

One of the things that defines compared to other animals is the level of communication that we can establish with them. By recognising some of these signs, it is easy to know how they are feeling or what they want to say to us. By observing them we can identify signs that have specific meanings:

. If our is angry, afraid or simply sexually excited, its pupils dilate. ● Blinking. If it blinks slowly and over a long period of time, it is communicating that it is well, satisfied and calm. This movement can also be used in greeting. ● Ears. If they are firm it means that he is alert, if they adopt the form of a trumpet, it means that he is trying to capture some sound. When he is angry or afraid, they flatten against his head. ● Tail. The tail movements also say a lot about his mood. It will be straight up if he is content or alert, the tip twitches when he is irritated, and he stiffens and inflates it when angry. ● Whiskers. They are incredibly sensitive to the touch. Cats normally use them to establish the first contact with a possible friend. After the rubbing of the whiskers, they usually rub their back, rubbing their sides. ● Fur. This is controlled by the nervous system. When the animal is angry and this produces adrenaline, its fur stands on end, a reaction that is accompanied by the arching of the back. The purpose of this movement is to make itself appear as large as possible in order to try and frighten off its enemies. ● Sounds. Cats can also express a wide range of sounds that allow them to indicate what they want, from concepts such as food, saying no or asking for help.

Practical advice To vocalise sound, cats keep their mouths tense and open and change its form. This way, they can get us to pay them attention whenever they want. Better-developed

Stealthy, careful and silent, a few of the cat's senses are very developed. Among them are the following:

of smell: If we observe our cat, we will see that it has a very well developed sense of smell, which enables them to identify their territory immediately. Furthermore, our cat has some very specific scent glands and it is interesting to know that when he rubs against us, in addition to this being a sign of affection, what he is also doing is marking his territory. ● Balance. If the cat is used to living in our home, we will have probably observed that he moves with absolute ease, stealth and agility with hardly any changes, and this is due to his extraordinary balance. Control which combined with his great sense of direction allows him to react to any stimulus instantly. The centre of balance and direction in a cat is located in the vestibular apparatus in the inner ear. If there is an infection in this area, not only will it affect hearing, but also balance, which the cat will display by inclining the head and walking around in circles. ● Hearing. This is extremely sensitive and much sharper than human hearing. Cats are able to adapt the auditory pavilion of their ears into shapes that are more suitable for better capturing sounds. ● Sight. This is also highly developed in cats. Thanks to their pupils, which change size and shape, they can regulate the amount of light that enters the . When the dilates, this is because there is little light, and when it contracts, this is because the light is excessive. The changes in the pupil also indicate the mood of the cat, as well as sexual excitation. Practical advice Thanks to its great ability to coordinate the movements of its muscles, bones and tendons precisely, cats manage to be stealthy, silent and precise. Games

An adult cat is not usually as playful as when it was a ; however, this still continues to be an essential part of its existence, especially if it is a domestic cat and doesn't leave the house much. In these circumstances games become their main activity, and as such it is important that we encourage them and dedicate a part of our time to them.

Moreover, if we don't play with our cat, our relationship with him will deteriorate over time. It is important that even though the cat is an adult, it has its own toys, as when it was a kitten. Anything from table tennis balls to specially designed toys are suitable, which are sold in animal stores.

Cats like to manoeuvre objects using the sensitive pads of their forepaws, making the most of the enormous elasticity of their front limbs. That said, avoid objects that are too small, as they can be a choking hazard, such as balls of thread and wool. They like to play with them but they can be dangerous.

We must also be careful of the type of game the cat likes to play. If he is aggressive and uses his claws or even bites us, firmly indicate that this behaviour is inappropriate. To do so, firmly say "No" in a serious tone and stop playing immediately. Ignoring him can be effective, as cats like to be the centre of attention. After a short time has passed, we can play with him again and talk to him in a sweet voice. If he repeats this behaviour, we should address him once more in a firm voice and ignore him, abandoning the game.

Practical advice We can use the games as a natural learning process for our cat. It is beneficial to encourage them, provided they are not aggressive. Travelling with a cat

If we have got him used to it when young, our cat will be able to travel. If this is not the case, we must consider the problems, given that cats, as we have said on previous occasions, do not like changes or moving house very much. That said, if we have no choice, it is important to bear the following in mind: ● We must always do it using an approved transport basket. If we travel by plane, bus or train, this will probably be required. ● If we travel in our own car, it is important that we carry the cat in a large transport basket with the bottom covered with a good amount of newspaper. It is very important that our cat is very well secured; otherwise, he might become a very dangerous distraction for the driver. ● Never feed the cat before leaving. However, it is necessary to give him fresh water during the journey. It is also important not to leave him alone in the car without ventilation. He could become dehydrated. ● The vast majority of veterinarians agree that cats should not be sedated if they have to travel, as these products sometime cause effects that are not very controllable. However, if we decide to sedate him, the best option is to administer the product a few days before starting off on the journey. This way, we will know how he will react to it. ● If we are travelling abroad, it would be prudent to find out which vaccinations are required in the country we will be visiting. Furthermore, we must also carry an up-to-date medical record or certificate of vaccinations for our cat.

Practical advice If we decide not to travel with our cat and leave it with a kennel service, it is advisable to make a note of the hygiene of the facilities, the security measures and the care given to the animals by the employees of the establishment. Changes in behaviour

If these arise, we should find the cause. Maybe it is because there is a person he doesn't know living in our home, or simply because we have changed our work schedule and he will have to get used to being alone, as before he was accompanied. But if we are unable to find a justifiable reason we must consult the veterinarian, as it could be due to a health issue. Whatever the cause, we must bear in mind that cats are very sensitive to change. For example, they find it difficult to adapt after moving house. If we move house, we may see some behavioural changes. This is normal. A change of residence, for example, affects them tremendously, especially adult animals.

In these cases it is best to watch them carefully and not to trust them at all, as at the first opportunity they get they will try to escape to return to the previous residence. If there is a change of owner, even if temporary, they may refuse food for a short time.

Practical advice We needn't worry if our cat has stopped eating for a few days because we have left him with a friend. Until he gets used to this new situation, his behaviour will not be the same as always.