කායය සාධන වාතාව සහ - 2012 ெசயதிற அறிைக, கண - 2012 Performance Report & Accounts - 2012

ස් ෙක කායාලය - මාතර மாவட ெசயலக - மாதைற District Secretariat - Matara


1 Message of the District Secretary 1

2. Introduction of the District Secretariat 2-3

3 Introduction of the District 4-15

4 Organizational Structure and Approved Cadre 15-17

5 Performance – Comparison with action plan 18-57

5.1 Progress of General Administration Activities 18-26

5.2 Progress of Social Servicers and Cultural 27-31

5.3 Progress of Development Activities 31-47

5.4 Annual Accounts 48-57


Performance Report and Accounts of District Secretariat of Matara for the year 2012

1. Message from District Secretary

As the guardian of the district, it is my responsibility to plan and implement policies needed for the development of and obtain utmost benefits through that process. I highly appreciate this opportunity in issuing a message for this report by which the standard of the service provided to the general public is measured and targets of service planning expected to be achieve in the year 2013.

State policies have featured that most of services provided by the government in order to upgrade the living standard of the low income families are provided and many development projects are carried out through District Secretariat and Divisional Secretariats. Public trust will be ensured by publishing details of performance of these activities and services and people contribution to the development process could be promoted.

According to the annual budget, in the process of utilizing financial resources allocated within the year 2012, performance of financial operations of District Secretariat, 16 Divisional Secretariats, 650 Grama Niladari divisions and line ministries including Economic Development and Disaster Management is included in this report.

My sincere thanks due to Secretary to the Ministry of Public Administration & Home Affairs, Mr. Ranjith Weerasekara - Chief Accountant of District Secretariat, Mr. Sunil Jayasekara - Accountant of District Secretariat, Mrs. Vijitha Abeywickrama - Budget Assistant and all others in Account Division and District Secretariat who provided their assistance in preparing this report.

E.A.C. Vidanagamachchi District Secretary / Govt. Agent (Actg.) Matara. 15.05.2013


2. Introduction to the District Secretariat

2.1 Vision

To direct the district of Matara towards excellence through an efficient and effective service which brings satisfaction to the public.


To create a public friendly administrative mechanism and sustainable development in Matara district through strategic management of human, physical and financial resources in accordance with the Government policies.

2.2 Objectives

 Maintaining an efficient and effective District Administrative System.  Securing Provision of efficient public service so that the satisfaction of general public could be increased.  Establishing in public service a code of ethics consisting result orientation, attitudes, responsibilities, careful use of resources, impartiality, transparency etc.  Implementing policies related to the human resources management in public sector  Implementing schemes related to the policies on pension of public servants.  Organizing Programmes and projects done by different Ministries, Departments Boards and Authorities operating in the district upgrading welfare and development of the people in the district acting as a co-coordinator in financial and non financial resources and follow up.  Achieving different type of economic, social and cultural requirements of people living within the district though District Secretariat and 16 Divisional Secretariats.  Acting as the government agent of the district collect and integrate the accurate, needy information at rural and divisional level and supply them to various Ministries , Departments and non government organizations in order to make correct decisions.  Though District Secretariat and Divisional Secretariats collect due revenue of different government Departments and refer them to the treasury  In case of sudden disasters such as floods, Cyclone, drought or tsunami supply quick relief and aid to people and rehabilitate their living condition.


2.3 Activities Acting as the head of the District Defense Committee secure the safety of the people living within the territory of the district.

 Acting as the head of organizing cultural , religious and other state functions in the district  Implementation of decentralized budget, organization, implementation and supervision of development purposes in the district acting as the Secretary of District coordinating Committee and District Development Committee.  Acting as the chief of divisional administrative purposes with 16 Divisional Secretaries and take measures in order to increase its efficiency.  Using novel information technology and motivate the staff for that in order to increase the productivity and quality of administration purposes.  As the deputy head of all ministries and Departments involve in Co-coordinating purposes so that objectives, aims and functions of such institutions are fulfilled.  Take necessary measures to hold fair and impartial elections acting as the representative of the Commissioner of elections in elections of all types such as Presidential election, Parliamentary election, Provincial Council election and Local Government election.  Take necessary measures needed for the motivation and capacity development of staff of District Secretariat as well as Divisional Secretariats.  On behalf of Accounting Officers of various Ministries, Departments, Corporations and Boards to collect, accounting and transfer their revenue to the Treasury and making aware such Accounting Officers.  In various disastrous situations like tsunami, droughts and floods, to organize, implement, supervise and follow up disaster management purposes acting as the agent of the government and take measures to restore lives of the affected.  Develop assess management systems by supervising local and foreign funded projects.


3. Introduction to the District

3.1. Boundaries to the district

Matara district which is situated near Nilwala river close to sea is in between and Hambantota districts in Ruhuna. It possesses an attractive land containing in extent 1282.5 Sq. km. or 128,250 hectare. Matara district falls in between 5.8 - 6.4 North Latitude and 80.4 - 80.7 East Longitude. Matara district has wet climate while it has a mean rainfall of 2553.2 ml. and temperature of 26.7.

1.96% of total land extent of is belonged to our district and it is 23.14% of land extent belonged to southern province. The elevation from the coast up to Kukulugala is 3880 feet. The Sinharaja which has been a world heritage is consisted of attractive water falls.

Matara district is bounded on the South by attractive belt of sea, North by Divisional Secretariat divisions of Kolonna, Kalawana in , West by Divisional Secretariat divisions of Habaraduwa, , Yakkalamulla, Thawalama, Neluwa in and East by Divisional Secretariat divisions of Okewela, Beliatte, Katuwana in .

Length of the attractive sea belt from Dodampahala up to Midigama in Matara district is 55 km. Mean width from East to West is 35 km. About 85% of this coast is situated against pattern of monsoon. The width of continental tank close to Matara district is about 7 km. In addition from south the distance runs up to Sinharaja forest is 64 km.

Matara district is consisted of 16 Divisional Secretariat divisions where 650 Grama Niladari divisions are included.


Situation of Matara district Sri Lanka ® Ratnapura district





Mulatiyana Hambantota district Akuressa

Athuraliya Hakmana Galle district

Kamburupitiya Kirinda Puhulwella

Malimbada Welipitiya Thihagoda Devinuwara



Indian Ocean

Map scale 1:300,000 Source: Statistic Division, Matara 0 1.252.5 5 7.5 10Km


3.1.1 Historical importance of Matara District.

Matara district which has a long history up to Ravana period is situated touching Nilwala river. It is described in Sinhala Mahawansa as the city of aliens, Bengal of wealthy people and institute of intellectuals. It is very apparent that Matara city is the mother land of people those enriched with patriotism and religious honour.

The city firstly called “Mathota” later became “Mahathota”. Laft sea belt of Nilwala river was called “Mathota” while right belt as “Mathotagama”. By archeological evidences it is proved that even before the arrival of Wijaya Prince Matara was an area where the power was under Naga tribe. Mutaseewa king who fled to Ruhuna at that period and prince Mahanama have been identified as the earliest Naga tribesmen. It is mentioned in Mahawansa that Naga tribes have lived in villages like Navimana, Nadugala, Naimbala, Naotunna and Narawelpita.

It is further mentioned that Kapparatota in Weligama area had been used by foreign people for anchoring their commercial ships and Agrabhodhi Vihara of Weligama had been built during the reign of king Devanam Piyatissa. Hathbodhi watte and Matara Bodhi which situated in Matara city were built in the reign of king Kumaradasa. According to above facts Matara has a proud history.

3.1.2 Natural Resources of Matara district.

When the situation of land of the district is considered, land extent of about 10% - 20% are hilly areas between 300 m - 750 m. Soil of the district is mostly a mixture of red and yellow. The main feature of this soil is moisture and fertile. The climate of the district is environment friendly. The annual mean rainfall is 2500 mm. while mean temperature amounts to 26.7 C.

Rivers, canals, lakes can be seen as water sources in the district and major source of water is Nilwala river. Polwatte river which falls into the sea at Polwathu river mouth covers a considerable catchment area. Hilly areas such as Kotapola, Pasgoda and Pitabaddara provide pure water. 6 major lakes and 7 anicuts in the district provide water for the agricultural purposes.

The highest contributing mineral to the national wealth in the district is gems. Metal could be mentioned as another mineral in the district.

The major item of natural resources in the district is considered as forests. Sinharaja forest situated in this district is a marvelous creation of the nature. Sinharaja forest wich covers about 11,187 hectares within Galle, Matara and Hambantota districts was named in 1989 as a “world heritage”. The highest point of this forest is Heenatigala peak which records 1,170 m from sea level. The minimum height is 90 m. Sinharaja is most impoatant as a catchment area. Gingaga and Kaluganga starts from Sinharaja mountain. In 2011 quantity of forest in Matara district is 21,203.1 hectare. Out of that, quantity of reserved forests amounts to 18,152 hectare. Extent of other forests is 3,051.1 hectare.


Another valuable natural resource we had is Indian ocean and coastal belt by which Sri Lanka is surrounded. Out of coastal belt long about 1600 km. 55 km is belonged to Matara district. We have bays, lagoons, sea marshy lands, wet lands and natural plants resources. Area of Divisional Secretariat of Weligama has sea bays while lagoons are situated in Devinuwara and Gandara areas. Mangrove can be mostly seen in Matara area while small quantities in areas of Divisional Secretariats of Devinuwara and Dickwella. Mangrove close to sea coast in Matara district extends in about 6 hectare. Kiralakele which is situated in the area of Divisional Secretariat of Matara is significant among them.

Kirala, Ketala and Kumbuk which are major components in mangrove plan system can be mostly seen here. In addition, waterborne plants like Mimosa pudica, love grass can be seen. Fruits such as Madan, Kirala, mango can also be seen. There are rare herbal plants needed for indigenous medicine in this system of environment.

When the bio diversity in Kiralakele is considered birds, reptiles, butterflies and fish can be seen. Different kind of birds can be seen covering about 68 species. One part of this area is considered as an area of butterflies. There are also different type of fish in the canal system with marshy lands.


Beautiful places situated in the areas of Divisional Secretary’s Divisions of Matara district.

Divisional Natural resources and their situation. Secretary’s Division

Pitabaddara Athuela Bridge – Nilella,

Sinharaja forest

Kotapola Sathmahal Ella – Deniyaya

Thiruwana Ganga Ella - Kotapola

Akuressa Dediyagala Ella

Stilt fishing

Lovers park of Mirissa

Rassa Munu Kuduwa

Weligama Mahaneviya Pokuna

Mirissa fishing harbor


Devinuwara Light House

Kiralakele Birds paradise

Thihagoda Birds park of Meda Uyangoda

Ilukthenna Aranya forest

Mekiliyathenna Umandola

Pasgoda Urubokka Oya


Biso Ella

Kamburupitiya Lenabatuwa Lake

Source : Statistic Division – Matara.


3.1.3 Livelihood of people and main commercial and economic activities.

History show that Matara district had a prosperous and self sufficient economy. At present the majority of land consumption is for estate plantation. Tea, one of major commercial crop is significant and related tea factories. Matara district has recorded third place in tea plantation among main 08 districts. 13 divisional secretary divisions including 345 Grama Niladari divisions are covered by tea plantation in Matara district. Among estate plantation, tea plantation comes first acquiring land extent of 2417 hectares.

Coconut plantation can be seen in coastal areas in the district where about 75% are belonged to small land owners. Comparatively, since initial capital and labour needed for coconut plantation are minimum rural people have entered this plantation. There is no increase of land in the district as coconut lands have been used for development activities and building houses. In addition, 137463 coconut trees were cut and removed in Matara district due to coconut leave disease in Weligama area. It has adversely affected coconut plantation of Matara district.

Rubber plantation and related industries can also be seen in small quantities. In addition, in almost all Divisional Secretary divisions in Matara district paddy cultivation can be seen according to land consuming pattern. Paddy cultivated area of land in the district is 15,921.6 hectate (Maha season of 2010/2011). Export crop cultivation too has extended through out the district and cinnamon cultivated land extent is about 7,713.6 hectare. People living in Mulatiyana, Kamburupitiya, Hakmana and Pasgoda have made used cinnamon cultivation to strengthen their economy and significant entrepreneurs in Cinnamon exportation can be seen in Matara district.

In addition, cultivation of pepper, coffee and areconnut can be seen. Cultivation of vegetable and fruits is being done as a home garden cultivation using traditional methods. In divisional secretariat areas of Welipitiya, Hakmana and Weligama vegetable cultivation is significant.

In Matara district agriculture based industries could be considered major. Among them tea industry is prominent. There are 89 tea factories in Matara district and it has contribution to the supply of employments. A few garment factories, Lordstar tyre factory and Lucky yoghurt company have employed more that 20 employees. Higher number of job opportunities has been created in the field of food production and procession, garment related industries, coir and reeds and clay products.

According to industrial statistics in 2003, number of industry unit employed less than 9 employees is 5033 while total employee amounted to 10455. There were 273 factories where more than 10 employees employed and total employees there were 10416. Accordingly total number of employees employed in these factories except domestic industries is 28871. 22.9% of the labour force of Matara district is employed in industrial division.

In 86 villages in 56 Grama Niladari divisions in Divisional Secretariat divisions of Dickwella, Devinuwara, Weligama and Matara, the percentage of people employed in fishing industry is 48% of total population of such areas. 9

3.1.4 Irrigation system of the district.

When considered the irrigation system of Matara district, according to statistics of 2011 6 huge irrigation, 7 anicuts, 24 small irrigation lakes and 131 small anicuts could be seen.

Irrigation according to Divisional Secretariat divisions – 2011.

Divisional Large irrigation Minor irrigation Secretariat division Lakes Anicuts Lakes Anicuts

Akuressa 2 1 33

Athureliya 3 2

Devinuwara 2

Dickwella 1 3

Hakmana 3 7 13

Kamburupitiya 1 2 7

Kirinda 8 Puhulwella

Kotapola 8

Malimbada 2 4

Matara 1 3 4

Mulatiyana 10

Pasgoda 1 10

Pitabaddara 1

Thihagoda 3 8

Weligama 1 4

Welipitiya 3 17

Matara district 6 7 24 131

Source : Statistic Division – Matara.

According to details of District Irrigation Engineer’s office, lane extent cultivated under lakes are 3719 hectares while number of farmers 3851. It is 6573 hectares and 6298 cultivators under the category of anicuts.


3.1.5 Population information of Matara district.

Male - female population details of 6 census years (1953-2012 by thousands) are mentioned in the following table. Accordingly female population has increased as a whole.

Population (Thousand)

Census year Total Male Female population Number Percentage Number Percentage

1953 413.4 208.4 50.4 205 49.6

1963 514.9 255.5 49.6 259.4 50.4

1971 586.4 289.5 49.4 296.9 50.6

1981 643.8 312.2 48.5 331.6 51.5

2001 761.4 367.7 48.3 393.7 51.7

2012 809.3 388.6 47.9 420.7 52.1

Source : Dept. of Census and Statistics.


Estimated population based on Sectors and sex - 2012

Sector Total Male Female

Urban 96,063 46,029 50,034

Rural 690,734 331,374 359,360

Estate 22,547 11,201 11,346

Total 809,344 388,604 420,740

Source : Statistic Division – Matara

Population - 2012

Sector wise population - 2012

Female Male 52% 48%


Rural 3% 85 % Urban. 12 %


3.1.6 Monthly pattern of rainfalls – 2011

Pattern of rainfalls of Matara district is given below.

Month Rainfall to Kekanadura Rainfall to Deniyaya (ml) (ml)

Annual rainfall 1539.0 3790.6

January 33.5 324.5

February 68.3 355.9

March 58.1 328.5

April 194.5 583.5

May 186.5 289.9

June 25.4 80.3

July 44.8 129.7

August 94.9 250.6

September 60.2 196.7

October 179.2 311.4

November 415.8 566.9

December 177.8 372.7

Source : Grass Resources and Investigation Center – Kekanadura

Tea Research Institute – Deniyaya.

Hilly areas like Pitabaddra, Kotapola and Pasgoda in Matara district has a wet weather with higher rainfall while coastal areas like Matara, Dickwella and Devinuwara has a dry weather. Rainfall in hilly areas is double as in coastal areas.


3.2 Basic information – Matara district.

 District : Matara

 Province : Southern

 Total land extent : 1282.5 Sq. km.

 No. of Divisional Secretariat division : 16

 No. of Grama Niladri division : 650

 No, of villages : 1658

 No. of Polling Districts : 07

 No. of Municipal Councils : 01

 No. of Urban Councils : 01

 No. of Pradeshiya Sabhas : 15

 No. of Circuit Bungalows : 01 (Ministry of Public Administration)

 No. of Zonal Education office : 04

 No. of schools : 358

 No. of teachers : 9816

 No. of Parliamentarians : 08

 No, of Provincial Councilors : 18

 No. of Local Govt. Institutions : 193

 Population : 809344

 No. of houses : 203570


4. Organizational chart and approved cadre.

4.1 Organizational chart

Operational programme is implemented under Head 262 so that responsibilities and functions could be properly performed in order to achieve objectives of District Secretariat. Two projects are carried out under that programme.

262 Operational programme

Project 1 – General Administration and Establishment services – District Secretariat.

Project 2 - Divisional Secretariats.

In designing organizational chart of District Secretariat under operational programme, not only taff coming under Head 262 but also officers of other Departments serving in District Secretariat have to be entered. Because all these divisions have been established at the premises of District Secretariat in order to provide economic, social and cultural services for the general public under one roof. District Secretary acts as the Head of such district Secretariats.

Example : Dept. of Statistics, ept. Of Cultural affairs and Dept. of Motor Traffic etc.

Organizational Chart.



4.2 Approved cadre

Following table shows the approved cadre, over staff and vacancies of District Secretariat of Matara and its 16 Divisional Secretariats as at 31.12.2012.

Category District Secretariat 16 Divisional Secretariats

Approved Over staff Vacancies Approved Over staff Vacancies cadre cadre

Senior level 1 - - - - -

Tertiary level 7 1 - 80 - 14

Secondary level 36 4 - 1124 - 212

Primary level 13 2 - 128 - -

Other 2 - - 5 - 4 (Casual/Substitute)

Total 59 7 - 1337 - 230


5. Functions done in parallel to the action plan.

5.1 Progress of General Administrative activities

5.1.1. Activities of Grama Niladaries.

There are 650 Grama Niladari divisions in 16 Divisional Secretariat divisions in Matara district and out of them 186 are vacancies.

No. of Grama Niladari divisions belonged to Divisional Secretariats in Matara district.

Divisional Secretariat division No. of Grama Niladari divisions.

Akuressa 46

Athureliya 28

Devinuwara 41

Dickwella 48

Hakmana 34

Kamburupitiya 39

Kirinda Puhulwella 25

Kotapola 37

Malimbada 29

Matara 66

Mulatiyana 48

Pasgoda 43

Pitabaddara 40

Thihagoda 40

Weligama 48

Welipitiya 38

Matara district 650


All duties and bio data details of Grama Niladaries are maintained by District Secretariat. Accordingly role of District Secretary regarding Grama Niladaries are as follows.

 Attach Grama Niladaries to offices

 Make transfers within the district

 Make recommendations for confirmation in service and promotions

 Make recommendations for retirement of Grama Niladaries

 Make recommendations for granting language allowance for Grama Niladaries

 Maintain bio data information system of Grama Niladaries and report quarterly to Secretary of Local Government regarding approved cadre and vacancies

 Duties related to public petitions against Grama Niladaries

 Duties pertaining to office inspection of Grama Niladaries etc.

Performance competition of Grama Niladaries are annually held with the hope of providing an efficient service to the people. In this competition Grama Niladari’s office 261 B of Derangala in Divisional Secretariat division of Pitabaddara won the first place in Matara district obtaining 234 marks.

There are some Divisional Secretariats that make surveys on family details in managing Grama Niladari offices and printing books, computerizing data and insert such details into the internet. For an example, in 40 Grama Niladari division in Thihagoda, family details were surveyed and a boo was printed. These documents and files are maintained in Grama Niladari division of Akkara Panaha as a model and all those details are computerized and inserted to internet.

It has been able to provide an efficient service to people through the organization of these competitions. Different type of projects such as rubber plantation projects, pineapple cultivation to avoid soil erosion, toilets and providing drinking water have been implemented with the participation of Department of Rubber Development, Department of Land Use and non governmental organization in order to financially empower the people.

In addition Janasahana accelerated services have been implemented in selected Grama Niladari divisions. In this service, all services done by Divisional Secretariat including solving of land issues, issue of national identity cards, affairs pertaining to births, deaths and marriages and social service activities are done. Holding Ayurvedic clinics are popular here.


5.1.2 Internal Audit Duties.

Among internal audit activities in 2012, inspection of 2 Divisional Secretariats, conducting 03 special investigation, Supervision of 03 Divisional Secretariats and preparation of 05 paying voucher inspection report are prominent.

5.1.3 Collection of revenue

Revenue collected in the year 2012.

Revenue Head Description Revenue Counting officer Revenue collected

1002.07.00 Stamp fees Commissioner General of Inland 10,000.00 Revenue

100.07.02 Registration fees pertaining to Registrar General 135,695.00 Dept. of Registrar General

1003.07.03 Private timber transportation Forest Conservator 701,040.00

1003.07.05 Permit fees related to Defense Secretary, Defense Ministry 301,920.00 Ministry

1003.07.99 Permits - other Secretary, Ministry of Public Admin. 4,389,784.44 & Home Affairs

2002.01.01 Rents of Govt. buildings Director General of Treasury 551,622.07 Operation

2002.02.99 Interest - other Director General of State Enterprise 7,452,876.61

2003.02.07 Immigration & Emigration permit Controller of Immigration & 1,000.00 fees Emigration

2003.02.13 Exam. and other fees Commissioner General of 5,178,625.00 Examinations

2003.02.14 Fees charged under Motor Traffic Commissioner of Motor Traffic 40,549,055.00 Act and other receipts

2003.02.99 Selling and fees - miscellaneous s Director General of Treasury 3,428,781.43 Operation

2003.99.00 Selling and fees - other receipts Director General of Custom / 17,330,959.12 Director General of Treasury Operation

2004.01.00 Social Conservation Contributing Director of Pensions 20,328,819.93 funds - Central Government

2006.02.00 Sale of capital assets Director General of Treasury 2,520.84 Operation


5.1.4 Human Resources development & Career Guidance Affairs.

Career Guidance Officers and Human Resources Development Assistants who are attached to District Secretariat and Divisional Secretariats are providing guidance and job placements in order to upgrade the socio economic condition of the people.

In parallel to the action plan, the target of Career Guidance Officer in conducting programmes is 132 in 2012. But they have completed 138 programmes. Accordingly they have been able to go forward passing their target. Details of such programmes are mentioned below.

Programme Target for the year 2012 No. of programmes No. of beneficiaries completed in 2012

School career guidance


G.C.E. (A/L) 38 43 1341

G.C.E. (O/L) 69 70 2109

Career guidance programmes for school leavers.Programme of 07 07 512 winning career challenges Programme of 07 07 211 motivation towards self employments.

Teacher awareness 01 01 20 programme

Graduate programme 01 01 41

Job Society programme 03 03 90

Training programmes 03 03 60 on needs

Divisional job market 01 01 103 programme

Mobile phone repairing 01 01 30 programme

Entrepreneurship 01 01 30 training programme Services provided under Human Resources Development are as follows.


 Provide guidance for setting up goals, developing skills and positive attitudes

 Registration of job seekers

 To identify job vacancies, register job firms and make placements

 To hold district job market and organizing job society

 Referring for job opportunities through training and career guidance

 Referring for self employments

Accordingly number of job seekers registered in 2012 is 1481. Number of vacancies is 971. Job placement number is 381.

Human Resources Development Assistant attached to district secretariat has made a greater contribution for improving productivity of the district in the year 2012. Accordingly 10 school programmes, 45 in public institutions, 13 community programmes and 7 private firm programmes have been conducted.

5.1.5 Media and Information Affairs

Mass media unit of District Secretariat has been coordinating media institutions to disseminate information of development of the district. Accordingly, 21 media coordination of functions of various ministries and institutions have been done in 2012. 160 press releases have been issued in the year 2012.

5.1.6 Election purposes.

As the Returning Officer in elections District Secretary has a major role to perform. In this process full support of District Assistant Commissioner of Elections, Divisional Secretaries and staff officers of the district including all public sector officers will be given.

Through proper organization of elections in Matara district in all 4 elections which were held lastly Matara district could issue the first election result in the Island. Following measures have been used to reach that target.

 In implementation of election purposes, process introduced under I.S.O.Quality management programmes was used.

 Preparing strategic plans


 Training of officers of every category who involve in election duties.

 Displaying vision and mission at counter centers

 Establish strong committees for every election activity.

5.1.7 Registration of persons and lands.

Details of registration of persons and lands of 16 Divisional Secretariats in Matara district in 2012 are given below.

Description Number

No. of births registered within the year 14640

No. of marriages registered within the year 7866

No. of deaths registered within the year 5069

No. of deeds registered within the year 14


Details of progress of various land duties of 16 Divisional Secretariats in Matara district are given below.

Description Number

No. of permits granted under Lands development Ordinance 3543

No. of grants given 2041

No. of long term lease given 24

No. of long term lease recommended for Land 186 Commissioner

No. of land Kachcheri held 94

No. of division days held 68

Total No. of allotments granted within the year 659

No. of land disputes solved 872

No. of recommendations made for legitimating 71 unauthorized

No. of permits issued under that 8

No. of measurement orders sent 609

No. of measurement descriptions received 141

No. of encroachers removed 14

No. of cases filed for obtaining possession back 5

No. of lands for which measures were taken to obtain 24 possession back


Progress of issue of identity cards of 16 Divisional Secretariats in Matara district are given below

Description Number

No. of applications forwarded to Dept. of Registration of Persons 21692

No. of identity card issued to general public by Grama Niladaries 5290

No. of applications for identity cards forwarded to one day service 3582

5.1.8 Disaster Management Activities

Disaster Management Unit has been established in District Secretariat with the aim of taking measures related to possible disasters in the district. Accordingly planning, implementation and supervision of disaster management activities are done by this unit.

Following are the major role and functions related to disaster management purposes in 2012.

1. Sudden Responses

 To assist in controlling extinguishing of sudden fire and supervision

 To distribute culinary equipments through Pradeshiya Sabhas/ Divisional Secretariats

 To provide dry rations for people evacuated to safe places due to land slides

 To coordinate in order to provide relief for those who are affected by floods, land slides and inspect houses damaged.

II. Assessment of disasters and accidents.

 To inspect houses became unsafe due to rain and rough wind and made theose people aware.

 To inspect vulnerable area.

 To inspect damages caused due to falling down trees onto houses and make aware of occupiers.

III. Pre disaster activities

 To conduct lectures on disaster management for school children/officers of vocational training centers and public officers.

 To set up disaster management committees.


 To make aware school children and public sector officers on fire extinguishing.

 To hold lectures on minimizing of landslide for school children.

 To make aware school children on combating of Dengue.

 To make aware community through house to house programmes on on combating of Dengue.

 To make aware members of disaster management committees on combating of Dengue.

 To clean school background, water collected areas and dirty wells in order to minimize Dengue menace.

 To make aware members of disaster management committees on flood.

 To provide tents for houses damaged due to heavy rains and storm.

IV. Disaster minimizing activities.

 To set up electric siren horn system within the area where tidal waves are powerful.

 To make a observation journey on crocodile menace by the side of Nilwala river and collect information on crocodiles in Nilwala river.

 Safe bathing port stage III has been implemented to combat crocodile threat.

 To carry out reconstruction purposes of rain water management project.

 To renovate drainage system since houses were inundated due to blockage of drainage system.

 To obtain information about place where rain gages are set up.

V. To hold monthly meeting of disaster management committee and reorganizing



5.2 Social Services and Cultural Progress.

5.2.1 Cultural and religious activities Cultural activities

It has been able to play a greater role in the year 2012 for cultural promotion, conservation and extension in Matara district. Such activities are mentioned below.

 Organized creation competition of public sector officers in Matara district named “Sithijayen Obbata” under the sponsorship of Bodhi Arakshana Sabha of Matara.

 Launching of magazine named Matara Suwanda.

 Organized home garden competition named Nilgan Diyata Diya Dothak.

 Held national independence day festival

 Organized Methsarana daily religious programme and monthly religious programme

 Organized District Literary competition

 Held District Literary Festival

 Organized cultural festival of District Secretariat of Matara

 Organized new year Bakmaha festival of District Secretariat

 Organized All Ceylon Buddhist songs of devotion

 Held Nilwala Vesak festival

 Participated officers in Poson festival named Lassana Hakmana

 Organized medical clinic named Arogya Paramalabha

 Organized Art workshop

 Workshop on dramas

 Setting up of District Cultural Balamandalaya and Matara District Cultural Fund.

 Organized musical programme named Gee Rasavindana

 Ranaviru flag sale and Ranaviru welfare

 Organized programme named Sapathaki Me Daru


 Organized Perahara (Binara Perahara, Thotamuna Jayamaha Vihara Perahara, Walgama Bodhirukkarama Perahara and Jinajothikarama Vihara Perahara of Thalpawila) Religious activities

Buddhist Affairs division of District Secretariat has been taking measures to have a religious encouragement in whole country by protecting identity of and consistence of other religions. Accordingly role performed in 2012 is mentioned below.

 Organizing and supervision of skill assessment activities of district Dhamma school students.

 Established Viharadhipathi Sangam (Divisional Secretariat divisions of Malimbada, Akuressa, Mulatiyana and dickwella)

 Organizing meeting of Sasanakrasha Balamandalaya once three months

 Held 05 Samajothi Bikkshu Training programmes

 Held 05 training programmes for Dhamma school teachers

 Implementation of herbal plants park project named Pandalen Gamata conducted by Presidential Secretariat

 Conducting Sil and meditation programme named “ Pahan Sitha Daham Sisilak” at Dasamaha Bodhi Senasuna of Akuressa.

 Organizing “Jaya Pirith” at district level which is annually conducted by Defense Ministry.

 Organizing district religious festival held in remembrance of becoming president of H.E. President.

 Organizing sacred relics of Kapilawasthupura exhibition.

 Organizing Nilwala Vesak festival

 Organizing ang participation in national Poson festival

 Organizing all religious festival conducted by District Secretariat


5.2.2. Child Protection Activities

Major role is being played by District Secretariat and 16 Divisional Secretariats in order to prevent daily increasing incidents of child abuse. Abused children will be looked after and treated as well. Accordingly role played related to child protection in 2012 is as follows.

 Conducted 4 meetings of District Child development Committee

 Conducted memorial programmes on World Children’s Day

 Held national day programmes against child labour

 Conducted 06 awareness programmes for civil organizations regarding child protection

 Conducted 04 awareness programmes for Midwives and pregnant mothers regarding child protection

 Made 11 supervision into all children’s homes in the district

 Counseling teachers of schools were made aware of child protection

 Conducted 08 awareness programmes on child protection for public sector officers

 Conducted 35 awareness programmes for the community on child protection

 Made 44 investigations into complaints referred through the Child Assisting Telephone Service

 Made 24 mediations nto complaints directly received o the office.


5.2.3 Social Security Programmes

The aim of this programme is to establish socio economic security of self employees and others involved in improper employments. Beneficiaries those complete 60 years of age will be given a pension and that will reduced welfare cost in the society.

Accordingly, following are the details of implementation of social security pension scheme in the year 2012.

Social Security Pension Scheme No. of persons Amount spent (Rs.)

Recruitment 438

Payments of pensions 265 23,816,323.00

Total disable payments 01 20,000.00

Death payments 08 78,684.00

5.2.4 Social Services Activities

Empowering unprivileged and disabled families and persons and obtaining their contribution for the development of the country is important social task. In this process rehabilitation aid and equipments are given to disable persons and community based rehabilitation programmes are implemented.

Accordingly it has been able to achieve expected targets in parallel to action plan in the year 2012.

From each division of Divisional Secretariat one disabled person is selected and from the district 80 families with disabled persons are given housing aid worth Rs. 250000.00. According to that target housing aid of Rs. 250000.00 could have been able to given for 96families with disabled person in all divisions of Divisional Secretariat.

It is another target to provide living allowance worth Rs. 3000.00 for 34 families in every divisions of Divisional Secretariat and for 544 families in the district.

16 awareness programmes were conducted for pre school teachers to enter disabled children pre schools. Accordingly 31 disabled children have been entered pre schools.


5.2.5 District Sport Activities.

When compared to the year 2011, many victories were obtained in 2012. It is important that athletic championship was won by Southern Province at the National Sport festival after 38 years. In addition, Athletes of Matara district have been able to won many gold, silver and bronze medals in the events of Football, Hokey, Volleyball, Netball and Marathon.

Among those victories, one of our especial victory is that an athlete from Matara district became the captain of Sri Lanka Football team in 2013. In addition it has been able to bring forward a several sport stars in the events of Athletic, Cricket, Volleyball, Netball etc.

Matara district team won the championship at the Southern Provincial Inter Non Government athletic and cricket tournament.

Matara district team was able to qualify for basic, semi and final in the tricket tournament of Staff Officers held in Nuwara Eliya organized and conducted by Ministry of Public Administration and Home Affairs. At that event Mrs. Lalitah - Matara District Engineer became the woman of the match.

5.3 Progress of Development Activities.

5.3.1 Expenditure details of Line Ministries and Departments.

Except object code 262 pertaining to District Secretariat, It plays a major role of other ministries and departments. Accordingly expenditure spent pertaining to line ministries are as follows.

Ministry/Department Object Capital Expenditure Recurrent Code Expenditure

President Secretariat 1 626,725

Ministry of Buddhasasana & 101 4,988,931 Religious Affairs

Ministry of Finance & 102 571,316 Implementation

State Defense Ministry 103 357,919


Ministry of Economic Development 105 1,818,512,555 29,637,122

Building Rehabilitation 1,165,232

Vehicle Repair 643,837

Furniture and Office equipments 623,685

Machines & Machineries 498,000

Trainings & Skill capacity 34,000

Divineguma 151,840,075

Maganeguma 656,009,102

Primary school 5000 development 30,871,731 programme 47,180,419 Decentralized budget 864,680,138 Road development 63,077,893 Rehabilitation of half completed abandoned property 1,888,443

Ministry of Disaster Management 106 1,386,275

Ministry of Justice 110 2,135,870

Ministry of Transport 114 5,398,557

Ministry of Port & Highways 117 10,000

Ministry of Agriculture 118 1,856,646 437,052

Ministry of Child Development & 120 2,764,596 12,500,308 Women Affairs

Ministry of Public Administration & 121 7,956,180 606,745 Home Affairs

Ministry of Social Services 124 1,074,826 20,874,688

Ministry of Technology & Research 133 2,006,186 4,767,314

Ministry of National Languages & 134 38,900 66,500 Social Integrated

Ministry of Fisheries & Aquatic 139 3,514,070 Resources Development


Ministry of Lands & Land 153 86,378,334 3,234,119 Development

Ministry of Youth Affairs & Skill 156 1,492,461 411,915 Development

Ministry of Environment 160 25,000

Ministry of Cultural & Art Affairs 177 709,240

Ministry of Coconut Development & 178 132,319,773 People Estate

Ministry of Agrarian Services & 179 91,266 Wild Life

Ministry of Productivity 181 45,930 development

Ministry of Public Relation & Public 183 2,648,369 Affairas

Department of Buddhist Affairs 201 5,073,843 22,095,508

Department of Cultural Affairs 206 349,202

Department of Social Services 216 6,841,162

Department of Probation & Child 217 7,523,429 Care

Department of Samurdhi 218 515,605,700 Commissioner General

Department Census & Statistics 252 23,243,345 825,538

Department of Pensions 253 605,721,957

Department of Registrar General 254 615,571

Department of Export Agriculture 289 840,136

Department of Motor Traffic 307 879,994 664,190

Department of Land Use Policy 327 865,307 5,682,468 Planning

Department of Manpower & 328 388,183 722,404 Employments


5.3.2 Development Programmes Gamaneguma

Progress of Gamaneguma Programme as at 31.12.2012 is as follows

Physical and financial progress as at 31.12.2012 (projects of continuation)

Sector Physical progress Financial progress

m 50% 25% 75% 99% 10% - - - - - 11 A A 0%

B B 1 F 76 E E 51 C D D 26 Division Division selected Expenditure G G Completed No.beneficieries of No. of projects / No.km projects / of Allocation made Estimated amount Rs, Estimated amount No. of Grama Niladari No. Niladari of Grama Roads, 39 40 31.84 1 39 23.85 20.06 4849 bridges,cul verts

Water 1 1 0.04 1 0.03 0.03 25 supply

Minor 35 35 20.29 35 13.72 11.65 2950 irrigation

Maternity 33 33 68.33 33 60.30 56.26 7600 homes

School 31 71 11.07 71 9.78 7.64 12401 toilets

Pre 6 6 1.32 6 1.29 1.24 702 schools

Estate 5 5 4.76 5 3.95 2.78 2845 infrastruct ure

Admin. 1.98 (Dist. Sec. & Div. Sec.)

Total 150 191 137.66 0 0 0 1 0 0 190 112.93 101.63 31372

A-approved (0%), B-(1-10%) - Estimates made, C-(11-25%) - Completed, D-(26-50%) - completed, E-(51- 75%) -completed, F-(76-99%)-completed, G-(100%) - completed.


Gamaneguma Programme - 2012 Ek Gamakata Ek Wedak

Physical & Financial progress as at 31.12.2012

) Physical pregress

5 ) (

3 ) (

6 ) Sector 2

Rs. m Rs. ( ) ) (

(1) 5

- )

4 4 ( ( 50% 25% 75% 99% 10% - - - - - A A 0% divisions B B 1 F 76 Rs. M E 51 C 11 D D 26 Total community Total community G G Completed Expenditure Expenditure No.beneficiries of Govt. Contribution Govt.Contribution No.projects of Total estimation Rs.m Total estimation m Rs. contribution No. of Grama Niladari No. Niladari of Grama Roads, 524 549 645.83 120.73 525.03 22 20 21 4 5 5 472 352.38 219495 bridges, culverts

Minor 39 39 45.99 8.06 36.83 4 0 0 2 2 2 29 26.07 10051 irrigation

Sport 6 6 7.44 1.48 5.98 0 0 0 1 0 0 5 2.93 3750 facilities

Buildings 47 47 54.19 10.74 44.70 4 2 1 5 3 2 30 22.39 20432

Maternity 6 6 6.83 1.25 5.61 1 0 0 1 0 0 4 2.50 6720 homes

Preschools 11 11 13.29 2.45 10.94 0 2 0 1 0 1 7 5.78 4264

Water supply 9 10 12.40 1.04 11.39 1 1 0 1 1 1 5 2.49 2436

Other 3 3 2.47 0.48 1.99 1 0 0 0 0 0 2 1.94 1397

Dist. Sec 3.00 Admin.

Div. Sec. 3.87 Admin.

Dept. of 0.03 Agrarian Admin.

Total 645 671 788.45 146.24 642.46 33 25 22 15 11 11 554 423.40 268545

A-approved (0%), B-(1-10%) - Estimates made, C-(11-25%) - Completed, D-(26-50%) - completed, E-(51- 75%) -completed, F-(76-99%)-completed, G-(100%) - completed.

According to Action plan of the year 2012 total number of projects expected to be completed in the programme “Ek Gamakata Ek Wadak” is 671. 554 of them could be completed. Accordingly, 472 of 549 roads, bridges and culverts, 29 of 39 minor irrigation projects, 5 of 6 sport facility projects, 30 of


47 building projects, 4 of 6 maternity home projects and two of three other projects could be completed. Divineguma Programme.

Expenditure of Divineguma Programme as at 31.12.2012 is as follows.

Total expenditure - Divineguma Programme

As at 31.12.2012

Serial No. Programme Provisions allocated Expenditure

Rs. Cts Rs. Cts

1 Implementation of Divineguma Programme

a. Agriculture 101,412,779.45

b. Animal husbandry 9,307.689.50

c. Fisheries 127,000,000.00 d. Industries 2,503,286.00

e. Income generation projects 8,654,864.25

f. Miscellaneous programmes 1,153,171.00

2 Divineguma expenditure under Sri 5,854,096.00 3,987,991.80 Lanka Samurdhi Authority

3 Diesel and Ceresone allowance 12,600,000.00 12,600,000.00

4 Implementation of livelihood 7,889,200.00 7,889,200.00 development programme under Sri Lanka Samurdhi Authority

5 Improvement of secured house 482,092.00 482,092.00 units implemented in 2011 under Sri Lanka Samurdhi Authority

6 Expected expenditure under 2,300,000.00 2,214,898.33 Southern Development Authority

7 Administration cost – District 1,550,000.00 1,550,000.00 Secretariat

8 Administration cost – Samurdhi 84,103.00 84,103.00 Authority

Total 157,759,491.00 151,840,075.33

36 Development Programme of 5000 primary schools.

Development Programme of 5000 primary schools under Mahinda Chinthana Idiri Dekma

Matara District.

Serial Activities No. of No .of No .of Allocation Expenditure No. schools schools schools Rs. Cts. selected started completed Rs. Cts. work

1 Supply of Electicity 9 9 5 facilities

2 Supply of toilet and 5 5 5 sanitation facilities

3 Supply of drinking 14 14 12 water

4 Construction of school 35 35 35 fence and gates

5 Repair of existing 52 52 52 buildings and painting

6 Make the school 10 10 10 garden an exemplary 31,500,000.00 30,966,473.84 garden

7 Preparation of school 22 22 22 name board

8 Regularizing activities 26 26 26 room of year one students

9 Preparation of 23 23 23 children’s play yard

10 Repair of teacher quarters

11 Other 19 19 19

Total 215 215 209 31,500,000.00 30,966,473.84


According to Mahinda Chinthana Idiri Dekma, under action plan of programme of development of 5000 primary schools, number of schools selected is 215. Although work started all of these schools in 2012 only 209 completed. Provincial Road Development Programme

Southern Provincial Road development Authority

Physical and Financial Progress as at 31.12.2012

. Physical progress


% % % %

% % % 40 60 80 99 20 - - - - 0 - No. of roads 100 1 21 41 61 81 Estimate Rs.m.Estimate Expenditure Rs.m. Expenditure Length Length of roads km Devinuwara 13 48.0 1015.81 1 1 1 10 437.38

Weligama 10 27.4 589.39 1 9 318.55

Akuressa 9 28.95 593.77 1 1 7 250.87

Deniyaya 8 28.95 611.66 3 5 292.53

Total 40 133.3 2810.63 1 0 0 6 2 31 0 1299.33

According to action plan of 2012 number of roads proposed to be completed under Southern Provincial Road development Authority is 40. Within the year physical progress of 6 roads is 41%- 60%, 2 roads 62%-80% and 31 roads 81%-99%.


Provincial Roads Development Programme

Maganeguma Road Construction Pvt. Limited

Progress as at 31.12.2012

Physical progress

% % % %

% % % 40 60 80 99 20 - - - - 0 - No. of roads 100 1 Estimate Rs.m.Estimate 21 41 61 81 Expenditure Rs.m. Expenditure Length Length of km. road

Matara 9 24.1 584.59 01 01 07 262.05

Hakmana 11 53.3 1263.41 02 07 02 649.59

Kamburupi 13 35.52 739.21 13 431.63 tiya

Total 33 112.92 2587.21 0 0 03 01 0 27 02 1343.27

According to action plan of 2012 number of roads proposed to be completed under Maganeguma Road Construction Pvt. Limited is 33. Within the year physical progress - 03 roads is 21% - 40%, 01 road 41% - 60% and 27 roads 81%-99%. Number of roads completed is 2.

39 Progress of Small Enterprise.


ription Cost Total borne No. of No. of Target Serial Serial No. completed Progress Progress % Desc aprticipants Expenditure Expenditure programmes programmes Percentage of Percentage expenditure Estimated Total Estimated Total

1 One day awareness 30 32 106% 966 - - -

2 Attitude development 03 02 67% 49 54,000.00 23,412.00 43% training course

3 Entrepreneurial 16 14 87.5% 359 448,000.00 191,432.00 43% programmes

4 Technology programmes 03 02 67% 57 120,000.00 34,008.00 28%

5 Follow up workshops 02 01 50% 33 20,000.00 - -

6 Project inspections 09 13 144% 285 108,000.00 210,737.00 195%

7 Productivity programmes 01 - - - 50,000.00 - -

8 Market 02 01 50% 80 500,000.00 408,500.00 82%

9 Referring for industrial - 01 - 450 - 16.063.00 - exhibition

10 Acconting programme 01 01 100% 26 32,000.00 20,100.00 63%

11 Get together of purchasers 01 01 100% 81 - 67,727.50 - and sellers

12 Mighty mind programme 01 01 100% 28 50,000.00 228,170.00 456%

13 Managemeng programme 01 - - - 32,000.00 - -

14 Business counseling 01 - - - 20,000.00 - -

15 Award of credit 01 01 100% 320 144,200.00 241,386.00 167% certificates

16 Union reorganization - 02 - 175 - 5,600.00 -

17 Selection for mighty mind - 07 - 211 - 47,531.00 - programme

Total 71 79 111% 3120 1,578,200.00 1,494,666.00 95%


Small Enterprise Development Division of District Secretariat plays a major role in strengthening small entrepreneurs. Beneficiaries are called and selected at the level of Divisional Secretariats for one day awareness programmes. In this programme introduction is made on the institution and available programmes as well. According to the action plan in 2012 target was to hold 30 one day programmes. Accordingly in the year 2012 it was able to hold 32 one day programmes. It is a progress of 106%.

Attitude Development Training Course is two days programme. In this programme, needy background is provided for those are ready to start business and attitude development will also be carried out on how to select businesses. Progress thereof is 67% in 2012.

In programmes of way to business awareness is made on basic knowledge management, Marketing, Bokk Keeping etc. This a three days training programme. In 2012 progress of these programmes is 87.5%.

Follow up work shops are conducted to discuss the progress of beneficiaries. 01 workshop was held for the year 2012.

In evaluating the project progress needy advices are given visiting the project. According to the action plan of 2012the target was to check 09 projects. But that target was passed and 13 projects were checked. Progress thereof is 144%.

Through fair and exhibition held during period from 03 to 08 days demand for small entrepreneurs is increased. Its progress in 2012 is 50%.

Mighty Mind programme was a residential training programme held in two stages based on youth day. In this programme, beneficiaries those who involve in business and expect to start a business were encouraged.

The best entrepreneur was selected and awarded among entrepreneurs those who participate in programmes conducted by Small Enterprise Division at district level. First, Second and Third places were selected in fife categories such as Production, services, handicraft, agro food production and retail sale. First places faced national level competition. The first place in Handicraft category at national level was awarded to “Lekha Batik”. Third place in Service category was awarded to K.G.K. Agencies, Meddawatte, Matara. (Distribution of roofing tiles).

41 Samurdhi Development Programme.

Under Divineguma National programme, Samurdhi Authority implemented in 2012 development programmes such as bee keeping, ornamental flower cultivation, mushrooms cultivation and secured domestic constructions. Progress of such programmes is as follows.

Serial Project Description No. of projects No. of projects Physical Financial No. approved completed progress progress

Rs. Cts.

1 Bee keeping 245 243 99% 495,200.00

2 Ornamental flower 89 87 98% 2,244,399.00 cultivation

3 Mushroom 166 162 98% 1,507,573.78 cultivation

4 Secured domestic 38 26 68% 2,076,800.00 construction

Accordingly it has been able to complete 243 of 245 projects of Bee keeping project in 2012. Physical progress of it is 99%. 87 of 89 flower cultivation project was completed and its progress is 98%. 162 of 166 approves project of Bee keeping were completed having physical progress of 98%.

Diriya Piyasa Housing Programme.

Serial No. Stage No. of houses No. of houses Allocation made No. of approved completed beneficiaries

1 Stage 1 20 20 2,000,000.00 20

2 Stage 2 247 247 10,000,000.00 247

3 Stage 3 22 22 2,200,000.00 22

Statistics show that all approved 289 were completed in Diriya Piyasa housing programme.

42 Building construction of District Secretariat according to the Action Plan.

Rehabilitation and Improvements of Capital Assets under Object code 262 (Building & Constructions)

Ministry / Department Object Code Capital Recurrent Expenditure expenditure

District Secretariat of Matara 262

Rehabilitation and Improvements of Capital Assets

Building and Constructions

District Secretariat of Matara 5,415,136.93

Improvements of GA,s Residency, Improvement of toilet pit of Addl. District Secretary, Improvements of Asst. district Secretary, Improvements of Govt. Quarters No. 6, Improvements of buildings A and B,

Fixing name boards at access road to GA’s Residency, Improvements of water tank of GA’s Residency, improvements of toilet system of GA’s Residency, essential improvements of office, preparing Tele conference room, Fixing tables in the auditorium, Improvements of sport room, aluminum partitioning of office building, Tinting glass of building C, fixing 06 electric bells, purchasing shower and curtains, fixing wires for 08 intercom telephones of Planning Division and Field officers’ division, improving canteen of office, curtaining of Samurdhi, disaster and Audit divisions, Fixing glassed cover for the Buddha statue.

Divisional Secretariat of Weligama 195,570.00

Preparation of rain cover of the office

Divisional Secretariat of Kamburupitiya 200,000.00

Preparation of a bicycle garage

Divisional Secretariat of Hakmana 254,673.00

Preparation of office counter and rack for office room

43 of Divisional Secretariat

Divisional Secretariat of Pasgoda 256,999.92

Water supply of quarters, repair of bathroom of Asst. Div. Secretary and repair of ceiling

Divisional Secretariat of Kotapola 296,096.68

Repair of garage and toilets

Divisional Secretariat of Malimbada 137,922.47

Partitioning of auditorium of upper floor, fixing a basin in canteen, preparing a counter in Shroff division and making timber stage in auditorium.

Divisional Secretariat of Akuressa 308,565.51

Repair of toilets of ground floor

Divisional Secretariat of Dickwella 99,903.66

Repair of quarters of Divisional Secretary, filling soil and landscaping of front land of the office.

Divisional Secretariat of Thihagoda 85,841.24

Fixing ceiling fans, fixing a table in computer room, preparing a distributing board for quarters of Divisional Secretary, repair of office buildings, making wall of office well.

Divisional Secretariat of Devinuwara 298,869.06

Construction of canteen and guard room

Divisional Secretariat of Welipitiya 268,227.29

Fixing a gate to wall of field officers building , constructing water drainage system behind office and improving rear wall.

Divisional Secretariat of Kirinda Puhulwella 268,000.00

Repair of toilet system and preparing front stare case.

Divisional Secretariat of Pitabaddara 186,193.06

Widening land division and repair toilet annexed to

Divisional Secretariat.


Divisional Secretariat of Athureliya 16,350.00 Fixing ladder to water tank of quarters of Divisional Secretary and fixing doors and windows to canteen.

Total 8,288,348.82

According to Action plan of 2012, estimate under building rehabilitation and improvement of object Code 262 is 6 m. The way of planning such sum for 4 quarters and actual expenditure are given as follows.

Quarter Expected expenditure as Actual expenditure of 2012 (Rs.) per action plan (Rs.)

First quarter 1,000,000.00 969,355.45

Second quarter 4,000,000.00 828,499.55

Third quarter 1,000,000.00 3,049,925.00

Fourth quarter - 3,440,569.00

Total 6,000,000.00 8,288,349

Taking into consideration needs of District Secretariat and 16 Divisional Secretariats, it had to obtain Rs. 2,650,600.00 by changing F.R.66 under building rehabilitation and improvement.


Acquisition of Capital Assets (Buildings and construction)

Details of acquisition of Capital Assets under Object Code 262 (Buildings and construction) are as follows.

Ministry / Dept. Object Code Capital Expenditure Recurrent expenditure

District Secretariat - Matara. 262

Acquisition of capital assets.

Buildings and construction

Paying bills pertaining to construction of building C of district Secretariat, setting up of Tele conference unit in building C, constructing canteen of District Secretariat, construction of internal audit division, making iron fence in front of district Secretariat, Fixing ray system of Buddha statue, construction of Divisional Secretariat of Matara, construction of walls around quarters of Chief accountant and Engineer and making gate grills.

Total 57,336,079.08

According to Action plan of 2012, under acquisition of capital assets of object code 262, estimate for construction buildings is Rs. 67 m. But in the year 2012 provision cut is 9% out of total capital estimate. Total capital estimate is Rs. 82.6 m. 9% of such allocation is Rs. 7,434,000.00. Such total allocation has kept cut from building construction.


Accordingly spendable balance of provisions under construction of building is Rs. 59,566,000.00.

The way of planning such sum for 4 quarters and actual expenditure are given as follows.

Quarter Expected expenditure as per Actual expenditure of action plan (Rs.) 2012 (Rs.)

First quarter 37,000,000.00 15,528,524.36

Second quarter 7,566,000.00 15,694,630.64

Third quarter 5,000,000.00 8,663,332.00

Fourth quarter 10,000,000.00 17,449,592.00

Total 59,566,000.00 57,336,079.00

5.4. Annual Accounts 5.4.1 Appropriation Account










5.4.2 Govt. Officers’ Advance Account B for 2012

Max. limit of Minimum limit of Max. limit of credit expenditure (Rs. receipts (Rs. Cts.) Cts.) (Rs. Cts)

Approved limit as per estimates of 2012 50,500,000.00 35,000,000.00 182,000,000.00

Actual value of 2012 47,959,775.36 40,713,962.59 178,895,009.33

Govt. Officers’ Advance Account B for 2012

Loan District Secretariat Divisional Secretariats Total amount category paid (Rs. Cts.) No. of Amount (Rs. No. of Amount (Rs. paid to Cts.) paid to Cts.)

Distress 33 1,317,702.00 504 39,681,595.00 40,999,297 loans

Festival 56 280,000.00 953 4,765,000.00 5,045,000.00 advance

Special 38 95,000.00 428 1,070,000.00 1,165,000.00 advance

Bicycle 6 30,000.00 27 162,000.00 192,000.00 loans

Other 6 231,091.00 33 327,387.36 558,478.36

Total 139 1,953,793.00 1945 46,005,982.36 47,959,775.36


5.4.3 General Deposit Account

Acc.No. Initial balance as Receipts within payments within Final balance as at at 01.01.2012 year 2012 (Rs. year 2012 (Rs. 31.12.2012 Cts.) Cts.)

6003/0/0/38/0 127,161,023.65 560,010,901.95 420,522,559.59 266,649,366.010

6003/0/0/8/0 132,039.04 132,039.04 - -