10000000 Boxes

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10000000 Boxes THE WASHINGTON TDFER THURSDAY 1TCCEMBEB 11 1902 5 P Smalley Clayton N White P J MERRY RUN OF THE CELEBRATED PACER PREMIUMS MAIIEII ON Rocks third cock White Wyandottes STRONG RIVAL TEAMS GAMES BOWLED IN I THREE FAVORITES WIN third cockerel White Leghorn second CHEVY CHASE HOUNDS ANACONDA SOLD cock first cockerel third cockerel first Nw HAVKN Cone Dec 11Ana POULTRY AND PIGEONS and second pullet Mrs Bella Delcher ON MANHATTAN ISLE THREE LOCAL LEAGUES ON NEW ORLEANS TRACK Oa Account of Poor Going the Mast eond one of the three greatest pacers sock Baltimore Md B P Rock Ink Called time Sport Off at Ute te the world has been purchased t r J White Plymouth Rock fifth cock Aa Harmei Bronson of city to- Pilot Cheek this the r cons first cock hens first and second me owner of Searchlight The price Washington Fanciers Are George B Nelson Jr Winchester Ky Ban Johnson Gets Grounds- Golden Eagles Proved Strong paid te not positively known but it la Golden Rule at Top Weight A few 8 C Black Minorca second hen second hours of ma MI fever grend understood to be about 9000 The aT Unusually Successful cockerel flrst pullet Charles L Bins in New York Against Carrolls Springs a Surprise made tM going behind the Chevy Chase was consummated in Boston yenta lay Hounds tOIl Falls Church Vs Barred Plymouth yesterday afternoon distinctly morning between Mr Bronson and E E Rock fourth boa third pullet prey and It was slim the regulars Rice of that city who has owned Ana- ¬ XHW ORLEANS 11 that faced proposition pre- ¬ DECLINES 2000 FOR A CAT Albert O Preston Concord N H S- MGRAW AGAINST GRIFFITH BARRS AVERAGE COUNTS Dec Three the that was conda for two years a Drown leghorn lint cock second ten favorites won at the Fair Grounds yes- ¬ sented at the meet at Kensington Post terday over a much Improved Time Montgomery county third cockerel second pullet H B track oaVe la Md at was X p Loveil Md Buff Plymouth feature the fourth race a hlghweight m It was noticed that the riders The Store Save YM lionet Western Senator Said to Have Offered Bettevota Kseler With the American Ootftt and ConmismoiMis Wia a Set and the handicap TIt rock third cock second hen fourth for all age at six furlongs had picked their cleverest hunters sad This ¬ Dolehanty With the Organ- ¬ Officers De Likewise Take- Golden Rule was ttsslgned top AmountMuch Inter cockerel W H Brigs Sanitaria Parent aad weight sit wore trek anxious look that toN of THE HUB FUfiHiTliRE GO egad despite his heavy Impost t est Evident Springs N B Leghorns third ization Pitching Stale Good S eo d Place of 149 an eves shays as to whether the YR a pounds was the favorite la Ute betting flrst hen second cockerel third horses landed over a Jump sad whether cock He pared radar the wire an easy win D C they a footing or sot pullet B D Crouch Anacostte tie Track conditions sad everything lot The third day of the Washington C cock XMW YORK Dee 1L That New After teeing the first game to the Car The huntsman east to time east of the 8 Black minorca tint fifth considered It stamps the old stager as Poultry Pig and Bet Stook Associa- ¬ Morgan York will have two ban next rea rolts by six piss last night ea time In- village and then with the wind behind Ilea first cockerel Stinemetx tetra one of time best sprinters In the country tion was the most successful of the sitate alleys the Guides Bagles not time merry pace d Washington D B R Gems first son is now pretty Both 99 1 thent bounds set a week ¬ CB certain sties Krarestaa at to surprised the tal thus far More thaa ore thous- pyke game together and toot the next by 17 pins through to tile north boundary of hen red lust boa white have announced the makeup of their ent by making a runway of tie and visitors attended the show at and the last as they pleased 924 to 870 suet tile < game first cock B B R game hearts race The K7 nir then turning to the right Masonic Temple night The ex ¬ terse and on paper It look as though Cox rolled a clean game in the first let other winning favorites last Out cock third hen second pullet were came through by tile old orchard sad hibit of fowte te the largest ever sent there would be lively round The second went te Smile end Leviathan brown red game bantams first cock first competition be the visitors tile stone wall so well know to tile in tVashlngtoa and the display te on splits la eighth sad ninth Irames Tudor entries et ben pullet golden D W bantams tweea the two for public support They members of tub Heat one of the heat ever presented in the let Gorman having the worst kind of luck First race Purse maiden tMo rear cock linen pyle will be up as follows It was a rap that decidedly tried the United States let lint red bantams ode as his score shows olds six furlongs Gloria Muadi Ditto game good homes that were out agreed < Premiums were on fret cock first boa white ban National Catchers Breansban War- ¬ was Sweet Marjorie Nellie Sly II and FM and all For beautiful Narter l Oak awarded poultry The scoring generally of a high time AJil Polished tarns first cock float leer Birchen game lag Light 107 sack Suburban Queer that master hail done mooch for the J Highly Desk Preach and pigeons yesterday Washington ner Bowerman Pitchers Mathewson order red totals of the losers were large less XeaUr value 9 bantams first code Mil buff Varna Fonso scud day when he lifted time hounds at time fanciers carried away mama than their first Taylor McOfanlty Miller Cronin In enough to win city ordinary set Weodmoat Belle 112 second pullet game ban- ¬ Irst check which was on Rock proportion aa indication of greater In ¬ cochin Pitt Krause was high man with 193 average each Creek Tow- neUers McOana Smith Blberfeld G below time DaD place terest in the raising of finely bred stock tam fort eeek Joseph Phlpps sad JaM 215 was best single was Second race Selling six furlongs Davis McGraw Spa Among This evening premiums will be awarded- son Md Barred Plymouth rocks third Lander Babb Outfield 1M average Lewoyne 92 Optional 14 Dougherty those especially marked for next with sal Biker had their on cats and a large attendance of took third boa fourth cocker third ers Van Haltrea Mertes Brows Dele 95 Quicksilver Sure and White Owl 97 clever riding and good Judgment Iii were women Is anticipated by the manage- pullet lint pen fourth pen V W banty The scores sack Light Hat 100 Bummer and Miss Newlaada on Bel Air Reed > ¬ Knox on Royal Stag Richard ment Kelp Pottstown C brown leg- American Catchers OConnor Be- Carrolls W Aau 142 eaoh Arden 194 If You Dare Merrtek- PaR Sit N Totals oa Charley eoo for a Cat horns first and second cock second and nne Pitchers Chesbro Tannebill Qorssaa l f 141 111 it3 and Paul Crvyton itt sack Ordanng OUalley Mr Larcotnbe on A Western Senator who visited the third hen fret sad third cockerel first Newton Griftnh owes Howell AdUns Still 199 HI tn HI 112 Jacebel Mr Dodge oa a greet one who Rice Mt 1M fair last night offer 1 the owner of and second pullet first pen write Wy Wolfe ¬ ft ill Third race Selling ore mils Lady wit remember his days schooling Howe lafleMers J Gasses Wil- Cox IN 1 141 an exhibited teat pet The cock C i3 MUas and Pearl Finder 197 Arthur Addison with several 299 for the andotta first fourth pullet R liams Leach Long OuUlsKlars Keeler SpieSS Wt HI 301 iii sack otters offer was declined The show will close white leghorns let ben first seekers Lefty Davis Swordsman 115 Judge Magee Rot were at time meet and viewed the mm Saturday night SecretaryTreasurer hit Totals S79 947 81 key Jerry Hunt and Iverary II lIT tram different points of vantage Clar- ¬ first pullet Tidewater Poultry Ranch Johnson Talks Ill J81 George B Howard announces that no ex- ¬ Portsmouth Vs White Wyandotte agios 18 Id Totals riot Alfred C and hIM Lead 112 ence Moore master was mounted m speaking of Krasjss- lit r hibits will be taken away until the fair tackle scene second pullet la the Americna Leagues lib III 1fi 51- each 11 Come Del Peter Drury 12 such Lord Craves the hnntsman on farmer entry Into New York 1Peenoa Ml 171 For Goldfinish Music Rack IB ended Following te a list of awards Ban Job said lA iii Fourth race Handicap one mite Or Martin and the whips on The Hawk and J1 gQ Pigeon Awards I Brandt 111 14 111 mado OB TIM teak has been a most difficult ill phoum last nixht poultry and pigeons Biker ITS 171 1111 lotI- 88 Honolulu 95 Ray 8 Lady Uawood respectively Joseph P Bsa droll Washington D C ore tram the we image 6K 6REBIT IF YOU WISH Poultry Premiums start but worked LaMdaIe 311 17 114 H2 Sterling 11 C B Campbell and lamer The next run of the Hounds will be Black Pled lint and second cock at it patiently ROW IOC Ply tad are practically sash Rolling Doer 111 OB Saturday from the Tenleytown HUB GO Lynnbnrot Poultry Yards Glaseboro hen Salver Pled Pigmy lINt seek Totals M4 gf 924 TIE FURNITURE first ready to break ground We have Just 291 Flab race Selling MM and roesixt- ¬ powerhouse N J Bolt Cochins fourth hen fourth Pigmy and first tea Blue Pled second signed a lease for a long term of years Departmental League eenth mites Aimless 94 Captain Poe Ffflreri Washy B W cockerel third pullet Partridge Coch- ¬ is flrst cock White Pled Pigmy tart hen The piece of property te BO I 97 cock selected The Commissioners won three ganvw aker Latson M Hussah 199 Op ins first first lien let cockerel Splash Pied Pigmy second Blue by MRS COR 7TH AND D STS N W ado feet long 49 feet wide and te oa last sight from Census OB timo 102 Free Prey Barilla OWLET TO BE first pullet White Cochlea second boa second Dock the team the Aral Pled Pigmy White Pled Manhattan even
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