v ' : i ; WEDNESDAy, FEBRUARY li, II • ■ \ - AYcr^d Dtlly Nat Pnw R w £tt(ttitig Vrralit' I ' ■ • ■ - Bskraaiy-....... Ft— *“ ~ 'ltn ..]| la r^ Manning, idimerly ba bald l^ d a y n ^ t at tha church, A daughter eras bom to Mr. and West Stde Racreatlon Crater Fri­ Tha Ladiaa’ AM •ndatjr oC the; f of Manchestn.; has. left for her Tha apaakar will ha Mias Mary Mrs. Kenneth Chadwick 888 day 'nigM at 8 o'clock. home in Palatka, Fla., after viMt- ■nuumai lartharaa Churth wUl McNulty, religious dlracior ' at Center street Monday, at the St. bold Am gu lar maatliig and a VaL 1 0 , 4 9 1 Ing relatives in town. Christ Church Oathadral* In HaH- Francis Hospltsl. • ■ KolNtt 'K. WUlU or U 8Urk> The glec-elube s fT c ta ity and antlaa party at the church tonaor sf tha AadR ✓ ■ • V ntiM r OtTMt kM b M « MUMd t « fqrd. .The. hoptesaes v ia . he Miaa wtu paasent a MW aftanMan-ac Fa'dack. -Maas Wnrraa df OtnmM&rn Chapman Cdtift; No. IB. floranea Madden, lira. Margaret The public is invited toi, the tha Doui't List for th« Mcond of Amaranth, announces a pot- .Jatnt concert toraomw night at bara art ranrindad t o briag Valaa B u k iiif pariod of Uia fan semea- Nielsen and Mra. Dorothy PagMi. weekly setback party held at., the 8;1S In the THnity Auditmiun. Manehesiw^A City of FlU af* Charm luck for Friday, Feb. 16, in the tbM gttu far tkiilr 'raertt,pala" . — t- tar at Horaa CtoUega in Hartford. banquet hall of the Masonic Tem­ ple. It will be served promptly at VOL. LXXI, NO. 115 Oawral Ckalrmaa Graham U' MANCHESTER, CONN„ THURSDAY,'FEBRUARY 14,1952 6:30. The business, meeting will (TWENTY PAGES) P U C E f i v e c i m i p Clark hat callad a lacatinc of the follow* at 8 o’clock, after which a llaaonie Ball OomnfUtea for to- social hour will be. etijoyed and re­ !.ri morrow avaninK at tha Masonic freshments wiir be served by Mrs. Tampla at •' o’clock. Chairman Annie I. gmith and her committee. Duke Arrives for , BroUierU Fonerai of BUb-committaas ara requeatad The*' annual' roll-call will be read Final Coat to ba prepared to inaka ^reporta and each member-ja askad to oome 5 - prepared to rSspohiL ~ Rebert Lo Mullaney, son of Mr. *nie monthly meeting nff Rt. .'m.' V and Mrs. Raymond J. MuUaney. of Mary's Giria Friendly Sociaty. will S8 -Priifcaten street, aiJI become .. an'official member of the fresh* man class at ‘Trinity Oollcga to­ morrow at a matriculation service honoring the men who have proven ' ;.v. rt-^ihelf r ^ t to-be eotlcf* man by New •liccesstui conclusion of the first semester of study. Ewry ' Daughter of Liberty, No.'ia.V LO U have set the date of Tuesday Coma to Hala'i aarly Thursday Tor. this tupar saving claaranca coats. You\(IH find tha saa* evening. .March 11. for the observ- BONNET anca of their 4Bth anniversary. sen’s bast sailing stylas in top quality fabrics. Includad ara ourCfur trimmad and waw ■ « -Supper will-bo eervad-at-»;4il in Rails Urged A n a t h e r j i77i m the banquet room of .Orange Hall Undecided on ’62, l Says Prdbe and an entertainment to follow Rne Yista Straw Eyary coat will ba a truly sensational Halt Bargain. / \ ' w^ll include the drill which the lodge successfully put on at Hat- To Aecept boro, Pa., on Labor day, 1951. President Reveals Must Have . • • 'I The Mary Williams group of Union Plan the 'Second Congregational Wo­ Misses ^-r-Women ’s-^Juniofs *—Half Sizi Washington. Feb. 14—(A>)— President -Truman pictured men's League, will meet this eve- ^ himself today a« still pondering whether to run for re-election FuU Rights nlng at 7:30 with MrS. Hugh F. PASTEL PLEECES W'aahington, ,Feb. •14— (A*) and.declared: *Ht is a difficult decision for me to make.” His Wilson of 31 Mather street. — A Presidential emergency words at a news conference heightened speculation he may Washington, Fob. 14—(A') YARN DYE GREYS board recommended today make tha racs if h«.'feels that aA . — ,. ------------------------------ 1 - - Croup C o f Center Church * it»f U fo Sra b y foritifitl Democratic victory and continua- ■ , / —Prosident Truman to ^- women. Mrs. Ford Crosby, leader. I that the nation’s railroads ac­ PIN-POINT CHECKS tioH of hla txillciea hangs. on his asked Congreas to gdve clear- will hold a Valentine dessert card I COATS MADE TO SELL * cept • a demand by non­ becoming a candidate. party tomorrow at 1:30 in Wood-1 vYeK regardleM of, buM iiwi or development, ynU can. up boss Newbold Moitir operating workers for a union The importance of the Presi­ Reds Offer power to subpoena any perdbii ruff Hall of Center Chiirch house. NOVELTY TWEEDS - UP TO- $59a9S .......... .. a a a » a a iiulmmtty have iKe loak'of buttline perfection with dent's comment was_ underqpqredj Aiu>p clkuse .ia their, contracts^ -er- iiocament-he heeas to -te-- ".1........, ________ .......................... .'.j "T jfe « r i V FiftSfiir TfeirgneThrom The board also approved a when fSe While' House'later g^ FINE CHlNCHiLLAS newsmen permission to use some ^ yestigate scandals in govern- feJbtgiiflLSstt- union demand for n . mandatory POW dues check-off provision. o f—his ' remarks for direct 'quota- ’ mentr 1 r6 a d c l o t h s “ a high, young and nalurai lih with real leparatioa. ITie union shop .is a form of' Uon. Ordinarily, news ■ confer- ^ The President asked the WANTED And ii‘» laih»red the e»clu»ive Formfil way, with compulsory unionism. It requires ence remarks mky not be quoted legislative authority..in „ r DUVATEEN-SUEDES directly. all employes to belong to a union Swap Plan special mesadge aubmitte miilled cuehione for healthful anpport and elartic in- and maintain dues payments. A Nearly a year ago. Truman said BOOKKEEPER CHECKED PLEECES \ la for free-aclion cjynfort. 5top in today and aee lha worker becoming delinquent on his he had made up his mind but was shortly after a news confer­ pot ready to announce his decision.' Mundung Valley, Eastern ence at which he said ab'> o n d gUk loroiia difffrrtirf it can inakq ip you! . dues must be fired. POODLE CLOTH COATS MADE TO SEU Dues Cbeekoff In the months since, he has hedged Korea, Feb. 14-K A ^— A n esti- that he will find office spec i ASST. BOOKKEEPER ^ - J *1116 dues checkoff requirement a b ito n th m '.mated 1,100 Communists to- for Morris and his staff out­ Ufe hna from * 1 * * ' l FAMOUS MILL FABRICS UP TO $7fafS a « a a-a a a a-a a-,a Oeftalte 1 ___ StatB Quolifleatioiis ,. fa a iridr .wrterr of-ah /en ro/org •, The Duke of WladMr, weariag a mouniiag 'armband. railsM Ua would mean that union duea would night _atUck^ Allied posi­ side the Justice Department be deduct^ by the railroads from Today's statement definitely put situ aaa mattriaU. hat In arhnowMgmrat of the erawd’a greettaga aa ke dlaemharka the issue down aa undecided. tions in the Mundung valley — No. 1 agency on Morris' in­ OMd S d a r y D t i r t d EVERY COAT-HEAVILY from the liner Quern Mary at Soothamptoa, Raglaad, Feh. IS. The workers’ pay checks. Trunian told the reporters: but were thrown back after quiry list. 5 0 Duke made the trip la Eagtamt to attend Uw funeral of hla brather: The board acted in n dispute be­ " I don't want to confuse you. I an hour-long struggle, The at­ Morris himself said shortly after W Rin ROX R INTERLINED. U'"K O w g n VI. (A P rtwlo by radia frim Lnndon.1 , . tween the railroads and IT union* hia appointment as a a p ^ a t as­ represanUng all rail workers who haven't tried-to confuse you. ' I tack, the largeaf in four ^ c«o The Htrdd ■-'i have told you that it is a diffi­ sistant Attorney General that ..tie are not employed -on moving weeks or more, was designed didn't have subpoena powers and trains. cult decision for me to make, and Head-charmer in Bird's eye that aa soon aa it is time for the to cut through Allied de­ didn’t want them. Ice Jam Cute The three man panel held that announcement to be made, you ‘Tm not a prosecutor,’* he eald. fs Rites the Union ship is "now a common fenses. There was no estimate vinca with forgetmenot will have the Information prompt­ of enemy casualties. 'Tm an investigator.” technique in labor contracta in ly. So let's go to some other sub- Morrii, SO-year-oId socially 24 H our New Ziplined Coats « - « o ; Bristol Water American industry generally." flowern, velvet h«wn and 38 Ject that the country is interested prominent New York attorney, ’ The board said a government Munsan, Korea, Feb. 14— was picked on Feb. 1 to take com­ To Be Heid in, and digeusa that, because 1 Am bulance veil . , All Spring colofa. SIZES 12 TO 20. ALSO l6'/i TO 24'/3 FURLINED, RE€. $45.00 Bristol, Feb. 14— (/PI— An'Ira survey showed over 70 per cent of have said all to you that 1 am go­ (A*)-—Communist truce nego­ mand of the long-demanded probe workers now covered by labor Jam at one of the clt.v'a reaer- ing to say on this subject, and I tiators presented a new Gecll Baaders, the only miaer to ieaeaaa froifrom the West BVaakfart, into tax Bcandala.
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