U.S. Department of the Interior U.S. Geological
U.S. DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR U.S. GEOLOGICAL SURVEY GEOLOGIC MAP OF THE CRAIG, DIXON ENTRANCE, AND PARTS OF THE KETCHIKAN AND PRINCE RUPERT QUADRANGLES, SOUMEASTERN ALASKA Compiled by DAVID A. BREW TO ACCOMPANY MISCELLANEOUS FIELD STUDIES MAP MF-2319 Introduction Descriptions of lithotectonic terranes Mineral resources Description of map units References lndex to map units, by name Map sheet: Geologic map of the Craig, Dixon Entrance, and parts of the Ketchikan and Prince Rupert quadrangles, southeastern Alaska; includes: Correlation of Map Units Brief Description of Map Units Figure 1. lndex map showing location of study area and physiographic provinces and sections (from Wahrhaftig, 1965). Figure 2. Sources of geologic information, 1983-1995. Figure 3. Lithotectonic terrane and major fault map of southeastern Alaska and adjacent regions. Dashed line is boundary of the Craig, Dixon Entrance, and parts of the Ketchikan and Prince Rupert quadrangles map area (after Brew and others, 1991a, b, 1992a). Major faults are labeled as follows: BR, Border Ranges; CHS, Chatham Strait; CLS, Clarence Strait; CRML, Coast Range megalineament; FQ, Fairweather-Queen Charlotte; NA, Nahlin, NS, Neva Strait; THL, Tally Ho- Llewellyn; and TR, Transitional. GEOLOGIC MAP OF THE CRAIG, DlXON ENTRANCE, AND PARTS OF THE KETCHIKAN AND PRINCE RUPERT QUADRANGLES, SOUTHEASTERN ALASKA Compiled By David A. Brew INTRODUCTION BACKGROUND AND PURPOSE This map and report covers the southwestern part of southeast Alaska (fig. 1). The geology of this area is critical to the understanding of the whole region because here are found the oldest isotopically dated rocks and the region's most complete, most fossiliferous, most varied, and relatively unmetamorphosed and undeformed Paleozoic stratigraphic section.
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