Design Access and Planning Statement Project Location:

Bardsley & Sons Ltd River Farm Chart Hill Road TN12 0RW

11th February 2021 Installation of a Package Treatment Plant and Associated Groundworks to Replace and Decommission 2No Undersized Treatment Plants Bardsley Farm, River Farm, Chart Hill Road, Staplehurst, Kent TN12 0RW

Client: Bardsley & Sons Ltd

Document Title: Design Access and Planning Statement

Local Planning Authority: Borough Council

Parish: Staplehurst

Our Ref: R1675

Proposal: New Package Treatment Plant to Replace and Decommission 2No undersized Treatment Plants

Issue Revision Description Date 1 0 Draft to Client 19/01/2021 2 1 Final for issue 11/02/2021

Copyright ©Price Whitehead Co. Ltd, trading as Price Whitehead. All rights reserved.

No part of this report may be copied or reproduced by any means without prior written permission from Price Whitehead Co. Ltd. If you have received this report in error, please destroy all copies in your possession or control.

This report has been prepared for the exclusive use of the commissioning party and unless otherwise agreed in writing by Price Whitehead Co. Ltd, no other party may use, make use of, or rely on the contents of this report. No liability is accepted by Price Whitehead Co. Ltd for any use of this report, other than for the purposes for which it was originally prepared and provided.

Opinions and information provided in the report are on the basis of Price Whitehead Co. Ltd using due skill, care and diligence in the preparation of the same, and no warranty is provided as to their accuracy.

Our work is undertaken on the understanding that nothing in the final report will be omitted, amended, or misrepresented by the client or any other interested party. This report and its contents remain the property of Price Whitehead Co. Ltd until payment has been made in full.

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Installation of a Package Treatment Plant and Associated Groundworks to Replace and Decommission 2No Undersized Treatment Plants Bardsley Farm, River Farm, Chart Hill Road, Staplehurst, Kent TN12 0RW

1.0 Contents

Page No.

2.0 Instructions and Summary 3

3.0 Proposal and Background Information 3

4.0 Design and Access Statement 3

5.0 Flood Statement 4

6.0 Planning Statement 4-9

7.0 Summary 9

8.0 Caveats 10

9.0 Appendices 10-12

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Installation of a Package Treatment Plant and Associated Groundworks to Replace and Decommission 2No Undersized Treatment Plants Bardsley Farm, River Farm, Chart Hill Road, Staplehurst, Kent TN12 0RW

2.0 Instructions

2.1 Price Whitehead is instructed to prepare and submit a full planning application on behalf of Bardsley & Sons Ltd, who are the Applicants and property owners for the proposal.

2.2 The application is for improvements to the existing Waste Water Treatment Plant provisions.

3.0 Proposal & Background Information

3.1 Bardsley & Sons main site is located at River Farm, Chart Hill Road, Staplehurst. This is a fruit packing company which currently employs 96 full time staff.

3.2 This farm has been the subject of expansion and the existing two treatment plants are unable to cope with the capacity required.

3.3 This application is for the replacement of these two existing plants and the installation of a new efficient system that has the capacity to treat the waste water from this large business. This proposed Water Treatment plant will provide for the staff restrooms and w.c facilities only, not the production waste water.

3.4 Following this proposal the existing WTP’s will be decommissioned.

3.5 The Environment Agency has been consulted about this application and a consent to discharge application is being submitted alongside this planning application.

3.6 The proposed new plant will be located alongside an existing ditch. The flood zone risk is mitigated against by the use of a pump and the height and location of the plant.

4.0 Design and Access Statement

4.1 The proposed water treatment plant to be used is a Klargester BioFicient 34H.

4.2 The plant will include a pumping station on the outfall to ensure that the clean water discharge can be lifted above flood level before discharge into the adjacent ditch. This is shown on plan R1675 D02 Proposed Site Layout. This is necessary to ensure that in a flood event water is unable to backup into the treatment plant and affect the ongoing and correct functioning of the treatment process.

4.3 Following discussions with the EA, the plant will be situated so that the top of the plant (access chamber covers), are above the historic flood level. This can be seen within plan ref R1675 D02 Proposed Site Layout.

4.4 Existing temporary car parking currently occupying the site of the proposed treatment plant is proposed to be removed as part of a separate application currently pending decision under ref. 20/503155 for the change of use of land and siting of workers caravans. This application will include parking for the staff in replacement of the temporary parking area currently in use.

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Installation of a Package Treatment Plant and Associated Groundworks to Replace and Decommission 2No Undersized Treatment Plants Bardsley Farm, River Farm, Chart Hill Road, Staplehurst, Kent TN12 0RW

4.5 There are no public rights of way near the site.

4.6 There are no level thresholds necessary as part of this application.

5.0 Flood Statement

5.1 This application is located within a Flood Risk Zone 3 area.

5.2 In order to satisfy the Environment Agency as to the safety of this treatment plant, the levels have been maintained above the historic flood levels. This has required the treatment plant access covers to be situated at a height above the existing ground level (the turret will protrude higher than normal) this will be further protected by an earth mound around the turret. This is shown within plan ref R1675 D02 Proposed Site Layout.

5.3 A discharge pump set will be fitted to ensure that gravity is not relied upon to discharge the wastewater into the ditch. Rather that the water is lifted above the flood level, to avoid back flow in the event of a flood.

5.4 An application has also been submitted to the Environment Agency for the discharge of water.

6.0 Planning Statement

6.1 Site History

▪ Full planning permission for the erection of extensions to the existing packhouse building, together with new internal access road, amendments to existing vehicular site access, hardstanding, acoustic fencing, landscaping and creation of an ecological enhancement area.

Ref. No: 20/503147/FULL | Status: Pending Consideration

▪ Full planning permission for the erection of an atmosphere controlled storage building together with external hardstanding and new internal access road.

Ref. No: 20/503148/FULL | Status: Pending Consideration

▪ Change of use of land for the siting of 20 worker caravans together with the erection of a laundry and games room and associated access and car parking area.

Ref. No: 20/503155/FULL | Status: Pending Consideration

▪ Lawful Development Certificate for the existing use of the land and buildings for the grading, packing, storage and distribution of fruit including up to 31 HGV traffic movements per day, on site storage capacity of 39,000 cubic metres with 23,444 tonnes annual throughput of the packing operation of which 11,544

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Installation of a Package Treatment Plant and Associated Groundworks to Replace and Decommission 2No Undersized Treatment Plants Bardsley Farm, River Farm, Chart Hill Road, Staplehurst, Kent TN12 0RW

tonnes of fruit processed on site not originating from River Farm owned or leased land.

Ref. No: 18/502831/LDCEX | Status: Approved

▪ Erection of a controlled atmosphere stores, covered access way, dispatch and loading bay extension and fruit processing area.

Ref. No: 17/503390/FULL | Status: Withdrawn by Applicant

▪ ▪ Extension to Agricultural Building to provide Office Accommodation and Staff Facilities.

Ref. No: 16/508285/FULL | Status: Approved

▪ ▪ Erection of a Pre-Sizer extension.

Ref. No: 15/504713/FULL | Status: Approved

▪ Erection of a controlled atmosphere store extension.

Ref. No: 15/504722/FULL | Status: Approved

▪ ▪ Submission of Details pursuant to Condition 3 - Drainage, Condition 4 - Tracking Diagrams and Condition 5 - Loading, Unloading and Turning Space of MA/14/0575.

Ref. No: 14/501706/SUB | Status: Approved

▪ An application for the prior approval of the local planning authority for the erection of an agricultural building for the storage of machinery and fertiliser

Ref. No: 14/0633 | Status: PPNOT

▪ Proposed dispatch area and extension to existing controlled atmosphere fruit stores

Ref. No: 14/0575 | Status: Approved

▪ Two storey extension and internal remodelling/refurbishment as shown on drawings E-001 Rev P1, E-002 Rev P1, E-003 Rev P1, E-004 Rev P1, P-005 Rev P1, P-006 Rev P1, P-007 Rev P1, P-009 Rev P1, P-010 Rev P1, P-011 Rev P1, P-012 Rev P1 and P-013 Rev P1 received on the 23rd April 2013

Ref. No: 13/0702 | Status: Approved

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Installation of a Package Treatment Plant and Associated Groundworks to Replace and Decommission 2No Undersized Treatment Plants Bardsley Farm, River Farm, Chart Hill Road, Staplehurst, Kent TN12 0RW

▪ Erection of ambient receiving and packing area with temperature controlled store and packing area for stone fruit as shown on drawing nos. WM/297/125b, 500b, 01b, and 02b received on 17/8/09.

Ref. No: 09/1485 | Status: Approved

▪ Erection of long term atmosphere controlled low temperature store for plums, pears and new apple varieties as shown on drawing nos. WM/297/125a, 500a, 01a and 02a received on 17/8/09.

Ref. No: 09/1484 | Status: Approved

▪ Agricultural Prior Notification of extension to portal steel-framed building for fruit storage. .

Ref. No: 93/1593 | Status: PLREQD

▪ Conversion of barn to dwelling as amended by drawing no. B901723 received 16/7/90 and as validated 22/8/90.

Ref. No: 90/0787 | Status: Approved

▪ Erection of garage with storage and farm office in roof space to replace existing pole barn, as shown on dwg nos. AWD719/1 and AWD719/2 received on 19.5.04 and as amended by additional documents being AWD719/1 received on 5.8.04.

Ref. No: 04/1119 | Status: Approved

▪ Outline application for conversion of barn to single dwelling including demolition of existing lean-to extension.

Ref. No: 88/1121 | Status: Refused

▪ Single storey extension as validated and amended by letter received on 11 October 1991.

Ref. No: 91/0952 | Status: Approved

6.2 The planning considerations for this site are:

• There are no tree preservation orders near the site. • The nearest listed asset is Herstfield Bridges which runs over the to the South of the site. See map in Appendices. • The site is not in the AONB however is within a SSSI. • The site is within Flood Risk zone 3 as shown in the map in appendices. • There are no Public Rights of Way near the site.

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Installation of a Package Treatment Plant and Associated Groundworks to Replace and Decommission 2No Undersized Treatment Plants Bardsley Farm, River Farm, Chart Hill Road, Staplehurst, Kent TN12 0RW

6.3 Key planning policies relevant to this proposal:

6.3.1 Maidstone Borough Council Local Plan Adopted 2017 SP17 The Countryside

“The countryside is defined as all those parts of the plan area outside the settlement boundaries of the Maidstone urban area, rural service centres and larger villages defined on the policies map. 1. Development proposals in the countryside will not be permitted unless they accord with other policies in this plan and they will not result in harm to the character and appearance of the area. 2. Agricultural proposals will be supported which facilitate the efficient use of the borough's significant agricultural land and soil resource provided any adverse impacts on the appearance and character of the landscape can be appropriately mitigated. 3. Great weight should be given to the conservation and enhancement of the Kent Downs Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty. 4. Proposals should not have a significant adverse impact on the settings of the Kent Downs Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty or the High Weald Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty. 5. The Metropolitan Green Belt is shown on the policies map and development there will be managed in accordance with national policy for the Green Belt. 6. The distinctive landscape character of the Greensand Ridge, the Medway Valley, the Len Valley, the Loose Valley, and the Low Weald, as defined on the policies map, will be conserved and enhanced as landscapes of local value. 7. Development in the countryside will retain the separation of individual settlements.” 1 This proposal does not harm the countryside and adheres to the other policies within the Local Plan to provide a safe modern treatment system for the continued use by the farm which is an important local employer. DM2 Sustainable Design

“1. New dwellings, where technically feasible and viable, should meet the Building Regulations optional requirement for tighter water efficiency. 2. Non-residential development, where technically feasible and viable, should meet BREEAM Very Good including addressing maximum water efficiencies under the mandatory water credits. 3. In order to maximise carbon efficiency, all homes will be required to meet the strengthened on-site energy performance standards of Building Regulations.

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Installation of a Package Treatment Plant and Associated Groundworks to Replace and Decommission 2No Undersized Treatment Plants Bardsley Farm, River Farm, Chart Hill Road, Staplehurst, Kent TN12 0RW

4. Proposals for new non-domestic buildings should achieve BREEAM Very Good for energy credits where technically and financially viable. 5. Should BREEAM be replaced, or any national standards increased, then this requirement will also be replaced by any tighter standard appropriate to the borough.” This proposal has been chosen in its siting and design and quality and its efficiency for the lift in waste water at the site. The increase in need is due to the higher demand from the restroom and w.c facilities following the staffing increase. This will also enable the correct size plant for the pending application for workers caravans on site. It is in replacement of two WTP’s that are not fit for purpose. This new plant will ensure the efficiency and longevity of this system which use the most up to date water levels and designs. DM2 Natural Environment (only part copied with the relevant part) “1. To enable Maidstone borough to retain a high quality of living and to be able to respond to the effects of climate change, developers will ensure that new development protects and enhances the natural environment by incorporating measures where appropriate to: i. Protect positive landscape character, areas of Ancient Woodland, veteran trees, trees with significant amenity value, important hedgerows, features of biological or geological interest, and the existing public rights of way network from inappropriate development and avoid significant adverse impacts as a result of development; ii. Avoid damage to and inappropriate development considered likely to have significant direct or indirect adverse effects on: a. Internationally, nationally and locally designated sites of importance for biodiversity; and b. Local Biodiversity Action Plan priority habitats; iii. Control pollution to protect ground and surface waters where necessary and mitigate against the deterioration of water bodies and adverse impacts on Groundwater Source Protection Zones, and/or incorporate measures to improve the ecological status of water bodies as appropriate; iv. Enhance, extend and connect designated sites of importance for biodiversity, priority habitats and fragmented Ancient Woodland; support opportunities for the creation of new Biodiversity Action Plan priority habitats; create, enhance, restore and connect other habitats, including links to habitats outside Maidstone Borough, where opportunities arise; Policy DM 3 Natural environment 1. To enable Maidstone borough to retain a high quality of living and to be able to respond to the effects of climate change, developers will ensure that new development protects and enhances the natural environment by incorporating measures where appropriate to:

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Installation of a Package Treatment Plant and Associated Groundworks to Replace and Decommission 2No Undersized Treatment Plants Bardsley Farm, River Farm, Chart Hill Road, Staplehurst, Kent TN12 0RW

v. Provide for the long term maintenance and management of all natural assets, including landscape character, associated with the development; vi. Mitigate for and adapt to the effects of climate change; and vii. Positively contribute to the improvement of accessibility of natural green space within walking distance of housing, employment, health and education facilities and to the creation of a wider network of new links between green and blue spaces including links to the Public Rights of Way network.” This proposal ensures that the natural environment is protected by the provision of a modern treatment plant to cater for all of the wastewater needs instead of two existing ones that are no longer fit for purpose. The installation of this new plant, whilst ensuring that the latest water levels are adhered to, will maintain the protection of the local water network and its future use.

6.3.2 National Planning Policy Framework Adopted February 2019 Planning and flood risk Paragraph 150 states: “New development should be planned for in ways that: a) avoid increased vulnerability to the range of impacts arising from climate change. When new development is brought forward in areas which are vulnerable, care should be taken to ensure that risks can be managed through suitable adaptation measures, including through the planning of green infrastructure;” This proposal ensures that the existing load on the water treatment plants is treated in a much more efficient way so as not to harm the local area. The proposed treatment plant takes the full volume of foul water currently produced at the site. Planning and flood risk paragraph 155 states: “Inappropriate development in areas at risk of flooding should be avoided by directing development away from areas at highest risk (whether existing or future). Where development is necessary in such areas, the development should be made safe for its lifetime without increasing flood risk elsewhere.” The development of this proposed water treatment plant will process more effectively the existing volume of foul water, no increase is proposed.

7.0 Summary

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Installation of a Package Treatment Plant and Associated Groundworks to Replace and Decommission 2No Undersized Treatment Plants Bardsley Farm, River Farm, Chart Hill Road, Staplehurst, Kent TN12 0RW

7.1 This application is for a new single foul water treatment plant to be installed, along with flood protection measures, in replacement of the existing two plants which are no longer fit for purpose.

7.2 The installation provides for the treatment of foul water to current EA standards for the highest possible water quality.

7.3 For these reasons, we respectfully request that the application be favourably approved.

8.0 Caveats

8.1 The statement is provided on behalf of Bardsley & Sons Ltd and is produced for the specific purpose of providing a Design, Access & Planning Statement in connection with a planning application.

8.2 No responsibility whatsoever is accepted to any person other than the Applicants. The details are for planning consideration purposes.

9.0 Appendices

TPO and Listed Asset map

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Installation of a Package Treatment Plant and Associated Groundworks to Replace and Decommission 2No Undersized Treatment Plants Bardsley Farm, River Farm, Chart Hill Road, Staplehurst, Kent TN12 0RW

PROW map

Flood Risk map

12 | P a g e

Installation of a Package Treatment Plant and Associated Groundworks to Replace and Decommission 2No Undersized Treatment Plants Bardsley Farm, River Farm, Chart Hill Road, Staplehurst, Kent TN12 0RW


Copyright ©Price Whitehead Co. Ltd, trading as Price Whitehead. All rights reserved.

No part of this report may be copied or reproduced by any means without prior written permission from Price Whitehead Co. Ltd. If you have received this report in error, please destroy all copies in your possession or control.

This report has been prepared for the exclusive use of the commissioning party and unless otherwise agreed in writing by Price Whitehead Co. Ltd, no other party may use, make use of, or rely on the contents of this report. No liability is accepted by Price Whitehead Co. Ltd for any use of this report, other than for the purposes for which it was originally prepared and provided.

Opinions and information provided in the report are on the basis of Price Whitehead Co. Ltd using due skill, care and diligence in the preparation of the same, and no warranty is provided as to their accuracy.

Our work is undertaken on the understanding that nothing in the final report will be omitted, amended or misrepresented by the client or any other interested party. This report and its contents remain the property of Price Whitehead Co. Ltd until payment has been made in full.

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