

Biggest " Off-year " Crowd of Alumni- Union Building D<'ilicatccl- Lnrgcst Number of M Mcu- P east on Longhorn TUE :\IISSOURI UNION Alumni Lellers Show Support-Lire Member­ ships Reclucccl- Ninc at Harvard Join - More Student Members 'J'TIE 'l'IGEllS Victory Ov~,· 'l'c~a• f<'ollowecl by Dofc11l by Kan­ s,1s Aggies-Won from Sooner,._Simp- 80ll llm·,lle,q On- F ine Ahuuni MeeLiugs 58 THE :\[ l S SOU RI ALU :\[K U S


We can supply the Missouri Seal in four sizes. Quarter-inch at $1.50, half-inch at $2.75, three-quarter inch $3.50, all in solid gold . Large sizes for fobs and charms $4.25 up. The Column Pin made up with your class date on the base. The official Missouri Alumni Pin. Either in brooch or scarf $2.00. For Charms $2.25. You have wanted one. You need one, so send your order today to--

ptoncy rtfunded if yo\l, are not anlisfled.)

OHIO INSURANCE Alumni Business MISSOURI and Grover c. Hosford, LL. B, '08 Horace R. Davia, A. e. '10 Professional Guide Attorney and Counsollor nt Law Monthly lncome and Buelnoss Life In• - 1609·10 Union Nauonal Bank- Bnlldins: surnnce LAWYERS Clevelnnd, Ohto. 1001-08 Wright 13ldg. St. Louis, Mo. ILLI NOIS MISSOURI OKLAHOMA ----- H, HARPER MOULTON. B. S. fN AO. '16 Emil Roehrig, L.L. B, '07 Speelal A,;:ent Wllh Wllaon, Tomcrlln & Buckholta Tile Pro\•ldflnt LU& & T 'ru8l Comp&ny Lawyer ot Phlladelphln. Suite 1906-·0S Harri• W. F. Wil,on, A.B.'08, A.M., LL.B.'00. Trust 81dg. Chicago, Ill, Pro8ecuttng Attorney Warren county 800·81 I St.ate NaL Dank Bldg., ENGI N E ERS Warrenton, Mo. Oklohoma City, Oklo. Pncsi-·r100 ENOIN'E01UNG COMPANY conaultlng Engineers Daniel W. P ike. Rarry Tidd. Pro•ldenL vtce,-1.. rea. H. W. T lmmond1, LL. 8, '07 SCHOOL EQUIPMENT c. -m. (Colby College) C. E. •u (?.C11aourl) Water-wo rks, SewerG.1tO System.-, Pa.vln•• Lamar, Mo. MISSOURI ANO IOWA Light nnd Power .Plants, Pla.nii Md Spe,clftc,ulona. Suite ◄ 16 Scarritt BulldtnK KAnna City Jno. e. Dorman, L.B., s.e., Po.a. '91 W. B. ROLtlNS & COMPANY Walke r & Walker Book,, Maps, Charts, Globeo, Opll,cnl Con11ult1ng Engineer! W. B. RoJ11n~Mem. Am. Soc. M. E. Goods, etc. Mo. 1903) Lee Walker, A. B. '10, LL. B. '12 'WM or 'Wo1 ka. .loctrlo L tghlltlg, Sow• Clinton, Mo., Dea Moine,, la. era, Pnvlng. Plan1. 8peclRcation1, Guitar Bldg. Colum~la, lfo. Superilelon, and RoJ)Orlt. Railwtt)' Exchan~e Bl(lg., K. C. Mo. , ' THE MISSOURI ALUMNUS

Vol. V, N,1. 4 Cor.uMm", Mo., No1•t:Mu1-:n, 15, J!)J.6 P1nCK $2.50 A YEAR

It W as the Biggest "Off Year" Homecoming

Jt, wn~n·t 1111."! h igg(',(, bul. in more way~ 'l'ho Uui\·ersily women renlly slnt'tl'ld SchuH c IOAt. l he little IJiL v ( glo.1m he 111\d tlitm ()no it, w11.s the 1,C'l1Jt liomccoming of it all. Thero w111.11 11 nHtss mcet-i11i for ~hown t>Arlier in Lhc dny in talking Qf ahunni n nd · for~twr stuclcul8 t \'Cr held the women io &ehO()I und for visitinJ:: Lhc l:IC.\'f'r:,I inju1•ed Ti~l.'r8. 'I'll~ e(l11c:h At t..lie Univer~ity. Jt was lho IJi~;.:cet 11 ll1111tu,e l<'ridlly nlterrh)On in the L'ni• ptt-"lticted rt dot1e gRm<>, o.n;,ther pl'\")()f honH.-comiug c,•cr lie.Id at trny li1111: ot h1,:r ,·prsity 1\uclitoriu111 1tt. wt.id1 the ~stu· n( hi~ 1,ropl,ctie nhilit.y. E. 1). ("<-:eu­ thRn nt K1msas gnmes nn,I l\t ,•ommenrt)· dent womc11 put t hcmRolves ou n1<·urd CL"' C'rnl"~ Smi ll1, '01, of St. l..oui" a nd J)r. mc11 ta. The rnunhcr of hcnnecomin~ desiring n hiJ;hCr type of rllO\·i og pidurc$ I.L M. llurf:;~AA, wh() n l'lhort time a~o alumni 01Ul former 11ludenu wn~ 1111• Rnd ,·t1.udcville foature:s for C-olumbi1J. mewed lron.l ('olumbin, ncl dt.."1.1 tl1t•it Ct1· t>re«.'• homccomcrs were co11 ccrned : n go.>c ncd i11 Anrl you'l l hnve h glorious vlt lon, !l.Uc"h e\·('ut..,, the w,·ed ll1,~c ChC('l'lnK I he g l urlllU" Stmlf'lll Union, SAm S parrow. '03. of K!u,,.,.11s Citr, o. \\'0 will rally tr-om the hlUghlc, we'I h \\l nu~n cxeoJIN1t. 1>ru1>l1et;t. 'l'ltcre were KAlhor rrom the 11luln , mcml>tr of tho TJ.on rd of Cun1t.ors, 11re• other (l\'Nll.S. Ch(•erlng the g lorlou11 S tuden t. Union. Ki ded nt the de l'n lon 18 gr-()\\·lng ! I I Utr!'tl\ ! Olrls, Mi lf.SO ud Unio n lhtilrling. l1wocation from the numbel' of nlu11111i nnd former Hurrnh t Come : W1-, rk Wgcther I T'utih It nlong ! wns. by the Rf'\', C. C, C ri me11 1 1tfb•r J,tudent foet'k iieNt on t lle @tree{& tl1n.L Wldl~ w e roll y ' round lhe Columns. whic.'h fi:. W. Stt1)l1en1 ga\·e tltc dt'WR, It deg.ervcs n o Como, Join lhl,r glor lOUII Stul.lmH see the r,rc.parntion.s for the fen.Rt on Union. lcu. We w ill a.II w o rk toge ther and help to l.t>ng horn meat (there wn.s R rcnl fout put It thru, 1'hc o(t.ermnth! 'l'he Hhirt•ltlil 11n· for wldch 8- ,;teer wni, barl:,ecucd, but 8>· Jo ining- tho g lorious Stud<>nt U nio n. rade! T he hnrl.wtuC"! The bu.-n intr or U1tt.t., too, is gt!.tting ahead of t he story). Chorus: the ).,t111ghorn l Thes~ C\'Cnt.8 brought. fl lfnny ~.,we themsch •('g time for \'isils Reunion at ' 1 U" Bulfdlng j,'Tei,t day to l\ Rl) hmdid close-. 'l'ho bi~ with old frie11ds and with home?folks and Tho wointn'k mRM tuooling wn& fo l• C! lectric ''U'' in front of U1e Union lmild time lo visit ogoin those f,unilia.r plnees lowed at night by the big (ootbnll ma..ss ing f111d 108t none of i ts attracting pow­ which cnrr_\' b1Lek to t heir own nud the meeting, the biggPi.t nnd most entlm'li • ci r nrul ! he s lorif'B o( tho uj2'04}d o ld doys'' Unl\•or! it_\' '$ youngers yeor:,. nstic talk foi\l of t-hc Monson. Coach toJd insida bud l(li t none of 11tc,ir ~n\'or. 60 THE :MISSOURI ALU'rlI NUS

ni\ t lh1 inttllct'I . T hi' 111:,rt,·r,; of Ox• Union Building \\las D edicated Iorrl'41icti 11 g for llau Vuiurn, M. u. 'S:3, Blucl!, fu t note of the l1onh---C(lming <•elohrn1ion. R. w. .r::.u1,11t114, '61, ,cl,o 1110,Ui the •rex:. Jlundrc.-ls of alumni flnd i,hulf'nt~ g1,th• Drdicatory A ddreAtr. Joh11 1;•_ Murry, LL. Jl. '9i, L,L. .M. •~. Columbln, Mo. C'red in fro11t. r,f tl1<' ult! Columhin ('1uh mnrchin~ on to n grcn.t.cr glol'y for .Mis· 'l'hOOU\~ L. .l;'rlee, lnw '!IG, J ultOl"!IOll C ity, Mo, .., building t.n .!IM> it. hf'c1m1e formally tl1!! souri. It is nn instilutfon \>Qrn or th(' Qeol'gc a,.•. Ouah, A. 8. 'Hi, U. $. In Ed. ) li:'!!souri l ruion Building. S:111> Spar· lael\rt. I t will b(.I a. home for a ll llis· '!IG, Ca1•rollto11 MO. l'aul $. J)ush, C'nrrolll(ln, .\to. row, 103, who prtsidc•J nt the dcdieutory souriuns. Nchwn K arr, .8. :;, In .t:tl. '09. J.{lrk· wood, Mo. txcN>isea s poke as fo llow·s: ''It. will gi,·6 to 1\Hil&Cntri :.t wider P. P. Nubltl. B. $,, '01, Muekogec, "'l'he Mi!S8011ri Uniou is dest iu('() t.-. de.mocrncy. The <:<>·opera.tloJi will mnni· Okla. '1', U, t•urry, 13. S. '08, A, M, '03. B . S. i n be t.lie rnn~L do111inant forC'o i11 the up• fe1t. it.1e1f i11 the union of Lhc alumni nnd c. f;. '03, SL l..Ouls, Alo. H . A. S~ltzor, B. S. In <..:. K '10, St. building oJ the Uui"ersity. Coneeh·cd 11tudcnts 1rnd in tho final eentc111.ing ()( L<>ul@, Mo. llnd inirngurat.ed 111st '-pri11~. tllf' IOO\'I)• the student OO•lf. Ilen~loforc tho 3choo1 Erne"l M . l,oV)', 8. $. In c. K ' 13. King C ily, Mo. rnent hu& grown 1rntil now \\t luwe thi"' h11 s ~n dh·ided into club,q, frnternities Clerc JIAr(llngcr, .A. D. '08, Chllllcotllo. Mo, tc.mpornry lwmc anh l.h:,t S. h t Ed. '.l l, Cl(i\f',CJund, O. Bi•,::,; Curter, A. U. • 1.a, 8. $. In J•:d, ' 13, ture." we: hnd mtorc (.)f them. Hu1 now thC' en· l..:'n.lUornh,, Mo. T he ded icatory aclflrcss wn, by E. \\', ,h•we ll Hughes, A . 1'1., 'tC, Vayettevlllu, i(inNr will know th~ fo.r111or, the m~die. Ark, Stephcnfl, '67, n former 11,cml>er of l ho. the l1rn',\'('r, And wo \\'ill al:,o know the Ji', "I'. J{ennody, 8. $, In M. E., 'll, Sl. 0 r..oul"', Mo. Board of Curl'll• lor, B. S. In 1::. Jo!. ' 13, ton· tlte UniM and n l80 one or the commiH.N> W Iii tte ntplification of t hat spiri t . tl1e. &lore nt which to J)nn;h11se knowledge Mlllc)n R Oornet, A. B. ' 14. S1. Lou lff, By Mo. dedication oI the Union Building we a re but an in'Jtitution of tho htllrt ai, well 0. F. Taylor, B. $. In E. E. ' 13, St t..oul~. Mo. 1'HE )[I SSOUR T ALUMNUS 6t

L I FE MEMBERSHIPS I-low to G et Kansas Game Tickets NOW $50 Tw~nty-live limul~I t:c•:.ils l1tW(! lx.'C' n r e,i;('rn•d for i\J J.,.:i-mri 11l 1111rni nnll ~tu• )JisiW>uri Uuion life n1e111~ri,hir•11 dcntH c-1. Rt ("'()1111111, ii.. pc1Rcd tl10 !'llllC'Odm"nt 111:tking tlu~ 'l'hc st'.:tlh for Lb"• )lii:\So11r i1\ l1 8 Im,·~ h~~n re :i;en•tJ hl'Lwcl'n tlrn lw<> :lS•via rd.8 rf'l'.lud inu nnd it MrriMJ hr 11mu1i· mour:i w,t" (If :1h11n ni, 1:\('ulty and li11cg u 11 d Are on tl•o 11orlh &idc o f the- rie1rl. The """t. lu,ir of t!.111 ~~.,t iftn wi ll I~ i.t ud~nt,;. J..ifo member:fllipK ln­ h('IJ for 1,h1m 11 i and tltn wei;l lrnlf fo r s lud~11 t.>1. .Aei in roruwr )'('tlr~, the l>ox sct\tf> t hull} lite tiuhiscriJl(iooS1 to TIie, will Lio $2. .i0 cucl, and Hie ble:u•t,er scat.a $2.00 t.'wd when ll1e two te11n1$ 1111.~t nnd )11111:tg('r lh1milt•>11 of 111c ,Jayhllwktrl'I rf!port" !lint, he nlrendy l1as rN't.i,•cd rc•,1ul~l& r~1· m ure Ll1:u1 lh ' 11rr11ngeme11t for tl1 e: pnrki11~ t,f u m· J, 'I', M hch~H. S. ~I. H.11ddor. C. K '1 5, J·:ual St. LOulit. clli n('Q; 011t 1titlo th<' gridiron. <.'rowels of motori3~ hom l\auMt.!1 (.'ity tu-e \.'X • ]II, Jeoh u C . Altt'l'l,ury , A. lS.. '1 1, l.L.. B, petted, and SfJ'l'<'illl etlteutiIR-. r enr. l\l(l<"k~ (I( lick<'l.8 will be Alloth"ll lo fmteruity h,iotiM 11nd j\U,cr Of$!A1th~11 • M(). tioJ'l,i, thn" t11lowiug group1 or !ti('n(b to ~ct &e11U lo1-:ett1\"r. The! tl<'kot~ to t •. P . R o nroov, Quincy. Ill. It. ti. Broa,.Uic nd. LL,. n. '02, Co111 mblt1, the f;tlrne will J::O 011 J)\lblio M ic Ko,·einh<-r 20. Unt il thf'n nnl)· alumni nod M o. 1..., A. Eaton, C. P.. 'lG, St• .J o"ei>h, Mo. Mt l1dc111 8 (1re nllowtd to purd1t'l!le the ttdm ission slip8. n . F. Oo1'11n, '90. Columbln. )lo. C. (.', Wli,;-gtuifl. 13. K In Ag,, 'I:?, A, )I. ·u. Colum l>ln. ,:.Jo. n~idci, Mr. Arthur the Cniun ltl('III • CONFERENCE ON A LUMNI WORK Cht\l'h:JJ. E . Knne, B. J. ·1,. COlumblR, Mo. bcrt1 Iii lfor,•,u·d now nrl': Guy \'. Paul J. 'l'hOmflROll, B . J . ' 14. },!aeon. Mo, 1 J, H. Harn$. B. S. In E. !-;, '06, Moh~ ll<'itd, 14, J . 13. 11<-d:.{PJ.t, '16. J1>lm C'. Secretaries From 40 Schools Met a t e rl )', l i t>. Yfl~CI. ' LO, J\l'm,lcl IA--onrml. ' 1<1 Paul Nashville, T enn. o. H. Allgele r, E. B. ' 16, \ \'('l;1H•' I' 1 Grove~. Mo. C1, 1•1•in~l<1 n, ' l•I, Cln1.11l o Cro~!!, '14, Ben· .\ bnut. fn rlr nlurnni s1... r('tn 1•ic~. ro1we­ :-:nm ,I. P. ArHlerson, Sturgeon , Mo, "\Y. \V. l·'ry, J r., 1,1.,. n. '09, ?i.h:-Xl('O, !\,lo. j ruhin n othhnum, ' IC., an,I 1fohn 1~. sontinjt larj!cr uoh-el';,it it"R nnd ('(•ll~ge, c. M. ~06• 11, M. I). ·01, A. n. '10, Co• Rhodes, 'l4, lumbln, !I.lo. of lho rountr~•. mf't. nt Nash"ille, '1'<•11 11 •• C. ,-;, CtJ.rC•)", ll. S. In e. J:l. ' O.f. Vundnll n. Orchestra Opens Concert Seriea Odolier 26·28 for the firth con fort-nee. or Mo. ,\, R. Wll,l~r. M . F:,. '1 :?, !-;t. l.oul!I, Mo. Th" St. IA"mi~ Symphony Or('h~stra, t.lie Kotionil l ,\.88tle'i1,tio11 o f Alu mni S('C• ,I. H. Sorner,•llle, 'O!l. ('ol u mbln, Mo. cdnlln, Mo. 11li1r &eo~on or Phi ) In ,,\11,hrt in the Uni· (.!et>rt:e re-i,h,>tly College for 'l'enchers wcr~ Merrill w. 1'('0l('r, St••IAIII.\, Mo. t•:rntitl TfttC, A. H. '01, Okolonn, Ark. \'l"ri'iLy .-\uditori1110 Mond1,y nlghl, No· lh<' h&Al.!! . nut N,1shvillo did not nlfow t:-.ow O L E 11'berr)', ) 10,l J . <'. llllrmAn, 13. $. In FM. ' JG, Afol)(lrly, w 1nl!i'r 1:1. Ei>'hty•ll1r~ 111\'n awl llnf! tlu•.'ie Arhooh~ to c-Mry U1c burden alone. Mo. ,,·omim, A luHpi.!!.t ,00111 prisccl ll1e orches­ '!'lie Commer('ial Cluh, thC! 1tcrn1itt,ic Cl1nrle fl! 11. l,ynn. n, $., In C. ,-;, 'JI>. St. Louis.. Mo. tra. tluh, the Ghlf nnd Country Club nn11 r. W. Orown. 13. $., In C. 1::, 'JO, von­ do11A. Mo. Graduate's B~by Took Ribbon t>tllcr organimtion~ and groups joined 11arjnril' ,June Jr.ue-i, thrnghl"r of W. in on the cntertlliuing to be s u n~ tlu,t. UNION GETS 9 FROM HARVARD Pnul ,foneJI, re(•ent.l)' took n blu~ rib.' tho men l\Od the women. too, for there bon in t hi' P:tn•lfollcnic Uahy 811nw in were t hree s~ret11.rics or U1c fair ~f'X G lad to Lend Our Support, Accom­ l\nns11 t1 ( ' ily. Mr. ,fon.-s w1,t1 n student. pr

husi m,-.;;,g roi11f'~II!. The fm:t i6 ~tm in H> I$, n~- t.hnt t ime the *l.HQO,· )rt1re. )J 111en ntt.-udeJ tlu! sixth nunu• llH~rc wa.s o 1thort bu~inP~i; n1N-li11;.: fii"?-L OU() ~t ichi~:tn l 'nin n Uuilrlin~ will lw nl rcuniMt and lmnqu.:-t. ,Kn,·Nnh('r 4 Uuln o( RII, but lhc. T'-'C:OIIN•tlon 6( nlumni c-01111,leCt•l, it is ex11('ch.-d. The (1ol10,,-f11 :,.: hin'c 1,(•cu pre«cu i.. ut nn~· 1m•,·iou~ ~ttth• 6e(!retRries .. is uot n~c"~'••l'il~· ('hr(•uologi· ofli c.~rg wcrn C\ICfh•d: ,~riu~. fl('C'Q1•11i 11 g to t. l... 8N'Wl'I', .Ji· e.AI, n•c•tor r•f utltlcli(•&. It wit~ n verr ;,m il· P r('~hlenl, C' l1:ult•s C1u~o11. V:uulcrhill ; Ing Hrl'Wl'r wlu) uutJo tlutt. urui•)Ulll~· "The ultim:d(' purp,c,;,1(' oi u.lu111ni or• ll r,..t, ,•icc-prC'flid f' nl. Frank\\·. ~,l('ltl, llli• lllf'nt nt ll1c l1nio11 ll11iMi11g o(tf'r the J,:trnir.oti'ou'• \\B~ the gt•ncn,I topi<' fo r noifl! StNml ,·it•c•1n·t"\id,,nt. A. H. L' p• dillnf'I' W1\~ 0\'.1'r, for t lie •·coud1" is prl)ud ,lisrussion tit t hi\ l(-vc•r1\l n1l•cting1t .,r Otl' Juun. Minud : fl('(•N'tn r.,·. r,(•V('ritlj! T~•;1<1u, 11( •• Iii ,::.·• bo.,·s :Hui del it?h($ in geU in,; t'()nforN1('.('. 8 11 rt1 ·" 111 ,j"Ch n~ tllhl1•til.'."· ("ohm1hin: lrNt'-UrC!r, 1\rU111r D. lJutl('r• thtm to;.:cU1er. 'l'h"rc Wl!n) i:;e,·,•ut~·-t,w, s-tudtnt t: 111·011ment. l~RI l\hnnni :vdr,cin· llelcl. \\'otC('Stcr Polyt('(:hnic• ln~titul~. iion~ ttntl rlo~i;i unit.;, alum ni journaJp;, r•r,,,.l,nt •.\I r. lll'('W('f s aid, fourteen of a..luurni univc.-sity dnr nnd the. like were 1heu1 former cuplnins in ,,ariou:, de· pttrl111(' 11 ts o r a lldct.ics fokcm up at 0011.siderahle le.1gth. '·T11c TEXAS A LUM N I T O MEET idf'nls of Al u mni n~ 1hey nffl•(•t or an" Tbe nu•n j:!lltlu:n..·d a.t the Vniou .lluild· ing n.11d tl\lkcu .,,er vM timN> lu ~ (i!>. nm-cte-d by athleli,•,;" 1,rflu~lit. Ciut an R eunion of M. U. Me n To Be H eld In souri l\thlcti<'s. ~L'he new M mnn ex· <'i-J+•"'inlly lin•ly di~l'ui.:i,,ion. 'rhe @('c-re• Austi n, Turke.y Day. taric•s ~),()W~I Chtm~•h·t.~ fully npJ,rN:i• plninNI to U1(' o M Hmi' :t iichl go.1 1 llnwn 11l Am,tin, 'f('xaA, Ahuuni M th(• ilti\'e of tbe mnny hencfll11 frr,m inll'rc•ol• (-t1u11fs t,hl'('C 1)()i 11 t8 now, iui,lcud of f,1111·, t'nivcNtity 11( Missouri Rre µ-oin;: tu lmn.• Je~iatc sport.i, nn,I equally .1wnrc of tl1(J while t he Tiger o£ the 'OO's t.vlil why he :1 hi~ reunion dinner 'l'hnnks~iving l)ny c,·ila of o,·eM'mphiusiiing thtm to the liked tho old etylc o f piny l>t• tler than on the ocension f)( th~ nnnua1 (Mt.hall nrglcci o( the more !'lc-rious J)hn Re~ or tht• the new. All Hie "do1>e" from ) lissouri's ,..J11.i.h bd,\\'N'11 t.he l1ms:-hom8 n 11 d TcXO!'I s:choor:i work. 'l'his dii:.c: 11AAion WM led first gumc lo Si 11\ 1'1so11'A lllt c..;t. g1oric: .\. nnd ).1. CollegC\. ?i1it1t1<1uri meu Al'(' b)' R. n. )Jcl..nu,::l1lln or llrowu. w c1s rclold. T hey Wt'nt. In u. hotly from "" the Clf'lt1ehtog staff or bolh tNrnu•, nnd Embree or \'Hie tolil of t h,} !Jr,te1Hlirl Lh<' '"U'' }Ju ildin~ Vt their bA1H111c•t dow11 int('rPSt in t.lu, cc:, nOi<:t i;;i kc-en :1mong 8\ICIN'l'l8 of their "nlu111 11 i unin~rsiiy dlly,11 town , ;\li..:souri pcoplo Jh•ing in T"u~. A dl\y wl,en nlnnmi 1uul tlhl ~tudc-nts re>-· T tte ellptninli 1>r~enl were: Tl1c- t'nin•n;ity o( 'l'<'l'M t C'am pht)'ed WIIJlnm 0 . P<> wcll. Gtorg{}, "Pnl,.. turn lo io~~(•t. U1e 111:1c-hinrry o( th" uni· Murphy, E . C. H idl, "Curly"' Rlatln(', ,·ersity in ih normal running condition. (h<' Tigers nt the fa ll FJomec-omin~ Ill JIRrry l.o.tni.ing. 0. F. Tnylor. 8. G. C-olu mL iR , .No,·ember it, losing o bitterly lillne. C htH"hit H., Woody, Ocor,;e D. Wnshint,.rt.o n"A blrthd ~l~· i~ A(Jt for thiit T:,ylor. neorgu It. 'l'natrc. J . S'. Pfir• 11venl becn use it ijl; R hueine.,i J1oliday c•ontR~tC'd ~llme. 3-0. :\C'cording to tl,c k (tl', MIiton K Born N, 1,~r<:d ) f , wu­ lhlmH a nd .,. ,\. Clf•Y· but not n uui,·en.ily holiday itC \'alt.•. On "dOfM?.'' the A, and M. CollPJlC tc:11n. 1\mong t he ro,-t t o register "'Ore: wlti(•h luui nn fl11tlJ'e stnrr or ?.l i.4MU1' i Ttlc hnrd Rullc-d,Ke. Wllllum o. PQW• this dn,• Ute a lum ni ttUeruf tlu• regular NI, B. 1., Wnrron. Et\rl Hcolck. Geor ge. c•lnf.A('8 a nd in other ways ~et l\l'<(Utlintcfl l'n:whell. 1rnd Ill(' l.tmghorn t.cnm nrc i\l ur11hy. (.'. W. Tt:rry, ,.1. Gf.•ntry .Dog• 1 10:. $am $hll•ky. M. F'1•cd t m1tlr-hcd. l'ninr • "J', llt.wry, with U•C! r~,1 Jifo or the t1d1oc1 I. Thn,i prcU~· ,·c>nlr U11y l,1r Cnbc,lmnn, JI",. H erbel't G1'een, P. :P. Aily \\'(',JI fffl Ul Tr~xn."I :3-0 nnd lo:i.t l() the N\'l'Jbltt. •r. . B. P orr_, (."'. 1V. l.enH;hart, they t' re nhlc lo maltr"8lnnd llio chn11J;t'S H. C. Cn. M. F:. 1;-nwks. r ·, w. KnObl•I • . ( .... A. Eatnn. ,I r ., .,. L. ,, of t.he day a .t Ytl.lo iij aUestNl 1.y the t'IHI, who was ~rfldu:th•d f n1m t.hf' C'ol· <'1mpl1dl. O. W. T etM. C. ;\. WhlH', 0 IC~C' of J\rt!l n11d ~eienoo (J( thr l 11i w•r· O. 1-•. Tnylvr, Chnrlc-s R, WOt,(ly, C. I). 1rnmben1 which ntt end. J.:t'-l ~·cnr t here \"nn D>:n,·. J\, n . WIJ(l('r. J . Jo;. PIXIN•. WC'rC 500. ~ity in JflOfl, ii' rli rel'lor or nthfr,tir-ff taf I'. 11. Shef)ord, RnMor11 Pie tnm. '\Vil· 11nm Norris l~Mer, .t. D. Bat(llnan. S. E. F. W, Scott or lllinoi.s s.•nxe 1111 tX<'<'I· l ho A. itnd i\l. Collc;::e.. His l4.'!mmlitlf', OMhnm. O. <". ·Mu,nnn, c:corge 0. Tny· norscLt V. (•''l\1hhy") Ornv<-"Jt, I\ ,p,11\r nt l • .J. C. J~rmc,r. unll ntrceti,·e."' The pr~ in~ M tho ,·c,[email protected] o( Texn$, C. 1•:. Vari Gent. for lO• C:eftl'A'(' n. TAAtr~. J. ~- Prtrke r. M il • er ~lissoori (()Rt'.'h, is hC'A.d or the. tong· tnn R Bc•rnet. Prt'd M. \Vllllnm8. W. confe rente aro printed for Uu1 helter hc.l() M. Collins, Hurry V ln('r, Chnrl('it of I.he various nlumni secretnrie't. hmposcd of: ft \V, Pnttcr&On, ?.Ji12ou and Rmong t ho grads nu~ hn,·c whole conforenoo. The $1,000,000 wn~ Vn\lghn Bryant, J.:!. L . Ilr:uhd1cr , E. C. found out. lhnt 1'hc Alumnus is lhe wny overtmbscribed by Rbout $4,000. By the Phillipil, J. A. Clny, N. R 1-'lhgernld, to do i t. So lu~rc goo~ ng:,in.-J. ..-\. completion or the ~mount, the school \\', r . ) lorley nnd n. 0. Brown. Cooper, A.D. 'I J. 'L'TlE ::\l1SSOUH,I ALl;)INUS

"111,pod 1l1i:t 1111)\'Ntll'nl f.:<' 11C'ro111•ly . Alumni and T he Union hhJ•(' I Ill+'.'' t.t~ ulih; to ht1 11t Coh11nhit1 Letters From All Parts of the Country Show Support of M. U. f.. r thP llom,•Nm,in.j! llny. l,ut ,uu not Organization -. ure l11at. I Ahf1 11 n!i I lun(l ~c,,•trlll C'n• ;.>1l;:t1•nw11t~ to 1ill i11 K1111.:u11 Cit)' tl1nt. K<•l.hiug grntifi(', rnc rncu·c tlurn to) M'1' l'f'-iidt•11l-$ ,)f wl1i<'l1 tr;wu will be ~ Ind tu wf•{•k.- \\. n. Hollin-i, 11.~. in M. 1,:_ •0:1, ,\1issot1ri take ht--.;. 1-', II. F1·1111,•11 ;., ..i:t!1 :\li,11(11111 IHdA:., K:m • Portt:llus Goea to Butler. Pa. )li!i,, ►11r i · I t. ;s hould be tli(' hoJ)" of C'\'('r~· ...11,;. ( 'ii,,·. "''"· \, I-'. Por1.t~li 11s. who Im~ b,~11 in 1.·hitl'~l~ 1u1 to :.c•o it ho11 i,.t>tl in :t 1wrnmn('1d h ullll' 41 ( l lu• 1.•ml.. irtnn \\\il,t•r (."0111 pauy nl of i ts own. Tlie 1•11t ~h()wn i 11 Tl!~ .\111111· I w i:-h t•\'f'l'.'' ~1tN•◄•,..,1 i•l th<• nMdy form• l.ouisiaun, .\lo., Im., 111m•1••l lt1 HuU1.~r. 1111 1t n{ n fulur(o l,uild iug- c•~•nnut fwf1 , 1,ut NI ,\11".l'l.flllri l"nitlll nn•I (,,('I llHr•• 1111\t 11t• l'n .. \\lu-1·,, {w will he :tsi-1K•it1lf>1l "ith ulake \I.$ 1dl J:d our 1tlu•uMer;. to llw ;,trt:-fl i(lr 111•1 •~•·•• >!11 f1•1'\\'11r1l ... 111t.l hll\'t' hl-..•11 1lt1• Uull1•r \\'nt,~r ('1111q,1rny.. \ Ir, 11111·/'t•li, whC'cl nud lu'l,lp thl' f!'>i,;lnhliiiih t111•111 nf tl1i,., II" \\'1tS J,:"l'llll u:,ti•1l fr,,111 tlw t'uiv.-.r"ilr T . .J. ~chn1 idt. H5. i n C'.R 'O!J, l :lO:?•Jt ) l j,ri,:,mri t 'nl••11 fl~ n p<'rn1111w11t 1h:1111'i'I witl1 tlm ll.S. in (',E, +11.';.;•'t'" i11 11lO!I. ('ily XRtionttl Bank Hldg.. 0 1nfd1(1, :-.:1.. of ;\I. l. l ,m•k Co it.- C'. ( '. C\itlhn\illt. hrn,.kn. .\ .I{, •1:,, l.nwlon. Okin , Josef Hofmann at University ,IH-.d 1111(11111 11 0, fn11 1,u1~ H11N1-i11n 1>i11 n• Plcfi8e liud e1wll'lj/;<'tl 1hy <'hcd" fu1• $:!,;,o 1°11,11~,. ••nN,11 111,• ,, 111(•1111..._,r ,,r 1ht• j.. t, OJ•<•nNl tlu• lUJCi ,Ji l'hi M,1 Alpha for memb"~hi1> i11 lhe Uninn, nnd de111·t .\liii:l'I011 ri l'nion And d ,m'l (nil if, :.f'lul ~'l>n<•Nt. 8C'1'i<'l't wit h i:, rec.:itnl in th(' U 11 i• forget to ~"11d Th" Alumnw;, for tlmt ig Tht> .\lumnus ril,{1,1 ftl1111;.: i•,·Ny 1i11u•. , e~i(y An,ll lol'i11 111 Ot"tohcr. :ZS. Tu nu like getting n l<'it er fro ,11 lu:mu-. l w1111t• lnkl' jtn•itl plt>n!l-ur-1• iu ('"(•ry il('\\'it H1•n1, int~n·i"w llofnurn 1mid he b<•li<•,·<•s tlii! ('d to .-omc to ,nlur tim11('<:-01t1ing Lhiili fall. (.,•. it htk(Yl me• liJu,•k lo thv,$(' lltrillin;! ;.:•~m·rAI c•(fo(•t o! the ,Htr will hr th·trimc-n• hut it will IJe irnpo~iblc 0 11 u ~(•Ntol , ,( 1l1t~·" nl )I. P,- ) lr~. ,f1tmc.•,;, 11. :\li•·'-l·,,· !al to 111 11 si.:• in ;:"n"rnl, ~i,wl' i:o uuw)' oill<-ial bu1'it1<-fi!I', hut will hn,•e ikr\'C-.1 111~· I lf,•lc.•n Huhnrt f-im ithl. ,.\ ,ll. 'l:,. () .. f'rl.,.,h•. 11l11 ~i"i""" :~ro hei111,: J.:illl•d in Eurorf'. four Jt'llr;i thi-. ~~In ond will try 0.11d l"M• ".\"1~h. ,•\111l•1•ic,1,, llnWM' C'1', hf' h('lii'vc•,i, will lw wilh .rou n<'xt. rel\r. G lod h"I 1tf•c, fc ,ul• l,1.•11(lllh'II iu n mn~k:tl \\ll)' 1,y the wnr, bitlJ pi<'kin{:' up.- Thonm.. -s W. Thon'l}80ll, Tl,,, .\1111111111 -t rc•11d1~l me to,li,y 1111 ,I hl'<·nui,,e 111n 11 y ,.:rf.'tlt m11:-i,~i1u\s lun•c c,)mf' Lf.,.B. ·or,, l'ou11ty ,•\t.torul'y. Grt>c•uvill,•, J,.,,k }IYl.'n•dcnt•t• o,C'r nll oth"r p1qwr:-t If> this oountry. H" f' 11 jnyi1 plnying in 'l'ex. nud lllflJ!ll Zi11<-,,1 io ALU'nt io11 '1'11111 1111•, 1l11• l ' nit"d StnlC'", h C' 1111)~, 11'.'\•uui.c th" 1'111 J:11Hl ~·011 M•nt ii 11$1 ii re111ind,-..I 1111• 11c-,1plt• here know how to n11pre<'i11 tc• J(Oo1I The J\rivilege o( <-njo_,·ing both 111l•111• .,( my oe-cd 1e u~ nn olumnufol. 'l'lh•II . 1011, 111osir. 1.>e rsliip in the ) li~souri l'nion nut! i;Hh• l'111 i:lnd le, 11eur or tl11,• )li'1..1.001·i l 0 11ion i.criJ)tiou to The .A lumnus il'I one mo1:. I•:, Fib:i,:,•rJthl, W. ,J. Gih:-.,m, folher f•f Phil Shorid1,11 1>0rt, ju~l RA 'rny int.creAt, will he 1-1 "'1i(i> ltS, in Eel. ' I.;, l 'nh•N·i-it_,, ~hli1,n, .\lh• 1rn 8t.. ~L 1)11111, ,\li1111. ~h•p fonrn I'd, J hft\'t• nol 111i"'.;ed u &•JJ." l>irc•dqr Hrt~wn of the.~ .\thh•li1• ,h .. 1)u rt· o( Tl1,, .\h111111u.,. io:im·1• l1~A,·io:,.c ,\I. l ' , 1\ml IIIC"llf, l ha,·(' n•th l and ('t1jo,n••I 'l'hc, ,\1111111111 .c \\(WI 1•• (:(111l i111u, rf'1•c•i\"l li ),I' it. 1 f1111 from the tlr:t1,t, ii-!<111 •. fl hns lx.•c•11 i't J!rC>al ,:11iu'-' lo -s, •.,. U,c 'l'i~f'r~ 'whip Tt•.'\'11.i aucl QEBH H as Annual Banquet good for )I. l', 11 1111 l'-.p<"1·ii1lly for nh1111• flt'(' tlw ttl'w 1 'nion hf'1Hli111arl,1•r.i.- L,. \\'. 'l'ht• 11i1lC'l"•·•u lh 1111mnd Ql-:Bll hc11111u<'l ni a n d !nrmc•r Atudr,nls, Would no( will l lellnrei,•li. :\I.E .. E. I•:. 'l 1. llal'id nnnkin• for n<:th·c and alumni 111('111bc>r~ wn" int!I." 11(' without it. I cuu c.~()t"(·itn;: ,Jr .. Tri.de :,O:C'hoc,I , :-:.t. l.1111i ~. ,\ lis-i,ull'i, 111•M nt tlu- \"ir~iuia t:rill Nc1n-mh,•t· ;;, :,:-rent Utiu,:s from the• )Ji,..sou ri P11iiJ11,­ 'J'hc {,11lm,i11;.r ulumui w~·n• l'l'f'-'"nt: l'ry<1r 1'. Sc•oh, ;\.R 'O~, Hi•·ht\rd~. ~'"· rPt•('i,·t•ct 11 111111"--;r& I tutti ::! or \'uluutl' C'itl'I I., Hi.. lhll•. Lc.•,in,:.;tnu, ~I•~.: .\lilt1m .l nud wir<,,·~nli"11 t ,,,.,... i hf' old 1(11·. ('ohuuhia: ,J ••\, ( lu_r . Ft. \V1,rth, ) li s,-,ou ri l'11 i() 11 will Jlro,·c: a ,trr:ll, h1l,)u i~" II <',;, \'1)11 rrol1nl1l,v kuow th:,t I lu\,·•• 'l'<'x.: r. c. \\'i~,cln:;, l'olum1,ia : .1. U. to nll.- A. )I, lh'IW11rd, A.ll. •1:1, 1.t:i1 l1(',,' 11 n re,f: 11l11 r ~uhi«•rih..-r to The .\lnm• f'mn•II. (',1l11 1111iin: IIO\\ ttnl l lnl'k('d,,rn, Hcnuf'lt J\\',, J)aJlaq, T ('x. nu.. N ·('r tinc.•t• ,t~ l11 t•c.\1,tion, in f:wl. I ('1tl11rnhi(I: Ji>n ul J, 'l'homp~o11, :\hu•on, ,q1 M ~1u- of the four l'\un~u1 ('ity l)f•Y" :,\J11,: 11. II. Kiuy,m. ('ol11111l1in uwl W. J w1H:1 in C'oh1111hin for the Amt""" J.:l\ uu-. \\ho gunranteed Lb mnk" UJ• 1l lk•lil'ii (-o,·• P . .Jt•8,:,{', C'ohuubiR. Tin• tm•mbcr'i' of nnd enjoyed n few minutes \'isit. in ''our" <•ring it8 JHIIJlitutiou during th~ flr~t ~·c,su• tho aNh'c t lulJll<'r w hv were p1·<.•~l"' 11 t building, 1>11t. ne~dc•e~,-t to ruo upl'ltnir-; it WR~ out.. were.: Lue l.{l;-:i,·r, Pr('(! \\"illiz,1111"', ,\ . ('. lo deposit. ll1c duos. l nm n~i,i

iu;.t" ti, lw •·n•d('J- lhi-i plll n t,, iurnl,11 :\h1.tcr wil It regurd l t'l 1.: litfl!t nnd lnl,1,.. The \'i ... itin_:! tl.1 11 n1ui :1 cnm(nrtaltle (..'nl11ml1i11 rat,,ry ex<' r<· ise: they arc inl~•rr·l'llCd in l,omr, lil ln1'11ii;h ~t uilc-111>1 111 111 foC'nlt,\' wlmu·vt·r Ull\'ruwes luwc 1,e(•n 11 u1d c> 8inee Missouri Alu1n nus 111(• 111h(lr1l wilh nn o ll-.\Ji-ii:.c,11.-i, 11 11 11 -cl,•· tl1t!ir l imo iu lC')td1ing W (•tl1l\d~, M)mc 1H1rlmenfnl. mC'etin~ wouu,I. in t:n~fos11, i.ome i II ch:<'tri1:1, I ••ngirn•er• 1est.abllahod 1012 M ado Sc•ml-Monthlr 1916 Tl,c- nlumni, C' \'<' r rr()ud or ,\ltm, ~la­ ini. :111d ~n 0 11: Uwy 1,r.: i11 tcrest,c1l in t.•r, e,·cr ei1~w r lo be in sh~r• with M·e1'.\' ob1,er,·ing !ltml('11t a nd focu lly l"'111ul uct.; Publh1 h1>d t hl' Ur:11rl by 1'he n( ihil'! II('\\' t hin,1..--rhi9 ),Ji~~•llll'i l "11i1, n . or 1ifo J.tls!ioorl Union. El~hlcen fssucs u yt:t1r. \\ rll fl..: i o mcdiug Lhier c•ltu1.. 1111th•s nnJ l"he omc:C)r-R of the Ml&llourl Union arc; ~., lhey journe~ ~"-t down l(I Colu1111Jl11. the home or the \ 'nion. in tt~l('hratin.l,! tm ntl1ll'li<" \'i<:lor~•- rt. 0. Cnld wtll, '03, ..•.•• P re1dMnL Thr nlomni 111•(•1l ,111 npportuni Ly to r> • .r. o,•(ln, ' 17, .... • , VIC'o- Presl(lent. . In their 1own wonls, 111:1n.\' o( Hie hout<'" non D. Pntter1:1011. ' 17 • . • Ree. $(;c'>•· <'Ml'tC' rs gtl\'C' thi:ot rtflS011 as 11.t 11.w;I, 11 1•ar· focd tl1 l• ir iutrrclil( i11 tho rP.,1 11,r ('(111• H . f.t Kinyon. ' 1%, ••••• C', '!tO, ...•. . . . 1·rens11rer. i iR I ~•n11~e fo r t lds p1•e1-tc1wc iu {'ohnuhia c::1tio ufll work. Tlu,t. tlu•y w ill nvail Xovf'rn h,•r :i n nd ,I. thrmsc> lW!'A (I( f11c:. n1J1iort1111ity htlS bCC!n Sub1>Crl ptlona to 'l'h~ A lumnus go w ith mernb~l'f!hlps In 1'he 1Jnton. AnnuAI Th.:,y Nlme, Ht<'f ,;nw iottl O•e~· \\ M·e r,r(WN.1 nt \'all\ and C'o l11111 11i11 nnd other rntmbend1l ps n.re U for alumnl :i.nd for­ insUtutioni;;, \\ here h luHfrNIS o f n lnmni mer ~tU~ t"\' N1 :titer llwy r<-twhed homr Chfln,:;oa or Mld r~l!ifl t;hould be rnk it up," hut tl1cre rcndi: was oo l,rt"n.kinJ{ ii UJ) 1111d 0 11 it e:uur. ··1 wunl to Uw 11 k ton ror thee ex­ l't•I l,•nC n(•t,1rninnil!lllOn~ (I rT(,1•1INI mt" h,: :\guin a11d fl.J.flli11 )'OU E-n w lhc ,·:u-si L>· ,::-et H. H. K I NYON th• ~IJ:(!hlurl t 'nlon t\ l U11'lr new btitld• fli<' ho ll n n n fomhle, you 1-i,w it (or\\'Rrd 'Ma naging Editor h1~ •lul'inK U te r(•~(•IH M li,flOU l'l~To:!X• 1, i,1 t11Tft!r. p11 Ai, Ou,t. W(•nt into the nrm~ o ( t it(! " I url'I\WI Ull('XJ)('Cled al t.:i:30 p. rn. nn◄l wua f'Xt<>nd.rd n lwnrl y welcom o euemiC'-&' IJ:1cks; you wntc11N1 (It(' a1endy EnlNNI :11 111.., pr,~1(,ffl1•1.•, Cnlumhi:i. :,.ff'•• -tis (, nd 8h11wn 6 Jllncc to lh.!lllc- (h) w n, Jl•c,,ml ,rl;)~i; mau, r. t,:l\·1.•n i:uHne punch, wnkn, nnd ('lgar• nutrc•h that c•mlNI in the Bhadow o( ~·our ••1 ir•it. Ir\ :ulillll i,n J lolllW r'llO!'ll (I( tl! C, ~oz\l ()O$ lfl iu Um 1:tflt. m inute of piny: lt••llllt\ I wanlell 1(1 lll,lt'I lH lhd l)u lhl · ln.; ('ilhf'1' lhnt e,·enlog ()I' the IIOXl )'OU snw lite S('(•Ou dtarJ• dC'f('ttii'(' ('Ollie up WHY THE A LU MNI CAME BACK dtn·. " If-- wnnt11 nn,· n,u1la11t.nce 111 A1ut in.rh h~• ineh you saw II l 11 r;.:-er V:r1:-t('1'1l uni­ te1u 11 ,'' 111111 wilh n ,·oif'(' thnt. wauh~•l to ?((w. 3 a n,I 4. \·rrsiliei:., i" n pln 11 wl1i(·h fln;.!ht lo mc·1'11 JtW<"t\r or c·ry, you elleerctl1c,r r(•:1.sn11, w11 ich s1ll.-01lid t l1 in~f'. Tl1r p 11q1.f~t• I~ lo hrin!t h.-t ter nnd t.h('n ym1 dwe> rt"d the vh~tor it i8 not unlik<'ly w1,s lhf' most l10lc 11 t :tlumni 11.nd for111Pr !.( 111le 11 ts l11wk t~ ,\1- an,I ln~t. o( nil the hand ~trw'k up ''Al· oi All, 1·111,t rtn~u wns 01(' .\li,.~ourl nrn Muter' ti t :t t i1oto w hN\ U11'.',\· ,·nu oh• 111a )later" Rud wit.II ncliing thront 1u1d l lnion. ~l'rve something o f w hnt tho old tif'l1ool 1d1h1i ng eyes you mnrchC'd from t llo field .\lumni And fo rmer s l.tulN1lK IHI\'£! b-Ptn m, n whole is ng o f songs. l'ni()n propo~ition; thi11; plnu to unit.­ ~n('h I\ purpo8e .rnu ltardl,\' be :whiewd A " ktory WAS won that nig hl. You a ll present nncl pM:t. tneinbc.ni of iho great. at commencement.& or n.t. foothall home• didn't know i t t h<':n, but you know it M: hool inttt nn nrgnniza.tion which 1_1:h,-11 ('()n>in;::A. C.'-O nditions th<'n ar~ not nor­ no,,·. n was R "ictory for t he ~od ho powerful for t ho be:r,t int~rost~ or mnl, UC'ither 11ro the ahuuni ,:&"h•tou n £:'.1.ir 8J>Ort. in tho lRnd o( the ~ real rle:rn t ho school; thiic plan, n lread~· nehic,·c(l t hnnco to ob~cn•e much more tlu\ll the gnn1 e. .:-\gai n cm a hundred gridirou ll in U10 posscJtsion of th~ p resent Unfon .school'si c.n tcrl(ainmcnt work. they u rc outr8halling tho wl\rrfors th~ B-uildi ng, h eN-dter to be more spl<'lldidl.v But tho Alumni are int<':re&ted in tht days to piny the game or g:nnes nod eml)()died in lhe u1 agnilieent Uninn Unihl• pr-ogre."! nnd aocomplishment o f .-.\Info thomurnds of singing youngsters Rre T JI J,1 MI S S O lJ RI J\ LUM N U S 65

h.1uning lo boM 1he ir (um~ in the fiu."<'tl'i t he t.oflslmn,tt1r in introdul'ing him Waltt'r l{. Hrowu. Ho,·ed. ~\[ .Shelton of defea t. and t() Rtnnd tlnd aing Ion~ flnid, tl1111.,_ the ti-lfllule o( limitntion hfld and G . .'.\ I. o~•luu w,,re inilinlffl Inter. nftcr the br<."nking linf' tins lrt. flie 011· ru,1 up,, 11 ~lonl'"' <.-o n,luc·L in the 111\)'JJ or poncnta through for l11c winning tout"l.1· •·~nu~ht~· ~Ru~hl" we \\t'l'C r"~Al~I with CHICAGO ALUMNI REJOICED down. Tho!:W! youngl'll€'r!( nre )earning thf> fl 1111111h, •r of unwrith.•n cltn pt cr" of i.1 11 • fly ,Jamr., R. fh-!Jcrnt , ',3 lesson o f good sport.. dC!nt nc-tidtil•!! ,l111'in1: tlmt. very 1\c:tl\c ~foy ~ i~ns suprt•11w in tho )(l<•ul :i\.f. U. Into a thomwnd towns t1w~r nre to go t"poc1,. Tlowc.ver 111<'y wtrn ~h·cn IHgcl)' ctun1> tonight. f Svv,:111 bcr 4) 1)4,',j•n,.u ~e or nnd tltoy will ('llrry the le-.sou of tlcun i n COJ11idcn<'(', lHitwit ltstamllnJ;: tho 1ml· lhe 'J'e.,:-i"I ,•idory. Y<• u shol~ld linvc. SL-en 1t1)0rt a ucl in th

BIG MEETING IN OKLAH OMA IIC' fi pukc lrnp1•ilr or t h.- l'nin •r~ity n( '1'0111 1 oOi<:inllt known n 1'homns et1 rly dn.yi;t frmn n. Rtudent.'111 stirnd1)(1int. Swn.irl llitr<:lny, ' 16, is here doing ~rCtd Alumni Reunion Was Held And thc>n t 11 m ing to t lu• fit1 hjN"t. of Uw un(('- wnrk iu 111ft dcpartrne11t, o( hi!ft.ory. Before Sooner Gome. forU1eruninJ.{ ~11une, 11 0 pro1 ,l1e<1i~ for 1111• lie, oi 1•011rilic>, i"I <•ll'allitt ;,'.; up ju$t a., ltc , n.11 u. , ••. Otct·11 ·0.1) 'rij!<.• rfl I\ ,·ict,,Q., Myi11$! I Ita l lie knf+W rliil ot .\I. l". I 1,cl ie,•P he will get, hi" T ho ).fo1so111'i .\lumni .'\1\90{-i,,tion fo( ''l' would be• 11rm1d o( tl1(' l\'ltn• in Oil)' Oottor'ti dcftri"C next r~nr. He, \\.. i t lt Oklohoma) hos. rtC' \'tr Juul a nioro Pmc·• ,,\'ent : l111ppy l()o, if tin• leam won, bu t. hi~ kl'f'II nnd i-o. r<'(\S(ic criti"ism, i:. tho CO&!,Cul or fntere... tiu~ rc-union thRll ·we J> roud of i~& f'11ort~ e,•en if they fai1 ~1: C!(:1"11cr o f a l i lllc ~roup o f lf. U. J)OO· hfld on FridR)' evening, Odober :"Ht nnd then he rl.!pent.ed LIHlt littfo chu,isic 1,IC1 who i>:1t togc>t her nt tl1c ('onu11on 11,. T ht•rc wr.re flrly•11 inc c(n·t'rs la id rmcl th<• up,on •· Losi ug tL1 c Gn 111e/' wlu<· h rf'('C' ntl~• Jn,1;.:e " lln~lll11d," '15. onlcin lly known dinner hnre hl\\'i11g jm•t bPgt1n to mnniCest it$C'lf in t ltc form of Anti finn11r NUH(! the m eJl8'1J.!C fl( tl10 hot.. r<• tnrncd irom Wn;; hlnA;ton. D. C., where nn excrnflHA<•ntion 11( the y(: 118 1\.8 per l()\'N"l +l ean or the i::1 •hool ()f .ft, urnalii..111 lie wn~ J:i('('relnry £or $cnlltor Heed. l fo flt(' "pep book." 11'hc ~plrit oi enUtu$i· 111>011 •''J'li(' l1uh·er,ity T,)d:ty.'1 This 1Hld.-1 Iii,; 1mw(ic-nl knnwlc,lg<' lo our d is· t1i- m w11 s contogiou.i. and thrcmghrmt th" 1t H•$1;flOj!i' wn._, \\'illin111~<-iU1ue hoth in ton· tu11eiom1 or the- nntfrm•~ nnd 4.'"erybo(l_\' mctlins.t there w11s in evicl<'JH' C' f\ fc.•lin~ l.~nt n. nd form 1,1. ml t herehy wfl8 added lo :1ns h~• whi<'h 11i l11tc-widc !! t1 1)· 11;ilort bu1< i11 cAs ;.;c-s-ii,111 wns btld, resultin~ f\lJI~ dt•f<'nttc> M the .., ~pul" agai11 sl 1M>rt n.n(I pri,I~ i11 th<' im1litutio11 wa;; in lhn ,,Jc<·tiou o( ofli,•,r,ra of tho Alumni Tom•;i. pllili1,piN1 in fo\'Or of lho nri$• foslcre,d nnd dc,·eloJ)ed. n$l-SOt·io t ion h l hold until 010 next re­ li'.t<'nl<')'. Ho W:l:aJ followed 1i,• C'tlrl Jc:'11, \'iec--J)r~i­ 1111d Goldbcll.", wlto w('ro :,t M. U. 111st. fil)Orklt"'Jt of wit And h u111 r.r, ,l('nt; And 11. I•:. 'l'hnrnpi;.011, P ionc-er l'.-l1~­ )'<'31'. ;we senior lol\'yers here. Our nex t. n1.1mber WA$ "Tiu:• 'l'igt':rll nf f1houe Huil,linJ,!', thiA tit.,·, IW.'C' r4'1nry 1111d I s(•c (..'1Kl lll'r. A.H. ' 11 1 quHc Crcqu~nt• '!'odo.~• und T omorrow," by nirc,·lor tr~nsurc•r. If. lie is ,Joint,t di\·inity work here. J Brewer. ,\lr. Urewer 8Jlflke of tho een· f111w '.\li g..i; F.dilli Hundlt, ' 13, on tbo entn· tripdu.l power or athletie.s in An ini.ti­ Si gma Delta Chi Initiat es Nine pm,i one cfay. .Xor01.-uLt. ·1 ,1. is doing t.uiion Bnd pointt-11 flUt U1nt it. w1\.8 tw Sign1t\. Deli.ft <"Iii. Mtionnl jo11rnnlis· grnduatc work in ,;Ot'iolo1,•y. fnr the bctst opportunity in rollegc 1tie tie frnlt.'rnit.y, inil i1tt, ... 1 ni1H• ,, 1~·l,1:P-" nt 'l'linl is :,bout nll 1 re1 rn:~m l1c> r now, for a diSJ)l1,y of united eothusio.sm on the rrgultu 1.f•mi ·l\111Hml ittit.-llltiol\ al Your.. for II ue,·er tleictlicd iet'lm. bobtdf of the institution. 'this nddreJ;IS tho fraternit.,v room~ in t he lfiRAAuri wn,.q n very thoughtful ooo nnd highly l'nion BuiMi11:? O~tobcr :ll. Those who Small F ire at Chi Omega House npJ)recil\lcd by those in attendance. took the 01lth Wf'rC': llnrry R Gulh, 1,.irc-, tn1used hy one- or the Chi Orncg1,'n, 11li~ht.• F. Highly of this city spoke 1.1J)OU "Cam• Oithornc-. Viq;il n ~ck, EIJI~ 11. JoneaJ ly damaged the C'011tenl_g tl( her N)Om :,t pus Rominiscen8C-3'' nnd duo t.o the (a.c4 r.rorge R. Ltunnde, E°' l'e.:l \Villitrn11 nnd L o"c1otk in tho morning o( October 20. G6 '.I' JI E i\f 1 :-; 8 0 U RI A L U ~[ N U 8 Tigers Lost to Kansas Aggies; Won From T exas ---Other Athletic News ~lt!l-kfJUri's T igCr?S lt•~t th"ir fir.. r ;:nnu: TIGERS $-LONGHORNS 0 fli the sea.son Snt111·d1\y, ~o,,•111hl"'r 11 ;- I Place Kick Gave Mluourl Victory when Ute K1Hl.Stli'il .'\ S,!j!if'i. 1111.. c"I I 11uL th Over iexas MiSScluri dc,•cn in t\ 11:H'tl k llth• lly Sch\1lt 1•';,4 Ti;Ie1·~ Wf'rl' forr,l'd II) fl,:tht .:wore c,( 7 tt> G. Tlae losi o f thf' 1tn111t• ,,11 .. 11 lw:n·~ tltn>uµl1o ur c·n•r~• minute. of the iiixty minuh•~ of 1\ln,,· nl!,"ain~l \ 'nn f:tnt'.-. blow to tho Tig('t..,' \'11lh~~ d11111q1i,m ..hi1 T,.. ,m}I t ,1J11,.!hor11"'. Th,, ~n1m• \\'Ilg 111' \'Cr :UIJ)i rotiou.i, hut do,, ... 11111 (•11tir,•I~ ,•limi• Mf,~ until 1110 fh1i, I wlii"th, fr-011 1 tho n,ttc them frC'lm the rtti'f' for hi~ltdl liHn rl'f,•n•,., hu,I ...i i~nille,I tho eruliuJ! witl1 ,,rs. !:-ch 11 11 , 11w,1 i"u;:ht fro111 :-t in! ).tis~uri ~.ou tile l,m;: i:ud or a a tc:, O Lo fi ni11h 11111I lost hN:nu~ I h1•r w1.•ut in• s,•orn lhrough 1-1 go1,I fr<,m 1>11,eemcnl in to lhe gnm(l undt•r lh~ lle:wii•,.t l.: i1ul~ the ruurt.11 (lll1trl('r h,,, (''li.\rt•th:(• P"eph~, or hondicnp~. Only l\\'(l flll'll pl:1.n.~1 I\ l 'ul11111hia hf1y. Lbeir regolRr pm;itionR in the lint•, \\"ii• .Missouri wc-nt inlofl Che gnmf' ~:idly der. nl r,.nd wa, iu the h oi.11it.Al with :\ 1 \\'Pnken~I l>y 1.110 Jr,p (If Mui,·. tnckl(•, br-0kcn nose. Giltn~r wt\.$ taken out of 1\nd Gollin:1, h"Hl)o,1;k. Collin,s. ~(ll in th(' the gn,me in tho nut fow minutfls wi1h gnme for a fo,\. r11 i11 ut~ t.ownrd tl1e c·ud a ta,brokcn Liu.nub. McAnnw wSl.8 i11 m\ tlW1ft:i. Q11(11·tt•rf111f'l,• (J nrl th& Miissouri pn.sscr coi11plel Hrl t~ rior to U,c op1,o~i11g t.eam. •rf'xna through tl1c mire. while t ho hea,·,· 175· tack- when Lhe hnek51; <:~mid k"el' their gn vc ifii.s(mri n <'loser @tun~ ni. as pound baeklirld o( the A~ifS l,.11d no feet. 1'hC! gc-nc-ral opinion 1u11cm_g the r,.r nbilil~• of tha two lcnmi; wnr. ton~ n wd, troublo in sionding up. nl umni wRs thnt tl1e injurie.s lo the j\fik• thAn Any elen•n lhis year, hut i t wus i\li.8$0uri would bun hnd 1itt1e trouble souri playtri, and the licit\'Y mud c:osl Uu~m a ,·iet.o..-y. falwnyt- t ,·if11•nt thitt Sc:hull<''8 men wc•rc in winning with her rci_;uliir liuetlt•r players. 'J'exn~ A'.Ot off to 11, good start t\nd for Uu t. t he mud nnd rnln pro,·<'d too much 1uHI unf~q the ltopitnl elaim~ " (ew

t•nd of the lo81 qun 1·Lc·r. Sc•lmlt.L' ;ient io put O\'er two l<:\\1dulow11s ilt'l f)u id.:ly the SIMPSON PROVES WORLD TITL E ClnrenC'O P""P'"',. to tnk1• n Ir,\! nt tl fit> ld Tigf'r 1'.'ICW•n lrnrdly r<·nli1.Nl \\hnt luHI gonl. Stnndint,; r.n the 28•.\'a rJ lirn~. f'l-e· lul JlJl<'ne-il. Hoth ~oal11 wen! kid.-:00 aud In Hurdle Events Abr-oad, Bob Set p1C!S: @('nl t he liall 1,4'fwe1•n t hr. gonl 1)0~,~ n fr•w ml1111tt"s la~er whe11 th<· half end• New Recor ds for thrN> JKoi nl-., the onl~· :i~·On'! f..,( lite cd 1ho :»,nl'r~ )(,d 14 . 1:J. Bob Simt>M n, )lissouri's worlll ("ha.m• g1u11e. 'l'hinw.i h••>k•-hl~·4,.~I hi!\ 1111po m' 11l off t h0 }.I i.;-.0 11 ri C' l('\'fln r-l1t"'IWNl 1hfl oh! 11,i.:ht• my of ("a1if,m1i1t. I A)(m1il'I 11111l \\'1\rJ (I( his (N't And hrnke 111• n hl rl-{u mujMily ius: ar,iril lhnt. 1111~ rnnd.-,. U,"m fomou-1 C'l,ic>a,:..,ro :11111 '1"1•d ~IN'C'dit h of P<:111u1yl• of t he 'J\•xns plnyi; hcfore> lhe,v were w1•II nnd 11l11$!g1•,I nwa,\' 11t thl' Oklnhomn line ,·nniil, r('1•r<•St'l1ll'll 1111• t !nitNI :,;1nh·11 in i.tnrtr.d . lli~ work 111orc U1on justifi ed w i th ft few forwnrtl r•n~r Hill ~luir lirok,, Iii~ hoodoo 1H1d ,;tut Un' lff' ~c·t new world re<•M,i~ in the 220· J>RS!-ler bef11re t hP s.c:111(111 ,ifn rtNI. m·nl lrtw<.'<'n ll,c bnu Cur n, lh•lrl gl'»tl ml•tcr hurdle ~\·cnl a nd the I IO·m('t(•r 'rowntd U10 end of the gnmo lhrn1 i l ton hri11ginj{ the 'J'i~.,.r~ tolnl "I' tn 2:t "'''fol, by rurini!'g lht n,,_..t in 2.j 4.;, wns s:Jiift~I to t:1('kl<> nncl ('311tnin J.on1'· ~·••nd~ 1u1tl llu· lnfh•r in 1-1 4-!i. At. ing went in 11t •·'1' utC!r to fa("C thf! mighly A L U MNI SHOW FINE SPIRIT StOt"khr,hn ht.• 100 hht te1mluuti~l!I in Dittmnr. Dittmnr h:1d plnyed thr<•f> :((•Ofiug by l\tm('x in~ 5('\'NltcC'n pniut.A. peri'Wli, RJ;Rin~t Hnmiltnn l}nd whl'n Ou1 Brewer Found Large A ttendance at )fnrrny ltliHle s ixict> n, f.(M>mia, fifteen. two rapt.tt ln~ fa('ed <:llrh olher in lhc K. C. .ind St. Louis Meetings )len·dith ten 1111d War,I f<,u r. A re· f>los in;e- minutef! or p lf1y th!' ".\liM-!!'! or the Jfn\n waA: 1·~•1ln~horn jn~t before, tho llomC'C'oming ~nme with fl ml otl1f'r Am<'rif'1ln J>:1r•c·~ hnd rwgl"~l· 'l'(IX08. About " huud,·et1 per~on~ wort' etl l(l gh·e 1he ?\I iNt-(1 11 ri boy ll Jir~l lie T IGERS OUTPLAYED SOONE R$ J1rt'8ent nt. tht nlmnni diunl"r nt. thi' won. A111E'ri C"n n A IHl<"X Rt :-it. T1ml1J, Xm·Nnher \\'hill' rthroacl noh not. nnl.,· ,•lt.•1rned u,, Show ed Supe,lo rity in All Phases 2. find nMrl~r R l1 11 ndrc,d l,l'nthcrt..-J 111. the in itll U1e lml'dlc ,,,·t"nht hut, t.wiC"(' wou of the Gam e Savoy llotel in 'KR.11RM City OrtotM:-r 30 first. in the broud j ump nnd p hu•ed ~c.,·· 0 Jndi:rn" ~ hulte'~ mN, plnyed tho l,o11,t wlum t he alumni of lhnl citJ• 1net. f'. ernJ tim(l!I in the I IO tuul 220·mclcr footbfi.11 or th~ 11e11Al"J n wht'n Uwy mc1 L. lhewl'r, dirN-lor or atl1lcti<'~ nt the rn.cct:i. th" Sooncrs of Ok1a1u,m11 Od.ohtr 28 nnd Vnivenity, WM pre~n t a nd nrldr('JJl'lcd In the 220•mf'1er mN- o,·er 3-(oot hur• though they wert n 1>oint hchintl t\t. the both rneetinJ:lf, which he 1>ro11ou11cetJ the illtJl. he b.:nl ?.1urrny (:i~hl ~·nrd~ 1rn,t end 0£ the first hnlf n. ,:trent ~omc•buC'k h"~t in ,i: pil'it or nll tl1~ Alumni lllf>Ctin"is miult'.I the wo1·M rttord of 25 4--5. 'thts in tho lni;t J)t."riod of Jlln)' g1\\'~ the Mi~­ he luul ntlendcd J!oin"e comiu;;: to )llit· i!\ t.hc 31\TUC h11 ight. hurdh.! over which '501.lria.ns Yicf.or_v, 23 to 14. '-"Ill ri. Murry hcnt Dob iu New , ~o rk in the Misrsouri .started ~ut. with " rn,;h nrnt J10 ·~·,ml di,-hrnc:c. fi(lnt Pitlmd o"er for the urst. touchdown P lans f or 1917 Savltar Ma de Ac•~rdin~ t o n•porL!I, S impson':. -(()nil wltldn fl,•c mimtl<'l'I of p l:1y . A(Wr re· Nov.-mhcr 3 And 4 were Ing- dnys for \\·u n re,·C'lt1 lion to U1c Swc."'1t'l4, who luut (leiving the kickoO', Sf>hultc-'11 men efl rri.:,d lho JOii SnvitAr. Prizctt tntali11;:,r $:lO ON 'l'I' ~fore ~Pen fi.nch hurdlinl,('. the ball dO\\ll the field on a o. ~ries or wf'rc off<-rhl by 11, C' IM)nrd tn th<' indivifl • Bn11'1 Jlerformontc-8 nbrotul 11;tntnps end run~ 1l11d li11e plnyA until only th·P­ uRI nn+l sororitJ· 1o1rlti11g llti." m('li:.f f►O• him M the 111uli~1mted chl\mpion tra.ck ynrds scp11rntcd H1o11.t. $:I. J.'"ntnr('k. phu•inµ: h1 tl1(' dn8h<'il nnil WA.ii it 11w11lber isoon were agtdn on the twenty.fi w~ yn rd will he n eomplete rfl,•iew of Tig"r fool4 o( Ch<' f'liRmpinn half m il <' 1tl:1y tt:\tn line. A d~ging end•n111 put tho hnll h1,II h.\' r. F.. )l(•llri,1c of th(', Knnsa" whi,•11 did not lf)S:(' :1 rn~. ncr· Queen fic-<:t inn. Duke N. l'Rrry, junior n r. t11clN11 in 11w F ni\'f•r~it.)·, linA been nf­ eel through. jourru\list, il( 1hi'4 rMtr'JJ <'iJitor. f<'rc-,1 U1e b<•rth ,,r mnn1)~€'r of thf' Co• T hen T igers Came Back lumlrn~. Ohio, hnjlth:Jll tenm of Ou.-. The 1'igera seemed to get (\ lit.Uc O\'cr· 0. F.. Uil..,~·. fl. f--. in ,l, 'll, A. n. ' 12, .\mt riean Al!.<:,'f•iatlQn. For the put. confident artcr re>Hi ng up a. thirteen• is n. Tcport.cr on the Jap:m Ath•ertiij(>r, four ~·N•r '& he has l~n piloting the point lead in the nrat part of the gnme Tokio. llo wn.s flnancint reportor for On~•f()n 1Ntm i n thc-' r<'nfrnl lca~11t'. and n.,ut Oklnhoma by R couple of long fot· the St. T.oui i, Gtobe-DemO<'mt. beforo go· htlr.nrrnrxcd U1 r('c JWll n:l11l·,i in lflt:J. HH 4 warcl passes and A fumb)e by .Mr)Hllan ing to Jnpnn Jast spring. Rrul lfllO. •r l l I~ M 18 Sol' H [ A LU ~I NU:-:

W hole Staff la From M. U. was an u1umcccasful C-A niJiJfl (~ for tho M is.s Louise N. Powncr ''flatting 1000 in lite U. of M. l('.:1eh• INmocmtie 11 0111i n1,tion for stu.te &C! n• N, McDow ell Gordon tns' leJ•~ue/' is tho w11y IT. R. Dou,:::lau, t\lOr lai-t. Augus t, WflA n &luJcnt. in h\.w ~\ n 11 ou1u.. ~ 111c11t h!u; hc•c•n mndc. of tli-• D.S. i ll J~cl. 'IG writt's of the faeully of in tho nineties :rnd is now n btw~·er nt. c11 ga~nt llortimer 'l'ihbles, )ties LoFraru::o in A;;. '14, Jttn,· ,)( C'llil'rl.£;0, Cur1)1crly of are Missouri grndtu1 t.e1t Mr. Dou~loss Ctn rk, Miss h!uln. Jtocd n.nd John Driaeoo <:olu111 l,ia. £,'or the lo>Jt J"<'11r irntl A. l,nU is superinte:ndent of tho &chOOI!'. Pcny are all former students nt t.hc Unin~r- i\Jr. Gordon hus 11('('11 n~socinte &:lit.or Miu Katherine ])oC'ourcy, .A.H. R.S. in 1 11ity now lh•ing Jlt. rcrry. ,,t tho Swine World, puhliiihed i11 Chi· Ed. '15, is prineiJ)al of fhc high acl1ool ; {'tl~'O. JIC\ ,,•n,; r('(•i•nll~· Pledcd cd itnr of Mr11. TT. R. Douglass (Zarin:\ )foe Mit• tho pn1,cr. chc>II, B.S. in Ed. '10), n.nd Mis..JJ Jose• Weddings phine Eonig, 13.S. in Ed. 'Hl, comprise Miss Vivian Redmon the rest of lhc te-:,t h i ng st,tfT, H erman W. Bell But there nro m:iny former M. U. FOUR M. U. GRADUATES WED Hermn 11 W. lh•II oi ~ loutiwillc, Mo. studNtUS nt Perry, the letter sny8-. Moa!l nuLrric>d )fo13 \'i\'i11 11 H('rlmn u or .\lonro~ H. $ , Da ily and W. M. Dinwiddie C ity. 'Mo., Oc:tol)('r 2 1. ) Ir. 13~11 wns n om, who wna grndunted from the Col· Marry Carter Slstera Jcgc of Agriculture in 1014., is ho.JI• sophomore in iii<' C'ol1f'g~ of Arts n11d A doubla wedding ot l1ni,·er8it.y i;rnd• Science Q( thl' l'11h•~r.'liiy lnsl year. lie OM1er and opemtor of I\ section uth· 1f11rt itl •'Oru1 c-Jn1 rat." tho hom.-. or the paw'' pitd1cr (Ill the 'fi~er l<:!Sl.lll. pair of our classy hridcs' parents, Mr. nnd :;\Jr". J oel W. Mi S$1 Lc.-c wA.S a 1t11dcnl In tho U11ivcr8ity ("nrt~•r, 1lll Ille llintf1u Grn\lc:I. Both from 1012 to 191,1. Sho w,1, n llH!mh.-r hrid<'fi n.r.- r11 c111h('rs o! Ute Alpha. Phi nf U1 0 Dcnny, A,n. '12, io St. SHOES Daily will li\·e in St. Loul,; ) Ir. nnd T.ouis. X

('(lr))S .II 1 1111 1•1,)-• 11"'.-. W:lfl :1 mN1lher or NlU o( ,S1)ils of Lliu l 'nikd S tai(,-S 1).-pnrt• Ql-:HII :met St•R1,b:trd nnd Blttd<'. ~!r~. n11-nL 1,i A;,:ri<·ultul'('. Ile lm iS IK~u a Kti· Hnnh•n wn~ 0 ,ucml)('l' ,1 f t\lJ)hn ') 1 ha. Class Notes c.nii-t l ,\·ith the soll 11 1lc1>:,rtmc11t.. fo r eev• 1'1u•y will li\'C nt !jj.,1,3 h.i11g?1hury 1 ln<'i", er:i I .}'N\ rs. St. Loni:-, w)iei·e ,\ Ir. Um•di•n iA :\S{'l istorlL '49 '08 c11µ i11 c·cr in the l. Jli!:l nilmtut i~ a JJnny, iM li\•iOJ! uow nt (103 N. Pourteentll Miss Ann{! Stoner ,·1,mplie>Alif,W, )fo,, whl!re he And )lr11. Ward The (JOil:C nflcr o long ilhic-il$, will li\•c. '96 Daily Missourian (\1rti!i llill , C'n,'!., cil y eugiucor o f Kim• Ph,,n(' in yrmr suhscri,nion n11w ~".i. Cit.,·, re.t:1~1111y 111Hlerw,:11t.. an OJ>ero.· ll,\Tl;;S: Births nlion f~r BJ)J>Ntdi<"iti "I in htin8:\8 Cit.y. 2$ c(•Jil!. ;1 m,111111 i11 Ill" ,ne Count)' .\Ir. llill lh·<'• I in (•f,hnul)il\ fl rmml)"r of .-;() Ct:111:$ ;, momh ouh•idc ~•,•1u'R wl,il«' li e. wn~ '111llt" hi;,:'hwny e.11 ~i· A d1lw,l1ter, Sosntt, \\'tl8 born July 20 n(\cr. lit- phJ~·c.1 on t he Uh1:; Tiger foot..• t.o )Ir. nn<1ond d;tughlc-r ut. n meetinf;', of Mr. n11cl Mrs. A. R. l foneoc•k o( l..fl.il• '03 Good Clothes One or tho fin1Jt nlumnae, tn n1·riw: for donia, Mo. MN!. l fnn ctwk WM .Mi!l.8 Almn tho Ho111c<•oming }i;o,·{'rnl,er 3 and •I w:\8 Klein, A stuMnt in l ho Coll~go or Art.:1 nud Sci('nce, '08·00 ttnd '0~· 10. Mri,. Robert S. \Vithrr8, nc .• or J.ihcrt~•. Mo. Mri\. \Viilum, is &t11te hist.orion for Better Clothes the n:mJ!l•lcrs Q( tho .Amtri~nn Hf'volu• A son, )[nriford Bc-0 1 wa.8 born Augu~t 3 to )fr. nnd )11-s. F.rnrAt To.te nt Oko­ fion. Sha wn." Miss Alice lln.s.eic be.fore her mnrrfor..f('. Jcm1l, Ark., wh(!ro )Ir. Toto wA.s n. bnnk• Best Clothes er. Mr. nnrl )lri:a. Tntc rN•ently moved to '07 Jlenjnmin \V. ~rillmau. Ag.• iR ni Lin• ]~M,errv. ~l o, He WflR A ,•is ilor n 1 thc­ Uni\·er;ity at lh<' Te~au, gnmo hom~~m­ Min, Nell., \\ here he i (lt ,~ n,.rR;l"f"d in soil i ng, siuncy work in rnrrn('Clion ,\ith the: Our• S. & B. Clothes

Nonmbrr I wns the hirth dnto Q( Frantts: (Anise llowl.'rd. tl r1111,ehlcr or ),fr. New Alumni and Mr!i. A, ),f. llow~rd, who li\'C at 1421 Dcn11ett. A\'enuc. Dtlll:u,, Tex. llr. Tiow• Di rectory $15 to $35 ard wa" grndun.tcd frolO tho Unh-cr~ity Will be published during with the J~.n. degree in 1913, 1916- 17 . It will contain the names of all U niver­ C. 0. Ehinger Assigns Hi t Stock si ty alumni,theiraddresses C. O. Ehinger, tnilor at 101 l E:n"

'08 ' 10 T. JC 'f. Krni-f', mNI., A.M. ' t:J, wl10 O<:oni ,i l". Pn.yne, lo."\ ws.~ ele<'i<'II W. K White, ag.1 i ~ at ~ nto1wille, has been iu~t nu•L1)r in phptiolo;:::y nt tl1"' proscci1ting nlt~rne~· of f-; ullivan <'ounty Ark., where he iiJ engaged in 11pp1e gn)\\' • Univ('rgity n•J1;ii,:-nt'(I rN."<'ntl,v to tnke IIJl ut U,e rc-ce11t. ek-clion, lending n u cntir,•· ing. lfo has been Ii s uLs<:rilJ-Or tu T he J, similnr po.silion ut. t114' l'nive,·~ity or ly flll('('(':1rt 111 ent. (If Wil;;ou tuul Flu~h J. Mile-KA~·. j .• former ~di tor nr bur~, M<• .. n.. 1.: s 011\t.. her 1\ l un1 nu~ hl• ht>M Company of ('liiM~. who Rt(' !iUCt'e!\.•;AuJ:1 'l'he .-\l11m11 11 $ And Uni\'Cr$it~· publi8hcr, until furtl,er notice. Sha 4''1:J\C•d~ 1,1 to !=;uh:.bergc-r a11d Som,. Jfo w11~ ai!Sis· ifl tuklng gnuluatc work in the LTnivorai• $(>end U,r winter ll':H1 elini 111 ,11\11-nn :uul t,uit masl er tlll'Clll\ni(' \'l{'fore, the. fo<'tor­ ty o( Oldnhomo. At Xormnn. ('hinn. le" ~h:u1.gNl hnml~. Chnrlei:t n. )ldA"Rn, C>ng., is :, bond A Heinz,, l\t,, ed..• \ .~J. ' 16. nnd :Mri:,. ,nlt~nnrn for the ~I\Okftuc fu1d F.1\~fero Heinz lun-e turiH"l'l in S lurnglmi. Chlun, T rust Co1111}il ny o( Rpoknne. \\"o.s h. l fo Socia I Stationery whC'·te t he form<'l' will l~t\(• 11 in n go,·crn .. i8 1i vi ng n.t S1>okanc, 111 er1t ~th(l(,I. )Ir. Tlei nz, wht1 il'I a 1u\th·..­ '14 Printed--- o( C"nmerori, ,i\lo., tau~lit. for "-CVC.rnl :n·uri:, lfc-nry G. !=,:ritl.l'l'lee, oe., who h::tK been in China nfter hi,;; gnl-Cn nrpoint· while }fr. Carnett iit in 1iVn~hln~Lon, D. Herald-Statesman Pub. Co. t•d i.ssi.'!tnnt in economic." and ~ci:,I sci­ C. t nce in llrrn lll\wr C'olle~e. S l1 c is itl~o A. R. r:winn. ag,. spent th._. w~k-end

0 COLUM lllr\, MISSOURI helping Prorl"!SQr King,,bury in ~he. so­ itt 1110 "1- :uru ffouilc 1111d nttcndP1Hch deptHtmc.n L AmeJJ s:.ri,me. )1r. Cwinn iii U1ki 11 g gmd· uatc work in the fown Stut.c Coll"f;C nt .Ame.s. To those "vho have comparatively M. D. Wood or Shelbina. a.g., htUI been nppointNl MJ!:i~h\nt io n uimo.l bui!Lruulr}' charing l hc ftlH)rt Mur11e. small funds to deposit: 'Mi-.s T.ettie I... Ji:l'ans, 1tc., w1u>8e home iM at 1119 Oli n•, KnnAAs City, 111 teach• f-l I L E it is generally known that the Boone County ing in the High ~ehoot nt Frcdcric:ktown, W Trust Company is acting as depository for many incli­ i\fo., this. your. viduals and corporations of very large means, it is not so well '16 J~db'ltr TI. Wolfberg, com., i!I NnJ>loyed known that the Company welcomes clients with accounts of by t.lle Cenernl Filo1 C'orn J)t111y u.t 3610 only moderate size. Olive Street, St. Louiif. Miss l..ucilc .M. Klein. n('., is teachinJ! Among the Company's depositors is a large number of Engli&h tmd bif'.to ry in U1e high gc:hool nt individuals and concerns whose balances arc between $50 and Drexel, Mo., this :,.•ear. Her addreu iA $500 and their business is as cordially welcomed and as scrupu­ llox 105. C. D. Robertson, R sludent in ngricul­ lously cared for as the very largest business. turc fast yen .., wa.it re<·ently nppoinW a.!ISistnnt registrar hr lhe c-xcculivo OOnr,1 All of the Company's depositors are assured of most of t he tJninrsit.y. . efficient service, as wel l as perfect safety; all of them may confer freely with our Officers in regard to matters of vital interest to their business. The best business stationery for gen­ Telephone So, or call at the Haden Building; an Officer will answer your questions. tlemen and gentle­ women 1s "Thirteen r ears of P1·og1·ess" Brother Boone County Trust Company Jonathan Bond Assets Over $750,000 'I' Tr 1£: ) I T S S (}I U H I ,\ L UM N lJ S 71

SONGS OF "M IZZOU" GLEE CLUll SONGS Low Fares to~ 11 JOHN N . TAYLOR Music Store Virginia Bldg. Ho m e- Winter COLUMBIA, M ISSOURI Seekers Fares!-...a...,.--- Tourist Fares! You can make a trip to \Vinter Tourist Tic!.:cts nre Oklahoma or Texas, via now on sale, via "'Katy", "Katy'" at greatly reduced to T exas points: fares, on the I st and 3rd Austin,Ilrownsville,Corpus Tuesdays of each month. Christi, Dallas, El Paso, Ft. BAIRD COMPANY These tickets are good on Worth,Calveston,Houston, the fo•t, through, electric San Antonio and \Vaco. ENGRAVERS lighted tra ins-The Katy Stop-overs allowed; and Flyer and The Katy extra Jong return limit­ Illustra tors Limited. May 31st, 1917. Des igners Ticke ts good fifteen ( 15) For full details, schedules Engravers days for return. of trains, fare to uny point., I etc., address GRAPHIC ARTS Find out about these low : fares. dates of excursions, H. L. WILSON, BUILDING etc. n ow - write today I Ticket Agent, for particulars. .... Columbia, M issour i. Kansas City, Mo. 11/116·~

MA KE YOU R DOLLAR BUY MORE! AT THE HOTEL SAVOY KANSAS C ITY, MISSOURI Why? Because Dependable Values in Rooms and Service has become an household word. Up-to-the-minute Cafes. Modern equipment. Popular prices. Our Roomy Rooms With Sbowt:r or Tub Bath at $1.50 and $2.00 We Believe You Will Like. HOTEL SAVOY COMPA NY ALONZO B. CLARK, Sec'y and Manager 1'HE MISSO URI ALUMNUS Foundation of Steel! ····· .... , ... ..

The luxurious limited.. trains of the Wabash are steel from headlight to rear coupling.

This picture shows the underframe of a Wabash steel car­ notice the center piece; a solid, continuous backbone of steel­ indestructibly strong. Enjoy a trip on one of the WABASH Steel trains to Chicago

Leave St. Louis at 12:05 noon and 9:17 p. m. (Delmar Station at 9:32 p. m.) Reach Chicago a, 7:45 p. m., and 7:00 a. m. Other fine Wabash trains leave St. Louis at 9:01 a. m. (Delmar Ave. 9:ld a. m.) Md 11:55 p. m. (No Stop train.) TICKETS: 309 North Broadway and Union Station J. o. McNamara P;iasenger Traffic Manager, St. Louis.