Sooner Catholic November 12, 2017 Go Make Disciples Archbishop Coakley ordains “ministers of Jesus Christ” wenty-two men from Tmore than 20 parishes and mis- sions were ordained into the permanent diaconate on Nov. 3 for the Archdiocese of Oklahoma City at The Cathedral of Our Lady of Perpetual Help. It is one of the largest classes of deacons in the history of the diocese. “As deacons, that is, as ministers of Jesus Christ, who came among his disciples as one who served, do the will of God from the heart: serve the people in love and joy as you would the Lord,” Archbishop Coakley told the deacons and their families during the homily. The ordination culmi- nates four years of study and preparation for the new deacons. Office of Permanent Diaconate Director, Deacon Norm Mejstrik
[email protected] (405) 721-5651, Ext. 114. Photos Cara Koeing/Sooner Catholic. Thanksgiving community dinners feed Oklahomans spiritually, physically “O God, grant that whatever good things I have, I may share generously with those who have not, and whatever good things I do not have, I may request humbly from those who do.” – St. Thomas Aquinas By Eliana Tedrow ecumenical non-profit comprised of Catholics, Pres- The Sooner Catholic byterians, Methodists, nondenominational and oth- ers. Together, they seek the common goal of organiz- During this time of year, parishes around the ing, preparing, and serving one of the state’s largest Archdiocese of Oklahoma City are preparing to offer community dinners. Thanksgiving dinners to embrace their communities Rotating annually, Saint John and offer a warm meal and fellowship.