Congressional Record—Senate S652
S652 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE January 30, 2014 the Senate by Mr. Pate, one of his sec- Whereas, on October 31, 1952, Operation Ivy Guam, separated by a scant 30 miles, and retaries. was conducted on Elugelab Island (‘‘Flora’’) both are affected by the same win, weather in the Enewetak Atoll, in which the first and ocean current patterns, it logically fol- f true thermonuclear hydrogen bomb (a 10.4 lows that radiation which affects the Terri- EXECUTIVE MESSAGES REFERRED megaton device) code name Mike was deto- tory of Guam necessarily affects the Com- nated, destroying the entire island leaving monwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands; As in executive session the Presiding behind a 6,240 feet across and 164 feet deep and Officer laid before the Senate messages crater in its aftermath; and Whereas, as a result, the Nuclear and Radi- from the President of the United Whereas, in 90 seconds the mushroom cloud ation Studies Board (‘‘NSRB’’) published in States submitting sundry nominations climbed to 57,000 feet into the atmosphere 2005 its report entitled ‘‘Assessment of the and two withdrawals which were re- and within 30 minutes had stretched 60 miles Scientific information for the Radiation Ex- in diameter with the base of the mushroom posure Screening and Education Program’’; ferred to the appropriate committees. head joining the stem of 45,000 feet; and and (The messages received today are Whereas, radioactive fallout is the after ef- Whereas, because fallout may have been printed at the end of the Senate pro- fect of the detonation
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