Present: Karen Baty, Jason Blanchard, Jim Gibbons, Jane Kay and David Willey

Councillors Cole, Hewis, and Hillman (Chairman of the Group),

There were no further members of the public in attendance.

In Attendance: Lydia Smithson Assistant Clerk

Not present: Cllr Birkett, Dilys Britt, Helen Booth, Brian Hunt, Cllr R Spurr and James Sutton



50/18 WELCOME AND APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE Cllr Hillman welcomed the attendees including two new Group members. Apologies were noted from Cllr Birkett, Helen Booth and Brian Hunt


52/18 APPROVAL OF MINUTES FROM 11TH JUNE 2018 It was resolved to approve the minutes dated 11th June 2018.


53/18 UPDATE ON:

• Foss Fete • The fete was very successful day with over 400 people attending; which was much higher than expected. • A certificate was presented to give to a young volunteer for helping on the day. • £105 was raised from the water and wine stall and a £40 donation was made by The Tea Room.

Karen Baty arrived

• Feedback included: visitors enjoyed the bug and insect hotel; children enjoyed the traditional games; visitors enjoyed watching the scouts; residents enjoyed it being a local event; there was a good atmosphere; and it introduced many local people to the area. • It was noted that more first aid training may be needed for councillors/officers/Working Group members to support future events. • A question was raised regarding the process for a missing child and for this to be considered in further detail prior to future events. • Suggestions for future events included: having an ice cream van; having more food stalls including a local hog roast, waffle trailer, bar, and food barges. Face painting has been offered for free and group members emphasised the importance of local suppliers. • Rock Choir may be able to perform in September for an event. Cllr Hillman to contact Rock Choir • Working Group members suggested applying for a road closure for future events. • It was noted that the Foss Dyke is getting busier and the bins are full and this needs looking at in the short term and longer term. WLDC have supplied some additional wheelie bins but their location needs considering. It was suggested that a proper surrounding for the bins could be built including provision for recycling as part of the regeneration scheme. • A suggestion was made for a water festival in 2020. Assistant Clerk to obtain a contact for the Chairman of the Chesterfield Trust.

• Co-op Big Clean and Lincoln Rapid Relief Team tidies The Big Clean was very successful with over 30 people attending and thanks were given to those who attended and the Co-op and the Canal and River Trust (CRT). The Working Group were keen for the Lincolnshire Co-op to continue to be involved in the project.


The Lincoln Rapid Relief team have had two volunteer dates and have cleared the Queensway to A57 path and strimmed the Queensway grass embankment.

• Volunteer Days dates and areas to focus on Finish clearing old road area including removal of the bramble roots. Later in the year the area will need spraying off and then seeding.

Jane Kay left at 8.15pm

Assistant Clerk to contact CRT regarding the tow path surfacing being levelled with a compacter, or whether volunteers could bring one to the tidy. Concern was raised regarding the electricity wire under bridge which is thought to supply the lighting on the south bank. Assistant Clerk to contact CRT.

The steps need clearing from the south bank to the A57.

It was agreed that the 11th August and 15th September would be the next volunteer days and to send the dates to Towpath Talk and the Lincolnshire Co-op.

Assistant Clerk to request to Highways that the path is slurry sealed.

• Landscape Architect Has been commissioned to create a cohesive masterplan for the Conservation Area and a site visit is being arranged.

• Repair of mosaic Jason Blanchard has offered to repair the mosaic. The Working Group thanked him. It was agreed that Jason Blanchard would present repair options to the next meeting.

• Anglian Water works David Willey updated the Group on the works taking place on the land next to the Sun Inn which has started and is going well; the shoring is in and the storage pipes are expected to be laid in the coming days. The project is planned for 7 weeks, with 2 weeks being subject to traffic control.

As part of the reinstatement works, Anglian Water are to replant two trees, refurbish the bench and landscape the area. Landscaping is expected to be carried out later in the year.

It was noted that kerbs have been loosened on Bridge Place from lorries. Assistant Clerk to contact Anglian Water.


It was noted that is litter being left in the area. Cllr Hillman to check planning conditions for Bella Pizza.

It was also noted that the Sun Inn has screwed chairs to the front wall. Cllr Hillman to investigate.

• Public Toilets, shower and sluice room The Assistant Clerk and Cllr Hillman are to draft a LEADER funding bid. It was queried whether the sluice room and showers are needed for boaters anymore and it suggested it could be a washroom with dryers.

• The Sun Inn A meeting is still trying to be arranged with the tenant to discuss working more closely together.

• Concern regarding deer drowning in the Foss Dyke Canal 14 deer had drowned in the Foss Dyke canal in our area and there are a lack of ramps for them to get back out. Cllr Hillman has contacted the CRT ecologist to see if we can install any deer ramps particularly on the section from the end of Doddington Road down to West Bank. Cllr Hillman to follow- up.

• Publicity of project Cllr Hillman has drafted three press releases and Jim Gibbons is kindly reviewing them in readiness for circulation to the media. Jim Gibbons suggested video press releases.

A Lincoln University photography student is also documenting the progress of the project.

A summer newsletter is to be drafted and a suggestion was made for a video press release.

54/18 ACTIONS TO BE TAKEN FOR REBRANDING CONSULTATION Suggestions are to be asked for from residents for naming the area, for example Moorings, Saxilby Wharf, Saxilby Waterfront, and Saxilby Navigation.

This will be included in the Foss Focus in August, on Facebook, and in the Towpath Talk. The group will short list entries and then a poll will be held on Facebook and in the Foss Focus.

55/18 SET A DATE FOR THE NEXT MEETING Monday 13th August 7.30pm


The meeting closed at 9.12pm.

Please be advised that these are notes of the meeting and cannot in any way be regarded as the official minutes of proceedings until they are approved and signed at the next meeting.