65 bus time schedule & line map

65 Halfway - View In Website Mode

The 65 bus line (Halfway - Glasgow) has 5 routes. For regular weekdays, their operation hours are: (1) Bridgeton: 7:09 AM (2) Glasgow: 6:32 AM - 6:07 PM (3) Halfway: 7:02 AM - 5:39 PM (4) : 6:09 PM - 7:09 PM Use the Moovit App to nd the closest 65 bus station near you and nd out when is the next 65 bus arriving.

Direction: Bridgeton 65 bus Time Schedule 8 stops Bridgeton Route Timetable: VIEW LINE SCHEDULE Sunday Not Operational

Monday Not Operational Osborne Street, Glasgow Osborne Street, Glasgow Tuesday Not Operational

St Enoch Shopping Centre, Glasgow Wednesday Not Operational Stockwell Street, Glasgow Thursday Not Operational Crown Street, Friday Not Operational

Florence Street, Gorbals Saturday 7:09 AM Ballater Street, Glasgow

Waddell Street, Gorbals Commercial Court, Glasgow 65 bus Info Moffat Street, Gorbals Direction: Bridgeton 1 Moffat Street, Glasgow Stops: 8 Trip Duration: 10 min Football Centre, Bridgeton Line Summary: Osborne Street, Glasgow, St Enoch King's Drive, Glasgow Shopping Centre, Glasgow, Crown Street, Gorbals, Florence Street, Gorbals, Waddell Street, Gorbals, Greenhead Street, Bridgeton Moffat Street, Gorbals, Football Centre, Bridgeton, 57 Greenhead Street, Glasgow Greenhead Street, Bridgeton

Direction: Glasgow 65 bus Time Schedule 53 stops Glasgow Route Timetable: VIEW LINE SCHEDULE Sunday Not Operational

Monday 6:32 AM - 6:07 PM Annick Street, Halfway Mill Road, Glasgow Tuesday 6:32 AM - 6:07 PM

Wiston Street, Halfway Wednesday 6:32 AM - 6:07 PM

Overton Road, Halfway Thursday 6:32 AM - 6:07 PM Friday 6:32 AM - 6:07 PM Overton Street, Halfway Saturday 6:52 AM - 6:07 PM Craigallian Avenue, Halfway

Hamilton Crescent, Halfway Mac Callum Drive, Glasgow 65 bus Info School Avenue, Direction: Glasgow Stops: 53 Christie Place, Cambuslang Trip Duration: 55 min Line Summary: Annick Street, Halfway, Wiston Greenlees Road, Cambuslang Street, Halfway, Overton Road, Halfway, Overton Street, Halfway, Craigallian Avenue, Halfway, Main Street, Glasgow Hamilton Crescent, Halfway, School Avenue, Bushyhill Street, Cambuslang Cambuslang, Christie Place, Cambuslang, Greenlees Road, Cambuslang, Bushyhill Street, Cambuslang, 21 Greenlees Road, Glasgow Brownside Road, Cambuslang, Stewarton Drive, Brownside Road, Cambuslang Cambuslang, Holmhill Farm, Cambuslang, Staffa Road, Whitlaw Burn, Morven Road, Whitlaw Burn, Stewarton Drive, Cambuslang Road, Whitlaw Burn, Cruachan Road, Springhall, Atholl Gardens, Springhall, Lochbrae Drive, Springhall, Slenavon Avenue, Springhall, Holmhill Farm, Cambuslang Cruachan Road, Springhall, Cullins Road, Cathkin, Grenadier Park, Glasgow Glencoe Road, Cathkin, Burnside Road, Fernhill, Galloway Drive, Fernhill, Morar Drive, Fernhill, Staffa Road, Whitlaw Burn Shieldaig Drive, Fernhill, Dale Way, Fernhill, Woodend Road, , Road, Castlemilk, Morven Road, Whitlaw Burn Croftfoot Road, Bankhead, Rutherglen Cemetery, Bankhead, Millburn Avenue, Rutherglen, Bankhead Whitlawburn Road, Whitlaw Burn Road, Rutherglen, Queen Street, Rutherglen, Castle Street, Rutherglen, King Street, Rutherglen, Farme Cruachan Road, Springhall Cross, Rutherglen, Tesco Superstore, Rutherglen, Road, Glasgow Downiebrae Road, Rutherglen, Birkwood Street, , Davidson Street, Dalmarnock, Atholl Gardens, Springhall Dalmarnock Railway Station, Dalmarnock, Reid Atholl Gardens, Glasgow Street, Bridgeton, Franklin Street, Bridgeton, Tullis Street, Bridgeton, Bridgeton Cross, Bridgeton, James Lochbrae Drive, Springhall Street, Bridgeton, Football Centre, Bridgeton, Moffat Cruachan Road, Glasgow Street, Gorbals, Ballater Place, Gorbals, Florence Street, Gorbals, Osborne Street, Glasgow Slenavon Avenue, Springhall

Cruachan Road, Springhall St Stephen's Avenue, Glasgow

Cullins Road, Cathkin Glencoe Road, Cathkin Glencoe Road, Glasgow

Burnside Road, Fernhill

Galloway Drive, Fernhill

Morar Drive, Fernhill Auchenlarie Drive, Glasgow

Shieldaig Drive, Fernhill Fernhill Road, Glasgow

Dale Way, Fernhill Dale Way, Glasgow

Woodend Road, Castlemilk

Croftfoot Road, Castlemilk

Croftfoot Road, Bankhead

Rutherglen Cemetery, Bankhead

Millburn Avenue, Rutherglen

Bankhead Road, Rutherglen

Queen Street, Rutherglen

Castle Street, Rutherglen 163 Main Street, Glasgow

King Street, Rutherglen 16 Farmeloan Rd, Glasgow

Farme Cross, Rutherglen Smith Terrace, Glasgow

Tesco Superstore, Rutherglen

Downiebrae Road, Rutherglen

Birkwood Street, Dalmarnock

Davidson Street, Dalmarnock Dalmarnock Road, Glasgow

Dalmarnock Railway Station, Dalmarnock

Reid Street, Bridgeton

Franklin Street, Bridgeton 197-201 Main Street, Glasgow

Tullis Street, Bridgeton 115 Main Street, Glasgow

Bridgeton Cross, Bridgeton 163 James Street, Glasgow James Street, Bridgeton 20 James Street, Glasgow

Football Centre, Bridgeton King's Drive, Glasgow

Moffat Street, Gorbals 490 Ballater Street, Glasgow

Ballater Place, Gorbals Mathieson Terrace, Glasgow

Florence Street, Gorbals Ballater Street, Glasgow

Osborne Street, Glasgow Osborne Street, Glasgow Direction: Halfway 65 bus Time Schedule 53 stops Halfway Route Timetable: VIEW LINE SCHEDULE Sunday Not Operational

Monday 7:02 AM - 5:39 PM Osborne Street, Glasgow Osborne Street, Glasgow Tuesday 7:02 AM - 5:39 PM

St Enoch Shopping Centre, Glasgow Wednesday 7:02 AM - 5:39 PM Stockwell Street, Glasgow Thursday 7:02 AM - 5:39 PM Crown Street, Gorbals Friday 7:02 AM - 5:39 PM

Florence Street, Gorbals Saturday 7:39 AM - 5:39 PM Ballater Street, Glasgow

Waddell Street, Gorbals Commercial Court, Glasgow 65 bus Info Moffat Street, Gorbals Direction: Halfway 1 Moffat Street, Glasgow Stops: 53 Trip Duration: 53 min Football Centre, Bridgeton Line Summary: Osborne Street, Glasgow, St Enoch King's Drive, Glasgow Shopping Centre, Glasgow, Crown Street, Gorbals, Florence Street, Gorbals, Waddell Street, Gorbals, Greenhead Street, Bridgeton Moffat Street, Gorbals, Football Centre, Bridgeton, 57 Greenhead Street, Glasgow Greenhead Street, Bridgeton, Tullis Street, Bridgeton, Franklin Street, Bridgeton, Reid Street, Bridgeton, Tullis Street, Bridgeton Springeld Road, Dalmarnock, Davidson Street, 79 Main Street, Glasgow Dalmarnock, Birkwood Street, Dalmarnock, Bardonald Street, Rutherglen, Cambuslang Road, Franklin Street, Bridgeton Rutherglen, Victoria Street, Rutherglen, Castle Street, 197-201 Main Street, Glasgow Rutherglen, Mill Street, Rutherglen, Main Street, Rutherglen, Johnstone Drive, Rutherglen, Rodger Reid Street, Bridgeton Drive, Rutherglen, Rutherglen Cemetery, Bankhead, Croftfoot Road, Spittal, Woodend Road, Spittal, Springeld Road, Dalmarnock Woodend Road, Fernhill, Dale Way, Fernhill, Arnisdale Way, Fernhill, Neilvaig Drive, Fernhill, Abbeydale Way, Davidson Street, Dalmarnock Fernhill, Neilvaig Drive, Fernhill, Glencoe Road, Garvald Court, Glasgow Cathkin, Cullins Road, Cathkin, Cullins Road, Springhall, Ranald Gardens, Springhall, Craigard Birkwood Street, Dalmarnock Place, Springhall, Lochaber Drive, Springhall, Western Road, Springhall, Whitlawburn Road, Whitlaw Burn, Bardonald Street, Rutherglen Holmhills Road, Whitlaw Burn, Morven Road, Whitlaw Dalmarnock Road, Glasgow Burn, Staffa Road, Whitlaw Burn, Kirkburn Avenue, Cambuslang, Stewarton Drive, Cambuslang, Cambuslang Road, Rutherglen Brownside Road, Cambuslang, Main Street, Smith Terrace, Glasgow Cambuslang, Clydeford Road, Cambuslang, Croft Road, Cambuslang, School Avenue, Cambuslang, Victoria Street, Rutherglen Macdougal Drive, Halfway, Halfway Bowling Club, Halfway, Old Mill Road, Halfway, Annick Street, Castle Street, Rutherglen Halfway Main Street, Glasgow

Mill Street, Rutherglen

Main Street, Rutherglen Mill Court, Glasgow Johnstone Drive, Rutherglen

Rodger Drive, Rutherglen

Rutherglen Cemetery, Bankhead

Croftfoot Road, Spittal Fernhill Road, Glasgow

Woodend Road, Spittal

Woodend Road, Fernhill

Dale Way, Fernhill Dale Way, Glasgow

Arnisdale Way, Fernhill Fernhill Road, Glasgow

Neilvaig Drive, Fernhill Auchenlarie Drive, Glasgow

Abbeydale Way, Fernhill

Neilvaig Drive, Fernhill

Glencoe Road, Cathkin

Cullins Road, Cathkin

Cullins Road, Springhall

Ranald Gardens, Springhall

Craigard Place, Springhall Cruachan Road, Glasgow

Lochaber Drive, Springhall Appin Terrace, Glasgow

Western Road, Springhall

Whitlawburn Road, Whitlaw Burn

Holmhills Road, Whitlaw Burn

Morven Road, Whitlaw Burn

Staffa Road, Whitlaw Burn

Kirkburn Avenue, Cambuslang Grenadier Park, Glasgow

Stewarton Drive, Cambuslang

Brownside Road, Cambuslang

Main Street, Cambuslang Greenlees Road, Glasgow Clydeford Road, Cambuslang Main Street, Glasgow

Croft Road, Cambuslang Freeneuk Wynd, Glasgow

School Avenue, Cambuslang

Macdougal Drive, Halfway Mac Callum Drive, Glasgow

Halfway Bowling Club, Halfway

Old Mill Road, Halfway Mill Walk, Glasgow

Annick Street, Halfway Mill Road, Glasgow Direction: Rutherglen 65 bus Time Schedule 18 stops Rutherglen Route Timetable: VIEW LINE SCHEDULE Sunday Not Operational

Monday 6:09 PM - 7:09 PM Osborne Street, Glasgow Osborne Street, Glasgow Tuesday 6:09 PM - 7:09 PM

St Enoch Shopping Centre, Glasgow Wednesday 6:09 PM - 7:09 PM Stockwell Street, Glasgow Thursday 6:09 PM - 7:09 PM Crown Street, Gorbals Friday 6:09 PM - 7:09 PM

Florence Street, Gorbals Saturday 6:09 PM - 7:09 PM Ballater Street, Glasgow

Waddell Street, Gorbals Commercial Court, Glasgow 65 bus Info Moffat Street, Gorbals Direction: Rutherglen 1 Moffat Street, Glasgow Stops: 18 Trip Duration: 21 min Football Centre, Bridgeton Line Summary: Osborne Street, Glasgow, St Enoch King's Drive, Glasgow Shopping Centre, Glasgow, Crown Street, Gorbals, Florence Street, Gorbals, Waddell Street, Gorbals, Greenhead Street, Bridgeton Moffat Street, Gorbals, Football Centre, Bridgeton, 57 Greenhead Street, Glasgow Greenhead Street, Bridgeton, Tullis Street, Bridgeton, Franklin Street, Bridgeton, Reid Street, Bridgeton, Tullis Street, Bridgeton Springeld Road, Dalmarnock, Davidson Street, 79 Main Street, Glasgow Dalmarnock, Birkwood Street, Dalmarnock, Bardonald Street, Rutherglen, Cambuslang Road, Franklin Street, Bridgeton Rutherglen, Victoria Street, Rutherglen, Castle Street, 197-201 Main Street, Glasgow Rutherglen

Reid Street, Bridgeton

Springeld Road, Dalmarnock

Davidson Street, Dalmarnock Garvald Court, Glasgow

Birkwood Street, Dalmarnock

Bardonald Street, Rutherglen Dalmarnock Road, Glasgow

Cambuslang Road, Rutherglen Smith Terrace, Glasgow

Victoria Street, Rutherglen

Castle Street, Rutherglen Main Street, Glasgow 65 bus time schedules and route maps are available in an oine PDF at moovitapp.com. Use the Moovit App to see live bus times, train schedule or Check Live Arrival Times subway schedule, and step-by-step directions for all public transit in . About Moovit MaaS Solutions Supported Countries Mooviter Community © 2021 Moovit - All Rights Reserved