------..., T~E TEC~ Today CAlifORNiA ~ropDay Is Volume LXXVIII Number 20 Friday, March 4, 1977 Eight Pages Outsiders and IHC Approves Saga Food The Honor Code: Is Ignorance Contract For Another Year Really Bliss? by Kevin Drum The IHC voted to approve Saga Food Service's bid for another by Kevin Drum year of hockey pucks at their meeting on Wednesd y. The Saga bid and Henry Fuhrmann amounted to an increase of about 25c a day. However, there were no The Board of Control has, competing bids. for several years, maintained that Off-Campus Housing the honor code does not apply At the same time, proposals to off-campus companies that for off-campus housing were Better Tech·JPL operate at Caltech. This ruling discussed and tentative plans applies to operations such as were formed. The basic proposal Relations Sought Saga Food Service, the Book­ as outlined two weeks ago, is to by Brian Hill store, the telephone company, have off-campus alleys that One of the many legacies of off-campus construction compa­ would function as much as the Harold Brown era is a report nies, and any other private possible like the regular on entitled "A Study of Relations enterprise operating within the campus alleys. The discussions between the Jet Propulsion Lab­ Caltech community. However, Wednesday were aimed primarily oratory and the Campus of the the application of the honor at determining·· exactly which California Institute of Technolo­ code to such companies con­ "Easter Goat" by Jack Zajac, one of the sculptures on exhibit at the BaxterGaliery buildings would be used for these gy." Behind that long-winded stitutes a gray area in most title is an earnest desire to peopl's minds, as evidenced by Ba~vtpr Art Gallery Reanens ~f~~~~:dU~Oal~r~~ ~~;~~Je~~~~~ improve CaItech-JPL relations. the responses to our honor code :1\ I II, 't'l Chester apartments exclUSIvely One of the most interesting poll last month. There was T. 1,J Au n V u·., upperclassman. Also, four frame reccomendations concerns stu­ moderate disagreement in the dent employment at JPL. answers to the questions con­ ~~~~~~IY r;:~;~se~~a~l/~:e~se~~ ,Otiay ,ler une 1 ear nlaLUS In the past, campus employees cerning off-campus companies. In by Herny Fuhrmann Caltech students (led by Peter About eight to ten people will have represented less than 10% fact, the closest split was in After a long hiatus, the Baxter Lew and Madeline Shea) and occupy each frame house. Lloyd of the Laboratory's work force. response to a question about Art Gallery has reopened. A local faculty was particularly encour· House agreed to take one of the This is due to a variety of food service. group, the Pasadena Art Alliance, aging, as over $3000 was raised off-campus alleys while the rest inhibitory forces such as the Despite the ruling of the BOC, in conjunction with Caltech, will in support of Baxter. Such of the houses were noncommital. heavy class load of most CaItech it must be remembered that the premiere its first exhibit, "Art enthusiastic response was instru- New IHC students, the distance between spirit of the honor code-the Alliance Collects," tonight from mental in convincing the Art The new IHC is now fully spirit of honesty and fairness--is JPL and Tech, and other minor 6 p.m. to 9 p.m. According to Alliance to come to Caltech. formed following the Ricketts difficulties. The Ad HOc Study supposed to charactarize all guest curator Barbara Berman, The Art Alliance House elections last Thursday. Group on JPL/Campus Inter­ actions of a member of this the exhibit wili feature works of The Alliance is a non-profit The new IRC has two sophomore actoions believes that a higher community. So, in this third several "mainstream artists" of corporation whose membership presidents, Page's Werner Pyka student employee figure will installment of our honor code the last fifteen to twenty years, of 175 women endeavors to and Blacker's Jack Kohn. The benefit both the Laboratory and series, we will examine the along with works of earlier support the arts in southern rest of the presidents are juniors. the Institute. They, therfore, relationship, if it exists, between 20th-century masters. California. Founded in 1955, the They are: Bruce Baker of suggest a five year work-study the honor code and Saga Dood Baxter Art GaUery-1976 Alliance was originally associated Fleming, Eric Eichorn of Dab- program which would culminate Service (a private enterprise) and Last fall the members of the with the Pasadena Art Museumm ney, Mike Aziz of Ruddock, in a B.S. degree in five years or Ph ysical Plant (a semi­ Alliance voted to put its efforts which later became the Pasadena Steve Schafer of Lloyd, and Ray and M.S. in two. autonomous brancl} of CaItech). behind the dormant Baxter Art Museum of Modern Art. During Morris of Ricketts. The IHC Bureacratic Coma Saga Food Service Gallery here at Caltech. Without this twenty-year association, the Chairman is Eric Kaler, from The idea is currently under financial support, Baxter would Continued on Page Three Ruddock. Continued on Page Five Jerry Curtis, the Saga repre­ have ceased to function. The sentative in charge of food Alliance, fearing that Pasadena service here, says that his com­ would lose a "vital contribution Week In Review ------, pany and its employees do to the arts," thus acted to .------The follow a code of ethics, but they prevent the gallery's decline. Governor Jerry Brown met by Kevin Drum Timothy Redfern a former FBI are here, as outsiders, to make a The problems with Baxter with a group of farmers, the international publicity they informant, said that he broke profit. However, he does not began last spring, when an legislators, and water experts to generate. into the house of a Colorado seem to be aware that an honor exhausted and understandably discuss plans for completing the congresswoman last year under code exists here and refers to it disappointed David Smith re­ state Water Project. Brown is President Carter asked orders from the FBI. The FBI only vaguely, as if it were simply signed as director of the gallery. trying to reach a consensus plan Congress to create a new denied the charge. an idealized code of behaviour Smith faced the giant task of within 60 days on the $2-4 department of Energy to bring which the Techis exploring. "Of billion plan which would meet "immediate order" to the new preseting six good exhibits each Uganda's Idi Amin called a course we would not take California's water needs through chaotic energy policy in the year while working with very few meeting of all Americans living advantage of anyone here," said· the year 2000. U.S. The plan, which would resources-his part-time staff was in Uganda, casting doubts on Curtis, after being told the consolidate the Federal Energy small, money was scarce (Smith the fate of the 240 Americans. wording of the honor code, but The House voted 295 to 85 Administration and the Energy himself worked without pay), Then, two days later, Amin he obviously does not know and much of the Caltech commu­ to approve a public works bill Researh and Development announced that Americans in exactly what this honor code that will create, according to its Agency, was received well by nity, especially the students, Uganda were free to go any­ thing is all about. proponents, 600,000 jobs. It Congress, which showed an seemed at that time to be where they wished, inside or On the other hand, do was the first specific piece of apparent willingness to carry disinteresed. The then-imminent outside the country. Amin's Techers take advantage of Saga? demise of the gallery sparked Carter's $31 billion economic out the plan. switch came after several One definite manifestation of the many crys of outgage from plan to pass through the House. Americans in Uganda said that Continued on Page Three around campus. The reaction. of King Hussein of Jordan they saw nothing ominous in The State Public Utilities denied charges that he received Amin's call for the meeting. Commission lifted its ban on CIA money for his own person­ According to Bob Astles, using natural gas to heat al benefit, saying that the Amin's top civilian advisor, swimming pools in order to checks were made out to him their only complaint with the maintain credibility, according because that is customary in Americans is that there are not to a PUC spokesman. The PUC dealing with Arab States. enough of them, Astles said Science fiction convention cancelled Page 7 said that the order itself was Hussein's comments came in that they were thinking of ways largely symbolic since it was response to a story in The to recruit American technicians A study of existential philosophy Page 6 WashingtOl' Post which said lUlenforceable in practice, and and teachers. The entire affair that the CIA had secretly paid that it was repealed partly was just one more of Amin's Rock reviews the Steve Pope Band and Cooper and Hussein millions of dollars until because they will have to ask un predictable incidents which Dodge Page 4 President Carter recently cut Californians to make other he apparently causes just for sacrifices in the near future. off the payments. the publicity. Page Two THE CALIFORNIA TECH Friday, March 4, 1977 I~ letters to the Tech Parr!~I!~~oste! Dr. LaBelle three incumbents (who are run­ time and interest limited. Perhaps I ning again). the best evidence is our willing. To the Editors: The Delbrucks, the Gell-Manns ness, based on long-time and I~~~~@TI The . reinstatement of Dr. and the Harry Grays are for Dr. present awareness of the school LaBelle is a very reassuring sign. Wallace Frasher in seat No. I situation, to work hard for a The EEOC's vigorous enforce­ against incumbent Richard Vet­ change. Caltech families set high Library Losses ment of Federal legislation pro­ terli; for Dr. Ralph Hallman in standards for their children in In a recent interview with Director of Institute Libraries tecting our basic freedoms, and seat No. 3 against incumbent school; we must have good Johanna Tallman, it was disclosed that the library loses the Institute's willingness to Henry Myers; and for Marge schools, and we are willing to comply with such regulations. nearly $50,000 per year because of lost books and Wyatt in seat No. 5 against fight for them. should be highly commended. Lyman Newton. The March 8 periodicals. Many of the books lost are difficult to replace Scanning the list of Caltech David Bradburn election is a primary; if no active supporters (sponsors, can· while others are just plain costly. At any rate, $50,000 a Caltech Humanist Society candidate receives a majority, a tributors and workers) for Wally year seems like too much to pay for the negligence or run-off in April will decide the Frasher (on whose campaign I thievery of Caltech students and faculty. School Board winner. In that case, we hope the am working), I count over 50; on Mrs. Tallman suggested to us that one possibility for votes that had gone to the the incumbent side, I know of cutting losses is to install a system using sensitized strips Dear Students, several opposition candidates will possibly one or two. With our You who are registered to combine against the incumbent. that ~ould automatically detect books that are taken out other candidate choices it will be vote here will soon get a sample· In Dr. Frasher we see a similar. of the library without being checked out. However, the ballot for a local election on moderate and responsible person. If you want to see for system costs about $50,000. While normally this would March 8. Most of you are going We trust he will listen to many yourself, and hear all the candi· seem like a lot of money, in this case it simply represents to look at it, say "Pasadena voices. He is a cardiologist at dates, go Saturday, March 5, the losses that Millikan now sustains from lost books. If School Board. Don't know a USC, and a Visiting Associate at I: 30-3, to the League of thing about it. Doesn't concern the system cut the losses just in half it would pay for itself Caltech. Dr. Hallman is an Women Voters Candidates Fair at me," and toss it aside. Please educator of long experience, a PCC, in the Paramedical Bldg. in two years. Therefore it would seem worthwhile for the don't! Your vote is needed. man of wit and tolerance. He is The talks will be broadcast live Institute to invest this money. The outcome of the election chairperson of the Social Sci­ on radio station KPCS, 89.3 FM. Some people claim that such a system is not consistent very much concerns the families ences Department at PCC. Marge We fuss a lot about your with the honor code. Unfortunately, in this case, the honor of Caltech faculty, staff, visiting Wyatt is well-known in Pasadena education, why not take a few code doe;;; not seem to be working. It is our feeling that if scientists, and many post-docs for many public services; we look minutes on Tuesday, March 8 to and grad students. Many of us forward to the time and energy fuss about ours? the honor system is not being respected by the students are putting time, effort and that a competent non-wage-earn­ -Manny Delbrock and faculty, whether through negligence or otherwise, then money into trying to elect three ing woman can give to this some other system must be implemented. Perhaps if persons to represent us on the extremely demanding position. student attitudes toward the library change in the near Pasadena School Board, with What evidence can we offer future, stricter checkout procedures will not be necessary. whom we can work better than you of the need for a change? we have been able to with the Our reasons are many fold; your T~E CAlifORNiA TECh However, until there is an indication that this is happening, we must unfortunately suggest that the library seriously Volume LXXVIII Number 20 Engineers Tour Nuclear Plant Friday, March 4,1977 consider more thorough checkout controls and that the Published weekly except during by Phil Engelauf signed structures. (It is estimated administration help offset the cost. It would be a wise examination and vacation periods On Saturday, Feb. 26, about that a .5g quake would virtually by the Associated Students of the investment. -Kevin Dmm 40 assorted undergraduate, grad­ level Los Angeles). In addition, California Institute of Technology, Incorporated. The opinions Henry Fuhrmann uate students and faculty from drainage and s~a-wall construc­ Al Kellner expressed in all artic:es are strictly Caltech's Mechanical Engineering tions were included to anticipate those of the authors and do not and Aeronautics Departments the worst possible set of natural necessarily reflect the views of the I recently received a call from a secretary in Firestone during were privileged with a tour of conditions the plant would en­ editors or of the corporation. which she complained that they were nto getting enough copies of the San Onofre nuclear power cqunter; for example, the ts­ Editors-in-Chief the Tech to go around for the thirty-one faculty and staff plant. unami that would acompany Kevin Drum members served by her mail drop. This came as a surprise to me, The tour covered the con­ such an earthquake should it Henry Fuhrmann since every Friday. forty copies are sent there. The problem would struction areas of the Number 2 occur offshore. The tour guide AI.Kellner appear to be that someone not covered by Institute subscriptions, and Number 3 pressure vessels estimated that the cos't of raising ostensibly grad students, has been taking copies of the Tech. Business Manager and their control centers, the the safety guideline from the .5g Ken Kroll the fact remains that someone must pay for the subscriptions. The radiation waste management fa­ to the .67g figure nearly doubled California Tech requires that it be paid by the Institute for all cility, and turbines and water the cost of the plant, which Darkroom Chairman copies of the Tech in these blanket subscriptions mailed to faculty pump sections. The Number 1 presently is owned 80% by Dave Wheeler and staff members. However, the Institute's policy on the matter plant has been operating for Southern California Edison and Contributing Editors is clear: students must pay for their own subscriptions paid for several years. 20% by San Diego Gas & Dick Beatty, Rock Howard, Sandy with a part of their ASCIT dues. Perhaps in the future a similar Disaster -safe Electric. McCorquodale, David Ritchie arrangement can be made with the grad students and the GSC. The most prominent features The tour was capped by an Until this happens, however, we must- request that any grad of the construction. were the excellent lunch on the beach Writing Staff student wishing to receive a subscription to the Tech pay for his own massive safety measures built north of the power plant. Thanks Gregg Brown, Dave Callaway, Stan Cohn, Judy Greengard, Ken subscription. To make arrangements to have the Tech sent by into the plant. The whole facility go to Profs. E. J. List and W. D. Herkenhoff, Brian Hill, To\,*' Lauer, campus mail (or if you prefer to have it arrive on Monday, by is constructed to withstand a Rannie for the organization of Alan Silverstein, Nick Smith, Brett U.S. mail), contact me or Ken Kroll, the Tech business manager. .67g earthquake~terribly high the tour and to the Engineering Van Steenwyk -Carl J Lydick, Circulation Manager compared to typical seismic-de- Department for the lunch. Photography Staff Greg Bone, Ngaiman Chau, Talso Chui, Rich Feldman, Ray Gildner, Ken Li, John Loo, Tom Snyder, THE ASCIT FRIDAY NIGHT MOVIE HI-FI EQUIPMENT Chris Wheeler Production Staff Car Stereos, Televisions, Bob Arendt, Alan Boyar, Flora GRAND Boyer, Scott Devore, Tom McCabe TV Games, CB Units, Even Lo-Fi Circulation Manager Some of the lowest prices Carl Lydick SLAM Editor Demeritus Chuck Kahn 7:30 p.m. & 9:30 p.m. ANYWHERE! The California Tech publications VISA (BANKAMERICARD) &MASTER CHARGE offices are located in Winnett Student Center (105-51), in Baxter Lecture Hall ACCEPTED California Institute of Technology, Pasadena, CA 91125. Telephone: 7-30 DAY DEFECTIVE EXCHANGE 795-6811, Editors -ext. 2153, ADMISSION: 50C-ASCIT members Business Manager - ext. 2154. OVER U8 BRANDS, INCLUDING MANY Printed by News-Type Service. .$1.0"O-anyone else 1506 Gardena Avenue, Glendale, ESOTERIC (VERY HIGH-END) LINES CA. Second-class postage paid at WANT APRICE QUOTE? Pasadena, CA. NEXT" WEEK, SUbscriptions CONTACT ERIC CARTER term, $1.50 WRITE MAILCODE 1-55 (RUDDOCK HOUSE) year - $4.00 Play Misty For Me OR CALL 449-9768 life - $100. Friday, March 4, 1977 THE CALIFORNIA TECH Page Three around sometime. "We simply OUTSIDERS AND can't find the actual occupant of All the News That Fits each room every time we need to THE HONOR CODE do some work," he said, adding, Environmental Intern date the large participation that stealing . of a train by Union Continued From Page One "It would take too much time." Program Needs You is expected due to an added soldiers and the efforts of its honor code is that there are no Like Curtis, Rector seems The Environmental Intern Pro­ incentive among the students: a crew to get it back. The latter is meal cards at Caltech. Curtis says unsure of what the honor code gram is currently accepting appli­ ~ keg of beer. That's right­ easily Keaton's best film, and that students who eat here are is, although he had a better cations from students for its someone has decided to donate a may be the finest comedy ever expected to fill out a card on notion at first than did the Saga 1977 Spring/Summer Program. ~ keg to the student house that made. The former features a their own if they are not on rep. He also said that his aware Applications are available from successfully gives the most pints sequence in which Gish is almost board contract; he feels that of a specific honor code here. Elf' headquarters, c/o Massachu­ of blood during the Drive. So, swept over a waterfall on an most of them do. In fact, However, he always refers to it sets Audubon Society, Lincoln. come on down that day and roll ice-floe-filled river, terrigying be­ violation of this policy is the as "an honor code." MA 01773. The deadline for up your sleeve-and perhaps cause it was real-no stunt people only problem Saga has, but "it is Rector says that B&G oper­ receipt of applications is March yoursm, house will be rolling out or phony rivers. The show is at a very minor problem." He ates as much as possible like a 16. the keg! Please set up an 7:30 p.m. in Baxter Lecture Hall. claims that about $5000 is lost business. All actions should come appointment to eliminate wait­ every year on utensils, plates and "within a reasonable interpre­ He's a Poet ing. Call Connie Sulentic, exten­ Poetry Reading other things' either taken or tation of an honor code." As far But Don't Know It sion 2374. In Dabney Lounge broken and on miscellaneous as internal operations go, Physi­ Rufus needs first rate poems, Five poets, three of whom are damage to equipment. However, cal Plant employees do not Meet reviews, articles and black and faculty wives, will read their he feels that the amount attribu­ punch time cards; they are The Pope white graphics. Editor Patricia poetry this Sunday from 3: 15 to table to students is negligible, expected to fill out their own Dabney House's own Steve Bunin needs additional manu­ and that the small number of times. Pope Band will perform Saturday 3:45 as part of C.L.E.A.R. Days. scripts for the Spring issue. You Admission is free. plates and other things taken is Student-B&G relations are night, March 5, in Blacker House. are welcome to visit the Rufus probably more a result of usually not affected too much by office at 54 S. Los Robles We're an Equal carelessness than of outright the honor code, in part becasue (second floor) and to see back Shhh! theft. B&G operations do not go issues and other poetry maga­ Silent Films Opportunity Employer One of the questions in our directly through the students. zines. Beginning writers can drop This week's Cinematech pre­ honor code poll which received a Rector compares B&G responsi­ in any afternoon to ask about sents two classics of the silent very divided response asked if bilities to those of a landlord. how to submit manuscripts. cinema. D.W. [stands for David The California Tech needs the following is a violation: You Both involve the maintenance Wark~Ed.] Griffith's Way Down writers and production crew. take some extra food from and upkeep of the buildings. If Southland Scholar East stars Lillian Gish as a No experience necessary. dinner for a midnight snack or some work must be done, "we Wins Award woman who finds herself an Come on by our offices in for breakfast the next day. The have the responsibility to enter Caltech seniro Steven Jaffe outcast when she has a child out Winnett Center or see Kevin food service policy is unlimited tne building," explains Rector. has been awarded a Marshall of wedlock. Buster 'Keaton's The Drum, Henry Fuhrmann, or seconds. The majority of those Does B&G ever have to deal Scholarship, one of the most General is based on a true ~I Kellner in Ruddock House. responding thought that this was with student-caused problems coveted awards at any British incident of the Civil War-the not an honro code violation. that might involve honor code University. Jaffe is a T.A. in Curtis disagrees, saying, "Our violations? "No, I don't think Neurobiology, the first Caltech policy is that the food should be so." says Rector. "I think our ~ndergrad to serve in that BAXTER ART GALLERY OPENS eaten here, not taken to be used relationship with the students is capacity. His choice of British Continued From Page One formal exhibition program is for any other purpose." During grea1." Occasionally student University is Cambridge, where Alliance raised over $1 million scheduled to begin this fall. In the daytime, the doors to the pranks have to be dealt with by he will continue his studies in for the museum. the interim, "Art Alliance kitchens are left open and B&G-this uses up their time and neurobiology. In 1974, the museum changed Collects," will be presented in an students frequently come in to money. Especially common are its emphasis from modern art effort to introduce the Alliance use the drink machines. Accord­ problems with locks and tele­ Claremont Colleges under the leadership of Norton to Caltech. The show is not ing to Curtis, this should not be phones. However, Rector says Have Pot Exhibit Simon. The Alliance, finding being widely advertised-it is done. While Saga provides finger that these problems are extreme­ Sixteen young artists from itself without a home or a 'cause specifically presented for the foods, such as cookies and ly minor and happen infre­ across the country will exhibit to work for, incorporated and benefit of the community here. potato chips, which are made to quently enough to cause little their work in the 33rd annual continued in its fund-raising Because of the introductory be taken out, anything else difficulty. Ceramic Annual at Scripps Col­ efforts. Alliance-raised funds have nature of the exhibit, there is no should be eaten at meal times. Like Saga, the Physical Plant lege's Lang Gallery. The exhibit benefited several groups, in­ formal theme, except that the In short, Saga's problems with Department seems to have few opens today and continues cluding the Pasadena Art Work­ works, for the most part, are Techers seem tp be minimal. The problems with the students. through April 6. Lang Gallery is shops, California Design, Otis Art contemporary. Featured will be company is here to make money Their primary concern, says on the Scripps campus and is Institute, and the Pasadena works by Josef Albers, Billy Al and the students apparently Rector, is with outsiders who open to the public from Artists' Concern. Bengston, Alexander Calder, respect this fact. wander onto the campus. 1:00-5:00 p.m. daily; The Show Marc Chagall, Willem de Physical Plant Impressions 1:00-9:00 p.m. Wednesdays. Ad­ At present, the Baxter Art Kooning, Sam Francis, Jasper Recent alleged actions of Apparently, Caltech students misssion is free to the public. Gallery is administered by a Johns, Ellsworth Kelly, Roy Physical Plant (known to many respect the honor code enough, ,Attention board of directors which consists Lichtenstein, Stanton Macdonald as B&G) have prompted several or are basically honest enough, 'All Vampires of three Caltech faculty -Wright, Henri Matisse, Claes complaints in regard to access to not to take advantage of private The annual Red Cross/Caltech m em b e rs -Chai rm an Bob Oldenburg, Auguste Renoir, and private rooms. Director Philip businesses operating on campus. Blood Drive will be held on Rosenstone, Noel Corngold, and Andy Warhol. Photographs by Rector says that his men obtain However, one possibly disturbing Campus April 13, 14, and 15 in Rod Paul- and three Art Edward Weston will also be permission for entry from who­ point is that neither B&G nor !Dabney Lounge from 11 :00 a.m. Alliance members (including its exhibited. ever is in charge of the building Saga seem to really understand ito 3:30 p.m. Last year we had a president). The selection of a "Art Alliance Collects" will (Robert Gang in the case of the what the honor code really is. Itremendous turn-out and this professional director has just run through April 17; gallery student houses). B&G expects Perhaps there is no reason why ilyear we will have an extra day been completed and will be hours are 12 p.m. to 5 p.m. someone to tell the occupant of they should. Or it may be and additional beds to accomo- announced this coming week. A Tuesday through Sunday. the room that their men will be Continued on Page Five BLACKER-DABNEY-FLEMING-LLOYD-PAGE-RICKETTS-RUDDOCK CALTECH'S BURGER CONTINENTAL THANK YOU FOR YOUR PATRONAGE BUY 5 DISCOUNT CARDS & PAY ONtY $37


SPECIAL SERVED EVERY NIGHT: USUALlY SlEAK ,OR PRI1E RIB, RICE PIlAF, SALADi VEGETABLE, Ml)REflLS UN'. SOFT'DRfI(S OR MI.K, ALL FOR $2.25 OR LESS BURGER CONTINENTAL 792-6634 LOCATED ON LAKE % BLOCK NORTH OF CALIFORNIA Page Four THE CALIFORNIA TECH Friday, March 4, 1977 Steve Pope Band, Cooper and Entertainment Calendar . Dodge Provide Good Entertainment by David Ritchie by Rock Howard the noon concert as a cpance to Friday, March 4 Tuesday, March 8 James. Admission is free and the This week I would like to have some fun and gain some The most recorded flamenco At 8:00 p.m. in Beckman public is invited. quickly review some live acts practical experience. It was fun guitarist in history, Madrid-born Auditorium, Dr. Mary Leakey that performed recently and for the audience as well. Steve's Carlos Montoya, is, as the will give an illustrated slide *** deserve a brief mention. lead guitar playing has that Spaniards say, gitano por los lecture intitled "Remains of The Earnest C. Watson Cal­ Cooper and Dodge played the special sound that grew out of cuatro costados or, literally, Early Man in Tanzania." Dr. tech Lecture Series will present Noon Concert in the Quad two the Bay Area years ago. In "gypsy on all four sides." He Leakey, director of the Olduvai "The Sodium Heat Engine: A weeks ago. They were a talented addition his voice, while under· makes his own musical arrange­ Gorge and Laetolil excavations, is New Energy Converter," by pair of singer- song writers from stated and untrained, is quite ments based on Spanish gypsy a world authority on stone tools, Terry Cole, Sherman Fairchild Ohio and points East who were smooth and appealing. The music, derived from traditional and famed for her discovery of Distinguished Scholar. The free in the midst of an extended visit extended jams in and amongst flamenco themes. He will be Zinjanthropus. During the 1976 lecture is open to the public, to the LA area. Their singing and the songs were an amazing appearing today and tommorrow summer field season in Laetolil, beginning at 8 p.m. in Beckman guitar playing was crisp and amount of music into their in Beckman at 8:00 p.m. Tickets she explored further the beds Auditorium. professional and the songs were allotted hour. are from $7 to $5 with a one dated from 3.5 yo 3.75 million interesting and intelligent. While It should be clear that I like dollar discount for students. years. Wife and co-worker of the Friday, March 11 the brief attempts at humor Steve Pope's band and my late L.S.B; Leakey, Mary Lea­ On Friday and Saturday, at between songs generally fell flat, reasoning is basically three-fold, key's finds continue to provide 8:00 p.m., in Beckman, a the music was well received, First, the members of the band Sunday, March 6 important evidence in the search remarkable trio of artists called particularly the selections dealing have shown themselves to be The Coleman Chamber Music for man's origins and evolution­ Mummenschanz Swiss Mime with the weird way of life in Los musically competent. Second, the Series continues in Beckman at ary milestones. Mask Theater, will demonstrate Angeles. In retrospect Cooper band has amazingly good taste in 3:30 p.m. with a performance by the extraordinary power of non­ and Dodge turned out to be an music and musical styles as they the "Montagnana Trio." The Trio Wednesday, March 9 verbal theater. excellent choice by the Y continually dig up really good will perform Rameau Pieces de The Los Angeles City College The trio has fashioned its art excomm. folk, blues, and rock and roll to Clavecin en Concerts; Studio Jazz Band will present a from an old Swiss folk theater Steve Pope and friends played play. Third, the band has no Beethoven's Trio in B flat major, concert of big band jazz on which used masks, and has the Noon Concert 3 weeks ago. pretentions about who they are Opus 11; Trio Montagnana Wednesday, at 8:00 p.m. in the perfected it into a comic theater This band has been together long and what they are doing. They Camino Theater at 855 N. of wit and whimsy with philo­ enough now where it is becoming play to ?ease themselves and it's Brahms Trio in A minor, Opus Vermont Ave. The concert will sophical overtones, It is theater pretty tight. At the same time just my own please themselves 114. Tickets: $7-6-3.50; students, feature the music of student-ar­ which appeals to adults and the band members are still and it's just my own good $2 reduction. Fifty free tickets ranger-composers Curt Berg, Bob children, sharpening the imagi­ enthusiastic about playing to­ fortune that I happen to really and 50 at $1 each have been Curnow, Shorty Rogers, Mike nation, and wide open to all gether and are eager to perform. dig on the type of sounds that made available to Caltech stu­ Barone and others. The concert interpretations. Tickets are on they like to make. dents. Pick them up at the will by conducted by Dr. Woody sale at the Caltech Ticket Office. The band merely considered Finally, The Grateful Dead Caltech Ticket Office. (About 40 played last weekend (but not in tickets remained at press time). the Quad, although that's an intriguing idea). They played two 1977 House Election Results excellent four hour shows, one at Monday, March 7 San Bernardino and one at Santa Lazar Berman, the legendary Fleming House Ruddock House Barbara. The big news was that Soviet pianist, will make his West President: Bnlce Baker President: Mike Aziz Coast debut with two performan­ The Dead played tWO excellent Room 69, Phone: 449-9829 Room 242, Phone: 449-9079 new songs. One was a slow but ces at Ambassador Auditorium in Vice-President: Chris Sexton Vice-President: Tod Lauer Pasadena on Monday and Wed­ intricate song played in a minor Secretary: Lany Lesyna Secretary: Stan Cohn key dealing with inspiration nesdat, March 7 and 9 at 8:30 Treasurer: Mike Machado Treasurer: Mike Toney p.m. amidst the grind of living. The Social Comm : Louis Testa Social Chairmen: Dan Huntington second was a lively salute to On Monday, Berman will play Tom Brikowski Scott Devore Scriabin's Sonata No.3, Six California with Weir singing the Erik Sirri Lori Winkelstein lead vocals with a reggae flavor. Preludes of Rachmaninoff (F­ Ron Mathieson Ath. Men: Mitch Rotter sharp minor, D major, G minor, Hopefully it won't take too long Ath. Men: Jeff Record Joe Zasadzinslci before a new record with these and B-flat Major from opus 23; Bryan Sutula Librarian: Jack Bennett G-sharp minor and B minor from songs appears. Steve Toner At San Bernardino, the show opus 32) and Mussorgsky's Pic­ Greg Blaisdell Blacker House tures at an Exhibition. was highlighted by "Playing In Librarian: Lee Heiman President: On Wednesday, he will play Jack Kohn The Band", "The Wheel", and Liszt's Annees de Pelerinage (La Room 2, Phone: 449-9545 lots of "Blues for Allah" materi· Chapelle de Guillaume Tell, Au Vice-President: Mike Kurilla al. Lesh played a brief bass solo, Secretary: Lac de Wallenstadt, Orage, and Dabney House Sandy Sigmund Weir sang with unusual gusto and Treasurer: Mike Klein La Vallee d'Overmann); Schu­ President: Eric Eichorn the drumming was a little more Social Chairmen: Dan Whelan mann's Sonata No.2; Scriabin's Room 14, Phone: 449-8314 reckless than usual. Garcia varied Sangtae Kim Sonata No. 1 and Prokofiev's Vice-President: Robert (Rock) Howard his guitar sound with, some Sonata No.2. For information, Secretary: Louise Saffman Pat Finan distortion, wah-wah, and' vibrato Athletic Managers: call (213) 577-5511. Treasurer: Robert Chess Lany Doolittle on a few songs and sounded just Scott Reynolds Social Chairman: Brian Dyer great. Librarian: assistants-Joe Collins Pat Bornmann At Santa Barbara the band John Miller was much looser as they played with the smaller audience. High· Ath. Men: Kevin Hilton Lloyd House lights included "El Paso", "Good , Jim Meador President: Steve Schafer Lovin''', "St. Stephen", and Librarian: Robert Luoma Room 212, Phone: 449-9166 "Not Fade Away" and "Sugar Frosh Rep: Dan Kerns Vice-President: Marc Wold Comptrollers : Lany West Secretary: Wayne Baxter Magonolia," The sound was cranked up nice and loud for a John Reimitz Treasurer: Mike Thompson change and when Bob finally Social Comm.: Leila Gonzales Paul Gutierrez cranked his guitar up as much as Josef Zwass Jerry and Phil's in "Morning Page House Ath.Men: Jim Hunter Dew" the effect was truly President: Werner Pyka Doug Tally astounding. Surprisingly "If I Room 215, Phone: 449-9755 Librarian: Ken Coles Had My Way" was particularly Vice-President: Becky Hartsfield House Rep: Ray Beausoleil interesting as Jerry found a way Secretary: Ben Bonham OC Rep: Fred Crimi to make his guitar sound just like Treasurer: Dave Marcadis an electric fiddle. As usual it was a distinct )ocial Comm.: Dan Canin Ricketts House Peter Kezios President: Ray Morri5 pleasure to hear the Grateful Mitch Weiss Room 73, Phone 449-9952 Dead perform. Their next show Ath. Men: Doug Brandt Vice-President :. Paul Magliocco around Southern California was Ron Yamamoto Secretary: Guy Miller supposed to be around March 26 • Joel Okazaki Treasurer: John Vavrus at the Shrine, but it has been JldclJ68 Randy Okubo Social Chairman: Cora Hunter cancelled. The only ofticially SnE.'Co!oracm Stan Chen Ath. Man: Josh Rothenberg announced Dead concert in sight P8&adenat..ea. Librarian: Lloyd Maxson Librarian: Nelson Lee is a weekend at Winterland !Z95·489~ around the 19th of March. Friday, March 4, 1977 THE CALIFORNIA TECH Page Five lights. The lighting level is subdued and gentle without OUTSIDERS AND THE HONOR CODE: being too dark to' impair vision. The menu features a good by Dick Beatty choice of steaks, prime rib, IS IGNORANCE REALLY BLISS 1 get a lot of feedback from justifiably classed in the upper lobster, and the like. The dinners Continued From Page Three stands that. Nonetheless, because this column-sometimes agree-' strato of restaurants in Pasadena. include an excellent, if a bit nothing more than an incorrect the honor code has such a ment or disagreement but fre- It is nearly superb, but there are ,mstere salad tossed with your impression that resulted from pervasive influence, these com­ quently something to the effect a few flaws which at most verify (,;,oice of dressing. While more talks with Rector and Curtis. In panies would probably be better of "You always go to such the humanity of the place. variety than just plain lettuce any case, outside companies (and off if they had at least a working expensive places-I could never There is a valet parking lot would be appreciated, it is nice semi-autonomous operations like knowledge (or even a working aff0rd to go to one of them adjacent to the restaurant; I'd having the dressing tossed com­ B&G) should probably be com­ trust is that is possible) of the [Unquestionably true if you're suggest avoiding it (and the pletely through the salad rather pletely aware of the existence of homo code. paid as well as a Tech editor- customary tip) by parking on the than having just a blob on the the honor code here. It is not The final tow segments of this -Ed.] ." street. The hostess's desk inside top. The salad is served very cold just a vague generality; it is a series will appear at the begin­ Well, never is along time, my the lobby is a simple small (as it should be but sadly rarely concrete way of life which ning of next term and will deal friends. If just once in your stay lectum, a pleasent break from is) and the diner is offered a Caltech students take seriously. with academic remifications of at Tech you go out and splurge, the Spanish Inquisition style chilled salad fork. The steak and Private companies are here to the honor code. then you'll want to make sure desks one sometimes encounters. prime rib portions themselves are make a profit; everyone under- (Third of a series) you do it right, so I'll try to give The dining room is quite large, quite large and of superb quality; you the information to make but a partition down the middle the Velvet Turtle Cut of roast that one shot as enjoyable as prevents a feeling of massiveness. beef is probably more than you possible. The room is ringed with booths can eat. Hot sourdough bread is With that as rationalization, with tables filling the middle served along with the dinners; it's let's take a look at the Velvet section. The appointments are carved right at your table and Turtle at 330 S. Arroyo Park- quite elegant, with Tiffany-style you can have as much as you way, Pasadena. This would be screens in from of the overhead like. MUMMENSCHANZ JPL EMPLOYMENT SWISS MIME - MASK THEATRE Continued From Page One FRJ. & SAT., MARCH 11 & 12, 1977 at a P.M. consideration by the Institute, FACULTY & STAFF: $5.50-$4.50-$3.50 but decision making has stalled. LEARN TO DANCE! CIT STUDENTS: $4.50-$3.50-$2.50 ASCIT President Bert Wells )227 Ruddock) would welcome any Plus $1.00 RUSH TICKETS ON DAY OF PERFORMANCE reactions from interested stu­ (RUSH TICKETS SUBJECT TO TICKET AVAILABILITY) detns in the matter. Anyone who Join us and a bevy of beautiful girls In Winnett Tickets on sale at CALTECH TICKET OFFICE, MON.-FR!.: lVould like to participate in the Lounge on Friday, March 4, at 7:30 p.m. Free. 10:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m., SAT.: 10:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. For program should definitely speak Refreshments. BANKAMERICARD or MASTER CHARGE PHONE ORDERS, to him before the program enters CALL CAMPUS EXT. 1652. the bureacratic coma stage.

We take off~ •)I andputon lots ofextras everywherewe f1~

Whenever you take off on Continental, we'll On our spacious, wide-look 727's you can put take off 28% from the cost of a regular round­ on your headset and enjoy the free stereo trip Coach ticket to all our mainland cities with entertainment. There's overhead storage plus our Economy Excursion Fare. It's a great a middle seat in Coach and Economy that way to keep your money in your pocket. folds down when unoccupied so you can relax or Then sit back and watch Continental put spread out the books. on a show. Call Continental or your Travel Agent and We've put the Pub on our wide-bodied ask for our 28% Economy Excursion Fare. -lQ's, with electronic PubPong games and free Continental will provide information regarding specific flights and num her DC of seats available. Purchase your ticket at least 14 days prior to departure and stay popcorn. Plus exclusive specially condensed 7 to JO days. Our 28% discount applies until May JI, 1977. Reduced savings after May J1.l977 arc subiect to CAB approval. Fares and savings subject double feature films, old-time newsreels and your to change without notice. The Coach Pub is available on all favorite animated cartoons. You can also put Continental DC-IO's excluding Hawaii through-service. on the feedbag for only a dollar with our Good Times Snacks. We really move our tail for you.

CONTINENTAL AIRLINES The Proud Bird with the Golden TaiL Page Six THE CALIFORNIA TECH Friday, March 4, 1977 And T~ Truth Shall Make You Free Existential Philosophy-- AFundamental Approach to Truth by Richard O. Ackermann theoretical exposes, we choose to contrast, the underlying reality by our infinite ocean. Dread clear when we look at the Like many other slogans, the mention Franz Kafka and Andre of our mind in which a creative creeps up at all instances in our problem from a sociological motto of the California Institute Malraux, two of the most force is acting, can never be lives: when illusions collapse, and aspect. of Technology has become an outstanding writers of this cen­ understood with our mental we are forced to realize that Since any choice may have an inconspicuous phrase that at best tury. For. example, few books powers. This creative force is nobody can make our decisions effect on other people, we can has been relegated to decorate exemplify the sense and "value" unique for each individual. For for us. In Kierkegaard's termin­ see that a choice of "untruth" sweat shirts or ash trays. Al­ of human existence better than example, an artist or a scientist ology, fear and dread symbolize can have a negative effect on though the words "The Truth Malraux' Conditio Hunwna, the create "new" things in response the fact that we are "expelled" someone else. This can be that Shall Make You Free" occasion­ book that brought its author the to a creative impulse, but neither from paradise. In a sense, it was he is harmed. In that case, we ally are quoted, it is as if they Prix Goncourt in 1933. the artist nor the scientist can the feeling of dread that led to are bound to the consequences had been devoid of their mean­ The Gist of the Story imagine that impulse, or creative the choice to commit an "origi­ and may have lost the freedom ing. Sure, they have their origin In order for us to perceive force, as an object distinct from nal sin" which we can only of choice for ourselves. in the Bible (St. John, 8:32) but any given "thing", we must be them. To repeat, we mean by overcome-after Kierkegaard-by For Kierkegaard, truth, of that is hardly a reason for able to imagine it as an object object anything that the mind a strong belief in God who does course, means truth for the anybody to stop and think about either in space and time or just really can perceive-the sky, a not limit our freedom of choice individual before God. A choice the deeper sense of the slogan. in time. For instance, when we chair, a turkey, etc. In sum, we in any way. of "truth" means to carry one's From a philosophical point of want to "achieve understanding" Before returning to Kierke­ full responSibility and thus not view, however, the meaning of of a tree, we think of that tree gaard, who analyzes the words be bound to anybody else. It is those few words is truly revo­ as an object distinctly separated from the "the Truth shall make you free" from an intellectual point of lutionary, and in fact, this might from us and the agent that as a central theme in one of his view that Kierkegaard says in be a clue why they are used, but allows us to perceive the tree. books, we must mention the The Concept of Dread, one of not interpreted. Incidentally, this way of looking alternative to his Christian exis­ his most fascinating books: "The A fundamental approach to at other things is not as obvious tentialism: From the atheistic content of freedom is truth, and the question of truth and human as it may seem: Animism is an point of view, any choice of God the truth makes man free. Just liberty was taken by the Danish alternative, whereby-to keep is a ;;hoice for on~self. Without a because of that, truth is the philosopher Soren Kierkegaard in with our example-the tree is not God "above" man, man faces but work of freedom in that it the last century. Together with viewed as a separate object, but himself and thus is his own God. continually creates truth." Truth Pascal and Nietzsche, he may be as part of an integral whole This is a consistent and legiti­ means freedom, and freedom viewed as the father of a which makes up nature. mate way of looking at things means to make one's own philosophy that has received the In the context of the western because, after all, man is most choice-not just to follow some· name "Existential philosophy" (technological) way of thinking, important to himself. In fact, one else's choice. In that respect, because it questions the nature however, man and nature are looking at the actual situation in a person who makes his own and validity of human existence. entirely alienated-to such a our world today, the latter choice and follows it may "fall The German philosophers Heide­ degree, in fact, that we are attitude promises to be more out of line", man "not fit into gger and Jaspers extended Kier­ destroying nature to our own successful, for it forces us to the system". But he will be free. kegaard's ideas substantially, and disadvantage. realize that if we ourselves don't How many lives could have been thereby drew a lot of justified Returning to our original make a decision to act, nobody saved in this century alone jf criticism from other philosophers analysis, we can go a step will. How many starving people everybody had made and fol· for the way they did so. As is further: Like a tree, we can also are consoled by the illusion of lowed his own choice (and we well known, Heiddeger got en­ make a mathematical problem are just saying that our mind being rewarded by God "after­ mean this in the long-term sense, tangled in German Naziism in the the object of our perception. The cannot understand or recognize wards"? Have we ever thought not in the immediate sense that thirties-a fact that took a lot of mathematical "machinery," itself. over how we would think in such sensible social "restrictions" credibility away from his theo­ which of course is abstract per Now what the philosophers a situation? Or are we too spoilt should be overridden by an retical wook. se, therebY helps us in formine: a we mentioned earlier call exist­ to be able to do that? adversary choice). Ideologies Using but a limited amount of link between the particular ob­ ence is exactly that creative Dread, Freedom, and Truth which, by definition, involve the elements from Heidegger's phil­ ject under consideration, and element in us that can never For Kierkegaard, dread, the fact that a great number of osophy, Jean-Paul Sartre, a mem­ ourself, our senses. It cr-:ates a become an object. It is the fear resulting from the realization people follow someone else's ber of the French school,led the bridge between the object and subject. Existence, understood in of nothingness, leaves us with the decision, wO\Jld crumble-but way for modern Existentialism. the subject -meaning us. this manner, is a being for itself choice between sin and truth or then, it is unfortunately very Sartre and his countryman Albert Now it is very important to (etre pour-soi), in contrast to an freedom. "Dread is the inter­ much easier to follow already Camus interpreted Existentialism realize that the subject itself, impersonal "Being-in-the-world", section between two worlds made· decisions than to make from an atheist point of view-in viewed in its creative activity, being by itself (etre en-soi). More within man: the world of our new ones. After a while, it contrast to Kierkegaard's original can never become the object of than the others, the French spirit and that of nature, the becomes too late to start making interpretation, as well as that of our perception. What we can Existentialists stress the immedi­ world of God and that of the them (what did it help to speak the Frenchman Gabriel Marcel. . recognize is but that part of the ate human existence-life as a animal." Because dread implies up against Naziism in 1939?). Among the authors who exempli­ subject that lends itself to our source of free decisions made by that we must make a choice, it "The ultimate question is whe· fied the philosophy in their experience-the empirical part the individual. No human action offers us the possibility to be ther a person really wants to find books, but didn't create any that is studied by psychology. In is defined a priori, and hence any free. If we choose the sin, or the truth, accept all its consequences, activity must be the result of a untruth (in the terminology of and not have a loophole through free decision made by the the Genesis), we choose un-free­ which he can escape if things go individual, by his "creative im­ dom. Truth, on the other hand, wrong." . - pulse". In a sense, we are as if means freedom. To be innocent on a little boat in the midst of means to be ignorant, for no an inf~nite ocean-"condemned" untruth can result from ignor­ to be free. The immense ocean ance. (Note, however, that the ROMA GARDENS converse is not true at all: given around us is a "nothingness" which creates a feeling of awe out Human Condition, ignorance and dread in us. more likely means the' contrary BEER & WINE Two Points of View of innocence. In "The Fire Next Thus far, we have not had to Time", James Baldwin gives a ITALIAN CUISINE make a distinction between athei­ most vivid and realistic descrip­ stic and Christian existentialism. tion of what it means to be In fact, for the purpose of our "ignorant", and by this, we don't PIZZA SPAGHEJTI .RAVIOLI discussion, it does not make mean scientifically ignorant!) OPEN 5-11pm Sun-Thu much of a difference. Nonethe­ At the outset, we introduced the less, the concept of human the fundamental idea underlying the so-called Existential Philoso­ older generation 5-12pm Fri-Sat liberty does vary somewhat in the two interpretations: phy: We cannot rationally ana­ has a lot ofstuffy Kierkegaard speaks of three lyze the creative impulse that leads us to make a choice, a 10% off to all CIT students spheres of existence of which ideas... decision. We can analyze the • in dining room 7 days/week one necessarily must be chosen. He differentiates between an choice, but not what leads to it. cIgarette aesthetic sphere representing sen­ That creative force represents Our smoking is one! Use newbaJe entrance for picking up Orders sual life, a general ethical, sphere very selves, the subject, that can in which the particular choice is choose to adhere to what it made, and a religious sphere in deems true in which case it which man essentially lives (and remains free and unbound, or it 1076 E. Colorado suffers) for an idea. At the can adhere to what it sees is 449-1948 untrue. In the latter case, we are ~ outset of all existence is the feeling of dread before the bound for the rest of our lives to American nothingness, symbolized above that decision which, of course, is CancerSociety Friday, March 4,1977 THE CALIFORNIA TECH Page Seven

figure ou t the new price based 69157, Hollywood, CA 90069. on supply/demand.) They request Same address for dealer or other that you send a self-addressed, information, or call (213) Swords and Starships stamped envelope with your 656-1266. Caveat... emptor. order for your confirmation. The Westercon will be held this address is: Science Fiction, Hor­ year in Vancouver, B.C. at the ror, and Fantasy Con, P.O. Box University of British Columbia non-profit corporation." It ap­ from July 1-4. Current adult Equicon '77 Cancelled pears to be the same group that membership is $6, but after put on a one-day affair with the March 15 and through June 20 by Gavin Claypool ships with many of you that we contains one of the supreme same name at the Wilshire Hyatt it's $8; thereafter it's $10. Equicon '77/Filmcon 5 was never had time for under the collections of SF and related art, House last December 5. I can't Westercon 30, Box 48701 Stn. originally scheduled for Easter stress and pressure of the conven­ fanzines, and so on, in the world. give a full evaluation of that Bentall, Vancouver, BC V7X weekend this year, but will not tions. If you so desire, this may The Leuzinger Science Fiction "con," I was there only a few lA6, Canada. take place. The announcement be 'Hello, new friend!' Fantasy Fact Club and author hours and spent that in the is being held in was made last November by John Best, are hucksters room-which was quite Miami this year and known as and Bjo Trimble, the convention /s/ John & Bjo Trimble putting on this event, and their good, although split onto two Suncon. Rates were $15 attend­ organizers, in the following let­ P.S. You can help pass the guest list includes , levels to the detriment of those ing, $7.50 supporting through ter: word-anyone who is not a A. E. van Vogt, , with tables in the lower section. 1976 December 31, but I have former member of Equicon/Film­ , Gene Rodden­ (it wasn't easy to notice; if I not received any new informa­ "There's no easy way to say con (or whose address is not berry et al., , Russell hadn't been looking for a specific tion. They did say they would go it: Equicon '77/Filmcon 5 has up-to-date on our records) may Bates, and Max Ehrlich. Registra­ dealer, I doubt I would have up after that date-but not how been cancelled. To paraphrase get the rinal Report by sending tion is $2 in advance for both found it. However, it was clearly much. Write to them at P.O. Box the line from King Kong, 'twas $.50 to P.O. Box 23127, Los days, or $1.50 at the door for painted out in the program 3427, Cherry Hill, NJ 08034, booty killed the feast... .' Angeles CA 90023." each day. Checks payable to sheet). The screening rooms were and ask. It's at the Fountaine­ "Professionally run, fully fi­ Claytoncon I. also on the same lower level, and bleau, September 2-5. nanced shows (called Any questions or comments On April 1-3, Loscon 3 will were about the same as a Finally one close to home. conventions) are planning on should be sent to the Trimbles be held at the Sheraton Airport classroom (not lecture hall). The Westercon 31 will happen at the moving into southern California, c/o the post office box given Hotel (near LAX, of course). popular films seem to be filled to Marriott Hotel here in Los and we can't stop them. These above. But if you happen to be This con is of the "relaxacon" capacity. I didn't see any of the Angeles from 1978 July 1-4. groups have pushed the price of one of the ungrateful few who variety, meaning the program­ discussion programs. Membership is $7 through 1978 an average Star Trek episode are outraged by their decision, ming will be limited and no Apparently it was a success, June 1, and $10 th.ereafter. higher than the entire film my advice to you is to save your huckster room or art show. because they're trying again. The Westercon 31, P.O. Box 5785, budget for our previous cons, not stamp and put on a convention. There will, however, be an one-day show was $3; for the Mission Hills, CA 91345. to mention the appearance fees Then you'd appreciate what the auction, discussions, parties, triv­ upcoming three-day "con" it's The Worldcon returns the for the celebrities. Trimbles and their committees ia, war and other kinds of $7.50/adult, $5/child under 12, western section of North Ameri­ "Fan-run conventions, fi­ have done ... which you should gaming, "And Much More" until March 10. They do not ca with "Iguanacon"[sic], to be nanced out of pre-con member­ already. (whatever that is). Loscon 2 had specify what prices are after that held 1978 August 30-September ships and committee members' Other Conventions an excellent film program, but date; the flyer states: "Member­ 4 in Phoenix. This is the nearest personal funds, can't compete L.A. will not be completely ther's no mention of any in the ships are limited." (I suppose it will be until 1981 (which with this -lavish promoter spend­ void of conventions, although the flyer for Loscon3; this may they will count the remaining won't be decided until 1979, and ing. By coming in just ahead of two major ones, Westercon and simply mean the parties involved memberships on that date and might go to Denver) or possibly the fan-cons, the professionals Worldcon, are being held quite are still negotiating. Programming' Equicon/Filmc;;n was scheduled 1984. If you plan on attending, have ruined the draw of one away. (More on them later) The for Loscon 2 ran from late for. Moving into the vacuum is a buy you membership now-rates after another of the fan conven­ second weekend in March and morning to supper time, with the "Science Fiction, Horror and are $7.50 until April 1, but are tions. We can't take that chance. the first two weekends in April evenings given over to films. And Fantasy Can" at the Marriott doubled ($15) until December "There are other reasons will feature conventions of very D & D went on and on.... Hotel. A note on the flyer I 31, and higher ($20 and $25) (deeper and more personal, types. Membership is $3 ($5 at the received says it "is presented by during 1978. Checks payable to which we don't care to discuss Claytoncon I, a tribute to and door); checks payable to the Science Fiction, Horror and "Iguanacon," P.O. Box 1072, publicly), partly the strain of benefit for the Ackermansion L.A.S.F.S. (Los Angeles Science Fantasy Association, Inc., a Phoenix AZ 85001. taking on large, complex projects and its founder and perpetuator Fantasy Society, Inc.), 11360 to the detriment of home, , will be held Ventura Blvd., Studio City, CA family, children, and jobs. We March 12-13 from 10 a.m. to 5 91604. Loscon 3 is sponsored by BS & MS ELECTRICAL ask for your understanding; in p.m. at Leuzinger High School, LASFS. the face of the outraged reaction 4118 Rosecrans Ave., Lawndale, The following weekend, April expected when we tell the fans CA 90260. The Ackermansion 8-10, is the weekend that ENGINEERING at large, we'll need all the mpport and understanding we 'GRADUATES can get.... "A Final Report, with finan­ BREAK UP cial and other info, is being worked on now and will be sent to all members of Equicons THE BOARD MONOPOLY LET'S BE CANDID. and/or Filmcons. It will contain information about refunding or THIS IS A PITCH converting memberships. (With VOTE FOR luck, the Final Report and WE'RE LOOKING FOR TALENT refunds will be out within a month.) At Hughes Aircraft Company, Ground Systems Group, we "While this is the end of DR. WALLACE G. want to hire the best electrical engineers and computer Equicon/Filmcon as we know it scientists we can find. If you qualify and you are (the names are trademarked and interested in a career with one of the world's leading may not be used without our electronic firms, maybe we want to hire you. If you are permission), there is nothing to good, joining Hughes would benefit us, at least as much prevent anyone else from trying FRASHER as it would you. In our business, an outstanding technical a fan-run convention if they staff is the key to success. wish. They might talk to us first, for advice and some pitfalls to look for. Hence the pitch and this ad; if you want to find out "We hope that you will not Seat #1 . Pasadena School Board about the career opportunities we have for college take this as 'Goodbye,' but graduates, then get in touch either through on campus f1ther as the possible start of TUES., MARCH 8 better person-to-person relation- interviews at your placement office or if there is rio room in our interview schedule, then send your resume to: Engineering Employment, Hughes Aircraft Company, P.O. Box 3310 Fullerton CA 92634

r------, I I : HUGHES: I I L ~ HUG H E 5 A IRe R AFT COM PA NY

U.S. CITIZENSHIP REQUIRED Equal opportunity M/F employer Page Eight THE CALIFORNIA TECH Friday, March 4, 1977 Track Team loses to Ambassador

by Tommy Trolljan and Bill Graham (10.9) came in Ambassador runners in 15:03.4. The track team, although it fourth and fifth in the 100. Chasing another pair of Ambassa­ didn't score as well as hoped, Chang placed fifth in the 220 dor runners, Van Steenwyk came c~ntinued in its development with a 24.6. The 440, won by in at 15:41.5 and Steve Kellogg towards becoming a good team. Jantzen from Ambassador in finished at 15:55. The result of Scored as a double-dual meet, it 51.5, had Joel Okazaki make a the mile relay was a good was Ambassador 91, Caltech 52; big improvement (55.2) with a indicator of the team's progress, and Chapman 79, Caltech 59. fifth place finish. as Tech finished only 8 seconds Caltech meets Ambassador again The" last two events were not behind Chapman's winning time on April 15, and the score might without their efforts. The three­ (3:31.2) with a 3:39.4. be very close, for if the team mile was won by a air of continues on its course of improvement, "the sky is the limit" as to what it may do. In the field events, Caltech not only put entrants in all events, but held its own, outscor­ ing Chapman 29 to 28 and Ambassador 34 to 26. In the shot put, John Loa put 32'6", just behind first place finisher Bonanni from Chapman Tom Snyder after his first place district"victory Pho to-J ohn Lao (35'11 W') Placing behind Loa for Caltech was Norm Murray Snyder T(lites First in 1)istriet Meet with a 32'S". The javelin was by Dan Gobble One of the few field events where Tom Sbyder took the 167 lb. score 5-3 For his tenacity and Ambassador dominated. Mark District III Wrestling Champion- persistence, Snyder was voted the Su tula place d third wi th a ship with an exciting come from Most Outstanding Wrestler of the 161 '11" while the winner, from Stan Shiplev (third from left) at the start of second place finish against Ambassador. behind final match last Saturday. tournament. In that tournamnet, A mba s '; a dar, t h r e w a Photo-Ray Gildner By the middle of the third Caltech took fourth place, tying 161'11" . However, not to be period, Snyder was behind 2-3. Pomona College. Other medal outdone, Sutula came back and Both men were on their feet. His winners were Chris Russel, third won the discus with a whirl of caltech---. opponent was "playing the place, Dale Ota, fourth place, 110'10". In the long jump, edge," and whenever Snyder Rob Loveman, fourth place, and Duane Boman jumped 20' ?" for shot, both men would tumble Bill Power, fourth place. third place. The event was won out of bounds. The referee The previous week, Snyder by Brown from Chapman (21' finally called the other man for took first place in the SCIAC 5W'). Norm Murray jumped to a an edge violation making the tournament. Also in that touma· 19'1" in that event. The high I'""---~--sports score 3-3 Snyder shot per- ment, Rob Loveman placed jump was won by Chcperdak sisten1y, and finally connected on second, Dale Ota, Lewis Testa from Ambassador (6'0") while a double 1ef take down before (wrestlin up three weight classes) Greg Blaisdell from Caltech tumbling out of bounds. He rode and Bill Power placed fourth, grabbed second (5'10"). John the man out, making the final and Dave Marcadis placed third. Chu jumped to 5'. The triple Swimmers BeatRedlands jump was an event in which by CM. Swimm Stenzi Royden racked up firsts in Boman placed fourth (36'10"), Last Saturday Caltech's men'~ the 200 free, the 133 .1/3 1M, I CLASSIFIED ADS] behind Chapman's Brown, who Swim team (as succinctly put by and the 100 fly; Pam Crane had a winning leap of 41 '9W'. one swimmer) "demolished 'err placed first in the SO free and ____.....,;:;S.-.E...RV.,;;".;.;;;IC...E...S 1 l -T-R-A-V-E-L- .....,..I. The pole vault saw Chu and [University of Redlands]." And second in the 100 free; Angela Afford to travel to anyplace in the Donald Hamasaki take first and this despite the rather unusual "Turbo McT" McTaggert finished world!!Fly CHARTER!! Round second with 10'0 and 8' respec­ problem of swimming in a 3: second in the 100 breast and ALBERTO TINGO-SPIRITUAL trip from Los Angeles. tively. 1/3 yard pool. The women die third in the 1000 free. Lynn PSYCHIC READER. *CHICAGO from $149.00 Running events began with not fare so well, taking a loss tc Hildemann was first in both the If you need help or advice for *NEW YORK 179.00 the 440 relay, in which Caltech the Redlands women's team dm I-meter and 3-meter diving (in a *HAWAII 179.00 yourself or a loved one, I can lost a hard fight with Ambassa­ (at least in part) to the presenCE combined event using only the *AMSTERDAM help Advice on any problem of 429.00 dor for second by one-tenth of a of only four women for Caltech l-m board because the pool was *FRANKFURT life. Love, Marriage, Business, or 399.00 second (45.9). Next came the "Blonde John Beast" Reimer too shallow) along with third in *LONDON Health. 327.00 mile, in which Brett Van Steen­ took first in both the 1000 and the 100 back. ONLY ONE VISIT WILL CON­ *PAR IS 399.00 wyk ran a 4: 38 for fourth. Bill 500 yard freesty1es. Doug Jones This was Caltech's final meet VINCE YOU. FULL READINGS *HONG KONG 499.00 GOuld and Eugene Loh ran 4: 56 took second in the 200 free; against individual schools On DAILY SATURDAY-SUNDAY. *MAN ILA 550.00 and 5:00, respectively. The evetn Josh "Goggles" Levin took Thursday, Friday, and Saturday PHONE 793-7329. One Reading *MADRID 539.00 was won by Eiler of Chapman in first in the 50 and 100 free (in 3 of this week are the conference HALF PRICE with thic circular. *BALI 727.00 4: 20.2. Eiler also won the 880 in brilliant display of competitive swimming prelims and finals, *TEL AVIV 657.00 1:58.8. Rob Bourret ran a 2:07.0 swomming with goggles durint which will end this year's season. Charter flights are filling up fast for fifth place in that event and the SO); Chris "Rocket J." so make your reservations now!! Duane Gray came in at a 2:09.7. Sexton took second in the Call Nancy at 485-0151 Tech was very strong in the 100-yard butterfly; Jim Seidel "BE SOMEBOD Y" LEARN SELF·HYPNOSIS FROM THE "PRO" (U.S.-WORLD TRAVEL, INC,) hurdles, with Norm Murray win­ took first in the 266 2/3 or Teresa at 354-4699 (JPL) or *Improve your concentration-comprehension ning the highs (15.6) and Stan individual medley and second in 799-1719 (home). We deliver Shipley taking an extremely close *Have total recall * Gain self-confidence & the 500 free; Werner Pyka took relieve tension * Stop smoking * Lose weight tickets! second (to Macer of Chapman) in second in both the 200 1M and *Learn to control habits. the intermediates by one-tenth of 200 backstroke; Stan "The Man" PAT COLLINS SCHOOL OF HYPNOSIS CHARTERS to Europe with a second (61.6). Also running for Chen took second in the 200 CELEBRITY CLUB CIEE: Council on Int'l Educa· Caltech in the highs were Boman breaststroke; Ray Morris took tional Exchange. 4 to 50 week 9103 Sunset Blvd. (at Doheny) in 17.5 and Shipley in 17.5. third in the 200 back; Petel flights to Paris or Amsterdam Both of the sprints, the 100 Goodwin placed third in the 50 Tuesday & Wednesday Eve, SPlicial Student Rates from $449 to $479. Contact and 220, were won by Williams free; and Ed Bielecki took third For information call 213/275-4596 CIEE Student Travel, 1093 of Ambassador in 10.1 and 22.8 in the 1000 free. Free Valet Parking Broxton Ave. No. 224 LA respectively. Phil Chang (10.8) Swimming for the women, 90024 (213) 477-2069.

r;=-HRU SUN: THE GROUP WITH NO NAME"" EUROPE ISRAEL AFRICA Stu­ DAN HILL dent charter fl ights year round MAR 8-9 SHAWN PHILLIPS 'SCA 1609 Westwood Blvd. No. THE VOLUNTEERS 103 LA, Calif. 90024 '(213) MAR 10-13 WILLIE BOBO 826-5669, 826-0955 Buying or selling something? You, too, can take out an ad in The California Tech! $1,50 per Second Class Postage paid at Pasadena, California. The California Tech is. giiii!!@~ll!. inch plus $.25 per extra line tor published weekly except during examination and vacation periods by the Classifieds. Bring ad copy to the Associated Students of the California Institute of Technology, Inc., Winnett Center, Caltech 105-51, Pasadena, CA 91125. \.. 9081 SANTA MONICA BLVD., L.A. 276·6168..J Tech office or phone ext. 2154: