Atlanta CHR Fray Miller PD VP /Programming Programs
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ISSUE. NUMBER 619 THE INDUSTRY'S WEEKLY NEWSPAPER lANUARY: 24, 191 PHIPPEN NEW GM I N S I D E: WARM Heats Up TOP BIRCH MARKET RESULTS Atlanta CHR Fray 12+ Birch results for Dallas, Houston, /At- Philadelphia, Pittsburgh, and Washington. Susquehanna's WARM all thrilled to death have Thin' lanta will switch from A/C to back in Atlanta. We've been Page 14 CHR at an undisclosed near evolving from A/C to a hybrid SYNCHRONOUS AM future date, although indica- between A/C and CHR, and in tions are it will not change call the next few weeks we're ready TRANSMITTER TEST letters. The station's new GM is to present a fresh new CHR ap- A new Nevada station will test the first WZGO (Z106) /Philadelphia proach to the market." "synchronous" AM transmitter -a VP /GM Bill Phippen, who re- Phippen, a former GSM at At- second, distant transmitter extending places Station Manager Julie lanta combos WQXI -AM & FM Montiel re- and WSB-AM & FM, told R&R, coverage area. Brad Woodward has the Dorff. PD George while no other "We've designs on taking sub- details. mains at WARM, staff changes were announced stantial parts of the market Page 10 at presstime. away from the other CHRs, and NAB BOARD OKAYS Susquehanna Regional VP to do that I plan to hire the best Sandy Goldberg stated, "We're people I can. Both of Atlanta's NRBA MERGER CHRs (WQXI -FM and WZGC) The NAB-NRBA merger was approved WOLT GM, McVEIGH NSM, SYMON LSM are well- programmed, but I in- by the NAB's Board last week, although tend to compete eyball to eye- TV voting strength on the board was ball with them." Phippen's replacement in boosted to compensate for new NRBA KTNQ & KLVE Set Management Philadelphia was not announc- seats. ed. Page 10 At H&W Communications' changes for both stations. "Los moves with either station." newly- acquired Spanish combo Angeles is a strong market for The FM features contempor- HANDS ACROSS KTNQ & KLVE /Los Angeles, these stations. Our FM, one of ary music, and the full- service St. John AMERICA NEWS H &W President. Ken Wolt has the best signals in Southern Cal- AM carries Dodgers baseball come aboard as GM; Jack Mc- ifornia, is the only one serving and Raiders football. "We've Harvey Mednick radio on Programs updates the Veigh is the new National Sales the L.A. Hispanic audience, got a real strong morning show latest developments in the $100 million Manager, and Jerry Symon which alone could rank as the on the AM," added Wolt, "with hunger drive, including ideas for station becomes Local Sales Manager.. ninth largest city in the US. And Humberto Luna and his Dina- WAVA participation. McVeigh arrives from KAMA the AM covers all the way from tics. Now I'm off to my Berlitz Page 22 & KAMZ /El Paso, where he Tijuana to Santa Barbara. So lessons so I can find out what served several years as GSM. we'd have to think long and the hell these giiys are talking IN THE NEWS THIS WEEK Symon, a former Retail Adver- hard before making drastic about." "Power of radio" spoof ad causes tising Manager with the L.A. Portland furor Herald- Examiner, most recent- Chris Bailey PD at WNVZ ly spent 18 months. an AE Oliva Named GCC Tracy West PD at WARM with Spanish neighbor KWKW/ Pasadena. Wolt told R &R, CKGM now A/C "Jerry brings a strong retail VP /Programming Danny Buch, David Fleischman background, while Jack has Atlantic AOR Directors strong national /agency skills. WERE /Cleveland OM sibilities will be to help select Carmy Ferreri PD as KPOP goes They really complement one George Oliva IH has been pro- WGCL's next PD, as Tom Jef- AOR moted to VP /Programming for fries vacated that post two another very well." Mark St. John Consumer impact of antitaping Wolt dismissed the wide- parent GCC Communications of weeks ago. Oliva told R&R, & FM /Birming- "chip" considered spread rumors of format Cleveland, Inc., which also "My objectives are to give WAPI -AM FM WGCL some of the consistency, ham PD Mark St. John has Joel Sebastian dies operates CHR WGCL. Noted GCC President Kim in terms of strategizing, plan- been selected to program Don- Bill Stairs National PD for Constant Miller PD Colebrook, "George will be ap- ning and research, that we've bleday's WAVA /Washington. Terry Barnes VP at Motown plying his planning, research, managed to put in place for He succeeds Smokey Rivers, Lee Zapis GM of new Urban and strategic expertise of WERE, which has shown a lot who became PD at K101 /San WEKS -AM & FM At KRLA WGCL while maintaining his of growth the past two years Francisco five weeks ago. KXLR becomes A/C KOIT Longtime broadcaster Har- role with (News /Talk) against a 50-kw, clear-channel Doubleday Regional VP /GM Chris DeVine GM, Drake Hall PD at vey (Humble Harv) Miller has WERE." with three major sports - the Alan Goodman told R &R, new AOR KBER been appointed PD in addition A former actor and singer, same kind of odds WGCL's up "There is a wealth of talented in the medium Steve Moir VP in revamped MCA to his 9-noon air duties at Los Oliva joined WERE four years against with WMMS." programmers markets who are as sophisticat- A &R team Angeles Oldies station KRLA. ago in the sales department, shortly thereafter becoming Oliva added that the decision ed as any in the majors. Mark Greg Sher GSM at WAIT & WLOO He will work with former PD Mike Wagner, now OM for Asst. PD, and later, PD and on a new WGCL PD will be outshined them all, and I had to Jim Barker GSM at WMVP & WZUU KRLA & KBZT. OM. One of Oliva's first respon- made shortly. ST. JOHN/See Page 6 Carolyn Barnaby -Merz GSM at Wagner commented, "Hary WIL -AM & FM is uniquely qualified not only to Debi Covello GSM at KEZR program an all -Oldies radio sta- FORMATS CHOOSE FAVORITES Carlyle sues to stop Amaturo deal tion, but to manage the talent Page 3, 4, 6, 8 with whom he has worked be- Top fore, either as a peer or PD, and Programmers Pick Artists ENGINEERING BASIC: to chart the future for KRLA, If radio programmers ran CLEAN SOURCES which has been near and dear to record labels, who would they Top 10 his heart for many years." sign? This week R&R's editors ESTABLISHED ARTISTS UP & COMING Elliott Klein stresses the importance of Miller said, "K -EARTH is an gave programmers, retailers, 1. Bruce Springsteen 1. Whitney Houston clean source material for a station's FM station playing oldies. and network executives the 2. Lionel Richie 2. Sade overall sound. KRLA is an oldies station. chance to choose their ideal art- 3. Phil Collins 3. Hooters Page 20 There's a big difference. KRLA ist rosters. Participants were 4. Stevie Wonder Tears For Fears is the oldies station in the coun- allowed to pick any artist, and 5. Michael Jackson 4 Mr. Mister try because it's been doing it for chose their top five established 6. Prince 6. Wham! NEXT WEEK IN R&R 25 uninterrupted years. It's and five up-and-coming acts, 7. Alabama 7. Julian Lennon It's time for our annual RAB Convention wonderful that there is a KRLA which were printed along with 8. StinglPolice 8. A-Ha issue, with a special packed with helpful because it's something for peo- some of their comments. 9. Billy Joel 9. U2 sales information. Topics include: ' ple to remember the good times The results were tabulated in 10. Bryan Adams 10. Simple Minds Competitive marketing tools and it's more .of a hometown each editor's section, and all the Research to win over prospects L.A. station than any other sta- votes were tallied to create an the "On The Records" column, lows radio folks to see what their peers think, and provides Basic training for salespeople tion on the dial." overall listing. You can see the Page 28. Top 10 results here; a full Top an unscientific but nonetheless Computer sales applications Miller added, "We're going ter, Aside from simply being a lot continue on the road of per- 20, as well as a more detailed of fun, this issue gives record fascinating perspective on the explanation of this special stature of today's top artists. Newsstand Price 53.50 sonality and oldies. We have companies a unique look at the MILLER /See Page 6 issue's premise, can be found in way radio perceives artists, al- We hope you enjoy it. "IF CHARLIE SEXTON EVER MAKES IT TO TOLEDO, HE CAN KICK MY BUTT... for waiting to play "BEAT'S SO LONELY "... I hope I'm the only one who overlooked ¡C' Rick Van Gil, WIOT He came do us two years ago with a backbone of credits. We did the unusual and released his debut album during the holiday crunch of '85. "When's the last time a rock'n'roll record from a newcomer made you feel this damn good? Charlie Sexton emanates star power on every note of "Pictures For Pleasure" Album radio continues to break talented new acts, and Charlie Sexton will top the list for the 1985/1986 season" ALBUM NETWORK ..I went into this new song expecting some sort of Stevie Ray /Lobos and what I blownmindedly found was James Dean meets Bowie and Elvis..