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NEPAL INVESTMENT BANK LTD. Tru[Y a :Nepa[I (]3Anf • • Nepal's first bank to receive an investment grade credit rating of [Nepal] "A" by ICRA. • Highly experienced management and sound corporate governance. • No. 1 private sector bank in terms of deposits and lendin~. • 24 years of stable banking. • The highest Capital Base. • Highest growth rate among banks in Nepal. • High Customer Base. • Wide Branch and ATM Network. • 365 Days Banking. Tel: 4228229,4242530 iAUifrl ;s.riftlSciflocQcr.i~ . NEPAL INVESTMENT BANK LTD. ICRA Tru[y a :Nepa[i (]3anf( [Nepai]A (Q INTRODUCING Indreni AN ULTIMATE DESTI • n~~~~/ lndrwni a.- n...\lAA . (.~ (/.~ ··~ Credit c.o-operabVI! Ltd. 2. Room: Luxurious Cozy Room {Capacity: 10 pax) l.lndnlnl food unci \.. -- 11¢1! ~~~ ~ ~ '10-'$) ~ _..~~a. ~ p~ {capacity. so pax} s. ~Hall: Weddtng Party Hall {Capaoty: 600 pax} &.lndrlni. OlileM AocJIIII eest ~ oonl<!> ~ .,-~~ I~ 5em1nar Hall {Capaaty: 150 pax} 8. 5111111 MW1: Ce1ebra1Jons Party Hall {Capaoty t.OO pax) g, I.IJUIIIIBII"~ ~ ~~~ f>ll I C.~ PartY Hall {Capaay.600 pax} 11. AM -M1p: Alr-{ondltJoned Room for Corporate~ 1 Pf1Vab! ~~~~-.,l~~ ..,,'$!;:~~., &. With an experience of almost three decades in the restaurant business, '\ ·~ we know that you look for a perfect combination of taste and ambience when you eat out q We ensure fresh and the best ingredients, professional service with a personal touch and comfortable seating in a reinvigorating atmosphere - all within your budget. Enjoy the moment. r ore than rwo monrhs pa,sed since t M constil ucnt .1ssembl) ro mecr the cnnstttut deadline ll~ning•·v•··-nrl.-r the life ol the ( \, the major vo\\ eel to pump o:xygcn into statute making t''<l'rctsc. 1 hey ended up in prolonging the life of care t.tkergovcrnmcnt that c:m not carcofthl'tl.ty to dayadministration let alone consritution making. As \\ ent to the prt'ss, the lep;islative parliament was ahout to go tll the fif rou11d of clcccionc; for the p minister. l•nur rounds of voting in span of .1 lll(ll1th \\ent in ,·:tin. con!'.ensus nuntr<1 '1sick, there \\ little -;a\\ agreement ..mmng big parties. \s Pushpa Kanul 'Pr,tch.mda' .mel Ram (hantkt lod:ed horns,.Jhal.mth found h out nf the ring. But if the former l '' \\'ould not gl\ e up, the btter had ln<.t hope ya I he sc.1t of po\\'et \\ C\ en nne·, prtoril). 1wt t constitution. Sm.1ll pani.:s \\ere New Spotlight Investigation c:xccptinn. INTERVIEW: Pirkko-Liisa Ky6stila 18 Municipality tdc.1c; and principks an: '>lli11Lt NEWSNOTES onl} fonJ-; and ll1\\ ard'> talk abour ECONOMIC BRIEFS 4 thescclaysofhnrsc tr, pn'Y\"Cr NEWS CUP 5 sharing in the 1\e\\ Nepal hcrnkl OPINION : Dipak Gyawali 6 hy thc 12 11oinL Delhi agreement NEPAL AND UK: Waiting For Mr Cameron 7 tTif!.~crccl jan.r.wnclobn So, thcob\ THE PRIME MINISTER:Race In Mess 9 question nf many i..,· C\'<.:11 il \\'c h,I\'C SHYAM SARAN: He came, he saw but did he conquer? 10 nc\\ prime minister. a Ill'\\ govcrnmcn and a ne\\ constituuon \\'ill it COMMENTARY : Yubaraj Ghimire . 11 any diffcrcncd Such frustration VIEWPOINT: Kirti Nidhi Bista 12 lnss nf f,1ith tn lmurc POLITICS: VOTING PUT OFF 13 cl.m~ernus ;.111d dt..,turhing. DELHI DIARY : ABIJIT SHARMA 17 PERSPECTIVE : Dr. K. Uprety 20 SEBS Elected New Executive 21 ~w PROFILE : Dr. Rishi Kumar Kafle 22 Kesbab Poudel hlitor ART 27 HEALTH : BUDDHA BASNYAT, MD 28 Ed1tor and Publisher: Keshab Po'.ldel Senior Correspondent Sa OJ D~h I Correspondent. JC'I'a Kanta K .. ~a Reporter· N sh Dev Bhattarao Marketing Manager Madan RaJ POl.'!lei Tel· 984132C-517 Nab n Kumar Maha~an Tel 9841291404 Photographer · Sandesh Manandhar Cover Design/Layout: Han Krishna Bastakoli EditoriaiOffice: Tel 977-"-l430250E·inai spot® PO.B~x 7256 Office: Kamal Pokhari, Th rBom Marg. House No 559/144 (Oppo~ le toti1ma Hospital) Printers Pi~erOffsetPnnters(P)Ltd ,Oiibalar Kalhman<lu Ph 44151387 Kalhman<tuO.I\ORegd. No 148/111063164 Pos!JI Reg(! No 07,'()(>6/067 US library of Congress Catalogue No. 91-905060 NEW SPOTLIGHT NEWSMAGAZIN~ Aug. 20, 20101 1 NEWSNOTES India Celebrates cnnsular jurisdiction of C llflsulate regions of the \\'oriel, clesen·e utmost Independence Day General of India, Hirgunj attention <tnd action, U:\ High During the Independence Day Commissioner for Human Rights :'\aYi T wcnty ambulances and four ..,ch110l function. tbe Indian ambas-.,ador al-.o Pillay said in statement to mark thL bu-.,es \\ere gifted hy the rn:scoted books to 25 educational and International Day of the \Vorld'<> gl)Ycrnmcnt to Yaricms medical traini ng i nst i tut i on~'> h~ated in different Indigenous Peoples on 9 August 2010. institutions, charitable organi::arions regions of Nepal, including some remote "'vVc ha,·e cause to celebrate the .tncl ed uc<ttional institutions in distri cts of the country. progress made in turning human rights different I"MrtsofNcpal on the occasion Bhu Puu 2010. an annual r ublication into a rcaUty for indigenous peoples, but of the 64·1 Independence f)ay of lndi.t by IE\VON ( Indian Army Ex this lnternation.d Dav of the \Yodel's on August 15, 1010. Serviceman \\'elfareOrgani::ation), was Indigenous Peoples is, also an occasion also reh::.t-.,ed by the to rec..tll th,tt there is no room for amha<..,ador ont he occ.\,ion. complacenq ," Pillay said. It pro\ idl.'s inform.uion Bhutanese Refugees Off To UK ahour \\ clfar~· rcl.m.:d aspects Thin) o,cvcn refugccs from Bhutan for th~- domiciled heaclcdforthc Llnited h:ingdomdcparted govcrnmcm of India f rom Kathmandu. pensioners. "The U k has a long history of welcoming Sinel 1904 the people (rom other countries - we km1\\ gnvcrnn1L'nt of India has that the <.hvcrsity it brings makes our gifted 282 .\mbuLmce:-> tn cnuntr) stronger lr's hcareening to meet Y.lriOU'- or(?,ani=.ll inn-., .tcrnss the refugee' .thout to ka\·e for rhe UK to I 68 cli'-tric:t.., In '\cp:1l This start nC\\ h' cs .lftcr o;,o man) years 11f ha-., lwlpl cl in brin~ing uncertaint), l am ~.:onfidcnt that they will t\t a public function held 111 rlw heahhcare -;cn·icc-; ar thl· doorsteps of integrate \\ell into their ne\\ host I mh.ts") premises in Kathm mclu, thousands of people '' IH1 dn not luve cmmnunit y .tnt! I wish them every suece% r\mhass.tdot of India Rakc<>h S1)ncl access to heal thcarl· sl n Jt·cs, especially in the Ub.:," the Britic;h Charge D'AfJairec;, 1 1re~o>cntcd 16 ambulances ami fnu1 in remote areas, by cnnnccting t hem w itb Sophia Willitts king said visiting the husc.., ll1 recipient organi::atinns from the nearest distriu 110spitaJ-,ihcalth Int ernation.d Organb1tinn for\ ligration 17 disrricrs. four ambulance-, \\CI"l centers. Based nn thc feed hadz a\'.tibblc (lOr-. I) Tran-.,it Centre on r\ugusr 9. gil red hy Consul General of India at \\ ith the Emb,l'iS)' sine\.' June 2005, L'K h<ts nm\ pined the ·core Group' Birgunj r. Ashok to organi::atinns I r11m near!) .1 million patient-. h,l\ e been no\\· a group lll ci~ht resettlement P.trsa, ~ lahon.rri, Chit\\ an .md ~cn·ed by these ~iJtcd hy countries that ha.., offered resettlement districts, \\ hich come under the l he government of India. to the refugees from Bhutan as part of . h d f responsibility ~haring. Us Support To Schools to b em: (Lt y t 11e en o t 11c project in t\mbassaclorofthe GrritedStatcsSeott ~vi arch 2011. New British Ambassador In II. DeLisi inaugurated twoschools-Shrcc "I am pleased co sec U.S. government Nepal PCI'ih.U?I.;Ujil Nepal Natiom.lLoll'crScconduy assistance going into bu i lc.ling better British Ambassador John Tucknoll Schoolanc.I /Vcp.ul 'Y-.1tional !Timmy Schcx.1!- schoolfacilities for children ~md c reating tv1BE arrived in Kathmandu to t ake up in Bar a di'>trict on June 16, :2010. a more conducive and dignilicd learning his duties. He i.'> accompanied by his These '>chools, along \\·ith eight cm·ironment, because education is \\ife Riilla Lcen.t. schools in Bara and Parsa fundamental for national progress," C.S. The Amh,ts"ador \\"as greeted at the distncts, were constructed and furnished Ambassador Delisi remarked ill the airport b)' the Deputy Chief of Protocol h) the Flood Recovery program of the in,mgural function. "I hope rhe and the Brithh Ch.trgc d'Affaires. L'.S Agency for Tnternational GO\·ernmentofNepal,thcpriYaresecror, Tucknoll said. 'Tm honorecltosen·c Devdopmem (USATD). and local communities wi It mgether in acoumry as rich in culture and history In addition to infras truc ture continue to inves t in t heir school asi':epal. l lookforwardtobringingthe development, the program hns systems. Nepal must continue to open people of Bri t ain and Nepal closer contributed to increas ing farm e rs' doors for s tudents pursuing formal together." productivity and income, improving education. Education is the foundation .John I ucknort joined the British a'' are ness of sanitation, nutrition, for c\'ery aspect of national Diplomatic Ser\'ice in 1977. He has long gender and protection issues, and de\"elopmenr.~ experiences of working in\\'est Asia. strengthening local organi::ations by No Room For Complacency: UN AmbassadorTucknorrwasDirector, expanding participation among youth Rights Chief Global Tm·e st mentConference ~ london and vulnerable populations. The continuing violations of the 2010, before his appoinrment as the Over 486,061 Nepalese are expected rig hts of indigenous peoples, in all ambassador to Nepal.
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