
Static Frequency Assignment in Cellular



Lata Narayanan Sunil M Shende



A is generally mo deled as a subgraph of the triangular lat

tice In the static frequency assignment problem each vertex of the graph is a

base station in the network and has asso ciated with it an integer weight that

represents the numb er of calls that must b e served at the vertex by assigning

distinct frequencies p er call The edges of the graph mo del interference con

straints for frequencies assigned to neighb oring stations The static frequency

assignment problem can b e abstracted as a graph multicoloring problem We

describ e an ecient algorithm to optimally multicolor any weighted even or o dd

length cycle representing a cellular network This result is further extended to

any outerplanar graph For the problem of multicoloring an arbitrary connected

subgraph of the triangular lattice we demonstrate an approximation algorithm

which guarantees that no more than = times the minimum numb er of required

colors are used Further we show that this algorithm can b e implemented in

a distributed manner where each station needs to have knowledge only of the

weights at a small neighb orho o d

Keywords Frequency assignment cellular networks approximation algo

rithms graph multicoloring distributed algorithms

Department of Computer Science Concordia University Montreal Queb ec Canada HG M

email latacsconcordiaca Research supp orted by NSERC Canada


Department of Computer Science Rutgers University Camden NJ USA email

shendecrabrutgersedu FAX This research was conducted at Concordia Uni

versity during the summer of with partial supp ort from NSERC Canada

Intro duction

Cellular data and communication networks can b e mo deled as graphs with each ver

tex representing a base station sometimes called a cel l in the network Cells can

communicate with their neighb ors in the graph via directional radio transceivers At

any given time a certain numb er of active connections or cal ls in cellular network

terminology are serviced by their nearest base station This service consists mainly

of assigning a frequency to each client call in a manner that minimizes or avoids radio

interference b etween two distinct calls in the network However cellular networks use

a xed sp ectrum of radio frequencies and the ecient shared utilization of the lim

ited available is critical to the viability and eciency of the network The

static frequency assignment problem therefore consists of designing an interference

free frequency allo cation proto col for a network where the numb er of calls p er cell is

known a priori This forms the motivation for the problems studied in this pap er

In particular cellular networks are usually mo deled as nite p ortions of the in

nite triangular grid emb edded in the plane Vertices representing cells are placed

at the ap exes of similar triangles and each vertex has at most six other neighb ors

surrounding it in the grid The reason for adopting this particular geometry stems

from the fact that cells are uniformly distributed in the geographic area of the net

work and an individual cell generally has six directional transceivers Hence the

Voronoi region around a cell or equivalently that cells calling area can b e idealized

as a regular hexagon The triangular tiling representing the network is simply the

planar dual of the resulting Voronoi diagram We shall refer to the resulting graphs


as hexagon graphs

The frequency assignment problem incorp orating interference constraints can b e

abstracted as follows Let G V E denote an hexagon graph Each vertex v V

has an asso ciated integer weight w v A w coloring or multicoloring of G

is an assignment of sets of colors to the vertices such that each vertex v is assigned

w v distinct colors whereby for every edge u v E the set of colors assigned to

the endp oints u and v are disjoint In particular we are interested in a minimum

multicoloring or a w coloring of G that uses the least numb er of colors


We note here that this is the most commonly used mo del for frequency assignment problems in

the cellular network literature However in practice cellular systems tend to b e more complicated

and there have b een recent studies that attempt to mo del more general interference patterns and cost

functions see for example Borndorfer et al Nevertheless the hexagon graph mo del continues

to b e of signicance from the historical standp oint and as an abstraction that is suciently close to

reality to provide useful insights

In the context of frequency assignment a multicoloring as dened ab ove provides

a useful abstraction of the essential interference constraints each color represents a

distinct frequency and it is assumed that two calls may use the same frequency if and

only if they originate in distinct cells that are not neighb ors It should b e noted that

in practice the available cellular frequency sp ectrum is a contiguous linear subinterval

of the radio sp ectrum and frequency reuse is controlled by a sequence of nonnegative

integers c c with c called distance reuse constraints Two distinct calls

0 1 0

in cells that are a distance i apart in the underlying graph must b e assigned frequencies

that dier by c in the frequency sp ectrum Hale discusses many generalizations


and versions of the frequency assignment problem We formulate our problem under

the simplest constraints viz when c c and c i Under this

0 1 i

formulation the problem reduces to b eing able to compute a minimum multicoloring

to a given hexagon graph

In the sequel we assume that G V E w denotes a hexagon graph ie it is

a vertex weighted graph that is a nite induced subgraph of the innite triangular

grid Thus the graph is planar and every vertex v V has degree at most six

and an asso ciated integer weight w v The weighted chromatic numb er of G

denoted G is the minimum numb er of colors required in a w coloring of G Even

for graphs with a regular structure such as those considered in the pap er the problem

of determining G is nontrivial In fact it has b een established only recently that

the corresp onding decision problem is NPcomplete and hence it is unlikely that

a p olynomial time algorithm for computing G can b e devised Naturally it is of

interest to study approximation algorithms for the problem

It is easy to see that G must b e greater than the total numb er of colors required

at any set of mutually adjacent vertices Thus the maximum over the sum of weights

at vertices in any maximal clique in the graph is a trivial lower b ound on G Note

that for hexagon graphs edges and triangles are maximal cliques In the direction of

upp er b ounds while there is a vast literature on algorithms for frequency assignment

on graphs esp ecially hexagon graphs that claim to use few colors generally there

are no proven bounds on the p erformance of the prop osed algorithms in terms of the

numb er of colors used in relation to the weighted chromatic numb er We

note here two exceptions A wellknown algorithm sometimes referred to as Fixed

Al location uses the fact that the underlying graph can b e colored The algorithm

uses three xed sets of colors one for each base color A vertex that has base color

uses colors from the rst set and a vertex that base color or uses colors from the

second or third sets resp ectively It is easy to show that this algorithm could use as

many as times the numb er of required colors Janssen et al prop ose a dierent

algorithm called Fixed Preference Al location that is guaranteed to use no more than

times the minimum numb er of colors required

In the next section we formally dene some basic terminology and problems In

Section we present optimal algorithms for multicoloring cycles and outerplanar

graphs In Section we address the question of multicoloring an arbitrary hexagon

graph Our main result is an ecient approximation algorithm with a p erformance

guarantee of within of the optimal Finally in Section we show how to imple


ment the ab ove algorithm in a distributed manner We conclude with a discussion

of future directions in Section


Let G V E w b e a hexagon graph with a nonnegative integer weight vector w

dened on the vertices of the graph where w v represents the numb er of calls to

b e served at vertex v We assume hereafter that G has a xed planar emb edding

with vertices and edges contained in the innite triangular lattice tessellation of the

plane Thus any vertex v can b e connected to at most neighb ors and for a xed

edge incident on v any other edge incident on v is at an angle of or

from that edge Since the triangular lattice is colorable in the ordinary sense

ie when each vertex has unit weight the underlying graph corresp onding to unit

weights at vertices of G is also colorable

A w coloring or multicoloring of the graph G V E w consists of a set of colors

C the color palette and a function f that assigns to each v V a subset f v of

the palette C such that

v jf v j w v each vertex gets w v distinct colors and

u v E f u f v two neighb oring vertices get disjoint sets of colors

The span of a multicoloring is the cardinality of the set C The weighted chro

matic number of G denoted G is the smallest numb er m such that there exists

a multicoloring of G of span m Thus given a hexagon graph G our ob jective is to

nd a multicoloring for G whose span is as close to G as p ossible


We note that in addition to showing the NPhardness of this problem McDiarmid and Reed

have also describ ed a dierent =approximate algorithm for the problem Our result was indep en

dently derived and unlike the McDiarmidReed algorithm has the advantage of b eing implementable

in a distributed setting

The only maximal cliques in G b eing edges and triangles we dene the weight of

an edge triangle in G to b e the sum of the weights of its endp oints ap exes Note


that the weight of any maximal clique of G is a lower b ound on G Let D and



D denote the resp ective maxima over the weights of edges and triangles in G and


[2] [3]

dene D maxfD D g Then if there exists a multicoloring of G with span



it follows that



We will assume without loss of generality that any palette of available colors can

b e suitably ordered or partitioned in particular we will often assume that vertices

are assigned colors from the circularly ordered interval M f M g where

M is a p ositive integer that dep ends on the particular graph under consideration

For instance when a vertex is assigned the subinterval of colors i j from the palette

it means that the vertex is colored with the set fi i j g in a cyclic manner

where color is assumed to follow the color M

Optimal Multicoloring of Cycles

Consider a hexagon graph G V E w with n vertices in the form of a simple

cycle lab eled u u u in clo ckwise order For simplicity let w i n

1 2 n i

denote the weight w u of vertex u We show that any such hexagon graph can b e

i i

optimal ly colored with exactly G colors There are two cases to consider dep ending

on whether n the numb er of vertices on the cycle is even or o dd

Supp ose that n m ie the graph consists of an even length cycle Then all


maximal cliques of G b eing edges D D is the maximum weight of an edge in the



cycle We observe that a very simple greedy strategy suces to multicolor G with the

color palette D The idea is to assign for i m the colors w to the

G 2i1

o ddnumb ered vertex u and the colors D w D to the evennumb ered

2i1 G 2i G

vertex u Noting that for i m


D w w and

G 2i1 2i

D w w

G 2i 2i+1

with subscripts interpreted cyclically it follows that the given multicoloring is prop er

By construction G D and the simple paritybased algorithm thus provides an


optimal multicoloring of G

We note that a very similar idea was already used in the cellular network literature

but it was only applied to networks consisting of simple paths it is easy to

see that this strategy works in general for any bipartite graph Unfortunately the

parity argument fails to multicolor o ddlength cycles precisely b ecause the underlying

unweighted o ddlength cycle needs at least three colors in any ordinary coloring For

instance if G is a cycle with weight on each vertex it is easy to see that G cannot

b e multicolored with D colors but needs colors instead


Denition Let G V E w be an oddlength simple cycle with vertices labeled

u u u m in clockwise order We dene

1 2 2m+1








eg D maxfD d




Theorem Let G V E w be a cycle of odd length n m Then

0 0

G D and G can be optimal ly multicolored with exactly D colors Further the


multicoloring can be obtained in time O n






e Pro of It is clear that D is a lower b ound on G we establish that d




and hence D is a lower b ound on G Since the size of an indep endent set in G


is at most m any single color can b e used only at m vertices or fewer in the cycle


The total numb er of colors needed at all vertices b eing w we conclude that








G d e Thus D is indeed a lower b ound on G




Next we show that G can b e colored with D colors using a linear time algorithm


this completes the pro of of the theorem We rst observe that there must b e a smal lest

index k k m which satises the inequality


2k +1

w k D


i=1 G

Note that this prop erty holds true for the index m from Denition and hence k

is welldened and can b e found easily in linear time

The vertices of the cycle are now colored as follows

Vertices u through u are assigned contiguous colors in a cyclic manner from

1 2k


the palette D Sp ecically for j k vertex u is assigned the colors



j j 1


w w

i i

i=1 i=1

cyclically By construction this ensures that the path u u u is prop erly

1 2 2k



multicolored since D D


Vertices u through u are colored based on their parity as in the even

2k +1 2m+1

cycle algorithm In particular for k i m the vertex u is assigned


0 0

the colors w if i is even or the colors D w D if i is o dd Again

i i


this ensures that the path u u u is prop erly multicolored

2k +1 2k +2 2m+1

0 0

Since vertex u has the colors w and vertex u the colors D w D

1 1 2m+1 2m+1


the edge u u is also prop erly multicolored All that remains is to verify that

1 2m+1

the edge u u is prop erly multicolored this is a consequence of the minimality

2k 2k +1


2k 1

of k for we know that w k D Hence no color assigned to u can b e

i 2k



0 0

among the colors D w D assigned to vertex u

2k +1 2k +1


We illustrate the lab eling scheme using a cycle with weight on each vertex as



an example As D maxf g we use the palette Since w


G i=1

0 0


D but w D we color the rst four vertices in a cyclic manner


G i=1 G

always taking the next four available colors in the palette For the last ve vertices we

assign colors as in a bipartite graph from the two ends of the interval Finally

we note that our algorithm can actually multicolor any cycle and not just cycles that

are hexagon graphs ie emb edded in the triangular lattice

Theorem can b e used to derive an optimal multicoloring of any outerplanar

graph A graph is said to b e outerplanar if it can b e emb edded in the plane so that

every vertex of G lies on the b oundary of the exterior face It is straightforward to

see that the weighted chromatic numb er of any graph is the maximum taken over the

weighted chromatic numb ers of its biconnected comp onents Thus it suces to con

sider a biconnected outerplanar graph any such graph is a cycle with nonintersecting

chords A biconnected outerplanar graph G without chords is a simple cycle and can

b e multicolored optimally using the construction in the pro of of Theorem Oth

erwise let u v b e a chord and let G and G b e the two parts of G on the sides of

1 2

this chord each one including the edge u v Recursively color G and G Relab el

1 2

the color assignment of G so that the colors assigned to u and v in G agree with

2 2

those assigned in G The following corollary is immediate


Corollary Let G V E w be an arbitrary outerplanar graph Then G can be

colored optimal ly using G colors

A careful implementation of the algorithm sketched ab ove results in a linear time

multicoloring We remark that Corollary applies to any outerplanar graph and

not just outerplanar hexagon graphs

Approximate multicoloring of hexagon graphs

In this section we consider the problem of computing an approximate multicoloring

of an arbitrary hexagon graph Since a hexagon graph may contain an o dd cycle as an


induced subgraph it follows as a consequence of Theorem that D the maximum


weight taken over all triangles is not always a tight b ound For example consider

a cycle where every vertex is given the weight k for some integer k While

[3] [2]

D D k for the graph we know from Theorem that G dk e We


cho ose a cycle b ecause it is the smallest o dd cycle that can b e an induced subgraph

of the triangular lattice This shows that any algorithm to color hexagon graphs must

[3] [3]

use at least dD e colors on some graphs G with triangle b ound D In fact we


demonstrate an ecient approximation algorithm that can multicolor any hexagon


graph using at most dD e colors and hence at most dGe colors


Without loss of generality we assume that G is connected since disconnected com

p onents of G can b e indep endently colored without any color conicts For simplicity


we let M dD e and we cho ose the following color palette in our algorithm Start


with a base coloring of G so that every vertex gets base color red blue or green With

each base color we asso ciate a class of M hues identied with the interval M

In addition we have at our disp osal a class of auxiliary purple hues again identied

with the interval M The entire collection of M distinct hues forms our color


The idea is to let each vertex v use as many hues from its base color class as

p ossible b efore trying to use hues either from the remaining two base classes or from

the auxiliary purple class We describ e the algorithm as pro ceeding in ve phases

we maintain the invariant that at the end of each phase the graph is partially but

correctly colored To facilitate reasoning ab out the correctness of the algorithm we

let G V E w denote the remaining graph after phase i i has b een

i i i i

completed We also assign an articial priority to vertices red vertices dominate over

blue ones which in turn dominate over green ones This priority scheme is used in

phases and to select in each case a suitable subset of vertices for partial coloring

We illustrate our algorithm with a running example shown in Figure a graph G


for which M D can easily b e veried to b e Hence the color palette consists


of colors equally divided among the red blue green and purple hues

A vertex v G is dened to b e light if w v M and to b e heavy otherwise This

distinction is critical to each of the the ve phases b elow

Phase Every vertex v is assigned the rst w v hues from its base color class in

particular the hues minfw v M g All the light vertices thus get completely 7 7

7 1 7 2 10 Red

1 10 3 8 Blue

7 1 7 Green

3 8 8 3 14

72 7

Figure A hexagon graph with initial weights

colored and are deleted from the graph The weight of every remaining heavy

vertex v is decreased by M resulting in the graph G


It is easy to see that G has no maximal cliques of size greater than b ecause


every triangle in G must contain at least one light vertex that is eliminated in the

rst phase Let H denote the subgraph of G induced by the degree vertices in G

1 1

Note that if a vertex v G has three neighb ors say in clo ckwise order in the xed


emb edding in G then the incident edges to the neighb ors form successive angles of


radians in order furthermore the geometry implies that all three neighb ors have

the same base color It follows that each connected comp onent in H contains vertices

that b elong to at most two base color classes Thus every connected comp onent of H

consists of either an isolated vertex or contains only red and blue or red and green

or blue and green vertices

Call a vertex v H a priority vertex if and only if it has the highest priority

among its neighb ors if any in H recall that red dominates blue which dominates

green Clearly the priority vertices form an indep endent set in fact a dominating

set in H

Phase Without loss of generality let v b e a red priority vertex in H with three

blue neighb ors in H Let g v b e the maximum among the weights of the

three green neighb ors of v these vertices must have b een light vertices in G

Then v can b orrow from among the last M g v green hues these suce to

color the remaining weight on v since all three blue neighb ors of v are heavy

vertices and hence w v M g v Accordingly v is assigned the green

1 r1-6 b1-6 1 1 1 1 c d b1-6 g1 r1-6 b1-2 g1-6 1 1 4 b g1 1 r1-6 b1-3 1 g1-6 4 a e b1-6 4 g1 r1-6 2 1 4 1 2 x g1-3 1 r1-6 b1-6 1 g1-3 r1-6 g5-6 u v t 12 2 1 8 2 8 y b1-6 g1-2 r1-6 1 1

(a) (b)

Figure Color assignment during a Phase and b Phase

hues M g v M and eliminated from further consideration Note that

the partial color assignment at the end of phase has no color conicts among

neighb ors and the remaining graph is designated G


Figure details the partial color assignment at the end of phase and phase

resp ectively Note that the six red hues are denoted as r and so forth in the

gure Since the subset of priority vertices eliminated in phase is a dominating set

of H the degree vertices of G every remaining vertex in G now has degree at

1 2

most Equivalently the connected comp onents of G consist of isolated vertices


cycles and paths in the triangular grid Note also that any edge of G has a residual


weight of at most M a consequence of the denition of heavy vertices If the graph

G contains only even cycles or paths then we can color all the vertices using the M


purple colors However G may contain isolated vertices and o dd cycles In the next


phase we essentially eliminate al l p otential cycles in G


Call a vertex v G a corner vertex if and only if it has two neighb ors x y of the


same base color class in G such that the angle subtended at v by the incident edges


v x and v y is exactly radians Further a corner vertex v is a priority vertex

in G if and only if v has the highest priority among all its neighb ors if any that are


also corner vertices It is not dicult to see that the subset of priority vertices in G


forms an indep endent set in G Also every corner vertex is either itself a priority


vertex or is adjacent to a priority vertex hence the subset of priority vertices is

a dominating set of the subgraph induced by the corner vertices in G Finally by


denition every cycle in G contains at least one corner vertex Thus coloring priority


vertices and eliminating them also breaks all cycles For example in Figure b a x p Red t u r Blue v Green

b y q

Figure Lo cal geometry around a blue priority vertex v in Phase

0 0

the vertices lab eled v v and x are corner vertices of G among them v and v are


priority vertices

Phase Without loss of generality let v b e a blue priority vertex in G with red


neighb ors x and y in G as shown in Figure Note that u denotes the third


neighb or of v of the same base color class as x and y It is also easy to see from

priority considerations that x and y must b e noncorner vertices and hence the

blue vertices p and q must b e light vertices While u is absent in G there are


two p ossibilities

i u was eliminated in phase ie w u let g v b e the maximum


over the weights of v s green neighb ors ie vertices a b and t in Figure

in G Since u did not participate in phase v can b orrow from among the

last M g v green hues these suce since two of v s red neighb ors are heavy

vertices and hence w v M g v Accordingly v is assigned the green hues


M w v M and eliminated


ii u was a priority vertex in phase consider a and b the common light

green neighb ors of u and v in G Let w b e the maximum among w a and w b


and recall that u was assigned the last w u green hues M w u M

1 1

during Phase Since w v w u w M it app ears that v could b orrow

2 1 ab

the green hues w w w v from the midd le of the green sp ectrum

ab ab 2

However we must ensure that this assignment will not conict with the green

hues assigned to t see Figure

If w t w then clearly the new assignment do es not conict with prior


color assignments However if w t w then we can recolor t as follows its


original assignment of the rst w t green hues in phase is changed so that t

now uses the rst w and the last w t w green hues The new assignment

ab ab g2 1 1 1 p1 1 p1-4

1 g2-5 b4-5 4

1 1 p1 p1

g3-4 g6-2

1 1 8 p1 p1 p1-6,b5-6

(a) (b)

Figure Color assignment during a Phase and b Phase

to t cannot conict with the green hues w w w v b orrowed by v

ab ab 2

since w t w v M


It remains to verify that recoloring t do es not cause a cascading conict with any

other neighb or of t Clearly such a conict could o ccur only if some other neighb or of

t also b orrows green hues in Phases or From the observations ab ove we conclude

that this would b e imp ossible for vertices x y they are not priority vertices in either

phase and p q they are light in G The only remaining p ossibility viz vertex r is

not a problem either r could not have b een a priority vertex in phase since it has

three consecutive light neighb ors p t and q and if it were a corner vertex in phase

it would have green neighb ors in G and would b orrow blue hues Figure a


depicts the color assignment during phase for the running example note that the

light vertex lab eled t in Figure b is recolored as describ ed ab ove

Thus at the end of phase we have a correct partial assignment of colors and

furthermore the remaining graph G consists only of isolated vertices or straightline


paths It is easy to see that any remaining isolated vertex may have a residual weight

b etween and M whereas the weight on every remaining edge is at most M

Phase To any isolated vertex v G we rst assign minfw v M g purple hues

3 3

If w v M then we still need to nd w v M M additional colors to

3 3

nish coloring v Without loss of generality we assume that v is a red vertex

and observe that all the neighb ors of v must have b een light vertices in G

Hence the blue green neighb ors of v must have had colors either assigned

to them in Phase or in Phase as a result of recoloring We claim that

v can still b orrow colors from either the blue or the green palettes without

conicting with any neighb oring assignment

From the description of phases and observe that the light neighb ors of v may

b e using colors from either end of their base color palettes Let b b b M

3 2 1

and g g g M b e the weights of v s blue and green neighb ors in G

3 2 1

resp ectively Clearly regardless of the manner in which the blue neighb ors are

assigned blue hues v has at least M b b hues available for its use from

1 2

the blue palette Likewise there are at least M g g green hues available

1 2

to g Since the green vertex with weight g forms a triangle in G with v and


either one of the blue vertices with weight b or with weight b In any event

1 2

M b g A similar argument shows that M g b It follows

2 1 2 1


maxfM b b M g g g

1 2 1 2

or in other words that v can obtain the remaining colors by b orrowing either

only blue hues or only green hues without any color conicts with assignments

prior to the phase

Figure b demonstrates the colors assigned in Phase to the remaining isolated

vertices in our running example At the end of phase the remaining graph consists

only of straightline paths ie paths in which any two consecutive edges subtend an

angle of degrees at the common vertex Further as noted ab ove every remaining

edge has a residual weight of at most M

Phase Since every remaining connected comp onent is a straightline path with a

weighted chromatic numb er of at most M it suces to use the greedy parity

based strategy describ ed in Section to nish coloring the graph using the M

purple hues This cannot cause any conict with previously colored vertices

since the purple hues were used only in Phase to color isolated vertices in P

the latter are disconnected from any remaining vertex in the current phase

Figure shows the entire color assignment constructed by our algorithm for the

running example The following result is immediate


Theorem An approximate multicoloring that uses no more than dD e colors


for any hexagon graph G V E w can be eciently computed in linear time r1-6,g2 b1-6,p1

b1-6,p1 g1 r1-6,p6 b1-2 g1-6,p1-4

g1 r1-6,g2-5 b1-3 g1-6,b4-5

b1-6,p1 g1 r1-6,p1 g1-3 r1-6,g5-6 g6-2

b1-6,g3-4 r1-6,p1-6,b5-6

b1-6,p1 g1-2 r1-6,p1

Figure Complete color assignment in the example graph

A distributed implementation

The algorithm given in the previous section has the additional prop erty that it can b e

implemented in a completely distributed manner We consider the hexagon graph as

mo deling a network of pro cessors base stations with each pro cessor resp onsible for

a single vertex in the hexagon graph The network has the same spatial emb edding as

the graph and pro cessors at neighb oring base stations in the network can exchange

lo cal information eciently For ease of description we will sometimes identify the

vertices of the hexagon graph with their pro cessors

In the xed planar emb edding of the innite triangular grid we can select an

arbitrary vertex to b e the origin and three directional axes that intersect the origin

one designated the horizontal axis and the remaining two at angles and

from the horizontal axis It is easy to see that any path in the graph where the angles

subtended by all intermediate edges in the path are exactly is oriented along one

of the three directional axes For every vertex we wish to assign a parity with respect

to each directional axis This can easily b e done as follows The parity of a vertex v

along the horizontal axis is dened to b e the parity of the length of the path oriented

along the horizontal axis from v to a vertex on the axis that intersects the origin

Similarly the parity of v along the axis axis is the parity of the length of

the path from v oriented along the axis axis to a vertex on the horizontal

axis intersecting the origin Thus given an arbitrary nite hexagon graph any path

in the graph that is oriented along one of the directional axes has a coloring that

can b e precomputed according to the parities of the vertices along the path

Our algorithm assumes that each pro cessor initially has access to the following


A base coloring for the graph is known each pro cessor knows whether its vertex

is red green or blue and also the color of each of its neighb ors

A coloring along each path oriented along a directional axis is known This

means each pro cessor knows three bits corresp onding to whether it has even or

o dd parity along each of the directional axes


The value of D is known this also implies that the division of base color


classes among pro cessors is known Additionally this implies that every vertex

has access to a known set of M purple hues if needed

The distributed algorithm consists of each pro cessor determining whether it should

participate in one or more of the ve phases of the approximation algorithm describ ed

in Section The algorithm starts with three rounds of information gathering after

which no more communication other than informing neighb ors of the current color

assignment is required essentially pro cessors can continue indep endently to compute

the hues to assign to themselves We describ e the communication rounds from the

p ersp ective of a xed pro cessor p

Round p sends its weight to each of its six neighb ors

Round Having received the weights of all its neighb ors p decides if it would b e a

degree vertex after Phase and sends this information a single bit to each

of its neighb ors This would b e the case if p is itself a heavy vertex and has

three neighb ors that are heavy vertices

Round The information received in the previous two rounds suces for p to decide

if it will b e a priority vertex in Phase as well as if any of its neighb ors will

b e priority vertices in Phase For instance p will b e a priority vertex if it

is a blue vertex with degree after phase either with no neighb ors that will

also b e degree vertices after phase or with green neighb ors of degree after

phase see Section

Next p determines if it will b e a corner vertex in phase and sends this in

formation a single bit to each of its neighb ors p is a corner vertex if all the

following conditions are met

p is a heavy vertex

p will not b e a priority vertex in Phase

p has exactly two neighb ors of the same color class that are heavy vertices

but not priority vertices in Phase

Round The information derived from Round enables p to determine if it will b e

a priority vertex in Phase as describ ed in Section If p would b e a priority

vertex in Phase and would fall into case ii of Phase then it has a light

neighb or say q that would need to b e recolored in that phase In this case p

sends a message to q with the maximum weight of its remaining two neighb ors

of the same color as q so that p can color itself appropriately

Round A light vertex that got a message to recolor itself in Round informs

all its neighb ors of how many colors it will use from the end of its base color

sp ectrum This enables an isolated vertex in its neighb orho o d to color itself

appropriately in Phase

From the weights of its neighb oring pro cessors and its limited global knowledge

and the information collected in the communication rounds describ ed ab ove a pro

cessor can easily compute the colors it will use in each of the ve phases Without

loss of generality consider a pro cessor that corresp onds to a blue vertex v G The

pro cessor emulates the ve phases of the sequential algorithm as follows

Phase If w v M the pro cessor assigns to itself the appropriate blue hues

Otherwise it assigns to itself all the blue hues reduces its weight by M and


Phase If the pro cessor is a priority vertex in Phase it simulates phase and

stops or else continues to phase Recall that the colors that a priority vertex

would b orrow from one of its neighb oring color class are the last colors from

that class thus no consultation is required with neighb ors to compute the colors

at a priority vertex

Phase If the pro cessor is a priority vertex in Phase it can determine the colors

it needs to b orrow from the appropriate neighb oring color class

If however the pro cessor is a light vertex that would have undergone recoloring

in phase of the sequential algorithm then it can emulate this b ehavior in the

distributed algorithm as well To do so it uses the information it received in

its neighb or in Round and recolors itself as describ ed in Section so that no

conict app ears among the blue colors

Phase If a pro cessor is an isolated vertex in this phase it assigns itself any purple

hues that it needs Additional colors that it may need are b orrowed from one

of the neighb oring color classes Since any of its light neighb ors that may have

recolored itself in the last phase sent information in Round ab out the numb er

of colors it would use from the end of its base color sp ectrum the pro cessor can

determine all colors used by its light neighb ors and can b orrow colors without

any p ossibility of conict

Phase Any vertex with unassigned colors at this stage lies along some straightline

path in the grid In particular it can detect its one or two incompletely assigned

neighb ors that lie along exactly one of the three directional axes The pro cessor

can easily compute the identity of the particular axis from the information

gathered after Round Dep ending on whether it is an even or o dd vertex

along this axis it assigns itself the necessary hues from the b eginning or end of

the set of purple hues as in the coloring for bipartite graphs


Theorem An approximate multicoloring that uses no more than dD e colors


for any hexagon graph G V E w can be eciently computed in constant time in a

completely distributed manner after an initial constant time

where each processor exchanges ve messages with each of its neighbors


In this pap er we have cast the problem of frequency assignment in cellular net

works as a multicoloring problem for hexagon graphs For some particular induced

subgraphs of hexagon graphs ie cycles and outerplanar graphs we show ecient

algorithms for multicoloring them using an optimal numb er of colors In Section

[3] [3]

we describ e a multicoloring algorithm that uses at most dD e colors where D


the maximum weight on any clique in G is a trivial lower b ound on the minimum


numb er of colors required We showed also a hexagon graph that requires dD e


colors Determining an exact b ound on G the weighted chromatic numb er of an

arbitrary hexagon graph is NPhard our results do establish that for all hexagon


graphs G G dD e Whether or not there is an approximation algorithm



for hexagon graphs which always uses at most dD e colors remains an intriguing


op en problem A useful feature of our algorithm is that it can b e implemented in a

distributed manner In contrast the algorithm of McDiarmid and Reed which

has the same p erformance ratio as ours seems inherently centralized and cannot b e

made distributed in any obvious way

An interesting avenue for future research is the generalized version of the problem

where the frequencies assigned at a particular vertex or at adjacent vertices are re

quired not merely to b e dierent but also to b e far enough apart Another recently

prop osed mo del considers arbitrary interference graphs with predened costs on

the edges these costs reect the interference p enalties when the same or adjacent

frequencies are assigned to neighb oring no des The ob jective here is to minimize the

total cost or equivalently the net interference of an assignment Finally the dynamic

version of the problem involves changing weights at vertices It would b e interesting

to see if the distributed algorithm we describ e in Section can b e adapted to work

in this setting and what b ounds can b e proved on its p erformance


We thank Jeannette Janssen for intro ducing us to the problem of channel assignment

and for comments that greatly improved the presentation of Section We are grateful

to the anonymous referees for their useful comments and for suggesting the current

form of Corollary


R Borndorfer A Eisenblatter M Grotschel and A Martin Frequency assign

ment in cellular phone networks Technical rep ort KnoradZuse Zentrum fur

Informationstechnik Berlin

D Dimitrijevic and J Vucetic Design and p erformance analysis of algorithms for

channel allo cation in cellular networks IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technol


W K Hale Frequency assignment Theory and applications Proceedings of the


J Janssen K Kilakos and O Marcotte Fixed preference frequency allo cation

for cellular telephone systems Unpublished manuscript April

T Kahwa and N Georganas A hybrid channel assignment scheme in large

scale cellularstructured mobile communication systems IEEE Transactions on


S Kim and S L Kim A twophase algorithm for frequency assignment in cellular

mobile systems IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology

C McDiarmid and B Reed Channel assignment and weighted coloring submitted

for publication

P Raymond Performance analysis of cellular networks IEEE Transactions on


W Wang and C Rushforth An adaptive lo calsearch algorithm for the channel

assignment problem Technical Rep ort August