REVIEWS Graham Webster, Practical Archaeology Kent Archaeological Society is a registered charity number 223382 © 2017 Kent Archaeological Society REVIEWS Graham Webster, Practical Archaeology. 9| X6f in. Pp. xii+164,11 pis. and 22 figs. Adam and Charles Black, London, 1974. £3.00. Eleven years after its first pubfication, Dr. Webster has found the time for a second edition of his well-known manual, Practical Archaeo- logy. In format larger than its predecessor, this new edition has aUowed its author to take into account the 'great changes (that) have taken place in both the field techniques and attitudes towards archaeology in Britain' (p. ix); this has brought about a re-casting of chapter III where Dr. Webster now advocates the use of open stripping in excava- tion in preference to the weU-established grid-system of excavation. Apparent though the advantages of the former method over the latter are to any excavator, open stripping is still, by and large, a system which presupposes leisurely excavation and resources of labour and time, which are mainly available to those working in a fuU-time capacity, with the backing of Government or University funds; 'the amateur operating in a very modest way' (p. ix), of whom Dr. Webster is thankfully well aware and for whom he writes, may still regard open stripping as an ideal well beyond his reach. So long as small groups 'have competent leaders and submit themselves to the rigorous disci- pfine and the high standards demanded of modern excavation tech- niques' (p. ix), so long as they share their information by rapid publica- tion, it matters Httle which method is used, and considerations other than personal choice will continue to dictate choice of method; what has become 'rapidly out of date' (p.
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