Diocese of Providence Catholic Youth Ministry and Scout Awards Celebration

Sunday, March 12, 2017 at 1:00 p.m. Cathedral of Saints Peter and Paul Providence,

Celebrant and Homilist: The Most Reverend Thomas J. Tobin, D.D. of Providence


Liturgy in Memory of Rev. Roger L. Marot, Mrs. Angela Russo & Mr. John Bibeault, Jr.

I Live My Faith, Marian, Spirit Alive, Ad Altare Dei, Pope Pius XII Awards Bronze Pelican, St. George Emblem Companions on the Journey Award St. Timothy Award Bishop’s Award for Outstanding Service to Youth

Rev. Roger L. Marot 1925 -2016 Ordained June 3, 1950

We joyfully dedicate the 2017 Awards Booklet in Memory of Father Roger L. Marot. Father Marot spent his entire priestly ministry dedicated to CYO and Youth Ministry. He served as Director of Youth Ministry from 1977-1985 and was Regional Director of the CYO of Northern Rhode Island from 1953- 1989, and continued as Spiritual Director there until 2006.

Under his tireless leadership, the regional structure in the Diocese expanded to include Youth Centers in every Region (9 total). In addition his other most noteworthy achievements are the development of the: Search program, Acts 29 Service Program, Youth Diocesan Ministry Manual, training program for adults called the Youth Ministry Institute, mandatory Coaches Training for all CYO Coaches, structure for the first Youth and Adult Council models in the state.

It was an amazing life dedicated to the evangelization of youth and those who worked with them.

Father was a man of deep prayer, with a very special devotion to the Blessed Mother and an inspiring and capturing vision. The impact of his work and impassioned dedication will continue to be felt for years to come.

In deep gratitude to God for the profound influence Father Marot has had on the face of Youth Ministry in our diocese.

“My soul proclaims the greatness of the Lord, my Spirit finds joy in God my Savior.”

PROCESSION OF THE RECIPIENTS FOLLOWED BY THE ENTRANCE PROCESSION Posting of the Colors Color Guard, Representatives of the Boy Scouts and Girl Scouts

AMERICA THE BEAUTIFUL Text: Bates, Music: Ward 1. O beautiful for spacious skies, for amber waves of grain. For purple mountain majesties above the fruited plain. America! America! God shed His grace on thee, And crown thy good with brotherhood from sea to shining sea.

2. O beautiful for pilgrim feet whose stern, impassioned stress A thoroughfare for freedom beat across the wilderness. America! America! God mend thine ev’ry flaw, Confirm thy soul in self-control, thy liberty in law.

3. O beautiful for heroes proved in liberating strife, Who more than self their country loved, and mercy more than life. America! America! May God thy gold refine, ‘Til all success be nobleness, and ev’ry gain divine. Text: CMD, Katherine L. Bates 1859-1929. Music: Samuel A. Ward 1848-1903.

Entrance Hymn: LIFT HIGH THE CROSS Crucifer



First Reading: Genesis 12:1-4A Diocesan Leadership Team Member

Responsorial Psalm: “Lord, let your mercy be on us, as we place our trust in you.”

Second Reading: 2 Timothy: 8B-10 Diocesan Leadership Team Member

Gospel Acclamation: Haugen

Gospel: Matthew 17:1-9

Homily: Most Reverend Thomas J. Tobin, D.D.

Nicene Creed: I believe in one God, the Father almighty, maker of heaven and earth, of all things visible and invisible.

I believe in one Lord Jesus Christ, the Only Begotten Son of God, born of the Father before all ages. God from God, Light from Light, true God from true God, begotten, not made, consubstantial with the Father; through him all things were made. For us men and for our salvation he came down from heaven, and by the Holy Spirit was incarnate of the Virgin Mary, and became man.

For our sake he was crucified under Pontius Pilate, he suffered death and was buried, and rose again on the third day in accordance with the Scriptures. He ascended into heaven and is seated at the right hand of the Father. He will come again in glory to judge the living and the dead and his kingdom will have no end.

I believe in the Holy Spirit, the Lord, the giver of life, who proceeds from the Father and the Son, who with the Father and the Son is adored and glorified, who has spoken through the prophets. I believe in one, holy, Catholic and apostolic Church. I confess one Baptism for the forgiveness of sins and I look forward to the resurrection of the dead and the life of the world to come. Amen.

Prayer of the Faithful: Diocesan Leadership Team Member

The Offertory collection will be for the Cathedral , who so kindly share this beautiful house of worship.


Preparation of the Gifts: YOU ARE MINE Haugen

Holy, Holy Mystery of Faith Great Amen Lamb of God

Communion Song: AT THAT FIRST EUCHARIST Unde et Memores

Closing Prayer and Final Blessing:

Following the final blessing, Bishop Tobin will leave in procession. After which Bishop Tobin will return to the Sanctuary to preside over the presentations portion of our program. We ask that all honorees, award recipients and their families remain quietly seated as those attending the Sunday Mass only leave the Cathedral.


Acknowledgements for copyright permission: Music reprinted under the following licenses: OneLicense.net A-700207


Thank you to all who helped in making this celebration a joyous occasion, especially Bishop Tobin, Father Adam Young, Scout Chaplain, Sr. M. Diane Russo, RSM, Pastoral Associate for Catholic Scouting the concelebrants, all liturgical ministers, diocesan leadership team and scout ushers, with a very special thanks to Mr. Philip Faraone, Cathedral organist and Mr. Nicholas LaRoche, the cantor for today’s Mass.

Congratulations to all recipients and our heartfelt thanks to all nominators, pastors, principals and families, for supporting these Catholic Scouts, youth and youth ministry leaders.


Most Rev. Thomas J. Tobin, D.D., Bishop of Providence Louise M. Dussault, Director of Catholic Youth Ministry Patricia A. Kane, Associate Diocesan Director of Catholic Youth Ministry Rev. Adam A. Young, Diocesan Scout Chaplain Sr. M. Diane Russo, RSM, Pastoral Associate Catholic Scouting Mr. Timothy P. Dean, Chairman, Bishop’s Catholic Committee on Scouting Mrs. Susan A. Vargas, Youth Minister, Rejoice in Hope Youth Center


To view or order photos from today’s Celebration, please visit www.thericatholic.com, then click on the ‘buy photos’ in the upper right hand corner of the page. Also, don’t miss next week’s edition of the RI Catholic for coverage and photos of today’s celebration. To subscribe, please call 401-272-1010.

You are welcome to take your own photographs with Bishop Tobin immediately following the ceremony. Please listen for instructions from the podium. Please form an orderly line in the appointed area. Thank you for your cooperation.

Experience the Power of the Presence of the Lord!

“Glorify” is centered around Eucharistic Adoration and engaging faith-filled music. Each “Glorify” evening has a unique theme, music, guest speaker, and culminates with Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament.

2017 DATES:

Monday, April 3 Monday, May 1 7:00 pm – 8:30 pm 7:00 pm – 8:30 pm SPEAKER: “Grill the Seminarians” Rejoice in Hope Youth Center (of the Diocese of Providence) 804 Dyer Avenue Rejoice in Hope Youth Center Cranston, Rhode Island 804 Dyer Avenue Cranston, Rhode Island Cranston, Rhode Island

Monday, June 5 7:00 pm – 8:30 pm Rejoice in Hope Youth Center 804 Dyer Avenue Cranston, Rhode Island

The Sacrament of Reconciliation is available to all at 6:45 pm and 8:30 pm.

www.glorifyprovidence.org www.facebook.com/glorifyprovidence


The Companions on the Journey Award is the highest adult recognition from the National Federation for Catholic Youth Ministry. It is given annually in the Diocese of Providence to Catholic adults who have been active members in parish, school, and/or diocesan activities for youth for at least five years. Recipients are appreciated for their excellence in Catholic youth ministry as reflected in Catholic Conference of Bishop’s Document, Renewing the Vision: A Framework for Catholic Youth Ministry. They embody a commitment to on-going education and formation, achieved longevity in ministry with outstanding commitment to young people and exemplary leadership locally and/or in diocesan programs.


2017 Companions on the Journey Recipients

Congratulations to all recipients!

Recipient Nominator / Category Parish Pamela Butler Deanery III St. James, Manville Kaitlyn Dalpe Fr. Marot CYO Center St. Agatha, Woonsocket Frank Feeney Catholic Athletic League St. Mary, North Attleboro, MA Roger Fontaine Deanery VIII St. John the Evangelist, Slatersville Marie Handren Deanery VIII St. Philip, Greenville Joan Morin Mount St. Charles Academy St. James, Manville Kristen Murphy St. Raphael Academy St. Teresa of the Child Jesus, Pawtucket Eduardo Pereira Deanery I Our Lady of Fatima, Cumberland Jo-Anna Perfetto Rejoice in Hope Youth Center St. Ann, Providence William Ryan Fr. Marot CYO Center St. Paul Parish, Blackstone, MA


2017 COMPANIONS ON THE JOURNEY RECIPIENTS In the words of their nominators

PAMELA BUTLER Deanery III St. James, Manville Pam is one who brings out the light within young people and inspires them to make that light shine. She is vibrant in her ways and shows a deep love of her faith as she lives her ministry with joy and hope.

KAITLYN DALPE Fr. Marot CYO Center St. Agatha, Woonsocket Kaitlyn’s willingness to serve Christ is very visible in all she does. This willingness and love she has for her faith drives her to be an advocate for all youth who enter the CYO Center and parish doors.

FRANK FEENEY Catholic Athletic League St. Mary, North Attleboro, MA Frank is a leader in the Church through his actions, words and deeds. He treats others with respect, yet holds individuals accountable to uphold the mission of the CAL. Above all, Frank is truly emblematic of “the Coach as a Youth Ministry” in his interactions with all youth and their parents.

ROGER FONTAINE Deanery VIII St. John the Evangelist, Slatersville Roger has certainly embraced the role of “Companion on the Journey” with the young people of St. John the Evangelist. In his position as Youth Choir director, Roger shares his gift of music, but more importantly challenges and inspires the young people of the parish to explore their Catholic faith.

MARIE HANDREN Deanery VIII St. Philip, Greenville Re’s humble and loving nature has led our teens to affectionately call her “Momma Re”. She leads by example, especially in her service to the poor.

JOAN MORIN Mount St. Charles Academy St. James, Manville Jesus gives witness to His apostles of service by washing their feet and instructing them that He has given them a model so as He has done so they must do for one another. Joan embodies Christ’s message to His apostles by caring for His children and helping them to grow in a most loving and compassionate way.

KRISTEN MURPHY St. Raphael Academy St. Teresa of the Child Jesus, Pawtucket Kristen’s generosity in giving of herself, humbly stepping in wherever needed in order to assist the students and her fellow faculty is exceptional. Her witness is in the lived witness of faith-filled humility and service to others.

EDUARDO PEREIRA Deanery I Our Lady of Fatima, Cumberland Eddy has a beautiful soul. He is a very faithful man and as a father is a great witness to his faith. Our church is a better place because of him and he is long overdue to receive acknowledgement for his dedicated service.

JO-ANNA PERFETTO Rejoice in Hope Youth Center St. Ann, Providence Jo-Anna loves God and her Church. Her gentle, humble spirit enables her to be a compassionate presence to those who are fortunate to encounter her. Jo-Anna lives her life responding to her baptismal call to love God and others through service.

WILLIAM RYAN Fr. Marot CYO Center St. Paul, Blackstone, MA Bill has been active at the Fr. Marot CYO Center for many years, ever generous with his time, talent and treasure. Always with a smile and sense of humor, he provides wisdom and expertise that has been invaluable in helping the Fr. Marot CYO navigate toward the future.


The St. Timothy Award is a national award given annually in the Diocese of Providence to outstanding juniors and seniors in high school or early college years, who  Live as disciples of Christ, setting a positive example for others  Witness to their faith by exhibiting Catholic morals and integrity  Demonstrate Gospel values through service to others  Exhibit Christian leadership in parish, school, and/or community settings This award from the National Federation for Catholic Youth Ministry is the highest honor a diocese may present to a Catholic youth. 


Congratulations to all recipients!

Recipient Nominator / Category Parish Matthew Bacon LaSalle Academy St. Joseph, Scituate Joseph Baxter Deanery VIII St. Philip, Greenville Gabrielle Bianco St. Gregory the Great, Warwick Dana Demaire Fr. Marot CYO Center St. Joseph, Woonsocket Will Fontaine Fr. Marot CYO Center Sacred Heart, Woonsocket Julia Hurley St. Raphael Academy St. Margaret, Rumford Nicholas Jones Bishop Hendricken High School St. Kevin, Warwick Christopher Kenney Rejoice in Hope Youth Center St. Peter, Warwick Madeleine LaPlante Deanery VIII St. John the Evangelist, Slatersville Andrew Larivee Mount St. Charles Academy All Saints, Woonsocket Emma Mendes Deanery I St. Mary, Pawtucket Lauren Pereira Deanery III Our Lady of Fatima, Cumberland Alexandra Pina Deanery III St. Patrick, Cumberland Kaleigh Poirier Rejoice in Hope Youth Center St. Joseph, Pascoag Reanna Robitaille Deanery III St. James, Manville Nathan Swass Deanery II St. Theresa/St. Christopher, Tiverton

2017 ST. TIMOTHY AWARD RECIPIENTS In the words of their nominators

MATTHEW BACON LaSalle Academy St. Joseph, Scituate Matt is a example of faith, service and integrity to all at LaSalle Academy. In his active involvement with Campus Ministry through retreats, service trips, and community engagement, Matt leads by example. He is one of the very best at LaSalle Academy.

JOSEPH BAXTER Deanery VIII St. Philip, Greenville Joe has a deep love for God and His Church. You can see him at the Parish many days a week, volunteering, altar serving, setting up for life nights and more. Joe seeks to live his life as Jesus would want.

GABRIELLE BIANCO The Prout School St. Gregory the Great, Warwick Gabby is an exemplary model of her Catholic faith. She is selfless, and determined to positively affect the world not only through her own actions, but also by encouraging others to do the same.

DANE DEMAIRE Fr. Marot CYO Center St. Joseph, Woonsocket Dana’s love of Christ shines through her smile and welcoming attitude. She will always make sure everyone who is in her presence is never alone. She reaches out to all just as Jesus did.

WILL FONTAINE Fr. Marot CYO Center Sacred Heart, Woonsocket Will is a true example of living out one’s faith. He quotes Scripture and shares his knowledge of his faith to all he meets. His love for Jesus is a true inspiration to everyone.

JULIA HURLEY St. Raphael Academy St. Margaret, Rumford Julia’s dedication to service and her recognition of the needs of others are a blessing to all at St. Raphael Academy. Her commitment and hard work speak as a testimony to her high personal standards and character.

NICHOLAS JONES Bishop Hendricken High School St. Kevin, Warwick Nick follows the words of St. Francis, “preach the gospel always; use words when necessary”. He is a young man who truly believes and lives out his faith on a daily basis and serves as an awesome example to our youth as a follower of Jesus Christ.

CHRISTOPHER KENNEY Rejoice in Hope Youth Center St. Peter, Warwick Chris radiates a joy that comes from his relationship with Christ. Through his good humor, he embodies a non-judgmental and welcoming presence to all, reflecting the love of God in his relationships and actions.

MADELEINE LAPLANTE Deanery VIII St. John the Evangelist, Slatersville Maddie has discovered what it means to be a person of faith, to rely on that faith, and to share that faith with others in word and example. Like the disciple Andrew, Maddie invites others to know Jesus, and Andrew’s words, “We have found the Messiah” are reflected in her actions. (Jn 1:41)

ANDREW LARIVEE Mount St. Charles Academy All Saints, Woonsocket Andrew a true disciple of Christ who is genuine and compassionate to others.

EMMA MENDES Deanery I St. Mary, Pawtucket My involvement in youth ministry has brought me into contact with an extensive amount of young people. It is rare though, that I encounter someone as gifted and well-rounded as Emma. Her willingness to take on challenges and accept responsibility has proven her to be a remarkable person.

LAUREN PEREIRA Deanery III Our Lady of Fatima, Cumberland Lauren is a bright light in our Church. Her smile is infectious and her faith is front and center. She is a wonderful witness for the children who always surround her and are drawn to her.

ALEXANDRA PINA Deanery III St. Patrick, Cumberland Ally is a special young lady who uses the gifts the Lord has given her with joy to help the parish and the less fortunate. She is involved in almost every parish event. She possesses a generous heart and brings the image of Christ to all the people she meets.

KALEIGH POIRIER Rejoice in Hope Youth Center St. Joseph, Pascoag Kaleigh’s love for God is clearly evident in how she lives her life. All of her activities and involvements are centered around her faith in some way, usually serving others. Her quiet presence is a calming gift of God’s peace to all who know her.

REANNA ROBITAILLE Deanery III St. James, Manville It is very clear that Reanna in her young life has already chosen a path of love and service. Whether in simple acts or difficult ones, in service to her parish, Reanna gives the best that she has. Her priorities are set straight especially in living her Catholic faith.

NATHAN SWASS Deanery II St. Theresa/St. Christopher, Tiverton Although a quiet individual, Nathan with his kindhearted, helpful ways shows a true example through his life of how it is to live WWJD!

Search A Roman Catholic Weekend retreat for youth

led by a dynamic team of your peers!

The team will lead participants in group work, prayer, personal reflection, fun activities, and a lot of laughs! SEARCH offers an opportunity for you to take a step away from the busy-ness of life and focus on what really matters: your understanding of yourself as a disciple, your relationships with others, and most importantly your relationship with God. SEARCH is not just a retreat; it’s a chance to change your life!

April 28-30, 2017 Rejoice in Hope Youth Center 804 Dyer Avenue, Cranston (401) 942-6571 BISHOP’S AWARD FOR OUTSTANDING SERVICE TO YOUTH In Recognition and Appreciation

The "Bishop's Award For Outstanding Service To Youth" is the highest award presented in the Diocese of Providence to honor a person who has given outstanding and long-time service to youth. The 82 year history of continuous youth programming in this diocese is a sign of our many deep commitment and support of young people and those who minister to them – we are most grateful for this blessing. Bishop Tobin continues this wonderful tradition in today’s presentation to:


John is the son of George and Frances Boni. He is married to Donna and they have two children, Matthew and Emily. He is presented this Award for his outstanding service in Youth Ministry both at St Joseph Church and the Fr. Marot CYO Center in Woonsocket. John has served as the President of the Board of Directors for the last four years.

“My involvement in Youth Ministry has meant growing in my own faith while helping young people discover their own. While accompanying youth through teaching, prayer, activities and relationship, I am surprised how much I learn about Church and my relationship with Jesus. It means a great deal to me to do a small part to help provide a place where young people can explore their faith in an environment where everyone belongs. Through the years, it is particularly rewarding to see young people grow and remain in love with their Church, offering their gifts as catechists, youth ministers, lectors or on occasion, priests or religious.”


1980 Mr. J. Joseph McKenna 1992 Mr. John J. McLaughlin 1981 Albert J. Cerrito 1993 Miss Geri Rita 1982 Monsignor Edmund J. Brock 1994 Mr. Albert Lavallee 1983 Rev. Edward J. Carr 1995 Mr. Michael Hickey 1984 Mrs. Geneva LaMountain 1996 Rev. Stephen P. Amaral 1985 Mr. Clarence Brousseau 1998 Rev. Paul R. Grenon 1986 Rev. Roger L. Marot 1999 Rev. Barry J. Gamache 1987 Mrs. Patricia Russell 2000 Mr. Edward L. McManus 1988 Mrs. Lauretta DeNoncour 2001 Mrs. Catherine Schmitz 1989 Rev. Ernest Berthelette 2002 Mrs. Peg Roberts 1990 Rev. Bernard Kenny, O.P. 2003 Miss Elaine Choiniere 1991 Rev. Paul Desmarais 2010 Miss Fernande T. Dery


Supporting Catholic Youth Ministry with a donation of $200 or more Most Reverend Thomas J. Tobin James and Katherine Brennan Donna & Roger Dussault Paul & Rosie Dussault St. James Parish St. Kevin Parish Richard & Lyse Lepine LaSalle Academy St. Luke’s School Bishop Robert E. Mulvee The Picards The Prout School Atty. & Mrs. William H. Ryan Don Sullivan St. Thomas More, Narragansett BENEFACTORS Supporting Catholic Youth Ministry with a donation of $150 Gene and Celeste Baillargeon Fr. Bob Hawkins Fr. Chris Murphy PATRON Supporting Catholic Youth Ministry with a donation of $100 Cavanagh Company Fr. Kevin Brassil Jean Cedor CFL-USJB Chapter 2 Joan & Michael Falcone The Hasegawa’s Rev. Michael A. Kelley Fr. John Kiley Diane & Rick Nunes Ronald & Veronica Procopio St. Paul School Penny Rinfret Rev. Bertrand L. Theroux Mr. Daniel Vargas SPONSORS Supporting Catholic Youth Ministry with a donation of $50 Msgr. Peter Blessing Council Robert M. Brady Dan & Christine Daneault Fr. Richard Desaulniers Joseph DeStefano Michael & Jeanne Hickey Ray & Lee Kulacz Joseph and Lillian McIntyre Rosemary B Miguel St. Pius V School Rev. Msgr. Paul D. Theroux Rev. Charles Zanoni

Congratulations Ally Pina! “Congratulations Emma Mendes, we are so very proud of you!” May you always be open to God’s abundant love and blessings! The Parishioners of St. Mary’s of the Immaculate Conception Church YTB!!!! Pawtucket Father Woodhouse

To: Grace Pelletier

You are amazing! You are an inspiration to others with your strong spirit and faith. Always be true to who you are.

We love you, Mom, Dad, Jillian, Michael, Nicholas & Ayvah


Alannah Lee and Hailey McDonald!

Tracy, Lynne and Linda and the Girl Scouts of Troop 741


Congratulations on earning your Marian Medal

You have learned so much about Our Lady May you cherish and stay close to her all your life

Love, Dad, Mom, Caroline, Rebecca and Peter

Congratulations Alannah Lee

Parishioners at St. Agatha and Precious Blood are proud of you!

Congratulations, Peter Labonte

We are so very proud of you!

Love, Mom, Dad and Olivia

Gabrielle, May God always give you the courage to lead with your heart. May He bless you and keep you in His loving care.

We love you and are so proud of you, Mom, Dad, Bella, Allie, Maddie and George

“Thank You” Mrs. Primmer & Father Codega St. Brendan Church Riverside, RI For Your Teachings, Guidance, Love and Support! James R. Davey, IV

Congratulations Matthew Bacon

We are very proud of you and love you very much!

Love, Mom, Dad and Christina XO

“Thank You” "Catherine, we are so proud of you! Troop 55 – Riverside, RI Love Mom, Dad, Emily, Aidan and For Your Nathan." Love and Support! "Congratulations Catherine! The Family of James R. Davey, IV Your friends from Troop 029"

Jane, When you are in need, turn to Mary, and she will bring you home.

With love from Mom and Dad

CONGRATULATIONS James R. Davey, IV Troop 55 – Riverside, RI

We are so very proud of you!

Love, Mom, Dad & Alexander Gee-Gee & Peter

Our heartfelt appreciation to all our Award Recipients!

May God continue to bless your generous service!





Coaches Meeting MINIMUM OF 8 Thursday th April 27 MATCHES PLAYED

SPRING 2017 SUNDAY DIOCESE OF PROVIDENCE AFTERNOON Co-Ed for 13 – 19 yr olds “Mini” Volleyball League MATCHES*

Match dates: May 21st, *May 28th, June 4th, June 11th *(negotiable if need be)


st Please Register by Friday, April 21


Team Name: CATHOLIC YOUTH STRY Diocese of Providence Coach/Contact: One Cathedral q Providence, RI 02903 Telephone: (401) 278-4626 youthministry@ Email: dioceseofprovidence.org Providence