The National Fantasy Fan (Originally Bonfire), Vol
The National 80 Fantasy Fan Years Cras ad Stellas— Tomorrow to the Stars Volume 80 Number 1 January 2021 Life Member 2020 N3F Short Story Contest — David Speakman the Winners N3F Short Story Contest Judge Jefferson Swycaffer announces the winners of the 2020 N3F Short Story Contest. He reports: First Prize: The Azazel Tree, by Chris Owens, a tale of morali- ty, of absolute good and absolute evil, and one hero who strives to uphold the good, despite the awful cost. Second Prize: The Eternal Secret, by John Yarrow, Heroic Fan- tasy in the classical mold, a tale that might have been told of Odysseus or Jason, fighting monsters and solving riddles. Third Prize: If Music Be The Fruit of Love, by Jack Mulcahy, a tale of music and love, and how a crisis calls upon us to rise to the level of heroism. Honorable Mention: The Haunting of the Jabberwocky, by Charles Douglas, a truly Carrollian story of wordplay and mad- Without objection the N3F Directorate has awarded David ness, and how a hero, unarmed, has the greatest weapon of all. Speakman a Life Membership in the N3F. He is our third life [Short Story Contest Winners] This year's cadre of entrants are member. mostly from the United States, although four came in from Great Britain, and we are always happy to have an international David writes of himself: It's January 1, 2021. Happy New flavor to our contest. Year! This year marks the first time in about 2 decades that I have no "official" role other than member of this storied organ- There were twenty-one entries, science fiction and fantasy, ization.
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