2018 ACTA ENTOMOLOGICA 58(1): 275–295 MUSEI NATIONALIS PRAGAE doi: 10.2478/aemnp-2018-0025 ISSN 1804-6487 (online) – 0374-1036 (print) www.aemnp.eu RESEARCH PAPER A revision of the types of Heteroptera species described by Géza Horváth based on specimens from collections of Ladislav Duda and Emil Holub Petr KMENT1) & Dávid RÉDEI2,3) 1) Department of Entomology, National Museum, Cirkusová 1740, CZ-193 00 Praha 9 – Horní Počernice, Czech Republic; e-mail:
[email protected] 2) Institute of Entomology, College of Life Sciences, Nankai University, Weijin Road 94, 300071 Tianjin, China; e-mail:
[email protected] 3) Department of Zoology, Hungarian Natural History Museum, H-1088 Budapest, Baross u. 13, Hungary Accepted: Abstract. A recent cataloguing of the Heteroptera (Hemiptera) types held in the collection of 9th June 2018 National Museum, Prague (NMPC), revealed several specimens originating from the collection Published online: of Czech collectors Emil Holub and Ladislav Duda, being part of the same series as types 1st August 2018 described by Géza Horváth in his paper ‘Hemiptera nova africana’ and until now believed to be deposited exclusively in the Hungarian Natural History Museum, Budapest (HNHM). The publication date of that paper is fi xed as March 20, 1893, affecting these taxa: Reduviidae: Co- ranopsis Horváth, 1893, Coranopsis vittata Horváth, 1893, Cosmolestes fulvus Horváth, 1893, Edocla albipennis Horváth, 1893, Harpactor (Diphymus) dudae Horváth, 1893, Oncocephalus angustatus Horváth, 1893, Phonoctonus validus Horváth, 1893,