Parochial Notes


Arthur Thomas Waring

of Woodlands, Lord of the Manors of Chelsfield

and Hewitts, c. L9L2.

Transcribed and typed by Mrs. Sarah Tanner, rgg2.

Part three pages l2B to I73 and index. 139

Appendi x 1 A copy o{ a docutment i n oLtr- posst155l on 17gA A FERAI'TBULATION made bv the par i shi oners of CheL sf i el d thr-ough tlre Eoutndar i el': o'f tl-re Fd par i sh on hlednesclarl the ? L et o'f l'lav t 788. First l'larlled An A=h pol. I ard on Erepnst-reet Green An Ash pol L arcl betuleen Greensted 6reen &r Fonns{ i el d A t^lh i tethorn at the Corner of 6reat l.4estf i el d by t'he Road An Oatl pol. I ar-d between Greett bJe-etf d and Li 'bt I e lde:;tf i el d An Asl-r pol l ard upper gi cJe of l,rlest-'f i eI d An Oatl st ad l e by Broomf i el. d ?:t Corner of Great l'lestf i el d A l"lapte stub i.n cornelr of l.-ower Broomf ield and by trlet'lfarm A l'lapl.e betweerl [.ot^ler Barley {ield i\fld New{srfn An Oat,: irr GocJcJington tqlest'tield by the Ga'he in the Corner An Oa[,: by the Corner of Li tt l e l-{orsel ey a,nd Great Horsel ey A Hap I e between F:l acl:ifoafie, Bt.ttt P:t Mr. El odeg { i el' d A HaprL e by the Cr:rner of Gorldi.ngton Shar^r and by RarnswoQl Ir.lo mar[::€ .frr:rn the corner of 6oddingtorr Slraw to Ctrapmans piecet now J'gt+rrgend An Ash pollard by Tot'rnsend pi.ece g9!J:y--ih-el-bgf-:j.S!.t- An Ash pol lard betweeln HagrJIe and t-i'btle Trutgs Land 'h-rugs An Ash pol l. ard by the corner of the Shaw betuleerl l and and l{ar^rf i el d Bank A Ereech po1 l erc{ between t"lnsyer* f i eI d Er Hawf i el d Etanll t'lade no tn,ar[:: I'losyer= CI over Ee T'are 'f i el d A Bee'ch pollar-d irr the corner of C.C.sLtpposecl'to b(: Crab Ero{t A Beech pol l ard i n 4 acre= t^1a1. l ey A Beech pol l a1-d betrJeen Nooc{'f i el d ?t l"loeyers Chal [,: Fln]. e f i el d Arr Aslr pollal-d by the corrrc:'r o'f blondrneriden by Scibs Lane An Asl-r poI I.;rrd bt=tr.le€n t'loodrner i den and thel Be1 I s 4 acres A Beech .pnl l ard hcltt{et. n Fi. cl::Brrden and the EeL l s 4 acreg A Beech by the corner- o'f Grub An Oa[,: pol ard by Upper Dr.rr I. y Eate An Oatl pollard by Slleaetriderr Gate A Wh i t-el. eaf at the Moref i el. d Gate An Oal.l pollard betweesn l"lore'fj.eLd Shaw ?:a, Colgateridden Shaw An Clat': pol l arcJ ttre corner of Doctorg Fi el d by Oven A Beec k pol l ard between the Doctor s Wood and Overr A Feech pol l ar-cl by tl-re' cornpr of tLre Doctorg blood ?t Dunrnal s hlood A Beech pol l ard by .the corn€?r o{ So} I ets it Dutnmal s Wood A Beelch pol l ard bY Oven Gate A Beech pol l arct between Scrutbg and Rourgh Garden l"lark CIn t-he Man'ble piece o'f blidow Johnl:on's An Elm pollard at Little l..-eln'hs gate L29 A pollard lleech by Home field Stile An Ash pol lerrd the, upper side of CumberlandE A Whitethorn between Curnberlands l* Little FaEcaIs by the Little 6ate An Elm pollard by little pascals gate An Ash pol lard between Heweltt Earden & Shoreham Lane Shl.rtinq Fost of the 6ate Hewett Garden & Barn Haw Hang i nq Eiate FoEt betuleen Barn Haw & l{ewett Gause An Arh pollard between Het{ett Gause & little field A Maple pol l,::rrd between thE little fd 8r l'lalstead Lane Broke Btm An Oak pollard in Eroke Bottom by Go6sen Hill Gate Post at the foot of Halstead Hill 5t i I e between Lower Shepherdg 6retn & [,lat 1 y An Oak Staddle in the corner of tdatley An Ash pollard further side rr{ Sprats Grove {d by Sprats Erove Wood A pl urnbtree bet|/leen Ashen Wal l': & Sprats 6rove The old r$ark stake is taken down in the bottorn by the Stone Rock between Aspen walk & Flountf ield' and the parish parts between the Ashen and the Hasle StLtb A plumbtree between Mount+ieId and the roundabout A pollard Oak by the gate between roundabout & 1': atrres Plumbree in the corner of Clay pond field An Oak stump in clay pond field by th€: turnpike roaid opposite ShinEles Erois l ane Hade no mark by Shinqles Erogs Lane & Eyles his trood A Eeech pollard bEtween Mr,EyIes fietd & Long Bot-tom A pollard Oak between Latt€ Coppice & Birchen Eank A Beech €taddle by the corner of Latts Coppice piece joyning to Ri flrner Rirnner appears to be abor-tt 4 acres in Chelsfieldr and 3 acreg in Knockholt - should be a post set up 6ate post by the corner o{ Perry l.lood A Beech pollard betwe€n Chal k Shaw & Ferry Wc:ocl A Eecch pol l ard betlleen trhal k Shaw & Ferry talood An Uak pol I ar-d corner of P€rr-y trlood by 4 acres Washners f artn A Eeech poLlard by Perry Wood and I cornered {ield A Beech pol lard between 3 cornered f d r* Hen.nans l,{ood A Nhite leaf corner of Newlands Shaitr & 5 acres An Ash pol l ard between 5 acres & Heninans [rlood An Oak pollard between Newlands Blraw & t{enmans Wood A l'lapl e pol I d'rd between Newl aindg Shaw 9* Hentnans [*,lood A Willow Stam betweerr Newlands $haw belonging to NorstE+d trnd Pinks Shahr A l'laple pollard between Newland & Shaw & Bircl"ren Croft lrlood An Oah pollard between Newl*nd & Shaw & Eirchen Croft Wood A t4erple pollarct between Newland Shaw & by the corneF of Mr.Coxs field A trlillo!.r pollard betFreen Birchen Croft lrlood & Mr. CoxE field A t{hi tethorn by NL5br Years Wood near Verlners House' An Oak polland bethreen New Years lrrood and APPIe tree field belonqing to Luts 6reen 150 An Oak pot l ard betwelen New Year= trlood & Gc:nan€ L-llnd A Beech pollard bEtween NeH Years trlood & Gomans Land An Oak pot I ard between Ntlw Yearg hld f,r Eomang l-and {d & Bot horn Sh;lw A Feech potlard in Eottom Shaw by the {ootPeth An Oak in the corner of Eottorn Shaw by Catrket FliII An A€h pollard ert the top of the 6rubd Eround Shaw ToP of trEckets Hill A Beech pol I ard uper 6i de Erubd Eround by Eroorn: [rJood An Oak pollard near the corner o+ Ereat Hayes An Ash between Great Haye= and the meadow An Oak pollard at the uper side of ttre ,nEad(]w by Horn Ere€ln A Beech pollard coFner of the meadow by the Pond A Maple pollard between HayeE ShaN tq Southfield An Ash pollard betHeen the Southfields An Ash potlard by the corner of Southfield An A€h pollard between Cherry Tree Croft & Thornfield An Ash pollard between Allens fd '& Thornfield near Catrkets Lanc: An Ash pollard between Eartholomew field & Lanpit(Loampit)Croft- An AEh pollard corner of Bartholc:mew field Shuting post o+ the gate between the Hook Woods Hangi ng post of the gete by Hook l^lood Shaw An Oak pol, lard bEtHeen Rough Bush & l lool': Wood Strar{ An Oak pollard by the corner of Downers 6ause ft Foxberry Wood A potlard Ash in Downerg Gause ne:tt Folibury lli}l A pollard Ash in Downers Eause Shaw An Ash pollard bottom of Cangles Shaw An Ash pollard in High Wood +ield An Ash pollard in High hlood field An AEh between Cockshot Wood field & Oak Warren Shuting ptrEt of the gate in Oak Ha.rren Hanging Eate post in Chalk pit field Hangi ng Gate po6 h Stony I'lal I am6 Hade a cross in the road about g rods from the road as goer; to Norsted towards the tunrpi ke under Stony l'lal I ilms fledge l"lade a crolis on 6reen6ted lJpper Ereen about 3 rods from Stevens Sign post pd Thos l';.not"r f or one Day goi ng the Boutnde (lt. 3. tj Ri chard Johnson tl. 'J. t-t Thos Butgter 0. !. (l blm Penn {:). ?" tl Jn Evereet (:). :. (:) Ri chdS[,: i nne.r (.t. 3, O James Broo[::s r_1. ?. r:) J JohnEon t-t. ?. o Rob€ Evere-=t t:!. ?. t) Faruclr hlood (:). :. O Er:penses at Bo-peep tr Ri chrnore l'li I I Cl. 9. 6 ExpLrnses o'f Ea'Li ng a'E Barrutch hloods t_t.15. 1 Expenses of Drinlring at Baruch tlood (J.11. 5 ) rl-rr=,f-T ll-r tJ pd f or Doc{:or- L-ong !-..-4-Jl pd for the Far-islr 1. 6. rl 131 Appendi:< II Trarrslation {rom Lati.n of the earliest deed th"rt the writer had in his pCI'sse=sion, by which Alan 'fypon conve,'"ed and gold 'Wheatf ieldg' to Sirnon hlodetlard anri other's. (Eee p. 1 1O)

1 44El lllrow aI I rnen both present and to corne that I AI I an typon o{ Chelsf ield in 'l--he Count-y of P..ent give grant and by this present deed cclnf i rrn to Hagter t{j. 11i am Feter o Fhi l ip ate hlel l Ni chol ag Sybhyn , and Si mon hlodeward -iurn i or al 1 rny l and and tenernent E):cept CIne rod of land of the Lord of Hewetts T'o have and to lrold all the a,'foresaid land and tenernent er:cept that bef ore eliceptecl wi th aI I thei r premi ses to the af orsai d t{i 11iam, Fhi l ip, t'Jicholas and Simon their heirg and agsigns for ever of the pri nci pal Lord of the fee there by the rent .and ser-vi ce there owed as by l aw accustorned And I the af oregai d Al an and al I my hei rs urarrant the a{ oregai d I and and tenerment exce+pt that he'fclr-e ei{cepted arl.t 'l:heir prernises to t^,illicrrno Fhilip, Nicholas and Sirnon their heirg and assigns against all rnen for ever by these presents.' In tes'timony o.f which thing I place m'/ Seal to ttris prese'nt deerd Witness to thi s t{i I 1i.:m Col-t, TlrCIrnas Co[::, Tlromas Fet€tr r hli I 1i arn Boot and John hlryght and others Gii.'ren at Chel sf i el d af oregai d on AI I Soutlg day in tlre year of the reign o.f l{ing Henry t/I of after the cCInqutest the twernty geventh.

L479 the ne>lt Indenturre i s that by r.rhi ch Si rnon Woodward sol d and ccrnveyed 'trlheatf i el ds ' to Ri chard Bonannter and Al i ce Brayi it is dated 1El Edward Il, (gee p.53 ?:r 11()). It ig writ'ben in Lat-in ancl ther'following is a rough translation.

"[, aI I men present and to corne that I Si mon tdodward o.f CheI sf el d i n '!:lre Coutnty of l,"ent qi ve qrant and by thi s my pre,sent wr i t i. ng conf i rrn tcr Ri chard Bonannter Parson and Al i ce Fray r^lidow a.nd =ister o'f the =.lisJ Ftichard trne rnessLrage('blr one croft and one f ield of land acJ.jacent to the serne messuage calIed hlhetefiIde heirrq arnd 1ying in the par-lsh of trhelsfeld af oresai d To wi t next the l'."i ngs way there i n part southward and north and l and cal l ed 'l-he Hewet A i n part eagt and I and of William Whitehede in part ulest. I give also and grant to the aforesai d Ri chard and Al i ce one croft o{ I and cal I ed The Sr,vers wi'hh e1 parcerl o.f land ad.iacent called The'Wyche, and one croft of Land calLed hlelIe Cro,fte and one croft of land called Riedowings Hawe being and lying in the parish of trhelsfeld af oresai d whence the sai cl crof t cal L ed Swers wi th the sai d l TF'

Farcel cel.Le.d 'fhe bJyclra' lir: be'ht"reen larrd of tdiltiarn t'Jhite'l-recl in perr-t :ot-tth end tlre [':.j.nq:: L'Jay in par-t t'rest, and Iand of btilliarn FJr-tcl: r Sirnorr AndrG*r..l and l',:.irrgs blay part no'r'th and land of me tlre gai.d Si.nron l,Jooclr.rard called hltretefelde ahove rntlnt i oned i n part e.:s'[: Ancl anDther crof t o'f ]. and c.rL l. ed Wel 1 e Cr-oft Iying the l:.ings h,a'y there in part sclutth and west and l arrd of me the sai d Si mon trlocJl+ard i n part north and east and another crn.t t of I and af oresa j. d cal I ed Ri ewLtni's Hawe I yi ng at RigwLrnys trroft next the 6ame ['::inqs w;.y in p,arh rrorth west: and east and land of the l-reir= of Henry Da,wnce called the $gr-tl l e l{aw A i rr part soutth whi ch certai n mecisLtaqe t"li th the crof t ad joi ni ng ancl the crof t cal t ed Swers uri th a parcel of l and cal l ed '[hes tdyche and the crof t o{ I and caL l ed WeI I ef eI de o anrJ the cro.f'1, m.t land caI. l.t*d Rigdwutnnys l'{awe wErE delivered with other la.ncls I.ateiy urhen Witliam Peter', FtriLlippe atte ldellle ancJ Nichc.rl.*rs Siblryn= died. I the afores3ai.d Simon hloclt^tarrl hold r.rholl.y by the qi.{t and feoffrnerrh of Alan Typon lately of CtrelsFeltJe a'for-esaid l-rce l.ived Ancl r,rhich cert;rin field of I and cal I errj bltre{:e.f eI cJe L atet y pLtrcha,gecl o{ Thomag ttre el. derr al so cJeecl 'To have ?s to hol d the af oresai cl me:;sLtaqe wi th the cro,ft and f ield of land lying near ancl the .aforesaid cro{t and parceL oF land wi'bh thoge already dt*r=cr-iheld As above joined together to ttre ;rbove rnentj.oned Richard Eonanntutr ?:t Alice Brey tlreir lreirs and; 'for ever of t-he fihie'f t-orcl of the fele there by the sear'.rice it owes and ig accutstnrned to do by law And I trutly tl"re a,'for-esaid Simon hlodwarde and my heirs the aforeg.rid messLr* ge with the cr-oft ?:t'f ields of land a.joining and the .rforesaicJ croft and parcel of land with alL thei r premi ses to R:i chard Bonanntor- and Al i ce Fray thei r hei rs 9:r assiqns r,.rat-r-ant- the pos3:res:;ion by tlres;e present against all rnen arncJ fsr evtlr delfendecl. In true tetimony o'f t-.tris present writing I place m)i Eeal. Tl-rornas Jetour, Eeo'ffrey hlalysr Stephen Fettel ey, John Fl etcheir arrd t'Ji I l. i am Hutcke r.rith others test Lf V to this.qiven at Ehr-l].s'fj.tald a'foregaid ttre 1A't--h day o'f the month of FehrLri{r'"t' Irr tlre '/ear of ther reign of lr:ing Edward IV after the cclr-rqr..resL. o'f England the eightee'nth.

I Autthor 'g note: A Le Ht-ret is constarrtly rn€'n'hioned in the Deeds, butt we have bq:en utncrhle tcr located i'h, br-rt it was evidentty not- ad.jnining Het'ret tg. tde bel i eve aI I the parcel s wree part of the present Br,.rcl,:s Crc:ssi Farrn. (Is "5out1 le Hc1w" ncrw Godly Flaw? no doubt "trlellecrof'L" iE the present l,.lel 1field).l 133

14gB ltlow f r:I I Dr-rs the Incle:.nturre by urhi cl-r Richard Bonannter and Alice Bray solcl *rnd conveyed 'trlheatfields'rancl the other property ment i oned i n tlre l ast rJeerJ t-o John Jettor, Agneg his wife Sir John Percyval and John Bona,nnter. It is dated f, l.{t=nry \,rII arrd is wr-:i.tten irr Latin. The followin-q is a (See pp, 5?, 1 1O) . routgh?" translation- " alI rne'n pr-e=ent and 'fr.rtr-tre that we Richard Etonannter Parscln and AL i ce Etray trlj. dow and gi gter- of the sai d Ri chard give grant and by thi.:; prr:=ent writing con'f ir-m to John Jetter t-he elder of Chels.felde in the County of t'"ent yeclmsln and Agnes his uqi.fe and Sir Jon Fercyvale l{:niqht citi:en and Alderrnan o'f Londorr anc{ John Bonannter Esqurire One rnessLlage t+ith one cr"o'ft arrd c:ne f ield o'f lanrl trcl-iacent to the sarne rnesst-tage called hlhet'Felds: [:eing ;tnd l.yi.rrg i.n the parish of Chelsfelde afor-e::erid "[o l^li.h bett^reen f:he way there in part= south and norttr AneJ l+.rrrd called 1e l{ewet{: (see A p.133) in part eraE{: and 1. ancl o'F [.Ji l. I i arn l..llrythedre i n part v.lest ble g i ve tlre sarne and grant and conf irm by this writirrg to the be.fore recited John Jettor Agnes l'ris r.ri'Fe Sir John Fercyvale and .John Bonanntor one croft of larrd callerJ le 5r+ere u',ith a pclFCeI of land ad,jacent called Le Fluralre (bJyche?) And one cro-f:t o'f Land called tJel I Crof 'be and one crof t of I and cal I ed Rygden=- Hawe bei ng and 1'..,,inq in tl-re p{{r-ish of tlhel=feIde afore=ari.d bJhence tlre said croft calLed l-e Sr.lere ttre said parcel called Le Flt-tahe lyina betr.reen LancJ o'f t-he gaid tlitIiam blhy'thede in part sourth and the l{:ings ercly irr par't ules;t and Larrd o{ William Eutk, Simons Andrewe and tlre lr.ings way there in part north and the sai d crof t cal l ed hlhetf el de i n part east In f act the' bef ore garid cro'ft n'f Iand called tcre1l Croft lieg be't-weeln the t'.:ingg way there i n par-t'. soutth and weEt and l and l atel y o'f Si mon trloddwar-cle in p.-r.r-t nor-ttr and east- And another cro'{:t betFJeen the l{i rrgs wqy therp.: i n part north weet arnd east and l and of the heirs r:'t Henry Dal,.rnce c.aLLed le Soutl le l{ar^re (see nr:te A p-13t! in part sor-rth l.Jlrict'r i.ncleed messLr" gel with the crnft and field ;rd.jacent ernd the said cro'tL cal led Le Sttere r.,ith the ' said parcel o'f lantl cal. led Le l{utahe also the said cro{t o{ }and c.rllecl l,,JelIe Erofts+ arrd 'bhe ;r'for-esaid ct-oft of larrd called Rygcleng Haule t{e the aforesaid Ricl-rar-d Bonannter ?:t AIice Bray hold con.jointly to ou,r heirs,,and assigns {or ever by the gi'ft grant and urritirrg con{irmatcry of !h* gaid 5i.mon }loddwarde To have to hold the ;lfor-egaicl mes=LJaqe r,.litlr the crof'b. and 'f ield of l and and tt're sai d crof t cal l ed 1 e Swere wi th the sai d parcel of lancl Le l{u,:rl're anrJ the said croft of land called trlell Crofte ancl ttre gaicl crof'h of land called Rygdens Hawe with thei r premi ses to the a.'f ores;ai d John Jettor Agnes h j. s t^li f el 134

and John !lr:rr..:r.r'lr'rta,r- their heir:i and a=5igns Sj.r Jr:hn Fercl.rv,rle it for ever r:f the Chie.lf of the fee there by the 6er-r'ice arncJ ig ;rccr.t:;{::omed 'L,o clo h.'- Iaw f\nd we tr-uly tl-re a{oregaid oh,e:l d E'nannt'r and Ar. i ce Br-ay anrj oLrr hei r-s the af oresai Ri chard and the fnes=Lraqe witl'r the cro'ft atrcJ 'f ield o{ Iand ad-ioining said croft called t-e Swere a.rrcl the said parcerl o'f land called cr-.o'flF. the Le r-rr-t;"rhe and il-re saicr cro.f t r:f r.ancr calted blelI tnri ""1.thei r d crof t o"f 1 and c*rl I eld Rygdens Har'te th af oresai ;rnd prerni. s-,e=, -Lo John Je{:{:or Aqneg h i. :; wi. 'f e 5i. t- Jc]hn F'ercyv"rL tl John Bonanntor ttrelir l-rei.r-= and ctssigns warrant poss€rssion by ths:gel present= aqi1.i n::t al I rnen In te=1--i mony of r'lh i ch ttr i' nc we to this ollr pr-e:;ent vlr-iting ha",e set oLtr se;*lg blitnesse€ of this lli.charcl l"litler Ricl-rarcl Flubberd Allan trlasthe t{alter sm;rle 6eo'f frey hlales:ie Stephen FetIe John Reeve the and others Fi ven at- Chel sf ell de af oregai d the =ecr:nd day of month of october. In ttre yBar o{ the reigrr o'f tiing Henry vII a f t-er .hhe con qr-rest nf Hng I and t t're th i rd "

j. j. dated 1509 The f o1 L owi ng s the tl l. I o{ Henry Beverych septernber 1?th tEt_rg. 'fhi.s l.{enry was a cCInnection of Jntrn Eeverych r^rhn ownetJ 'lrltre;rtf i el ds ' . [rJe c1r-€ utn;rb I e to say wi th certainty Hrhelre the Tenernerrt and Garden di=posed a{ by his h|i t l r,,rer-e l ocatetd: but u]€t thi ntl o and bel i eve, that they were ,t4heatfields'; €1:3 t5r: I'Ji11 i= amrrnq'h.he TitLe L\eed= belonging to that prcpertY. yer ,, I n the narner o-f god amen The X I.Ith day of September the o{ owr lordel qlnd Nl.ct:ccclx I Henn Bevycl'r (]'f the piE of Chellegfylcln l,: yn the Coutnte of ll-ynte beyng yn hole nrynde tr gode rneor t hank'y,e= be Al myehty qod rna[::e ordeyne tr dyspose my Testament Cont-ei,rryrle n'y lareite t'lyll in forme follt^lyng that is t; r*t .ft-tr=te f,i prync-vpaly I bequteth m-v* s'wle to alymlrghty god my rna[,:er P:r to ttre El e:;syrJ Pgyn rnar Et to al I ttre Company to heven ?:t my Fr:dy .h-o tre Fer-yd wtyn ttrce Cht.rrche gerth of to ye rnoder chutrche of trhel l esf yI cl af or =aycl al so I Rochegl:er i.j.t A1 so I bequrgne to ye hye Ar.rt of Chellesfyld .foilhyttrysi-forgotyn rti.jd I beqLtene vi.j oFrc|n to fr-tynde e tap to l-:arne be for the Sept-tl [::er wtyn the Churche of chellesfyl.d ye r.esyderr+ o{ ye sayd taper to butrne be for the ymaqg? of ye Trynyte yn ye sayd Ct'tt-ti-che f or evrnor The resdew of . aI I my g11dys I be-'qureth to El error my wyf f t4om I malle my Er:e[::eric r.rirtle y13 tiIIegibIeJ that sl-re :;haLl dyspose to ye p I eselr of god ?,t well f ttr o{ rny sorrtl e wythenys her o'f megt 'Tohn hJytly*urn5 13'son r:f chelles'fyLde it John Benyche ?t ,John Ler[::e 135 Tlrig ig tl-tt: IaELe [rli,1I of r'ne the ::":yd l{nnn fJenych made ye day & /e yer a Eove sayrl tha'h. iE to sa), I trl;vl1 tha.L Elerro my r.lyff haff my 'L:enc.:rno'h. ur{ UarcJern Lerme o'F [rer- 1'y{e ?:t ..a.F'her her desesse to ye.yeysy of rne ye sayd Hen Benych of her body lar,q'fur11y begoten Arrd i'ff it l-:e sCI that :*t. sayrJ EI.rro dy havying no ye-vsy ctf ye =a;,d [{en Eten;-ch that then ye saycl tenernet P:t gLar-den be solde to yc: rncrg{:e valut which eiiy=pencl P* cJy=tburyt irr meytor decJg to pra)'for y'e s.clr,rl, 1s of AIlerr Colg.ate ir Anne ys t^ry'f{ l": l-len F.lnnych cr'f Eleno is v^ty{t ?* all Crietyn SowLes"

1513 Thi s t{i l L of John Beverich dated 9th September 1513 i. s cctp i eld 'f r-nm the Chtel. g'f i. eL d [-'ar- i ::h l4aqa: j. rre { or the year 1895. He t'{a€ a mentber of ther t,elI [:]Frowt-r f;rrnili, of thiri narne; but'h t^r(! harze been r-rnable to iden'Li'fy hirn r^litl'r an-y' cerL;rinty, burt- rrrf;3 bell i eve he h,as of 'blheatf i el ds' . " In tlre;l n'{' Gnd frrnen The I X day o-f September lStI I John Belnir-iclrer of t-.lree Farrit;he' o{ ChellysferLd in I'ierrrt Yorna.n. I'ly ::oltl e to AL mi .ttity God end 'h-r: oLu- b I essed I ady Sai rrt I';- arrd ho aI L tt're Frnl y co,nFlrrrl)v' o{ heven and rny body to be bnr..i 'fr: ed ....of ChelIlysfeId. the l-righ autlter o'f {lhel. I.,r,s.Feld for my tithes nPQliqently forgtrttorr 1f,s 4-cl T'o the Cathedrale Chr-rrche: o{ Rochester lid d\n hone.:ch ;::reest to Eyf'lg .for rn.y, cnt..tle my wj.fa saLtle and all lipeyn'sCILrle+s in ttre Chutrchel of trhellysfeld for otrne hole ye{ar and for hiE s"*lray crr- ulagi= 6L LIs 4.d To .fynde a tapelr of t{,;r}i brennyng befor- ttre l-rinitie ie ttre said churche 9a ot- a col he pr-ce o'F l,t):; Italm a cowe pce of 6s 'to the s, chutrche to fynde ;r t*r,per of wa;{ brennyng before or lardy o{ pitie {:her Itent I.bequrethe e cowe ptre 1.3s 4d'h.o f.r,,nde s taper of ?I fJ uJaii e 'Lo trltrne be'f or the $epul cre i n the* sai d churrch 'foret-tevrnclr It:Errn I r..ri1I that ther be aL. my buri.rll and at my monetl-ttle rnyrrcle Y, pre:sts arrd as rnany of them ats be at my dirige 'ho h;lve'6d a pr..lcr..l .[{:em I r,.r:i.].L 'hh*rt rnyne executclr-rr- ;rnd overEetlr shal I orrJeyne a t or-chsl pce of 7a ag;ri nst rni- mone't--h mynde to butrne al I 'h.l-re l-r i glr rne=$r? tyme To the s;ri de churcl-;e of ChellisfelcJ a rnasn?r trLrppe the urlriche I bourght of mastrs=e Alys 'for- this entelnt tt'rat every clrildenwife also evey bryde shalI dryrtl:: in it and to contyrrute as it lac;tith To John thc: 5onnf3 o'f Arrdret^rg:1 Eenerych u rnother shelepe To Agnes the dautqhter- of tlre s.ride Andreh'e \l rnother sheepe To SybylI Eenyche that was the r,vife of Thomas Berryche tr: hir mariage 6L. To ttre tf'rart she goothel nrt aII be it man chr-rylde or wclman chilcle 6L urhen xviij yere€ and if it dye ttren tny ei:ecutor to di s;tri butte the :;ai de 6L i rr rneri tori outs deetJs that i s to say to Fclor prelests to churcheg and to l-righ wyees 156 wlrer-e mo-.;i:. nelcJe ),,:; 'L.n bcr.*e cJone my t:xGsct-ttoilF-o cclt-t6e to be doone a .Lr.r:r.rt.rl l. of rnas$es i n the* Chapel. 1 o'f Farrrebutrgh and two oLher tr.elnt;',rI1cl:; to b€| dor:ne v,l'l-- in tl-re Clrerpell o'f l)or,^,ne in the l)eanr-y o.t titrCIrham Arrrl clr:nn oi t:het- trentsl I to bee doone at .hhe* HotenrJen i n Coi..rn't i. e o.f l':.ent to pr-ay 'f clr tny e arrd al I cFri etby,nel sclLll es To Lautrence Dettre my servautnt- ?6s Bd To Httgh rrlcrodulard rs 4ct ho Rober t Frythta ?rf s to A1 i ce Fryt-he rny servaunt to h i re rnar i age V rnare:; to Agne= blal l::er dciwe 4lrs tc: Thomas Fl altcher- rny .serv;rt-tnt 4.r7= to John Boodher-e my brother i n lcaw€ 4Os Ittlm I btaqurettre to.amende tl're highr,'ua;-es in Brome'ley cornen wt.lere mor:Et r-rede yE 1.3r" 4d Item I hequtethe to arnende the' hi gh wayeg, v+ti n tl-re pari. sh of Farnebutrgh i n London waye urtrere rnoo:;'h. nmde.: yE, l.Is.ilrJ to'btiLIiarn Clernent- rnyne Eliecuttor to her-e myne o.f f eryng and my uri f es o'f 'f Eryng to CIr Lady of l'lalsi ngham lI,s 4d f "ltJearIy, i.f nr:{: clurite, a€ r..rel1 tr-odclen in the Pliddle Ages as ttre t.Ji.rrchels'Ler Carrrterbutry pilgrims rmadr was ttrat r.ltrich rLrprij {:l'rr-nr..rqlr l',lor-.fnll.,: tn ['la].sj.ngham. The attraction t-he*re Fras, ;.r mir-acLrl.ot-r!; sta{:Lte of tlre Vir-gin 'fJutr- Lacly of l,,Ji,rlr:irrqlrit(Tl"' (1-.['J.t4i. 1l.,:in:;fir'l'.s l-liqt'rl^la.ys and'Eytlays of England p . 83; ) J . t:o ,Jotrrr l--avybande ?O:; i n rnoney or rnoney woorthe tc: Richar-cl Gr:otJtreu.le 1(-)s3 't:n F:i.char-d Fletcher- bs Bd to f-he Chutrclr of Che,:11i s.f eI d V m.sres tc: bee be:ltot'tcld i n 'ttre rnost nede futllest reFarG.Ei.nrit'.it= tlra'h i.'* h-n be ttheln nt-itten i.n pencil : the ner:t p ag e of oLtr copy o{ the Far i. sh l"l;rqa:i i ntl' been l:arn outt we hope b.o 'f i. nd anotl-rer- copi' and cclnlp I r*te th i s t^,i L l l

L522 The neil'1, docurrnent i s; mutch tJorn and torn , and i s arnonq pape:r's reJ.:rtinq ho t-he l'lanor o'f l{er,+ett=- It is a deed of sal 63 of . l-.larl gte;rrJ, Fleulettt , ancJ Hever f'l"rrrors by Lord John Girey anrt Dame Anne l-ris r'ri'fe to hlilliam Petley It bellongs to the of l{enry !,III, and t}'re date ie probably 1531. It is nc:t en origi.nal. dee.rdo br-rt probably a 'draft' as it is al.tered and inter'1irred in rnsny pL.actls"

" f The corn,nencement i s torn ancl mi ssi ng I lAli. I I r:t-rgtrhy gran't I t-orn la rni. s= i ng 1 reign of Flenry the elyght by [.torn ?-t missinS] F;nygh'b r:f ttre on pte ?t blillm Fetley [migsing] Courte in the' Coutnte of i':.ent [misging] John Gray Ea Dame Anne his wy{e have' corrennt bar-enr1',v.el & soL d flr by 'hhe=e psen'bts tmi ssi ng I unto the sei d trli I l. m Fet l ey the rnanr of [{a]. stede Hewet li Herrer srt aI 1 man o.f r-en'h.t la dwyes there 'ho belL ongyng wt al l t-her apptenLtce by Itorn] L37

[.loodgrotJnd 1::o 'l::henr app'Lei'n],nq he'r'inq er:{:r:rrdynge l,: lying r,,l't: in the pclEsy$es nf t-lalstFd., Cl-rtll. I'y's'feyld, Shorham, Otteford [,. l{nchnl.t & Sr-p},nqJLorr i.n [:trc.' fr:re=aid Cot-tntie o'f l',:.ent for trCCC lnar[::s, of goacl l.: l ar.lf t.rl 1 fnonaly s{ Inq]I end wher o'f sai cJ l ord John li.nowleg='!: tryrn self to have recved XX pounds by {ore hande 1,. ther of the Eeid lJi1l.m FetIey hir.; he',vers P:r his e:

The condico1.1 q1{ .L-l'ri.:; obl.igacon j.s r;t-tch 'hhah t^rhere the seid Lord Jr:lrn Gr-ey l.: Darne Anne his rrrt-fe har"e barganyd 9:r gold l* t+t tlrelr- aPptennc(3 flr al 1 ther rnanc:rs o{ Hal =tecJ l-|e,,'+et l{e.rer all other. Iands ?,t tents mil. 1= pa=ture leses E.: Iillegible] wt t-her alpptencee lelrnge ljet l.: in {:he Counte o'f }';ent r"l'h the pi=shj.s o.f Halstetc{ Otteforrl lrc {or a trerten sLtm twelyn tlrtern agrei d ull-rrlr o.f the .sei cj Lorcl Jotrn haver recev;i d i n h.r-rld XXarthat the gei.d lord John .-qr D;rme Atrrte his wr*fe do sutche ]. 'f err words thynge f or tlre en,€urencr. o'f the: =am€? as [ a;t illegiblerl ulrittr.:n along the rnargin of the docutment is the follot'ling ,'[torn ?* mi::si rrg 1 {or the {uI f yl yng of the bargaynE of the wtn j' wretten rnan E.: l arrdg As ttre Itorn ?:a rn ggi ng 1 devyse lr engrose 'f or the sarnn John EreY r r . .' fl.nYght Thomas tli I 1 ot-tgby "

tsia? trlerrt follords tl-re hlill of William Petley urho was the n pLl-cha=er o.f [..1a1 stead, F.ter.lntt:e , arrd Hever l*1anc]rs as ee{: rJr'tt- i the Iag,t dgcrrmelnt. I'h ig clated the 13th year of Henry VIII, anrl orrr copy is er(n$nq tl're'fi{:1e Deed= belonging to t-tre l"lanor o'f l-lenelttg. "In the name of God Arnen the XV day of [torn] and Yn the X I I Jth yq?rel of the re.arJnte r:'f li.:"'ng l{enry the eyght I WYl lYatrn t torn I ey o'f Hetl. sted i n the Couttlbi e nf l':.ent Itorn ] LXCJ or ther abnutte heyngea per'f yte of goode mynde ?t mernori'e and '/n he.ll. ttr b l essed by AI mi ghty God do make and orcJayne ttri= te=t;:trnmnt cnnteyninc-J my lagt wylle yn forme followynge Fyr=t I cornyte and recornerrde rny 5ot.t1 e to Almyghty l-torn:- anA Eavir--lrrr a.ncJ 'Eo his rnosf- glr:ryLts rnr:ther Saynt l"lar-y the \ryrgyn and t r: ;rl I the saynt; i n hevyn cel esty;rl I rny body .ho be brurryede uvi{:trin ttre pilt-i,'she Ctrr-rrche o'f l{.alstede a{oqesayd bef g}re the ytnage of her moE3t b L essed I ad',v thelre Al so I bequteth to .hhe hygh Altare o.F the satne parish Chutr"che tl'rer-e 'for rny tythes of.iynge and o[:l.rtions negligently 4orgoten in dy:icharge of my ccrnsence v-j= vii jrl Al-=o I fieqt-reyth to 'hhe hygtr Altare of ChylsfyeLd Ctrutrctre yn the sayd Eoutntye in dyscharge of my o'f , consenc€! ii_js iiijrJ "11g3o I bequeyth to t-he hygtr Shorh;rm yn the sayd Coutntye i n dysctrarge of my [torn fla mi,ssi rrg I {:o the hygh Al tare of Farnbutrgtr yn the sayd Countyel xijd ALso tg g-re tryotr aLtar-e o'f trlocholt yn the eayd [torn and tni g,5i. rrq I Al so I beqr-teyth to the repa.racons of Hal sted trhurche v js vi i jd Also I bequte.y,'b.t"r Dt-re torche to l-laL sted Chutrche to 7

140 {::or-che Irc:rror- {:he rncf ='h lrul.',,, 5;rcrarnsn't Al. so I bequte'7''th orle tr: ChylsfeLd to fronor hl-re holy Sacrarnent ther Also I bequtei;th to the rna.yn{:.nnrei of the SepLtl cre I. ';.,n hh i n Harl steld Chyrche oner t-ap:err of r.lalr n'F 'f outnr pot-tnde weyght And the s*lrne 1:.arper- to be spen{'- r:utt- a'foro tl're ymage r:f clur- l.acly yn Halstecl Churrctre a'f or-e:;ayd burrnecJ at'h convenyent t-yrnes ?.r Ecl to ,contynure Also I f crr- gyve al 1 porel f olle It-orn l:r rni'is:-,ingJ utnder ]:r; chcaFgynge the..m to pray 'for rni' sroulle fl.: all crysten Eor,.JLes Also y* I trappen to he \,'ysyt-ed in sekness Iyang Itnr-rr.] epelchLe$:; or' ttornI yn ttre rnean r^rhyle I t'liL1cl that a of ho1y rnasEeE be doonr: for me [ter-n] one m;rg':e o'f the T'rinite one magge o{ f'r,rve r,loutndg CIne rna::ge o'f tlre trol.y' crclsg a fnasge of CILrr l ady rnrhi clr hol y rnasse= o't rsqt-tyem cCInven'./en't--l.y to be songe and dnon yn the Chyrche o'f Sayn L Thornas Ho=.pytaL l yn Sttthrrxrrl::e to pra)./r" f or- rn!' :;surl e rny 'f rencls3 t3c]wl. es le aI I crysens sot\,1 eg Alsn I beqlrelytlr to elvery o'f nry god=onne$ >:ild a peece Also I bequcl.,,'{:lr ho rny clr:ct dar-tclh'; ever-')/ nF tlrclm l:i..jcJ s peece to prey for my scll.xl.e e.nd al. I cryaterrs sor4Les Al.t:;c I tlylle i,: Ehrfr-Q€ rTr)r/n e!)'iE:acut'h,r::i'-= a'f'her- fn'y cl(?cea.s3e Lo ordei,n "rnd gynde an honee.t pr-ye:l{:e to syncJ ?.:t, lrray 'for my- sottlel and all crysten E3clr.^rleg 'fo:-' clnm l-rml.r* iil"r-(3 dt..u-yncle u.llrere rny bociy' 'r;fr.rlI be brtryEd I treqr.te;,th 'h.o flty dar-.tgtrt-q:r Eme Fc:tt-eL ey XL m[:]5 gterl yng to tre delyverecJ tr:r trmr- r^lit.hin the -v-err-e tha.t- she is marired Also I bequreir'th to my claurgh{:er .Jol'r$ne F'ettLey Xt- rfil::s st.erly'ing to be dHt i ve.lred L.o her yn 1;*l::e wy$al And y{ yt l-r":pperr aFl)v' o f tny saycl dart-rgh'L-.elr-s tn decc:.sFre clnel a'f{ tt're oder theyr seyd maryagtl mone:t/ bo ren'h,te and rerneyne* to ttreyr- rnoder arrd 'ho theyr br-others ?,t syster-F to be dy,rydecj a{nonge them to pray for my sowl e my f ryrrcla siouJl e:; and .f 11 cryslens gt:t^rL ers and a'Ftet- my detts payed my legacyeE tr-tlfyLled And rny {utneralI charge AncJ al.monse deed= dnnn ert the d'ysr:re:/r:n of fny sclyd Er:ect-tttrrs The resyrJure o'f al.L fliy moveable goncls and eattable s'Lu.r'ffe('l) o'f hnur:etrolcJ 8.r otFtti.:r- [:.h;,'rrqs I gyve ?:t bequtey{:h t-tnto l\1ice my urellbeIdved r,+y'f'fel Arrd {:.o Stephy'rr Fe{:'heley to be departed €trnontJe {:trem bi' t l-re .1sl1zrr,c€ of my sltppnysclr" o'f my - =ayrJe* te=tamen'L whyc.tre Al. i ce flr)i !34'1161 r^ry{e E.: Sterphyn I qrdeyn conEtytt-r{::cl 9.,:r rni\[::sr to be rn:r'n er:ecut-ors to obser"ve do kepe and fr-tIfyLl c?vrtr-y thynge accardyinq aE afore yE rehersed And CIverrset. r- CIr- -ilrppervysor o{ thys my rsayde testament I ordeyn and ma[::e the ry'qht Warslrig:fut]. I titlegiblel Thomag WyLlingtrly filleqible.ll l"re to have 'for his labrDLtr of rny qy'fte my. best halleney horse AIEo I bequtethe to Arnolde .lrlo[,:el l,: Henry $;.1[::e and John Farr-ernt X1'' eqLralLy to be delvyde*d betwecln them Al so I hequeyth tr: my dautghter Jane the t^l j.'f e o'f John F{otJsml e tulenty ml::s gtetrlynge Itenr I beqr-.teyth t:o Johrr Braysser the. yor.rng vj.s'ri.i..jd It-em I beqt-te;-t:h to Johan fll Ien rny dot-tghteF xls Item I beqr-reytlr to Eme EraEsyer x1- Item I trequreyth to 141

Jolrn l-{od';i=h;rl I il 1- Ttri:l irs the 1"r.ste urylle o{ rnes l,'Jy11y"lrn Fetlel)' {r:r' t-l-rn cl';r'*;:r:rt3ycll'1 c:f *rl.L rny lancJe rnen arrd hent wytthe ttreyr" .tFp'!:c..nce se-:t'L,e lyenge arrd heirne yn tl-re of [,:.ent ancl 13ur-ry 'F;rr-st I bl1'11e that tl-re sa'y'cle f\lice my t'lyffcl have the Lrpper parte o{ my rnan pl ace ca1 l ed FyI son yn Shorharn ghe )/n the Cot-rntie r:f l'r.nnt-'for her dt'Jelllrnee Also, to hAve hal-f=a-,,*rJe tl-re pf fyt'hs and aldvantageE 'Lhat gror,r',"it-h t{yn the or-cllar-cJea of the :;arne (nenr:t- es l.r:nge a= she abyd;"'tlr a ulydow And algo she to ha.",e hal. f the ad.,,antage of tlre {reshe 't'y{{hes yn to the mote and p.:r'lclels /.\ncl aLgo =he to have hyr free lybtye goo cornp ;rnd pass '/n the F:aYd$ Ltpper pte at her pL easutr wy{ irrtelr"fer-a:nce CIr cr:ntracjyacnn Also she to [::ePe flt have f or her pl elaalrer mannr"),'nge cln the sayde qroutnd too or thrye m.,vl.[::e [::ye AncJ on t-l'ry= I l.r'y11.e ?:i char-ge tl-rat eyther of rny ga:"de sonnes geve Br p.a.y tryr yerli, of tlre t-evenL(es of rn'),' seyd lands .f 'f 1 y 'f ;".ve: m[l:; s t-- 1. ynge * pc]ce dr-.qr'-::/nqe lryr- 1 ;,if e ha';e dr-tryng her f e wt natr-cra1l. thsr tnanc.:tr- r:f Flal =te+d Hever- l'{tte'h. r,rt ths:r' appterrcEs aL l l ancJeE: lrnl. clnrr nr t-.f !,r(?Fr f or eny rne*rnber par-te CIr parcel l o'f the::r=i. cJr: fncanE:lt-s. her clecrpsat3 to rFfltayne to Steppyn my Eone forthr'lt the tend anrJ la.rrtJr; called Coalqa.'hed ?t 5l:.!pp5 Alsn I wyll.e *nrJ q1€.]\r'e t,r: rr'i' :;ery..;rrr'l-:. John Tothe my hot'.ts wyth ttre aFpt-rr-'Lence gelt{:.e & yt'1 Cl'rel.sfeld t-hat- l,'leber clr,*lellyth yn at the d"ry r:f rnal:i ng hero'f t-o have arrd to trnl. cle to lrym term of trycl 1y{et anrJ a'f'her- lry':; cJti:cEr::::e to rente ?t r-emayne 'b.o my seyd sonneE anct {:o tnyrl tra-v,r-= etc ArrcJ j. { nty seli,'de sclnne$ happen 'L.c: cJt=c(?€i-sF l^lnr..rt yEEt-re rli\1,/I e:i o'f theyr bodyes 1 arvf t-t1 L y begotten then I wyl I e ttr*rt al l mi' seyclc.- I and =hal1 rernayne to the' hc,:yr-alt; mayles laulfr-r11y berio{:en nr=xt of my bloocJ ,and kyn also I r,.ryL l e and geve to Stephyn F ettell. ey my el dest sor"lne Al l rny l arrds tr 'hents !'J1,r11't thei r apFurtence settte ?;t L eynge yn Greerrst rete ir Att Eindyngtr:n and yn the paryshes o'f Farnborgh ?* Eodarnr yn the Cor-rntlre o{ l'i.ent And atl sn I r,^ry11e 9:,: geve the saryde Stephyn All my L;rnds Er tenh,s in the pyrses o{ be.'dyngton and Earrdnn in $jLlFt- I qyvc' l-rim alI rny I..ancts ir {:.ents Ieyinge yn Er-oml ey a.nd Letr,ly::ham '/n 'L.he sav'cl Coutn'Lye of l,:.ent Ancl al go I qevc. hym all my l;rnd.s f,: tenL= {:hat Richard f:leltcher; nol4, occr.rpyeth lyenge in CheII'ysf1,nId and ;r11 the fyelds behynd the pfrsonage of Efre.:l1;;s{e1d w!-ryche 'ttre pitrson of Clrel.lysfeld hath yn f elrme tFre clay of rn;r[lyng€--1 hero{ And the resi dute of my I ands 'Lr: t* tentg not wyl 1 ead nnr bequeytlrra Al =o I qevt:3 t'li I I m Br asyer- {ny godscln 8i hys hei rt: the har,*r=e ult the appurtencsls beyi ngi n Clrelli,r=feld tlre rrlhj.chca FolIey l'.lc:rle tprobahLy F:'o1l.y lt.nowl, dwel l yth yn I ulyl le and qe\i €:1 to Thom*rs Fet I ei' rny sclne that ysi Lo s;t.,/ m)./ l'4aner- o.f Ryl s'hon Al s;n A1 1 ode.:r my J. e.ndsj and t-entt; r^ryth the appurrtence 5,e'bte ?..-t lyelnge yn paryshes of Ler^lysharn lt $horf'iam Ct-re1=fyld Flalsted yn the Cot-tntye of l':.ennt sCI that ther be' p ar te no rnember no ptrr c el L of the f or=ei d rnarlot- E3 of l*lal sted 14?

Hever- & l-{utet nnr- bn.fclr-m bcqltetlrerJ I cy'f'fe t-o t-he geisl Thr:m;rg aII. Annuryte= etE I have r.r{:',v''n tl're sher o'f }ierrt Also I j. r,"ri.rl. 1e al I rny 1;rnc11; rtt';n St..trrey n the Paryselrr::; r:'f Sedynton and Bardon Al=o my myncle is tl-ra{: thelr msnet-s lErnrJes lq terrts he y-n f ee tai'l I t Al so I tlyl 1e ?t bequreyth l"larg.rre't Stabt.rl. I i. i'-j 1 v-id & viijcl Item I tlyll.e t-rnto Erne Bra=yet- my dot-tqhter )liix1 to be payde r^ryn i(v.,vreaF@E by eyn Frocon'fot'the ulyche st-tch surnmeg aE y,s thero.f Al l r'ed.r, payecl Er to t^lards the pay'ment therof she to have a rneclor.f at-'F- C{:te'fot-cle'fclt- xxrr.js lt vj.i-icl a yel-e and the o{:trer eet ttrer-o{ to bt= pai,'de y{:rely by rny sone Stephen Fettel ey. Itern my trtyl.l.e yE tha{: Johan l-,larshe other- wyEie callercl Allyn rn)/ dor-tqhter xi():a to be payde wyn xv yeres by evyn A!-;r y'E therof ar11 r'eldy payde Itc':m Forceons'fr:r-l:-hl..ri. =r-tche €t-trnrnes I wyll.e t-o Etesse e Ly'tylL r,'.renche rny E'vant in rr'.r/ houtge l:){s ?,t vi i .i cl " -

t'fFre ah,cl.,ye being a ct:py thera' j.s ncl attestation clautse, seal , Dr- si.gnatLrrs; ht-r'l: evidenl:1y oLtr copy is very old, and probably made abr:utt 'Ltre siaflle date a:; the or i g i nal l

1 542 The Faristr Maga;irre 'fot- tlre year 18?6 Etates that on t-l-re I 9th o.t f:ebrLrary 154? Robert Ni sham c i t i z en a.nd Ba[,]er o{ Lonclon marde his l.'li11o decL;rr-inq himgel'F "€t-r-ong and -=teadfa!3t in the catholirtrLtet faj.the o'f ttre. holy chutrche" and he wishe'd t{] be burr-ieicJ in ttre "p*rirstre churche o'f Saint Andret'rs under the shaft in the Sourtl-r ILe try' the petre where I gatt" After ui.ttr h'is l.-ondon prCIpelr-ty he says "I ,after thcl deceaser nf Agnr*s my r,qi'fel to John Nishan my tr.ynnesrna1 two tenernents arrd cer teyn 1 andel* i. n ttre Par i she of CheI Ef i eI de i n the cCILrntie of [,:.ent and to his heires for ever with remainderr for c{e'faurlh to Rober-t Ferryrnan and the said John lrlisharn g3halI kepe an obite yerely at the parislre chutrcfre of a.fter- tlre deceras o'F my said wi'fe 'for ever on t-he of dary tl-ra.t I shall cJye oflr anEI to bestowe at the said obite , ttre j.::suteg of the two tenements and londes Eir: ghillings and ei gtrt pence , and i + the sai rJ John Ni sham d i e ttren the sai d Rober-t Ferryrnan to l::eep tlre obi te f or m;\/ soutl e, Aqnes my wi f e t crfid al l Xpen Soutl eS " ' 143

159O The fol.tcrr.rineJ ei:tract:E frr:m'Llre tdj.LI of William l'1ace, of Clrel. s{ i ell d ;Jt-e ta[::pn .Frr;m {:lre Pair j. gl'r Maga: i nel {or- tlre yea.r (:'Ct a -LUI d{J.

The above.bJi. 1. l'lace mt.r::'h- lrave di.e-.d irnmediately after rna[,:i ng l-ri s tJi l ]. , a$ 'hhe f nl. l orali. ng c,'nt-ry i rrL-he Reqi s'her ghowg ,'159r] Autg 6 t{iLlm l"lace theld-o{ hurri}t?d". He r.raE proba.bly a tenant farmer, folLlre Rt*ntal. o'{ tt're l"l*enor of Chelsfj.erld for thel year 161? records "Mrs.HadcJr:n uliddcrwe of Mr.l'llomas l{addorr holdeth gondrie lands belDnginrJ to 6ocJdington irr trtrelsf ielcl irr 'tfre tenLrre o'f hliddnure* l'lace and her sonne and pa';;eth yearely (111.- (]5:-" tltgd".

"In ttre rtrir.filg:t o{ God Amen I t'Jilliam Hace of Chelgfeilde in l':.ent Yeorns.n tlre ? Aurgur=,ta 15?tl To be t:t-rryecJ irr the Churclr yarde o{ CheI s f tli l cJe a{or-esai d To 't,lre pclore of 't.he Fari she .ls 4cl Tn c?vmr-i' of ft-"- r':ives t--hildren Ltnmarried belinge seaven in nomh*r' f 4 a peccci To l'Ji ctinl. as ttlayl or end Methel^le to ei ther o'f tl-rerl one ct-tpp I e r:f mothc-'t- :;trclepe To l-{arr1, l-ambe one mother sheepe Tn rn,"- dautgl'rter Eli:abetlre 4t-t:; or- cr cowe To my sonne blillianr :C1cl anrJ a ccthre ancJ eirJtlhe sl'reepe Tm mi'dr-t;r.gtrter Agnes Lamnre CIne cor.Je antJ ei.qlrtr.l motfrer- aheepe To my wi'fe aIl the s{:t..r'f'fe in the ch.rm[:et- I br*el in end in 'the next tn it and at11 other j.n-r='tr-.r{{cl strer broutgh'L,e t^tith her Itern I qj.ver to Tlrom.'us ;rnd tJillierrn ffi)v, t:orlne6 ttra. detrte,; tqlri.clr l"lr-.t{al.'Ler owe'hh fr€r and I r.ri11 ttrat Johane m), wi.'fe and Thornars: m'/ F.'clnne ghalbn rnayne e:rFfitr,tor-s In r.-ri. tneEFe 6eorge Smythe parscln o{ Chelgfej. Id o [{urm'fre:y Dourna'Lt".

1573 trle 'str;rl L nclr.r set or-rt tlre Wi I t o'F James lrlaf er wh i ch r,.ra'E pr"rhli.s,hecJ i.n [:he [3ar-:i.t;h of ttre yea.r- I896.

" I n the flcaffip of 6od Arnen the l Oth June sne thoutsani 't i ve hundred t-hree l:;r:or(.? and tlrirtene. I James t.l,afer of the pcaFish o-f Chelgfylde To Anne my r.ryffe al.1 my land i.n Farnborow and ;r.f'h-err- lrer deceg,se to Jarna.g blafer my Eonne 'I'lrege F:eing witnes Richard l'{;rrman, Fercivall SmaIIer. William Wall-':Iyn and othprE", These 1;rnds i n Farnbot-ot-r-qh were r dc-corrJi rrg to ttre Rol I s 'CI ar j. ' Hi srJn of the l{anor of Chel ={ i s:ld , kes aI as B',vcro{ ts . s ,Jarnes was in FrCIssession o'f '!:lrem i.rr the yetlr 1f:19, and in 1F359 ttrey were nurned b:y John Streggsr the varioure owners can be tr'.rced thr-outgh {:he Rol. 1s between the above claterg. 144 lSBg T$e .f cl. l. r-rr.ri rrq i r: sn Award of Arbi trati on m.rde by George Srnith, Rr:c't:crr* clf Ctlel.sFi.el.cJ, ;rnd nttrer"::. I't i.'z dated l"larch ?4'hir XXX Eli: (1.5n8)r .,arrd i-*'t:he on$-1 rntrrlti.r:r-red cln P-7 of thes;e nn'Le=. I:s ii: an cln parchrnerTt, ancl is among the Deed= bel.ongi.rrg to 'L'Jhee.t-.-i:ieldc ft.: Febse:'r and evi.dently in some {:.o tl-rat-. pr-C'perti'.

r "'I't: a.l t. tr-t-re anrj Xp i an peop l e to t^lhorne h.h i. ; psente r.rriti.nge o.f Awarde j.nclentecl sfrall corne to be lrearcle or readde Gtgorc|e. Smrr,t h f,1. er'l.le p.rr6clnrle r:'f Ch(.. l t. i s'f i I cte i rr !:.he Coutnty o f lr;ente John,:Jey o'f Nnr-{'.!-rcr';ry:: Robert 5t;rpLe o'f Urpingtowne t:r Thomas. 5t ap l e of Sayn'b l"lar y {ir aye i n tho =ayd [nunt'y yeomen serrde greet i. nge i rr r:Lrr Lr:rde god erver I ast i nge whereag certyannF contelnty'on l,: sutt-es i n l.,l,we h;lr'er beene tra.d mr:ved & dependFle€:? betwFrne Ltne Johrr Fal mer- Esqlri re clecessed tc hli I I i aat Fal.rnrer- cJslnt 01 one o{ thenr on there par-t.Yz l.\rrd 6\1j.ce Erasi.crr Wi drJt{cl delcegs;ed t^,i I I i am Er;rsi er P:.': trlychoL;r= BraE i- E:r nl- sornme of thr..lm r:n thother parLi.e'fr:r- l': {:oncErrringe CInEl oh1igalti.on or wr-i'L.inge,l obl.j.g;rtorie,: nf tfre sornmer sf one httndrelth poLtndes made by CIncl F:1'chai.-cl Erasielr nor,'.re decesEed F;tl--lrer- o'f the 'tlre =;ryd [..Ji.].Li*rrn lt l'{ychslas ltrrto =ayd'e John flr l,'JiIIiam Falmer fnr the onel"y' r-rFre hre.lne-:f;.'t-he or hel-rcJnse nf .fnhrr Brasi.eer el cle={: $c}rtne: of the saycl Fi;r,ctrar-d E:t-;rgi er- cJecerssed LtF}nn whi ch *a.yrJ r:bligation CIr- r^rr-i.ti.nqel obligetory tl-re sar;rd Jnhn Fal.mer lr tli 11. i *r.m Fal. mer- clt- one nf thrrn travE-: l crnge bef ore thi s tyme br-ouglr h- anc! Ft-ot;ecr-r'hecl crne accynn n'f dette of the :ayd . orne o f one: hr.rndr"eth por-u.trJel:l ae

L597 The td j. t t. c'"F John Brasyr o'f CheI s{ i el d del:ecl ?.t1. Apr i I t:icl;.t i= 'fr"nm Lt'rcl Chelsf ield Far-i.str l'1$.!*+.; 'For the year 1S95. E',,irJnn'hly'frt:m t.he tlj. 11, John Erasi'1'- trt€t5 the oh,ner o.f 'l'.le!,^rl.;:ncl,E' t-rnrrt .i. par-t n'f l"'leu.rett-= f"leacJnt^r snd f1j.d';ens;haw. In tfte year-t; 161: cafid L{:1.9 cJrle T'ltoma:; llncke; in pnssest;j.on o{ tt-ris prciper-'L';r'ancJ wct al-e i.rrcli.ned tr: t-hi.rr[,: t-hat tl-re "Tenement lately burilt" rnutE{:. har,'e bclen 'F(itjrJenlsh;rt.t'. lJrre [-rltnr(3s Cocl::e i= al. so rnenti r:nelci :i. n't:lic-' Hi. 1 1 .

" f n the name of Gnd Amen ?4.'b.l-r Apri l. 1.597 I John Brasyr t-he elder of f,l'reLr:sfe:ri. 1d \y'orna.n 1-o he [:t.rr;;ed irr filre-].E'feifcl chr-rr*clr.y,arc{e arnortrltl my a.L.rnce:i,t:or-s. To tlre Ltse orc the cht-tt-che o{ Clrel=.'tei. 1r1 {nr- {:rrrn ::[i*t:p:ce ta be Fr-t'h i.n ''s'h.cicl':cl ;rrrd 'kou^ta.rdE tl-raa r€p;iu-;lconG o{ ' serna ct-rltr-che l-enne shi I. I i ng= to tl-re prJc:r-cl c:l: h.hc...'CIn the daye r:f my Butry'aLl ttl= {:n my Eonne Ttrr:mas [:lr-;rs'l,r '[:he I ee:-;ct.: o'f ft]'y'net lroutge t^rherei n I nol.f dr,+el. I and a1l. m'/'goode= cnrnq.l in {:lre 'feilcI Etnd clrettets to the {r.rLl. val.ure o'f ttri.r-1.:y pournd'; Tr-r m'y' clengtr{:e':r'Dennys SmaIe"' &L-. l.3s q-d T'CI Tlrorn.*.'; tlrrr:[,:i,: my clar..rc;irLer= fi(]r111i* the cltbbarde in {:.trcl chambe,':r r.lher"e I l.'yrt.l clne t;:rlrLe and t:nrl cltEs:t-e i.rr 'f:he gesten 'fo clrarnher m1,'beltiL car,.'..rrJr-c.ln'f"7'r'e €,l.rfld peirrE o't;;[ra..leLE-=g l,clrn Lyri,nel , A1:i cc' L,y:;rre ernd Jn*rne-.i, [-.'/s;rrrl ?r]s To m]' sclnnH Edmorrd Fra'syr- CIne bra.*;sr.: p:r:rt:he fl,:c 'fo m:./ claltgl't'[:er Agnes To my sonne Jotrn Er-ar;,vr' 'hher yoLrnqer Tr.: l-etttesi, flncl,:e.r Tr: my cl;rt-tgl-rtet- [{*11 1e:; cl-rildren ley t{ 'Tm ,ny qmclsonne Genrge 9mih-h 'the younget- I t:rdeyne) fil'y, elldels't- sone Jt:lrn Er-at;:ic?r- of Colg.r'l-e:= to he eliBctutr I desT'er I'lr''.6eor*ge Srni'h-lr [:]arsclt"t o{: Chel::'f t: j. L d , and John Hal,:elen tm be o'../'(;:rr-:;eer= In Fr-esence o{ Eeorqe Smith and trlrn Li tt_ l. c":rr.ror [,:e.

Thi:l i.t; ar].eo h.he{:. t,.ri. l. I arrcl Tegt.ament of me the saide Jnhn [:1r-asy'r" medr* t-l-:e cl;r'1,,r* arnd yeetre [:e'tCIr-e Jn{?ncnrred tot-tchirrg at I ffty rnetss;L.r.:\qm$ l..lndeg I ger'"'e utnto rnyne eL ctels;'L,e sonne Joht't Fr-as1"r- n.f Cnl.r;at-e= m'i.'Tenernen'l:e l..ri{ i:tl1 the hrtilding= 9;tc in Tat::{ei1.d j.n Slrrrr.:y in crccL.tprtccrfl c.rf Thomas Del'.rer or his a=Ei gns Tn ffi)v' :/'ol.rnge=t Fonne T'hr:rna:; Erasyr ;rl 1 fft)"' Tenemente ?'tc i. n F,l;.rL sitecl i n ttent i. n ocrjLrpacon o{ Larrlrence Onea the el der ot- lri s aF=i. Tn m.v {:tri. r-d son EdmclnrJe Br-as';r' al l rn;v parcel L o'f groutnder cal 1r.:rJ Neu.ll arrd pLu-chase..rJ of Thomas Jeitor uti. tlt one te.nement latel.i.e l:rl.tilcJelq! Lyirrge ir-r El-rel.:;'fei. I.d encl not^,e irr, tenL.rrc? o'f fi€r ttrn Jptrn Rr';r.s;yr I{ he clyel thern tlre same tcr Thorn;rs Cr:r!::e m1i dert-tgFrter l'-lal.l.e= 'i:onncg In pr-ee:ence: nf [ieor-ge FetIe and [dm Li.t.tIetlor[te" L47 1599'Threl ne::t !,'Ji11 is tl-rat: nf tdilliam Petley deted ?,! lrlovelrnber 159c1. It appes.rE to be {:he or-ictin,r,1. t^Ji. 1. I r-ft-rrl i= arnc}nq the Title De:csds to Butcks Cross.' of prclper-ty tre t{ag 1:he o[.Jner-.

"In the narne o'f God Amelrr I1.,'lilliam FetIey of Chel.s'fieLd' i n the Cor-tnt'y' o'f tient gen'h 1 ernen 'fl're Fi ve ancJ Tr.rc:nti h,l-r d.ry of f'.lovelrnber in ttre ye?are of or.rr'' [-.ord one Tlrolts;rnd f ive hutndred nyn'h-i.s= nyne benirrge-: f..tectl,:tp j.n bodie Lrr-rt o-f: p'.fert mernorie I prai se gCId ma[::Er ancl ordel j. ne m:y' l ;rsit lAri I I and t estarnent i n rnenner ctrt"lcJ fnr"rne follol".tinge Fir-st I cofflrTl*st-ld tn:/' ::r:ltle into hander= of t\1. I mi ghti e gorJ ftrrd to Jel:;r-r:; Chr-i st rn-** r-edeemer hopeirrc.le.: itsgLrrc.ldlie hl-rr-ourghe his rnercie and rneritt= to be savecJ Item n\i' bocli e I hJi t I {:o be burri ed i n the Chutrch of Chelsfei. neere unto my l::atl'rer I'b.rarn concer-ni.rrge rlly wnrldlie goodes I give towards ttre r"E?tlacons nf the said Chutrche TarerrtiE' *trj. 1 I i ngpli r::'$ J, *tto.rful L rnmni e': nf Engl.;rncl {:n bea pni. cl wtl"ri. n CInn qual-telr- pf ;i yer-e rrer:'1, af Let- {ny decGrcassE Item torq."rrdes tire '5'hoc[::(= n'f 'hlrr. []clore o'f ttrn p'i=h o't Chels'fctild ,:i:.1 shillinq= e:iglrt pencF Itenr I urrrto my s'onne l,,Jj. lt.iam Fetley orlR brlcls: L.ea.d r,',,clr I I ye i n r:nE! f eat l-re-:r-bti.rcJ .nnd bot-tL ster wttr m)/ bqrst EClrv'(ll-Iett CInE cutl:brorcl irr tl'.re p'Ior An iran pro'bt and a t;pi'b'b tr.+n pai.rc..: o'f hem;:t:n :Eheeltes {:r,lo blanc [':e*'h.ts Item ]-r.rr: ctrr:s' the greatest ancl that r-,rch tl're r,',rriti.nges Rr-e j.n Itern a.lL tha rn=t of rn';i hnushntd thirrqeF and str-r'f'fe r,.rthin doore I t.lholitl utnto mi, r.,j.{:e Al.i.ce Fer{:1ey Item I give utnto fny cj;rr-tghter Amy'Etrar.=ier= chil.dren t-o e'.zeri.e o.f 'hhem one yonge shtlepe': Item I gi're l.rnto my =onnt= in lsabJe Edward trleite 'foure butghel. 1s; o'f qomcJ r,{heat to be paicl wtin one /$riir.r-E:1 aFter lny decea:ie I tem al. I the rest nf rny corne Etrs wel I i n my bar-nes and lruutge as al.r=n nCIr^r grouJinge in the feilde= al.L my sfreepe, cattel l. r mares, col t , l.:r;,-!-le o lrotg*s, and henns and thel rest of my gooclels f t:1i. vt.l t.rrr{:.r: my 'f oresai d uli f e Al i, ce F:'e'l:1 ely and my sa:i.d $r:r"lne t\li1l.i.a.m to be eql.rallie cJelvided bett{@ene'hhern by the cl:i.r::crc. tiorr o'F rn'y'nn crverseer hereerf'l::alr And I doe or-dej.n my ssicl t.ri'fe ancl t=cJnne 'h.o l-.relel the joi,'ntel Errectrtors o.f this my hli. 1l and I dt*t;i.r-cl (ny gor:cl 'frierrtJes Mr*6eror-ge Srnitl-r ancl Jarne= Styles to be tl-re ov€?rseclr=. of the :;ama And I urnto ttrem 'fnr ths*ir painel= gix shillinges eight pencp a peece In blitnet;::e t*rheren'fe I have pr-tt rny hand and seal.e to theige prFentes tlre cJay ..ancj ./eare? a'forE: r"lr-itterr. t{i l l i arn Fet l ey $eal ed s j.gtrced and del i veretl i n the pr6ence o.f Ger:r'ge Snri th h,i. I I i am Eraayer arrcl Jama:s Styl e 14E} "[ ig .a].=n'L.l're lal;t tJit. 1 arncl "[e'e{::o.merr't: nf rnfl1 h'lre Eaid t"Jri't-ten l,,Jj. 11i*trn Fe{:1el' rnade tlie ciA;' arrd }'eAre be{Crr-r:: tror-lc€lr-ni.ngm my, l;rnrJesj i,lncJ tenernentg. Impr-j.rnig I 5iive utn{:'o {ny ,'clnne l-lrome:; F,etlei-v orrt r:-F rni/ lande=. in the TelnLtr'!l o'f Tlrorn;'rs f*lace n-f flor:lclj.r'rrJton onc? a.nLr.i.tie oi {:hirt-iEl 't--hr-t:e .l-ri. llingeE {otrre pence by tlre yearE j.rr sr-.rc}'i rnanner he to recvF the Eamcs as tht: l"lace i= hnr-.tnrJ to pa.)/ itt b:r ''../Lll-t-t..tE-: nf his IeaEgcl To hav,e ancl t-o l-rot..rId ttrr: E; annr".riti.e {rom ther Feast r:f 'fhennci.acorr o'f the bl.r*s=ecJ Vj.r'gi.rr ['larir: c]r S{:..l"lichael I Tfrarrchange). I r,{ch gtraLt fir:','l- t'rappen next a{ter nt'/ deceasse 'htre ey Futrther I clr.l-i rrcte l:he na{--urrarl I 1i f e o'f =;ri d Thorn,a= Fetl g i ve lrnto the sai d Thornas rny sonne one other annuti ti e of t-ulent-ie sl-rilli.nge= by 'bl're yeare or-tl, of rn)i land$s now in the Tent-tre o{ .Iameg Style dltr-i.rrrte the naturall Lifei of ttre said Thr:rnas {::he si:\me annt-ti t i e t'g beg i rr a't: {::l-ra f east-e o'f Thann i c i caon of the tr l es=ecl Vi rg j.n Hary or St . l'li chael l. 'Ilrarclranrrr;el.l. wch shall {i.r'sb trcrrnel next- after the deceassE of ALice Petlr:y my hlj.fe Fr-cr',.,icJe.lcl alrrra.yes that yf ttre Eai-d Thomas my 6{rnne *ha11 not betr;r,ve;el.'f gDdli.e arrcl trt:nestlie in {:he Judgernelrt o.f my t,,j.nFrmen J'lrt:me.= FetLey of Fil$torlE5 and Thomas Fetlei, of t.{alstecl then tlre l;*rj.cj Annr-rities =ha11 cease and bec-' of none effecte notr,',rt-:;tanrli.nctr: that is be{clrF.! t''rr-:ltten Item I r-ti-r{::n Jnhrr D;tr!:ti1r- oic f-'l'hLfni-'ci :i.n 't:he Cor-irrtj.n o'f t':.ent l,rJeaver and lrig hej.reg fc-rr ervtlr- cln$;1c:r'e of my l.and in Clrel.sfeild or Shor-harn'h.lre r;.'rrncr tcr h:c: 1.,:ryclel nutt b)"'Wif liarn Fetle'11' my sCInrle at r.,trat ti rne the sai cl Johrr Dar'[:]$r- shal L reasonabl i e Cem.rnrrde the samcl r,^rttrin oncs yearc: ;.r'f ter- my dr:cea€e Item I r.qtrnl ly give and belqueath utrlL.o m':/ $ollrle bJi. 1 1. i am Fet.1 ey my I and i n the octrup.abj.on of T'lrom;rr. l"'!..rce it'fi::resaid Ancl al=o m'," Tenernen'L's and Lendeg in wctr rn-v for-s;ri.tJ bJi.{e hath her joutnture ;tfter her decpcl.:F AncJ al go tlrolge 'trqn 'Lnrrernen{:(?s {:h t-hei r apprten i nces in thr= tencrre of Jntrn Ctranibe-'r'l.ayne and Jarnes Ltrolrgl-tton To have and to hor-rlcJ al.L tlrose t-enerilen{:es l.and e1fld spprt-elninceg unto the saj.d btilianr ard trj.:; Flerj.res 'for ever Item I give and belqure*,ath aI 1 tlre r-r...:.Et o{ fir:/' teneinen tes at Eutc [:]Et5 Crog=e urtl't a1 I ttre arpd r"rog1d qi-CILr1ds:e tlret-eto bellonging utnto the saicl blilliam l3r:t:lr:'r, fi1"y' sonne -and t-o his hei.t-e= for ever on th;rL tlie r. tJi. lIiam pay utnto my clar-tghter Arni'e [ir.aysi er- r^ltlr i rr CInrl yf;]at-at a'f 'h-er m]- clecease te-'nn pournds C]f lar"r,futLl monier o.F ElgIand Arrd to my clautghter Eli:abet-h Collirrsi af o{:lrer J. i [::e Tenn por..(r'ltlc-:1; of I aw'f t"rl I. rnon i e r^lth i n llrto yel-es ter my dpceaE,ge AccorcJ i nge t o the trute mean i nge o'f a cert i ne deed .hlrereo.F m*ade o-f J.abe to fil;* F.r:nne Robert Fetley deceat3€ed ltem my t^,itl is .F-hat my gaid r^rife AIice Fetley shalt have her clr,.rr,:llinge in that houti:e t'rlrerin my=el{ now inh;rbi{:s w'h-h half ' the EcaF.FrE St*eLl. yard Garden and Orchard and 'Ll'reir apprtenices .frorn the; tinre cif m.r, delcease urntill Plichelrnas followinge reservinqe the Ch.ember urherj.n my ge1F do now lye And she to thel p,ag;tLrre ancl .teerjinge of Five p'cells r:'F gt-ot-tnd neilt 149

Ltnto tlicl hnurne [:,.+vi.nqe.. 'for'- Llrr.. !::-r.=-1.fnr.] lrr:t..t'ge arrcJ cl i'- nr.rn d e,lg lrn t- o t{iL1.i.anr my' =.ctn11c}'i:or- :lc, lorrgel time a$ strr.: occurpi. eth the sarne a'f'h-erhhr-ee p{:r..rnde:: tenn ::hilli.nclelr' the ),rc?t-E: Irr t'l:L tnes o.f al l and singuilar- tl-rp Flrrnises I lrave put'l,{:: rny hand ancJ Seal. I to tlrel same prEenL,t,:''.s 'The day a,nd :\rer-e f irgL r".lritten bli. It j.arn FetIey fu Sealecl 5igned arrd rlelivered in the pr'=snce of f3elnrqq.: [3rni. {:l'r , b,i t t i am Fra=yer arrd r.lrtrne:l StyI e" t

160f) A Lease fr:r- 3L /€c1rg granted bi, Williarn lrlakelen to his son T'homas o'f 'CCIircrn'F'1,'(see p..l.t-t1) and other landg. This [-e.rge j.s arnonrJ tlre title deedsi relating to l,ft-s.l'lather-ine Sautnders properti,, and ii-, da.'Le"cJ f, lrlovernber 16(lrl. "This IncJelnture made l:.he tl-rirci day of Novelmber 16Or) in 'hhe tt^ln iq yer-e r:'F 'hhe r'-ai.gne of or Sovr-ai.gne Lady Eli:abe{:lr hy the Er-ace o'f God CIr..teerre o{ England Ffrance i,: Ireland De'Ferrcjor- n{ tlre {'fi.ry'Lh l.:c Lre{:u+edne lrlj.L1.m t4a.tlelyrrL,he el dt- o{ Chel s'f:i. el d i. n ye Cnr-rnty r:f [r,ent yeoman of thone pty And Thorna= [rJal.:et'1'/rt sc]nne a'F :,,e eayd l,.Ji11nr (Jr,i ye {ore=ayd Chr:lgfi.eLcl tabCIr-pr- o{ thn{:.her pti, tAlitncl=geth Ttrat ytl e*ryd htiJ. l.rrr !,Jar!,:e1';.rn i.rr ct:nzycle,'r.*h.inn t:lrai*qe..: r,-,rc of certe':yen the =ayd Thr:rng hath Lrns:tctrn;erJ cln a terrement. or mesisLrage belnrrgi.rrg tn ye sarne l. lrn trath dglmi:;ed gr-$ntecl f.: to ferme J.ertLe rlnd by thege prselnte clnth clernise grarrt t.: to 'ferme lett urnto ye ::ayd Thome 'f blal*e1'yn al I lri.:: or-esdayd tenement or JneEisLtc\qe cf barne ?.,t otlrelr edi f i ces thereto appt-eyni rrg ?:t one g;rrde.n clrcherrds wt al I 8-r si ngul are ye ,vt:arrJr easrnents ?t Ff i tts bel nngi ng Lher unto Arrd aleo eight parcels n{ round called by ye names o'f Coc[::s CrofL,e c{:rrte'r,ping ac rnor-e or lesse LitIe trlev*.field f)'ve ac nrore or- Ie::s t4atsbrrJorne ei.ght ec of arable ?r. trlor:dgroltnd F.11,'p1el=L;rncl ttrr-E:e Ac L..or-dsgFo\r'F bei.prl .si;.t aC morG? Or IegEe worJgrourncl AncJ nther' l.:trree crn'Ftes lying to gFther that 'h-n i s r;ay Fet'f i et rJ c:nll, a1c li l--r'Lrrtr?nrlg 'f i el d three ac ?;:r, Coutrtcrofte tlrrct ac rnCIrel or- Ies;se r^,t alL ?:t stir-rgt.rlare ,th*rre comnclities k apptg:nnnces =et lyirrg and heing in Chelsfield afor-e:;aycl And Fror-r in ye tenr-tre ie.: occt-tpation o{ ye s;tdy Thomas f,rla.[::eIi'n CIr l'ris assignes lI:.:cept- fu to ye sayd hlillrn lrlal,;elyn lt hi s heutyreis & assi gnes al l r.,ayes r€'$erved .rl. 1 woodg undrwoods; ?',':, tree= nctw grot{ing CIr heing le wc herea{ter El-ra.I. I crou{ or bee nclw Ltpon the prmi sres c:1- any parcell. therof f ree i ngr€srie egre:s'Ee P:r rec|r-er;sie to frt fr-orn ye ::.arne to 'f el1 cut r-ole and cary at{,aye or othrpri se' to di =pose of yG* same durr i ng yel r^thol el terme cr'F yet-es in thj.l; IncJe.:ntutre Euprs=ed Excep'E alt;o "tr to ye sayd Willm P:r hit; heyr-es .er a$:;i.gnes'L,he gc?,me of conips i.n hJat=broome 150

L-nr-cJg3qpeve ft !:'.*.:,.r'iii1;lncl t+L 'Fi'-i:c. ingretiljE $.: ,ilcJl'-c.1!i':3e at-- aLl cCInvg' nient 'Li,mele 1-t: trt.rrr{:. 'ft-*r-re1: c*-\tch fu. cary al'Jaye ye same q.arne .r{t lrj.,E l.: t-lreip r.+iI1 ,e* Fl.earLtre And larstly ei'.cepL 9:; to yE saycl l,'lj. l. 1nr ir to ELirrnr hi:; nCIh, r,,li'fe fu to their aEisignes dltring ttre,: Lorrgn=t lyver n'f 'htre hr.ltl'r harl'fe ye frutite t\,c . h.elL yerely grCIu.,e pn ttre pipin tree at i/a end o{ ye barne aforesai/d tt on y1a Ra.rna:ont: trees in t^J,rtsbroclme afore saycl r,''r'L, 'free liher-t;* to r,'1i11 I,: pl.elasutre Tc: qatSr ir cary awaye ye =amcl frutite at their hariu ernsl 'ho ye uairrJ mt"1=Gt.ta,qe bat-tre hr-rilding= ot-chal-ds ga.rden y;rrds cr:moclj. t j. es lc ea:;ments fv: 'L.lre ei cltrt parcel g o'f l and pr-orc i.'l:= f,: appr-'tenance'5 bef orE rra.mef: .:.1 l. f,: =i nqr.rl. *1r-el theli r ( Eil cep t he.f ctr- e eii cept ed ) Ltrlt cl ye sayd Thom:; hl;rl:eL yn h i s assii. ctrres .Frr:m ye f eas'L m'f S'L l"1i clrael fhrar-changet lerr;t pa:it before ye rlate hs:ro-F ltnto ye end ?,:t tet-me of theirty ?"i onR yer-€::3 for thens ne:r'L. ensr-rirrg arnd {utl.f.i,' tcf hee completel ancl elncled .yeclI. i.nqe, ancl therelf ore yerely dt-tt-ing ye sayd tnr-rnc..l t-tnto yt,.l s;ri,,c1 hlillm [da[,:eLyrr l-rig lre',"r-e-- ?:t ilssiqneS thel sclrne n{ .fyve pnr-rnds 1;rr.lfr-rl mCIn'r' n{ Errglancl at ye fea:;ts of ThanLlnc i at i. nrr n f ye Bl. elsEeld Uj. r-g i.n I'lar-'y' ?:t 5t . l'4i chael Ttrarcharngel by evenpr:r'ti.nnE And morec,vr yelcting ?:1, P*lYing 'l.trer-e'fnr-t,: yer-eI;v rJurrirrg ),.i? 'f';,,r''st t:ne fl.: 'Lt'lenLy' :./eres of yc3 lores;.ryd terme of thn j. r't'y' l.: clrlE-:' i-elres utnta ye hli I I arn 'l:.lrei.r =ayd bl.-r.[lelyrr f.: to Hlinclr- lri.'s r,..ri'fe f,. ".1g';iqne* y{ they or either of t-t-rem sl-r;r1 l. so ).ong 1'yv*l the sclme o'f 'fnurrty =hilling I ar,-rf ul rnnny o'F lirrg l. arrtJ a h- },'e 'f oresaytl u=utal I -l: ea's{:.s bty even porti nns to Lrer pali cl Frovi dq:d al. u.layes that yf ye =ayd rents of (rr r' ot- o'f Xl- ctr srny o'f thern be belhinde ?:r. LtnF;r;;ed in part or in alt by ye BpelcE: c-r.f 'fnr-.rr-ttlene dayes next a'f{--.r ,:1ny of ye sayd f eagts. at wc a.s ys a.for-er =ayd yt ourght to he paid fu I a.ul'Ft-rl 11r clern;anded then ?,,. .f r-orn thensi'f nrbh yt shal. I ?* may be lar,rfutlI Isr ye sa;rycl Willm [,J.akel1,n his heyres 'ci a:;:lignes into ye eaycl flfls5r-ri\Llct lt al. l. other h,he prmi t;es urtrol l ir to reenter ?t the g5afilg3 to liar,.n cr.e

Seal. ed ei.rJrrecl li del. i. ved i. n _ yel p'setnce ct'f [it:nrge 5mi th lrsrEcrn a'f Uhel ='f i e1d Tl-re msr [:: o'f .lshn f i I I tlg i. b l. e ]

1603 The .F o1 I or.ri ng i e s sett- I erne.nt of Bucks Crogs Farm made hy William Petley j.n the i.,ear- 16Crli. It ig arnonQ the Ti'hle De'*cl:l hc.ll.orrqing 'tr: tlrat prnperty. "Thi:l IndentLrre Triptite rnecle 'h.he Eight Daie of Ar-rgutst i.n 'tl-re ya:re of the rai.qne cfic tlr- mo=te 6raciot-tg Soveraigne Lorde Ja,rne= by ttre grece o{ God of EnOl ;tnd Scnt} antl Fr"ance "c; Irel and [';.ynge de.ferrdc-'r' oF tlre {aitlr v:'l-- nf Hrrgland France and Irel.and the fryste arrd of Scottl.ancJ ttrr., seaven 8.: thirteth. Fetwene lrlilliarn !3u-t1.e';r crf f,hel='ftayld in 'hhe Cournty o{ tl.ent yec:mnn of the f irg'he ptm Gecrge Ber-j.g{nrd of lrlegtrm in the. scrid€ Coutnty o'f li.tarlh rJerltlernarr Ancl Al.t:' :larrder hlal[:]€t' o{ Ott'fnr-cJ in the said coutnty gL.n'LIernarr o.f tlre :iclcond ptie And Ttrom*t:; Fertley of Fhilson'l,ltin {:lre []{lrr-ir:lr o'f {Sl'rnr-am i.n the cnutrrty of t'ient afnresa;,d ge?ntlem,an of tl-re'Llrircl pty trlitnesseth that the saide [.Ji.].Lrn F,et'Llt:y , r,',relI fc:r the natr-tra.l1 lot,e and a{'{:elciCIn, that he h;lth arrd belarre'th tor,var-d's Eutctr i sgute rnal. eg as shal be hegotten o'f hie bod.y ;rncl for the better p't:ervacon ancJ cclntynenanrlce' of the larrrJs teneltnts and herecli.tamts hereafter i n 'bhei' s;e p 'aents rnenci oned to be contet*end i. n hi s na'me and bloocle And alsoe 'that the sarne J.;rnrJes tenem'ts and hereditamts gt'ral1 and rnay be settled estahlelchhad ?,,. vegted o{ in and to, gr-rch p '$on arrd p 'sons And of i n and to such ergt;rte arnd estates and to and .for surch Lr:;e .rncl Ltses sutb.ject l.yeabLe gaflcJ charclgea,hle to and witlr sutch condi.cons paye'mentg and f i hereaf ter I ymi t.acon-:, and i n =urch sorte rnanner and orrne a€ s in theise p'sent:s rnenci ortecl' and 152

(..?xpr-,og;=sd Ancl Iitle i.rise {nr-' rJi'vei'-= c]ttrer" clcrud caLtEes and con$i,6er;1cong; him tl're :;a'y'clri..t l,lil, l.rn Fettley' the'rttn*.:c Epecial. 1y tnovu.rirrq hilrtt.r cti.-anlLect a.l.iened enfeo'f'fe'rJ & col"l'f i.r-rned And by -f or trim ir hiti heires clearely and p'sen'ts dotl-r 'h.l-re abclsol ut{:tal y grannt al i en en'f eo'F'F "rrtcl cCIn'f i rrne ltnto scri de tJinl.tler- AIf tha'b. hi.s {arrne George Berl,=,iord and AIE:ir+rncter- 'or c+p j. ial l rnps5,uagE or- {:enelrnL: r,.;j. htr{:errnce r:al l ed l':ll-lol,'ll-l by thel narne of Fr..rc[:]scrc' prher-ei n the saYrJ bJi L l. m nowe rlt^rel l etlr r^ri..hh ;rl1 edy'f i. cee clr-clrar-c!= flt gardeng therutr|L-o belonqljng :;itur.ate irr Che).sfeyld afCIresa.ycl in thtl sayd coutnty of ti.ent And a.11. thgge selv:rl. I p'cells of incl.mged grounde-- pastLrrc? arra[-:1e Er r,-loaclgr-onncl= of r,lhartsoever ottrer n.ltLlre nowe bellonqing tg t-he.r:r-e.,*cl .farr-m.p errrd now occutpied or repltted as pte p 'cel I or- rnelrnbelr- r:f the cal. I ec1 CIr [::rlot^ren b;' tfre sevral I name= hera-:;r{ter- rn{?nci.orrecl cir- any o'f them Tha{: is to saie tlre Coprecro{te tdl-re;1'L-.Fei,1cl I'Jec[': Gnclly Hat*r Rutgl::eYnE Crofte Feese* Crr:.tte LJpper- I;rr-6clefr.:irl,J I'll,rlclle FrodefeyLd l-ot'ter Fr-ndfeyld Hel. l.feylcl l* Brl--hryclclerr Spr-i.rrge t-j.ttIe Ryddern Longcr-p.fLe fincl:tFr,-!i L.arred CCImber-1;rnd's l-{{ei'1de lJveln anrJ F,arsllol. I=. r:r' hy t..ll-r;.rt$CIEvEr o{:.lrelr- name or nem(:'l!} tt-re sGtrne or' ani, of {:hel,m ;1r-s? ,i.L?v(?t-;:1. 1y' ca.I. led or- cJi='h.irrguti=l-red nof'Je in tl're occLrpac(rn r:{ 'Lfrr.: saycl tdillnr Fc,:t'LJ.L-y or lri-= as:3iqlnes con.l.:.eynei.nqe in tl-re r,+lrole hy estirnacon orle hr-tndr-esl ;rnd 'forhy acre::j c-rr- ttre".reabourt:s sci.'tr-.ra'h, Iyeirrg arrd r'lthi.n thel par-r-irshesi n.t Clrc.lsfc.ili,lcl ;.rncJ Shr:r-;rtn ot- c-:ythrilr o[ 'F-lrelrn j.n the sayrlel cot..rnty o.f tr.ent And aJ. go el. I 'hhat Ferrrne l{essutage or Tenemt r,.r.t:h thappLrrtentres in Chetsfeyld a,fores*yd r'ltlr Alice F.ettley uridc1or.,.rtl nor"l j.rrh.:rbi.telttrbo gearttrer w'htr *rlI those: gerrral. I p 'rc,:l 1. g' of I. a.nd ,arrabl e pastLtr-cn and v.tcloclgrot-tnd thereutnto bcll ongi rrg Cal1e'cl by t!re gevral l narn{:r3 f ol. l otvi ng T}r.rt tn l?t..rnk,;crofte t3reatefeyld t^lhi'h.s::cr-o{t Den'fe"yld is -aye 'cel Ott.f e'il. cI J'urae p 'Eel l. s cal. 1 ald tlre Sr,lyers tt'loe: other p 1 :; called trJ6e;'.;". 1.c! ancl lit'Lle And nne p'cell o'F t'lr:CIcJc;r-oltnd cal l ecj Ds:rr f e'y I rJ Srr:ver tlh Tenne 1 ;*=.t rnrJnc i oned p'ceLs dns cclt'l'hei.,5e ir-r l--hrll r,.lhoIe bi.r er:tirn*lcnrr 'for-'h.y ancJ ':-"iile acrFs, or- {:tretrairhnr.rt:: Arrcl ;(r-El I.ytli ng tlthi rr the parri sh of e;ul. a.f nr-e,iea,;rJ and ncrwal i rr the occt..tpacCIrl of the ' sayd C5el. =.f rJ AI i. ce F,et-t I ey CIr her a::si grr*s And al soe al I that- Telnernt t]r cch.hage w{:lr .bhappurtence€ j. r'r Chel sf eyl d a'f oresayd norde i n the por=*ir=i on of Robt trhapma(n Tayl er assi qnee of the sayd AL i cc: rrlhh F.eltt 1 cly , wc5 I a.ste menc i. r:nr.'cl f arrnea lt I a.rrtJs tc:qalather- the -=ai. rl Tr=,nemt or Cott age ar-e c l ayrnecj ' i n joyrrter by the sai de 6rLice .frrr telrme of her' lielf of the grarnnt of lrlil. 1m Fettley her ler.Le hur=trarncl deceagelcJ .f.ather of tl're saict blilIm Fty to theise p '=en.t= Arrr] a.l goe al l thal: o'h-lrt:t- 'henernt or co'ttage wth th.rppLrrtenances in Chelsfclyl.d aforesaid not^,e in tlre occLtpacon o.f EcJr^r;rrcl [^lr..yght or tri s3 a1s:ii gne* And tl're Revelr-cr:rr fu' RevercDng { t't IJJ

F:erneyniler- arrt:1 F:i:rn*r.irncJ,=r'-:, c{ hi. m tlrn *aryd ll'1i..1..[ rn *y o'f in arrrJ'bn ;ilI ;incl tl-re.". far-rnes l.ands teneimtsi';:i1{-'h'1. .rnd all othelr .,^ r"lch the the F 'rni,i.i3(?g nevt- ot- et'li/ pte t-herc:'f nol'Je ta or sarne repr.rtecl utgtacJ CIccp-r ri,d ;r'jl pte p 'ce11 or rnember thelrenf or any Haie irrcidenL or air. :...,'nGj.nqJ thereutnt-o To tr,:-'r.vo .o* t..o troutlde the sai,d Fc1r-mea Tenerncr Co'tt:ar=:ies l ands woodgrclLtndes cafid aI l .t--hr: 't--heire a.nd every o'f ofher p'ini.t:ses r,+th .+.1 t anrJ =inrJtlIat- theire apputrtenj.ces l.rrltr: ttre =ayrJ 6eorge Ererir:ford and Al.eilancler- t4.*1.[:ic3f- ' l'rej.r-cls and assi.rJrres 'For ever to and f or- surcl-r Lrges behel{ ee i nten'L$ a.nrj pLtrFoses sutb ject l yeabL e and chardqaLr.l.e 'bn eprJ r^,tft Euclr conclicong payrnent= and l.ymi.tacong ancl in gurch sorte rnanner and 'forme as is are or berre herafte in greisE3 p'sent.= rnenci.orrecl expr-essect or cleclared a-nd to non{! ot-.her ug3e intent c:r- pLrr-pcl:;e r.rhatFoFVr Ttra'L i= tn say to ancJ .for- thE1 mnly proF use & hell-rofe of the sa1.zd t'Ji11m Pelttley for- ancl clt-rrei ngr.l t-.1'rel t errnp o.F tr j. E naturr al t I i ef wtlr i mpeachrnt o.F ,rny r-nfir'lner- n{ u.t;re'L-e Antl {rorn and .a'fter the cJeceese of the sayd 1,.-Ji. 11m,, to arrcl 'for the.l Lrse and behe{e r:'t the first '!:tre isgr-rsl m;11c.: o-f tlre body n'F =atid t{i11m l.att-rft-tl 1y to be begot{:.en Arrd r:.f ttrc:t heire:l malel; o{ the bod".v o-F sutch f,irste i s=1.te rnal. r,. l. ar,^f 'f r.rl .1. y 'L.o be begnl-tr:n And i f i't r;ha1 I l'rappen the saycl {irste iglsure maLe to dye r.rtlroutt isslte male o'f his body 1 ;*r,^r.f urL 1 .y' begot'ten tl-ren t o the on 1 1,' prop use *t het'rr:'f ea of the secorrd iggue maLe o.f th* trocl.v o'f the sayd tdiIlnr Iar'l{utlIy to be bslgnt'Lern ancl n-f {:hc..l hE: j. r- e'E rnal e= n'f thr.... body of cuch second issr-te malelat+fr-rlly tr: be h.regot'Len And Ecle frorn isE;ute marle to is:sure m*r.le o{ tl-re LrnrJ;-r o'F tlre '**r;vcJ hJi. 11m lar^rfutl 1y to bel begot'Lerr and tr: ttre isgr-re malu-:s of evy of theire bodyes La.u^l-ft-t1Ly, to be beg6'b[:en '€r:]c-a .l.r::rrgea a's tlrer r;ha.Ibe arly issue maL e o{ the body of the gai de tli L l m CIr of the bocly or bodyes o{ any et.f lri:; ctr- f-lreirn igsute rnale alyve And foi- de'fautt of surch i sst-te rnaJ. e of the LrncJy o{ the saycl trli I lm then to the LtsF 't:hr.: for and dt-tl-inge the term ancJ beho.fe o.F =a.ycl Thnrra-= [ae'h-t-1ey of hi s natLrrirJ. I 1i cl{ r'.J'Lhc:urt i rnpeachnll, o{ any rnanner o'f tla:3te And {r-orn ancJ *rf {:g+r' }:hq: rlclcel*rse o{ tl're T'horna.s Pettley to and for ttre Lrse ;rrrd beho-f:e-. n'f Tht:rnae, Fet'ELey Eecond sonne o'f .h-ire r:;ayd Thorna,;: Fehhtey pty tcl theise p'sent= arnd the herireg males o'f his br:dy lawfully to be begotten And tor defaurlt of such issure, to and forLhe LtaE anrj belrofe of t'Jillm Fettley thirtj sclnne o.f tfue aayd Tt'rornag Pettley pty to ttreige p'sents antl tlre heires male= o'f his bod;- lar^rft.rlly to be begotten And for delfaurl'b of sutch igsute ma.l.e of the body of the =ayd hlillrn t-p ,arrd .fcrr tt-re LrEe and betrofe of l"lyctra.elI. Fettley eldest sonne' of the ga j. d Thorna= pty t'-o t l-rei sie p 'sents and the hei reg mal elss 6.f tri t; hndy l awf url l y t:n krc: bc:gotten Arrd f or de'f autl. t of er-tch i ssute o.f ttrel botly o.f the sayd t4i ctrael I to and { or the on I y pr-op usel s.nd bsltrofc.r of tl-re rigl-rt helires o{ hinr i:he sayd hlillm 154

Fet t--1ey p t'i Lo se F ":=en'!:-= .*trd tlrq:i. re l"tni. i'-r.::: 'f or- Ever- F.roviclg.}cl i\l.w*r),,r:s. arrd (..rpon c-nnclicorr ancl it is; tlrt.,r trt-te j.ntent anrJ o.f tlreige p:r'*r.:nt Indentr-tr-es ;tnd aF .,':rl. l. the p'tie= to tt-re s.erile T'l-r*i{: i..f it:=hi;rl.L happEIt the saycJ t-li.l.l,rn Fe'l-'Ll.ely pt€ Fettley to thei=e p';c.ln{:s Dr' { =;tid Thr:rnag Fettley ldilliam anrJ l"li. cl-rae.l. L Fet'h.1ey $flnner$ n{ t.he' g;r:i cl Thr:ms pty to thei se c:t- clnr..r r:f 'blrem or- 'tl-re-' nf t-l'rem ol- p'een'hs a= a.Fr:r-e:;a.yd ' aRy o-f ttrej.r-e j.s:Er-tes rnales r.lch Eha.l. 1 or may hate rtr inherit .L.lre u.ey,d .farme,i: .l.,a6d='tenerntsj ancl ct{:.lre'r- hhe p'flli:;seg or a-ny o'f them accorcJinge to ttrr: 1,r,rni.t-.rcofl truta intent and fn€caflei.nge in theise p'-ten'h.s cJecLar-erJ Dne not t^lt:1. I. ancl trltl'; p".1'y't': or. cause tE3 be payd at ctr L.rpcln ttrat {eleste day af the byrttr of our L-ord gocJ r..rclr ghalLre virt ;,rfter tl-re end of one yere neai:te a'tter tht3 of the ::cr!rl tJil. l.m L.t're feoffor at or in the mo::te utsuall dor-e or pcrclr of the par-ir"h chutrcl't o'f Chelsfeyld of mCIney not- af oresayd Al I ;rncl evy =urch Eclflte and sCIfnels amCILg-ltinge in thg3 r,.rhole a!::nvr.l the €cJrTrLl o'f "ftlocl trt-tndred potrrrcls o{ L-ar^ I rnnny 0r:; tl-re saycl tdillrn'y' the feoffor i1 encl by trig lr:rri;l: raj. l. 1. a.nd tem't:-em'L in Hriting by him Er-rbscribc.ld and seal.ed arrcl i.n dlttt fnrrne of l-a,v're proved shalI hr*' r.lill antJ a.Frpni,'rrt 1:n be p,::rid b'i' any {:.hs* per-sCIn (JF p'sonF afort.-Efl)rrcl Dr- tlre, lrcj.r'e:; rnale:s of any of ' bodyes J.;ru+ft-rll1.r heqntt-en ;:is" Lr-,*'';r:lr-tr-.te c.r'f tlreise p'r:f.ifit IndenL,Ltres shal l. have tlre i metJ i ate re-lvcon and r-ernai'rtder- o'F or i n the p'inii::,see cfr- ,:rn'/ pL:c.: L.helrl:n'F eftr,:r- {:.!-re dc'l;r'[:tr o'f tlre *ayd l,'lill.rn tl're {eof .f or Tn $Ltcl-'l F ':rctn or p 'Eons sctcs names then be'i l yvei rrg and r,..ri11 a.cce;:t the -=ilrno Ancl ha're reqLtired cir delrnande'd the sarnc" *rncJ sCInlcts s.o cli','en arrcl paye;rhl.e a= afot-errtycl o{ any the: Fccr..rpyeF c:r' CIccl.rpyt?r-t; nf 'htre capit-alL me=sLtage called Butc[:i5crcl3s,€] a'fcrresa.,'d by tlre spacg of one lralf y€r-e at the 1a=te lre.fCIre tl're rJair n.f pa!Fr'nl: a'tot-esaycl Ttrat then er.fld 'trorn ancJ a.fter sutch de.f;tutl.t n'f payenrerrt of tlre sclrne and some€ of rnony to be gevl"n end appclyr-ltecl tn he p*y'd as a't oresaycl contretr-y to tlre.fcrr-me a*nre:;a;vd T'he= e=tate..arrcl et;tateg Ltse and Lr1;eE rem{i1.y'nder errrJ r(...--tfil. lirrclr:rr a,'foresayd of the sayrJ Thorn Fe{:t1ei..t p'ti.el tr:'l:t' p'ren{:ei Ancl of ttre sayd Thomg blillm and l'1yr:h.ael I lr i s sonnes .r\ncJ o't evy r:'f them and r:'f the hei res males, o.f s"1rzr'! g'f theire lroclyes Iavr{r..rIly bergotten Er, to bel begot ten tn cease dntermyn{'t and be uttter l y voyd and f rustrErt to al I i rrt-ent:i ernd pLtrpclse*; c?!i i + they and Evy of them had nave?r belne namelcJ intenclecl irnplyerd or rneantin 't--lrs-:itie p'sen{:.s And agi i+ rrcle L(:3e e,::tate intst or pCIEgiblity o{ and in the ' 1 ymi i mp I yed or prni. =:;e.s trr any p te ther-en'f l'rad evr bene ted meant to them or any of ttralrn And that ttren ;rl=oe' ancJ frorn thence.for-tllhl-re.l =;ryd Gr=orqr: Ferisfot-d arrd Alexander lrlall..:er and ey'Ltrer- o.f thern tliei re and eyther of thei re hei. reg and a55i gnee er/y r:f them Ancl t i l1egi. bl. eJ p 'sCIn and p '='ons etnd hi = ,and I

aEe I J*J

..*rlr.J tri= .J.Frd F-lrtni.r-n]r:; f.ri::!-l thert ;Lftnr :;l.tc11 cJr='f.nult =harll. tlie' Tla'r'cl t",th theire st-.;r.rrcJ aricl hr.: =e:i.$ild cl'l: ;\i-rcl :i.rr Fnri.55Gl= thap:rlfL.rr-'h.errctl:=. {fr' .:j\n',/ par'[:e',--.tral. I raFrfJ HiII here{--:$ a.nd of eny pte thelr.eo.f ;3'l:anrJ ;rncJ be sjr+sEd AnrJ thi.s psent cleecle and the .ft-tl. I anrl r.^lhr:le {c:rcc.: a.rrd c)iecLrt:CIn 'l::her-eo{ slral[:e'l and str,l]-be acljurrJged rle;-'m(3d and ta,[::en tn be tC] ;incl {or- 'Lhe only prc]p Ltscs the arTd nelno.fe o'f 'h.he r-i.cll'i't l'-,,-,ir-eri n'f 1.:lrtl =a.j.d t4i11nr Pettle-v f eo{f eir ancl i:'f t:t"re.:i re hei. i-' arrcl a$si gnee. 'f (fr {lvGrr And t:.o norle otl-rer Lr1;13 j.r-rte*nt: clt- til1t-pn::,... i.rhaLsor".',,r- Thi:; IrrcJelnl:.r-tile or any to the cclnt'.r-et-y herecr{ j.n an}- t4ise not tl-ring Serr-i.rr cCIr'l'tetyrielcl j.s uth gt-andi.rrq [:'r'rlriir-!rlcJ ;.r1=r:c.. n('?';er- 'l:he 1e'sse ,..jnrJ i'{: mearrte conclurrJecj cclrlcli'gceicled arrd {ut1' 1"""'3gqlr-eecJ b':" and het't'leene the saycl p'tig3g l:g t!-rr*:;e p'=.erit= Tt'rt j.t :=l-ral.J. and rll'Ey be lar''l'tt-tl1 grtp I. F'n'L'.t l ey t he 'f tlo't { or" at arly tyme t r: anr1 f or =;ryrJ tli I m dr-n-inee tri.s lief l:n rnelle clr gt-,ann'h. one ol* rnCIr-al ..ioynter or" 'L'.o _ioi,; o{: a1 } oi- any the prni.=e::$es aforeseyd any wief nr l^lives er.€ b1.,{:hm r;r),,,d lrJil.Lrn'=l"r:rl1 {nrtt-tne to rn{ar-r)" Dl- ta[::E: {:o r.rj.[='f {c)t- t{?r-me mf tlie lie-F of gr-rch r,...lj.ef or t,.!ir,rps reservinqe 'L:l-ringn t-trer-nof rlclr:l r-enf-. cft- n'hhrilr- 'for the =,ernE or- 5oe rnuclr r.rtrereL.rpon ;11i/ :lr.tctr estat:.e or- er;ta'helg shal l 'sioe t'rapFlerl 'Lo h:e rn;.rr.le /:rr-rcl {:.h;',rt arlgoe i.L :ih*rll CIr in.t:v be larrlfult Lo and ffir- the r;aicJe feo.f.for- .fr-c,in ty'me Lnt-'7'rnc cjt-tt-i.ngtl his lie'f 'ho mal::e or c{:rLrse tg be nradc.: l)'/ deetls CIr- rlc..:edg f ntlerr Lecl a.nY l. ease"' or- leasee. o-f t-lre t;.r5,,gl .fartn(.?:l; t:nitt*m'Ls. l,ands anc{ ottrelr the pnrisEng c'- apy pr,3rt:ei f.lrer'-en'f l--o $r't:'/ p''j;lCIl'l nY- pEnn$ 'fr:i- an:r' tet-rnt: nr' t.ertnes tlstat-el or- e::;t.Et:el:a :;rrfl 'hh*at i.'h. br': br.r'[:. i.f cCIntynLlanc[3 {or l-he gpacel of tr,+eI.rie.,/i?r-!?s (3r- undarr- ne:r'l: cr'f'1.:mi'- ttte c{e.rtlr n'f 'hhe ttre sayd 'f ar'fltelit ancl otfrer eayd {f eg{f 1;1r'. fliricl =,oel al u.r,*'ins. Ll-rat {:hc-: pxni ?i13Rei contyne' r"lG? ;rnrJ br: i n the t{ltol el of L.l're cJ. eare yqj3r el y .,taJ. ure o{ trrrelnt:i. r.-: poLrntJe:; a[:ove aI 1 c]rar-dgcls ancJ rePr i ges i n rrant relse,.r.ved Lrpcln EL.rrl'l l.ea'=e trr leel;es ear:'h,ate cli- estates 'LCI surcl-r pson$ arrrJ pson:: a.s l;t'l,al l. h*ive the i mmedi.*'L revel-ci on CIr r-Efr*3-virrler- [:!'rt:r-r:u{ tjutt- i. rrq; e.r..tctr 1e*r- e rJl- I r:,.?.=tlll e'gt-at-e CIr est'.a'! to L:e rn*rcle-: an\,' reg;traynt lymi.tacon or'- other thing to {:he {:clt'1{'-'1 !:fter-;,'n.f $r'l',r r.rise be'fCIrm irr hheigr: p=ents mencj.gner1 E3l- eliipr-r=]lliied t-ro'l--. t..r't.h::'L-.arrcling In'i:3 here0'f 'l:o c]ne F'he i+ t.!.rei-t* ptnelnt.:.* l-.E3fllil)l,flinq rrrtlr ttre *ayd Eeorge Erer-ie{ord arncl ALe:latncler l"lail[::tlr h.tre sa'y'd l,rlillnr Fettley and Tlrorn;;tg FettIelr p''[:iers tn tlrel;el psen'L,s hat-lr set't-- {:treir-e seaLes And tn arrothe=.r' p'te r{.:(n{:ryrrclirrg t'r't-h ttre said t'li1Lm thsr sayd 6eorge Er"t-j.s;.for-cl /\1e;r;rncler lrla.1[,:er ,atrd Thom,ag Fet-tley havE, ee{:'t ArrcJ to 't:hel {:lrircl pta. r'almayne':irrg r,'lttr the Ec-1td g3f Tl-rom.a:; [:'e{:t L e1r tl-re r:a.i. d t'li. ]. I. rn F'ettl ey Geor-qe?. Beri ord and' AIelx;rncJelr- L,l;:rl[::elr- l-r;1V€ getl:. tlreire sevraJ.l :;eat].esi the* dary and yere f ir-etEl abr:ve r.rr'.r't'te,:rr A drri 1'5t-tl 156

charity Deed ge'l- or-tt-. bel.or'l , it is 't'al::efl frorn 16i)El Collets thi:; {.. irr .t:trr: r....rr-i'h.elr-.E [irJ,E.,::(..r'!ii:ioi-t. f'\ shnr-t det;cr-i.pti.on of Cheri'ty h;rs been q1i',,,et1t trhen the Cr:L't'r*t f'lemorial (=ee p"59). ',,T1-ris Indenturre ma.cje the sii:teenth day of Autq;ris.t lfrt:lB Between Johanna Col l ett: tJi dow o f Feter Col. t e'L,t- I. ate Ci {:i =en o{ t^li t. am Erai i er John la;;"" the onel part ancj 6er:rge smi th, i ' Al l err, "+Rr:l-:ert A1 l en , ['li l t i.,am [,J,a.[ 1.,:el,''n,.T.frorna.s !.'1.41[':e].yn lt Feorge gtrt Jutnr- l'r Jolrn [,JaI l,:el. yn o Ecrbert tr,lr i. glrt Senr' il Robert trlr i Colq"rr-€ al.I n.f Chet.=.FielrJ of the olher par-{: t4itne=seth thah the sai.d Johanfis Collertt.e fr:r- cJivers good cal.tses &c her thereurpto rng;ving Hath given qrantecJ enfeoffed fl.: con'f irmecJ utnto the said Seor-ge Smith, blm i,:c alL that messLtage [:l'1owo by gre narne c:{: fl:;Lror-r'les j. rr t-lrt. F;rr- i r"h of Chel 'Ef i all d *t'f oresai cl giturat-e in ttre=" hi.qh road Ie*rcling frorn CheIE'fi.el.d 'bo $horeh;rm ?* all t-tle t..loutsr:l.s br-rilc!ingc Yar-cje Orchard= &c tct the same Arrd clne cra.ft CIr- parcel of I*1nd al.1 cal.lerJ Osbclrrle$ adjnj.nj. lrl to .t:lre E.r.icJ fnesc-,LraqFJ f.r cont.aininq b'/ esti.rnation foutr :rcreG rnclre clr- I e:iE AniJ nne nlher- p i elce or' par cerl of I and l.t.lcl [,:ur::.,,, Ci-o-ft- cot'1'h-ei.rring b1i e=timati]nn 'hhr-ee acres [t c,al. 'bhe t yi. rrg j. n the F'€\r- i. sh o.f Stroretrarn i n Cournty of l"ent 9:r al so CIrle nt:her p i ece r:.f l. encj [:]r'lr::tr'.Jr-l bi' tl-rel n amE o'f Crof t c6ntai.nj.rrg h.,, --*::.timatj.on'ttqn €tcr-r?$ more or les$ lying and b,..jlinq j.n fjhc+Ls-F:i.el.d a'For-e=a.itJ fu. tlre r-ever-r'ion ancl re?vell-=ions rernai.ncJer l.r rernairrder-s o'f al. I tlre eaicl with tht3ir ir no!^r

't:he fihe].sFiel.cJ frr:m t-inre to t-:iinn .e,,: !:l-rat. ttre renl:s l': pro'f i{l:; o'f me;35,Lr;1glE] cl1Lclnement *i\hor,'e? fterlt: j. clneld ir tr,,ln per"ceJ. = nf l and cnlLecl Osborn(.:= l,: Fr..t::y f,r-nict 14 al.t. nther the Fr[rrni=es abnvc: named eiiEept Long Cro'f t'. 'f r''nrn and i mmedi ate1.,'' a'f ter ttre decea::e r:f 'hl-r$ Jnhanna Coll.eL be b'i tlre l"linigter P:c f,lrr-trchtlardens l,r Ove'r-sa?er= as above bestr:r^red flt empLoyed in 'hlre n,ecessary r.dpara.tinrrs o-f l:he Cl-rapel CIn t-he Southgide of the Chtrrch wherein Lhs.: aboi,e narnecl FE:ter'L bltried l( in case P:r 'Li.mes t-he [ltr*rpel "[r:mb shal]. nr:h stand in at er-rcl-r a5 'ei 'to need gf an_v- nece=;sar), r-epa.r'c.1'L,ions ttren the Flentg 7* Prof its be by .L5r.p f]ersCIns above speci{ied be=tot,ed 'qr (:tnplnyecl in f,r abourt the necessa'rry, reparat-i. on€ r:'f the Chr-rrch fl.: Ctrancel of i. t.her ttre sari rl flre:ll f i el. d .-qc i. rr c;rse l.r a{: =ucl-r t rnes a€ nei Chapel T6mbe Clrt-rrch [.: Ch,ancel nnr an\;' r:f them sha]. I =tand i n flr:l$cJ r:-f any nec{!a:;;tr-},, relparations t-lren 'hhe': ren'h::! & pro'f its o'f the a!:mve rnF:$sr3,r-rgel i1.r l..rncJ= to be di$trj.butterj by thtl persons a1rove rnn11t j.1;1pecJ ?r,. app13i nted i n st-tch manrl€3t- la 'f ornt as the Rentg t:..: Frof itg, of tl-re par-cel o{ l.;trtd called Lorrg Cro'ft are by these pre=ent:.s aFpoj.rrl:ed 'tt: be cli.etributed and a.t s:t-tch {:.irne ?:t times irr thr* y63ar a.* in tlre di.scretion of the ptlr-t;CIns abc]"'e rnent i. nnetJ 1. --etern me:re'h ?t mot;'h. r"lclceFsat-y 'f ot- the': F:el i. e'f o'f =h;rL j. tlre Foclr- .:.e,: cJelcayecl personr; al; s a'f r:r-esai. d And {utt-ther tlre" Johetnna. CoIIett do'tlr decl."rt-@ e:ipre=. orcJer 9.:r es't--ahLish that fc:r ever trr..rea.fter r.rlren l,: sCI often aE the said Feof{eles o.f tl-rr-: Frerni g3e:; clr tl-rni. r' /.\'E'i::i qlrr= slr.rl I hca deacl r:lr decreased tr: the nurrnbrer of f ourr thr-eie or- 'h.rrlo ;rt the l east Then the sam€* f onr.hSr-ee or turo being thtl r-ernaining [:er,rf 'f ee's gh,al. I ma[le a the n€tu, f:rlof{rnent of the saicl me's;s.Lrage or tenemelrtt "e,: all other Frerni::es r.ri th ttre apputrtgnances to ten or mor-e F:r-eehol ders or r sons, of Fre+ehol cler1; of tlre Far i sh o{ Chel =f i. el d Er to thei tc Assigns a.ccording to Lhe trrre rneaning {orm and e'ffelc'b' of this preaen{: felr:f.fmerrt i.r t-n the Llses intentg ?t pLtrpoEes irr ttrese pre-,:;eln'h.= r]tlrl;,rrr:d r:i-rJr':r-r'lrl l,t, tge'L,arbLi=tred li t-ha'h ttrsl char-ges.o{ evepy s.r-rch othc"'r'ne!.J Feoffment s,h;"r1.L be paid I'r cle.dutctetJ by, {:lre {:l'rr-rrchrela.rdenri 'For t-lre tirne bei.11g f]utt o'f the rents anr1 pro.t i'L's o-f Lhel abot,e premi geg And 'bo the qnd & pLrr-polict {:t'rat t}'rs} r-erlhs l.:r profits aforesaid may be berstowed ?:t gfnployed according to ttre trr-te intent ?t'. mGl'ell-ling of the said JoSanna EoLlet{:. irr thege precents e}lpresrse.'d P.:r decl.ared ?:q, that .bhis qli F{: rnay nr:t in time to cr:me thror-tq1h negl igence her f relu- 'Lhege" clp o1--trerr{ j. gt: bE1 L os:t ex't i rrrl-ri shed or chan-qed 'f rntn good use-q but ta thc* Lrg;es stre hath in the=-e prc:sentg ordained the. g!afn(3 Thely {:he sjari d Georgn $rni ttr [^lrn Br a= i er Pv.c f or thern::el veg i'. every of ttrenr ttreir fu ever-y r:'f their Heirs Executtors [r Asgigns fu erieFy o.f thenr clo cCI\,enarlh qrant promi=ed fu .aqree to ?* rlith the sai cJ Johalna CoI I ett P.,,. her- l{ei r:; Eilecr-ttor-:i ir Assi gns 1l' every of 'F-6ctrn by ttrese pr-esentc-" in rn;1r'lner l.:'fnr-rn follnwing 1sEl tl-ra.'t i= to Ga:v' Fi.rl;t 'tl'i.,='L i.'h ,:h;rl..l. arrcl may be .1.",rr.,.1{:r-rl to flr for 'lhe Clrr-trcht'.1*rrdq:rr:. lJver-se€'r= l.: the F'a.rscln c-1r Cr-trat-e tlr+=re fr:r tl-re tinr* [:eing P.,r {r'om t-imn to l-iins} tn 'Lr,-r.[::a: .*ncl i-(prr.",iVe .b.l-re yearl'y'r-enl:e f-: prnfi[-.s nf .+]. 1. i?.: =.ingutaLrLlre pt-e+nrises 8..r thr: '5i.:.rn(.: {:.:o ernFln:r & cl:is.'! frorn ti.rne't-n hime .flccnr-cJi.rrg'h.o b.he fornr j.nterrt 8r'b.rtte rreaninri nf tl-re s;aid Johanna Co.1 tr:r{:.t before ei(pl-e=sed nil:l'iot.rt ani' {na.nner of left hindr-ance denial or i nterr-L.tpt j. on n'f them crr an''y' o{ t-hem {:hei r- or an:r, clf thei r l'{pir-= or A'=sign- /\rrcJ r,.'..ri.Llrnr..t'l-- a.n',"' rnanner of 'rsr-rbtraction de{:elntion ot- detminu.rt:i.on p'F ;u-l-v* part-. o.f parcel of the Earn€l r-eri'Ls i. s'st".tt.:s ctr- pro{ i ti, to thc,:i r- ot'Jn or- any thei r clr,.lt-l pt- i',,ate LtFCs ot- LtEes ier *rI Eo tlrst- r^rhelnsoever i'h, s;ha1l. heppeln to them the g,eicJ Genrc:le l,Jrn Jnlrn Rnb{: t.r(] 'fen.f.fees to ba: decre,nsecJ t_o .hhe nt-tmber of 'fCILtt'' thre'e t:r tr.'ro at tf'rei Ieast ttr.,at .hwo the said fottr {:hr-u-r": ol- of thc+nr l'.,rlrg sl-ral I sCI happen {:t: lsrlt-vi vrl shal I and wi I L ma[::e a new 'f eof 'Fmerrt-. Lr conveyance wi. tl-r the t i l.le cCIvenants as are hersin elipresged of ttre is;rj.cJ mFJssLtaqe or- tens:me--n'1, r+ith all otfrerr tlre =airJ pr-€;r'.l:; Lo ten or rnore other- freeholderE or s:nn::i c]{: {r'eeholclrj.lrt; nlc thra Fa.r'i.r:l-r nf ClreLr;Fi.eltJ l:.: tn il-reir^ l-{eirs l: A$sic;ns cr.ccarrli ng ts t-f-re f orrn fu e.f f ec'L n{ the Or-rJer ?:t E::.'t:.,*blishmmnt nf 'b.l-re l; Jr:h{:tnna Co.l.let-t- befCIrE in t-lrese presents Ei(pr-et;secJ ?r {rrrtlre+r- 'Ltr;rt i'f tl-rdy s.lraL l l L f url l y siutf'{:er- L:lrs.: l; {nei:Er..rage 1,:.;:rl. I. r:tt'rer- 'Llrcl premir,e;-, to psss wig-r any ner^, fenffnrent t-lrc:r-trrt:J: tn be rnarcle a,!i a.fc,r'al:l;ri.d befCIre atL 'hlrtly "tlre ::,aid "Feo'f 'Feeg sl-rell tre.: c1s-:a.d rl- hh;r{: nny o.f .t--l-rcl ELtccee:dirrg'feo-i:'feeg'EhaLl. gt-t'f'fer' 'L,ht: :;arne pre;:rni.::els to pas:s that then i.t :;h*q,'l.:L ;,r.nd lnay l:e l.,nr,'.r'fr-t1 {:n ff,r'fnr- tl-re gaicl Jol-ranna Collett Sr he:r- l'{clirs j.nt:n the gai.rJ l*le=uagn fu [-c-tfic{ i.r with the Apputr-tclnanceg to & [:.lre r:;.lrn(: t.o have ;rgai n g repo1;l={?:ig E.r en-ioy as i.n lrer clr ths*ir'fnl-fllrlr'' ri.ql-rt li eat..ate;r$ anything in ttrclgcl presenf-s 'l-n 'h.trel contr-ar-y nntwi.{:hetancliprq Ancl rnclr1;ovet- ther s' ,Jottann*r CoLl.e{'-'1, dr:ttr decLsre or-der fl.r establistr by 'hht*sse .i:l-r..r'h pr-[?sclnts *TL l. tl-re'-" [...ancl s.bc]ve rnen'l--i onc,:d r,l'raL l .FFnrn time to tinre be 1e{:terr lr occr.tpied the s;aicl mesgLraqe le not n'hhtitrl^Ji*e fli th.:r{: {:lrer terr;r.n1.: or- tnnerlhs thereof gl-r;rlI be tyed } by Bond.cti- Agr-e:ir*rilerrt tc'r l::Ee*[] "aII rn;lnner- of repar-ations of the Jne:;Gt..tarJr.." l-tr:t.tsc.,: &4 hr.rj. l.clirrcl'i: dutring ="rid their- {:er-rn:; in the =,aid FrtlrTlises ha' rot..tglr tirn[:rlr all.or,..rerd 'them i.f it be to be had clrl 'hl're sa.i d prerni. €eg; t lrere :Etr;rJ. 1 tre r-€:ltier-vetj tt.Jo sdveral yearly rentg tfr"r'b, ig to E;ry cln€ par-t {or the rnes,sLiaqe i.:c tr^lo p. r-cel15 o'f Land called OsboFneg &t Fu::y Cr-o.f t ,1.r one other rent crf 'L,tre land calLed Lr:ng Clrn'ft ?s, Lastly it is agree.rcJ bett^,een al.1 tlre gaid pglrt-ier= i.'t it slr.alL be lau.lft-t1 ft:r the l; Jolrann Co1. l artt to tta','e r-eser\,/e ?,'. en-ioy al l the rent= ig,: pr-of i ts of the gai.d rne'jlsLtfiqe h aLI o{:.her the pre:miges excc.l6r'h. L-qr.rq Cro.f t t-he' {:errn o{ her na'hutral. 1 I.i'fe l,: tl'rct sa(ne? to be,.rerJ il begtowerr1 a'h trc':t- CILln tdill ?,t FI.eia,;;t-rr-g In t^lj.t1Egis t{,hrsreaof t5e? ::aitJ Farties have to this Indentur-e set, their- l-{;rnds: Er Seal:; tl're cJay [e year ab ove " 159

g)r- q F(3o.f .f E='es i n Lt're $bCIr-,e I ndentut'i-e George The;l i i n:il. "'Jere Srnith r.^rho I.JBF: pr-ob.r,rhli, 'hhe secsrrd Relctor o'{: tllrelgf iel'd of t-tr;rt nnrnct i t^li I I i am Braz i er l^rtro f.JsEi the ol'Jner of Routgh Gardens.rnd Se:.1tees (see p.L(:)S)i John Allen t^lho pc$se=sed a j. l.loutse i n Ctrel. 1r".S eL cJ I Robert Al I en l.tho ulas tt're { reehol der of blere 't-tti.;r CIurners of; Wi I li am & Thomas Wakelyn tqho 'probably Cail Cr-o.ft a,rrrj l,4aLrruttr-Fe= (see pp Lt1l ,lt)3); and $eorge blal kel yn was a brother , trr a son of one of the above I Robert tdright Sen- trel d and Or-ch*.r-dE i n the peri sh , si t-t-rabed nea.r l"lapl t:i:t-earJl Robert hlright Jn-tras the E,on of the abovei John trolegate wss the CIwn€Jl- of I'l.rpl estead, s.lhich he a'SterwartJa =bfr: to tl're Far-ist'r of Clrel:;'fj.e;lcl . The Farish t'reId thi= I,atter pr-r:pertr- urntil the year 1.$e'40 r,vhen it wns sCIld to l,.l:i. Iliam hlaring by order of the Etrarit'f Conrmit;gionerg. It bras CIppo:sib.e to O::bclrnesr anrJ the old pocrr l-routsens g{.:or:d Ltpon tl'r i. E g:1 n'L o'f I and . Tlre fol. I.or..rirrq ei:tra.ctelcJ'Frorn the Far-ish l'lclQa:ine fot- the -*-ear lE?/: i= the Dr..-:r-:c! lry r,.rlrich a neril F:enf fment o{ tlris proF,er-ty wa$ macln t:o rreH Trr.r'*.'hens. FrobabL y. Ee.lorqe 5mi th the elder- encl Jarnn:: St-vleg t^rere 'btre only nId l'r-ltstee=.

1623 "Thi = Inden'Lurre fl'r".ad{:l the turenti eth day o{ Septernber t 6?f, i n t-he clne ancl tr^lmnt i el{:l-r ye;\r- of the rai qne of oLtr So.rai gne Lord Jamr*s b)., t-he qracp of Eod tl:i ng of Engl and F rance 'hhe g;Etsv'Erl lr Irel =r,nd De'Fender o t tlrE' [:a.irth U.c ancJ o'f Scot]. and arrd fiftieth Fertr.leene: 6enrge Srnith F;rrson of Ctrel.sfield in the Coun'hie o{ t{.*rnt Cler[,: and Jameg St'yrle th'elder- of yE same Ctrerl. s-f i eI d Yeoman of th 'onel part and George Smi th ye yCILtnger on{! of the Frebend": of Rnclrml;ter sonne o'f ye f r:res,ai d 6eol-qo Smi th ttr 'el cler- Anttrony Fe'l:.1 ey Fclnne o't hJi I 1m Fetl.ey L ate of the sai d Cl'rc:1:;.rc i. t:.l. d Yeomcrrr qleceasecl James $ty1u the yoLtnger Eonne of the f or rlrarrrcl ,J,Lrrrn:: Styl e {:.h ' el cJer Roher t hlryght John Brar=yelr-.Franci$ [.tr-*es].'er Rnbei'h. Allen Tht:mas Coc[,:e of the seid CheL sf i el d Yeomqi.:rr [3er:r-ge l,l,n[':el. elrr son o't Ttromert; hl;rl::el en o{ ye sayd CheL:-{ie1ct Yl:rnrnerr a.rrrl Jc:hn Ali.en Eimnne of Jotln l\1 lerr o{ j. 'other t'J j. the =ayd Clir-:1. s-f r-:i. d yc.lornan o'f th party tnFssesth that ttre sa;.ld 6erorge $rni't--h 'Ltre e.l. cJer a.nd Jame:s Styl e th 'el der f or- cliverg good caLrs€ls anC cclnsiderations thenr specially moving trave geven qr*rn'hed enfeof'ted and con'f irmed arrd by these presen'b.s da clerly and ahgolr-t'bLy geve grant enfeo'f{e and con'f i rme utnto thte radld Gr,:orge Srni th :*E yoLtnqer An'Lhony Fehl ey (sic) Jaffi€F-r StyIe tlre yor.rrlger Rohert hlr-ight John Bra=yet- Francis3 Flr-;r:;'yer- [:toberb. A]. Thornag Cuc[::e Eeorqle bJakelen and Jolrrr Allen tlrr.. ystLrnqer AlI. that theire rnessuaqe or Tenement callsld or [:]r'lcJr,.l-l b',; thel nafne of f,oltlats l-'loutse urith all br-rylding y,arda garcJens and orcl-rarclg t'.a ttre sarn€-r messLtaqe or terrementss i Ara

,.::ri:ji:je{.:i:,;,rniriq 1.',;i.Lrr; i+-i'ld i:i=:i.i"r$ :i'r-r illli*'i'::ii'=id l:e.1..*rr,piri,; tj1* =.:i.'Lr..t.*,.'l:,= 'i'i'3 .*-tclr-,=s*-ri,il to the i.::tr:d o'{: ',-lic: $;i:i.;l FicberL l''!r"iqht t'at"'l'=r-d ':E{:'= 'l:l-re iicl g,:.t'e l:t)r."'jt':i'-d :':ifulLii .ta Ll-ie L i'teL si-cl-i.:.ri! ,:..f: =;i';rd J,:hn :,'* .t-c./e] leaciirrg -Frnni tllre.l.glii.el.c! 'ti: lilrc]rh#.ilr '[-$i"'tr-:r-cl lr.irrqs lriq;5+.r,*.i; 'trr+r=rc!= t-5e ri;*s.t anc! .Lc t!-,r: 1;.1ci c:-i: J*i;ne=. l:r-encl't i,J'E i-rril'-t-l-i ril-rti al.s* .Lhr: rr:1ir.+i-g.icn! i-eysr-:;; i-*tneirrc!t- 'rir-rc! i-*rn$inclr-= a"t: 't--t'=i-ternen{: s'.Li ;l'n'j *rlj. and ginqul*i,-* :\./r3 r*.;,,d ite=.Erjfiilr.'j f;l- ','+i.'tlr ti-rel .eFp'Lei-ii:rn{:ss rtrrcJ eLl clr:scii* F,l','idEr-lcc3'$ rl'tt-s:- 'L:nr-rchirrg (fnl'';" t-hc g.;cr-ip.h:: .*l-rci rrii.niinenht; lji-' cfil-iri-iinq prnl..*e= or- on)..y {:lny p;.ri-'l:. ili'- p*r.r'rn1. tlr*rer:f i}L1. l'''thi'r:h rfif:':ts eai,,d 'L'gi-tt-ti-s'l ili'' r.,li L,h t!-ie aili::rti^1:'l- t-lr.,,t'i *:li-e i rr Ll-re Dt,- tenelingrrl tlit'l clcCt-rpa'L.ic,n a* Jahn f,*nlg;r'i:e $r' lri'* ;r.5'iign= arrC i'a ''';hich 'el nf I a'{:e .* e'.;*'d Eenr-rJs 5ni j. i.:!-t l::t-i 'iel rJer- ,and .J.,-r.rnr.-:* 5t ;r1e t't'i der- bcr-rglit and pLrrclia=ecj n.f .,,.€3 !:;ly,j .lnhrr rlnl g*,'L-.e i+'L' 3 :l{:*c[:: cf "'c {: cl l':i: rn$l..irj*y ,: f th:i. i:r-.L 7 nnd 'hhr-qer* pr:urrirSi; l::el. nnr; i. r-r-q {:{: hlre !:'':(:i-tr-" o.F *e'.,;ct [;he].e{ ,'*nd qel'.en hE:t-e-tr:for-s b'; t'tt::1 l' di=pcE'l''j 'iE 'Llii:: /:'ttrr:l b:,, pe*p.te A,s h.,., h-i-rr? l;ii.:,:nnirrg I'-:li:.rnl.':e.: r'i'{: *,:i.";"'cl {)l'rc=].=F:le't"cl g-rt e be;ir j.nil d:'t'Lr: ther ei qt'i'L e De*4 il.i: i":3 =*yJ .]c,l':r-i f,i:1 g.f r1c1ohr1:r' i.i-r 'Ll-rr..: tten[:[-i yelr'$ o-F 'Llre l':'inqs f"*l..:"''!-',"5 c!ar,;.r Li:.1? plaj'nl'v r-ai.qne .L-.1-r*,t r-i{fv..r va r.ttr*:i-i:,,.rntc] r-el.*,';n be:lng hxd mclr-i:: 8.,-'t','11 fi"ls135Lt+'{:le nr- clnl:lr an.;! m.r1.;'. ,rFper-rr Tu h*rvr: nnci Li: !-rt:r1r::! i:lre *:'h':* 3;:r','ri| *rl. L ancl si. rrgr.i.!.;:i'-e 'l:.t.i,: ,:*pi: !:.eni*r}ci*t3 t-.tnto t:en,r*ierr.t F;st:cr'-t Serrqe ..ljrrrit!-: 'tire '.',{,: fri-r[:.hon'ii Fstle''r' Ft-;r.rici'; Eii--e=',"s;'- -[flnrn.*:,: Al. 'r'e ':"roLtnQ ft1 l en Ci:cl:e 6e+ai-qe [4a!.,:el err and .]ntrtr l en fi'li:Ft'-nI?'1"*t'l .Lhei.rii* lrti*1,.;..g.=.,:, iti-rri .e:;=igni uncler- r:fiittii'Li.un:; i-iei-e.E'f'!:e,:l- .f pl-*fii:i'Et:x a..l ].re clrj.Esi: L.q1r-cl 13f .i" i:eel rr)-F tthnrn ye €{:'ifil[t ':it-tl .y'* pi--ic:i 'l-l-r(*i-i:i'l- ilr..t'e f.r.lid n'F t''L 's.{:{:t-.t'*"t:'ifll-iii}i'l l.ri:l,iJsr-r hi, i-tari.L encl 'hh'elder And .t!-r,s g; Gear-g*::r Em.i'bl..r th'r:l.iJE:i'' antj ,J.:rrn*:g 13't;t''1.e r,"l't el' i*t-rd {:.[-re j. r- 1qllr€ {:ltsn scryrJ in{t:i]Eliiig{r CIi-' t snsinsln't 'L *,rrrrJ .ie th'= Eingr-.rl*rr-* .v,r" .*Fpa'Lr3ilancet r-tirti: :;*1,'cl': Srnitl"r :/tfi"tn!i f\nthnr-i.y, 13,=.tle1n' i*ine.; 5L',,'1a !,J'= irclLtnq !:::r;l:'h lrlr-';''ght ,.lclrtr l?r-a:;:",ii'- Allen Ti"ioirr;t'E Cctc!::e Be{]r-ge l"'i"il':elerr -rtrcl Francis Bra='y,r- F:obert 'Li-iern ,Jnlrr-r Al I en .hl-re::L i-e li*;",1-.3 iri-icl e'ri'.i:;i gn:l aga'/rr=t 'i"e t, *ti;cl Eearge .tlr '*r1c!err- ,arrrJ J;rnr,:s 'L.h 'e'l clsr *iircl the j' r heyr-=' =hal I ':trrd p=ent--= L'l-r$ '*':r'1d r,+i. 11 trrai-r-;.pt a.rrd *1-3r sver- ,Je{end bi' tlrege 6lrrd Gearqcl Smitli tlr'el.dr- end Jainel- 5'l:'.il.e:r ttr'el.clr'- d*e pr-rlrLisii ni"clelr- and cl:lt'abl- i sh lJ:" '!:l-iese p '*ertt= flriij tl-re e3';'rd pi-ti:i1j'sl-i Ge'r-ge srri,i.L.l-r '1.!-r ',rildr- $.r-rd J;ii-n*:i, ti'L1"'1* the'el.c!r doe declerre sr.der- er-irJ ,=='ta'nlislr b'.y'L!-iEEe p'=ent= tlr..{{: ';"8 r'ants r''"Ji'Ll-t ys:3Lr*s an6 prc.f i'L.r; o{ },e in a'yd fli'€€:;Ltage CIr- tens+n:sn'L .th,a.pptericincs, a.lf,CI',,e mentionted '=lrs,lbe ,vmplo-vec! ai:d best':r"red {ar- ev€r- h€reaf.ter i* surch good errd ch$ritable Lr*i3si ;ind lret-t?*.rf,'l:ei- :i.n tli*=il i:t-oEertteg E'i:pi-r3€ti{*d :i'ird pr-ti-lfCI.Eeg ag ai-c3 'l:a declerecl And t-* nL.lnH utlrei.' Lri;e int,3n{: |]r- pLtrFilsE Tl-rat :t's 'h.he pi-e{it'; r:'f )ie $EEUr?'rltr: r3i- =ay y{i '/ETz;.Ir':- ren'L,g "-l,ilCl =e';C ..fnr. .L.erngrrient ancJ {:fr.e aFp.l-enai.lf5 sh;;r.1. 1 p,FeI'ltll' ar.:.J c:Ys:l- leretfl.tte' Ltpcli-l Lhe receite {:l-ier-esf {i-'snll.!-rt* Leti.'*n'l- q'-tsti'-{:**i'-1',; 161 here [:r.='':;1.--ur..rr:t:l errd cii.::l-i-i.t,'r..t!--r,;,d hr';..' tl're [j';ri"''icJn c]r- l-ris Ir-rr-ate or- L'r.;,' the Cl'rutrcftr.,.t"tt'c:|en:r firrd flvcl.'r'::.n(:r-E 'Fc:r- 'r'e porJi'-n o",c thtl 'h.lri..: =ayd Chel.::f i. l. l:tl l'.J'l: {:oniiitt-r'lt- of '.r/{r =at1'd F..,:r.r-.l;CIr'l or- flltrate for- ye 'L,yme be'i rrg clr b),' the qreler.te:'r- palL o'f them l.rhel'ele"f ye? Eclfd F";tt-son oi'-**i'ht.: h-r"r be one nF h-lre rj.ppon sLrch pnnre people o.f 'ie sayd Chel.sf j.eld p'nc:i.p;:rl. 1.y, uch cto nr-der-1y res.{-1r-'L to ye Cl'rltr-cl-t n'h t'y,rne= a'f dc"'vine 5':,,oice br:th CIn l.{o1 i., claye= ;rncJ uJorh:irrg rJaye's ancJ r.rhj.ct-r rJn r.lant maantl:: to set tfrelml:a:l.veg Ion.+.J tr'Jor-[::c:, c]r- nI g CI11 7r....] pCIeres.l: aged i rnFotent e,rrrJ rnns;t dcayecl p'scln. o"t the ::,aycl CtrclLsf iel.rJ And yf ttre*re hapFclr {:n hee ncl 'sr-tch pclnr-e pr..:r:p:l.n l:,lrei-ee Tl-ier-r {:lre-" ri'.lycl .;/,::: r-eln'L,s ;rnd pr-o'f j. t:':i Elr.rl. l. clr rna'y' hr-'c l;'t*;{:or".lnrJ nn 'r'e nece:i::i6r-y r-mpara'b.i on -l-l tot t-he Clrltrr:tr a.nd Ch;rncel o{ 'i*e. =*rycl Clrel.r,f i.el.rl (rr on siLrch neceE5.3l-ie:: ;rs hellong to qlj.Lher- o't thenr by :l.r..iclr advise and cDnsent a.=, yE l::e.-..ic{:ti-ct -gt:t dargrre cclnr:ei,-rrinrl ),,e pclr.rt-4? and to none other" l-tse t:lrrln 'rrcl :;a'y'd llrr-ee Lt:;Flt, gxcs?pt .fnr- rnal.::irrg ancl renuti.nii n"F Frlr:t"fmr,:n!:. s.ntJ o'Llret- r'.;r-i.'L:irrr'.1 cflt"lr:ninq; tht..: !3.t.,,,d rerlur:irrg nf fE:nf fnrnrlL arid other" r, rne€.suaqe? clr '1.-enemen L t.J't 'L.l'rs'i'rF,!rtclrrirn';{:}? An,l't:.her blre. i=a";irl George 5m;,,th th'e:l.cier- anci .Janiet;5{:y.l.r:l'1.-lr'eJ.cJmr clo cJecl.are eri{pres=F orcJer "rncl n:ll;rblisl-i I r'-l fr:r" rti;'l.i:i'' heri-1fl'f1::eJr- s..lherr ::{:i r:ften a'i thel s*:i.d Ifer:{'felEli';-}'] nF't:.lrr*'[1:irnmi=e.:. r-l CIr tliei.r- ;i:ii=iign= sha].be clr:lncj r:Jr cJeci-ea:;r*cl t'.o tlrel nr-tmL:rlr rilrc lt}'vn .For-rt- 'h-lrr-er.l nt- {.-.r,..rt:t a.h 'Llrn leag The:t't :/rr Ei:\rnt* 5 "{:nltr- t-.lir-er: c:l- trrlo feof'felers Ife.:o'f'frnclntJ] fJ,( l-.1-rEtt =s'.;'ij fn,:t=sr.r$qEl ot- L.erremr..:n'h r^rith the app'l-ertcr:t$ tr:r ten CIr- rnfir-e f r::the.:r' Fr-e.lethol. cletr-E s.ctnt'ir..t'; of tt're +l Freehnldc3r-:: n'f 'l:hi: ;a.;vrl f:'*rr-i.i:,h r:'f tltrenl.*.f ield and ta tlrej.r- heyre:i ansl .re;6i.qrr= accc-rr-clirrc; to 'Lhe form e.f.fect and trutel me; r:F hl-rj.'E p"i:en'h fcln'f'frnent ant:l'hr:'hlre Lrsrssi ints,:rlt--.E .ancJ pLlrpCI!;e$ it-r tl-re'j:(? p'ren1-::l c' ot-cler-r.ld arrcl elgtablislred And tlt;tL l:he ch;"r.r-(J(:!: c:-F e\,'' sutch other net.t FeloF.tment- ancl Cofi\.,'*ligtt.ance :i,lrii..!.J.h-'ct Fr, ;r.r-rd c{{:c'cJ by ther CFrt-trcl-rr,larcJenE, r:.f Chelsf j.r.1cl ;t'fcirni::.*r;:rJ 'Ft::r- Ll-x: L',,,** bej.rrc.l mut'h. c:'F {:lre and profj.t= br-rt- n{ 't-hcl ;:rbt:ve Irnr*n{::ioneclr") pr-ernist::; ftrrtl to ttre en,J ;tnd pLtrpqt=s lh;.,tL i/ct r"ents altrJ ;::r-n'f i. tit. ;r.f or-es;rl,rcl mie.y be belt;tctt"lecl atrd j.rnpl.o;v'$rJ er:cor-c{:inq 'ho t:hr: trure in{:.elrrt arrd me€ n-f {:lre.r :;aycl CIecr-qc.l liiini.'Llr Lh'elder- arnd Jarme:: [ii{::,'le [:l'r'el.der- in thege pr-cleent.: rsi:prelssied Arrd 't-lrat: thi E IGrarnt and+.] conv'c*igh,ance (n,ay nr:{:: in time to cornc: L,hroltclh neqlrigence or- other-t^rysf;l be l.osit or- ctra,ngnd {rom t}rest: good Ltse:; 'Lo -flrey t^lhi ch theli, f'l;r\.8? i rr ttrerr;c.: Fr 'rsent-r= or-de'-.yrreci 't:hr.l $arne s; Eeor"ge Smi.{ tl-re yoLrnct'r' AnthcJrry Fe-ltl.ey.James StyIe the voltl"lgel" lrmtrt'.=-'r"t:. l.'lri.ght .Jnhn Er-aEyer 'lhomas Fr-anci.r=- EtraEyer Rohrer-t ALl.en Cncl.,:trl Eemrqtl tdakeli.n cafld John Allnrr ],t: yCILrng'r 'f or l:t'tetttlicll. vt:s aniJ ev€.!r)/ of J:t'rtern 'ktreri, i" ancl e\,/Ery of thei r heyrer el.iEtct-ttor-* and as!:iclrrsi ;rnd e\',ery of ttrern dne..r coven;rnt enrJ prclmi sitlcl i\fld arJr-eel to .anrJ t*lt the ga-"-d Eeaorge $rni th 16? tt-r'e.:Lclclr- .,lnc! -j;x.lir:,:::5!:':,.1i., rl-t'ridci- th.=il- freit-FE .:,ncJ aE=igns ancl eve?r-r\. cl'F'hlit...lrr Lr.r' 'tflcsc.'i l:, 'n'1.::. in m;r.nFr eind 'fr:t-mr* fsl. lourinq ('tlrat .i.q.'lir: ::.*i,) f-.y,r=1.: -l I 'l:- *ha.l. l and rn;ty br-.: l.;:.wft-t.1. Lu atncl .for- the Elrutr-ctrurar-rJenr; anlr :r"=ti:tlr'=.'for tlre Fpnr- nf the sayd Che:;1{ieLd a.ncl for- Lhe F' :r .*trd [:tre Cltt-*lte 'L.het-e 'Fcjr ye t.""me L, er i rrg f r nnr L ..;me tr: t 'y'rne : 'at':t:: end rEcei',,/e the '7ear'I.y retlts ;rncl pi"nfih:: m'f .*l. 1 aFrd , 1. .f t- t hre prni e:; r,'.ri tt'r {:lr ei r appt err-- =i =e j. 'h itncc?,:. Ancl ttre Eflrnrl 'ho i rnp-r | -.:r-!F l-rt:s;'!:CIv.Jt? ancl cJ i s{:r hutte { rom i rne {:.n hinre $.ccnr-idnq to t--t'rt* 'i'nr-tne j.n{:enl: and true rnel{::\rl:lrrg nf {:he sayd r3eor-ge 5m;,,t1-r tl'r't:lrJer ancl ,-Jarnes S'L.yl.e th'el.der in these"" p 'i:ent= bsfni,-f,3 i. lil:tr*e=.;ed r,-li. t-lrcut *1.r'ly rnarler hi rrdrance deni al l or irr'herrr..rprtian o'f them thn $;r',t'cJ Feln{'fe:es clr ar'ly o{ their lre1,,1-= or- ae;.rign* AncJ r.'.rl::ot.t1.:: ;in-,\.' maner- o'f: sr-.tb='Lr-qc'!:i.f]n detentort or clj.mj.nlrtinn nf any pt-. clr- p'ceI. I c'F the same rentg i'ssLles or pr-n.f i hr= 'br: t--lrc::i. r- ot- an'y n'l' thei r p 'vete LtsF ctr Ltsns And sl so ttra{: rrlhenEirre'\,/et- i,t :rl'rall. lrnppn them ttre sayd Gecr Arrtl-ron}'Jamel'E F:ober'l:. Jc;lrrr !=r'.lnc:L',:; F':chc=r'L 'l-lrnrn*t; [ir'.lcl ancl John Lm ber': drlad artd decre.ltse(J to the nr-rmher- ct'i f ivcl ' thr-ee.' oi- tt.lo at !r* Le.:,st-. 'f:hat l;l'rstr ',,:urcl-r f 'f outr- t hi'-er." ,:t" 1:.r'"lo n F 'Llr3.:rn 'hlr.n'h l ;,".,,{.; =lral =CI h;rppe {:n siLtrvive :l-ral.L anrJ l-r'l:iILr-l m':,[::cl a rl€]t'r f:e:n't-fment cfflcl Cnnv€i:j.tncFt r+l:'. t:CIvc.ln;rri'L'= ;l= *11-e: hereirr EiiF':'=ecJ af the'sai;d fnRiitlr.rilU{:l Ltr- t eneaterr L r,'ri t:l-r 'r.trn {-.r.[ip'L slrrarlce=. to t en ot- rnc]r'e other- [:r-r,:r.:holdc!i-:; .*rrci *r;]nt'ltr-,E nf !:-i-eehr:I.clsr= of tlrte r;*rycl Farish of Chel.:; arrcJ t..n'L, l'reires enr-{ ;tst;igrre accnrclyng ['Lo+] the .foi'-m*: afld t:f filcL p.f 'h-tre.: or-dei- anfl establ.:i'slrmrrr"lt. {:o that pLrrposr.T rnadel a.nd e):pg:ir"'cJ bi'{:fre sai.d Gec.rrge Srn'.,''t-.1'r th'elder- a.nd "!arrnea 13'!:i,1e''elcler beirfclrtl in thesi= presetltr; ftnrJ futrther that: yt they ehaLl. r+il..futlLy sut'Fftlr- the [=ayd r-] ft€FliLt-iQF] clr tene'. ment l.tith th'appte'rra.ncE t,: fpa.-re{'J r,^Jtot-tt s.r'ty n€*t/r Feo'f'fment ttrereof to tree m;lcln cfr a'fnr-e:la';rcJ beforc? all tlrey the ::aid l:treof.Fee= L.o t-hisi p'tlent Deetj ::tralbEl dead r:r tf'ra.'L: at'l',r' tl"re sLrccnedinq Ftln'f -f:r,:cl* sh;i11 fst-t'ffs:r+'l the lFarne prs:i.'*';;t,ra; to pa:;se 'tlrerr i"L ::t'r;.i1. J. .,anci rn,.t:.i l:rcil l. arrr'Ft..rl t-o a.nd f clrb.he Farson or lri s Cutrdtel, toqcl{.:lrr:r' r.qi tli ttie Cl-rnrcht^rarrrJelns ancl f}t,erseers f or tl-rta Poor c:.F hht* E;.:iirrJ UhnIEfi.eld 'fnt- {:lre tirrne hr':i.rrg or t-tre pa+r'L Iof {'-l-rtlm r"rher-i,ln'F-t-]l tliq: Fa:*:;on or Cr-tr-ate to .]l =aycl bee CIne [ rnily rn;l[::R l]i,r nG.:?rrJ'Fl deecl o'f Fc':mic'fment af the =aid me$$usge and tenemRnt r.'.1j. th tlre apptenelncs to ten er rnCIr-e gutch f i..:n-f .f eerg .;rs aff n\/e are rnen'hi. nnecj enci r''.1'L. 'rltclr Cnverr:rrrts [ +] and Eondil'-ir:ns eE,, are be'fclre elipretll3eci Iand any ttring herein be.forc.t +l wr-it-ten to the: conti-ar',.r in c1i1l,/!.ti:;e notr.litl-rs;tanding ' AncJ f i nat 1y tlre sayd Geor-rle Smi ttr tlr 'el delr arrd J*mes Styl e: tlr'el.der- cln cJec,,rlrte nrder ancl ectaLrlit;l'r hy'there:e p'senhs 't--hat the Terr;rntE ot- Tenarrti: n'f tye prnises+1 =haIl ft-otn t'7'rne tr: ty'rne: btle tyed b'y' Fc:rrr:J or Coven..:trtt to [']P€P ':tl1 m.:lner C]f ,ne:l:;l-raq€r terrernelnt; ancJ Lrr".til,clings rep.atj.orrs of tlre =..e;-rJ clr Lheir- erpptenancE-= abo..zn rnen.t:ionstrJ clutring a1l. thier tyrnca ,: 163 'hha-: In r,+i..Ln{.?1;1;n n-f all +rnd tlrn pFc'; p;tl-ties -Fyr-r.b. .+bnve nameicl tr::rve t':o {.:!-r€:s.e Indentutre:; inter-cl'rautrrgeabl'y entl ii:.F,3.Ii:s 'tl-re da'l' and )t'Et-i::1 {rr'rSt bEfClre =rlt ttlelii'' hanrle.::l r*rr i t'1. en 1 6:f, . Bi' irlri:l ( L. S ) Gt-:nr-ge 13mi. ' e-:cJ i r,,ererrj ;rnd statG: ?rJth Sep.t. ltr?S :]l Jas, I 5e,:rL ;rnd dcll 'narndd =ea=e'rl ancl peaceab l. e po:;sesgi c:n r.res del. yvered by ye t'lt- i n [ieorge Sini th th 'el delr- enrJ Jalme:; 5t yle 'th 'eI der To the rrrt i n urri tte yoLtnr Geclr-rtr= smi {:h ye )v,oLrf1t- or1'l::[rorri, Fet-t ei' Franci s s'hyl e the tdr-igl|t Jmhn F.lrasyer- Francig Fr*,syer- Francig Ft-ayse'r ftoberr{: 'bt're (.=i.c) Ftt Al. lenrr Therna.s Cor:1.::r-. Geor-qe blah:elen ;{nd John Al'l.en yoLrng caccol^Lling to tl-re fnr-rre and ef-felct n{ this Deed And y€? ur-hi.n nalne3; Johne Cntqa'he .t'. of ye rne=EuaqE r.^.rt th'apptenca's men.tic,ned clid A.LtCIrn€: to -r-w'y'e1 {eo-t'fees clr qraLtnteeE wtin ment j. onecJ by g i rzi ng utntn Llre a pet'ly i n the n{amE of a.t-tornarn{:n- turt-e* In ttre Pr-R!3t?Flc-F cJf ", + = Illegible in original

George 5mi th tt-r ' el. rJer- rql35 t lre { j. r's;t o'f t he tlrrem rectr:re o'f t-h j. e ti me the ot".,n€r- of ea t-lri = n.arne. Jarne= Styles Frcls :rt moiel.y, af Lif lies (gee p.94). Eeorge Smith the yoLtnger t'ras .L[rt: t;(nconcl Ftecter o{ t.t'r i g t'rc,ltrte. Anthony Petl ey of f1E1g[::s Crogs (see p-?*:). Jarnes Style the yol-tnqet- o'f t.-i11ies (p-94) Robert t{ri ght or.;rrerJ tLuo l'-! *1r"ld ar'l Orchard a'L l4aF I es'tead . John Erasyer owrrcld lder.,lerrrj= ancl !-tiddenshew. Fra,ncis Brasyer h,as tlre Fr,-eel-rolcler af F:nt..rgl-t [iardeng and 5e:l'Lee= (=ee p-1()&)- Robert A1 len t'Ja,s the or.,,,net.. o-f t'leEl-rneys (=ee p.99). Thomas trscke at on€ time helld Riddenshaw (t:ee p.Lt)9). George Wakel en r{a,s a pear."tt owner of Co:-: trrmf t o and blal nutt'brees ( eee pp.1{l!lrlOi}" John AIlen }.ras t-.1-re scln of a Jshn Allen who p13i,'sF:,;secJ tr.rn hc:rljie,'!-' and '$crrne f i'fty acres of land in the pat-ishr.but'b h,e have hea-"n t-tnabLe" tCI identif y thern' , Lit J. UJ "1'

-ft:l. tlre F'r-nbate of thre t4i. 11. c{ Abraham 16f,1 Tl-re lor'ri.r're is *' Dalton, CarFiclnt:er-, tr.f C.tre.L*,{i.cll.rJ rJ;rted t'.lr:vembrr- 1.4. 16':i1. It i:; a(nCInq t:lrr.: l-i Ll. t* IJr.:ncl';" r-el. a'Li ncl tn l*lor-.trr'[:. i-{':1 ]' , but'|.: rloes not appet$r. to tr;1vp aFr-v conr-r,i?ct:i.on r'lith ttrErt FroFc:rty.

,, In ncr.rnF r:.f Eod i\rnen I f\br-ahnrn Dal.{:.ort of Cl'relsfeild in the Courntie circ l:.errt C*rr-penter Lreing gicll in bodie butt of per-.iect memCIry I pr-ei:;e qod l--lre XII IJth day o'f l''ln'-'ernber t6:11 mal::e ?,r.or-da:lne this m-.,* 1a::t r.rj. IL fu tesl:ament in marlner and .ftor,-rne fol. lor,qipg [:irst I cnnrend m-v* snule into the hands of God my Cr-eator ancj to .lt=su-= Christ my Redeemer ag,suredl.;- t-l-rr-ough lris rnc?rritts dEra{:lr ir F.acscJn to ha"re rernj.sgian of aIl my eirrnes. and to enjoy a ble='rssed and eternall life Ite,:rn m.)/ l-:odie I raill to be butried arnong {:trea'faithfLtl pegp I e accor-cJ i ng to the cJ i Ecrecon o{ rni ne Executor herea'f ter t'lct\fited Itelm'Lor.-tcl-ting fny t'.rt]l-1rJ17 qoods .r:r chattels Imprirnig t gi v,e to the pCIctre o.F the :iai d Ehel s'f ei ld /' to be cli =tri - burh-ed clrl13rlctgL l:hem on t.hel day of rn)/ bur-ial1 ltem I give {or a SerJnon to be pr€:1ect'red at m-v 'tr-tnera.[1 VJs VIIJd Item I give r_.trrtn m..i ,Jn11 Rober-t DalLon poltnds r:f gooct errcl 1;rwfutlI mCI1€y g.f ErrgJ.arncJ to be pai.rJ urnto hinr ul'hin tt*Jo'.rclEl- after my rJeceaEe I'hem I qivr:r urn{:o {n.}. cJar-rrth' E1.i:aheth ltirrg-=larrcl {ive pouncis of qgod L;. lalrr{r.rJl. Jlione',,i to be pai.d utnto her w'hi.n onF ye13r'+ af{ ffi'.v' de.:cE:ase Itnm I qive utn'h.n my 'y'c7l.tngeet- =on Sanrutell Dal.ton {c:r-tie poutnclr ot er.rod and law'fr..tll rn{]ney of Epql alcl tc' bt: p.*.i. 11 urrrt:o l-i i nt r"l 'h i n tr*n i'eere5 a.'f {:elr rny decea=e Item I gj.,,re t'.g ALice l,:.inqnl.arnd (ny qt-anclchild an eu're f'e lrer l.arnbe Itear tor-tcl-rirrq rn.),. J..;rrrd I order j.'h in 't--lris tnnnner First I gi.,,ef to m:,/ $crn Abraham D.:r.[tcrr those parcells cr{ 1;rnd lying ;rnd beirrq i.rr {:he'r o'F Codltarn rzi:t She*ppeards ['lar", and the three fficltlcrn'ft::: to my said son Ahratretrn and to his hei rsa f 6r ever I tem I g i ve '[:o my rai d sCIrl John IJal ton the futrttrer mabcroft:: arnd ol.aves felilde lyirrg and be':ing in the parrig;h o{ Corjt.rern i:rrcJ cclnteyhninq try els'L,irnacon 'F-en acres more or. I egge To have:: ',7t to l-ror.rl. c{ the sai d {utrther l"labcrof t and [Jlave= .ft-i1d lo fll'r, s;.1icJ ::on Jolin and tr: his l-reires {or ever Itenr a,lI t.t-re res{'- of my gor.:ds ;tnrJ 1g l.Jlr;tt$oever my Debts first pai.rl; rni/ ft-tneral.l. & 1e:gecie= clisch;rrged I wholir gitre arrd beclurearttr lrntn my hel o..,e:cJ wi f e AI i ce Dal tcrn and Abr-aham D;r.1.'hon rn;v €ot1 r,rhorn I rn**!'::e .joyrlt-- Eilecut{:c]l-c3 of 'h,his my will and testamept AntJ I cle:;i re my l ovi ng nei ghborg Fr.:tnci g; Etragi er ancl John Cole to be ttre Over-::eters o{ tl-ris my wilL ansJ I give to each of thenr fo1F-treir pairres tern shi. l1ings In hlitnes in 'hlra': her-en.f I l-ra\,/e? pur{: my hanrJ -rncl seale to these prsent:; day and ye€re above. r.Jr-i'L,terr l"lernorancln that wch i s bl r:tted outt i n tlre 14h-lr tSth .+:r lCrtir r/.lilt; done by the con=ent of the tegtator Ita ter,tor Georgiurs Snri'b.h F:tlstor- de Chesl''feild The .te=1ators ftdrF[:]€ q3efil.ecJ *rrcl deliverecl irl 'Llle prEence of Eeor-ge Snrith Farsor"i r:'f Ctrerls'fei. Id and John Cr:Le his rnarr[::e The above [:ei. ng {:he Frobate only o'F 'Etre UliLlr it is irnpr:sgible,' to say r.ltrat tr,as; blntted or-r'l: in l.i.nes J.4., 15.t 16. 165

j. j. L&46 Eel.l. or,l s. '1.:.1-rcl I'Ji. 1. I r'f John Brasi er o{: '!'lheat{: el cJs ' it i.; .l.rltl-r l':i.:hr-Lra.ri' L.5tl.h, l'l-t:i.'s [.'Ji.LI i- i:unonrJ the 'Tit-1e Deeds r-eL.etinq Lo the .ahJo.,,e propet-t'y'-

r " In tlre nilrne of Uod f.\rnen I Jhon Eragi er of the l3'ri sh o't Cheelsfej. 1d in tlre Colrrrt'y of l':.elrr{: yeCIman being sic[': in bodi, butt 1n p 'f ecte rnerncir-ry' thancl::es be to God there{or-e? the foutrteenth da;r srf F:'ebrL.tar-ir .1.{rr:l'A doe tna[::e and cfsrJaine this my last r^lill encl test*rmcrrlhe irr mannc?r and forrne'fCIl.Lor.ling'firc'h. I cornmerrd my seutl e i nt:n L.lre trsnes of Al mi otrty 6od mi, Cre.ator ancl tr: Jest-ts El'rr i. :i{: my lletjc. €?rnmr- hop i ng as:;Lu-cl l ',,. t hr-outgh tr i g rner-r'i'!:ts rJeath ;rrrcl p,:1:3s.ion t:o have. rFmis=i.on of alL my gins and to inioy an eternall a.nd El.r.t;geld 1i{e Itenr'rnir bod.v I r.rill tcr helel trLu-i+::cl arnc,r'lg the f ej.tlr"ft..tll peopl.e accorclingcl to the cli.Ecrq-.{i:ion of mine+ t.:xE:r:t..rt(:r-$ ;rnd exectrtriir her'eefter- named Item t.ot..tchj.rrge m'.tl worldi' c;onc{s inrprimj.s I to the poCIre people c:f {:tie p'r-ish r:'t Cl"rr..-:';Lfeild at t-he d.*y of m'r-' btrrr-ialI the' sLtrne of tt^lo poltndu. 'L:ct be paid at ttre discretj.nn of eiiercl:utrCIs ;tnd e:recr.rtriir I'h.em I cli.rie ttn'l:o my rrli. f s ;rnd -ioynte Ei{ecrt't:ri:: a.l..l. my l-rr:rr',:tlhr:1cl s.tutf'fe ancl implernent* o{ lroutsehsLd Item I qive t.rrrtr: rnv r,,ri. f e .;rnd .ici;nte e:iecutti-ix eL l my l-tnr-g;eE and maregi Ite.-"nr '{:nr- al. l. 1:!-rn regt o'F rni,' rlclccls c1fid chattel I s I rJr:e v.,i I 1 and hclqtrelatl-r to [rc': e(lLtaL I 5, d(pr,, i. cJed lrEltv.lene rny r,'.1j. f e and Fr-anr:j.s Frelnch rnv sorlrre in 1at^J to,hom I doe rn.,al,:e atrd to he 6r7flte e:'(r?cltLnr and Fij.{pcu{:r-iir Itern concernincl my tenement ancl 1'ends I doe: uvi.L1 arrcl [re:qr..teat-,h tl-rat my urj.'fel shalI hold and irr.ioy tlre r:nE rnoyiti.e= a.nd h**l'f cJt-tt-inr;e her n;rtr-tra11 lj.fe and my sonnc? F:-r-;.tnci.'* [:rench the otfrer rnCIyite and lra].f I'Lem I doe qive unto {n'f rrri.'fe and (ny ;:onncl in 1,a.w a debt beling in thc"' hancJs of Eeor-qe l"lutl.arrcl o{ Ileckenham of the :iLrrne of twenty and Lv.lo pot..rnda tc: hrn r.:1er:a.lly tJelvidti.:cJ be'hwene rny r,^,:L'te I'larqret ancl my gonne i. n 1ar,.l F:rarrr:i E Fr-t:nch I'bern 'f or al l rr'/ ottrer deb't:r otlenqe llnto rnr3 I cJr:e r,^rl-rnJ..l.':,. arncl helque*1,{:h urrrt:m rny wife arnd I appoint.el ffi";r twn bal.L':vtlcl "f:riei-rdg that i:3 to eli:\y rny 'hr.other' Fra.nci= I:*r-ars:i.r.:r- and rn)i brot-her irt 1aw John Ful. l.r.:r' to be rnine clver-::eers of this my laet wi. IL arrd test.amente and I doe will and beqttelatlr t..rrlto rny 'Lr,*rn overra(.3Fr-s eacl-t of tlrern twenty sh i I 1 i ng= €1 peece I rr tvet ne:=.r;c3 wher eof I have sete my h.and and geal. l. tc: thege p'=ent= tlre day and year f irst erlrcrve urri'l--{:en seaLLed plth:liserd in tfle pt-esents of 166

1A&B Ttre { nl 1 ar.ri. ng i s e coFy o'f the bli l. I o'f Robert Petl ey datrerJ l"la'i ttre Js-itt-r t,ri,tt3, end j.s .amCInq tl-re fitle DeedE be.1onginq to Ett.tcl,:= Crog':- ,,In the nrlme o.f Er:c! Arnen Lhe hhj.rt-'1e'btr day o.f I'lair in tlre yeere clne ttrnutEand siite hutndred eii:t:ie crllcJ eight and of oLrr Lord Eod 'Ch;rr:J.et3 in tl"re trlentieth jr/( o't ml.u- Sr:ver;ri.qrre Lor-d the Sercold b1, the 6r-ace o{ God of Engl and ScotL and France and Irelantj l,::ing De'fenrjer CIf tl're faitlr I Robeir-t Fetley of CheIE.feild j.n the Cr:nrrtj.e of t'ient yeornan being in rea:3onable cfoocl lrtea'hl.h o{ br:c{j.e bt-t'h af gnorJ and pelrfect rernt+mbrarlce Frai. sed be God thererf r:re doe rna[::e orclai ner and decl are thi s to hee m:r' lar"t r^ri1. I ancl Telstameen'1, in ma.t'lner follnwirrg Firs'1, and above al I I commi'L't: my Ssr..tJ. e i rrto the hands of AI rni ghti e 6od my ma[':er that c]av6 i'l-- eteclfagtlie trutsting to lrave free forgi.venes o.f ;.1 1 my slynneE thr-outglrthe onlie'rnerrit-teg Death fu Lt{:li:.sinn o{ Je,eutt: []l"rr-ir:h rni* onJ.i.e Sarrioutr and Retj€?erner And m';/ boclie to ttrr.: llar-'L.h fr-orn r.'.,1-rence it carne: to be Futt-yerd in the Chr-rr-ch clr C!-rurrcl'rr*;rrcJ o{ Cl-rel.:;{s3i1.d aforeaaid referring a,nd l eavi rrq t he tvme and ficlrln{lr o{ t lre Butryal I. 't hFiF€(rf urrto the di=cr+:con r:f m.v Execr..rtrix ltere":.'f'h-er narrneecl Arrd toutctrirrcl m'y' e=tate bol:h r-e*al. I arrd pE:r'=on;ll. l. I di.s[]cJse therec-r{ in rna,nner {o11or..rinq Fir-gl I qiv+:l r..rrrl:.n ttre poctr0? o'f Cl-rel='feiil.d 'hr'^relntie shillinqJe$ tn betl pai.rJ ltr-r'ho .t:hem by nty Er:ecr-r.tri>l hereafter n;rmed uppon tl-r+.-: cl.l,rir'of fiirr Butri,,,rl. 1 Itern I utnto Rnhert: 5mi tfr flry gi. eit er€ sronn{:l one l. ong p I an[,:e tabl e the-' f r;.rme to i t arncl eiqht .joinrrtl =tooles. flne carved large presse cubboard, r:nc? f orme, tl+o :l r-on cobi rnrrs, one brasse caLtl. clron f utr-nace t -for-rre chel;'he, cJne* {eethelrberd, troltlster, bedgtadltl and ttre fttrnitutre' breloncling to it st;rrrdinq j.n ttre pai-1r:ttr chsmber And algo CIne br;r=se potte, r:ne .-ioined bc:dst-ac1le anrJ becJ with what bel ongels to i t .=;t;rnd j. nq i n the l::i tcherr charnber fJne hal f headed bedstaclLe ancl bE:cl'h. L:re*lonc-leii to tl-re same' g'hancJirrg in the garrett a{hr.:r- tliel dc'cease of ,Joanel my Itern I give Irrr'l:n my cosen I'lri.r-1,.' [:'ei rce tlrc"" 11c]tJ r..ti.'f e n{ l'{t=nry Fei rce one' ct.tbLror-d in the [::itchtlrr a,rrd tr.lent-ie poutncls of,'r'tr-t11 mofY of EngL":irrd to bere p*irl r-rnto her urithin tu.relve mcrnl:heg af'belr my decc*ase by my execrrtrirt helreafter named And alsoe I give ltnto my s;-ri d Coseln I'larry Fcai rce 'f he neu t 'f ;.r1. L or ct-t'F-'h n'F crnG? parcel I of the wood land cal.lecl Faecells tJood lyirrg arrd b:eing in the o.f Shor-eha,rn in the ea:ld Coltntie c-r{ l:.ent r.lhen the same woos{ she.l 1 coms to bee o{ rlyne yeares grornrth after my decease I'Eem I utnto fi',"'cocen EI.i.i..abe'hh Smith twenty pounds o'f li[,:e laulfurll. many of Englend to bee paid ttrrtc her by my Exe*rurtrix lrereaftclr narnecl r^ri'blrin tr,.lelve rnonthes a'f'ber my dec€:rRse Arrcl aL,:=oe I urnto m'/ said cosen El.i=abeth Smith t-lre. ns.lxt 'f al I. cJr- cr-ttt nf ,tnr:? p 'cel. I o'f tuood 1;rrrcls cal l eci Oven L67

p*11-ish o'f L.,Jnncl ,n'r.j l.lur-l.itrir.:l=. i.{r::l.e l.':.'i.r-rcJ *r.rrij L:e"' in h-hc-" j.rr {.:.trn :,;ajcl ccit..rrtti.c-" (]{ lierrL, t'rhen the =am(.: ulor:d And sh;rll. cnmq.r {:r: b.":c rf nl,,/nrj.;,,eare= gflor're{:h a'fter rn:v clecease j. {n}" r:ai cl r.^li te glr*rJ' L have my v€try r,u l. I. and mt-rynrJ i r' that ,Joane ofcr-tpi.c"= pos::i?=.=e ansl olniCIY arl1 and sinqtr}ar- theEe iiiii par-ceIl.s of I.ancl c;-r.J. l.ecl f,roc[:]€t-e L':nds ]"lome{ields =ev*raIl..field= s,.'cJ cnnrherlanr:ls Loqlether r...ritlt ttre herLr;rgel r:nlirre o'f O'ren hl'od ;rncJ [.lorlanrJg fro].e rr\Ficl F*r=ca11s l"loocl AI. I u'r't:ir sei-rJ SRV€r-*1L1 p,ar-cerl.l.s n4 l.;1ncl g1ncl r...lcJocJ la.rrclg tront;ryni.nil i'n the v'll'roLe by e:;tim":cori fiftve acr-e]i::. CIf lancJEg bee the. 5fl'lll{ rnc]r.e or les=Et Ancl at'E-! l.i,ing a.ntl !::reirrq i.n tlre ::r;t'reraJ. I p'irhee o'f*Lcl antJ Shnreham irr thel siaid Ccl.tntie o'f tl.ent yeilding p.Lyi.n$ ltntn m.i sa.icl Co=en Ftober-t [irnj.{:h 'l:r:t-tre pr:r-tnd= o'f arnd j.n laur-futl. I rnnny of ErrgJ.;rrirJ i'earely c-r'rrd et'eri€ yL:lare dutring the na.tutra.ll I.i.fe r:.f the i=airl *Jr:..lne rn:t' said t'ri'fer after mi'/ decr,iirti.€ Itmm f qi..,el r-rn{.:o nrii Co:;en ,John Hibben the sonne o{ one ,John l-li. bb i. rr n* ur.ll 1 1 I n{]H dwel 1 e'E wi th rnee meEs;L.r$qct or t erremerit r^l j.'Ltr tlrr: h*rrrrr.l ;"aFcl c.;ardtln arrd orchards gre.:r.eltnto beLnlrqilq .=:citr-ri:ltF .r,yino .:rncl bt:i.rrQ in hlre p;rri'sh of j. 'hhe Cl-reI s{ e j. I cJ ;rf or-eEfli d artr-J rtnt"'r n occt-tpacon r:f one 'Jol-rn Fltrrnond -l-O heric.: i.trfld L,: lrc.)l c:i Llre 'nai c{ me=sLtaqe clr" tenFr'Iltr:flt barne j. ttre: y;rrci CIrct-rarcJ13 encl Fr(:?m sng L.hnrt..rn't--r: Lrel.[ onQ ltnto hi m ::h.elJ. crJin{? r-rrlLr: arrcl at-Leincl ltn'L(f {:-tre ft-tl.f i\qJe =,.=rid Jolin l."li.bbir"r o.f anrl 'l-ulerr{:,i r* },riare'i-j. f\rrtJ utrlt-:L } L siutclr hi E e':JF of CIne ;rflcj t:r,.le.-:n'l:.j.e'Fif:a yeaf-$?!:. s;t' aCt:i::,(np].i.glrllcJ m\r/ Vtnr-y r,''ri.Ll' i\rrd rni'nd i'= j. t.h;r{:. rny fix r,lcutri:r- j ir lrercla'f {: er rramelcl s'hal I retre ve anrJ ta[::e ttre y,=iarel...r' s.rrrJ prn' 'h.[rc':r-r:.:nf for- etnd tor'r"-r-rds the u=q? rnainten$nc13 e.rn6 br-j.nirrg L(pp cr{ Jr:ane t{ibben t-he :;i.ster o'f the sarj.rl Jc,hrr l-.lj.bbE,n Ihc+rn I gi.v'e artc:l beqr..rea'hh unto my said [,:j.nsman f;:ohe.lrt Srngll A1]. and singutler my messLtaqlc1!3 lands and tc.errerneln't= nol h4:t:npr-l qj.velrt CIr;rhtrecl :;cj.tLt'l"L,E f iing arrd treing in ttre Ee...,e:riil1 [].'l,r-i.ghes o{ CheIs{j-eld thoreham t]rpirrgtorratrrlS.,l:i.rrt.t,ler.5,.[)r.4.,,,..!.nlravE:arrdtcrl.rr:r-rldalI.and singutler t5e sa:i.,J :;t:,vt. r-al. I r-ns?s:;Ltages cll- {:&'nemerlts larrds ancJ prerniec-"s u,.Jihh hl-r, .lrrr.i r.:vri.:r-j.e s:i'f 'hlreit- apputrt[3rlnj.ceg t".trrtr: hint tlre sa:irJ Flabr:r-t arrcl 'Lo liis heyres, m; !;tul'furllie: t-:eqo.t--f-r=.1 cll- tr: l:ers begr:.r'hterr of his oL\,nc-'' hoclye 'fnr slver- Arrcl for tggfit o{ guch ys:tLre aE a'Fnr-r:saicl f gi..''s ,ancJ bequteath all and ,:;inqlrlep ther a.for-esi;rirJ inei;l.taqei: or tenepmtln'b. 1:rnds ancJ pr.e?miege:; r"ritlr all and er.'r.rr-ie tlre:i.r .appLtr-te'nntres a5 a'foresaid r,ci. Lutatrlr lyirrO arrd lreing i.n ttre s,aicl ::ever-ar.IL pari.::lre."; o'F {:he*lgfs:ilcl Sl-rorlr;lrn f]rp-rirrg{':c}n ;rrrc1 Saj.rrt- M;{ry Cr-ay utnto my verie, [,:i.nsrni\n F:icharrJ 'flrnrnar; n'f Deptforcl i.n 1:.hel Cot-tntie Lovi'g =arj-d 't'he o.F l,:.r:nt: g€?ri'l-.1.e:man To t-r€iVF: arrrcJ to hnt..rl.cJ "a11 clrlci sinc;t-tlelr' seri C ,.:er.rter-,nI L (nEf:;:iLra\gEs, or tenement= l ancjg atncl prerlli sseg wi th ttrej.r. i\pputrtelnnct*E a:: ar$ar-esairl utnto him the E*aid Riclrard 16El

"l-homa::; ;"r.nc1 tn l-rig; trej.r-es ..rntJ aEEignes 'torever It-ern I futrtlret- gi ve anrJ herquteat:l-r r-irrto rn'), :.i-:.:i. cl [,:i rr€,rlan Robert Snii'Llr a]. I that 'l-en*.-:rnc.:nt- '[:lrt*i-t-trlt b*1(]n9 i-nq m\,/ r'ne€:=i.li1{::!e CIr' J. arrclg le pr-Pflli =ge''s o j. gt't cal. l. et1 l-{y*nrr", I I gc tt.rxte I. 1.'i ng and bei ng i n l:lre pcar'i of .bhe 'L:he DucJtre.m :i. i-r sai cl Coutnt i e o f l'':.mnt And nctt^J i n tr)ccLtpac(:on o{ one Thom;rs l-.len(ficafi for anc{ the natutrall. ].i-Fe o{ hirn t hsr gai d Rnbel-t Snri t h Ancl i:r{ {:t. r- 'h.tre cleceasF o'$ tr i rn the sai d Rebert Srnith I {url. {reell.;' arrr1 a[:=.oluttetie qi-'..'e'and'bequteath ALl and sirrgt-tle1blre i:R{nB mi'rnes=uaqe r:l- tenemr"rrt landg a'nd premisseis r'.rj.tlr eve'rie thei.r- $pputrtennces sci't.uate Iyirrg arrd L:s.'irrg at l-l1,rama Hill as afnr-egaicl rtnto my sairJ [,:inst{CIman l"lary Feit-cr: anct EIi.zaL:eth Srnitl-r To tta"'e arrd to hor-rld aLI and E,i ner-rl ei- the s$.rn$ rny {trg?s=l-rage-l or te.lnemtant I a.nd= and premi 55es r.ritl-r their appr.rrL.ennctls c;*1lelcl by tl-re n€(rne r:f l{yarnr l-{i1I scikr-tate lyirrr-1 arncJ trElirrq irr the s;:.i.d p,arieh of f,t"tdham in the said Cor-rntie sf l,:.r:nt as a'foreEaid utrll.o thern tlre saici Mery F."..lircc a.nrJ lll.i;er.bmth Srnitt'r nncJ tn their- heiire-:: and afiEignc3 fnr' e\,/er- ancl {:.nurfiirlqJ l': cclnct:rning alI tlre relst ancl resicJlte o{ alI arrcJ singlrLer- {rt',v/ clnt:rJ::; ['rnur:rl-rnr-tld trorne ra'L.'h].t* chattel reacly mcny debteg and Fters;onal1 c.,t:;'L:;r,t*: r,.rha'LEoever not before given and beqt-ti=athed Ali rn',i deb'heg rn';., futneralI charqle:t arrd eliFerlces ultiatsnvelr €qnrJ tl're Leqacies' herin be{ore! b'.'' rnee givr: f irst bei nql al 1 n.f tlrern tionc:r:'t l. j. e artrJ order I i e pni cl s;tt i s'f ired etncl digchErrgelci I give ancJ be..qr..rt..lath irirto my deare c?fid lnvi.nq uli{e Jnene tretl.elr r,ql'rnrnm clne ma.!::c,: nrclaine and i-rFpnj.nt to bee rny sole and fr-tl I ei:ecurt-r-ir: of thj.E my Le-='E r.li11 ancl te:;tament In blj.tnes= u*rlrtpr-eo{ 1 t-l-re s.aicl RCIl-:er-t Fet-l.e;; h.evt* trelrer-rnto sr:tt my h*rnd anrj geale the dey erncl rr'ear€ firgt befcrre r.,ritten Rob er t Pet 1 rey Signt*d sea.lecl pr".tbLi.=l-rerl declar-ecl arrcl del.ivered sE h i. s Deerd and 1 argt bli I 1 i rr the Fre::enccl rr'F LtE The m.rrke o'f J'troma= Er-oomebr-ic{ge Thomag Smith 6eorge Fi [':e

Frob a'L-um P:aE flr.c 169

LbTl FeIur.r :lg; the rJj IL a'f Anthony Hobbs clated gth o'f l..levernber ;;.,5:r?" l.le r4;\E the ()lrJr-r(?r' n'f thtll hnit'Fc." rrlrir:l"r i.': llot^J CIn tlre scr-r'L'.fr gide of ther r.epr-e::einted b.y, ttrr: {:ldc: L.rpFi(-:jr- cottnq*s,, 'flrc* i-oa6 ;t!: tdel L 14i. 1L , iirllrl clppnsi'hel l::hm hleJ. 1=. rclp:/ of thi. s t'Jj.1i. j.g; ;\montj t.tre Ti.tte Deed* tn ttrj.s proper-ty. 'f'lovt:mber , ,, In tlrtl o.f EntJ /.rlrnelrr tl-ri= eigtrtlr de.v r:'t in t!-re yr;t;rr.'e o{ oLtrr..! l-nrcl Gocl r:ne {:hor-rg;'rncJ --ix hrlrrclred se'lenty {:u^,,:r I Arll:hnny l-{n[:b$ cr'rc 'Lhe p.,']i-ish r:'f i3h..l"1ilrqar-eL' i.rr blestmi.ns'[er :irr tl-re t]r:lrntv mf t'litJdr: gent ":tt t-his praent .hhr-ourcJh meer-e ,Tge l..,,ee[::e br-tt r:f per-'f ect mi ncte ancl mernt]Fy tha.lcl:= he qj.ven t-trrt:o 6ocl fnr ttre sarne and ei(pecting the a,pprCIach o-f my rJepa,r-tLrr-a h'; tJrlattr ot-tt of tl'rig rnort;rl. I 1i'fe dos malle this m.),, last t.'Ji. 11. arrc{ l"e'gtament in r{larlner- and 'forme {n.Ll.or..{i5q (kl'rat i.r: {.:n .iiai,' ) :t be.lqureath rn1,, snL.tle in'Lo h-lrte tra.ndg g{ {lorJ th"r.t. qa\,re? j.t rnr..-jre hnFeti.ncl ancl a=5l.trr:cJly tr-utsteirrg tl-rrouglr tlrr.: {n(:ar-r:i. t'hE r:.F tlhr-i.:'h Jeslts my Savi, nt-tt- a.rrd Rcld{*L5(llri?r- tlrcl renri.sir--.,iCIr-r a'F ;rLl. ,ny E:i.nrrs arrtl {:n ha:E': m*rcl{3 pfrr'La[::er of his 1;1ter-rr.*.1.J."-, 1i-te F1,'rpt-1.;:ri,:1.-.i.rrq rrr'.i' BorJ';; I 'l:-o t-he earth t6 be cletcc.:ryh. J.':i llr-1'- j. r,lr:J tr.; t'!i\,, ei: t.,:t:t-r'l.or- t-r{11-elaf tel- n.-:rnelcl ancJ a'5 1::r:utciti.nq t.:he 11i.*pn::i.r:ort nf t-l-r=rt- estatr: rrrhelr-rg tlittr it hatlr plea:;c*cl E,;3iJ to bl.*::1.:; inee :i.n t!-rj.s l. j. Fe .t clj.':ipc)€ifire aE f c]L1ou'reth Inpr-inrig I give t-rrr{:o m'r/ silnn Anthorry l'-lol:b'.,': r.'.ttrmr': is (i{ l-re beli'reirrE) he.',,,onntJ hhe g:rriitEs "l'i{ty pournds o{ Ir.rr,{{r-tl. l. rnorley o'f rrri. ht+c': utn'Ln him urithirr Engl;rncl elr:l mi- 11. i.= tlr"'r.t tl're ttre spacF gf 93j.:.: mrJl'; a'Fl:er triE r-retLtrne into []r"rqland and the -Earne'1.--o h:ti.l p.aicl ltrrt:.c L:-v (ny lfitecr-t{:ot- her-i.rr a'Stei'" named Itern I dr-re r-trlL.o my clautglrter Dot-athey Lat'lre"'nce t'{i'lot"l i{ ::he be r-na.rr.isrcl {:he Gr-rrne of L.l-rresEEnre pnt-tnd= of 1;tl"l'f:url. l. rnoney of firrgl and bur.L, i..f :i,l-ir: rernE j. r-re e r..ri clsr^.r and not eI ter- her narrne o'f Lar,qrescE b)r m&rr-r'i;r.fie+ {:ti*n .t give utntn he;'- {::he sLtme? o'f { por-.rnds c:.f L',her I. j. !.,:e I ar,.r'FurJ. l. mor-ley e.rrd rny t*li- I I i s ourer-scot-e j.n Ll-rat *:he mclni.r...=.'': {:!-r.*{:: I l-rei-ell--ry givel her- v'dlla{: condicc]n =tre bee :ih;rL'J. bgr,l p;.rirl r-.rp1:.n hq:r by rn-v Exe*cuttnr helrej.n a{' ilcarrr@d r^.li{:.hirr the it::[),:tcri:1 r:f LL.' )/':liu'-r:-:rsi af h'=r- ml' decee\'58:l It'em I gi'lc.' r..rnto m)- grarlrJr:ori ,Inhn 1....;:r,'tr-'Rnre thi.r'ty pr:utndc o'f lawfutLl (,nclney of llnql;.l11rJ L:g Lre p:ni.c.-:tJ r.r.ntu t' f:y ,n)./ c?lirect..t'hot- i*tt st-tch time as my 5,aicl grarlrJsan s,lral..L .attFiyne: to the age of ti'.rct arnd tr^lenty yg{:tr€;l5, Itern I cloci: utntn rn'./ !::.c?r1n bJi. lt.i.arn F{nhb= (ny lrotrse .and Larrcl15 ;tt tle.l. l.hi1. I in tlre Far-iglr m'f Sho.areharn and Cl-retll{ieId in tlre-' Coulti, r:.F l',:.elnL tg1 |1e p'fsessed and en.joyed by' lrim and his trej.rer= for- F.r/€?t- Item I rJoc*," arrrJ beqr-reath utn{:o the threcl 1 the ;:t.t(n(? o{' tr'renty ch i l tlr-en o.f rn)/ sai rl =ctnn t'Ji t i.+m Finbbs por-rndi; a petctcF tCI br: pai. cl utn{;.o tl-ir?m when 'their str$I } atteyrre r-tnto their-t.-: r-g?sprlclj.r,rEt s.qr!,:! r:'F .f i'"'r: ancJ 'l:r'lenl-y ),/(lell'-Gi:: CIr at tl-re,: tinre of {:hej.r-e rt' spe'lc'Live n'lar-ri.ages which o'i: L7U^ either- nf thenr r:hal. I .f i.r-:;'L li*r.ppen Itern al. I ttre rest of rny goods credi. tt= EtilrJ cha'hl es ;rnd ready rnoney of mi ne whatEuB\,,'@!- i give c-frd bequeath r-rnto my Eonn tlilliam F{obbs aforeg.,rid tllhorne I doe helreby rna.[::e .!r orde]rre f r-tl I tr whol e Exercurtor o'f thi s my l ast tli L l arrd Tegtarnt hereby revoaki ng rna[::ei ng nul t it voi d al l other l,rlill and hli.tls & Teatament and TestamentE by rne.'writeing in any r.ris,e baf C]re thel darte hereof rnacle And constiturte th'i = to be my I agt t^li I I and Test amt I n Wi tneEs whereof I have hereurnto pr-rt- rli/ hancl ancl se:al e, the day l:{ yeare 'F i rst above r+ritten Anthony l{obLrs his mar[::e

Si Cned .e:.: Seal ecJ & Del i riereld by the sai d Anthony Hobbs aB h i s I ast t;i I I Telstamt i rr the pr-sence of John Wogencrof t Sutsanna hlo.€encroft Theodar Jenni nq$. " L7T

The GooddaYs tl ( ::. E'r,' f' p 5 l. ''l.l l. B )

'hhe Ttre Eoctdda',v; rrJgr'-i:1 al1;e tlre ownerg of 'She}*s' in par o'f l''.nr:c l':hol t clilcj the clrdelr- o+ on to botlt i str , =L.tccesEi gol'cl F,'opert i el'ii trl* € 'l:hn g;nrn$ utn'l:.i1. the time r.rheln ,.lnl'tn l4or-.trr{: Hall in L734.. 't.he .frtmil.y, r,"re re intirna't:ei1.i; cCInrtected r+ith Herchant Ta/L;;r":; Conrpany, and rdri cat"c? j.ncjE:bL:c'lc1 l::o tl-reii'' preserlt Clerh:t Mr-,, fclr tht;l fol. 1nr,,,i.rr':l in{ormation extracteld 'frorn the Compaini,'1; Fie.:copclr;, 1;CIr'lcc?r-I"lj.rrcl '*.1",tl=*:l mslmber:; nf h.l're fatnil,v' ."1!3 t.J:i l:l-t Ctre:l. f :i eJ- cJ - wer-e connects:cl =; ,'7 FebFrrrtr-)v, L$r-rTltr-r tJiIIiam Eooday made free by service l:.rr velrhr-re. o'f tl-ri.= or-clnr" {i:il. l.nt.ling vi.: : Carnhe'-"1. .l. Fl-rinr l"lartis se:.lto cl j. e Febr-r-1.;u*y L {:rt-}!t ;.rnnoql.le F': F: Ja.cnbi Angl. i e nt se$lti rno. Item t.,Jtrnr'{:lr:t!i ;:,'h a{::e tret-e hr:lrjen the fyvt':th of DE1cembEr- Ieg;t-, tlrr: cCJfl[]L.1;i.s-11:::i ':onta-.,-nerJ in thn peticion o'f 'f (=j.c), [.di. 11i.*in {inr;day late thn *\lfl]r-t?n'hj.c.t mf }'lutnrf rny fii..trrECIl-l nrepclreutryLail.oLrr-1 cle;rj.nEt l' s; I'lr', FlFl'-E r-c"ferred to ttre: lre*tring end exain:inacian o'f 5it" .Jr-.rl-rn [iwyrnn$r'tr:rt, 5ir Tlrornas H;*i eg anrJ l'1r-. Ch;rnihr.:r'J. en , ;rrrd ttreli' Lo errcJ the :1;lme cJr to rna[::e t-c3por-t t-o hlri.s cor..rr-'[:r'.-: r:'f:t:t'tr-'::i.r- npiniorr'* tf're'lr-c:li.rt,.'fhi.s day thc-' eai,J Sir- Jc,hn $r,..ryr-rnertnn, 5i:i.r l-tromali e,rrrJ I'lr-.trharnber-1en made t-ctpr:rt to thi.s Cor-tr-t-r'"-' tha.*-: Ltpon 'furlL arrd deliberate hearing ;rncl klliamirr;rti.nrr n'i: Lrr:tt'r partit:si (no{:t'; the allc.:gaciong en.for-ccld hry L.l-rr: s,aid Sutn:ltnn). Tl-rey .are of the r:pirriol tt'rat the s;ricl tdi11.:i.arnt Gocdai; outqht to be made free o'f Lhis Ci'ht-;v Lry .i.iF.l,-vice in tt're i; Compan-"* ${ I'ler-ctrautn{: Tailor-u-tB" Lt i.s, there'ft:re ordered tl"r;r'L tt're e;airJ l"lr and ldardens ;,lncJ to a.cJrni'l: trim o{ thq.: s,..r.icl liurrii:t.-rrl'rr =h;,rlbe drilsirecl r-e?qLtir-ed into l':t-rerir- Ei{:tciel{::i, arrrl tf-r;,rt l"lr-.Cl'r.hrnberl.en shal. 1 ;rdmitt him irrto 'tlre .Frti+r:lclrrrllrs of hhi.s citt;; by ,eervice. flncl 'L,lris orcJer (t^ri'bhr:utt a\ny' t-Ef-ror-'Lr.l to bt* metrJe by ttre :laid F'lr..trnm{{r'e:y 6r-lnEton r.re11 to the rJ l"lr- and ['Jardeng strel. Lre ,r Etr-ric.f i ci t,.n{: v.Jnr-ran{: a.:; =,4.i. cas to the s,aic1€ t'lr'-Cltambelr-l.en i.n th:rt behaIf".

61{: {::he Cnr.rrt of As=istantg held on l.5Ll'r Jutly 1646 (eLec'hj.orr day) t'JiLliam Gt:odde.y hlas.electerl "fctutrtlt or lower rentor l,", Flr,l t{;t'= s.fJ=.ent-r atrtd t\ra't cliven a clat-e to appear to {:.a[':e h i r,. o;r{:.h. L72

i1L a tloutr'l r:f f:i'=:;iEt;:irit= nn 1 f 'Ll-t Ar.trtr.t:i [: 1646 tl're ,-', { o I J. ot.l i rr g :i. r e ': cir rJ r:rj -

"There r\,a$ th j. e cla), r-e:ad a l. et'her {rom l''1r-. tdi l l i am Eooday tetelly chogen 1or,^,elr- [::entnt- [.'Jar-den {or l:he yei].t*Et fiinsLtingt tlre tenor tsl-rer-eo'f f nL l t:t'reth vi. ;:'h . ? Tr: 'ttre rigtrt wor-{:l-r the l'lr- and l,'lsrcltlrls nf the Eompany cr'f Merchanttai l or:;

6ern t.1 ernen Your:; of the XVJth her-eof I received t'rhereby I 'find I arm elelctecl bl,:rrden for" tlre yeare ensuin-q, if I sl'tot-tltJ not expre€:;rJ an acl::nor,rledqrnen'l:: a{ yCILtr in:;t act I r.,'tere an LlnwCIl-thy rne.:inber o{ thn Snci nt-y r,^rhi ch I doe herel":y rny hei:rr-t'.v thanl':= ancl cCIrtfess:,el*Lir th"rt hacl ric-:L Al. l.m:i.cthty 6ocl I;rid hi.s harrd Llpon rne hr:", qi-8j..,.' l.ame,:rrn:i:! tlr;i{.-- I arn becorne so t.l*:al.teg l:lrab. most: irilr' t j. mc: i.s *peirr{: in my berrJ and rny=el f e not abl.e to goe overt:.t'rr*rarL my ch;'Lml:t:r l.ritt'rr:t-r'L- {:l'rr..-: trel.pel of ? cr"utche:; and not r.ritt'rsr-rt- gre.+t paine, /-\n,v'rfl'rr pc!r-=nna.l. I disabilLj.'llies =utch that I nm ri,a:i ,ahl.r..l ho g;er-ve ttrn eaid pl.nae elg I t^lr::utlcl v'Jil. l.inly and chearrfutl. l.y harrE: tcr[:iL:n Lire siinr€: Lrpfin mr.] to havel pet-formed my ciure ;;ervi ce t-lter- i. n L'.lhelr-e'f oi''ri nly l-rnrnb l. c': *r-ti. e'L,e i g that . yorJ and every o-F my cclmpany t,+il. I trc pI.c'a=ecl to di:imi:;:;e m€ and to elect ctne t:tlrer to ser\,,e in the Eaicl placel AnrJ i{ it ple'l.:tse Eod to restore me of rny l:trnernerss I wiII =F\,re the place at anyt-ime c:r el.t; if: yout rrril. l. i.n theis ti.met; 6rlc':a*ei to hav'e pati ence, I hal,i nq rnr-.rch relnt dure rtrll,o rnp of wt'ri ch I cannot obtaine ;rny (tea)ies hea'ri.e ;rnd b;r reasrfn I have fnr" ahout '5 years pa=t nn'L tr-adE-"c{ los'b. r^Jittr the charge:; o{ rny larnenes in physic[::e e1[1d r:l-ri.r-r-lrqRr-t1,,] I say your patienr:el r-tnti11 time be peacelablt: arrc{ dute to be ohtai.ned Arrd I uviII qi're a pielce of plate tcr my comp;-.r.n'/' ir-r tol::EFl nf m),/ tharrr[,:'fuI. lnes l.--o 'hlrern. 5n I ta[':e I ela...ze 6'f Vi-rt..t al ]. - y ?l 1.6116 Ymrs r.ri::;hi.rrg f t^lere ;rblt: tu Gerve you Fr-om Fent I oule ldm Eondclay tJl-rerctL.tpsn it ir= orderecJ in favoutr to l-'lr Eoodday he shalI ba: c1i'sct'r;rrged frorn tlrer pLerce n'f a [,rlarr-den o'f ttri.s Company to whi ch he L.Ia*; I etel y chosen Lrppon hi. e prCIrTli se o{ qivei ng a pielce o'f plat-e to tlri.s fnrnpany r,^ thic Coutrt cJoth expec'h to be o.f thu. val ure o{ XXl i irnL{ doth 'b.t'relreLtppon or-der {:hat a 1r.:'t'-her- el'ra.11 he t^rFit-ten to {:lrr: t;aicl l"lr.Eoodday tt: 'hhat effect.

At-. a Coutrt of Agsi. gtr:afitE 38 Augutet 16.46 173

fi I et::t:s:r" 't.:ci l''1r-,. t'Ji. l. L i.,*rn Eocdclai" the tenoi- r,+hereof { ol I or..ret-lr v;'1, . Ourr cnrnrnenc{,*ci.r:ns, r-srntlnihr-ed ancl 'y'oLtt-s CI'f tl-re XXJth Jt-t1y f.JEe recei'red r+lri.ct'i b'.r{r.'!. t-tsild at clt.(l- 1.ilg'h Coutrt of As-,si stants. And al. thor..tglr cllrr Cornpany mi ght (as the'1' c.oncei ve) by thE:i r pot.Iep g i ven t-lrerrn hy {-:lrei r Ord i nance have requi r-eld the 'f i ne: ei t-her -"-13Lrr pe'r.sonal l nr?r-vi. ce' t:r i n def aurl t thereo{ 'f o.f Ll i. nelvs-?r-'hlrnJ. ersse i n a.::-:lr{?{l i. al 1. ;"' 't.3r,'clt-tl- and nl-htre reeE(Jn|5 eltpre:lsed in ynl.rr Iettnr- 'Ll'rn'r' har,'e spareld yoLt {rnm the Eervice o.f rrra.Fden tr.lhc.'rer.rr1h.r: .y,ot..t tr,tei-e chngen gn ag accot-di.rrfl to o'f f e,:r i rr y6Lrr- Letter- yCIr.r l^ri 11. giver f or the putbl. i. qr-re LIEC-. of the r"alLte Cr:m;:anny* ;l pit=nc-" 13'f 1:r1.4'L:c.,1 tvch i= e):pec{:eld l:m bs o{ l--he of XXli at tt"re l.e;rs'h r.rl-r:i.cfi t:hey rJoub:t- no{: but yc]t.t raill willingIy pelrf orrne-: havi ncl rt::;[]r*r:t {:r: {:lrtl 'f avout- t-ecei. verJ end )/oLtr L ovel rr'oLt ei{pre:tsed to tt'tm Compen,!'" Arrd ='o l',t€ comend to ttre prntec=i. nrr n'f tht.-: /'\L mi ql'r'hy, a.ncl resl: Ynr l.c:ving freinrls L']t:r:rge l"1el1i sh l'lr F:j. cl-t;.rrc! FerY' ) l\nthonl" Si eper ) l"lar-dens; Ni choL a=. Ger arcJ ) 6elot-qn lr.lash l"lc+r'ctran [--tai. ]. or= l-lal l. I tltl-r Sep t emh er- I. '$'4'6

tIt r^lot..t].d Eeern thert t^lj.LIiam GoodcJaty'5{.-: wasi welI {outrrdeci {or- hel diri.lrj arbnltt tl-ra 'foLlowing year. It u'ri11 be notect tt-rat l-re deted h:[ g I ettelr f rorn Fentl otle, ;tnrl Frel trave no evidence thart he l.ivc.:rl ah- Ctiel:;fi.elrJ, *".1.thot-tgl'r tris strn F:ogelr- r^ras €*r'l inhabj.'L;rnt of thir; p;rt-:is.ho and both t"lel-€ landot^lner{; het-e.

Roger Goodday j. :; cle.scr i L:ecI i rr t he f'lalrch*itnt TayI qr 's Recnr-cJ,s ai;: tlre FCIn r:'f [,tli I 1. i arn Goodday dec€cr.'g{:?cl r and ulas arlrni.tted by 'F;r'krirnorry' on thel 3(:!th JanLtar-y I649r'5(J. II.IDET( -!

Abbot John' 9q Baruch/Baruck Wood 1?'48tI30 Abbot Richard 99 Bashford Dorothy L24 Accounts ChurchwardenE l3rI5 Bashford l''lichael I ?4 Accounts Overseers 13 Basbet Edward 31 Acres in parish I Bath Fami ly 1t)O Addi son hl. H. 77 Bath Andrew EO, I 00 Advowson of Chelsfield ?4126rb5 Bath John I Oi) Alexander John 67 Bath Hary I0O Allen Family 99r 109 .Bath Thomas l00rl04 Allen George 99 Eaugh Fo I I i of 44 ,63 ,7 4 Allen James fO? Beauclerk Lord Vere III AI 1 en Johan L22 165 A1.1en John 46r6t)r80r99, 156r159, l60 Beddington l22r14l Al l en l'lary 9? Beechcroft 117 Al len Robert 35r60r80r99, 109, 156, l60 BeI{our 8.75 Allen Stephen 55 Belf rey Screen see 5t.f'lartins Church AIlen ttlilliam 8O BelI Ropes 46,32 Allicocke Eharles 97 Bel 1 s see St . l'lart i ns, Church Atl Souls Ehapel 74 Bence Thomas I 03 Al l Soul s Col lege 45163174 Bene{actions 3 Allyn Johan 140 Bener ych /Bener i c ke/Bener edge/ Bevered ge Allyn John 60 Agnes 135 Altar see St.l'lartins Church Andrew 6rI35 Alwen FamiLy t17 Eleanor ll6r134 Alwen John 117 Eli:abeth ll0 Al wen l'{i chael 104 Henry 36r11Or134r135 Alwen Williarn 117 John 3r5149 r54156rl 10, l54rlJg Arnos tli 1l i arn 98 Sybyll 6,135 Andrew Sirnon l3l ,133 Thomas 135 Arbitration Award 144 Benstead Eeorge 4t Arnold E-A.1 I I Bentl ey John de 65 Arrow Family LI7 Beresford George 53r54r151,152 Asche/Ashe Family 9rlll Berners Lord John 34 Aschlegh Richard 7 Berrington Family ItO Ash 23 Besse a hlenche 142 Ashe Edward 9 Bethlehem Hospital Z7 Asprey George E. 83 Betses (Wheatf i el ds r T rLO, I ?7, I 44 Atkins Alderman 11I Bible The 49 Atte Welle Phillipe llOr131 Biggs James lOB Aucher 5ir Anthony 39r94 Biggs WiIl iam t0B Aucher HeEter 94 BirI ing 6 Austen Thornas ?5 Blundell Family 118 Avebury Lord 87 Bodenham John 44 Aynscornbe Jarnes 80r91 Bonaunt er / Bonaventure Aynscornbe l''lary 39r6I ,92 Johan 51 ,53r55 Bacon ThonraE 68 John 5I f53r55r 67 rLl0rl33 Baddeley J.J.74 Richard 2rgl ,52r55r57 165t67 | Baieux Bishop of 20 ' 110r1S1.133 Bai I ey [rl- E. t1 ri? Thomasine 37 Baker Richard 91,98 Boot. NilIiam l3l Baker Wi I 1i arn 91 Bo-peep 13, 14rl09rl 1?r150 Bance l'1r 48 Boteler Jas (Earl of tliltshire) 74 Banns of I'larriage forbidden 16 Boteler John 65 Bardon l2?.141 Bounds Beating of 111128 Barley Legacy to Church 3 Bourchier Ann 25 Barnes H. B. L9 r69 174 Bourchier Elizabeth 34 Barton Ann Il5 Bourchier Henry 25 Barton Jas 1f5 Bourchier Humphrey 54 Barton Thornas 91 Bour,chi er Lord 24 Barton WiIliam BOrllS Bourghchier Archibishop 34 rl

Enurghchier ThornaE f,4 Brooks lrli l l iarn :8?91 r1t)4'118 James 148 Fourrnan Thomas 1il3 Broltghtnn A.S. 77 Brown George 76 Buus{ie}d 1.l?rlif, Bopten Fami lY I 18 Frnwn Lora Ernwn l"lary 1if, Forrren John 1ti5 r 1tl6 Furlerr Ferci';a1 iI Erown hJ. T'. Bi Frowne FarniIY &3r110 Frwl es Rntrert 9E e: er,i Fra:iYer Farni 1Y 117 Erowne John ZacharY Frasi &;r75 Frasier Agnes 146 Etrnwne Thamas Ersutne 6i er" Al r ce 144 Niliiarn Eragi 8* Brasier ArnY 5r147r148 Brggnest !'liiIiarn Brun Fab de 58'55 Brasi er Ann 8: r 1tl7 Erasier Ednrsnde 146 Bryan Family ?3 Eryan ?5 FraEi sr Erne 140 ! 14? Fhillipa tl Buck tdiltiam ?6'1f,I ?13f, Brasi er Emrna I l lt)4nlti$' Frasier Faith 107?1:7 Bucks f,rnss 4r35,5IrS1 r?6r1*;r i 50 I5: 163, 1&b Erasier Francis lt:lrg{ir 107f I 10r 1l&r 1i'; ! 147 r 14S, r r l5grI&tlr164'165 Flrcks flr-nss Cottages 5': EtraEier Jganna I07 Bude, f,ornwal I 57 Frasier Jclhn 3r5rg{Jr 1t}4r1tl7r11Orl 1?? Br-tl l John 73 165 Futl ls Head Inn f,4 8i 1!7 r I 4f , 144 ! 1 46f 15?' 163r ' I65 Burrn JarneE 1 14 Brasi er l"largaret fr6r1f,4,1&4rl&5 Etrasi er l"lary i tl7 Burial directions FraEier hlicholas 7 rl44 Burrough Samuel ?1 hlidriw 1lE EraEi er ftachel 1tl7 Furster Thurnas 9E Richard 49r80oI ltlr 137 ? 144 Burt Brasier 1t)i Erasier Thonas EOrItJtlrl?3r14& Furten Jarnes tul ! 94, Ficlbert 6i Brasier bJil I iam 7r8*!1tlur107r1 1t)t 1?7t BLtrtcln Furtun Sutsanah &t I 41 ! I 44f i4?, l5&' 157 r 15? Fii chard 47 BrasEes 51 Butshel I r58r65 Francis ?t Brasted 99 Fuster Buster Ths5. t?o 13t1 Bray Al i ce 2 rh r4? t4& r 51 ,F,31Iu7 ,&7 , Hutts 4 llrlrt5l ?133 Thsmas 11? Fray Juhn 5'J Syrsey f,achetE 33rg3r?i?Tu Fr*.y Thamas Stj 3rt4 Freaclrgate 51 f,arJe ftebetlicrn 105 Breche l rlg f,adietE Farm Frer,ri ng gear 41 f,hal lEck i5 fiarne E1i;abeth 134 Err i dgesti 1e Fi el d 1(ig liarne ftal ph 1:4 Fr i e{ s chur-ch 1t:i Jarnes 49o$t) Br i nd F. hl. fiI ilanstsn f,arter Boys 115 Briney Rebert 65 til FrornleY 8f 1f,r89o 1?lr 13&f 141 f,areelet FarniIY Chanrber l John l til o 148 Brornl eY f,ilmmon 1t}l ayne 84 Ernoker Farni I 'Y 14 ?5 f,hapman Alice ' 10: Broal::er James Tt f,haprnan HenrY ?1 {lhaprnan Robert 84 r 151 Brci$l::er Joseph 1{ji Fronller- Robert J.i' 14r 15r47rS1 r85 f,traprnan SltEanna Thsmas 109 Brsill,:er Sarnuel 81 ,?t] t?1 fihaprnan iarn 46oBt.trl0E Frsnker- Saral"i L4 Chapman hliil Brsol:er Thnrnas 14r65!95 f,hatharn 1?5 f,heesman hlm 1 14 Ernnhs Farni 1Y 109 r I 18 UheleEfeld AIicia 30 Ernnh:s Ann 53 r 1 t-t9. I 1B g&r?1 1g f,heles{e}d Juliana I1 Frnoks Edr-lard r9:rl Lecia tu Frugl':s Geeirge S5 f,helesfeld Clrel esf el d Hi chard de i: Eri:nltE Jaines 1? r 1:50 {]helesfeld Simon de i0 frruokg Jnhn 1? r 85 bji l l i am 11 F,rnnl'rs FhiliP 4gr85 CheI es{eld StePhen de ?3 Bragh:s 5. A. l0? f,hele{eud fihel ef eltd hjr 1 I i am de :t Fronks ThornaE 9t r 1tl9 rrr

Chelsf ield' Church see St-l'lartinE Eonies Reserved in Lease 150 Chelsfield Court & Customs 29 Cooke John 54 Chelsf ield HaI t 13'33r9Or92r tOl Copde Jylia 68 Ehelsfield HouEe 3tL7 Eope A. N.77 Chelsfield Hanor 20' t06 Cope George 31 CheEt Writing L47 Corn Theshing 114 Chevening 40 EornwalI 57r58 Ehiddingstone 124 Coryton Peter 73 Child Ann 16 Cost of Living 113 Ehild unborn legacY to 135 EoteE W.E.77 Child hlilliam 80'91 Eourt Baron ?9 Childrens Croft 1OB Court Lodge Farm B??90 Cht sl ehurst 14 r89 1t)3 Court Lodge House 26r?8 '25 ' Cholera I Court Rol I s L7 ,79 r 36 r 51 Church Ereen 32 Cousin Robert 102 Churchwardens 78r 156r159r 161 Covey Edward 76 Churchwarden's Accounts 2rl5 Cow Legacy of 143 Churchwarden 's Duti es 7A Cowhouses 37 Cilesfelda Arnulf de 20 Eowper Allen LA7 Ci vi I I'larri age I Eowper Richard LO7 Clark John 10 Cowper ttlilliam 110 Clark Richard 8t Eox Erof t L7 ,82 t94-t I Ol r I 19 t Elark hlilliam 100 I26,149,159 Elarke Richard 105 Crafter J.19 Clehungre Rog de 64 Erawf ond Robert 28r81r90r91 ClementE Alice 98 Creassey l'1ary 47 Cl ements hli 1I i arn 98 136 Creavy John 105 CIerke Rebecca 25 ' Cricket t6 Elerke Sergeant-at-Law 25 Erosby Alderman Brass 27 ,43r61 r62 ClerkE Farish 84 Crosby Elirabeth ?B Cliffords Inn 26 Erosby I'lary 28 Elothing Club 14 Erosby Susannah 28 Eoaches 15 Erosshall 92r1O4 rLt7 r11B . Cocke John tO Erossley Thomas 76 Coci

I Dine Philip de 11 Farrant Si r Eenrge 41 .,}t){i Dine Sarah de ?1 Farrant Henry gg Dinharn JCIhn 58f67 Farrant Jshn 14rj Dinharn l"largery 53r5grA7 Farr.xnt R. R. 77 Dinner tor Lady cit the l"lanor 38 [:ar,',[:ham i3 Domesday ?{l,4I Ferby Fairii ly gT Dsrset 1 i Ferby Edrqard 97 ,Ltlri o 101 Daver 15r3??Si Ferby Thumas ?7r101 Dor+d i ng hl. 7$ Ferentins EtarthnlarnetAJ de 64 Dnuell Ra{f 4??75 Ferryrnan Rsbert 14I Dor*rgther f,lementh gI Fiddlers 43r48 Driwl ands Ensse 1 19 Figq*s ThsmaE g0?g: Dswl er James ?(r Filstsn ?5,1Zl,,1:4? l4l ? 148, lIl Dnnler J.19 Fish Legacy g, l4l Dnwnatt Humfrey lqI Five FeIls 14rg5o?Ir?Sr?7 Dor.lne l0 | 34, lf,s Flerning Reginald I1 Durlleys li)f, Fletcher AIice lll Dunmall Family 1l? Fi etcher Erna [a Dunmal 1 George E6, 1{i3 FlEtcher Jphn 1fz Dunrnal I Stephen 48 Fletcher Richard 1f,6r141 Dunrnol e Jane 119 Fletcher Thornaa l3& Dunrnal e Jshn 11? Fl etsher hli t I i arn f,g r 34 Dutnrnale Thsmas tt)fi oll? Fond prices llI DunrnolI l,largaret I0??llg Fnrbr-try The 4 Durby Lane 10f, Fcril n ?: Durham Ig F or.r hl. B. 9{l, ?2 , ?5 Durtnal I House ltrl Francis Simon de 4rj Dynharn John 56 French Farni 1y I l g Eaton Richard 54 French Alice 83 Eaton tdilliam t04 French Francis I l0r1 igrI6g Ebbt-tt James 80f91 FrEnch Henry T1 Ebburtt John 61 French JarneE I l ?, 1&r) Education at Chelsfietd 86 French Thgmas llg Edwards F. 91 Frith Richard ?B EIeven f,riclleters The 6trg?,1r]gr 1?rl Fruit reserved in Lease lstl Ellis l,lartha 116 Fr"y'th Al ice 1l& Elvey Elirabeth ?B Fryth Richard g0 Emery Thomas Froolles I0g Fryth Robert lJA EncroachrnentE 3i Fuller Jhrrn 165 EacheatE f,:::? Ful ler John 36nBr)r?3r?7f lr)IrlrlI, 104, EEclotle Feter de 64 1t)& r 107 ! I r)B r 135 ? 165 Escollant Thorras ?1 gf Ful I er l'lary 37,5i, &l , &: , , ?7, I tit ! Esse;r, Eari n{ ?4 1ti.]r1il9rllrj EEtabrolle f'lrE, f,. H, lrJE Fr-rI l er Sarah f,g 'fhonaE Eve Fami ly ltl& Ful l er SZ E'rereEt Edr+ard Etl r ?1 , lOF Furniture Legacies of 5, l4&, lee Everest John lt, t3$ Fu:ty f,rsft A0r 186 Everest Robt 1?, lf,O Fynden hlilliarn && Eveshole 106 lial l Henry 5S Eyles John gOrgl Game 17 ,:,7 r trIr] Eynsford tl? fiardener Ann ?? Fair= 3:rf,: Sardener Stephen BE Fai qa rtror-rgh f,i | 3I , Bl , rq7 r 1t) 1 Gardiner George ?? Fai thf r-tl bur i ed arnongst S ., 164 | l6I ifattorr , Surrey :&,:7 FamilieE Old Chels{ield LTT iSavel kind 94r?5r?B! lrit FarnbCIraugh 7 ?r) 4r) , o i6 r I'I , ,6I , I 0l ? I I ij George Inn 3: 1Ii, if,5,1f,e, lIqr 141,14f, fierar-d Nichslas ITJ Farni ngharn ?1 6erth 7 Farrant Farni ly ?g Gesten f,hamber t4& Farrant Een{rey Le 4l,?g Gibbet lf, V

Giblett Edward 38 Groornbridge Thomas 168 Eifford l"'largaret 1?5 6rygg Thomas 38 Eifford Thomas 1?5 Guardians Board of B9r9O Eilborn Eeorge i Guirdians of the Poor 90 Eilbourne Sir Edward 124 Gunson Humffrey 171 Ei I bourne I'lary t?4 Gybbyns hli I I i am 68,69 Gi l es August i ne gZ GyI es Farni Iy ?5 6ill Eeorge It)O 6yles Robert ?.3t67 Gi lt ett & Bl and 46 Haddon Farni Iy 39, 143 Eilman Brimston Farm 33r6I,82r9?r95r Haddon Alexander 39, 120112211?41125 Haddon Thomas 391143 Eilayue Thornas 68175 Haies Sir Thomas 171 61'ebe The 3133169 Hallett Ale:

Erandison Otho de 2?140164 Harriers Fack of L7 : Erandison Thonas de 64 Harris Family gg Eirandison Wi l l iarn de 22164 Harri s George St. Fierre 95 Gravel 32 Harris Henry Evans g0r?2 Braveley Norton 26 Harris H.G.H.BI,?a Graves Family 1?0 Harris J.A. g2 Eraves Ann 1?o Harri s James 1213g16l ,B0rBl ,gl ,gs Graves Jarnes BOr91r12O Harris John gs Graves John 9l Harri s I'lary 95 Eraves I'lidow 1?O Harris Robert gl 6ray Lord John 7r34r136rl37rl38 HarriE t,Jilliarn lOs Grays Inn 1O3 Harrison Henry ll Eraysier William 60 Hawes Lacy 1O7 Great Chart 38 Hawes l',lartha t 07 Ereatfield 3 Hawkins Sarah 116 Green Wi 1l i arn 75 Hayward Hannah 107 Greenstreet 6reen tSrSl ,87 r93r?9rl l2, Heath John l04 1l7rl22rl27 rL4L Hedges SB Ereenstreet 6reen Farrn lol Hernpstalls S3rgSr?Brllz Ereenwi ch 6 Henman Thomas I 68 Greves Peter 68 Heriots J7r4O Grey Ann 54r136rl37rl5E Hesding Ernuf de Z0 6r i gg Thornas 54 Hever Hanor of 54 ,36 ,L?2, I 36 , I 39 Grigg William 54 Hewat Jeffrey de 54 6room hl.J- 9? Hewetts Eustoms 36 Groombridge Josiah los Hewbtts Farm 416r 35 Jtlhnson I l4 Hewetts Little '7 FleweltE I'lanor of rL7 031 033r34r36f 51 t JohnEan Jo I l,13t) 6t r83r84rq5, 106, 1O?r I 17, I 1?' 131 r 1l?t Johnson Richard l!rlIt-t 1i4, 1':5, 1il ? I 3S! i3?, 146 Jones H. F. 7& Heyman 5ir Feter 5?'94 Jubilee Virtnria'a 18 Heyman Lady Sarah 60194 Judd Family q4 Heywoate 5ir HenrY 5? Jr-tdd Farbara 61 ,?4 Heywante I'lanor of S& Jr-rdd l"lary ?4 Hibben Joan L67 Jr-rdd Thomas 80 ! 94 ? l SB Hibben John i&7 Jul i an Etr i rnstsnE Farm L7 Hibbens Henry 38 Jutstice o{ the Feace E l'{i bbert H, 8.75 F.eebleE Family 1{,4 Hictrrnott Richard B?r?1 "9: f{:emsi ng i3 Hi ghways Fepai t-a & | 135 H.ennington f,nmmon L7 Hilla Family 14'l:ti l,:.e*nt Ear 1 r{ :4 HilIs Jshn ?1 rltJS'1ltl li:*nt Huunda Inn 11? Hilis Sally 15 ll.sEtnn 1t-t7 HiI1s hlitIiam lt.icl'.1ey Jahn 144 ?1 fl05?1'fi] 7' lSF g6,l Hobbs Anthony F:.i dders r)4 n l 17 Hobbs tclilliam 169 l.::i ng $utsannah &1 Hodgl':inson Vinus 38 l,:.i nqEl and :B g.r Hrdsuli Edl,r*rd Hi{g ?? l,.i ng'sl end fil i ce g, i A4 Hodsnli Jghn iSlrl4t] lr.inq:land Eli:abeth I?l&4 Hndsnn Jnhn 4& h.i ngel and Jshn l 11 HctdyshalI Jane ls Jshn 14tl l':.i rkpatri ck Jarne= 7& HuhI er H. F, 4tl !{ tEht Fruce J.L. Et lEf, Hsl bl. 7& bech [. ,..lrftillholt 1Ir?r)! 1f,f ,1f,T r 1,:rJ Hulden Richard 6: fi.r : rlhrlt $tatian 4rlg Holy Land I: l,.rrnr* Denrge IlS Homage 3* lt now Thnmas l ?, 84 Hanesty Legacy dependant 0n 5 r 1?3 r l4S l, Nawe F,ol 1y l4i Hsniton 77 lt.nswleg;t Lord John lf,Z ?t Hops drying pictring 1lf, ltye: rnyl ke S r l4l Horse Legauy sf a 5ri4t1 ll.ynge Jclhn gg, eI Harsemeat 3S L*rnb Ann qT Hartan I1 Lamb ftubert f,B Haunds L7 Larnhie Harry l4I Howard Thoma= 34 Larrrme Agnes l4I I'lnwell E.J. 77 Langr i dge Henry I Oti Hr-tbberd Hichard 1f,4 Lansdell Jshn lll Hughes Nichalas 36 Larlle Hourse lZT Hughes hJilliam 1?rBl Latyn bol les 6 Hurnti ngdon 41 Laurence Thomas gl Hyarris Hill 16n Lavybonde John Iie Hybben Flenry f,& Lawrence Dornthey l6? Imagea 3r53r54 r55, 134 ? 135'' I 4t3 Lanrence Jarnes gt-r Inf ant l"lnrtal i ty 16 Lawrenre John 1&? insel l ThomaE 1{:t4 Lnach f,rsf t Bl r ?4, I rjg IriEh Society 77 Le* Henry :5 Isard R.?l,?3 Lep I'laster 7L Jackson James ?1 !98 Leqsci es i n H.i nd J Jackson,{ichard Btlr91 Le Huet i.53 r i II JegCIn ftobert 73 L.ennard farnily 41 Jennings Thend$r 17il Lepers 4i ,]etuur /Jett,nr Agnes 5?,67, I 10, 133 l-ercbnrne John SZ Jetonr/Jettor John 37tb7r I 1{t,L33 Lerke John 134 Jrtaur/Jettsr l"largaret &7 Lewis Charles 106 Jetoutr/Jettsr Thurnas Irl3l ,146 Lewi s J, hl. l0{l Jer'{el1 Jahn 35 Lewisham 1:?r I4I Jewel I Richard f,S tlb\:1b-11# 61 ?* er n ?4 en ' 'si ' ' ' ' |.j.l Li'ttlewnrke bji I Iiam i4& Lnrh lrlilliam Etl f'li ddl eham Henry 6b l"li Loclisbsttorn Eg l drnay H. B.60 L.acltyer Jane 1:E f"liles {arnily Ill Lrdd i. ngtan V7 I'lilitia 1tl6 l*ugan A.IB f'li I I er J0hn 54 ,57 Lond John 1:,7i Fli I I er Ri chard I34 f,li I l q Lcng Crn{t ISA es Robert 144 JL Lnrig Dr. I I I'li I tCIn AbbaE I I Lr:nq; Ri chard 7: Floles I14 Langevil-i in Chelsfietd t& l"l,:mpesson I'lr. ?? Lulrttil Farnily l*{j I'lordin Jahanne &T Lnvel Eli:abeth lI l*loreccci: Henry 16 L-o';el Lard 6E f,largan Farnity iil Lavel ftobert ':I f'lorg,xn Davi d ?? f,lnrgan l*utr 1 i nqstnne I'lanor I: f{ary f,ecilie ?? !"lnrgan gi Lunn James tt5 ThcrnaE , ?? Lysne t46 f inrqan ldi11iarn 4Elgl ,g?,?Qrqt i-l*h1trt ftsbert 49 l.lorland FamiIy Ig f"lace El i:abeth l4g l'k:r- I and Fr anc i s :g f'lcir l l*lace Johan l4I and Geor-ge :B | 4f,,6l Flace Jnseph ?1 l'lurlandE l"luIe I&7 I'lace Ni chol as B0,l {j? I'lnr-tnftnE hli I I iam &t I'lui'"'[r-iu f,lari Hr_rgh Flace Thomas 5 r l t)0, 143, l4g de 63 l{ace hli lliam g0rl4.3 l'lnurni ng T f iiiLrnt I'laidstnne &lr?7 Hall L7 ']:',go6gn€l?rlrl$?Il?.170 Flalmains EreatriH lI f'fu-tddl eharn 6& I'lut i . I'lal mai ns I'Ji chol as iI ny Act l l*lannr s{ Erewley II NarEhe Johan lIIrl4I f*lanar of Chet sf i el d 2tj NaEh Eeorge t7J I'lansr of Eoddington Jg Nash John l$? l*lanar of Her-lettE 14 f{asthe Al l an l J4 l*lanor of Heyt^roote ?6 Naylor l"lathew t4I f{ayl f'lanur a{ Lr-rI I i ngstone :I ur Ni chol as l4; IrJeal l"lrE l"lanCIr of Narstead 4t_t 1rl5 l.Jer+{ i el lnlannrial CLrstoms 14r30rf,6 ds l lrl o 149 I'lanynge lltillianr 186 Newlands l4S, tbI f'largaretti ng, Esse:r 6I f'Jewyears hJondgate ?: MarketE at f,hElsfield I: l,li sham Agnes i 4: f'larshall Robert lltl l,Ji sharn Juhn l4I Plarshal I Thomaa 9f Ni i;on L. 77 f{artin Ale;r l ls Nske Arnold l40 l"lartin Frederick g: Noke Henry 140 f'lartin Henry ?&olr]I Nsncon{ormi sts l rl4 FJorman f'laryI eb$ne Bsttom I r}9, t l E Family t$l f*laEer' f,r-rp &,,l Is f'Jnrrnan Edward l g,l ?,4I ,74 r8l ,l til l'1ar-rd James 16, ?El,6l Itlsrrnan George trlard EE, l tll f'l*urd l'lary i6 NsrEtead Sl rII r40oE:, ?ilr?g Nnrthcray 144 f*la.yhew Ann 16,,6* r I {r? f'laypel stead l g? 153 f'Jorthurmberl and f,ountess s{ :4 ? tJnrtnn Family Haypol e 6q r I ri',-i, I uI, lrl8, I I ?, I lE t6 I'Jilrton I'laypmle f,nttage Ifg:r?I, I ltl El i rabeth ,irl f'lcLach I an E, H- 7,5 Nnrton Eraveley i6 f-leet[lir"ke Adriphus 6I Nnrton Thsrnas 7f :S16r-rr&f, ,7I, l{JIo lr-r5 I'leethirtte llhar Ies 7Z Noure,/fi.nnw Fully l4l llel 1i Eh Senrge LTx Nlrrse El i r abeth f6 I'lerchant Taylnra f,ompany F4rf7?S?r171 Irlutt f,haries 74 f{erewsrth l il& hh-ttt J, l{. 74 f'li chel 1 John iB 0ddbny Jnhn l0: 0dr: Fishop ?{j [{{1ey, Esse;r 16 \/ II L Oliver EdwArd Bs Fetley Gifford I25 Onslow Col.?7 Petley Jane 1?2r125r140 0rdnance Survey Il Petley Joane l66rl67 Organ Barrel 49 Fetley Johane l3?r140 Organ Ehurch 48 Fetley John 36rI?5r166 0rpington 20r63,I lOr137 rl44rI67 Fetley Haria t?3 0sborne Joseph 8t) Fetley Hary 96 Osborne l"lartin 66 FetIey Hathew I34 0sbornes Houtse 5ir36 r60r85r l56t l59t Petl ey l''li chael l:4,153 0sgood Eieorge gl ,93r93 Petley Fedigree l2? Otf ord 134, L37 | I 4?, I48, l5l Fetley Ralph 35r95, I?3rI?4r1?5 Oven Wood 167 Fetley Richard 95., 133, I?4 Ov6rseers 91, 156, 158, 161 PetIey Robert 4r5, 10r96rl?3r148 Fac lrman Thomas 92 ,93 Fetley R.R.C. 36r1?5 FaI I Bearers 7 Fetley Stephen 122r13I r134,140r141 r14? Palmer John 144 Fetley Thomas 4r54r95, l?2r123, 124, 125, Falmer Wi 1l iam 7 tL44 149r151,15J,154r155 Farish Clerks 84 Petley Twisden 1?5 Farish Council 19 Fet1ey hli I I i am 4,5r7 t34,37,54 167r96, Farre Lord & Lady 73 1??, I 23, I 36, I 37, 1 46, L 47 | 15O-155, 159 Parry Dr. 67 Fetty l"'lichael 3I ,7i ParEons A. R. 77 PewE 44 Farsons Bertrum 74 Fhi I lips Eeorqe gl,90r91,?8 Fascel 1s [',lood 4 rL67 Phillips James 90 Paston Letters 24166 Fhillips Mr..92 Paston Sir John 24 PhiIIips Thomas 80r91,l0O Paul Eli=abeth L23 Phillips trlillian 90 Paul Robert 125 Ficketts 33r99 Paul s Sai nt 7 ,L37 Fi ke George t 68 Pawl ey Eeorge i9 FIague I Pax Cottages 14 Plate Church 49 Par: Farm 33162rBl ,fJ,zri?,I lO ,L26rt27 Poaching 38 Paynsland 149 Folhill Eharles 101 Peach Edward 99 Polhill David ?7 Peach John 99 Polhill Frances 124 Pea[< Richard Bt) Fol hi l l Eieorge 97 Pecchey Sir John 54156164 Polly Family ?7 Peeche John 3i,64 PooIe Jane B Feete trl. W. 7 6 Foor The 54rBgrl46r156rl57 Fei rce Heniy L 66 Foor Guardians of 90 Peirce Mary 5rl66rl68 Poor Houses B8rI59 Penn hlm. 12,13t) Poor Legacies to 3r44rl40rL47 rI64, Pennant John 66 l65rt66 Fennell Capt.Peter 105 Population I Ferambulation of Parish llrl2rl28 Forcupine Inn ?3rlll Percyvale Darne Tornasine 5,6167 Postal arrangenents 14 Percyval e Si r John 37137, 58 , 67 rl I 0, 133 FoFt Office l20 Fery Richard I73 Found The 3" Peter Thomas l3l Powell H.R.P. 77 Peter William 1l0r13l Poynings Edward 39 149 Fetfield Poynings Robert 24r39 166 Petley Fami ly 34r1221L27 Pratt Family 98rlI2 Petley Al ice 1?3r140, L47 rl4gr152 Fratt George BO Fetley Amy 123 Fratt Henry 73 FetIey Anthony 96rl03r 123, 159, l60 Fratt John 75 PetIey 35r36r125 Charles Pratts Bottom 51 r34r51, 62fi?rII2, 117 Petl ey Edward 35,95 J24 Fratts Bottorn Ehurch 74 Fetley Elizabeth 36rJBr95r123 Fratts Bottom School lBr86 Petley Ene l3?rl40 Fresentments 31 FetIey Francis 95r124 Priests at funerals 53 Property Division of 99 Church Belfrey Screen 43 Pudding Fie Day t4 Church BeIls 4b 0ueen'g Head 9? Church Brasses 51,58r65 Euit Rents 39r36r40rg4 , Church Buried in 67 Railway travelling 15 Church Ehapel L37 Randall I'lary I{1f, Ehurch Choir Stalls 45 Fateable Value I Ehurch East Window 44 Rates Church 7 Church 6aI I ery 43 Rawlings Charles E+ Church Gerth 7 rL33 Read lll. 91 Church Heating 45 RectorE 63 Church Lectern Brass 45 Rectory 74 Ehurch Legacies to 5 RedI ands 89 Church Legacies of Sheep 3,146 Reeve John 134 Church l"lonurnents 5I Reeves Thomas 109 Church Hourning 7 Reformation t0 Ehurch Husic 4g Register Parish B19 Ehurch Organ 48r49 Reliefs Manorial 3Ir36 Church Pews 40,45 Relphs Fami ly 103 Church Flate 49 Rents I l3 Church Flays 4 Ri chrnore Hi I 1 LZ tgz, 150 Church Porch 217 1138r 145 Riddenshaw 85rl09. l18rl3l rl33, l46rl63 Church Reparations 2rJr5r4516O, Ri ddl e l'lr. 92 r93 146 | r47 Ringing days 47 Church Singers 48 Ringing Rules 47 Church Squint hlindow 48 Rinwood George 114 Ehurch Tower 4? Rishrnore Hitl 8?rlll Church hli ndows 42 r4J Robroke llli I I iam 5l ,65 Ehurchyard b?rlbb Rochester Cathedral 3162, 155r15? St.Mary Eray 18r?fi 164 rBgrl 44rL67 Rock Philip 9I St. I'lary Wool noth 3Z Rock hlillianr ?1 St.Paul's Cathedral l 'LST Rodney Spencer 73 St.Thomas' Hospitat Southnark 140 Rogers Edward fOs Sadler John 84 Rokele Gregory b4 Sandford John 5,Br7Z Rokele John de 64 Sandford Robert 7L Rokesl e Gregory de b4 SaunderE Catherine 26 r60rg2, IOZ, Rolls Eourt L7 t19rt49 Rolls Hanorial L7 Saunders Thomas 60165 Romnage Thomas 54 Savage tlilliam qg Rondeau James 35136 Sa:rtees Ehurch Altar gr53 167 rlJ4, 10, 106, I 27 J39 I 35. 139 Seyliard Jane 124 Ehurrch Altar Table 43 Seyl-iard Sir John L74 Shal l cra:;E Fanri 1.,* ?g Staples Sfiarpe ftobert 144 tr-rthbert, iE Staples Thomag $heep Legacy 144 &?l4Ir 147, 164 $tevens Jnhn ?g Slrel rqi rh :4 Stevens gil l"li chaet r ?3 r 9.3 5h*pherds l{aw t 64 Stile ses alsrl Style Sl.le{:.iyld Lady Ann 14 Stile Jacab Shef{yld $ir Rsbert S0 14 Stile Jarnes gfi ,lilgrl4? $hel 1ey Farrri l y 4t) Stiles Henry fiI Shel 1*ye 17rl $t i i Frnan Ri chard I ri? $l-riling Jahn l{"rs Stnck Farieh .Shureharn 4r5rIE,&{r, f, l04r l{r7, I l:, It4 Stcckton*ori*Tees ?7 1.J5 ! l 37 I f,9, 151 15: 156, | , ! I67, I69 Stnn* Fenelnpe ?1 5i bbyns N j. chol as I l0, l ' l Storm great 43 Si rnrnnn Edward 1 l F Stnw E, Simnns ?:r?I Hawe IIrg?ng!rl{irJrl16, t?7rlf,I Stun t{illiarn Et!?1 Skeggs Farnily 4l .,FB Strinqer plary Il-l Skeggs John l4j $truqnons 14ti Skeggs Thomas S{)r?l rggrl0l $tyle Earbara Sl,,?4 5l':elton l?Irl?I St'i le James StribbE fi0 Lane Iz St-yie Jahn &l Skinner Augur=tine ? ??4!l*l Sti,3. ** Farni l y I? r 1?7 Skinner Edward l0g $ty.'1er James SrI?r5?,&1 r?4rI,Jl ,IriEo $kinner Jqhn lI 14lrr15?,i6t_rrlr::I Skinner Jr:stice Br? Styles John Skinner Richard f,g 91, lf,* illrrrmers Ri chard 1ri7 Sllinnpr Thus. 1l& Sr-rnder 1;rnd Shinner hlilliarn g ?g llurre'y E*.ri nf 14 Sl r"rts Hsl e 13r-r Suspr':t: dr-tring CommonHealth L*, I17 Smale Dennis l4& $r,u*n Stephen ,$m*1e F6 kJal ter l 14 fiir"rer':; Ths lf,lrtIf, $male trji 11 i am B(r liiir'.r'y'ririrrton Si r Julin I 7l 5mal.1 Eearge gl S'y':iteclr+ i r1d l0b Srnal I Rclbert LbT T;ir i *r{:cri llr.48 Smaile Fercival 'Iar l4I I s.1: nn Thoaias T3 Snee Lewig ?g l-,.ir' -r c i-r,irr J , E, 4f,,7f, $rni th Ann ? T.iL-;+iEid i4c) Smith Dorcas Zl "i'.,i'i.. i:t,:i- =;'ti. 1 f'lt-E ?;I $rni th Et i eabeth 'i,,iL F,l &S, l *E 1,,,:r-:,;"iJ. I F:*v. Juhn ';7 Srni th Beorge FB,60 6T r .i ti,... -r."1 o 68, ,7{s, I $f,, l $E n I 1i :. ji i.;. l',1 " .jil i 4f, ,, 1 44, 1 4S, L 4T E(-lr 1 36, L?T1 I g?, 'i";.r rl 1 i rir l-i:nhert f,hapman 1&ur1e3r1&4 l f? i'r,::iir.t'xil i.:ti: l''lannrE :? Srni th Jaines ?? 'i'lii-riri,,i..i i::'.xtni I y ].';I $ni th l-lar i a Zl j ; ;t::i,r:l.i iitttf iirir?'tt Srni th I'lernc:ri aI 7l i"li,.ri;i.'i'"' ijillqa' il Tfu Smi th l"li EEes ?B l"';r;iii;.,i''i i'i.i i:l-iai-d ii6, l::, i 67 :Smitlr ftobert 4 196rl3f,rl66 1167, I6g, f iii..,i;r,,,i:ii :l'l:i. i' Srrsl 1 i ng ?b Smi th Thornas l rlt 197 r l6g i:tii'i F;in;ily 1*4 Snawe Jilhn 54 ilr*i-ir'-i Snane Henry ltl? ?:lri(-t5 {.,'i-ri-n t 14, Soldier Letter concerning l3 Sole Field I17 .(i i:iihi:1C:i nq bh Snne ThornaE B $oul s prayi ng f rrr 15, I I tl i:;i1:lls ai I4 Spain Etartholomew g0 1A1 Springett Thornas Bl j:,..1-.i-- r1.'1 $qlrint tllindnyr L !.. f;t '1 -i 4I : u r_-t Stabr-rlI Flargaret ':J 'Y '' L' t4i i,.r1r: Stacey hli I 1i arn t g i. :i , i ii1.';i.; .i. ri,; .li r f,.f 5t *pl e Farni 1y FE '-,-,.:.,, !l -, r.j i rl ;, i ],.j * .,1.:, $Lxples F 1? j -;' ',. i. l-ir,rg-, | ] ;-tl. :l:i XI

Tregses John lOg hlarner JameE 57 Tufnel I F. 76 Warren Free ?? Turner 6. F. 76 Washnes 33 r B? r 93 r 99,1 59 Typon Allan 110'l3l Water lB Udall or UvedaII Family 40 Waterloo Battle of 14 Underwood legacies 5r166 WaterE Jarnes ?1 Uniformity Act 7l Watsbroorne 149 Vermin destruction 13 l'latson Sir ThomaE 134 Verrell Gooday I13 trlatts Robert 54 Verrells Family 120 hlei te Edward I47 Verrells Arthur Thomas Bs WeIb 6.H. 77 Verrells Bertha 85 Well Croft l3lrl33 Vestments 49 t{ell HilI 10r34rBl r102rl06rlI?r119r169 Vestry 13r43 WeIIE family l0l Ann 143 hlafer Wenche servant 141 143 hlafer John Wendover, Fucks 39 Wages 119 hlespynton l"largaret 67 Wagoners ll5 Westerharn 24 r95, l?3, 150 hlal,:el en/Wakel ynslhlal kI Fami I ?6 yn 1y WeEt hli ckham 107 150 Wakelen Elinor hlestwood, Faversham 28 100 hlakelen Frances Wheat legacy L47 Wakelen George 60rl0t)r10?, I l9rl26, blheat prices 1I3 l56 r I59, l6r) hlheat{ iel ds 7, 17 rlr5", I t0rl lg wakelen John Br)r lr)or10?rl?6r146 rl JZ7, I 31 r l3?, I f,f, , 134, L44 1145, I52 hlakelen I'largaret 94 t{hiff in Abraham 1tl?rl05 Wakelen Thomas 60r80r84, 10t)r101 r102, tlhiff in Thornas B0r9lrlt)? 1?6,149 l56r15g l,^lhite Cottage l{J6 Wakelen WiI I iam l7,60,l0O,l0l.,l0?, tlhitehart Inn I4rlt)9 126, t43rl4grI56r159 t*lhitehead Farni ly l?1 hlat