Lehigh Preserve Institutional Repository Thaddeus Stevens in Pennsylvania politics Haas, Herbert Newton 1964 Find more at https://preserve.lib.lehigh.edu/ This document is brought to you for free and open access by Lehigh Preserve. It has been accepted for inclusion by an authorized administrator of Lehigh Preserve. For more information, please contact
[email protected]. :·· ( --- -----THADDEUS STEVENS -------------~--- ·--~-----·--- IN PENNSYLVANIA POLITICS by Herbert Newton Haas A THESIS Presented to the Graduate Faculty of Lehigh University in Candidacy for the Degree of Master of Arts '~ Lehigh University 1964 I ;f , :,.,.,. ",' ,' ,~.,,.,._,. ,;_,, • ,·.,, _·, ••..• ,, .-,<__ ,_,-_c,~·---•-.. .....i~H.:.~L~N,-1.,..,.._, ___~•,n,< ,,,,,- .. _,...__-·· ·11 _______________' ... __ , \ 'I ·--: ·t....:-=-.;-t~_\, "!::· -~:>;---=· ··, :-·- •~----:.-·- -- ·.- ~~--- . -.,-,..-----.--:.-·-·- --,····-----::·------:··--.---.--. This thesis is accepted and approved in partial ful fillment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Arte. ·' ' ··--·-,~..... ,.,._ .......... ._. ___ ,.,. .. _,___,,.,_ ..... __ ~, ..•... ....,......,., __ ,., r---··• ......... ,....... ,_ ... ,,..._,._ ---~ - .. 111 ACKNOWLEDGMENT r . .-' '. .... .. 0 ' ' f, ' ' :, \ \ - r· •· ~· ·· • -- •-- .. •-- .t·-----• - - •• ~ "t ,1 t~ . , ~ . ---,,... .. ---------~~---·---·- I am genuinely and thoroughly grateful to Dr. George Dewey Harmon for the inspiration he gave me during my pur suit of a Master of Arts degree at Lehigh University, and ·; l for his expert and patient counsel during the writing of l '· this thesis, at a time when hie personal affairs demanded far more attention than his normally full schedule; to Dr. George W. Kyte for the encouragement he imparted to me 1n his stimulating classes and by hie excellent knowledge of his subject; and to Dr. John Cary for his careful super vision of my schedule and for suggesting the topic of this thesis.