolution of western spe- southeastern Virginia to northeastern Alabama. cies of subg. Macrocline. Judging from their woody rhizomes, R. grandiflora Species in Rudbeckia subg. Macrocline share a sim- and R. heliopsidis apparently are long-lived peren- ilar biogeographic pattern with Sarraceniaceae. nials. Rudbeckia subtomentosa lacks what appear to Rudbeckia glaucescens co-occurs with Darlingtonia be morphological and ecological apomorphies of Torr. in the western U.S.A., and various macroclines the above clades in subg. Rudbeckia; R. subtomentosa in the southeasterm U.S.A. grow in habitats also occurs in mesic habitats and has a perennial habit, occupied by Sarracenia L. Among other taxa that cauline leaves, and medium-sized capitulae. The share a similar distribution is Neviusia A. Gray. Nev- ITS trees place R. subtomentosa sister to the above- iusia alabamaensis A. Gray is a rare taxon occurring mentioned five species or sister to all species in in Alabama, Arkansas, Georgia, and Tennessee; N. subg. Rudbeckia, but neither position has strong cliftonii Shevock, Ertter, & Taylor occurs at the support. southeastern edge of the Klamath–Siskiyou prov- HISTORICAL BIOGEOGRAPHY OF RUDBECKIINAE. ince of northern California. Fossil evidence led Sharp’s (1935) hypothesis of evolution in the cone- Shevock et al. (1992) to suggest that N. cliftonii is flowers appears untenable now that Echinacea, his an old relict species. Other putative Tertiary and putative primitive taxon, has been shown to fall pre-Tertiary relictual taxa having a similar Califor- well outside Rudbeckiinae. Removing Echinacea nia–eastern United States disjunction include Tor- from Rudbeckiinae shifts the center of diversity for reya Raf., Dirca L., and Calycanthus L. (Nesom and the subtribe toward the Appalachians and the Gulf Mayfield 1995; Sharp 1951; Wood 1970). Coastal plain. The center of diversity for a group As Wood (1970) noted, the Klamath region and may or may not include the center of origin. Both the southern Appalachians have served, since the the Ozark and Appalachian plateaus have been early Cenozoic, as refugia for eliminated in available for colonization for long periods of time other areas by glaciation, coastal plain submer- from and Mexico, both important gence, climatic desiccation, and other disturbances. centers of diversity for Heliantheae (Cronquist Environmental stability in both areas may have al- 1977; Bremer 1994). With better knowledge of the lowed long-term persistence (and diversification) of broader relationships of Rudbeckiinae, and using related plants, irrespective of the disjuntion be- methods such as those introduced by Bremer (1995) tween plants in the two regions being the result of and Ronquist (1995, 1997), establishment of the ancient dispersal or break-up of formerly geo- probable area of origin for Rudbeckiinae might be graphically continuous (or nearly so) distributions possible. during wet interglacial periods. Wood (1970) included Rudbeckia among the gen- Bayer et al. (1996) suggested that the small seeds era having continuous, transcontinental distribu- of members of Sarraceniaceae are suited for long tions between the southern Appalachians and west- distance avian dispersal, and that the prehistoric ern North America. Our refinements of the Rud- existence of continuous habitat for pitcher plants is beckia phylogeny indicate that the distribution of R. unlikely. Most species of macroclines require wet laciniata is more or less continuous in the northern habitats, usually along bayous, seeps, or streams. United States, where it occurs in the Dakotas and The cypselas of species of Rudbeckia subg. Macroc- then westward into the Rocky Mountains. The oth- line lack all but rudimentary pappus. Although they er species in subg. Macrocline are disjunct between are larger than seeds of Sarraceniaceae, they are the southeastern and western U.S.A. with a distri- still quite small. Even without significant pappus, butional gap ranging from eastern Texas to western the fruits could easily became lodged in feathers. . Although long-distance dispersal by birds may be The two strongly supported clades in Rudbeckia unlikely, only one such event would have been nec- 2000] URBATSCH ET AL.: ITS PHYLOGENY OF CONEFLOWERS 563 essary. Because the western and southeastern spe- BAUER, R. 1996. Echinacea: Biological effects and active cies in subg. Macrocline appear to represent distinct principles. 212th American Chemical Society National radiations, dispersal in the group must have been Meeting. Abstracts of Papers. (1–2). AGFD 73. ancient and extremely limited, with no exchange of BAYER, R. J., L. HUFFORD, and D. E. SOLTIS. 1996. Phylo- consequence subsequent to the onset of diversifi- genetic relationships in Sarraceniaceae based on rbcL and ITS sequences. Systematic Botany 21: 121–134. cation. Although vicariance can not be ruled out to BENTHAM, G. 1873. Compositae. 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