Values, Do values matter in economic and social policy? Can Catholic Social Thought help us understand Catholic Social economic and social issues, especially the goal of a just society? This book sets out to answer these and Values, Catholic Social Thought and Public PolicyValues, Reynolds/Healy 2007 many related questions. Thought The chapters are papers delivered at a policy conference held to celebrate the 25th anniversary of and the CORI Justice Office and its work to promote social justice in Ireland. The book seeks to offer insights into our understanding of economic and social issues, Public Policy particularly efforts to promote a just society. The goal of Catholic Social Thought is not to offer an answer to every economic or social question but instead to offer a lens through which to view specific social and economic problems. This perspective argues that economic and social actions are inherently moral actions. Yet the assertion that values matter is a contested issue in many areas of public policy. The authors come from a range of disciplines and areas of work but all are committed to ongoing public debate around these key issues and to promoting public policy which leads to a fairer, more just society for all. € CORI Justice, 12.50 Bloomfield Avenue, Dublin 4 Phone: 01 6677 363 Fax: 01 6689 460 Email:
[email protected] Website: CORI Justice VALUES, CATHOLIC SOCIAL THOUGHT AND PUBLIC POLICY Edited by Brigid Reynolds, s.m. and Seán Healy, s.m.a. CORI Justice I.S.B.N. No. 978 1 872335 66 7 First Published: October 2007 Published by: CORI Justice Bloomfield Avenue, Dublin 4, Ireland Tel: 01-6677 363 Fax: 01-6689 460 e-mail:
[email protected] Sponsored by AIB Investment Managers AIB Investment House, Percy Place, Dublin 4.