Final Coat to Ba Prepared to Inaka ^Reporta and Each Member-Ja Askad to Oome 5 - Prepared to Rsspohil ~
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v ' : i ; WEDNESDAy, FEBRUARY li, II • ■ \ - AYcr^d Dtlly Nat Pnw R w £tt(ttitig Vrralit' I ' ■ • ■ - Bskraaiy-....... Ft— *“ ~ 'ltn ..]| la r^ Manning, idimerly ba bald l^ d a y n ^ t at tha church, A daughter eras bom to Mr. and West Stde Racreatlon Crater Fri Tha Ladiaa’ AM •ndatjr oC the; f of Manchestn.; has. left for her Tha apaakar will ha Mias Mary Mrs. Kenneth Chadwick 888 day 'nigM at 8 o'clock. home in Palatka, Fla., after viMt- ■nuumai lartharaa Churth wUl McNulty, religious dlracior ' at Center street Monday, at the St. bold Am gu lar maatliig and a VaL 1 0 , 4 9 1 Ing relatives in town. Christ Church Oathadral* In HaH- Francis Hospltsl. • ■ KolNtt 'K. WUlU or U 8Urk> The glec-elube s fT c ta ity and antlaa party at the church tonaor sf tha AadR ✓ ■ • V ntiM r OtTMt kM b M « MUMd t « fqrd. .The. hoptesaes v ia . he Miaa wtu paasent a MW aftanMan-ac Fa'dack. -Maas Wnrraa df OtnmM&rn Chapman Cdtift; No. IB. floranea Madden, lira. Margaret The public is invited toi, the tha Doui't List for th« Mcond of Amaranth, announces a pot- .Jatnt concert toraomw night at bara art ranrindad t o briag Valaa B u k iiif pariod of Uia fan semea- Nielsen and Mra. Dorothy PagMi. weekly setback party held at., the 8;1S In the THnity Auditmiun. Manehesiw^A City of FlU af* Charm luck for Friday, Feb. 16, in the tbM gttu far tkiilr 'raertt,pala" . — t- tar at Horaa CtoUega in Hartford. banquet hall of the Masonic Tem ple. It will be served promptly at VOL. LXXI, NO. 115 Oawral Ckalrmaa Graham U' MANCHESTER, CONN„ THURSDAY,'FEBRUARY 14,1952 6:30. The business, meeting will (TWENTY PAGES) P U C E f i v e c i m i p Clark hat callad a lacatinc of the follow* at 8 o’clock, after which a llaaonie Ball OomnfUtea for to- social hour will be. etijoyed and re !.ri morrow avaninK at tha Masonic freshments wiir be served by Mrs. Tampla at •' o’clock. Chairman Annie I. gmith and her committee. Duke Arrives for , BroUierU Fonerai of BUb-committaas ara requeatad The*' annual' roll-call will be read Final Coat to ba prepared to inaka ^reporta and each member-ja askad to oome 5 - prepared to rSspohiL ~ Rebert Lo Mullaney, son of Mr. *nie monthly meeting nff Rt. .'m.' V and Mrs. Raymond J. MuUaney. of Mary's Giria Friendly Sociaty. will S8 -Priifcaten street, aiJI become .. an'official member of the fresh* man class at ‘Trinity Oollcga to morrow at a matriculation service honoring the men who have proven ' ;.v. rt-^ihelf r ^ t to-be eotlcf* man by New •liccesstui conclusion of the first semester of study. Ewry ' Daughter of Liberty, No.'ia.V LO U have set the date of Tuesday Coma to Hala'i aarly Thursday Tor. this tupar saving claaranca coats. You\(IH find tha saa* evening. .March 11. for the observ- BONNET anca of their 4Bth anniversary. sen’s bast sailing stylas in top quality fabrics. Includad ara ourCfur trimmad and waw ■ « -Supper will-bo eervad-at-»;4il in Rails Urged A n a t h e r j i77i m the banquet room of .Orange Hall Undecided on ’62, l Says Prdbe and an entertainment to follow Rne Yista Straw Eyary coat will ba a truly sensational Halt Bargain. / \ ' w^ll include the drill which the lodge successfully put on at Hat- To Aecept boro, Pa., on Labor day, 1951. President Reveals Must Have . • • 'I The Mary Williams group of Union Plan the 'Second Congregational Wo Misses ^-r-Women ’s-^Juniofs *—Half Sizi Washington. Feb. 14—(A>)— President -Truman pictured men's League, will meet this eve- ^ himself today a« still pondering whether to run for re-election FuU Rights nlng at 7:30 with MrS. Hugh F. PASTEL PLEECES W'aahington, ,Feb. •14— (A*) and.declared: *Ht is a difficult decision for me to make.” His Wilson of 31 Mather street. — A Presidential emergency words at a news conference heightened speculation he may Washington, Fob. 14—(A') YARN DYE GREYS board recommended today make tha racs if h«.'feels that aA . — ,. ------------------------------ 1 - - Croup C o f Center Church * it»f U fo Sra b y foritifitl Democratic victory and continua- ■ , / —Prosident Truman to ^- women. Mrs. Ford Crosby, leader. I that the nation’s railroads ac PIN-POINT CHECKS tioH of hla txillciea hangs. on his asked Congreas to gdve clear- will hold a Valentine dessert card I COATS MADE TO SELL * cept • a demand by non becoming a candidate. party tomorrow at 1:30 in Wood-1 vYeK regardleM of, buM iiwi or development, ynU can. up boss Newbold Moitir operating workers for a union The importance of the Presi Reds Offer power to subpoena any perdbii ruff Hall of Center Chiirch house. NOVELTY TWEEDS - UP TO- $59a9S .......... .. a a a » a a iiulmmtty have iKe loak'of buttline perfection with dent's comment was_ underqpqredj Aiu>p clkuse .ia their, contracts^ -er- iiocament-he heeas to -te-- ".1........, ________ .......................... .'.j "T jfe « r i V FiftSfiir TfeirgneThrom The board also approved a when fSe While' House'later g^ FINE CHlNCHiLLAS newsmen permission to use some ^ yestigate scandals in govern- feJbtgiiflLSstt- union demand for n . mandatory POW dues check-off provision. o f—his ' remarks for direct 'quota- ’ mentr 1 r6 a d c l o t h s “ a high, young and nalurai lih with real leparatioa. ITie union shop .is a form of' Uon. Ordinarily, news ■ confer- ^ The President asked the WANTED And ii‘» laih»red the e»clu»ive Formfil way, with compulsory unionism. It requires ence remarks mky not be quoted legislative „ r DUVATEEN-SUEDES directly. all employes to belong to a union Swap Plan special mesadge aubmitte miilled cuehione for healthful anpport and elartic in- and maintain dues payments. A Nearly a year ago. Truman said BOOKKEEPER CHECKED PLEECES \ la for free-aclion cjynfort. 5top in today and aee lha worker becoming delinquent on his he had made up his mind but was shortly after a news confer pot ready to announce his decision.' Mundung Valley, Eastern ence at which he said ab'> o n d gUk loroiia difffrrtirf it can inakq ip you! . dues must be fired. POODLE CLOTH COATS MADE TO SEU Dues Cbeekoff In the months since, he has hedged Korea, Feb. 14-K A ^— A n esti- that he will find office spec i ASST. BOOKKEEPER ^ - J *1116 dues checkoff requirement a b ito n th m '.mated 1,100 Communists to- for Morris and his staff out Ufe hna from * 1 * * ' l FAMOUS MILL FABRICS UP TO $7fafS a « a a-a a a a-a a-,a Oeftalte 1 ___ StatB Quolifleatioiis ,. fa a iridr .wrterr of-ah /en ro/org •, The Duke of WladMr, weariag a mouniiag 'armband. railsM Ua would mean that union duea would night _atUck^ Allied posi side the Justice Department be deduct^ by the railroads from Today's statement definitely put situ aaa mattriaU. hat In arhnowMgmrat of the erawd’a greettaga aa ke dlaemharka the issue down aa undecided. tions in the Mundung valley — No. 1 agency on Morris' in OMd S d a r y D t i r t d EVERY COAT-HEAVILY from the liner Quern Mary at Soothamptoa, Raglaad, Feh. IS. The workers’ pay checks. Trunian told the reporters: but were thrown back after quiry list. 5 0 Duke made the trip la Eagtamt to attend Uw funeral of hla brather: The board acted in n dispute be " I don't want to confuse you. I an hour-long struggle, The at Morris himself said shortly after W Rin ROX R INTERLINED. U'"K O w g n VI. (A P rtwlo by radia frim Lnndon.1 , . tween the railroads and IT union* hia appointment as a a p ^ a t as represanUng all rail workers who haven't tried-to confuse you. ' I tack, the largeaf in four ^ c«o The Htrdd ■-'i have told you that it is a diffi sistant Attorney General that ..tie are not employed -on moving weeks or more, was designed didn't have subpoena powers and trains. cult decision for me to make, and Head-charmer in Bird's eye that aa soon aa it is time for the to cut through Allied de didn’t want them. Ice Jam Cute The three man panel held that announcement to be made, you ‘Tm not a prosecutor,’* he eald. fs Rites the Union ship is "now a common fenses. There was no estimate vinca with forgetmenot will have the Information prompt of enemy casualties. 'Tm an investigator.” technique in labor contracta in ly. So let's go to some other sub- Morrii, SO-year-oId socially 24 H our New Ziplined Coats « - « o ; Bristol Water American industry generally." flowern, velvet h«wn and 38 Ject that the country is interested prominent New York attorney, ’ The board said a government Munsan, Korea, Feb. 14— was picked on Feb. 1 to take com To Be Heid in, and digeusa that, because 1 Am bulance veil . , All Spring colofa. SIZES 12 TO 20. ALSO l6'/i TO 24'/3 FURLINED, RE€. $45.00 Bristol, Feb. 14— (/PI— An'Ira survey showed over 70 per cent of have said all to you that 1 am go (A*)-—Communist truce nego mand of the long-demanded probe workers now covered by labor Jam at one of the clt.v'a reaer- ing to say on this subject, and I tiators presented a new Gecll Baaders, the only miaer to ieaeaaa froifrom the West BVaakfart, into tax Bcandala.