VOL. XXV ALEXANOftIA ONTARIO, FRIDAY, OCTOBER 11. 19)8 3S ing down the mountains, beautiful Previous loans made by our Domin* lotice of CSaimants Wanted Voters Auction Sale bushes climibing the aloptea and every- Ion leaders have been, tu practicalïy Interesting Trip tn Some thing looking so peaceful. Oh. Ir. was all cases, overaubscribed. Our peupla Farmers and others to get my Municipaiityof the Village nf .Vlaxville At L5—3th Kenyon, Wedr«es<iay, Oct all. grand. It really mad« one feel aa i have responded in a wonderful degree as Next-i-Klo prices an Resfrew Kerosene Bn^net, 23rd. 1916, farm stock, implements though he wag only In. a land of ' to the call for dnanclai as^tistanco County 1 f Glengar'y In the jruttter ot the estate oî .^lea Renfrew Cream Separators, P,enftew etc., D. Î. îÆâcdoaell, Auctioneer, dreams, and afraid to wake up .and both IroQi patriotic motives and .from McDonell, ieceased, late of the Scales, Gilson Gasoline Engines, Oil- >Je:l MacDonald, proprietor. find everything vaiiishltig. from him. ' the standpoint of a gound buaine.sB son IWo Silos, Gilson Ensilage Cut- -Volice is hereby given hhic 1 nave Now'there waa something else that in vestment. They realised that their City of Vaacouver, in the “?to*^mce transmitted or deUvered to the per- iateregted me a. lot, 'that being the • 3ecurit,y was the peoiple o.C Canada of British C'ulimbia. 'tets, Giisoa Threshers, Tractor», Cli- sons mentioned r. Section ;) o: the , cnlar Saws, Drag Saws, Grinders, Lost I .grerit tiumber of tunnels which w-e j and that with our well-nigh unlluiited Belting, Maple Leal Evaporators and Ontario Voters' Lists .Act, the o.opLss went CUrougii.
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