ND Students, Staff Speak out for Garrick Npeople Talk About the Notre Dame Family
- -~~-~--~-~------- -~--~---~-~--------· Wednesday, March 25, 1998 • Vol. XXXI No. 113 THE INDEPENDENT NEWSPAPER SERVING NOTRE DAME AND SAINT MARY'S ND students, staff speak out for Garrick nPeople talk about the Notre Dame family. Families give love, support. They don ,t judge. This family loves you more than you ,ll ever know. ,, - SENIOR ANDREA 0ESS The Observer/John Daily and Kevin Dalum Above: Members of the community show their support for Father Garrick. Right: Garrick offers a blessing to the gathered crowd. By TIM LOGAN sexual orientation." News Writer "We need to be proud of our minority sexuality and we need all of you of the NParly 250 members of the Notre majority sexuality who are gathered Dame community came together at the here," continued Garrick. "Without your FiPldhouse Mall yesterday to watch, lis help, we can't get equal rights." ten to and participate in a speak-out Garrick also affirmed his belief in the regarding the University's treatment of necessity of a non-discrimination clause, homosexuals. saying, "It is essential that the University The event was sparked by the resigna teach about equal rights, and that they tion of Father David Garrick, a communi do this by giving equal rights to gay and cations and theater professor, who lesbian students, faculty and staff." announced last week that he will be leav In a prayer offered at the start of the ing the University because, as a celibate event, Garrick called for a "blessing on homosexual, he feels he is the object of Notre Dame and Saint Mary's ... and that disrrimination by the administration.
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