Serving the People of the Archdiocese of Oklahoma City Volume 37, Number 15 * March 6, 2011

Oh Good and Gracious Lord, We Thank You for Your Servant Eusebius J. Beltran Ordained to the Priesthood May 14, 1960 Bishop of Tulsa from 1978-1992 Archbishop of Oklahoma City 1993-2010

For more on Archbishop Beltran’s years in Oklahoma, turn to Pages 3-7 of this issue.

Lent Begins Ash Wednesday, March 9 The Lenten obligation, as determined for Catholics in the United States by our bishops, requires that fasting be observed on Ash Wednesday and Good Friday. The law of abstinence from meat is to be observed on Ash Wednesday and all the Fridays of Lent. Who must fast? All Catholics who are between the ages of 18 and 59. The obligation ceases when one begins his/her 60th year. Who must abstain? All Catholics who are 14 years and older. What does fasting mean? The observance of fasting means that those obliged may take only one full meal on the day of fast. Two lighter meals (not equal to another full meal) are permitted if necessary to maintain strength according to one’s needs. Eating solid foods between meals is not permitted. What does abstinence mean? The law of abstinence forbids the eating of meat. Voluntary abstinence refers to refraining from lawful pleasures in a spirit of penance. Fridays of Lent are days of abstinence from meat. Can anyone be dispensed or excused from fast and/or abstinence? Individuals with just cause may be dispensed by a priest. Those who are ill or have a similar serious reason are excused from the observance of fast and abstinence. Catholics are reminded that they should not lightly excuse themselves from this obligation and if they do so, they then need to compensate with prayer and other voluntary acts of penance. 2 Sooner Catholic ● March 6, 2011 Our Lenten Journey to a Renewed Faith Sooner Catholic On Ash Wednesday the entire preparing for Baptism during the Rite Most Reverend Church embarks on its annual Lenten of Election at the Cathedral on the journey. Lent calls to mind the 40 days First Sunday of Lent is an element “Put out Paul S. Coakley which Jesus spent in the desert of the restored catechumenate which into the Archbishop of Oklahoma City following his Baptism in the Jordan highlights the historical connection deep and Publisher at the outset of his public ministry. between Baptism and the season of lower During those days, Jesus prayed, he Lent. Ray Dyer fasted and he was put to the test. We your nets In most cases it is the practice Editor enter into these 40 days of Lent in the of the to baptize for a same spirit of prayer, penance and during infancy. The practice of infant catch.” charity to prepare ourselves to cele- Cara Koenig Baptism emphasizes that faith is a Archbishop brate, with mind and heart renewed, Coakley Luke 5:4 Layout/Photographer/ gift. We have done nothing to earn or the saving mystery of our Re- Special Projects make ourselves worthy of the forgive- demption. Lent leads us by stages to ness of sins or divine adoption as Through Baptism we die to a life the celebration of the Sacred Triduum, children of God. Yet these effects of of sin, so as to live for Christ. But the 7501 Northwest Expressway which is the very heart and center of Baptism are purely God’s gift to us. flesh, that is, our wounded human the Church’s liturgical calendar. Oklahoma City, OK 73132 nature, does not relinquish its hold The culminating moment of our Baptism is the threshold to a new (405) 721-1810 Fax: (405) 721-5210 easily. It takes a lifetime to fully Lenten experience takes place during life. Baptized into Christ’s death, embrace our high calling and put on e-mail: [email protected] the night of Holy Saturday at the we rise with him in victory. Made chil- “the mind of Christ.” The discipline Mailing Address: P.O. Box 32180 Easter Vigil when the catechumens of dren of God by adoption through the of Lent trains us through prayer, the Church are baptized into Christ’s saving waters of Baptism and the gift Oklahoma City, OK 73123 penance and almsgiving, and through saving death and resurrection. At that of the Holy Spirit, we are incorporated pondering the word of God to grow same liturgy, those of us already into the Church which is the Body of daily in faith and holiness. Visit us online through the baptized and prepared by our Lenten Christ. Baptism makes us fit and able Archdiocesan Web Page at discipline also solemnly proclaim to receive the other sacraments of the Lent gives us the opportunity to and renew the commitments of our Church which help us to grow renew our gratitude for the new baptismal faith. toward our full maturity in Christ and life purchased for us at such a price The link between Lent and assume our proper responsibilities for so that we may become better The Sooner Catholic (USPS 066-910) is Baptism is as strong as it is ancient. the mission and service which he has stewards of the gifts we received in published biweekly except for once in July The practice of enrolling those entrusted to the Church. Baptism. and twice in December by the Archdiocese of Oklahoma City. Seminary Burses The newspaper is not responsible for A $200 donation was made to the Father Denis Blackledge Father John A. Petuskey unsolicited material. Father Joseph Beltran Seminary Seminary Burse Seminary Burse Burse by Mr. & Mrs. Henry Cebulski. $8,337 $11,850 Copyright © 2011 Sooner Catholic

A $200 donation was made to the Father Wade Darnall Father Clement E. Pribil Subscription rate: $20 per year for all Father Seminary Seminary Burse Burse by an anonymous donor. Seminary Burse who are not members of the $10,545 $6,351 Archdiocese of Oklahoma City. A $100 donation was made to the Periodical postage paid at Oklahoma Father Stanley Rother Father Stanley Rother Seminary Father Larry Gatlin City, OK 73125. Burse in Thanksgiving for the Seminary Burse Seminary Burse $195,446.74 POSTMASTER: Send address changes faithful service of Archbishop Beltran $10,000 by Rosalie and Mike Seikel. to the Sooner Catholic, P.O. Box Archbishop 32180, Oklahoma City, OK 73123. Father Bernard J. Havlik A $10 donation was made to the Seminary Burse Seminary Burse Father Stanley Rother Seminary $185,970 Burse by the Gary Conner Family, $51,710 Lawton. Father John Scheller Father James A. Kastner Seminary Burse Father Joseph Beltran Seminary Burse Seminary Burse $10,000 $10,820 $98,290 Father Gerald Ucker The Sooner Catholic is Father Stephen Bird Bishop Stephen A. Leven Seminary Burse supported through the Seminary Burse Seminary Burse $10,098 Archdiocesan Development Fund. $11,200 $64,628 Totals as of 1/30/2011 March 6, 2011 ● Sooner Catholic 3 Thank You Archbishop Eusebius J. Beltran Thank you, Archbishop Beltran, for your many years of episcopal ministry in the Diocese of Tulsa and especially in the Archdiocese of Oklahoma City! You have been a wise and loving shepherd. I am profoundly grateful for your fidelity in ministry and selfless dedication to God’s people. I look forward to our continuing fraternal collaboration for the well-being of the Church. “Well done, good and faithful servant!”

Most Reverend Paul S. Coakley Archbishop of Oklahoma City

Archbishop Beltran is a pastor whose only focus is that we become one in Christ. This was the motto he chose 33 years ago for his coat of arms, “We are One in Christ,” and he has lived this reality since. This is most evident in the way that the Archbishop celebrates Mass. I feel privileged every time I concelebrate with him. Sincerely yours in Christ, Most Reverend Edward J. Slattery Bishop of Tulsa

Archbishop Beltran celebrated Mass at Sacred Heart in El Reno on a weekday morning. Following Mass, he commented to Father Phil Donohoe that with so many retired people participating in Mass, the parish should consider building a retirement center. Ten years later, Saint Katharine Drexel Retirement Center became the first parish-based retirement center in the Archdiocese. It has been a success from day one. Plans are under way to expand creating a memory care center on the campus. And before all of this, Archbishop Beltran authorized the re- opening of Sacred Heart School, which had closed in 1965. Today the school has close to 100 students from pre-K through fifth grade. Archbishop Beltran often said, “Work as if everything depends on you and pray as if everything depends on God.” Thank you Archbishop Beltran for your faith in God and the example you have given to us.

The people of Sacred Heart, El Reno Timeline The following is a timeline of events that taking the name Paul VI. Jan. 15, 1967 — The first Super Bowl was have occurred during Archbishop Beltran’s June 25, 1962 — U.S. Supreme Court played in Los Angeles. 50-plus years as a priest. handed down the decision on Engel v. Vitale April 4, 1968 — MLK Jr. assassinated. May 16, 1960 — Archbishop Beltran was that stated prayer in the public schools was July 20, 1968 — Man walks on the moon. ordained to the priesthood. unconstitutional. Aug. 15-18, 1969 — Woodstock. Nov. 8, 1960 — The election of the first Oct. 11, 1962 — Vatican II was opened. Nov. 10, 1969 — Sesame Street first airs. Catholic president of the United States, Aug. 28, 1963 — Martin Luther King Jr, I 1971 — The floppy disk was put on the President John F. Kennedy. Have A Dream speech. market. March 1, 1961 — U.S. Peace Corps founded. Nov. 22, 1963 — JFK assassinated. May 5, 1961 — The first American in space. Feb. 7, 1964 — The Beatles land in the U.S. May 28 and July 17, 1972 — Watergate July 1961 — Chubby Checker introduced June 12, 1964 — Nelson Mandela was burglaries. the Twist on American Band Stand. sentenced to life in prison. Jan. 22, 1973 — Roe v. Wade passes. 1961 — The Vietnam War officially begins. July 2, 1964 — The Civil Rights Act was Feb. 6, 1973 — The Archdiocese of 1962 — The Internet was first launched. passed. Oklahoma City and the Diocese of Tulsa June 21, 1963 — Giovanni Battista Enrico March 1, 1966 — The Miranda rights were were created. Antonio Maria Montini is elected Pope, passed into law. 1975 — Microsoft founded. 4 Sooner Catholic ● March 6, 2011 Thank You, Archbishop Beltran

In February 1978, when I first Bunny. heard the name “Eusebius Beltran,” I His love of God and the Church must admit that I wasn’t sure how to spills over into his daily life, whether pronounce his name. Saint Eusebius he is celebrating the Eucharist, meet- was not on my radar screen! Little did ing with his priests or staff, visiting we know then how blessed the in the nursing homes and hospitals, Catholics of Oklahoma would be to prisons and schools. Much of the good have this wonderful man as a work that he does goes undetected shepherd for 33 years. Only recently because while he has a very outgoing did we learn that he has surpassed the personality, he never seeks credit or record length of service of Bishop praise. Meerschaerdt by just a few months. I hope that Archbishop Beltran Having worked first for Bishop, knows how much he is admired and then Archbishop Beltran, I soon respected and that we are grateful for realized that his love of God and the his presence and leadership in Catholic faith are foremost and never Oklahoma. Thank you, Archbishop waivers. His attitude is always Beltran. positive. On the physical side, he has always had so much vitality that Carol Davito he has been dubbed the Energizer Secretary to Archbishop Beltran Carol Davito and Archbishop Beltran.

Pope John Paul I and Bishop Beltran. Pope John Paul II and Archbishop Beltran. Pope Benedict XVI and Archbishop Beltran. Timeline 1977 — The VCR was put on the market. March 28, 1979 — Three Mile Island Nov. 13, 1982 — Vietnam War Memorial May 25, 1977 — Star Wars movie released. meltdown. opened in Washington, D.C. Feb. 28, 1978 — Father Beltran was Nov. 4, 1979 — Iran hostage crises begins. 1984 — The Internet was made available to appointed Bishop of Tulsa. May 13, 1981 — Assassination attempt on the public. Aug. 26, 1978 — Albino Luciani is elected as Pope John Paul II. April 23, 1985 — New Coke is introduced. Pope and takes the name John Paul I. May 22, 1980 — Pac-Man was introduced. Sept. 1, 1985 — Wreck of the Titanic found. Sept. 28, 1978 — Pope John Paul I dies. Summer 1980 — U.S. boycotts the Summer 1987 — DNA first used to convict criminals. Bishop Beltran was in Rome for Pope John Olympics in Moscow. Nov. 9, 1989 — The Berlin Wall fell. Paul I’s entire 33-day papacy. 1981 — Cell phones were first introduced. Aug. 2, 1990 — The Gulf War begins. Oct. 16, 1978 — Karol Józef Wojtyla is June 1981 — AIDS is identified. Dec. 25, 1991 — The cold war ends elected Pope, taking the name John Paul II. Aug. 12, 1981 — The personal computer was when the USSR was declared officially 1979 — Mother Teresa awarded the Nobel introduced. dissolved. Peace Prize. Sept. 22, 1981 — First woman appointed to Nov. 24, 1992 — Archbishop Beltran was 1979 — Sony introduces the Walkman. the U.S. Supreme Court. appointed Archbishop of Oklahoma City. March 6, 2011 ● Sooner Catholic 5

The faculty, staff and students of Archbishop Beltran: Archbishop Beltran, St. Mary’s School in Ponca City Your presence and ministry at Our Lady’s Cathedral and Bishop Words cannot express our gratitude would like to congratulate you John Carroll School has been a great blessing for our community. for your outstanding ministry as our on your retirement! We thank You not only gave voice to the Gospel through your preaching and you for being a happy and faith- teaching but gave witness to it through the joy of your life. May your Archbishop. Your unwavering ful servant to the Archdiocese of retirement be filled with joy, good health and many blessings. support of Sacred Heart Church and Oklahoma City and for your Rev. Msgr. Edward J. Weisenburger, Rector School enabled us to minister with unwavering support of Catholic Connie Diotte, Principal hope, faith and love, to bring Christ Education. Our schools have flourished under your exemplary to the poor, and to educate our leadership. May God continue to children in our Catholic faith. In the bless and keep you. words of our students, “He will always be ‘cool’ to us.” May God Dear Archbishop Beltran, continue to bless you. “Goodbye.” “We’ll miss you.” “We wish you could come back.” “We hope you would love us.” Dear Archbishop Beltran: “We hope you have a great time.” We thank you for blessing us “Bless you.” “We love you.” with many years of your service. Thank you for being such a good We truly appreciate all that you leader for our church! have done. From raising money Love and prayers, for Catholic schools to helping Mrs. Hill and Mrs. Yarbrough’s Catholic services throughout the Pre-K classes Archdiocese, you have done at St. Eugene School wonders for all of us. We always enjoyed your visits to our school Archbishop Beltran, and will truly miss you. May The students, faculty and staff of God bless you in everything you Bishop McGuinness Catholic strive for in life. High School thank you for your Archbishop Beltran — Thank you for all you have done to help make Sincerely, prayers and support of Catholic the Oklahoma City Archdiocese Catholic school system the great The St. Eugene Class of 2011 education over the years. We success it is today. Your leadership during the past years has been an especially want to thank you for inspiration to all of us. Your example of God’s love for each of us was your great efforts in rebuilding evident during your visits to our school each year. We extend our “From the fullness of his grace our school. Your guidance and congratulations and best wishes to you on your retirement. Feel free we have all received one blessing wise leadership have been in- to come visit us any chance you get. after another.” strumental in our success. Our From the faculty, staff and students of John 1:16 continued prayers will be with St. Philip Neri Catholic School you. Timeline May 1, 1994 — Nelson Mandela elected Oct. 23, 2001 — Apple introduced the IPod. 2007 — Apple introduces the IPhone. president of South Africa. Oct. 19, 2003 — Mother Teresa beatified. Jan. 15, 2009 — Miracle on the Hudson. April 19, 1995 — Oklahoma City Alfred P. March 20, 2003 — Invasion of Iraq. Captain Sully Sullenberger lands his U.S. Murrah Federal Building bombing. February 2004 — Facebook is launched. Airways plane in the Hudson River, saving June 30, 1997 — Hong Kong returns to February 2005 — YouTube is launched. everyone on board. Chinese rule. April 2, 2005 — Death of Pope John Paul II. September 2009 — The first e-book reader May 3, 1998 — The Euro is created. April 19, 2005 — Father Joseph Alois is launched in the United States. 1998 — Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Ratzinger is elected Pope, taking the name Aug. 5, 2010 — 33 Chilean miners were Stone is released in the United States. Benedict XVI. rescued from a mine collapse after 69 days. 1999 — The world awaited the Y2K bug. Aug. 29, 2005 — Hurricane Katrina hits Dec. 16, 2010 — Archbishop Beltran’s Sept. 11, 2001 — Terror attacks on New Louisiana. resignation was accepted, Bishop Paul S. York and Washington, D.C. Aug. 24, 2006 — Pluto loses its status as a Coakley, bishop of Salina, Kan., was ap- Oct. 7, 2001 — War in Afghanistan begins. planet. pointed fourth Archbishop of Oklahoma City. 6 Sooner Catholic ● March 6, 2011

Archbishop Beltran, Thank you Archbishop Beltran for the blessing that your lifetime of Dear Archbishop Beltran: Congratulations and best wishes ministry has been for me and the Church. Just as you are inspired by Thank you for the long and on your retirement. Especially, the martyrdom of Father Stan Rother, so also I am inspired by your dedicated service you have given thank you for your wonderful courageous leadership of the Church in Oklahoma. The Church has to God’s people while you were the example of episcopal ministry and experienced tremendous growth under your leadership and for that I main shepherd of the Archdiocese your friendship. God’s continued am grateful. of Oklahoma City. May our kind blessings on you. Bishop God pour out many new blessings Bishop David E. Fellhauer Bishop of Little Rock upon you, and I appreciate the Diocese of Victoria in Texas friendship we have enjoyed for many years. UNITED IN THANKSGIVING God’s peace. FOR A FRUITFUL Bishop Michael Pfeifer, OMI, AND FAITHFUL EPISCOPAL Bishop of the Diocese MINISTRY BY of San Angelo ARCHBISHOP EUSEBIUS JOSEPH BELTRAN For Archbishop Beltran’s retirement... May the trees you planted and Although your day-to-day work the seeds you sowed will take on new meaning, no with the grace of God doubt you will continue to touch grow and produce much fruit for lives through your never-ending the Gospel of Christ vocation of priesthood. in the Archdiocese of Oklahoma Bishop Terry J. Steib and The City. Diocese of Memphis in +Rutilio J. del Riego Tennessee wish you continued Auxiliary Bishop of San blessings in retirement. Bernardino Dear Archbishop Beltran, Your Excellency, Thank you for your years of For your faithful service as service to the Church. Your in- Archbishop of Oklahoma City, spiring leadership has brought may God grant you every great growth and devotion to the happiness and good health as you Church. I congratulate you on continue to serve the Church of your retirement and pray you God. enjoy continued good health. Cordially yours in Christ, +Daniel F. Walsh The Most Reverend Thomas G. Bishop of Santa Rosa in Doran, D.D., J.C.D. California Bishop of Rockford For more on Archbishop Beltran, more thank-you I join with the people of notes and a photo timeline, Delaware and Maryland’s go to the Archdiocese Eastern Shore in wishing webpage at Archbishop Beltran a peaceful and well-deserved retirement. We I am very happy to call Archbishop Eusebius Beltran my friend. I have known Archbishop Beltran for thank God for the Archbishop’s many years. He was very kind to me when I was first ordained a bishop. We would often sit together at many years of ministry in the meetings of the USCCB. I am grateful for Archbishop Beltran’s good example of fidelity to the Church Oklahoma and pray that God and a fraternal spirit in relationship to his brother bishops. will grant him good health as he Archbishop Beltran, may the Lord bless you with a very happy retirement. Thank you for sharing with begins this phase of his life in the Church your wonderful gifts. service to Our Lord. Fraternally yours in Christ, + Most Rev. W. Francis +cjc Malooly, Most Reverend Charles J. Chaput, O.F.M. Cap. Bishop of Wilmington Archbishop of Denver March 6, 2011 ● Sooner Catholic 7 Scholarship Established In Honor of Archbishop Beltran Catholic Charities Announces Plan For Lawton Community

OKLAHOMA CITY — The board of directors of Catholic Charities has established a new special endowment in honor of Archbishop Beltran. Molly Bernard, president of the board of directors, made the announcement at Catholic Charities annual meeting held in Oklahoma City at St. Francis of Assisi Parish on Feb. 21. The Archbishop Eusebius J. Beltran Scholar- ship Fund has been established for the purpose of providing tuition scholarships to children who live at Villanova Apartments in Lawton to St. Mary’s Grade School at Blessed Sacrament Parish. These apartments are sponsored by Catholic Charities, and serve 64 low-income families in Lawton. The development of Villanova Apartments has a longtime connection with Blessed Sacra- ment Parish. In the late 1970s, when Father Thomas Wade Darnall was pastor of Blessed Sacrament Church, he and J.C. Kennedy used Molly Bernard, Catholic Charities board president, Sister Catherine Powers, Superintendent of donated property to leverage federal funds from Catholic Schools, Father Joseph Ross, pastor of Blessed Sacrament in Lawton and Tim O’Connor the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban stand with Archbishop Beltran after he was presented with the new scholarship fund in his honor. Development (HUD) to build the original apart- ments. Mr. Kennedy personally oversaw the members to volunteer services,” stated Tim management of these apartments until his death O’Connor, executive director of Catholic in 1993. In the following years, the property ex- Charities. Wouldn’t It Be perienced deterioration, debt and safety issues. Parish volunteers provide welcome baskets Working with Mercy Housing Services of to the residents as they move into their new Wonderful... Denver and Gorman Property Management of homes. The JustFaith team from Blessed Archbishop Beltran was presented with Bartlesville, Catholic Charities assumed the Sacrament established a mentoring project for the new Archbishop Eusebius J. Beltran sponsorship and redevelopment of Columbia the children. Scholarship Fund created in his honor at Square in 2006. With the use of federal tax Chuck Wade of Lawton, vice president of the Annual Catholic Charities meeting. The credits and a redevelopment loan from HUD, Catholic Charities board of directors, said, fund will provide tuition scholarships to the property was totally rebuilt and rededicated “The new scholarship fund honoring Arch- children who live at Villanova Apartments bishop Beltran is another step in connecting the in November 2009. The property was renamed in Lawton to St. Mary’s Grade School. parish outreach ministries with the families who Villanova Apartments, dedicated to St. When Archbishop Beltran got up to the are living at Villanova Apartments. Archbishop Thomas of Villanova and in recognition of microphone to say thank you, he surprised Beltran has been a strong advocate for both Father Darnall. Villanova Apartments has the audience with this story. Catholic Charities and Catholic education, and received national recognition for its energy- “Years and years ago when we were the board of directors is pleased to acknowledge efficient design and use of environmentally in the beginning stages of working with his gifts in establishing this endowment.” sound products. Villanova, I was there for a meeting early. The initial contribution to this endowment Through the redevelopment period, Catholic So I sat in my car and waited. And as I sat has been provided through an estate gift to Charities worked with both Blessed Sacrament there I saw the children that lived there Catholic Charities. Catholic Charities will use and Holy Family parishes to enlist their social coming home from school. All of them the future earned interest to provide scholar- outreach efforts to help support the residents running around, and I thought, wouldn’t it living at Villanova. ships to Villanova students. Contributions to this fund may be sent to be wonderful if they all could go to St. “We had excellent interest and cooperation Catholic Charities or the Catholic Foundation of Mary’s. What an impact that would make in from Father Stafford, Father Seeton, Father Oklahoma and designated for the Archbishop their lives and the futures of their families. Fuller, Father Larkin and Father Joe Ross, who Eusebius J. Beltran Scholarship Fund. So I thank you very much for this.” advised on the project and motivated parish 8 Sooner Catholic ● March 6, 2011 Catholic Charities Awards VOLUNTEER AWARD OKLAHOMA CITY — Catholic Hendrick said the breakdown of Charities held its annual meeting the family is creating dire conse- and awards presentation Feb. 21 at quences for the state and its children. Saint Francis of Assisi Church. The “deterioration of the family is Mass was celebrated by Archbishop the biggest problem our children are Eusebius J. Beltran, Emeritus. A facing,” Hendrick said. “Children number of priests from throughout losing a parent, being raised in a the Archdiocese as well as religious single-parent home is what so many took part in the celebration. of our children today are facing. Howard H. Hendrick, director of Faith-based organizations have a big the Oklahoma Department of Human part in rebuilding our society. Services, was the keynote speaker “We as a society have lost our at the awards presentation. Hendrick moral compass and we can either said the struggling economy is hitting lament to each other or do something families and especially children hard. about it,” said Hendrick. “The core Some statistics provided by Hendrick value we need in this country is are only described as “staggering.” family. You (the Catholic Church) are In January, some 30 percent of committed to the core value of family, Archbishop Beltran with Ray and Walter Merchant. Oklahoma children were on food which needs to be revitalized in our stamps. Only 12 percent of Hispanic society. We need to find a way in our This award recognizes a person who directly assists the work of Catholic children live in a two-parent house- state and nation to help moms and Charities through a specific service or advocacy project. hold. Among Asian children, 31 per- dads. We have to do that to help the Ray and Walter Merchant cent live in a single parent household other problems in society,” he said. As foster parents for Catholic Charities for more than 30 years, Ray and and are living in poverty. Awards presented were: Walter Merchant have lovingly and generously given their time to infants being placed for adoption. Ray has cared for the infants for weeks, even months at a time. She assures that the babies receive the love, medical attention and CLERGY/RELIGIOUS AWARD nurturing they need. The Merchants have served as foster parents to more than This award 170 infants, providing guidance, support and reassurance to adoptive couples recognizes an outstand- and birth mothers. Many clients feel that the loving care given by the ing priest, religious Merchants is one of the strongest areas of Catholic Charities Adoption and brother, religious sister Maternity Services. The Merchants perform all these services without re- or deacon who has muneration. They provide all the supplies needed to care for the infants without promoted the mission of accepting any payment. Catholic Charities through service and advocacy. ORGANIZATION AWARD Sister Diane Koorie This award recognizes an R.S.M. outstanding parish, parishes As chair of the or voluntary group, including Commission for Justice social ministry groups or and Human Develop- community organizations, ment for several years, working with Catholic Sister Diane has led this Charities. voluntary group in excep- Grace Rescue Mission Archbishop Beltran with Sister Diane Koorie. tional ways. She has The collaboration between played a vital role in orienting and educating its membership in our call to Grace Rescue Mission and social justice and has been active in revitalizing its role in the Archdiocese. As Catholic Charities is a good the commission’s chair, Sister Diane has kept the Catholic Charities board of example of how different directors informed of its work, and has encouraged members to participate in faith-based organizations can the educational and advocacy programs which the commission has undertaken. work together to meet a Sister Diane has initiated the Annual Legislative Breakfast at which critical need. elected public representatives are invited to learn about Catholic Social Since the opening of Teachings and the importance of these teachings in the development of public Catholic Charities Sanctuary Archbishop Beltran with Rev. Scott Allen. policy. As a member of the Catholic Charities board of directors, Sister Diane Women’s Development Center, currently chairs its Long-Range Planning Committee and has served on the Grace Rescue Mission has partnered with Catholic Charities to provide critical Governance Committee. As a member of the Sisters of Mercy, she is deeply support for the homeless women and children who are served there. Scott Allen, committed to the care of the elderly Mercy Sisters in her convent. director of Grace Rescue Mission, volunteered to meet the need for noon meal Sister Diane is always willing to assist and serve Catholic Charities. She is service to the clients of Sanctuary at no cost to Catholic Charities. deeply committed to the mission of her religious community and of Catholic In addition to the meals served daily, Grace Rescue Mission provides Charities. As an educator, she has provided leadership in our Archdiocese in security services for Sanctuary. This arrangement has reduced the operating connecting the adult religious education programs to the call to serve others. expenses of Sanctuary by more than $15,000 annually. March 6, 2011 ● Sooner Catholic 9

ARCHBISHOP EUSEBIUS J. CORPORATION AWARD This award recognizes a BELTRAN AWARD corporation, business or Since 1998, this award is organization that has presented to a Catholic lay contributed material, financial person who has made a or human resources to significant contribution to promote the mission of improving quality of life in Catholic Charities. Oklahoma through outstand- Propak Logistics ing leadership and community Through the partnership service. of Propak Logistics and Michael J. Milligan the Refugee Resettlement Michael J. Milligan is Program of Catholic Charities, honored as the 2010 recipient many refugees have found a of the Archbishop Eusebius positive work environment J. Beltran Award for his at which their cultures are dedicated service to the Arch- respected. Propak strives to diocese of Oklahoma City and ensure clients understand Archbishop Beltran with Dirk Phippen. his community. For more than what is expected of them, 30 years, Mike has volunteered despite language barriers. Case managers can be sure that their clients work Archbishop Beltran with Mike Milligan. both his time and his pro- in a safe environment with good pay and opportunities for advancement. fessional services as a Certified Public Accountant and attorney in support of Propak’s appreciation for diversity has allowed refugee families to become community education, health and social service programs. Mike also serves as self-sufficient. Their employment experience at Propak expedites the refugees’ managing trustee of the Robert Glenn Rapp Foundation and oversees distribu- assimilation and acculturation. tion of grants for educational programs that make a difference in the lives of Diversity and cultural differences are appreciated at Propak, which youth through programs promoting character and leadership. continues to offer gainful employment to refugee clients. As a member of St. Francis of Assisi Parish in Oklahoma City, Mike has served as chairman of its Finance Council for more than 15 years. He is an active Fourth Degree member of Knights of Columbus Council 4601 and served as its treasurer for more than 20 years. He has coached many sports teams at Catholics Living Justice Day Set Rosary School for more than 20 years, and served as athletic director and treasurer for the Rosary Home and School Association. OKLAHOMA CITY — The Catholic Church is the Body of Christ and it is built on the Good News of Jesus. Catholic Social Teaching is based on the dignity of the human person and the sanctity of life and it SERVANT LEADER AWARD makes each of us responsible for living, proclaiming and sharing this Good News. We are not called to insulate ourselves from the world, but This award is given to a rather we are directed to make this world a better place in which to live. Catholic Charities employee In response to these mandates, the Commission for Justice and in recognition of outstanding Human Development of the Archdiocese of Oklahoma City, which works service and leadership at in the Archdiocese to promote justice and peace, is sponsoring “Catholics Catholic Charities. Living Justice Day” March 15 at the Oklahoma state Capitol. “Catholics Nancy Largent are invited and encouraged to come to the Capitol to learn about how In five years of service legislative advocacy is a part of evangelization, to more deeply explore to Catholic Charities, Nancy Catholic Social Teaching and to learn how our faith speaks to pending Largent has exceeded the re- legislative issues,” says Sister Diane Koorie, chair of the commission. quirements and responsibili- Catholics Living Justice Day will begin at 8:15 a.m. with breakfast ties of her position. She sees a and will be followed at 9 a.m. by a workshop focused on the connections need and responds. In her between the gospel and advocacy. It will be held in the Governor’s position as Director of Ad- Conference Room on the second floor. All of the legislators will also be ministration, she has worked invited, but each parishioner is encouraged to personally contact his or to engage the staff in the her own legislators and to encourage them to join us both for breakfast Archbishop Beltran with Nancy Largent. strategic planning process and for the workshop. Parishioners should make reservations for them- and in the process for reac- selves by March 11 by calling (405) 523-3003 or e-mailing bvanpool@- creditation. Assistance in locating a legislator’s name and She exemplified Servant Leadership by coaching and guiding staff and contact information is available at empowering them to attain excellence in their positions. The workshop will include presentations about the role of the faith community in the legislative process, an overview of the legislative Nancy strengthens the financial stability of the agency through her process itself, current legislative issues and the Gospel connection to stewardship and planning. She enhances the presence of Catholic Charities advocacy. in the parishes and throughout the Archdiocese. For more information or to register, call Becky VanPool, director of Special recognition is given to Katy Brooks, Refugee Job Developer, and Parish Outreach and Program Development of Catholic Charities, at Jessie Gonzalez, Assistant Director of Immigration, for their hard work and (405) 523-3003. dedication. 10 Sooner Catholic ● March 6, 2011 Center of Family Love Finalist In State Contest OKARCHE — The Center of each category receive $5,000. At the Family Love (CFL) has been selected conclusion of the program, one non- as a finalist for the Oklahoma profit is selected as the overall winner Nonprofit Excellence (ONE) Awards and receives $10,000 for its organiza- in the community health services tion. A total of $160,000 will be category. The fourth annual ONE awarded to nonprofits that evening. Awards, sponsored by the Oklahoma O’Brien stated, “We continue to Center for Nonprofits, will take place promote awareness of developmental at Southern Hills Country Club in disabilities across the state of Okla- Tulsa on April 2. The event serves to homa and how CFL provides services honor and recognize some of the best to assist our residents to live their nonprofits in the state. Jim O’Brien, lives as independently as possible. the executive director at CFL, stated, This award is a testament to the “We are very honored and privileged service and excellence shown by our to be selected as a finalist for this employees and the support from our prestigious award from the Oklahoma board. 2011 is an exciting year for Center for Nonprofits. We believe in CFL as we are expanding our services our mission, which is to provide life- by constructing two new 16-bed inter- time quality of care for individuals mediate care homes to meet the needs with developmental disabilities.” Out of the developmental disabled.” Construction on the new CFL campus is well underway. of 70 organizations nominated for this “All the finalists for this award year’s awards, only 27 were named deserve praise and recognition for (Oklahoma City); Polly Nichols in individuals living their lives as finalists. Awards are presented to a the admirable service they provide (Oklahoma City); Rev. George Young independently as possible. CFL winner and two finalists in each of the to their communities,” said J. Jerry (Oklahoma City); and Stanton L. provides intermediate care (ICF/MR), following nine categories: Dickman, chairman of the ONE Young (Oklahoma City). geriatric care, residential group „ Arts and Humanities Awards Selection Commission. “These The Center of Family (CFL) Love homes and vocational services in „ Community nonprofits represent some of the best is a nonprofit agency located in three locations including Okarche, „ Community Health Services in the state.” Okarche, which provides quality life- Kingfisher and El Reno. Facilities „ Education The commission, chaired by J. time care for individuals with de- in Okarche include an ICF/MR, „ Health Services Jerry Dickman (Tulsa), includes velopmental disabilities. CFL is home the Loosen Geriatric Center, two „ Self-Sufficiency Michael A. Cawley (Ardmore); Nance to 117 adults with the sole purpose to residential group homes, a vocational „ Seniors Diamond (Shawnee); Frederick serve adults with profound or severe workshop, a horticultural center „ Sports and Recreation Drummond (Pawhuska); Ken mental and motor disabilities. Our and a gift shop. Additionally, CFL has „ Youth Development Fergeson (Altus); R.H. Harbaugh vision is to be the leading develop- community residential group homes The winners in each category are (Tulsa); Kim Henry (Oklahoma City); mentally disability provider in the in El Reno and Kingfisher and a voca- awarded $7,500, and two finalists in Phil Lakin Jr. (Tulsa); Frank Merrick state of Oklahoma, which will result tional workshop in Kingfisher. Steven R. Janco to Give Music Workshop March 19 OKLAHOMA CITY — A work- texts, making effective choices, and He is a member of the music staff “Mass of Redemption,” published by shop for choir directors and choir maximizing music’s potential to of the Chicago Office for Divine W.L.F., are widely used throughout members titled “Music and the assist our assemblies through a time Worship, serves as chair of the the United States. Janco has also Revised Roman Missal: Challenges of liturgical transition. Samples of Education Committee of the Council composed a new setting, “Mass of and Opportunities” will be held Mass settings from the major of the National Association of Wisdom,” published by W.L.P. We March 19 from 8:30 a.m. to 3 p.m. at liturgical music publishers will be Pastoral Musicians, and is a member thank World Library Publications the Catholic Pastoral Center, 7501 provided. of the board of directors of the North for helping to sponsor this work- Northwest Expressway, Oklahoma Dr. Steve Janco is director of the American Forum on the Cate- shop. City. Rensselaer Program of Church chumenate. The forthcoming implementa- Music and Liturgy at Saint Joseph’s In the Archdiocese of Oklahoma Cost is $10 per person (includes tion of the revised Roman Missal College in Rensselaer, Ind. He also City, we have frequently used music lunch), payable in advance. Please presents parish musicians with both serves as Director of Liturgy and composed by Janco at Archdiocesan mail names and payment to Office of challenges and opportunities. Where Music at St. Eulalia Parish in May- ceremonies. “The Hand of the Lord Worship, P.O. Box 32180, Oklahoma do we stand? What’s at stake? Where wood, Ill. Janco is a well-known Feeds Us” was used at the recent City, Okla. 73132. For more informa- do we go from here? Explore strate- composer of liturgical music and a Installation Mass of Archbishop tion, call Mary Fahy at (405) 721- gies for evaluating new and adapted frequent presenter at national con- Coakley. “Mass of the Angels and 5651 Ext. 158. Registration deadline musical settings of the new missal ventions and diocesan conferences. Saints,” published by G.I.A., and is March 8. March 6, 2011 ● Sooner Catholic 11 Red Plains Benedictines Prepare to Leave Piedmont PIEDMONT — The role of the changed the spiritual landscape of Benedictine Sisters of Red Plains Oklahoma.” Spirituality Center is about to take a All of the Sisters plan to be in new form. In 2009, the members of Atchison by the end of October of Red Plains Monastery decided that it 2012, where some will contribute their was in their best interest to merge skills to Sophia Spirituality Center with a larger community. They chose there. There will be only limited offer- to become a part of Mount St. ings at Red Plains after June 2011. Scholastica in Atchison, Kan. Since With knowledge of the inevitabil- then, five members of the community ity of their departure, the Sisters have have moved there and six have con- taken to heart Paul’s message in 2 tinued their ministries in Oklahoma. Timothy 2:2: “Everything that you Their ministries have a long and have heard me teach in the presence of rich history, beginning with the es- many witnesses … pass it on to trust- tablishment of Peace House in Okla- worthy people, so they in turn will homa City in 1980. It became a center teach others.” Archbishop Eusebius for education and advocacy on justice Beltran has praised them for having issues such as nuclear arms, women’s been a dedicated presence “schooled in issues and assistance for refugees. The Benedictine Sisters who have called Red Plains home. Benedictine spirituality through times Another significant contribution of social change.” At the time of their to the region is the Retreat in Daily that the Sisters also began a four-year Ministry and/or Worship and Spiritual transfer to Atchison, he commended Life. This interfaith program provides training program to prepare more Life. A celebration for the transfer of them for “doing this right, in prayerful a weekly, seven- to nine-month prayer people to become spiritual directors leadership will occur in fall of 2011. deliberation, and maintaining a sense experience for anyone who wants a for others. Nearly 100 people have Steltenkamp, who will be director of of hope and service to the church.” deeper relationship with God under completed that program. the spiritual direction practicum, The Sisters, although no longer the guidance of spiritual directors and The Sisters will turn over this praises the heritage she is receiving. physically present, will still continue the support of other seekers. There legacy of education and spiritual “There is no question that the Retreat to pray for the people of Oklahoma have been 1,300 persons from many formation to Mary Diane Stelten- in Daily Life, the Spiritual Direction and hold them in their hearts. faiths who have participated over the kamp, Joanne Forgue and Kay Practicum and the Weekend Retreat Messages may be posted for the past 25 years. So many people became Britton, who will work closely with the Days offered by the Sisters of Benedict Sisters at the website: mount- interested in spiritual development Archdiocesan Offices of Pastoral over the past 30 years have forever Veteran Librarian Named To Post Recently, Sister Catherine Powers, CND, Director of the Pallium Pilgrimage to Rome Department of Catholic Education of the Archdiocese announced the hiring of a new librarian, Rose Mary Story. for Archbishop Paul S. Coakley Story assumed her responsibilities in the Archdiocesan The Pallium is a white woolen band worn over the shoulders and is Library on Feb. 15. Story, who has a master’s degree in library bestowed upon new Metropolitan Archbishops on June 29 at Saint science, has been a teacher and public school librarian for 26 Peter’s Basilica by the Holy Father during the celebration of the years. In June 2010, she retired from her librarian position at Eucharist. The Pallium symbolizes authority and expresses the Putnam City North High School. special bond between the Archbishops and the Roman Pontiff. The librarian position at the Archdiocese has been vacant Rose Mary since longtime librarian Charlotte Janz passed away in early Story June 27 - July 4, 2011 December. “We feel so blessed to have found an individual with such great credentials Pallium Mass ~ Saint Peter’s Basilica as Mrs. Story,” said Sister Catherine Powers. Plus … Assisi and Mass with Archbishop Coakley The Archdiocesan Library serves the Pastoral Ministry and Religious TRAVEL PACKAGE AVAILABLE - LAND AND AIR - 8-DAY Education programs in the Archdiocese. It contains a wealth of books, periodi- cals, DVDs and videos to assist Pastoral Ministry students as well as catechists Pallium Events and Sightseeing throughout the Archdiocese. The Archdiocesan Library can be accessed online 4-Star Hotels - Breakfast Daily/Three Dinners by going to Patrons can search the catalog by title, Private Deluxe Motor Coach for Sightseeing author or subject. The librarian is always willing to mail materials to patrons Professional Tour Escorts who are members. Membership simply involves completing an information Daily Mass form and returning it to the librarian. Celebratory Dinner with Archbishop Coakley The new library hours are: From only $2,770 per person Tuesday and Thursday 8:30 - 4:30 For Information & Brochures, contact Best Catholic Pilgrimages™ Saturday 8:30 - 1:30 1-800-908-BEST (2378) ~ E-Mail: [email protected] 12 Sooner Catholic ● March 6, 2011 Green Tie Gala Event to Help OKC Homeless OKLAHOMA CITY — Love’s faith-based organizations, Sanctu- $125 and all proceeds benefit the Green Tie Gala attendees who Country Stores and Grace Living ary has been developed as a day- Sanctuary Women’s Development would like to continue the celebra- Centers are among the sponsors for shelter that provides much-needed Center sponsored by Catholic tion throughout the weekend. the 2011 Green Tie Gala, benefiting resources, support and empower- Charities. Irish-inspired musical For more information about the Sanctuary Women’s Development ment to homeless and at-risk entertainment will be provided by Green Tie Gala or to purchase tick- Center. A St. Patrick’s-themed din- women and their children. Last Timothy O’Brian’s Celtic Cheer. ets to the event, call (405) 523- ner, the Green Tie Gala will raise year alone, the center assisted Additionally, the Skirvin Hilton is 3000 or visit www.catholicchari- much-needed funds to help pro- almost 500 women and children offering a special room rate for grams for homeless women and of all races and religions by giving a children in Oklahoma City. hand-up through counseling, food Featuring dinner, music and a baskets, housing assistance and job silent auction, the gala event will placement services. The program The Catholic Foundation be held at 6:30 p.m. on Saturday, not only provides assistance for March 12 at the Skirvin Hilton basic needs, but also provides a Hotel in downtown Oklahoma City. plan and the guidance needed to CORNERSTONE “Much more than a place to enable its clients and their families keep warm, Sanctuary gives hope to overcome poverty and become and help to hundreds of homeless self-sufficient. women and children each year. As All proceeds from the Green Tie Joseph Danne, the number of Oklahomans in Gala and event auction will go poverty continues to grow, we are toward Sanctuary activities. Farmer and Scientist blessed to have such incredible Sponsorship levels of the Green Tie community support for Sanctuary Gala range from Emerald Isle, In 1922, at the age of 35, Joseph Danne penned his Women’s Development Center,” which includes those contributing last will and testament on his farm near Kingfisher. Catholic Charities Executive $10,000 or more, to Linen for con- His will was as enthusiastic as his devotion to experi- Director Tim O’Connor said. tributions of $1,500. mentation and plant breeding. In the eight-page One of those supporters is Emerald Isle sponsors include hand-written document, no detail was left to chance David Egan, operations director at Grace Living Centers, Love’s Travel — for Joseph Danne wanted to accomplish two things Cattleman’s Steakhouse. Egan is Stops and Country Stores Inc., when he left this world: First, he wanted no one to being honored as grand marshal of Smith & Kernke Funeral Directors profit financially from his experimentation. And the 2011 St. Patrick’s Parade to be and Teleflora, Inc./Meinders secondly, he would bequest all of his worldly posses- held in Oklahoma City on Foundation. sions to establish the Joseph Danne Foundation, with Saturday, March 19. Gold Sponsors include The one intention — “to benefit mankind as much as The position of grand marshal Episcopal Diocese of Oklahoma, possible, through the Roman Catholic Church.” is given each year to a man or Dick and Jeanette Sias and SSM Danne went on to develop a wheat strain he called woman of Irish descent who has Health Care of Oklahoma. “Triumph,” which at the time of his death was sowed made extraordinary contributions Crystal Sponsors are Kathy and on two of every three acres of Oklahoma wheat farms. to the Oklahoma City community. Alan Aneshansley, Bank of Joseph Danne was as much a genius as he was a Egan has been a strong sup- Oklahoma, The Chickasaw Nation, visionary. An eccentric living like a hermit, with little porter of the Sanctuary Women’s Everest Brothers, Tom and Sandy more than an elementary school education, Joseph Development Center. Egan’s grand- Goldsworthy, Haynes Equipment, Danne’s greatest “Triumph” was the impact his well- parents came to North America in Homco Construction Company, planned legacy continues to have on the Future of the 1880s first arriving from Mass Architects, Inc., Mercy Health Our Faith through his Foundation administered by Ireland in Canada before making Center, MidFirst Bank, OGE the Catholic Foundation. their way to New York and Energy Corp., as well as Kevin and Does your estate planning include the vision of Mr. Pennsylvania before finally moving Patty Trosper. Danne? Have you planned to invest in the future of to Oklahoma. Linen Sponsors include your faith through an endowment gift to your “I’m proud of my Irish heritage BancFirst, Durham Supply Inc., church? We invite you to make a planned gift to the and I try to reflect positively on First American Bank, First Catholic Church as part of your legacy. Do it today. Do that heritage by trying to give back National Bank of Oklahoma, it with the enthusiasm of a Joseph Danne. to the community,” Egan said. Harrison-Orr Air Conditioning, This year’s event will also be LLC, Gerald E. Kelley, LLC, For more information on Planned Giving contact: special for many of its Catholic Inasmuch Foundation, Mike and The Catholic Foundation of Oklahoma, Inc. attendees in that it will be attended Trish Milligan, OPUBCO P.O. Box 32180 by Oklahoma City’s new archbish- Communications Group, Quail Oklahoma City, OK 73123 op, the Most Reverend Paul Creek Bank, Reserve Petroleum (405)721-4115 „ Coakley. Co., Mark Ruffin Co., Mike and [email protected] Located in south Oklahoma Kathy Steffen and WM Smith City and sponsored by Catholic Energy. Please Remember the Archdiocese of Oklahoma City in Your Estate Plans Charities, with support from other Tickets for the dinner gala are March 6, 2011 ● Sooner Catholic 13 Proposed Law Would Provide Unborn Protection EDITOR’S NOTE: This letter was sent to will help to win hearts and minds in rejecting the associated with a decrease in stress hormones members of the Oklahoma House of violence of abortion. compared to their level when painful stimuli are Representatives who serve on the Public Health National Right to Life’s Nebraska affiliate applied without such anesthesia; Committee. Tony Lauinger, state chairman of enacted this legislation last year, and this spring (6) The position, asserted by some medical experts, Oklahomans for Life Inc., is asking Oklahoma other affiliates of National Right to Life (of which we that the unborn child is incapable of experiencing Catholics to contact their state lawmakers and are one) are seeking to do the same. In this way we pain until a point later in pregnancy than 20 weeks urge them to support House Bill 1888, the hope both to save lives in individual states, and also after fertilization predominately rests on the Pain-Capable Unborn Child Protection Act. to engender this national focus on the humanity of assumption that the ability to experience pain The Pain-Capable Unborn Child Protection Act the baby in the womb. depends on the cerebral cortex and requires nerve was approved Feb. 22 by the House Public Moreover, from his writings, we believe there is connections between the thalamus and the cortex. Health Committee, 11-2. a good chance that Justice Anthony Kennedy, the However, recent medical research and analysis, To: House Public Health Committee Members justice who casts the deciding vote on the U.S. especially since 2007, provide strong evidence for the From: Anthony J. Lauinger, State Chairman Supreme Court in abortion litigation, would vote to conclusion that a functioning cortex is not nec- Date: February 14, 2011 uphold the bill. essary to experience pain; We ask your strong support for HB 1888, the We ask your consideration of the following (7) Substantial evidence indicates that children Pain-Capable Unborn Child Protection Act, which medical evidence: who are born missing the bulk of the cerebral (1) Pain receptors are present throughout the un- would ban the aborting of an unborn child who is cortex, those with hydranencephaly, nevertheless capable of feeling pain. The bill is authored by Rep. born child’s entire body by no later than 16 weeks experience pain; Pam Peterson and Sen. Clark Jolley. after fertilization, and nerves link these receptors to (8) In adults, stimulation or ablation of the cerebral This legislation has the potential not only of sav- the brain’s thalamus and sub-cortical plate by no cortex does not alter pain perception, while stimula- ing many lives, but also of becoming the focus of a later than 20 weeks; tion or ablation of the thalamus does; national debate in which the unborn child is (2) By eight weeks after fertilization, the unborn (9) Substantial evidence indicates that structures discussed in very human terms. We believe public child reacts to stimuli that would be recognized as used for pain processing in early development differ discussion of the unborn child’s capacity to feel pain painful if applied to an adult human — for example, from those of adults, using different neural elements can greatly influence the national abortion debate, by recoiling; much as the partial birth abortion bill did in available at specific times during development, such (3) In the unborn child, application of such painful as the sub-cortical plate, to fulfill the function of pain the 1990s. That discussion demonstrably led to a sig- stimuli is associated with significant increases in nificant percentage of Americans changing their processing; stress hormones known as the stress response; As demonstrated above, there is substantial med- view of abortion from a pro-abortion position to (4) Subjection to such painful stimuli is associated one which recognizes the unborn child as a living ical evidence that an unborn child is capable of expe- with long-term harmful neuro-developmental ef- riencing pain by 20 weeks after fertilization. member of our human family. fects, such as altered pain sensitivity and, possibly, The Pain-Capable Unborn Child Protection Act We urge your strong support for the Pain- emotional, behavioral and learning disabilities later Capable Unborn Child Protection Act. has the potential to now take those Americans to the in life; point where they believe the law should protect Respectfully, (5) For the purposes of surgery on unborn children, these babies from being killed. Because HB 1888 is Tony Lauinger fetal anesthesia is routinely administered, and is centered upon the humanity of the unborn child, it State Chairman, Oklahomans for Life Inc. Across Oklahoma Catechesis of the Good Shepherd Training Office at (405) 567-3080 or Father Oswalt at shrine- Sister Nancy Murray to Perform in El Reno OKLAHOMA CITY — Formation Training is [email protected]. EL RENO — Sacred Heart School will host Adrian taking place for those interested in receiving certifi- Dominican Sister Nancy Murray, OP, on April 9 as cation in the Catechesis of the Good Shepherd Fr. Bruce Nieli to present 2011 Parish Mision she performs as Saint Catherine of Siena. Sister to religious education program (Level 1). Christ the OKLAHOMA CITY — “Responding to the Spirit: the famous actor Bill Murray, Sister Nancy will King Catholic Church, 8005 Dorset Drive, is hosting In the Soul, in the Church and in the World” is the perform at 6 p.m. in the Sacred Heart gymnasium the training. Level 1 (Part 1) will be June 16-19 and topic for the upcoming Parish Mission at St. Eugene’s her one-woman performance depicting the life of July 7-10. Level 1 (Part 2) will be June 14-17 and Catholic Church. Father Bruce Nieli, C.S.P, is Saint Catherine of Siena. June 28-July 1, 2012. Request a registration form by the speaker. Join Father Nieli for three nights of Sister Nancy Murray said her personal mission is e-mailing Christie Ardoin at [email protected], or call spiritual renewal, beginning at 7:30 p.m. March 28- to “live out the mission statement of my Adrian (405) 842-2323. 30. Dominican community: Seek truth — Make peace — Reverence Life.” Adult Faith Classes Retreat Offered A native of Wilmette, Ill., Sister Nancy is the PRAGUE — “The Mass Explained” will be the title OKLAHOMA CITY — God’s Music is Silence. oldest of nine children born to Edward and Lucille of the Adult Faith Formation sessions for the Lenten Come away to a women’s Silent Retreat to explore Murray. She has traveled the world performing as season presented by Father M. Price Oswalt and lay your creativity and to get closer to our Creative God Saint Catherine of Siena, a woman she said “had the apologist, Rhett Brotherton, each Wednesday night, in Whose image we are made. Katie Gordy is offering courage to speak out. She was able to influence so commencing on March 16 from 7 to 8:30 p.m. The a retreat from 9 a.m. April 15 to noon April 17. The many political and church leaders by her wisdom, sessions will be held in the Parish Hall, located at retreat will be held at Mount St. Mary’s. If you have love and truth.” 304 Jim Thorpe Blvd., Prague. All are invited to any questions or would like to register, call Gordy at For information about tickets or other information, attend. For more information, contact the Shrine 627-6954. contact Sacred Heart School at (405) 262-2284. 14 Sooner Catholic ● March 6, 2011 Calendar MARCH noon from September through May in 13 Charismatic Healing Mass, 5:30 6 Byzantine Liturgy will be offered the Patio Room of Epiphany of Our p.m. at Immaculate Conception at 5 p.m. at St. Mark’s Church, 3939 Lord Church (7336 W. Britton Road). Save the Date! Catholic Church, 3901 S.W. 29th St., W.Tecumseh Road, Norman. Moleben- All Catholic women are invited to join Oklahoma City. For more information, Intercessions to Christ Emmanuel us. For more information, call June at June 6, 2011 call the Church office at (405) 685- will be celebrated after Liturgy. For 525-6904 or Pearl at 524-3641. 8 a.m. or 1 p.m. start time 4806. more information, please call Father for the Phil Seeton at (580) 536-6351. 10 TAP into FAITH! This month’s 17 Monthly Novena to The Infant topic is Reconciliation: Does God Catholic Foundation of Oklahoma Jesus, 17th through 25th of each 8 Catholic War Veterans (of any really forgive sins in the confessional?, month. Nine days of novenas to Infant war/conflict) will meet the second with Father Long Phan. Bring your 10th Annual Golf Classic Jesus of Prague monthly. National Tuesday of each month in the friends, single or married, ages 21 to Shrine of the Infant Jesus of Prague is community room of St. Ann Retire- 121. We meet the third Thursday of At Gaillardia Country Club located at St. Wenceslaus Church at ment Center at 7 p.m. For more in- every month. 8 p.m. talk, 8:45 p.m. Benefiting 304 Jim Thorpe Blvd. in Prague. formation, contact Father M. Price Q & A. Stay afterwards for fellowship. Catholic Education in the (405) 567-3080 or www.shrineofinfant- Oswalt at (405) 567-3404. Tap into Faith is held at Lottinville’s, Archdiocese of Oklahoma City located on South Kelley, just south of 9 Ash Wednsday 15th in Edmond. We have a private room in back. For more information, information, contact Sister Eunice at 18 Beginning Experience is a 9 Catholic War Veterans USA. call Mary Lacher at 401-4105. 373-4565 or [email protected]. ministry to help cope with the Oklahoma Memorial Post 168 meets traumatic experiences of losing a loved one through separation, divorce every second Wednesday of the month 12 Oklahoma Fellowship of 12 The St. Patrick’s Day 2011 or death. The next BE weekend will be at 7 p.m. in the Sunnylane Family Catholic Men to host its annual con- Green Tie Gala is a fundraiser for at the Catholic Pastoral Center. Reception Center located at 3900 SE ference, celebrating the 15th anniver- the Sanctuary Women’s Development For more information or to register, 29th St. in Del City. For more informa- sary of “In The Father’s Footsteps.” Center for the homeless women and contact the Office of Family Life, (405) tion, contact Ken at (405) 739-0036 or The event will be held at the Embassy children in Oklahoma City. The Gala 721-8944. by e-mail at [email protected]. Suites Conference Center in Norman. will be at 6:30 p.m. at the Skirvin Hotel in Oklahoma City. For more 10 Catholic Woman’s Activities 12 The Benedictine Oblates of Red information, call Catholic Charities at 19 St. Charles Catholic Singles Club, a club made up of women from Plains Spirituality Center will (405) 526-2319. Dance. To be held at the Warr Acres your parish. CWAC is a group that meet from 2:30 to 4:30 p.m. on the Community Center located at 4301 enjoys programs on Gardening, Music, second Saturday of the month. They 13 Rite of Election is for those N. Ann Arbor. Time is 7:30 to 11 p.m. Civics and the Arts. We meet on the join the Community for Vespers, coming into the Church at Easter. See Call Al for more information, 631- second Thursday of each month at followed by a potluck dinner. For more your RCIA leader for more info. 0763. Jobs Box Teacher Openings for 2011-2012 and communication skills required. Absolute confi- Claybaugh at (405) 842-6656 or by e-mail at m- Mount St. Mary Catholic High School in dentiality, particularly with personnel and student [email protected]. Oklahoma City is seeking full-time teachers in matters mandatory. Send cover letter, resume and Religion and English for the 2011-2012 school year. references to St. Gregory’s University, Human Director of Religious Education Please fax resume and certification to Talita De Resources Director, 1900 W. MacArthur, Shawnee, Epiphany of the Lord Parish, Oklahoma City, Negri at (405) 631-9209 or e-mail to tdenegri@- Okla. 74804, or e-mail [email protected]. EOE is accepting applications for the full-time position of Director of Religious Education. The parish is searching for a candidate deeply rooted in the Executive Assistant to the Provost Immediate Part-Time Position School Cafeteria Catholic faith with experience and vision to serve its St. Gregory’s University has an opening for the Bishop McGuinness High School cafeteria is 1,600 families. The director will coordinate all position of executive assistant to the Provost. This accepting applications for an immediate part-time education programs for children and adults. The position is responsible for administrative support to position. The hours are 8 a.m. to 1:45 p.m. Monday director will be responsible for catechist recruit- the Provost’s office: Prepare correspondence, includ- through Friday. Contact Marguerite Claybaugh, ment, formation and certification, and must also ing drafting simple memos and letters; arrange cafeteria manager, at (405) 842-6656 or e-mail her collaborate with the parish leaders of youth travel; process requisitions and maintain the at [email protected]. ministry, music, and the Journey of Faith. Provost’s budget as well as faculty records; take Applicants should have a degree in theology, minutes at faculty meetings; maintain Course Cafeteria Manager religious education, or related area and a minimum Catalogs and Faculty/Student Life Handbooks. The Bishop McGuinness Catholic High School is of five years experience working in catechetical position also will provide support to the Dean of Arts accepting applications for cafeteria manager for the ministry (master’s degree preferred). Interested and Sciences and Registrar and perform special 2011-2012 school year. Applicants need to have had candidates should contact Patricia Koenig in the projects as assigned. Associate degree highly de- school cafeteria experience, knowledge of food safety Archdiocesan Office of Religious Education to sired or equivalent credentials or experience. as well as the Federal School Lunch Program initiate the application process, PKoenig@Cath- Excellent organizational, interpersonal and written and good computer skills. Contact Marguerite, (405) 721-5651 Ext. 126. March 6, 2011 ● Sooner Catholic 15 Paul Meyer continued from Page 16 identity with handicapped accessibility to the operational. “The large foyer and atrium provides sanctuary. All this while maintaining the “feel” of access to all church facilities and includes church, the original design while adding to its function and offices and school. This project is an example of how beauty.As the pastor who served when the first part function and beauty combine to increase participa- of the original church was built said, “It doesn’t look tion of the members.” like an addition — it looks like it was always this While some projects are more difficult than way.” others, it’s obvious which was the most inspiring. What’s your next step when you’ve already “The rebuilding of St. Joseph’s Old Cathedral created so many important structures? Parish after the Murrah Building bombing stands “My favorite project will always be the next out as the perfect working relationship between one,” Meyer said. Currently that spot is occupied by architect, owner and contractor. I think we all St. Benedict’s Church in Shawnee. worked to make the facilities better than they were “We plan to demolish the 1960s modern interior to honor those killed, injured, and their loved ones. and restoring it to its 1910 Gothic splendor and The ‘And Jesus Wept’ shrine on the Old Cathedral adding a large gathering space and baptistery. My property across from the Murrah Building wife’s parents grew up in this parish and were continued that charge. It also gave me a chance to married at St. Benedict’s in 1934, so it holds a work with my sculptor son, David, again. We had special place for us. previously worked together on the Oklahoma Tribal Paul and his wife, Jeanne Meyer, in the commons “The greatest thing about my career has been Flag Plaza on the grounds of the state Capitol,” at Bishop McGuinness High School. that I’ve been able to spend a great deal of my life Meyer said. building the Catholic Church and in that process Some projects fall under the category of just ing foyer that provided access to everything — even build my faith. being plain fun. Meyer’s choice for that is the the existing elevator to the lower level with its exist- “And the fact that I’ve had a chance to work Conference Center at the Pastoral Center. “It’s an ing ‘break-out’ meeting rooms. with a gifted architectural staff that, incidentally, example of ‘thinking outside the box,’” he said. “The addition and remodeling of Saint John the includes Marsha Gallant, an architect who attends “We took the room used as a gymnasium when the Baptist Church in Edmond was challenging in St. Mark’s in Norman, and Katie Byers, an interior facility was a seminary and divided it into three scope, form and function. This project was started in designer who attends St. Thomas More University large conference rooms with operable partitions 2000 and continued to 2006 through two pastors. Its Parish in Norman, makes it all the more satisfying. that allowed it to be opened up to one large space for original plan had access to the sanctuary down a “It is comforting to know that when the day banquets and other events. ramp from a very ordinary entry. Our design comes when I do retire, the firm will be in the hands “The entrance would normally be on the south doubled the size and seating. Now there isn’t a ‘bad of such competent people such as Gary Armbruster, side, the same as the main entrance, but we felt that seat in the house.’” Marcia Gallant, Katie Byers, Heath Tate and the would be narrow and cramped. By moving the en- The main entrance was moved off a side street other members of the firm who will continue our trance to the north side, we created a large welcom- to the main boulevard for greater presence and quality of design,” Meyer said.

MA+ Architecture Catholic Projects 1978-2011 1978-Church of the Epiphany of the Lord - Master Plan and Phase I 1997-St. John Edmond Interior Remodel 1978-Rectory for the Church of the Epiphany of the Lord 1997-Corpus Christi Phase IIB Part I - Interior Remodel 1992-Activity Center Addition The Parish of St. John the Baptist 1997-Reconstruction of North Parking Lot at St. Eugene Catholic Parish 1993-Remodel of the Bettes Building for Catholic Charities 1997-Christ the King Phase II A and B 1993-Parish Hall for St. Monica Catholic Church and Master Plan 1998-Corpus Christi Phase IIB Part III - Gathering 1993-Additions to St. John Nepomuk Catholic Church 1998-Corpus Christi Phase IIB Part II - Parking Lot 1993-1995-Additions to Church of the Epiphany of the Lord 1998-Christ the King Phase III - Two-Story School Addition 1993-Pastoral Center Re-Roof 1998-1998 S Parking Addition at St. Eugene Catholic Parish 1994-Christ the King Space Study/Master Plan 2000-Bishop McGuinness Office Remodel 1994-Pastoral Center Dining Room 2000-OLOG Chapel Sanctuary Furnishings 1994-Catholic Archdiocese Chapel Remodel, Residence of Archbishop Beltran 2000-Holy Family Baptistry, Etc. 1995-Marian Shrine Pastoral Center Commons Area 2000-St. John the Baptist Church Expansion Study 1995-Library Addition and Remodeling to St. Elizabeth Ann Seton School 2000-St. John the Baptist Parish Parking Lot 1995-St. Joseph Old Cathedral Bomb Repairs 2000-Pastoral Center/Conference Center 1995-Reconstruction of Parish Facilities Church Upgrade 2003-St. John Nepomuk 2003 Remodeling 1995-Reconstruction of Parish Facilities Office Building 2003-Bishop McGuinness High School New Academic Facility 1995-Reconstruction of Parish Facilities New Rectory 2004-Little Flower Church 1995-Blessed Peter George Frassati Chapel 2004-Assumption Church 1996-”And Jesus Wept” Monument for St. Joseph Old Cathedral 2005-St. John the Baptist Parking 1996-Christ the king Remodel and Master Plan Proposal 2005-Bishop McGuinness High School McCarthy Gymnasium 1996-Corpus Christi Master Plan 2007-Christ the King Church Renovation 1997-Christ the King Rectory 2007-Christ the King Phase II - Lighting 1997-Forgiveness Shrine St. Joseph 2007-Bishop McGuinness High School Football Stadium Remodel 1997-Holy Trinity Activity Center, Okarche 2008-Little Flower Church New Multi-Purpose Facility 1997-Christ the King Parish Remodel and Addition 2010-St. Benedict Church Remodel, Shawnee 16 Sooner Catholic ● March 6, 2011 Paul Meyer: A Lifetime of Design Through, For Faith OKLAHOMA CITY — When Paul Meyer was for the rebuilding of St. Joseph Old Cathedral a 12-year-old altar boy at Geary’s St. Joseph’s Parish after the Murrah Federal Building bomb- Church, he had no idea that one day he would ing, and a Special Award from the Central found a company that helped in “building the Oklahoma Chapter of the American Institute of church” by designing dozens of Catholic sites for Architects for his body of work restoring the worship and education. Oklahoma Capitol. Meyer, son of a Geary dentist and homemaker For two years straight, MA+ Architecture has mother, spent his early days in St. Joseph’s doing been named one of Oklahoma’s 50 fastest growing all the things most Catholic youths do and at companies by the Journal Record and Oklahoma the same time developing a love and special view City Chamber of Commence. of many things about the church. “When we would travel as a family each summer, we always visited a local church to attend Mass so I got to experience a wide variety of Catholic churches throughout the western United States. That’s how I fell in love with the beauty of architecture, especially religious architecture,” said Meyer. That obviously influenced Meyer because years later he found himself graduating from Above, Paul Meyer today. At left, Paul Meyer in 1968. Oklahoma University’s School of Architecture. It didn’t take long for him to marry his now wife of with the incredibly stunning and re- 50 years, Jeanne, and start to build a family and a spectful results he achieves,” said Gary business. Armbruster, a principal and architect for “It doesn’t surprise me I ended up with a MA+ Architecture. focus on churches. I love history and symbolism, When one looks over a successful ornaments. It’s not an auditorium but a house career of designing and building reli- of God. It’s far more inspirational than many gious buildings, one has to ask which structures,” Meyer said. was the most challenging. First with the firm of Caudill, Rowlett and “The rebuilding of McGuinness High Scott, he later started his own firm (now known as School was one of our most difficult MA+ Architecture) in 1968. “Bill Caudill was a projects because the demolished areas fabulous architect, the only Oklahoman to ever were so extensive (almost 50 percent win a Gold Award from the American Institute of was demolished), but also because it had Architects,” Meyer remembers. to be occupied the entire time. My wife, Since then he has designed hundreds of Jeanne, was an early graduate back projects, including many education, government Meyer’s list of commitments to his profession when it was Catholic High School, so she had a and religious buildings. Additionally, while and community is just as long. He is a member of special interest in the success of the project. serving as CEO of his own firm, Meyer was the the American Institute of Architects, the National “The chapel was designed first in 1995 and architect/curator of the Oklahoma state Capitol Council of Architectural Registration Boards, established the new exterior materials pallet. for 25 years, overseeing many historic restoration the Oklahoma Centennial Commission, Capitol Everyone hated the old yellow brick, so we projects in the Capitol. Preservation Commission, Chairman of Friends of switched to a more traditional red brick but kept Meyer’s work didn’t go unnoticed. Along the the Capitol, Oklahoma City Downtown Rotary features of the old brick to tie into the existing way his firm was recognized with dozens of design Club, former member of the Murrah Federal facilities to remain consistent visually,” Meyer awards, including the Architectural Award of Building Memorial Archives Committee, 12-year said. Excellence from the American Institute of Steel member of the Oklahoma City Board of Appeals Today, McGuinness is still home to thousands Construction, an Honor Award from the for Building Codes and past president of the of Catholic students and alumni and stands as a Oklahoma Chapter of the American Institute of Oklahoma City Section of the American Institute hallmark of cutting edge technology and security Architects for the Legislative Conference Rooms of Architects. innovations. in the Oklahoma Capitol, the Governor Arts Paul and Jeanne are members of Christ the Likewise, the addition and remodeling at Award, the Charles H. Colcord Award for his body King Parish and the Equestrian Order of the Holy Christ the King Church and School were com- of Restoration Work, the Oklahoma Historical Sepulchre of Jerusalem. pleted in phases to keep school and church fully Preservation and Landmark Commission Award “Paul has a nationwide reputation that shows continued on Page 15