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rHE'tËï"åii":I'i:ti::#å3uTT' o"" HERTFORDSHI RE Transcribed from the Hertford County Record Office MS #17465, and edited with an introduction and select indices. A Thesis presented to the Faculty of Graduate Studies The Univerity of Manitoba In Partial Fulfilment of the Requirement for the Degree Master of Àrts in History by Christine Butterill Winnipeg, Manitoba @ 1988. by Christine Butterill Winnipeg, Manitoba Permission tras been granted L'autorieation a êtê accordêe to the National Library of à l-a Bibliothèque nationale Canada to microfiln thís du Canada de nicrofílmer thesis and to lend or sell cette thèse et de prêter ou copies of the film" de vendre des exemplaires du film. The author (copyright owner) Lrauteur (titulaire du droit has reserved other d'auteur) ae rêserve les publication rights o and autres droitg de publÍcatíon; nei ther the thes i s nor ni la thèse ni de LonEs extensive extracts from it extraíts de cel-1e-ci ne may be printed or otherwise doi vent êt re i mpr i ¡nês ou reproduced without hís/her autrement reproduits sana son written pernÍesion" autorisation êcrite. rsBN 0-3L5-48020-3 THE CARTUI¿,RY OF FLAMSTEAD PRIORY ( St . Gi les - in- rhe-Wood ) HERTFORDSHIRE BY CHRISTINE BUTTERILL A thesis subnlitted to the Facurty of Graduate studies of the u'iversity of Ma'itoba i' partial fulfill¡ne't of the requirer'e'ts of the degree of I"IASTER OF ARTS o 1'988 Per¡rissio¡r has bee¡r gra'ted to the LIBIìARy oF THE uNIVER_ slrY oF MANIToBA ro re¡rd or se, copies of this rhesis. ro the NATIONAL LIBRARy oF CANADA to microfirnr rhis thesis a'd to lerd or seil copies of the firm, and uNIVERSITy i\'f ICROFILIvf S to publish a¡r absrracr of this thesis. The author reserves other pubricatio' rights, a¡rd neither trle thesis ¡lor extensive extracts frorn it may be printed or other- wise reproduced without trre author's writte¡.¡ per'rissiorr. I hereby declare that I am the sole author of this publica- tion. I authorize ihe University of Manitoba to lend this publica- tion to other institutions or individuals for the purpose of scholarly research Christine ButterilI I further authorize the University of Manitoba to reproduce this publication by photocopying or by other means, in total or in part, at the request of other institutions or individ- uals for the purpose of scholarly research. Christine Butterill 11 The University of Manitoba requires the signatures of aIl persons using or photocopying this publication" Please sign below, and give address and date' 111 ÀBSTRÀCT THE CÀRTULARY OF FLÀMSTEÀD PRIORY (sr. GrLEs-rN-THE-woop) HERTFORDSHI RE The cartulary consists of a thirteenth century manuscript some sixty-six pages long. It contains 106 Items which are copies of royal and episcopal privileges (Queen Eleanor, John, Henry III, Richard, earl of Cornwall, and Bishop Hugh weIls of Lincoln), and charters of the founders (t-he Tony family of Flamstead), together with some fines and other gifts by various donors. OnIy two charters in the text are dated. One is from Roger de Tony in 1204 and the other from Bishop Hugh in 1221. Sewn in at the beginning of the docu- ment are part of a fine dated 1242 and a chirograph of Pri- oress Cneria. At the end are a number of charters concern- ing the manor of Woodhal1, Hemel Hempstead, which was given to the priory by Agatha, former nurse to Queen Eleanor of Aquitaine and widow of william de Gatesden, dated 1228. Agatha's charter is confirmed by Kings John and Henry IIi with his brother Richard, earl of Cornwall. The final items are a fine from John of Gadesden (1242), an agreement with the Rector of Ashridge, and grants by Reginald Chamberleng and Ralph 1e Dispenser. lv - The introduction describes the appearance and contents of the Cartulary and discusses the possible aspect of the priory buildings of which no traces remain. The economic tife of the priory and its holdings in the counties of Hert- ford, Bedford, and Buckingham are also considered" The problem of just when and by whom the priory was founded is discussed, along with the priory's place in the history of female Benedictine foundations in England at that period. The endowments of the priory, the terms on which these ylere given, and the status of the donors are described. As well, histories are provided on the Tony family as founders of the priory and their manor of Flamstead. Five papal bul1s pertaining to the priory are depicted, and as conplete a history as is possible of the priory has been developed. Appendices provide a new and more complete list of the prioresses of St. Giles-in-the Wood, a nev¡ geneology of the Tony f ami Iy , f our samples of the cartulary' s hands , invento'- ries of both the priory's goods and land holdings at the time of Closure (1537), and maps of the areas commented upon in the text. In additon, indices include an Index of Wit- nesses to the various charters and a General Index of the principal persons, places, and subjects mentioned in the text. À,CKNOE{TEDGEMENTS My thanks are due first to my advisor, Dr. L.À. Desmond, for his aid and encouragement during the preparation of this t.hesis. Thanks are also due to Father V. Jensen, S.J. who checked the transliteration so carefully, and to all the members of my examining committee. I am grateful too, to Father H.J. Drake, S.J. and the St. Pauf's College Library staff, especiatll" Mrs. J. England and Miss R. Dwyer who gave of their knowledge, time, and encouragement to help locate material, and obtain interli- brary loans for me from often difficult and inadequate ref- erences. My appreciation goes to Sr. nita Desrochers whose calig- raphy produced the encLosed gothic script. My gratitude is also extended to those people who helped me while I was researching in England. In particular, they include Mr. A. Burley, the Warden of St. Leonard's church in Flamstead; Headmaster J.R.G. Higgs whose special kindnesses included a tour of Beechwood Preparatory School for Boys the former Beechwood Manor House, Flamstead - and the use of his notes and papers on the manor and convent; County Àrchaeologist M.J. Daniells who gave me his impressions of the Priory's former site along with copies of the archaeological records v1 of Beechwood Manori Lhe staff of the Hertford County Record Office whose knowledge of their holdings and help in deci- phering some of the difficult script in the original docu- ment vrere invaluable; and Mr" Noel Farris, a scholar, writ- êfr and regular researcher in the E.C.R.g. Archives who gave his time and skitl to summarize parts of the very difficult hand in the Woodhalle Manor Rolls. I owe a debt to a special friend and mentor the late Father Lawrence C. Braceland, S.J. whose untimely death Ieft our work on the Cartulary unfinished. He taught me to strive for excellence in scholarship and, among other things, his brilliance in Medieval Latin I.Ias shared with me unstintingly. Finally to those special unnamed people both 1n England and Winnipeg who helped bring this work to fruit 10n my sin- cere thanks. v11 ANNÞEIWT À'FTôìIq B.C. BeachamP CartularY B.L. British Library D.N.B. Dictionary of National Biography E.H.R. English Historical Review F. or f.. folio H.C.R.O. Hertford County Record Office P"R.O. Public Record Office R.H,S. Royal Historical SocietY r. recto v. verso V.C.H. Victoria CounLy HistorY v111 -)rE- ' *tury ionnoTùr [rtp]\ vfi lp\r $\ffi" ATPtt oNTlôïtr 'fitp 1TIF ry Vltü Í¡r,r,on t Kuttn \\f[ o]- *gf ,\t \t*ot flil; rdt, rtl nt'lt{-,b oìrTF $ury nfitp ql. ,t iTEf 1u TtÏ itrmo,l rql pq rvq y IryqÌ 'p1ftt$, rqùr Ípdr orrq Y rù,0 nþrs,Tguûì fu*qf frrttra) UTJ TTo tlqor Ey qïîù ï,IITN o,tùTI, lftr t16t çìu$ 1 1lî{ 1, 'ufrt,rpod bu$ qt$ Pqtt, J.Ì ÌtE I oV 'Ífið{ß firy pilx ¡uon\qt r11- uo ro\ttt 'ortf 1 ffi.ttlttrî1,\ EX fr1f 'lau.liqflt¡ Erooo filornuu utr 'ñtmp uto tü,ìT, ïuw otuttoqw.otm$ Wp$ fi* ol 0*ltq fi11¡n¡n, 1ug 'fiup" st){o ilftoW [r'w, ltoputï$ þ pulsrürÏJ r5 CONTENTS ABSTRÀCT 1V ACKNOT{LEDGEMENTS vi ÀBBREVIATIONS viii Chapter pegq r. THE CARTITLÀRY OF Tr{E pRrORy OF FLÀMSTEÀI), HERTFORDSHIRE .1 The Cartulary Document .6 Editorial Notes . 13 Text of the Cartulary .17 rr. THE PRTORY OF ST. GILES-rN-THE-I{OODS, FT.AMSTEAD . 162 I nt roduc t i on 162 Locat ion 163 Bui Idings 165 Church 168 Land and other Property 71 Founder and Founding Date 74 Foundation Conditions 79 Patrons of St. Giles-in-the-Wood 80 Witnesses to the Cartulary's Items 92 List of Prioresses 193 The Priory in the Records 199 Anc i1J-ary Documents 208 The Place of St. Giles in History 219 rII. THE TONY FA}IILY 225 Introduction: . 225 Sources of Information 227 The Tonys in Normandy 228 Roger I de Tony 230 The Belvoir Line 233 The Flamstead Line 237 Ralph III de Tony 237 Ralph IV de Tony 242 Roger II de Tony 243 Ralph V de Tony 247 Roger III de Tony 249 Ralph VI de Tony aaaa 255 -x Roger IV de Tony 259 Ralph VII de Tony 262 Robert I de Tony 263 IV.