Rozenfeld to Leave Shirat Hayam in June Rabbi Sharon Anisfeld Named

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Rozenfeld to Leave Shirat Hayam in June Rabbi Sharon Anisfeld Named DECEMBER 7, 2017 – 19 KISLEV, 5778 VOL 42, NO 9 JEWISHJOURNAL.ORG Rabbi Sharon Anisfeld named first female president of Hebrew College NEWTON CENTRE College in 2003, first – Hebrew College as an adjunct fac- made history last ulty member and month, and didn’t then as dean of stu- have to go far to do it. dents, before taking The Board of over as dean of the Trustees on Nov. 30 Rabbinical School in selected Rabbi Sharon the fall of 2006. Cohen Anisfeld, cur- For the past 14 rent dean of the col- years, Rabbi Anisfeld lege’s Rabbinical has brought her School, to serve as strong leadership the 96-year-old insti- skills and compas- tution’s first female sionate presence president. A nation- to Hebrew College. wide search couldn’t She has exhibited a find anyone more passion for plural- Cantor Elana Rozenfeld will depart after six years in Swampscott. suited for the post. ism, intellectual and Rabbi Anisfeld will spiritual depth, and oversee the Newton communal respon- Rozenfeld to leave college’s full array of Photo courtesy of Hebrew College sibility in all of her Rabbi Sharon Cohen Anisfeld campus and online leadership roles, programs in educational and “We are blessed to live in a inspiring students and alumni to Shirat Hayam in June spiritual leadership, and youth time when so many are seek- bring Torah to bear on contem- and adult learning. She will suc- ing an approach to Judaism porary issues of personal mean- By Steven A. Rosenberg ceed Rabbi Daniel L. Lehmann, that transcends denominational ing and social justice. JOURNAL STAFF who earlier this year announced boundaries – drawing deeply on Under her stewardship as his intention to step down as the wells of the past, and mak- dean, the Rabbinical School SWAMPSCOTT – Citing a desire to spend more time with her president at the end of this aca- ing Jewish wisdom accessible to has become integral to Hebrew family, Cantor Elana Rozenfeld, of Congregation Shirat Hayam demic year. a world in need of healing and College’s mission to promote in Swampscott, has decided to step down from her post in June. “I am honored to serve this hope. Our work – providing com- excellence in Jewish learning Rozenfeld announced her decision in a letter to the congre- extraordinary community that I pelling opportunities for lifelong and leadership within a plu- gation. “I am writing to let you know that I have decided not have called home for the past Jewish learning and educating ralistic environment of open to continue on as cantor of Shirat Hayam when my contract 14 years, and I am excited and the next generation of Jewish inquiry, intellectual rigor, per- concludes June 30, 2018. I will be taking time off from full-time ready to embrace this new lead- leaders – has never been more sonal engagement, and spiri- cantorial work in order to spend more time with my family. ership role,” said Rabbi Anisfeld. important.” tual creativity. The Rabbinical “Please understand that this was a difficult but necessary “I am endlessly inspired and A graduate of Brown Univ- School has experienced strong decision for me. I have deeply enjoyed my work here and have sustained by the vision and ded- ersity, Rabbi Anisfeld was institutional growth. This year, experienced so much pride watching your children and grand- ication of the faculty, students, ordained in 1990 by the it welcomed the largest incom- children grow up, officiating your lifecycle events, and leading alumni, and staff with whom I Reconstructionist Rabbinical ing class of any single campus you in prayer.” am privileged to work. College. She joined Hebrew continued on page 18 continued on page 18 Jewish life hums at Brooksby Village in Peabody By Michelle Harris here,” she said. “It’s as though we are living JOURNAL CORRESPONDENT on a diverse college campus. We study and practice Jewish cultural rituals and enjoy this PEABODY – Rim Meirowitz recently stage of our lives together.” taught a three-part series of classes that When she first started at Brooksby, Schutz drew 70 fellow residents of all religions at said, participation in Jewish life mostly cen- Brooksby Village. The rabbi emeritus at tered around a monthly service led by an Temple Shir Tikva in Winchester, Meirowitz area rabbi. Now the Jewish activities on cam- went through the Jewish calendar and pus are virtually non-stop with something major holidays, and also led a discussion for everyone, including many that invite about the difference between the concept participation from the non-Jewish members of sin in Catholicism and Judaism. of the community. “Everybody who attended learned Rabbi Richard Perlman of Temple Ner something new and I was extremely grati- Tamid is a regular at Brooksby, leading a fied that it went so well,” said Meirowitz. monthly Friday night service. “When I was Such is an example of Jewish life at the asked to lead the service, I jumped at the retirement community in Peabody, where opportunity,” he said. “I knew it was hard for Jewish residents practice their faith in a many of the residents to attend services, and variety of ways while embracing the many as a member of the Jewish community, I was other religions of its residents. Leading the happy to help.” effort is Jewish Chaplain Anna Schutz, who Assuming the roles of both rabbi and can- has worked at Brooksby for 13 years. “It’s an tor, Perlman enjoys singing in addition to honor for me to share my love of Judaism Performers recently held a fundraiser for the Brooksby Village Jewish Council. continued on page 18 The Jewish Journal is a nonprofit newspaper supported by generous readers, committed advertisers and charitable organizations. Email 2 THE JEWISH JOURNAL – JEWISHJOURNAL.ORG – DECEMBER 7, 2017 COMMUNITY NEWS Tradition and hope keep Congregation Beth Israel going in Lawrence By Cindy Bernstein “We always have food and activities around the JOURNAL CORRESPONDENT holidays,” she said. This fall, the congregation held its “Sometimes” Annual Sukkah Party at a congregant’s LAWRENCE – It all began when a wave of Russian house. Last spring, it held a Yom HaShoah commemo- and Polish Jews came to Lawrence at the turn of the 20th ration with a dinner and a guest speaker, and a coffee century when the city welcomed immigrants to work house for Yom Ha’Atzmaut, Israeli Independence Day. in the textile industries. Later, Jewish merchants, some Other social events have included bowling nights, a from Lithuania, opened dry goods and retail shops. comedy night, the Jewish Film Festival, a holiday cook- These days, some of the descendants of those immi- ing series, and more. Educational outings included grants are back in the mills, worshipping at Congregation visits to the Vilna Shul in Boston and the historic Touro Beth Israel of the Merrimack Valley, a small but active Synagogue in Newport, R.I. conservative synagogue on the third floor of one of But it is the congregation’s passion for social action the converted factory buildings at the Riverwalk in that resonates most, Rose said. Last month, in addition Lawrence. to serving meals at the Lazarus House in Lawrence, While the outside looks like a renovated mill office members also participated in the annual Hike for Hope building, the inside – with its exposed brick and his- to benefit the homeless shelter. They also participate in toric ark – feels more like a house of worship. Beth Israel The bima at Congregation Beth Israel of the Merrimack monthly builds for Habitat for Humanity. moved there 18 months ago, after selling its property in Valley in Lawrence. The challenges of building membership and finances Andover. are pivotal in the process of re-envisioning and moving The only remaining conservative synagogue in the Spector, described the core members of the congrega- forward. Merrimack Valley, Beth Israel’s history has shown resil- tion as “traditional,” but said there are progressive ele- “We are currently targeting empty nesters. Trying to ience amid change as the Jewish community left the city ments outside the conservative sphere as well. While recruit young families is difficult at this time, but we and spread into surrounding suburbs. traditional Shabbat services are held on Saturday morn- do need to increase number to survive,” Rose said. A Congregation Beth Israel was established in Andover ings, Shabbat Chai, a musical service, takes place two sustaining dues model has been implemented where in 2004 when two old congregations combined. Temple Fridays a month. The evening includes a dinner, fol- people can pay what they can. Beth El of Lowell and Congregation Tifereth Israel of lowed by a service led by Bashert, the congregation’s “We find once new members are engaged, they often Andover were both hundred-year-old synagogues with musical group. pay more,” Rose said. storied traditions when they came together. Rabbi Howard Mandel has been Beth Israel’s part- The plan going forward was to build a new synagogue time rabbi since 2013. He said that most synagogues are in West Andover. experiencing changes. “How do we make services joyful But 10 years later with a few economic downturns, and meaningful to congregants and community?” he trying to build became too expensive. The congregation asked. And “How do we bring it up to the 21st century?” sold the land in West Andover, and then the old syna- The downside of the new space was having to close gogue on North Main Street. the religious school. Rose said Beth Israel has partnered Now, Beth Israel is planning for its future while main- with Temple Emanuel in Andover so that children could taining its tradition.“We need to know where we want attend religious school there.

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