Spring workshop attendees at the North Dakota State Library

Student searching the shelves at UND Chester Fritz Library

Anyone can use computers at the Grand Forks Public Library

BSC Library Student Art Show

Game day at the BSC students puzzling Bismarck Public Library t 2010 Conference Update t North Dakota Correctional System Libraries t Privacy, Censorship, and Net Neutrality t People’s Choice Award Winner

INSIDE t Lego Building Time Table of Contents President’s Message...... 3 Conference Update...... 4 North Dakota Correctional System Libraries...... 5 Privacy, Censorship, Net Neutrality, and Maintaining our First Amendment Rights...... 6 It’s Lego Building Time at the Minot Public Library...... 8 People Stuff...... 10 The Dakota Institute Press...... 11 Canoe Kudos Nomination Form...... 11 Nominations Are Now Open for NDLA Awards...... 12 Books in Print for North Dakota Correctional Libraries...... 12 People’s Choice: Krista Tiller...... 13 SnapShotND! One Day in the Life of ND Libraries.....13 Published quarterly by the Dakota Gold Cookbook and History...... 14 North Dakota Library Association Grant Money Available for Professional Editorial Committee Development...... 15 Marlene Anderson, Chair On the DOCket...... 16 Karen Anderson Joan Erickson Browsing in the Cyberstacks...... 18 Production Artist North Dakota in Print...... 20 Clearwater Communications, Robin Pursley North Dakota’s Top Illustrated Children’s Books...... 22 Subscription Rate Good Stuff from Around the State...... 23 $25/year NDLA Membership Report...... 27 Advertising Rates Consider Joining The Good Stuff Editorial (per issue) Committee...... 27 $100 – full-page ad TechTips & More...... 28 $50 – half-page ad Treasurer’s Report...... 30 $25 – quarter-page ad NDLA Membership Form...... 31 For information contact: 2009-2010 NDLA Executive Board...... 32 Marlene Anderson, Chair The Good Stuff Editorial Committee

Editorial Policy The Good Stuff welcomes your comments and suggestions. We reserve the right to edit letters/articles for publication. Deadlines for Articles/News Submission Please include your name and address when writing. Letters should be sent to Marlene Anderson, P.O. Box Issue Deadline 5587, Bismarck, ND 58506-5587, The Good Stuff Editorial Committee, or e-mail: [email protected] August 2010...... Friday, June 25, 2010 (pre-conference issue) Submission Guidelines & Deadlines December 2010...... Friday, October 29, 2010 Consider submitting news and articles via e-mail! Send your articles/news to any of the following e-mail addresses:

[email protected] [email protected] Minutes and Reports are linked to [email protected]

The Good Stuff - Page 2 - June 2010 President’s Message By Laurie McHenry, NDLA President

What has been happening is a grant that is automatically awarded to all since the last message I who qualify and apply! Seriously, if your library wrote? Annual conference qualifies and you fill out the application, you planning has been kicked into are awarded a grant. The current rounds of full gear and promises much. competitive grants began April 15, 2010, with The theme is “Libraries: A an application deadline of September 24, 2010. Census.” Where? Grand Forks The next grant round will begin September 1, Alerus Center and Canad 2010. The grant categories are: Participate in the Inns. When? September Statewide Online Catalog through WorldCat; 29-October 2, 2010. For the third year in a row, Innovative Partnership with a Non-Library continuing education credit for school librarians Entity; and Public Library Training Lab. For more will be offered. Read more about the conference information, check the North Dakota State Library elsewhere in this publication and keep checking web site, Librarian Resources, Coordinating the web site for the most current information: Council. One of the more creative competitive grants is the Innovative Partnership with a Non- Library entity. This is your opportunity to think Are you in need of money to attend the outside the box. This grant is totally open-ended NDLA conference, or some other conference and provides a wonderful opportunity to partner or workshop? Don’t forget that NDLA offers with the community to enhance library services. professional development grants! Check NDLA’s web site for all the information you need to apply NDLA members who have ideas for future grant for a professional development grant: www.ndla. offerings should contact the NDLA President. The info/profdev.htm. President of NDLA sits on this council during the year in which he/she presides as a representative At the March North Dakota Library Coordinating of the Association. Council (NDLCC) meeting, Library Vision 2014 was adopted. Preceding the adoption was a As you enjoy your summer, keep in mind that hearing which, in addition to oral testimony, the North Dakota legislature will be meeting included the reading of emailed comments with in 2010-2011. We will need to be in constant regard to the document. The testimony and communication and may be called upon to write readings were important for the Council to hear letters or offer testimony. While you are lounging and provided stimulus for lengthy discussion in the sun, think about the marketing you can do amongst the Council, not only with regard to before the legislature meets; tell everyone you Library Vision 2014, but with regard to future meet how important libraries are. Gather your education concerning the role of the NDLCC and stories; these are powerful tools for informing the North Dakota State Library. policymakers. We must continually look for new ways to let the public and our government After the adoption of Library Vision 2014, officials know that the Internet has not replaced available at the North Dakota State Library’s libraries, what they do, and what they mean to web site, the Council looked at future grant people! opportunities. The mini-grant for resource sharing

The Good Stuff - Page 3 - March 2010 Conference Update

By Rita Ennen, NDLA President-elect and Conference Chair

Planning is in high gear for the 2010 NDLA Conference. The conference is scheduled for September 29 - October 2, 2010, at the Alerus Center in Grand Forks. Our theme is “Libraries: a Census.” The New Oxford American Dictionary defines a census as an official count or survey of a population recording various details. In this year of the official national census, we look for- ward to surveying our North Dakota libraries to see what is happening and what we can learn from each other.

Our keynote speaker will be Joe Raiola, come- dian and senior editor of Mad Magazine. He will be sharing his nationally acclaimed program, The Joy of Censorship, in which he uses comedy and survivor-type game night in addition to the infor- satire to examine first amendment rights issues mative and educational sessions we look forward like banned books, movie ratings, the Patriot Act, to every year. and Internet filters. We will also be treated to a presentation of some of Mad’s most controversial, For the third consecutive year, continuing edu- thought-provoking, and outrageous covers and cation credit at the conference will be offered articles. For more information about Joe Raiola, through Valley City State University. The credit(s) view his website at will apply toward school Library Media Specialist html. credential renewal in the Current Issues track. We hope many of you will take advantage of this The local arrangements committee is hard at great opportunity to receive credit while network- work planning to highlight some special libraries ing with other librarians. If you have questions in Grand Forks. We invite you to come early on about the continuing education credit, contact Wednesday and tour the North Dakota School for Donna James ([email protected], 701-845- the Blind and learn about their services. During 7279). the opening reception Wednesday evening, we will have a special screening of the movie, The Watch the conference web pages at www.ndla. Hollywood Librarian. Plans are also in the works info/Conference/10conf.htm for updates. We for another book cart decorating contest and a hope to see many of you in Grand Forks!

Libraries: A Census

The Good Stuff - Page 4 - June 2010 North Dakota Correctional System Libraries By Konnie Wightman, System Librarian, North Dakota Department of - Update & Volunteer Opportunity Corrections and Rehabilitation

Last year I wrote an article (The Good Stuff, June rely on shelf lists of what is available. Those who 2009, p. 6) about the four libraries in the North can get into correctional library facilities have Dakota Correctional System and about what I do a hard time finding what they want using LC. I as system librarian for those facilities. hope to change from LC to the Dewey Decimal classification system in the near future. All of the Of the four facilities, the North Dakota State new books and donated books that we are adding Penitentiary (high security) has about 10,000 are being cataloged using the Dewey Decimal books, which are cataloged using the Library of system. Congress (LC) classification system. The Missouri River Correctional Center in Bismarck (low How You Can Help security) has 3 to 5,000 books of which maybe I would like to encourage any of you living in the 10% are cataloged using LC. In Jamestown at Bismarck-Mandan, Jamestown, or New England the James River Correctional Center, which is areas to volunteer some of your time to help me medium security, there are between 7 and 8,000 catalog the uncataloged and donated books using books cataloged in LC. At the Dakota Women’s the Follett catalog system. It is copy cataloging Correctional and Rehabilitation Center in New and I have library workers in each facility putting England, there are 5 to 7,000 books, which are information into databases in order to search for not cataloged at all. and find matches for what we have on hand. Because the copy cataloging cannot be done Last spring, we received a nice infusion of money inside any of the walls, I do it at home, although from the Director of Correctional Systems, Leann it can be done from any Internet connection, Bertsch, and purchased over $21,000 worth of such as a computer lab setting. It’s quite an easy books and educational materials. Many of our process. As of now, I probably have enough data books are donated and many of them are not to find records for 3 to 5,000 books. Once the current, so we based our purchases on a number cataloging is uploaded on a flash drive, I take it of surveys done in the facilities and a study of the inside the walls and link each record to the book. titles, authors, and subjects the patrons request The environment is very safe and secure any time through interlibrary loan. I work there.

We use the Destiny library automation system, If you have the time and inclination to aid our which can be used as a union catalog, and that state correctional system, I would welcome your is the concept I am trying to put in place. My help. If you want to find out more, please call goal is to get all of the books cataloged to create me anytime at 701.202.0307. If I don’t answer, a union catalog, so patrons can request books leave your name and number and I will get back that are within the system and take advantage of to you. the robust delivery system between the facilities. Hopefully, this will help lower the number of I truly believe that having a good library inside a books requested through the North Dakota State correctional system is as important as providing Library from other libraries, although it will not any other kind of library. It opens doors to the eliminate that need since our patrons have wide- inmates that they would not otherwise have. Your ranging tastes. Many of our patrons are not able volunteer work would be very valuable in helping to get into the library for various reasons and others in a sad situation.

The Good Stuff - Page 5 - June 2010 Privacy, Censorship, Net Neutrality, and Maintaining our First Amendment Rights By Aubrey Madler, instances followed common NDLA Intellectual Freedom trends. For example, challengers Committee often viewed children’s and young-adult novels to be geared Both domestically and globally, it is toward more mature audiences more important than ever to stand or otherwise inappropriate than up for the rights of American citizens their placement on respective and ensure continued practice of library shelves indicated. Therefore, intellectual freedom principles in our they requested the materials be libraries. Well-meaning citizens and moved to another location, or other entities continually attempt be unattainable altogether. Titles to censor information, hinder its challenged were Stephan Chbosky’s access via technological means, The Perks of Being a Wallflower, and threaten our right to privacy. Alan Moore’s Lost Girls, and Marc Other nations currently experience Brown’s Buster’s Sugartime, among practices that ban certain types of others. Two separate instances in information as they do not have Wisconsin involved a school district the benefit of our First Amendment and a public library, which sparked rights. What follows is an update several news stories and resulted in regarding recent trends involving the community members losing posts on broad areas of intellectual freedom. their local library board for voting in favor of intellectual freedom. Domestically, parents, community There were even a few cases where members, and school boards the American Civil Liberties Union continue to challenge and ban books (ACLU) intervened, threatening and other resources for various law suits against libraries and their reasons. In an effort to identify these governing districts when library reasons, I gave in to my urge to and school boards voted in favor of apply a folksonomy to everything I censorship. Additional cases dealt encounter, and assigned keyword with filtering Internet access on and subject area tags to the posts in computers intended for adult use. our very own Intellectual Freedom blog. The resulting tag-cloud Challenged Content provided indications of possible Violence, sexual content, same-sex trends surrounding intellectual relationships, and profanity were freedom issues along with links to among the most common reasons for the relevant stories: book challenges. Those in support of allowing young adults to access Libraries this type of content argue that many Instances of challenged and banned teens and pre-teens are curious materials appeared quite equally about these topics due to first-hand in public and school libraries experience. As such, offering access and, while these two library types to materials that deal with these follow slightly different collection issues can help them understand development strategies, these and, in some instances, cope with

The Good Stuff - Page 6 - June 2010 the world around them. Graphic novels and about privacy issues surrounding the many social gaming magazines were challenged in four or five media networks. instances for images considered too violent or sexually-explicit. Furthermore, an Ohio principal Of course, we need to take this information made the sole decision to remove a magazine with a grain of salt as the NDLA Intellectual from the school’s library. The librarian objected Freedom Blog contains only a selection of all and the ACLU of Ohio later intervened deeming stories published. We must also remember that the magazine’s removal a violation of the First many instances of challenges do not make it Amendment and of the “students’ freedom to be into the news. As the ALA states, “70 to 80 educated.” In the end, the school board supported percent [of challenges] are never reported.” The the principal’s decision. ALA OIF provides a nice map that shows a more complete representation of where challenges Within the Classroom occurred between 2007 and 2009. South Beyond school libraries, many middle school Dakota, New , Nevada, Utah, Nebraska, and high school English curricula suffered New Hampshire, Vermont, and the District attention when assigned readings were viewed as of Columbia are the only states/areas with no objectionable, such as: The Diary of Anne Frank, reported cases during this time span. Zilpha Keatley Snyder’s Newbery Award-winning The Egypt Game, and Jeannette Walls’ memoir In relation to intellectual freedom, the Internet The Glass Castle. In these cases, readings were Freedom Preservation Act of 2009 (IFPA) was either discontinued or teachers began offering introduced to Congress in late 2009. The alternative titles from which students could legislation, which is still being deliberated, would choose. “amend the Communications Act of 1934 to establish a national broadband policy, safeguard Virtual Privacy consumer rights, spur investment and innovation, Google Books, social networking tools, e-readers, and for related purposes.” The concept behind and other tech tools and web-based services this Act is to insure Net neutrality, requiring that were the subject of news items represented in the Internet service providers (ISPs) provide equal blog, primarily because they introduce privacy- access to the sharing of information via the protection issues. While libraries protect borrower Internet without interference based on content, privacy, it is currently unclear what information source, or other forms of discrimination. Google Books or Netflix accumulates based on its users’ searching, viewing, and reading At a time when countries such as China, Iran, habits. Similarly, e-readers, like the Kindle, Cuba, and Australia are either censoring the Nook, and Sony Reader track book searches and Internet for political and moral purposes, or are purchases, then provide the information to certain making attempts to do so, the IFPA deserves constituents without user consent. Moreover, prominent national attention. Internet privacy advocates worry that social networking sites, for example, Facebook, default On behalf of the NDLA Intellectual Freedom to too lenient privacy settings and share too much Committee, I invite you to subscribe to our blog’s information via their numerous applications. RSS feeds so that you can keep up with what Advocates’ concerns are relevant. An article in the is new in the world of intellectual freedom to New York Times describes how researchers were ensure your library is prepared to handle cases able to compile bits of information from social of censorship. Please also feel free to utilize the networking tools to predict the ages, birthdays, comments feature of the blog to share opinions birth places, and Social Security numbers of its and stories related to privacy, censorship, and free users. The ALA Office of Intellectual Freedom speech. (OIF) offers many resources for learning more

The Good Stuff - Page 7 - June 2010 It’s LEGO Building Time at the Minot Public Library!

By Paulette Nelson, Children’s Librarian I had decided that the club would meet on a Minot Public Library monthly basis, with members deciding on the day and time. In addition, each meeting would When I read the words, “Nothing attracts boys have a theme and photos would be taken of the like a LEGO” in the July, 2009 issue of School completed work and posted online. Since I had Library Journal, I never envisioned how true those no idea who might show up for the first meeting, words would be. First, we needed to come up I decided to have a free build for the monthly with LEGOs. Since we didn’t have money in our theme. budget to purchase the necessary LEGO sets for a club, I put out PSAs in our community soliciting Before the first meeting, one thing remained to gently used or new LEGOs. I had numerous be done. All of the donated bricks had to be inquiries about the club, but a meeting could sanitized. For weeks, my staff and I worked to not be scheduled until enough LEGOs had been wash and clean the boxes of LEGOs that the donated. In mid-December, a reporter from a library had received. I contacted a young patron local television station contacted me about the to ask how to sort all the bricks – by color, by club. When I informed her that we were still size, or by number of holes on the bottom of the looking for LEGOs, she came to the library and brick. He informed me that sorting should be did a story which resulted in enough LEGOs to done by number of holes. Sorting through the start the club. thousands of LEGOs took many hours. I decided

The Good Stuff - Page 8 - June 2010 this would be the only time that we would sort feel we are helping to develop their imaginations them. and sometimes their motor skills and attention spans. Finally, the night of the first meeting arrived and I was very surprised when over 60 dads and sons I would highly recommend starting a club in showed up for the first meeting. We had one your community. It’s relatively easy to start the dad and daughter and a few moms show up as club, especially if you can find one or two LEGO well. Those attending quickly filled out a survey enthusiasts to give you advice. I can assure you and then it was time to build. A time limit of of one thing – the meetings are always exciting one hour was set before all “creations” had to be plus it’s fun to see all the different designs and ready to show at the end. Pictures were taken of creations that the children construct. every child’s finished product before the structures were disassembled and put back into the storage bins.

Since I asked for e-mail addresses in the initial survey, I can contact these people each month to remind them of the meeting. I have also sent flyers to all the schools announcing each month’s meeting. In February and March, over 100 dads, moms, and kids attended the meetings. February’s building theme was “Anything that Goes” and March’s theme was “Anywhere You Can Live.”

I have seen many benefits from having this club at the library. First, the majority of those attending are boys ages 5 through 9. The club has attracted many new people to the library and our circulation on LEGO days has increased, especially in the area of non-fiction. Children attending the meetings are challenged to build something different each month and they are not given any formal building plans. By having the children build something different each month, I

The Good Stuff - Page 9 - June 2010 people Compiled by Marlene Anderson, Editorial Committee Member Stuff Sandi L. Bates has the group and I truly think librarians are some joined the UND of the nicest people!” There won’t be any grass Library of the Health growing under Diane’s feet. She plans to spend Sciences as the Head time with grandchildren and already has a list of of Reference and User places to go and things to see. Congratulations Education, where she and best wishes for retirement, Diane! manages all aspects of reference services, Michele Reid, Dean of Libraries at North Dakota directs the user State University, has education program, been named a UCLA and coordinates Senior Fellow. She outreach services. is one of fifteen top Sandi also serves as leaders in academic the Northeast Clinical libraries chosen Campus librarian for the School of Medicine and to take part in the Health Sciences. Previously, Sandi served as a residential program, reference librarian and business bibliographer for to be held August UND’s Chester Fritz Library. Before joining UND, 9-27, 2010, at the she was director of publications for Jamestown University of California College. Sandi earned her Master’s in Library Los Angeles campus. and Information Science from the University The Senior Fellows of Wisconsin-Milwaukee and a BA in Speech program, established and Communication from North Dakota State in 1982 with support from the Council University. on Library Resources and UCLA, provides opportunities for senior library leaders to Jeremy Brown has accepted a position as collaborate on joint research and publication in Assistant Professor and Head of Library Systems the areas of academic administration, professional at Jack Tarver Library, Mercer University, Macon, development and technology. Georgia. His last day at North Dakota State University was April 1. Best of luck, Jeremy! After eight years as the children’s librarian at Williston Community Library, Sherry Rovold Beverly Drager, Director of Casselton Public closed her story book. Her last day on the job Library, retired on May 31. Best wishes for your was April 30. Tammy Tucker is taking her place. retirement, Beverly! Best wishes for your retirement, Sherry, and all the best in your new job, Tammy! Will Martin joined the UND Chester Fritz Library as Web Services Librarian in March 2010. Will is No foolin’! Cheryl Tollefson retired as Director a graduate of the University of at Austin and of the Dickinson Area Public Library, effective lived most recently in Colorado. April 1, 2010. Cheryl isn’t completely letting go, however. She will be working part time in an After almost 35 years as a librarian – the last 13 at advisory capacity for several months to help the the VA Medical Center in Fargo, Diane Nordeng staff and new director during the transition phase. retired on April 30, 2010. Diane says, “I joined The Friends of the Dickinson Area Public Library NDLA in 1978, I think, when I started medical hosted a reception for Cheryl on May 13. librarianship at TNI. I’ve really enjoyed being in

The Good Stuff - Page 10 - June 2010 The Dakota Institute Press The mission of The Dakota Institute Press is to publish books about the Great Plains, the Upper Missouri River country, the history of the American West, spirit of place, North Dakota, and Lewis and Clark.

The Institute’s first book, River of Promise: Lewis and Clark on the Columbia by David L. Nicandri, made its debut in April. The Institute’s book publishing goal is to publish three to five books annually. The next book will be the memoirs of former North Dakota Governor George (Bud) Sinner, followed by the re-issue of Tracy Potter’s Sheheke: Mandan Indian Diplomat: the Story of White Coyote, Thomas Jefferson, and Lewis and Clark along with People of the Willows, with a new introduction by historian Robert Moore.

The Dakota Institute is a public humanities arm of the Lewis & Clark Fort Mandan Foundation. It hosts symposia, creates exhibits, publishes books, and creates documentary films, and will host a national humanities symposium on Eric Sevareid in October. Clay S. Jenkinson, humanities scholar, directs the Institute.

The Dakota Institute also has two documentary films to its credit. The first, When the Landscape Is Quiet Again: the of Art Link, was released in 2008. The second, a study of former North Dakota Governor William L. Guy, The Charisma of Competence, will be released in June. Documentary films are also underway on the Harold, Sheila, and Ed Schafer family, on Sister Thomas Welder, and on CBS news commentator and writer Eric Sevareid.

To find out more about the Lewis & Clark Fort Mandan Foundation and The Dakota Institute, visit or call 877-462-8535.

NDLA has a vehicle for recognizing individuals who do a wonderful job in their libraries or who have shown support or done something special Canoe Kudos for libraries. Any member of NDLA can honor a deserving individual by submitting this nomination form along with a $10 donation to the Professional Development Grant Fund. NDLA will present the honoree Nomination Form with a Canoe Kudos pin and, if appropriate, submit a press release to the local newspaper. Canoe Kudos honorees will also be listed in The Good Stuff. You may buy or receive more than one pin.


Home Address Longer kudos? Work Address You may print this form Position and use the Sponsor’s name back!

Reason for Nomination Send nomination form and $10 donation (checks payable to NDLA) to: Lori K. West, Professional Development Committee Chair, Fargo Public Library, 102 3rd St. North, Fargo, ND 58102-2138.

The Good Stuff - Page 11 - June 2010 Nominations Are Now Open for NDLA Awards

By Phyllis Bratton, Past President Major Benefactor Award Librarian of the Year Award And while you’re at it, you can also plant Time is moving on. Think Spring! As in, an idea in the mind of the committee for the “What librarian springs to mind as the perfect winner of the Major Benefactor Award. There candidate for Librarian of the Year?” You, are lots of board and community members yes, you!, can spring into action and make out there who have cultivated support for the nomination that will allow this wonderful the library and helped to reap a wonderful person’s achievements to spring into public harvest of books, buildings, and programs. view and acclaim! To make a nomination, To make a nomination, simply: • Write a few paragraphs describing why this • Write a nomination and include at least person or family deserves the award five letters of support • Supply whatever documentary evidence is • Gather and send copies of newspaper available articles, recommendations, and other • Send the packet of information to Phyllis materials Bratton, Raugust Library, 6070 College • Make sure that the nominee is a current Lane, Jamestown, ND 58405, by August personal member of NDLA (verify with 1, 2010 Membership Chair Kathy Thomas at [email protected]) Thanks to all who help to make our profession • Send the packet of information to Phyllis bloom! Bratton, Raugust Library, 6070 College Lane, Jamestown, ND 58405, by August 1, Warning: Due dates are closer than you think. 2010 Act now.

Books In Print for North Dakota Correctional Libraries

Our North Dakota correctional libraries have many patrons who want to request books by author, title, and/or subject, but they don’t have reliable source Books in Print (BIP) to look up information. It would be helpful if the patrons had what they want instead of guessing at names and spellings, which can make filling interlibrary loan requests difficult.

Multiple copies of BIP are needed since there are several areas in a prison from which the prisoners are not allowed library access. The newer the copyright the better, but we could use any editions of BIP published in the last ten years (2000 to 2010).

Your gift would be appreciated and very well used.

Wanted! For more information, contact Konnie Wightman at 701.202.0307

The Good Stuff - Page 12 - June 2010 People’s Choice: Krista Tiller

Submitted by Paulette Nelson, Minot Public Library

Krista Tiller, Young Adult Librarian from Minot Public Library, was the People’s Choice Winner in a recent fashion show held at the Mountain Plains Library Association Conference in Oklahoma City, Oklahoma. “Stacked: Fashion Off the Shelves” was a fashion show featuring one-of- a-kind library fashions designed by creative librarians throughout the region. All apparel had to be made from at least 50% library materials. Conference attendees had the opportunity to vote on their favorite model/outfit. Each vote Left to right: Paulette Nelson, Julie Reiten, Jerry cost participants $1.00 with proceeds benefitting Kaup, Krista Tiller, and Jeanne Narum, all from the Information Matrix Camp and the Oklahoma the Minot Public Library Library Association Endowment. Krista raised $263 for the cause. fashion. Krista accessorized her ensemble with a regal 33-1/3 rpm record chapeau that was Krista’s outfit was a casual card catalog fringed festooned with feathers and fringe. Krista’s sleek, skirt matched with a passionately plum tee simple, and novel purse was ideal for carrying the proclaiming the Summer Reading slogan, most essential library fashion accessory … THE “Dragons, Dreams, and Daring Deeds.” The LIBRARY CARD! simple tee showed off her classy Kat-five cable necklace complete with rubber stamp charms. A fun time was had by all the librarians attending This charming piece of jewelry was paired with the event, which took place a short walk from the sensational property stamp earrings that allowed conference center at Oklahoma City’s Ronald J. Krista to really put her own stamp on library Norick Library.

What would North Dakota be like if there were no libraries? What valuable services do we provide on a daily basis that simply go unrecognized and unappreciated?

Those are the questions the North Dakota Library Association asked to encourage librarians to take a snapshot of a typical day in the life of North Dakota libraries. The project ran from April 1 through April 30, and the goal was to show how important libraries are in our communities and state. To see the photos and read the compiled statistics, go to

Christine Kujawa, Maren Niemeier, and Beth Sorenson served on the committee to make SnapShot ND! a reality.

The Good Stuff - Page 13 - June 2010 D akota Gold Centennial Cookbook and History Dakota Gold, a celebration of NDLA’s first 100 years, made its debut at the 2006 NDLA Conference. The North Dakota Library North Dakota Association published the cookbook and history Library Association to commemorate its first one hundred years of working to improve libraries and library akota services in North Dakota. NDLA was formally Gold organized on January 18, 1906, in Fargo. D NDLA Celebrates 100 Years

Chock full of historical information and tried and true recipes from NDLA cooks, Dakota Gold has something for every taste. This book deserves to be on the shelves of every North Dakota library and in the personal collections of those who love North Dakota libraries. Dakota Gold makes a great gift for friends and family throughout the year!

Features • 395 “tried and true” recipes from NDLA cooks • NDLA: a Look Back (series of historical articles by Cheryl Bailey, Welder Library, University of Mary) • Lists of NDLA presidents, annual meeting dates and sites, Flicker Tale Children’s Book Award nominees and winners, Notable Document Award nominees and winners, and more • Historical nuggets (NDLA facts and trivia) scattered throughout • 294 pages, spiral bound • Recipe and contributing chef indexes

Copies are available online from

Proceeds will be used to support NDLA continuing education grant funds.

For more information and to see sample pages, visit

The Good Stuff - Page 14 - June 2010 Apply Today! Grant Money Available For Professional Development The NDLA Executive Board sets aside money each year to help you achieve your professional development goals. Are you planning to participate in some form of continuing education or attend a conference that will benefit the library community in our state? Do you have a bookmobile funding need? Do you want to improve your leadership skills? If so, apply for these funds! NDLA may be able to help you make your dreams come true.

NDLA Professional Development Grant NDLA believes that furthering an individual’s skills is beneficial to the North Dakota Library environment. Each year NDLA sets aside general fund dollars for this purpose. The Professional Development grant may be used for college or university classroom work, independent study, workshops, conferences, or participation in any activity that will benefit the library community in North Dakota.

Ron Rudser Memorial Continuing Education Grant Ron Rudser was a librarian and library science instructor at Minot State University at the time of his death in 1986. This memorial grant fund was initiated by his wife, Kay. The Ron Rudser Memorial Continuing Education Grant may be used for credit courses, workshops, seminars or pre-conference programs that enhance the education of a practicing librarian in any type of library. Regular conference programs or conventions do not qualify.

M. Vivian Hubbard Memorial Grant M. Vivian Hubbard was State President of the Federated Women’s Clubs in the early 1950’s. The rural bookmobile program originated in North Dakota with much influence from the Federated Women’s Clubs. Hubbard believed in this program and requested that memorial funds at her death be donated to NDLA to further interest in bookmobiles. The grant may be used for formal college or university classroom work, independent study, workshops, conferences, or participation in any other activity that will further the work of the bookmobile, including the purchase of books or other materials.

Mike Jaugstetter Leadership Memorial Grant The Mike Jaugstetter Leadership Memorial Grant honors the superb leadership skills in librarianship which Mike Jaugstetter demonstrated while he was employed as the State Librarian of North Dakota. The grant money may be used for library leadership institutes or programs.

For all the details, visit:

NDLA’s Professional Development Committee Chair, Lori K. West (Fargo Public Library, 102 3rd St. North, Fargo, ND 58102-2138; 701.476.5977; lwest@, can help answer any questions you may have. She would love to hear from you!

The Good Stuff - Page 15 - June 2010 On the DOCket By Kalan Davis, GODORT Chair-elect Have you seen this GovDoc? Chances are you have. This portrait of Florence Owens Thompson was taken in 1936 by Dorothea Lange while she was snapping pics as a photographer for the United States Farm Security Administration/Office of War Information (FSA/ OWI). This particular photo, which is entitled “Migrant Mother,” is one of the most famous to be housed within the Library of Congress.

It also has been viewed on Flickr 41,217 times…. and counting…. of_congress/sets/72157618541455384/

In January 2008, the Library of Congress and Flickr launched a pilot project entitled “The Commons.” The resulting success was an innovative fusing of cutting edge Web 2.0 technology, user-contributed metadata, and the LOC’s photographic collections of the ages. With the Wide Web exposed to the Library’s public photo collections, the entire World showed up for patronage. I might have to go on unemployment’. More like, ‘I wonder if we will eat today.’” Words cannot Not only did this project increase the reach of accurately describe the pain evident in Florence’s library content, but also it gave WWW-patrons a face, but perhaps it is an astute observation in the chance to “give something back.” Many taggers face of today’s recessional woes. and Flickr users, playing the role of historical detectives, helped contribute or clarify facts, This is just one of many examples of digitization dates, and locations of the photos. projects currently underway. To read more about the pilot project and its specifics: User-contributed commentary, although print/flickr_report_final.pdf seemingly unpolished or inappropriate at times, strikes a cord with this Flickr user as a And. testament to the collection’s continuing and Yes. current relevancy. For example, Geeksplosion Government. has added the photo tag to Dorothea’s crowning Documents. achievement, “See these eyes?” he writes, “These Do. are the eyes of someone who has actual needs. Have. Not just ‘oh no I might lose my Corolla’ or ‘oh no Pictures.

The Good Stuff - Page 16 - June 2010 The Good Stuff - Page 17 - June 2010 Browsing in the Cyberstacks

Compiled by Marlene Anderson, Editorial Committee Member Food, glorious food! for gadgets. If you sign up, you can opt to have Hot sausage and mustard! the recipe of the day delivered to your email While we’re in the mood -- each weekday or subscribe to the free weekly Cold jelly and custard! newsletter.

These lines from the classic 1968 Cookstr musical, Oliver!, still get my attention. I don’t know about the is a new cooking site (founded rest of you, but I love to read about food and look in 2008) dedicated to providing great recipes at cookbooks. Even though I seem to think about from the best chefs and cookbook authors. what I could make more than I actually make Participating chefs and cookbook authors have it, it’s fun to read recipes and look at pictures of their own profile pages so you can read about beautifully prepared dishes and find out about them, their restaurants, and see a selection of food ways in different places. their cookbooks. A powerful search engine makes browsing easy and you can print recipes or send Enjoy this sampling of favorite websites about them to a friend when you’re looking around the food, glorious food! site. The Cookstr Blog is another place to find out about new recipes and authors, share thoughts and feelings about food, and go behind the scenes of Cookstr. You can also create your own MyCookstr account and save recipes, notes, and shopping lists. “ is the world’s largest food site created entirely from contributions from talented home cooks. Allrecipes was first introduced in 1997 by five college students who loved cookies Delish and had the early vision the web would be a fantastic place for people to find and share Hearst Magazines and MSN partnered to develop everyday food ideas.” Now, is and launch The site features recipes home to millions of recipes, reviews, ratings, and menus, recipe videos, news and blogs, photos, videos, and blog postings for all types of coupons, food and cooking product reviews, and ingredients, dishes, occasions, and cooking styles. information on celebrity chefs and shows, holiday foods, and more. I like the user ratings and reviews to help me decide what recipes I might want to try. You can join Delish free to get a Some of my favorite recipes come from backs personalized area just for you at the top of every of boxes, cans, and packages. Probably some page of, access to your recipe book of yours do, too. This site is devoted to those to save and store your own recipes and grocery “Back of the Box” recipes from some of the finest shopping lists, a daily food horoscope, a fast and food producers in the United States. All of the easy way to enter giveaways, and more. recipes on the site are posted with the permission of the manufacturers and are designed to be Epicurious used with the brand name products listed in the ingredients. The site features a recipe of the day, The tag line for this site says it all -- “for people a forum, cooking tips, a newsletter, and shopping who love to eat.” Epicurious offers great recipes,

The Good Stuff - Page 18 - June 2010 cooking features, and how-to videos. At the top cookbooks including Cooking Light, Southern of every page, you will see Recipes & Menus, Living, Sunset, Coastal Living, Real Simple, and Articles & Guides, and Community categories. more. The recipe finder searches recipes in nearly You can join Epicurious for free to create a 150 categories and is a snap to use. Daily site personal recipe box, to rate and review recipes, features include quick meal ideas, seasonal and to meet other food lovers in the Epicurious menus, photos and cooking videos, cookbook community and discuss food and recipes with and gadget reviews, and holiday and entertaining them. tips. Registering for a free account allows you to save, create, and organize favorite recipes and menus, rate and reviews, and have full access to My Notebook on RecipeBridge No doubt you’ve watched Food Network, a television specialty channel that airs programs is a gateway to help you find about food and cooking. Food Network chefs recipes on thousands of cooking websites and like Rachael Ray, Paula Deen, Bobby Flay, and recipe blogs. You can search by keyword or by Sandra Lee have become household names. The ingredients in your pantry, meal categories, or website features tabs for Recipes and Cooking, occasions. You can also create a free account to Shows, and Chefs at the top of each page. keep track of your favorites, share recipes with You’ll find lots of recipes and photos, how-to friends on Facebook and Twitter, comment on videos, ideas for taking your own cooking from recipes, join the blog, and more. ordinary to extraordinary, and easy shopping for all kinds of cooking gadgets. Signing up for a free membership gives you access to a variety of interactive services, newsletters, sweepstakes, and more. RecipeZaar Mealtime.Org RecipeZaar bills itself as “the web’s largest recipe If opening a can fits your cooking style, Mealtime. resource and most enthusiastic food community.” org is for you! This website for the Canned Food Signing up for a free account allows you to rate Alliance is home to easy, free, healthy recipes and review recipes, connect with other members, featuring canned food. Check out this site to find upload your recipes and share your own photos, new and exciting canned food recipes, health and save and organize your recipes in cookbooks, nutrition facts, and creative mealtime solutions for discuss food topics, plan meals, and create the entire family. smart shopping lists. The site is easy to navigate with tabs at the top of each page for Recipes, Cookbooks, Menus, Community, and Shop. The recipe sifter helps you find exactly the recipe This site features thousands of the best recipes you want by allowing you to filter by category, and hundreds of menus from magazines and ingredient, or nutrition.

The Good Stuff - Page 19 - June 2010 North Dakota in Print Compiled by Marlene Anderson, Editorial Committee Member

A Sheldon, North Dakota, teen has book is illustrated with photos of clouds, most penned her first novel, Appaloosy. taken along the Red River Valley. The book is Author Mattie Richardson is 16 available online from years old and has always loved to write. Appaloosy is a historical Homesteading, a production fiction story told from an Appaloosa from Prairie Public Broadcasting, horse’s point of view during the premiered on Prairie Public on Nez Perce War of the late 1800s. April 6, 2010. Kim Stenehjem Richardson says the book will “mainly appeal produced the documentary which to girls ages 8-14 who love horses.” The book features footage shot in Minnesota, was self-published through Morris Publishing in North Dakota, and South Dakota locations Nebraska. Richardson appeared at the Summer and interviews with historians, stories told by Reading Kick Off in Bismarck on June 2 at the descendants of homesteaders, and dramatic Capitol grounds. readings from pioneer diaries and letters. The documentary examines the diversity of the Eric Bergeson has released his third book, Back settlers’ ethnic, social, and economic classes on the Farm: a Collection of Essays ($16.95, 296 and their motives for becoming homesteaders. p.). Bergeson grew up in rural Fertile, Minnesota, It also addresses the land boom that was made and earned his Master’s degree in History from possible by the railroads, the Native American the University of North Dakota. Bergeson’s tribes who lived on the Great Plains, and the weekly column, “Down on the Farm,” appears challenges that pioneers faced, including disease, in papers in Minnesota and North Dakota. For drought, illness, death, prairie fires, isolation, and more information or to order copies of Bergeson’s loneliness. The production is funded in part by books, visit the Country Scribe Publishing website the North Dakota Humanities Council, North at Dakota Council on the Arts, the Minnesota Arts and Cultural Heritage Fund through the citizens A CD release party was held in Killdeer on April of Minnesota, and the members of Prairie Public. 10 to launch the latest CD from Quintana Biffert of Halliday, who has been singing since she Former Fargo radio talk show host Ed Schultz is was eight years old. Call His Name ($15, CD) the author of a new book released by Hyperion is a gospel CD and was recorded in Branson, Press on June 1. Killer Politics: How Big Missouri last October. Biffert’s first CD was Money and Bad Politics Are Destroying the entitled Dream. Now 18, Biffert has received Great American Middle Class ($25.99, 224 recognition for her talent and has a bright future. p., hardcover) “focuses on the concerns of the The Country Gospel Music Association (CGMA) middle class in these times of great economic named her their International Teenage Performer distress.” Schultz now anchors MSNBC’s “The of the Year in both 2008 and in 2009 as well Ed Show” and also hosts “The Ed Schultz Show,” as their International Yodeler of the Year. For which airs on more than 100 radio stations. more information, visit Schultz is also the author of Straight Talk from the quintanabiffert or call 701-938-4341. Heartland: Tough Talk, Common Sense, and Hope from a Former Conservative (2004). Norma Heazlett Rittal of Grand Forks has penned Dumpling Mr. Wheat: a Biography of U.S. Senator Milton ($28.50, hardcover; $20.90, R. Young ($29.99, 560 p. + 11 minute DVD, pbk.; $12.50, download; 55 p.), softcover) is the first biography of North Dakota’s a children’s book. Dumpling longest serving U.S. Senator. The book by Andrea is a baby cloud and is wrapped Winkjer Collin with Richard E. Collin also into the Old Testament stories of features Race of the Century: Guy vs. Young 1974 Noah, Miriam, and Moses. The North Dakota U.S. Senate Election by Allan C. The Good Stuff - Page 20 - June 2010 Young. The book was published by Smoky Water Expressions Christian Store in Dickinson. An Press in Bismarck and is available from www. author “meet and greet” and book signing was or by calling 701-222-0947. held at the store on May 8.

Carol Weshenfelder of Storytelling Time: Native North American Art Larimore has published a from the Collections at the University of North children’s picture book, My Dakota ($60, 240 p., hardcover) has been Daddy the King ($12, 42 p., published by Hudson Hills Press. The book pbk.). The book tells the features 175 color plates of clothing, headdresses, story of a little princess and ceremonial objects, and other artifacts of the how her heavenly father takes tribes that live in North Dakota and South care of all the creatures he has made. For more Dakota. Written by Arthur Jones, head of UND’s information, visit (you Department of Art and Design, Lucy Annis Ganje, can purchase a copy online for $9.99 + shipping) associate professor of art at UND, and Nelda or Schrupp, an artist from Lakota, the books tells how the artifacts were collected and how they If epic fantasy novels are your thing, check out came to UND, which began the collection more Prophet of the Pentacle ($12.95, 58 p., pbk.) than 100 years ago. Leigh Jeanotte, director by Marilyn Privatsky, a native of Steele, North of American Indian Student Services at UND, Dakota. First published in 2007, the book is wrote the introduction. For more information, the prequel to a planned trilogy, The Chronicles visit The book is of Farro. Outskirts Press republished Prophet of available at the UND Bookstore in Grand Forks the Pentacle in 2009 and it is available online or online from the publisher,, and from and, or locally at Ritz Gallery and Gifts in Linton. The first book of the trilogy, The Sacred Messenger, A new documentary, T.R., a Cowboy’s Ride to has been written and will be published as soon as the White House, premiered statewide on North finances allow. Dakota Public Television on March 4, 2010. The documentary was written and produced by North The first book from the Dakota Institute Press was Dakota Cowboy Hall of Fame Executive Director released in April 2010. River of Promise: Lewis Darrell Dorgan. It features some of the country’s and Clark on the Columbia ($29.95, hardcover; top Theodore Roosevelt scholars, was nearly four $18.95, pbk.) was written by David L. Nicandri, years in the making, and was shot in the Badlands an historian and director of the Washington of North Dakota where the future President State Historical Society at Tacoma. Nicandri’s ranched from 1883 until 1887. book focuses on a key goal of the Lewis and Clark Expedition: to discover the headwaters The 164th Infantry Association of the North of the Columbia and a water route to the Dakota National Guard has published They Pacific Ocean. Order your copy online (www. Were Ready: the 164th Infantry in the Pacific or call 1-877-462- War, 1942-1945 (412 p., 50 photos, 10 maps; 8535. hardcover). Terry L. Shoptaugh, a history professor and archivist at University of Minnesota- Seven Words of Love: a Love Letter from Moorhead, wrote the book and spent three Golgotha to Your Heart ($13.95, 124 p., pbk.; years researching the history and service of the $23.95, hardcover) is a study of the seven 164th and interviewing soldiers who served in statements of Christ from the cross by Ernest the Pacific during World War II. They Were Shipe, pastor of Manning Community Church. Ready features the stories of 70 World War II The book is available from the publisher, veterans from the 164th and includes original iUniverse,, or locally from Faith art work by Doug Burtell of Bowman. North The Good Stuff - Page 21 - June 2010 Dakota libraries have the opportunity to obtain one copy of the book for the cost of mailing ($5). For details and to obtain a copy for your library, contact Shirley Olgeirson (701.333.2016 or [email protected]). Books will also be sold in local bookstores or can be purchased directly from The 164th Infantry Association (PO Box 1111, Bismarck, ND, 58502- 1111). To learn more about the 164th, go to the history tab on the North Dakota National Guard Web site (

Tula’s Tales (92 p.) by A. Roger Kringlie of Grand Forks is a book of vignettes from the author’s North Dakota’s Top life, including descriptions of his growing up years, his war experiences, his law practice, and Illustrated Children’s Books his family. The title of the book comes from Read North Dakota is dedicated to celebrating Kringlie’s childhood nickname, “Tula.” Translated and promoting literature created in and about from Norwegian to English, tula means “it’s too North Dakota. Recently, Read North Dakota funny and crazy to be true.” Kringlie was born ( posted a new listing of top in Portland, North Dakota, and practiced law illustrated children’s books. in Northwood, North Dakota, for more than 50 years. He retired after the August 2007 tornado They include: in Northwood destroyed his law office. Tula’s Tales is for sale at Bilden Drug and Guenther’s Whirlwind Is a Spirit Dancing: Poems Based Super Valu in Northwood, the Cenex Station in on Traditional American Indian Songs and Portland, and Valley Dairy stores in Grand Forks. Stories by Natalia Belting For details, contact Julie Kringlie at Julie-kringlie@ A Boy Called Slow by Joseph Bruchac Winter Whispers: an Anthology by North Dakota Where’s Petunia? by Ellen Diederich Writers ($12, 168 p., pbk.; $1.49, download) features poetry and prose about winter life by the Night Catch by Brenda Ehrmantraut members of the Prairie Rose Writers. The writing group meets once a month at the Rolette Library Grandmother’s Pigeon by Louise Erdrich to work on projects. Winter Whispers is available online from and is the group’s second Sacagawea by Liselotte Erdrich book. Their first book, Whisperings from the Wheatfields ($10, 120 p., pbk), is also available Heetunka’s Harvest by Jennifer Berry Jones from Faraway Home by Jane Kurtz Keep this on your radar! The City of Rugby, North Dakota, will celebrate its 125th anniversary in July Black Elk’s Vision: a Lakota Story and The 2011. As part of that celebration, the anniversary Star People by S. D. Nelson committee is putting together a historical book about Pierce County. The new book will include P Is for Peace Garden: a North Dakota information from the 1986 centennial book, A Alphabet by Roxane Salonen Century of Area History, and will also be updated to include history from the past 25 years. Check them out!

The Good Stuff - Page 22 - June 2010 Good Stuff from Around the State

Compiled by Marlene Anderson, Editorial Committee Member

Free eBay Classes Fargo Air Museum Unveils Quam Portrait The Friends of the Bismarck Public The Fargo Air Museum hosted the unveiling Library sponsored two free eBay of the Fred Quam portrait for the Frederick W. classes taught by Ila Marvel. Quam Research Library on April 17, 2010. The “eBay: the Basics” was held on library has more than 2,200 books on aviation April 29 and focused on the basics and military history and more than 100 different of selling on eBay, including tips on aviation magazine publications dating back to the taking photos, writing descriptions, early 1900s. Quam is one of the original North accepting payments, shipping, and protecting Dakota Air National Guard Happy Hooligans, personal information. “eBay: Enhancing Your which started in 1947, and has volunteered at the Listing with HTML” was held on May 6 and Fargo Air Museum since it opened in 2001. focused on how to upload pictures and insert them into eBay auctions and using basic HTML Garrison Friends coding to enhance eBay listings. The Garrison Public Library Friends group was organized late last fall and has been working Get Your Java at the Bismarck Public Library to provide new books and other items for the The coffee shop at the Bismarck Public Library library. The group’s first fundraiser was a bake was shuttered for a few months when Gelato sale held in conjunction with SACA’s (Sakakawea d’Italia closed all three of its locations. The Area Council of the Arts) Soup and Bread Day. library acquired the equipment at the library Another successful fundraiser involved taking site at a reduced price and began looking for photos of festival guests dressed in Victorian someone to lease the shop. The wait is over! Red garb as part of the 2009 Dickens Village Festival. Roaster Coffee of Minot will sell coffee drinks, Recently, the Friends provided $1,000 for the Pride of Dakota products, and baked goods from purchase of several new books selected by the Bread Poets at the library location. The coffee librarian. Plans for a book sale and a rummage shop reopened in May. sale are also in the works.

Tea Party: a Tradition in Bottineau Go Green! The Bottineau Woman’s Club held its annual Tonya Palmer tea at the Bottineau County Public Library on reported that April 20. The club has been hosting the annual the Grand Forks tea since the early 1920s to raise money for the Public Library library through free will donations. recently sent 13 boxes of old Elgin Library Opens on May Day Newsweek and Years of planning, grant writing, and hard work The New York Times microfilm to the Eastman have paid off. The grand opening of the Elgin Kodak Company for recycling. Kodak, which Public Library was held on May 1, 2010, with paid the shipping charges, provides this service a ribbon cutting ceremony and open house as part of its “Product End of Life Management” celebration. Grants from the North Dakota program. Find out more at State Library and the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation are being used to purchase computer Great Reads Book Club equipment. Grants from the North Dakota The Grand Forks Public Library hosted the first Department of Commerce and a Community organizational meeting of the Great Reads Book Development Block Grant will help pay for Club on April 20. Meetings will continue the installation of new windows, new insulation, a third Tuesday of each month at the library. The ramp, and other features to make the building first book club selection for May is The Lovely handicap accessible. The finishing work will be Bones by Alice Sebold. Selections for the rest completed over the next several months. of the year include: A Thousand Splendid Suns

The Good Stuff - Page 23 - June 2010 by Khaled Hosseini (June), Amos: To Ride a MLA Webcast at Harley French Library of the Dead Horse by Stanley Gordon West (July), The Health Sciences Name of the Wind by Patrick Rothfuss (August), The Harley French Library of the Health Sciences Snow Flower and the Secret Fan by Lisa See at the University of North Dakota hosted a (September), The Things They Carried by Tim Medical Library Association (MLA) webcast O’Brien (October), The Absolutely True Diary of a on March 24, 2010. The webcast was entitled, Part-time Indian by Sherman Alexie (November), “Now’s the Time: Understanding the Electronic and Looking for Candles in the Window: the Health Record Maze and Health Sciences Tragic Red River Valley Blizzard of March 15, Librarians’ Roles.” 1941 by Douglas Ramsey and Larry Skroch (December). The library will have multiple copies Efficiency at Harvey Public Library of each book available for check-out. The North Dakota Telephone Company (NDTC) recently donated $1,000 to help the Harvey Bookmobile Being Retired Public Library replace one of their three energy The Griggs County Public Library bookmobile efficient furnaces. The donation was part of will be put out to pasture at the end of the NDTC’s Dollars in Motion program. 2009-10 school year. Although the library will no longer have a bookmobile, the service of Happy Birthday! getting materials to those who need them will The Hazen Public Library celebrated birthday continue by automobile. In the words of library number 45 in April. The library had its start director Bonnie Krenz, “There will be little in what is now the water treatment plant, then change in the service, just in the way we deliver moved to a location inside city hall, and finally it.” Retiring the 20-year-old bookmobile is a moved to its current location, a building in cost-saving measure. Annual maintenance costs, Heritage Park that has served as a railroad depot, a poor heating system, and declining usage all a family home, and even a Halloween haunted played a part in the decision. There will be a house. Happy Birthday, Hazen Public Library! retirement party for the bookmobile before it is put up for sale. Bookmobile service in Griggs Read a Book, Win a Prize County first began in 1969 as part of a six-county The Kidder County Library and Kidder County demonstration project. The bookmobile service Social Services teamed up in April to support was well-received, petitions of support were Child Abuse Prevention Month. Throughout the presented to the county commission, and funding month, each time a patron returned a book to was provided. the library or bookmobile, he/she was asked to complete a short registration form to earn points NLW at Griggs County Public Library for each book read. Those who chose to write The coffee pot was on every day during National a brief summary of the book on the form could Library Week at the Griggs County Public also earn bonus points. Other ways to earn Library in Cooperstown. In addition to coffee bonus points were visiting the bookmobile or and cookies at the library, patrons who returned attending the Library’s open house (in conjunction overdue materials during the week enjoyed an with “Adopt a Library Day”) on April 23 during amnesty from fines. The library also placed National Library Week. Prizes were awarded by “Dollars for Books” donation jars in stores in age category, Grade 2 and under, Grades 3-6, and Binford, Cooperstown, and Hannaford. The banks Grade 7 through Adult. in each community agreed to match up to $100 of the donations. The first $350 raised through Festival of Tables & Breakfast with a Book “Dollars for Books” will be used to provide the On April 25, 2010, the third annual Festival of matching funds needed for the Libri Foundation Tables fundraiser for the Kindred Public Library grant program. For more information about the was held at St. Maurice’s Catholic Church. A Libri Foundation and its programs, visit www. purse raffle and a book raffle were also part of the festivities. Another fun activity is “Breakfast The Good Stuff - Page 24 - June 2010 with a Book.” On the second Saturday of each and other activities for teens. As part of Teen Tech month, interested persons meet at the Kindred Week in March, the Library showed the movie, Public Library to discuss the book selected for the “Monsters vs. Aliens,” and also held a gaming month. What a great way to start the day! tournament.

Chess at Leach Public Library Libri Foundation Grant for Mohall Library The Leach Public Library in Wahpeton hosts a The Mohall Public Library recently received chess club for grades one through eight each 81 books (total value: $1,414.57) through the week during the school year. The club was Libri Foundation Books for Children program. started a few years ago by Children’s Librarian The Foundation matches funds raised by local Kristi Maas and is a way for participants to sponsors to help libraries purchase children’s learn the game, strategy, creative thinking, and books. Local sponsors for the $350 match were sportsmanship. the Good Samaritan Society, Mohall employees Jeans Day Fund, and donations in memory of North Dakota Legislative Council Library Mathilda Smith. An additional donation from Hal Resources Online Berenson and Laura Acherman helped the library Marilyn Johnson from the Legislative Council receive a bonus of $350 to purchase math and Library shared this tip for quick access to recent science books. To find out if your library qualifies standing committee clerk minutes and testimony for the Books for Children program, visit www. from public hearings. Starting from the legislative branch homepage at, click on “library documents” in the lower-right hand The Merger Is Complete corner of the screen. Legislative hearing records In May 2007, the Morton County Public Library from the 2005, 2007, and 2009 session are and the Mandan Public Library merged to available, organized by bill or resolution number. become the Morton Mandan Public Library. From the same starting point, you can also click Still, the merger wasn’t really complete because on the guide to “Measures Before the Voters” for a 23,000+ books from Morton County needed to brief description and the outcome of all initiated be cataloged into one database. At last, the and referred measures appearing on the ballot. task is done! Sheila Berreth, Outreach Services Director, spearheaded the cataloging effort. Special Services Month in Minot Without a template to follow, Berreth and her The Minot Public Library designated April helpers figured out how best to manage the task as Special Services Month. Special services and solved problems along the way. Now, with encompass a variety of library programs for a few other communities considering mergers homebound persons and those who have of their city and county libraries, the Morton difficulty reading regular print materials. The Mandan Public Library is the template to follow Minot Public Library delivers library materials to and has fielded calls asking for tips. The library’s patrons through its own Homebound Program next challenge is purchasing a new bookmobile and also helps promote two programs offered to replace the current 1989 model, which has by the North Dakota State Library for visually- more than 150,000 miles on it. Bookmobiles are impaired persons, Dakota Radio Information built based on specifications and the costs can Service and the Talking Book Service. run from $175,000 to $200,000. The library has been setting aside money for years and currently Gaming at Minot Public Library has $175,000 earmarked for a new bookmobile. The fourth Thursday of the month is game day at Library Director Kelly Steckler said purchase of the Minot Public Library. The program is aimed a new bookmobile may be a year or two off and at kids in sixth through twelfth grades, or ages 11 that it’s important to keep outreach programs to 18, although there is some flexibility in trying going to those in communities that don’t have to include everyone who comes. Krista Tiller, libraries where they live. Teen Services Librarian, coordinates game day The Good Stuff - Page 25 - June 2010 Summer Institute at VCSU first man and woman patron each day in the adult Valley City State University will, for the third library and to the first patron in the children’s consecutive summer, hold a Summer Institute department. Flowers were donated by Dakota for students enrolled in the VCSU Master Rose, Bettin’s, and Bloom’N Craft Floral. The of Education program with a Library and open house on Wednesday, April 14, featured Information Technologies concentration. Each bars, coffee, and visiting. The Friends of the year the Institute focuses on a specific library Library Chocolate and Salad Cookbook was also issue, traveling to area schools and libraries for on sale at a discounted price throughout the field experience. In 2008, Institute attendees week. Another annual event celebrated at the completed collection analysis and library facility library was the Spring Salad Luncheon on May comparisons by traveling to Moorhead and 4. Board members, staff, volunteers, and Friends Pelican Rapids, MN. Last summer the focus for members donated a variety of salads. For those the Institute was on organizing collections with who couldn’t stay to eat, a take-out option was attendees working at a prison library and a small available. school classroom library located in Jamestown and Fort Ransom, ND. 50 Years on the Road The Ward County Public Library in Minot hosted This year’s Institute will focus on the collaborative an open house on April 5, 2010, to celebrate development and presentation of information 50 years on the road with the bookmobile. The literacy lessons. Strategies for presenting the Kenmare Branch of the Ward County Public lessons to participants in the West Fargo (ND) Library also hosted an open house celebration on school district summer program are being April 26. Visitors could check out pictures and discussed. stories from the early days of the bookmobile, tour the current bookmobile and have their The Summer Institute is co-sponsored by a picture taken with Bernice, sign up for door grant from the Institute of Museum and Library prizes, and enjoy cake and coffee with library Services (IMLS) and Valley City State University. staff and board members. Donna James, director of Allen Memorial Library at Valley City State University, is the Project “A More Perfect Union” Bookshelf Award Director. For the second time, Wilkinson Elementary School in Williston is one of 4,000 public and A New Library for Underwood? school (K-12) libraries nationwide to receive the On March 4, 2010, Underwood Library staff “A More Perfect Union” Bookshelf Award. The presented their ideas for moving the current bookshelf is a collection of classic books for library from City Hall to an old flower shop at young readers and is a project of the National 100 Lincoln Avenue. Such a move would provide Endowment for the Humanities, conducted more for library materials, a teen area, in cooperation with the American Library and possibly, a coffee shop. It would also free Association (ALA) Public Programs Office. The space in City Hall and garner more foot traffic goal of the program is to foster students’ natural to the library from downtown. Not surprisingly, curiosity about their families, communities, state, cost is the biggest obstacle with an estimated and nation. For complete information, visit http:// start-up cost of about $33,000 for the building, improvements, furniture, etc. Another question is whether there is enough community support to Readersville in Williston make the change. Stay tuned. The 18th annual Readersville was held at the Lewis and Clark Elementary School in Williston. Doings at the Valley City Barnes County Public Some students call the event their favorite day Library of the year. Students, teachers, and community For National Library Week, the Valley City Barnes members all participate in Readersville, which County Public Library presented flowers to the features events scattered around the school The Good Stuff - Page 26 - June 2010 highlighting books “considered by many to be must-reads.”

World War II POW Exhibit “Held in the Heartland: German POWs in the Do you like to write? Midwest, 1943-46”, a traveling exhibit that tells Want to get published? the story of German POWs held in the United States during World War II, made stops in 16 Consider joining The Good Stuff North Dakota communities during April and Editorial Committee! May. Libraries, museums, and historical societies helped coordinate the visits of the mobile The Good Stuff is NDLA’s official magazine museum, or BUS-eum, from TRACES. TRACES and is published quarterly in an online-only is “a non-profit educational organization created format. Several past issues (June 2003 – to to gather, preserve, and present stories of people date) can be viewed on the NDLA website at from the Midwest and Germany or Austria who encountered each other during World War II. For more information, visit TRACES at www.traces. If you are interested in being part of The org/index.htm. Good Stuff Editorial Committee (and we hope you are!), contact Marlene Anderson, chair, at [email protected]; Welcome to NDLA! 701-224-5578. Welcome to NDLA! New members since the last issue of The Good Stuff are Maggie Townsend (Crosby); Jada Goplin, Brandy Arends, Amanda K. Bremmon, Amber Emery, See what’s new! and Pam Rezac (Fargo); Will Martin (Grand at Mr. Wheat: U.S. Senator Milton R. Young – The first-ever biography of Forks); and Doris A. Bachmeier (Minot). North Dakota’s longest-serving U.S. Senator by Andrea Winkjer Collin and Richard E. Collin. Learning to Lead: The University of Mary, 1959-2009 – Tells the story of a small group of monastic women who came to the state to share their Membership Report faith and serve the people of North Dakota, and established the state’s only (as of May 10, 2010) Catholic university. Bismarck, D.T. – Great stories about the wild and wooly early days of Compiled by Kathy Thomas Bismarck by Kim Fundingsland. Membership Chair The Haunted Wrestling Mansion – Located in Lincoln, North Dakota, this professional wresting mystery by Michael E. Erickson centers on the battle Academic & Special Libraries Section 85 between darkness and light. The Flame Imperishable: December's Children by Joe Becker – A Health Sciences Information Section 29 mystery involving a murder, demons and demon-killing angels that unfolds in Public Library Section 126 the shadow of the coming Armageddon. Small Town Soldiers – A one-hour documentary about nine North Dakota School Library & Youth Services Section 87 World War II veterans by filmmaker Cody Shimek. Government Documents Roundtable 29 North Dakota Counties, Towns and People, Volume 2 – More colorful stories about the state's counties and towns by Joseph Gavett. New Members Roundtable 38 Enoch's Saga: Horsepower to Satellite In a Single Lifetime – Memoirs of a lifetime of farming and public service by Northwood's Technical Services Roundtable 42 Enoch Thorsgard. Associate members 7 On Divine Assignment – The inspirational life of ministry and mission of Institutional members 9 Pastor Marcus and Elva Mae Bakke by Virginia Dohms. Also available! Dakota Stories I and Dakota Stories II by Lauraine Student members 8 Snelling; If this Land Could Talk: Homesteading on the Northern Plains by Judy Cook; North Dakota Wildlife Photos by Chet Nelson, Trustees 37 Curse of Al Capone's Gold by Mike Thompson and a large selection of New members 22 Germans from Russia books. 2009 members not yet renewed 100 Order online at Total members 292 Take a Look at our Books! * 701-222-0947

The Good Stuff - Page 27 - June 2010 TechTips & More

Compiled by Karen Anderson, Editorial Committee Member Academic Earth, Ancestry Library Edition, To access the WWII United News and North Dakota Genealogy Sources Newsreels, 1942-1946: Thanks to Johanna Bjork and Steve Axtman for (1) Click “Search” on the Ancestry their contributions. Johanna tells us about some Library Edition home page, informative video lectures and Steve shares then information about WWII United News Newsreels that (2) “Military” under “Browse are available through Ancestry Library Edition as well Records,” as some great sources for North Dakota genealogy (3) Below the “Search Military Records” search information. box is a listing of all the military databases Academic Earth contained within Ancestry Library Edition. Scroll By Johanna Bjork, Reference & Instructional down through the list to the bottom until you Librarian, Bismarck State College Library see WWII United News Newsreels, 1942-1946.

I am going through a series of very informative, North Dakota Genealogy Resources free lectures available on Academic Earth (http:// For excellent North Dakota genealogical resources, They really help me expand visit these sites: my knowledge of areas I know little about and are North Dakota Department of Health Vital Records given by degree-carrying folks from Stanford and other schools. This site provides information for obtaining certificates Karen’s Note: This site includes “Introduction to and records for ND births, deaths, marriages and Copyright Law” lectures. The lectures on this site are divorces videos. ND Historical Society Ancestry Library Edition By Steve C. Axtman, North Dakota State Library Find pioneer biographies, naturalization records, land office tract books, ND newspapers, Indian reservation Ancestry Library Edition, a genealogy research tool census records, links to ND genealogical resources, created for library users, can be accessed from any and much more public or school library in North Dakota. It gives researchers instant access to almost 7,000 databases Bureau of Land Management General Land Office containing a wide range of genealogical and historical Records resources.

One of the unique databases within Ancestry Library Did your ancestors get 160 acres through the Edition is the WWII United News Newsreels, 1942- Homestead Act? Search for land patents (land patents 1946, which is found in the Military Collection. These document the transfer of land ownership from the films are in very good condition and much of the federal government to individuals). This website footage was taken by military combat photographers. also has links to many other sites for family history This database contains all 267 issues of the ‘United research. News Newsreels” produced by the U.S. Office of War TechTips & More is a column that gives tips about Information (OWI) which was created during World technology (TechTips) and other things that our War II. For anyone interested in WWII topics, these readers do in their libraries to make their lives a little newsreels are excellent resources. They also come easier or more efficient (More). Please submit your tips with the following disclaimer: “Warning: Due to the to Karen Anderson at [email protected]. nature of war, some of the newsreels contain graphic edu. images. Viewer discretion is advised.” The Good Stuff - Page 28 - June 2010 (1) Click “Search”

(2) Click “Military”

(3) Scroll to the bottom of list

WWII Newsreels

The Good Stuff - Page 29 - June 2010 TREASURER'S REPORT As of March 31, 2010 (EndTreasurer's of 1st Quarter) Report By Michael Safratowich, As of March 31, NDLA 2010 (End Treasurer of 1st Quarter) Editor’s note: Approved byBy electronic Michael vote Safratowich,of the Executive Board NDLA on April Treasurer 9, 2010.

Beg. Balance Receipts Disbursements End. Balance CHECK BOOK 1/1/2010 $17,045.08

NDLA Funds $17,045.08 Annual Conference 2010 Annual Conference 2009 Book Sales $2,530.11 $31.00 $159.19 $2,401.92 Centennial Cookbook -$4,129.58 $108.00 $4.77 -$4,026.35 Dues 2010 $971.79 $6,737.00 $214.88 $7,493.91 HSIS Partner Account $3,731.64 $3,731.64 Investment Account Transfers Other receipts/disbursements $161.00 $2,891.85

NDLA Funds Subtotal $7,037.00 $3,270.69 $20,811.39

Check Book Balance 3/31/2010 $20,811.39 ******************************************************************************************************************** INVESTMENT ACCOUNTS Beg. Balance Receipts Disbursements End. Balance NDLA Bank Money Market Ready Cash $9,425.43 Interest $1.16 Deposits Transfers $9,426.59 Professional Development Bank Money Market RC $23,798.54 Interest $2.72 Deposits Transfers $9,375.68 $14,425.58 NDLA CD $20,000.00 Transfers $20,000.00 Professional Development CD $0.00 Interest Transfers $20,000.00 $20,000.00 Rudser CD $10,000.00 Transfers $10,000.00 $0.00 Rudser Money Market Ready Cash $415.09 Interest $209.23 Transfers $624.32 $0.00 TOTAL investment accounts $63,848.29 $63,852.17

TOTAL EQUITY 3/31/2010 $84,663.56

The Good Stuff - Page 30 - June 2010 North Dakota Library Association Membership for January 1 - December 31, 2010 Name______Address______City State Zip+4______Institution______Position______Work Phone______Home Phone______FAX______E-mail______Choose Sections/Roundtables—Membership entitles you to join as many as you wish! ___ Academic and Special Libraries Section ___ Government Documents Roundtable ___ Health Science Information Section ___ New Members Roundtable ___ Public Library Section ___ Technical Services Roundtable ___ School Library & Youth Services Section

$______Personal Membership dues ____ $35.00 Individual ____ $20.00 Student (for persons enrolled in a library school program (3-year limit)) ____ $20.00 Trustee (for library board members) ____ $20.00 Associate (non-voting membership for persons not employed in a ND Library (friends, retirees, etc.)) $______Institutional Membership dues ____ $50.00 Up to 3 FTE staff (one person from library’s staff may register at conference member rate) ____ $100.00 4-9 FTE staff (two persons from library’s staff may register at conference member rate) ____ $150.00 10 or more FTE staff (three persons from library’s staff may register at conference member rate)

$______Donation to the Professional Development Grant Fund* $______Donation to the Flicker Tale Children's Book Award Fund* $______Total enclosed *A receipt will be mailed to you indicating the amount of any donations. Thank you! Send this form and a check payable to North Dakota Library Association to: Kathy Thomas Thank you for joining NDLA! NDSU Library, Dept 2080 PO Box 6050 Fargo ND 58108-6050 The Good Stuff - Page 31 - June 2010 2009-2010 North Dakota Library Association Executive Board All phone numbers are Area Code 701

President Academic & Special Technical Services Professional Development Laurie McHenry Libraries Section Roundtable Committee Thormodsgard Law Library Victor Lieberman Elizabeth Jacobs Lori K. West UND School of Law Chester Fritz Library North Dakota State Library Fargo Public Library 2968 2nd Ave N Stop 9004 University of North Dakota 604 E Boulevard Ave Dept 250 102 3rd St North Grand Forks, ND 58202-9004 3051 University Ave Stop 9000 Bismarck ND 58505-0800 Fargo ND 58102-2138 Phone: 701.777.3475 Grand Forks ND 58202-9000 Work Phone 701.328.1860 Work Phone 701.476.5977 Fax: 701.777.4956 Work Phone 701.777.4639 Fax 701.328.2040 Fax 701.476.5981 [email protected] Fax 701.777.3319 [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] President-Elect Constitution, Bylaws & Public Relations Committee Rita Ennen Government Documents Policies Committee Cathy A. Langemo Stoxen Library Roundtable Kirsten Baesler WritePlus Inc. Dickinson State University Naomi Frantes Pioneer School 205 E Arbor Ave Apt 112-G 166 S College Ave State Historical Society of North 1400 E. Bramen Ave Bismarck ND 58504-5717 Dickinson ND 58601-4605 Dakota Bismarck ND 58501 Work Phone 701-527-7948 Work Phone 701.483.2883 Archives & Historical Research Work Phone 701.221.3445 [email protected] Fax 701.483.2006 Library [email protected] [email protected] 612 E Boulevard Ave The Good Stuff Editorial Bismarck ND 58505-0830 Finance Committee Committee Past President Work Phone 701.328.2644 Bonnie Krenz Marlene Anderson Phyllis Ann K. Bratton Fax 701.328.2650 Griggs County Library Bismarck State College Library Jamestown College Raugust [email protected] PO Box 546 PO Box 5587 Library Cooperstown ND 58425-0546 Bismarck ND 58506-5587 6070 College Lane Health Science Work Phone 701.797.2214 Work Phone 701.224.5578 Jamestown ND 58405-0002 Information Section [email protected] Fax 701.224.5551 Work Phone 701.252.3467 Travis Schulz [email protected] x 2433 Medcenter One Health Sciences Intellectual Freedom Fax 701.253.4318 Library Committee Executive Secretary [email protected] 300 N 7th St. Christine Kujawa Cathy A. Langemo Bismarck ND 58501 Bismarck Public Library WritePlus Inc. Secretary Work Phone 701.323.5391 515 N 5th St 205 E Arbor Ave Apt 112-G Chandra Hirning Fax 701.323.6967 Bismarck ND 58501-4081 Bismarck ND 58504-5717 Rasmussen College Library [email protected] Work Phone 701.355.1496 Work Phone 701-527-7948 1701 E Century Ave Fax 701.355.1500 [email protected] Bismarck ND 58503-0658 New Members Roundtable [email protected] Work Phone 701.530.9600 Sarah Devereaux Archivist/Historian Fax 701.530.9604 Bismarck Public Library Legislative Committee Rachel White [email protected] 515 N 5th St Kelly M. Steckler State Historical Society of North Bismarck ND 58501-4057 Morton Mandan Public Library Dakota Treasurer Work Phone 701.355.1485 609 W Main St Archives & Historical Research Michael Safratowich Fax 701.221.3729 Mandan ND 58554-3149 Library UND Library of the Health [email protected] Work Phone 701.667.5365 612 E Boulevard Ave Sciences Fax 701.667.5368 Bismarck ND 58505-0830 Medical School Room 1300 Public Library Section [email protected] Work Phone 701.328.3571 501 N Columbia Rd Stop 9002 Toni Vonasek Fax 701.328.2650 Grand Forks ND 58202-9002 Grand Forks Public Library Nominations & Elections [email protected] Work Phone 701.777.2602 2110 Library Circle Fax 701.777.4790 Committee Grand Forks ND 58201‐6324 Sandi L. Bates State Librarian [email protected] Work Phone 701.772.8116 Harley E. French Library of the Doris A. Ott Fax 701.772.1379 Health Sciences North Dakota State Library ALA Councilor [email protected] University of North Dakota 604 E Boulevard Ave Dept 250 Shelby E. Harken 501 N. Columbia Rd Stop 9002 Bismarck ND 58505-0800 UND Chester Fritz Library School Library & Youth Grand Forks ND 58202‐9002 Work Phone 701.328.2492 3051 University Ave, Stop 9000 Services Section Work Phone 701.777. 2166 Fax 701.328.2040 Grand Forks ND 58202-9000 Beth Greff Fax 701.777.3994 [email protected] Work Phone 701.777.4634 Mandan Middle School [email protected] Fax 701.777.3319 2901 12th Ave NW Web Editor [email protected] Mandan ND 58554-1642 Membership Committee Theresa Norton Work Phone 701.663.7491 Kathryn Thomas UND Library of the Health Sciences MPLA Representative Fax 701.667.0984 NDSU Library Medical School Room 1300 Alfred L. Peterson [email protected] PO Box 5599 501 N Columbia Rd Stop 9002 North Dakota State Library Fargo ND 58105-5599 Grand Forks ND 58202-9002 604 E Boulevard Ave Dept 250 Work Phone 701.231.8863 Work Phone 701.777.2946 Bismarck ND 58505-0800 Fax 701.231.7138 Fax 701.777.4790 Work Phone 701.328.3495 [email protected] [email protected] Fax 701.328.2040 [email protected] The Good Stuff - Page 32 - June 2010