Dæhæna - Monthly e-Newsletter May 2021 Volume 16 Issue 5 Volume 1, Issue 1 Radio 4EB Sri Lankan Group Web Address: https://4ebsrilankan.wordpress.com/ Contact:
[email protected] The Significance of Vesak International Workers’ Day The Lumbini park was abundant with Sal trees in full bloom. Flowers International Workers' Day, also known as Labour Day in most coun- that have fallen from trees formed a soft carpet on the ground. On the tries and often referred to as May Day, is a celebration of labourers full moon day in the month of Vesak, Queen Maha Maya, who was and the working classes, that is promoted by the international labour pregnant, was on a journey through the Sal grove to see her parents. movement and occurs every year on 1 May. On her way, she gave birth to a prince in the Sal grove. This was about 2644 years ago. The prince was named Siddhartha Gautama. He lived While it may belong to a tradition of spring in a palace with every luxury at his command. festivals, the date was chosen in 1889 for political reasons by the Marxist Interna- At a young age, he was confronted tional Socialist Congress, which met in with the reality of life and the suf- Paris and established the Second Interna- fering of humankind. Siddhartha, tional as a successor to the earlier Interna- at the age of 29 years, gave up his tional Workingmen's Association. They wealth and position as a prince to adopted a resolution for a "great international demonstration" in sup- seek enlightenment as a spiritual port of working-class demands for the eight-hour day.