U.S. DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR Prepared in cooperation with the U.S. GEOLOGICAL SURVEY Global Seismographic Network M7.3 Off the West Coast of Northern Earthquake of 10 January 2012


A S P I A U Z N B E K S I S Tectonic Setting Epicentral Region E T A N A E U R A S I A A Z E R B A I J A N K u n l u n F a u l t T P L A T E U R N O R T H K M K O R E A SEA OF JAPAN E N T A J I K I S T A N I S T A t N a u l h F Ubon a g T y n l t e S O U T H A H Nakhon Mashhad g Ratchathani K n K O R E A s Xining a Jinan u i n u Taejon n t a H j u n J A P A N u n o Phra Nakhon RatchaEsiXmPa LANATION M Lanzhou Qingdao Taegu Kabul Zhengzhou Y E L L O W Pusan Saraburi Srinagar Xi'an Luoyang S E A Kwangju Si Ayutthaya Peshawar H C H I N A 2009 Kita Kyushu A F G H A N I S T A N I Tavoy Rawalpindi M H Main Shock I R A N Nanjing Fukuoka C A N Samut Bangkok Hefei g E Faisalabad Amritsar in R L Ja Shanghai T g A n ) Chengdu Wuhan h a Sakhon Lahore Y C Hangzhou U Siemreab Shiraz A Chongqing Y Samut E A S T K Madras K U W A I T Delhi Nanchang C H I N A U Batdambang N Y Prakan E P Changsha A S E A R PA K I S T A N L ( B H U T A N Y A N G T Z E P Jaipur Lucknow Earthquake Magnitude e r Guiyang O s i a P L A T E n T B A H R A I N G Kanpur 1941 u l f Patna Fuzhou O OKINAWA Karachi Varanasi Kunming H Q A T A R G 5.50 - 5.99 u Taipei S PLATE l f Hyderabad o f O m Phnom a n T'aichung Pondicherry Port B A N G L A - - Bhopal D E S H I Finite Fault Model Ahmadabad Guangzhou E U . A . E . I N D I A Fangcheng T'ainan S A R A B I A Khulna Dhaka Nanning Kowloon T A I W A N N A N Blair Penh P L A T E Gang 6.00 - 6.99 Nagpur Calcutta Chittagong M Y A N M A R Hanoi Kaoshsiung ( B U R M A ) Victoria Ho Chi Minh

N A M Bombay I N D I A L A O S City O e 7.00 - 7.99 P L A T E P H I L I P P I N E g Bien Hoa Pune d Distribution of the magnitude and direction of slip for subfault elements of the fault rupture model are Vishakhapatnam i Long S E A R Tan An Hyderabad Rangoon A R A B I A N u Xuyen determined from the inversion of teleseismic body waveforms and long period surface waves. Arrows P L A T E a My Tho S E A Quezon l a ≥ 8.00 N P E Vinh M T H A I L A N D City Rach Gia Can indicate the amplitude and direction of slip (of the hanging wall with respect to the foot wall); the slip is also Y E - Manila P u Long

e n Madras P h i l i p p i n e H h Tho colored by magnitude. The view of the rupture plane is from above. The strike of the fault rupture plane is Bangalore Bangkok V I E T N A M s A d F a u l t Earthquake Depth f I o u l f C A M B O D I A L G u BURMA y Soc

A r a b i a n B a s i n I Bac Lieu e K 101 ESE and the dip is 75 NNE. The dimensions of the subfault elements are 6 km in the strike direction and P n PLATE Phnom P H I L I P P I N E S o P P h i l i p p i n e Z Trang Penh I B a s i n N 0 - 69 3.5 km in the dip direction. The rupture surface is 35 km along strike and 10 km downdip. The seismic e Gulf r Cochin Madurai u of Ho Chi S O U T H E t Nakhon Si C N c A T a h Minh City C H I N A moment release based upon this plane is 8.71e+26 (Mw7.23). r Trivandrum H a F W R g S E A A G Thammarat

E n C o S R I L A N K A L U e s 70 - 299 a A O Davao N w r Colombo l - P R 2010 O s C T A b L

I e H L r a A g c c M R M S U N D AB RPU NLE IA T E a i d A O EXPLANATION d ≥ 300 g L S e i Medan M A L D I V E S v A C e l e b e s W e s t C a r o l i n e S u m a t r a F a u l t CAROLINE e Y B a s i n Kuala Lumpur I A B a s i n Kandy S S P PLATE I Y Songkhla A

l A

a L A t M i d - I n d i a n M MM aa ii nn SS hh oo cc kk e Singapore S I N G A P O R E Colombo a B a s i n N u E W GUINE A TR EN Yala Kota MOLUCCA SEA BIRD'S HEAD CH Alor S o m a l i SER Distance Along Strike (km) I N D O N E S I A AM T -40 -30 -20 -10 0 10 20 30 40 B a s i n PLATE RE PLATE Setar Baharu Palembang NC Galle H Mag ≥ 7.0 Makassar Kuala

Epicentral Region Jakarta BANDA SEA Banda Aceh Pinang M Terengganu


E n Semarang S O M AL L I A MAOKE

0 - 69 km v PLATE E i Bandung H

H e e

Y C d Surabaya G PLATE s SPE L A T E g U



I i S R T

70 - 299 a O n TIM Ipoh R U t N

M o d D t a r A

s i s ( J

c R AV a a A 300 - 600 a ) i T R r EN Kuantan

d C H e

E n


e e


P PLATE New Port

R t l

RPlate Boundary a N o r t h


t Medan i

A e A u s t r a l i a n Kuala n a -10 0 10

C d B a s i n

u O s b o r n i

S g P l a t e a u A N

G Lumpur

e Distance Along Dip (km) A M a s c a r e n e D B a s i n A N O C E A N M Transform I N D I A Seremban R 2010 o d r i g u e s F. Z . M A U R I T I U S E x m o u t h Divergent P l a t e a u Melaka Wallaby Plateau 1907 2005 W h a r t o n Others B a s i n 1969 Baharu Cuv ier A U S T R A L I A Plateau Singapore Slip (cm) Volcanoes e g n d i i s A U S T R A L I A R a B n 0 - 100 P L A T E r a a i c Pekanbaru s d a n g I a 100 - 200 d t s Kilometers a M a

E 0 200 400 800 1,200P e r t h1,600 RELATIVE PLATE MOTIONS: B 200 - 300 r o k B a s i n e n R i d The broad red vector represents the motion of the g e 2009 300 - 400 plate with respect toA tNheT APaRcCifiTcI pClaAte near the epicentral region. 1935 1943 P L A T E Padang 400 - 500 Jambi 500 - 600 600 - 700 Seismic Hazard Palembang 1928 2007

2010 Bengkulu Bombay Pune Vishakhapatnam 2007 1914 Hyderabad Rangoon Significant Mag >= 7.5

Year Mon Day Time Lat Long Dep Mag 1907 01 04 0519 2.000 94.500 50 7.5 Bangkok M7.3 Off the West Coast of Northern Sumatra Earthquake of 10 January 2012 1914 06 25 1907 -4.500 102.500 0 7.6 Bangalore Madras Phnom 10 January 2012 18:37:01 UTC 1928 03 09 1805 -2.954 88.801 15 7.7 Penh Ho Chi 1935 12 28 0235 -0.345 98.147 35 7.8 Minh City 2.396° N., 93.175° E. 1941 06 26 1152 12.149 92.478 49.1 7.7 Cochin Madurai Depth 29.1 km 1943 06 09 0306 -1.000 101.000 50 7.5 Mw = 7.3 (USGS) 1969 11 21 0205 1.973 94.574 11 7.6 Trivandrum 2000 06 04 1628 -4.762 102.007 34.6 7.9 2004 12 26 0058 3.295 95.982 30 9.0 Colombo 2005 03 28 1609 2.085 97.108 30 8.6 2007 09 12 1110 -4.438 101.367 34 8.5 2007 09 12 2349 -2.625 100.841 35 7.9 2009 08 10 1955 14.099 92.888 4 7.5 Medan Kuala Lumpur 2009 09 30 1016 -0.720 99.867 81 7.5 2010 04 06 2215 2.383 97.048 31 7.8

S U N DA 2010 06 12 1926 7.881 91.936 35 7.5 (JAV A) TR Singapore EN CH 2010 10 25 1442 -3.487 100.082 20 7.8

Earthquake locations are labeled by year on the Epicentral Region map. Kilometers 0 125 250 500


DATA SOURCES and REFERENCES BASE MAP NIMA and ESRI, Digital Chart of the World Jakarta Semarang TECTONIC SUMMARY EARTHQUAKES AND SEISMIC HAZARD USGS, EROS Data Center Bandung USGS, National Earthquake Information Center NOAA GEBCO and GLOBE Elevation Models Surabaya NOAA, National Geophysical Data Center The January 10, 2012 earthquake off the west coast of northern Sumatra, , IASPEI, Centennial Catalog (1900 - 1999) and Epicentral Region extensions (Engdahl and Villaseñor, 2002) occurred as a result of strike-slip faulting within the oceanic lithosphere of the Indo- EHB catalog (Engdahl et al., 1998) Australia plate, approximately 100 km to the southwest of the major subduction zone that HDF (unpublished earthquake catalog, Engdahl, 2003) Global Seismic Hazard Assessment Program defines the plate boundary between the Indo-Australia and Sunda plates offshore Sumatra. At the location of this earthquake, the Indo-Australia plate moves north-northeast with respect to the at a velocity of approximately 52 mm/yr. Bird, P., 2003, An updated digital model of plate boundaries: Geochem. Geophys. Geosyst., v. 4, DISCLAIMER no. 3, pp. 1027- 80. Kilometers While they are rare, large strike-slip earthquakes are not unprecedented in this region of the Base map data, such as place names and political EHB catalog (Engdahl, E.R., van der Hilst, R., and 0 250 500 1,000 1,500 2,000 boundaries, are the best available but may not be Seismic hazard is expressed as peak Indo-. Since the massive M 9.1 earthquake that ruptured a 1300 km long Buland, R., 1998, Global teleseismic earthquake current or may contain inaccuracies and therefore ground acceleration (PGA) on firm segment of the Sumatran megathrust plate boundary in December of 2004, two Mw 6.2 relocation with improved travel times and procedures should not be regraded as having official signifiance. rock, in meters/sec², expected to be for depth determination: Bull. Seism. Soc. Am., v. 88, exceeded in a 50-yr period with a Peak Ground Acceleration in m/sec**2 strike-slip events have occurred within 50 km of the January 10 2012 event, on April 19 no. 3, p. 722-743.) Map prepared by U.S. Geological Survey National probability of 10 percent. 2006, and October 4 2007. These events seem to align with fabric of the sea floor in the Engdahl, E.R. and Villaseñor, A., 2002, Global Earthquake Information Center Seismicity: 900 - 1999, chap. 41 of Lee, W.H.K., 10 January 2012 diffuse boundary zone between the Indian and Australian plates. and others,eds., International Earthquake and Map not approved for release by Director USGS .2 .4 .8 1.6 2.4 3.2 4.0 4.8 Engineering Seismology, Part A: New York, N.Y., Elsevier Academeic Press, 932 p.