Contents Page Foreword Xl Preface XIII Acknow ledgement XIV

VOLUME - I District Highlights - 200 I Census XVI Important Statistics in the District XVII Ranking ofTahsils in the District XIX ~tatement-I Name of the headquarters of district/tahsil, their rural-urban status and xx distance from district headquarters, 200 I 5tatement-2 Name of the headquarters ofdistrictiC D block their rural-urban status xx and distance from district headquarters, 2001 Statement-3 Population of the district at each census from 1901 to 2001 XXI Statement-4 Area, number of villagesIt owns and population in district and tahsil, 2001 XXIl Statement-5 CD Blockwise number of vi IIage s and rural population. 200 I XXIU Statement-6 Population of Urban Agglomerations/towns, 200 I XXIII Statement-7 Villages with population of 5,000 and above at C D Block level as per XXIV 2001 census and amenities available Statement-8 Statutory towns with population less than 5000 as per 200 I census and XXIV amenities available Statement-9 Houseless and Institutional population oftahsils, rural and urban. 200 I xxv Analytical Note (i) History and scope of the District Census Handbook 3 (ii) Briefhistory of the district 3 (iii) Administrative set-up 4 (iv) Physical features 5 (1) Location and size (2) Physiography (3) Drainage (4) Climate (5) Natural Economic Resources (v) Census Concepts 11 (vi) Non-Census Concepts 16 (vii) 200 I Census findings-Population, its distribution etc. 20 (viii) Brief analysis of PCA data based on inset tables 1 to 36 21 (ix) Brief analysis of the Village Directory and Town Directory data based on inset tables 37 to 47 49 (x) Brief analysis of the data on houses and household amenities collected during Houselisting Operations, Census of India 200 1 based on inset tables 48 to 52 59 (xi) Major social and cultural events. natural and administrative developments and significant activities during the decade 64 Brief description of places of religious. historical or archaeological importance in villages and places of tourist interest in the towns of the district 64 (xiii) Major characteristics and contribution of the district 65 (xiv) Scope ofYillage Directory and Town Directory 65

VII Part A - Village and Town Directory (Section I and II) Section I - Village Directory

(a) Note explaining the abbreviations used in the Village Directory 71 (b) Statement-List of vi II ages merged in towns and outgrowths at 200 I Census 74 (c) C.D. Block wise presentation of Village Directory Data

(i) Map of So["on CD Block (Facing Page) 77 (ii) Alphabetical list of villages of So ron CD Block 79 (iii) Village Directory of CD Block 82 (i) Map of CD Block (Facing Page) 109 Oi) Alphabetical list of villages of Kasganj CD Block 111 (iii) Vi1lage Directory of Kasganj CD Block 114 (i) Map of CD Block (Facing Page) 137 (ii) Alphabetica~ list of vi IIages ofAmanpur CD Block 139 (iii) Village Directory of Amanpur CD Block , 142 (i) Map of CD Block (Facing Page) 165 (ii) Alphabetical list of villages ofSahawar CD Block 167 (iii) Village Directory ofSahawar CD Block 170 (i) Map of Ganj Dundwara CD Block (Facing Page) 191 (ii) Alphabetical list ofviUages ofGanj Dundwara CD Block 193 (iii) Village Directory of Ganj Dundwara CD Block 196 (i) Map of CD Block (Facing Page) 219 (ii) Alphabetical list of villages of Patiyali CD Block 221 (iii) Village Directory of Patiyali CD Block 224 (i) Map of CD Block (Facing Page) 243 (ii) Alphabetical list of villages Sidhpura CD Block 245 (iii) Village Directory ofSidhpura CD Block 248 (i) Map of CD Block (Facing Page) 269 (n) Alphabetical list ofvillages Jaithara CD Block 271 (iii) Village Directory of Jaithara CD Block 274 (i) Map of CD Block (Facing Page) 295 (ii) Alphabetical list of v illages Aliganj CD Block 297 (iii) Village Directory ofAliganj CD Block 300 (i) Map of CD Block (Facing Page) 329 (ii) Alphabetical list of villages Marehra CD Block 331 (iii) Village Directory of Marehra CD Block 334 (i)~~ CD Block (Facing Page) 353 (ii) Alphabetical list ofvillages Nidhauli Kalan CD Block 355 (iii) Village Directory ofNidhauli Kalan CD Block 358 (i) Map ofShitalpur CD Block (Facing Page) 379 (ii) Alphabetical list of villages Shitalpur CD Block 380 (iii) Village Directory ofShitalpuT CD Block 383 (i) Map of CO Block (Facing Page) 412 (ii) Alphabetical I ist of v illages Sakit CD Block 414 (iii) Village Directory of Sakit CD Block 419 (i) Map of CD Block (Facing Page) 454 (ii) Alphabetical list ofviHages Jalesar CD Block 456 (iii) Village Directory of Jalesar CD Block 459 (i) Map of CD Block (Facing Page) 480 (ii) Alphabetical list of villages Awagarh CD Block 482

VIII OlSTRlCT CENSUS HANDBOOK: (iii) Village Directory Awagarh CD Block 485 (d) Appendices to Village Directory

APPENDIX I Abstract of Educational. Medical and other Amenities in villages 501 CD Block level APPENDIX IA Villages by number of Primary School 505 APPENDIX 18 Villages by Primary. Middle and Secondary Schools 505 APPENDIX tC Villages with different sources of drinking water facilities available 506 APPENDIX II Villages with 5000 and above population which do not have one or 507 more amenities available APPENDIX I1A Census towns which do not have one or more amenities 508 APPENDIX III Land utilization data in respect of Census Towns/non-municipal towns 508 APPENDIX rv CD Blockwise list of inhabited villages where no amenity other 509 than drinking water facility is available APPENDIX V Summary showing number of villages having or not having Scheduled 512 Castes population APPENDIX VI Summary showing number of vi lIages hav ing or not having Scheduled 512 Tribes population APPENDIX VIlA List of villages according to the proportion of the Scheduled 513 Castes to the total population by range_s APPENDIX VIIB List of villages according to the proportion of the Scheduled 540 Tribes to the total population by ranges APPENDIX VIII Number of villages under each Gram Panchayat (C.D. block wise) 540 APPENDIX IX Statement showing number of girls schools in the villages 540

VOLUME - II Section II - Town Directory

(a) Note explaining the abbreviations used in the Town Directory 544 Town Directory Statements (I to VIn : (b) STATEMENT I Status and Growth History 549 (c) STATEMENT II Physical aspects and location of towns 551 (d) STATEMENT III Municipal Finance 553 (e) STATEMENT IV Civic and other amenities 553 (f) STATEMENT V Medical~ Educational. Recreational and Cultural Facilities 555 (g) STATEMENT VI Trade, Commerce, Industry and B~nking 559 (h) STATEMENT VII Civic and other amenities in slums 560 (i) Appendix to Town Directory 560

Part B - Primary Census Abstract

(a) Brief note on Primary Census Abstract 564 (b) District Primary Census Abstract (General) 568 (c) Appendix to District Primary Census Abstract i.e. 576 Urban block wise figures of Total, SC and ST Population

Primary Census Abstract for Scheduled Castes 591 Primary Census Abstract for Scheduled Tribes 605 CD Block wise Village Primary Censlls Abstract Primar::- Census Abstract Soron CD Block 615


Primary Census Abstract Kasganj CD Block 635 Primary Census Abstract Amanpur CD Btock 649 Primary Census Abstract Sahawar CD Block 663 Primary Census Abstract Ganj Dundwara CD Block 677 Primary Census Ab_stract Patiyali CD Block 691 Primary Census Abstract Sidhpura CD Block 705 Primary Census Abstract Jaithara CD Block 719 Primary Census Abstract AJiganj CD Block 733 Primary Census Abstract Marehra CD Block 753 Primary Census Abstract Nidhauli Kalan CD Block 767 Primary Census Abstract Shitalpur CD Block 781 Primary Census Abstract Sakit CD Block 801 Primary Census Abstract lalesar CD Block 821 Primary Census Abstract Awagarh CD Block 835

Urban Primary Census Abstract 849 Annexures - I To VIII Annexure I N umber of villages under each Gram Panchayat 889 Annexure II Fertility and Mortality, 1991 Census 889 Annexure III Various measures of fertility and mean age at marriage, 1991 Census 890 Annexure IV Percentage distribution of Migrants by place ofbirthlplace of last residence, 891 1991 Census Annexure V Brief account ofmain religions in the districtltahsi I as per 199 I Census 892 Annexure VI Marital status of population as per 1991 Census 893 Annexure VII Age, Sex and Education in the district, 1991 Census 897 Annexure VIII Distribution of different mother tongues returned in 1991 Census 900



he District Census Handbook (DCHB) published by Census Organisation since 1951 census, is one T of the important publications in the context of planning and development at gross-root leveL The publication, which is brought out for each district, contains several demographic and socio-economic characteristics village-wise and town-wise of the district alongwith the status ofavailability of civic amenities, infrastructural facilities. etc. 2. The scope of the DCHB was initially confined to a few Census Tables and Primary Census Abstract (PCA) of each village and town within the district. Thereafter, at successive censuses, its scope and coverage has been enl.arged. The DCHB published at the 1961 census provided a descriptive account of the district, administrative statistics; census tables and a village and town directory including PCA. The 1971 census­ DCHB series was in three parts: Part-A related to village and town directory, Part-B to village and town PCA and Part-C comprised analytical report, administrative statistics, district census tables and certain analytical tables based on PCA and amenity data in respect of villages. The 1981 census DCHB was in two parts: Part­ A contained village and town directory and Part-B the PCA of village and town including the SCs and STs PCA up to tahsil/town levels. New features alongwith restructuring of the format,s of village and town directory were added into it. In Village Directory, all amenities except electricity were brought together and if any amenity w~s not available in the referent village, the distance in broad ranges from the nearest place having such an amenity, was given. Information on new items such as adult literacy centres, primary health sub­ centres and community health workers in the village were provided so as to meet the requirements of some of the Revised Minimum Needs Programme. -Information on approach to the village was provided for the first time in the Village Directory so as to give the details·on number of inaccessible villages in each district. In the Town Directory, ~. statement (IV-A) on slums was introduced to provide the details on civic and other amenities in the notified slums of Class [ and Class II towns. , 3. The 1991 census DCHB: by and large, followed the pattern of presentation of 1981 census, except the format of PCA was restructured. Nine-fold industrial classification of main workers was given against the four-fold industrial classification presented in the 1981 census. In addition, sex-wise popUlation in 0-6 age group was included in the PCA for the first time with a view to enable the data users to compile more realistic literacy rate as a II children below 7 years of age had been treated as illiterate at the time of 1991 census. One of the important innovations in the 1991 census was the Community Development Block (CD block) level presentation of village directory and PCA data instead of the traditional tahsil/talukIPS level presentation. It was expected that the presentation ofvillage directory and PCA data at CD block level will help the planners in formulation of micro level development plans, CD block being lowest administrative unit. 4. The present series of 200 I census DCHBs have been made more informative and exhaustive in terms of coverage and content. The Village Directory has been enlarged in scope by including a number of other facilities like banking, recreational and cultural facilities, .newspapers and magazines and 'most important commodity' manufactured in village. Income and expenditure of gram panchayat, wherever possible. has been provided. Apart from these~ more details on distance(s) at which basic amenities are available (ifnot available in the village), are given. This includes educational facilities (namely primary and middle schools and college), medical facilities (viz. Allopathic Hospital, Maternity & Child Welfare Centre and Primary Health Centre),


drinking water, post & telegraph (post office and phone), communication, bank, credit societies and recreational facilities. In Town Directory, the statement on Slums has been modified and its coverage enlarged by including details on all slums instead of 'notified slums'. The information is given in case of all statutory towns irrespective of their class, against only Class I and Class II towns in the 1981 and 1991 censuses. The basic amenities available in the villages and towns are analysed in depth with the help of a number of cross-classified inset tables and statements. Two other significant additions in the publication are inclusion of&motir highlighting significant characteristic of the district and analytical notes as annexures. The analytical notes on (i) fertility and mortality and (ii) various measures of fertility and mean ag,e at marriage are prepared based on 1991 Census. Whereas, in the notes relating to (i) percentage distribution of migrants by place ofbirth/place of last residence, (ii) main religions, (iii) marital status of popUlation, (iv) age, sex and education, and (v) distribution of spectrum of mother tongue, nature and extent ofchanges occurred in the district in its basic socio-demographic features during the decade 1991-200 I are analysed. The eight digits permanent location code (PLCN) to all the vi lIages and towns have been assigned keeping in view the future needs. 5. The village and town level amenity data have been collected, compiled and computerised in prescribed record structure under the supervision of Dr. Ranvir Singh. Director of Census Operations, Uttar Pradesh. Thereafter, efforts have been made to ensure comparability of the information with that of 1991 census data and the information brought out by the respective state governments in their annual reports and statistical handbooks for various years after 1991. The task of planning, designing and coordination of this publication was carried out by Shri R.G Mitra, Deputy Registrar General (C&T) and Dr. I.C. Agrawal, Senior Research Officer of Social Studies Division. Dr. R.P. Singh, Deputy Registrar General (Map) provided the technical guidance in the preparation of maps. Whereas, Shri Anil K~mar Arora, Deputy Director of Data Processing Division who worked under the overall supervision ofShri Himakar, Addl. Director (EDP) helped in preparation of record structure for computerisation ofvill age and town directory data and the programme for the generation ofViUage Direc~IY and Town Directory statements including analytical inset tables. The draft DCHB Dl#lJluscripts received from the Census Directorates have been scrutinised in the Social Studies Division under the guidance of Shri S.L. Jain, Deputy Director and Shri R.K. Mehta, Assistant Director: I am thankful to all of them and others who have contributed to make this publication possible.

D.K. Sikri

New Registrar General & Dated: 17.10.2006. Census Commissioner. India



The District Census Handbooks (DCHBs) are brought-out in two parts giving village and town wise data for each district. The first part contains non-census data for each village and town and is called Village and Town Directories Part A. The Part B provides Census data for rural area up to the village level and for urban areas up to ward level for each town or city in the shape of Primary Census Abstract (PCAs). The information contained in Primary Census Abstract and Village and Town Directory (VDslTDs) has already been released for data users in soft copy. Data available in District Census Handbooks are very useful for policy planners, Administrators. Researchers and other socio-economic research centers. Till 1991 Census, all the inset tables included in District Census Handbooks were produced manually. But this time the software designed by the Data Processing Division of the Office of the Registrar General, India helped in the fast generations of tables. I am deeply grateful to Shri J.K. Banthia, Ex-Registrar General and Census Commissioner of India for his guidance and support. I would like to thank Shri O.K. Sikri. Secretary. Registrar General and Census Commissioner of India for his sustained support and spontaneous. unfailing guidance through our endeavours. At the outset I thank to Shri R.C. Sethi. Additional Registrar General, India, who drove us to complete the District Census Handbooks within a specific timeframe and make it ready for printing.

I thank to Shri R.O. Mit~ Ex. Deputy Registrar General (C&T). Shri R.P. Singh. Ex. Deputy Registrar General (Map), Dr. LC. Aggarwal, Ex. Assistant Registrar General (SS) of the office of Register (}eneral. India for their guidance at each steps in the preparation of District Census Handbook. Special thanks are due to Shri S.L. Jain, Deputy Director (Social Studies) and Shri Anil Kumar Arora, Deputy Director (EDP). without their untiring efforts and support we could not have completed the District Census Handbook within this time. The Director of Census Operations. Uttar Pradesh. Dr. Ranbir Singh, under whose guidance. the entire operations were carried out deserves all credit for its success. but he was repatriated to the State Government for taking up some other important assignments before the volume could be made available for the printing.. I am also thankful to Shri R. K. Singh, Ex-Joint Director and Shri S.S.A. Jam, Deputy Director for their valuable. guidance and support to complete this project within specific time frame. The task of data collection in respect of both Census and non-census items was a gigantic on which officials in the State Government had to perform along with their normal duties. For their deep sense of devotion to duty and hard work in this regard. I am thankful to all of them. The preparation of District Census Handbook was done under the supervision and guidance of Shri B.K. Srivastava, Deputy Director of Census Operations and his team of dedicated workers deserve al1 praise for their perseverance and dedication in preparing for Camera Ready Copy of District Census Handbook. I am also thankful to Shri Mohan Pandey, Ex-Deputy Director. Shri J. Majhi. Assistant Director, Shri M.M. Pandey, Dr. S.S. Sharma S.1. Grade-l and Shri S.K. Banerjee, S.l. Gr. 11 who assisted in the work for timely completion of the project. S.I.Gr.lI. S.I.Gr.lIl. Sr.Compilers. Compilers. Data Entry Operators and Assistant Compilers who assisted in the work also did a tremendous job. Shri A.M. Ansari, Deputy Director (EOP) and his team of devoted workers deserve all praise for timely processing of Household Schedule through Image Based Data Capturing Technology i.e. Scanning. The members of the staff in the Map Section did a commendable job under the guidance of Shri Dashrath Singh, Research Officer (Map) in bringing out various maps.

Lucknow Pradeep Kumar Deputy Director of Census Operations, October. 2008 Uttar Pradesh, Lucknow


Acknowledgement Guidance Dr. Ranbir Singh lAS Director 2 Shri R.K. Singh Joint Director 3 Shri S.S.A. Jafri Deputy Di rector Supervision Shri S.C. Tripathi Deputy Director 2 Shri K.C. Upadhayaya Deputy Director 3 Shri G. N. Pathak Deputy Di rector 4 Shri Mohan Pandey Deputy Director 5 Shri B.K. Srivastava Deputy Director 6 Shri T.A. Usmani Assistant Director 7 Shri M.N. Singh Assistant Director 8 Shri V.K. Nigam Assistant Director 9 Shri Jagannath Majhi Assistant Director DCHB Section (Collection/Compilation of Statistics and Writeup of Analytical Note) I Dr. Ravi Shankar Assistant Director 2 Shri Mritunjay Kumar Assistant Director 3 Shri Banarsi Lal Statistical Investigator Grade-I 4 Shri M.M. Pandey Statistical Investigator Grade-I 5 Dr. S.S. Sharma Statistical Investigator Grade-I 6 Shri G.e. Gupta Statistical Investigator Grade-II 7 Shri S.K. Banerjee Statistical Investigator Grade-II 8 Shri V.K. Tiwari Statistical Investigator Grade-II 9 Shri T.R. Deorari Statistical Investigator Grade-III 10 Shri D.N. Saxena Statistical Investigator Grade-Ill 11 Shri Riyaz Akhtar Statistical Investigator Grade-III 12 Shri Ajay Awasthi Statistical Investigator Grade-Ill lJ Shri R.K. Verma Statistical Investigator Grade-Ill 14 Shri Vishwanath Gupta Statistical Investigator Grade-III 15 Shri Pradeep Kumar Statistical Investigator Grade-Ill 16 Shri M.C. Maheshwari Statistical Investigator Grade-III 17 Shri Satya Narain Compiler 18 Shri Vijay Krishna Compiler 19 Shri Khus Ram Compiler 20 Shri Devi Dutt Pandey Assistant Compiler 21 Shri K.K. Awasthi Assistant Compiler 22 Smt. Kalpana Kukreti Assistant Compiler 23 Shri Alha Prased Loader Census and Tabulation Section (PCA Unit) I Shri P.e. Tewari Assistant Director 2 Shri R.S. Meena Assistant Director 3 Shri D.O. Shanna Assistant Director 4 Shri Rakesh Kumar Sharma Assistant Director 5 Shri Suresh Chandra Kaushal Assistant Director 6 Shri Anadi Asthana Statistical Investigator Grade-II 7 Shri Nanku Singh Statistical Investigator Grade-III 8 Shri Balbir Singh Statistical I nvestigator Grade-III 9 Shri P.K. Pathak Statistical Investigator Grade-III 10 Shri D.1. Lyall Statistical Investigator Grade-Ill 11 Shri U.G. Jhingran Statistical Investigator Grade-III 12 Shri R.L. Yadav Statistical Investigator Grade-Ill 13 Shri Vinod Solomon Statistical Investigator Grade-Ill 14 Shri Ajay Kumar Statistical Investigator Grade-Ill 15 Shri Ramesh Chandra Senior Compiler 16 Shri U.B. Singh Senior Compiler 17 Shri L.P. Yadav Senior Compiler 18 Shri Ajay Singh Bharti Compiler 19 Km. Sonia Jethwani Compiler 20 Km. Sauhhagya Srivastava Assistant Compiler 21 Shri D.K.Rawat Assistant Compiler

XIV DISTRICT CENSUS HANDBOOK: ETAH Acknowledgement - Contd Map Unit I Shri Dashrath Singh Research Officer (Map) 2 Shri M.e. Virnal Senior Geographer 3 Shri R.K. Gupta Senior Geographer 4 Shri Binod Kumar Singh Geographer 5 Shri H.C. Tewari Senior Drawing Assistant 6 Shri Ajay Pratap Singh Senior Draughtsman Data Centre I Shri S.R. Sahay Deputy Director 2 Shri A.M. Ansari Deputy Director (EDP) 3 Shri Pooran Chandra Senior Supervisor 4 Shri S.D. Sharma Junior Supervisor 5 Shri S.C. Mishra Junior Supervisor 6 Shri Gaffar Ali Junior Supervisor 7 Shri Pancham Ram Junior Supervisor 8 Shri Parshu Ram Junior Supervisor 9 Shri Ram Prakash Saxena Data Entry Operator 10 Shri Satya Narayan Data Entry Operator 1 I Shri Subhash Singh Data Entry Operator 12 Shri Santosh Kumar Srivastava Data Entry Operator 13 Shri Harish Chandra Prasad Data Entry Operator 14 Shri Ram Dass P .A. to Director 15 Shri M.S. Thapa Deputy Director (EOP) 16 Shri P.S. Chhikara Deputy Director. DP Division. Delhi Printing Unit 1 Shri Om Prakash Assistant Director 2 Shri Rashid Ahmad Khan S.T.A. 3 Shri Asharfi Lal Investigator - III 4 Shri Satish Chandra Srivastava Printing Inspector 5 Shri Ram Surner Assistant Compiler nCRB Section (Village & Town Directory Unit) 1 Shri Ram Kishore Shashtri Statistical Investigator Grade-II 2 Shri Nirmal Singh Statistical Investigator Grade-III 3 Shri Lalit Kumar Statistical Investigator Grade-III 4 Shri ~endra Singh Senior Compiler 5 Shri R.S. Mishra Compiler 6 Shri Ram Chandra Compiler 7 Shri Hari Lal Compiler 8 Shri Ashok Kumar Compiler 9 Shri S.N. Singh Compiler 10 Shri Sita Ram Compiler II Shri Ganga Ram Compiler 12 Shri R.D. Prasad Compiler 13 Shri S.K. Sharma Upper Division Clerk 14 Shri Umar Daraz Upper Division Clerk 15 Smt. Sushrna Nigam Lower Division Clerk Manuscript and eRC Preparation 1 Shri R.K. Nigam Senior Supervisor 2 Shri H.M. Suyal Junior Supervisor 3 Shri P.K. Bajpai Junior Supervisor 4 Shri G.C. Kandpal Data Entry Operator 5 Shri S.N.Yadav Data Entry Operator 6 Shri loder Shekher Data Entry Operator 7 Shri Ishwar Singh Data Entry Operator 8 Shri Amar Nain Data Entry Operator 9 Shri Mohammad Irfan Khan Assistant Compiler 10 Km. Preeti Nag Assistant Compiler

xv · Section II - Town Directory


Section II - Town Directory

(a) Note explaining the abbreviations used in (XVIII) Town Committee/ the Town Directory Town Area Committee TC Town Directory statements (I to VII) (XIX) Small Town Committee ST (XX) Estate office EO Statement I Status and Growth History (XXI) Gram Panchayat GP Column (2) Class, name and civic (XXII) Census Town CT adm:nistration status of town : Others columns need no comments. Class has been introduced to facilitate' analysis Statement II - Physical Aspects and Location of town directory data at the state and all India of towns~ 1999. levels. It is presented according to 2001 Census J Population of the town as follows : Column to 5 Physical Aspects Population Class In th1s columns the Rainfall and Maximum & Minimum Temperature of the tOWJl is recorded. 100,000 and above I Column 6, 7 and 8 : 50,000 - 99,999 II 20,0:00 - 49,999 III Name of the State headquarters, District 10,000 - 19,999 IV headquarters and Sub-Divisional headquarters with 5,000 - 9,999 V distance from the referent town in kilometers, is to Below 5,000 VI be recorded respectively. If the names mentioned in Town with a population of one hundred thousand these columns are the same as the referent town (1,00,000 land above is treated as a city. itself, the distance is recorded as (0) zero. The civic administration status of the towns is Column 9& 10 : indicated within bracket against the name of the Name of the nearest city with one lakh and town. The following abbreviations are used to denote more and five lakhs and more population are civic status of town. recorded. (I) Municipal Corporation M .Corp.1NN Column 11, 12 and 13 : (II) Municipal Committee MC (III) Municipal Council M CI If referent town enjoys the facility of railway (IV) City Municipal Council CMC station, bus route facility or navigable river/canal. Its (V) Town Municipal Council TMC name is to be mentioned. If not available, then the (VI) Municipal Board MB/NPP name of nearest place with distance, where such (VII) Municipality M facility exists is to be mentioned. (VIII) Cantonment Board/Cantonment CB Statement III : l\'lunicipal Finance 1998 - (IX) Notified Area N A 1999 (X) Notified Town NT Item-wise amount of receipt and expenditure in (XI) Noti fled Area Committee! thousand rupees, relating to municipal finance of the Notified Area Council NAC town for the year 1998-99 is to be recorded. (XII) Notified Town Area NTA (XIII) Industrial Notified Area INA Statement IV Civic and Other amenities, (XIV) Industrial Township ITS 1999 (XV) Township TS Column (1 to 5) : Self explanatory. (XVI) TOWIl Panchayat TP (XVII) Nagar Panchayat NP Column (6) : Road length (in ktns.)


Information about kutcha I pucca road is to be Column 14: recorded separately for the roads within the limits of (v) Over Head Tank OHT the referent town. (vi) Service Reservoir SR (vii) River Infiltration Gallery RIG (i) Pucea Road PR (viii) Bore Well Pumping System BWP (ii) Kutcha Road KR (ix) Pressure Tank PT Column (7): System of Sewerage The information on major source of water supply Generally. by sewerage system is implied the are given in column ] 4 and the storage capacity network of mains and branches of underground against each in kilo-litres (in bracket) are presented conduits for the conveyance of sewerage to the poinf in column 15. of disposal. Sewers that carry only household and Column 15 : Fire Fighting Service industrial wastes are called separate sewers, those that carry stonn water from roofs, streets and other In case the fire fighting service is av~ilable in surface are known as storm water drains, while those the referent town 'yes' is recorded. If the facility carrying both sewage and storm water are called is not available \\fithin the lown. The- name of the combined sewers. nearest place having this facility with its distance from the referent town has been recorded. The codes used for different types of drainage system are as follows : Column 16 to 20 : Electrification (Number of connections) (i) Sewer S (ii) Open Surface Drains OSD Different types of electric connections have been (iii) Box Surface Drains BSD shown in these columns, i.e. Domestic, Industrial, (iv) Sylk Drains SD Commercial, Road lighting (points) & others. (v) Cesspool method CP Statement V : Medical, Educational, (vi) Pit System. Pt Recreational and Cultural Facilities, 1999 (vii) Others o Column 1 to 3 : Self explanatory. Column 8 to 11 : Number of latrines Column 4 & 5 : Number of various types of latrines both Public The data covers all such medical institutions run and Private are given in these columns. by or aided by Government/Semi Government/Local Column 12 : Method of disposal of night soil bodies and Charitable institutions or Social agencies The various prevalent method of disposal of night like the Missionaries. Where the family planning soil are given below with codes: centres are attached to hospitals or maternity and child welfare centres or Primary Health Centres, (i) Head Loads HL may be treated as independent units and counted (ii) Basket B separately using following codes = (iii) Wheel Barrows WB (iv) Septic Tank ST (i) Hospital H (v) Pit System· Pt (ii) Dispensary o (vi) Sewerage S (iii) Health Centre HC (vii) Others o (iv) Family Welfare Centre FWC (v) T.B. Clinic TB Column 13 and 14 : Water supply (vi) Nursing Home NH Source and capacity of storage system. The (vii) Others o , following codes are used in these columns : In case of more than one in~titutions of any type, Column 13: it is indicated within brackets the number of such (i) Tap water T institution (s) e.g. 0(3), NH(8), etc. The institutions (ii) Tube-well water TW have further been distinguished by providing additional (iii) Tank Water fK codes within the bracket as given below (iv) Well water W (i) Ayurvedic A


(ii) Unani U Matriculation or Secondary schools. Schools upto (iii) Homoeopathic Hom. XI or XII classes are considered as Higher Column 6 to 9 : Secondary! Intermediate I Pre Uqiversity /Junior College etc. This would cover 10+2 classes whether The codes used for these columns are as fo-Ilows: held in schools or college.

(i) Arts only A If there are composite schools lik~ middle schools (ji) Science only S with primary classes or Secondary schools with (iii) Commerce only C Middle classes. these are also included in the number (iv) Arts & Science only AS of Primary and Middle schools. respectively. For (v) Arts & Commerce only AG example, ifin a town, there are two Primary Schools (Vl) Combined for all ASC and one Middle school with Pnmary classes, the categories-Arts, Science number of Primary schools in the town is given as and Commerce three and that of Middle schools as one though there (vii) Law L are only three educational institutions. (viii) University U If there are more institutions of a type m the (ix) Others o town, the number is indicated with(n bracket along Column 10 : Recognized shorthand., typewriting with the abbreviation, e.g. P(4). M(3). and vocational training institutes Column 15 : Adult literacy class/centres "Recognised" should mean recognised by some statutory authority, like education department. This column has been introduced keeping in view the Minimum Needs Programme of the Planning commerce department~ labour department etc. of the government or semi government or autonomous Commission. There are number of Adult Education bodies, public sector undertakings etc.. Centres which are included in these columns. The following codes are used: If an educational facility is not available in the town, the name of the nearest place and its distance (i) Vocational Training Institute VT in kilometres from the town where the facility IS (li) Shortlumd SH available is mentioned. (iii) Typewriting Type (iv) Shorthand & Typewriting SH Type Column 16 Working WomeD's hostels (v) Others o with number of seats The vocational institutions like - Applied Artl The number of working women's hostel if Painting college, Pharmacy college, B. Ed. College. available in the referent town is mentioned with Teacher's Training Institute, Music / Dance School. number of seats. If the facility is not available in Nursing School etc. are covered under • Others • . the town the name of nearest plac.e with distance where the facility is available is recorded. Column 11 to 14: Column 17 to 19: Recreational and Higher Secondary/Intermediate/Senior Cultural Facilities Secondary/PUC/Junior College level, Secondary/ Matriculation, Middle Schools! Junior Secondary and StadlUm. Cinema, Auditorium!DramalCommumty Primary Schools. Hall are covered under recreational & cultural facilities. The particulars of permanent recreational School up to class V are treated as Primary or facilities are considered for these columns. elementary schools. These include Nursery schools, Kindergarten schools. Pre-Primary schools, Junior Column 20 Public Libraries, Reading Basic schools upto class V and Primary schools uplo Rooms class IV. Number of public libraries and reading rooms Schools upto VIII are considered as Middle available in the referent town are recorded in codes school or Junior Secondary. as follows: Schools upto class X are considercd as (i) Public Library PL (ii) Reading room RR


Statement VI Trade, Commerce, Industry Column 10 & 11 : Number of Agricultural Credit Societies and Non Agricultural Credit and Banking, 1999 Societies The tolal number of Agricultural Credit Societies Column 3 to 8 : and Non Agricultural Credit Societies in the referent Name of three most important commodities town are recorded against these columns. exported and names of three most important Statement VII : Civic and other Amenities in commodities manufactured in the town are recorded. Slums, 1999 Column 9 Number of Banks This is the statement on civic and other amenities Number of Banks available in the referent town in all slums whether notified or not and for all towns both Commercial and Co-operative banks are having statutory bodies, like municipality, MUniCIpal recorded against this column. Corporation, Town area committee etc.


548 STATEMENT - I Status and Growth History Sri Class, name and locabon Name of TaIukI Name of Area Number of Population and growth rate No OVIC status code Tahsil! PolICe CD block (In SQ !un) households Inci (In brackets) of the town at 01 town number Slabonllsland etc houseIess the Censuses of households (2001 Census) 1901 1911 1921 2 J 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

I Etah(NPP) 41715000 Etah Shltalpur 1349 16948 8,796 7,295 9,591

2 II Kasgal'lJ (NPP) 41703000 KaSQanl Kasgal'lj 754 14045 19,686 16,429 20,988

3 III Allganl (NPP) 41712000 A1lgal1J AIIgal1j 163 3369 5,835 6,432 5,313

-~ 4 III Ganl Dundwara (NPP) 41707000 Pabyall- ' GaflJ Dunctwara 259 5642 6.273 7.050 7.005

5 /II JaIesar (NPP) 41718000 Jalesar JaIeSar 367 50:K1 r4.348 13.283 8.937

6 1\1 Sahawar (NP) 41704000 KaSgBrlJ Sahawar 682 2690 5.079 5.925 5.714

7 III Soron(NPP) 41701000 Kasgal1j .. Soron 100 4146 12.175 11.524 10.175

8 IV Awagarh (NP) 41719000 Jalesar Awagarh 150 1646 Created aftar- 1941 Census 9 IV Bhargaln (NP) 41710000 . Pabyall Patlyah 076 2671 Created aftOf' 1911 Census 10 IV Bllram (NP) 41702000 Kasgaq KasganJ 250 1545 4,506 3.739 3,802

11 IV Jalthara (NP) 41713000 Alig3r1 Jalthara 060 1538 Created after 1911 Census 12 IV Marehra (NPP) 41716000 Bah Marehra 516 2441 8.622 1.348 7.794

13 IV Patiyah (NP) 41708000 PatJyall Patlyall 400 1849 4.243 4,410 4.736 ,------14 IV (NP) 41111000 AJigari A1'9811J 079 1570 3.531 3.192 3.389

15 IV Sidhpura (NP) 41709000 Pati}lali SldhpLn 2.12 ln9 Created after 1971 Census 16 V Amanpur (NP) 41705000 Kasga~ Amanpu- 219 1288 2,811 1,519 1.481 17 V Mohanpur (NP) 41706000 ~~ SIdhpura 200 705 2,720 2.188 2.440 18 V Nldhaullkalan (NP) 41717000 Bah Nidhaulikalan 078 1116 3.509 3,296 2.908

19 V Salut(NP) 41714000 Etah Salut 150 937 4,261 4.200 3,356

549 STATEMENT - I Status and Growth History PoptJation and growth rate (In brackets) Density Sex ratio 01 the toM1 at the Censuses of (2001 100l 1991 2001 Census)

1931 1941 1951 -1961 ·1971 1981 1991 2001 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22

11,473 14,120 18.214 24,719 33,514 53,784 78,458 107.110 7.940 875 872 887 (36 52) 33,100 28,465 31,554 37.559 46.467 61,402 75,634 92,541 12.273 871 873 8B4 (22.35) 6,398 6.378 5836 8,015 10.211 13.901 18,765 24.260 14.883 885 860 875 (2928) 7,308 8.519 11,200 14,130 17.275 22.939 30.046 41.293 15,943 876 B96 901 (3743) 11.318 12.743 13.378 14.976 18.087 22..4n 28,637 35.653 9.715 890 885 887 (2450)

6.389 6,993 7,842 DeclaSSIfied 12.682 16.328 20,470 3.001 855 882 902 (25.37) 12.200 12,886 13.190 15,265 17,153 19,443 21.966 26.678 26.678 B60 858 870 (21.45) 2.729 6.564 7.862 10.768 7,179 870 857 886 (36 96) 10,518 16,125 19,981 26,291 950 898 90S (2391) 4,609 5,101 5,221 Declassified 8,386 9,502 12.143 4.857 852 838 864 (27.79) 4,n4 6,902 10,165 16,942 820 845 868 (47,28) 8,164 8,485 9.042 10,450 11,506 12.150 15,033 17.Tn 3,432 893 884 899 (18.25) 5.22.1 4,088 4,616 Declassified 6,875 9,366 12,245 3,061 854 883 889 (30.74) 4,310 5.020 4.396 Declassified 7,583 9,215 10,721 13,571 872 874 870 (16.34) 6,276 9,093 12,995 6,130 884 852 878 (42.91) 1.411 1.486 2.992 Declassified 5,356 6.431 9.121 4.165 856 868 909 (41,83) 2.2fK> 2,493 2.905 Declassified 4,125 4,549 5,300 2,650 850 835 865 (16,51) 2.979 2,618 2.449 Declassified 4,863 6,337 7.501 9,617 864 851 820 ("18.37) 2,888 2,278 2,281 Declassified 3.868 5.009 6.941 4.627 865 865 911 (38.57)

sso STATEMENT -II Physical Aspects and Location of Towns, 1999

Name of and road distance in Physical aspects kllometer(s) from Senal Class. name and Rainfall Temperature (10 centigrade) State HO Dlstnct HO number CIVIC status (In mm) Maximum MInimum of lown 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 1 I Elah (NPP) 731 2 337 177 Lucknow Etah (J08) (0) 2 II KasganJ (NPP) 7312 337 177 Lucknow Elah (338) (30) 3 III AhganJ (NPP) 7312 337 177 Lucknow Etah (265) (52) 4 III Gan] Dundwara (NPP) 7312 337 177 Lucknow Etah (346) (38) 5 III Jalesar (NPP) 731 2 337 177 Lucknow Etah (370) (42) 6 III Sahawar (NP) 731 2 337 17.7 Lucknow Etah (340) (31 ) 7 III Somn (NPP) 731.2 33.7 177 Lucknow Etah (395) (45) 8 IV Awagarh (NP) 731.2 337 177 Lucknow Etah (340) (23) 9 IV Bhargaln (NP) 731.2 337 177 Lucknow Etah (250) (65) 10 IV Bllram (NP) 7312 337 177 Lucknow Etah (350) (38) 11 IV Jalthara (NP) 731.2 33.7 177 Lucknow Etah (280) (38) 12 IV Marehra (NPP) 731.2 33.7 177 Lucknow Etah (342) (26) 13 IV Patlyali (NP) 731.2 33.7 177 Lucknow Etah (376) (36) 14 IV Raja Ka Rampur (NP) 731.2 337 177 lucknow Etah (272) (65) 15 IV Sldhpura (NP) 731 2 337 177 Lucknow Elah (330) (22) 16 V Amanpur (NP) 731 2 33.7 177 lucknow Etah (308) (18) 17 V Mohanpur (NP) 131.2 337 177 lucknow Etah (338) (30) 18 V Nldhaulikalan (NP) 731 2 337 177 lucknow Etah (326) (22) 19 V Saklt (NP) 731.2 337 177 lucknow Etah (310) (22)

551 STATEMENT-II Physical Aspects and Location of TOIIIIr'Is, 1999

Name of and road distance 10 kllometef{s) from SUb-dIVlSlon rraluk! Tahsil I Police statloni Nearest City with Nearest city With Railway stat lOr Bus faclhty NaVigable nverl Development BJockI population of one population of five canal (if within Island HQ lakh and more lakh and more ten kilometers) 8 9 10 11 12 13 Etah Ahgarh Ahgarh (72) Etah Yes HaJara, (C) (0) (72) (0) (0) (8) KaSgar11 Etah Ahgarh (70) Kasganl Yes Kall • (R) (0) (30) (0) (0) (--) Ahganl Etah Allgarh (45) DanyaoganJ Yes (0) (52) (10) (0) (--) Patlyah Etah Ahgarh (106) Ganl Dundwara Yes (1) (38) (0) (0) (-) Jalesar Etah (45) Jalesar Yes (0) (42) (0) (0) (--) Kasganl Etah Aligarh (95) Sahawar Yes (25) (31) CO) (0) (--) KasgarlJ Etah Abgarh(86) Soron Yes Ganga. (R) (15) (45) (0) (0) (-) Jalesar Etah AllQ8rh (55) Awagarh Yes (20) (23) (0) CO} (--) Patlyah Etah Allgarh (123) Wallupur Yes Halara. (Cl (30) (65) ~2) (a) (6) KasganJ Etah Aligarh (80) KasganJ Yes HaJara, (C) (6) (38) (6) (0) (3) AliganJ Etah Aligarh (110) Dariyaogarl) Yes (18) (38) (10) (0) (-) Etah Bah Aligarh (65) Marehra . Yes (26) (26) (0) (0) (-) Patiyali Etah Aligartl (103) Patiyall Yes Puri Ganga,R (O) (36) (0) (0) (2) AliganJ Etah Aligarh (136) Rudayan Yes Hajara. (C) (12) (65) (4) (0) (1) Patiyah Etah AllQ8rh (92) GanJ Dundwara Yes Kali Nadl. (R) (14) (22) (13) (0) (7) KasganJ Etah AllQilrh (105) Sahawar Yes Kah ,(R) (16) (18) (13) (0) (6) Pat!),ah Etah Aligarh (100) Gadka Yes Gang, (C) (25) (30) (4) (0) (2) Etah Etah Aligarh (66) Etah Yes lsan. CR) (22) (22) (22) (0) (1) Etah Etah Aligarh (93) Etah Yes Chachena (C) (20) (22) (25) (0) (5)

552 STATEMEN - I J I M UDIClp. IF'ID. D C e 1998 -99 S erla I Cia 55. nam e and CIVIC sta tu 5 of R ecc Ipt (in Its '000) number town Recclpt Revenue derived G 0 vern III en t Loan lh ro u gh tall: CS. frctm municipal gran t etc properties and power apart from tall: allon 1 2 3 4 5 6

1 I Elah (NPP) 1.596 522 , 9.979 2 II Kasganl(NPP) 609 2.284 14 328 77: 3 III Allganl (NPP) 432 562 3 539 4 III Ganl Dundwara (NPPI 8.243 575 694 6 577 5 III J a Ie 5 a r (N P P ) iliA NA NA NA 6 III Sahawar (NPJ NA NA NA NA 7 III So ro n (III P P I 394 , 5 , 4 249 6 IV Awagarh (NP) 86 10 1 475 9 IV Bhargaln (NP) 446 2.296 10 IV a.lram (NPJ t 3 t 45 1 325 , , IV Ja.lhara (NP) 77 , 38 I 1 07 , 2 IV Marehra (NPP) NA NA NA NA 13 IV Patoyah(NP) I 16 234 I 065 , 4 IV Rala Ka Ram pur (NPJ 254 13 9 10 15 i , 5 IV Sldhpura (NP) 340 51 16 V Am anpur (NPJ 400 130 1.030 '7 V Mohanpur(NP) 3 18 V Nldhauflkalan (NPJ 189 618 19 V Saklt (NP) 1 1 1 458

STATEMENT - IV (-I"le .nd D'"er A ... nlll.5. 1.9 • S erla 1 Class. nama and civic Populauoll Populauon 2001 Cen.uo Road System or Number of.BITInes num ber statu. of lown (200 I Census) Scheduled Sclleduled leng,1I (.n km (I' ) seweT·sr Tot.1 Water borne Casles Tribes .

I 2 3 4 5 (; 1 -8 II

, Etah (NPP) 107.110 14 .221 o PR(23 21 OSD 9.870 3.580

2 II Kallgs"l (NPP) 92.541 12.505 5 KR(10 6} PR(50 7) OSO. BSD 8.015 l507

3 lit Alogani (NPP) 24.260 3.741 o KR(--) PR(16 5) OSO 2501 2000

4 III G ani Oundwars (N P P) "1.293 4.023 o KR(--) PR(16) OSD 3.775 700

5 III Jalasaf (N PP) 35.653 6.422 o KR(--) PR(20) OSD 1.530 2687

6 III Sahawar (N P) 20_470 2.235 o KR(18) PR(8} OSD I 831

7 III Soron (NPP) 26678 4.130 o KR(--) PR(309) OSD 3760 2000

8 IV Awagarh (NP) 10.768 985 o KR(--l PR(121 OSO I 026 835

9 IV Bhargaln (NP) 19981 747 o KRI--) PR(8) OSO 1.000 90

'0 IV B.lram (NP) 12 143 2 747 o KR(26) PR(65) OSD 318 18 " IV Ja.thara (N P) 10 165 I 436 o KRII8) PRP 8) OSD 175 525 12 IV Mareh.a (NPP) 17 777 5.270 o KR(4 7) PR(446) OSD 567

, 3 IV P .. tl!fall (N P) 12.245 1.207 o KR(--) PR(13) OSD 894 327

• 4 IV Ra,a Ka Rampur (NP) 1072' 3065 a KR(--) PR(3) OSD 936 346

15 IV Sldhpura (NPJ 12.995 1 226 o KR(19) PR(2, OSD , 300 500

16 V Amanpur (NP) 9 '2' 866 o KR(--) PR(7) OSD 1 141 741

, T V Mahanpur iNPJ 5300 879 o KR(l) PR(6, OSD 750 '50

18 V Nu.lhaullkalan INPI 7 SOl 622 o KR(--, PR(5) OSD 910 370

V Sakll(NP) 6_941 1 519 o KR(--) PR(13) OSD 050 500

553 STATEMENT - III Munu:lpa IF'Inanec. 1998- 99 Receipt (ContcO (in Rs. '000) Expenditure (in Rs.'OOO) Advance Other Total General Public Public health and Public Public Othcrs Total sources receipt admmistration sarety con ven iences works institutions (specify) expenditure (speciry)

7 8 9 10 I I 12 13 14 15 16

2.888 24.985 .5.747 6.250 2.058 24.055 11.992 5.169 6.579 1.260 1.6n 15.219 4.533 1.162 52 2,429 268 147 4.058 391 16.486 1.996 106 3.516 2.441 3 504 8.566 NA NA 8.799 NA NA NA NA NA NA 6.627 NA NA 2.589 NA NA NA NA NA NA 2.597 5.794 1.589 3 2.485 668 .48 5.193 1.571 760 32 8 158 47 1.005 177 2.920 672 33 111 1,733 2.549 1.501 1 .• 54 728 1.882 340 1.662 237 478 264 372 1.351 NA NA 4.211 NA NA NA NA NA NA 4.059 1,415 118 83 512 . 32 230 1.035 8 1.456 1.078 16 60 137 21 1.312 ttl 493 168 225 100 493 1.560 1.440 117 1.557 3 .. 2 3 2 809 136 33 635 804 168 737 494 83 24 136 737

STATEMENT -IV Clyle •• d .tller ",., ... Ules. 1999 Number of latrilles Method of Water lIupply Flrc fighung Electrifieation (number Df c:onneelOons) Sel""V'ice Other. disposal of Source or System or service· pOlllesllc Induur.al Commercial RDad Olhers nlghl soli supply storage with lighting capacIty in (p0,"ts) lulolitres (IR bracket.)

10 n 12 II 14 I~ 16 17 18 19 20

4.120 ~.170 B.WB TW.T OHT 10.394 245 1.461 395 54 (1854) (0) 4.508 B.ST TW.TK OHT.SR 8.500 450 1.200 2.980 (7530) (--I 500 B.ST TK.T OHT Etah 1.900 4 4 (250) (52) 2.500 575 B T.TK OHT Etat! 3.800 510 150 300 1.000 (275) (38) 3.564 1.279 ST.B T.TW OHT Etah 2.595 40 626 220 4 (24) (38) 1.831 B T.TK OHT Kasgan) . 800 44 60 200 65 (20) (25) 1.100 660 B.ST TK OHT KasgaRI 1.535 38 259 (55) (15) 191 ST.B TW OHT Etah 1.160 8 32 140 (SOD) (23) 910 ST. B T.TW OHT Elah 885 3 (300) (64) 300 ST.B TK.T OHT Kasganl 500 15 109 (160) (6) 250 B.ST TK.T OHT Etah 1.000 200 {100, (38) 567 PI TW.TK OHT Etah 950 27 150 430 3 (700) (26) 567 ST.B TW.T OHT Elah 497 6 140 (500) (36) 590 B.ST TW OHT Etah 800 7 .. 125 (ISO) (65) 800 B.ST T Etah 1.100 10 150 2 (--) {Etah, 960 46 8,ST TW OHT KasgaRJ 1.463 17 654 77 (280) (16) 600 H.ST T TK OHT Etah 500 (350) (30) 600 H.ST T OHT Etah 600 9 60 2 (400) (22) 550 ST.B T OHT Etah 300 120 30 (46) (22)

SS4 STATEMENT - V Medical, Educational, Recreational and Cultural Facilities, 1999 Serial Class, name a"d civic Population Medical facilities· Educational facilities· status of lown number (2001 H ospitals/D ispensariesl Beds in Arts/Sciencel Com m ereel Census) T.B. clinics etc. medical Lawl Otfler colleges (of institutions degree level and above) noted in column 4

I 2 3 4 5 6

I Elah (NPP) 107.110 \-i(2) 0(--) HC{--) FWC TB 134 A(--) 5(--) C(--) AS AC(--) NH(--) Other(2) ASCC--) Le--) U(--) 0(--)

2 II KasganJ (NPP) 92,541 H(4) 0(--) HC FWC(oo) TB( 140 A 5(--) Ce--) AS(--) AC(--) -) NH(--) Other(-·) ASC L(--) U(--) O(--}

3 III 4',liganj (NPP) 24.260 H(2) 0(--) HC FWC(-·) TB( 44 Etah 52 -) NH{--) Other(- )

4 III Ganj Dundwara (NPP) 41.293 H DC--) HC FWC(--) TB(--' 4 A(--) S(--) Ce--) AS AC(--) NH(--) Other(--) ASC(--) L(--) U(--) 0(--)

5 III Jalesar (NPP) 35.653 H o HC FWC TB NH(4) 33 A S(--) C(--) AS(--) AC(--) Other(--) ASC L(--) U(--) 0(--)

6 III ~ahawar (NP) 20,470 H(--) 0(--) HC FWC{--) TB( 3 Etah.31 -J NH(--) Other(--)

1 HI ~oron (NPP) 26.678 H o HC FWC(--) TB(--) 30 Ki!lsganJ,15 NH(--) Other(--)

8 IV (twagarh (HP) 10,168 H De--) HC FWCe--} TBe--) 5 J"lesar 18 NH(--) Other(--)

9 IV phargBin (NP) 19,981 H(3) 0(--) HC(-) FVYC(--) 0 Ganj Dunwara. 35 TBC--) NH(--) Other(-)

10 IV fJllram (NP) 12.143 H 0(--) He(--) FWC TB(--) 0 llasganj.7 NH(--) Othere--)

11 tV Jailhara (NP) 10.165 He--) 0(--) HC FWC(--) TB( 10 Sarson 20 -J NH(--} Other(-·)

12 IV Marshra (NPP) 11.771 H D(--) HC(--) FWC(--' TB( 8 Etah.26 -) NH(--) Other(--)

13 IV patlyah (NP) 12.245 H{--) 0 HC FWC{--) TB(--) 8 Gan) Dundwara.8 NH(--) Other(--)

14 IV fbja Ka Rampur (NP) 10.721 H 0(-) HC FWC(--) TB(--) 0 Ganj Pundwara, 35 NH(--) Other(--)

15 IV $idhpura (NP) 12,995 H 0(--' HC(2) FWC(--, TB{ 10 Ganj Dundwara. 13 -) NH(--) Other(--)

16 V Amanpur (NP) 9,121 H D(--) HC(--) FWC(--) TB( 6 KasganJ.15 -) NH(--) Other(--)

17 V Mohanpur (NP) 5,300 H D(--) HC FWC(--) TB(--) 4 Ganj Dundwara 12 NH(·-) Other( --)

18 V Nidhauhkalan (NP) 7,501 H(--) 0(--) HC FWC(--) TB( 10 A(--) S(--) C(--) AS(--) AC(--} -) NH(--) Other(--) ASe L(--) U(--) 0(--)

19 V Sakit (NP) 6.941 H 0 HC FWC TB(--) NH(-- 6 Etah.22 ) Other(--)

sss STATEMENT - V Medical, Educational, Recreational and Cultural Facilities, 1999 Educational facilities- Medical colleges Engineering colleges Polytcchnics Recognised shorthand, Higher secondary! typewriting and Intermediate! Senior (locational training Secondary! PUC (Pre- institutions university college)! Junior college level

7 8 9 10 1 I

Ahgarh 72 Ahgarh 72 Soron, 45 VT SH(-) Type(-) 9 SHType(-) 0

Aligarh 70 Ahgarh 70 Soron, 15 VT(-) SH(2) Type(-) 7 SHType(--) 0(-)

Agra 136 136 Soron 90 3

Ahgarh,l06 Ahgarh, 106 Soran,15 10

Agra 49 Agra 49 ,30 VT(-) SH(-) Type 4 SHType(-) 0(-)

Aligarh,95 A!lgarh,95 Soron , 14 2

Agra,13O A!lgarh,86 1 2

Agra 60 Agra 60 Hathras 50 1

Aligarh. 123 Aligarh,123 Soron, 56 1

AJigarh 80 Aligarh 80 Soron , 20 2

Aligarh 110 Agra 123 KasganJ 70 3

Ahgarh.65 Aligarh,65 Soron,32 3

Ahgarh,103 Aligarh,103 Soron , 48 2

Aligarh,136 Ahgam, 136 Soron, 90 3

Allgam, 92 Ahgarh,92 Soron, 42 2

Aligam 105 Ahgarh 105 Soron, 26 1

Ahgarh 100 Ahgam 100 Etah,30

Aligarh,66 Allgarh,66 Soron, 51 3

Aligarh,93 Aligarh,93 Soron, 65 1

556 STATEMENT - V Medical, Educational, Recreational and Cqltural Facilities, 1999 Educational facilities (Contd .... ) Secondaryl Junior secondary and Primary schools Adult literacy classes! W~rking women's Matricul~tion Middle schools centTes, others (spccify) hostels with number of scals

12 13 14 IS 16

9 43 73

6 14 32 Ahgarh.80

2 2 4

3 7 18

5 12 35

Ganj DundWtlra. 14 6 6

2 5 24

1 4 4

1 3 5

Kasganj,7 5 8

2 3 10

2 6 10

2 2 5

2 2 2

2 4 4

1 2 7

Ganj Dundwara. 8 2 4


1 2 6

SS7 STATEMENT - V Medical, Educational, Recreational and Cultural Facilities, 1999 N urn ber of recreational and cultural facilities Stadium C incm a Auditorium I Dramal Public libraries community Halls mcluding reading rooms ,

I 7 I 8 ] 9 20


4 4 PL RR

2 PL(--) R R

PL RR(--)

4 PL(2) RR(2)


SS8 STATEMENT - VI kO T ra d e, c ommerce, I n d ustryan " B an lng, 1999 Serial Class, nam e and civic status N am e of three most im portant com m od ities exported num ber of town

15t I 2nd L 3rd 1 2 3 I 4 L 5

1 I Etah (NPP) Garhc Ghee Gram 2 II Kasganj (NPP) Ayurvedic Medicines Carpet Agriculture Products

3 III Aliganj (NPP) Tobacco Garlic Potato 4 III Ganj Dundwara (NPP) Wheat Tobacco Garlic 5 III Jalesar (NPP) Brass 6 III Sahawar (NP) Fruit Food Grains Wood 7 III Saran (NPP) Potato Chips Sweet Meats Ban 8 IV Awagarh (NP) Rice Wheat Building Materials 9 IV Shargain (NP) Potato Bldi Leather 10 IV Bllram (NP) Wheat Mustard Pulses 11 IV Jaithara (NP) Tobacco GarliC Potato 12 IV Marehra (NPP) Mango Bangles Durrie 13 IV- Patiyali (NP) Tobacco Guava Garlic 14 IV Raja Ka Rampur (NP) Tobacco Potato Garlic 15 IV Sidhpura (NP) Tobacco Wheat Garlic 16 V Amanpur (NP) Food Grams Sugarcane Potato 17 V Mohanpur (NP) Wheat Mustard Pulses 18 V Nldhaulikalan (NP) Wheat Gilat Ornaments 19 V , Sakit (NP) Food Grains CoUon Milk

STATEMENT - VI T ra d e, C ommerce, I n d ustryan dBan kOlng, 1999 Name of three most important commodities manufactured Number of Number of Number of non banks agricultural agricultural credit societies credit societies

1st I 2nd I 3rd 6 I 7 I 8 9 10 It

Ghee Coffee Roasted Gl"am 13 4 3 Ayurvedic Medicines Carpet Iron 12 4 6

Tobacco 4 1 Tobacco 5 2 5 Brass Ghanta Ghungroo Brass Utensils 6 4 Jaljira Tobacco Sweet Meats 2 1 1 Potato Chips Pal (Moonj) Wooden Furniture 5 5 1 Building Materials Ornaments Ag Equipments 4 3 Bidi Embroidery Clothes Bricks 1 Carpet Earthen Pots Shoes 1 1 Tobacco 3 3 2 Carpet Dar; (Carpet) Earthen Pots 2 2 2 Cloth. Tobacco Ban 4 2 Tobacco 3 2 Jarl Work 2 1 Carpet Embroidory Clolhses Ag_Equipments 5 2 Food Grllins Earthen Pots 1 1 Gilat Ornaments 4 1 Cotton Quilt Earthen Pots 3 3 3

SS9 STATEMENT - VII Civic and other amenities in Slums, 1999 Serial Class and Name of Is it No. of Population of Paved System of sewerage number name of the slum notified households the Slum roads (in town (approximate) (approximate) kilometers) 1 2 3456' 7 8


Number of latrines Method of No. of tap Electricity connections disposal of points/public Domestic Road Others Private night soil hydrants lighting ------~;.;;_;_~------Community water borne service others installed for (points) supply of 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17


APPENDIX TO TOWN DIRECTORY Towns showing their outgrowth with Population

Sr. Name of the town with Population of Population of No. location code core town Outgrowth outgrowth 1 2 3 4 5

There are no outgrowth in th is district. hence the in formation is nil.



(a) Brief note on Primary Census Abstract

~e first census of the third millennium and twenty Census. For Census 200 1~ about 202 llliUion schedules .J. first century the Census of India~ 2001 consisting of about 1,028 million records were scanned was the 14th continuous and uninterrupted and processed within a span of only 10 months Indian census since 1872. Thus, 2001 Census will starting O~tober, 2002. provide data on population and its characteristics Task Force on Quality Assurance marking transition from one century and millennium to another. After the data is processed, it is expedient on the part of the data producing agency to satisfy itself The gigantic operation of Population Enumeration about its quality before putting the same in public (considered by many to be the single largest and domain. This has to be done mainly through the complex peace time administrative exercise in the process of internal consistency, comparison with world) was ma~e possible due to the door to door similar data in the past and also through validation universal canvassing of the Household Schedule by with likew;se

564 respect to the quality and the coverage and only after Scheduled Tribes population in 2001 Census, is thus the full possible cleared. being finalized by aggregating the population data for There has been a major departure in Census individual Scheduled Castes and the Scheduled Tribes 2001 from the past in respect of the procedure at appropriate geographical levels. followed for finalization of the Scheduled Castes and The entire work relating to the data validation the Scheduled Tribes population. In the earlier and scrutiny was completed by all the StateslUnion censuses, the total Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Territories under the overall supervision and Tribes populations were finalized at the time of the monitoring of the Census Division of the Office of manual compilation of the Primary Census Abstracts the Registrar General, India with aClive cooperation (PCA) at the Regional Tabulation Offices which and support of the Social Studies Division, Data were specially sct up for this purpose. The individual Processing Division, Data Dissemination Division and Scheduled Castes and the Scheduled Tribes Map Division. population for each state was finalized much later based on manual coding done by the coders. In 2001 Primary Census Abstract Census. each individual Scheduled Caste and the The Primary Census Abstract which is yet another Scheduled Tribe have been coded directly on the important population of 200 1 Census gives basic computers by the Data Entry Operators through a information on Area, Total Households, Total populati~ process known as Computer Assisted Coding (CAC) Scheduled Castes, Scheduled Tribes population, and taken up along with the processing of peA data. Population in the age group 0-6, Literates, Main workers The CAC proc~ss involves pulling down, from the and Marginal workers classified by the four broad relevant dictionary of the Scheduled Castes and the industrial categories, namely, (i) Cultivators, (ii) Scheduled Tribes, on the computer screen and coding Agricultural laborers, (iii) Household Ipdustry Workers, from the dictionary by referring to the image of the specific individual entry in the Household Schedule and (iv) Other workers and also Non-workers. The appearing on the screen. The CAC of the response characteristics of the Total Population includes on Religion wherever required, was also undertaken Scheduled Castes, Scheduled TnOes, Institutional and along with the processing of PCA. This is because Houseless population and are presented by sex and the Scheduled Castes status had to be determined in rural-urban residence. This data is presented at relation to the religion of the individual. Two Special different levels, namely, India, StateslUnion territories, Task Forces, one on Religion and the other on Districts and Cities. Urban Agglomerations Scheduled CasteS/Scheduled Tribes were constituted (Population 1,00,000 and above) ill three different for scrutiny and appropriate classification of these tables. In addition, the Appendix of said publication responses. provides Houseless and Institutional Households and their population by residence and sex for 200 1 for The main task of the Special Task Force on India, State and Union territory. Religion was to appropriately merge or group the new responses encouptered and code it into the appropriate Apart fro~ the India and StatelUnion Territory religious community based on available literature and volumes for Primary Census Abstract, the District local knowledge. The Special Task Force on Scheduled Census Handbook contains District Primary Census Castes and Scheduled Tribes examined the different Abstract, Appendix to District Primary Census Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes entries' Abstract, Primary Census Abstract for Scheduled encoun-tered and classified these into appropriate Castes, Primary Census Abstract for Scheduled Tribes, Village Primary Census Abstract and Urban category of the Scheduled Castes or the Scheduled Primary Census Abstract of the concerned district Tribes principally based on the Presidential Notification in the state. and the available literature. Thus a very systematic and scientific mechanism was operationalised to firm It was for the first time at the 1981 Census that up the individual-religion and the individual Scheduled the Primary Census Abstract (peA) was brought Castesffribes returns. The Scheduled Castes and the out for the Scheduled Castes and the Scheduled

565 Tribes separately on the pattern of General Primary The District Primary Census Abstract is Census Abstract .. This practice was continued in 1991 presented in 59 columns. The Primary Census also. In the 1961 and 1971 Censuses. such data were Abstract for Scheduled Castes and primary Census Abstract fQr Scheduled Tribes are presented in 52 made available in Table C-VIII-Social and Cultural columns. The Village Primary Census Abstract and table and to so~e extent in the series 'Special Tables Urban Primary Census Abstract are presented in 58 for Scheduled CasteS/Scheduled Tribes'. columns. The fonnat of Primary Census Abstract has been The cQDcepts and definitions usC;d in the column restructured slightly in the 200 1 Census as compared heading are e~plained under the sub beading 'Census to that of 1991 Census. The nine-fold industrial Concepts' in the Analytical Note. The term 'Total classification of main workers given in the Primary Populatioll' includes the Scheduled Castes, the Census Abstract of 1991 Census has been discontinued Scheduled Tribes, the Institutional and the Houseless and its place, four-fold industrial classification of both populations. The explanation regarding area figures 'main workers' and 'marginal workers' are included. presented at various level. in the Primary Census In 1981 census pnly main workers were presented in Abstracts are as follows: to four categories. One of the novel features of the Area Figtlres primary census abstract of 1991 census was the presentation of data of the population of age group 0- The area figures supplied by local revenue 6 is continued in 2001 Census also. This will help the authorities of the district in respect of tehsils, Police data users in better analysis and understanding of this Stations and by the local bodies in respect of towns literacy data. are given in square kilometers. The) area figures of the village6 supplied by the TahsildCJrs in acres have Level of presentation in District Census been converted and shown in hectares. The area Handbooks: figures of the CD Block is the tot~l of the village areas coming under each CD Block. The area figures The Primary Census Abstract data in different for the di"trict are the same as adopted by the PCAs are presepted at different levels. The level of Surveyor General of India to maintltin uniformity at _presentation of Primary Census Abstracts are as the nation,d level. The total area figures of all the Wlder: tahsilS/CD Blocks within the distri~t may not tally The PCA Data for villages was presented CD with area figures of the district because former Block wise for the first time in 1991 Census. This represents land use area only. Similtlrly~ the total of practice is continued in 2001 Census also. The data all the villages may not tally with t.qe entire rural of for each CD Block is presented both for rural and Police Stationrrahsil. The difference may be due to urban areas separately. All the villages within the the fact th~t while the area covered by hills, forests CD Block constitute the rural portion and the Census and rivers etc, have been accounted in the Tahsils Towns and Out~rowths are shown under the urban and P.S. level the same may not be covered under portion of the CD Block. In case a CD Block is the area of the villages. Apart from this it may also spread over two or more districts, than portion which differ due to varying methods of computation adopted falls within the district is presented, the data pertaining at different levels. to remaining portion of the CD Block is presented in An appendix to District Primary Census Abstract the concerned District Census Handbook. The data has also bqen furnished showing urban enumeration in the Urban Primary Census Abstract for each town block-wise particulars on Total Population, the as well as for town with outgrowths in the district Scheduled Castes Population and the Scheduled are presented. The data for all the wards and the Tribes Population for each town. outgrowths of the town(s) are also presented separately below the concerned town(s).



Location Dlstncll CD Block! Totall Arcllof Number of Total population (mcludmg Population 111 the code lJ A I Cityl Town Rural! Townl household.; mstltutlOnal and houseless age-group ()-(J • numh<:T Urban Ward m population) squ;sre kilometre Person.; "'1ales Females Persons Males Female.; 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 II

(~71 [lah lotal 4446 no 427.839 2,790,410 1,509,199 1,2~I,211 556,441 294,222 262,219 Rural 41R5 14 356.884 2.306,747 1,252.724 1.054.023 470.492 248,661 221,831 ---- Urban 6066 70,955 48.1,6"3 256,475 227,188 85.949 45,561 4(),31111 0160 Sorun TOlal 31878 28.648 183,232 99,835 113.397 38,442 20,050 111,392 Rural 11878 28,648 183,232 99.835 113,397 38,442 20,050 18,392 Urban 0161 Kasganl Total 221 51 25,931 163.540 87,955 75,585 32,292 17,018 15,274 Rural 221 <;1 25.931 163.540 87.955 75.5115 32,292 17.018 15.274 Urban 0162 Amanpur Total 18945 20,322 128,046 69.302 "R,744 16,006 13936 12,070 Rural 18945 20.322 128,046 69,302 58.7.l4 26,006 13,936 12.07() Urban 016.1 ';ahuI... a, TOlal 22484 18.339 114.636 62.208 52,42N 24,639 12,964 11,"7'5 Rural 22484 18.339 114,636 62.208 52.428 24,639 12,964 11.675 Urban 0164 Ganl Dund\\ara Total 21468 22,178 149,539 81,989 67,550 32,811 17,097 15,714 Ruml 21468 22,178 149,539 81,989 67550 32,811 17,097 15,714 UTban 0165 I'allya" TOlal 26353 18.340 120.584 66,338 54.246 24,689 12.903 11.78Ei Ruml 263.53 18,340 120,584 66,338 54.246 24,689 12,903 1I,71lti Urban 0166 Sldhpura Tolal 17872 18,290 116,361 63,171 53.190 23.832 12,462 11,370 Rural 17872 18.290 116,361 63,171 53.190 23.832 12,462 11.370 Urban 0167 Jallhara Total 43599 25.279 166,611 91,465 75,146 33,982 18,219 15,743 Ruml 435.99 25.279 166,61 I 91,465 75,146 33.982 18,239 15,743 Urban 0168 Aliganj Tolal 294.16 30,311 202,967 109,719 93,248 42,341 22.381 19,960 Rural 294.16 30,311 202,967 109,719 93,248 42,341 22,381 19,960 Urban 0169 Marehr.a Total 53.32 20,452 130,050 69,810 60,240 25.650 13,704 11,946 Rural 53.32 20,452 130.050 69,810 60.240 25,650 13,704 11,946 Urban 0170 Nldhauli Kalan Tolal 316.41 26,288 167.293 90,321 76,972 33,169 17,697 15,472 Ruml 316.41 26,288 167,293 QO.321 76,972 33,169 17,697 15,472 UTban 0171 Shilalr)lIr Total 302.43 31,306 201,101 108,930 92,171 39,281 20,737 18,544 Rural 302.43 31,306 201.101 108,930 92.171 39,281 20,737 18,544 Urban 0172 Sakll Total 364.84 26,393 171,607 93,336 78.271 34,336 18,176 16,160 Rural 364 84 26.393 171.607 93.336 78.271 34,336 18,176 16,160 Urban 0173 Jalesar Total 277.69 24,350 158,408 86,267 72,141 31,9JZ 16,981 14,991 Rural 277 69 24,350 158,408 86,267 72.141 31,972 16.981 14,991 UTban 0174 Awagarh Total 26519 20,457 132.772 72,078 60,694 27,050 14,316 12.734 Rural 26519 20.457 132.772 72.078 60,694 27,050 14.316 12,734 Urban URBAN 41701000 Soron eN!'I').... Urban 100 4,146 26.678 14.2M I ~ . .l14 4,663 2,-l17 2.2~6 41702000 Bllram (NP) Urban 2 SO 1.545 12.143 6.516 5,627 2,372 1.263 1.109 41703000 Kasganj (NPPl UTban 754 14.045 Q2.541 .t9.12:- 43 •.t18 14.7i9 7,733 6.986 41704000 Sahawar (NI')- Urban 6.82 2,690 20A7(J 10,761 Q.709 4,092 2,142 1.950 41705000 Amanpur (NI')' Urban 219 1,288 9.121 4.77<.j 4.342 1.78R 931 857 41706000 Mohanllur (Nit' r{7rban 200 705 5.]00 2,842 2A5S 1.105 585 520 41707000 Ganl Dund'''?,(NPP Urban 2 59 5.642 41,293 21.721 19.572 7.821 4.141 3.680 41708000 l'allyah (Nt' Urban 400 1,849 12.245 6,481 5.764 2.395 1.243 1.152 41709000 SldhpurB (N")""" UTban 2 12 1,779 11.995 6,918 f).077 2.512 1,336 1.176 41710000 IJhargam (NI') UTban 076 2,671 19.981 10.473 9508 4.210 2,17H 2.032 41711000 Rala ka Rampur (NP) Urban 079 1,570 10.721 5.7J4 4.Q~7 1,963 I,Of'S 875 41712000 Ah~anl (NPP} Urban 163 3,3(,1) :!~.260 12,9~~ 11.318 4,561 2,411 2.150 41713000 J anhara (N I') Urban 060 1.538 10.165 5.441 -1.124 1,991 1,107 88~ 41714000 Sakll (NP) UTban 150 937 6.941 3.633 :-.308 1,472 751 711 41715000 I:lah (NI'I') Urban 13 49 16.948 Wi. I 10 56,7.63 SO. ,\47 16,564 8,919 7.635 41716000 Man:hrol (NI'P) Urban 518 2,4-11 17.777 9,362 8AIS 3.467 1.795 1.672 41717000 Nldhauh Kalan (NP) llTban () 78 1.116 7501 4.121 3.'\79 1.390 79'2 598 41718000 .1~,lc.;ar (NPP) llrNln J (.7 .5,030 35.653 IH,891 16.7(.1 6.97(, 3.689 3.1.'17 41719000 A\\aa;arh ~NI'l Urban 150 1,646 10,768 5,708 5,060 ',888 1,030 858


Tolall District! CD Block! Rurall U A I Cltyl Town Sche~led Castes population Scheduled Tnbcs pupulatlOn Lilerdics Urban . Persons Males Females Persuns Males Females Persons Males Females 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 3 2

478,665 259,626 219.039 JO 16 14 1.220.398 820.349 4()O,O49 Tolal Elah 410,819 223,263 187,556 25 14 II 965,722 6611,740 296.982 Rural 67,846 36.163 31,483 5 2 3 254.676 151.609 103.067 Urban 36.095 19,505 16.590 3 2 I 57.986 42.669 15.117 Total Suron 36.095 19.505 16,590 3 2 I 51.986 42.669 15,317 Rural Urban 27.843 15,126 12.711 70,483 49,175 21,108 Total KasJlanl 27.843 15.126 12.717 70.483 49,175 21.3()8 Rural Urban 23,834 13.003 10,831 54.160 37.686 16,474 Tolal Amanpur 23.834 13,003 10,831 54,160 37,686 16,474 Rural Urban 23.364 12.716 10,648 34,940 25.570 9.)170 Tolal Sahawar 23,364 12,716 10,648 34,940 25,57!) 9.370 Rural Urban 23,365 12,·nO 10,395 38,155 28,455 9.700 Total Ganl l>undwara 23,365 12,970 10,395 38.155 28,455 9,700 Rural Urban 26,957 14.775 12,182 48.987 33,969 15.018 Tolal Pall yah 26,957 14.175 12.182 48,987 33.969 15.018 Rural Urban 24,578 13.331 11.247 50,187 34,621 15,566 Tolal S.dhpura 24,578 13.331 11.247 50,187 34,621 15.566 Rural Urban 22,793 12,464 10,329 22 12 10 73,452 50,598 22,854 Tolal Jal1hara 22,793 12,464 10,329 22 12 10 73,452 50.598 22.854 Rural Urban 29.232 15,857 13,375 91,442 61,079 30.363 Tolal AhgaDJ 29,232 15.857 13.375 91,442 61,079 30.363 Rural Urban 23,330 12,491 10,839 60.248 41,345 18,903 Total Marehra 23,330 12,491 10,839 60,248 41.345 18.903 Rural Urban 25.378 13,705 11,673 77,870 53,720 24,150 Total Nldhauli Kalan 25,378 13.705 11,673 77,870 53,720 24.150 Rural Urban 31.584 17,027 14.557 98.652 66.370 32.282 Total Shitalpur 31,584 17.Q27 14,557 98.652 66,370 32.282 Rural Urban 26,675 14.452 12.223 77.378 53,022 24.356 Total S.ku 26,675 14,452 12.223 77.378 53,022 24.356 Rural Urban 33,506 18,291 15,215 71.871 49.427 22,444 Total Jalesar 33.506 18,291 15,215 71,811 49.421 22,444 Rural Urban 32.285 17,550 14.735 59.911 41,034 18,877 Total Awagarh 32,285 17,~50 14.735 59.911 41.034 18.877 Rural Urban URBAN 4,130 2,215 1.915 12,860 7,942 4.918 Urban Soron (NPP) 2,747 1,528 1.219 3,495 2.411 1,084 Urban (NP) 12,505 6.718 5.787 5 2 3 55.332 32,155 23.177 Urban Kasganl CNPP) 2,235 1.203 1.032 7,194 4.4~8 2.706 Urban Sahawar (NP) 866 460 406 4.233 2,598 1.635 Urban Amanpur (NP) 879 472 407 2.455 1,584 871 Urban Mohanpur (NP) 4,023 2.161 1,862 18.027 10.741 7.286 Urban Ganl Dundwara eN PI» 1.207 637 570 5.468 3.390 2.078 Urban P.lIyah eN P) 1,226 667 559 6,721 4.083 2.638 Urban Sidhpura CNP) 7~7 398 349 6.518 4.702 1.876 Urban (NP) 3,065 1,653 1,412 5,474 3.361 2.113 Urban Rala ka Rampur (NP) 3,741 2.035 1,706 12.608 7,552 5.056 Urban Aht!onl (NI)P) 1,436 163 673 5.973 3.575 2.39~ Urban Jailhara (NPl 1,519 810 709 2,961 1,820 1.141 Urban SDkll (NPl 14.221 7506 6,715 71.451 40,603 30.848 Urban Elah (NPP) 5.:nO 2,833 2,437 6,874 4,441 2.433 Urban Marchra (NPP) 6:!:! 339 283 3551 '2,222 1.3::!9 Urban Nldhauh Kalan (~I') 6.4:!2 3A57 2.965 16,712 10.108 6.604 Urban Jlliesar eNPP) 985 508 477 6709 3,833 2,870 Urban AwaGarh (NI'l


Locallon Dl!ltric;lI CD Block! Totall code U.A I Cltyl Town Rural! number Urban IIhterates rotal workers Main workers

Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females 2 3 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29

17 Etah Inial 1,570.012 688,850 881.162 802,418 701.260 101,158 659.834 615,841 43,993 Rural 1.341,025 583,984 757,041 6711,555 590,359 88,196 553,251 517,208 36,043 Vrban 228,987 104,866 124,121 123,863 110,901 12,962 106,583 98.633 7,950 0160 Soron Total 125.246 57,166 68,080 55,783 47.916 7,867 43,657 41,003 2,654 Rural 125.246 ~7,166 68,080 55.783 47,916 7,867 4J,657 41,003 2,654 Urban 0161 KasJ.!,anl rota I 93,057 JR,71:(O 54,277 48,646 40,896 7,750 39,064 35,493 3,571 Rural 93.057 3K,780 54,277 48,646 40,896 7,750 39,064 35,493 3.571 Urban 0162 Amanpur TOlal 73,886 31,616 42,270 40,601 33,485 7,116 31,Ron 29,063 2,737 Rural 73,KK6 31,616 42,270 40,601 33,485 7.116 31.800 29,063 2,737 Urban 0163 Sahawar Total 79,696 36.63K 43,058 34,966 30,244 4,722 , 28,528 26,951 1.577 Rural 79,696 36.638 43.058 34,966 30.244 4.722 28.528 26.951 1,577 Urban 0164 Ganl Dundwant Tolal 111,384 53.534 57,850 46,927 40,910 6,017 38,557 36,100 2.457 Runtl 111,384 53,534 57.850 46,927 40,910 6,017 38,557 36,100 2,457 Urban 0165 Paliyah Total 71,597 32,369 39,228 34,445 32,204 2,241 30,379 29,421 958 Rural 71,597 32,369 39,228 34,445 32,204 2,241 30,379 29,421 958 Urban 0166 Sldhpura Tolal 66,114 28,550 37.624 34,931 30,115 4,216 28.624 21,212 1,412 Rural 66,174 28,550 31,624 34,931 '30,715 4,216 28,624 21.212 1,412 Urban 0167 Jaithara Total 93,159 40,867 52,292 48,663 43,575 5,088 42.714 40,279 2,495 Rural 93.159 40.867 52.292 48,663 43.575 5,088 42,714 40,279 2.495 Urban 0168 Aliganj Total 111,525 48,640 62,885 57,891 51,859 6,032 50,541 47,793 2,748 Rura' 111,525 48,640 62,885 51,891 5\,859 6,032 50,541 41,793 2,748 Urban 0169 Marehrd Total 69,802 28,465 41,337 39,450 32.488 6.962 30,519 28,386 2,133 Rural 69,802 28,465 41,337 39,450 32,488 6,962 30,519 28,386 2,133 Urban 0170 Nidllauli Kalan Total 89,423 36,601 52,822 47,930 40,669 7,261 39,573 35,416 4.097 Rural 89,423 36,601 52.822 47.930 40,669 7,261 39,573 35,476 4,097 Urban 0171 Shitalpur Total 102,449 42,560 59,889 58,655 50,154 8.501 44,986 41,812 3,114 Rural 102,449 42,560 59,889 58,655 50,154 8,501 44,986 41,812 3,174 Urban 0172 Saki. Total 94.229 40,314 53,915 46.229 41,887 4,342 39,271 37,377 1.894 Rural 94,229 40,314 53,915 46,229 41,887 4,342 39,271 37,317 1.894 Urban 0173 Jalesar Total 86,537 36,840 49,697 44.869 39,565 5.304 34.997 33,059 1.938 Rural 86,537 36.840 49,697 44.869 39.565 5.304 34.991 33.059 1,938 Urban 0174 Awaltarh Total 72,861 31,044 41,817 38.569 33,192 4,771 29,981 27,783 2,198 Rural 72.861 31.044 41.817 38,569 33,192 4.171 29.981 27,183 2.198 Urban URBAN 41701000 Soron eNPp) Urban 13.818 6.322 1,496 7,380 6.646 134 5,973 5,639 334 41702000 Bllram (NP) 1 Jrban 8.648 4,1()5 4,543 3.194 2,857 337 2,702 2,520 182 41103000 Kasganj (NPPl Urban 31,209 16,968 20,241 23.355 21,567 1,788 21.703 20,332 1.371 41704000 Sahawar (NP.) Urban 13,276 6.273 7.003 5.607 4.914 693 4.773 4.431 342 41705000 Amanpur (Nl') Urban 4.888 2.181 2.707 2.516 ~,183 333 1582 1.454 128 41706000 Mohanpur (N P) Urban 2.845 1.258 1,581 1.410 ,'.335 75 1.187 1.142 45 41707000 GaD! Dundwara (NPP) Urban 23,266 10.980 12,286 10,872 '9,505 1,367 9.151 8,455 696 41708000 "a1lyah (NP) Urban 6,717 3,091 3,686 3.089 , 2,795 294 2,296 2,169 127 41709000 Sldhpura (NI') Urban 6,274 2.835 3.439 3.160 2,907 253 2.559 2.426 133 41710000 Bha.-gam (NI') Urban 13,403 5.771 7,632 7.256 4,554 2.702 5.188 3.892 1.296 41711000 Rala ka Rampur (N") Urban 5.247 2.373 2.874 2.741 1.602 139 2.500 1.397 103 41712000 Aliganl (NI'I') Urban 11.652 5,390 6,262 6,190 5,749 441 5.287 5.044 243 41713000 Jalthara (N") Urban 4,192 1,866 2,326 2,30\ 2,150 1 51 1.009 1.897 112 41714000 Saklt (NP) Urban 3,980 1.813 2,167 1.733 1.624 109 1.507 1.445 62 41715000 Etah (N"») Urban 35.659 16.160 19,499 25,071 22.686 2,385 22,331 20.301 2,015 41716000 Marchra (NI'I') Urhan 10.903 4.921 5,982 4 ... 54 4.156 298 3,282 3.113 169 41717000 Nldhauh Kalan (NI') Urban 3,950 1,900 2,050 1,717 1.(>()6 III 1,485 1,405 !to 41718000 Jalesar INI'I') Urban 18,941 IC,184 10,157 9.111 8,549 572 K.650 11.181 369 41719000 AwaGarh lNl'l Urban 4,059 1,875 2,184 1,696 2,516 180 2,417 1,284 133


lndu.... tnal cateG(l~ or main workers TOlal1 Districtl CD Block! Rural! U.A I Cityl Town Household mdustry Urban Cultivators Agricultural labourers Othcr workcr.. workers

Per~ms Males Females Pe~ms Males Females Persons Males Females I>crsons Males Females 30 31 32 J3 34 J.S 36 37 38 39 40 41 3 2

399,242 381,817 17,425 84,426 78.047 6.379 25,191 18.704 6.487 150,975 137.273 13,702 I"otal Etah 392.074 374.922 17.152 77.897 71.719 6.178 16.554 12,366 4.188 66.726 58.201 ~.525 Rural 7.168 6.895 273 6.529 6.328 201 8.637 6.338 2.299 84.249 79.072 5.177 Urban 32.990 31.575 1.415 6,166 5.797 369 712 522 190 3.789 3.IO(J 680 Total Soron 32.990 31,575 1,415 6,166 5,197 369 112 522 19() 3,789 3, t 09 680 Rural Urban 25.352 23.487 1.865 5,320 4,928 392 1,058 790 2611 7.334 6,288 1,046 TOlal Kasganl 25,352 23,487 1.865 5.320 4,928 ]92 1.058 790 268 7.334 6.288 1.046 Rural Urban 23,255 21.827 1.428 4,514 4,110 464 838 692 146 3,i 33 2,434 699 Total Amanpur 23,255 21.K27 1,428 4.574 4,110 464 838 692 146 3,133 2,434 699 Rural Urban 20,223 19.512 711 4,357 4,153 204 800 568 232 3.148 2.718 430 Total Saha""ar 20,'223 19.512 711 4,357 4.153 204 800 568 232 3.148 2.718 430 Rural Urban 28.116 26,877 1,239 4,802 4,656 146 1.645 932 713 3,994 3,635 359 TOial Ganl Dund""ara 28,116 26,877 1.239 4,802 4.656 146 1.645 932 713 3.994 3,635 359 Rural Urban 24.655 24,Q41 60S 2,960 2,806 154 60\ 535 66 2.163 2,033 130 Total Patiyah 24,655 24,047 608 2,960 2,806 154 601 535 66 2,163 2,033 130 Rural Urban 21,671 20,932 7]9 4,182 3,885 297 653 5]4 119 2,118 1.861 257 Total Sldhpura 21,671 20,9]2 739 4.182 3,885 297 653 5]4 119 2.118 1,861 257 Rural Urban 33,790 32,642 1,148 4,208 3,626 582 1,3]6 912 424 3,440 3,099 341 TOlal Jaithara 33,790 32,642 1,148 4,208 3,626 582 1,]]6 912 424 ],440 3,099 341 Rural Urban 41,3]7 39,790 1,547 ],922 3,738 184 967 763 204 4,315 3,502 813 Total Aliganl 4\,331 39,790 1,547 3,922 3,738 \84 967 163 204 4,315 3,502 8ll Rural Urban 20,504 19,766 738 4,186 3,8]5 351 1,471 977 494 4,358 ],808 550 Total Marehra 20,504 19,766 738 4,186 3,8]5 351 1.471 917 494 4,358 3,808 550 Rural Urban 25.170 23,631 1,533 7,429 6,129 1,300 1,474 1,018 456 5,500 4,692 808 Total Nidhauli Kalan 25,110 23,637 1,533 7,429 6,]29 1,300 1,474 1,018 456 5.500 4,692 808 Rural Urban 28,419 26,931 1,488 6,1]2 5,413 719 1,54] 1,292 249 8,894 8.176 718 Total Shitalpur 28,419 26,931 1,488 6,132 5,413 719 1,541 1,292 249 8,894 8,176 718 Rural Urban 29,714 28,543 1,171 4,389 4,139 250 747 634 113 4.421 4,061 360 Total Sakit 29,714 28,54] 1,171 4,389 4,139 250 747 634 113 4,421 4,061 360 Rural Urban 19.544 18,973 571 8,250 7,901 349 1,4]1 1,217 214 5,772 4,968 804 TOlal lalesar 19,544 18,973 571 8,250 1,901 349 1,431 1,217 214 5,772 4,968 804 Rural Urban 11,334 16.383 'lSI 1,020 6,603 417 1,280 980 300 4.347 3,817 530 Total Awagarh 17,334 16,383 951 7,020 6,60] 417 1,280 980 300 4.347 3,817 530 Rural Urban URBAN 511 498 13 216 213 ] 422 350 72 4.824 4.578 246 Urban Soron (NPP) 489 475 14 131 125 6 67 56 11 2.015 1.864 151 Urban Bilratn (NP) 405 382 2] 252 242 10 1,172 986 186 19.874 18.722 1,152 Urban Kasgani (NPP) 602 580 22 551 532 19 449 300 149 3,171 ],019 152 Urban Sahawar (NP) 223 216 7 171 160 II 371 310 61 817 768 49 Urban Amanpur (NP) 471 465 6 139 134 5 60 45 15 517 498 19 Urban Mohanpur (NP) 313 299 14 746 715 31 2,077 1.714 363 6.015 5.727 288 Urban Gani Dund\'\,ara (NPP) 297 290 7 238 233 5 61 45 16 1.700 1,601 99 Urban Paliyali (NPl 267 261 6 198 193 5 143 1]4 9· 1.951 1.838 113 Urban Sidhpura (NP) 566 541 19 1.8]] 1.804 29 1.]28 198 1,130 1.461 1.343 118 Urban Bhargain (NPl 831 821 10 539 530 9 32 28 4 1.098 1.0U\ 80 Urban Raia ka Rampur (NP) 415 410 5 415 405 10 416 351 65 4.041 ].878 163 Urban Aliganl (NPPl 323 ]09 14 119 118 I 177 159 18 1.390 1.311 79 Urban Jaithara (NP) 216 212 4 62 61 I 109 100 9 1.I::!O 1,072 48 Urban Sakit (NP) 454 ]78 76 158 140 18 987 864 123 ::!O.733 18.925 1.808 Urban Elah (NPPl 145 143 2 346 336 10 74 63 II ~.717 2,571 146 lIrban Marehra (NPP) 210 201 9 42 41 I 55 49 6 1.178 1.114 64 Urban Nidhauh Kalan (NP) 3]4 319 15 318 294 24 509 465 44 7."~9 7.2n] 286 Urban Jalesar (NPP) 96 89 7 55 52 ] 128 121 7 ::!,138 2,022 116 Urban Awasarh (NPl


Location DislrjcV CD Block! Totall Industrial cateS0!l: code U Aj Cltyl Town Rural! number Urban Margmal workCf'i Cultl~alOfN Agricultural labourers

Persunl- Males Females Personc; Males Females PCfNons Males Fcmalec; 2 3 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50

17 Elah lotal 142.5K4 R5,419 57,165 35,925 14,112 21.1'111 61.794 45,308 16,41'16 Rural 125,304 73,151 52,153 35,61 (J 13,IIRI 21,729 58,963 42,730 16,233 Urban 17,2MO 12.268 5.012 315 231 84 2,1I~1 2,578 253 0160 So,.on TOlal 12,126 6,911 5,213 3,485 1,568 1,917 5,832 4,060 1,772 Rural 12,126 6,913' 5,213 3,485 1,568 1,917 5,1132 4,060 1,712 U,.ban 0161 Kasganl 10lal 9,5M2 5,4()] 4,179 2,663 792 1,871 4,647 3,124 1,523 Rural 95M2 5,40~ 4,179 2,663 792 1,871 4,647 3,124 1,523 Urban 0162 Amanpur Total K,ROI 4,422 4,379 2,672 1,082 1,590 4,314 2,513 I,ROI Rural 8,SHI 4,42:! 4,379 2,672 I,OS2 1,590 4,314 2,5 I 3 1,801 lIrban 0163 Sahawar Total 6,438 3,:!93 3,145 2,393 596 1,797 2,609 2,134 475 Rural 6,438 3,293 3,145 2,393 596 1,797 2,609 2,134 475 Urban 0164 Ganl Dundwara Total 8,370 4,810 3,560 2,506 853 1,653 3,164 2,638 526 Rural 8,370 4,RIO 3.560 2,S06 853 1,653 3,164 2,638 526 Urban 5 Pallyah' Total 4,066 2,783 1,283 1,198 542 656 2,086 1,832 254 r Rural 4.066 2,783 1,283 1.198 542 656 2,086 1,832 254 Urban 0166 Sldhpura Total 6,307 3,503 2.804 2.050 849 1.201 2,912 2,095 817 Rural 6,307 3,503 2,804 2,050 849 1,201 2,912 2,095 811 Urban 0167 laithara Total 5,889 3,296 2,593 1,785 864 921 2,524 1,745 779 Rural 5,889 3,296 2,593 1,785 864 921 2,524 1,745 779 Urban 0168 Ahganl Tolal 7,350 4,066· 3,284 3,184 1,540 1,644 2,132 1,691 441 Rural 7,350 4,066 3,284 3,184 1,540 1,644 2,132 1,691 441 Urban 0169 Marehra TOlal 8,931 4,102 4,829 3,112 784 2,328 4,230 2,374 1,856 Rural 8,931 4,102 4,829 3,112 784 2,328 4,230 2,374 1,856 Urban .. 0170 Nidhauli Kalan TOlal 8,357 5,193 3,164 1,619 698 921 4,386 3,151 1.235 Rural 8,357 5,193 3,164 1.619 698 921 4.386 3.151 1,235 Urban 0111 Shitalpur Total 13.669 8,342 5,321 3,826 1,245 2,581 6.649 4,824 1,825 Rural 13,669 8,342 5,327 3,826 1,245 2,581 6,649 4,824 1,825 Urban 0172 Saklt TOlal 6,958 4,510 2,448 2,205 1,051 1,154 3,366 2,362 1.004 Rural 6.958 4,510 2,448 2,205 1,051 1,154 3,366 2,362 1,004 Urban 0173 Jalesar Total 9,872 6,506 3,366 1,319 754 565 5,254 4,119 1,135 Rural 9.872 6,506 3,366 1.319 754 565 5,254 4,119 1,135 Urban 0174 Awagarh Total 8,588 6,009 2,579 1,593 663 930 4,858 4,068 790 Rural 8,588 6,009 2,579 1,593 663 930 4,858 4,068 790 Urban URBAN 41701000 Soron (NPP) Urban 1,407 1,007 400 16 II 5 285 242 ·0 ~1702000 Bilram (NPJ Urban 492 337 ISS :!9 18 II 140 117 23 41703000 Kasganj (NP1~) Urban 1,652 1,235 417 19 13 6 34 23 II ~1704000 Sahawar (NP) Urban 834 4tH 351 52 16 36 185 160 15 41705000 Amanpur (N P) Urban 934 729 ::!05 I::! 10 2. 462 442 20 41706000 Mohanl)Ur (NP) Urban 223 193 30 11 10 I 107 97 10 41707000 Gani Dundwara (NPI') Urban 1,721 1,050 671 II '} 2 169 160 9 41708000 Pallyah (NP) Urban 793 62(1 167 38 36 ::! 384 357 27 - 41709000 Sidhpura (NP) Urban 601 481 120 R 5 3 206 201 5 41710000 Bhargain (NP) Urban 2.068 662 1.406 1-l 14 224 21b 8 41711000 Rala ka Rampur (NP) Urban 241 205 36 7 7 101 99 2 41712000 Aliganl (NPP) Urban 903 70S 1911 2.1 16 5 133 104 :!9 41713000 Jaithara (NI» Urban 292 253 39 7 7 21 20 I ·H714000 Sakil (NP) Urban 226 171} 47 10 10 57 57 -l1715ooo Etah (NPI') Urban 2,739 2,379 360 35. 2.9 (> 60 49 II 41716000 MarehrQ (NI"') Urban 1,172 1,043 129 4 4 59 53 6 41717000 N.dhauh Kalan (NI') Urban 232 20t 31 R ~ 113 109 -t 41718000 Jalesar (N PP) Urban 471 268 ::!O3 II 7 4 :!3 18 5 4\7\9000 AW8G8rh !Nt·~ Urban 279 H2 47 ::! \ 1 68 54 \-l


of ma~mal workers Total! DistricV CD Block! Location Rural! U A I Cjtyl Town code Household IIldu~try Urban number Othcr WOl k\.TS Non-w0l1c.crs workc....

Pcr;ons Males Females Persons Males Females Person'! Males Females 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 3 2

13,)46 4,010 9,336 31,5l9 21,989 9,530 1,987,992 807,939 1,180,OS3 r olal Elah 17 9,862 3,070 6392 20,869 13,470 7,399 1.628,192 662,365 965.827 Rural 3.484 940 2,544 10,650 K519 2.131 359,800 145574 214.226 lJrban 949 251 698 1,860 1,034 826 127,449 51,919 75530 Inial Saran 0160 949 251 698 1,860 1,034 826 127,449 51,919 75,530 Rural Urban 411 139 272 1,861 1,348 513 114.894 47,0:59 67,835 r olal Kasganl 0161 411 139 272 1,861 1,348 513 114,894 47,059 67.835 Rural Urban 760 214 546 1,055 613 442 87,445 35,817 51,628 Total Amanpur 0162 760 214 546 1,055 613 442 87.445 35,817 51,628 Rural Urban 504 77 427 932 486 446 79,670 31,964 47,706 Tolal Saha~ar 0163 504 77 427 932 486 446 79,670 31,964 47,706 Rural Urban 946 227 719 1,754 1,092 662 102,612 41,079 61,533 Tolal Ganl Dundwara 0164 946 227 719 1,754 1,092 662 102.612 41.079 61,533 Rural Urban 384 85 299 398 324 74 86,139 34,134 52,005 Total Pallyah 0165 384 85 299 398 324 74 86,139 34,134 52,005 Rural Urban 433 131 302 912 428 484 81,430 32,456 48,974 TOlal Sidhpura 0166 433 131 302 912 428 484 81,430 32,456 48,974 Rural Urban 893 261 632 687 426 261 117,948 47,890 70,058 Total Janhara 0167 893 261 632 687 426 261 117,948 47,890 70,058 Rural Urban 919 184 735 1,115 651 464 145,076 57,860 87,216 Total Aliganl 0168 919 184 735 1,115 651 464 145,076 57,860 87,2.16 Rural Urban 469 180 289 1,120 764 356 90,600 37,322 53,278 Total Marehra 0169 469 180 289 1,120 764 356 90,600 37,3l2 53,278 Rural Urban 761 248 513 1,591 1,096 495 119,363 49,652 69,711 Total Nidhauli Kalan 0170 761 248 513 1,591 1,096 495 119,363 49,652 69,711 Rural Urban 752 367 385 2,442 1,906 536 142,446 58,776 83,670 Total Sh.talpur 0171 752 367 385 2,442 1,906 536 142,446 58,176 83,670 Rural Urban 274 166 108 1,113 931 182 125,378 51,449 73,929 Total Sakit 0172 274 166 108 1,113 931 182 125,378 51,449 73.929 Rural Urban 757 309 448 2,542 1,324 1,218 113,539 46,702 66,837 Total Jalesar 0173 757 309 448 2,542 1,324 1,218 113,539 46,702 66,837 Rural Urban 650 231 419 1,487 1,047 440 94,203 38.286 55.917 Total Awagam 0174 650 231 419 1.487 1,041 440 94,203 38,286 55,917 Rural Urban URBAN 165 57 108 941 697 244 19,298 7,618 11,680 Urban Saron (NPP) 41701000 29 3 26 294 199 95 8.949 3.659 5.290 Urban Bilram (NV) 41702000 185 76 109 1,414 1,123 291 69.186 27,556 41.630 Urban Kasganj (NPP) 41703000 275 62 213 322 245 77 14,863 5,847 9,016 Urban Sahawar (NP) 41704000 171 124 47 289 153 136 6,605 2.596 4,009 Urban Amanpur (NP) 41105000 30 18 12 75 68 7 3,890 1,507 2,383 Urban Mohanpur (NP) 41706000 448 151 297 1,093 730 363 30,421 12.216 18,205 Urban Gani Dundwara (NPP) 41 707000 130 30 100 241 203 38 9,156 3.686 5.470 Urban Patlyali (NPl 41708000 84 28 56 303 247 56 9,835 4.01 I 5,824 Urban Sidhpura (NP) 41709000 L.354 64 1,290 476 368 108 12,725 5.919 6,806 Urban IJhargam eNP) 41710000 13 10 3 120 119 31 7,980 3.132 4,848 Urban Rala ka Rllmpur (NP) 41111000 110 53 57 639 532 107 18,070 1.193 10.877 Urban Aliganl (NPI') 41712000 53 38 15 211 IRS 23 7.864 3.291 4,573 Urban Jalthara (NP) 41713000 30 5 25 129 107 22 5.208 2,009 3,199 Urban Saku (NP) 41714000 203 158 45 2,441 2,143 298 82.039 34,077 47,962 Urban Elah (Nl>P) 41715000 17 7 10 1,092 979 113 13.323 5.206 R,117 Urban Marehra (NPI') 41716000 16 3 13 95 81 14 5.784 :!.516 3,2()8 Urban Nldhauh ~alan (NP) 41717000 123 21 102 314 222 92 :!6.532 10,343 16,189 Urban Jalesar (Nltp) 41718000 48 32 16 161 145 16 8,072 3.192 4,8KO Urban A\\ a~arh a::!1"1 41719000



APPENDIX TO DISTRICT PRIMARY CENSUS ABSTRACT TOTAL, SCHEDULED CASTES AND SCHEDULED TRIBES POPULA nON - URBAN BLOCK WISE Location Code Name of town Name of ward Boundaries of Total Scheduled Scheduled urban block J EB population Castes Tribes number population. population 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

41701000 Saran (NPP) Ward No.1 EB No.1 374 51 41701000 Soran (NPP) Ward No.1 EB No.2 594 401 41701000 Soran (NPP) Ward No.2 EB' No.3 474 114 41701000 Soron eNPP) Ward No 2 EB No.4 349 265 41701000 Soron eNPP) Ward No 2 EBNo 5 353 220 41701000 Soron (NPP) Ward No.3 EBNo 6 725 635 41701000 Soran (NPP) Ward No. ~ EB No.7 434 137 41701000 Soran (NPP) Ward' No.4 EB No.8 426 208 41701000 Soran eNPP) Ward' No.5 EB No 9 706 320 41701000 Soron (NPP) Ward' No 5 EB No 10 173 41701000 Soran eNPP) Ward No 6 EB No 11 296 41701000 Saran (NPP) Ward No 6 EBNo 12 613 24 41701000 Soran (NPP) Ward No 7 EB No 13 479 5 41701000 Soran (NPP) Ward No.7 EBNo 14 409 155 41701000 Soran eNPP) Ward No.7 ' EBNo 15 605 147 41701000 Soran (NPP) Ward No 8 EBNo 16 588 41701000 Soron eNPp) Ward No 8 EB No 17 511 41701000 Somn (NPP) Ward No.8 EB No. 16 443 216 41701000 Soran (NPP) Ward No.9 EB No. 19 336 41701000 So~n(NPP) Ward No.9 EB No. 20 479 41701000 Soran (NPP) Ward No 10 EB No. 21 344 41701000 Soron (NPP) Ward No. 10 EB No. 22 587 104 41701000 Soran (NPP) Ward No. 11 EB No. 23 730 51 41701000 Soron(NPP) Ward No. 11 EB No. 24 635 121 41701000 Sorpn (NPP) Ward No. 12 EB No. 25 796 126 41701000 Soron(NPP) Ward No. 12 EB No. 26 284 41701000 Soran eNPP) Ward No. 13 EB No. 27 640 57 41701000 SOl"()n eNPP) Ward No. 13 EB No. 28 398 24 41701000 Soran(NPP} Ward No. 14 EB No. 29 302 41701000 Soran (NPP) Ward No. 14 EB No. 30 538 41701000 Sorpn (NPP) Ward No. 15 EB No. 31 550 60 41701000 Soron (NPP) Ward No. 15 EB No. 32 535 189 41701000 Soran (NPP) Ward No. 16 EB No. 33 189 41701000 Soron (NPP) Ward No. 16 58 No. 34 523 67 41701000 Soran(NPP) Ward No. 17 EB No. 35 423 38 41701000 Soran (NPP) Ward No. 17 EB No. 36 499 41701000 Sorpn (NPP) Ward No. 17 EB No. 37 528 41701000 Sorpn eNPP) Ward No. 16 EB No. 38 403 41701000 Soran (NPP) Ward No. 18 EB No. 39 597 4 41701000 SOR;Jn (NPP) Ward No. 18 EB No. 40 603 41701000 Soron (NPP) Ward No. 19 EB No. 41 362 41701000 Soran eNPP) Ward No 19 EB No 42 335 41701000 Soron (NPP) Ward No 19 EB No. 43 538 41701000 Soran eNPp) Ward No. 20 EB No. 44 262 191 41701000 Somn (NPP) Ward No. 20 EB No. 45 493 194 41701000 Soran (NPP) Ward No 20 EB No. 46 218 4 41701000 Soran (NPP) Ward No 21 EB No. 47 164 41701000 Soron eNPP) Ward No. 21 EB No. 48 681 41701000 Soron (NPP) Ward No. 22 EB No. 49 573 41701000 Soran eNPp) Ward No 22 EB No. 50 346 41701000 Soran (NPP) Ward No. 23 EB No. 51 454 41701000 Sorcm (NPP) Ward No. 23 EB No 52 300 41701000 Soran eNPp) Ward No 24 EB No. 53 497 41701000 Soron (NPP) Ward No 24 EB No. 54 319 41701000 Soron (NPP) Ward No. 25 EB No. 55 702 41701000 Soron (NPP) Ward No. 25 EB No. 56 541 41701000 Soren (NPP) Ward No 25 EB No. 57 420 41702000 Bi/ram (NP) Ward No 1 EB NO.1 471 420 41702000 Bilram (NP) Ward No 1 EB No.2 701 240 41702000 Bllram (NP) Ward No 2 EB No 3 671 143 41702000 Bilram eNP) Ward NO.2 EB NO.4 578 41702000 Bilrern (NP) Ward No.3 E8 NO.5 666 41702000 Bllrem (NP) Ward No.3 EB No.6 379 32 41702000 Bilram (NP) Ward No 4 EB No.7 338 237

576 APPENDIX TO DISTRICT PRIMARY CENSUS ABSTRACT TOTAL, SCHEDULED CASTES AND SCHEDULED TRIBES POPULA T/ON - URBAN BLOCK WISE location Code Name of town Name of ward Boundaries of • Total Scheduled Scheduled urban block lEa population Castes Tribes number population population 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 41702000 Bilram (NP) Ward No.4 EB No.8 461 63 41702000 Bilram (NP) Ward No.5 EB No.9 651 284 41702000 Bilram (NP) Ward No.5 EB No. 10 1142 182 41702000 Bilram eNP) Ward No.6 EB No. 11 687 74 41702000 Bilram (NP) Ward No.7 EB No. 12 515 41702000 Bilram (NP) Ward No 7 EB No. 13 944 160 41702000 Bilrem (NP) Ward NO.8 EB No. 14 529 41702000 Bilrarn (NP) Ward No.8 EB No. 15 657 202 41702000 Bllram (NP) Ward No.9 EB No. 16 626 339 41702000 Bilram (NP) Ward No.9 EB No. 17 563 111 41702000 Bdram (NP) Ward No. 10 EB No. 18 679 158 41702000 Bilram (NP) Ward No 10 EB No 19 885 102 41703000 Kasganj (NPP) Ward No 1 EB No 1 574 98 41703000 Kasganj (NPP) Ward No 1 EB No.2 742 736 41703000 Kasganj (NPP) Ward No.1 EBNo 3 267 262 41703000 Kasganj (NPP) Ward No.1 EB No.4 483 311 41703000 Kasganj (NPP) Ward No.1 EB No.5 477 33 41703000 Kasganj (NPP) Ward No 1 EB No.6 402 359 41703000 Kasganj (NPP) Ward No 1 EB No.7 467 36 41703000 Kas.QanJ (NPP) Ward No 1 EB No.8 504 161 41703000 Kasganj (NPP) Ward No.1 EB No.9 246 38 41703000 Kasganj (NPP) Ward No.2 EB No. 10 359 47 41703000 Kasganj eNPP) Ward No.2 EB No. 11 424 116 41703000 Kasganj (NPP) Ward No.2 EB No. 12 576 142 41703000 Kasganj eNPP) Ward No.2 EB No. 13 482 153 41703000 Kasganj (NPP) Ward No.2 EB No. 14 613 41703000 Kasganj eNPP) Ward No.2 EB No. 15 353 51 41703000 Kasganj eNPP) Ward No.2 EB No. 16 628 589 41703000 Kasganj (NPP) Ward No.2 EB No. 17 441 137 41703000 Kas,Qanj (NPP) Ward No.3 EB No. 18 654 41703000 Kasganj eNPP) Ward No.3 EB No. 19 346 41703000 Ka",ganj (NPP) Ward No.3 EB No. 20 688 177 41703000 Kasganj (NPP) Ward No.3 EB No. 21 588 212 41703000 Kasganj eNPP) Ward No.3 EB No. 22 449 370 41703000 Kasganj eNPP) Ward No.3 EO No. 23 563 412 41703000 Kasganj (NPP) Ward No.3 EB No. 24 347 86 41703000 Kasganj (NPP) WaniNo.3 EB No. 25 483 108 41703000 Kasganj eNPP) Ward No.3 EB No. 26 554 52 41703000 Kasganj (NPP) Ward No.3 EB No. 27 508 265 41703000 Kasganj (NPP) Ward No.4 EB No. 28 380 246 41703000 Kasganj (NPP) Ward No. 4 EBNo.29 555 67 41703000 Kasganj eNPP) Ward No.4 EB No. 30 445 41703000 Kasganj eNPP) Ward No.4 EB No. 31 629 41703000 KasganJ eNPP) Ward No.4 EB No. 32 316 35 41703000 Kasganj (NPP) Ward No.4 EB No. 33 617 457 41703000 Kasganj eNPP) Ward No 4 EB No. 34 549 110 41703000 Kasganj (NPP) Ward No 5 EB No. 35 711 92 41703000 Kasganj (NPP) Ward NO.5 EB No. 36 507 17 41703000 Kas.Qanj (NPP) Ward NO.5 EB No. 37 723 123 41703000 Kasganj (NPP) Ward No.5 EB No. 38 515 195 41703000 Kasganj (NPP) Ward No.5 EB No. 39 316 5 41703000 Kasganj (NPP) Ward No.5 EB No. 40 753 528 41703000 Kasganj (NPP) Ward No.5 EB No. 41 486 145 41703000 KasganJ eNPP) Ward No.5 EB No. 42 452 17 41703000 Kasganj (NPP) Ward No.5 EB No 43 350 41703000 Kasganj (NPP) Ward No.6 EB No. 44 582 19 41703000 Kasganj (NPP) Ward No.6 EB No 45 341 41703000 Kasganj eNPP) Ward No.6 EB No 46 492 167 41703000 Ka~ganJ (NPP) Ward No.6 EB No 47 398 283 41703000 Kasganj (NPP) Ward No 6 EB No. 48 574 298 41703000 Kasganj (NPP) Ward No.6 Ea No 49 773 28 41703000 Kasganj (NPP) Ward No.6 EB No. 50 580 45 41703000 Kasganj (NPP) Ward No.6 EB No. 51 441 41703000 Kasganj (NPP) Ward No.7 EB No. 52 527 202 41703000 Kasganj (NPP) Ward No.7 EB No. 53 402 402

579 APPENDIX TO DISTRICT PRIMARY CENSUS ABSTRACT TOTAL, SCHEDULED CASTES AND SCHEDULED TRIBES POPULA TION - URBAN BLOCK WISE location Code Name of town Name of ward Boundaries of Total Scheduled Scheduled urban block I EB • population Castes Tribes number population population 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 41703000 Kasganj (NPP) Ward No.7 EB No. 54 347 5 41703000 Kasganj (NPP) Ward No 7 EB No. 55 432 19 41703000 Kasganj (NPP) Ward No 7 EB No. 56 438 41703000 Kasganl (NPP) Ward No.7 EB No 57 222 41703000 Kasganl (NPP) Ward No.8 EB No. 58 672 384 41703000 Kasganj (NPP) Ward NO.8 EB No. 59 483 230 41703000 KasganJ (NPP) Ward NO.8 EB No. 60 656 17 41703000 Kasgan} (NPP) Ward No.8 EB No. 61 648 51 41703000 KasganJ (NPP) Ward No 8 EB No. 62 451 18 41703000 Kasgan} (NPP) Ward No.8 EB No. 63 705 26 41703000 KasganJ (NPP) Ward No.9 EB No. 64 645 98 41703000 Kasganl (NPP) Ward No.9 EB No. 65 532 74 41703000 Kasgan, (NPP) Ward No.9 EB No 66 713 45 41703000 Kasgan, (NPP) Ward No 9 EB No. 67 700 152 41703000 KasganJ (NPP) Ward No.9 EB No. 68 499 243 4~703000 KasganJ (NPP) Ward No 10 EB No. 69 614 78 41703000 KasganJ (NPP) Ward No. 10 EB No. 70 619 58 41703000 Kasganl (NPP) Ward No. 10 EB No. 71 657 116 41703000 Kasganj (NPP) Ward No. ~O EB No. 72 543 41703000 Kasganj (NPP) Ward No. 10 EB No. 73 522 7 41703000 Kasganj (NPP) Ward No. 11 EB No. 74 696 83 41703000 Kasganj (NPP) Ward No. 11 EB No. 75 419 162 41703000 Kasganj (NPP) Ward No. 11 EB No. 76 514 41703000 Kasganj (NPP) Ward No. 11 EB No. 77 706 89 41703000 Kasganj (NPP) Ward No. 11 EB No. 78 666 41703000 Kasganj (NPP) Ward No. 11 EBNo.79 493 41703000 Kasganj eNPP) Ward No. 12 EB No. 80 701 41703000 Kasganj (NPP) Ward No. 12 EB No. 81 327 2 41703000 Kasganj eNPP) Ward No. 12 EB No. 82 705 41703000 Kasganj eNPP) Ward No. 12 EB No. 83 508 41703000 Kasganj (NPP) Ward No. 12 EB No. 84 957 259 41703000 Kasganj eNPp) Ward No. 13 EB No. 85 596 38 41703000 Kasganj (NPP) Ward No. 13 EB No. 86 330 197 41703000 Kasganj (NPP) Ward No. 13 EB No. 87 549 34 41703000 Kasganj eNPp) Ward No. 13 EB No. 88 449 27 41703000 Kasganj (NPP) Ward No. 13 EB No. 89 684 110 41703000 Kasganj (NPP) Ward No. 14 EB No. 90 750 69 41703000 Kasganj (NPP) Ward No. 14 EB No. 91 652 91 41703000 Kasganj (NPP) Ward No. 14 EB No. 92 707 41703000 Kasganj (NPP) Ward No. 14 EB No. 93 613 4 41703000 Kasganj (NPP) Ward No. 14 EB No. 94 397 41703000 Kasganj (NPP) Ward No. 15 EB No. 95 589 11 41703000 Kasganj (NPP) Ward No. 15 EB No. 96 761 101 41703000 Kasganj (NPP) Ward No. 15 EB No. 97 472 37 41703000 Kasganj (NPP) Ward No. 15 EB No. 98 402 33 41703000 KasganJ (NPP) Ward No. 15 EB No. 99 581 4 41703000 Kasganj (NPP) Ward No. 15 EB No. 100 231 6 41703000 Kasganj eNPP) Ward No 16 EB No 101 749 41703000 Kasgan, (NPP) Ward No 16 EB No. 102 301 41703000 Kasganj eNPP) Ward No. 16 EB No. 103 661 41703000 Kasgan} (NPP) Ward No. 16 EB No. 104 554 10 41703000 Kasganj (NPP) Ward No. 16 EB No. 105 593 41 41703000 Kasganj (NPP) Ward No. 16 EB No. 106 414 39 41703000 Kasganj (NPP) Ward No. 17 EB No. 107 386 41703000 KasganJ (NPP) Ward No. 17 EB No. 108 485 41703000 Kasganl (NPP) Ward No 17 EB No. 109 359 8 41703000 KasganJ (NPP) Ward No. 17 EB No. 110 642 140 41703000 Kasganj (NPP) Ward No. 17 EB No. 111 409 41703000 Kasganj (NPP) Ward No. 17 EB No. 112 393 15 41703000 Kasganl (NPP) Ward No 18 EB No. 113 568 17 41703000 Kasganj (NPP) Ward No. 18 EB No. 114 642 41703000 Kasganj (NPP) Ward No. 18 EB No. 115 433 140 41703000 Kasganj (NPP) Ward No. 18 EB No. 116 546 121 41703000 Kasganj (NPP) Ward No. 18 EB No. 117 394 49 41703000 Kasganj (NPP) Ward No. 18 EB No. 118 602 37

580 APPENDIX TO DISTRICT PRIMARY CENSUS ABSTRACT TOTAL, SCHEDULED CASTES AND SCHEDULED TRIBES POPULA TION - URBAN BLOCK WISE Location Code Name of town Name of ward Boundaries of Total Scheduled Scheduled urban block I EB population Castes Tribes number population populabon 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 41703000 Kasganj (NPP) Ward No. 19 EB No. 119 516 91 41703000 Kasganj (NPP) Ward No. 19 EB No. 120 484 41703000 Kasganj (NPP) Ward No 19 EB No. 121 475 41703000 KasganJ (NPP) Ward No. 19 EB No. 122 549 41703000 KasganJ (NPP) Ward No. 19 EB No. 123 705 41703000 Kasganj eNPP) Ward No 19 EB No. 124 448 41703000 KasganJ (NPP) Ward No 20 EB No. 125 493 5 41703000 Kasganj (NPP) Ward No 20 EB No. 126 718 39 41703000 KasganJ eNPp) Ward No. 20 EB No. 127 862 41703000 KasganJ eNPP) Ward No. 20 EB No 128 532 36 41703000 KasganJ (NPP) Ward No. 20 EB No. 129 617 15 41703000 KasganJ (NPP) Ward No. 20 EB No 130 540 41703000 KasganJ (NPP) Ward No. 20 EB No. 131 653 19 41703000 KasganJ (NPP) Ward No. 20 EB No. 132 382 18 41703000 KasganJ eNPp) Ward No. 20 EB No. 133 659 61 41703000 KasganJ (NPP) Ward No. 20 EB No. 134 666 17 5 41703000 Kasganj (NPP) Ward No. 20 EB No. 135 569 27 41703000 Kasganl (NPP) Ward No. 21 EB No. 136 692 41703000 KasganJ (NPP) Ward No. 21 EB No. 137 459 41703000 Kasganj (NPP) Ward No. 21 EB No. 138 407 18 41703000 Kasganj (NPP) Ward No. 21 EB No. 139 462 41703000 Kasganj (NPP) Ward No. 21 EB No. 140 573 5 41703000 Kasganj (NPP) Ward No. 21 EB No. 141 959 39 41703000 KasganJ (NPP) Ward No. 21 EB No. 142 506 8 41703000 Kasganj eNPP) Ward No. 21 EB No. 143 462 41703000 Kasganj (NPP) Ward No. 21 EB No. 144 610 41703000 Kasganj (NPP) Ward No. 22 EB No. 145 521 41703000 Kasganj (NPP) Ward No. 22 EB No. 146 714 5 41703000 Kasganj (NPP) Ward No. 22 EB No. 147 438 41703000 Kasganj (NPP) Ward No. 22 EB No. 148 490 41703000 Kasganj (NPP) Ward No. 22 EB No. 149 459 41703000 Kasganj (NPP) Ward No. 23 EBNo.150 1053 41703000 Kaaganj (NPP) Ward No. 23 EB No. 151 602 41703000 Kasganj (NPP) Ward No. 23 EB No. 152 554 4 41703000 Kasganj (NPP) Ward No. 23 EB No. 153 456 41703000 Kasganj (NPP) Ward No. 23 EB No. 154 785 21 41703000 Ka~ganj eNPP) Ward No. 23 EB No. 155 416 37 41703000 Kasgan) (NPP) Ward No. 23 EB No. 156 580 41703000 Kasganj (NPP) Ward No. 23 EB No. 157 761 6 41703000 Kaaganj (NPP) Ward No. 23 EB No. 158 707 41703000 Kasganj (NPP) Ward No. 24 EB No. 159 217 41703000 KasganJ (NPP) Ward No. 24 EB No. 160 574 41703000 KasganJ eNPP) Ward No. 24 EB No. 161 380 41703000 Kasganj (NPP) Ward No. 24 EB No. 162 650 41703000 Kasganj eNPP) Ward No. 24 EB No. 163 697 7 41703000 Kasganl (NPP) Ward No. 24 EB No. 164 325 41703000 Kasganj (NPP) Ward No. 25 EB No. 165 584 41703000 Kasganj (NPP) Ward No. 25 EB No. 166 530 41703000 Kasganj (NPP) Ward No. 25 EB No. 167 390 41703000 Kasganj eNPP) Ward No. 25 EB No. 168 406 41703000 Kasganj eNPp) Ward No. 25 EB No. 169 617 41703000 Kasganj (NPP) Ward No. 25 EB No. 170 527 41703000 Kasganj (NPP) Ward No. 25 EB No. 171 380 41703000 KasganJ (NPP) Ward No. 25 EB No. 172 414 41704000 Sahawar (NP) Ward No.1 EB No.1 437 416 41704000 Sahawar (NP) Ward No. j EB No.2 595 322 41704000 Sahawar (NP) Ward No.1 EB No 3 386 362 41704000 Sahawar (NP) Ward No 2 EB No. 15 880 231 41704000 SaHawar eNP) Ward No.3 EB No. 18 1168 41704000 Sahawar eNP) Ward No.4 EB No 30 596 106 41704000 Sahawar (NP) Ward No.4 EB No. 31 700 177 41704000 Sahawar eNP) Ward No.4 EB No. 32 629 190 41704000 Sahawar (NP) Ward No.5 EB No. 13 507 41704000 Sahawar eNP) Ward No.5 EB No. 14 793 16 41704000 Sahawar eNP) Ward No.6 EB No.8 571 124

581 APPENDIX TO DISTRICT PRIMARY CENSUS ABSTRACT TOTAL, SCHEDULED CASTES AND SCHEDULED TRIBES POPULA TION - URBAN BLOCK WISE Location Code Name of town Name of ward Boundaries of Total Scheduled Scheduled urban block I EB population Castes Tribes number population population 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 41704000 Sahawar (NP) Ward No.6 EB No.9 860 30 41704000 Sahawar (NP) Ward No 7 EB No. 27 468 41704000 Sahawar (NP) Ward NO.7 EB Nq 28 715 16 41704000 Sahawar (NP) Ward No.7 EB No. 29 1055 76 41704000 Sahawar (NP) Ward No 8 EB No 16 835 137 41704000 Sahawar (NP) Ward No.8 EB No 17 764 41704000 Sahawar (NP) Ward No.9 EB No 7 605 41704000 Sahawar (NP) Ward No. 10 EB No.4 554 18 41704000 Sahawar (NP) Ward No. 10 EBNo 5 515 12 41704000 Sahawar eNP) Ward No. 10 EBNo 6 519 41704000 Sahawar (NP) Ward No. 11 EB No. 22 712 41704000 Sahawar (NP) Ward No. 11 EB No 23 474 41704000 Sahawar (NP) Ward No. 12 EB No 24 952 41704000 Sahawar (NP) Ward No. 12 EB No 25 428 41704000 Sahawar eNP) Ward No. 12 EBNo.26 643 41704000 Sahawar (NP) Ward No. 13 EB No 19 459 41704000 Sahawar (NP) Ward No. 13 EB No. 20 831 41704000 Sahawar (NP) Ward No. 13 EB No. 21 380 41704000 Sahawar (NP) Ward No. 14 EB No. 10 455 41704000 Sahawar (NP) Ward No. 14 EB No. 11 405 41704000 Sahawar (NP) Ward No. 14 ESNo.12 579 2 41705000 Amanpur eNP) Ward No.1 EB No.1 697 286 41705000 Amanpur (NP) Ward No.1 EB No.2 551 60 41705000 Am~lInpur eNP) Ward No.2 EB No.3 602 132 41705000 Am"npur (NP) Ward No.2 EB No.4 393 128 41705000 Amanpur (NP) Ward No.3 EB No. 12 225 54 41705000 Amllnpur (NP) Ward NO.3 EB No. 13 687 15

41705000 Amanpur (NP) Ward No.4 EB No.5 625 85 ~. 41705000 Amenpur (NP) Ward No.4 EBNo.6 414 4 41705000 Amanpur (NP) Ward No.5 EB No. 14 880 54 41705000 Amanpur (NP) Ward NO.6 EB No.7 367 9 41705000 Amanpur (NP) Ward No.6 EBNo.8 580 15 41705000 Amenpur (NP) Ward No.7 EBNo.9 441 4 41705000 Amtmpur (NP) Ward No.7 EB No. 10 479 20 41705000 Amanpur eNP) Ward No. 8 EB No. 11 494 41705000 Amanpur (NP) Ward No.9 EB No. 15 675 41705000 Amanpur (NP) Ward No. 10 EB No. 16 715 41705000 Am"npur eNP) Ward No. 10 EB No. 17 296 41706000 Mohanpur eNP) Ward No.1 EB No.1 295 147 41706000 Mohanpur eNP) Ward No.2 EB No.2 510 102 41706000 Mohanpur eNP) Ward No. 3 EB No.3 458 251 41706000 Mohanpur eNP) Ward No.4 EB No.4 822 154 41706000 Mohanpur eNP) Ward No.5 EB No.5 663 162 41706000 Mohanpur (NP) Ward No.6 EB No.6 270 8 41706000 Mohanpur eNP) Ward No.7 EB No.7 587 18 41706000 Mohanpur (NP) Ward No. 8 EB NO.8 515 9 41706000 Mohanpur (NP) Ward No.9 EB No.9 533 28 41706000 Mohanpur eNP) Ward No. 10 EB No. 10 647 41707000 Ganj Dundwara eNPp) Ward No.1 EB No.1 833 359 41707000 Ganj Dundwara (NPP) Ward No.1 EB No.2 1020 363 41707000 Ganj Dundwara (NPP) Ward No.1 EB No.3 585 167 41707000 Ganj Dundwara (NPP) Ward No.2 EBNo 4 764 435 41707000 Ganj Dundwara eNPP) Ward No 2 EB No.5 721 453 41707000 Gan; Dundwara (NPP) Ward No. 3 EBNo.6 835 526 41707000 Ganj Dundwara (NPP) Ward NO.3 EB No 7 251 164 41707000 Ganj Dundwara eNPp) Ward NO.3 EB No.8 654 21 41707000 Ganj Dundwara (NPP) Ward No 4 EBNo 9 579 45 41707000 Ganj Dundwara (NPP) Ward No.4 EB No 10 379 291 41707000 Ganj Dundwara (NPP) Ward NO.5 EB No 11 966 288 41707000 Ganj Dundwara (NPP) Ward No.5 EB No. 12 653 41707000 Ganj Dundwara (NPP) Ward No.5 EB No. 13 815 41707000 Ganj Dundwara (NPP) Ward No 6 EB No 14 526 41707000 Ganj Dundwara (NPP) Ward No.6 EB No. 15 680 41707000 Ganj Dundwara (NPP) Ward No.6 EB No 16 325 41707000 Ganj Dundwara (NPP) Ward No.7 EB No 17 552

582 APPENDIX TO DISTRICT PRIMARY CENSUS ABSTRACT TOTAL, SCHEDULED CASTES AND SCHEDULED TRIBES POPULA nON - URBAN BLOCK WISE Location Code Name of lown Name of ward Boundaries of . Total Scheduled Scheduled urban block I EB population Castes Tribes number population population 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 41707000 Gan) Dundwara (NPP) Ward No. 7 EB No. 18 917 255 41707000 Ganj Dundwara (NPP) Ward No 8 EB No. 19 932 141 41707000 Ganl Dundwara (NPP) Ward No 8 EB No. 20 1117 8 41707000 Gan, Dundwara (NPP) Ward No.9 EB No 21 839 74 41707000 Gan, Dundwara (NPP) Ward No. 9 EB No. 22 347 63 41707000 GaOl Dundwara (NPP) Ward No 10 EB No. 23 464 25 41707000 Gao, Duodwara eNPP) Ward No 10 EB No. 24 710 7 41707000 Gao, Dundwara eNPP) Ward No. 11 EB No. 25 827 26 41707000 Ganl Dundwara (NPP) Ward No. 11 EB No. 26 590 35 41707000 Gaoi Dundwara eNPp) Ward No. 11 EB No. 27 785 41707000 Gani Dundwara (NPP) Ward No. 12 EB No. 28 603 41707000 GanJ Dundwara eNPP) Ward No. 12 EB No. 29 966 41707000 GaOl Dundwara (NPP) Ward No 13 EB No. 30 784 41707000 Gan, Dundwara eNPp) Ward No 13 EB No. 31 512 41707000 Gan, Dundwara (NPP) Ward No 14 EB No. 32 736 41707000 Ganl Dundwara (NPP) Ward No 14 EB No. 33 893 41707000 Gan) Dundwara (NPP) Ward No. 14 EB No 34 911 41707000 Ganl Dundwara (NPP) Ward No. 15 EB No. 35 827 41707000 Ganl Dundwara (NPP) Ward No. 15 EB No. 36 437 41707000 Gau, Dundwara (NPP) Ward No. 15 EB No. 37 590 4 41707000 Ganj Dundwal'a (NPP) Ward No 16 EB No. 38 672 41707000 Ganl Dundwara (NPP) Ward No. 16 EB No. 39 1051 41707000 Gani Dundwara eNPp) Ward No. 16 EB No. 40 459 41707000 Ganl Dundwara (NPP) Ward No. 17 EB No. 41 729 132 41707000 Ganl Dundwara (NPP) Ward No. 17 EB No. 42 501 25 41707000 Ganj Oundwara (NPP) Ward No. 17 EB No. 43 990 14 41707000 Gani Dundwara eNPp) Ward No. 17 EB No. 44 439 41707000 Galli Dundwara (NPP) Ward No. 18 EB No. 45 683 21 41707000 Gani Dundwara eNPp) Ward No. 18 EB No. 46 904 22 41707000 Gani Dundwara (NPP) Ward No. 19 EB No. 47 374 10 41707000 Gani Dundwara (NPP) Ward No. 19 EB No. 48 658 12 41707000 Ganl Dundwara (NPP) Ward No. 20 EB No. 49 721 41707000 Ganj Dundwara (NPP) Ward No. 20 EB No. 50 705 41707000 Ganl Dundwara (NPP) Ward No. 20 EB No. 51 451 41707000 Ganj Dundwara (NPP) Ward No. 21 EBNo.52 593 41707000 Gaoj Dundwara eNPP) Ward No. 21 EBNo.53 479 41707000 Ganl Dundwara eNPP) Ward No. 22 EB No. 54 301 41707000 Ganj Dundwara (NPP) Ward No. 22 EB No. 55 413 7 41707000 Gan; Dundwara (NPP) Ward No. 23 EBNo.56 844 7 41707000 Gan; Dundwara (NPP) Ward No. 23 EB No. 57 851 41707000 Ganj Dundwara (NPP) Ward No. 23 EB No. 58 611 41707000 Gani Dundwara eNPp) Ward No. 24 EB No. 59 162 41707000 Ganl Dundwara (NPP) Ward No. 24 EB No. 60 402 10 41707000 Gan; Dundwara eNPp) Ward No. 24 EB No. 61 325 13 41707000 Gan; Dundwara eNPP) Ward No 25 EB No. 62 672 41707000 Gan; Dundwara eNPp) Ward No. 25 EB No. 63 378 41708000 Patlyali (NP) Ward No 1 EB No.1 653 386 41708000 Patlyali eNP) Ward No 1 EBNo.2 385 167 41708000 Patiyah eNP) Ward No 2 EB No.3 427 62 41708000 Patiyah eNP) Ward No.2 EB No.4 763 122 41708000 Patlyah (NP) Ward No.2 EBNo 5 331 25 41708000 Paliyali eNP) Ward No 3 EB No.6 268 41708000 Patiyali (NP) Ward No 3 EB No.7 528 75 41708000 Patiyali (NP) Ward No 4 EB No. B 321 6 41708000 Patiyali (NP) Ward No.4 EBNo 9 644 65 41708000 Patlyah (NP) Ward No.4 EB No. 10 715 26 41708000 Patlyah (NP) Ward No.5 EB No. 11 612 44 41708000 Patlyali (NP) Ward No 5 EB No. 12 421 45 41708000 Patlyah eNP) Ward No 5 EB No 13 565 2 41708000 Patlyall (NP) Ward No.5 EB No 14 431 10 41708000 Patiyali (NP) Ward No 6 EB No. 15 829 41708000 Pabyah (NP) Ward No 7 EB No. 16 697 13 41708000 Patiyah (NP) Ward No 8 EB No. 17 921 33 41708000 Patiyali (NP) Ward No.8 EB No. 18 699 125 41708000 Patiyali eNP) Ward No.9 EB No. 19 733 1

583 APPENDIX TO DISTRICT PRIMARY CENSUS ABSTRACT TOTAL, SCHEDULED CASTES AND SCHEDULED TRIBES POPULA TION - URBAN BLOCK WISE Location Code Name of town Name of ward Boundaries of Total Scheduled Scheduled urban block I EB population Castes Tribes number population population 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 41708000 Patlyali (NP) Ward No 10 EB No. 20 544 41708000 Patlyah (NP) Ward No 10 EB No. 21 758 41709000 S,dhpura (NP) Ward No 1 EB 1"',10. 1 942 269 41709000 S,dhpura (NP) Ward No.1 EB No.2 444 81 41709000 S,dhpura (NP) Ward No 1 EB No.3 490 130 41709000 S,dhpura eNP) Ward No 2 EB No.4 802 70 41709000 S,dhpura (NP) Ward No 3 EB No.5 533 61 41709000 S,dhpura (NP) Ward No 3 EB No.6 813 54 41709000 Sldhpura (NP) Ward No 4 EB No 7 913 131 41709000 Sldhpura (NP) Ward No 4 EB No.8 676 45 41709000 Sldhpura (NP) Ward No.5 EB No.9 1015 41709000 Sldhpura (NP) Ward No 5 EB No 10 634 5 41709000 Sldhpura eNP) Ward No 5 EB No. 11 562 9 41709000 Sldhpura (NP) Ward No.6 EB No. 12 800 219 41709000 Sldhpura (NP) Ward No 6 EB No 13 560 10 41709000 S,dhpura (NP) Ward No 7 EB No 14 843 116 41709000 Sldhpura (NP) Ward No 8 EB No. 15 908 26 41709000 Sldhpura (NP) Ward NO.9 EB No. 16 863 41709000 S,dhpura (NP) Ward No. 10 EB No. 17 637 41709000 S,dhpura (NP) Ward No. 10 EB No. 18 560 41710000 Bhargain (NP) Ward NO.1 EB No.1 651 41710000 Bhargain (NP) Ward No.1 EB No.2 786 145 41710000 Bhargain (NP) Ward No 2 EB No.6 561 75 41710000 Bhargain (NP) Ward No.2 EB No.7 443 41710000 Bhargain (NP) Ward No.2 EB No.8 789 41710000 Bhargain (NP) Ward No.3 EB No. 11 799 129 41710000 Bhargain (NP) Ward No.3 EB No. 12 568 26 41710000 Bhargain (NP) Ward No.3 EB No. 13 540 41710000 Bhargain (NP) Ward No 4 EB No.3 978 142 41710000 Bhargain (NP) Ward No.4 EB No.4 534 54 41710000 Bhargain (NP) Ward No.4 EB No.5 474 41710000 Bhargain (NP) Ward No.5 EB No. 27 901 41710000 Bhargain (NP) Ward No.5 EB No. 28 889 43 41710000 Bhargain (NP) Ward No.6 EB No. 29 426 12 41710000 Bhargam (NP) Ward No.6 EB No. 30 561 41710000 Bhargain (NP) Ward No.7 EB No. 22 584 19 41710000 Bhargain (NP) Ward No.7 EB No. 23 445 33 41710000 Bhargain (NP) Ward No.8 EB No. 24 502 26 41710000 Bhargain (NP) Ward No 8 EB No. 25 732 33 41710000 Bhargain (NP) Ward No 8 EB No. 26 746 41710000 Bhargain (NP) Ward No.9 EB No. 20 486 41710000 Bhargain (NP) Ward No.9 EB No. 21 620 10 41710000 Bhargain (NP) Ward No. 10 EB No. 16 577 41710000 Bhargain (NP) Ward No 10 EB No. 17 486 41710000 Bharga," (NP) Ward No. 10 EB No. 18 456 41710000 Bhargam (NP) Ward No 11 EB No 31 630 41710000 Bhargain (NP) Ward No 11 EB No. 32 607 41710000 Bhargain (NP) Ward No. 12 EB No. 14 663 41710000 Bhargaln (NP) Ward No. 12 EB No. 15 612 41710000 Bhargain (NP) Ward No 13 EB No. 19 691 41710000 Bhargaln (NP) Ward No. 14 EBNo 9 688 41710000 Bhargain eNP) Ward No 14 EB No. 10 556 41711000 Raja ka Rampur (NP) Ward No.1 EB No.1 944 730 41711000 Raja ka Rampur (NP) Ward No 2 EB No.8 702 382 41711000 Raja ka Rampur (NP) Ward No.2 EBNo 9 426 58 41711000 Raja ka Rampur (NP) Ward No.3 EB No.4 419 93 41711000 Raja ka Rampur (NP) Ward No 3 EB No.5 670 318 41711000 RaJa ka Rampur (NP) Ward No 4 EB No. 14 702 173 41711000 Raja ka Rampur (NP) Ward No.5 EB No. 10 400 96 41711000 Raja ka Rampur (NP) Ward No 5 EB No 11 645 363 41711000 RaJa ka Rampur (NP) Ward No 6 EB No.2 618 55 41711000 Raja ka Rampur (NP) Ward No 6 EB No.3 648 43 41711000 RaJS ka Rampur (NP) Ward No 7 EBNo.6 484 56 41711000 Raja ka Rampur (NP) Ward No 7 EB No.7 517 41 41711000 Raja ka Rampur (NP) Ward No 8 EB No. 15 867 157

584 APPENDIX TO DISTRICT PRIMARY CENSUS ABSTRACT TOTAL, SCHEDULED CASTES AND SCHEDULED TRIBES POPULA, TlON - URBAN BLOCK WISE Location Code Name of town Name of ward Boundaries of Total Scheduled Scheduled urban block I E B population Castes Tribes number eopulation population 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 41711000 Raja ka Rampur (NP) Ward No.8 EB No. 16 681 139 41711000 Raja ka Rampur (NP) WardNo 9 EB No. 17 424 54 41711000 Raja ka Rampur (NP) Ward No 9 EB No. 18 528 96 41711000 Raja ka Rampur (NP) Ward No. 10 EB No. 12 566 104 41711000 Raja ka Rampur (NP) Ward No. 10 EB No. 13 480 107 41712000 Atiganj (NPP) Ward No 1 EB No.1 375 261 41712000 Aliganj (NPP) Ward No.1 EB No.2 570 295 41712000 AUgenJ eNPP) Ward No.2 EB No 3 713 299 41712000 Aligenj eNPp) Ward No 3 EBNo 4 426 342 41712000 Aligenj (NPP) Ward No 3 EBNo 5 857 264 41712000 Alig~nj (NPP) Ward No.4 EB No.6 684 270 41712000 Ahganj (NPP) Ward No.4 EB No.7 434 339 41712000 Aliganj (NPP) Ward No.5 EBNo 8 814 245 41712000 Aligan; (NPP) Ward NO.6 EB No. 9 643 55 41712000 AUganj (NPP) Ward No 6 EB No. 10 692 205 41712000 Aligenj (NPP) Ward No.7 EB No. 11 632 39 41712000 Aliganj (NPP) Ward No.7 EB No. 12 630 41712000 Ahganj (NPP) Ward No. 8 EB No. 13 385 37 41712000 AUganj (NPP) Ward No. 8 EB No. 14 511 83 41712000 Aliganj (NPP) Ward No. 9 EB No. 15 421 51 41712000 Aliganj (NPP) Ward No.9 EB No. 16 410 17 41712000 Alig~nj (NPP) Ward No. 10 EB No. 17 322 23 41712000 Aliganj eNPP) Ward No. 10 EB No. 18 659 76 41712000 AUganj (NPP) Ward No. 11 EB No. 19 665 41712000 A1iQanj (NPP) Ward No. 11 EB No. 20 521 67 41712000 AUgenj (NPP) Ward No. 12 EB No. 21 608 41712000 A1iaanj (NPP) Ward No. 12 EB No. 22 547 30 41712000 A1iganj eNPp) Ward No. 13 EB No. 23 810 25 41712000 Alig~nj (NPP) Ward No. 14 EB No. 24 871 83 41712000 AUganj eNPP) Ward No. 14 EB No. 25 438 104 41712000 Alig'anj (NPP) Ward No. 15 EBNo.26 502 107 41712000 A1iganj (NPP) Ward No. 15 EB No. 27 584 40 41712000 Aliganj eNPp) Ward No. 16 EB No. 28 583 75 41712000 Aliganj eNPP) Ward No. 16 EB No. 29 423 84 41712000 Aligani (NPP) Ward No. 16 EBNo.30 546 17 41712000 Aliganj (NPP) Ward No. 17 EB No. 31 343 72 41712000 Aliganj (NPP) Ward No. 17 EB No. 32 1003 54 41712000 Ali~nj (NPP) Ward No. 17 EB No. 33 359 41712000 AUganj (NPP) Ward No. 18 EB No. 34 669 43 41712000 Aliganj (NPP) Ward No. 19 EB No. 35 736 41712000 Aliganj (NPP) Ward No. 20 EB No. 36 652 6 41712000 Aliganj (NPP) Ward No. 21 EB No. 37 826 8 41712000 Aliganj eNPP) Ward No. 22 EB No. 38 479 15 41712000 Aliganj (NPP) Ward No. 23 EB No. 39 452 10 41712000 Aliganj (NPP) Ward No. 23 EB No. 40 354 41712000 Aliganj eNPp) Ward No. 24 EB No. 41 426 41712000 Aliganj (NPP) Ward No. 25 EB No. 42 685 41713000 Jaithara eNP) Ward No.1 EB No.1 546 399 41713000 Jaithara (NP) Ward No.1 EB No.2 411 41 41713000 Jaithara (NP) Ward No.1 EB NO.3 788 63 41713000 JaiUlara (NP) Ward No 2 EB No.4 561 4 41713000 Jalthara (NP) Ward No.2 EB No.5 319 222 41713000 Jaithara (NP) Ward NO.3 EBNo 6 536 35 41713000 Jaithara (NP) Ward No.3 EBNo 7 449 259 41713000 JalUlara (NP) Ward No.4 EBNo 8 386 8 41713000 Jalthara (NP) Ward No.4 EBNo 9 846 280 41713000 JaiUlara (NP) Ward No.5 EB No. 10 688 31 41713000 Jalthara (NP) Ward No 6 EB No 11 813 67 41713000 JalUlara (NP) Ward No 7 EB No. 12 676 18 41713000 Jalthara (NP) Ward No.8 EB No. 13 649 41713000 Jai\hara (NP) Ward NO.8 EB No. 14 658 41713000 Jaithara (NP) Ward No 8 EB No. 15 464 41713000 Jaithara (NP) Ward No 9 EB No. 16 593 9 41713000 Jaithara (NP) Ward No. 10 EB No. 17 782 41714000 Sakit (NP) Ward No 1 EB No.1 690 661

585 APPENDIX TO DISTRICT PRIMARY CENSUS ABSTRACT TOTAL, SCHEDULED CASTES AND SCHEDULED TRIBES POPULA TION - URBAN BLOCK WISE Location Code Name of town Name of ward Boundaries of Total Scheduled Scheduled urban block I EB population Castes Tribes number population population 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 41714000 Sakll (NP) Ward No.2 EB No.2 606 186 41714000 Sakit (NP) Ward No.3 EB No.3 714 181 41714000 Saklt (NP) Ward No.4 EBNo.4 340 59 41714000 Sakit(NP) Ward No 5 EB No.5 615 41714000 Sakll (NP) Ward No.6 EB No.6 574 7 41714000 Saklt (NP) Ward No.7 EB No 7 1042 104 41714000 Sakil (NP) Ward No 8 EBNo 8 763 10 41714000 Sakil (NP) Ward No 9 EB No.9 512 29 41714000 Sakit (NP) Ward No.9 EB No. 10 313 4 41714000 Sakit (NP) Ward No. 10 EB No. 11 359 41714000 Sakit (NP) Ward No. 10 EB No 12 413 278 41715000 Etah (NPP) Ward No 1 EB No 1 515 508 41715000 Etah eNPP) Ward No 1 EB No.2 624 51 41715000 Etah (NPP) Ward No 1 EB NO.3 767 12 41715000 Etah (NPP) Ward No 1 EB NO.4 396 27 41715000 Etah (NPP) Ward No.1 EB NO.5 626 210 41715000 Etah (NPP) Ward No.1 EB No.6 550 537 41715000 Etah (NPP) Ward No 1 EB No.7 471 462 41715000 Etab (NPP) Ward No.1 EB No.8 763 529 41715000 Etah (NPP) Ward No.2 EB No.9 577 376 41715000 Etah eNPP) Ward No 2 EB No. 10 531 109 41715000 Etab eNPP) Ward No.2 EB No. 11 675 18 41715000 Elah eNPP) Ward No.2 EB No. 12 840 209 41715000 Etah (NPP) Ward No.2 EB No. 13 577 511 41715000 Etah (NPP) Ward No.2 EB No. 14 401 259 41715000 Etah (NPP) Ward No.2 EB No. 15 238 58 41715000 Etah (NPP) Ward No.2 EB No. 16 556 37 41715000 Etah (NPP) Ward No 2 EB No. 17 704 697 41715000 Etah (NPP) Ward No 3 EB No. 18 573 254 41715000 Etah (NPP) Ward No.3 EB No. 19 578 222 41715000 Etah eNPp) Ward No.3 EB No. 20 644 601 41715000 EtatJ (NPP) Ward No.3 EB No. 21 420 403 41715000 Etah (NPP) Ward No.3 EB No. 22 883 500 41715000 Eta., eNPP) Ward No.3 EB No. 23 492 316 41715000 Etah (NPP) Ward No.3 EB No. 24 901 53 41715000 Etah (NPP) Ward No.3 EB No. 25 430 41715000 Etah (NPP) Ward No.4 EB No. 26 562 83 41715000 Etah (NPP) Ward No.4 EB No. 27 336 124 41715000 Etah (NPP) Ward No.4 EB No. 28 876 531 41715000 Etall (NPP) Ward No.4 EB No. 29 461 5 41715000 Etall (NPP) Ward No.4 EB No. 30 602 31 41715000 Etah (NPP) Ward No.4 EB No. 31 448 151 41715000 Etah {NPP} Ward No.4 EB No. 32 794 66 41715000 Etah (NPP) Ward No.5 EB No. 33 367 41715000 Etah (NPP) Ward No.5 EB No. 34 634 9 41715000 Elati (NPP) Ward No.5 EB No. 35 505 41715000 Elah (NPP) Ward No.5 EB No 36 939 435 41715000 Etall (NPP) Ward No 5 EB No. 37 441 19 41715000 Etah (NPP) Ward NO.5 EB No. 38 559 326 41715000 Etah (NPP) Ward NO.5 EB No. 39 396 223 41715000 Etah (NPP) Ward No 5 EB No. 40 351 107 41715000 Etah (NPP) Ward No 6 EB No. 41 726 137 41715000 Etah (NPP) Ward No 6 EB No. 42 626 124 41715000 Etah eNPp) Ward No 6 EB No. 43 857 268 41715000 Etah (NPP) Ward No 6 EB No. 44 851 86 41715000 Etah (NPP) Ward No.6 EB No. 45 487 16 41715000 Etah (NPP) Ward No.6 EB No. 46 1076 75 41715000 Etah (NPP) Ward No.6 EB No 47 698 4 41715000 Etah (NPP) Ward No 6 EB No. 48 777 27 41715000 Etah (NPP) Ward No 7 EB No. 49 586 377 41715000 Etah (NPP) Ward No 7 EB No. 50 684 289 41715000 Etah (NPP) Ward No.7 EB No. 51 429 34 41715000 Etah (NPP) Ward No.7 EB No. 52 496 298 41715000 Etah (NPP) Ward NO.7 EB No 53 487 29 41715000 Etah (NPP) Ward No 7 EB No. 54 831

586 APPENDIX TO DISTRICT PRIMARY CENSUS ABSTRACT TOTAL, SCHEDULED CASTES AND SCHEDULED TRIBES POPULA TlON - URBAN BLOCK WISE Locatron Code Name of town Name of ward Boundaries of Total Scheduled Scheduled urban block I EB population Castes Tribes number population populallon 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 41715000 Etah (NPP) Ward No.7 EBNo 55 854 41715000 Etah (NPP) Ward NO.7 EBNo 56 721 6 41715000 Elah (NPP) Ward NO.7 EBNo 57 486 18 41715000 Etah (NPP) Ward No 8 EBNo 58 673 82 41715000 Etah (NPP) Ward No.8 EBNo 59 386 41715000 Etah (NPP) Ward No.8 EB No. 60 551 41715000 Etah (NPP) Ward NO.8 EB No 61 531 41715000 Etah (NPP) Ward No 8 EB No. 62 465 443 41715000 Etah (NPP) Ward No.8 EB No. 63 516 38 41715000 Etah eNPP) Ward No.8 EB No 64 531 3 41715000 Etah (NPP) Ward No 8 EB No 65 394 41715000 Etah (NPP) Ward No.9 EB No. 66 384 41715000 Etah eNPP) Ward No 9 EB No. 67 747 41715000 Etah (NPP) Ward No 9 EB No 68 578 150 41715000 Etah (NPP) Ward No.9 EB No 69 495 131 41715000 Etah (NPP) Ward No.9 EB No 70 493 68 41715000 Etah eNPp) Ward No.9 EB No 71 308 31 41715000 Etah (NPP) Ward NO.9 EBNo 72 481 151 41715000 Etah (NPP) Ward No.9 EB No 73 427 41715000 Etah (NPP) Ward No.9 EB No. 74 793 88 41715000 Etah (NPP) Ward No.9 EB No. 75 342 95 41715000 Etah (NPP) Ward No.9 EB No. 76 820 99 41715000 Etah (NPP) Ward No. 10 EB No. 77 942 4 41715000 Etah (NPP) Ward No. 10 EB No. 78 582 39 41715000 Etah (NPP) Ward No. 10 EB No. 79 394 41715000 Etah (NPP) Ward No. 10 EB No. 80 407 28 41715000 Etah (NPP) Ward No. 10 EB No. 81 466 111 41715000 Etah (NPP) Ward No. 10 EB No. 82 633 41715000 Etah eNPp) Ward No. 10 EB No. 83 683 87 41715000 Etatl (NPP) Ward No. 11 EB No. 84 452 44 41715000 Etah eNPP) Ward No. 11 EB No. 85 436 20 41715000 Etah eNPp) Ward No. 11 EBNo.86 503 41715000 Etah (NPP) Ward No. 11 EB No. 87 713 41715000 Etah eNPP) Ward No. 11 EB No. 88 693 32 41715000 Etah (NPP) Ward No. 11 EB No. 89 586 12 41715000 Etah eNPp) Ward No. 11 EB No. 90 373 148 41715000 Etah eNPp) Ward No. 11 EB No. 91 382 200 41715000 Etah (NPP) Ward No. 11 EB No. 92 425 40 41715000 Etah (NPP) Ward No. 11 EB No. 93 562 136 41715000 Etah eNPp) Ward No. 11 EB No. 94 445 6 41715000 Etah (NPP) Ward No. 12 EB No. 95 725 41715000 Etah eNPp) Ward No. 12 EB No. 96 605 10 41715000 Etah eNPP) Ward No. 12 EB No. 97 754 41715000 Etah eNPp) Ward No. 12 EB No. 98 428 41715000 Etah (NPP) Ward No. 12 EB No. 99 773 41715000 Elah eNPp) Ward No. 12 EB No. 100 585 44 41715000 Etah (NPP) Ward No. 12 EB No. 101 476 8 41715000 Etah (NPP) Ward No. 12 EB No. 102 714 41715000 Etah (NPP) Ward No 12 EB No. 103 475 41715000 Etah (NPP) Ward No 12 EB No 104 656 153 41715000 Etah (NPP) Ward No 13 EB No 105 719 2 41715000 Etah (NPP) Ward No 13 EB No 106 328 41715000 Etah (NPP) Ward No. 13 EB No 107 913 58 41715000 Etah (NPP) Ward No 13 EBNo 108 729 41715000 Etal1 (NPP) Ward No. 13 EBNo 109 554 118 41715000 Etah (NPP) Ward No 13 EBNo 110 423 1 41715000 Etah (NPP) Ward No 13 EBNo 111 475 41715000 Etah (NPP) Ward No 13 EB No 112 464 3 41715000 Etah eNPp) Ward No. 14 EB No 113 456 16 41715000 Eta" (NPP) Ward No 14 EBNo 114 501 35 41715000 Eta.... eNPP) Ward No 14 EBNo 115 666 63 41715000 Etah eNPP) Ward No 14 EBNo 116 713 41715000 Etah eNPP) Ward No 14 EBNo 111 602 12 41715000 Etah (NPP) Ward No. 15 EB No. 118 650 41715000 Etah (NPP) Ward No. 15 EB No 119 519

587 APPENDIX TO DISTRICT PRIMARY CENSUS ABSTRACT TOTAL. SCHEDULED CASTES AND SCHEDULED TRIBES PDPULA TlON - URBAN BLOCK WISE LocattOn Code Name of town Name of ward Boundaries of Total Scheduled Scheduled urban block I EB population Castes Tribes number population population 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 41715000 Elah (NPP) Ward No 15 EB No. 120 580 41715000 Etah (NPP) Ward No 15 EB No. 121 546 12 41715000 Etah (NPP) Ward No. 16 EB No. 122 354 12 41715000 Etah (NPP) Ward No 16 EB No. 123 635 21 41715000 Etah eNPp) Ward No 16 EB No 124 748 29 41715000 Etah (NPP) Ward No 16 EB No. 125 244 41715000 Etah (NPP) Ward No. 16 EB No. 126 542 15 41715000 Etah (NPP) Ward No 16 EB No. 127 496 41715000 Etah (NPP) Ward No 16 EB No. 128 480 15 41715000 Etah (NPP) Ward No 16 EBNo.129 662 41715000 Elah (NPP) Ward No 16 EB No. 130 879 22 41715000 Etah (NPP) Ward No 16 EB No. 131 481 27 41715000 Etah (NPP) Ward No 17 EB No 132 896 41715000 Etah (NPP) Ward No 17 EB No. 133 724 41715000 Etah (NPP) Ward No 17 EB No. 134 740 41715000 Etah (NPP) Ward No 17 EB No. 135 604 10 41715000 Etah (NPP) Ward No. 17 EB No 136 375 25 41715000 Etah (NPP) Ward No. 17 EB No. 137 603 24 41715000 Etah (NPP) Ward No. 17 EB No. 138 386 41715000 Etah (NPP) Ward No. 17 EB No. 139 504 39 41715000 Etah (NPP) Ward No. 18 EB No. 140 589 41715000 Etah (NPP) Ward No. 18 EB No. 141 753 19 41715000 Etah (NPP) Ward No. 18 EB No. 142 515 22 41715000 Etah eNPp) Ward No. 18 EB No. 14~ 508 42 41715000 Elah (NPP) Ward No. 18 EBNo.144 141 3 41115000 Etah (NPP) Ward No. 19 EB No. 145 141 2 41715000 Etah (NPP) Ward No. 19 EB No. 146 506 41715000 Elah (NPP) Ward No. 19 EB No. 147 828 41715000 Etah (NPP) Ward No. 19 EB No. 148 533 41715000 Etah (NPP) Ward No. 19 EB No. 149 401 15 41715000 Elah (NPP) Ward No. 20 EB No. 150 570 41715000 Etah (NPP) Ward No. 20 EB No. 151 111 41715000 Etah eNPP) Ward No. 20 EB No. 152 757 9 41115000 Elah (NPP) Ward No. 20 EB No. 153 744 8 41715000 Etah (NPP) Ward No. 20 EB No. 154 591 41715000 Etah (NPP) Ward No. 20 EB No. 155 805 41715000 Etah (NPP) Ward No. 21 EB No. 156 782 41715000 Etah (NPP) Ward No. 21 EB No. 157 667 41715000 Etah eNPP) Ward No. 21 EB No. 158 751 41715000 Etah (NPP) Ward No. 21 EB No. 159 431 41715000 Etah (NPP) Ward No. 21 EB No. 160 713 27 41715000 Etah (NPP) Ward No. 22 EB No. 161 738 6 41715000 Etah (NPP) Ward No. 22 EB No. 162 499 9 41715000 Etah (NPP) Ward No. 22 EB No. 163 324 16 41715000 Etatl eNPp) Ward No 22 EB No. 164 664 6 41715000 Etah eNPp) Ward No. 22 EB No. 165 789 26 41715000 Etah eNPP) Ward No 22 EB No. 166 243 41115000 Etah (NPP) Ward No. 23 EB No. 167 684 20 41715000 Etah (NPP) Ward No. 23 EBNo.168 630 41715000 Etah (NPP) Ward No. 23 EB No. 169 684 41715000 Etah (NPP) Ward No. 23 EB No. 170 785 27 41715000 Etah (NPP) Ward No. 24 EB No. 171 440 6 41715000 Etah (NPP) Ward No. 24 EB No. 112 467 41715000 Etah (NPP) Ward No 24 EB No. 173 441 41715000 Etah eNPp) Ward No 24 EB No. 174 788 41715000 Etah (NPP) Ward No 24 EB No. 175 334 41715000 Etah (NPP) Ward No. 24 EB No. 176 543 5 41715000 Etah (NPP) Ward No. 24 EB No. 111 584 10 41715000 Etah (NPP) Ward No 25 EB No. 178 381 12 41715000 Etah (NPP) Ward No 25 EB No. 179 623 14 41715000 Etah (NPP) Ward No 25 EB No. 180 475 41715000 Etah (NPP) Ward No 25 EB No. 181 447 41715000 Etah {NPP} Ward No 25 EB No. 182 423 41715000 Etah (NPP) Ward No 25 EB No. 183 826 41716000 Marehra (NPP) Ward No 1 EB No.1 877 742

588 APPENDIX TO DISTRICT PRIMARY CENSUS ABSTRACT TOTAL, SCHEDULED CASTES AND SCHEDULED TRIBES POPULA nON - URBAN BLOCK WISE Location Code Name of town Name of ward Boundaries of Total Scheduled Scheduled urban block I E B • population Castes Tribes number population population 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 41716000 Marehra (NPP) Ward No.2 EB No.2 763 700 41716000 Marehra (NPP) Ward No 3 EB No.3 371 340 41716000 Marehra (NPP) Ward No 3 EBNo 4 216 212 41716000 Marehra (NPP) Ward No 4 EBNo 5 688 551 41716000 Marehra (NPP) Ward No 5 EBNo 6 526 415 41716000 Marehra (NPP) Ward No 6 EBNo 7 766 .507 41716000 Marehra (NPP) Ward No 7 EBNo 8 769 555 41716000 Marehra (NPP) Ward No 8 EBNo 9 622 312 41716000 Marehra (NPP) Ward No.9 EB No 10 613 125 41716000 Marehra (NPP) Ward No 10 EBNo 11 780 185 41716000 Marehra (NPP) Ward No 11 EBNo 12 603 148 41716000 Marehra (NPP) Ward No. 12 EB No 13 425 55 41716000 Marehra (NP?) Ward No 13 EBNo 14 868 41716000 Marehra (NPP) Ward No 14 EB No 15 577 40 41716000 Marehra (NPP) Ward No 15 EBNo 16 298 69 41716000 Marehra (NPP) Ward No 15 EB No 17 396 41716000 Marehra (NPP) Ward No 16 EBNo 18 678 58 41716000 Marehra (NPP) Ward No 17 EBNo 19 494 12 41716000 Marehra (NPP) Ward No. 17 EBNo 20 394 28 41716000 Marehra eNPP) Ward No. 18 EB No 21 612 41716000 Marehra (NPP) Ward No. 18 EB No 22 490 41716000 Mar-ehra (NPP) Ward No. 19 EB No. 23 397 41716000 Marehra eNPP) Ward No. 19 EB No 24 436 41716000 Marehra (NPP) Ward No. 20 EB No 25 979 192 41716000 Marehra (NPP) Ward No. 21 EB No. 26 718 41716000 Marehra (NPP) Ward No. 22 EB No. 27 207 41716000 Marehra (NPP) Ward No. 23 EB No. 28 322 41716000 Marehra (NPP) Ward No. 23 EB No. 29 701 12 41716000 Marehra (NPP) Ward No. 24 EB No 30 578 41716000 Marehra (NPP) Ward No. 25 EB No 31 308 12 41716000 Marehra eNPP) Ward No. 25 EB No. 32 305 41717000 Nidhauli Kalan (NP) Ward No.1 EB No.1 477 267 41717000 Nidhauli Kalan (NP) Ward No.1 EB No.2 492 4 41717000 Nidhauli Kalan (NP) Ward No.2 EBNo 3 490 112 41717000 Nidhauli Kalan (NP) Ward No.3 EBNo 4 605 18 41717000 Nidhauli Kalan (NP) Ward No.3 EB No.5 783 75 41717000 Nidhauli Kalan (NP) Ward No.3 EB No.6 385 15 41717000 Nidhauli Kalan (NP) Ward No 4 EB No 7 558 41717000 Nldhauli Kalan (NP) Ward NO.5 EBNo 8 518 126 41717000 Nidhauli Kalan (NP) Ward No.6 EB NO.9 628 41717000 Nidhauli Kalan eNP) Ward No.7 EB No 10 269 5 41717000 Nidhauli Kalan eNP) Ward No.7 EB No. 11 247 41717000 Nidhauli Kalan (NP). Ward No.8 EB No 12 634 41717000 Nldhauli Kalan (NP) Ward NO.9 EB No. 13 691 41717000 Nldhauli Kalan (NP) Ward No. 10 EB No. 14 244 41717000 Nldhauli Kalan (NP) Ward No. 10 EB No 15 480 41718000 Jalesar (NPP) Ward No.1 EB No 1 794 497 41718000 Jalesar (NPP) Ward No 1 EB No.2 412 333 41718000 Jalesar (NPP) Ward No.2 EBNo 3 670 353 41718000 Jalesar (NPP) Ward No 2 EB No 4 731 384 41718000 jalesar (NPP) Ward No.2 EBNo 5 417 210 41718000 Jalesar eNPP) Ward No 3 EB No 6 718 473 41718000 Jalesar (NPP) Ward No.3 EBNo 7 673 104 41718000 Jalesar eNPP) Ward NO.4 EB No 8 494 289 41718000 Jalesar (NPP) Ward No 4 EBNo 9 370 59 41718000 Jalesar (NPP) Ward No 5 EBNo 10 706 408 41718000 Jalesar (NPP) Ward No.5 EBNo 242 64 41718000 Jalesar eNPp) Ward No.6 EB No l'12 607 95 41718000 Jalesar eNPp) Ward No 6 EBNo 13 666 419 41718000 Jalesar eNPP) Ward No 7 EB No 14 631 436 41718000 Jalesar (NPP) Ward No.7 EB No. 15 627 138 41718000 Jalesar (NPP) Ward NO.8 EB No 16 779 9 41718000 Jalesar (NPP) Ward NO.8 EB No 17 459 42 41718000 Jalesar eNPP) Ward No.8 EB No. 18 477 25 41718000 Jalesar (NPP) Ward No.9 EB No. 19 618 243

589 APPENDIX TO DISTRICT PRIMARY CENSUS ABSTRACT TOTAL, SCHEDULED CASTES AND SCHEDULED TRIBES POPULA TION - URBAN BLOCK WISE Location Code Name of town Name of ward Boundaries of TOIaI Scheduled Scheduled urban block I E B population Castes Tribes number population population 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 41718000 Jalesar (NPP) Ward No.9 EBNo 20 490 123 41718000 Jalesar (NPP) Ward No 9 EB No 21 612 60 41718000 Jalesar (NPP) Ward No. 10 EB No 22 894 41718000 Jalesar (NPP) Ward No. 10 EBNo 23 582 118 41718000 Jalesar (NPP) Ward No 11 EBNo 24 588 41718000 Jalesar (NPP) Ward No 11 EBNo 25 625 49 41718000 Jalesar (NPP) Ward No 11 EB No 26 353 125 41718000 Jalesar (NPP, Ward No 12 EB No 27 700 121 41718000 Jalqsar (NPP) Ward No 12 EB No 28 744 51 41718000 Jalesar (NPP) Ward No 12 EB No 29 819 130 41718000 Jalesar (NPP) Ward No 13 EB No 30 881 41718000 Jalesar (NPP) Ward No 13 EBNo 31 639 41718000 Jalesar (NPP) Ward No 13 EBNo 32 823 150 41718000 Jalesar (NPP) Ward No 14 EBNo 33 713 79 41718000 Jalesar (NPP) Ward No 14 E8 No 34 527 41718000 Jalesar (NPP) Ward No 15 EB No. 35 843 311 41718000 Jalesar (NPP) Ward No. 15 EB No. 36 527 13 41718000 Jalesar (NPP) Ward No 16 EB No 37 594 36 41718000 Jalesar (NPP) Ward No 16 EB No. 38 826 4 41718000 Jalesar (NPP) Ward No. 17 EB No 39 284 83 41718000 JalBsar (NPP) Ward No 17 EB No 40 533 134 41718000 Jalesar eNPP) Ward No. 17 EB No. 41 529 41718000 Jalesar eNPP) Ward No. 18 EB No 42 863 35 41718000 Jalesar eNPP) Ward No. 19 EB No. 43 775 34 41718000 Jalesar (NPP) Ward No. 19 EB No. 44 382 41718000 Jalesar (NPP) Ward No. 19 EB No. 45 530 8 41718000 JalQsar eNPP) Ward No. 20 EB No. 46 593 2 41718000 Jalesar eNPP) Ward No 20 EB No. 47 465 2 41718000 Jalesar (NPP) Ward No. 21 EB No. 48 493 7 41718000 Jalesar eNPp) Ward No. 21 EB No. 49 589 41718000 JalEJS8r eNPP) Ward No. 22 EB No. 50 514 41718000 Jalesar eNPp) Ward No. 22 EB No. 51 634 19 41718000 Jalesar eNPp) Ward No 23 EB No. 52 692 81 41718000 Jalesar (NPP) Ward No. 23 EB No. 53 822 41 41718000 Jalesar (NPP) Ward No. 24 EB No. 54 669 25 41718000 Jalesar eNPp) Ward No 24 EB No. 55 567 41718000 Jalesar (NPP) Ward No. 24 EB No. 56 490 41718000 Jalesar (NPP) Ward No. 25 EB No. 57 772 41718000 Jalesar (NPP) Ward No. 25 EB No. 58 586 41719000 Awagarh (NP) Ward No 1 EB No 1 876 131 41719000 Awagarh (NP) Ward No 1 EB No 2 579 122 41719000 Awagarh (NP) Ward No 2 EBNo 3 736 91 41719000 Awagarh (NP) Ward No.2 EB No.4 869 314 41719000 Awagarh (NP) Ward No 3 EB No.5 272 41719000 Awagarh (NP) Ward No 3 EB No 6 921 133 41719000 Awagarh (NP) Ward No 4 EB No 7 393 41719000 Awagarh (NP) Ward No 5 EB No 8 547 55 41719000 Awagarh (NP) Ward No 5 EB No 9 635 80 41719000 Awagarh (NP) Ward No.5 EB No 10 245 5 41719000 Awagarh (NP) Ward No.6 EB No 11 593 36 41719000 Awagarh (NP) Ward No 6 EB No. 12 420 41719000 Awagarh (NP) Ward No.7 EB No 13 395 6 41719000 Awagarh (NP) Ward No 7 EBNo 14 618 41719000 Awagarh (NP) Ward No 8 EBNo 15 530 10 41719000 Awagarh (NP) Ward No 8 EBNo 16 388 41719000 Awagarh (NP) Ward No 9 EB No 17 458 41719000 Awagarh (NP) Ward No 9 EB No 18 371 41719000 Awagarh (NP) Ward No 10 EB No 19 592 2 41719000 Awagarh (NP) Ward No. 10 EB No 20 330



Location DI<;tnct! CD Block! Town Total! Number of Total population (including Population in the code Rural! households Institutional and housciess age-group 0-6 number Urban with at lea.. t population) one Scheduled Caste mt..'1nber Persons Males Females Person .. Males Females 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

17 Etah Total 80.449 478.665 259,626 219.039 102.90. 54.027 48.1174 Rural 69.673 410.819 223,263 187,556 88,806 46.5.'~6 42,270 Urban 10.776 67,846 36,363 31,483 14,095 7.491 6,604 0160 S{uon Total 6.171< 36.095 19.505 16.590 8.013 4.085 J,928 Runtl 6.171< 36.095 19,505 16,590 8.013 4.085 3.928 Ulbdn 0161 Total 4.712 27.843 15,126 12.717 5.7M2 3JJ27 2.755 Rural 4.712 27.843 15.126 12.717 5.782 3J)27 2,755 UII.,:m 0162 A IlId 11 pur Total 4.081< 23.834 13.003 HUB 1 5.130 2.740 2.390 Rurdl 4.08B 23,834 13,003 Hun I S.l3{1 2.140 2.390 Urban 0163 Sahawdr Total 4.043 23.364 12,716 10.648 5.229 2.757 2.472 Rural 4.043 23.364 12.716 10.648 5.229 2.757 2.472 Ulban 0164 GanlOundwara Total 3.879 23.365 12,970 10.395 5.281 2.756 2.525 Rural 3.879 23,365 12.970 10.395 5.281 2,756 2.525 Urban 0165 Total 4.469 26.957 14.775 12.182 5.870 3.030 2.840 Rural 4.469 26,957 14.775 12.182 5.870 3.030 2.840 Urban 0166 S.dhpura Total 4.277 24,518 13.33 I 11.247 5.308 2.700 2.608 Rural 4.277 24,518 13.331 11.247 5,308 2.700 2.608 Urban 0167 laitharu Total 3,886 22.793 12,464 10.329 5.069 2.698 2.371 Ruml 3.886 22.793 12.464 10.329 5.069 2.698 2.371 Urban 0168 AhganJ Total 4.917 29.232 15.857 13.375 6.517 3.423 3.094 Rural 4.917 29,232 15.857 13.375 6.517 3.423 3.094 Urban 0169 Marclua Total 3.911 23.330 12,491 10.839 5.013 2.682 2.331 Rural 3.911 23.330 12.491 10.839 5.013 2,682 2.331 Urban 0170 Nldhauh Kalan Total 4.308 25.378 13.705 11.673 5,316 2.834 2.482 Ruml 4.308 25,378 13,705 11.673 5.316 2.834 2,482 Urban 0171 Shitalpur Total 5.330 31,584 17.027 14.557 6.590 3.436 3.154 Rural 5.330 31.584 17.027 14.557 6,590 3.436 3.154 Urban 0172 S.lku Total 4.550 26.675 14.452 12.223 5.605 2.942 2.663 Rural 4.550 26.675 14,452 12.223 5.605 2.942 2.663 U.ban 0173 Total 5.763 33.506 18.291 15.215 7.123 3.746 3.377 Rural 5.763 33.506 18,291 15.215 7.123 3.746 3.377 Urban 0174 Awagalh Total 5.362 32.285 17.550 14.735 6.960 3.680 3.280 Rural 5.362 32.285 17.550 14.735 6.960 3.680 3.280 Urban llRBAN 41101000 Snnlll tNPP) Urban 662 4.\30 2.215 1.(H5 831 414 417 41702000 Bllral1l (NP) Urban 406 2.747 1.528 1.219 602 334 268 41703000 Kasgan.l (NPP) Urban 2.050 12.505 6.718 5.787 2.345 1.232 1.113 41704000 Sillmwilr (NP) Urban 381 2.235 1.203 1.032 493 284 209 41705000 A11lilnpUr (NP) Ulb:lII 129 866 460 406 195 100 95 4 1 706000 Mulmnpur (N P) lhban 144 879 472 407 197 106 QI 41707000 G.1II1 Dundwara (NPP) lllban 6tH 4.023 2.161 1.862 917 503 414 41708000 PatlYlih (NP) Urban 199 1.207 637 570 289 146 143 41709000 SIdhpu11l (NP) Urhan 196 1.226 667 559 '277 162 115 41710000 Bhargum(NP) Urban 113 747 398 349 186 100 86


Totall District! CD Block! Literates Illiterates Total workers Rurall Town Urban

Persons Males Females Persons Males Females PeI1iOns "1 ales Females I I 12 13 14 15 16 17 '18 19 3 2

175,088 112.760 52.328 303,577 136,866 166,711 135,709 118,244 17.465 Total Etah 147.399 104-.72, 42,679 263,420 118,543 144.877 118,454 103.178 15.276 Rural 17,689 18,040 9,649 40,157 11.313 11,834 17,155 ,5,066 1,189 Urban 9.865 7,39(j 2.469 26,230 12,109 14.121 10.382 9,135 1,247 Total Som.. 9,865 7.39(; 2.469 26,230 12,109 14.121 10.382 9,135 1,247 Rural -' Urban 10,445 7,446 2.999 17,398 7,680 9,718 8.292 6,815 1,477 Total Kasganj 10,445 7,44~ 2,999 17,398 7,680 9,718 8,292 6.815 1,477 Rural Urban 8.535 6,141 2,394 15,299 6,862 8,437 7,488 6.091 1,397 Total Amallpur 8.535 6,141 2.394 15,299 6.862 8,437 7.488 6.091 1,397 Rural Urban 6.114 4,563 1.551 17,250 8,153 9,097 6,134 6,021 813 Total Sahawar 6,114 4.56; 1,551 17,250 8,153 9,097 6,834 6,021 813 Rural Urban 5,329 4,134- 1.195 11,036 8,836 9.200 7.148 6,370 778 Total Oanj Dundwara 5,329 4.134 1,195 18.036 8.836 9,200 7,148 6,370 778 Rural Urban 8,661 6,36~ 2,298 18.296 8,412 9,884 7.683 7,195 488 Total Patiy,sli 8,661 6.36~ 2.298 18,296 8,412 9,884 7,683 7,195 488 Rural Urban 9.078 6,53(; 2.542 15,500 6,795 8,705 7.399 6,429 970 Total Sidhl!ura 9.078 6.53(; 2.S42 15.500 6,795 8.705 7.399 6,429 970 RuraL Urban 8,OS4 5.73§ 2,.319 14.739 6,729 8,010 6.378 5.882 496 Total Jailhum 8,OS4 S.73S, 2.319 14.739 6.729 8.010 6.378 5.882 496 Rural Urban 10,675 7,43p 3,245 18.557 8,427 10,130 8,670 7.535 1,135 Total AIi~j 10.675 7.439 3,245 IB.557 8.427 10.130 1.670 7.535 1.135 Rural Urban 9,284 6.45~ 2.832 14,046 6,039 8,007 6,682 5,516 1,166 Total MareJlra 9,284 6.45~ 2.832 14.046 6.039 8,007 6.682 5.516 1,166 Rural Urban 10.190 7,2111 2,972 15,188 6,487 8,701 7,406 6,059 1,347 Total N~iKaIan 10.190 7,2111 2.972 IS.18B 6.487 8.701 7.4-06 6.059 1,347 Rural Urban 14,333 9,618 4,715 17.251 1,409 9,842 8,292 7,405 887 Total Sbita.lpur 14.333 9.618 4.715 17.25 I 7.409 9.842 8,292 7.40S 887 Rural Urban 10,891 7.50, 3,388 15,784 6,949 8.835 7.173 6,445 728 Total Sakil 10,891 7,503 3,388 15.784 6,949 8.835 7,173 6,445 728 Rural Urban 13,032 9,149 3,883 20.474 9,142 11.332 9,423 8,268 1,155 Total JalCSJr 13,032 9.149 3.883 20,474 9,142 11.332 9.423 8,268 1.155 Rural Urban 12.913 9.036 3.877 19.372 8.514 10.85& 9,204- 8.012 1.192 Total Awa,arb. 12.913 9.036 3.877 19,372 8.514 10.858 9.204- 8.012 1.192 Ruml Urban URBAN 1,556 1.067 489 2,574 1.148 1,426 1,130 994 136 Urban Somn(NPP) 770 576 194 1,977 952 1,025 764 664- 100 Urban Bilram(NP) 5,665 3,620 2,045 6.&40 3.09& 3.142 3.,216 2,161 449 Urban Kasganj (NPP) 754 493 261 1,481 710 771 659 525 134 Urban Sahawar (NP) 340 23P 110 526 230 296 291 211 80 Urban Amaupur (NP) 324 219 105 555 253 302 228 217 11 Urban Mohanpur (NP) 1,516 963 553 2.507 1.198 1.309 1.059 862 197 Urban Ganj Dundwara (NPP) 339 244 95 868 393 475 309 249 60 Urban PatiYllli (NP) 479 317 162 147 350 391 291 2S1 to Utban Si~(NP) 179 131 48 568 267 301 273 173 100 Urban BhatJain (NP)


Location District! CD Block! TotalJ Industrial category code Town Ruralt Main workers number Urban Cultivators Agricultural labourers

Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females 2 3 20 21 22 23 24 2S 26 21 28

17 Elah Tolal 104,204 96,138 8,066 49,468 47,088 2,380 25,817 24,236 1,581 Rural 90,022 83,464 6,558 48,690 46,343 2,347 24,647 23,131 1,516 Urhan 14,182 12,674 I ,SOB 778 745 33 '1,170 1.105 65 0160 Sumn Tutal 7,727 7.233 494 4.920 4,677 243 2,045 1.915 130 Rural 7,727 7.233 494 4.920 4,677 243 2.045 1,915 130 Urban 0161 KasganJ TOlal 6,000 5.306 694 2.306 2.167 139 1.571 1,435 136 Rural 6,000 5.306 694 2,306 2.167 139 1,571 1.435 136 Urban 0162 Amanpur Total 5.285 4.789 496 3,032 2.80) 229 1,498 1.338 160 Rural 5,285 4.789 496 3.032 2.803 229 1,498 1,338 160 Urban 0163 Sahawar Total 5.288 4.988 300 2.910 2.821 89 1,462 1.389 73 Rural 5,288 4,988 300 2.910 2.821 89 1.462 1,389 73 Urban 0164 Ganj Dundwara Total 5,702 5,404 298 4.005 3,824 181 1,267 1,232 35 Rural 5,702 5.404 298 4.005 3,824 181 1,267 1.232 35 Urban 0165 Patiyaii Total 6,462 6.202 260 4.492 4.333 159 1.3S1 1.327 54 Rural 6,462 6,202 260 4,492 '4.333 159 1,381 1.327 ~4 Urban 0166 Sidhpura Total 5,801 5.384 417 3,233 3,077 156 1.8S3 1.762 121 Rural 5,801 5,384 417 3.233 3,077 156 1,883 1.762 121 Urban 0167 Jaithara Total 5,226 5.032 194 3,152 3,102 50 1.370 1.313 57 Rural 5.226 5,032 194 3,152 3.102 50 1,370 1.313 57 Urban 0168 Aliganj Total 7,086 6.513 573 4,778 4.530 248 1.350 1.258 92 Rural 7,086 6,513 573 4,778 4,530 248 1.350 1,258 92 Urban 0169 Man:hra Total 4.823 4,425 398 2.ISO 2.105 75 1.394 1.290 104 Rural 4,823 4,425 398 2,ISO 2,105 75 1.394 1,290 104 Urban 0170 Nidhauli Kalan Total 5,612 4,909 703 2,705 2,457 248 1,516 1.372 144 Rural 5,612 4,909 703 2,705 2,457 248 1,516 1,372 144 Urban 01 71 Shitalpur Total 5,835 5,447 388 2,378 2.266 112 1,493 1.362 131 Rural 5,835 5.447 388 2,378 2.266 112 1.493 1.362 13 I Urban 0172 Sakit Total 5,618 5.379 239 3.376 3.256 120 1.307 1,266 41 Rural 5,618 5,379 239 3.376 3.256 120 1.307 1,266 41 Urban 0173 Jalesar Total 6.774 6.340 434 2.442 2.341 101 2.585 2,501 84 Rural 6.774 6,340 434 2.442 2.341 101 2.585 2,501 84 Urban 0174 Awagarh Total 6.783 6.113 670 2.781 2.584 197 2.525 2.371 154 Rural 6.783 6.113 670 2.781 • 2.584 197 2.525 2,371 154 Urban URBAN 4170 I 000 Soron (NPP) Urban 880 794 86 60 58 2 87 86 41702000 Bih'Bm (NP) Urban 569 532 37 102 102 47 47 41703000 Kasganj (NPP) Urban 2.745 2.442 303 26 24 2 8 6 2 41704000 Sahawar (NP) Urban 581 466 115 77 74 3 74 70 4 41705000 Amanpur(NP) Urban 173 140 33 10 10 6 5 I 41106000 Mohanp"r (NP) Urban 198 188 10 70 69 54 52 2 41107000 Gaoj Dundwara (NPP) Urban 891 742 149 4 4 139 115 24 41708000 Patiyali (NP) Urban 220 174 46 18 14 4 13 12 I 41109000 SidhpuTa (NP) Urban 211 205 6 14 14 10 10 41710000 Bhargaiq (NP) Urban 150 122 28 6 6 42 42

594 FOR SCHEDULED CASTES of main workers Total! District! CD Block! Town Marginal workers Rurall Household industry workers Other workers Urban

Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 3 2

4,446 3,370 1,076 24,473 • 21,444 3,029 31,505 22,106 9,399 Total Etah 3,556 2,742 814 13.129 11.248 1,881 18.432 19,714 8.718 Rural 890 61a 161 11,344 10,196 1.148 3.073 2,391 681 Urban 136 98 38 626 543 83 2,655 1.902 753 Total Somn 136 98 38 626 543 83 2.655 1.902 753 Rural Urban 24\ 157 84 1.882 1.547 335 2.292 1.509 783 Total KasganJ 241 157 84 1.882 1.547 335 2.292 1.509 783 Rurdl Urban 15:1 133 19 603 SIS 88 2.203 1.102 Q() I Total Amanpur 152 133 19 603 SIS 88 2.203 1.102 901 Rural Urban 327 303 24 589 475 114 1.546 1.011 51] Total Sahawar 327 303 24 589 475 114 1.546 I.Ol3 511 Rural Urban 137 107 30 293 241 52 1.446 966 480 Total Ganj Dundwara 137 107 30 293 241 52 1.446 966 480 Rural Urban 98 85 13 491 451 34 1,221 993 228 Total Patiyali 98 8S 13 491 457 34 1,221 993 228 Rural Urban 180 159 21 50S 386 119 1,598 1,045 55) Total Sidhpura 180 159 21 50S 386 119 1,598 1.0~5 553 Rural Urban 198 147 51 506 470 36 1.152 UO 302 Total Jaithara 198 147 51 506 470 36 1.152 830 302 Rural Urban 200 132 68 758 593 .165 1.584 1.022 562 Total Aliganj 200 132 68 758 593 165 1.584 1.022 562 Rural Urban 396 286 110 853 744 109 1,859 1.091 76\ Total Marehra 396 286 110 853 744 109 1.859 I.O~I 768 Rural Urban 349 228 121 1.042 852 190 1.794 1.1~0 644 Total Nidhauli Kalan 349 228 121 1.042 852 190 1.794 1.ISO 644 Rural Urban 261 210 51 1.703 1.609 94 2.457 1.9S8 499 Total Shitalpur 261 210 51 1,703 1.609 94 2.451 1.958 499 Rural Urban 140 123 17 795 734 61 I.SS5 1.066 489 Total Saki' 140 123 17 795 734 61 1.555 1.066 489 Rural Urban 419 339 80 1.328 1.159 169 2.649 1.9~8 721 Total Jalesar 419 339 80 1.328 1.159 169 2.649 1.928 721 Rural Urban 322 235 87 1.155 923 232 2.421 1.899 522 Total Awagarb 322 235 87 I.ISS 923 232 2.421 1.899 522 Rural Urban URBAN 44 33 II 689 617 72 250 200 SO Urban Soron(NPP) 40 34 6 380 349 31 195 lJ2 63 Urban Bilram (NP) 244 165 7g 2.461 2.247 220 411 ]1.5 146 Urban Kasganj (NPP) 102 55 47 328 267 61 78 59 19 Urban Sahawar (NP) 60 40 20 97 85 12 118 71 47 Urban Arnanpur (NP) 2 I I 72 66 6 10 29 1 Urban Mohanpur (NP) IS7 'Xl 67 591 533 58 168 120 48 Urban Ganj Dua\dwara (NPP) 12 II I 177 137 40 8g 75 14 Urban Paliyali (NP) 18 n I 169 164 5 80 76 4 Urban Sidhpura (NP) 18 13 5 84 61 23 123 51 12 Urban Bhargain (NP)


Location Districtl CD Block! TolaJl Industrial category of marsinal workers code Town Ru~I/------~~--~H~o~4~~-o~ld~in-d~u~R~ry---- Cultivators Agricultural labourers number- Urban workers Persons Males Females Persons Males Femalcs Person$ Males Females 2 3 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46

17 Etab Total 4~9 2,168 2,421 17,693 1.3.687 4,006 J,857 745 1,1 J2 Rural 4,547 2,138 2,409 17,141 13,196 3,945 1.584 628 956 Urban 42 30 12 55l 491 61 273 117 156 0160 Somn Total 427 277 ISO 1,582 1,260 322 184 52 132 Rural 421 211 ISO 1,582 1.260 322 184 52 132 Urban 0161 Kasgan} Total 222 85 131 1,322 895 421 96 39 57 Rural 222 85 117 1.322 895 427 96 39 57 Urban 0162 Amanpur Total 508 187 321 1.384 961 423 142 41 lOt Rural 508 181 321 1,384 961 423 142 41 101 Urban 0163 Sahawar Total 302 90 212 889 140 149 12 33 39 Rural 302 90 212 889 740 149 12 33 39 Urban 0164 Ganj Dundwara Total 286 76 210 947 719 228 29 17 12 Rural 286 76 210 941 719 228 29 17 12 Urban 0165 Patiyali Total 154 91 51 895 184 III 62 30 32 Rural 154 97 57 895 784 I 1 I 62 30 32 Urban 0166 Sidhpura Total 307 152 ISS 961 723 238 89 31 52 Rural 307 152 155 961 723 238 89 37 52 Urban 0161 laithara Total lSI 68 83 701 628 73 142 44 98 Rural 151 68 83 701 628 73 142 44 98 Urban 0168 Aliganj Total 581 280 301 605 SOO lOS 66 19 47 Rural 581 280 301 605 SOO 105 66 19 47 Urban 0169 Marehra Total 197 81 116 1.288 791 497 80 29 51 Rural 197 81 116 1,288 791 497 80 29 51 Urban 0170 Nidhauli Kalan Total 257 125 132 1,008 682 326 151 47 110 Rural 257 125 132 1.008 682 326 151 47 110 Urban 0171 Shitalpur Total 199 112 87 1.535 1,257 278 146 51 95 Rural 199 112 87 1.535 1.257 278 146 51 95 Urban 0172 Sakit Total 350 171 179 884 643 241 67 47 20 Rural 350 171 179 884 643 241 67 47 20 Urban 0173 lalesar Total 306 193 113 1,540 1,226 314 145 83 62 Rural 306 193 113 1.540 1.226 314 145 83 62 Urban 0114 Awagarb Total 300 144 156 1.600 1,387 213 101 59 48 Rural 300 144 156 1.600 1.387 213 101 59 48 Urban URBAN 41701000 Soron (NPP) Urban 48 44 4 41 20 21 41102000 Bilram (NP) Urban 18 10 8 18 60 18 23 2 21 41703000 Kasganj (NPP) Urban 4 2 2 5 2 3 72 27 45 41104000 Sahawar (NP) Urban 38 36 2 3 3 41105000 Amanpur-(NP) Urban 1 I 48 41 7 20 11 9 41706000 Mohanp"r (NP) Urban 2 2 15 15 4 3 I 41707000 Ganj Dul!dwara (NPP) Urban J 2 12 1 J 10 5 S 41708000 Patiyali (J'IIP) Urban 58 S4 4 7 2 5 41709000 Sidhpura (NP) Urban 32 31 1 10 8 2 41710000 Bhargain (NP) Urban 4 4 2,,\ 5 19


Tqtall District! CD Block! Town Location Non-workers Rural! code Other workers Urban number

Persons Males Females Persons Males Females 47 48 49 50 51 52 3 2

7,366 5.506 1.860 342.956 141,382 201.574 Total Et.h 17 5.160 3.752 1,408 292,365 120.085 172.280 Rural 1,206 1.754 452 50,59' 21,297 29.294 Urban 462 313 149 25.713 10.370 15.343 Total Soron 0160 462 313 149 25.713 10.370 15,343 Ru~1 Urban 652 490 162 19.551 8.311 11,240 Total Kasgan] 0161 652 490 162 19.551 8,311 11,240 Rural Urban 169 III S6 16,346 6,912 9,434 Total Amanpur 0162 169 113 56 16,346 6,912 9.434 Rural Urban 283 170 113 16.530 6,695 9.835 Total Sahawar 0163 283 170 113 16,530 6,695 9,835 Rural Urban 1-84 154 30 16,217 6,600 9,617 Total Oanj Dundwara 0164 184 154 30 16,217 6,600 9,617 Rural U~n 110 82 28 19,274 7,580 11.694 Total Patiyali 0165 110 82 28 19..274 7,580 J 1,694 Rural Urban 241 133 108 17,179 6,902 10,277 Total Sidhpura 0166 241 133 108 17.179 6,902 10,277 Rural U~ 158 ItO 48 16,415 6,582 9,833 Total , Jaithara 0167 158 tlO 48 16,415 6,582 9,833 Rural Urban 332 223 109 20,562 8.322 12,240 TOl411 Aliganj 0168 332 223 109 20,562 8,322 12,240 Rural Urban 294 190 104 16,648 6,975 9.673 To~l Mardtra 0169 294 190 104 16,648 6,975 9,673 Rural Urban 372 296 76 17,972 7,646 10.326 Total Nidhauli Kalan 0170 372 296 76 17,972 7,646 10,326 Rural Urban 577 538 39 23,292 9,622 13,670 Total Shitalpur 0111 577 538 39 23.292 9.622 13.670 Rural Urban 254 205 49 19,502 8.007 11.495 Total Saki. 0172 254 205 49 19.502 8.007 11.495 RUMI Urban 658 426 232 24,083 10.023 14,060 Total Jalesar 0113 6S8 426 232 24,083 10.023 14.060 RUMl Urban 414 309 105 23.081 9.538 13.543 Total Awagarh 0174 414 309 lOS 23.081 9,538 13,543 Rural Urban URBAN 160 135 25 3,000 1,221 1,779 Urban Sc.lIon (NPP) 41701000 76 60 16 1,983 864 1.119 Urban Bilnlm (NP) 41702000 390 294 96 9,289 3.951 5.338 Urban. Kasganj (NPP) 41103000 37 23 14 1,576 678 898 Urban Sahawar (NP) 41704000 49 18 31 515 249 326 Urban Amanpur (NP) 41705000 9 9 651 255 396 Urban Mohanpur (NP) 41706000 143 102 41 2.964 1.299 1.665 Urban Oanj Dundwara (NPP) 41707000 23 18 5 898 388 510 Urban Patiyali (NP) 41708000 38 37 ) 935 386 549 Urban Sidhpura (NP) 41709000 95 42 53 474 225 249 U~n Bhargain (NP) 41710000


Location District! CD Block! Town Total! Number of Total population (including Population in the code Rurall households institutional and houseless age-sroup 0-6 number Urban with at least population) one Scheduled Caste member Persons Males Females Persons Males Females 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

41711000 Raja ka Rampur (NP) Urban 481 3,065 1,653 1,412 634 355 279 41712000 Aliganj (NPP) Urban 580 3,741 2,035 1,706 839 441 398 41713000 Jaithara (NP) Urban 247 1,436 763 673 318 174 144 41714000 Sakit (NP) Urban 237 1,519 810 709 304 162 142 41715000 Etah (NPP) Urban 2,350 14,221 7,506 6,715 2,782 1,438 1,344 41716000 Marehra (NPP) Urban 806 5,270 2,833 2,437 1,086 567 519 41717000 Nidhauh Kalan (NP) Urban 105 622 339 283 157 96 61 41718000 Jalesar (NPP) Urban 943 6,422 3,457 2,965 1.419 753 666 41719000 Awasarh ~NP~ Urban 146 985 508 477 224 124 100


TotaV District! CD Block! Litcrat~ Illiterates Total workers Rural! Town Urban

Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 3 2

1.128 764 364 1.937 889 1.048 715 727 48 Urban Raja tea Rampur (NP) 1,381 925 456 2.360 1.11 () 1.250 997 911 86 Urban Alipnj (NPP) 541 363 178 895 4()0 495 301 282 19 Urban Jailh.ra (NP) 657 423 234 862 3'87 475 383 357 26 Urban Sakil(NP} 7.221 4.395 2.826 7.000 3.111 3.889 3.168 2.707 461 Urban Etah(NPP) 1,821 1.283 538 3.449 1.550 1.899 1,418 1,303 115 Urban MarctJra (NPP) 254 171 83 368 168 200 132 125 7 Urban Nidhauli Kalan (NP) 2.378 1.627 751 4.044 1.830 2.214 1.629 1.497 Il2 Urban JalCSilr (NPP) 386 229, 157 599 279 320 232 214 18 Urban Awalarh (NP)


Location Districtl CD Block! Totall Industrial category code Town Rural! Main workers number Urban Cultivators Agricultural labourers

Persons Males Females Persons Males Female.... Persons Males Females 2 3 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28

41711000 Raja ka Rampur (NP) Urban 672 639 33 127 126 257 253 4 41712000 Aliganj (NPP) Urban 771 723 48 24 24 95 94 41713000 Jaithan (NP) Urban 237 228 9 7 5 2 44 44 41714000 Sakil(NP) Urban 345 . 324 21 61 59 2 21 20 41715000 Etah (NPP) Urban 2,807 2,423 384 58 45 13 16 16 41716000 Marehn (NPP) Urban 890 816 74 41 41 161 152 9 41717000 Nidhauh Kalan (NP) Urban 77 72 5 16 15 1 I I 41718000 Jalesar (NPP) Urban 1.557 1,452 105 55 53 2 83 70 13 41719000 Awasam ~NP~ Urban 208 192 16 2 2 12 10 2

600 FOR SCHEDULED CASTES of main workers Totall District! CD Block! Town Margina1 workers Rural! Household industry workers Other workers Urban

Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 3 2

8 6 2 280 254 26 103 SS 15 Ur\Ycln Raja ka ~mpur (NP) 60 56 4 592 549 43 226 18S 38 Urban Aliganj (NPP) 9 9 177 170 7 64 S4 10 Urban Jalthara (NP) 5 3 2 258 242 16 38 33 5 Urllan Sakit(NP) 38 28 10 2,695 2,334 361 361 284 17 Urban Elah(NPP) 13 10 3 675 613 62 528 487 41 Urban Marehra (NPP) I I 59 56 3 55 53 2 Urban Nidhauli Kalan (NP) 59 57 2 1,360 1.272 88 72 45 27 Urban lalesar (NPP) 194 180 14 24 22 2 Urban Awazarh ~NPl


Location District! CD Block! Totall Industrial category of marginal workers code Town Rurall Household industry Cultivators Agdculturallabouren numbel" Urban workers Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females 2 3 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45· 46

41711000 Raja ka Rampur (NP) Urban 3 3 54 54 8 7 41712000 Aliganj (NPP) Urban 24 19 S 23 1 1 12 41713000 Jallhal1l (HP) Urban 5 4 j 5 41714000 Sakit (NP) Urban IS IS I 41715000 Etah (NPr) Urban 2 2 16 9 7 8 6 2 41716000 Marehra (NPP) Urban 3 3 42 37 5 8 2 6 41717000 Nidhauli Kalan (NP) Urban 43 42 1 41718000 Jalesar (NPP) Urban 3 2 7 6 5 2 3 417]9000 AwaBarh !NPl Urban 8 7


Totall District! CD Block! Town Location Non-workers Rural! codc Other workers Urban number

Persons Males Females Persons Males Females 41 48 49 50 51 52 3 2

38 24 14 2.290 926 1.364 Urban Raja ka Rampur (NP) 41711000 119 158 21 2.144 1,124 1,620 Urban Aliganj (NPP) 41112000 54 45 9 1.135 481 654 Urban Jaithara (NP) 41113000 22 18 4 1.136 453 683 Urban Sakit(NP) 41714000 335 267 68 11.053 4.199 6.254 Urban' Etah (NPP) 41715000 415 445 30 3.852 1.530 2,322 Urban Marehra (NPP) 41716000 I I 10 I 490 214 276 Urban Nldhauh Kalan (NP) 41717000 57 35 22 4.793 1.960 2.833 Urban Jalesar (NPP) 41718000 15 14 753 294 459 Urban Awagarh ~NPl 41719000



Location District! CD Block! Town Totall NumbCi" of households Total population (including codc Rurall Population in the with at least institutional and houseless number Urban age-group 0-6 one population) Scheduled Tribe Persons Males Females Persons Males Females 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

17 Etah To.a. 6 30 16 14 2 I Rural 5 25 14 II 2 I Urban 5 I J 0160 Sumn Total 3 2 Rural 3 2 Urban 0167 Jallhara Total 4 22 12 \0 2 Rural 4 22 12 10 2 Urban URBAN 41103000 Kassanj ~NPP~ Urban 5 2 3 '


Total! Districtl CD Block! Town Rurall Literates lIJitcrates Total workers Urban

Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females I 1 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 3 2

16 12 4 14 4 10 8 8 Total Etah 12 10 2 IJ 4 9 7 7 Rural 4 :I 2 I 1 Urban 3 2 I I Total Soron 3 2 Rural Urban 9 8 13 4 9 6 6 Total laithara 9 8 13 4 Q 6 6 Rural Utban URBAN 4 2 2 Utban Kassanj !NPP~


Location District! CD Blockl Town Totall I ndustrial category code Rural! number Main workers Urban Cultivators Agricultural labourers

Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females 2 3 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28

17 Etah Total I 8 3 3 Rural 7 7 3 3 Urban I 0160 Somn Total Rural Urban 0167 Jallhara Total 6 6 3 3 Rural 6 6 3 3 Urban URBAN 41703000 Kassanj ~NPP2 Urban

608 FOR SCHEDULED TRIBES of main workers Total! Districtl CD Block! Town Rural! Marginal workers Household industry workers • Other workers Urban

Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 3 2

5 5 Tolal Etah 4 4 Rural I Urban I Total Soron I Rural Urban 3 3 Torat laithara 3 3 Rural Urban URBAN 1 Urban Kasganj (NPP)


Location DistricV CD Block! Town Totall Industrial category of marginal workers code Rural/------=~~----~------number Household industry Urban Cultivators Agricultural labourers workers

Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females 2 3 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46

17 Etah Total Rural Urban 0160 Soron Total Rural Urban 0167 Jalthara Total Rural Urban URBAN 41703000 Kassan; (NPP) Urban


Totall Districtl CD Blockl Town Location Rurall code Non-workers LJrbarf number Other w()rker~

Per;ons Males Females Persons Male.. Females 47 48 49 50 51 52 3 2

22 8 14 Total Elah 17 18 7 11 Rural 4 3 Urban 2 Total Soron 0160 2 Rural Urban 16 6 10 Total Jillthara 0167 16 6 10 Rural urban URBAN 4 3 Urban Kasgan) (NPP) 41703000



PRIMARY CENSUS ABSTRACT SORON CD BLOCK DISTRICT CENSUS HANDBOOK: ETAH VILLAGE PRIMARY CD Block- Total population (including Location Area (1f mstltuuonal and houscless Population in the code Village In Numb(..... of population) agc-group 0-6 number Name of Village hectares households Males Females Persons Males Females 2 3 4 5 7 8 9 10

I) 1(>(1 'iorcm ( I nidi' 31.87M 4 2K.64R IR\ H2 99 R35 83.397 38.442 20.()S(I 18392 III (,() 'inrcm (Rural, 31 R7M 4 28.648 lin 232 99 R35 113397 18.442 20050 IIU92 (I I "., Somn f lJrb;m, "mm (Rur.. l, 0173R20() Mahmood Pur Pukhta 1500 2UI 712 564 242 148 OJ 738300 Mahmood Pur Kham 1165 ------Un-mhabllcd ------.-- () 1738400 Mandaw


Scheduled Castes popuation Scheduk-d Tribes population Literdtcs Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Name of Village II 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 2 16_r)q5 1'1 'iOS 16.590 2 57.9R6 42669 15.317 Somn (rotall Jfi.095 190;05 16.590 .3 2 57.9K6 42669 IS 317 Somn (Rural) Somn (Urban) Somn (Rural, 325 178 147 350 272 78 Mahmood Pur Pukhla ------Un-I nhdhtted------. ------Mahmood Pur Kham JOI 171 130 86 74 12 Mandawah 27 15 12 80 6] 17 Bhasawah ------Un -mhahlted------.------. Ahhayapura Rampur Kham J51 196 155 497 405 92 Ismail PUf 48 27 21 72 58 14 Abhaypura Rampur Pukhtd ------Un -mhahlted------.------Nagahya BlgOi 51 40 1 I Bahoranpur Dhclasaral ------Un-Inhabsted------. ------Alhpur Barwara Kham 137 79 58 298 247 51 Alhpurbarwara Pukhta ------Un-mhablted------Ghuran Pur Kham 113 65 48 81 59 22 Pannora Kham I Ghatesar 84 44 40 14 13 I Akbar Pur Muria 11 q 2 Gulabgarhl 24 14 10 53 47 6 Chandan Pur Ghauyan 66 59 7 Parmora Pukhta 42 30 12 Ghuran Pur Pukhta 36 31 S Dhann Pur SO 24 26 362 290 72 Baraoda 72 31 41 275 216 59 Bharpura 805 430 375 819 639 180 Salem PUT Bibi 393 198 195 300 242 58 Ukam 149 80 69 151 126 25 Banupur Pukhta 77 41 36 2] ].5 6 BanupuT Kham ------Un-inhabited------Babarotia ------Un-inhabited------Ratana Bhoj ------Un-inhabtted------BhlloT ------Un-inhabited------Asrotla 26 19 7 Tarapur Naslrpur Kham 98 75 23 Tarapur NsirpUT Pukhla 16 6 10 94 74 20 Tarapur Kanak Munawwarpur Garhta 177 144 33 Mirzapur 1.52 81 6S 27.5 201 68 Basant Nagar 83 40 43 33 22 II Nagala Sedu 4 4 Mohammad Saral Badana 166 96 70 71 52 19 Paharpur Katra 816 428 388 931 720 211 Kadarban ------Un-inhabited ------.----- Sotua ------Un-rnhabilcd------Shahpur Sikora ------Un-inhabltcd------Khaden Kham ------Un-inhabited------Iklahara Kham ·------Un-Inhablted------Iklahra Pukhla 101 51 SO 162 12~ 37 Pathak PUf 48 26 22 318 295 83 Baghclapukhta ------Un-tnhabtted------Baghcla Kham 54 37 17 Khadcn Pukhta ------Ull-Inhahllcd------Datalana Kham IW 71 82 423 ]5'\ 6R Dutlana Pukhtu 1.165 742 623 1_031 781 250 Chandpura Gaupurn 112 58 54 73 55 18 SUJilwuh 26 13 I.l 223 176 47 Mahkpur 38 31 1 Chakoopur 19') 112 81 206 141 65 Jaraltha 240 196 44 PalS<11


Location code III i lcrdlcs T ola1 workL"Ts Main workers number Name of Village Pcnt(ms Males Females Persons Ma1es Females Persons Males females 2 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 OI6(J "ion:m ( r ola1 J 125.146 51.166 611.0110 S5.71B 47916 71167 43.657 41.0()J 2.654 OI()O Somn (Rurall 125.246 57.IM r,R ORO 55.710 479)(; 71167 43.657 41.003 2.654 016() 'ioomn (Urbani Samn (Rural) 01738200 Mahmood Pur Pukhta 946 460 381 353 28 331 .119 12 01738300 Mahmood Pur Kham ------Un-lnhablted------01738400 Mandawah 767 377 3QO 235 229 6 234 228 6 01738500 Bha.. awah 343 174 16Q 126 123 1 126 123 3 01738600 Ahhayapurd Rampur Kham ------Un -an habttcd ------01738700 Ismail Pur 1.174 556 61~ 417 404 13 388 3!W 8 01738800 Ahhaypura Rampur Pukhta 521 277 244 158 158 149 14q 01738900 Nagaliya Bigol ------U n-mhablted ------01739000 Bahoranpur Dhelasaral 463 246 217 276 161 liS 140 130 10 01739100 Allipur Barwara Kham ------Un-Inhablted------01739200 Allipurbarwara Pukhta 955 419 536 461 337 124 343 331 12 01739300 Ghuran Pur Kham ------Un-inhablted------01739400 Parmora Kham 76 29 47 44 39 5 26 26 01739500 Ghatesar 28 15 JJ 7 7 3 3 01739600 Akbar Pur Muria 108 55 53 38 37 I 22 22 01739700 Gulabgarhi 152 89 63 39 37 2 39 37 2 01739800 Chandan Pur Ghatiyari 342 178 164 194 129 65 3 3 01739900 Parmora Pukhta 197 109 88 187 123 64 4 3 01740000 Ghuran Pur Pukhta 148 78 70 77 74 3 72 70 2 01740100 Dharm Pur 86 40 46 39 39 39 39 01 740200 Baraoda 677 309 368 347 344 3 346 344 2 01740300 Bharpwa 85S 397 458 287 '286 1 275 275 01 740400 Salem Pur Bibl 3.451 1.628 1.823 1.445 1.141 304 966 898 68 01740500 Ukarri 1.080 488 592 348 343 5 334 329 S 01740600 BanupurPukhta 354 159 195 137 135 2 135 133 2 01740700 Banupur Kbam 2S2 142 110 75 74 I 75 74 I 01740800 Babarotia ------Un-inhabited------01740900 Ratana Bhoj ------Un-inhablted------01741000 Bbilor ------Un-inhabited------01741100 Asrotia ------Un-inhabited------01741200 Tarapur Nasirpur Kham 72 37 35 20 19 I 20 19 01741300 Tarapur Nsirpur Pukhta 532 290 242 200 197 3 194 192 2 01741400 Tarapur Kanak 399 186 213 1t7 115 2 117 115 2 01741500 Munawwarpur Garhia 260 ISO 110 120 119 120 119 I 01741600 Mirzapur 591 298 293 234 230 4 233 229 4 01741700 Basant Nagar 696 314 382 254 245 9 253 244 9 01741800 Nagala Sedu 72 32 40 28 27 I 28 27 01741900 Mohammad Sarai Badaria 83 50 33 58 36 22 43 36 7 0(742000 Paharpur Katra 288 IS7 III 109 106 J 109 106 J 01742100 Kadarbari 3,549 1,710 1.839 1,527 1.133 394 981 945 36 01742200 Sotua ------Un-Inhablled------01742300 Shahpur Sikora ------Un-mhablted------01742400 Khadcn Kham ------Un-inhablted------01 742500 Iklahara Kham ------Un-Inhablled------01742600 Iklahra Pukhta ------Un-inhahned------01742700 Pathak Pur 823 431 392 264 .251 13 261 249 12 01 742800 Baglaclapukhta 1.033 493 540 368 362 6 321 315 (.. 01742900 Baghela Kham ------Un-mhabl ted------01743000 Khaden Pukhta 130 64 56 ' 54 2 55 53 2 01743100 Datalana Kham ------Un-mhabllcd------· ----- 01743200 Datlana Pukhla 1.958 934 1.024 872 6)1 241 523 520 3 () 1743300 Chantipurn Gaupura 2.229 1.004 1 . .2:!5 792 758 14 570 <;44 26 01743400 SUlawah 13K 55 N3 55 <;) 2 53 '51 2 (11743500 Mahkpul 620 2K2 UK 228 ::!::!I 7 205 200 5 01 743600 Chakonpur 149 69 SO 49 49 48 48 01743700 Jamuha 323 149 174 167 165 2 167 165 2 01743800 PalS(ll 1.1109 493 Sill 399 366 H 336 335


Industrial cate~()~ of main workel"S Huuschold Industry Cuitlvatol"S Agricultural laboul"Cl"s wol"kcI"s Othcr workcrs PCl"Sons Males Females PC1"Sons Males Fcmales Persons Males Females PCI"Sons Malcs Females Namc of Villa,Gc 29 30 31 32 3J 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 2

32.9CJO 11.575 1.415 6.166 5 7~7 36~ 712 522 190 3.789 3.J(J~ 680 Somn (Tolall 12.q (> 7 5 2 Mahkpur 2LJ 29 11 11 1 I Chakoopur 78 7(1 2 84 84 4 4 Jaranha 321 321 8 8 6 5 PalSlll

619 DISTRICT CENSUS HANDBOOK: ETAH VILLAGE PRIMARY CD Block- Industrial catcg0!l: Location code MarGmal workers Cultivators A,Gricultural labourers number Name of Village Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females .j I 2 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 0160 <;omn ( rotall 12.126 6.913 5.21 ] 3485 I 51)8 1917 5.8]2 4.060 1 772 (J 161') '-omn {Ruml, 12.126 6.913 5.21 ] 341\5 I 51)11 1917 5.832 4.C)60 1.772 111M. ~mn (llman' <;Omn (Rurdl, 01738200 Mahmood Pur Pukhla 50 34 16 15 10 5 33 24 9 01738300 Mahmood Pur Kham ------Un-Inhabltcd------01738400 Mandawah I 1 01738500 Bha"awah 01738600 Abhayapurd Rampur Kham ------Un -mhabltcd------01738700 Ismail Pur 29 24 5 9 7 2 18 17 01738800 AbhaypUi a RampuT Pukhta I) I) 5 5 4 4 01738900 Nagaliya BlgOi ------Un -mhabncd------01739000 BahoranpuT Dhelasaral 136 31 105 133 29 104 2 01739100 AllipuT Barwara Kham ------Un-mhabtled------~---- 01739200 Alhpurbarwara Pukhta 118 6 112 100 3 97 14 3 II 01739300 Ghuran Pur Kham ------Un-mhablted------01739400 Pannora Kham 18 13 5 1 1 13 13 01739500 Ghatesar 4 4 4 4 01739600 Akbar Pur Muria 16 15 15 15 01739700 Gulabgarhi 01739800 Chandan Pur Ghatiyan 191 126 65 49 46 3 142 80 62 01739900 Pannora Pukhta 18] 120 63 35 29 6 147 91 56 01740000 Ghuran Pur Pukhta 5 4 I 5 4 I 01740100 Dhann Pur 01740200 Baraoda 1 01740300 Bharpura 12 II 2 10 10 01740400 Salem Pur Bibi 479 24] 236 ]7 30 7 1I0 103 7 01740500 Ukarri 14 14 14 14 01740600 BanupuT Pukhta 2 2 1 1 01740700 Banupur Kham 01740800 Babarotia ------Un-inhabited------01740900 Ratana Bhoj ------Un-inhabited------01741000 Bhilor ------Un-inhabited------01741100 Asrotla ------Un-mhabited------01741200 Tarapur NaslTpur Kham 01741300 Tarapur NsirpUT Pukhta 6 5 6 5 01741400 Tarapur Kanak 01741500 Munawwarpur Garlua 01741600 Mirzapur 01741700 Basant Nagar 01741800 Nagala Scdu 01741900 Mohammad Sarai Badana 15 15 14 14 01742000 Paharpur Kalra 01742100 Kadarban 546 188 358 269 59 210 244 103 141 01742200 Sotua ------Un-mhablted------01742300 ShahpuT Sikora ------Un-mhablloo------01742400 Khaden Kham ------Un-inhabnoo------01742500 Iklahara Kham ------Un-inh.iblled------01742600 Iklahra Pukhla ------Un-Inhablled------01742700 Pathak Pur ] 2 1 1 2 2 01742800 Baghelapukhla 47 47 I 46 46 01742900 Baghela Kham ------Un -mhatntcd------01743000 Khaderi Pukhla I 1 01743100 Datalana Kham ------Un-lIlhahIIL-d ------01743200 Datlana Pukhta 349 111 2]8 160 35 125 141 75 (1X 01743300 Chandpurn Gaupura 222 214 8 ~ 7 1 205 199 (1 01743400 SU)3wah 2 2 :! ~ 01743500 Mahkpur 23 21 2 11 q ::'. 4 4 01743600 Chakuopur 1 1 01743700 Jarnnha 01743800 PaisOi 63 31 32 H 7 28 21 18 3

620 PRIMARY CENSUS ABSTRACT CENSUS ABSTRACT Soron of marginal worker.. Location Household indust~ workers Other workers Non-workers code Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Name of Village number 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 5~ 2

949 251 6Q~ I.K6(J 1.1134 1(26 127.449 51.919 75.530 ~()nm ( J otal) 0160 949 2'\1 69~ I.K60 1 fn4 1126 117.449 S 1.919 75.530 ~l)nm-rRural) 0160 ~ ....rnn (Urban) OlbO ~"mn (Ruml, 2 2 <)15 379 536 Mahmood Pur Pukhla 0173K200 ------. U n -mhd hued ------Mahmood Pur Kham 01738300 61M - 222 39(, Mandawah OI7)X4(}O 297 114 18) Bh,l.. awaIJ 01718500 ------Un-lIlhahHcd-· -.. ------Ahhilyapurn Rampur Kham 01738600 I 1.254 557 (>97 I,mall Pur 01738700 4~5 177 25M Ahhaypurn Rampur Pukhta 01731<800 ------lJn-1Il hdhHcd------J"IiagaIJya BlgOi 01738<)00 I I 238 125 113 Bahnrdnpur Dhclasar.u 01 7390{)Cl ------Un -Ill hd olled------Alhpur Barwara Kham 01739100 2 2 2 2 792 329 463 Alhpurbarwarn Pukhta 01739200 ------Un-Inllahlted------Ghuran Pur Kham 0173Q300 3 3 1 1 113 49 64 Pannora Kham 01739400 22 9 13 GhalC'sar 01739500 84 31 53 Akbar Pur Muna 01 73Q{>(JO 124 61 63 Gulabgarhl 01739700 201 96 105 Chandan Pur Ghauyan 01739800 76 45 31 Pannora Pukhta 01739900 113 34 79 Ghuran Pur Pukhta 01740000 83 32 51 Dhann Pur 01740100 692 255 437 Baraoda 01740200 843 327 516 Bharpura 01740300 7 4 3 325 106 219 2.825 1.126 1.699 Salem Pur Bibl 01740400 [.032 387 645 Ukani 01740500 368 150 218 Banupur Pukhla 01740600 198 83 115 Banupur Kham 01740700 ------Un-lOhabltcd------Babaroua 01740800 ------Un-Inhablted------01740900 ~ Ratana BhoJ ------Un-Inhablled------Bhllor 01741000 ------UIl-lIlhabllCd------AsrOlia 01741100 78 37 41 Tarapur Nasirpur Kham 01741200 430 168 262 Tarapur NSlrpur Pukhta 01741300 376 145 231 Tarapur Kanak 01741400 140 31 109 Munawwarpur Garhla 01741500 534 212 322 MU7.apur 01741600 717 276 441 Basanl Nagar 01741700 77 27 SO Nagala Sedu 01741800 29 18 11 Mohammad SaraI Badana 01741900 250 103 147 Paharpur Kalra 01742000 30 26 4 .~ 3 2.'153 1.297 1.656 .... adalb,m 01742100 ------Ull-mhahilcd ------S(ltu,1 01742200 ------Un-mhablted------Shahpur SIkora 01742300 ------Un -mhablted------Khadcn Kham 01742400 ------Un-mhabltcd------Iklaharn Kham 01 74250() ------Un -I nh .. bllcd------Iklahra Pukhla 01 7426()0 721 305 416 Palh.J.k Pur 01742700 1.043 426 617 Baghclapukhla 01742800 ------Un -111 habl tcd------Baghcla Kham 017429()O 128 47 81 Klmdcri Pukht.. 01743000 ------Un-mhahllcd------D.ltalalla Kham 01743100 45 44 1 I 150') 658 851 Dath1ll3 Pukhta 0174nOO I.) 8 2.461< 1.027 1441 Chandl,ura Gaupura 01743300 156 57 91.) SUI<,"wah 01 74J400 5 <; ~ .1 615 237 178 Mdllkpur 01743500 138 51 87 Chakuopur 01743600 362 125 137 Jaraltha 01743700 6 <; 85() 323 527 P.ll Sll 1 01743800


Total population (Including Locahon Area of institutional and hnuc;clcss Popu lation m the code Village in Number of population) age-group 0-6 number Name of Village hectares households Persons Males Females Persons Males Female.... 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 to 0\743<)00 Adupur 136.1 156 1.069 6n 456 257 139 118 01744000 Bhaupur 84 () 162 1.045 583 462 244 131 113 01 744 100 Falchpur Kalan 443 729 4.924 2.6()9 2.255 1.131 579 558 o I 744200 NagaJa LaJcy 1432 131 747 418 329 140 78 62 01744300 Pachalana 3813 21M 1,382 795 587 260 141 119 01144400 Fazilpur 218.3 145 931 534 403 169 86 83 01744500 Suawah 1.5200 341 2.363 1.320 1.043 445 233 212 o 1 744600 Kumraua 1.0980 546 3.765 2.108 1.657 797 413 384 01744700 Chandaus 3902 336 2.006 1.104 902 347 191 156 01744800 Kampur 2139 151 993 543 450 220 115 105 01744900 Suhanpur 11 L9 44 229 125 104 39 20 19 01745000 Takh~ 380 .. 6 236 1,577 862 715 349 184 165 01 745100 Kudhar 658.6 490 3.094 1,685 1.409 657 344 313 01745200 Goshpur Bhupal Garhl 463.2 364 2.269 1.281 988 363 193 170 01745300 Daukcli 189.5 286 1,732 938 794 334 174 160 01745400 PatH Bhurha 0.0 23 131 70 61 29 14 15 01745500 Barauli Urf Baragaon 79.3 198 1.349 722 627 274 144 130 01745600 Chakeri 364.2 245 1.462 794 668 270 138 132 01745700 Mahewa Kalan 1220 86 560 314 246 117 62 55 01745800 Mahewa Khurd 112.8 81 544 299 245 112 56 56 01745900 Harsaina 142.0 395 2.656 1.474 1.182 551 322 229 01746000 Hamather 108.3 165 1.278 689 589 231 ]31 100 01746100 Ghinauna 0.0 534 3.322 1.777 1.545 778 403 375 01746200 Panchgai 1.232.0 1.244 7.542 4.059 3,483 1,481 745 736 01746300 Kendi 256.1 203 1.335 712 623 270 127 143 01746400 Kharhia 00 353 2.480 \.329 1.151 460 231 229 01746500 Nameni 0.0 726 4.953 2.708 2.245 901 448 453 01746600 Nagala Ulral 109.. 0 202 ].231 682 549 281 143 138 01746700 Aiman Pur 187.1 51 339 193 146 44 23 21 01746800 Ghatiya 85.6 50 328 169 159 60 28 32 01746900 Goy8ti 318.1 259 J.s85 850 735 31S 157 161 01747000 Biraunchi 308.9 251 1.571 855 716 340 168 172 01747100 Pachura Goojar 120.4 44 220 117 103 49 23 26 01 747200 Pachaura Jungle 308.5 254 1.625 883 742 315 164 151 01747300 Hamathpur Urf Nagalamoti 0.0 107 708 388 320 122 64 58 01747400 Khushalpur 39.0 91 646 353 293 120 61 S9 01747500 Badanpur 338.2 215 1.384 742 642 280 139 141 01747600 Bhidauni 207.8 264 1.754 eH9 775 345 200 145 01747700 Agoli Kuamai 303.7 253 1.719 932 787 373 183 190 01747800 Rampur 00 102 619 340 279 149 80 69 01747900 Naurtha 344.5 280 2.114 , .111 937 438 228 210 01 748000 Laharbarkula 34.2 715 4.559 2.497 2.062 929 520 409 01748100 Takuawar 481.5 567 3.476 1.881 1.595 689 345 344 01748200 Gorha 400.2 530 3.277 ].760 1.517 748 397 351 01 748300 Gurhena 838 177 1.234 638 596 261 142 119 01748400 Kyampur 8a11OOla 00 455 2.947 1.607 1.340 628 332 296 OJ 748500 LohalTc 2142 76 512 272 240 125 69 56 o I 748600 Doral S79 198 1.377 735 642 282 157 125 01748700 Paharpurkhurd 1475 179 1.087 567 520 246 124 122 01748800 T(llakput 422.4 348 2.183 1.179 1.004 459 222 237 01748900 Nagala Kasll1 847 95 558 304 254 106 56 50 01749000 Khah1pur 24 139 669 371 29~ 143 68 75 01 749100 Hpdalpur 2637 409 2.574 1.386 I. HIS 571 295 276 01749200 Jagawatpur 00 30 241 125 116 56 25 31 (11749300 GOlown Palll 00 ------·lJ n -111 h .. 1:1 Ilc:d ------01749400 Hllnaunpur 1 S2 I ISO 1.145 b~~ ~OQ 265 14(l 119 01749500 Fand N~lgar 2997 151 912 492 420 174 84 90 01749600 Anandlpur 07 87 586 311 275 141 83 58 01749700 Dewan Prnhladpur 85 639 4.120 2.244 UP6 855 479 376 01 749800 Udhcr Kham 00 ------Un-Inhablh."d------01749900 Udlu..'T Pukhla 79 428 2.578 1.349 1.229 573 305 268


Scheduled Ca.... tes I!o(!ualion Scheduled Tribes (!o(!ulation Lltcrdtcs Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons . Makos Females Name of Villa!c 1 1 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 2 66 39 27 282 235 47 Adupur 335 118 157 279 234 45 Bhaupur 1.474 791 683 1.347 1.035 312 fatchpur Kalan 168 97 71 155 115 40 Nagala Lalcy 122 76 46 183 159 24 Pacha'ana 191 109 82 206 179 27 Fazllpur 386 212 174 549 420 129 Sirawali 262 138 124 703 600 103 Kumraua 746 411 335 616 445 171 Chandaus 729 392 337 179 133 46 Kampur SO 41 9 Sultanpur 603 338 265 536 438 98 Takhru 718 388 330 1.079 837 242 Kudhar 179 97 82 701 588 113 Goshpur Bhupal Garbl 286 157 129 732 521 211 Daukeli 31 23 8 38 32 6 Patti Bhuma 387 220 167 539 361 178 Barauli Urf Baragaor'l 371 185 186 554 402 152 Chakeri 131 71 54 230 118 52 Mahewa Kalan 46 26 20 128 171 57 Mahewa Khurd 729 402 327 702 557 145 Hal'Saina 238 115 123 579 379 200 Harnather .537 296 241 1.088 827 261 Ghinauna 1,455 764 691 2.883 2.111 772 Panchgai 561 304 257 374 290 84 Kendi 1.084 568 516 994 683 311 Kharhia 985 536 449 1.851 \,339 518 Nameni 123 67 56 421 330 91 Nagala Ulfi1t 168 114 54 Aiman Pur 71 53 18 Ghatiya 120 63 51 595 417 178 Goyati 518 291 227 581 441 140 Birauncbi 10 5 5 59 40 19 Pachura Goojar 140 71 69 509 364 145 Pachaura Jungle 213 118 95 308 197 III HamatbpuT Url' Nagalamoti 254 180 74 Khushalpur 225 117 108 490 361 129 Badanpur 494 374 120 Bhidauni 893 468 425 535 403 132 Agoli Kiramai 155 125 30 Rampur 502 256 246 913 657 256 Naurtha 377 202 175 1.366 1.043 323 Laharbarkula 414 221 187 1.278 971 301 Takuawar 1.IS4 649 535 1.255 948 307 Goma 5 3 2 464 322 142 Gurhena 541 291 256 1.012 757 255 Kyampur Bahedia 186 145 41 Laharre 302 170 132 734 477 257 Dora I 491 266 225 516 365 lSI Paharpurkhurd 722 379 343 764 502 262 Tolakpur 143 83 60 201 148 53 Nagala Kashl 55S 305 253 240 187 53 Khahlpur 292 156 136 731 5](1 201 Hodalpur 64 34 30 54 Jl) 15 Jagawatpur ------lJn-lnhabltcd------Gorwa Paui 389 219 17() 506 154 152 Hllnaunpur 24 13 235 IKh 4Q Fand Nagar " 210 14M 62 Anandipur 763 405 358 1.593 1.12M 465 Dewan Prahladpur ------Un-lnhabttcd------Udher Kham 535 280 255 717 514 203 Udher Pukhta


u,lcalion code illiterates Total workers M am work c.:rs number Name nfViliage Pcn;ons Males Female" Persons Males Femalcs Persons Males Females 2 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 01743900 AduI'ur 787 378 409 236 230 6 193 IH9 4 01744000 Bhaupur 166 349 417 260 255 'i 254 249 5 01744100 Falchpur Kdl.,m _1.577 1.634 1.943 1.645 1.339 ~(I6 1 061 1.01l 49 01744200 Nagala Ldlcy 592 303 289 207 19, 14 160 153 7 01744300 Pachaland 1.199 636 56) 427 421 6 411 405 6 01744400 FaTl'pur 731 355 376 270 266 4 262 258 4 01 744500 Slrawal. 1.814 900 'H4 648 597 'il 560 543 17 01744600 Kumraua 3.062 1.508 IS54 1.173 1.001 172 1.018 956 62 01 744700 Ch,mdau~ 1.3'10 659 7.11 733 5f:JR 1(, 'i 246 22il 18 01 744800 Kampur 814 410 404 388 2M~ 120 170 1 '')7 13 01744900 Sultanpu. 179 84 95 66 M 2 66 64 2 01745000 Takhru 1.041 424 617 493 471 12 197 1811 9 Ol745100 Kudha.- :l.(11 5 M8 1,167 1.135 855 I 1(11 1.073 R38 235 01745200 Goshpur Bhupal Garhl 1.568 693 875 691 660 H 659 639 20 01745300 Daukeh I.OOt) 417 ')83 487 466 21 407 394 13 01 745400 Patti Bhuma 93 38 55 37 35 2 37 35 2 01 745500 Bamuh Urf Bamgaon 810 361 449 347 340 7 347 340 01745600 Chaken 7 908 392 516 563 421 142 482 399 01745700 Mahewa Kalan 83 330 136 194 176 166 10 172 163 01745800 Mahewa Khurd 9 316 128 188 160 155 5 80 76 01 745900 Harsama 4 1.954 917 1.037 609 586 23 535 522 01 746000 Hamather 13 699 JJO 389 256 199 57 156 145 01746100 Gbinauna II 2.234 950 1.284 1.205 RI9 'R6 816 657 159 01 746200 Panch gal 4.659 1.948 2.711 2.430 1.956 474 1,808 1,733 75 01 746300 Kendi 961 422 539 375 343 32 341 320 21 01746400 Kharhia 1,486 646 840 706 645 61 651 634 17 01746500 Nameni 3.096 1.369 1.727 1,642 1.334 308 1,323 1,201 122 01746600 Nagala Vlrat 810 352 458 348 338 10 292 286 6 01746100 Alman Pur 171 79 92 176 106 70 97 94 3 01146800 Ghatiya 251 116 141 129 84 45 67 62 5 01146900 Goyati 990 433 557 467 364 103 257 231 26 01747000 Bimunchl 990 414 576 383 366 11 330 3\9 I t 01747100 Pachura GooJar 161 <) 77 84 75 66 67 66 I 01747200 Pachaura Jungle 1.116 519 597 433 '42U I J 376 368 8 01 747300 Hamathpur urr Nagalamoti 400 191 209 192 183 <) 156 148 01141400 Khushalpu.- 8 392 173 2'9 139 13-9 124 124 01747500 Badanpur 894 381 S13 311 3H ~ 315 372 3 01141600 Bhidaunj 1.260 605 655 912 656 256 588 561 27 01147700 Agoh Klmmal 1.184 529 655 477 455 22 429 417 12 01747800 Rampur 464 215 249 167 160 7 164 157 7 01747900 Naurtha 1.201 520 681 602 554 48 415 407 8 01748000 Laharbarkula 3.19] 1.454 1.739 1.457 1.240 2L7 l.235 U63 72 01748]00 Takuawar 2.198 910 1.288 1.063 9JJ I "W 913 856 57 01 748200 Gorha 2.022 812 1.210 842 7M 74 695 627 68 01 748300 Gurhcna 770 316 454 650 408 242 318 310 8 01148400 Kyampur Bahedla 1.935 850 1.085 1.181 7~:! 39() 66.1 5'i7 106 01748500 Loharrc 326 127 199 124 H}9 I~ 103 101 01 748600 Donn 2 643 258 385 322 293 29 289 274 15 01748700 Paharpul khurd S71 202 369 251 2JI 20 139 1]2 7 01748800 Tolakpul 1.419 677 742 622 570.} 43 501 4R4 I i 01 748900 Nagala Kaslu 357 156 201 186 '59 27 84 76 8 01749000 Khahlpur 429 1M 245 210 IQ:! 18 198 185 01 749100 Hoda Ipu.- 13 1.843 856 987 718 69[1 28 647 632 15 [) I 749200 Jagaw

624 PRlMARY CENSUS ABSTRACT CENSUS ABSTRACT Soron Industrial category of main workers Hou,«:ho\d mdustry Cultivators Agricultural laboun:rs workcrs Othcr worker.; Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Name of Village 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 2 177 174 3 3 3 13 12 Adupur 20~ 2()4 4 29 29 16 15 Bhaupur 938 9(14 34 24 22 2 22 16 I') 77 70 7 Falchpur Kaldn III 129 2 10 9 (1 4 2 \3 11 2 Nagata Lalcy 403 398 5 3 3 4 4 Pachalana 261 257 4 I I Fazllpur 470 460 10 60 55 5 9 H I 21 211 Sirawah 850 813 17 88 82 ,., 22 19 3 58 22 36 Kumraua 206 193 13 10 7 3 2 2 2M 26 2 Chandaus 91 83 8 33 ]2 I 23 21 2 23 21 2 Kampur 65 63 2 Sultanpur 168 163 5 9 8 1 I I 19 16 3 Ta1c.hru 813 676 137 209 134 75 3 2 48 26 22 Kudhar 621 603 18 15 IS 3 2 20 19 I Goshpur Bhupal Garhl 240 235 5 112 112 6 6 49 41 8 Daukch 37 3S 2 Patti Bhurna 281 275 6 53 52 1 3 3 10 to Baraull Un Baragaon 335 321 14 51 49 2 10 8 2 86 21 65 Chaken 110 106 4 S6 52 4 3 2 3 3 Mahewa Kalan 62 59 3 2 2 2 2 14 1 J Mahewa Khurd 369 358 II 140 139 8 8 18 17 I Harsama 54 52 2 55 55 3 J 44 35 9 Hamather 478 467 II 97 70 27 23 13 10 218 107 I I I Ghinauna 1.300 1.266 34 343 321 22 29 26 3 136 120 16 Panchgal 262 246 16 70 65 5 9 9 Kendi 376 363 13 222 218 4 9 9 44 44 Kharhia 1.008 958 SO 162 138 24 19 19 134 86 48 Nameni 184 180 4 54 54 54 52 2 Nagala Ulfat 89 88 3 2 I 5 4 I Aiman Pur 46 45 18 16 2 3 1 2 Ghatiya 1 S4 146 8 6\ 49 12 20 16 4 22 20 2 Goyah 259 251 8 48 46 2 5 4 I I H 18 BITaUnchl 62 61 I 5 5 PachuTa Goojar 338 333 5 10 10 10 10 18 IS 3 Pachaura Jungle 154 146 8 Hamathpur Un Nagalamoti 120 120 4 4 Khushalpur 307 306 I 59 59 3 2 6 5 I Badanpur 514 490 24 38 38 3 3 33 30 3 Bhldaum 315 304 I I 109 109 4 3 Agolt Klramal 161 154 7 I I 2 2 Rampur 380 373 7 19 19 16 15 Naurtha 974 923 51 195 182 13 33 29 4 33 29 4 Laharbarkula 674 656 18 151 137 14 20 13 7 68 50 18 Takuawar 340 286 54 80 76 4 15 12 3 260 2';3 7 Gorha 224 220 4 43 43 2 2 49 45 4 Gurhcna 470 442 28 11 6 5 42 18 24 140 91 49 Kyampur Bahedia 88 87 7 7 I 1 7 6 I Loharre 171 163 8 35 32 3 22 20 2 61 59 2 Dunn 94 90 4 5 5 I 39 37 2 Paharpurkhurd 394 387 7 90 84 (1 3 2 . 14 11 3 Tolakpur 75 69 6 2 2 3 2 4 3 1 Ndgala Kashl 112 1O~ 7 80 74 (1 2 2 4 4 Khdhlpur 345 338 7 178 175 3 25 21 4 99 9H Jlodalpur 37 35 2 7 5 2 3 2 Jagawatpur ------Un-Inhabllcd------Gorwa Putt I 292 290 2 q 9 2 2 4 I Hllnaunpur 150 148 2 14 14 4 3 21 1 Fand Nagar 118 115 3 24 22 2. Anandlpur 638 621 17 249 245 4 17 II (> 6J 58 5 Dewan Prahladpur ------Un-Inhabitcd------Udhcr Kham 363 33] )0 36 35 1 2 I 93 81 12 Udher Pukhta

625 DISTRICT CENSUS HANDBOOK: ETAH VILLAGE PRIMARY CD Block- Industrial category Location code Marginal workers CultIvators Agricultural labourers number Name of Village Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females 2 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 01743900 AdupUT 43 41 2 3 3 21 20 0174400c) Bhaupur 6 6 4 4 C) 1744100 Fatchpur Kalan '5K4 327 257 162 '\8 104 262 179 83 01744200 Nagala Lalcy 47 40 7 13 9 4 27 26 01744300 Pachalana 16 16 10 10 6 6 01744400 Fa711pur K 8 2 2 6 (, 01744500 Sirdwah H8 54 34 15 K 7 64 42 22 01 744600 Kumrdua ISS 45 110 22 17 '\ 93 23 70 01744700 Challdau., 4K7 340 147 74 76 3 390 253 137 01744800 Kampur 21M III 107 21 14 I lUI 78 102 01 744900 SultanpUI 01745000 Takhru 2"16 283 13 183 175 X IDS 103 2 01745100 Kudhar 62 17 45 17 10 7 12 4 8 01745200 Goshpur Bhupal Garhl 32 21 7 2 'i 25 19 6 01745300 Daukeh 80 72 "8 6 3 3 38 37 I 01 745400 Patti Bhurha 01745500 Baraull Urf Baragaon 01 745600 Chakeri 81 22 59 15 1.3 2 5 4 4 [ 2 2 2 ( 01745700 Mahewa Kalan 3 .., 01 745800 Mahewa Khurd 80 79 I 6 I 72 72 01745900 Harsama 74 64 10 24 16 8 44 43 01746000 Hamalher 100 54 46 18 I 1 7 49 33 16 01746100 Ghmauna 389 162 227 31 20 34 30 4 01 746200 Panchgal 622 223 399 48 24 24" 419 129 290 01746300 Kendi 34 23 I[ 25 16 4 7 6 I 01746400 Kharhla 55 11 44 5 3 2 47 7 40 01746500 Namem 319 133 186 208 43 165 99 82 17 01746600 Nagala Ulral 56 52 4 5 4 I 49 47 2 01746700 Aiman Pur 79 12 67 4 2 2 75 10 65 01746800 Ghallya 62 22 40 5 3 2 56 19 37 01746900 Goyatl 2\0 133 77 29 \4 15 154 105 49 01747000 Btraunchl 53 47 6 5 5 29 24 5 01747100 PachUTa GooJar 8 8 01747200 Pachaura Jungle 57 52 5 24 21 3 31 29 2 01747300 Hamathpur Urf Nagalamoti 36 35 3 3 33 32 01747400 KhushalpuT 15 15 15 15 01747500 Badanpur 2 I 2 01747600 Bhldaum 324 95 229 293 77 216 22 IJ 9 01747700 Agoh KITamal 48 38 10 26 17 9 22 21 01747800 Rampur 3 3 3 3 01747900 Naunha 187 147 40 116 80 _'Hl 68 64 4 01748000 Laharbarkula 222 77 145 118 35 83 41 23 18 01748100 Takuawar 150 77 73 67 J() 37 35 27 8 01748200 Gorha 147 141 6 7 4 3 76 75 01 748300 Gurhcna 332 98 234 246 82 164 11 6 5 01748400 Kyampur Bahcdia 518 225 293 26 I[ 15 99 83 16 01748500 Loharrc 21 8 13 13 3 10 7 4 3 01748600 Doral 33 19 14 5 4 3 2 01748700 Paharpurkhurd 112 99 13 39 39 01748800 Tolakpur 121 95 26 20 q II en 84 R 01 748900 Nagai" Kasl1l 102 83 19 14 7 7 87 76 1 I 01749000 Khahlpur 12 7 5 (I 3 3 5 3 2 01749100 Hndalpur 71 58 13 10 (1 4 46 J9 7 01749200 Jagawalpur 7 7 5 5 01749300 Gllrwa Palll ------Un-Ill h.Jllltcd ------() 1749400 l-hmclUnpur K 8 4 4 2. 2 01749500 Fand Nagai 47 36 II 422. 19 It) 01749600 Anandlpur () 1 749700 Dewan Pruhladpur 2(19 89 120 13 4 143 58 85 01749800 Udhcr Kham ------Un-Inhahltcd------01 749900 Udhcr Pukhla 19S 171 24 34 30 4 118 112 6

626 PRIMARY CENSUS ABSTRACT CENSUS ABSTRACT Soron of marginal workers Location Household indust~ workers Other workers Non-workers code Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Name of Village number 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 2 I 14 13 5 5 833 383 450 Adupu.- 01743900 2 2 785 328 457 Bhaupul 01744000 36 I I 25 124 79 45 3.279 1.330 1.949 Falehpur ~-alan 01744100 2 5 4 540 225 315 Nagala Lakv 01744200 955 374 581 Pachalana 01744300 667 268 399 Fazllpur 01744400 4 2 2 5 2 3 1.715 723 992 Slrnwah 01744500 34 3 31 6 2 4 2.592 1,107 1.485 Kumrnua 01744600 2 2 16 II 5 1.273 536 737 Chandaus 01744700 7 4 3 10 10 605 275 330 Kampur 01744800 163 61 102 Sultanpur 01144900 4 2 2 4 3 1.084 391 693 Takhru (,1745000 33 3 30 1.959 830 1.129 Kudhar (,I "745100 1.578 621 9S7 Goshpur Bhupal Garhi 0.74~200 2 34 31 3 1.245 472 773 Daukeh 01',4S~ "Xl 94 35 S9 Patti Bhurha 0174540" 1,002 382 620 Barnuli Urf Baragaon 01745500 61 5 56 899 373 526 Chakeri 01745600 384 148 236 Mahewa Kalan 01745700 384 144 240 Mahewa Khurd 01745800 5 4 I I 2,047 888 1,159 Hanains 01745900 29 6 23 4 4 1,022 490 532 Hamather 01746000 ]73 22 151 15] 90 61 2,117 958 1.159 Ghinauna 01746100 62 13 49 93 57 36 5,112 2,103 3,009 Panchgai 01746200 2 I 960 369 591 Kendi 01746300 I 2 1.774 684 1,090 Kharhia 01746400 6 J J 6 5 3,311 1,374 1,937 Nameni 01746500 1 1 I I 883 344 539 Nagala Ulfat 01746600 163 87 76 Aiman Pur 01746700 I 199 85 114 Ghatiya 01746800 12 3 9 15 II 4 1.118 486 632 Goyat:i 01746900 I 18 18 1.188 489 699 Biraunchi 01747000 6 6 2 2 145 51 94 Pachura GooJar 01747100 2 2 1.192 463 729 Pachaura Jungle 01747200 516 205 311 Harnathpur UrfNagalamoti 01747300 507 214 293 Khushalpur 01747400 1.007 369 638 Badanpur 01747500 9 5 4 842 323 519 Bhidauni 01747600 1.242 477 765 Agoli Kiramai 01747700 452 180 272 Rampur 01747800 3 3 1.512 623 889 Naurtha 01747900 12 7 5 51 12 39 3,102 1.257 1.845 :....aharbarkula 01748000 21 21 27 20 7 2.413 948 1,465 Takuawar 01748100 3 3 61 59 2 2.435 992 1.443 Goma 01748200 68 4 64 7 6 1 584 230 354 Gumena 01748300 118 44 74 275 87 188 1,766 825 941 Kyampur Bahedia 01748400 388 163 225 Laharre 01748500 10 2 8 15 14 I 1.055 442 613 Dorai 01748600 9 8 64 52 12 836 336 500 Paharpurkhurd 01748700 8 2 6 1.561 600 961 Tolakpur 01748800 372 ]45 227 Nagala Kashi 01748900 459 179 280 Kh.-.Iilpur 01749000 2 13 12 1.856 696 1,160 Hodalpur 01749100 187 76 III Jagawalpur 01749200 ------Un-Inhablled------Gmwa Patti 01749300 I I 1 829 323 506 Himaunpur 01749400 3 2 21 14 7 669 270 399 Fand Nagar 01749500 444 174 270 Anandipur 01749600 14 13 39 26 13 2.944 1,220 • 1,724 Dewari Prahladpur 01749700 ------Un-inhabited------UdherKham 01749800 I 1 5 6 32 24 8 1.889 728 1.161 Udher Pukhta 01749900

627 DISTRICT CENSUS HANDBOOK; ETAH VILLAGE PRIMARY CD Block- Total population (including Location Area of institutional and houseless Population in the code Village in Number of ~I?:ulationl aBe-srou!! 0-6 number Name of Village hectares households PCTSons Males Females Persons Males Females I 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 01150000 Manpur Nagria 8003 1.446 8.546 4.645 3.901 1.692 919 713 01750100 Chakgang Semar 0.0 ------Un-mhablted------01750200 Sarai lunnardar 1235 58 374 208 166 96 45 51 01750300 Basllpurn 5098 433 2.777 1.464 1.~13 700 361 339 01750400 Mozampur Husan Pur 412.5 440 2,465 1.351 I.U4 543 286 257 01150500 Tumaria 3489 361 2.456 1,325 1.131 572 301 271 01150600 Mallah Nagar 338.5 462 3,444 1,824 1,620 765 369 396 01750700 Shah Pur Mali 2689 210 1.391 746 645 351 187 164 01750800 Bahadur Nagar 934 152 1.015 565 450 234 124 110 01750900 VusufPur 355 I 168 1.108 626 482 271 155 116 01751000 Shyam Sar 454.0 556 3.834 2.059 1.775 847 429 418 01751100 Timber Pur 1375 87 572 311 261 98 51 41 017S1200 1alal Pur 760 29 212 119 93 46 26 20 017513Qe Salem Pur Urr Nagala 106.1 91 541 282 25<) 120 62 58 Bhutan 01751400 Gangagarh 873.0 620 4.138 2.287 1,851 865 416 389 01751500 Udaran Pur 0.0 ------Un-mhablted------01751600 Musawali 133.3 170 1,144 600 544 252 119 133 01751700 Kumar Pur 51.0 29 186 105 81 25 17 8 01751800 Hamath Pur 104.8 91 603 306 291 129 66 63 01751900 Brahm Puri 203.9 221 1,534 802 732 292 138 154 01752000 Raipur Patna 6OS.1 389 2.628 1,437 1.191 522 266 256 01752100 Sharat Pur 318.1 105 706 376 330 136 74 62 01752200 Gudsudi 146,1 282 1,804 990 814 337 186 151


Scheduled Castes popuation Scheduled Tribes population Literates Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Name of Village II 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 2 1.233 636 547 3.800 2,444 1,356 Manpur Nagria ------Un-inhabited------Chakgang Semar 42 23 19 86 79 7 Sarai Junnardar 511 271 240 513 381 132 Basupura 436 228 208 632 468 164 Mozampur Husan Pur 653 355 298 884 639 245 Tumaria 278 168 110 101 523 178 Mallah Nagar 1.070 574 496 460 337 123 Shah Pur Mafi 299 168 131 3 2 255 199 56 Bahadur Nagar 403 232 17. 223 161 56 YusufPur 642 338 304 939 676 263 Shyam Sar 89 53 36 118 101 71 Timber Pur I 76 54 22 1alal Pur 224 118 106 214 145 69 Salem Pur Urf Nagala Bhutan 149 404 345 1.651 1.201 450 Gangagarb ------Un-inhabited------Udaran Pur 259 131 122 544 376 168 Musawali 126 76 SO Kumar Pur 5 3 2 299 196 103 Harnath Pur 271 137 134 166 481 285 Brahm Purl 237 131 106 1,128 199 329 Raipur Palna 303 219 84 BhanltPur 114 66 48 727 533 194 Gudgudi


Location code Illiterates Total workers Main workers number Name of Village Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females I 2 20 21 22 23 24 2S 26 27 28 01750000 Manpur Nagria 4,746 2,201 2,545 2,257 2,048 209 1.997 1,824 113 01750100 Chakgang Sernar ------Un-mhablted------01750200 Sarai Junnardar 288 129 159 87 87 86 86 01750100 8asupura 2,264 1,083 1,181 784 750 .34 721 706 15 01750400 Mozampur Husan Pur 1,833 883 950 840 ·687 153 774 627 147 01750500 Tumaria 1,572 686 886 617 594 23 297 287 10 01750600 Mallah Nagar 2.743 1.101 1.442 879 771 108 686 612 74 01150100 Shah Pur Mali 931 409 522 341 338 3 300 299 I 01750800 BahaduT Nagar 760 366 394 378 326 52 276 267 9 01750900 YusufPur 885 459 426 262 241 21 259 239 20 01751000 Shyarn Sar 2,895 1,383 1,512 1.424 961 463 868 753 115 01751100 Timber Pur 394 210 184 171 166 5 154 149 5 01751200 Jalal Pur 136 65 71 59 58 59 58 01751300 Salem Pur Un Nagala 327 137 190 171 129 42 149 112 37 Bhutan ot751400 Gangagarh 2,487 \,086 1,401 1,158 \,041 II I 1,010 986 84 01151500 Udaran PUT ------Un-lnhabited------01151600 Musawali 600 224 316 336 308 28 264 262 2 01751700 Kumar Pur 60 29 31 40 40 40 40 01751800 Hamath Pur 304 110 194 142 134 8 139 131 8 01751900 Brahm Puri 768 321 447 412 390 22 342 114 8 01752000 Raipur Patna 1,500 638 862 1,000 787 213 773 702 71 01752100 BharatPuT 403 157 246 183 173 10 160 154 6 01752200 Gudsudi 1,017 457 620 519 504 15 395 385 10

630 PRIMARY CENSUS ABSTRACT CENSUS ABSTRACT Soron Industrial cateGo!l: of main workers Household industry Cultivators AGricultural labourers workers Other workers Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Name of VillaGe 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 2 793 701 92 424 405 19 45 43 2 735 675 60 Manpur Nagria ------Un-Inhabited------Chakgang Sernar 28 28 5S 55 3 3 Sarai Junnardar 688 674 14 15 15 4 4 . 14 .13 Basuput'a 703 559 144 30 28 2 4 3 37 37 Mozampur Husan Pur 215 210 5 24 24 5 4 53 49 4 Tumaria 529 489 40 100 84 16 18 3 15 39 36 3 Mallah Nagar 265 - 264 I 28 28 6 6 Shah Pur Mafi 246 240 6 20 19 10 8 2 Bahadur Nagar 226 219 7 20 19 13 12 Yusuf Pur 548 514 34 174 167 7 95 28 67 51 44 7 ShyamSar 76 73 3 39 39 2 2 37 35 ' 2 Timber Pur 51 50 7 7 I lalal Pur ]44 110 34 2 I 3 2 Salem Pur Urf Nagala Bhutan 838 818 20 141 135 6 8 5 J 83 28 5S Gangagarh ------Un-inhabited------Uda1'3n Pur 182 \80 2 60 60 4 4 18 \8 Musawali 34 34 6 6 Kumar Pur 109 104 5 21 20 I 9 7 2 Hamath PUT 268 264 4 34 33 I 9 7 2 31 30 I B1'3bm Puri 611 560 51 127 109 18 3 2 32 31 1 Raipur Pallia 125 122 3 II II 24 21 3 BharatPur 304 295 9 60 59 I I 30 30 Gudgudi

631 DISTRICT CENSUS HANDBOOK: ETAH VILLAGJt PRIMARY CD Block- Industrial cat!?Bo!l: Location code Marsinal workers Cultivators ASriculturai labourers number Name of Villase Persons Males Females Penons Males Females Persons Males Females I 2 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 01750000 Manpur Nagria 260 224 36 58 44 14 68 63 5 01750100 Chakgang Semar ------Un-Inhabited------01750200 Sarai Junnardar I I 01750300 Basupura 63 44 19 18 10 8 24 21 3 01750400 Mozampur Husan Pur 66 60 6 12 II 45 41 4 017.50.500 Tumaria 320 307 13 6 6 275 264 II 01750600 Mallab Nagar 193 159 34 8 5 1 171 \45 28 01750700 Shah Pur Mali 41 39 2 3 2 I 32 32 01750800 Bahadur Nagar 102 59 43 43 7 36 55 49 6 01750900 YusufPut 3 2 J . 01751000 Shyam Sar 556 208 348 138 47 91 278 133 145 01751100 Timber Pur 17 17 15 IS 01751200 Jalal Pur 01751300 Salem Pur Urf Nagala 22 17 S 12 9 3 10 8 2 Bhutan 01751400 Gangagam 88 61 27 65 45 20 14 13 01751500 Uelaran Pur .. -----Un-inhabited------01751600 Musawali 72 46 26 4 3 I 62 40 22 01751700 Kumar Pur 01151800 Hamath Pur 3 3 2 2 01751900 Brahm Purl 70 56 14 6 4 2 42 37 S ()\"1S2QOO Raipur PaW. 227 S5 142 IS7 66 \21 23 14 9 01752100 Bharat Pur 23 19 4 7 7 01752200 Gudsudi 124 119 .5 6 4 2 111 110 1

632 PRIMARY CENSUS ABSTRACT CENSUS ABSTRACT Soron of marginal workers Location Household indust!l:: workers Other workers Non-workers code Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Name of Village number 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 2 I t6 t2 4 118 tOS 13 6,289 2,591 3.692 Manpuf' Nagria 01150000 ------Un-Inhabltcd------Chakgang Semar 01750100 287 121 166 Sara. Junnardar 01750200 21 13 8 1,993 714 1,279 Basupura 01750300 9 8 1,625 664 961 Mozampur Husan PUT 01150400 4 2 2 35 15 1,839 731 1.108 Tumana 01750500 3 3 9 9 2,565 1,053 1,512 Mallah Nagar 01750600 6 5 1,050 408 642 Shah Pur Mar. 01750700 4 3 637 239 398 Bahadur Nagar 01750800 ) 2 I 846 385 461 yusurpur 01750900 127 11 U16 11 7 6 2.410 1.098 1,112 Shyam Sar 01151000 2 2 401 145 256 Timber Pur 01751100 153 61 92 Jalal Pur 01151200 310 153 211 Salem Pur Un Nagala 01751300 Bhutan 9 3 6 2,980 1,240 1,740 Gangagarb 01151400 ------Un-inhabited------Udaran Pur 01151500 5 2 3 I I 808 292 516 Musawali 01751600 146 65 81 Kumar Pur 01751100 I I 461 172 289 Hamath Pur 01151800 16 10 6 6 5 1.122 412 710 Brahm Puri 01751900 2 2 \5 5 10 1.628 650 978 Raipur Patna 01752000 16 12 4 523 203 320 Bharat Pur 01752100 6 5 1 1,285 486 799 GudB!!di 01752200


PRIMARY CENSUS ABSTRACT KASGANJ CD BLOCK DISTRICT CENSUS HANDBOOK: ETAH VILLAGE PRIMARY CD Block- Total population (including Location Area of institutional and houseless Population in the code Village in Number of pol!!!!_ationl age-,srou2 0-6 number Name of Village hectares households Persons Males Females Persons Males Females , 2 3 4 5 6 1 8 9 10 0161 Kaspnj (Total) 22.1S0 8 25.931 163,540 87,955 75,585 32,292 17,018 15,2;:;- 016\ Kaspni (Rural) 22,1508 25.931 163.540 87,955 75,585 12,292 17,018 15.274 0161 Kaspnj (Urban) Kaspn; (Rural) 01752300 Ikhauna 261 1,788 1,010 , 778 326 179 147 01752400 Chhichhaura 4974 439 2.853 1.523 ].330 679 372 307 01752500 Kinawa 641.1 582 3,884 2.092 1.192 800 415 385 01152600 Bhamon 201.7 228 1,452 157 695 298 141 157 01152700 Wahidpunnafi 236 I 335 1,970 1.048 922 380 203 ]77 01152800 Inayati 232.7 292 1,879 1,027 852 437 233 204 01152900 Tawal Pur 266.9 26' 2.046 1.105 941 415 202 213 01753000 ltauwa 216.4 313 ].819 956 863 372 184 188 01753100 Hariya TIler 121.0 106 666 349 317 161 85 76 01753200 Bharsoti Jangle 369 2,,295 1,266 1.029 415 212 203 01753300 Dbo]na 42].0 677 4.326 2.370 ].956 93J 520 413 01753400 Muhammad Pur 120.3 212 1,206 656 550 197 108 89 01753500 Esepur 131.0 124 675 358 317 136 70 66 01753600 JahangitpUr 150.4 220 1.347 711 636 248 136 112 01753700 Mahawlll' 188.0 357 2,269 1.258 1.011 427 228 199 01753800 Taiyab Pur Kamalpur 284.3 411 2.475 1.350 1,125 484 266 218 01753900 Sewar 158.9 217 1.669 882 781 313 155 ]58 01754000 Rahmat Pur Mafi 164.6 232 1.415 774 641 229 118 Itl 01754100 Taiyab Pur Sujatganj 318.1 419 2.567 1.407 1.160 492 264 228 01754200 Bilram 425.9 1 I 1 01754300 Naugawan 238.5 287 1.788 958 830 357 176 181 01754400 BarkhunJar Pur 184.9 173 1.013 548 465 230 122 108 01754500 Himmat Pur Sai 221.9 353 2.111 1.158 1,013 463 242 221 01754600 FaridPur 125.7 216 1.325 722 603 229 123 106 01754700 Kaliyan Pur 253 1.671 900 771 387 205 182 01754800 Tarora 146.2 29 173 91 82 31 17 14 01754900 Dhantoriya 89.7 16S 1.000 526 474 213 106 107 01755000 Jhawar 214.1 157 1.061 587 474 175 87 88 01755100 Kislauli 523.9 358 2,303 1,292 1,011 456 270 186 01755200 Sohbat Bhoodh 186.9 140 838 461 371 159 93 66 01755300 Narauli 336.6 398 2.398 1,274 1,124 516 273 243 01755400 Wahid Pur Khalsa 252.1 264 1,650 869 781 353 179 114 01755500 Kiloni Rarut Pur 282.S 311 2.393 1,299 1.094 507 276 231 01755600 Maman 192.0 429 2.589 1.385 1,204 SS9 305 254 011S5700 Bhimuna 181.0 297 2.060 1,104 956 388 221 167 01755800 Jakharudder Pur 195.0 101 603 338 265 90 54 36 01755900 Kasganj 261.7 316 2.083 1,095 988 403 199 204 01756000 Kherbia 71.3 2 29 15 14 4 2 2 01756100 Ahrauli 14.7 502 3.170 1.7[5 1.4S5 S75 314 261 01756200 Pavsara 109.8 247 1.328 726 602 264 135 129 01156300 Paharpul" Mafi 512.9 90 500 269 231 115 67 48 01756400 Kutubpurpatti 85.7 ·------Un-inhabited------01756500 Fatehpur 283.6 253 1.620 8S6 764 343 164 179 01756600 Hanauta 284.3 lSI 861 468 393 129 69 60 01756700 Talibpur Sarai 140.8 103 553 294 259 110 63 41 01156800 Satpura Mali 163 I 272 1.514 714 140 288 IS2 136 01756900 Saletnpur Lala 228.0 285 1.835 983 852 359 184 "5 01157000 Jakhaira Maheshpur 332.9 529 3,252 1.801 1.451 644 353 291 01757100 Kunwarpur 193.3 156 1,044 544 500 223 115 108 01157200 ehhawani 536 248 1,455 816 639 292 158 134 01151300 Harsingh Siroli 298.9 308 1,999 1.047 952 404 213 191 01757400 Jiauddinpur 136 I 216 1,905 1.041 858 376 210 166 01757500 Tatarpur Mafi 98.4 82 47\ 261 210 97 46 51 01157600 FirozJ1ur Sihola Baksulla 2970 194 1.430 175 655 212 138 134 Khan 01151700 Firozpur Sihola Aliyar 233.4 212 1.307 720 ' 587 2SS 133 122 Khan


Scheduled Castes ~I!uation Scheduled Tribes I!2l!ulalion Literates Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Namc of VillaGc I ] 12 13 ]4 ]5 ]6 17 ]8 19 2 27.843 15.126 12.717 70.483 49.175 21.308 KaspnJ (Tolal) 27.843 15.126 12.717 70.48J 49.17S 21.308 Kasgani (Rural) Kaspni (Urban) Kasganl (Rural) 342 190 152 648 517 131 Ikhauna 110 62 48 716 549 167 Chhichhaura 1.140 610 530 1.479 1.056 423 Kinawa 659 343 316 534 358 176 Bhamon 74 39 35 989 683 306 Wahidpunnafi 358 197 161 625 486 139 Inayali 974 509 465 916 637 279 Tawal Pur 328 181 147 6SS 497 158 ltauwa . 233 183 50 Hariya Ther 335 195 140 976 708 268 Bharsoli Jangle 965 555 410 1,783 1.225 558 Dholna 67 38 29 670 475 195 Muhammad Pur 39 22 17 366 241 125 Esepur 695 463 232 Jahangirpur 8 3 5 874 640 234 Mahawar 353 196 157 1.278 865 413 Taiyab Pur Kamalpur 663 489 174 Sewar 67 43 24 765 524 241 Rahmat Pur Mafi 340 170 170 1,132 843 289 Taiyab Pur SujatganJ Bilram 67 34 33 608 461 147 Naugawan 14 9 5 497 327 170 Barkhurdar Pur 297 168 129 920 657 263 Himmat Pur Sai 318 173 145 793 528 265 Farid Pur 693 360 333 650 435 215 Kaliyan Pur 70 38 32 29 25 4 Tarora 379 288 91 Dhantoriya 10 4 6 375 282 93 Jhawar 661 388 273 1,167 771 396 Kislauli 204 115 89 337 239 98 Sohbat Bhoodh 168 89 79 908 654 254 Narauli 132 74 58 551 432 119 Wahid Pur Khalsa 409 232 177 777 571 206 Kiloni Rafilat Pur 1.214 668 546 1.197 798 399 Mamon 60 31 29 883 539 344 Bhitauna 272 208 64 Jakharudder Pur 1.087 693 394 Kasganj 21 12 9 Kherhia 1.085 581 504 1,651 1,059 592 Ahrauh 931 510 421 544 381 163 Pavsara 187 128 59 Paharpur Mafi ------Un-inhablled------Kutubpurpalli 368 190 178 554 427 127 Fatehpur 171 89 82 169 139 30 Hanauta 20S 147 58 Talibpur Sarai 53 28 25 748 498 250 Satpura Mafi 76 42 34 652 508 144 Salempur Lala 704 401 303 1.346 1,035 31t Jakhaira Maheshpul 140 78 62 494 3SS 139 Kunwarpur 417 230 187 483 366 117 ehhawani 1.076 700 376 Harsingh Siroli 554 299 255 830 581 249 Jiauddinpur 7 4 J 127 105 22 Tatarpur Mafi 36 35 561 450 111 Firozpur Sihola Baksulla " Khan 51 27 24 463 334 129 Firozpur Sihola Ahyar Khan


Location code Illiterates Total ~oTkers Main workers number Name of Villase Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females 1 2 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 0161 Kaspn, (Tolal, 91,057 18,780 54,277 48,646 40,896 7,750 39,064 15.493 1,571 0161 KaSK8nj (Rural) 93,057 38,780 54.277 48,646 40,896 7,750 39,064 35.493 0161 KasK8ni (Urban) 3.57J KaSKllni (Rural) 01752300 [khauna 1,140 493 647 649 ,554 95 585 542 43 01752400 Chhichhaura 2,137 974 1,163 1.204 115 489 1.083 711 372 01752500 Kinawa 2,405 1,036 1,369 1.566 1.047 519 1,038 840 198 01752600 Bhaman 918 399 519 408 396 12 407 395 12 01752700 Wahidpunnafi 981 365 616 445 433 12 425 416 9 01752800 Inayali 1.254 541 113 535 471 64 475 422 53 01752900 Tawal Pur 1,130 468 662 5S2 538 14 507 497 10 01753000 llauwa 1,164 459 70S 425 404 21 381 367 14 01753100 Hariya Ther 433 166 261 187 156 31 174 147 27 01753200 Bharsoli Jangle 1,319 S58 761 727 545 182 561 534 27 01753300 Dholna 2,543 1.145 1,398 1,137 963 174 967 815 152 01753400 Muhammad Pur 536 181 3S5 319 31S 4 245 242 3 01753500 EsepUT 309 117 192 178 170 8 175 169 6 01753600 Jahangirpur 652 248 404 497 360 137 340 302 38 01753700 Mahawar 1,395 618 777 787 645 142 702 592 110 01753800 Taiyab Pur KamalpuT 1,197 485 712 644 622 22 539 526 13 01753900 Sewar 1,006 393 613 544 459 85 461 455 6 01754000 Ralllnat Pur Mafi 650 250 400 408 380 28 373 359 14 01754100 Taiyab Pur Sujatganj 1,435 564 871 682 650 32 648 630 18 01154200 Bilram 1 1 01754300 Naugawan 1.180 497 683 - 787 '478 309 473 426 47 017S4400 Barlchurdar Pur 516 221 295 236 231 5 225 220 5 01754500 Himrnat Pur Sai 1.251 501 750 510 497 13 493 482 11 01754600 Farid Pur 532 194 338 427 358 69 253 251 2 0\154100 Ka\iyanPm \,02\ 465 556 385 356 29 361 331 24 01754800 Tarora 144 66 78 56 54 2 54 52 2 01754900 Dhantoriya 621 238 383 290 279 11 287 277 10 01755000 Jhawar 686 305 381 240 239 I 239 239 01755100 Kislauli 1.136 521 615 664 629 35 427 398 29 01755200 Sohbat Bhoodh 501 222 279 196 189 7 195 189 6 01755300 Narauli 1.490 620 810 635 609 26 559 539 20 01755400 Wahid Pur Khalsa 1,099 437 662 382 370 12 282 278 4 01755500 Kiloni Rafaat Pur 1.616 728 8SB 621 598 23 609 588 21 01755600 Mamon 1,392 587 80S 619 594 25 583 567 16 01755700 Bhitauna 1.177 565 612 522 S02 20 475 460 15 01755800 Jakharudder Pur 331 130 201 151 144 7 151 144 7 O175S900 Kasganj 996 402 594 613 507 106 429 363 66 01756000 Kherhia 8 3 5 12 8 4 12 8 4 01756100 Ahrauli 1.519 656 863 819 754 65 381 361 20 01756200 Pavsara 784 345 439 367 335 32 333 309 24 01756300 Paharpur Mafi 313 141 172 183 130 53 103 103 01756400 Kutubpurpatti ------Un-inhabited------01756500 Fatehpur 1,066 429 631 355 344 B 326 315 1\ 01756600 Hanauta 692 329 363 233 222 II 232 221 I I 01756700 Talibpur Sarai 348 147 201 159 143 16 ISS 142 16 01756800 Satpura Mafi 766 276 490 378 358 20 374 355 19 01756900 Salempur Lala 1,183 475 70S 706 504 202 674 485 189 01757000 Jakhaira Maheshpur 1,906 766 1.140 900 'S58 42 790 782 8 01751100 Kunwarpur 550 189 361 467 28'1 180 234 223 01757200 Chhawam 972 450 522 490 430 60 420 400 20" 01757300 Harsingh Siroli 923 347 576 792 569 223 457 429 28 01757400 Jiauddinpur 1.075 466 609 559 545 14 521 512 9 01757500 Tatarpur Mafi 344 156 188 136 101 35 101 97 4 01757600 Firozpur Sihola Baksuna 863 325 538 496 370 126 408 323 85 Khan 01757100 Firozpur Slhola Aliyar 844 386 458 318 309 9 262 257 5 Khan

638 PRIMARY CENSUS ABSTRACT CENSUS ABSTRACT KasganJ Industrial category of main workers Household industry Cultivators Agricultural labourers workers Other workers Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Name of Village 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 ' 37 38 39 40 2 25.352 23.487 1.865 5.320 4.928 392 1.058 790 268 7.334 6.288 1.046 Kasganj (Total) 25.352 23.487 1.865 5.320 4.928 392 1.058 790 268 7.334 6.288 1.046 Kasganj (Rural) Kaspnl (Urban) KaSMll'nj (Rural) 555 521 34 18 IS 3 I I II 6 S Ikhauna 1.037 672 365 28 24 4 14 12 2 4 3 I Chhichhaura 530 415 liS 338 271 67 64 56 8 106 98 8 Kinawa 295 290 5 97 92 5 7 5 2 8 8 Bhamon 138 134 4 69 65 4 5 5 213 212 Wahidpunnafi 307 268 39 30 29 6 S 132 120 12 Inayati 275 272 3 93 91 2 3 3 136 131 5 Tawal Pur 264 252 12 55 53 2 4 4 58 58 ltauwa 137 113 24 7 6 4 4 26 ·24 2 Hariya Thcr 480 455 25 30 30 6 6 45 43 2 Bharsoli Jangle 485 445 40 67 65 2. 137 44 93 278 261 17 Dholna 154 152 2 3 3 8 7 80 80 Muhammad Pur 140 137 3 22 • 21 I 4 4 • 9 7 2 Esepur 217 211 6 18 10 8' 5 4 I 100 77 23 Jahangirpur 425 344 81 155 140 IS 43 33 10 79 75 4 Mabawar 370 361 9 36 34 2 II II 122 120 2 Taiyab Pur Kamalpur 415 411 4 7 7 9 9 30 28 2 Sewar 264 254 10 47 46 22 21 1 40 38 2 Rahmat Pur Mafi 446 436 10 77 75 2 27 25 2 98 94 4 Taiyab Pur Sujatganj Bi1nun 398 361 37 20 17 3 15 fl . 4 40 37 3 Naugawan 189 185 4 14 14 I 1 21 20 1 Barkhurdar Pur 331 328 3 60 58 2 16 14 2 86 82 4 Himmat Pur Sai 178 177 I 21 21 6 6 48 47 1 FaridPur 89 81 8 216 206 10 2 2 S4 48 6 Kaliyan Pur 34 33 1 20 19 1 Tarora 193 188 5 82 80 2 I I 11 9 2 Dhantoriya 192 192 32 32 2 2 13 13 Jhawar 280 275 5 83 64 19 23 22 1 41 37 4 Kislauli 195 189 6 Sohbat Bhoodh 377 36S 12 72 67 5 2 2 108 105 3 Narauli 268 265 3 8 8 6 5 I Wahid Pur Khalsa 233 229 4 328 317 11 10 5 5 38 37 1 Kiloni RafBat Pur 240 236 4 82 79 3 59 52 7 202 200 2 Mamon 229 223 6 87 86 8 5 3 lSI 146 5 Bhiaauna 117 110 7 2 2 32 32 Jakharudder Pur 139 132 7 59 58 7 3 4 224 170 54 Kasganj 6 4 2 6 4 2 Kherhia 68 65 3 5 5 16 15 292 276 16 Ahrauli 55 46 9 72 58 14 8 8 .1 98 197 I Pavsara 66 66 6 6 31 31 Paharpur Mafi ------Un-inhablted------Kutubpurpatti 228 221 7 77 73 4 2 2 19 19 Fatehpur 225 214 11 6 6 Hanauta 156 140 16 I I I I Talibpur Sarai 362 346 16 6 S 5 3 2 Satpura Mafi 552 383 169 81 68 13 14 9 5 27 25 2 Salempur Lala 550 547 3 75 74 6 5 159 156 3 Jakhaira Maheshpur 181 170 II 14 14 I 38 38 Kunwarpur 188 180 8 135 130 S 10 10 87 80 7 Chhawani 402 382 20 19 14 5 7 7 29 26 3 Harsingh Siroli 216 212 4 207 203 4 9 9 89 88 I Jiauddinpur 92 88 4 2 2 7 7 Tatarpur Mafi 318 248 70 12 10 2 35 25 to 43 40 3 Firozpur Sihola Baksulla Khan 232 227 5 20 20 10 10 Firozpur Sihola Aliyar Khan

639 DISTRICT CENSUS HANDBOOK: ETAH VILLAGE PRIMARY CD Block- Industrial category Location code Marginal workers Cultivators Agricultural labourers number Name of Village Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females 2 41 "42" 43 44 45 46 41 48 49 0161 KasM8nl [rol8l) 9,582 5.403 4,179 2,663 792 1.871 4.647 3,124 1,.523 0161 KasgallJ (Rural) 9,582 5,403 4.179 2,663 792 1.871 4.647 3,124 1,523 0161 Kasganl (Urban) Kasgani (Rural) 01152300 Ikhauna 64 12 52 11 II 01152400 Chhichhaura 121 4 117 62 4 58 58 58 01152500 Kmawa 528 207 321 66 20 46 332 152 180 01152600 Bha~n 1 I I 01152100 Wahidpunnafi 20 17 3 2 2 3 3 01152800 Inayall 60 49 II 15 12 3 33 25 8 01152900 Tawal Pur 45 41 4 10 6 4 28 28 01753000 ltauwa 44 37 7 6 5 30 28 2 01753100 HariyaThcT 13 9 4 II 1 4 01153200 Bharsoli Jangle 166 II ISS 155 4 lSI 4 2 2 01153300 Dholna 170 148 22 8 6 2 124 118 6 01753400 Muhammad Pur 74 73 1 3 2 41 41 01753500 Esepur 3 I 2 I I 01153600 Jahangirpur 157 58 99 32 It 21 42 16 26 01753700 Mahawar 85 53 32 15 4 11 60 43 17 01153800 Taiyab Pur Kamalpur 105 96 9 50 45 5 39 37 2 01753900 Sewar 83 4 79 83 4 79 01754000 Rahmat PUT Mali 35 21 14 ]5 9 6 10 7 3 01154100 Taiyab Pur Sujatganj 34 20 14 13 10 3 10 7 3 01154200 Bibam 01754300 Naugawan 314 52 262 291 47 250 4 3 01754400 BarkhurdaT Pur II 11 II 11 01754500 Himmat PUT Sai 17 15 2 3 3 10 9 01754600 Farid Pur 174 107 61 58 57 43 41 2 01754700 Kaliyan Pur 24 19 5 2 2 21 18 3 01754800 Tarora 2 2 2 2 01754900 Dhantoriya 3 2 1 2 1 01155000 Jhawar I I 01755100 Kislauli 237 231 6 3 2 231 228 3 01755200 Sohbat Bhoodh I I 01155300 Namuli 76 70 6 19 17 2 26 26 01755400 Wahid Pur Khalsa 100 92 8 11 7 4 54 51 3 01755500 Kiloni Rafaat Pur 12 10 2 9 8 I 01155600 Mamon 36 27 9 II 8 3 22 16 6 01155700 Bhitauna 47 42 5 I 15 14 I 01755800 lakharudder Pur 01755900 Kasganj 184 144 40 14 7 1 44 43 01156000 Kherhia 01756100 Ahrauli 438 393 45 7 5 2 189 172 17 01756200 Pavsara 34 26 8 6 3 3 10 5 5 01756300 PaharpuT Mali 80 21 53 62 12 50 12 10 2 01756400 KUlubpurpatti ------Un-inhablted------01156500 Falehpur 29 29 9 9 19 19 01156600 HanaUla 1 1 1 01756700 TalibpurSarai I I 01756800 Salpura Mali 4 3 3 3 01156900 Salempur Lala 32 19 13 15 1 1 4 7 4 3 01757000 Jakhaim Maheshpur 110 76 34 18 4 14 60 50 10 01757100 KunwarpuT 233 64 169 158 31 127 65 24 41 01757200 ehhawani 70 30 40 29 8 21 28 16 12 01757300 Harsingh Siroli 335 140 195 27 17 10 295 116 179 01757400 Jiauddinpur 38 33 5 6 2 4 23 23 01757500 Tatarpur Mali 35 4 31 31 31 3 3 01757600 Firozpur Sihola Daksulla 88 47 41 49 34 15 Khan 01757700 Flrozpur Sihola Aliyar 56 52 4 4 3 42 41 Khan

640 PRIMARY CENSUS ABSTRACT CENSUS ABSTRACT Kasganj of marginal workers Location Household indust!X workers Other workers Non-workers code Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Name of VillaGe number 50 51 52 53 54 55 56' 57 58 2 I 411 139 272 1,861 1.348 513 114,894 47,059 67,835 Kasganl (Total) 0161 411 139 272 1,861 1,348 513 114,894 47.059 67.835 Kaspnj (Rlml1) 0161 Kaspnj (Urban) 0161 Kasganj (Rural) 52 . 52 1.139 456 683 Ikhauna 01752300 1 1.649 808 841 Chhichhaura 01752400 60 16 44 70 19 51 2,318 1,045 1.273 Kinawa 01752500 1,044 361 683 Bhamon 01752600 IS 14 1,525 615 910 Wah idpurma fi 01752700 2 2 10 10 1.344 556 788 Inayatl 01752800 7 7 1,494 567 927 Tawal Pur 01752900 8 8 1.394 552 842 ltauwa 01753000 2 2 479 193 286 Hanya Ther 01753100 3 1 2 4 4 1,568 721 847 Bharsoli Jangle 01753200 15 5 10 23 19 4 3,189 1,407 1,782 Ohalna 01753300 I 29 29 887 341 546 Muhammad Pur 01753400 2 2 497 188 309 Esepur 01753500 2 81 30 51 850 351 499 Jahangirpur 01753600 1 9 5 4 1.482 613 869 Mahawar 01753700 3 2 13 13 1,831 128 1.103 Taiyab Pur Kamalpur 01153800 1,125 423 702 Sewar 01753900 5 5 5 5 1,007 394 613 Rahmat Pur Mafi 01754000 10 2 8 1,885 757 1,128 Taiyab Pur Sujatganj 01154100 I Bilram 01754200 3 2 10 3 1 1,001 480 521 Naugawan 01154300 177 317 460 Barkhurdar Pur 01154400 2 2 2 1,661 661 1,000 Hinunat Pur Sai 01754500 14 12 2 59 53 6 898 364 534 Farid Pur 01754600 1 1.286 544 742 Kaliyan Pur 01754700 117 37 80 Tarora 01754800 110 247 463 Dhantoriya 01754900 821 348 473 Jhawar 01755000 2 2 1.639 663 976 Kislauli 01755100 642 272 370 Sohbat Bhoodh 01755200 31 27 4 1,163 665 1,098 Narauli 01755300 34 33 1.268 499 769 Wahid Pur Khalsa 01755400 3 2 1,772 701 1,071 Kiloni Rafaat Pur 01755500 2 2 1,970 791 1,179 Mamon 01755600 30 28 2 1,538 602· 936 Bhitauna 01755700 452 194 258 Jakharudder Pur 01755800 5 4 121 90 31 1,470 588 882 Kasganj 01755900 17 7 10 Kherhia 01756000 39 18 21 203 198 S 2,351 961 1,390 Ahrauli 01756100 18 18 961 391 570 Pavsara 01756200 6 5 317 139 178 Paharpur Mafi 01756300 ------Un-tnhabtted------Kutubpurpatti 01156400 1 I 1.265 512 753 Fatehpur 01156500 628 246 382 Hanauta 01756600 394 151 243 Talibpur Sarai 01756700 1.136 416 720 Satpura Mafi 01756800 3 3 7 4 3 1,129 479 650 Salempur Lala 01756900 3 2 29 21 8 2.352 943 1,409 Jakhaira Maheshpur 01757000 10 l} 577 257 320 Kunwarpur 01757100 12 6 (> 965 386 579 Chhawani 01757200 5 5 8 7 I '.207 478 729 Haningh Siroli 01757300 9 8 I 1.346 502 844 JiauddtnpuT 01757400 335 160 175 Tatarpur Mali 01757500 20 3 17 18 10 8 934 405 529 Firozpur Siboia Baksulla 01757600 Khan 9 7 2 989 411 578 Firozpur Sihola Ahyar 01757700 Khan

641 DISTRICT CENSUS HANDBOOK: ETAH VILLAGE PRIMARY CD Block- Total population (including Location Area of institutional and houselcss Population in the code Village in Number of 2ol!ulationl age-grouE 0-6 number" Name of Villase hectares households Persons Males Females Persons Males Females I 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 01151800 Bimara 3521 217 1.744 951 193 295 163 132 01157900 FiT07.pur Sihola Fatjand Ah 2232 168 1.003 553 450 205 114 91 Kh 01758000 Karsan Hiyatgarhi 272 7 304 1.968 1.022 946 411 209 202 01758100 Mubarikpur Mafi 111.3 292 2.090 1.128 962 412 231 181 0)758200 Birsu8 3104 218 1.358 694 664 305 150 155 01758300 Narayani 2237 175 1.030 543 481 211 102 109 01758400 Mohanimamoorganj 566.0 746 4.906 2.701 2.199 816 463 413 01158500 Dadanpur- Mali 2& 227 123 104 45 30 15 01758600 -pur 129 919 484 435 174 87 87 01758700 Bahadurpur 381 7 523 3.171 1.731 1.440 712 392 320 01758800 TiIlokpur- Mali 41 239 139 100 60 35 25 01758900 Maddupur- 1068 74 465 256 209 95 43 52 01759000 Athaiya .: 224 1.524 811 713 263 147 116 01759100 Kanar- Khera 265 I 252 1.619 860 159 336 111 165 0]759200 Bharsoli Mustafabad I 3 133 889 460 429 136 18 58 01759300 Bharhpura 80.0 49 274 141 133 55 21 28 0]159400 Nagla Summi 148.6 13 ]00 55 45 25 [4 II 01159500 Salempur Piroda J08.7 414 2.674 1.450 1.224 425 203 222 01759600 Kaseri 79.9 61 390 217 173 70 33 37 01159700 Nagla Pipa] 1.2 48 242 140 102 4] 25 16 01759800 Kutubpur 95.9 105 809 443 366 169 101 68 01759900 Nizampur- 93.3 57 376 210 166 74 40 34 01760000 Berampur ]39.4 ]66 1,068 589 479 206 110 96 01760100 Beri 3670 421 2.583 1.381 1.202 369 194 175 01760200 Kantaur 654.0 SIS 5.104 2.729 . 2.375 965 500 465 01760300 Nagla Da.,. 44 293 160 133 61 37 24 01760400 Tikampura 132.0 120 876 460 416 193 102 91 01760500 Mohanpura 3.1 188 1.255 666 589 199 105 94 01760600 Afjalpur 102.0 186 1.107 591 516 245 125 ]20 0]760700 Tandoli Khalsa 141.0 174 960 500 460 209 100 109 01760800 Tandoli Mali 99.2 SO 370 189 181 82 48 34 01760900 Amarpur 133.2 97 569 306 263 114 60 54 01761000 OilawaH 151.9 106 587 315 272 114 61 53 01761100 Bakner 312.4 191 1.286 661 625 281 136 145 01761200 Barcia 163.8 55 297 )55 142 55 22 33 01761300 Sultanpur 111.8 131 799 404 395 164 70 94 01761400 Nasratpur 1429 190 1.200 617 583 233 111 122 01761500 Nadrai 769 4.834 2.559 2.'275 1,005 525 480 01761600 Pathreki 716.0 603 3.818 2.036 1,782 103 379 324 01761700 Barhari Lais 3578 268 1.638 843 795 265 127 138 01761800 Bhaisora Khurd 1197 213 1.353 749 604 328 183 145 01761900 Bhaisora Buzurg 3684 349 2.217 1.219 1,058 464 251 213 01762000 Allipur 7247 104 661 346 315 126 65 61 01762100 Tawalpur Mosampur 239.6 329 1.956 1.052 904 422 233 189 01762200 Tilsa; Kalan 163.4 272 1.756 953 803 364 ]86 178 01762300 Kurama; 315.7 632 3.735 1.986 1.749 624 314 310 01762400 Tilsai Khurd 173.7 215 1.448 732 716 343 172 171 01762500 Manauta 2010 238 1.553 837 716 317 171 140 01162600 Mubarikl?:ur S'ltara 3690 341 2.146 I.IS4 962 438 212 221')


Scheduled Castes 1!02uation Scheduled Tribes 202ulation Literates Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Name of ViliaSie II 12 13 14 15 16 17 J8 19 2 285 158 127 756 549 207 Dirham 71 40 31 374 271 103 Firozpur Sihoia Faljand Ali Kh 14 10 4 723 518 205 Karsan Hlyatgarhl 245 127 118 568 435 133 MubarikpuT Mali 54 21 33 477 364 113 Birsua 23 II 12 604 399 205 Nanlyani 1.150 646 504 2.374 1.613 761 MohanimamoorganJ 11 6 S 124 74 50 Dadanpur Mali 377 272 105 KhaiTpur 112 64 48 1.239 933 306 BahaduTpur 50 43 1 TiIlokpUT Mafi 217 162 55 Maddupur 820 447 373 785 490 295 Athaiya 198 102 96 761 517 244 KanaT Khera 96 51 45 574 339 235 Dharsoli Mustafabad 180 102 78 Dharbpura 40 31 9 Nagla Summi 849 467 382 1,649 1,071 572 SalempuT Piroda 247 158 89 Kaseri 12 7 5 151 100 51 Nagla Pipal 337 199 138 40S 265 140 Kutubpur 70 37 33 179 116 63 Nizampur 549 385 164 Bemmpur 630 325 305 1,354 929 425 Beri 702 382 320 2,483 1,682 801 Kantaor 264 144 120 112 80 32 Nagla Daru 533 283 250 387 252 135 Tikampura 262 153 109 697 437 260 Mohanpura 607 323 284 468 333 135 AfjaJpur 29 12 17 506 345 161 Tandoli Khalsa 152 99 53 Tandoli Mali 274 190 84 AmarpUT 13 8 S 215 156 59 Dilawali 7S 39 36 578 416 162 Balmer 105 80 25 Barela 299 ISS 144 367 253 114 Sultanpur 318 163 ISS 681 425 256 Nasratpur 1.653 877 776 1,284 893 391 Nadrai 351 183 168 1,917 1,302 615 Pathrekl 343 166 177 1,030 614 416 Bamari Lais 168 96 72 149 107 42 Dhaisora Khurd 418 223 19S 1,052 710 342 Bhaisora Buzurg 279 207 72 Allipur 954 672 282 Tawalpur Mosampur 798 437 361 713 511 202 Tilsai Kalan 221 114 107 1.806 1.249 557 Kuramai 72 43 29 597 415 182 Tilsai Khurd 394 221 173 Sl1 366 145 Manauta 242 135 107 865 667 198 Mubarik2ur Sistara


Location code III i tcrates Total workers Main workers number Name ofVillagc Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females I 2 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 01151800 Birhanl 988 402 586 419 410 9 389 382 1 01151900 Firozpur Sihola Fal]and Ali 629 282 341 206 204 2 206 204 2 Kh 01158000 Karsari Hiyatgarhi 1,245 504 741 593 499 94 437 434 3 01158100 Mubarikpur Mali 1,522 693 829 558 550 8 541 535 6 01158200 Birsua 881 330 55! 441 '333 \14 299 292 1 01758300 Narayani 426 144 282 413 261 146 255 250 5 01758400 MohanlmamoorganJ 2,532 1,094 1.438 1,074 1,041 33 1,028 997 31 01158500 Dadanpur Mali 103 49 54 44 44 44 44 01158600 KhairpUT 542 212 330 267 259 8 267 259 8 01158100 Bahadurpur 1,932 798 1.134 802 781 21 197 718 19 01158800 Ti110kpur Mali 189 96 93 84 68 16 41 39 2 01158900 Maddupur 248 94 154 130 128 2 113 112 I 01759000 Athaiya 739 321 418 631 426 205 362 308 54 01159100 Kanar Khera 858 343 515 400 384 16 301 300 7 01759200 Bharsoli Mustafabad 315 121 194 21S 208 1 208 202 6 01159300 Bharhpura 94 39 55 75 12 3 54 51 3 01159400 NaglaSummi 60 24 36 22 22 21 2\ 01759500 Salempur Piroda 1,025 373 652 975 7\9 256 723 576 147 01759600 Kaseri 143 59 84 III 105 6 108 102 6 01159700 Nagla Pipal 9\ 40 51 70 69 1 54 53 I 01159800 Kutubpur 404 178 226 222 217 S 123 122 1 01159900 Nizampur 197 94 103 124 109 15 56 53 3 01160000 Berampur 519 204 315 430 305 125 292 273 19 01760100 Beri 1,229 452 111 671 649 22 626 611 15 01760200 Kantaur 2,621 1.041 1.514 1.400 1,204 196 1.074 1.011 63 01760300 Nagla Daru 181 80 101 99 83 16 83 79 4 01760400 Tikampura 489 208 281 179 168 II 109 108 1 01760500 Mohanpura 558 229 329 341 330 17 304 293 II 01760600 Afjalpur 639 258 381 349 248 101 186 178 8 01760700 Tandoli Khalsa 454 155 299 319 249 70 289 234 55 01760800 Tandoli Mali 218 90 128 102 95 7 94 91 3 01760900 AmarpuT 295 116 119 148 '136 12 118 III 7 01761000 Dilawali 372 159 213 233 152 81 144 142 2 01761100 Bakner 708 245 463 293 289 4 146 144 2 01161200 Barela 192 15 117 80 77 3 75 72 3 01761300 Sultanpur 432 151 281 261 208 53 169 153 16 01761400 Nasratpur 519 192 327 336 296 40 186 175 II 01761.500 Nadrai 3.550 1.666 1.884 1.241 1.037 210 954 809 145 01761600 Pathreki 1.901 134 1.167 1.555 1.023 532 1.122 938 184 01761100 Barbari Lais 608 229 379 578 390 188 302 283 19 01161800 Bhaisora Khurd 1,204 642 562 466 413 53 416 364 52 01761900 Bhaisora Buzurg 1.225 509 716 866 601 265 500 384 116 01762000 AJlipul" 382 139 243 159 151 8 149 146 3 01162100 Tawalpur Mosampur 1,002 380 622 719 448 271 705 431 268 01162200 Tilsai Kalan 1.043 442 601 616 418 258 540 353 187 01162300 Kuramai 1.929 737 1.192 1.177 901 216 931 182 149 01762400 Tilsai Khurd 851 317 534 336 321 9 300 296 4 01762500 Manauta 1.042 471 571 425 387 38 341 331 10 01762600 Mubarikl!:ur Sistara 1,281 511 164 115 672 43 509 488 21

644 PRIMARY CENSUS ABSTRACT CENSUS ABSTRACT K ••ganJ Industrial category of main workers Household industry Cultivators Agriculturallabourcrs workers Other workers Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Malc;s Females Persons Males Females Name of Village 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 2 263 257 6 6 6 23 22 91 97 Bimara 158 158 24 23 5 5 19 18 Firozpur Sihola Faljand Ali Kh 387 384 3 29 29 (1 6 IS 15 Karsari Hlyatgarfll 358 353 5 119 118 2 2 62 62 Mubarikpur Mali 262 259 3 6 6 14 10 4 17 17 Birsua 205 203 2 9 8 I I 40 38 2 Narayam 889 866 23 63 59 4 22 22 54 50 4 MohanimamoorganJ 29 29 II II 4 4 Dadanpur Mafi 229 221 8 38 38 Khairpur 694 678 16 67 67 13 10 3 23 23 Bahadurpur 40 38 2 I Tillokpur Mafi 102 102 4 3 1 6 6 Maddupur 207 197 10 92 54 38 3 I 2 60 56 4 Athaiya 252 249 3 4 3 3 2 48 46 2 Kanar Khera 180 174 6 4 4 I 23 23 Bharsoli Mustafabad 43 42 5 5 2 2 4 4 Bharhpura 21 21 NaglaSummi 400 369 31 104 98 6 74 26 48 145 83 62 SaJempur Piroda 57 54 3 3 3 4 3 1 44 42 2 Kaseri 47 46 1 7 7 Nagla Pipal 88 87 1 27 27 8 8 Kutubpur 44 41 3 4 4 7 7 Nizampur 231 229 2 2 2 58 41 17 Berampur 345 340 5 224 217 7 4 4 • 53 50 3 Beri 552 523 29 264 251 13 67 S6 II 191 181 10 Kantaur 31 29 2 49 47 2 3 3 Nagla Dana 49 48 27 27 5 5 28 28 Tikampura 82 81 1 61 61 15 14 1 146 137 9 Mohanpura 83 82 1 58 57 12 7 5 33 32 1 Afjalpur 186 153 33 37 24 13 65 56 9 Tandoli Khalsa 88 85 3 3 3 3 3 Tandoli Mafi 80 78 2 26 21 5 12 12 Amarpur 99 98 I 28 27 3 3 14 14 Dilawali 85 84 I I 1 60 59 Bakner 46 43 3 7 7 1 1 21 21 Barela 78 73 5 13 13 12 10 2 66 57 9 SultanpuT 139 131 8 3 2 43 41 2 Nasratpur lSI 141 10 186 161 19 19 11 2 598 484 114 Nadrai 957 781 176 55 49 6 16 15 1 94 93 I Pathreki 188 184 4 23 22 10 5 5 81 72 9 Barbari Lais 15 13 2 14 14 I 386 336 50 Bhaisora Khurd 322 300 22 II 8 3 8 4 4 159 72 87 Bhaisora Buzut'g 125 122 3 13 13 10 10 Allipur 355 351 4 5 5 I 1 344 81 263 Tawalpur Mosampur 255 216 39 18 17 2 2 265 120 145 Tilsai Kalan 613 505 108 182 153 29 37 34 3 99 90 9 KUl3mai 235 234 1 6 3 3 1 58 58 Tilsai Khutd 292 288 4 I I 5 4 1 43 38 5 Manauta 202 196 6 291 282 9 6 5 10 5 5 Mubarikpur Slgtal3

645 DISTRICT CENSUS HANDBOOK: ETAH VILLAGE PRIMARY CD Block- Industrial cateBj0!X Location code Mar,&inal workers Cultivators ASriculturallabourers number Name of Villale Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females I 2 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 01757800 Birhara 30 28 2 4 2 2 14 14 01757900 Firozpur Sihola Farjand Ala Kh 01758000 Karsari Hiyatgarhi 156 65 91 86 21 65 65 39 26 01758100 Mubarikpur Mafi 17 15 2 8 8 01758200 Birsua 148 41 107 106 10 96 30 28 2 01758300 Narayani 158 17 141 143 9 134 3 2 01758400 Mohahimamoorganj 46 44 2 8 8 27 27 01758500 Dadanpur Mafi 01758600 Khairpur 01758700 Bahadurpur 5 3 2 3 3 2 2 01758800 Tillokpur Mafi 43 29 14 I 41 27 14 01758900 Maddupur 17 16 1 6 5 I 01759000 Athaiya 269 1)8 '51 33 17 16 207 74 \33 01759100 KanarKhera 93 84 9 5 3 2 85 79 6 01759200 Bharsoli Mustafabad 7 6 2 I 01759300 Bharhpura 21 21 2 2 19 19 01759400 NaglaSummi 1 I I 01759500 Salempur Piroda 252 143 109 58 30 28 76 70 6 01759600 Kaseri 3 3 01759700 Nagla Pipal 16 16 I I 15 IS 01759800 Kutubpur 99 95 4 7 6 I 81 79 2 01759900 Nizampur 68 56 12 II 4 7 48 44 4 01760000 Berampur 138 32 106 1 3 4 126 26 100 01760100 Beri 45 38 7 4 2 2 38 33 5 01760200 Kantaur 326 193 133 86 32 54 203 133 70 01760300 Nagla Dam 16 4 12 16 4 12 01760400 Tikampura 10 60 \0 38 28 10 01760500 Mohanpura 43 37 6 2 I I 32 28 4 01760600 Afjalpur 163 70 93 18 4 14 132 57 75 01760700 Tandoli Khalsa 30 15 15 2 2 6 2 4 01760800 Tandoli Mafi 8 4 4 4 1 3 2 1 I 01760900 Amarpur 30 25 5 6 5 20 17 3 01761000 Dilawali 89 10 79 78 8 70 8 2 6 01761100 Bamer 147 145 2 65 63 2 01761200 Barela 5 5 01761300 Sullanpur 92 55 37 17 12 5 17 13 4 01761400 Nasratpur 150 121 29 14 11 3 121 95 26 01761500 Nadrai 293 228 65 14 6 8 145 130 15 01761600 Pathreki 433 85 348 165 23 142 245 48 197 01761700 Barbari Lais 276 101 169 40 20 20 80 48 32 01761800 Bhaisora Khurd 50 49 1 3 3 4 3 I 01761900 Bhaisora Buzurg 366 217 149 257 142 115 90 63 27 01762000 Allipur to 5 5 5 5 1 01762100 Tawalpur Mosampur 14 11 3 6 4 2 01762200 Tilsai Kalan 136 65 71 24 6 18 55 38 17 01762300 Kuramai 246 119 127 SO 23 27 134 50 84 01762400 Tilsai Khurd 36 31 5 2 I 27 23 4 01762500 Manauta 84 56 28 26 7 19 22 l8 4 01762600 Mubarikeur Sistara 206 184 22 9 4 5 177 172 5

646 PRIMARY CENSUS ABSTRACT CENSUS ABSTRACT Kasganj of m!!,Binal workers Location Household indust~ workers Other workers Non-workers code Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Name of Villag;e number 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 2 I 4 4 8 8 1,325 541 184 Blrhara 01751800 197 349 448 Firozpur Sihola FalJand Ali 01757900 Kh 5 5 1,375 523 852 Karsan Hlyatgarhl 01758000 I 1 8 7 1,532 578 954 Mubankpur Mafi 01758100 10 2 8 2 I 911 361 550 Birsua 01758200 12 6 6 617 276 341 Narayani 01758300 5 3 2 6 6 3.832 1,666 2.166 MohlinimamoorganJ 01758400 183 79 104 Dadanpur Mafi 01758500 652 225 427 Khalrpur 01758600 2,369 950 1,419 8ahadurpur 01758700 155 11 84 Tillokpur Mafi 01758800 II 1 1 335 128 207 Maddupur 01758900 5 4 24 23 893 385 508 Alhai)'a 01759000 3 2 1,219 476 743 Kanar Khera 01759100 5 5 674 252 422 BhalSOli Mustafabad 01759200 199 69 130 Bharhpum 01759300 78 33 45 NaglaSummi 01759400 2 2 116 41 75 1,699 731 968 Salempur Piroda 01759500 3 3 279 112 167 Kaseri 01759600 172 71 101 Nagla Pipal 01759700 2 2 9 8 587 226 361 Kutubpur 01759800 9 8 252 101 151 Nizampur 01759900 2 2 3 3 638 284 354 Berampur 01760000 3 3 1,912 732 1,180 Beri 01760100 9 7 2 28 21 7 3,704 1,525 2,179 Kantaur 01760200 194 77 117 Nagla Dam 01760300 32 32 697 292 405 Tikampura 01760400 8 7 I 908 336 572 Mohanpura 01760500 5 2 3 8 7 J 758 343 415 Afjalpur 01760600 22 \3 9 64\ 25\ 39G Tando\i K.ha\sa 01760"100 2 2 268 94 174 Tandoh Mafi 01160800 2 2 2 I 421 170 251 Amarpur 01760900 3 3 354 163 191 Dilawali 01761000 4 4 18 78 993 372 621 Bakner 01761100 4 4 1 I 211 78 139 Barela 01761200 15 2 13 43 28 15 538 196 342 Sultanpur 01761300 15 15 864 321 543 Nasralpur 01761400 7 2 5 121 90 37 3,581 1,522 2,065 Nadrai 01761500 8 3 5 15 II 4 2.263 1,013 1.250 Pathreki 01761600 80 6 74 16 33 43 1,060 453 607 Baman Lais 01761100 43 43 881 336 551 Bhaisora Khurd 01761800 4 3 15 11 4 1.411 618 193 Bhaisora Buzurg 01761900 4 4 502 195 307 AlJipur 01162000 8 1 I 1.231 604 633 Tawalpur Mosampur 01762100 \ S6 21 35 \.080 535 54S Titsai Kalan 0\762200 24 10 14 38 36 2 2.558 1,085 1.473 Kuramai 01762300 7 1 1,112 405 707 Tilsai Khunl 01762400 4 4 32 31 1.128 450 678 Manauta 01762500 15 3 12 5 5 1.431 512 919 Mubarikeur S·stara 01162600


PRIMARY CENSUS ABSTRACT AMANPUR CD BLOCK DISTRICT CENSUS HANDBOOK: ETAH VILLAGE PRIMARY CD Bloek- Total population (including Location Area of institutional and houselcss Population in the code ViUagein Number of population} age-&rou2 0-6 number Name of Village hectares households Persons Males Females Persons Males Females I 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 to 0162 Amanpur (Total) 18.944.9 20.322 128.046 69,302 58,744 26.006 1l,936 12.070 0162 Amanpur (Rural) 18,944.9 20,322 128.046 69.302 58,744 26.006 13.936 12,070 0162 Amanpur (lJrban) Amanpur (Rural) 01762100 DaRla Pur 191.3 177 1.137 597 540 238 118 120 01762800 Kishor Pur 59.7 210 1.413 161 652 281 136 145 01762900 Iltafat Pur 89.5 66 447 250 197 105 59 46 01163000 Sallal 333.4 282 1,804 971 827 368 199 169 01763100 Rekh Pur 174.5 190 1,3] 5 702 613 265 132 133 01763200 Munabbar Pur '42.6 156 936 506 430 201 104 97 01763300 Kasim Pur Maihan 405.5 409 2.525 1.351 1,174 494 254 240 01763400 Neewari ]64.3 238 1.381 737 644 276 148 128 01763500 Barikhcra 290.4 311 1.906 945 961 390 203 187 01763600 Majid Pur 131.8 87 528 295 233, 102 54 48 01763700 Khush Kari 769 4,950 2,630 2.320 989 523 466 01763800 Wazeerpur 245.1 214 1,475 813 662 303 171 132 01763900 Firozpur Sani 124.0 115 790 428 362 159 94 65 0]764000 Gendupura Padam Singh 143.5 141 9]0 491 419 162 84 78 01764100 Gendupura Goberdhan IliA 119 802 436 366 175 92 83 01764200 Bharat Pur 96.6 68 483 257 226 83 44 39 01764300 Badharikhurd 124.9 ]96 1.335 703 632 286 145 141 01764400 Behata 198 .• 390 2,645 1,418 1,227 594 310 284 01764500 Fatehpur Taluka Bellata 77.8 50 364 201 163 69 33 36 01764600 Basawan Pur 202.9 142 932 501 431 218 126 92 01764700 Dhorika 81.6 56 358 194 164 67 41 26 01764800 Yadgar Pur 161.4 180 1,272 678 594 274 146 128 01764900 MubarikPur 109.3 77 431 235 196 100 65 35 01765000 SujanPur 143.7 113 739 383 356 181 94 87 01765100 Peeri 78.0 25 219 118 101 36 21 15 01765200 Shamas Pur Dengari 453 2,786 1,533 1.253 573 303 270 01765300 Sarsawan 192.9 292 1,736 945 791 399 207 (92 01765400 Kachela Sherpur 536.3 846 5,219 2,820 2.399 1,100 596 504 01765500 Shekh Pur Hunda 379.8 336 2,055 1,063 992 399 200 199 01765600 Bhadairi 276.0 358 2.248 1.238 1.010 539 290 249 01765700 Binpur Kalan 441.2 532 3,748 2,030 1,718 771 412 365 01765800 Tharachitara 434.9 235 1.555 844 711 284 156 128 01765900 Maheshpur 128.0 78 371 195 176 43 17 26 01766000 Shekhpur Khurd 122.1 92 519 289 230 126 77 49 01766100 Mahdawa 265.0 359 2.610 1.435 1.175 540 291 249 01766200 Karsana 557.0 745 4.679 2.484 2.195 862 450 412 01766300 Dewari 229.6 194 1,213 649 564 251 134 117 01766400 Lakhmipur 122.5 166 1,188 621 567 227 120 107 017665QO Rasalua Sulahpur 381.8 277 1.856 LotS 841 412 236 176 01766600 lakha 253.9 197 1.106 607 499 241 140 101 01766700 Chaupara 125.6 152 859 462 397 181 97 84 01766800 Harthara 88.0 27 172 91 81 27 13 14 01766900 Waranagar 223.5 265 1.564 852 712 329 181 148 01767000 Banupur Bakkalan 101.4 96 687 383 304 133 78 S5 01767100 Sarsaivan 170.8 270 1.582 878 704 309 162 147 01767200 Sarsait 232.3 106 639 338 301 116 52 64 01767300 Sarsai Naru 418.0 311 1.919 1.044 875 398 234 164 01767400 Rampur 285 1.780 990 790 362 195 167 01767500 Nagla Khari 121 658 355 303 135 69 66 01767600 Mtndaul Khurd 98.4 36 216 118 98 49 29 20 01767700 Mindaul Buzurg 254.1 320 1.802 974 828 317 209 \68 01767800 Kondra 115.0 93 477 265 212 75 40 35 01767900 Bhujpura 133.0 89 517 313 264 120 63 57 01768000 Devpur 227.3 112 791 420 371 143 77 66 01768100 Anandpur 230.9 185 1.132 623 509 204 "0 94 01768260 Pratap Pur 161.2 160 1.078 601 477 208 122 86 01768300 Vcerpur • 140.1 194 1.195 646 549 275 132 143


Scheduled Castes popuation Scheduled Tribes E:ol!ulation Literates Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Name of Village It 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 2 23.834 13.003 10.831 54.160 37.686 16.474 Amanpur (Total) 23.834 13.003 10.831 54,160 37,686 16,474 Amanpur (Rural} Amanpur (Urban) Amanpur (Rural) 251 \25 \26 5415 365 180 Darua Pur 44 23 21 533 431 102 Kishor Pur 110 17 33 rltafat Pur 97 52 45 942 652 290 Sallai 460 243 217 609 406 203 Rekh Pur 71 31 40 445 330 115 Munabbar Pur III 62 49 955 747 208 Kasim Pur Maihan 218 121 97 615 455 160 Neewari 57 32 25 604 411 193 Barikhera 23 II 12 212 165 47 Majid Pur 214 113 101 2,436 1,676 760 Khush Kari 583 323 260 728 517 211 Wazeerpur 41 23 18 343 234 109 Firozpur Sani 10 6 4 445 286 159 GendupUJ1l Padam Singh 17 10 7 288 190 98 Gendupura Goberdhan 235 163 72 Bharat Pur 130 68 62 665 448 211 Badharikhurd 138 393 345 1,024 747 277 Behata 155 125 30 Fatehpur Taluka Behata 526 282 244 404 286 118 Basawan Pur 104 60 44 125 96 29 Dhorika 11 7 4 480 348 132 Yadgar Pur 176 90 86 164 102 62 MubarikPur 573 298 275 318 211 107 Sujan Pur 130 78 52 Peeri 1,415 773 642 1,014 758 256 Shamas Pur Dengari 243 134 109 595 509 86 Sarsawan 1.412 780 632 2,078 1,481 597 Kachela Sherpur 448 236 212 930 632 298 Shekh Pur Hunda 133 83 50 904 658 246 Bhadairi 446 242 204 ] .531 1,040 491 Binpur Kalan 107 57 SO 784 514 210 Thantehitara 33 17 16 67 43 24 Maheshpur 190 146 44 Shekhpur Khurd 142 81 61 916 674 242 Mahdawa 241 136 105 1.561 1.000 561 Karsana 389 200 189 512 354 158 Dewari 77 42 35 524 368 156 Lakhmipur 450 234 216 695 503 192 Rasalua Sulahpur 633 348 28S 455 291 164 Jalma 249 137 112 476 31t 16S Chaupara 1 I 119 70 49 Harthara 399 222 177 553 412 141 Waranagar 147 86 61 339 223 116 Bilnupur Bakkalan 285 155 130 570 393 177 SaBaivan 298 165 133 309 181 128 Sarsait 650 366 284 950 610 340 Sarsai Naru 922 SI9 403 694 461 233 Rampur 30 16 14 329 228 101 Nagla Khari 92 49 43 54 38 16 Mmdaul Khurd 511 283 228 660 447 213 Mindaul Buzurg 37 20 17 241 161 80 Kondra 309 190 119 Bhujpura 40 23 n 448 283 165 Oevpur 387 226 161 449 309 140 Anandpur 259 154 105 531 354 177 Pratap Pur 213 liS 98 378 297 81 Veerpur


Location code Illiterates Total ,,"orkcrs Main workers number Name of Village Persons Males females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females I 2 20 21 22 23 24 2S 26 27 28 0162 Amanpur CTolal) 73,886 31,616 42.270 40.601 H,48S 7.116 31.800 29.063 2.737 0162 Amanpul' (ltu... 1) 73.886 31,616 42.270 40,601 33,485 1,116 31,800 29.063 2,731 0162 Amanpur (Urban] Amanpur (Rural) 01762700 Darua Pur 592 232 360 292 213 19 192 182 10 01762800 Kishor Pur 880 330 5S0 423 374 49 354 342 12 01762900 lltafat Pur 337 173 164 81 79 ·2 74 73 01763000 SaJial 862 325 537 484 416 68 411 367 44 01763)00 Rekh Pur 706 296 410 534 352 l82 397 266 131 01763200 Munabbar Pur 491 176 315 318 236 82 200 195 5 01763300 Kaslm Pur Malhari 1,570 604 966 817 684 133 586 566 20 01763400 Neewan 766 282 484 460 378 82 331 321 10 01763500 Barikhera ].302 534 768 5)7 438 79 447 403 44 01163600 Majid Pur 316 130 186 205 160 45 129 127 2 01763700 Khush Kari 2,514 954 1.560 1.500 1.232 268 1.146 1.088 58 01763800 Wazeerpur 747 296 451 416 356 60 349 342 7 01763900 Firozpur Sam 447 194 253 228 216 12 196 185 II 01764000 Gendupura Padam Singh 465 20S 260 262 260 2 252 251 1 01764100 Gendupura Goberdhan 5]4 246 268 2]] 205 6 ]96 ]91 5 01764200 Bharat Pur 248 94 154 ISO 135 15 130 122 8 01764300 Badharikhurd 610 255 415 489 332 157 278 261 11 01764400 Behata 1,621 671 950 718 625 93 484 445 39 01764500 Fatehpur Taluka Behata 209 76 133 12S 116 9 II tl 01764600 Basa\lVan Pur 528 215 JIJ 354 224 130 218 210 8 01764700 Dhorika 233 98 135 85 . 85 85 85 01764800 YadgarPur 792 330 462 367 344 23 364 342 22 01'64900 Mubarik Pur 267 133 134 121 116 5 109 lOS 4 01765000 Sujan Pur 421 112 249 228 178 SO 204 169 3S 01765100 Peen 89 40 49 Sf SO I 37 36 I 01765200 Shamas Put Dengari 1,772 175 991 1,148 759 389 716 657 59 01765300 Sarsawan 1,141 436 705 668 456 212 446 375 71 01765400 Kachela Sherpur 3.141 1.339 1.802 1.649 1.409 240 1,406 1,262 144 01765500 Shekh Pur Hunda 1,125 431 694 626 57[ 55 541 535 6 01765600 Bhadairi 1,344 S80 764 518 503 IS 485 474 II 01765700 Binpur Kalan 2.217 990 1.227 1;271 982 295 987 845 142 01765800 Tharachitara 171 330 441 661 438 223 562 359 203 01765900 Maheshpur 304 152 152 149 132 17 122 114 8 01766000 Shekhpur Khurd 329 143 186 220 145 75 220 145 75 01766100 Mahdawa 1,694 761 933 853 714 139 768 631 137 0'766200 Karsana 3,Il8 ',484 1,634 1,429 1.167 262 1,053 1,006 47 01766300 Dewari 701 295 406 330 294 36 30S 286 19 01766400 Lakhmipur 664 253 411 316 314 2 306 306 01766500 Rasalua Sulahpur 1,161 512 649 559 492 67 464 459 5 01766600 Jakha 651 316 335 304 294 10 300 292 8 01766700 Chaupara 383 151 232 310 204 106 283 181 102 01766800 Harthara 53 21 32 71 48 23 27 26 1 01766900 Waranagar 1.011 440 571 450 413 37 416 396 20 01767000 Banupur Bakkalan 348 160 188 184 174 10 149 144 5 01767'00 SaTSaivan 1.012 485 527 480 442 38 409 395 14 01767200 Sarsait 330 157 173 138 136 2 120 118 2 01767300 Sarsai Naru 969 434 535 806 528 278 388 371 1 I I 01767400 Rampur 1.086 529 557 614 .520 94 497 477 20 01767500 Nagla Khari 329 127 202 183 178 5 168 167 I 01767600 Mindaul Khurd 162 80 82 35 34 I 35 34 I 01767700 Mindaul Bu:t:urg 1.142 527 615 436 421 15 364 356 8 01767800 Kondra 236 104 132 192 149 43 102 100 2 01767900 Bhujpura 268 123 145 145 145 l35 l35 01768000 Dcvpur 343 131 206 241 239 2 240 238 2 01768100 Anandpur 683 314 369 291 276 15 263 252 I I 01768200 Pralap Pur 547 247 300 300 287 13 224 214 10 01768300 Veerpur 817 349 468 3S5 341 14 257 249 8

652 PRlMARY CENSUS A.BSTRACT CENSUS ABSTRACT Amanpur Industrial category of main workers Household industry Cultivators Agricultural labourers workers Other workers Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Name of Village 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 2 23.255 21.827 1.428 4.574 4,110 464 838 692 \ 146 3,133 2.434 699 Amanpur (Total) B.255 2 \ .%21 \.42% 4.514 4,' 'A %4 s~s 692 \4() ~.nJ 2.4~4 699 Amanpur (Rural) Amllnpur (Urban) Amanpur (Rural) 129 122 7 to 9 20 18 2 . 33 33 DaTUa Pur 23& 235 3 97 90 1 6 6 l3 11 2 Kishot' Pur 72 72 1 1 I tltafat Pur 305 266 39 29 27 2 47 46 30 28 2 Sailai 298 219 79 96 44 52 I I 2 2 Rekh Pur 136 134 2 22 22 5 .3 2 37 36 Munabbar Pur 526 510 16 17 16 30 27 3 13 13 Kasim Pur Maihari 204 194 10 89 89 I 37 37 Neewari 406 366 40 26 23 3 4 3 11 II Barikhera 123 121 2 6 6 Majid Pur 890 838 52 75 72 3 19 18 162 160 2 Khush Kan 288 282 6 32 31 , II 1 1 18 18 Wazeerpur 72 67 5 117 112 .5 6 6 1 Firozpur Sani 222 221 1 14 14 5 5 II n Gendupura Padam Singh 184 180 4 4 4 8 7 1 Gendupura GoberdhaJI 106 104 2 4 3 1 I 19 14 5 Bharat Pur 242 231 11 13 13 8 8 15 15 Badbarikhutd 168 153 15 119 114 .5 64 55 9 133 123 10 Behata 4 4 7 7 Fatehpur Taluka Debata 190 189 14 II 3 14 10 4 Basawan Pur 7S 75 10 10 Dhorika 310 302 8 37 34 3 14 3 II 3 3 YadgarPur 63 62 I 34 33 I 12 10 2 Mubarik Pur 123 101 22 66 S4 12 15 14 t Sujan Pur 35 34 1 2 2 Peeri 486 452 34 81 84 3 65 5S 10 78 66 12 Sbamas Pur Dengari 224 223 1 35 34 1 11 10 1 176 108 68 Sarsawan 1,013 979 94 233 194 39 24 24 16 65 II Kachela Sbapur 440 435 5 81 80 19 (9 Shekh Pur Huncia .356 347 9 112 110 2 5 5 • 12 12 Bhadairi 650 638 12 98 88 10 86 43 43 153 76 77 Binpur Kalan 219 214 5 38 36 2 1 304 108 196 Tharachitam 91 88 3 26 24 2 2 2 3 3 Maheshpur 179 110 69 23 20 3 2 16 14 2 Shekhpur Khunl 483 472 11 77 77 32 31 176 51 125 Mahdawa 455 445 10 349 343 6 59 39 20 190 179 If Karsana 294 275 19 10 10 1 Dewari 291 291 5 5 9 9 Lakhmipur 31& 314 4 62 6\ 1 10 10 14 14 Rasa\ua Su1abpur 196 190 6 78 17 I I 1 2S 24 Jakha 187 110 77 70 45 25 25 25 Chaupam 23 22 I 4 4 Harthara 255 247 8 79 78 5 5 77 66 (( Waranagar 124 119 5 2 2 2 2 21 21 Banupur Bakkalan 291 291 57 57 8 7 53 40 13 Sanaivan 109 107 2 4 4 5 5 2 2 Sarsait 310 305 5 27 19 8 6 .3 3 45 44 Sanai Naru 290 287 3 96 94 2 4 4 107 96 11 Rampur 113 112 1 44 44 2 2 9 9 Nagla Khari :.\4 33 1 Mindaul1<.burd 290 283 1 50 50 10 10 14 13 Mindaul Buzurg 98 96 2 1 1 2 2 Kondra 127 127 8 8 Bhujpura 221 219 2 2 2 7 7 10 to Devpur 248 240 8 2 2 .5 3 2 8 7 I Anandpur 176 170 6 15 15 21 19 2 12 10 2 Pratap Pur 216 211 5 33 30 .3 3 3 S 5 Veerpur

653 DISTRICT CENSUS HANDBOOK: ETAH VILLAGE PRIMARY CD Block- Industrial categOry Location code Marginal workers Cultivators Agricultural labourers number Name of Village Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females 2 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 0162 Amanpur ( rotal) 8.801 4.422 4.379 2.612 1.082 1.590 4.114 2.5n 1.801 0162 Amanpur(Rural) 8.801 4.422 4.379 2.672 1.082 1.590 4.114 2.513 1.801 0162 Amanpur (Urban) Amanpur (Rural) 01762700 Darua Pur 100 91 9. 20 17 3 66 63 3 01762800 Kishor Pur 69 32 37 13 6 7 51 23 28 01762900 IIlafal Pur 7 6 1 6 5 I 01763000 Sallai 73 49 24 30 12 18 29 27 2 01163 100 Rekh Pur 131 86 51 8 4 4 129 82 41 01763200 Munabbar Pur 118 41 77 103 27 76 10 9 I 01163300 KaSlffi Pur Maihan 231 118 113 167 60 101 44 40 4 01763400 Neewari 129 57 72 76 22 54 36 18 18 01163500 Barikhera 70 35 35 53 24 29 J1 7 4 01163600 Majid Pur 76 33 43 60 18 42 16 15 I 01763100 Khush Kari 354 144 210 211 92 119 119 29 90 01763800 VV~ur 67 14 53 60 10 SO 4 4 01763900 Firozpur Sani 32 31 4 3 01764000 Gendupura Padam Singh 10 9 10 9 01764100 Gendupura Goberdhan 15 14 2 2 13 12 01764200 Bharat PUI" 20 13 7 1 1 16 12 4 01764300 Badharikhurd 211 65 146 152 17 135 S6 46 10 0\ 764400 Bebata 234 180 54 61 52 9 134 100 34 01 764500 Fatehpur Taluka Behata 114 105 9 95 88 7 4 3 I 01764600 Basawan Pur 136 14 122 113 1 112 17 7 10 01764 700 Dhorilca 01764800 Yadgar Pur 3 2 I I I 01764900 Mubarik Pur 12 II 1 3 2 9 9 01765000 Sujan Pur 24 9 IS 9 8 13 7 6 01765100 Peen 14 14 8 8 01765200 Shamas Pur Dengari 432 102 330 228 28 200 158 71 87 01765300 Sarsawan 222 8t 141 1 I 56 50 6 01765400 Kachela Sherpur 243 147 96 121 50 71 108 87 21 0\765500 Shekh Pur Hunda 85 36 49 57 8 49 25 25 01765600 Bhadairi 33 29 4 6 4 2 16 15 I 01765700 Binpur Kalan 290 137 153 20 9 11 142 112 30 01765800 Tharachitara 99 79 20 4 4 65 63 2 01765900 Maheshpur 27 18 9 8 6 2 12 10 2 01766000 Shekhpur Khurd 01766100 Mahdawa 85 83 2 8 7 68 67 01766200 Karsana 376 161 2U IS 4 II 62 48 14 01766300 Dewari 25 8 17 10 7 3 15 1 14 01766400 Lakhmipur 10 8 2 3 1 2 6 6 01766500 Rasalua Sulahpur 95 33 62 59 58 25 24 I 01766600 Jakha 4 2 2 3 I 2 01766700 Chaupara 27 23 4 I 19 17 2 0\ 766800 Hanhara 44 22 22 26 9 17 15 10 5 01766900 Waranagar 34 17 17 16 10 6 2 2 01767000 Banupur Bakkalan 35 30 5 8 5 3 11 10 1 01767100 Satsalvan 71 47 24 32 15 17 29 26 3 01767200 Sarsail 18 18 17 17 I I 01767300 Sarsai Naru 418 157 261 63 25 38 351 130 221 01767400 Rampur 117 43 74 13 7 6 IS J3 2 01767500 Nagla Khari 15 11 4 13 to 3 01767600 Mindaul Khurd 01761700 Mindaul Buzul'g 72 65 1 10 8 2 55 52 3 01767800 Kondra 90 49 41 10 6 4 67 30 37 01767900 Bhujpura 10 10 01768000 Devpur I I 01768100 Anandpur 28 24 4 7 4 3 13 13 o I 768200 Pralap Pur 76 73 3 I I 63 62 I 01768300 Veerpur 98 92 6 2 2 93 87 6

654 PRIMARY CENSUS ABSTRACT CENSUS ABSTRACT Amanpur of marginal workers Location Household industry workers Other workers Non-workers code Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Name of Village number 50 SI 52 53 54 55 S6 S7 S8 2 760 214 546 1,055 613 442 87,445 35,817 51,628 Amanpur fTolal, 0162 760 214 546 1,055 611 442 87,445 35,817 51.628 Alnanpur (Rural) 0162 Amanpur (Urban) 0162 Amanpur (Rural) 5 3 2 9 8 I 845 324 521 Darua Pur 01762100 5 3 2 990 387 603 Kishm Pur 0"62800 366 171 t 9S lltafat Pur 01162900 8 4 4 6 6 1,320 561 759 Sailai 01763000 781 350 431 Rekh Pur 01763100 ] ] 2 2 618 270 348 Munabbar Pur 01163200 I] 12 7 6 1,708 667 1,041 Kaslm Pur Malhari 01163300 2 2 15 15 921 359 562 Neewari 01163400 4 2 2 2 2 1.389 507 882 Barikhera 01763500 323 135 188 Majid Pur 01763600 24 23 3.450 1,398 2.052 Khush Kari 01163100 2 2 I 1.059 457 602 Wazeerpur 01763800 8 8 20 20 562 212 350 Firozpur Sani 01163900 648 231 417 Genduputa Padam Singh 01164000 591 231 360 Gendupura Goberdhan 01764100 ] 2 333 122 2 I 1 Bharat Pur 01764200 3 2 846 371 475 Badharikhurd 01764300 15 8 7 24 20 4 1.927 793 1,134 Bebata 01764400 IS 14 239 85 154 Fatehpur Taluka Behata 01764500 6 6 578 277 301 Basawan PUJ" 01764600 273 109 164 Dhorika 01164100 905 334 571 Yadgar Pur 01764800 310 119 191 Mubarik Pur 01164900 2 ] 511 205 306 Sujan Pur 01765000 6 6 168 68 100 Pcerl 01765100 41 41 5 3 2 1.638 114 864 Shamas Pur Dengari 01765200 9 9 156 21 135 1.068 489 579 Sarsawan 01765300 3 2 11 8 3 3.570 1,411 2,159 Kachela Sherpur 01765400 3 3 1.429 492 937 Shekh Pur Huncla 01165500 I I 10 9 I 1.7]0 735 995 Bbadairi 01765600 117 12 105 II 4 7 2.471 1.048 1,423 Binpur Kalan 01765700 30 12 18 894 406 488 lbarachitara 01765800 2 5 4 222 63 159 Mabesbpur 01765900 299 144 155 Sbekhpur Khurd 01766000 8 8 1.757 721 1.036 Mabdawa 01766100 218 39 179 81 70 II 3,250 1.317 1.933 Karsana 01766200 883 355 528 Dewari 01766300 1 I 872 301 56-5 Lakhmlpur 01766400 3 3 8 5 3 1,297 523 774 Rasalua Sulahpur 01766500 802 JU 489 lakha 01766600 6 549 258 291 Chaupara 01766700 ] 101 43 58 Harthara 01766800 3 2 13 10 1.114 439 675 Waranagar 01766900 16 503 209 294 Banupur Bakkalan 01761000 4 3 6 1.102 436 666 Sarsaivan 01761100 SOl 202 299 Sarsail 01767200 2 2 2 2 l.I13 516 597 Sarsai Naru 0]167300 12 3 9 77 20 57 1.166 470 696 Rampur 01767400 2 I I 475 177 298 Nagla Khan 01167500 181 84 97 M indaul Khurd 01767600 3 2 4 3 1.]66 553 813 Mindaul Buzurg 01767700 13 13 285 116 169 Kondra 01767800 II II 432 168 264 BhuJPurd 01767900 550 181 369 Devpur 01768000 4 3 4 4 841 347 494 Anandpur 01768100 6 4 2 6 6 778 314 464 Pratap Pur 01768200 3 3 840 305 535 Veerpur 01768300

655 DISTRICT CENSUS HANDBOOK: ETAH VILLAGE PRIMARY CD Block- Total population (including Location Area of institutional and houselcss Population in the code Village in Number of population} age-grouJ! 0-6 number Name of Village hectares households Persons Males Females Persons Males Females I 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 01168400 Kaundba 179.7 104 554 323 231 121 66 55 01768500 Amanpur 219.1 17 504 284 220 92 58 34 01768600 Dadwara 244.1 96 644 323 321 123 58 65 01768700 Ranamau 207.8 311 1,867 1,004 863 374 202 172 01768800 Bayali 86.0 81 513 272 241 130 63 67 01768900 Bikol1l 104.8 104 643 3.53 290 126 73 53 01769000 Allipur 63.5 116 982 513 469 150 66 84 01769100 Sewaka 249.0 235 1,346 734 612 261 135 126 01769200 Bcenpur Khurd 94.3 71 461 237 224 86 44 42 01769300 Bachhmai 928.2 158 1,079 598 481 237 133 104 01769400 Bhagupura 278.0 139 848 458 390 165 82 83 0)769500 Baddupur 47.3 99 660 372 288 123 70 53 01769600 Dona 178.2 171 984 548 436 252 131 121 01769700 J8I1IU Asbokpur 633 3,879 2,081 . 1,798 749 388 361 01769800 Sikandra Bad 184 1,143 613 530 207 108 99 01769900 Bhraguwasini 241.5 180 1,203 659 544 197 104 93 01770000 Majhola 116.2 147 981 S40 447 207 123 84 01770100 Abhaypura 287.7 310 1,864 997 867 372 191 181 01770200 Phakouta 240.0 320 1,875 1.045 830 370 229 141 01170300 Tikuria 99.4 103 5.56 312 244 96 62 34 01770400 Jarai 312.5 270 1.764 997 767 361 189 172 01770500 SbCrpur 170.8 112 826 435 391 175 92 83 01770600 NadarMai 423.2 lSI 2.463 1,360 1,103 559 312 247 01770700 Busoda 192-..3 - 222 1.448 788 660 271 143 128 01770800 Jhiftgan 190.5 76 528 295 233 98 47 51 01770900 Sujrai 400.8 338 2,009 1,148 861 317 183 134 01771000 Rajepur 62.4 50 366 209 157 60 35 25 01771100 AIj... pur Qadim , 563.2 438 2.695 1.446 ' 1.249 616 331 '285 01771200 Nagla Kundan 79..5 93 584 307 277 123 64 59 01771300 Saronthi 118.8 63 387 207 180 69 36 33 01771400 Uncluigaon 173 1,260 686 574 237 130 107 01771500 Nagaria 48.4 115 670 367 303 144 7S 69 01771600 Hansput' 105.6 121 143 412 331 145 73 72 01771700 Harraj Pur 110.0 100 653 347 306 143 75 68 01771800 TIumpur 97.1 121 682 372 310 149 84 65 01771900 LacbhirtlPur 126.9 III 638 332 306 147 72 75 0[772000 Aljunpur Nauabad 385.7 392 2.336 1.277 1.059 474 258 216 01772100 Namai 468.1 3S9 2.240 1.228 1,012 444 237 207 01772200 Naugaon 107.6 197 1,133 623 510 204 124 80 01772300 Scmra Moroha 194.3 152 915 472 443 202 102 100


Scheduled Castes 22l?:uation Scheduled Tribes I!ol?:ulation Literates Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Name of Village I 1 12 13 14 15 16 J7 18 19 2 239 134 105 210 147 63 Kaundha 252 142 110 218 156 62 Ama.npur 24 9 15 379 217 162 Dadwara 813 449 364 830 574 256 Ranarnau 224 156 68 Bayali 306 161 145 256 177 79 Bikora 122 65 57 514 390 184 Allipur 26 12 14 579 432 147 Sewaka 256 130 126 229 139 90 Beenpur Khurd 410 247 163 531 355 176 Bachhmai 97 53 44 397 277 - 120 Bhagupura 248 143 105 242 174 68 Baddupur 47 26 21 428 316 112 Dorm 552 288 264 1.905 1.301 604 Jamu Ashokpur 81 41 40 613 421 192 Sikandra Bad 408 205 203 515 397 178 Bhraguwasini 29 18 1I 406 321 85 Majhola 304 173 131 145 515 230 Abhaypura 62 32 30 813 604 269 Phakouta 101 57 44 238 181 57 Tikuria 276 152 124 661 497 164 Jarai IS 6 9 404 244 160 Sherpur 534 296 238 926 670 256 NadarMai 123 61 62 588 430 158 Barsoda 8 4 4 254 169 85 Jhingan 692 394 298 833 592 241 Sujrai 85 53 32 185 119 66 Rajepur 690 380 310 1,059 142 311 Aljunpur Qadim 71 38 33 256 169 87 Nagla Kundan 144 66 78 87 65 22 Saronthi 165 91 74 196 163 33 Unchagaon 29 12 17 285 213 72 Nagana 12 6 6 199 142 57 Hanspur 225 122 103 298 193 105 HanajPur 285 149 136 329 222 107 Thanpur 202 108 94 241 162 79 La.chhim Pur 224 126 98 991 680 311 Aljunpur Nauabad 194 107 87 1.145 772 373 Narrai 125 69 56 653 429 224 Naugaon 208 99 109 443 278 165 Senua Morcha


Location code Illiterates Total ~orkers Main workers number Name of Village Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females I 2 20 2] 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 01768400 Kaundha 344 176 168 147 - 146 89 89 01768500 Arnanpur 286 128 158 88 78 10 39 38 01768600 Dadwara 265 106 159 169 152 17 99 93 6 01768700 Ranamau 1.037 430 607 468 383 85 301 228 73 01768800 Bayali 289 116 173 133 129 4 132 128 4 01768900 Bikora 387 176 211 149 145 4 72 70 2 01769000 Allipur 408 123 285 281 266 15 270 257 13 01169100 Sewaka 767 302 465 406 385 21 393 377 16 01769200 Becnpur Khurd 232 98 134 133 129 4 132 128 4 01 769JOO Bachhmal 548 243 305 336 297 39 263 257 6 01769400 Bhagupura 451 181 270 230 227 3 157 156 1 01169500 BacldupuT 418 198 220 166 166 159 159 01169600 Dorra 556 232 324 268 259 9 248 240 8 01769700 Jarau Ashokpur 1.974 780 1.194 1.040 937 103 684 662 22 01769800 Sikandra Bad 530 192 338 298 287 II 281 216 II 01769900 Bhraguwasml 628 262 366 322 313 9 322 313 9 01770000 _Majhola 581 219 362 257 252 5 246 243 3 0"'0100 Abhayp\lm \.\ \q 4&2 631 640 504 \36 46\ 442 19 01770200 Phakouta 1.002 441 561 515 499 16 414 406 8 01770300 Tikuria 318 131 ]87 342 ]81 161 342 181 161 01770400 Jarai 1.103 500 603 802 521 281 578 478 100 01770500 Sherpur 422 191 231 189 182 7 177 175 2 01770600 NadarMai 1.537 690 847 676 567 109 581 520 61 01770700 Barsoda 860 358 502 389 387 2 378 377 I 01770800 Jbingan 214 126 148 264 '157 107 229 150 79 01770900 Sujrai 1.176 556 620 772 629 143 599 585 14 01771000 Rajepur 181 90 91 III lOS 6 104 103 I 01771100 Aljunpur Qadim 1.636 704 932 1,024 783 241 695 623 72 01771200 Nagla Kundan 328 138 190 150 147 3 141 141 01771300 Saronthi 300 142 158 106 95 11 99 92 7 01771400 Unchagaon r.064 523 541 339 335 4 339 335 4 01771500 Nagaria 385 154 231 262 187 75 181 156 25 01771600 Hanspur 544 270 274 324 200 124 306 192 114 01771700 Harraj Pur 355 154 201 259 170 89 227 156 71 01171800 Thanpur 353 ISO 203 187 \81 6 175 169 6 01771900 Lachhim Pur 397 170 227 245 17S 70 161 159 2 01772000 Aljunpur Nauabad 1.345 597 748 971 710 261 565 538 27 01772100 Nanai 1.095 456 639 931 580 351 580 573 7 01772200 Naugaon 480 194 286 456 330 126 319 296 23 01772300 Semra Morcha 472 194 278 382 240 142 318 212 106

658 PRIMARY CENSUS ABSTRACT CENSUS ABSTRACT Amanpur Industrial catcgo!l: of main workers Household industry Cultivators AgricullurallabouTCfS workers Other workers Persons MaleS Females P~ns Males Females Persons" Males Femalcs persons Males Females Name of Village , 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 2 84 84 I I 4 4 Kaundha 19 18 3 3 2 2 )5 15 Amanpur 15 14" I 8 II I I 75 70 5 Dadwara 230 178 52 " I I 8 6 2 62 43 19 Ranamau 76 72 4 5'4 54 2 2 Bayali 58 58 2 2 12 10 2 Bikora 209 200 9 19 III 42 39 3 Allipur 266 261 5 102 102 24 13 I I Sewaka 46 46 82 78 4 3 3 Beenpur Khurd 194 192 2 30 29 4 2 2 ·35 34 Bachhmal 89 88 44 44 6 6 18 18 Bhagupura 156 156 3 3 Baddupur 101 95 6 138 136 2 2 2 7 7 Dorra 565 549 16 18 17 12 12 89 84 5 Jarau Ashokpur 246 241 5 II II 3 3 27 21 6 Sikandra Bad 247 239 8 33 32 23 23 19 19 Bhraguwasini 214 212 2 9 8 I 6 6 17 17 Majhola 241 230 11 139 133 6 28 26 2 53 53 Abhaypura 316 311 5 53 52 3 3 42 40 2 Phakouta 342 181 161 Tikuria 405 395 10 146 56 90 5 5 22 22 Jarai 145 145 7 7 2 I 23 22 I SherpUT 533 474 59 11 11 1O 1O 27 25 2 NadaTMai 352 351 I 21 21 5 5 Barsoda 61 50 II 158 95 63 9 5 4 1 Jhingan 358 351 7 217 214 3 9 5 4 15 15 Sujrai 86 85 I 12 12 2 2 4 4 Rajepur 557 498 S9 98 85 13 12 12 28 28 Atjunpur Qadim 95 95 42 42 4 4 Nagla Kundan 86 82 4 5 5 4 4 4 1 3 Saronthi 319 315 4 18 18 2 2 Unchagaon 148 131 17 23 15 8 3 3 7 7 Nagaria 222 145 77 75 44 31 9 3 6 Hanspur 192 130 62 28 20 8 7 6 Hamlj Pur 114 110 4 44 43 17 16 Thanpur 136 135 I 24 23 I I I Lachhim Pur 423 405 18 89 84 5 20 20 .33 29 4 AtjunpuT Nauabad 546 541 5 7 5 2 3 3 24 24 Narrai 239 229 10 25 24 I It 9 2 44 34 10 Naugaon 188 141 47 46 36 10 7 3 4 77 32 45 Semra Morcha


Industrial cago~ Location code Ma!:B:inal workers Cultivators A&riculturallabourel"S number Name of VilIa&e Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females I 2 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 01768400 Kaundha 58 57 2 2 51 SO 01768500 Amanpur 49 40 9 14 12 2 18 17 0116&6O

660 PRIMARY CENSUS ABSTRACT CENSUS ABSTRACT Amanpur of marginal workers Location Household indust!):: workers Other workers Non-workers code Persons' .Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Name of Village number 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 2 I 5 5 407 177 230 Kaundha 01768400 6 6 II II 416 206 210 Amanpur 01768500 4 4 47 40 I 475 171 304 Dadwara 01768600 10 9 47 43 4 1,399 621 778 Ranamau 01768700 380 143 237 Bayali 01'768800 9 8 7 7 494 208 286 Bikord 01768900 6 5 701 247 454 Allipur 01769000 6 2 4 940 349 591 Scwaka 01769100 328 108 220 Beenpur Khurd 01769200 7 2 5 6 4 2 743 301 442 Bachhmai 01769300 9 9 10 10 618 231 387 Bhagupura 01769400 I 494 206 288 Baddupur 01769500 716 289 427 Dorra 01769600 10 7 3 31 16 15 2,839 1,144 1,695 Jarau Ashokpur 01769700 6 6 845 326 519 Sikandra Bad 01769800 881 346 535 Shraguwasini 01769900 1 I 2 2 730 288 442 Majhola 01770000 16 5 II t07 12 95 1,224 493 731 Abhaypura 01770100 57 52 5 1,360 546 814 Phakouta 01770200 214 131 83 Tikuria 01770300 5 4 962 476 486 Jarai 01770400 5 5 637 253 384 Sherpur 01770500 4 3 1 20 5 15 1,787 793 994 NadarMai 01770600 3 3 1,059 401 658 Sarsoda 01770100 2 2 264 138 126 lhingan 01770800 130 23 107 1,237 519 718 Sujrai 01770900 4 4 2 2 255 104 151 Rajepur 01771000 2 2 3 3 1,671 663 1.008 Aljunpur Qadim 01771100 2 I 434 160 274 Nagla Kundan 01771200 I 281 112 169 Saronthi 01171300 , 921 351 570 Uncbagaon 01771400 3 2 408 180 228 Nagana 01771500 419 212 207 Hanspur 01771600 394 117 217 Harraj Pur 01711100 I I 4 4 495 191 304 Thanpur 01111800 , 1 393 157 236 Lachhim Pur 01171900 18 3 15 6 2 4 1.365 567 798 Aljunpur Nauabad 01172000 5 4 1 1,309 648 661 Narrai 01172100 8 8 617 293 384 Naugaon 01772200 24 9 15 533 232 301 Semra Morcha 01712300


PRIMARY CENSUS ABSTRACT SAHAWAR CD BLOCK DISTRICT CENSUS HANDBOOK: ETAH VILLAGE PRIMARY CD Block- Total population (including Location Area of institutional and houseless Population in the code Village in Number-of population) age-group 0-6 number Name of Village hectares households Persons Males Females Persons Males Females 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 0163 Sahawar (Tolal) 22.4843 18.339 114.636 ti2.208 52.428 24.639 12.964 11.675 0163 Sahawar (Rural) 22.4843 18.339 114.636 62.208 52.428 24.639 12.964 11.675 0163 Sahawar (Urban) Sahawa~ (Rural) 0)772400 Husampur 1655 113 613 343 270 97 55 42 01772500 Ncoli 472.0 199 1.076 597 479 219 101 118 0) 772600 Chandwa Kham 956.6 ------Un-inhabiled------· 01772700 Mamkapur Kham 2711 ------Un-Inhablted------01 772800 Kailal Badapur 419.8 ------Un-Inhahlled------01772900 Bik~n 1323 8 48 27 . 21 10 5 5 01773000 Mamkapur Pukhta 1004 333 2.51S 1.402 1.l16 563 313 250 01773100 Chandwa Pukhta 461.0 248 1.748 940 808 407 203 204 01773200 Muhammadpur 3S6.1 187 1.252 691 561 283 152 \31 01773300 BaznagarZani 32.0 ------Un-Inhabited------01173400 Baznagar Sared 193.0 262 1.642 881 761 374 187 187 01773500 Baznagargulabi 33.0 ------Un-mhabited------01 773600 Baznagar Zangali • 35 I ------Un-Inhabited------01773700 Muzaffer Nagar 243.0 165 I,OOS 543 465 96 48 48 01773800 Muhimnagar 126.2 31 183 86 97 28 12 16 01773900 Roshan Nagar 922.0 725 4.188 2.329 1,859 855 444 411 01774000 Khangar Nagar 151.9 ------Un-tnhabitcd------01774100 Kunwarpur 563.7 309 2,020 1,104 916 428 224 204 01774200 Meerapur 314.0 147 863 476 387 158 82 76 01774300 Lakhmipur Deepsingh 212.0 72 460 259 201 82 33 49 01774400 Chakbodi 23.0 2 15 873 1 2 01774500 Lakhmipur Vishal Singh 176.0 125 836 450 386 225 III 114 01774600 Lakhmipur Gopalsingh 604.0 512 3,049 1,708 1,341 644 340 304 01774700 Chak Naharia 21.0 ------Un-inhabited------01774800 Nagla Badan 180.8 192 1,027 552 475 241 128 113 01774900 Mangadpur 270.0 189 1.158 639 519 238 133 105 01775000 Gatbiya Himoli 308.1 143 956 517 439 256 135 121 01775100 ~pur 340.0 212 1,386 717 609 245 129 116 01775200 Tarapur 316.0 149 923 486 437 229 112 117 01715300 Alahdinpur 210.0 184 1,109 623 486 263 147 116 01775400 Khalikpur 94.3 124 753 409 344 178 94 84 01775500 Bhiloli 175.7 405 2,396 1.268 1,128 529 274 255 01775600 Chandpur 146.2 72 402 217 • 185 83 43 40 01775700 Firozpur Noorulla Khan 99.8 ------Un-inhablted------01775800 Jamalpur 303.0 541 3,106 1.686 1,420 614 307 307 01775900 Rahimpur ------Un-inhabited------01716000 Bonder 662.0 555 3.620 1.946 1.674 820 429 391 01776100 Gunar- 387.0 358 1,695 92) 774 364 191 173 01 776200 Ganeshpur 168.5 165 896 490 406 205 99 106 01776300 Egvan 1807 145 878 469 409 180 78 102 01776400 Rajpura 143.S 94 657 369 288 113 71 42 01776500 Badhari Kalan 187.3 203 1,123 644 479 197 III 86 01776600 Bhanupur Kayasthan 989 144 900 478 422 209 114 95 01776700 Shekhpur- Narai 1807 219 1.372 735 637 261 135 126 01776800 NawabganJ 614.0 46\ 2.837 1.565 1.272 588 303 285 01776900 Lakhmipur Sunden;ingh 4009 472 3.346 1.816 1,530 875 455 420 01777000 Badagaon 5580 SIS 3.480 1.899 1.581 756 389 367 01777100 Laloopura 129.7 203 1.289 676 613 238 115 123 01777200 Chandi 107.1 146 1.018 554 464 155 79 76 01777300 Pralap Pur- Muhammad Kha 90.3 86 555 299 256 84 43 41 01777400 Pralappur Nyajulnisa 91.9 52 375 208 167 90 41 49 01771500 KhJlauli 285 I 426 2,955 1.559 1.396 662 318 344 01777600 Salti liS 7 55 375 195 180 78 41 37 01777700 Farauh 653.5 437 2.574 1.403 1.171 552 296 256 o 1777800 Banupur Majra Farauh 910 40 261 141 120 45 21 24 01777900 Anllrsa 1808 21S 1.404 737 667 275 144 131 01778000 Bodha Nagaria 393.9 262 1.740 927 813 268 125 143


Scheduled Castes popuation Scheduled Tribes ~pulation Literates Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Name of Village I I 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 2 23.364 12.716 10.648 34.940 25.570 9.370 Sahawar [rota1) 23.364 12.716 10.648 34.940 25.570 .9.370 Sahawar (Rural) Sahawar (Urban) Sahawar (Rural) 78 40 38 169 129 40 HusainpuT 153 82 71 236 196 40 Neoh ------Un-Inhabited------Chandwa Kham ------~---Un-Inhabited------Mamkapur Kham ------~---Un-Inhabited------Kallai Badapur IS 10 5 Bikron 419 240 179 62S 502 123 Manikapur Pukhta 194 97 97 471 368 103 Chandwa Pukhta 256 144 112 282 238 44 Mubammadpur ------~--Un-inhabited------BaznagarZanl 516 284 232 386 281 105 Baznagar Sared ------~---Un-lDhabited------Baznagargulabi ------~--Un-inhabited------Baznagar Zangali 117 60 57 242 186 56 MuzafTer Nagar 43 15 28 S4 41 13 MuhimnagaT 1,045 587 458 1,122 837 285 Roshan Nagar ------Un-inhabited------Khangar Nagar 221 121 100 589 455 134 Kunwarpur 104 79 25 Meempur 89 63 26 Lakhmipur Deepsingh 11 7 4 Chakbodi 42 22 20 157 118 39 Lakhmipur Vishal Singh 1,001 582 419 667 520 147 Lakhmipur Gopalsingh ------Un-inhabited------Chak Naharia 184 97 87 193 159 34 Nagla Hadan 303 168 135 335 231 104 Mangadpur 63 27 36 314 259 55 Garbiya Himoli 292 161 131 572 402 170 Deeppur 339 185 154 276 190 86 Tarapur 520 278 242 314 239 75 AlahdinpW" 181 95 86 154 125 29 Khalikpur 1,504 792 712 811 600 211 Bhiloli 69 58 II ChandpuT ------~--Un-inhabited------Fil"Ozpur Noorulla Khan 300 157 143 913 692 221 Jamalpur ------Un-inhabited------Rahimpur 1,724 913 811 923 694 229 Bonder 527 280 247 450 363 87 Gunar 327 251 76 GaneshpuT 175 92 83 277 211 66 Egvan 403 240 163 333 214 119 Rajpura 611 347 264 565 398 167 Badhari Kalan 169 84 85 375 261 114 Bhanupur Kayaslhan 39 22 17 575 395 180 Shekhpur Narai 590 329 261 1.079 790 289 NawabganJ 358 191 167 345 266 79 LakhmipuT Sundersingh 707 413 294 1,023 756 267 Badagaon 206 110 96 489 354 135 Laloopura 468 333 135 Chandi 248 196 52 Pratap Pur Muhammad Kha 198 114 84 114 91 23 Pratappur Nyajulmsa 322 172 150 826 588 238 Khitauli 375 195 180 157 99 58 Salti 897 501 396 1.053 732 321 Farcluh 107 82 25 Banupur Majra Farauli 199 108 91 476 318 158 Amirsa 384 195 189 828 558 270 Bodha Nagaria


Location code Illiterates Total workers Main workers number Name of Village Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females I I 2 20 21 22 23 24 2S 26 21 28

0163 Sahawa~ (Total) 79,696 36,638 43,058 34,966 30,244' 4,722 28,528 26,951 1,577 (HM Sabawar (R\mII\) 19,696 ?6,<>3S 'B,OS? ?4.966 ?~,244 4."121 2?,5lS 26,95' '.5'11 0163 Sahawa~ (Urban) Sahawa~(Rural) 01772400 Husampur 444 214 230 183 176 7 183 f76 7 01772500 Neoli 840 401 439 364 294 70 280 261 19 01772600 Chandwa Kham ------Un-Inhablted------01772700 Manikapur Kham ------Un-inhablted------01712800 Kallal 6adaput ------Un-lnhab\\ed------01172900 Bikron 33 17 16 12 12 10 10 01713000 Manikapur Pukhta 1,893 900 993 730 641 89 528 514 14 01773100 Chandwa Pukhta 1.277 572 705 418 404 14 417 404 13 01173200 Muhammadput 910 453 51? 339 336 3 305 302 3 01173300 Baznagar Zard ------Un-mhablted------01773400 Baznagar Safed 1.256 600 656 490 447 43 429 423 6 01773500 Baznagargulabi ------Un-inhablled------01773600 Baznagar Zangali ------Un-inhablted------01773700 MuzafferNagar 766 357 409 292 282 10 271 262 9 01773800 Mubimnagar 129 45 84 44 42 2 44 42 2 01773900 Roshan Nagar 3,066 1,492 1,574 1,392 1,236 156 1,227 1,193 34 0\114000 Kbangar Nagar ------Un-inbabited------01774100 KURwBrpUr 1.431 649 782 755 553 202 556 543 13 01774200 Meerapur 759 397 362 312 255 57 246 240 6 01774300 Lakhmipur Oeepsingh 371 196 175 162 156 6 146 140 6 01774400 Chakbodi 4 1 :3 2 2 2 2 01774500 Lakhmipur Vishal Singh 679 332 347 235 215 20 215 215 01774600 Lakhmipur Gopalsingh 2.382 1,188 1,194 938 866 72 846 795 51 01774700 Chak Naharia Un-inhabited- 01774800 Nagla Badan 834 393 441 474 .321 153 424 293 131 01774900 Mangadpur 823 408 415 471 314 157 280 269 11 01775000 Garbiya Himoli 642 258 384 362 238 124 243 232 II 0)775100 DeeppuT 814 375 439 418 394 24 363 342 21 01175200 Tal'llpur 647 296 3S1 247 239 8 193 187 6 01775300 AlahdiRpur 795 384 411 388 329 59 294 288 6 01775400 Khalikpur 599 284 315 214 206 8 203 196 7 01775500 BhiroJi 1.585 668 917 683 567 116 544 505 39 01775600 Chandpur 333 159 174 136 97 39 109 92 17 01775700 Firozpur Noorulla Khan ------Un-inhabited------01775800 Jamalpur 2.193 994 1,199 855 793 62 724 706 18 01775900 Rahimpur ------UR-inhabited------01776000 Bonder 2,697 1.252 1,445 960 920 40 828 813 15 01776100 GURar 1,245 5S8 687 479 466 13 415 404 11 01776200 Ganeshpur 569 239 3)0 261 256 5 261 256 5 01776300 Egvan 601 258 343 239 232 7 167 163 4 01776400 Rajpul'll 324 155 169 185 185 74 74 01776500 Badhari Kalan 558 246 312 434 293 141 381 251 130 01776600 Bhanupur Kayasthan 525 217 308 236 228 8 181 174 7 01776700 Shekhpur Narai 797 340 4S7 379 360 19 371 354 17 01776800 NawabgaRj 1,758 775 983 827 754 73 698 687 II 01776900 Lakhmipur Sundersingh 3,001 1,550 1,451 886 855 31 857 832 2S 01777000 Badagaon 2.457 1,143 1,314 947 867 80 854 801 53 01777100 Laloopura 800 322 478 369 340 29 365 337 28 01777200 Chandi 550 22J 329 346 237 109 200 196 4 01777300 Pratap Pur Muhammad Kha 307 103 204 144 141 3 143 140 3 01777400 Pratappur Nyajulnisa 261 117 144 98 97 75 74 1 0\177500 Khitau\i 2,\29 91\ 1,\5S 866 132 114 16\ 651 llO 01777600 Saiti 2\8 96 122 94 • 93 1 94 93 I 01177700 farauli 1.521 671 850 776 691 85 659 622 37 01777800 Banupur Majra Farauli 154 59 95 140 87 5J 87 86 I 01777900 Amusa 928 419 509 407 381 26 J06 303 3 01778000 Bodha Nagaria 912 369 543 459 440 19 405 390 IS

666 PRIMARY CENSUS ABSTRACT CENSUS ABSTRACT Sahawar Industrial category of main workers Household industry Cultivators Agricultural tabourers workers Other workers Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Name of Village 29 30 3 I 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 2

20.223 19.5 12 711 4.3S7 4.153 204 800 568 232 3.148 2.718 430 Sahawar (TOIaI) 20.223 19.512 711 4.357 4.153 204 800 568 232 3.148 2.718 430 Sahawa.- (Rural) Sahawar (Urban) Sahawa.- CRural) 140 134 6 34 34 9 8 Husainpur 247 231 16 28 25 J 2 2 3 3 Neoli ------Un-inhabited------Chandwa Kham ------Un-inhabited------Manikapur Kham ------Un-inhabited------Kailai Badapur 10 10 Bikron 477 466 11 30 30 3 2 18 17 Manikapur Pukhta 325 316 9 50 48 2 14 12 2 28 28 Chandwa Pukhta 300 297 3 5 5 Muhammadpur ------Un-inhabited------Baznagar Zanl 388 385 3 16 16 3 2 22 20 2 Baznagar Safed ------Un-inhabited------Baznagargulabi ------Un-inhabited------Baznagar Zangali 237 230 7 34 32 2 Muzaffer Nagar 20 19 I 23 22 1 I Muhimnagar 1.052 1.031 21 134 125 9 15 13 2 26 24 2 Roshan Nagar -----Un-inhabited------Khangar Nagar 478 471 7 56 52 4 22 20 2 Kunwarpur 244 238 6 I 1 1 Meerapur 143 137 6 2 2 1 1 Lakhmipur Deepsingh 2 2 Chakbodi 170 170 33 33 4 4 8 8 Lakhmipur Vishal Singh 633 624 9 101 97 4 37 31 6 75 43 32 Laldunipur Gopalsingh ----Un-inhabited----- Chak Naharia 210 193 17 86 78 8 128 22 106 Nagla Badan 249 241 8 8 7 1 23 21 2 Mangacipur 212 202 10 16 16 I 14 13 I Garbiya Himoli 324 312 12 25 21 4 5 2 3 9 7 2 Deeppur 95 91 4 72 71 1 4 4 22 21 Tarapur 218 21S 3 66 66 5 2 3 5 5 Alahdinpur 163 159 4 4 4 28 26 2 8 7 Khalikpur 285 280 5 6 6 198 190 8 55 29 26 BhiloH 89 78 II 10 5 5 10 9 I Chandpur ------Un-inhabited---·--- Firozpur Noorulla Khan 619 606 13 48 46 2 3 2 54 52 2 Jamalpur ------Un-inhabited------Rahimpur 533 524 9 181 178 3 7 6 107 105 2 Bonder 347 341 6 43 38 5 2 2 23 23 Gunar 184 (80 4 43 42 1 I I 33 33 Ganeshpur 150 149 4 3 2 II 10 Egvan 40 40 10 10 24 24 Rajpura 257 166 91 42 39 3 15 8 7 67 38 29 Badbari Kalan 124 118 6 45 44 4 4 8 8 Bhanupur Kayastban 257 242 15 63 61 2 2 2 49 49 Shekhpur Narai 288 285 3 222 222 27 26 161 154 7 Nawabganj 538 522 16 228 220 8 12 II 1 79 79 Lakhmipur Sundersingh 511 496 15 187 174 13 24 17 7 132 114 18 Badagaon 199 182 17 149 \39 10 , , 16 15 \ Laloopura 167 163 4 18 18 15 IS Chandi 138 136 2 5 4 Pratap Pur Muhammad Kha 53 52 I 19 19 3 3 Pratappur Nyajulnisa 322 303 19 202 199 3 33 6 27 204 143 61 Khilault 70 70 24 23 1 Salti 386 372 14 139 135 4 19 15 4 115 100 15 Farauli 76 75 11 11 Banupur Majra Farauli 224 223 62 61 4 3 16 16 Amirsa 284 275 9 53 52 4 3 64 60 4 Bodha Nagaria

667 DISTRICT CENSUS HANDBOOK: ETAH VILLAGE PRIMARY CD Block- Industrial cateso!;X Location code Ma!:Sinal workers Cultivators Asnculturallabourers number Name of Village Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females 1 2 4) 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 0163 Sahawar(Tocal) 6.438 3.29] 3.145 2.393 596 1.191 2,609 2.134 475 0163 Sahawar (Rural) 6,438 3,293 3.145 2.393 596 1,797 2,609 2.134 475 0163 Sahawar (UJ'ban) Sahawar (Rural) 01772400 HusalOpur 01772500 NeoTi 84 33 51 48 8 40 34 23 II 01772600 Chandwa Kham ------Un-inhabltcd------01772700 ManikapuT Kham ------Un-mhablted------01172800 Kailal Badapur ------Un-Inhablted------01112900 alkron 2 2 2 2 01173000 Manikapur Pukhta 202 121 75 81 13 68 III 106 5 01173100 Chandwa Pukhla I 01773200 Muhammadpur 34 34 33 33 01773300 BaznagarZatd ------Un-Inhablted------01173400 Baznagar Safed 61 24 37 38 10 28 15 13 2 01773500 Baznagargulabi ------Un-inhabited------01773600 Baznagar ZangaIi ------Un-Inhabited------01773100 Muzaffer Nagar 21 20 19 18 I 2 2 01773800 MubimnagaT 01773900 Roshan NagaI" 165 43 122 45 16 29 86 19 61 01774000 Khangar Nagar ------lJn-inbabited------01774100 Kunv.rarpur 199 10 189 164 5 159 30 5 25 01'774200 Meerapur 66 15 51 65 15 50 01714300 Lakhmipur Dcepsingh 16 16 1 \ 15 15 01774400 Cbakbodi 01774500 Lakhmipur Vimal Singh 20 20 7 7 12 12 ' 01774600 Lakhmipur Gopalsillgh 92 11 21 9 3 6 67 55 12 01774700 Chak Nahma ------Un-inhabited------01174800 Nagla Badan SO 28 22 11 II IS 12 3 01174900 Mangadpur 191 45 146 169 36 133 14 9 5 01175000 Gamiya Himoli 119 6 113 ]01 101 8 6 2 01715100 Deeppur 55 52 3 2 2 49 47 2 0]115200 Tarapur .54 .52 2 6 5 45 44 1 0]115300 Alahdinpur 94 41 53 27 26 60 35 2.5 01775400 Khalikpur II 10 1 1 I 8 8 01775500 Bhiloli 139 62 77 40 10 30 35 35 01775600 Chandpur 27 5 22 3 3 24 .5 19 01175700 Firozpur Noorulla Khan -----·----Un-Inhabiled--·------01775800 Jamalpur 131 87 44 38 6 32 76 70 6 01775900 Rahimpur ------Un-inhabited------01716000 Bonder 132 101 25 11 7 4 77 74 3 01776100 Gunar 64 62 2 2 57 56 01176200 Ganeshpur 01116300 Egvan 72 69 3 4 3 49 48 01776400 Rajpul1l 11 1 III 12 72 01776500 Badhari Kalan 53 42 11 10 6 4 27 25 2 01776600 Bhanupur Kayastban 55 54 1 3 J 36 35 01776700 She1chpur Narai 8 6 2 '1 5 2 01716800 Nawabganj 129 67 62 26 23 3 21 19 2 01776900 Lakhmipur Sundenllngh 29 23 6 9 8 18 13 5 01777000 Badagaon 93 66 27 3 3 56 42 14 01777100 Laloopura 4 3 1 2 I 01777200 Chandi 146 41 105 77 76 68 39 29 01111300 Pratap PuT Muhammad Kha I I I 01177400 Pratappur Nyajulnisa 23 23 22 22 01777500 Khitauli 105 81 24 15 5 10 S5 S2 3 01717600 Saiu 01117100 Fa..... uli 111 69 48 35 13 22 S4 38 16 01777800 Banupur Majra Farauli 53 I 52 52 52 I 01717900 Amirsa 10 I 78 23 24 13 11 49 38 II 01718000 Bodha Nagaria 54 SO 4 1 17 17

668 PRIMARY CENSUS ABSTRACT CENSUS ABSTRACT Sahawar ofma!Einal workers Location Household indust!l:: workers Other workers Non-workers code Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Name of VillaGe number 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 2 1 S04 77 427 932 486 446 79,670 31.964 47.706 Sahawar (Total) 0163 S04 17 427 932 486 446 79,670 31.964 47.706 Sahawar (Rural) 0163 Sahawar (Urban) 0163 Sahawar (Rural) 430 167 263 Husainpur 01772400 112 303 409 Ncoh 01712500 ------Un-inhabited------Chandwa Kham 01772600 ------Un-inhabited------Manikapur Kham 01772700 ------Un-inhabited------Kailal Badapur 01772800 36 15 21 Bikron 01772900 3 2 7 6 1,788 761 1,027 Mani1tapur Pukbta 01773000 1.330 536 794 Chandwa Pukhta 01773100 913 355 558 Muhammadpur 01773200 ------Un-inhabited------Baznagar Zanl 01773300 6 5 2 2 1.152 434 718 Baznagar Safed 01773400 ------Un-inhabited------Baznagargulabi 01773500 ------Un-inhabited------Baznagar Zangali 01773600 716 261 4SS MuzatTer Nagar 01773700 139 44 95 Muhimnagar 01773800 28 2 26 6 6 2.796 1.093 1.703 Roshan Nagar 01773900 ------Un-inhabited------Khangar Nagar 01774000 2 2 3 3 1.265 5S1 714 Kunwarpur 01774100 1 1 551 221 330 Meerapur 01774200 298 103 195 Lakhmipur Deepsingh 01774300 13 6 7 Chakbodi 01774400 1 I 601 235 366 Lakhmipur Visbal Singh 01774500 1 15 12 3 2,111 842 1,269 Lakhmipur Gopalsingh 01774600 ------Un-inhabited----- Chak Naharia 01774700 24 5 19 553 231 322 NaglaBadan 01774800 8 8 687 325 362 Mangadpur 01774900 1 1 9 9 594 279 315 Garbiya Himoli 01775000 2 1 2 2 968 383 58S Deeppur 01775100 3 3 676 247 429 Tarapur 01775200 4 2 2 3 3 121 294 427 Alahdinpur 01775300 2 1 1 539 203 336 KhalikpUI 01775400 16 12 4 48 5 43 1.713 701 1.012 Shiloli 01775500 266 120 146 Chandpur 01775600 ------Un-inhabited------Firozpur Noorulla Khan 01775700 2 15 10 S 2,251 893 1,358 Jamalpur 01775800 ------Un-inhabited------Rahimpur 01775900 13 3 10 31 23 8 2,660 1,026 1,634 Bonder 01776000 5 5 1.216 455 761 Ounar 01776100 635 234 401 Ganeshpur 01776200 2 2 17 16 639 237 402 Egvan 01776300 2 2 37 37 472 184 288 Rajpura 01776400 I 1 15 10 5 689 351 338 Badhari Kalan 01776500 3 3 13 13 664 250 414 BhanupurKayamban 01776600 1 993 375 618 Shekhpur Narai 01776700 II 6 5 71 19 52 2.010 811 1.199 Nawabganj 01776800 2 2 2.460 961 1.499 Lakhmipur Sundersingh 01776900 7 6 27 20 7 2.533 1.032 1.501 Badagaon 01711000 1 920 336 584 Laloopura 01711100 1 672 317 355 Chandi 01177200 411 158 253 Pratap Pur Muhammad Kha 01777300 277 I II 166 Pratappur Nyajulnisa 01777400 12 5 7 23 19 4 2.089 827 1.262 Khttauli 01777500 281 102 179 Salli 01777600 28 18 10 1.798 712 1.086 Farauli 01177700 121 54 67 Banupur Majm Farauli. 01771800 I 27 27 997 356 641 Amirsa 01777900 3 2 33 31 2 1.281 487 794 Bodha Nagaria 01778000

669 DISTRICT CENSUS HANDBOOK: ETAH VILLAGE PRIMARY CD Block- Total population (including Location Area of institutional and houscless Population in the code Village in Number of ~eulation~ ase-groU2 0-6 number Name of ViI1ase hectares households Persons Males Females Persons Males Females I 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 01778100 Sahawar 625.0 15 87 45 42 19 7 12 01778200 Abhupura 96.9 79 417 207 210 84 41 43 Oi778300 Nalhupur 236.0 423 2,432 1.322 1.110 504 271 233 01778400 Jahangirpur 126.0 140 1,073 . 548 525 213 92 121 01778500 Elwarpur 294 1.830 980 850 378 189 189 01778600 Khojpur 1.173.0 1.449 8.856 4.900 3,956 1.979 1.164 815 01178700 Tajpur 319.1 226 1,519 847 672 320 183 137 01778800 Sadiqpur 496.3 226 1,433 825 608 278 147 131 01778900 John 275.6 153 899 486 413 203 115 88 01779000 Padampur 80.0 25 83 27 56 19 4 IS 01179100 Kanoi 219.3 353 2,344 1,197 1,147 645 325 320 01779200 Pithanpur 546.4 741 5.176 2.826 2.350, 1.085 60S 480 01779300 Nagla Chaubey 95.0 76 44S 237 208 118 60 58 01779400 Fa\ebpur Taluka Mohanput" 251.5 170 1,038 563 475 246 132 114 01779500 Bastannau 721.1 607 3.882 2.074 1.808 852 444 408 01779600 Ram 173.2 192 1.177 634 543 275 153 122 01779700 Chhitoni 262.6 164 853 467 386 148 83 6S 01779800 Rayon 317.0 218 1,244 685 559 259 141 Its 01779900 Badanpur 107.6 96 557 286 271 119 69 SO 01780000 Gadhaka 302.0 549 3,655 1,924 1,731 947 50S 442 01780100 Padarathpur 111.0 202 1,158 630 528 197 108 89 01780200 Nagla Nainsukh 108.0 164 1,018 563 455 198 109 89 01780300 I...alua 152.0 282 1,626 873 153 338 170 168 01780400 Jaidhal' 160.2 207 1,328 714 614 272 138 134 01780500 Baharpur 84.0 183 1.130 597 533 273 129 144 01780600 Kbarpara 227.4 200 1.291 102 589 307 169 138


- Scheduled Castes ~euation Scheduled Tribes ~oEulation Literates Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Mal~ Females Name ofVilIase I I 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 2 29 26 3 Sahawar 25 10 15 89 61 28 Abhupura 58 28 30 1,185 821 364 NathupuT 568 283 285 426 301 125 Jahangirpur 275 154 121 660 489 171 Elwarpur 1.346 720 626 3,300 2.363 937 Khojpur 104 53 51 310 243 67 TaJPur 654 400 254 314 254 60 SadiqpuT 455 243 212 290 199 91 Johri 9 9 Padampur 202 95 107 317 244 73 KanOi 427 231 196 1,364 1,015 349 PithanpuT 120 67 53 149 108 41 Nagla Chaubey 201 94 107 249 194 55 Fatehpur Taluka Mohanpur 776 422 354 1,242 908 334 Bastannau 6 4 2 31 30 1 Rara 260 lSI 109 310 220 90 Chhitoni 616 347 269 426 295 131 Rayon 189 146 43 Badanpur 133 72 61 923 637 286 Gadhaka 35 17 18 288 232 56 Padarathpur 686 380 306 470 333 137 Nagla Nainsukh 180 85 95 712 516 196 Lahra 158 88 70 539 385 154 Jaidhar 28 13 IS 492 335 157 Baharpur 396 219 177 419 280 139 Kharpara


Location codc III itCl1ltcs Total workers Main workers number Namc of Villal1jc Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females I 2 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 01778100 Sahawar 58 19 39 40 27 13 21 18 3 01778200 Abhupul'il 328 146 182 245 133 112 118 99 19 01778300 Nalhupur 1,247 501 746 685 645 40 606 590 16 01778400 Jahangirpur 647 247 400 297 283 14 157 152 5 01778500 Etwarpur 1.170 491 679 525 " 489 36 485 458 27 01778600 Khojpur 5.556 2.537 3,019 3.039 2.438 601 2.302 2.217 85 01778700 TaJpur 1.209 604 605 448 433 15 439 431 8 01778800 Sadiqpur 1.119 571 548 538 384 154 341 335 6 01778900 John 609 287 322 264 215 49 180 171 9 01779000 Padampur 74 27 47 49 19 30 01779100 Kanoi 2.027 953 1.074 597 504 93 474 405 69 01779200 Plthanpur 3.812 1.811 2.001 1.393 1.261 132 1,263 1,187 76 01779300 Nagla Chaubcy 296 129 167 126 125 116 liS I 01779400 Fatehpur Taluka Mohanpur 789 369 420 320 302 18 249 247 2 01779500 Bastannau 2,640 1,166 1,474 1,332 97q 353 892 782 liD 01779600 Rara 1.146 604 542 285 265 20 270 260 10 01779700 Chhitoni 543 247 296 253 241 12 204 196 8 01779800 Rayon 8[8 390 428 368 337 31 323 322 [ 01779900 Badanpur 368 140 228 153 148 5 151 148 3 01780000 Gadhaka 2,732 1.287 1,445 1.190 887 303 740 651 89 01780100 Padal'ilthpur 870 398 472 326 304 22 300 283 17 01780200 Nagla Nainsukh 548 230 318 337 289 48 260 258 2 01780300 Lahra 914 357 557 449 438 1 1 427 425 2 01780400 Jaidhar 789 329 460 384 369 IS 376 365 II 01780500 Baharpur 638 262 376 385 318 67 294 285 9' 01780600 Kha!E!ra 872 422 450 490 341 149 276 218 58

672 PRIMARY CENSUS ABSTRACT CENSUS ABSTRACT Sahawar Industrial catego!): of main workers Household industry Cultivators Agricultural labourers workers Other workers Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Name of Village 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 2

15 15 I I 'j 2 3 Sahawar 73 63 10 2S 20 5 II 9 2 I} 7 2 Abhupum 409 4()1 8 124 121 3 6 6 67 62 S Nalhupur 134 132 2 4 3 I I 18 16 2 Jahanglrpur 401 381 20 38 38 4 4 42 35 7 Elwarpur 1.221 1.182 39 309 302 7 60 58 2 712 675 37 KhoJpur 422 418 4 9 8 7 4 3 TaJpur 327 323 4 5 4 I I K 8 Sadlqpur 111 112 5 49 46 3 S 5 9 8 John Padampur 226 206 20 161 145 16 43 12 31 44 42 2 Kanm 964 947 17 214 210 4 55 7 48 30 23 7 Plthanpur SO 50 29 29 2 2 35 34 I Nagla Chaubey 241 246 I I I I I FatehpuT Taluka Mobanpur 678 605 73 134 105 29 16 15 64 57 7 Baslarmau 257 251 6 9 9 4 4 Ram 88 85 3 110 105 5 6 6 Chhitom 199 198 1 77 77 2 2 4S 45 Rayon 96 93 3 42 42 5 5 8 8 Badanpur 440 432 8 73 71 2 65 II S4 162 137 25 Gadhaka 179 175 4 76 10 6 28 22 6 17 16 Padarathpur 140 138 2 94 94 26 26 Nagla Nainsukb 351 350 1 53 53 23 22 I Lahm 255 252 3 56 50 6 8 ~ 57 5S 2 Jaidhar 226 223 3 5 4 1 2 2 61 58 3 Baharpur 230 182 48 42 32 10 4 4 Kharpara


Industrial cateGo~ Location code Ma!Einal workers Cultivators AGricultural labourers number Name of VillaGe Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females I I 2 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 01778100 Sahawar 19 9 10 3 3 4 4 017'78200 Abhupura 127 34 93 70 17 53 41 12 29 01778300 Nathupur 79 55 24 22 17 5 37 27 10 01778400 Jahanglrpur 140 131 9 3 3 130 126 4 01778500 Etwarpur 40 31 9 5 4 31 26 5 01778600 Khojpur 737 221 516 494 124 370 66 47 19 01778700 Tajpur 9 2 7 5 2 3 4 4 01778800 Sadiqpur 197 49 148 141 22 119 53 27 26 01778900 John 84 44 40 53 17 36 29 26 3 01779000 Padampur 49 19 30 01779100 KanOi 123 99 24 4 4 94 88 6 01779200 Pithanpur 130 74 56 7 3 4 72 68 4 01779300 Nag1a Chaubey 10 10 2 2 3 3 01779400 Fatehpur Taluka Mohanpur 71 55 16 21 9 12 50 46 4 01779500 Bastannau 440 197 243 169 46 123 104 101 3 01779600 Rara 15 5 10 I I 4 4 01779700 Chhitom 49 45 4 49 45 4 01779800 Rayon 45 15 30 27 3 24 15 9 6 01779900 Badanpur 2 2 I I I I 01780000 Gadbaka 450 236 214 21 6 15 194 188 6 01780100 Padarathpur 26 21 5 1 22 21 I 01780200 Nagla Nainsukh 77 31 46 3 3 64 26 38 01780300 Lahra 22 13 9 II 2 9 5 5 01180400 Jaidhar 8 4 4 2 1 1 3 1 2 01180500 Baharpur 91 33 58 60 23 37 6 5 I 01780600 Kha!l!!ra 214 123 91 106 28 78 108 95 13

674 PRIMARY CENSUS ABSTRACT CENSUS ABSTRACT Sahawar of marginal workers Location Household indust~ workers Other workers Non-workers code Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Name of Village number 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 2 1 1 1 10 47 18 29 Sahawar 01778100 4 I 3 12 4 8 172 74 98 Ahhupura 01778200 9 3 6 II 8 3 1,747 677 1.070 Nalhupur 01778300 7 2 5 776 265 511 Jahangirpur 01778400 4 4 1,305 491 814 Etwarpur 01778500 13 7 6 164 43 121 5,817 2.462 3.355 Khojpur 01778600 1.071 414 657 Tajpur 01778700 2 2 895 441 454 Sadlqpur 01778800 2 1 635 271 364 Johri 01778900 49 19 30 34 8 26 Padampur 01779000 15 15 10 7 3 1,141 693 1,054 Kanoi 01179100 44 43 7 2 5 3,783 1,565 2,218 PithanpuT 01779200 5 5 319 112 207 Nagla Chaubey 01779300 718 261 451 Fatehpur Taluka Mohanpur 01719400 72 9 63 95 41 54 2,550 1,095 1,455 Bastannau 01719500 10 10 892 369 523 Rata 01779600 600 226 374 Chhitonl 01779700 3 3 876 348 528 Rayon 01779800 404 138 266 Badanpur 01779900 200 1 193 3S 35 2.465 1,037 1,428 Gadhaka 01780000 2 2 1 I 832 326 506 Padatathpur 01780100 7 7 3 2 1 681 274 407 Nagla Nainsukh 01780200 6 6 1,177 435 742 Lahla 01780300 3 2 1 944 345 • 599 Jaidhm 01780400 2 2 23 5 18 745 279 466 Baharpur 01780500 801 361 440 Kharpan 01780600


PRIMARY CENSUS ABSTRACT GANJ DUN DWARA CD BLOCK DISTRICT CENSUS HANDBOOK: ETAH VILLAGE PRIMARY CD Block- Total population (including Location Area of institutional and houseless Population in the code Villagc in Numbcl'"of ~l!ulationl a!jc-sroul! 0-6 numbcr Namc of Villase hectares houscholds PCl'"Sons Males Females PCI'"Sons Males Females I 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 0164 Ganl [)Undwan (Total) 21,4619 22,118 149,5J9 81.989 61.550 302,811 11,091 15,114 0164 Ciani l>undwara (Rum!) 21,4679 22.178 149,539 81,989 67.550 32,811 17,097 15,714 0164 Gan, r>undwara (Urban) Gan, r>undwan (Rural, 01780700 Shahwazpur Kham 5460 57 306 147 159 62 29 33 01780800 Shahwazpur Pukhta 1288 276 1,819 984 835 390 200 190 01780900 Kulccjpur 69.4 ------Un-mhabltcd------01781000 Gari Rampur Taraf 87.9 64 361 195 166 102 57 45 Chandrabhan 01781100 Gan Rampur Taraf Dungar 1112 26 143 79 64 31 16 15 01781200 Ulal Khera 137 1,083 608 475 230 118 112 01781300 Kalthola 363 I ------Un-Inhablted------01781400 Khajuna 1344 ------Un-Inhabited------01781500 Bamanpura 187 1,431 787 644 337 162 175 01781600 Rafatpur Dulai 82 505 289 2]6 144 75 69 01781700 Myasur 518.3 428 2,940 1,608 1,332 651 3S1 300 01781800 Dhansinghpur 4825 382 2,552 1,380 1,172 563 286 277 01781900 Bheekampur 7200 480 3,132 1,724 1,408 642 332 310 01782000 Nagar Kanchanpur 425 3,009 1,605 1.404 735 344 391 01782100 Nagla Wazir 44.8 69 556 290 266 146 75 71 01782200 Ahmad Devnagar 288.2 129 945 477 468 233 I] 8 115 01782300 Sikandarpur Dhav 168.1 53 364 197 ' 167 95 39 S6 01782400 Kilauni 404.5 113 787 415 372 186 86 100 01782500 Kusaul 199 1,352 742 610 283 IS8 125 01782600 Sungarhi 376.3 346 2,459 ].375 1,084 501 265 236 01782700 Sikandarpur Khurd 150.8 124 886 503 383 207 118 89 01782800 Khijarpur 614.4 175 1,133 647 486 237 132 105 01782900 Ganeshpur Bhatan 225 1.364 781 583 313 174 139 01783000 Devkali 269 1,615 928 687 353 205 148 01783100 Bistoli Brahmpur 162 1,052 584 468 215 100 115 01783200 Gajaura 113.0 188 1.404 794 610 288 174 114 01783300 Rikhauh 234.5 ------Un-inhabited------01783400 Koni 136.2 ------Un-inhabited------01783500 Kharagpur 1374 ------Un-inhabited------01783600 Rikera 202.3 85 455 252 203 63 31 32 01783700 Gathaura ·75 403 232 171 33 17 16 01783800 Sundrayan 68.0 ------Un-inhabiled------01783900 Sultanpur 12 308 183 125 76 43 33 01784000 Samaspur 129 771 433 338 152 77 75 01784100 Barona 440.3 270 1,850 1.030 820 406 186 220 01784200 Myuni 129 966 563 403 178 98 80 01784300 Ghabra 135 834 449 385 190 94 96 01784400 Chtrauli Khatl 112 752 412 340 190 107 83 01784500 Jadhal 86 551 322 229 107 54 53 01784600 Rasoolpur Araura 186 1,104 600 504 234 108 126 01784700 Bahrojpur 3060 244 1.688 818 810 355 165 190 01784800 Dhannpur 2780 283 1,904 1,014 890 505 256 249 01784900 Mahamoodpur 214.6 III 758 395 363 183 89 94 01785000 Pachpokhara 1734 650 4.519 2.429 • 2.090 1.134 607 527 01785100 Shamaspur 1,029 6,848 3.588 3,260 1,635 854 78' 01785200 Akbamagar Palia 334 2.066 1.157 909 478 265 213 01785300 Nagariya Dhcer 953 ------Un-inhabited------01785400 Gan} Dundwara 1372 93 509 279 230 139 76 63 01785500 Barellu 72.8 114 826 462 364 196 116 80 01785600 Dhava 81 0 311 2.031 1.115 916 496 277 219 01785700 SUJavalpur 864 6,699 3,553 3,146 1.519 798 721 01785800 Pllhonpur Bhujapura 218.7 194 1.271 707 5C:t4 274 13S 139 01785900 Mastipur 215.3 153 963 527 436 234 126 108 01786000 Aloh Pur 173.6 307 2.285 1,258 1,027 503 262 241 01786100 Ganeshpur 294.8 1.249 8.550 4,522 4,028 1.921 1.010 911 01786200 Bahola 352 2.556 1.409 1,147 530 281 249


Scheduled Castes popuation Scheduled Tribes I!2pulation Literates Pcn;ons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Name of Village II 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 2 23.365 12!170 10.395 38.155 28.455 9.700 Gani Dundwara [rolal, 23.365 12.970 10,395 38.155 28.455 9.700 Gani Dundwara (Rural' Gan, Dundwara (Urban) Gani Dundwara (Ruml) 101 61 40 ShahwazpuT Kham 196 104 92 432 327 105 ShahwazpuT Pukhta ------Un-Inhablled------Kuleejpur 220 125 95 94 71 23 Gari Rampur Taraf Chandrabhan 40 20 20 45 28 17 Gari Rampur Taraf Oungar 153 82 71 128 107 21 Ulal Khera ------Un-Inhablled------Kaithola ------Un-Inhabltcd------Khajuna 233 125 108 229 189 40 Bamanpura 85 12 13 RafatpuT Oulai 528 286 242 973 696 217 Myasur 615 343 272 692 512 180 Dhansinghpur 760 402 358 636 534 102 Bheekampur 1.123 586 537 806 609 197 Nagar Kanchanpur 66 35 31 59 44 15 Nag]a Wazir 209 104 105 165 131 34 Ahmad Devnagar 33 28 5 Sikandarpur Dbav 7 3 4 73 6] 12 Kilauni 278 146 132 268 ]71 91 Kusaul 994 557 437 564 453 111 Sungarhi 37 19 18 47 41 6 Sikandarpur Khuid 76 43 33 261 205 56 Khijarpur 734 424 310 397 306 91 Ganeshpur Bbatan 652 377 275 336 284 52 Devkali 356 193 163 314 243 71 Bistoli Brahmpur 249 147 102 352 279 73 Gajaura ------Un-inhabited------Rikhauli ------Un-inhabited------Koni ------Un-inhabited------Kbaragpur 17 15 2 Rikera 96 54 42 4 3 Gathaura ------Un-inhabited------Sundrayan 308 183 125 71 59 12 Sultanpur 331 188 143 219 177 42 Samaspur 261 152 109 332 283 49 Bamna 141 91 50 285 213 72 Myuni 194 96 98 288 213 75 Ghabra 169 134 35 Chirauli Khati 304 171 133 200 146 54 Jadhai 502 275 227 455 320 135 Rasoolpur Araura 168 95 73 510 361 149 Bahrojpur 256 135 121 342 259 83 Dharmpur 250 140 110 216 178 38 Mahamoodpur 88 55 33 7]7 573 144 Pachpokhara 263 156 107 1.593 1,075 518 Shamaspur 261 142 119 477 395 82 Akbamagar Paha ------Un-inhabiled------Naganya Dheer 267 141 126 38 32 6 Ganj Dundwara 70 37 33 213 140 73 Barethi 397 231 166 460 326 134 Dhava 174 91 83 2.005 1.388 617 Sujavalpur 246 138 108 604 441 163 Plthanpur Bhujapura 234 131 103 388 286 102 Mastipur 141 79 62 944 660 284 Alah Pur 592 331 261 2.273 I,M7 626 Gancshpur 646 356 290 1.085 788 297 Bahota


Location code III i tcrates TotaJ workers Main workers number Name of Village Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females 2 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 0164 (.ianl Dundwara (Tolal) 111,384 53.534 57.850 46,927 40910 6.017 311.557 36.100 2,457 0164 Ganl Dundwara (Rural) 111.3114 53.534 57.1150 46,927 40.910 6.017 38.557 36.100 2.457 0164 Ganl (>undwal1l (Urban) GanlOundwara (Rural' 01780700 Shahwazpur Kham 205 86 119 93 86 7 84 81 3 01780800 Shahwazpur Pukhla 1.387 657 730 5JO 510 20 485 472 13 01780900 Kuleejpur ------Un-Inhabllcd------01781000 Garl Ralnpur Taraf 267 124 143 148 .100 48 119 86 33 Chandrabhan 01781100 Gari Rampur Tamf Dungar 98 51 47 46 42 4 38 37 0178 I 200 Ulal Khcra 955 SOl 454 333 326 7 3211 321 7 01 78 J 300 KaJlhoJa ------Un-lnhabJrcd------01 781400 Khajuna ------Un-Inhablted------or 781 500 Balnanpura 1.202 598 604 486 469 17 410 393 17 01781600 Rafatpur- Dulai 420 211 203 144 138 6 141 136 5 01781700 ~yasur 1,961 912 1,055 804 782 22 680 661 13 01781800 Dhansinghpur- 1,860 868 992 854 729 125 699 653 46 01781900 Bheekampur 2.496 1,190 1.306 873 852 21 869 851 18 01782000 Nagar Kanchanpur- 2.203 996 1,207 805 790 15 658 649 9 01782100 Nagla Wazir 497 246 251 134 133 I 134 133 I 01 782200 Ahmad Devnagar 780 346 434 314 251 63 253 228 25 01782300 Sikandarpur Dhav 331 169 162 99 99 99 99 01782400 Kilauni 114 354 360 216 210 6 216 210 6 01782500 Kusaul 1.084 565 519 437 367 70 366 342 24 01782600 Sungarhi 1,895 922 973 770 152 18 730 729 ) 01782700 Sikandarpur Khurd 839 462 377 251 247 4 240 238 2 01782800 Khijarpur 872 442 430 436 332 104 296 296 01782900 Ganeshpur Bhatan 967 475 492 473 393 80 330 329 I 01783000 Devkali 1.279 644 635 483 474 9 483 474 9 01783100 Bistoli Brahmpur 738 341 397 308 300 8 278 274 4 01783200 Gajaura 1,052 SIS 537 386 382 4 377 374 3 01783300 Rikhauli ------Un-inhabited------01783400 Koni ------Un-inhablted------01783500 Kharagpur ------Un-inhabated------01783600 Rikera 438 237 201 151 ,ISO I 149 148 01783700 Oathaulll 399 229 170 173 14l 32 15 15 01783800 Sundrayan ------Un-inhablled------01783900 Sultanpur 237 124 113 91 91 91 91 01784000 Samaspur 552 256 296 255 212 43 201 115 32 01784100 Ban3na 1.5 18 741 77\ S43 535 8 542 535 7 01 784200 Myuni 68) 350 331 237 234 3 235 232 3 01184300 Ghabra 546 236 310 252 250 2 252 250 2 o I 784400 Chirauli Khali 583 278 305 201 183 24 162 162 01784500 Jadhal 351 176 175 170 168 2 158 158 01 784600 Rasoolpur Alliura 649 280 369 354 J08 46 285 2S3 32 01784700 BahnJjpur 1.178 517 661 695 465 230 392 240 l52 01784800 Dhannpur 1.562 755 807 773 552 221 556 486 70 01784900 Mahamoodpur 542 217 325 145 D9 6 121 118 3 01785000 Pachpokhara 3.802 1.856 1.946 1,650 1.110 540 914 762 152 01785100 Shamaspur 5.255 2,513 2.742 1,962 1.599 363 1.666 1.426 240 01185200 Akbanlagar Palia 1.589 762 821 608 552 56 562 523 39 01785300 Naganya Dhccr------Un-inhablted------01 785400 Ganj Oundwara 471 247 224 117 116 I 115 114 01785500 Barethi 613 322 291 233 228 5 225 221 4 01785600 Dhava 1.571 789 782 598 4Q5 103 550 473 77 01785700 SUJavalpur 4.694 2.165 2.529 1.821 1523 298 1.367 1.159 208 01785800 Pithanpur Bhujapurd 667 266 401 360 350 10 354 347 7 01785900 Mastlpur 575 241 334 250 245 5 246 243 3 01786000 Alah Pur 1,341 598 743 1.051 581 470 842 548 294 01 786100 Ganeshpur 6.277 2,875 3,402 2.341 2.004 337 1.717 1,570 147 01786200 BahOla 1,471 621 850 671 660 I I 472 466 6

680 PRIMARY CENSUS ABSTRACT CENSUS ABSTRACT GanJ Dundwara Industrial category of main workers Household industry Cultivators Agriculturallabourcrs workers Other workers Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Name of Village 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 2 28.116 26.877 1.239 4.802 4.656 146 1.645 932 713 3.994 3.635 359 Ganl Dundwara (fotal) 28.116 26.877 1.239 4.802 4.656 146 1.645 932 713 3.994 3.635 359 Gani Dundwara (Rural) Ganl Dundwara (Urban) Gani Dundwara (Rural) 77 75 2 I I 6 5 Shahwazpur Kham 375 368 7 83 82 15 12 3 12 10 2 Shahwazpur Pukhta ------Un-inhablled------·---- Kulecjpur 54 46 8 26 22 4 1 I 38 17 21 Gari Rampur Tarar Chandrabhan JO 30 2 2 2 2 4 3 Gan Rampur Taraf Dungar 201 196 5 123 121 2 4 4 Ulal Khera ------Un-Inhabltcd------Kaithola -·------Un-inhabitcd------Khajuria 399 386 13 6 3 3 2 I 3 3 Bamanpura 128 124 4 ,8 755 Rafatpur Oulal 596 583 13 44 44 2 2 38 38 Myasur 542 521 21 Jl.7 94 23 22 20 2 ]8 ]8 DhansinghpW" 824 810 14 l,2 32 3 3 10 9 1 Bheekampur 595 587 8 48 48 9 8 6 6 Nagar Kanchanpur 119 119 12 II 3 J Nagla Wazir 180 156 24 73 72 Ahmad Devnagar 98 98 Sikandatpur Dhav 216 210 6 Kilauni 281 214 \3 49 45 4 1 6 23 \1 6 K.usau\ 424 424 276 275 4 4 26 26 Sungarhi 224 222 2 13 13 2 2 1 1 Sikandarpur Khurd 232 232 44 44 3 3 17 17 Khijalpur 320 319 I 2 2 7 7 Oanesbpur Bhatan 477 468 9 2 2 4 4 Devkali 201 198 3 51 SO 1 1 25 25 Bistoli Brahmpur 297 296 61 59 2 2 2 17 17 Gajawa ------Un-inhabited------Rikhauli ------Un-inhabited------Koni ------Un-inhabited--·------Kharagpur 9 9 138 137 I I I I Rikera 6 6 9 9 Gatbaura ------Un-inhabited------Sundrayan SO 50 41 41 Sultanpur 146 138 8 27 24 3 17 6 IJ 17 7 10 Samaspur 444 439 5 93 92 3 2 2 2 Barona 114 114 107 lOS 2 3 2 1 11 II Myuni 213 212 32 31 4 4 3 3 Ghabra 131 131 23 23 1 7 7 Chirauli Khati 113 113 40 40 5 5 Jadhai 228 201 27 6 5 3 3 48 44 4 Rasoolpur Araura 320 196 124 28 14 14 24 13 1 I 20 17 3 Babrojpur 482 1 I 2 2 I I Dhannpur SS2 70 <. "4 112 2 2 5 5 Mahamoodpur lSI 311 4 96 95 1 58 21 31 379 269 1\0 Pacbpokbara 878 845 33 280 278 2 259 82 177 249 221 28 Shamaspur 415 379 36 100 99 35 33 2 12 12 Akbamagar Palta ------Un-lnhabited------­ Nagari)'a Dheer 49 49 I 65 65 Ganj Dundwara 118 115 3 76 76 31 30 Barethi 89 84 .5 115 112 3 81 36 45 2&5 241 24 Dhava 125 116 9 71 67 4 414 240 174 757 736 21 SUJavalpur 326 319 7 23 23 .5 5 Pithanpur BhuJapura 231 229 2 2 2 I I 12 12 Mastipur 786 505 281 34 26 8 7 3 4 15 14 I Alah Pur 349 336 13 267 265 2 116 55 61 985 914 71 Ganeshpur 264 259 5 86 85 2 2 120 120 Sahola

681 DISTRICT CENSUS HANDBOOK: ETAH VILLAGE PRIMARY CD Block- Industrial cat580!l:: Location code Ma!J!iinal workers Cultivatol"S ASricultural labourers number Name of Villase Persons Males Females PCI"SOns Males Females PeI"SOns Males Females I 2 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 0164 Oan, Dundwara (To.. 1) 8.370 4,810 3.560 2.506 8S3 1.653 3,164 2,638 526 0164 Oani Dundwara (RUlal) 8.370 4,810 3.S60 2.506 853 1.653 3.164 2,638 526 0164 Oani Dundwara (Urban) Oan, Dundwara (Rural) 01780700 Shahwazpur Kham 9 5 4 01780800 Shahwazpur Pukhta 45 38 7 8 S 3 32 31 01780900 Kuleejpur ------Un-inhablted------01781000 Gari Rampur Tarar 29 14 IS IS 10 5 4 3 Chandrabhan 01781100 Gan Rampur Tarar Dungar 8 5 3 6 3 3 01781200 Ulai Khera 5 S 5 S 01781300 Kaithola ------Un-inbabtted------01781400 Khajuria ------Un-inhablted------01781500 Bamanpura 76 76 4 4 72 72 01781600 Raratpur Dulai 3 2 2 I I 01781700 Myasur 124 115 9 26 24 2 14 71 3 01781800 Dhansinghpur 15S 76 79 26 12 14 115 58 57 01781900 Bheekampur 4 I 3 2 2 01782000 Nagar Kanchanpur 147 141 6 14 12 2 132 128 4 01782100 Nagla Wazir 01782200 Ahmad Devnagar 61 23 38 51 20 31 9 3 6 01782300 Sikandarpur Dhav 01782400 Kilauni 01782500 Kusaul 71 25 46 42 12 30 21 10 11 01782600 Sungarhi 40 23 17 2 2 17 15 21 01782700 Sikandarpur Khurd II 9 2 2 2 9 9 01782800 Khijarpur 140 36 104 IS II 4 17 16 01782900 Ganeshpur Bhatan 143 64 79 130 54 76 01783000 Devkali 01783100 Bistoli Brahmpur 30 26 4 4 4 20 17 3 01783200 Gajaura 9 8 3 2 6 6 01783300 Rikhauli ------Un-inhabited------01783400 Koni Un-inbabited------01783500 Kharagpur -----Un-inhabited------01783600 Rikera 2 2 01783700 Gathaura 158 126 32 1 157 125 32 01783800 Sundrayan ----Un-inhabited------01783900 Sultanpur 01784000 Samaspur 48 37 11 9 4 5 34 29 5 01784100 Barona 1 01784200 Myuni 2 2 2 2 01784300 Ghabra 01784400 Chirauli Khati 45 21 24 2 40 17 23 01784500 Jadhai 12 10 2 10 9 I 01784600 Rasoolpur Araura 69 55 14 5 3 2 42 32 10 01784700 Bahrojpur 303 225 78 26 18 8 216 118 38 01784800 Dharmpur 217 66 151 211 63 148 5 2 3 01784900 Mahamoodpur 24 21 3 3 I 2 19 18 01785000 Pachpokhara 736 348 388 35 25 10 107 98 9 01785100 Shamaspur 296 173 123 18 17 I 67 63 4 01785200 Akbamagar Palia 46 29 17 17 4 13 29 25 4 01785300 Nagariya Cheer ------Un-Inhablted------01785400 Ganj Dundwara 2 2 2 2 01785500 Barethi 8 7 2 2 01785600 Dhava 48 22 26 6 6 3 3 01785700 SUJavalpur 454 364 90 15 11 4 47 47 01785800 Pithanpur Bhujapura 6 3 3 4 1 3 2 2 01785900 Maslipur 4 2 2 2 2 01786000 Alah PUf 209 33 176 186 24 162 22 9 13 01786100 Ganeshpuf 624 434 190 8 2 6 114 104 10 01786200 Bahola 199 194 5 5 4 190 188 2

682 PRIMARY CENSUS ABSTRACT CENSUS ABSTRACT Ganj Dundwara of marginal workers Location Household indust~ workers Other workers Non-workers code Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females .' :ame of Village number" 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 51 58 2 I 946 227 719 1.754 1.1)92 662 102.612 41.079 61.SJJ (janl llu;_11vara (Tolal) 0164 946 227 719 1.754 1.()92 662 102,612 41,079 61.5JJ (janl Ilunr~ '.113 (Rural) 0164 (jan) Ilundw" 1 (Urban) 0164 Gan, llund",. .. r.. flhnlll) 2 2 6 5 213 61 152 Shahwazpur ~~ '11' 01780700 3 3 2 2 1.289 474 815 Shahwazpur Pu~fl" 01780800 ------Un-tnhahited------KulecJpur 01780900 10 I 9 213 95 118 Gan Rampur TaTar 01781000 Chandrabhan 97 37 60 Gan Rampur TaOlf Dungar. C 17811 00 750 282 468 Ulat Khera Q! iI!.L!OO ------Un-tnlmbtled------Kaithola 0'17_!J:300 ------Un-Inhabited------KhaJuria o 17814(J'-~ 945 318 627 Bamanpura 0178]jO(J 361 151 210 Rafatpur Dulat 01781600 6 6 18 14 4 2.136 826 1,310 Myasur 01781700 4 2 2 10 4 6 1,698 651 1,047 Dhansmghpur 01781800 2.259 872 1,387 Bheekampur 01781900 2.204 815 1.389 Nagar Kanchanpur 01782000 422 157 265 Nag]a Wazir 01782]00 631 226 405 Ahmad Devnagar 01782200 265 98 167 Sikandarpur Dhav 01782300 571 205 366 Kilauni 01782400 I 7 2 5 915 375 540 Kusaul 01782500 13 12 8 7 1,689 623 1.066 Sungarhi 01782600 635 256 379 Sikandarpur Khurd 01782700 16 2 14 92 7 85 697 315 382 Khijarpur 01782800 3 2 9 8 891 388 503 Ganeshpur Bhatan 01782900 ],132 454 678 Devkali 01783000 5 4 744 284 460 Bistoli Brahmpur 01783100 1.018 412 606 Gajaura 01783200 ------Un-inhabited------Rikhauli 01783300 ------Un-inhabited------Koni 01783400 ------Un-inhablted------Kharagpur 01783500 2 2 304 102 202 Rikera 01783600 230 91 139 Gathaura 01783700 ------Un-inhabited------Sundrayan 01783800 2]7 92 ]25 Sultanpur 01783900 4 3 516 221 295 Sarnaspur 01784000 1,307 495 812 Barona 01784100 729 329 400 Myuni 01784200 582 199 383 Ghabra 01784300 3 3 545 229 316 Chirau1i Khatl 01784400 2 I 1 381 154 227 Jadhal 01784500 22 20 2 750 292 458 Rasoolpur Araura 01784600 40 20 20 21 9 12 993 413 580 Bahrojpur 01784700 I 1 1.131 462 669 Dharmpur 01784800 2 2 613 256 357 Mahamoodpur 01784900 233 II 222 361 214 147 2.869 1.319 1,550 Pachpokhara 01785000 92 20 72 119 73 46 4.886 1.989 2.897 Shamaspur 01785100 IA58 605 853 Akbamagar Palia 01785200 ------Un-Inhablled------Nagariya Dhecr 01785300 392 163 229 GanJ Dundwara 01785400 2 1 4 4 593 234 359 Barethi 01785500 10 3 7 29 16 13 1.433 620 813 Dhava 01785600 114 58 56 278 248 30 4.878 2_030 2.848 SUJavalpur 01785700 911 357 554 Pithanpur BhuJapura 01785800 713 282 431 Mastipur 01785900 1.234 677 557 A1ah Pur 01786000 131 28 103 371 300 71 6.209 2.518 3,691 Ganeshpur 01786100 3 2 1.885 749 1,136 Bahota 01786200

683 DISTRICT CENSUS HANDBOOK: ETAH VILLAGE PRIMARY CD Block- Total population (including Location Area of institutional and houscless Population in the codc Villagcin Number of EOEulationl aGc-GrauE 0-6 number Name of VilIaGc hectares households Persons Males Females Persons Males Females 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 01786300 Chauriyal 1404 103 662 348 314 83 51 32 01786400 Nag'a Bhagna 1296 147 977 533 444 201 99 102 01786500 Dulai 1592 57 393 204 189 70 33 37 01786600 Banall 148 965 568 397 200 III 89 01786700 Raipur Pathak 402 ------Un-inhabltcd------01786800 Nagla Chma 98 614 311 303 145 59 86 01786900 Chll"3ula 1476 372 2.323 1.248 1.075 562 317 245 01787000 Alipur Oadar 1143 265 1.548 834 714 295 152 143 01787100 Bahadumagar 61 7 69 429 240 189 113 62 51 01787200 Deevannagar 177 1.039 584 455 216 120 96 01787300 Noolllur 242 1.670 925 745 323 169 154 01781400 Khaduiya 194 1.122 620 502 233 133 100 01787500 Salawatnagar 196 1.385 764 . 621 292 156 136 01787600 Lakhapur 76 622 343 279 125 67 58 01181700 Labher 134 844 486 358 172 78 94 01787800 Nadannal 68 446 245 201 75 32 43 01187900 8angas Nagar 208.2 147 1.009 562 447 196 99 97 01788000 Miyau 9233 553 3.850 2.094 1.156 814 421 387 01788100 Damoopur 1528 93 660 369 291 165 83 82 01788200 AJupur 480.9 206 1.267 688 579 311 158 153 01788300 Usmanpur 251.0 159 1,184 630 554 289 146 143 01788400 Quadar Ganj Kham 1.454.0 491 4.067 2,249 1.818 819 397 422 Or788500 Quadar Ganj Pukhta 614.0 496 3,139 1,636 1,503 690 341 349 01788600 Naithara 123.0 36 194 108 86 29 II 18 01788700 Bagbas 173 1.121 639 488 249 134 115 01788800 Tarsi 243.5 206 1.211 646 565 259 123 136 01188900 Nababganj Nagariya 218.5 258 1.541 865 676 312 172 140 01789000 Nagla Damar 160 1,059 579 480 215 116 99 01789100 lmamuddinnagar 101.0 74 547 311 236 101 45 56 ·01789200 Sikandarpur Vaishya 886.1 507 3.449 1,921 1.528 732 369 363 01789300 Indajashanpur 169.5 181 1,137 629 508 240 138 102 01789400 Hattu Hafizganj 106.3 ------Un-mhabited------91789500 Nauli Phatuabad 245 1.747 1,058 689 321 175 146 01789600 Hattu Katari 28 140 81 59 38 23 IS 01789700 Chimli Bbat 13.0 ------Un-inbabited------01789800 KhBra BhB' 186.0 ------Un-inhabited------01789900 Pansoti 10 91 48 49 18 6 12 01790000 Jijaul 78 474 266 208 88 41 47 01790100 Himmablagar Bajbera 34 201 101 100 44 17 27 Pashchim 01790200 Himrnatnagar Bahera Purab 589.2 64 520 293 227 104 58 46 01790300 Rijola Khurd 810 ------Un-inhabited------01790400 Nardo1i Kham ------Un-tnhabited------01790500 Miholi 621 I ------Un-Inhabited------01790600 Mihola 139.8 126 832 475 357 170 102 68 01790700 Pitamnagar Hadaum 4650 430 2.948 1.692 1.256 606 293 313 01790800 Nagla Nida 1349 ------Un-inhabltcd------01790900 Asadgarb 200 1,407 758 649 326 154 172 01791000 Nardoli Pukhta 883 5.650 3.179 2.471 1.121 612 515 " 01791100 Jari lSI 940 538 402 2S1 135 \16 01791200 Sanauri Khas 1.7540 1.062 7.100 3.871 3.229 1.593 836 157 01791300 Sanauri Sunan Pukhta 656 414 2.819 1.633 1.186 637 351 286 01791400 Munj Khera 151 I 41 249 156 93 43 22 21 01791500 AlipUT Bhakhri 6552 17 120 80 40 21 I 1 10 01791600 Kanmnagar 2400 ------Un-Inhabllt..'fi------01191700 Pimagar 2103 ------Un-inhabih..'fi------01791800 RilJcpur Kurra Khas 376.5 18 211 132 19 39 20 19 01191900 Sanaun Singhman Khas ------Un-inhabilt.'fi------01192000 Ra.J!:2ur Kuna Pukhla 253 , 128 939 541 398 184 97 87


Scheduled Castes popuation Scheduled Tribes po(!ulation Literafes Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Mal~ Females Name of Village 1 1 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 2 399 220 179 Chauriyai 202 108 94 284 206 78 Nagla Bhagna 19 8 II 241 151 90 Dulai 458 258 200 367 275 92 Banai) ------Un-mhabited------Raipur Pathak 264 177 81 Nagl. C"'ina 429 225 204 667 483 184 Chlna!.!!@ 260 146 114 638 427 211 A.lipur ~dar 427 240 187 133 101 -31 BaltlldWTIagar 375 295 80 Dee\;"llnni!!88r 322 175 147 456 370 86 "N'lOIpur 51 30 21 367 265 102 Ktt ..


Location code Illiterates Total workers Main workers number Name of Village Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females 2 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 01786300 Cbaunyal 263 128 135 155 J46 9 148 139 9 OJ 786400 Nagla Bhagna 693 327 366 25i .249 3 I II 109 2 01786500 Dulai 152 53 99 121 107 14 94 92 2 01786600 Banail 598 293 305 322 296 26 199 196 3 01786700 Raipul" Pathak -----~------Un-lnhabited------01786800 Nagla China 350 134 216 140 136 4 127 124 3 01786900 Chlraula 1,656 765 891 592 557 35 508 499 9 01787000 AJipul" Dadar 910 407 S03 433 394 39 359 350 9 0\ 787100 Bahadumagar 296 119 157 ll4 105 9 87 87 01787200 Deevannagar 664 289 375 313 306 7 309 303 6 01787300 NOOlpur 1.214 . 555 659 477 474 3 477 474 3 01787400 Khaduiya 755 355 400 339 317 22 319 317 2 01787500 Salawatnagar 916 393 523 684 439 245 492 404 88 01787600 Lakhapur 397 167 230 179 174. 5 172 168 4 01787700 Labher 565 260 305 270 268 2 226 225 1 01787800 Nadannai 256 115 141 106 106 89 89 01787900 Bangas Nagar 691 302 389 306 300 6 293 289 4 01788000 Miyau 2,908 1,402 1,506 1.294 1.056 238 986 959 27 01788100 Damoopur 501 236 265 369 222 147 190 169 21 01788200 Ajijpur 966 451 515 388 347 41 383 343 40 01788300 Us~pur 778 343 435 309 305 4 309 305 4 01788400 Quadai'" Ganj Kham 3,662 1,935 1,727 1.260 1.200 60 1,184 1,126 58 ql788500 Quadai'" Ganj Pukhla 2,416 1,110 1.306 1.112 851 261 928 770 IS8 01788600 Naithara 147 18 69 46 46 46 46 01788700 Bagbas 954 508 446 331 322 9 258 257 1 • 01788800 Tarsi, 8ll 331 480 528 381 147 337 334 3 01788900 Nababganj Nagariya 1,101 510 591 421 413 8 418 412 6 01789000 Nagla Damar 724 334 390 491 343 148 212 205 7 01789100 lmamuddinnagar 428 213 215 232 .191 41 232 191 41 01789200 Sikandarpur Vaishya 2,635 1,287 1,348 1,277 1,088 189 1,010 986 24 01789300 Indajashanpur 815 383 432 265 262 3 264 261 3 01789400 Hattu HarlZganj ------Un-inhabited------01789500 Nauli Phatuabad 1,626 949 677 790 639 lSI 477 476 I 01789600 Hattu Kalari 129 72 57 95 54 41 81 47 34 o I 789700 Chimli Bhat ------Un-inbabited------01189800 Khara Bbat ------Un-inhabited------01789900 Pansoli 81 39 48 61 34 27 40 33 7 01790000 Jijaul 391 204 187 101 101 99 99 01790100 Himmatnagar 8ajhera 167 71 96 91 53 38 38 30 8 Pashchim 01790200 Himmatnagar Bahera Purab 446 232 214 193 III 82 112 72 40 01790300 Rijola Khurd ------Un-Inhabited------01 790400 Narooli Kham ------Un-inhablted------01790500 Miholi ------Un-inhabited------01790600 Mihola 680 357 323 356 255 101 245 244 1 01790700 Pitamnagar Hadaura 2,457 l.279 1.178 1.141 943 198 881 856 25 01 790800 Nagla Nida ------Un-Inhabited------01 790900 Asadgarb 1,114 502 612 447 411 36 410 405 5 01791000 Narooli Pukhta 4.042 2.015 2.027 IJ59 IJIO 49 1.602 1.571 3t o I 791 100 Jari 751 383 368 255 255 254 254 01791200 SanauriKhas 5.176 2.520 2.656 1.901 1.841 60 1.606 1.580 26 01791300 Sanauri Siman Pukhla 2.281 1.173 1.108 908 882 26 878 864 14 01791400 Munj Khera 184 97 87 112 109 3 104 101 3 a 1791 sao Alipur Bhakhn 113 73 40 55 54 53 52 01791600 Kanmnagar ------Un-inhablted------01791100 Pimagar ------Un-inlu!bited------01791800 Rajepur KUIT3 Khas 166 90 76 84 84 84 84 01791900 Sanauri Singhman Khas ------Un-inhabited------01792000 Rajepur KUIT3 Pukhta 682 337 345 321 318 3 318 316 2

686 PRIMARY CENSUS ABSTRACT CENSUS ABSTRACT Ganj Dundwara Industrial calc,8o!l: of main workers Household industry Cultivators Agricultural labourers workers Other \'V")rkers Per!;ons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Mak:~ Females Name of Village 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 2 120 115 5 18 14 4 9 9 Chau(tyai 100 98 2 2 2 9 9 Ndgta iJhagna 83 81 2 II t)u!a! 162 160 2 20 20 "17 I(J Bal1i~iI ------Un-mhablled------Raipur Pathak 98 95 3 9 <) 5 5 IS IS """lgta C:-o.,a 310 303 7 121 120 25 25 52 51 CllIraula 231 225 () 54 52 2 43 43 31 3() Alipur Dadar 66 66 17 17 2 2 2 2 Bahadumagar 305 300 5 1 1 3 2 Decvahnagar 460 457 3 15 15 Noorpur 31t 310 1 7 7 Khaduiya 483 396 87 7 6 Salawa~"!)~ar 152 151 20 17 :;: Lakhapo,!; 220 219 5 5 1 L.bher 79 79 4 4 6 6 N,,~lijrmai 258 254 4 34 34 1 1 B4qgas Nagar 754 734 20 177 1?4 3 19 15 4 36 36 \{i~ 183 162 21 6 6 J,moopur 374 334 40 4 4 2 2 3 3 I\,!jpur 252 248 4 55 55 2 2 U~I"'IIIPLD' 1.179 1.122 57 3 2 2 2 Qua~T G~nj Xbam 363 356 7 227 223 4 232 99 133 106 92 14 Quadat' Ganj Pukllta 46 46 Naithara 249 248 1 5 5 4 4 Baghml 223 220 3 102 102 2 2 10 10 Tarsi 291 287 4 119 118 2 I 6 6 JIlcbabganj Nagariy7. 205 198 1 6 6 Nagla Damar 232 191 41 lmamuddinnagar 819 808 II III III 30 30 50 37 U Sikandarpur Vaishya 256 253 3 8 8 Indajashanpur ------Un-inhahited------Hanu Iq~zganj 407 406 65 65 5 5 }"Iauli Pbatuabad 10 10 44 33 11 21 4 23 HaKU Katari ------Un-inhabited------Chir1tli Bhat ------Un-inhabited------1 '·.hanl Dhat 7 7 20 20 12 5 7 f-aqscli 96 96 1 2 2 Jlj;",1 24 19 5 2 12 10 2 Him•• atnaga.. ~!lJb~ Pashcl.nn 91 64 27 21 8 13 Himm3fnagar Bahera Purab ------Un-Inhablted------Rijola K."turd ------Un-inhabited------Nardoh Kh~m ------Un-Inhablted------Miholi 240 239 1 2 2 2 2 1 Mihola 826 808 18 32 28 4 8 7 15 13 .£"' Pitamn~gar Hadaura ------Un-mhablted------Ntlgln Nida 248 247 1 160 156 4 2 2 Asat!garh 1.156 1.131 19 286 283 3 36 33 3 124 118 (, Nardot! Pukhta 247 247 6 6 -'~ri 1.256 1.244 12 195 190 5 39 39 116 101 9 Slt:'lauri Khas 766 752 )4 94 94 16 16 2 2 SallAun Siman Pukh(a 95 93 2 5 5 3 2 Munj.Xhera 50 50 3 2 Alipur11hakhri ------Un-inhablted------Karimnagar ------Un-Inhabllcd------Plnlagar 84 84 Rajepur Kurra Khas ------Un-Inhabllcd------Sanauri Singhman Khas 302 300 2 13 13 2 2 Raj~ur KUITa Pukhta


Industrial caleso~ Location code Marginal workers Cultivators Asricultural labourers number Name of Village Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females I 2 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 01186300 Chaunyal 1 7 6 6 01786400 Nagla Bhagna 141 14() I 2 I 138 138 01786500 Duhu 27 15 12 7 6 17 II 6 01786600 Banall 123 IOU 23 117 96 21 01186700 Raipur Pathak ------Un-tnhabiled------01786800 Nagla Chma 13 12 4 4 2 I 01786900 Chiraula 84 58 26 19 9 10 32 29 3 01787000 Alipur Dadar 14 44 30 47 17 30 13 13 01787100 Bahadumagar 27 18 9 6 5 I 18 10 R 01787200 Decvannagar 4 3 4 3 01787300 Noorpur 01787400 Khaduiya 20 20 20 20 01787500 Salawalnagar 192 35 157 187 34 153 01787600 Lakhapur 7 6 1 1 01787700 Labher 44 43 8 7 31 31 01787800 Nadannai 17 17 2 2 14 14 01787900 Bangas Nagar 13 II 2 13 II 2 01788000 Miyau 308 97 2] I 22 16 6 4:1 39 9 01788100 Damoopur 179 53 126 178 53 125 I I 01788200 Ajijpur 5 4 I 2 3 3 01788300 Usmanpur 01788400 Quadar GanJ Kham 76 74 2 5 3 2 71 71 01788500 Quadar GaOj Pukhta 184 81 103 98 16 82 32 29 3 01788600 Naithara 01788700 Bagbas 73 65 8 4 3 I 68 62 6 01788800 Tarsi 191 47 144 163 43 120 28 4 24 01788900 NababganjNaganya 3 1 2 I 2 2 01789000 Nag)a Damar 279 138 141 174 48 126 105 90 15 01789100 lmamuddinnagar 01789200 Sikandarpur Vaishya 267 102 165 231 82 149 20 13 1 01789300 Indajashanpur I I 01789400 Hattu Hafizganj ------Un-inhabited------01789500 Nauli Phatuabad 313 163 ISO 102 90 12 69 63 6 0178%00 Hattu Katari 14 7 1 5 3 2 01789700 Chiroli Bhat ------Un-inhabited------01789800 Khara Bhat ------Un-inhabited------01789900 Pansoti 21 1 20 3 2 01790000 lijaul 2 2 I 01790100 Himmatnagar BaJhera 53 23 30 9 3 6 41 19 22 Pashchim 01790200 Himmatnagar Bahera Purab 81 39 42 22 13 9 59 26 33 01790300 Rijola Khurd ------Un-inhabited------01790400 Nardoli Kham ------Un-mhabited------01790500 Mihoh ------Un-inhabited------01790600 Mihola 111 II 100 101 5 96 9 6 3 01790700 Pitatnnagar Hadaura 260 87 173 187 29 158 62 52 10 01790800 Nagla Nida ------Un-inhabited------01190900 Asadgarh 37 6 31 36 5 31 1 01191000 Nardoli Pukhla 157 139 18 26 16 10 106 104 ::'. 01791100 Jari I I 1 1 01791200 Sana uri Khas 295 261 34 18 10 8 249 236 13 01791300 Sanauri Sunun Pukhta 30 18 12 26 16 10 3 1 2 01791400 Munj Khera 8 8 6 6 2 2 01791500 Alipur Bhakhn 2 2 01191600 Karimnagar ------Un-Inhabltcd------01791700 Pimagar ------Un-inhabltcd------01791800 Rajcpur Kurra K~as 01791900 Sanauri Singhmall Khas ------Un-mhabltcd------01192000 Raj~ur KUITcI PlJthta 3 2 I 1 2

688 PRIMARY CENSUS ABSTRACT CENSUS ABSTRACT GanJ Dundwara of ma!:!jinal workers Location Household indust!): workers OthL.'T workers Non-workL"Fs code Persons Males F(..."I11ales Persons Males Females Persons Males Fem a k-s Name of Village number 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 2 501 202 305 Chaunyai 01186300 I I 125 284 441 Nagla Bhagna 01186400 3 3 212 91 11:'i Dulal 01186500 5 4 643 272 371 Bamlll 01186600 ------Un-lnhabltcd------Ralpur Pathak 01186100 7 1 474 115 299 Nagla Chma 01786800 15 4 It 18 \6 2 1,7] I 691 l.O40 Clur.Juia 01786900 3 3 II II 1.115 440 675 Ahpur Dadar 01181000 3 3 315 135 180 Bah.ldumagar 01187100 726 278 448 Dccvannagar 01781200 1.193 451 142 Noorpur 01187300 183 303 480 Khadulya 01787400 4 I 3 101 325 376 Salawatnagar 01787500 5 5 443 169 214 Lakhapur 01787600 5 5 574 218 356 Labher 01787700 340 139 201 Nadannai 01787800 703 262 441 Bangas Nagar 01787900 176 32 144 62 10 52 2,556 1,038 1.5 18 Mlyau 01788000 291 141 144 Damoopur 0]788]00 879 341 538 Aj ij pur 01788200 875 325 550 Usmanpur 0]788300 2.807 ),049 1,758 Quadar Ganj Kham 01788400 24 7 t7 30 29 2,027 785 1,242 Quadal" Ganj Pukhta 01788500 148 62 86 Naithara 01788600 796 317 479 Bagbas 01788700 683 265 418 Tarsi 01788800 1,120 452 668 NababganjNagariya 01788900 568 236 332 Nagla Damar 01789000 315 120 195 Irnamuddinnagar 01789100 2 2 14 5 9 2,112 833 1,339 Sikandarpur Vaishya 01789200 812 367 50S Indajashanpur 01789300 ------Un-inhabitoo------Hauu Hafizganj 01789400 1 141 to 131 957 419 538 Nauli Phatuabad 01789500 9 4 5 45 21 18 Hauu Katari 01789600 ------Un-inhabited------Chlroh Bhat 01789700 ------Un-inhabited------Khara Bhat 01789800 12 12 6 6 36 14 22 Pansoli 01789900 373 165 208 Jljaul 01790000 3 2 ltO 48 62 Himmatnagar Bajhera 01790100 Pashchim 327 182 145 Hunmalnagar Bahera Purab 01790200 ------Un-inhahlted------Rijola Khurd 01790300 ------Un-mhab.ted------Nardo1i Kham 01790400 ------Un-inhabited------Miho" 01790500 1 I 476 220 256 Mihola 01790600 7 6 4 4 1.807 749 1,058 Pltamnagar Hadaura 01790700 ------Un-inhablted------Nagla Nida 01790800 960 347 613 Asadgam 01790900 6 4 2 19 15 4 3,891 1.469 2.422 Nardoli Pukhta 01791000 685 283 402 Jan 01791100 6 2 4 22 13 9 5.199 2.030 3.169 Sanaun Khas 01191200 1.911 751 1,160 Sanauri Siman Pukhta 01191300 137 47 90 MunJ Khcra 01791400 65 26 39 Alipur Bhakhri 01791500 ------Un-Inlmbllcd------Kanmnagar 01791600 ------Un-ll1l1i1hllC..-d------· Plmagar 01191700 127 48 79 RaJepur Kurra Khas 01791800 ------Un-Inhabitcd------Sanauri Singh man Khas 01791900 618 223 395 Raj!:Eur Kuna Pukhta 01792000


PRIMARY CENSUS ABSTRACT PATIYALICDBLOCK DISTRICT CENSUS HANDBOOK: ETAH VILLAGE PRIMARY CD Block- Total population (including Location Area of institutional and housclcss. Population in the code Village In Number of I!ol!ulationl ase-sroUI! 0-6 number Name of Village hectares households Persons Males Females Persons Males Females \ 2 3 4 5 6 7 g 9 '0 0165 Patlyali nulal) 26.353 , 18.340 120584 66..338 54.246 24,689 12.903 ) 1.786 0165 Pallyah (Itural) 26.3533 18.340 120.584 66,338 54.246 24.689 12.903 11.786 0165 Patiyah (Urban) Paliyah (lturalJ 01792100 Nagla Asanand 165 () 200 1.203 657 546 241 129 112 01792200 Gudiac 1360 144 885 507 378 191 119 72 01792300 Dhakml 1430 91 637 352 285 125 67 58 01792400 Ha,haurcl Kherd 1450 135 749 404 345 145 69 76 01792500 Garhlya 62 {) 112 699 386 313 136 83 53 01792600 Jatpum 950 52 290 159 131 52 26 26 0)792700 Sunarpura 88 () 38 273 149 124 50 30 20 0)792800 Halhauravan 19) 0 298 1,725 914 811 297 161 136 Ot192900 Karanpur Nag'a Nunera 4250 305 2.059 1.131 928 445 221 224 01193000 Rahta Yusuf Nagar 2220 138 948 523 425 206 112 94 01793100 Makdharoo 1250 139 967 516 451 208 112 96 01193200 Rampura 526.0 343 2.025 1.063 962 389 212 177 01193300 Pyarampur 1120 91 582 319 263 113 69 44 01193400 Patiyali Dehat 1.9190 730 4.468 2.480 1.988 996 516 480 01793500 Partap Pur 185.0 221 1.682 921 161 357 119 178 01793600 Ramnagar Karsaina 1670 163 1.036 568 468 214 123 91 01793700 Bakrai Bhains Rasi 4860 324 1.863 974 889 370 188 182 01793800 Goda 2610 171 1.155 640 515 225 116 109 01793900 Rai Pur Porohit 133.0 116 781 460 327 154 86 68 01794000 Mundhra 296.0 217 1,404 798 606 288 164 124 01794100 A1ipur Kakrala 41.2 ------tfn-inhabited------01794200 Ratanpur 600 94 616 338 278 137 68 69 01794300 Chandpura 39.5 56 359 206 153 54 23 31 01794400 Veenpur 127.5 237 1,477 830 647 158 73 85 01794500 Rustampur 440.0 306 2.091 1,152 945 510 255 255 01794600 Kurba 448.0 321 1.907 1.047 860 343 177 166 01794700 Ashokpur 7250 325 2.063 1,117 946 470 246 224 01794800 Narthar 3920 436 2.640 1,475 1,165 441 241 200 01794900 Jlnaul 189.0 253 1.562 825 737 314 153 161 01195000 Vishnodi 1600 132 898 490 408 118 97 81 01795100 Bachhuia 1100 99 630 343 281 155 73 82 01795200 Bahora 4340 375 2.404 1.354 1.050 443 253 190 01795300 Ladhauli 124.0 209 1.303 728 575 285 169 116 01195400 Chakatpur 53.5 66 424 239 ISS 87 44 43 01795500 Ranaithi 65.0 280 1.847 1,020 827 375 192 183 01795600 Rijola Raja 1.4500 818 5.344 2.974 2.370 1.119 565 554 01795700 Khalaunl 2810 14 456 256 200 1I0 6i 49 01795800 Ranidamar 594.4 268 1.820 989 831 382 188 194 01795900 Badola 1.9590 1.124 7.864 4.391 3.473 1.544 801 137 01196000 Nagla Balru 4310 294 1.925 1.014 851 384 204 180 01196100 RaipuT Molhar 1620 62 342 191 145 78 41 37 01796200 Kutub Pur Sara I 4450 337 2.164 1.182 982 418 199 219 01196300 Nagna Gaur 172 0 68 452 241 211 103 44 59 01196400 Shal'puf 1830 34\ 2..384 \.306 \.0"18 512 279 293 01796500 TIlana Dariyav Ganj 1.9340 1.533 10.570 5.710 4.860 2.212 1.133 1.019 01796600 Naugawan Chahka 4060 385 2.586 1,410 1.176 545 212 27) 01796700 BiJaura SwaTg Dwan 6060 502 3.154 1.822 1.332 565 305 260 01796800 Timarua Siroman 1920 34 222 117 105 42 22 20 01796900 Sn Nagla 6820 273 1.919 1.083 836 424 236 188 01797000 Navada 3130 72 538 307 231 119 59 60 01797100 Gangpur 730 III 732 396 336 153 82 71 01191200 Sikandar PUT Manouna 2540 III 694 379 315 163 77 86 0\791300 Chauki Alan Pur 408 () 89 681 389 298 144 75 69 01797400 Ja1a1pur 604 ------Un-mhabltcd------01191500 BardC Pur 1910 150 Q-l6 519 427 204 105 Q9 01197600 Gana Dlmukal 171 () 82 556 312 244 120 66 54 01197700 Aurangabad 482 () 413 2.645 1.423 1.222 540 287 253


Scheduled Castes 20l!uatlon Schcdulec.l Tribes l!02ulation Literates Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Name of ViUagc 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 2 26.9S7 14.775 12.182 48.987 33.969 15.(118 Pallyah (Total) 26.957 14.775 12.182 48.987 33.969 15.018 Paliyah (Runl) Pallyah (Urban) Pallyah (Runl) 695 395 300 439 303 136 Nagla Asanand 258 154 104 362 264 98 Gudiae 86 44 42 112 102 10 Dhakrai 81 43 38 338 225 113 Hathaura Khera 283 147 136 342 224 118 Garhiya liS 67 48 122 81 41 Jalpura 26 16 10 132 80 52 Sunarpura 65 37 28 1.093 659 434 Hathauravan 391 210 181 928 659 269 Kanmpur Nagla Nunera 325 187 138 468 301 167 Rahta Vusuf Nagar 6 4 2 521 334 187 Makdharoo 572 289 283 897 589 308 Rampura 339 185 154 287 179 108 Pyarampur 2.503 1,393 1,110 1,549 1.158 391 Patiyali Dehat 308 169 139 731 534 197 Partap Pur 203 107 96 368 277 91 Ramnagar Karsaina 369 193 176 977 591 386 Bakrai Bhains Rasi 264 141 123 339 293 46 Goda 305 250 55 Rai Pur Porohit 308 170 138 611 439 172 Mundhra ------Un-inhabited------Alipur Kakrala 257 142 115 229 J63 66 Ratanpur 184 144 40 Chandpura 408 223 185 623 437 186 Veenpur 1.079 601 478 627 479 148 Rustampur 546 287 259 468 350 118 Kurha 386 201 185 578 403 175 Ashokpur 217 112 105 1,173 792 381 Narthar 149 76 73 788 509 279 Jinaul 116 56 60 362 270 92 Vishnodi 3J9 174 145 13J 105 26 Bachhuia 811 450 361 909 633 276 Bahara 185 101 84 633 417 216 Ladhauli 98 84 14 Chakarpur 482 271 211 668 472 196 Ranaithi 854 463 391 1.957 1.412 545 Rijola Raja 196 109 87 188 127 61 Khalaura 474 264 210 644 454 190 Ranidamar 1.710 942 768 2.898 2.093 805 Badala 498 265 233 716 531 185 Nagla Bairo 29 15 14 112 80 32 Raipur Mathar 557 304 253 683 496 187 KUlub Pur Sara) \13 98 7S 120 87 33 Nagria GaUl" 745 413 332 592 448 144 Shahpur 2,391 1.297 1.094 4,482 3.055 1.427 Thana Dariyav Ganj 1.033 577 456 1.089 752 337 Naugawan Chahka 526 297 229 1.173 884 289 Bijaura Swarg Owari 153 83 70 Timarua Siroman 388 221 167 679 481 198 Sri Nagla 122 62 60 157 124 33 Navada 64 34 30 333 229 104 Gangpur 88 48 40 285 173 112 Sikandar Pur Manouna 93 46 47 83 61 22 Chauki Atan Pur ------Un-Inhabllcd------Jalalpur 214 116 98 357 265 92 Barae Pur 54 34 20 291 186 105 Gnria Ohaukal 188 lOS 83 1.193 781 412 Aunmgabad


Location code Illiterates Total workers Main workers number Name of Village Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females 2 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 0165 Patiyali (Tolal) 71.597 32,369 39,228 34,445 32.204 2,241 30,379 29,421 95R 0165 Paliyah (Rural) 71.597 32.369 39.228 34.445 32.204 2.241 30.179 29.421 958 0165 Paliyah (Urban) Pauyah (Rural) 01 792100 Nagla Asanand 764 .354 410 316 309 1 249 243 6 01792200 Gudlac 523 243 280 359 273 86 356 270 86 01792300 Dhakrdl 525 250 275 177 177 117 177 01792400 Hathaurd Khcra 411 179 232 212 205 7 209 204 5 01792500 Gart1lya ]57 162 195 186 181 5 186 lSI 5 o I 792600 Jatpura 168 78 90 84 84 84 84 01792700 Sunarpura 141 69 72 67 67 67 67 o I 792800 Hathauravan 632 255 317 424 414 10 422 412 10 01 792900 Karanpur Nag'a Nunera 1,1] I 472 659 559 527 32 528 513 15 01793000 Rahta Yusuf Nagar 480 222 258 265 254 11 265 254 I 1 01 793 100 Makdhamo 446 182 264 451 210 181 241 231 10 01793200 Rampura 1.128 474 654 582 488 94 476 436 40 01793300 PyanunpuT 295 140 155 141 140 97 96 OJ 793400 Patiyali Dehal 2,919 1.322 1.597 1.229 1.116 113 1.005 932 73 01793500 Partap PUT 951 387 564 426 422 4 421 418 3 01793600 Ramnagar Karsaina 668 291 377 257 257 248 248 01793700 Bakrai Bhains RaSI 886 383 503 532 497 35 476 461 15 01793800 Goda 816 347 469 357 352 5 343 339 4 01793900 Rai Pur Porohil 482 210 272 221 218 3 220 2]7 3 01794000 Mundhra 793 359 434 389 382 7 353 35Q 3 01794100 Alipur Kakrala ------Un~inhabiled------\ 01794200 RatanpuT 387 175 212 190 174 16 126 125 01794300 Chandpura 175 62 113 III 109 2 111 109 2 01794400 VeenpuT 854 393 461 491 492 5 464 461 3 01794500 RustampuT 1,470 673 797 558 548 10 555 546 9 01794600 Kurita 1,439 697 742 547 530 17 521 508 13 01794100 Ashokpur 1.485 714 771 538 502 36 343 330 13 01794800 Nanhar 1,467 683 784 797 732 65 692 686 6 01794900 Jinaul 714 316 458 367 351 16 360 347 13 OJ 795000 Vishnodi 5]6 220 316 274 238 36 2]8 207 II 01795100 Bachhuia 499 238 261 162 160 2 162 160 2 01795200 Bahora 1.495 721 174 909 744 165 580 570 10 01795300 Ladhau1i 670 311 359 379 354 25 331 319 12 01795400 ChakarpUT 326 155 171 12] 118 5 117 113 4 01795500 Ranaithi 1.179 548 631 564 544 20 523 505 18 01795600 Rijola Raja 3.387 1.562 1.825 1.523 1.459 64 1.330 1.283 47 01795700 Kha1aura 268 129 139 123 121 2 114 114 01795800 Ranidamar 1.176 535 641 567 508 59 561 506 55 01795900 Badola 4.966 2.298 2.668 2,272 2,196 76 1.947 1,904 43 01796000 Nagla BalTU 1.209 543 666 581 '562 19 558 540 18 01796100 Raipur Mothar 230 117 113 106 102 4 102 102 01796200 ' Kutub Pur Sarai 1,481 686 795 623 614 9 611 603 8 01 796300 Nagria Gaur 332 154 178 III 109 2 85 85 01796400 Shabpur 1.792 858 934 708 674 34 604 583 21 01796500 Thana Dariyav Ganj 6,088 2.655 3,433 2.703 2.603 100 2.299 2.242 57 01 796600 Naugawan Chahka 1.497 658 839 685 671 8 677 670 7 01796700 Bijaura Swarg Dwari 1.981 938 1.04] 956 810 146 697 655 42 01196800 TimaNa SirOinan 69 34 35 59 59 59 59 01196900 Sri Nagla 1.240 602 638 691 540 151 534 530 4 01197000 Navada 381 183 198 178 16] 15 149 148 I 01197100 Gangpur 399 167 232 193 188 5 189 184 5 01797200 Sikandar Pur Manouua 409 206 203 209 201 8 209 201 8 01197300 Chauki Alan Pur 604 328 276 195 192 3 191 190 01197400 Jalalpur ------Un-Illhabilcd------01797500 Barae Pur 589 254 335 290 278 12 286 276 10 01797600 Garia Dhaukal 265 126 139 162 162 138 138 0(197700 Aurangabad 1.452 642 810 643 620 23 611 601 10

694 PRIMARY CENSUS ABSTRACT CENSUS ABSTRACT PatiyaIi (ndustrial category of main workers Household industry Cultivators Agricultural labourers workers Other workers Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Name of Village 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 2 24,655 24,047 608 2,960 2.806 154 601 HS 66 2.163 2,033 130 Paliyali (Toeal) 24,6SS 24,047 608 2.960 2.806 154 601 S3S 66 2.163 2.033 130 Paliyali (R.ural) Pauyah (Urban) Pal1yah (R.ural) 139 137 2 44 42 . 2 65 64 Nagla Asanand 319 245 74 31 19 12 5 5 Gudiae 177 177 Ohakrai 177 173 4 25 25 6 5 Hathaura Khera 175 170 5 II II Garhiya 49 49 32 32 2 2 I 1 Jatpurn 56 56 J 3 8 8 Sunaq>ura 366 361 5 3 3 53 48 5 Hathauravan 410 401 9 45 43 2 10 10 ..,3 59 4 Karanpur Nagla Nuncra 160 IS4 6 77 75 2 2" 24 3 Rahta Yusuf Nagar 223 214 9 5 5 13 12 I Makdharoo 351 322 29 81 71 10 6 6 38 37 Rampura 81 81 16 15 Pyarampur 737 700 37 118 108 \0 47 26 21 103 ljg S Patiyali Debat 349 346 3 61 61 2 2 9 9 Partap l>ur 247 247 I R«rn'Ulgar KaOillina 394 388 6 17 17 20 18 2 45 38 7 Balaai 91mim. Rasi. 318 314 4 20 20 5 5 Goda 208 207 I 5 .5 6 .5 R."i Pu;:" Poruhit 317 314 3 II II 5 20 20 Mundhra ------Un-inhabited------Alipur Kakrala 109 108 I 14 14 3 3 Ratanpur 110 t08 2 I Chandpura 413 410 3 17 17 23 23 11 II Veenpur 529 521 8 II II 2 2 13 12 Rustarnpur 480 470 10 35 33 2 2 1 4 4 Kurha 308 299 9 4 4 6 6 25 21 4 Asbokpur 55S 551 4 14 14 64 63 59 58 Narthar 273 260 13 55 55 4 4 • 28 28 Jinaul 156 153 3 38 36 2 1 3 4 17 IS 2 Vishnodi 120 120 41 39 2 Bachhuia 445 439 6 R9 2 5 3 2 41 41 Bahora 247 246 1 34 34 49 33 11 Ladhauli 113 109 4 4 4 Chakarpur 383 367 16 85 84 9 9 46 45 1 Ranaithi 1,121 1,085 36 82 81 34 31 3 93 86 7 Rijola Raja 93 93 6 6 4 4 II ] I Khalaura 511 460 51 34 31 3 8 7 I 8 8 Ranidalnar 1,699 [,668 31 165 161 4 30 21 3 53 48 5 Bodola 498 487 I I 22 22 22 IS 7 16 16 Nagla Baitu 83 83 II I I 2 2 6 6 Raipur MOlhar 546 541 5 22 21 43 41 2 Kulub Pur Sarai 79 79 2 2 3 3 1 1 Nagria Gaur 523 507 16 72 69 3 9 7 2 Shahpur 1,693 1,6.51 36 212 201 II 33 30 3 361 354 7 Thana Dariyav Ganj 475 470 5 174 112 2 14 14 14 14 Naugawan Chahka 523 500 23 113 99 14 13 10 3 48 46 2 Bijaura Swarg Owan SO SO 1 I I [ 7 7 Timarua Siroman 522 518 4 2 2 3 3 7 7 Sn Nagla 117 117 22 21 2 2 8 8 Navada 177 174 J 2 2 10 8 2 Gangpur 116 109 7 72 11 12 12 9 9 Sikandar Pur Manouna 150 149 1 IS 15 26 26 Chauki Atan Pur ------Un-In hablled------Jalalpur 230 223 7 37 35 2 II II 8 7 Barae Pur 127 127 4 4 6 6 I I Garia Ohaukal .534 527 7 25 22 J 20 20 32 32 Aurangabad

695 DISTRICT CENSUS HANDBOOK: ETAH VILLAGE PRIMARY CD Block- Industrial categ0!X Location code Marginal workers Cultivators Agricultural labourers number Name of Village Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females 2 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 0165 Pallyah (Total) 4066 2.783 1.2113 1.198 542 656 2.086 1.1132 254 0165 Pauyah (Rural) 4.066 2.783 1.283 1.198 542 656 2.086 1.832 254 0165 Pal,yah (Urban) Patiyah (Rural) 01792iOO Nagla Asanand 61 66 2 2 63 62 01792200 Gudiac 3 3 01792300 Dhakral 01792400 Hathaura Khera 1 2 3 2 01792500 Gar1uya 01792600 Jatpura 01792700 Sunarpur.t 01792800 Ha\haul'avan 2 2 01192900 Karanpur Nagla Nunera 31 14 17 2 01793000 Rahta Yusuf Nagar 01793100 Makdharoo 210 39 171 205 36 169 2 01193200 Rampura 106 52 54 24 13 1 I 71 33 38 01793300 Pyarampur 44 44 6 6 34 34 01793400 Patiyali Dehat 224 IS4 40 16 7 9 162 150 12 01793500 Partap Pur 5 4 3 2 2 2 01793600 Ramnagar Karsaina Q 9 I I 5 5 01793100 Bakni Bhains Rasi 56 36 20 3 2 26 16 10 01793800 Gada 14 13 9 9 5 4 01793900 Rai Pur Porohit I I I 1 01794000 Mundhra 36 32 4 3 2 29 26 3 01794100 Alipur Kakrala ------Un-inhabited------01794200 Ratanpur 64 49 15 5 2 3 43 35 8' 01794.300 Chandpura 01794400 Veenpur 33 31 2 13 II 2 18 18 01794500 Rustampur 3 2 3 2 I 01794600 Kuma 26 22 4 11 10 1 13 12 01794700 Asbokpur 195 172 23 12 9 3 148 139 9 01794800 Narthar 105 46 59 65 18 47 37 27 10 01794900 Jinaul 7 4 3 2 2 1 01795000 Vishnodt 56 31 25 8 6 2 22 18 4 01795100 Bachhuia 01795200 Bahora 329 174 ISS 48 44 4 144 107 37 01795300 Ladhauli 48 35 13 33 24 9 II 8 3 01795400 Chakarpur 6 5 5 5 01795500 Ranaithi 41 39 2 II 10 18 IS 01795600 Rijola Raja 193 176 17 28 23 5 142 135 7 01795700 Khalaura 9 7 2 8 7 01795800 Ranidamar 6 2 4 6 2 4 01795900 Badola 325 292 33 144 124 20 150 148 2 01196000 Nagla Bairu 23 22 1 3 2 10 10 01796100 Raipur Mothar 4 4 4 4 01796200 Kutub Pur Sarai 12 II I 1 1 1 I 01796300 Nagria Gaur 26 24 2 I 25 24 01796400 Shabpur \04 9\ \3 14 4 10 53 52 01796500 Thana Dariyav GanJ 404 361 43 84 48 36 241 235 6 01796600 Naugawan Chahka 8 7 3 2 1 3 3 01796700 Bijaurn Swarg Dwan 259 ISS 104 5 3 2 141 139 2 01796800 Timarua Siroman 01796900 Sri Nagla 157 to 147 151 to 141 2 2 01797000 Navada 29 15 14 2 2 26 12 14 01797100 Gangpur 4 4 01797200 Sikandar Pur Manouna 01797300 Chauki Atan Pur 4 2 2 3 2 01797400 Jalalpur ------~- Un-inhabtlcd------01797500 Barae Pur 4 2 2 1 I 2 0\797600 Garia Dhaukal 24 24 4 4 14 14 01797700 Aurangabad 32 19 13 9 6 3 7 3 4

696 PRIMARY CENSUS ABSTRACT CENSUS ABSTRACT Patiyali of marsinal workers Location Household indust!):: workers Other workCT$ Non-workers code Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Namc ofVillagc number 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 2 I 384 85 299 398 324 74 86.139 34.134 52.005 I'allyah (Toeal) 0165 384 85 299 398 324 74 86.139 34.134 52.00:5 I'allyah (Rural) 0165 I'allyah (Urban) 016:5 I'allyali (Rural) 2 2 887 348 539 Nagla Asanand 01792100 3 3 526 234 292 Gudlac 01792200 460 115 285 Dhakrdi 01192300 531 199 338 Hathaura Khera 01792400 513 205 308 Garhlya 01792500 206 75 131 Jalpura 01792600 206 82 124 Sunarpura 01792700 1,301 500 801 Hathauravan 01792800 29 13 16 1,500 604 896 Karanpur Nagla Nunera 01792900 683 269 414 Rahta Vusuf Nagar 01793000 3 2 516 246 270 Makdharoo 01793100 10 5 5 1.443 575 868 Rampura 01793200 4 4 441 179 262 Pyarampur 01793300 27 12 IS 19 15 4 3.239 1.364 1.875 Patlyali Dehat 01793400 1,256 499 757 Partap Pur 01793500 3 3 779 311 468 Ramnagar Karsaina 01793600 13 7 6 14 11 3 1,331 477 854 Bakral Bhains Rasi 01793700 798 288 510 Goda 01793800 566 242 324 Rai PUT Porohit 01793900 4 4 1,015 416 599 Mundhra 01794000 ------Un-Inhabiled------AlipUT Kakrala 01794100 16 12 4 426 164 262 RatanpuT 01794200 248 97 151 Chandpura 01794300 2 2 980 338 642 Veenpur 01794400 1,539 604 935 Rustampur 01794500 2 2 1,360 517 843 Kurba 01794600 13 5 8 22 19 3 1,525 615 910 Ashokpur 01794700 2 I 1,843 743 1,100 Narthar 01794800 1 3 3 1,195 474 721 Jinaul 01794900 6 5 20 6 14 624 252 372 Vishnodi 01795000 468 183 285 Bachhuia 01795100 126 12 114 I I 11 1.495 610 885 Bahora 01795200 1 3 2 924 374 550 Ladhauh 01795300 301 121 180 Chakarpur 01795400 12 II 1,283 476 807 Ranalthi 01795500 7 3 4 16 15 3.821 1.515 2.306 Rijola Raja 01795600 333 135 198 Khalaura 01795700 1,253 481 772 Ranidamar 01795800 18 8 10 13 12 5.592 2.195 3.397 Badola 01795900 2 2 8 K 1,344 512 832 Nagla BalTO 01796000 236 95 141 Ralpur Mothar 01796100 1.541 568 973 Kulub Pur Sarai 01796200 341 132 209 Nagria Gaur 01796300 37 35 2 1,676 632 1,044 Shahpur 01796400 7 7 72 71 I 7,867 3.107 4.760 Thana Danyav Ganj 01796500 2 2 1,901 733 1,168 Naugawan Chahka 01796600 97 91 16 13 3 2,198 1,012 1,186 Bljaura Swarg Owari 01796700 163 58 105 Tirnarua Siroman 01796800 4 4 1.228 543 685 Sri Nagla 01796900 360 144 216 Navada 01797000 4 4 539 208 331 Gangpur 01797100 485 178 307 Sikandar Pur Manouna 01797200 492 191 295 Chaukl Alan Pur 01797300 ------Un-Illhahltcd------Jalalpur 01797400 656 241 415 Barae PUf 01797500 6 6 394 150 244 Garia Dhaukal 01797600 9 4 5 7 6 2,002 803 1,199 Aurangabad 01797700

697 DISTRICT CENSUS HANDBOOK: ETAH VILLAGE PRIMARY CD Bloek- Total population (including Lucation Area of institutional and huuselcss Population in the code Village in Number of population} ase-srou!! 0-6 number Name of Village hectares households Persons Males Females Persons Males Females 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 01797800 Kakrala 3410 410 2.639 1.454 1.18S 602 302 300 01797900 Mojhola IJ)44 () 1.157 7.755 4.224 3.531 1.566 831 735 01798000 Diounuya 3510 470 3.259 1,784 1.475 725 389 336 01798100 Nai Masiyar 191 () 145 882 419 403 181 100 81 01798200 Gari Khaici 295.0 316 2,022 1,119 903 418 223 195 01798300 Budhupur Ganya 1770 77 451 234 217 66 30 36 01798400 MauJPur 604 ------Un-Inhablted------01798500 Bhas-gam Mashrak 1760 ------Up-Inhabned------01798600 Chaktaral 884 ------Un-Inhabited------01798700 8ilasbas 112 ------Un-Inhablted------01798800 Ismail Pur 31.2 ------Un-inhablled------01798900 Salem Pur 122.0 68 409 221 188 81 41 40 01799000 Shlkar Pur SO 0 ------Un-Inhabited------01199100 Shahpur Tahla ISS 0 132 gSS 456 432 141 80 61 01799200 Rasol Pur Khurd 20.4 ------Un-mhabited------01799300 Rasul Pur Bujus-g 26.0 ------Un-mhabited------01799400 Chak Pahara 104.0 ------Un-Inhabited------· .. 01799500 8alloopur 137.0 58 296 160 136 66 29 37 01799600 Med Pur 107.0 56 515 272 243 136 71 65 01799700 Nagala Amir 459.0 319 2,279 1,281 998 464 233 231 01799800 Kaneser Nagala Daloo 324.0 269 1,834 1,038 796 427 239 188 01799900 Alahdadpur 55.2 ------Un-inhabited------01800000 Tajpur Tigra 2000 178 1,408 785 623 352 197 ISS 01800100 Mlli1c llahi - 71 0 112 602 339 263 92 49 43 01800200 Ratan~ur Fatila2!:!r 318.0 215 1,681 930 751 279 136 143


Scheduled Castes popuation Scheduled Tribes ~I!ulation Literates Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Name of Village 1 1 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 2 525 302 223 1,106 739 367 Kakrnla 2,008 1,096 912 3,805 2,488 1,317 Mojhola 498 2611 23(1 1,431 1,005 426 DlOuraiya 214 116, 98 377 245 132 Nai Masiyar 314 169 145 964 676 288 Gari Kharei 339 182 157 Budhupur Gariya ------Un-Iohabl\ed------MauJpur ------Un-Inhablted------Bhargain Mashrak ------Un-Inhablled------Chaklarai ------Un-mhablte


Location code Illitcrates Total workers Main workers number Name of Villa!!lc Persons Males Females Persons Males Femalcs Persons Males Femalcs 1 2 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 01797800 Kakrala 1.533 115 818. 169 719 50 706 684 22 01197900 Mojhola 3.950 1.736 2.214 2.091 2.018 73 1,843 1,799 44 01798000 Diouralya 1,828 779 1,049 895 796 99 813 747 66 01198100 Nai Masly,ar 505 234 211 219 266 13 216 265 1I 01798200 Gan Kharea 1.058 443 615 606 591 15 558 548 10 01798300 Budhupur Ganya 112 52 60 126 125 121 121 01798400 Maujpur ------Un-inhablted-~------01798500 Bhargam Mdshrak ------Un-inhabtted------01798600 Chaktaral ------Un-inhablted------01798700 Bllasbal> ------Un-inhablted------01798800 Ismail Pur ------Un-Inhablted------01798900 Salem Pur 327 152 175 113 113 113 113 01799000 Shikar PUT ------Un-mhablted------01199100 Shahpur Tahla 262 112 150 217 208 9 163 158 5 01799200 Rasol Pur KhuTd ------Un-inhablted------01799300 Rasul Pur BUJurg ------Un-inhabited------01799400 Chak Pahara ------Un-inhablted------01799500 Balloopur 162 63 99 105 97 8 97 94 3 01799600 Moo Pur 320 129 191 117 114 3 115 112 3 01799700 Nagala Amlr 1,274 548 726 633 619 14 626 617 9 01799800 Kanescr Nagala Daloo 1.316 659 657 698 531 161 550 522 28 01799900 Alahdadpur ------Un-inhabitoo------01800000 Tajpur Tigra 812 346 466 368 349 19 335 330 5 01800100 Milik lIahi 251 120 131 171 168 3 171 168 3 01800200 Rataneur Fatilal!ur 800 321 479 429 423 6 415 410 5

700 PRIMARY CENSUS ABSTRACT CENSUS ABSTRACT PatiyaU Industrial catcs,9!l: ofmain... workers Househo1d industry Cultivators Agricultural labourers workers Other workers Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males females' Persons Males Females Name of Village 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 2 446 438 8 138 133 5 22 18 4 100 95 5 Kakrala 1.288 1.266 22 272 266 6 69 67 2 214 200 14 MOJhoia 508 489 19 214 173 41 15 13 2 76 72 4 DlOurdiya 228 223 5 42 37 5 5 4 I Nal Maslyar 484 477 7 55 54 7 5 2 12 12 Gari Kharei 101 101 2 2 18 18 Budhupur Gariya ------Un-Inhabiled------MauJpur ------Un-mhabilcd------Bhargain Mashrak ------Un-inhabilcd------Chaklarai ------Un-mhabiled------Bllasbas ------Un-inhabiled------Ismail Pur 113 113 Salem Pur ------Un-inhablted------Shlkar Pur 139 137 2 8 7 I 1 1 15 13 2 Shahpur Tahla ------Un-inhabited------Rasol Pur Khurd ------Un-inhabited------Rasul Pur Bujurg ------Un-inhabited------Chak Paham 92 91 I 4 2 2 BaUoopur 68 67 1 2 2 45 43 2 Med Pur 568 559 9 29 29 II 11 18 18 Nagala Amir 474 469 5 44 42 2 3 2 29 9 20 Kaneser Nagala Daloo ------Un-inhabited------Alahdadpur 306 301 5 1 1 9 9 19 19 Tajpur Tigra 120 119 1 28 28 3 3 20 18 2 Milik lIahi 359 356 3 16 16 8 8 32 30 2 Ratanpur Fatiyapur

701 DISTRICT CENSUS HANDBOOK: ETAH VILLAGE PRIMARY CD Block- Industrial calego!l: Location codc Marginal workers Cultivators Agricultural labourers number Name of Village Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females 1 2 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 01797800 Kakrnla 63 35 28 14 9 5 26 13 13 01797900 M(JJhola 248 219 29 22 14 8 190 188 2 01798000 OlOuralya 82 49 33 3 2 71 46 31 01798100 Nal MasIYij,T 3 1 2 2 2 01798200 Gan Kharcl 48 43 S 43 38 5 S S 0\198300 Budhupur Ganya 5 4 2 2 01198400 Maujpur ------Un-mhablted------01798500 Bhargam Ma~hrak ------Un-Inhabited------01198600 Chaktal"lll ------Un-mhabned------01198100 Bllasbas ------Un-inhablted------01198800 (small PUT ------Un-mhabited------01198900 Salem Pur 01199000 Shikar Pur ------Un-inhabned------01199100 Shahpur Tahla S4 50 4 5 3 2 41 45 2 0\199200 Rasol Pur Khurd ------Un-inhablted------01199300 Rasul Pur BUJurg ------Un-inhl!bited------0\799400 Chak Pahara ------Un-inhabited------01199500 Balloopur 8 3 5 I I 01199600 Med Pur 2 2 2 2 01799100 Nagata AmlT 1 2 5 6 2 4 01199800 Kaneser Nagala Oaloo 148 9 139 120 5 115 21 4 23 01799900 AlahdadpuT ------Un-lnhabited------01800000 Tajpur Tigra 33 19 14 19 6 13 12 12 0180D-lOO Milik nahl 01800200 Ratanl!ur Fau,xal!uT 14 13 5 4 6 6

702 PRIMARY CENSUS ABSTRACT CENSUS ABSTRACT Patiyali of marginal work(..'1"S Location Household industry workers Other workers Non-workers code Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Name of Village number 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 2 I S 3 2 18 10 8 1,870 735 1,I3S Kabala 01797800 32 14 18 4 3 5,664 2,206 3,458 Mojhola 01797900 2 2 2,364 988 1.316 Oiouraiya Ot798000 603 213 390 Nal Masiyar 01798100 1,416 528 888 Gan Kharei 01798200 2 325 109 216 BudhupUT Gariya 01798300 ------Un-inhablled------Maujpur 01798400 ------Un-Inhabitcd------Bhargain Mashrak 01798500 ------Un-inhablted------Chaktaral 01798600 ------Un-mhabited------Bilasbas 01798700 ------Un-inhabited------Ismail Pur 01798800 296 108 188 Salem PUT 01798900 ------Un-inhabited------ShikaJ" Pur 01799000 2 2 671 248 423 ShahpuT Tahla 01799100 ------Un-inhabited------Rasal Pur Khurd 01799200 -----Un-inhabited------Rasul Pur Bujurg 01799300 ------Un-inhabited------Chak Pahara 01799400 6 5 191 63 128 BalloopuT 01799500 398 IS8 240 Med Pur 01799600 1,646 662 984 Nagala Amir 01799700 1.136 507 • 629 Kaneser Nagala Daloo 01799800 -----Un-inhabited------Alahdadpur 01799900 2 1 I 1,040 436 604 Tajpur Tigra 01800000 431 171 260 Milik llahi 01800100 2 2 1,252 507 745 Ratanpur FatiyapuT 01800200


PRIMARY CENSUS ABSTRACT SIDHPURA CD BLOCK DISTRICT CENSUS HANDBOOK: ETAH VILLAGE PRIMARY CD Block- Total population (including Location Area of institutional and houseless Population in the code Villagcin Number of population) age-group 0-6 number Name of Village hectares households Persons Males Females Persons Males Females 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 0166 Sldhpum (Talal) 17.8724 18.290 116361 63.171 53.190 23.832 12.462 11.370 0166 Sldhpura (Rural) 17.872 4 18.2Q() 116361 63.171 53190 23.832 12.462 11.370 0166 S.dhpura (Urban) Sldhpura (Rural) 0]800300 Mandanpur 1209 148 953' 517 436 192 99 93 01800400 Basal 1349 334- 2.396 1.287 - 1.109 564 282 282 01800500 Mauhanya 1083 62 329 164 165 56 23 33 01800600 Sirsaul 341 7 372 2.435 1.344 1.091 514 267 247 01800700 Nagala Patvariyan 765 120 865 446 419 178 98 80 01800800 Alampur 75 395 221 174 58 24 34 01800900 Gopalpur 236 1.491 823 668 273 138 135 01801000 Nagala BllIInsen 357.8 154 1_091 608 483 214 112 102 01801100 Siron 1020 166 1.064 570 494 212 112 100 01801200 Mataina 237.0 160 1.009 526 483 199 86 113 01801300 Mohanpur 348.0 ------·-----Un-lnhabl1ed------01801400 Gllauli 194.7 123 845 457 388 159 72 87 01801500 Sinaulh 113.5 194 1.093 595 498 215 106 109 01801600 Karampur 261.9 206 1.349 721 628 261 140 121 0180 I 700 M ijkhuri 223.1 191 1.253 674 579 266 137 129 01801800 Ranjeetpur 85.6 93 648 380 268 128 81 47 01801900 Akhtau Mangadpur 444.9 381 2438 1.359 1,079 471 275 196 01802000 Madhupura 110.4 78 463 255 208 9S 50 45 01802100 Dharikpur 108.5 67 455 243 • 212 81 48 33 01802200 Bansi 82.0 108 674 383 29\ \13 69 44 01802300 Lakhanpur 97.0 91 475 279 196 72 43 29 01802400 Thathi 79.3 83 513 268 245 121 64 57 01802500 Dhuviyae 302.0 519 3.472 1,903 1,569 755 400 3SS 01802600 Kharagpur 890 90 531 294 237 91 42 49 01802700 Nagla Darua 77.4 62 417 213 204 95 43 52 01802800 Sikahara 471.2 404 2.390 1.311 1,079 504 277 227 01802900 Khargatipur 166.2 122 774 399 375 175 88 87 01803000 Rajmau 84.0 116 698 380 318 ISO 75 75 01803100 Wazitpur 108.3 112 780 410 370 162 73 89 01803200 Binamau 58.0 78 446 230 216 87 45 42 01803300 Kalyani 151 2 210 1.358 770 588 277 153 124 01803400 Hirnpur Saista 48.0 51 402 235 167 75 44 31 01803500 Pawal Dhairn 210.0 157 918 497 421 190 95 95 01803600 Khcra Janak 60.0 9 59 29 30 13 6 7 01803700 Kucharnm 281.3 265 1.684 916 768 292 151 141 01803800 Bllauti 2802 173 988 540 448 141 76 65 01803900 Bichola 150.0 127 753 415 338 138 78 60 01804000 Samollll 446 2.778 1.520 1.258 571 309 262 01804100 Piyan 885 25 169 89 80 29 15 14 01804200 Fatchpur 994 98 646 358 288 127 65 62 01804300 Shekhpurn 166.0 106 675 377 298 145 72 73 01804400 Sidhpurn 193.0 3 12 9 3 2 2 01804500 Sarnl PaUi 98.3 ------Un-mhabited------01804600 Kilaum 31S 0 175 1.128 604 524 193 101 92 01804700 Talyyabpur 810 86 576 309 267 122 72 50 01804800 Sallae 56 I 32 255 136 . 119 62 24 18 01804900 PahalOl 113 0 130 724 395 329 119 68 51' 01805000 Sunaham 112.0 147 1.057 538 519 225 117 108 01805100 Bhujpura 270.0 329 2.136 1.162 974 429 226 203 01805200 Tajpur 331 () 327 1.933 1.033 900 424 227 197 01805300 Daheh BUJulg 312 (I 314 1.939 1.043 896 407 214 193 01805400 Rmpur 120 () 109 709 389 320 157 82 75 01805500 Daman 114.0 145 1.027 544 483 233 115 118 01805600 Chandpul Menmarha 2900 375 2.471 1.336 1.135 539 284 255 01805700 Alahadadpur 20 116 776 416 360 168 85 83 01805800 Prah]ad Chak 584 23 110 57 53 II 4 7 01805900 Slngpur 408 () 356 2.195 1.135 1.060 491 249 242


Scheduled Castes popuation Scheduled Tribes population Literdtcs Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Name of Village 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 2 24,578 13.331 11,247 50,187 34,621 15.566 Sldhpura (Tola!) 24,578 13,331 11.247 50,181 34.621 15.566 Sidhpura (Rural) Sidhpura (Urban) Sldhpura (Rural) 504 346 158 Mandanpur 199 106 93 586 455 131 Basal 125 62 63 198 115 83 Mauhariya 581 292 289 1.117 795 322 Sirsaul 447 298 149 Nagala Patvanyan 47 24 23 196 143 53 Alampur 501 274 227 599 445 154 Gopalpur 443 246 197 463 333 130 Nagala Bhlmsen 7 3 4 435 310 125 Suun 387 214 173 431 277 154 Matama ------Un-mhabjled------Mobanpur 503 269 234 430 266 164 Gllau]i 400 214 186 495 349 146 Sinauth 197 98 99 617 386 231 Karampur 669 349 320 549 385 164 Mijkhuri I 1 272 206 66 Ranjeetpur 470 259 211 354 603 251 Akhtau Mangadpur 230 135 95 185 125 60 Madhupura 198 109 89 230 147 83 Dharikpur 229 138 91 3\1 213 98 Bansi 211 122 89 248 178 70 Lakbanpur 137 72 65 236 164 72 lbathi 619 321 298 1,324 956 368 Dhuviyae 267 141 126 215 157 58 Kbaragpur 47 24 23 210 139 71 Nagla Darua 1,113 611 502 1,069 734 335 Sikahara 290 145 145 377 239 138 Khargatipur 315 224 91 Rajmau 267 129 138 443 279 164 Wazitpur 86 44 42 184 129 55 Binamau 790 457 333 639 432 207 Kalyani 208 147 61 Hirapur Saista 332 186 146 380 268 112 PawalDhail1l 29 14 15 36 19 17 KheraJanak 298 159 J39 7J7 478 239 Kuchanmi 92 55 37 574 379 195 Bilauti 39 21 18 419 285 134 Bichola 712 384 328 1,010 734 276 Samothi 32 18 14 124 71 53 Piyari 295 209 86 Fatehpur 269 205 64 Shekhpura 9 6 3 4 3 I Sldhpul1l ------Un-Inhabited------Sarai Patti 149 81 68 615 401 208 Kilauni 452 243 209 290 189 101 Taiyyabpur 107 75 32 Sailae 263 154 109 352 225 127 Pahaloi 12 7 5 414 283 131 Sunahara 422 240 182 1.043 695 348 Bhujpura 980 536 444 731 482 249 Tajpur 124 67 57 871 606 265 Oaheh Bujurg 521 287 234 330 217 113 Raipur 9 4 5 453 320 133 Daman 231 126 105 1.005 731 274 Chandpur Menmarlla 392 202 190 345 239 106 Alahadadpur 84 47 37 Prahlad Chak 287 144 143 945 618 327 Singpur


Location code Illiterates Total workers Main workers number Name of Village Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females • 2 20 2. 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 0166 Sidhpura (Total) 66.174 28.S50 37.624 34.931 30.115 4,216 28.624 27.212 1.412 0166 Sidhpura (Rural) 66.174 28,550 37 624 34.931 30.115 4.216 28.624 27.212 1,412 0166 Sidhpura (Urban) Srdhpura (Rural) 01800300 Mandanpur 449 171 . 278 360 258 102 143 142 1 01800400 Basai 1.BIO 832 978 800 619 18] 548 526 22 01800500 Mauhariya 131 49 82 94 93 I 93 92 01800600 Sirsaul 1,318 549 769 819 739 80 716 703 IJ 01800700 Nagala Patvariyan 418 148 270 386 251 135 233 214 19 01800800 Alampur 199 78 121 125 123 2 125 123 2 01800900 Gopalpur 892 378 514 433 411 22 363 359 4 01801000 Nagala Bhimsen 628 275 353 403 298 105 328 289 39 01801100 Siron 629 260 369 386 297 89 290 274 16 01801200 Mataina 578 249 329 385 291 94 343 258 85 01801300 Mohanpur ------Un-Inh~bited------01801400 Gilauli 415 191 224 300 230 70 25B 193 65 01801500 Sinauth 598 246 352 274 269 5 253 249 4 01801600 Karampur 732 335 397 295 277 18 277 267 10 01801700 Mijkhuri 704 289 415 344 329 IS 300 295 5 01801800 Ranjcetpur 376 174 202 191 184 7 189 184 5 01801900 Akhtau Mangadpur 1,584 756 828 734 692 42 621 609 12 01802000 Madhupura 278 130 148 159 145 14 152 144 8 01802100 Oharikpur 225 96 129 141 134 7 127 120 7 01802200 Bansi 363 170 193 316 238 78 289 230 59 01802300 La1chanpur 227 - 101 116 165 143 22 140 128 12 01802400 Thathi 277 104 173 201 138 63 92 88 4 01802500 Dhuviyae 2,148 947 1,201 1,035 914 121 90S 874 31 01802600 Kharagpur 316 137 179 152 126 26 89 84 5 01802700 NaglaDarua 207 74 133 121 113 8 109 105 4 01802800 Sikahara 1,321 577 744 664 588 76 490 463 27 01802900 Kliargatipur 397 160 237 235 180 55 164 lSI 13 01803000 Rajmau 383 156 227 179 172 7 J49 147 2 01803100 Wazitpur 337 131 206 185 182 3 148 146 2 01803200 Sinamau 262 101 161 124 114 10 117 110 7 01803300 Kalyani 119 338 381 358 350 8 351 346 5 01803400 Hirapur Saista 194 88 106 99 95 4 97 93 4 01803500 Pawal Dbaira 538 229 309 262 260 2 20S 204 1 01803600 KheraJanak 23 10 13 12 12 12 12 01803700 KuchaJ1lni 967 438 529 432 417 IS 424 410 14 01803800 Silauti 414 161 253 240 236 4 239 235 4 01803900 Bichola 334 lJO 204 228 209 19 203 197 6 01804000 Samothi 1,768 786 982 740 711 23 600 584 16 01804100 Piyari 45 18 27 48 • 44 4 44 43 1 01804200 Fatehpur 351 149 202 184 182 2 154 153 1 01804300 Shekhpura 406 172 234 220 213 7 180 175 S 01804400 Sidhpura 8 6 2 6 6 6 6 01804500 Sarai Patti ------Un-lnhabited------01804600 Kilauni 513 197 316 297 288 9 290 .282 8 01804700 Taiyyabpur 286 120 166 245 166 79 235 165 70 01804800 Sailae 148 61 87 84 6' 23 60 57 .3 01804900 Pahaloi 372 170 202 276 224 52 181 163 18 01805000 Sunahara 643 255 388 258 211 47 241 203 38 0\8{lS\OO Bhujpum 1.093 461 626 60S 541 66 469 449 20 01805200 Tajpur 1.202 551 6S1 579 537 42 289 278 II 01805300 Daheli Bujurg 1.068 437 631 522 454 68 421 400 21 01805400 Raipur 379 172 207 190 184 6 178 172 6 01805500 Damari 574 224 3S0 243 241 2 232 230 2 01805600 Chandpur Mcnmarha 1.466 60S 861 650 634 16 587 571 16 01805700 Alahadadpur 431 177 254 210 205 5 210 205 5 01805800 Prahlad Cook 26 10 16 32 29 3 31 29 2 01805900 Singpur 1.250 517 733 591 566 25 5ll 492 19

708 PRIMARY CENSUS ABSTRACT CENSUS ABSTRACT Sidhpura Indu'itrial catcgory of mam workcrs f-Iuusehold industry Cultivator'i Agncuitural lahuurcl-s workers Other workcr, Persons Males Females Per"ions Male~ Fem.ale" I~er .. ons Males Females Persons Males Fcmales Name of Village 29 30 31 32 33 ]4 35 36 37 38 39 40 2

2 Lt,'1 211932 ~ 1112 'i34 119 21111 I Fit'> I 257 Sldhpurd (Total) 21_()71 211_932 ~ IH2 534 119 2_1111 1111\1 257 S,dhpunl (Rural) "Idhpura (Urb.lIl) \,dhpurn (Rural) 126 125 2 2 14 14 Mandanpur 269 266 '\ 202 202 16 52 49 3 Basal XI xn () 'I 3 3 :\.1auhanya 537 527 1(1 140 119 2 2 37 '\'S 2 SII-,aul 209 191 IX I 2'3 22 "Iagilla p.llvanyan X2 X{) 2 43 41 Alampur .lOX 30(, 2 23 l 3 29 .:!x GlIpalpur 280 249 ,\1 29 7 _l 3 16 15 Nagala Blmnscn 269 259 )II I 19 14 ~ SITtln 136 136 198" 114 4 4 5 4 Malama ------lln -mhab'tcd ------MobanpuT 170 123 47 73 "6 17 I I 14 13 Gllauh 123 122 I 113 III 2 2 15 15 Smauth 222 216 (> 42 38 4 I I 12 12 Kardmpur 126 124 2 142 139 3 3 3 29 29 MIJkhun 181 176 5 5 5 2 2 I I RanJcctpur 483 472 II 118 117 3 3 17 17 Akhtau Mangadpur 79 75 4 60 "7 J . 12 II Madhupura 61 6() I 56 50 (> 9 9 DhalikpuT 206 174 32 78 52 26 5 4 I Bansl 89 88 1 35 31 4 ') 4 11 8 3 Lakhanpur 72 70 2 13 12 I 2 2 5 4 I Thathi 145 718 27 96 95 1(; 14 2 48 47 I Dhuviyae 66 66 2 2 20 15 5 Kharagpur 89 86 3 4 4 3 2 I 13 13 Nagla Darua 356 344 12 64 58 6 12 10 2 58 51 7 Sikahara 136 133 3 II 9 2 6 6 11 3 8 Khargatlpur 43 43 62 61 I I 43 42 Rajmau 96 95 6 6 22 22 24 23 WazitPUT 108 102 (> 8 7 1 Binamau 144 142 2 179 177 2 I I 27 26 Kalyant 66 63 3 3 1 7 7 21 20 Hirapur Salsta 175 174 II II 8 8 II 11 Pawal Dhaira 3 3 4 4 5 5 Khcra Janak 301 lq8 <) 68 64 4 7 4\ 4\ Kucharam 201 197 4 14 14 I 23 23 Bilauh 161 157 4 6 5 35 34 I Bichola 507 497 10 49 4H 13 II 2 31 28 3 Samolhl 26 26 5 4 I 12 12 Plyan 144 143 2 2 7 7 Fatchpur 166 162 2 2 II II Shckhpura " 2 2 4 4 Sldhpura ------lJl1-1 nhabltcd------Sardl Patti 229 226 3 33 12 I _1 2 25 22 3 Kilaum 109 106 3 50 47 3 I ·75 11 64 Taiyyabpur 58 55 J 2 2 SilIlac 103 102 26 52 J7 15 Pahalm 202 IH2 20 2,\ 10 13 15 11 4 Sunahm'l 362 355 7 37 16 15 I 54 42 1~ BhuJpul,' 239 234 :'I 9 1 2 .3R 35 .3 T.tJpur 197 I Xl) H 134 24 21 66 (l:::! ..$ D.shch BUlurg. 1(' ~n 55 .38 3:::! I- R.llpUl 191 19(1 I 19 I') 10 12 II I Daman 424 415 l) ')4 'J4 I~ 49 ~4 :> C"handpur Mcmnarha 12l) 12" 4 58 ,7 5 IN 18 Alallildadpur 27 26 I 4 3 Pmhlad Clmk 324 '\15 9 128 124 4 IX 16 ::! 41 J7 ..$ SmgpUl

709 DISTRICT CENSUS HANDBOOK: ETAH VILLAGE PRIMARY CD Block- I ndustrial category Location code Marginal workers Cultivators Agricultural labourers number Name of ViIlagc Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females 2 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 0\66 Sldhpun (Total) 6.307 1.503 2.804 2.050 849 1.201 2.912 2.095 817 0166 Sidhpura (Rural, 6.307 3.503 2.804 2.050 849 1,201 2,912 2.095 1117 0166 Sidhpura (Urban) Sidhpura (Rural) 01800300 Mandanpur 217 116- 101 9 7 2 III 81 30 01800400 Basai 252 93 159 17 10 7 63 51 12 01800500 Mauhariya I I 1 1 01800600 Sirsau} 103 36 67 85 33 52 16 2 14 01800100 Nagata Patvariyan 153 37 116 151 31 114 I 1 01800800 Alampur 01800900 Gopalpur 10 52 18 311 32 6 11 16 01801000 Nagala Bhlmscn 15 <} 66 <} 4 5 65 4 61 01801100 Siron 96 23 73 66 7 59 16 14 2 01801200 Mataina 42 33 9 31 22 9 01801300 Mohanpur ------Un-Inhablte:d------01801400 Gilauli 42 37 5 29 24 5 12 12 01801500 Sinauth 21 20 1 20 20 01801600 Karampur 18 10 8 7 4 3 9 5 4 01801700 Mijkhuri 44 34 10 14 9 5 27 22 5 o 180 1800 Ranjeetpur 2 2 2 2 01801900 Akhtau Mangadpur 113 83 30 15 4 II 84 71 13 01802000 Madhupura 7 6 7 I 6 01802100 Dharikpur 14 14 10 10 1 01802200 Bansi 27 8 19 16 4 12 11 4 7 01802300 Lakhanpur 25 15 10 3 2 1 20 12 8 01802400 Thathi 109 50 59 35 23 12 64 23 41 01802500 Dhuviyae ]30 40 90 114 24 90 3 3 01802600 Kharagpur 63 42 21 9 J 6 46 33 13 01802700 Nagla Darua 12 8 4 5 1 4 4 4 01802800 SikahaTa 174 125 49 31 12 19 101 90 t1 01802900 KhargatipuT 11 29 42 36 19 11 23 7 16 01803000 Rajmau 30 25 5 14 12 2 11 8 3 01803100 Wazitpur 31 36 I 31 30 1 01803200 Binamau 7 4 3 3 2 1 4 2 2 01803300 Kalyani 7 4 3 3 3 4 3 01803400 HiTapur Saista 2 2 1 1 01803500 Pawal Dhaira 57 56 3 2 53 53 01803600 Khera Janak 01803700 Kucharani 8 7 2 2 6 5 01803800 Bilauti I I I 01803900 Biehola 25 12 13 17 6 II :5 5 01804000 Samothi 140 133 7 7 5 2 127 125 2 o1804 100 Piyari 4 3 I o 1804200 Fatehpur 30 29 6 5 I 19 19 01804300 Shekhpura 40 38 2 4 2 2 29 29 01804400 Sidhpura 01804500 Sarai Patti ------Un-Inhabited------01804600 Kilauni 1 6 1 3 2 1 4 4 01804700 Taiyyabpur 10 I 9 2 I I 01804800 Sailae 24 4 20 24 4 20 01804900 Pahaloi 95 61 34 57 33 24 33 2:5 8 01805000 Sunahara 17 8 9 \3 7 6 1 I 01805100 Bhujpura 139 93 % IS 8 7 71 61 10 01805200 Tajpur 290 259 31 74 55 19 193 181 12 01805300 Oaheh Bujurg 10 I 54 47 81 41 40 17 11 6 01805400 Raipur 12 12 2 2 8 8 01805500 Daman II 11 1 7 4 4 01805600 Chandpur Menmarha 63 63 2 2 52 52 01805700 Alahadadpur 01805800 Pf"dhlad Chak 1 I I 01805900 Singpur 80 74 6 26 . 25 45 42 3

710 PRIMARY CENSUS ABSTRACT CENSUS ABSTRACT Sidhpura of ma!Einal workers Location Household indust!:l:: workers Other workers Non-workers code Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Name of Villase number 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 2 433 131 302 912 4].8 484 81.430 32.456 48.974 Sldhpura [Total) 0166 433 131 302 912 428 484 81.4]0 32.456 48.974 Sldltpura (Rural) 0166 'ildhpura (Urbani 0166 Sldhpura (Rural) 65 2 63 32 2(,' 6 593 259 334 Mandanpur 01800300 137 13 124 35 19 16 1.596 668 928 Basal 01800400 235 71 164 Mauhariya 01800500 2 1.616 605 1.011 Sirsaul 01800600 479 195 284 Nagala Patvariyan 01800700 270 98 172 Alampur 01800800 14 3 II 1.058 412 646 Gopalpur 01800900 I 688 310 378 Nagala Bhimsen 01801000 9 I 8 5 4 678 273 405 Siron 01801100 6 6 4 4 624 235 389 Matama 01801200 ------Un-illhabllcd------Mohanpur 01801300 I I 545 227 318 Gilauli 01801400 819 326 493 Sinauth 01801500 2 I 1,054 444 610 Karampur 01801600 3 3 909 345 564 Mijkhuri 01801700 457 196 261 Ranjcetpur 01801800 4 4 10 4 6 1.704 667 1,037 Akhtau Mangadpur 01801900 304 110 194 Madhupura 01802000 J 3 314 109 205 Dharikpur 01802100 358 145 213 Bansi 01802200 2 I 310 136 174 Lakhanpur 01802300 3 2 7 3 4 312 130 182 Thathi 01802400 13 13 2,437 989 1,448 Dhuviyae 01802500 7 6 379 168 211 Kharagpur 01802600 3 3 296 100 196 Nagla Darua 01802100 17 3 14 25 20 5 1,726 123 1,003 Sikahara 01802800 7 3 4 5 5 539 219 320 Khargatipur 01802900 5 5 Sl9 208 311 Rajmau 01803000 5 5 595 228 361 Wazitpur 01803100 322 116 206 Binamau 01803200 1,000 420 580 Kalyani 01803300 303 140 163 Hirapur Saista 01803400 656 237 419 Pawal Ohaira 01803500 47 17 30 KheraJanak 01803600 1,252 499 753 Kucharani 01803700 748 304 444 Bilauti 01803800 3 2 525 206 319 Bichola 01803900 5 2 3 2.038 803 1.235 Samothi 01804000 3 3 121 45 76 Plyari 01804100 4 4 462 176 286 Fatehpur 01804200 7 1 455 164 291 Shekhpura 01804300 6 3 3 Sidhpura 01804400 ------Un-lnhabitcd------Sarai Patti 01804500 831 316 515 Kilauni 01804600 8 8 331 143 188 Talyyabpur 01804700 171 7S 96 Sallae 01804800 5 3 2 448 171 277 Pahaloi 01804900 1 I 2 2 799 327 472 Sunahara 01805000 22 13 9 31 I I 20 1.528 620 908 Bhujpura 01805100 6 (, 17 17 1.354 496 858 Tajpur 01805200 I 2 2 1.417 589 828 Daheli Bujurg 01805300 519 205 314 Ralpur 01805400 784 303 481 Daman 01805500 5 5 4 4 1.821 702 1.119 Chandpur Mcnmarha 01805600 566 211 355 Alahadadpur 01805700 78 28 50 Prahlad Chak 01805800 5 3 2 4 4 1.604 569 1.035 Singpur 01805900

711 DISTRICT CENSUS HANDBOOK: ETAH VILLAGE PRIMARY CD Block- Total population (including Location Area of institutional and houseless Population in the code Village in Number of 2°E:ulationl al!je-l!ll"Oue 0-6 number- Name of Village hcctarc..'i households Persons Males Females Persons Males Females I 2 3 4 5 6 1 g 9 10 01806000 Pilkhum 60 340 2,241 1.243 998 465 253 212 01806100 Dhansmgh Pur 1182 293 2,097 1.173 924 382 202 180 01806200 Bhogpur 1020 162 942 507 435 217 110 107 01806300 Ramnagar 135.0 137 782 429 353 169 93 76 01806400 BalharpUi 108.0 64 402 212 190 71 36 35 01806500 PllhanpuT 4160 218 1,436 753 683 262 124 138 01806600 AnangpuT 115.0 224 1.519 814 705 306 152 154 01806700 Maglhard 300.0 465 2.739 1,454 1,285 551 254 297 01806800 Mankal 157 () 82 624 333 291 97 44 53 01806900 Bakawall 3190 302 1,980 1.074 906 398 217 181 01807000 Jahl Pur Shyam Pur 310.0 261 1,772 959 813 355 171 184 01807100 SulLanpur 2840 191 1.171 632 539 300 163 137 01807200 HamirpuT 5730 407 2,580 1.385 1.195 571 291 280 01807300 Muiuddin Pur 2070 110 614 332 282 123 59 64 01807400 Hlrapur Aha Nagar 51.0 80 511 280 231 93 51 42 01807:500 Dhundhara 130.0 340 2.154 1.148 1,006 401 200 201 01807600 Sailot 230.0 163 1.052 568 484 232 138 94 01807700 BalharpuT Taluka Samothl 166.0 212 1.419 786 633 352 192 160 01807800 Kamalpur 87.0 139 789 435 354 168 91 77 01807900 Nathpur 106.0 160 1.117 619 498 265 144 121 01808000 Bhau Pura 133.0 174 1.133 63( 502 230 130 100 01808100 Ajit Nagar 12.4 207 1.290 679 6\1 258 127 131 01808200 KayampuT 16.0 81 472 264 208 106 59 47 01808300. Saloopura 72.1 68 462 235 227 109 54 55 01808400 Nibaua 183.0 94 616 352 264 47 20 27 01808500 Longpur 204.0 184 1,187 664 523 201 108 93 01808600 Bhikpur 61.0 71 497 272 225 97 51 46 01808700 Gangsara 187.0 192 1,257 666 591 214 156 118 01808800 Nauri 309.0 219 1,231 669 562 209 114 95 01808900 Sisaia 35.0 ------Un-inhabited------01809000 Dilauri 248.6 153 977 539 438 215 105 110 01809100 Khiria 153.5 232 1,283 686 597 283 150 133 01809200 SujanpuT 284.0 191 1,102 581 ' 521 240 125 115 01809300 Utarana 234.0 303 1,812 1,000 812 394 202 192 01809400 Ja5mal 135.2 322 2,006 1,091 915 425 221 204 01809500 8ahoranpur 283.0 260 1,821 1,028 793 360 208 152 01809600 Virsinghpur 202.0 240 1.582 859 723 371 192 179 01809700 Sarawal 1,400.0 1,324 8,366 4,547 3,819 1,821 947 874 01809800 Dahelikhul"d 130.9 212 1,232 688 544 228 129 99 01809900 Si~odi 276.2 134 874 472 402 145 76 69


Scheduled Castes e:0l!uation Scheduled Tribes e:ol!ulation Literates Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Name of Villa!ic I I 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 2 556 317 239 1,058 731 327 Pilkhuni 377 212 165 830 607 223 Dhansingh Pur 282 220 62 Bhogpur 204 115, 89 412 258 154 Ramnagar 180 96 84 168 106 62 Balharpur 210 103 107 763 479 284 Pithanpur 101 57 44 651 444 207 Anangpur 208 109 99 1.146 777 369 Magthara 62 14 28 307 215 92 Mankai 360 181 179 1.093 700 393 Bakawali 325 180 145 871 610 261 Jahl Pur Shyam Pur 261 142 119 384 290 94 Sultanpur 452 242 210 1,036 729 307 Hamirpur 40 20 20 32) 208 tl3 Muiuddin Pur 2 I I 204 150 54 Hirapur Aha Nagar 536 302 234 808 517 231 Dhundhara 202 109 93 454 293 161 Sailot 613 332 281 498 368 130 Balharpur Taluka Samothi 396 276 120 Kamalpur 201 100 101 451 333 118 Natbpur 166 93 73 578 391 187 Bhau Pura 473 253 220 642 446 196 AjitNagar 40 22 18 282 175 107 Kayampur -51 31 20 207 136 71 Saloopura 137 77 60 211 184 27 Nibaua 491 288 203 571 420 151 Longpur 156 86 70 267 172 95 Bhikpur 257 126 131 463 329 134 Gangsam 348 183 165 775 507 268 Nauri -----Un-inhabited------Sisaia 67 38 29 337 238 99 Dilauri 592 319 273 385 272 113 Khiria 99 48 51 437 310 127 Sujanpur 704 383 321 646 466 180 Utarana 219 115 104 778 546 232 Jasmai 302 165 137 798 556 242 Bahoranpur 68 29 39 609 421 188 Virsinghpur 801 459 342 3,225 2.214 1.011 Sarawal 62 31 31 545 386 159 Dahelikhurd 256 141 115 498 321 177 Silodi


Location code Illiterates Total workers Main workers number Name of Village Persons Males Females Persons MaJes Females Persons Males Females 1 2 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 01806000 Pilkhum 1,183 512 611 106 614 92 605 518 27 01806100 Dhansingh Pur 1,267 566 701 633 616 17 561 551 10 01806200 Bhogpur 660 287 373 278 274 4 227 227 01806300 Ramnagar. 370 171 199 223 210 13 137 134 3 01806400 Balbalpur 234 106 128 127 123 4 122 118 4 01806500 PithanpuT 673 274 399 469 434 35 311 303 8 01806600 Anangpur 868 310 498 424 371 47 290 282 8 01806700 Magthal'a 1.593 677 916 1.244 769 475 524 473 51 01806800 Mank31 317 118 199 307 172 135 156 145 II 01806900 Bakawah 887 374 513 510 479 31 498 475 23 01807000 Jalll Pur Shyam Pur 901 349 552 897 522 375 413 349 64 01807100 Sultanpur 781 342 445 325 311 8 315 309 6 01807200 Hamirpur 1.544 656 888 708 589 119 .572 532 40 01807300 MUluddin Pur 293 124 169 156 156 152 152 01807400 Hirapur Aha Nagar 307 130 \17 272 171 101 177 136 4( 01807500 Dhundhara 1.346 571 175 655 537 118 517 458 59 01807600 SaiJot 598 275 323 437 293 144 302 266 36 01801700 Balharpur Taluka Samothi 921 418 503 402 395 7 400 393 7 01807800 Kamalpur 393 159 234 172 ·167 5 158 ISS 3 01807900 Nathpur 666 286 380 317 303 14 293 286 7 01808000 Bhau Pura 555 240 315 221 217 4 212 208 4 01808100 Ajit Nagar 648 233 415 302 282 20 202 193 9 01808200 Kayampur 190 89 101 127 120 7 126 \\9 7 01808100 Saloopura 255 99 156 227 145 82 154 140 14 01808400 Nibaua 405 168 237 170 170 170 170 01808500 Longpur 616 244 372 377 327 50 289 285 4 01808600 Bhikpur 230 100 130 IS5 141 14 155 141 14 01808700 Gangsua 794 337 457 325 300 25 240 232 8 01808800 Nauri 456 162 294 340 332 8 322 315 7 01808900 Sisaia Un-inhabited------01809000 Dilauri 640 301 339 274 264 10 264 256 8 01809100 Khiria 898 414 484 356 333 23 322 300 22 0)809200 Sujanpur 665 271 394 280 269 11 273 267 6 01809300 Utarana 1.166 534 632 506 478 28 503 476 27 01809400 Jasmai 1,228 545 683 607 581 26 597 574 23 01809500 Bahoranpur 1.023 472 551 465 453 12 437 428 9 01809600 Virsinghpur 973 438 535 495 428 67 439 426 13 01809700 Sarawal 5.141 2.333 2.808 2.258 2.174 84 2.124 2.087 37 01809800 Dahelikhurd 687 302 385 341 331 10 341 331 10 01809900 Si;todi 376 151 225 223 221 2 223 221 2

714 PRIMARY CENSUS ABSTRACT CENSUS ABSTRACT Sidhpura Industrial categ0!l: of main workers Household industry Cultivators Agricultural Iabou rcrs workers Other workers Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males F~ales Persons Males Females Name of Village 29 30 31 32 33 34 3S 36 37 38 39 40 2 439 430 9 103 96 1 3 ] 60 49 I 1 Pilkhuni 451 445 6 71 69 2 14 14 25 23 2 Ohansingh Pur 20] 203 10 10 14 14 Bhogpur 78 71 . 20 20 15 15 24 22 2 Ramnagar 53 53 23 23 46 42 4 Balharpur 226 222 4 26 25 19 19 40 37 3 Pithanpur 23] 229 4 13 13 12 10 2 32 30 2 Anangpur 396 375 21 32 20 12 41 31 10 55 41 8 Magthara ISO 139 II 2 2 4 4 Mankal 431 414 17 38 36 2 I I 9 2 18 16 2 Bakawah 351 299 52 33 21 6 1 4 ] 22 19 3 JaW Pur Shyam Pur 288 283 5 3 3 13 13 11 10 Sultanpur 479 460 19 24 18 6 35 21 14 34 33 Hamnpur 130 130 6 6 I IS 15 MUluddin Pur 134 112 22 29 15 14 4 3 10 6 4 Hirapur Aha Nagar 305 271 34 120 108 12 62 51 II 30 28 2 Dhundhara 260 238 22 10 10 5 3 2 27 IS 12 Sailot 325 321 4 64 63 1 I . 10 8 2 Balharpur Taluka Samothi 117 115 2 12 12 3 2 26 26 Kamalpur 25] 247 6 15 15 9 9 16 15 Nathpur 178 175 3 25 24 4 4 5 5 Bhau Pura 189 182 7 5 3 2 S 8 Ajit Nagar IDS 103 5 2 2 2 2 14 12 2 Kayampur 143 132 11 9 6 3 2 2 Saloopura 155 ISS 2 2 13 13 Nibaua 261 258 3 18 17 1 10 10 Longpur 131 123 8 17 12 5 3 3 4 3 1 Bhikpur 202 195 7 15 IS I 22 21 I Gangsara 273 269 4 33 32 1 IS 13 2 Nauri ------Un-inhabited------Sisaia 248 243 5 2 2 7 5 2 7 6 Oilaurl 202 188 14 91 84 7 17 16 12 12 Khiria 253 248 5 10 9 I 10 10 Sujanpur 311 306 5 143 140 3 28 13 IS 21 17 4 Utarana 401 389 12 153 149 4 16 16 27 20 7 Jasmai 251 244 7 164 163 I 7 7 15 14 1 Bahoranpur 393 384 9 33 32 1 3 I 2 10 9 I VilSinghpur I,S47 1.817 30 146 143 J 12 12 119 liS 4 Sarawal 309 299 10 22 22 1 I 9 9 Dahelikhurd 189 188 1 16 16 5 5 13 12 Sil:odi

715 DISTRICT CENSUS HANDBOOK: ETAH VILLAGE PRIMARY CD Block- Industrial categ0!:l: Location code Mar!jinal workers Cultivators A!jrieultural labourers number Name of Village Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females 1 2 4\ 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 01806000 Pilkhum 101 36 65 62 II 51 30 19 II 01806100 Dhanslngh PUT 72 65 7 18 16 2 29 28 01806200 Bhogpur 51 47 4 8 7 I 37 37 01806300 RamnagaT 86 76 10 7 4 3 65 62 3 01806400 8alharpur 5 5 1 1 I 1 01806500 Pithanpur 158 131 27 25 15 10 113 107 6 01806600 Anangpur 134 95 39 75 45 30 41 35 6 01806700 Maglharn 720 296 424 54 30 24 387 1&2 205 0[806800 Mankai 151 27 124 145 24 121 5 3 2 01806900 Bakawali 12 4 8 10 2 8 01807000 Jalil Pur Shyam Pur 484 173 311 184 56 128 263 110 153 01807100 SUltanpur 10 8 2 8 6 ~ 01807200 Hamirpur 136 57 79 28 11 17 78 39 39 01807300 Muiuddm PUT 4 4 01801400 Hirapur Aha Nagar 95 35 60 12 30 42 12 4 8 01807500 Dhundhara 138 79 59 SO 18 32 64 45 19 01807600 Sailot ]35 27 108 3 I 2 01807700 Balharpur Taluka Samothi 2 2 2 2 01807800 Kamalpur 14 12 2 1 9 9 01807900 NathpuT 24 17 7 13 9 4 6 6 01808000 Bhau PUla 9 9 2 2 6 6 01808100 Ajit Nagar 100 89 II 14 7 7 47 43 4 0]808200 Kayampur I I 01808300 Saloopura 73 5 68 70 4 66 3 2 01808400 Nibaua 01808500 Longpur 88 42 46 1 19 16 3 01808600 Bhikpur 01808700 Gangsara 85 68 17 18 3 IS 59 59 01808800 Nauri 18 17 1 2 2 ]6 IS 01808900 Sisaia ------Un-inhabited------01809000 Oilauri 10 8 2 2 I 1 4 4 01809100 Khiria 34 33 1 I 1 28 27 01809200 Sujanpur 7 2 5 7 2 5 01809300 Utarana 3 2 I 2 I 1 01809400 Jasmai 10 7 3 3 3 7 7 01809500 Bahoranpur 28 25 3 4 3 18 18 01809600 Virsingbpur 56 2 S4 30 1 29 25 1 24 0\809700 Sarawal \34 87 47 56 35 21 69 4S 24 01809800 Dahelikhurd 01809900 SI~odi

716 PRIMARY CENSUS ABSTRACT CENSUS ABSTRACT Sidhpura of marginal workers Location Household indusl!X workers Other workers Non-workers code Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Name of Village number 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 2 6 4 2 3 2 1.535 629 906 PllkhunJ 01806000 6 3 "\ 19 18 1.464 557 907 DhanslOgh Pur 01806100 3 ) 3 3 664 233 431 Bhogpur 01806200 5 3 ~ 9 7 2 559 219 340 Ramnagar 01806300 3 3 275 89 186 Balharpur 01806400 II 4 7 9 5 4 967 319 648 Plthanpur 01806500 II 10 I 7 5 2 1.095 437 658 Anangpur 01806600 24 7 17 255 77 178 1.495 685 810 Maglhara 01806700 I 317 161 156 Mankal 01806800 1.470 595 875 Bakawall 01806900 3 2 34 6 28 875 437 438 Jalll Pur Shyam Pur 01807000 2 2 846 315 531 Sultanpur 01807100 14 13 16 6 10 1.872 796 1.076 Hamlrpur 01807200 3 3 458 176 282 MUluddm Pur 01807300 10 I 9 239 109 130 Huapur Aha Nagar 01807400 17 13 4 7 3 4 1.499 611 888 Dhundhara 01807500 4 3 128 25 t03 615 275 340 Sailot 01807600 1.017 391 626 Balharpur Taluka Samothl 01807700 3 2 617 268 349 Kamal pur 01807800 2 2 3 2 800 316 484 Nathpur 01807900 1 1 912 414 498 Bhau Pura 01808000 38 38 988 397 591 Ajit Nagar 01808100 345 144 201 Kayampur 01808200 235 90 145 Saloopura 01808300 446 182 264 Nibaua 01808400 68 25 43 810 337 473 Longpur 01808500 342 131 211 Bhikpur 01808600 3 3 5 3 2 932 366 566 Gangsara 01808700 891 337 554 Nauri 01808800 ------Un-Inhahited------Sisaia 01808900 4 3 I 703 275 428 Dilauri 01809000 3 3 2 2 927 353 574 Khiria 01809100 822 312 510 SUJanpur 01809200 1,306 522 784 Utarana 01809300 1,399 510 889 Jasmai 01809400 6 6 1,356 575 781 Bahoranpur 01809500 1.087 431 656 Virsmghpur 01809600 8 6 2 6.108 2.373 3.735 Sarawal 01809700 891 357 534 Dahelikhurd 01809800 651 251 400 SI):odi 01809900


PRIMARY CENSUS ABSTRACT JAITHARA CD BLOCK DISTRICT CENSUS HANDBOOK: ETAH VILLAGE PRIMARY CD Block- Total population (including 'Location Area of institutional and houseless Population in the codc Village in Numbcrof l!2Eulationl ase-E2ue 0-6 number Name of Village hectares households Persons Males Females Persons Males Females 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 0167 Janhara (Tol.d) 43.599 I 25.279 166,611 91.465 75.146 33.982 18,239 15.743 0167 Janhara {Rund, 43.5991 25.279 166.611 91.465 75.146 33.982 18,239 15,743 0167 lanhara (Urban) JaUhara (Run" I 01810000 GarhimadsJ" 251 5 340 2,155 l,226 929 378 217 161 01810100 Jagpura 88.1 168 1,065 585 480 182 99 83 01810200 Pursatl 8 BI'iWCl 920 30 203 122 81 34 23 II 01810300 Ganpatlpur 1140 1 31 16 IS 5 2 3 01810400 Nagla Malic 91.0 30 153 90 63 33 18 15 01810500 PUr

Schedu1cd Castes popuatlon Sdu...-dulcd Tnbes population Literates Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Person 0; Males Females Name of Village II 12 13 14 '5 '6 17 18 19 2 22.793 12 4(14 1fI.329 n 12 10 -:'3.452 5C1 598 22.1154 lallhara ( 101al) 22.793 12.4(,4 10.329 n 12 I () . 71452 S().59H 22854 Janhara (Rural) lanhara (Urban) lalthara (Rural) 221 L!6 97 1.()29 744 2RS Garhimad.,ua 2RI )<;7 124 532 367 16S Jagpur.t lOS 75 30 Pursan 8 Blswa 17 9 8 Ganpallpur 22 21 I Nagla Malle 13 ..., 6 106 65 41 Pursan 12 B1SWd 106 'iX 48 6111 WI 227 Jawahar Nagar no 76 54 263 189 74 Patsua 155 ~2 73 136 9S 41 Lalgan 675 'X3 292 1,787 1.330 457 Sahori 447 297 ISO Sukatl Kher.t t.143 640 503 1.247 854 393 Datauh 292 163 ]29 731 544 187 Baghauh 84 43 41 346 217 129 Chilauh Ahmadpur 83 43 40 421 321 100 Ahmadpur 48 25 23 577 444 133 Mohkampur 89 49 40 410 354 116 Sahadat Nagar 362 213 149 1.157 823 334 Baniya Ohahar.t 30 16 14 394 244 150 Diwana 347 183 164 992 711 281 Guhatia Khuma Kalan 93 55 38 Sokha 370 249 121 Medupura 160 88 72 373 268 105 Bhamaura 6 4 2 22 12 10 618 409 209 Tigara Bharnaura 48 26 22 346 245 101 Maya Chak Jaithara 379 192 f87 428 292 136 Bandu Pura 105 54 51 775 537 238 Bhalaul 268 lSI 117 170 121 49 Oharra 1.134 593 541 3.961 2.791 1.170 Jaithara 132 70 62 508 347 161 Rauri Samogar 590 327 263 1.217 823 394 Khiriya Banal 588 117 271 719 463 256 Garhl Roshan 183 IUS 78 563 384 179 Jirauliya 379 201 178 184 108 76 Lalhat 297 1(17 130 222 141 81 Kukrayan Ratanpur 631 349 282 1,650 1.153 497 Bahgon 121 65 56 866 607 259 Oharauli 185 103 82 364 241 123 Rajabpur 241 133 \08 894 614 280 Shckhupura 83 46 37 454 299 ISS Khawa 159 1U 76 1.008 642 366 Khuiya 784 432 352 \.790 1.184 606 Phagnaul 348 192 156 1.323 901 422 Blchhand Paharpur 596 325 27\ 2.4\0 1.743 667 Parauli Suhagpur 755 39.'\ 362 4.187 2.608 1.579 Dhuman 15!- 84 72 627 385 242 Gangupura 116 62 54 912 649 263 Tikathar ------Un-Inhabltcd------Chaksirau \(~5 90 75 478 33(\ 148 BaJccdpur 203 107 96 721 463 258 UdUlPUTcl 56 ·U 13 38 .H 5 Gulnaganya 230 15l) 71 SlrdU H7 49 38 92 60 32 Salcmpurn 171 III I 70 752 521 231 B'lnlUlia ------Un -mlmbllcd------. -- Chak R(l()pdhal1l 194 107 87 560 356 204 Kascla 16R 91 77 l.2tH flJl> 367 Khclupurn


Locallon code III itcralc!o. Tntal workers Main workers number Name of Village Persons Malcs Females Pl.'TSons Malcs Fcmales Persons Males Fl.·males 2 21) 21 22 23 24 25 26 17 28

() I () 7 Jd.lhar.. ( '"1,11, 4().M67 52.292 48.663 43 57~ 508M .t2 774 40.279 2495 !I167 Ja.IJldrn I Ruml) 40.1167 51.292 4!1.6('_~ ~J 575 5011.11 -J2774 40.179 249; !) I (,7 hllliham {lJrh.II'1 la.thara lItuml) 01 H I (JOOO Garhim'ld'iua­ 1.126 482 644 726 637 89 SRI< 549 34 (J I R I (II 00 Idgilul a 'i33 21R 315 265 255 1(1 254 247 7 01810200 Pur'ian H BhWd 98 47 5 I 62 59 .3 <;9 56 "3 0lMI03UO Ganpaupm 14 7 7 8 R 7 7 01810400 ~aglaMallc III 69 62 53 53 'i1 53 (l \ K I () 5UO PUn,a\\ 12 Bb..... ,\ 100 53 41 6\ S 57 53 4 () 181 ()600 Jawahar Ndg.1I 612 27R 354 374 363 II 346 337 9 o 181070{) Pa\>.u.\ 315 156 159 151} 159 149 149 01 R 10800 Lalgan 309 ISO 159 120 117 .3 114 112 2 01 8 10900 Sahon 3.148 1.382 1,766 1.492 1.291 201 1,20R 1.180 28 01 8 I IO()() Sukall Khcra 516 204 312 233 227 6 223 218 5 0181 I 100 Datduh 1.628 778 850 1.018 970 48 918 906 12 01811200 Baghauh 1.085 490 595 596 484 112 499 425 74 01 81 I 300 Chllauh AhmadpUl 359 135 224 186 170 16 168 165 3 018 J 1400 Ahmadpur 1.132 523 609 671 452 219 462 345 117 018 I 1 500 Mohkdmpur 760 322 438 416 400 16 391 382 9 0181 1600 Sahadat Nagar 708 289 419 377 329 48 301 299 2 0181 1700 BamYd Dhahara 1.654 737 917 774 730 44 714 699 15 01811800 Dlwana 472 217 255 253 247 6 249 246 3 01811900 Guhatia KllUrda Kalan 1.544 664 880 604 587 17 563 552 II 01812000 Sokha 29 14 ]5 33 30 3 33 30 3 01812100 Medupurcl 462 187 275 227 203 24 201 180 21 01812200 Bhamaura 412 199 273 259 235 24 236 226 W 01812300 Tigard Bhamaura 540 219 32] 390 336 54 361 320 41 01812400 Maya Chak Jalthara 388 164 224 212 207 5 207 202 5 01812500 Bandu Pura 790 358 432 512 361 151 195 189 6 01812600 Bhalaul 826 328 498 429 383 46 362 350 12 01812700 Dhdrra 276 126 150 193 122 71 118 115 3 01812800 Jallhdra 5.996 2.642 3.354 2.600 2.482 118 2.480 2.382 98 01812900 Rauri Samogar 656 272 384 328 324 4 248 246 2 01813000 Khinya Banar L650 724 926 730 697 33 708 687 21 01813 100 Garhi Roshan 904 446 458 483 444 39 384 383 I 01 813200 JWlIIuhya 559 233 326 256 ·250 6 252 247 5 01813300 Lalhat 195 93 102 86 86 84 84 01813400 K ukrayan RalanpUi 412 198 214 167 166 167 166 I 01813500 Bahgol1 2.507 1.117 1.390 1.068 1.045 23 1.039 1.025 14 01813600 Dharduh 1.420 638 782 563 536 27 547 525 22 01 R 1 J 700 RaJabpur 450 205 245 233 225 8 218 210 8 01813800 Shckhupurd 1.042 405 637 501 493 8 491 484 7 01813900 Khawa 412 183 229 226 210 16 213 200 13 01814000 I<...hlTlya 895 374 521 536 523 13 530 519 I 1 018 14 100 Plldgnaul 2.223 934 1.289 1.148 1.04.5 liB 945 028 17 • O\S\4200 Slchhand Pahatpur 1.455 6\5 MO 134 726 R 724 7\& 6 01814300 Parauh Suhagpur 3.757 1.668 2.089 1.804 1.655 149 1.706 1.588 118 0\814400 Ohulllm'j 3.23<.) 1.340 1.899 2.050 1.939 111 I.R22 1.75 , 71 01814500 Gallgupuru 596 261 3)5 336 319 17 311 305 (, Ol8t4600 T\\..alh.lI 1.261 561 700 684 SK2 102 5lN 493 16 () I S I 4 70n ChahmJU -.------Un ·mhahl [cd ------•. ---- () 1 8 14800 Bi11C\.-dPU\ 5JK 246 2'-)2 229 22S ~ ISO l47 01814900 L'dmpurd 598 267 331 415 394 21 371 36h 01815000 Guhmgimya 51 18 33 19 \9 II 8 {' I t! 1"100 SlIo.Iu 173 71 I(l:! 127 118 119 115 4 (I l ~ IS211U S..llcmpUlU II' 54 (ll 52 52 52 52 () I 8 I 53 ()O B.u-.IU 1m 855 353 '\02 481 457 24 457 440 17 () I S 15400 CIl.lk Rnupdhill1l ------Un-mhahllcd------0181 5 SOU K.I~c1a 278 319 348 318 30 :.\20 290 30 01815600 KI1I:tupum 460 638 993 665 843 619 2:24

722 PRIMARY CENSUS ABSTRACT CENSUS ABSTRACT Jaithara Industrial category of main workers Household industry Cultivators Agnculturallabourcrs workers Other workers Persons Malt-os Females Pc..-sons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males FL'11lales Name of Village 29 30 31 32' 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 2 33 790 32.642 1.148 4.208 3.626 SH2 1.336 912 424 3440 341 Jalilian fI olal) 33.790 32.642 1 148 4208 3.626 SM2 1.336 912 424 3.440 341 Jalthan (Rural) Jalthara (Urban) ]anhara (Rural) 529 502 27 8 6 4 2 45 35 10 Garhlmadsua 232 231 17 13 4 5 3 2 Jagpura 58 55 3 Pursari 8 Biswa 6 6 I Ganpaupul' 52 52 I Nagla Malle 51 49 2 6 4 2 Pursan I 2 Biswa 313 308 5 5 5 8 4 4 20 20 Jawahal' NagaI' 99 99 10 10 40 40 Patsua 79 78 I 16 16 18 17 Lalgan I.()M 1.039 25 78 78 18 16 2 48 47 I Sahori 218 215 3 5 3 2 Sukati Khera 736 729 7 134 134 17 13 4 31 30 Datauli 389 326 63 15 14 42 34 8 53 51 2 Baghauli 140 137 3 2 2 26 26 Chilauli Ahmadpur 232 230 2 29 25 4 121 14 107 80 76 4 Ahmadpur 356 349 7 7 7 2 2 26 24 2 Mohkampur 255 253 2 5 5 II II 30 30 Sahadat Nagar 636 625 I 1 17 16 14 13 47 45 2 Baniya Dhahara 237 235 2 8 8 1 I 3 2 I Diwana 480 476 4 32 3) II 10 40 35 5 Guhatia Khurda Kalan 33 30 3 Sokha 162 145 17 2 2 13 12 1 24 21 3 Medupura 224 219 5 6 2 4 5 5 I Bhamaura 302 266 36 20 17 J 21 20 I 18 17 Tigara Bhamaura 177 175 2 IS IS 6 3 3 9 9 Maya Chak Jaithara 167 163 4 II 11 5 4 I 12 II Bandu Pura 339 327 12 2 2 21 21 Bhalaul 67 66 I 14 13 I 4 J I JJ 33 Ohana 1,994 1.912 82 244 242 2 71 65 6 171 163 8 Jaithara 191 189 2 43 43 13 13 . I Raurl Samogar 587 569 18 91 90 21 20 9 8 Khiriya Banar 339 338 13 13 2 2 30 30 Garbi Roshan 245 240 5 6 6 Jirauliya 54 54 12 12 18 18 Lalhat 165 164 1 Kukrayan Ratanpur 931 922 9 52 49 3 28 27 I 28 27 I Bahgon 466 458 8 19 19 I I 9 2 51 39 12 Dharauli ISO 142 8 18 18 50 50 Rajabpur 434 429 5 11 10 I 45 44 I Shekhupura 153 146 7 5 5 2 2 53 49 4 Khawa 500 489 11 II I I 3 3 16 16 Khiriya 649 637 12 171 168 3 12 12 113 III 2 Phagnaut 619 614 5 61 60 1 1 I 43 43 Bichhand Paharpur 1,191 1,166 25 281 274 7 107 30 77 127 118 9 Parauli Suhagpul' 1.099 1.070 29 240 233 7 92 76 t6 391 312 19 Dhuman 238 233 5 10 10 I 62 61 I Gangupura 299 21)3 6 79 71 2 (, 6 125 117 8 Tikathar ------Un-Inhabllcd------ChakslI'au 103 101 2 7 6 I 8 8 32 32 BaJecdpur 140 137 3 152 150 2 26 26 53 53 Udalpura 7 7 1 Gulnaganya I J(l 113 3 2 Sirau 36 36 12 12 4 4 Salcmpura 414 399 15 II 10 30 30 Baraulia ------Un-Inhabllcd------Chak RoopdhaOl 169 156 13 2 2 10 10 139 122 17 Kasela 459 436 23 290 106 184 54 40 14 • 40 37 3 Khelupurd

723 DISTRICT CENSUS HANDBOOK - ETAH VILLAGE PRIMARY CD Block- Industrial category Location code Marglllal w(lrkcr~ Cultlvat()r~ Agricultural [ahoun.:rs number ;'\;arnc of Village Persons Males Fcmales Persons Males Females Persons Males Fcmak-s 2 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49

(}167 Jd,lhard C I "Ial) 2.5'-)3 I '1S5 2_524 1_745 7'1Q 1))"7 J.lIlhardIRura)) 2 5'» ) 7~5 2.524 1745 779 (11"7 Janhard (Ilman} Jallh" ... (Ruml) 01810110(1 Garhllnad!'Ud I3K 88 50 22 14 IU 66 15 01.810100 Jagpurd II 8 J 10 7 3 011110200 POrian II BI'iwa 3 3 I 1 0181()30n Gdnpatlpur OIRI040() '-rdgla Malic OIXI(l50(} PUI ... an 12 BI ... wa 4 2 :z. 3 () 1 H IO(JOO Jd wdhdl Nagar 28 26 2 If} 5 OJ II 1() 7(10 Pal<,ua 10 10 1 (} I 8 10800 Lalgar I (1 5 1 (J 1 8 1(l90(J Saholl 284 I II 173 37 24 1] 33 61 OJ II 1 1()OO SUkdU Khcra 10 I) I 10 I) (118 II I (JO Datauli 100 64 36 40 15 25 4S 41 4 011111200 Baghauh 97 59 38 14 6 8 45 35 10 o I II I 1300 Chllauh Ahmadpur 1II 5 13 16 3 13 2 2 o I II I J 400 Ahmadpur 20Q 107 102 42 23 19 36 33 3 0181 1500 Mohkampur 25 18 7 9 2 7 1 1 (} 1 8 I I 60() Sahadal Nagar 76 30 46 53 12 41 17 "13 4 018 1 I 700 Bal11ya Dhahara 60 31 29 12 3 9 28 14 ]4 01811800 D,wana 4 I 3 2 2 0181 1900 Guhalia Khurda Kalan 41 35 6 18 18 12 11 o 18 12000 Sokha 01812100 Medupura 26 23 3 15 13 2 01812200 Bhamaunl 23 9 14 13 4 9 7 5 2 01812300 Tigara Bhamaura 29 16 13 14 7 7 8 3 5 01 812400 Maya Chak Jailharn .5 5 2 2 3 3 01 812500 Bandu PU1ll 317 172 145 171 169 2 01812600 Bhalaul 67 33 34 56 23 33 2 ] o t 8 12700 OhLin" 75 7 68 64 5 S9 5 1 4 01812800 Jalthara 120 100 20 30 19 11 79 13 6 01812900 Rauri Samogar 80 78 2 4 3 I 75 74 018 13000 Khmya Banar 22 10 12 21 () 12 1 I 018 13 100 Garlll Roshan 99 61 38 9 8 9 8 01813200 Juauhya 4 3 3 2 01813300 Lalh.1t 2 2 2 2 01813400 Kukrayan Ratanpur 01813500 Bahg

724 PRIMARY CENSUS ABSTRACT CENSUS AIJSTRACT .Jaithara of margmal workers Location Household mdustry workers Other workers Non-worker.. code Persons Males females Persons Males Females PLTSons Males Females Name of VIllage number 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 2

632 687 42() 261 117.948 47 ~9() 7().058 J ... lh... rd ( r olall ()167 632 (,87 426 2<>1 117.948 47 R90 7(1.058 Jalthar", (Rurall 0167 Jallh... ", (Urbani (1167 J.Jlllmn, (I{ural, 7 27 7 20 1.429 "!l9 840 GallllInadsua OIRIOO()O HOD no 470 Jagpum () 181 OHIO 141 61 78 Pur;,1118 BI<;wa OI8J02()(J 23 )I, IS GanpaupuT O\S\03t)() 100 17 63 Nagla Malic 0181(J400 I 145 (, ~ 82 PU .... all 12 B'"wa 018105()() 10 I.} 3 3 876 306 570 Jawahd .. Nagdl 0181060() I I 8 II 419 186 233 Pal!.ua 018107()O 6 5 325 128 191 Lalgan 01810800 9(1 16 74 63 38 25 3.443 1.421 2.022 Sallon 01810900 730 274 456 Sukau Khera 01811000 7 1 8 8 1.851 662 1.195 Datauh 01811100 34 14 20 4 4 1.220 550 670 Baghauh 01811200 519 182 337 Chllauh Ahmadpur 01811300 114 42 72 17 9 8 882 392 490 Ahmadpur 01811400 5 5 921 366 555 Mohkampur 01811500 2 2 4 J I 801 314 487 Sahadat Nagar 01811600 5 2 3 15 tZ 3 2.037 830 1.207 Baniya Dhahara 01811700 I I 613 214 399 Diwana 01811800 2 9 5 4 1.9]2 788 1.144 Guballa Khurda Kalan O\S\ 1900 89 39 50 Sokha 01812000 4 4 1 6 605 233 372 Medupura 01812100 2 2 586 232 • 354 Bhamaura 01812200 3 3 4 J 768 292 476 Tigara Bhamaura 01812300 522 202 320 Maya Chak Jaithara 01812400 143 143 3 3 706 289 417 Sandu Pura 01812500 3 3 6 6 1.172 482 690 Bhalaul 01812600 2 2 4 I 3 253 125 128 Oharra 01812700 8 5 3 3 3 7.357 2.951 4.406 Jaithara 01812800 836 295 54 I Raun Samogar 01812900 2.137 850 1.287 Khinya Banar 01813000 81 4S 36 1.140 465 675 Garin Roshan 01813100 866 367 499 Juauliya 01813200 293 1\5 118 Lalha\ 01813300 467 173 294 Kukrayan Ratanpur 01813400 ) 3 4 4 3.089 1.225 1 .864 Bahgon 01813500 1.723 709 I .014 Oharauh 01813600 7 7 581 221 360 Rajabpur 01813700 9 8 1.435 526 909 Shekhupura 01813~Oo 2 2 6 640 272 368 Khawa 01813900 " 1.367 493 874 Khmya 01814000 18 17 16 10 2.865 1.073 1.792 Phagnaul 01814100 4 4 2.044 190 I .254 Blchhand Paharpur 018142(1) q 9 16 10 6 4_363 1.756 2.607 Parduh Sulmgpur 01814}00 66 54 12 37 32 :­ 5.376 2.009 3.367 Dhulnan 01814400 7 (1 887 327 560 Gangupurd Ol8145UO 3 2 59 49 1.489 628 861 Tlkatllilr 01814600 ------Un-Illhahltcu------Chdk!>irau 01814700 13 12 2 2 787 351 436 BaJccdpur 01814S00 4 4 904 3)(, 568 Udmpura OIM1490\) 70 32 38 Gulnagany.1 01815000 276 112 164 Str..IU 0181"100 155 62 93 Salcmpum Olll15.:!OO IN 14 4 1.126 417 709 Bamulia 0181';300 ------Uu-mhabllcd------Chak Roopdham 011115400 809 316 493 Kasela 01815500 12 10 2 1.308 631 671 Khctupurn 01815(100

725 DISTRICT CENSUS HANDBOOK: ETAH VILLAGE PRIMARY CD Block- Total populatmn (mcludmg Location Area of institutional and huu'iclcss Population in the code Vilhlge in Number of [!o~ulatlOnl agc-grou~ 0-6 number Name of Village hectan.'S household" Person" Males Females Persons Males Females I 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 OlRI5700 Roopdhanl 4227 521 3.292 I.X28 1464 659 348 311 OIMI5RO() Kathmg.. ra 3St'l1l )3(' 2 203 1.2l4 969 4R7 212 215 01815900 SddJanpUi HI 5HO 325 255 136 74 62 OIHI60()O Tatrdl 1172 9' 576 353 223 55 36 19 OIHI61(JO Chlhnapur I 18 () 80 475 2'59 216 911 46 '52 01816200 :-"Izama B.u.1 13(} () 133 963 "38 425 193 I () 1 q2 OIMI63()O Malllkpulu 241 () 264 '-741 952 78(} 196 2:2(, 170 O18J6400 H.v·lpum 149.3 81 468 2('2 206 87 4H 3Q OIR1650(l Ba<;antpUi 53 (l 23 122 M 58 27 IS 12 018166(10 Gangpur 1909 73 451 257 194 84 "i2 32 Ol8J67UO Barna 61S 9 369 2.373 1.323 1050 440 2.W 201 01816800 Daheha 173 1.20S 631 S74 251 133 118 OIHI6'K)O BhaupulOl 111 2 596 3.616 2.071 1.605 174 432 342 01817000 Chak Bhoorpura 25 158 88 70 22 10 12 01817100 Lalpur Jahanglrabad 4744 381 2.651 1.470 1.181 587 341 246 01817200 KastOOIlJUIOl 361.7 102 842 439 403 156 70 86 Ol81730{l Muhluddmpur 3463 273 1.684 919 765 356 214 142 01811400 Nagla Damak 200.2 120 855 456 399 168 81 87 01811500 Targawan 9913 991 6.370 3.528 2.842 1.311 700 611 0181160U Khniya Nagar Shah 1,778.0 717 4.745 2.548 2.197 1.014 525 489 01817700 Kalyan Pura 85.7 77 474 262 212 108 61 47 01817800 Bhlralya Urf Madhuban 200.8 86 485 277 208 104 59 45 01817900 Daulatpur 1519 169 1,065 598 467 243 133 110 01818000 Nakhatpura 112.0 130 871 486 385 194 104 90 01818100 Khmya MaJra Kastoorpura 38.4 ------Un-inhabited------01818200 Pmjari Gambheer SlOgh 492.5 303 1.790 927 863 337 164 173 01818300 Aharal Bichanpur 278 2,019 1,116 903 441 218 223 01818400 Naglapainth Urf Kharsela 3,913.0 183 1,298 721 517 259 141 118 0lSI8500 Kalandar Nagar 1269 96 647 343 304 151 85 66 01818600 Maharajpur 192.8 195 1,382 783 599 207 113 94 01818700 P;nJari Summer Singh 456.9 305 1.181 999 182 332 183 149 01818800 Har Singh Pur 730 I 425 2.726 1.500 1.226 558 325 233 01818900 Jamlapur 1455 113 867 482 385 188 110 78 01819000 Ganpallpur Barhapur 501 8 360 2.191 1,194 991 396 206 190 01819100 Masauhya 325.2 298 2.100 1,195 905 423 224 19Q 01819200 SiJrauth Pachhtlyan 11.392.0 409 2.746 1,484 1.262 552 291 261 01819300 Sarauth Puwayan 6038 438 2.999 1.628 1.371 631 348 283 01819400 AmratpuT Raghupur 3352 326 2405 1.3 71 1.034 506 276 230 01819500 T iJuliaiyya Kisanan 1915 132 839 466 373 156 77 79 01819600 Jasratl1pur 497.3 302 2.019 1.127 892 450 242 208 (l1819700 G,lI SUlgh Pur 397 2.681 1.512 1.169 447 225 222 Ot81QSOO P.ll dhanapur 709 en 686 376 310 111 65 52 01819900 N.lgl.lglrdl1


Schcduk.-d Castes popuation Scheduled Tribes population Litl..'f3tes Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Person!> Males Females Name of Village I 1 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 2

138 77 61 1,3Y4 9911 196 Ruopdhanl 182 YI 91 R'Jl 647 246 Kathingard 318 221 97 Sadianpur 34 20 14 326 247 79 Talral 12 5 7 138 107 31 Chllmapur 283 1'\1 132 521 340 I~I :"\Ii7.ama Bad 126 67 59 663 475 188 Mamkpurd 195 114 81 179 128 51 HaJ:lpura 40 21 19 67 38 29 Basantpur 72 41 31 267 171 I.}O Gangpur 565 314 251 1.444 905 539 Barna 276 148 128 529 356 173 Dahelia 874 502 372 1.372 960 412 Bhaupura 75 50 25 Chak Bhoorpura 248 128 120 1.192 798 394 Lalpur Jahangirdbad 108 59 49 465 295 170 Kastoorpura 866 518 288 MuhluddmpuT 99 45 54 392 271 121 Nag1a Damak 746 422 324 3,037 2.094 943 Targawan 967 522 445 2.;29 1.422 707 Khlriya Nagar Shah 20 II 9 171 123 48 Kalyan Pura 94 56 38 234 171 63 Bhlraiya Un Madhuban 137 73 64 453 325 128 DaulatpuT 364 274 90 Nakhatpura ------Un-Inhablled---~------Khiriya MaJra Kastoorpura 85 39 46 824 532 292 Pinjari Gambheer S10gh 533 296 237 904 640 264 Aharai BichanpuT 49 27 22 600 431 169 Naglapainth Un Kharsela 55 33 22 296 193 103 Kalandar NagaT 248 141 107 701 498 203 MaharajpuT 311 177 134 899 615 284 Pll~jari Summer Singh 612 340 272 1.321 883 438 HaT Singh Pur 340 180 160 386 271 115 JamlapuT 999 660 339 Ganpatipur Barhapur \02 54 48 718 546 172 Masaul;ya 579 309 270 1.163 759 404 Sarauth Pachhayan 672 359 313 1.027 735 292 Sarauth Puwayan 10 2 8 1.001 785 216 Amratpur Raghupur 29 16 13 424 298 126 Tausaiyya Kisanan 34 20 14 673 512 161 Jasrathpur 235 124 III 705 578 127 Gal Singh Pur 17 9 8 411 266 145 Pardhanapur 34 21 13 132 79 53 NaglagirdhaT R3 46 :n 276 205 71 Taus31::t::t:a Malook


Location eode Illiterates Total workers MaIO workers number Name of Village Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Mah..'S Females 2 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 0181S700 Roopdham 1,898 830 IJJ68 1.469 923 546 1.389 915 474 01 R 15800 Kathmgam 1.310 5117 723 616 595 21 594 577 17 (} 18 1 5900 Sad Ian pur 262 J(J4 ISS 292 162 130 288 162 126 01816000 Tatml 250 106 144 166 164 2 116 114 2 01 gl6100 Ch,hnapuf 337 152 ISS 231 130 1117 89 85 4 01 R 16200 Nlcarna Bad 442 198 244 263 262 I 235 2]4 I 0\ 816J(}(} Mamkpura 1.()78 471 6()1 '575 4{)5 170 384 366 18 () 1816400 Ha~lpurcl 2M9 114 155 161 142 1<1 127 126 IJ 1816500 Basantpuf" 55 2t, 29 42 40 2 39 3101

728 PRIMARY CENSUS ABSTRACT CENSUS AIISTRACT Jaithara Industnal category of mam workers Houschold mdustry Cultivators Agneultural lahuuren. workers Other workcl-s PL'TSUnS Males Females Person-; Males Females Persons Males FcmalL-s Person.. Males Females !'lame of Village 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 16 37 38 39 40 2 828 6f>b 162 507 212 29'; 21 12 9 JJ 25 11 Roopdhal1l 495 4M1 14 43 43 22 20 2 34 J3 Kath mgctrd 1")3 I I') 34 4 4 61 28 :n 7D II <;9 'liadlanpur 94 92 2 16 1(, <; 5 I I Tatrctl 84 XI 3 3 2 2 2 Chllmapur 196 IllS 1 17 17 I 21 21 NILama Bad 3<;2 340 12 16 1<; 7 3 4 ') M MctlllkpUl3 67 67 49 49 2 2 y R Hal'1pura 23 I 4 4 <) lJ 3 3 Ba."dlllpur 93 92 I 10 10 10 H 2 15 14 Gangpur 438 433 5 113 112 1M 17 44 43 Barna 225 no 5 5 4 I 7 7 Dctht:ha 687 6M2 5 43 39 4 10 10 18 1 M Bhdupura 47 46 2 2 Chak Bhoorpura 460 433 27 107 105 2 101 18 83 88 64 24 Lalpur Jahanglrdbad 131 120 II 30 30 17 17 18 17 I Kastoorpura 308 304 4 6 6 2 2 31 30 Muhluddmpur 197 192 5 10 9 I 2 2 22 20 2 Nagla Damak 1,522 1.500 22 69 62 7 29 26 3 83 77 6 Targawan 702 677 25 133 130 3 20 19 118 114 4 KllInya Nagar Shah 95 71 24 54 40 14 I I I Kalyan Pura 87 87 3 3 I I 11 Bhlralya Urf Madhuban 188 187 20 20 9 7 2 74 61 13 Daulatpur 225 224 24 14 10 Nakhatpura ------Un-mhabned------Khlriya Majra Kastoorpura 294 291 3 26 25 I 52 52 26 25 Pmjan Gambheer Smgh 352 347 5 129 125 4 21 21 " 43 43 Aharai Blchanpur 302 298 4 8 8 8 8 15 15 Naglapamth Un Kharsela 162 162 4 4 Kalandar Nagar 271 265 6 64 63 I 7 6 I II 10 1 MaharaJpur 359 352 1 74 72 2 7 4 3 38 36 2 PmJan Summer Singh 544 511 33 IS 15 18 5 13 25 25 Har Smgh Pur 128 124 4 5 4 8 7 17 17 Jamlapur 525 498 27 I II 10 Ganpatipur Barhapur 536 481 55 39 35 4 2" 24 Masauhya 557 537 20 130 123 7 13 12 77 24 53 Saraulh Pachhayan 592 582 10 76 76 13 13 54 41 13 Saraulh Puwayan 563 551 12 12 12 4 3 44 43 Amralpur Raghupur 214 214 4 4 2 2 Tausmyya KIsanan 389 371 18 25 24 3 3 ... 3 I Jasrathpur 571 546 25 60 60 5 4 14 12 2 Gal Smgh Pur 150 145 5 2 2 7 7 Pdrdh:Uldpur 31 31 5 4 2 2 7 7 Naglaglrdhar 172 170 2 17 17 7 I 6 Tausmyya M.llook

729 DISTRICT CENSUS HANDBOOK: ETAH VILLAGE PRIMARY CO Block- Industrial catcG0!l: Location codc MarG1I1<11 workcr.. Cultivator" AGricultural laboul"CrS number Namc nfVllIasc Pcrson .. Males Females PL'T"UnS Malc.. Fcmalcs Persons Malc.. Females 2 4\ 42 43 44 4S 46 47 48 49

OIKI57()() Rc lopllh;lIlI Xll It 12 7 2 .5 73 6 67 (11815800 Kalhlllgalil 22 1M 4 14 II ::'0 I OIRIS90() SOld lar1pUl 4 4 2. 2 OIH1600() ralral ';0 "0 22 22 27 27 O181610() Chllmapur 148 4<; Jfl~ 'i 2 , 134 36 911 OlHI620n NIJ'ama Bdd 21< 28 2(> 2h 01816300 Malllkpurd 141 l4 1"2 12 q , 121 25 102 O18164()O Ha,.pum H 16 III 14 9 'i Ie (> 2 11181MOO Ba .. anlpUi 1 2 2 O18166()O GallgpUl 20 20 II< ))( I (J1816700 Ban,.. 46 4S 3 2. 42 42 O181680{) Daheha 51 4C) 2 48 48 01816900 Bhdupula 49 46 9 6 1 32 32 01811000 Chak Bhoorpura 1 I 1 01811100 LaJpur Jahangm.bad 80 59 21 26 17 l) 31 30 01811200 Kao;lnorpura 47 43 4 4 4 34 30 4 01817300 Muhluddmpur 57 51 6 43 39 4 3 3 01817400 Nagla Camak 4 3 2 I I 01817500 Targawan 302 87 215 65 52 13 229 30 199 01817600 Khmya Nagar Shah 202 lIB 19 35 28 7 138 132 6 01817100 Kalyan Purd 64 II 53 48 7 41 16 4 12 01811800 Bh.raiya Urf Madhuban 14 13 2 I I 8 8 01817900 Daulatpur 59 48 II 42 40 2 2 2 01818000 Nakhatpura II 6 5 4 4 01818100 Khiriya Majra Kastoorpura ------Un-Inhab.ted------01818200 Pinjari Gambhecr Singh 5 5 2 2 2 2 0\818300 ~bam\ Bkhanput 16 14 2 \2 \0 2 01818400 Naglapainlh Un Khal"licla 01818500 Kalandar Nagar I 1 01818600 Maharajpur 5 4 I 3 3 01818700 Pinjari Summer Smgh 24 8 16 11 (, 5 12 2 10 01818800 Hat" Singh Pur 253 \ \ 9 134 17 14 3 92 81 1 1 01818900 Jamlapur 109 44 65 22 2 20 19 18 I 01819000 Ganpalipur Barhapur 123 36 87 60 15 45 63 21 42 01819100 MasauJiya 145 43 102 85 14 71 21 17 4 OlS19200 Sarauth Pachhayan S3 28 '25 12 3 I.) 25 18 1 01819300 Sarauth Puwayan 58 41 17 12 9 3 36 23 \3 01819400 Amralpur Raghupur 44 B II 5 3 2 30 21 9 01819500 Taus;lIyya Kisanan 01819600 Jasralhpur 58 25 33 55 22 33 3 3 01819700 Gd. Singh PUI 208 100 IDS 159 73 86 29 25 4 01819800 Pardhanapul 5 5 2 ~ 3 3 01819900 Ndg\aginlhm 19 17 :! S 3 2 01820000 Tausal~~a MilloC.lk JO 9 21 Q 9 20 8 12


of mar~mal worker" Locallon I-Inuschnh.l IIldu"u): wC1rkcr~ Other worker" Non-worker... code P('Tsons Melle.. Female", Person", Male" Femalc~ Persons Malc", • Femalc" Name uf Village number 50 51 52 S3 54 55 56 57 58 2 1.1<2' 905 ,)Ill Roopuham 0181570() h <; 1.587 63lJ 94K Kdlhlllgdra 011<15800 211 12"' ~.I(J loin pUT OlHI5900 410 IR9 221 Idlrdl () 1 K I (,OO{) I) 7 10<) 2 , 231< 129 ( hrlmdpuT 01816100 - 2 700 276 424 '" I.!.una Bad 01816200 41< 2 46 ... 1.166 547 61Y "'.11lI kpurd 01816300 10 I) ::' 2 1()7 120 UP H.IJ'IPUI.I 01816400 I KO 24 <;6 Bd'dnlpuT (118 1(,SOO I 103 111 190 (Jangpur 01816600 1.714 673 1.041 Am,).! (11816700 ::' 2 917 351 566 Ddhell.1 OlHI61WO 2 2 (1 (, 2.1<69 1.276 1.593 Bh.lUpura 01816900 108 39 (1(1 Chak Bhoorpura 01817000 9 2 7 14 HI 4 1.815 791 1.024 Lalpur Jahanglrabad 01817100 5 5 4 4 599 212 387 Kastoorpura 01817200 II '} 2 1.280 526 754 :\1"uhluddmpur 01817300 2 2 620 232 388 ;\jagla Damak 01817400 4 3 1 4 2 2 4.365 1.176 2.589 Targ,lwan 01811500 15 12 3 14 II 3 l570 1.425 2.145 Klun:ya Nagar Shah 01817600 259 139 120 Kalyan Pura 01817700 4 4 370 163 207 Bhlralya Urf Madhuban 01817800 15 6 l} 715 275 440 Daulalpur 01817900 7 2 5 611 242 3(19 Nakhatpura 01818000 --~------Un -Inhahucd------Klunya Majl1l Kastoorpura 01818100 I I 1,387 529 858 Pinjan Gambheer Smgh 01818200 4 4 1.458 566 892 Aharai Blchanpur 01818300 965 392 573 Naglapainth Urf Kharsela 01818400 480 116 304 Kalandar Nagar 01818500 2 1.024 435 ~8q MahardjpUr 01818600 I I 1.279 527 752 Pinjan Summer Singh 01818700 120 9 I I 1 24 15 C) I )0(71 825 1.046 Har SlI1gh Pur 01818800 57 15 42 11 9 2 600 286 314 Jamlapur 01818900 1531 649 882 Ganpatipur Barhapur 01819000 II 10 28 II 17 1.3<;<; 612 743 Masauhya 01819100 I 15 7 8 I.'H (J 760 1.156 Saraulh Pachhayan 01819200 2 2 R 7 1 2.206 875 1.331 Sarauth Puwayan 01819300 2 2 7 7 1.731< 729 1.009 Amratpur Raghupur 01819400 619 246 373 Tausalyya Klsanan 01819500 1.540 7111 839 Ja"rdlhpur 011119600 20 2 18 1.823 790 1.033 Gm SlIlgh Pur 01819700 522 217 305 P.lrdhanapul 01819800 14 14 144 60 84 Naghlglrdhar OlKI9900 1 472 191 281 Tau"al:l'l:a Mah.lok 01820000


PRIMARY CENSUS ABSTRACT ALIGANJ CD BLOCK DISTRICT CENSUS HANDBOOK ETAH VILLAGE I'H.IMAH.Y (. n Ulock - rot,d populdtlllll (mdudlllg I O{'dt I (Ill Ali':.. 01 1J1 ... lItulllln,JI and hllu"dc...... PopulatIon 111 the {.Otlc Vdldgc III '-ulllhcr e,l populdtlon) dgc-group (1-(, numher h e(..l ,II c... 11I'lI ... chnld ... -. , 4 I 10

1111,,( \11~~ulI ~ 1~·I.1i1 III -1l'", 1 1(1 11 I '.I'lH, ..... H,<) 71', I;!'-tl I.) ~U.,() 1)1(,)( \r.~.UII (1{IH.d, 'I) Il r, 1 1111; I '( I'" 'If,- I fI'J 71', C \-II 1'1 CH .. CJ 'lIMe \hl!.1I1I t I Ib,llll 1\ hg,ull (I(tll.~! I OIX~(JIO(J Luh,1I1 "" IIt·I., _'[)'} (I 4")( ~ 'J72 1 (1(,-1 \(1)( "'<;"1 24(, 1I11(202(1{) I Uh.lIl ("n I ~ ... \ (\ ~21 211'17 I .1 .! <) '1(>)'( <;(11 2'\\ III R;!IJ "\(11' 1(.lk"I,' ..' ~(1 (1 ~44 (,X' 11::'" 7{'1 10(, 14(, (lIX20400 Kh.I1I.1 .;;, II (, I 2'-l :! II 7-1 1'} 01X20<;00 1«(I(llh.IIHII ,,"!lUI d ') J (J 'i-l n] I'll 1'<(1 -, -1-1 II1X20600 -"",lgl,. '\: .un! 1.1 t >((. It (t~ -1')1, 1'<1' :'{(, IlIX~1l70tl ,,",1,11111>,1 B.II,I 21 ~ 11 3u" tIll" 466 III x~O!mo ( h.lk I )hl1lldhl11l (, I (J ------·---l J1 ml'.lhll ..·U--· (II lC!090(l 1«(,,1(h.lpUI BU,flllg ~'l~ I) ,~'< 2 101 1.10'i 11'1(, 4Xt} 2<;1< ~11 0182100{) 1\t1g.I.II~,1 ( ..mg.,11 2" () 21" I -I \(, h'"' !74 152 1:::2 (I I 1121100 f\llgl,II~.1 1.lInullal ':;'10 I) (,2'\ -I ·r-l 2 r)42 4-11 4<) I 4"0 011121200 Gul .. lloIlt.lh.ld I n (I IIX H29 397 175 In x::: OlR21300 Ndgld l'JII\_'lI ~f)!I II 27'1 1 X'iR X (,(1 351 17" 1711 OlR21400 PUHIIl ,.11.1 I-If> () 21,\ 1.1 'i(l 72X 6.!2 297 14h 151 OlR:!I<;()1) T"'.1\1l1 \.l! 0 Iln I I 'i I 634 <;17 2~3 147 I(H, IIIR:!1600 ~.lllh.:t.'I.1 2(1 "i II "4 -16' 243 220 !J9 4-' 01821700 D.lUdg,1Il1 100 {l 31 'I 2.2 ~~ 215 O~3 541 01821800 PallnlhctLi (_ hak 1'.l' n40 ------lm-lIlh.Jollcd---· ------OlR21900 PanllJltct.1 ("hak No 2 qO ------Un-lnhaI:1I1cd------01822000 AkbmllUI Kola 274 1.791 977 RI4 401 215 1R6 01822100 Bh"du!il Math I 16 (I 249 1.559 833 726 334 16M 166 01 82220fl j,llaUI.1 Bhan 1350 19 I 1.334 746 588 249 133 116 01822300 Blchpun EmadpUl 740 <;4 343 186. 157 60 33 27 01822400 Gl'ra eh.lln 910 13 99 55 44 19 8 II 01822500 RadYd Xl,R () 566 1.865 2.104 1.761 776 410 366 01822600 Ndkt.1I Khunl :'.R() (I 2<;7 1.51,2 793 739 312 16':; 147 01822700 :o-Iaklill Kal.1Il ", () 56 H.l 199 174 xl, 42 41 111822Ron Dahl.1I 1000 Q\ 15" 407 :q~ 1<)0 102 Xl( 018229(10 Ranln(lg .. l. I (I() I) II H 7n7 364 34' 14M 10 (1';; 01 8230()O J.lld Ipul 174 () 122 X02 443 354 15M 93 65 01823100 Lada ... 1.1 LJrfLululi..J1ld{lW I<;(} IJO-l 477 427 "1() 97 '}J 0182"\21111 B.lLhhaUl "gallg 1~4 'II I 4M2 421} 175 9~ -"1 01823300 Nag!'1 Saw•• I!() II 170 15~ 620 53R :!65 122 14"\ 01823400 Bhal,lpUl:l 117 (I ~57 2.51<4 4(16 1.ln 557 ~04 25.1 0IR2~5()O Rdlil Ka R.nnpul (Deh.1I1 '1<;1 (I <;31 3.617 '-923 I 1\ xl "(, -., ~'n 270 III :;4 (lIX~4100 H.lb,1I1 <;43 II .$"\6 J 176 I 7:! 1 "5' 6-10 342 ~lJ~ 0lH2420(l K.III.1 5X:'. 0 4~h ~ (114 1.620 I VI4 '\70 , I II 1hll (lIX24300 fll...1I1I1LII •1 I X7X I.(UI 1(-17 -105 ~17 1:0<'< (II S24-HlII "IIUII.II ~11tl1 ,II ~57 0 21,~ I <;7X 7-1h .'''iX 199 1,<1 llIX~4"'(l0 R.I.II 21") II pJ: 10)1 h~' 1,21 2(10 12-1 I,f, 1I1X24(100 ,.lIhu.I!'L11 (1h 1\ (,.:; -152 ~-"'(I ~(I~ -;'9 4(, OllC47110 Bq,lIdqlLlI ~O'" 0 ~ "'II X(,'\ '-(lit, -I'i-l (II X:'.-lX(l1l BII ... II" 1'.lehh.l~.1II :\1" X 1"-' 21.-l 211S <)'1 I "") I) J S~4')(l(l IlJl .... 1I It I'LI\\ .I} ,III (IX" ~\)h 1';;'1 .., ' - III x:! 50011 \ 11.111'"1 \S (I I ~ I ~.,2 I (>(, 10') (I I X:! 'i 100 I .111'L11 BIUlH g ) 21 II \':;;2 1-111 -1-' :'1 (lIX2'i21l11 (,,11111.1 1,lg.lIl1hnh 2 '<


Scheduled Castes popuation Sclu..'duled frihes po{!ulation Literates Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Name of Village I I 12 13 14 IS 16 17 18 19 2 29.232 15 K57 13.375 91.442 61079 ]0.363 Ahganl (Total) 29.232 1~.K57 13.375 91.442 61 ()79 3U.363 Ahganl (Rural) Ahxanl {Urban) AhganJ (Rural) 330 17M 152 1.310 M76 434 Luhari Khcm 53 31 22 628 449 179 Luhari Gavi 221 129 92 710 503 207 Kakora 288 172 116 Khatia 91 45 46 145 90 S5 KoolhapuT Khurd 186 138 48 Nagla Nau&Ja 259 IJI 128 867 640 227 Kachhlya Bara ------Un-mhabitcd------Chak Dhondhon 313 171 142 680 479 201 Koolhapur Buzurg 466 256 210 727 485 242 Angmlya Gangal 810 464 406 1.746 1.203 543 Angralya Jamunal 94 53 41 285 197 88 Gulshanabad 310 176 134 842 576 266 Nagla Umed 548 289 259 620 430 190 PuranjaJa 74 44 30 540 351 189 Tisauri 215 143 72 Sadheera 55 34 21 893 620 273 Daudganj ------Un-inhabited------Paimjheta Chak No. I ------Un-inhabited------Paimjheta Chak No.2 213 125 88 905 550 355 Akbarpur Kota 349 196 153 567 383 184 Bhaduia Math 91 46 45 581 431 ISO Jataura Bhan 167 98 69 135 91 44 Bichpuri EmadpUT 39 32 7 GoraCham 798 425 373 1,997 1,326 671 Raaya 326 173 153 726 476 250 Naktai Khurd 195 128 67 Naktai Kalan 391 266 125 Dahlai 92 45 47 422 234 188 Ramnagar 291 160 131 507 306 201 JajaJpuT 70 39 31 416 270 146 Ladasia Urf Lutufullapur 331 173 158 569 349 220 Bachhauragang 230 123 107 474 319 155 Nagla Sawa 63 35 28 1,231 196 441 Bharapura 244 136 108 1,433 978 455 Raja Ka Rampur (Dehat) 742 405 337 1.627 1.068 559 Khairpura Urf (Sikandarpur Sal 283 152 131 614 396 218 ChandanpuT 19 10 9 326 200 126 HaTWaigamlya 24 14 10 413 303 110 Emadpur 217 122 95 307 182 125 JahannagaT 340 189 lSI 1.309 878 431 Hatsari 143 13 70 1.595 1.033 562 Kalla 184 100 84 733 563 170 Tikaitpura 43 21 16 670 452 218 AIjunai Simral 477 251 226 532 378 154 Raai 34 20 14 182 1.19 43 Nathuapur 270 150 120 710 514 196 BiJaidepur 70 36 34 794 5tH 291 Bilsam Pachhayclll 482 270 212 1.027 ('01) 418 BilsaTh Puway.U1 439 307 132 Vijalpur 119 n 46 76 (15 11 L.alpuT Buzurg )95 213 182 1.()2M 642 386 Gamla Jagannalh ------Un ·lnhabllt.'tI·------·- Chak Mt.'rdPur 157 M5 72 35 .\0 5 Abdullapur KQ 50 39 118 ~, 3S Bhawanpur 75 38 31 652 ·B4 218 Bilsar Paui


LOCHtion code illiterates TOlal workers MClm workers number N:amc of Village Pen.. o"" Females Males Females 2 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 2K

(lU,!,; "hl!.oUll (lnloll\ !I !_5~~ 41(.6411 6JlJ2 50.54' 47 1.II') AJ'gan, ellUl,,11 OI/1201O(J Luharr KhcJa 1.(1('2 788 &74 1120 7\l2 !g n~ 763 25 Ol8202UO Luh .. n Ga'" I .4 (.1) 68fl 7f19 (,55 54(', 1(19 51\ 'iZ9 42 0182(J300 Kakma 477 423 554 524 4CJS 29 490 4lW J() OI%204{)O Khln, •• 157 62 95 lOS 11)4 I 104 HH o 18Z()Sn -----.------UFl-lOhaonc.:d --.--. ---.---- 0\87.0900 K()(\!hapuT BU.lurg l.421 616 795 495 467 ZK 426 415 II 01821000 Angralya G,mEal 711" 314 3'\15 No ~X3 11 384 J-H 10 O\&1liOO Angnllya JamU11l1l 2_728 1_229 1.49') 1.316 1.181 US 1.274 1.153 121 018212()O Gulshanahad ;544 235 309 ISq 189 \31 un (1821)00 NaglaUmed U}J6 422 594 504 494 to 501 492 9 018214(](] Puranjara 7JIl 298 432 34"1 323 2.4 340 316 24 01811500 Tisauri 611 283 321\ 305 292 13 226 216 10 01821600 Sadtrccra 248 100 148 Ht olin 8 100 IO{) 6 01821700 Daudga''IJ I.J45 545 750 998 665 333 M{) 551 89 01821800 PaimJhcla Chak No 1 ------Vn-inhablted------01821900 Pamljheta Cbak No 1 ------Un-mhabltcd------01822000 Akbaq>ur KoUl 886 421 459 648 555 93 598 551 47 OJ 822100 Bhaduul Math 992 450 542 406 )93 13 2~J 2&5 S 61322200 Ja\B\l.nl Shan 153 315 438 386 373 13 31B 368 13 01822300 Bichpuci Elnadp,,' 208 95 10 98 95 ] 98 95 J 01822400 001"8 Cham 60 23 31 22 22 ::10 20 011122500 Raaya l,868 778 1.090 1.046 1.000 46 9(J3 813 30 01822600 NaKu.l Kburd 806 317 48~ 356 349 1 331 333 4 01822100 Naklai Kalan lIli 71 iQ1 91 77 14 %Q 16 4 01822800 Dal1la. 364 141 223 2fJ [85 28 IR2 17.!1 4 01822900 Ra I1lTlagar 285 13{) 155 185 l47 3& n~ 126 )2 01823000 J.ljalpur 295 137 158 216 2Q6 11) 213 204 9 01823100 Uda§.la Un LutufUliapur 4K8 207 Z81 290 237 53 238 23! 7 OJ 823200 Baef. hduragang 342 IJJ 2(14J 251 241 10 211 204 7 0182.3300 NaglaSawa 684 301 3,&3 316 239 31 325 2S8 37 01823400 Bhardpura 1.347 610 7J7 700 675 25 640 627 13 01823500 Rajll Ka RilU1pur (Dehln) 2.184 945 1.2J9 1.148 962 J8b l.fJ7fJ 904 J66 01 82J6DO Khalrpura Urf(Sikandarpur 2.!SQ 1.061 1.19:2 984 'no 14 975 965 10 Sal 01823700 ChandanpUl 507 187 J20 271 2M 4 268 265 .3 01323800 Harwliugarlnya 251 102 149 132 ; 3n 2 132 130 2 {7q OU!H~ Enmdpur 4}5 I'll 2-t4 J-96 fiN 7 If.<'i 7 01824000 lahallluigar 25(. 111 !45 t26 124 2 120 120 01824100 Hatsllri 1.1167 845 1.022 83R RZ4 14 800 789 tl OlR24200 Kalla ! AI9 5.!!7 832 79! "74) 48 772 42 01824300 Tikaltpum 1.14_" 468 677 494 4R2 11 483 9 01824400 AIJun31 SlInnJl 4(IR 31W 528 362 3"'1 J 350 3 01824500 Raal 776 J09 461 324 ~::!.\l 4 320 :\ 01824600 Nathu;,pul no til 159 128 12R 1211 {I I R24700 BiJ,"Oepur l.ISS 5(12 {\S3 411 ~71 () 475 01 i!24 KOO Bilsarh I':lchhllyan 44() 1(19 271 273 ~6,} 4 262 01824900 B,t.. arh Puwdyan 662 J{H 3<:,\l 54Q ~l~ )5 316 {J 1H250CJ(1 V11i11pur 413 1<)2 ZZ[ 207 2!13 4 2(16 UIN25100 L..tlpu'- Bu.rurg 27(l 147 12" .JM 17(1 ')4 153 OH12520() Galina J;IY

736 PRIMARY CENSUS ABSTRACT CENSUS ABSTRACT Aliganj Industnal category of main workers Household mdustry CultIvators Agricultural labourcrs workers Other workcrs Persons Males F~'malcs Pcrsons Malcs F~.. nalcs Persons Malcs Females Persons Malco; Females Name of Village 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 2

41337 39.7'10 1547 3.922 1~4 9ft7 763 204 4115 3 S02 813 Ahganl «"utal, 41337 )<) 7'X1 1 Sol7 3.922 11\4 967 7(») 204 431S 3502 813 Ah~nl (Kurotl) AhWlnl (Urban) Ahganl (Rural) 498 411.7 II 176 175 30 211. 84 73 I 1 Luhan Khcra 359 350 9 141 13'i (\ 29 10 42 34 8 Luhan Gavl 401 395 (> 59 ,7 2 17 17 13 II 2 Kakora 100 100 4 3 Khatla 57 57 3 .~ 10 10 Koolhapur Khurd 100 l)K 2 I 1 4 3 Nagla NaugJa 590 58" 4 2 2 2 2 • 16 15 Kachhlya Bara ------Un -mhablloo------Chak Dhondhon 356 HI 5 43 38 5 3 3 24 23 Koolhapur Buzurg 340 -3"34 (J 16 13 3 5 4 23 2l Angralya Gangai 1.044 1.032 12 69 67 2 7 7 154 47 107 Angraiya lamunal 164 164 19 19 . 4 4 Gulshanabad 472 463 q 19 19 I { 9 q NagiaUmed 306 284 22 12 II 5 4 17 17 PuranJala 213 204 9 6 5 7 7 Tisauri 93 87 6 6 6 7 7 Sadhecra 549 497 52 23 20 3 29 Q 20 39 25 14 Daudganj ------Un-lnhabited------Paimjheta Chak No I ------Un-inhahlled------Pairnjbeta Chak No.2 518 482 36 33 32 1 14 13 33 24 9 Akbarpur Kola 238 232 6 33 32 S 4 17 17 BhaduI8 Math 366 353 13 12 12 3 3 lataura Bhan 91 90 5 5 Bicbpuri Emadpur 19 19 I 1 GoraCharn 801 786 21 31 31 10 6 4 55 50 5 Raaya 291 287 4 28 28 4 4 14 14 Naktai Khurd S7 56 1 21 18 3 2 2 Naktai Kalan 163 159 4 3 3 16 16 Dahlai IOJ 98 .5 .5 2 .1 3 2 27 24 3 Ramnagar 198 195 3 I 14 8 6 Jajalpur 178 172 6 38 38 21 21 Ladasia Urf LUlufullapuT 163 159 4 29 28 5 4 14 13 Bachhauragang 290 2.53 J7 30 30 3 3 2 2 Nagla Sawa 607 594 13 13 13 2 2 18 18 Bharapura 131 726 5 123 l2t 2 8 7 1 208 SO 158 Raja Ka Rampur(Ochat) 721 714 7 209 207 2 II 10 I 34 34 Khairpura Urf(Sikandarpur Sal 130 127 3 133 133 2 2 3 3 Chandanpur 116 114 2 6 (l 9 9 Harwalgamiya 161 156 5 12 II 2 2 I I 10 Emadpur 62 62 30 30 .5 :') 23 23 Jahannagar 760 751 <) 23 22 3 3 14 13 Hatsari 657 631 26 16 15 I 14 13 85 71 14 Kalla 405 402 3 52 50 2 4 4 22 18 4 Tikanpura 203 20t 2 19 18 fJ 13 55 55 AlJunai SlInral 288 285 3 6 6 4 4 22 22 Raal 109 109 4 4 15 15 Nalhuapur 421 416 5 25 25 10 10 19 I~ Bi.laidcpur 179 176 1 40 40 8 7 35 35 Bilsarh Pachhayan 217 212 5 110 106 4 14 12 :_\5 34 Bdsarh Puwayan IK8 185 3 4 3 I 13 13 Vljalpur tU 61 15 6f1 60 X I ::! La'PUT Buzuf"g 448 432 16 100 88 I~ 7 7 21 19 .2 Garhm Jagannalh ------Ull-illhabi ll.-d------Chak Mcrapur 41 31.) 3 12 II I 2 ~ Abdullapur 4 4 63 63 2 2 BhawanpuT 114 213 11 II 3 J q Bilsar P-d.ui

737 DISTRICT CENSUS HANDBOOK: ETAH VILLAGE PRIMARY CD Block- Industrial category Locatioll code Margmill w{)rker~ Cultivators Agricultural labourers number Name of Village Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females 2 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 4H 49

(116M Ahj!;illll Crulal, 7 J'\(l 41)M _\ 2114 3.184 , <;4() 1 M4 2 132 11)91 441 Olbll Allj!;"nl CRurdl) 7 'lSI) 4.0(,6 32114 31M I S4() I 1)44 2: 132 11)91 441 01 (>R Ahj!;al1l (lJrban, A h!!:anl U(ural, 01 K:!O 100 Luhall Khcra 32 2') 3 10 R 2 14 13 01 !t20200 Luhan Gavi R4 17 67 2 2 14 10 4 01 R20300 Kdknrd 34 15 19 7 6 16 7 '} 01820400 Khatla o I 82050() Konihapul Khurd 37 37 8 25 25 () 1820600 Nagla NaU&ld 10 9 9 01820700 Kachhlya BOlla 13 01 820800 Chak Dhondhon " ------u n -Ill h~bl ted ------. ------01820900 Koo1hapUl· BULurg 69 52 17 20 9 I I 32 27 0182 I 000 Angralya Gangal 12 q 3 6 5 5 3 01821 100 Angr.lIya Jamunal 42 28 14 10 6 4 17 17 01821200 Gulshanabad 2 2 I 1 I I 0182 I 300 Nagla Umed 3 2 2 1 01821400 Puranjala 7 7 2 2 2 2 01821500 TlsaUlI 79 76 3 18 16 2 59 58 01821600 Sadhccra 5 3 2 :3 2 01821700 DaudganJ 358 114 244 309 96 213 9 5 4 01821800 Palmjheta Chak No.1 ------Un-Inhabited------01821900 PaiTnJheta Chak No.2 ------Un-Inhabited------01 822000 Akharpur Kota SO 4 46 47 3 44 01822100 Bhaduia Math 113 108 5 752 70 68 2 o 1 822200 Jataura Bhan 5 5 5 5 01822300 Bichpuri Emadpur 01822400 Gora Cham 2 2 2 2 01 822500 Raaya 143 127 16 29 21 8 103 96 7 01 822600 Naktal Khurd 19 16 3 3 2 t 15 13 2 01822700 Naktai Kalan II I 10 2 2 01 822800 Dahlai 31 7 24 I 5 S 01822900 RamnagilT 47 21 26 16 4 12 21 15 () 1823000 JaJalpur 3 2 J I 01823100 Ladalila UrfLu\ul"ul1.,pUl 52 (> 46 21 2 \9 6 3 :3 01823200 Bachhauragang 40 37 3 22 19 3 01823300 Nagla Sawa I \ OJ 823400 Bharapurn 60 411 12 47 40 7 9 5 4 01823500 Raja Ka Rampur (Dehat) 78 58 20 34 34 21 20 1 0\823600 Khalrpura UrI" (S;kandarpur q 5 4 5 4 3 2 Sal 01823700 ChandanpUi 3 2 01823800 Harwaigilrillya 01823900 Emadpur 10 10 3 3 6 6 01824000 Jahdnnagar (, 4 2 4 2 ='. o 1824100 Hatsa ... 38 35 3 10 9 I 26 24 1 01824200 Kaihl 19 13 6 7 5 6 6 01824300 T1kaltpurd II 8 :3 2 6 6 01824400 ATJunal SlInml 12 12 4 4 2 2 () I 824S0() Raa; 4 J 2 2 o 1824(lO() NathuapUi 01824 700 B~,aldcpur 2 2 () 1824800 Bllsarh Pilchhayall II II 3 3 (l (l () 1824900 Bllsarh Puwayan 173 160 13 34 33 55 54 () I g250011 VllillPur I I I () 1825 100 Litlpur Buzurg III 41 70 15 6 l) 91 34 57 0181520() Garillu JlIgannalh 43 19 24 9 2 7 D 16 17 01825300 Chak MCl1lpur ------Un-mlmhllc:d ------() 1825400 AbdullaplII I I 01825500 8h.\wr.lnpm o 182560() Bllsar Patti 152 147 14 II 3 137 135

738 PRIMARY CENSUS ABSTRACT CENSUS ABSTRACT Aliganj of marginal workers .. Location Iluuschold indust!l: w()rk~TS Other wurkers Non-workers code P~TSons Males Females Pcrsons Males Females Persons Males Females Name of ""illage number 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 2 1)19 184 735 1.115 651 464 1 45JJ76 57.86CJ 87,216 Af.ganl (lotdl, 0168 <)19 1M 735 1.115 (,51 4(,4 145.(,76 57.86CJ 87.216 AhganJ (Rural} 0168 Ahganl (UrbanI 0168 Ahganl (Rural) 4 4 4 4 2,152 872 1,280 Luhari Khcra 01820100 51 'iO 17 4 13 1.442 583 859 Luhan GavJ 01820200 5 4 6 5 1.163 431 732 Kakom 01820300 340 130 210 Khatta 01820400 4 4 263 83 180 KoolhapuT Khurd 01820500 I 291 115 176 Nagla Naug)a 01820600 10 2 8 1,613 617 996 Kachhiya Bard 01820700 ------Un-mhahltcd------Chak Dhondhon 01820800 16 15 I 1.606 638 968 Koolhapur Buzurg 01820900 I 1 1.040 416 624 Angraiya Gangai 01821000 6 2 4 9 3 6 3.158 1.251 1,907 AngraJya Jamunai 01821100 640 243 397 Gulshanabad 01821200 1,354 504 850 Nagla Umed 01821300 3 3 1.003 405 598 Puranjala 01821400 2 2 846 342 504 Tisauri 01821500 1 1 1 1 352 140 212 Sadheera 01821600 19 5 14 21 8 13 1.240 550 690 DaudganJ 01821700 ------Un-Inhablted------Paimjhcta Chak No.1 01821800 ------Un-inhabited------Paimjheta Chak No.2 01821900 2 I I 1.143 422 721 AkbarpUT KOla 01822000 4 3 32 32 1.153 440 713 Bhaduia Math 01822100 948 373 575 Jataura Bhan 01822200 245 91 154 Bichpuri Emadpur 01822300 77 33 44 GoraCham 01822400 2 9 9 2,819 1.104 1,715 Raaya 01822500 1,176 444 732 Naldai Khurd 01822600 9 8 282 122 160 Naida. Kalan 01822700 23 22 2 I 1 542 222 320 Dahlai 01822800 6 6 4 2 2 522 217 305 RamnagaT 01822900 2 2 586 237 349 Jajalpur 01823000 22 22 3 1 2 614 240 374 Ladasia Un Lutufullapur 01823100 16 16 660 241 • 419 Bachhauragang 01823200 832 331 501 Nagla Sawa 01823300 3 3 1.884 731 1,153 Bharapura 01823400 23 4 19 2,469 961 1.508 Raja Ka Rampur (Dehat) 01823500 2.902 1.165 1,737 Khairpura Urf (SikBndarpur 01823600 Sal 850 316 534 Chandanpur 01823700 445 172 273 Harwaigarhiya 01823800 712 305 407 Emadpur 01823900 2 2 437 169 268 Jahannagar 01824000 2 2 2.338 899 1.439 Halsari 01824100 2 4 4 2.223 877 1.346 Kaila 01824200 3 3 1.384 549 835 Tikaitpura 01824300 6 {I 1.116 473 743 Arjunal Sunml 01824400 984 367 617 Raai 01824500 324 122 202 Nalhuapur 01824600 \.388 545 843 Bi,aidepur 01824100 2 2 961 403 558 Bilsarh Pachhayan 01824800 IS 12 3 69 61 8 1.140 398 742 Blls3I11 Puwayan 01824900 645 296 349 VIJaipur 01825000 4 3 SS 42 46 Lalpuf Buzurg 01825100 1.031 625 1.006 Garlna Jagann3lh 01825200 --. ------Un-Inhahltcd------Chak Mcrapur 01825300 98 30 68 Ahdullapuf Ol82540(} 282 127 155 Bhawanpur 01825500 1.l)73 426 647 BIIsar P.IlU 01825600

739 DISTRICT CENSUS HANDBOOK: ETAH VILLAGE PRIMARY CD Block- Total population (including Location Area of Institutional and hnuscless POJlulatlon In the code Village in Number of population} « 'We-group 0-6 number Name of Village hectares households Persons Males Females Persons Males Females 2 J 4 567 8 9 10

(l182570() Angadpur 17<1 (I 336 2.276 1;214 1.062 453 233 220 o I 825RO() KI.,hanpur 78 (I 105 733 429 304 125 66 59 o I 8259()0 Vccrpur <;3 () <;Ie 372 216 156 93 51 42 o I 826()(){) TalPur Addh.1 119 () 180 1.210 60K (,02 275 133 142 01826100 Amogpur Bmhm.man 146 (I 62 396 216 ISO 123 69 54 () I 826200 SarautJa 130 (I 71 460 259 201 99 4


Scheduled Castes popu

1~1 93 ~8 943 625 318 Angadpur 2M3 22M 55 Kll,hanpur 1 30 MO ')0 76 51 25 Vccrpur ~4 44 40 623 356 267 falPur Addha 145 I () I 44 Arnogpur Brahmanan "i\ )t) ~\ 205 150 <;5 SarautJa "54 297 262 980 626 354 Mltauha 377 206 171 953 6(17 346 Surnaur 162 H


I.n\.:dilon (;ode lIIitenlte... Total workers Main workers number Name of Village Pero;nns Males Females Persons Male", Females Persons Males Female.. 2 21) 21 22 23 24 2S 26 27 28 0lM257111) AllgadpUJ 1.333 5K9 744 'i94 :;62 547 533 14 (II X2 5J10() KI .. hanpur 450 201 249 261 2")< 2(,0 257 J () I 1<25900 VCCflJUi 296 16'1 131 lJ9 (It, 9)( 9'1 , 01 !I 260()(J T dlPur Addhd 5H7 2"2 135 2MH 279 2M2 273 () (1 I k261 00 Arnogpul" Brahllldnall 251 115 136 98 9"1 lJ6 Q6 (I I !I 262(10 Sdl aullll 255 109 146 113 I I 1 I(I I~:'- J I~" lin I) I X.ltNOO l·ulIg• .11 421 2<19 212 231 18-' .. 7 IS::! 11<2 o I Xli nno Buhar.. 471 206 2(>5 24" 2.t-l 1 :! ... .t 243 0110 I I U() Amogpur Bh.lld.ill1 1.014 51X 556 705 52~ 176 4l<:! 472 J(I 01 RJ 120(1 Klurlya Pamura:.m 710 30(, 404 2911 2(,", ::!6 2..JX 237 11 01 M3 I 30U Umal Asadnagar 2.71'17 1.204 15~3 1.31<) 1.I(,l) 219 1.1 KK 1.011 III OlSJI40(l Randhccrpur 136 62 14 97 56 41 48 48 o 183150n Jahanglrpur 12M 52 16 79 ·n 7 (,7 (11

742 PRIMARY CENSUS ABSTRACT CENSUS A8STH.ACT AIi~anj Indu ... tnal category uf mam workers Hou .. ehold mdustry CultIvators Agru.ultural lahourer" workers Other wurke.-" P("TSons Males Fcmah...-s Person" Male... Females I'cr"ons Males Females Per!>ons Malc" Fcmales ~amc of VIllage 29 30 31 32 .B 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 2 519 S07 12 11'1 17 '1 9 K Angddpur­ 251 2411 , 9 I} Kl:.hdnpur 95 In VCCr-pUi 2:!.7 220 7 6 17 1 'i 2 TaJpur- Addhd 92 92 4 4 Amogpu.- Br-ahmanan 1111 lin 2 2 4 S.J.rautld 2MI 277 71 711 5 5 62 61'" MlldUh.1 ]07 299 '"8 ~ 2 21 20 25 21 2 Sumaur 255 233 22 10 14 13 Galwal A .. dull.lpur 202 200 2 1 10 29 Jdalllpur 645 631 14 32 29 1 13 12 72 71 Phar;oh 2M5 282 3 157 1"5 2 12 12 SO; 54 Muhammadndg.lr- Balher-a 5211 523 5 1 1 39 36 3 138 86 52 Sac;ota DlIshpur 237 235 2 4 2 2 1 6 I Sasutlya Jagdlsh 180 177 3 5 5 () 9 Dhlvalya Akhtyaa.-pur 164 158 6 35 15 4 4 26 25 Kanchanpur Ase No2 L;r-f lNagla 152 147 5 2 2 1 7 Dadupur- Khurd IMS 177 II I 3 3 II I I Kmaudl Khalrabad 97 96 I 3 .1 2 2 Nagla Ballabh 299 287 12 6 6 13 13 3 3 Kanchanpur A~c No I 803 729 74 5 4 6 4 2 46 5 41 Amro" Ralanpur 54 54 I I Asalpur Ismallpur- 779 648 131 22 18 4 42 38 4 275 265 10 AltganJ (Dehat) 72 70 2 3 3 4 4 Pachanda 449 422 27 121 113 8 II 9 2 31 36 Kudalsa HI.-dalpur 567 559 8 88 86 2 13 12 I 79 78 Agaunapur 465 437 28 84 78 6 24 19 5 199 22 1 77 Jhakr-al 155 151 4 2 2 5 5 Mlhuta 347 343 4 3 3 2 2 8 8 Far-dpu.-a 150 150 40 37 3 3 3 Galarpur 429 427 2 23 23 8 8 Dahhya Pooth 453 440 13 38 38 2 2 9 7 2 Devta.-a 191 171 20 2 4 4 Mah Kher-a 82 M2 8 8 Nagla Achal 131 127 4 19 15 4 3 3 8 6 2 Palara 425 289 136 66 46 20 18 18 Junedpur 310 302 8 8 II 9 ') P.uraha.- Bulakmagar 146 145 2 2 I I Sada.-pur 173 113 3 3 Pahr-alya 112 112 8 8 Janaasl 243 239 5 2 6 6 Fatchpur 79 7H 7 7 .- Plpmgaon 27q 154 125 44 26 14 12 39 22 I 7 Hansmltpul 219 215 4 17 16 I Nagana UrI Sikandarpur Duga 461 458 3 9 9 9 ') KalIJiU 448 428 20 4 4 17 16 Gahe... • 319 311< I 6 (1 (1 9 l) Kurh.1 275 273 2 7 (l 2 10 9 N."".u 777 771 6 72 72 5 5 10 HI Nddnloll .. 440 423 17 IU ~!1 IN 17 58 "0 S B.IIlI 292 ::!90 2 I II X AllY,lpur 1M2 INO 2 3 3 D.uula 174 174 M X Tunga! 235 234 1 II X Blthdla 463 4SS 8 7 7 12 10 2 Amngpur- Bhatddl1 217 2(19 H 21 20 l 4 4 4 Klunya Pamar.mn 1.038 969 69 31 26 5 7 112 XI 3 I Um.u Asatimlgdr 48 4H Rllndltcl-Tpur 60 (>() 6 Jahangullur

743 DISTRICT CENSUS HANDBOOK: ETAH VILLAGE PRIMARY CD Block- Industrial category Location code Marginal workers Cultivator... Agriculturdl labourers number Name uf Village Per:-oons Males Females Persons Male,> Females Persons Males Females 2 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 4M 49

Ol82570n Ang.ldpur 47 29 PI 26 \I) 18 17 Ol82S800 K I <;hill1PUl I () I H2S9011 Vccrpur 1 () I 8260()O llt!pur Addlm (J 6 4 4 () 18261 00 Amngpur Br.. hmanan 2 01 826200

744 PRIMARY CENSUS ABSTRACT CENSUS ABSTRACT Aliganj of margmal workers Location Household indusl!l: workers Other workers Non-workers code PL'TSOnS Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Name of Village number 50 51 52 53 54 55 S6 57 58 2 I

1 2 1.68~ 652 I J>30 Angadpur 01825700 '472 171 3UI KI"hanpuT 01825800 I I 273 120 153 VCCTpUT 01825900 2 2 922 329 591 TaJpur Addha 01826000 298 119 179 Amogpur Brdhmanan 01826100 I 1 347 148 199 Sarautla 01826200 R 7 1.478 577 IJOI :vIllauhd 01826300 2 2 1.292 535 757 Sumaur 01826400 905 372 533 GalwaT Asdullapur 01826500 7 7 593 247 346 Jadl1lpUr 01826600 2 22 20 2 2.403 946 1.457 Pha.-soh 01826700 1 1 1.474 578 896 Muhammadnagar Bajhera 01826800 3 2 14 14 1.827 762 1.065 Sasola DoshpUT 01826900 784 316 468 Sasullya Jagdlsh 01827000 716 282 434 Ohivalya Akhlyaarpur 01827100 791 342 449 Kanchanpur Ase No2 Un 01827200 (Nagla 414 150 264 Oadupur Khurd 01827300 2 2 635 263 312 Kinaudi Khairabad OIS21400 271 108 163 Nagla Ballabh 01827500 904 337 567 KanchanpuT Ase No.1 01827600 2.526 1.113 1.413 Amroh Ratanpur 01827700 133 48 85 Asalpur Ismadpur 01827800 10 4 6 55 27 28 3,182 1,402 1,780 A1iganJ (Dehat) 01827900 2 2 299 138 161 Pachanda 01828000 8 8 2 I 1,767 688 1,079 Kudaisa Hiroaipur 01828100 3 1 2 10 8 2 2,124 828 1,296 Agaunapur 01828200 9 9 195 114 81 2,205 953 1.252 Jhakrai 01828300 1 I 1 1 982 406 576 Mihuta 01828400 8 4 4 10 8 2 1,123 432 691 Fardpura 01828500 563 223 340 Galarpur 01828600 1.180 466 714 Dahltya Pooth 01828700 1,361 533 828 Devtara 01828800 482 186 296 Mah Khera 01828900 413 161 252 Nagla Achal 01829000 451 185 • 266 Palara 01829100 1.019 430 589 JunedpuT 01829200 952 378 574 Puraha.- Bulakmagar 01829300 186 90 96 Sadarpur 01829400 386 168 218 Pah.-aiya 01829500 341 112 229 Janaasl 01829600 801 326 475 Fatchpur 01829700 322 125 197 Plpargaon 01829800 525 299 226 Hansmhpur 01829900 810 321 489 I'oagdna t.;1 f Sikalldarpur 01830000 Dug.a I I 1.393 501 891 KallJm 01830100 3 3 3 2 1.331 520 811 G.lhcc 01830200 5 .5 868 341 ;17 KUlha 01830300 9 <} 1.131 476 655 N.J\'ar 01830400 , 4 33 26 7 3.126 1.281 1.845 :-..,j.ldldal.1 01830500 10 (, 4 48 15 33 1,625 645 l)8t1 H.lnl 01830600 793 295 49S AllydPur 01830700 425 155 270 D.lIllt.1 01830800 467 113 254 Tungdl 01830900 710 279 ..0 I Huh.lnl 01831000 ')81 398 sIn AllIogpur Bhataan 01831 lOll 914 373 541 KI1I11ya P,lIll&1rdan 01831200 16 4 11 3 2 3.019 1.211 1.80M Ul1lal As:.utnagar 01831300 105 56 4<) Randhccrpur 01831400 2 2 227 88 139 Jahangirpul 01831500

745 DISTRICT CENSUS HANDBOOK' ETAH VILLAGE PRIMARY CD Block- Tutal population (including Location Arca of Institutional and houo,;eless Population In the code Village III Numher 01 EOEulatinnl age-grouE 0-6 number Name of Village hectares househulds Persons Males Females Persons Males Females I 2 ] 4 5 () 7 8 9 10 OIR3160() Nagla Guiana -lJ 267 142 125 61 B 28 01831700 Ru.,tamnagar 27 IX7 100 X7 41 2l IX Cll831800 Gun.lInal J49 1.009 557 452 212 102 110 01831900 Nagala Pardm 107 () lIM 61 1 3Jl) 272 I 1() bS 45 o IS32000 rallllgara loCOS 0 522 3.200 1.717 1.483 601 321 2~m 01832100 AhpUT (j


Sehcdu led Castes popuation Sehcduk.-d Tribes pupulation Literates Persons Males Females Persons MalcS Females Persons Males Females Name of Village II 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 2 245 131 114 79 60 19 Nagla Guiana 59 45 14 Rustamnagar 113 67 46 619 403 216 Gunamal 46 27 19 325 212 113 Nagala Pardm 251 136 115 1.461 953 508 Taungara 189 10'1 80 2.19'1 1.495 104 Ahpur 173 WI 72 266 IK4 82 Ikaun 172 121 51 Mangadpur 69 38 31 959 663 296 Tamraura 30 11 13 500 306 194 Akbarpur Lal Sahal 356 200 156 3,168 2.020 1.148 Kharsuliya 379 196 183 I,A01 143 464 NayaGaon ------Un-Inhablh... d------Kutloopur 192 103 89 353 224 129 Akbarpur Kesho Ral 75 40 35 329 219 110 Sikandarpur Pheru 201 108 93 385 268 111 Ramnagaria Asharam 167 100 67 1.020 722 298 Bhadki 171 100 71 536 356 180 Dadupur Asgha'l'ur ------Un-Inhabited------Dharsepur 914 503 411 4.251 2.679 1.572 Sarai Aghat 338 248 90 Larampur Kalara 19 48 31 528 347 181 Pratappur Katara 370 234 136 Paharpur 92 49 43 277 188 89 Muhammadpur Patti 178 94 84 1.200 747 453 Kaluapur Teelpur


Location code III iterates Total workers Main workers number Namc of ViIlaGc Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females I 2 20 21 22 23 24· 25 26 27 28 01831600 Nagla Guiana 188 82 106 102 80 22 76 70 6 01831700 Rustamnagar 128 55 73 48 48 48 48 01831800 Gunamai 390 154 236 379 281 911 2112 271 11 01831900 Nagala Parom 286 127 159 172 172 171 171 01832000 Talingara 1.739 764 975 877 858 19 857 839 18 01832100 Ahpur 4.133 1.875 2258 2.100 1.514 586 1.264 1.150 114 01832200 Ikaun 226 92 134 147 147 146 146 01832300 Mangadpur 223 102 121 102 100 2 96 94 2 01832400 Tamraurd 954 37IJ 584 506 495 II 464 456 H 01832500 Akbarpur Lal Sahal 414 17H 236 272 254 18 226 217 l) 01832600 Kharsuhya 2,685 1,079 1606 1,660 1,453 207 1.383 1,327 56 01832700 NayaGaon 1.202 529 673 640 553 87 602 525 77 01832800 Kutloopur ------Un-Inhabltcd------01832900 Akbarpur Kesho Ral 50K 225 283 214 211 3 180 178 2 01833000 Sikandarpur Pheru 226 85 141 138 ·'35 3 138 135 3 01833100 Ramnagaria Asharam 458 196 262 217 216 217 216 01833200 Bhadki 1.079 447 632 557 541 16 548 538 10 01833300 Dadupur Asgharpur 444 186 258 277 270 7 265 261 4 01833400 Dharsepur ------Un-Inhabned------01833500 Sarai Aghat 3,852 1.628 2.224 2.471 2.061 410 1.956 1,848 108 01833600 Larampur KataTa 539 214 325 274 237 37 268 236 32 01833100 Pratappur Kalara 544 214 330 369 295 74 276 270 6 01833800 Paharpur 286 125 161 116 167 9 165 162 3 01833900 Muhammadpur Patti 271 98 173 235 154 81 152 148 4 01834000 Kalua2!:!r Tee1eur 841 317 530 519 509 10 517 508 9

748 PRIMARY CENSUS ABSTRACT CENSUS ABSTRACT AUgaoj Industrial catego!:l:: of main workers Household industry Cultivators Agriculturdllaboun,Ts workcrs Other workers Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Male-o:; Females Namc of Vi\\agc 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 2 51 48 3 10 10 15 12 3 Nagla Gularia 48 48 Rustamnagar 281 270 11 I Gunamai 108 108 62 62 I I Nagala Param 740 725 15 55 52 3 24 24 38 38 Tatingara 1.045 962 83 43 38 5 57 42 15 119 108 11 Ahpur 127 127 13 13 3 3 3 3 Ikaun 94 92 2 I Mangadpur 423 415 M 29 29 1 I 11 II Tamraura 172 167 5 15 14 16 13 3 23 23 Akbarpur Lal Sahal 1,272 1.224 48 27 27 15 14 I 69 62 7 Khaniuliya 262 258 4 113 111 2 102 44 58 125 112 13 NayaGaon ------Un-inhabited------Kutloopur 159 158 I 19 19 . 2 I Akbarpur Kesho Ral 130 127 3 2 2 5 S Sikandarpur Pheru 178 177 27 27 12 12 Ramnagaria Asharam 487 479 8 43 42 2 2 16 IS Bhadki 254 250 4 5 S 5 5 Dadupur Asgbarpur ------Un-Irlhahited------Dharsepur 728 693 35 183 175 8 115 98 17 930 882 48 Sarai Aghat 236 220 16 2 30 IS 15 Larampur Katara 259 254 S 2 2 15 14 I Pratappur Katara 153 150 3 7 7 :5 5 Paharpur 152 148 4 Muhammadpur Patti 460 452 8 43 43 2 2 12 II Kaluaput" Teelpur


Industrial cat~0!l Location code Marginal workers Cultivators Asriculturallabourcrs numtx..'T Name ofViIIBgc Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Female~ I 2 41 42 43 44 4~ 46 47 48 49 01831600 Nagla Gularia 26 10 16 11 6 II 3 3 01831100 Rustamnagar 01831800 Gunamai 97 10 87 96 10 86 01831900 Nagala Param I I I 01832000 Talingara 20 19 6 5 3 3 0[832100 Alipur 836 364 412 66 52 14 237 211 20 01832200 lkauri I 01832300 Mangadpur 6 6 5 5 I I 01832400 Tamraura 42 39 3 31 29 2 10 9 I 01832500 Akbarpur Lal Saltal 46 37 9 3 3 34 28 6 01832600 Kharsuliya 277 126 151 85 50 35 5 4 01832700 NayaGaon 38 28 10 ) 2 22 22 01832800 Kudoopur ------Un-lnhab\lOO------01832900 Akbatpur Kesho Rai 34 33 5 5 29 28 01833000 Sikandarpur Pheru 01833100 Ramnagaria Asharam 01833200 Bhadki 9 J 6 8 2 6 1 01833300 Dadupur Asgharpur 12 9 3 11 9 2 01833400 Dharsepur ------~Un-inhabited------01833500 Sarai Aghat SIS 213 302 129 18 III 128 115 13 01833600 Lalampur Kalata 6 I 5 2 2 01833700 Pratappur Kalata 93 25 68 74 7 67 I7 16 01833800 Paharpur II 5 6 I I I 1 01833900 Muhammadpur Patti 83 6 77 81 S 76 I 1 01834000 Kalual!ur Teel2ur 2 1

750 PRIMARY CENSUS ABSTRACT CENSUS ABSTRACT Alig.oj of ma!:Sinal workers Location Household mdust!l: wurkers Other workers Non-workers code Persons Males Females Persons Males Femal(..'S Persons Males Females Name of Village number 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 2 I 3 3 3 2 165 62 103 Nagla Gularia 01831600 139 52 87 Rustamnagar 01831700 630 276 354 Gunamal 01831800 439 167 272 .Nagala Param 01831900 2 2 9 9 2.323 859 1.464 Talmgdra 01832000 325 17 308 208 78 130 4.232 1.856 2.376 Ahpur 01832100 345 129 216 Ikaun 01832200 293 123 170 :'VIangddpur 01832300 1.407 538 869 TamroluTa 01832400 R 5 3 I 642 230 412 Akbarpur Lal Saha. 01832500 176 63 113 II 9 2 4.193 1.646 2.547 Khar.ullya 01832600 H 3 5 5 2 3 1.769 719 1.050 '1aya Gaon 01832100 ------Un-inhabltcd------KUlloopur 01832800 647 238 409 AkbarpuT Kcsho Rai 01832900 417 169 248 SlkandarpuT PhCTU 01833000 626 248 378 Ramnagana Asharam 01833100 1.542 628 • 914 Bhadkl 01833200 703 272 431 OadupuT Asgharpur 01833300 ------Un-inhabited------DhaTSI.."Pur 01833400 121 13 108 137 67 70 5.632 2.246 3.386 Saral Aghat 01833500 3 1 2 603 225 378 Larampur Katara 01833600 1 703 266 437 PratapPuT Katara 01833700 9 3 6 480 192 288 Paharpur 01833800 313 132 181 Muhammadpur Patti 01833900 1,528 555 973 Kaluaeur Teell!ur 01834000


PRIMARY CENSUS ABSTRACT MAREHRA CD BLOCK DISTRICT CENSUS HANDBOOK: ETAH VILLAGE PRIMARY CD Block- Total population (including Location Area of institutional and housdc...~s Population in the codc Village in Number of population) age-group 0-6 number Name of Villagc hectares households Persons Males Females Persons Males Females 2 3 4 5 6 7 8910

OIM Marehrn (r(llllil 5.331 (, 20.452 130.050 69.810 60.24<1 25.650 13.704 11.946 0169 Marehra (It urn!) 5331 (, 20.452 130.050 69.810 60.240 25.650 13.704 11.946 III 69 Marchr.1 (1J~hanl Marchi'll (Rurn!) 01834100 Husampur 210 1,121 611 510 217 119 98 01834200 Pl\vari 490 3.200 1.704 1.496 556 287 269 01834300 Islampur Pili 115 663 354 309 142 78 64 01834400 Flroz Pur 5110111 264 3 340 2.450 1.284 1.166 515 253 262 01834500 Munawwarpur 62 459 245 214 64 36 28 01834600 SauspUi 41 295 166 129 49 30 19 01834700 Hazr.llnag:u 69 394 205 189 66 33 B 01834800 Mahmondpur Nagancl 510 3.375 1.835 1.540 640 328 312 01834900 Kasim Pur Mali 40 () 95 536 292 244 109 6S 44 01835000 Sirsa Badan 378 2.316 1.235 1.08.1 458 244 214 01835100 Unllllarpur Bhuna 81 554 282 272 114 59 S5 01835200 Rasidpur Mali IWO 78 448 251 197 80 46 34 01835300 Budharra 24 184 1.186 642 544 235 131 104 01835400 Mecrapur 200 1.164 615 • 549 216 99 117 01835500 Hayatpur Mafi 290 1,742 920 822 335 184 lSI 01835600 Saral Ahmad Khan 185 1,166 619 547 215 107 108 01835700 Kuwad Ganj 96 592 308 284 121 62 59 01835800 Saral Booley Kha 109 720 379 341 123 58 65 01835900 Hameel Gna 213.0 46 248 141 107 43 22 21 01836000 Ahmadnagar BamnOl 642 4,003 2,108 1,895 799 406 393 01836100 Dhar Pas; 443 2.997 1,632 1.365 611 319 292 01836200 Gokllns 234 1,370 724 646 232 118 114 01836300 Samaspur 147 818 478 400 185 114 71 01836400 Sarai Jarelia 220 1.374 739 635 277 162 llS 01836500 Bhurigawan 322 1.900 1.027 873 323 192 131 01836600 Pidaura 411 2,537 1,361 1,176 508 244 264 01836700 Tilokpur 466 3,132 1.674 1,458 591 301 290 01836800 Lalpur Delta Mali 127 798 433 365 123 74 49 01836900 Khakrai 271 1,710 939 771 349 193 156 01837000 Husain Chak 150 37 257 128 129 51 21 30 01837100 Faridpur 100 98 635 333 302 III 56 55 01837200 Mirhechl 1860 608 3,826 2.060 1.766 781 403 378 01837300 Azampur 115 611 332 279 169 81 88 01837400 Jinhaua 5738 869 5.422 2.926 2.496 1.102 623 479 01837500 Jarthal 216.0 330 2,121 1.161 960 435 232 203 01837600 Supaiu 213 1.220 645 575 294 156 138 01837700 Fatehl'ur Mali l33 742 406 336 156 88 68 01837800 Rutaina Mafi 215.0 261 1.566 840 726 282 149 133 01837900 Bbatpura 160.0 82 528 276 252 105 56 49 01838000 Maim Shorn 4530 402 2.632 1.401 1.231 525 267 258 01838100 Sonoth 108 628 338 • 290 137 16 61 01838200 Chadhi Rafipur 525 3.611 1.955 1.656 746 418 328 01838300 Rasoolpur Gadauh 343 2.210 1.186 1.024 483 267 216 01838400 Tarbarpur Maii 40 245 130 115 42 24 18 01838500 Budhama 307 I 147 903 482 421 179 88 91 01838600 GoblCl 164 1,037 530 507 230 120 11'Q 01838700 Budlmuh 1483 243 1,595 875 720 269 IJ5 134 01838800 Muhanul1adpUl 61 9 133 984 503 481 169 S9 80 01838900 Talalllur Mali 648 64 458 256 202 91 57 34 01839000 Amirpul 178 (J 121 912 417 435 218 III 107 0\839\00 Burhana Bud \ 1\l) 1.31b 13ll 58b 249 \40 ll)l) 01839200 Nilg~"a Shyul1l 17~ 0 137 859 41011 378 168 91 77 01839300 Khwulglpur 118 1.963 I.U50 913 396 206 190 01839400 u.,dhutUai S92 ].661 1.988 1.673 712 ]99 313 01839500 ¥adgarpur 284 1.808 987 821 348 190 158 01839600 Nllgla Kisiu ------Un-lllhabllcd------01839700 Achalpur 484 3,238 1.796 I ,442 600 343 257


Scheduled Castes popu3tion Scheduled Tribes population Literates Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Name of Village 11 12 13 )4 15 16 17 18 19 2 23.330 12.491 10.1139 60.2411 41.345 111.903 Man:hra (Total) 23.330 12.491 10 1139 60.2411 41.345 111.903 Marehra (Rural) Marehra (Urban) Marehra (Rural) 654 350 300t 596 398 198 Husampur 894 452 442 1.483 995 488 Plwari 369 254 115 Is1ampur Pili 163 9') 68 906 646 260 FiTm~ PUT Siloni 273 174 99 Munawwarpur 137 113 24 Sauspur 175 121 S4 Hazratnagar 566 310 256 1,497 1,051 446 Mahmoodpur Nagaria 220 155 65 Kaslln Pur Mafi 674 358 316 880 604 276 Sirsa Badan 49 23 26 312 197 115 Ummarpur Bhuna III 53 58 243 161 82 Rasldpur Mafi 197 102 95 372 266 106 Budharra 154 80 74 464 327 137 Meerapur 100 55 45 926 643 283 Hayatpur Mafi 615 429 186 Sarai Ahmad Khan 236 116 120 256 170 86 KuwadGanj 61 32 29 396 265 131 Sarai Sooley Kha 138 100 38 Hameel Gira 938 514 424 1,104 1,214 490 Ahmadnagar Bamnol 677 379 298 1,446 977 469 DharPasi 274 136 138 695 472 223 Gokani 32 16 16 395 272 123 Samaspur 162 88 74 629 445 184 Sarai Jarelia 597 315 282 830 585 245 Bhurigawan 474 246 228 1,134 819 315 Pidaura 393 207 186 1,660 1.113 547 Tdokpur 272 147 125 469 293 176 Lalpur Oeha Mafi 482 263 219 692 526 166 Khakrai 117 76 41 Husain Chak 67 35 32 384 243 141 Faridpur 1.119 623 496 1,77S 1.174 604 Mimechi 207 116 91 177 129 48 Azampur 1.158 627 531 2.569 1,664 905 Jinhaira 356 185 171 964 630 334 Jarthal 304 165 139 571 405 166 Supaiti 166 92 74 239 175 64 Fatehpur Mali 24 14 10 S05 546 259 Rutaina Mafi 21 9 12 232 165 67 Bhatpura 509 272 237 1.273 876 397 Maini Shora 228 120 lOS 260 175 85 Sonoth 647 324 323 1.706 1,186 520 Chadhi Rafipur 146 78 68 980 695 285 Rasoolpur Gadauh 26 17 9 92 73 19 Tarbarpur Mali 392 269 123 Budhaina 375 200 175 509 334 175 Gobra 434 :!J4 200 821 546 275 Badhauli 140 79 61 430 309 121 Muhammadpur 281 154 127 231 160 71 Tatarpur Mali 20 9 11 455 288 167 Anurpur 481 258 223 581 403 178 Burhana Bad 344 194 150 423 282 141 Nagala Shyam 831 444 387 1.024 680 344 Khwajglpur 373 207 166 1.917 1.279 638 Lodhamal 113 58 55 777 556 221 Yadgarpur ------Un-mhabncd-·---·------Nagla Kisia 499 274 225 1.498 1,081 417 Achalpur


Location code II II tt-Tates Total worken; Main workers number Name uf Village PCnions Males F "-males P("TSCIOS Males Females Persons Males Females 2 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 0169 Marehra (Total) 69802 28.465 41.337 39.450 32.488 6.962 30,S19 28,)86 2.133 0169 Marehra (Run\l, 69.8«12 28.465 41.337 ]9.450 32488 6,962 30.S1Q 28,386 2.131 0169 Marehra (Urnan) Marehra (Rural! 01834100 Husainpur 525 213 312 305 295 10 293 285 8 0\834200 Piwan 1.7\7 709 1.008 991 812 119 170 749 21 01834300 Islampur Pill 294 100 194 157 148 9 152 145 7 01834400 Flroz Pur SIIOI1l '1.544 638 906 696 527 169 520 513 7 01834500 Munawwal"pur 186 11 115 134 124 10 108 103 5 OJ 834600 Sau!o.pUl I S8 53 105 259 148 III 254 147 101 01834700 Hazratnagm 219 H4 135 186 100 86 10l 97 4 01834800 Mahmoodpur Nagana 1.878 784 1,094 1.154 949 205 868 182 86 01834900 Kasnn Pur Mali 316 137 179 138 134 4 137 133 4 01835000 5irsa Badan 1.436 631 805 576 549 27 559 533 26 01835100 Ummarpur Bhuria 242 85 157 230 150 80 139 '35 4 01835200 Rasidpur Mafi 205 90 US 152 121 31 114 106 It 01835300 Budharra 814 376 438 366 313 53 313 308 5 01835400 Meerapur 700 288 412 316 272 44 305 261 44 01835500 Hayalpur Mafi 816 277 539 911 479 432 411 404 1 01835600 Sarai Ahmad Kh;m 551 190 361 269 259 10 269 259 10 01835700 KuwadGanJ 336 138 198 117 110 7 98 98 01835800 Sarai Booley Kha 324 114 210 204 171 33 138 138 0183St)00 Hameel Gira 110 41 69 61 • 58 3 57 54 3 01836000 Abmadnagar Bamnoi 2..299 894 1.405 1.077 983 94 895 872 23 01836100 Dhar Pa"Si 1,551 655 896 854 724 130 490 462 28 01836200 Gokani 675 252 423 404 382 22 355 344 II 01836300 SamaspuT 483 206 277 350 225 125 220 216 4 01836400 Sarai jarelia 745 294 451 466 328 138 333 209 124 01836500 Bhurigawan 1.070 442 628 413 470 3 411 468 3 01836600 Pidaura 1.403 542 861 691 656 35 657 634 23 01836700 Tilokpur 1,472 561 911 1,051 8S9 192 836 800 36 01836800 Lalpur Deha Mafi 329 140 189 243 208 35 205 198 7 01836900 Khakrai 1.018 413 605 132 486 246 460 456 4 01837000 Husain Chak 140 52 88 116 92 24 91 71 20 01837100 Faridpur 251 90 161 149 142 7 129 123 6 01837200 Mimechi 2.048 886 1.162 949 869 80 549 504 45 01837300 Azampur 434 203 231 154 146 8 149 143 6 01837400 Jinhaira 2,853 1.262 1.591 1.252 1.181 65 1,160 1,106 54 01837500 jarthal 1.157 531 626 577 490 87 452 431 21 01837600 5upairi 649 240 409 321 307 14 314 303 11 01837700 Fatehpur Mall 503 231 272 243 196 47 191 182 9 01837800 Rumina Mall 761 294 467 459 438 21 400 396 4 01&31900 Bha\puf8. 296 ttl 185 lt6 110 6 91 86 5 01838000 Manll Shol"3 1.359 525 834 647 624 23 599 584 15 01838100 50noth 368 163 205 213 171 42 199 165 34 01838200 Chadht Ralipur 1.905 769 1.136 920 890 30 804 188 16 01838300 Rasoolpur Gadauh 1.230 491 739 659 532 127 561 530 31 01838400 Tarbarpur Mafi 153 57 96 71 68 3 69 68 I 01838500 Budhaina 511 213 298 295 237 58 246 233 13 01838600 Gobra 528 196 332 210 '199 11 205 194 ~1 01838700 Badhauh 774 329 445 571 431 134 336 301 3S 01838800 Muhammadpur 554 194 360 237 229 8 232 225 7 01838900 Tatal-pur Mali 227 96 \31 178 110 68 90 84 6 01839000 AtTIlrpur 457 189 268 221 ::!03 18 139 136 3 01839100 Burhana Bad 735 327 408 380 250 130 271 237 40 01839200 Nagala Sbyam 4J6 199 237 205 202 3 140 131 3 01839300 KhwaJgipur 939 370 569 479 462 17 443 427 16 01839400 LodhilllJaI 1.744 109 I.(B5 1.165 974 191 972 878 94 01839500 Yadgal-pur 1.031 431 600 422 352 10 341 339 2 01839600 Nagla Klsla ------Un-Inhabllcd------01839700 Achalpur 1.740 715 1.025 817 178 39 775 138 31

756 PRIMARY CENSUS ABSTRACT CENSUS ABSTRACT Marehra Industrial category of main workers Household industry Cultivators Agricultural labourers workers Other workers Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Name of Village 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 2 20.504 19.766 738 4186 3.835 351 1.471 977 494 4.358 3.808 550 Marehra (Total) 20.504 19.766 738 4.186 3.835 351 1.471 977 494 4.358 3.808 550 Marehra (Rural) Marchra (Urban) Man:hra (Rural) 224 217 7 53 53 3 3 13 12 I Husainpur 576 561 15 99 95 4 16 16 79 77 2 Plwari 143 136 7 3 3 6 6 Islampur Pill 367 360 7 60 60 4 4 89 89 Firo7. Pur Sllom 94 92 2 3 3 II 8 3 Munawwarpur 238 138 100 14 8 2 Sauspur 99 95 4 2 2 Hazralnagar 541 525 16 68 64 4 194 132 62 65 61 4 Mahmoodpur Nagana 111 113 4 18 18 2 2 Kasim Pur Mafi 359 346 13 104 94 10 8 8 88 85 3 SU1;iB Badan 109 106 3 18 17 I I II II Ummarpur Bhuna 19 78 I II 10 2 2 22 16 6 Rasidpur Mafi 251 246 5 41 41 7 1 14 14 Budharra 224 222 2 6 6 43 2 41 32 31 I Meerapur 339 334 5 26 26 7 7 39 37 2 Hayalpur Mali 224 216 8 27 26 4 4 14 13 Sarai Ahmad Khan 95 95 3 3 KuwadGanj 74 74 29 29 34 34 Sarai Booley Kha 57 54 3 Hameel Gira 669 651 18 133 132 14 14 79 75 4 Ahmadnagar Bamnoi 323 308 15 67 65 2 21 17 4 79 72 7 Dhar Pasi 329 319 10 14 13 3 3 9 9 Gokani 155 151 4 19 19 2 2 44 44 Samaspur 149 145 4 31 28 3 I 152 36 1 16 Sarai larelia 340 340 78 77 I 37 37 16 14 2 Bhurigawan 366 354 12 104 102 2 41 34 7 146 144 2 Pidaura 581 572 9 96 92 4 73 52 21 86 84 2 Tilokpur 139 135 4 26 25 I 6 4 2 34 34 Lalpur Deha Mafi 364 361 3 73 73 8 7 15 15 Khakrai 21 19 2 46 43 3 21 8 13 3 I 2 Husain Chak 106 100 6 23 23 Faridpur 144 131 13 25 19 6 14 10 4 366 344 22 Mirnechi 33 32 47 44 3 2 1 I .67 66 I Azampur 411 395 16 291 285 6 106 96 10 352 330 22 linhaira 274 262 12 141 136 5 4 3 33 30 3 larthal 226 217 9 69 68 19 18 Supaili 171 171 6 5 4 3 2 6 6 Falehpur Mafi 323 322 19 19 58 55 3 Rutaina Mafi 52 49 3 32 30 2 I 6 6 Bhatpura 474 461 13 27 27 32 32 66 64 2 Maini Shora 61 56 5 64 57 7 8 5 3 66 47 19 Sonoth 582 570 12 134 133 22 22 66 63 3 Chadhi Rafipur 394 373 21 131 126 5 6 4 2 30 27 3 Rasoolpur Gadauli 63 63 5 5 I I Tarbarpur Mafi 234 222 12 4 3 2 2 6 6 Budhaina 98 95 3 54 46 8 8 8 45 45 Gobra 255 238 17 8 8 4 3 69 52 17 Badhauli 211 210 7 2 2 12 12 Muhammadpur 79 76 3 II 8 3 Tatarpur Mali 120 119 2 I I 5 4 I 12 12 Amirpur 155 151 4 52 39 13 8 5 3 62 42 20 Burhana Bad 132 130 2 2 2 2 4 4 Nagala Shyam 280 270 10 81 78 3 6 5 I 76 74 2 Khwajglpur 588 573 15 91 85 6 29 24 5 264 196 68 Lodhamai 298 297 16 16 9 8 18 18 Yadgarpur ------Un-inhablled------Nagla Kisia 631 610 21 29 28 1 12 12 103 88 15 Achalpur

757 DISTRICT CENSUS HANDBOOK: ETAH VILLAGE PRIMARY CD Block- Industrial category Location code Mar-ginal wor-kers Cultivators Agrieultunll labourers number Name of Village Pel"Sons Males Females Per.;ons Males Females Pe.-sons Males Females 2 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49

0169 Marelua (IOlal) 8,931 4,102 4,829 3,112 784 2,328 4.230 2.374 1,856 0169 Marehra (Rural) 8,931 4,102 4,829 3,112 784 2.328 4.230 2.374 1.856 0169 Marehnr. (Uman) Marehm (Ruml) 01834100 Husampur, 12 10 2 5 5 7 5 2 01834200 Piwan 221 63 158 153 6 147 62 53 9 01834300 Islampul' Pih 5 3 2 3 2 I 01834400 Fn'Oz Pur Sllon! 176 14 162 IS7 5 152 15 9 6 01834500 Munawwarpur 26 21 5 24 19 5 01834600 Sauspur 5 1 4 3 I 2 2 2 01834700 Hazratnagar 85 3 82 15 15 68 2 66 01834800 Mahmoodpur Nagana 286 167 119 106 42 64 170 117 53 01834900 Kasim Pur Mali 1 1 , 01835000 S iT'Sa Badan 17 16 I 2 2 10 10 01835100 Ummarpur- Bhuna 91 15 76 80 13 67 II 2 9 01835200 Rasidpur Mafi 38 15 23 10 3 7 01835300 Budhaml 53 5 48 22 2 20 30 3 27 01835400 Meerapur II 11 7 7 01835500 HayatpuT Mafi 500 75 425 429 38 391 29 14 15 01835600 Sarai Ahmad Khan 01835700 KuwadGanj 19 12 7 2 2 17 10 7 01835800 Sarai Sooley Kha 66 33 33 44 25 19 01835900 Hameel Gira 4 4 4 4 01836000 AhmadnagaT Bamnoi 182 111 71 21 12 9 122 71 51 01836100 Ohar Pasi 364 262 102 44 2S 19 244 197 47 0183620'0 Gokani 49 38 11 3 3 38 32 6 01836300 Samaspur 130 9 121 123 6 117 5 I 4 01836400 Sarai Jarelia 133 119 14 75 • 72 3 53 45 8 01836500 Bhurigawan 2 2 1 I 01836600 Pidaura 34 22 12 8 3 5 10 6 4 01836700 Tilokpur 215 59 156 153 25 128 44 22 22 01836800 Lalpur Oeha Mafi 38 10 28 t 1 01836900 Khakrai 272 30 242 260 24 236 5 2 3 01837000 HusainChak 25 21 4 9 9 II 11 01837100 Faridpul' 20 19 I 2 2 18 17 01837200 Mirbechi 400 365 J5 24 11 13 161 147 14 01837300 Azampur 5 3 2 3 2 1 01837400 Jinhaira 92 81 11 6 5 1 51 44 7 01837500 larthal 125 59 66 70 26 44 27 26 I 01837600 Supaiti 7 4 3 4 3 2 2 01837700 Fatehpur Mafi 52 14 38 19 13 6 1 I 01837800 Rutaina Mafi 59 42 17 35 22 13 22 18 4 01837900 Bhatpura 25 24 1 10 10 10 9 01838000 Maini Shora 48 40 8 I I 17 17 01838100 Sonoth 14 6 8 2 2 5 4 01838200 Chadhi Rafipur 116 102 14 17 9 8 92 88 4 01838300 Rasoolpul' Gadauh 98 2 96 12 , 11 86 1 85 01838400 Taroarpul' Mali 2 2 2 2 01838500 Budhaina 49 4 45 4S 2 43 2 01838600 Gobra 5 5 I 1 01838700 Badhauli 235 l36 99 23 18 5 194 103 01838800 Muhammadpur 5 4 1 I 1 3 3 01838900 Tatarpul' Mali 88 26 62 10 5 5 77 20 57 01839000 Amlrpul' 82 67 IS 10 8 2 13 13 01839100 Burlmna Bad 103 13 90 23 22 5 3 2 01839200 Nagala Shyam 65 65 30 30 23 23 01839300 Khwajgipur 36 35 28 28 01839400 Lodhalnai 193 96 97 49 16 33 116 70 46 01839500 Yadgarpur 81 13 68 23 8 15 SI 2 49 01839600 Nagla Kisia ------Un-inhabilcd------01839700 Achalpul' 42 40 2 S 3 2 36 36

758 PRIMARY CENSUS ABSTRACT CENSUS ABSTRACT Marehra of marginal workers Location Household industry workers Other workers Non-workers code Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Name of Village number 50 51 52 53 54 S5 56 57 ~'- 2 469 ISO 289 1.120 764 356 90.600 37,322 53,278 Marehrn (Total) 0169 469 I lUI 289 1.120 764 356 90.600 37,322 • 53.278 Marehra (Rural) 0169 Marehra (Urban) 0169 Marehra (Ruml) 816 316 500 Husatnpur 01834100 5 4 2.209 892 1,317 Plwart 01834200 2 I 506 206 300 IslampuT Pih 01834300 3 3 1.754 757 997 Flruz PUT S.IOlll 01834400 325 121 204 MunawwarpuT 01834500 36 18 18 Sau,-pur 01834600 1 208 105 103 Ua7.r.. tnagar 01834700 3 2 7 7 2,221 886 1.335 MahmoodpuT Nagaria 01834800 398 IS8 240 Kasun Pur Mali 01834900 5 4 1.740 686 1.054 S.TSa Badan 01835000 324 132 192 UmmarpuT Bhuria 01835100 4 4 24 12 12 296 130 166 RasidpuT Mafi 01835200 820 329 491 Budbarra 01835300 4 4 848 343 505 MeerapuT 01835400 9 2 7 33 21 12 831 441 390 HayatpuT Mafi 01835500 897 360 537 SaraI Ahmad Khan 01835600 475 198 277 Kuwad Ganj 01835700 21 8 13 516 208 308 Saral Booley Kha 01835800 187 83 104 Hameel Gira 01835900 31 20 I I R 8 2.926 1,125 1.80 I Ahmadnagar Bamnoi 01836000 18 10 8 58 30 28 2.143 908 1,235 DharPasi 01836100 2 6 5 966 342 624 Gokani 01836200 2 2 528 253 275 Samaspur 01836300 1 4 3 908 411 497 Sarai Jarelia 01836400 I 1.427 557 870 Bhurigawan 01836500 4 3 12 12 1.846 705 • 1.141 Pidaura 01836600 13 7 6 5 5 2,081 815 1.266 TilokpuT 01836700 31 3 28 6 6 555 225 330 La1pur Deba Mafi 01836800 1 6 4 2 978 453 525 Khakrai 01836900 5 4 141 36 105 Husam Chak 01837000 486 191 295 Faridpur 01837100 7 7 208 200 8 2.877 1.191 ',686 Mirhechl 01837200 2 I 457 186 271 Azampur 01837300 2 2 33 32 I 4.170 1.739 2,431 lmhaira 01837400 4 4 24 3 21 1.544 671 873 Jarthal 01837500 1 899 338 561 Supanl 01837600 30 30 2 499 210 289 Fatehpur Mafi 011U7700 2 2 1.107 402 705 Rulama Mafi 01837800 5 5 412 166 246 Bhatpura 01837900 23 1 S 8 7 7 1.985 777 1.208 Mamt ShOrB 01838000 7 7 415 167 248 Sonoth 01838100 6 5 2,691 1.065 1.626 Chadhi Rafipur 01838200 1.551 654 897 Rasoolpur Gadauh 01838300 174 62 112 TarbarpuT Mafi 01838400 608 245 363 Budhaina 01838500 4 4 827 331 496 Gobra 01838600 6 5 12 lO 2 1.024 438 586 Badhauli 01838700 I 747 274 473 Muhammadpur 01838800 280 146 134 Tatarpur Mafi 01838900 16 12 4 43 34 9 691 274 417 Amirpur 01839000 39 2 37 36 7 29 936 480 456 Burhana Bad 01839100 1 1 II 654 279 375 Nagala Shyam 01839200 2 () () 1.484 588 896 KhwaJgipur 01839300 5 4 23 l) 14 2.496 1.014 1.482 Lodhamai 01839400 (, 4 1 1.386 635 75 1 Yadgarpur 01839500 ------UIl-tnlmbtICd------Nagla Kisia 01839600 2.421 1.018 1.403 Achalpur 01839700


Total population (including Location Area of institutional and houseless Population in the code Village in Number of EOEuiation2 age-srouE 0-6 number Name of VillaGe hectares households Persons Males Females Persons Males Females I 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 01839800 Nagla Dalll 46.0 108 683 375 308 151 89 62 011139900 Ha~arn\pur Karanpur 214.0 111 1.009 557 452 IRII 102 86 01840000 Gausarpur 900 81 437 236 201 106 59 47 01840JOO Sheordi 4733 520 3.395 1.835 1.560 665 333 332 01840200 Suratpur Mafi 221 1,407 749 658 301 161 140 011140300 Seep 358 2.144 1.122 1.022 427 225 202 01840400 Ramal HClam Shah 207 1.439 782 657 318 179 139 01840500 Rama, Todar Shah 46 295 154 141 65 36 29 01840600 Sulchpur Mali 450 40 298 141 • 157 51 21 30 01840700 Sindhawah 1638 190 1.152 623 529 197 96 101 01840800 Sm;a T1PpU 377 2,729 1.467 1.262 476 234 242 01840900 Ralanpur Mafi 94 537 272 265 102 56 46 01841000 Akhtauli 103 577 305 272 114 60 54 01841100 Akhtauhnayabam. 297.0 356 2.127 1.123 1.004 464 259 205 01841200 Dhlramal Panchbiswa 202 1,138 574 564 222 107 115 01841300 Nagalakhyali 173 999 529 470 239 124 115 01841400 Dhlramai9/3/4 Biswa 324 2,140 1.146 994 435 241 194 01841500 Dhiramai5/1/4 Biswa 194.0 168 1,097 585 512 210 98 112 01841600 Nabinagar 89 621 348 273 101 62 39 01841700 Bhojpur 216.0 236 1.634 911 723 369 217 152 01841800 Pithanpur 104 590 286 304 101 48 53 01841900 Kalyanpur Lalpur 62 401 215 186 80 51 29 01842000 Amritpur 126.9 179 1,186 653 533 239 137 102 01842100 Samau 386 2,362 1,275 1.087 456 248 208 01842200 Beerpur 119 748 408 340 166 94 72 01842300 KhangarpuT Daulalpur 244 1.532 822 710 262 134 128 01842400 Himmatnagar Bajhera 9.0 538 3,423 1.848 1.575 706 365 341 01842500 Datei 321 1,998 1,046 952 335 187 148 01842600 Girora 521 3,636 1.948 1,688 760 431 329


Scheduled Castcs popuation Scheduled Tribes ~pulation Literates Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Name of Village I I 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 2 294 212 82 Nagla Daui 395 300 95 Hazamlpur Karanpur 193 138 55 Gausarpur 637 346 291 1.320 968 352 Sheorai 69 40 29 687 470 2\7 Suralpur Mafi 430 220 210 949 645 304 Seep 222 126 96 524 376 148 Ramai Hetam Shah 129 85 44 Ramai Todar Shah 153 90 63 SulehpuT Mafi 34 17 17 508 389 119 Smdhawali 172 89 83 1.482 992 490 SirsaTippu 30 15 15 308 195 113 RatanpuT Mafi 50 29 21 215 183 92 Akhtauli 641 341 294 913 644 329 Akhtaulinayabans 21 14 1 630 406 224 Dhirarnai Panchblswa 271 146 131 436 290 146 Nagalakhyali 143 11 72 1,045 692 353 Dhirarnai91314 Blswa 422 214 208 559 394 165 Dhirarnai5/Jl4 Biswa 289 201 82 NabinagaT 204 125 79 682 475 201 Bhojpur 36 15 21 256 177 19 PithanpuT 311 112 139 193 128 65 Kalyanpur LaIPUT 210 115 95 636 431 205 Amritpur 348 190 158 981 705 216 Samau 132 74 58 301 213 88 Beerpur 122 488 234 Khangarpur Daulatpur 914 477 437 1,530 1.077 453 Hirnmatnagar Bajhera 131 68 63 1,021 626 395 Datei 867 456 411 1,660 1,165 495 Girora


Location code lIIiterdtes Total worke.-s Main workers number Name of Village Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females 2 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 01839800 Nagla Datti 389 163 226 342 184 158 325 173 152 01839900 Hazaratpur Karanpur 614 257 357 287 285 2 265 264 1 01840000 Gausarpur 244 98 146 106 104 2 106 104 2 01840100 Sheorai 2.075 867 1,208 1.394 967 427 681 656 25 01840200 Suratpur Mali 720 279 441 615 371 244 253 239 14 01840300 Seep 1,195 477 718 635 516 119 520 461 59 01840400 Ramai Hetam Shah 915 406 509 305 292 13 298 291 7 01840500 Ramai Todar Shah 166 69 97 76 71 5 76 71 5 01840600 Sulehpur Mali 145 51 94 77 76 I 77 76 01840700 Smdhawali 644 234 410 290 287 3 236 235 01840800 Sirsa Tippu 1,247 475 772 717 645 72 504 493 II 01840900 Ratanpur Mali 229 77 152 135 123 12 123 114 9 01841000 Akhtauli 302 122 180 494 263 231 476 256 220 01841100 Akhtaulinayabans 1,154 479 675 519 492 . 27 503 481 22 01841200 Dhiramai Panchbiswa 508 168 340 450 .274 176 276 259 17 01841300 Nagalakhyali 563 239 324 290 261 29 248 244 4 01841400 Dhiramai9/3/4 Biswa 1,095 454 641 471 459 12 448 436 12 01841500 Dhiramai51114 Biswa 538 191 347 464 300 164 207 204 3 01841600 Nabinagar 332 141 191 128 128 128 128 01841700 Bhojpur 952 436 516 391 380 II 349 339 10 01841800 Pithanpur 334 109 225 370 176 194 174 115 59 01841900 Kalyanpur Lalpur 208 87 121 108 101 7 98 95 3 01842000 Amritpur 550 222 328 289 277 12 274 266 8 01842100 Samau 1,381 570 811 5S4 539 15 547 534 13 01842200 Beerpur 447 195 252 392 232 160 102 95 7 01842300 Khangarpur Daulatpur 810 334 476 445 434 11 436 425 11 01842400 Himmatnagar Bajhera 1,893 771 1.122 917 898 19 900 884 16 01842500 Datei 977 420 557 578 498 80 419 390 29 01842600 Girora 1,976 783 1,193 2,022 1,120 902 988 740 248

52 PRIMARY CENSUS ABSTRACT CENSUS ABSTRACT Marehra Industrial eatcGo!l: of main workers Household industry Cultivatol'"S AgrieulturallabouJ'"C1'"S workers Other workers Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Name of Village 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 2 129 122 7 10 9 70 I 69 116 41 75 Nagla DalU 242 242 17 16 2 2 4 4 Hazaralpur Karanpur 102 101 2 2 2 I GausarpuT 583 560 23 36 36 13 12 49 48 Shcoral 215 201 14 17 17 21 21 SurnlpuT Mali 349 337 12 S9 S9 12 12 100 53 47 Seep 238 233 5 57 55 2 . 3 3 Ramal Hetam Shah 69 64 5 3 3 4 4 Ramal Todar Shah 39 38 I 36 36 2 2 SulchpUT Mali 28 28 15 15 193 192 Smdhawali 292 291 I 72 11 I 62 57 5 18 14 4 SITSa Tippu 73 67 6 14 II 3 5 5 31 31 Ratanpur Mali 74 67 7 18 18 3711 168 210 6 3 3 Akhlauh 432 411 21 35 34 17 17 19 19 Akhtaulinayabans 258 242 16 II 10 I 1 6 6 Dhiramai Panchbiswa 130 129 I S7 57 61 58 3 Nagalakhyali 315 309 6 43 42 7 5 2 83 80 3 Dhiramai9/3/4 Biswa 125 122 3 34 34 47 47 Dhiramai51114 Biswa 126 126 I 1 Nabinagar 294 286 8 34 34 12 10 2 9 9 Bhojput" 128 77 51 4 3 9 7 2 33 28 5 Pithanpur 33 32 1 43 42 2 2 20 19 1 Kalyanpur Lalpur 237 234 3 10 9 10 7 3 17 16 I Amrilpur 266 263 3 205 200 5 3 2 73 69 4 Samau 79 74 5 4 2 2 2 2 11 11 Beerpur 414 403 11 3 3 16 16 3 3 Khangarpur Daulatpur 652 642 10 170 166 4 4 4 74 72 2 Himmatnagar Bajhera 261 257 4 24 24 8 7 I 126 102 24 Datei 268 252 16 S49 342 207 2S 16 9 146 130 16 Girora


Industrial categ,o~ Location code MarHjinal workers Cultivators A!ricultural labourers number Name of VillaHje Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females I 2 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 01839800 Nagla Datil 11 II 6 6 5 3 3 01839900 Ha7.aralpur Kardnpur 22 21 I 14 14 8 1 01840000 Gausarpur 0\840100 Sheorai 113 311 402 221 43 184 428 231 191 01840200 Suratpur Mali 362 132 230 302 97 205 58 34 24 01840300 Seep 115 55 60 21 10 II 31 34 3 01840400 Ramal Helam Shah 7 6 2 01840500 Ramal Todar Shah 01840600 SuJehpur Mali 01840100 Sindhawah 54 52 2 2 2 I I 01840800 SII"Sa T1ppu 213 152 61 9 4 5 101 101 01840900 Ratanpur Maf'i. 12 9 3 I 2 2 01841000 Akhlauh 18 7 II 1 01841100 Akhlauhnayabans 16 I \ 5 4 I 3 10 9 1 0\ 841200 Dhirarnai Panchbiswa \74 15 159 161 14 153 6 5 01841300 Nagalakhyali 42 17 25 8 8 I 01841400 Dhiramai9/J/4 Biswa 23 23 1 1 12 12 01841500 Dhiramal511/4 Biswa 257 96 161 32 23 9 203 59 144 01841600 Nabinagar 01841700 Bhojpur 42 41 I 2 2 29 29 01841800 Pithanpur 196 61 135 91 . 15 16 64 37 27 01841900 Kalyanpur Lalpur 10 6 4 I 01842000 Amritpur 15 11 4 1 I 4 4 01842100 Samau 7 5 2 2 2 I 01842200 Beerpur 290 137 153 21 5 16 224 96 128 01842300 Khangarpur Daulatpur 9 9 I I 8 8 01842400 Himrnatnagar Bajhera 17 14 3 5 2 3 4 4 01842500 Datei 159 108 51 16 8 8 33 33 01842600 Gioora 1.034 380 654 50 14 36 930 331 599

764 PRIMARY CENSUS ABSTRACT CENSUS ABSTRACT Marehra of m3!Bjinat workers Location Household industry workers Other workers Non-workers code Persons Males Females Persons Mah.:s Females Persons Males Females Name of Village number 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 2 I 4 4 4 3 341 191 150 Nagla Datti 01839800 722 272 450 HazaratpuT Karanpur 01839900 331 132 199 Gausarpur 01840000 8 (i 2 50 25 25 2,001 868 1.133 Sheorat 01840100 2 1 792 378 414 SuratpuT Mafi 01840200 4 3 53 8 45 1.509 606 903 Seep 01840300 4 4 1.134 490 644 Ramat Hetam Shah 01840400 219 83 136 Ramai Todar Shah 01840500 221 65 156 SulchpuT Mafi 01840600 51 49 2 862 336 526 Smdhawah 01840700 75 22 53 28 25 3 2.012 822 1.190 SIT'l>a Tlppu 01840800 3 3 6 6 402 149 253 Ratanpur Mali 01840900 7 6 10 6 4 83 42 41 Akhtauh 01841000 1.608 631 977 Akhtauhnayabans 01841100 1 I 688 300 388 Dhiramal Panchblswa 01841200 33 8 2S 709 268 441 Nagalakhyah 01841300 10 10 1,669 687 982 Dhiramal9/3/4 Biswa 01841400 12 S 7 10 9 633 285 348 Dhlramal5/1/4 Biswa 01841500 493 220 273 Nabinagar 01841600 6 6 5 4 1.243 531 712 BhojpuT 01841700 6 5 35 8 27 220 110 110 Ptthanpur 01841800 8 5 3 293 114 179 Kalyanpur LaJpur 01841900 8 4 4 2 2 897 376 521 Amrilpur 01842000 3 1 2 I I 1,808 736 1.072 Samau 01842100 9 4 5 36 32 4 356 176 180 BeerpuT 01842200 1,087 388 699 KhangarpuT Dau1atpur 01842300 8 8 2,506 950 1.556 HimmatnagaT Bajhera 01842400 2 2 108 65 43 1,420 548 872 Datei 01842500 38 22 16 16 13 3 1,614 828 786 Girora 01842600


PRIMARY CENSUS ABSTRACTNIDHAULI KALAN CD BLOCK DISTRICT CENSUS HANDBOOK: ETAH VILLAGE PRIMARY CD Block- Total population (including Location Area of institutional and housclcss Population in the code Village irl Number of eOEu'ation 2 a~e-groue 0-6' number Name of Village hectares households Persons Males Females Persons Males Females I 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Ot70 Nidhauli Kalan (Tutal) 31.6408 26.288 167.293 90.321 76.972 33.169 17.697 15.472 0170 Nldhauh kalan (Rurnl, 31.640 R 26.2R8 167.293 90.321 76.972 33.169 17.697 IS 472 0170 Nldhauh Kalan (Urban) Nldhauh kalan CRural) 01842700 Abdullapur Dcha Mali 180 (). 59 397 216 181 71 43 28 01842800 Pacbpcr.s 60 (} 1411 919 51S 401 16S 98 67 01842900 Karuamai 20() {) 205 1.146 627 519 244 127 117 01843000 Himmalpur Kakam31 4142 281 1,820 974 846 332 186 146 01843100 Arha Pura 4cHIO 318 2.120 1.164 956 367 220 147 01843200 Muluuddinpur 3740 546 3.373 1.819 1.554 664 343 321 01843300 Baral 2.1 1160 1.472 9,147 5,009 4.138 1.840 996 844 01843400 Omi 1750 335 2.049 1.091 958 385 193 192 01843500 Nazarpur 395 1 190 1.244 690 554 263 142 121 01843600 Muhara Mohkampul 300.0 2114 1,877 1.013 864 348 165 183 01843700 Kapreta 5050 356 2.395 1.302 1.093 475 252 223 01843800 Kazikhera 100.0 161 924 515 • 409 162 100 62 01843900 Banthal Qutabpur 494.1 374 2.367 1.315 1.052 490 258 232 01844000 Barigawan 5489 600 3.672 2.040 1,632 699 374 325 0\844\00 Namo" 493.0 \42 959 495 464 \12 91 15 01844200 Garhwala 673.8 544 3.462 1.870 1,592 666 356 310 01844300 Si.mon 509.2 403 2.722 1,458 1.264 588 288 300 01844400 Bhopalpur 1012 136 871 476 395 179 102 77 01844500 Bamnai 142.1 229 1.360 737 623 255 138 117 01844600 Sunnasihon 111.6 428 2,866 1,536 1.330 618 332 286 01844700 Pilua 204.0 717 4,464 2,395 2,069 835 426 409 01844800 Bamgaon 631.2 529 3.310 1,81S 1.495 577 331 246 01844900 Tatarpur Abbal 483.0 291 1,788 972 816 412 221 191 01845000 Mukharana 132 843 454 389 177 100 77 01845100 Bhadwas 4386 458 2,854 1,556 1,298 590 315 275 01845200 Bhadua 177 1,002 536 466 192 107 85 01845300 Songara 966.0 719 4,850 2.569 2.281 946 508 438 01845400 Jogamai 212 1.316 709 607 269 130 139 01845500 Dholeshwar 1,226.0 817 5,497 2,903 2,594 1,099 542 557 01845600 Ahannai 185.3 167 1,125 609 516 217 119 98 01845700 Kunwarpur Chandrbhanpur 187.0 159 956 495 461 175 82 93 01845800 Horchi 66.4 527 3,132 1.703 1.429 643 375 268 01845900 Palia 2095 207 l.J29 695 634 258 126 132 01846000 Paisai. 128.6 112 690 351 339 145 74 71 01846100 Manaura 800.0 796 4.510 2.487 2.023 863 486 377 01846200 Nadar 1.442.0 64 385 212 173 73 37 36 01846300 Gurha 2820 134 831 477 354 150 86 64 01846400 Prathvipur 546 78 456 247 209 93 47 46 01846500 Nldhaulikalan 1310 495 3,076 1.580 ' 1,496 631 289 342 01846600 Margaya 345.1 210 1,217 655 562 221 123 98 01846700 Nagala Fakir 1467 174 957 546 411 160 97 63 01846800 Sidmi 1225 74 402 200 202 76 35 41 01846900 Mangrauli 224 1.573 848 725 359 196 163 01847000 Partappursam 10 66 38 28 9 3 (, 01847100 Fatchpurkhalsa IOl.l 68 381 205 176 77 41 36 01847200 Gokulpur 1185 86 516 264 252 125 66 59 01847300 OastampuT IUU 157 1.173 645 528 219 103 '16 01847400 50rkha 185.0 81 511 280 231 113 61 52 01847500 Lehra 235.8 164 1.016 553 463 185 to t 84 01847600 Tatarpur Doyam 173.0 37 204 114 90 48 30 18 01847700 Rafalnagat Scnthar.. 1.216_0 (197 4.367 2.360 2,007 876 498 378 01847800 MUtnlya Khcr.J 2480 117 650 351 299 106 54 52 01847900 Nagalabandl 1895 160 1.122 628 494 172 98 74 01848000 Ramandpur 1884 36 217 114 103 45 21 24 01848100 Jlllnwar 501.0 346 2.030 1.142 888 334 197 137 01848200 Gahctu 1.144 () 799 5.157 2.804 2.353 1.087 607 480 01848300 Dilldauli 535 ------Un-inhabited------


Scheduled Castes ~()~uation Schcdult."d Tribes population \,..itcrates Persons Males Females Persons Males Females - Persons Males Females Name of Village I I 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 2 25_378 13.705 11.673 77.870 53.720 24.150 Nidhauh Kalan (Tolal) 25.378 13705 11.673 77,870 53.720 24.150 Nidhauh Kalan (Ruml) Ntdhauli Kalan (Uman\ Nldhauli Kalan (Rural) 116 89 27 AbduJlapur Deha Mali 168 95 73 471 315 156 Pachpera 25 16 9 511 378 133 Karuamal 240 133 107 1,070 688 382 Hlmmatpur Kakamal 528 290 238 1.203 766 431 Ama Pura 526 271 255 1,634 1.165 469 Muhiuddtnpur 719 367 352 4.047 2.927 1.120 Barai 103 56 47 850 615 235 Oml 8 6 2 509 384 125 Nazarpur 101 50 51 1,003 715 288 Muhara Mohkampur 769 418 351 1.156 791 365 Kaprela 213 124 89 582 378 204 Kazikhera 355 188 167 1,211 877 334 Banthal Qutabpur 1.186 654 532 1,591 1,146 445 Barigawan 308 151 157 626 347 279 Narholi 883 491 392 1.670 1.167 503 Garhwala 438 233 205 1.083 785 298 Siraon 1 459 320 139 Bhopalpur 15 40 35 60S 403 202 Bamnai 416 235 181 1,541 1.024 511 Sunnasihori 641 3.lt 310 1.997 1.338 659 Pilua 610 348 262 1,762 1,193 569 Baragaon 64 32 32 759 568 191 Tatarpur Abbal 84 45 39 411 275 136 Mukharana BI8 444 374 1,149 831 31B Bhadwas 92 43 49 424 318 106 Bhadua 590 321 269 2.270 1.570 700 Songara 272 144 128 617 448 169 Jogamai 854 462 392 2.231 1.555 616 Dholeshwar 44 1S 29 545 369 116 Ahannai 148 74 14 362 285 11 Kunwarpur Chandrbhanpur 408 219 189 1,199 856 343 Horchi 208 112 96 712 462 250 Palia 340 229 111 Paisai 348 206 142 1.809 1.348 461 Manaura 77 31 46 98 68 30 Nadar 314 182 132 331 249 82 Gurha 133 69 64 239 163 76 Prathvipur 759 392 367 1.295 892 403 Nidhauhkalan 370 202 168 605 403 202 Margaya 9 7 2 414. 354 120 Naga\a Faki.r 365 180 185 132 92 40 Sidral 400 222 178 703 497 206 Mangrauh 5 2 3 36 26 10 Partappursani 205 III 94 178 124 54 Fatehpurkhalsa 19 42 37 202 131 71 Gokulpur 7 3 4 569 388 lSI Dastampur 113 66 47 287 186 101 Sorkha 40 21 19 496 360 136 Lchrn 35 21 14 108 67 41 Tatarpur Doyam -JI 24 17 2.004 1.395 (,09 Rafatnagar Senthara 156 87 69 297 215 82 MUlnlya Khera l18 65 53 554 424 130 Nagalabandi 82 58 24 Ramandpur 840 481 359 908 598 31O Jhinwar 671 341 330 2.277 1,592 685 Gahetu ------Un-inhabited------Dindauli


Location code III i tcmtcs Total workers Mam workers number Name of Village Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females 1 2 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 0170 Nldhauh Kalan (Total) 89.423 36.601 S2,822 47.930 40,669 7,261 39,S13 35,416 4,091 0170 Nldhauh Kalan (Rural) 89.423 36.601 52.822 47,930 40.669 7.261 39,513 35.416 4.091 0170 Nidhauh Kalan (Urban) Nidhauh Kalan (Rural) 01842700 Abdullapur Deba rAali 281 121 154 lOl 95 6 98 94 4 01842800 Pachpcra 448 203 245 248 242 6 241 242 5 01842900 Karuamal 635 249 386 318 '298 20 144 142 2 01843000 Hl1nmatpur Kakamal 750 286 464 461 451 10 451 447 4 01843100 A.-ha Purn 911 398 519 594 581 13 566 556 10 01843200 Muhiuddinpur 1,739 654 1.085 891 841 50 717 695 22 01843300 Baral 5,100 2,082 3,018 2.282 2.193 89 2,187 2.119 68 018"43400 Oml 1,199 476 723 430 412 18 410 398 12 01843500 NazaqJur 735 306 429 362 309 53 263 255 8 01843600 Muhara Mohkampur 814 298 576 545 486 59 343 334 9 01843700 Kapreta 1.239 511 728 870 639 231 560 536 24 01843800 Kazikhera 342 137 205 352 236 116 343 229 114 01843900 Banthal Qutabpur 1.156 438 718 609 592 17 454 442 12 01844000 Barigawan 2.081 894 1,187 1,100 947 153 911 822 89 01844100 Narholi 333 148 18S 231 225 6 166 161 5 01844200 Garhwa1a 1,792 703 1,089 951 879 72 863 816 47 01844300 Siraon 1,639 673 966 585 525 60 549 499 50 01844400 Bhopalpur 412 156 256 181 168 13 126 114 12 01844500 Bamnai 755 334 421 339 329 to 174 t69 5 OJ 844600 Sunnasibori 1,325 5J2 813 1,233 787 446 542 490 52 01844700 Pilua 2.467 1,057 1,410 1,040 939 101 732 691 41 01844800 Baragaon 1.548 622 926 1,016 825 191 765 733 32 01844900 Tatarpur Abbal 1,029 404 625 822 465 357 373 347 26 01845000 Mukharana 432 179 253 211 198 13 206 195 II 01845100 Bhadwas 1.705 725 980 942 691 251 712 609 103 01845200 Bhadua 578 218 360 417 207 210 240 19.3 47 01845300 Songara 2,580 999 1,581 1.116 1.091 25 961 942 19 01845400 Jogamai 699 261 438 492 342 ISO 461 325 136 01845500 Dholeshwar 3.266 1,348 1,918 1,420 1,219 201 1.256 1.096 160 01845600 Ahannai 580 240 340 416 '280 136 402 273 129 01845700 Kunwarpur Chandrbhanpur 594 210 384 268 263 5 261 258 3 01845800 Horchi 1,933 847 1,086 1,541 939 602 1.263 772 491 01845900 Palia 617 233 384 636 398 238 575 370 205 01846000 Paisai ' 350 122 228 483 249 234 482 249 233 01846100 Manaura 2,701 1,139 1,562 1,898 1,210 688 1.241 959 282 01846200 Nadar 287 144 143 88 85 3 42 42 01846300 Guma 500 228 212 210 190 20 181 173 14 01846400 Prathvipur 217 84 133 112 109 3 71 69 2 01846500 Nidhaulikalan 1.781 688 1.093 693 651 42 604 512 32 01846600 Margaya 612 252 360 348 295 53 270 251 19 01846700 Nagala Fakir 483 192 291 289 263 26 278 257 21 01846800 Sidrai 210 108 162 181 107 74 159 89 70 01846900 Mangrauli 870 351 519 771 432 339 733 404 329 01847000 Partappursam 30 12 18 30 19 II 29 18 I I 01847100 Fatehpurkhalsa 203 81 122 148 78 70 129 60 69 01847200 GokulpUI 314 133 lBI 129 120 9 110 105 5 01847300 Dastampur 604 257 347 318 308 10 268 261 7 , 01847400 Sorkha 224 94 130 122 120 2 100 99 01847500 Leh ..... 520 193 327 295 281 14 241 231 to 01847600 Talarpur Dayam 96 47 49 49 44 5 43 40 .3 01847700 Rafatnugar SClllhara 2.363 965 1.398 1.301 1.051 250 1.185 1.039 146 01847800 MUlmya Kher.. 353 136 217 153 150 3 132 130 2 01847900 Nagalabandz 568 204 364 268 265 3 261 258 J 01848000 Ramandpur 135 56 79 49 45 4 49 45 4 01848100 Jlllnwar 1.122 544 57B 474 451 17 436 429 7 01848200 Gahetu 2.880 1.212 1.668 1.335 1.176 159 1.216 1.073 143 01848300 Dindauii ------Un-inbabited------

770 PRIMARY CENSUS ABSTRACT CENSUS ABSTRACT Nidhauli Kalan Industrial category of main workers Household industry Cultivators Agriculturdllabourcrs workers Other workers Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons M ales Females Persons Males Females Name of Village 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 2 25.170 23.637 1.533 7.429 6.129 1.30() 1.474 1.018 456 5.500 4.692 808 Ntdhauh Kalan (Total) 25.170 23.637 1.533 7.429 6.129 I.JOU 1.474 I.OUI 456 5.500 4.692 808 Nidhauli Kalan (Rural) Ntdhauli Kalan (Urban) Nldhauli Kalan (Rural) 98 94 AbdulJapur Deha Mafi 3 3 203 199 4 1 6 34 34 Pachpt..-ra 107 105 2 30 30 1 6 6 Karuamal 328 327 72 72 6 5 45 43 2 Hlmmatpur Kakamai 405 399 6 62 59 3 27 21 72 71 1 Arha Pura 431 423 8 196 191 5 22 22 68 S9 9 Muhiuddinpur 1.796 1.747 49 274 262 12 13 8 5 104 102 2 Barai 2J4 204 10 154 154 9 9 33 31 2 Omi 238 231 7 15 14 2 2 8 8 Nazall'ur 151 156 , 94 94 21 14 7 • 71 10 Muhara Mohkampur 453 438 15 32 29 3 29 27 2 46 42 4 Kapreta 96 92 4 115 111 4 122 16 106 10 10 Kazikhera 293 289 4 50 47 3 21 19 2 90 87 3 Banthal Qutabpur 389 382 7 318 308 10 92 27 65 112 lOS 7 Barigawan 141 139 2 8 8 1 1 16 l4 2 Narhoh 372 351 21 314 303 II 8 6 2 169 156 13 Garhwala 357 356 1 73 73 3 2 116 68 48 Siraon 81 76 5 16 14 2 1 28 24 4 Bhopalpur 97 93 4 20 19 2 2 55 55 Bamnai 282 270 12 101 91 10 49 44 5 JlO 85 25 Sunnasihori 460 434 26 46 43 3 38 35 3 188 179 9 Pilua 558 538 20 88 80 8 3 I 2 116 114 2 Baragaon 272 249 23 46 45 12 II 43 42 Tatatpur Abbal 171 161 10 I I 8 8 26 25 I Mukharana 345 315 30 122 94 28 83 44 39 162 156 6 Bhadwas 162 148 14 47 18 29 I 30 26 4 Bbadua 786 768 18 80 79 1 16 16 79 79 Songara 408 279 129 15 13 2 24 19 5 14 14 Jogamai 925 784 141 140 138 2 161 148 13 30 26 4 Dholesbwar 268 268 130 2 128 2 2 2 Ahannai 186 183 3 55 55 3 3 11 17 Kunwarpur Chandrbhanpur 445 335 110 559 286 273 50 29 21 209 122 87 Horchi 231 223 8 337 141 196 6 6 Palia 47 44 3 433 203 230 2 2 Paisai 692 660 32 157 144 13 54 26 28 338 129 209 Manaura 32 32 3 3 1 1 6 6 Nadar 66 64 2 109 97 12 4 4 8 8 Gurha 55 55 2 I 1 14 13 Prathvipur 205 189 16 166 156 10 26 26 207 201 6 Nidhaulikalan 179 168 11 18 17 23 16 7 50 50 Margaya 252 243 9 1 I 1 1 24 13 1 I Nagala Fakir 40 39 4 4 2 113 45 68 Sidrai 572 337 235 21 11 10 18 8 10 122 48 74 Mangrauh 27 18 9 2 2 Partappursani 107 55 52 20 4 16 Fatebpurlc.halsa 7J 70 3 26 25 I I 10 Gokulpur 230 224 6 9 9 10 18 18 Dastampur 90 89 I 10 10 Sorkha 170 162 It 34 33 I 3 3 34 33 Lchra 6 6 33 30 3 2 2 2 2 Tatarpur Doyam 978 911 67 184 106 78 3 2 20 20 Raratnagar Senthara 90 88 2 28 28 6 6 8 8 Mumlya Khcra 154 153 6 5 I 1 JOO 99 Nagalabandi 30 26 4 15 IS I I 3 3 Ramandpur 239 236 3 140 138 2 19 18 38 37 Jhmwar 821 774 47 203 168 35 70 25 45 122 106 16 Gahctu ------Un-inhabited------Dindauli

771 DISTRICT CENSUS HANDBOOK: ETAH VILLAGE PRIMARY CD Block- Industrial category Location code Marginal workers Culli~aloTS Agricultural JabourcTs number Name of Village Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females 2 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 0170 Nid..... uh Kalan (TOla!) 8.3S7 5 19] 3.164 1.619 698 921 4.386 3.151 1.235 0170 Nid..... uh Kalan (Rural) S.3S7 ~ 193 3.164 1.619 698 921 4.]86 ].ISI 1.2]5 0170 Nidhauh Kalan (Urban) Ntdhauli Kalan (RUral) 01842700 Abdullapur Deha. Mali. 3 2 3 2 01842800 Pachpera I 01842900 Karuamai 174 156 18 10 2 8 161 151 10 01843000 Hilnmalpur Kak;amal 10 4 6 5 2 3 3 I 2 01843100 Ama Pura 28 2'5 3 7 5 2 9 8 1 01843200 Muhluddinpur 174 146 28 17 10 7 131 115 16 01843300 Barai 95 74 21 41 27 14 46 40 6 () 1843400 Omi 20 14 6 7 2 5 7 6 I 0\843500 Na7..arpur q9 54 45 32 5 21 64 4,} IS 01843600 Muhara Mohkampur 202 152 50 14 12 2 126 116 10 01843700 Kapreta 310 103 207 54 24 30 170 49 121 01843800 Kazikhera 9 7 2 2 [ 2 2 01843900 Banthal Qulabpur 155 150 5 10 9 134 132 2 o 184400Q Barigawan 189 125 64 20 5 15 82 75 7 01844100 Narholi 65 64 I 54 53 I 01844200 Gnwa1a 88 63 25 12 6 6 30 22 8 01 844300 Siraon 36 26 10 3 2 4 4 01844400 Bhopalpur 55 54 I 8 8 36 35 I 01844500 Bamnai 165 160 5 5 3 2 131 128 3 01844600 Sunnasihori 691 297 394 60 3S 25 426 218 208 01844700 Pilua 308 248 60 68 • 30 38 143 126 17 01844800 Baragaon 251 92 159 35 14 21 176 64 112 01844900 Tatarpur Abbal 449 118 331 352 45 307 67 46 21 01845000 Mukharana 5 3 2 1 I 4 3 I 01845100 Bhadwas 230 82 148 31 8 23 171 48 123 01845200 Bhadua 177 14 163 8 8 48 4 44 01845300 Songara 155 149 6 II 10 I 108 104 4 o t 845400 Jogamai 31 17 14 4 3 25 IS 10 01845500 Dholeshwar 164 123 41 50 26 24 62 59 3 01845600 Ahannai 14 7 7 14 7 7 01845700 Kunwarpur Chandrbhanpur 7 5 2 3 3 01845800 Horch; 278 167 III 14 8 6 108 79 29 01845900 Palia 61 28 33 I r 60 28 32 01846000 Paisai I 1 I I 01846100 Manaura 657 251 406 95 31 64 132 110 22 01846200 Nadar 46 43 3 44 41 3 01846300 Gurha 23 17 6 4 3 19 14 5 01846400 Pratbvipur 41 40 33 33 01846500 Nidhaulikalan 89 79 10 21 14 7 20 18 2 01846600 Margaya 78 44 34 46 21 25 9 8 01846700 Nagala Fakir II 6 5 4 3 3 3 01846800 Sidrai 22 18 4 1 I 4 4 01846900 Mangrauli 38 28 [0 8 5 3 22 18 4 01847000 Partappursam 01847100 Fatehpurkhalsa 19 18 12 12 01847200 Gokulpur 19 15 4 3 3 01847300 Dastampur SO 47 3 24 22 2 24 23 01847400 Sorkha 22 21 2 2 14 14 01847500 Lchra 54 50 4 15 12 3 21 20 01847600 Talarpur Doyam 6 4 2 3 2 01847700 Raratnagar Senthara 116 12 104 9 2 7 106 9 97 01847800 Mumiya Khera 21 20 I 13 13 01847900 Nagalabandi 7 7 2 2 01848000 Ramandpur 01848100 Jhmwar 3M 2K 10 31 21 10 5 5 01848200 Gabc\u 119 103 16 16 t2 4 76 69 7 01 848300 Dtndauli ------Un-inhabitcd------

772 PRIMARY CENSUS ABSTRACT CENSUS ABSTRACT Nidhauli Kalan of marginal wo.-kers Location. Household industry wo.-kers Other wo.-kers Non-workers eode Persons Males FL"ITlalcs PLTSons Males Females PLTSons Males Females Name of Village number 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 2 76. 24ft 513 1.591 IJW6 495 119.363 49,652 69.711 Nldh.lUh Kalan (Tolal) 0170 761 248 S13 1.591 l.n'16 495 119.363 49.652 69.711 Nldhauh Kalan (Rural) 0170 Nldh.luh Kalan (Urban) 0170 Nl(lhauh Kalan (Rural) 296 nl 175 AbduliapuT Dcha Mat1 0.842100 671 276 • 395 Pachpcra 01842800 3 3 828 329 499 K;lruamal 01842900 2 1.359 523 836 Hllnmatpur Kakamal 01843000 2 2 1(1 10 1.526 583 943 Arh .. Pura 01843100 4 2 2 22 19 3 2,482 978 1.504 Muluuddmpur 01843200 4 4 3 6.865 2.816 4.049 BaJaI 01843300 2 "'2 4 4 1.619 679 940 Oml 01843400 3 3 882 381 50 I Na,/arpur 01843500 52 15 31 10 9 '-332 527 805 Muhara MohkampUT 01843600 57 II 46 29 19 10 1,525 663 862 Kaprcta 01843700 5 4 I 572 279 293 Kazlkhera 01843800 8 6 2 3 3 1.758 123 1.035 Banthal Qutabpur 01843900 41 7 34 46 38 8 2,572 1.093 1.419 Bangawan 01844000 11 II 728 270 458 Narhoh 01844100 4 4 42 31 I I 2,511 991 1.520 Garhwala 01844200 29 20 9 2.137 933 1.204 SlrdOI1 01844300 10 10 690 308 382 Bhopalpur 01844400 29 29 1,021 408 613 Bamnai 0\844500 33 16 17 172 28 144 1,633 749 884 Sunnasihori 01844600 6 5 91 87 4 3.424 1.456 1,968 Pilua 0 [844700 13 1 12 27 13 14 2,294 990 1,304 8aragaon 01844800 10 7 3 20 20 966 507 459 TataTpu,- Abbal 01844900 632 256 376 Mukharana 01845000 2 26 25 1 1.912 865 1,047 Bhadwas 01845100 120 10 110 585 329 256 Bhadua 01845200 4 4 32 31 1 3.734 1.478 2.256 Songara 01845300 2 1 1 824 367 457 Jogamal 01845400 32 19 13 20 19 4.077 1,684 • 2.393 Dholeshwar 01845500 709 329 380 Ahannai 01845600 2 2 I 688 232 456 Kunw8TpUr Chandrbhanpur 01845100 2 154 79 75 1.591 164 827 HOTChi 01845800 693 297 396 Palia 01845900 207 102 105 Paisai 01846000 344 47 297 86 63 23 2.612 1.217 1.335 Manaura 01846100 2 2 297 127 170 Nadar 01846200 621 2K7 334 Gurha 01846300 8 7 344 138 206 Prathvipur 01846400 4 4 44 43 2.383 929 1,454 Nidhaulikalan 01846500 II 5 6 12 10 2 869 360 509 lVIargaya 01846600 I 3 2 668 283 385 Nagala Fakir 01846700 16 12 4 221 93 128 Sidrai 01846800 R 5 3 802 416 386 Mangrauh 01846900 1 36 19 17 Partappursani 01847000 (, 5 233 127 106 Fatchpu.-khalsa 01841100 16 \2 4 381 144 243 GokulpUT 01841200 1 I 855 337 518 Dastampur 01847300 'i 5 389 160 229 Sorkha 01841400 5 13 13 721 272 449 Lchra 01841500 2 155 70 85 Tatarpur Doymn 01847600 3.066 1.309 1.757 Ranumlgar Scmhara 01841700 7 7 497 201 296 lVIulmya Khcm 01847800 4 4 854 363 491 Nagalabandl 01847900 16M 6') 99 Ramandpur 01848000 2 2 155(, (,85 871 Jhinw3r 01848100 21 17 4 3.822 1.628 • 2. 194 Gahclu 01848200 ------Un-Inhabitcd------Dindauh 01848300

773 DISTRICT CENSUS HANDBOOK: ETAH VILLAGE PRIMARY CD Bloek- Total population (including Location Area of institutional and houseless Population in the code Village in Numbcrof (!o(!ulationl a,Be-srou,e 0-6 number Name of ViIla&e hectares households Persons Males Females Persons Males Females 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 01848400 Piphara 408.3 368 2.863 1.55 I 1.312 536 277 259 01848500 Rasldpur Khalsa 63.9 56 336 178 158 73 34 39 01848600 Shahwazpur 1.200.0 474 2,737 1.468 1.269 558 282 216 01848700 Himmatpur 2460 112 718 378 340 140 71 69 01848800 . Gaharana 295 1,857 988 869 339 177 162 01848900 Arathara 3926 106 624 344 280 154 85 69 01849000 Bijauri 4593 279 1.841 1.010 831 383 215 168 01849100 Dhankpur Arathara 500 51 279 157 122 48 27 21 01849200 Khcria 600 39 247 147 100 41 26 IS 01849300 Dhamga 286.5 272 1.652 900 752 266 ISO "6 01849400 litauli 383 2,452 1,360 1,092 445 264 181 01849500 Ramnagar" 48 328 2,040 1,100 940 374 203 171 01849600 RUSlamGarh 62.0 152 915 481 434 166 85 81 01849700 Bagla Bari 284.8 213 1.312 713 599 293 154 139 01849800 NagJa Sanl 72 430 239 191 72 35 37 01849900 Husainpuf" Kakarala 210.4 148 976 519 457 193 90 103 01850000 Kishanpuf" f 10.8 74 584 322 262 152 85 67 01850100 Nag1a Chhith 40.0 13 77 47 30 8 5 3 01850200 Naga.la Aoni 64.6 49 439 222 217 99 46 53 01850300 Kamsan 288.1 219 1,366 710 656 316 161 ISS 01850400 Naga.la Kisi 127.5 73 462 251 21t 110 62 48 01850500 Sailar 158.9 146 898 495 • 403 192 110 82 01850600 NaglaGalu 148.5 258 1.408 735 673 276 134 142 01850700 Hinunatpl.lr Nasirpuf" 132.7 144 925 490 435 173 84 89 01850800 lawahaFp\lr Kamsan 40.0 ----Un-inhabited------01850900 Jawara 140.0 73 616 322 294 138 74 64 01851000 Nagala Khilli 360.7 343 2.371 1.,250 1.121 514 280 234 01851100 GadanpUI" 200.0 251 1.761 923 838 34S 162 183 01851200 Bahasa 927.8 695 4.514 2,476 2,038 777 412 365 01851300 Nasitpur 102.1 64 393 224 169 74 45 29 01851400 Bidarika 106.3 76 370 206 164 71 38 33 01851500 Bhopatpuf 589.0 454 2.743 1,482 1.,261 626 350 276 01851600 Majharau 419.3 467 3.081 1,516 1,505 612 299 313 01851700 Nagala Bhoora 165.9 78 650 334 316 146 63 83 01851800 Pratappur Raja 117.0 67 426 230 196 88 48 40 01851900 Sawant Khera 267.3 159 1.062 569 493 235 121 114 01852000 Bhadaira 120.0 207 1,356 722 634 324 176 148 01852100 Basundhara 404.0 648 4.741 2,537 2.,204 1.044 579 465 01852200 Harsinghpur 76.5 ------Un-inhabited------01852300 Bathua 213.0 130 934 507 427 163 94 69 01852400 Nagala Punni 58.9 ------Un-inhabited------01852500 Nawali ]21.0 169 1.154 609 545 239 128 III 01852600 Khera 360.2 514 3,248 1,759 1.489 666 349 317 01852100 Nizam,eur 277.4 127 772 413 359 160 7S 85


Scheduled Castes popuation Scheduled Tribes I!opulation Literates Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Name of Village 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 2 824 464 360 1.325 904 421 Piphara 131 107 24 Rasidpur Khalsa 280 151 129 1.224 860 364 Shahwazpur 204 106 98 301 198 103 Himmalpur 182 103 79 1.102 690 412 Gaharana 157 88 69 209 146 63 Arathara 532 290 242 &40 571 269 Bijauri 136 97 39 Dharikpur Aralhara 54 30 24 93 73 20 Kberia 133 71 62 875 556 319 Dhamga 1.338 922 416 Jitauh 437 247 190 1.069 725 344 Ramnagar 173 84 89 458 309 149 RustamGarh 317 168 149 547 381 166 Bagla Bari 117 56 61 299 189 110 Nagla Sant 52 29 23 475 327 148 Husainpur Kakanda 286 196 90 Kishanpur 49 29 20 37 27 10 Nagla Chhitii 101 55 46 221 152 69 Nagala Anni 607 309 298 660 423 237 Kamsan 356 196 160 168 124 44 Nagala Kisi 49 26 23 441 299 142 Sailar 36 20 16 720 483 237 Nagla Galu 508 3S3 ISS Hirnmatpur Nash"pur ------Un-inhabited------Jawaharpur Kamsan 53 25 28 316 193 123 Jawara 36 20 16 1,077 736 341 Nagala Khilli 403 207 196 883 596 287 Gadanpur 370 208 162 2.028 1,399 629 Bahasa 5 4 I 207 143 64 Nasirpur 84 52 32 154 104 50 Bidarika 417 222 195 1,036 669 367 Bhopatpur 296 153 143 1.276 886 390 Majharau 224 112 112 337 233 104 Nagala Bboora 181 124 63 Pratappur Raja 314 176 138 404 290 114 Sawant Khera 195 104 91 559 378 181 Bbaclaira 472 265 207 2,385 1.523 862 Basundhara ------Un-inhabited------Harsinghpur 481 319 162 Balhua ------Un-inhabited------Nagala Punni 671 422 249 Nawali 746 402 344 1.6OS 1.107 498 Khera 123 70 53 401 279 122 Nizampur


Location code Illiterates Total workers Main workers number Name of VillaBc Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Femalcs I 2 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 01848400 Pipbara 1.538 647 891 889 670 219 680 488 192 01848500 Rasidpur Khalsa 205 71 134 71 71 71 71 01848600 Shahwazpur 1.513 608 905 749 704 45 735 693 42 01848700 Himmatpur 417 180 237 170 168 2 170 168 2 01848800 Gaharana 755 298 457 502 482 20 412 398 14 01848900 Arathara 415 198 217 182 179 3 98 97 01849000 Bijauri 1.001 439 562 445 434 II 438 427 I 1 01849100 Dharikpur Aratham 143 60 83 95 77 18 95 77 18 01849200 Kheria 154 74 80 119 87 32 101 77 24 01849300 Dhaniga 777 344 433 608 558 50 572 537 35 01849400 Jitauli 1.114 438 676 622 581 41 612 573 39 01849500 Ramnagar 971 375 596 511 483 28 429 416 13 01849600 RustamGarh 457 172 285 257 211 46 191 178 13 01849700 Bagla Bari 765 332 433 367 357 10 362 353 9 01849800 NaglaSant 131 50 81 126 125 1 126 125 01B499OO Husainpur Kakarala 501 192 309 237 229 8 226 ~22 4 01850000 Kishanpur 298 126 172 140 133 7 134 133 I 01850100 Nagla Chhilli 40 20 20 36 27 9 36 27 9 01850200 Nagala Anni 218 70 148 107 104 3 102 102 01850300 Kamsan 706 287 419 362 348 14 322 316 6 01850400 Nagala Kisi 294 127 167 120 116 4 97 94 3 0.1850500 Sailar 457 196 261 206 197 9 201 193 8 01850600 NaglaGalu 688 252 436 332 308 24 316 292 24 01850700_ Himmatpur Nasirpur 417 137 280 251 -209 42 199 196 3 01850800 Jawaharpur Kamsan - ----Un-inhabited 01850900 Jawara 300 129 171 193 163 30 163 158 5 01851000 Nagala KhiUi 1.294 514 780 485 459 26 446 421 2S 01851100 Gadanpur 878 327 551 485 434 51 282 271 II 01851200 Babasa 2.486 1,077 1.409 1,536 1,247 289 1,102 1,061 41 01851300 Nasirpur 186 81 lOS 106 102 4 104 100 4 01851400 Bidarika 216 102 114 94 94 55 55 01851500 Bhopatpur 1.707 813 894 580 !iSS 25 566 546 20 01851600 Majharau 1.805 690 I,IIS 729 691 38 684 651 33 01851700 Nagata Bhoota 313 101 212 149 145 4 146 142 4 01851800 Pratappur Raja 239 106 133 118 117 I 118 117 1 01851900 Sawant Khera 658 279 379 253 238 IS 206 200 6 01852000 Bhadaim 797 344 453 299 285 14 244 233 11 01852100 Basundhara 2,356 1,014 1.342 1.083 1.001 82 840 770 70 01852200 Harsinghpur ------Un-inhabited------01852300 Bathua 453 188 265 242 242 238 238 01852400 Nagala Punni ------Un-inhabited------01852500 Nawali 483 187 296 260 244 16 187 175 12 01852600 Kbera 1.643 652 991 845 795 50 676 661 9 01852700 Nizameur 371 134 237 205 202 3 204 201 3

776 PRIMARY CENSUS ABSTRACT CENSUS ABSTRACT Nldhaull Kalan. Industrial catcgorx of main workers Household industry Cultivators Agricultural labourers workers Other workers Persons Males Females Persons Mares Fcmak"S Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Name of Village 29 30 31 32 33 34 3S 36 37 38 39 40 2 461 370 91 95 28 61 25 4 21 99 86 13 Plphara 43 43 28 28 RasidpuT Khalsa 411 397 14 207 202 5 8 7 109 87 22 Shahwazpur 164 162 2 6 6 Himmatpur 269 261 8 102 98 4 4 4 37 35 2 Gaharana 78 77 2 2 • 18 18 Arathara 320 314 6 31 31 3 3 84 79 5 Bijauri 79 68 II 10 7 3 6 2 4 Dharikpur Arathara 32 28 4 57 39 18 3 2 9 8 I Kheria 343 •• 332 II 67 63 4 37 27 10 125 115 10 Dhaniga .411 454 11 85 67 l8 9 8 1 47 44 3 Jitauli 209 199 10 64 64 33 33 123 120 3 RamnagaT 154 144 10 4 4 6 5 I 27 25 2 Rustam Gam 315 313 2 15 15 8 5 3 24 20 4 Bagla Bari 117 116 3 3 2 2 4 4 Nagla Sant 156 153 3 28 27 17 17 25 25 Husainpur Kakarala 120 119 I I 13 13 KishanpuT 8 7 27 20 7 Nagla Chhitli 69 69 18 18 3 3 12 12 Nagala Anni 82 80 2 100 99 4 3 136 134 2 Kamsan 22 20 2 12 1l 2 2 61 61 Nagala Kisi 1~4 177 7 I I 16 IS Sailar 290 267 23 2 2 6 5 18 18 NaglaGalu 152 150 2 5 5 42 41 Himmatpur Naslrpur ------Un-inhablted------Jawabarpur Kamsan 117 114 3 4 3 1 4 3 38 38 Jawal3 358 340 18 8 8 6 2 4 74 71 3 Nagala Khilli 158 155 3 51 46 5 15 12 3 58 58 Gadanpur 671 655 16 143 134 9 74 70 4 214 202 12 Bahasa 66 65 27 24 3 11 II Nasirpur 33 3.3 1 I 21 21 Bidarika 272 264 8 252 243 9 8 6 2 34 33 BhopatpUT 480 469 II 105 102 3 28 12 16 71 68 3 Majhal3u 76 72 4 42 42 5 5 23 23 Nagala Bhoora 66 66 52 51 Pratappur Raja 175 170 5 8 8 4 4 19 18 1 Sawant Khera liS 109 6 68 68 6 5 55 51 4 Bhadaira 402 395 7 97 96 35 35 306 244 62 Basundhara ------Un-inhabued------Harsinghpur 184 184 I 1 1 52 52 Bathoa ------Un-Inhablted------Nagala Punni 172 16.3 9 6 6 3 3 6 3 3 Nawali 449 445 4 103 103 29 26 3 95 93 2 Khera 117 115 2 86 85 J Nizampur


I ndustrial cateso~ Location . code Marg,inal workers Cu1tivators ASricultural labourers number Namc of Villasc Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females 1 2 41 42 43 44 45 46 41 48 49 01848400 Plphara 209 182 27 37 2R 9 80 75 5 0]848500 Rasldpur Khalsa 01848600 Shahwazpur 14 II 3 2 2 3 3 01848700 Himmatpur 01848800 Gaharana 90 84 6 S 4 57 55 2 01848900 Aralhard 84 82 2 7 6 19 19 01849000 BIJaun 7 7 4 4 01849100 Dhankpur Arathara 01849200 Khcria 18 10 8 2 2 6 3 3 01849300 Dhamga "J6 21 15 7 4 3 II 10 01849400 Jitauli 10 8 2 10 8 2 01849500 Ramnagar ~2 67 15 22 10 12 43 42 01849600 RustamGarh 66 33 33 52 20 32 9 8 01849700 Bagla Bari 5 4 I 3 2 01849800 Nagla Sant 01849900 Husainpur Kakarala I I 7 4 01850000 Kishanpur 6 6 4 4 01850100 Nagla Chhitli 01850200 Nagala Anm 5 2 3 3 2 2 I I 01850300 Kamsan 40 32 8 10 10 16 13 3 01850400 Nagala Kisl 23 22 4 4 II II 01850500 Sailar 5 4 2 2 01850600 NaglaGalu 16 16 11 II 01850700 Himmatpur Nasirpur 52 13 39 40 • 10 30 7 2 5 01850800 Jawah;upur Kamsan ------Un-inhabited------01850900 Jawara 30 5 25 24 2 22 3 3 01851000 Nagala Khilli 39 38 10 10 25 25 01851100 Gadanpur 203 163 40 21 13 8 177 146 31 01851200 Babasa 434 186 248 61 24 37 332 135 197 01851300 Nasirpur 2 2 1 I 01851400 Bidarika 39 39 39 39 01851500 Bhopatpur 14 9 5 5 3 2 8 6 2 01851600 Majharau 45 40 5 2 2 38 35 3 01851700 Nagala Bhoora 3 3 3 3 01851800 Pratappur Raja 01851900 Sawant Khera 47 38 9 13 6 7 27 27 01852000 Shadaita 55 52 3 39 38 1 01852100 Basundhara 243 231 12 50 47 3 106 102 4 01852200 Harsinghpur ------Un-inhablled------01852300 Bathua 4 4 2 2 01852400 Nagala Punni ------Un-inhabited------01852500 Nawali 73 69 4 8 5 3 62 61 01852600 Khera 169 128 41 48 25 23 73 62 I I 01852100 Nizam~ul

778 PRIMARY CENSUS ABSTRACT CENSUS ABSTRACT Nidhauli Kalan of marginal workers Location Household indust!:l: workers Other workers Non-workers code Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Name of Village number 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 2 I

14 7 7 78 72 6 1.~74 881 1.093 Piphara 01848400 2~5 107 158 Rasidpur Khalsa 01848500 () (J 3 1.988 764 1.224 Shahwazpur 01848600 548 210 338 Himmatpur 01848700 28 25 3 1.355 506 849 Gaharana 01848800 57 56 442 165 277 ATIIlhara 01848900 3 3 1,396 576 820 Bijaun 01849000 184 80 104 Dharilcpur Arnlharn 01849100 6 6 4 3 128 60 68 Kheria 01849200 2 2 16 7 9 1.044 342 702 Dhamga 01849300 1.830 779 1,051 Jitauli 01849400 5 5 12 10 2 1,529 617 912 Ramnagar 01849500 2 2 3 3 658 270 388 RustamGam 01849600 2 2 945 356 589 Sagla Bari 01849700 304 114 190 Nagla Sanl 01849800 10 7 3 739 290 449 Husainpur Kakarala 01849900 r 444 189 255 Kishanpur 01850000 41 20 21 Nagla Chhitli 01850100 332 118 214 NagalaAnni 01850200 4 .3 10 8 2 1,004 362 642 Kamsan 01850300 2 1 6 6 342 135 207 Nagala Kisi 01850400 2 692 298 394 Sailar 01850500 2 2 3 3 1,076 427 649 Nagla Galu 01850600 5 I 4 674 281 J9J Himmatpur Nasirpur 01850700 ------Un-inhabited------Jawaharpur Karnsan 01850800 3 3 423 159 264 Jawara 01850900 2 2 2 1.886 791 1.095 Nagala Khilli 01851000 I 4 4 1,276 489 787 Gadanpur 01851100 17 9 8 24 18 6 2.978 '.229 1.749 Bahasa 01851200 287 122 165 Nasirpur 01851300 276 112' 164 Bidarika 01851400 I 2.163 927 1,236 Bhopatpur 01851500 5 5 2.352 885 1.467 Majharau 01851600 501 189 312 Nagala Bhoora 01851700 308 113 195 PTlltappur Raja 01851800 7 5 2 809 331 478 Sawant Khera 01851900 3 3 13 2 1.057 437 620 BhadaiTII 01852000 14 11 3 73 71" 2 3,658 1,536 2,122 Basundhara 01852100 ------Un-Inhablted------Harsinghpur 01852200 2 2 692 265 427 Balhua 01852300 ------Un-inhabiled------Nagala Punni 01852400 3 3 894 365 529 Nawali o1 85::!500 14 9 5 34 32 2 2.403 964 1,439 Khera 01852600 567 211 356 Ni7.am~ur 01852700



Total population (including Locallon Area of institutional and hou .. elc.. , Population in the cudc Village in Numb(..... of •_____ ..LP;.;,o;."p;;.:u:.:l:::a::_:u:.:_o:.:.:n:,J;) ____ _ age-group 0-6 number Name uf Village hc..."Ctare .. huuseholds Personc; Males Females I~crs()n.. Males Females ~ 2 3 4 5 6 7 M 9 10

III 71 Shllalp". ( I (lldll 311.242 K 31.31)(, 2111.1 It 1 IO~.93(1 92 171 \9.281 20.737 1K.544 II 171 ..llIlalpur (Rum" 30.242 II 31 lOr, 2111 Hli 1O~.,}30 "2 171 "'2RI 20.7J7 IK.544 11171 "llIldlpur (I Jrhdl1) "ih'lalpur (Rural) OI8521<()() Nagla Jclgmnll 424 () 350 2.162 1.190 9?1 449 249 200 (l1852900 Bhartlmm Dcwkl!ohan 472 (, SIO 3.201 1764 1.417 641 346 295 () I R53{)(){) KhuhYillliJ 110 ) \It) 617 341 1lh DR 13 65 () 1853 100 IJharthard Rh'lgwamJa .. 4164 723 4.606 2 4l)1I 2.1 I (I 875 469 4()6 () 185320(1 JI ..... m1l 1.483 (l I. 9S9 12 ()96 "'.5XX 5.50R 2.411 1.266 1.145 011<53300 UdyanpUi R,1I1111dgdr 17(>8 163 1.110 51<6 'i24 2()9 152 117 0185340(1 Shahpu.- Mlldwdh 3090 223 1.407 749 (,'iK 31n 174 1"6 () \ 853500 Bhogpul 390 140 1.007 'i42 4(>5 202 107 tJ5 () 185 3600 Mau·' alluka Bamh 144 I 189 1.129 59X 531 218 128 90 o I 853700 Mahuat 5863 584 3.618 I.'}.U 1.61< I 7H7 393 394 01853800 MII,lwah 2923 504 322X 1.756 1472 662 346 316 01853900 Nagla Pawal 325.1 362 2.289 1.235 1.(154 445 231 208 01854000 Kalhauli 2038 263 1.755 962 793 321 172 149 01854100 Dl1uayal 291.4 161 1.107 (JDU 507 267 135 132 () 1854200 Ahmadabad 249.1 195 1.196 659 5H nQ 161 118 01854300 Dhankpur Loya 81.1 88 496 258 238 96 55 41 01854400 Nagala Dhcemar 926 212 1.531 823 708 324 164 160 () 1854500 KUlhila L.ayakpur 148.0 190 1.141 609 532 252 134 118 01854600 Babarpur 91.5 106 688 385 303 110 61 49 01854100 Muktayarpur 61.9 .-----.. --... un -Inhabited-·------··--·· 01854800 Chak Ramnagar 23.7 ... -.... -..•• Un -mhabltcd··---·------·- 01854900 On 289.4 319 2.193 1.207 986 475 250 225 01855000 Taharpur Barauli 94.9 10 49 25 24 9 4 5 01855100 Garhi Talluka Barauli 212.1 219 1,480 843 637 261 140 121 01855200 Jaharpur Barauli 60.6 49 367 196 171 84 39 4S 01855300 Lalpur Barauli 41.4 52 322 172 ISO 68 23 45 01855400 Sahaspur Barauli 54.1 110 696 369 321 124 65 59 01855500 Khedia Mazamon 24 I 29 241 130 III S4 32 22 01855600 Kutubpur Ma7..araon 11 0 113 667 369 298 131 10 61 01855100 Udaupur Ma7..araon 15.6 81 526 301 225 84 51 33 01855800 Bahanpur 135.6 164 973 504 469 197 109 88 01855900 Jungalpur 145.1 92 596 326 270 94 46 48 01856000 Bhagpur Barauli 121.4 184 1.152 645 507 213 112 101 01856100 Kunetha Ta Barauli 141.0 81 405 221 184 48 IS 33 01856200 Barauli 108.3 81 484 274 210 55 31 24 01856300 Wajidpur Barduli 1014 61 410 229 IX I 8Q 47 42 01856400 Kamalpur Barauh 40'1 32 204 117 87 31 18 13 01856500 Achalpur 380 1 159 1.0)4 51W 445 18') 106 83 01856600 MarJadpur 230.0 114 703 357 346 166 80 86 01856700 Nahchalpur u1ya 1310 102 663 352 .HI 125 66 59 01856800 Bcndula 217 I 293 1.834 1.028 806 385 215 170 01856900 Pehara MaJf3 Kabir Pur 1630 180 1.033 601 432 169 89 80 01857000 Kabll"pur MaJara Pahara 1106 109 695 3"TJI 317 85 42 43 01857100 Mil7.apur Kabul'ur 1275 109 680 368 312 121 57 64 01857200 KhadaUl.1 7469 720 4.798 2.577 2.221 967 484 483 01857300 Pilhrdi K83 132 681 390 291 110 5S 55 01857400 Ral11nag,lT Jill .. lpur 6570 451 2.876 I.SKI 1.2()5 563 312 251 018 S 7 500 KClI~i1I" 4817 616 3.9S4 2 106 1.1< 1M 771 399 372 01 857(,00 Sm]clllpUf 498 100 631 3](' 29'i 14] 75 68 01857700 PamdilpUi 5:! I 53 ~28 225 203 ~9 43 ~6 01 KS7S00 lIillllilWilh 1905 234 1.650 919 731 l03 174 129 () I 85790ll B.ll1ham Mdlard Kilrt"I;1 7J<) 54 320 173 147 5:! 20 32 OlK5801l1l Mlhk Billllmrct 552 80 ~S~ 261 223 <)4 50 ~4 01 K5K lOll JalalJlur P:llcml I 70 l( 183 I.(l~ 7 SKI 4(>(> :!OO 104 96 01858200 Nalilun .W.' 0 353 2.I~n 1.15(1 Q84 ~40 200 240 <11 K~lnOO Pahml 231 \ 2(~K l.b77 9(1 I • 776 326 \60 \6(~ (11858400 f-I:m;handpUl 1227 48 3-19 IRK 161 63 35 28


Scheduled Castes popuation Scheduled Tribes ~I?:ulation Literates Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Name of Village 1 I 12 13 14 15 16 ]1 18 19 2 31.584 17.('27 14.551 98.652 66.370 32.282 Shnalpur (Total) 31584 \7.027 14.557 98.M2 66.370 32.282 Shualpur (Rural) Shllalpur (Urban) Slutalpur (Rural) 113 55 58 1.056 125 331 Nagla Jagroop 423 237 186 1.325 948 377 Bharthara Dewkishan 105 52 53 333 215 IIH Khullyana 245 129 116 2.143 1.439 704 BhartharaBhagwandas 1.587 886 701 5,716 3,959 1.757 Jlrsamt 27 16 11 469 336 133 Udyanpur Ramnagar 244 133 III 594 415 179 Shahpur Milawah 209 III 96 510 336 174 Bhogpur 298 158 140 699 409 290 Mau TaHuka Baroli 181 93 88 1.710 1,139 571 Mabuat 639 334 305 1,491 1.020 477 Mtlawali 633 334 299 1.056 723 333 Nagla Pawal 298 161 137 1,036 691 345 Kathauli 524 367 157 Dhuayai 236 133 103 599 401 198 Ahmadabad 94 49 45 262 151 111 Dharikpur Loya 36 23 13 718 508 270 Nagala Dheemar 280 153 121 548 349 199 Kuthi1a Layakpur 311 21S 162 435 266 169 Babarpur ------Un-inhabited------Muktayarpur ------Un-inhabited------Chak Ramnagar 429 237 192 1,023 695 328 On 37 21 16 Taharpur Barauli 104 58 46 625 413 152 Garhi TaHuka Barauli 155 104 SI Jaharpur Barauli 125 93 32 Lalpur Barauli 402 262 140 Sahaspur Barauli 117 13 44 Khedia Mazaraon 90 50 40 292 220 n Kutubpur Mazaraon 242 175 67 Udaitpur Mazaraon 162 85 71 419 290 129 Bahanpur 43 24 19 282 195 87 lungalpur 155 90 65 589 418 171 Bhagpur Barauli ·48 21 27 257 182 75 Kunetha Ta Barauli 93 46 41 212 186 86 Barauli 100 57 43 202 155 41 Wajidpur Barauli 109 83 26 Kamalpur Barauli 102 58 44 424 324 100 Achalpur 35 17 18 2S8 190 68 Marjadpur 122 51 65 339 224 115 Nahchalpur Loya 251 136 115 918 632 286 Bendula 10 3 1 499 315 124 Pehara Majra Kabir Pur 394 282 112 Kabirpur Majara Pahara 59 32 21 414 218 136 Mirzapur Kabirpur 666 361 305 2.259 1.546 113 Khadal,la 389 286 103 Pahrai 280 150 130 1.494 998 496 Ramnagar lalalpl,lr 280 144 136 2,023 1.296 1'17 Kartala 330 216 114 SarJanpur 55 29 26 205 135 70 Paindapur 240 133 101 820 557 :!63 Hamawalt 71 36 35 127 90 37 Banhara Majara Kartala 192 10(, 86 224 144 80 Mtlik Danhara 102 58 44 572 402 110 Jalalpur Palara 255 140 115 679 509 170 Namun 260 141 119 911 608 303 Palar.. 6 4 2 107 84 23 Harchandpur


Location codc Illiterates Total workers Main workers numbcr Name ofVillagc Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females ".. 2 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 0171 Shllalpur ( fOlal) 102,449 42.560 59.889 58,655 50.154 8.501 44,986 41,812 3.174 0171 Shllalpur (Rural) 102.449 42.560 59,889 58.655 50.154 8.5!)1 44.986 41.812 3.174 0171 Shnalpur (lJman) Shllalpur (Ruml) 01852800 Nagla Jagmop 1.106 465 641 824 585 239 361 344 17 01852900 Bharthara Dcwklshan 1.816 816 1.060 1.037 853 1M 664 622 42 01853000 Khutiyana 344 126 218 137 135 2 121 120 I 01853100 Bharthara Bhagwandas 2.463 1.051 1.412 1.762 1.272 49() 1.076 1.003 73 01853200 Jlrsami 6,380 2.629 3.751 3,641 3.065 576 2.625 2.493 132 01853300 Udyanpur Ramnagar 641 250 391 341 246 95 236 224 12 01853400 Shahpur Mllawali 813 334 479 366 349 17 332 325 7 01853500 Bhogpur 497 206 291 272 259 13 243 242 I 01853600 Mau Talluka Bamh 430 189 241 264 261 3 258 255 3 01853700 Mahuat 1,908 798 I.IID 1.327 919 408 Ll07 801 306 01853800 Mllawah 1,731 736 995 1.259 929 330 189 775 14 01853900 Nagla Pawal 1.233 512 721 581 569 12 562 553 9 01854000 Kathauli 719 271 448 449 435 14 340 332 8 01854100 Ohuayai 583 233 350 213 200 13 197 195 2 01854200 Ahmadabad 597 258 339 261 259 2 220 2]8 2 01854300 Oharikpur Loya 234 107 127 132 125 1 123 123 01854400 Nagala Dheemar 153 315 438 389 316 13 295 289 6 01854500 Kudlila Layakpur 593 260 333 373 .318 55 263 211 52 01854600 Babarpur 253 119 134 175 172 3 172 169 3 01854700 MuktayalpuJ' ------Un-inhabited------01854800 Chak Ramnagar ------Un-inbabited------01854900 On 1,170 512 658 558 532 26 523 S05 18 01855000 Taharpur Barauli 12 4 8 12 to 2 12 10 2 01855100 Garlli Talluka Barauli 855 370 485 448 437 II 383 317 6 01855200 Jaharpur Barauli 212 92 120 120 95 25 95 95 01855300 Lalpur Barauli 197 79 118 153 96 51 114 92 22 0)855400 Saltaspur Bamuli 294 107 187 196 181 15 178 171 7 01855500 Khedia Mazamon 124 57 67 57 55 2 24 24 01855600 Kutubpur Mazaraon 375 149 226 178 118 175 175 01855700 Udaitpur Mazamon 284 126 158 269 167 102 202 138 64 01855800 Bahanpur 554 214 340 583 337 246 211 211 01855900 Jungalpur 314 131 183 183 182 182 181 01856000 Bhagpur Barauli 563 227 336 337 325 12 336 325 11 01856100 Kunetha Ta Barauli 148 39 109 127 125 2 127 125 2 01856200 Barauli 212 88 124 147 145 2 147 145 2 01856300 Wajidpur Barauli 208 74 134 121 121 121 121 01856400 Kamalpur Barauli 95 34 61 66 65 I 54 53 I 01856500 Achalpur 610 265 345 327 321 6 322 320 2 01856600 Marjadpur 445 167 278 333 212 121 147 146 01856700 Nahchalpur Loya 324 128 196 151 144 7 129 125 4 01856800 Bcndula 916 396 520 539 513 26 483 469 14 01856900 Pehara Majra Kahlr Pur 534 226 308 318 301 11 287 286 I 01857000 Kabirpur Majara Pahara 301 96 205 199 198 196 195 I 01857100 Mirzapur Kablrpur 266 90 176 179 115 4 155 152 3 01857200 Khadaua 2.539 1,031 1.508 1,399 1.298 101 1.223 1.201 22 01851300 Pahrai 292 104 188 184 "180 4 171 167 4 01857400 Ramnagar Jala'pur 1.382 583 799 788 164 24 605 588 i7 01851500 Kartala 1.961 810 1.151 1.081 1.003 18 1,009 953 56 01857600 Saljanpur 301 120 181 ISO 149 U8 131 01851700 Paindapur 223 90 133 95 94 I 61 61 01857800 Hamawali 830 362 468 401 389 12 334 326 8 01857900 Hanhara Majara Kartala 193 83 110 99 82 17 S9 56 3 01858000 Milik Banhara 260 117 143 143 140 3 71 70 1 01858100 Jalalpur Palara 475 179 296 299 297 2 299 297 2 01858200 Narauri 1,461 647 814 652 566 K6 573 565 8 01858300 Palard 766 293 413 441 440 7 447 440 7 01858400 Harchandpur 242 104 138 92 87 5 90 87 3

784 PRIMARY CENSUS ABSTRACT CENSUS ABSTRACT Shitalpur rndustrial category of main workers Household industry Cultivators Agricultural labourers workers Other workers Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Name of Village 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 2 28.419 26.93 I 1.4118 6.132 5.413 719 1.541 1.292 249 8.894 8.176 718 Shltalpur (Total) 28.419 26.931 1.4118 6.132 5.41J 719 1.541 1.292 249 8.894 8.17(, 718 Shltalpur CRural) Shlta'pur (Urban) Shltalpur (Rural) 235 225 10 27 27 10 9 I 89 83 6 Nagla Jagroop 462 443 19 81 14 7 18 13 5 103 92 I I Bharthara Dcwklshan 82 82 4 4 35 34 J Khullyana 625 590 35 183 168 IS 101 90 II 167 155 12 Bharthara Bhagwandas 1.740 1.645 95 411 389 22 112 104 8 362 355 7 Jlrsaml 122 113 9 70 68 2 4 4 40 39 I Udyanpur Ramnagar 249 245 4 15 15 II 9 2 57 56 Shahpur Mllawali 130 129 I 83 83 I 1 29 29 Bhogpur 96 95 132 130 2 S 5 2S 25 Mau Talluka Baroli 595 478 117 368 216 152 41 23 24 97 84 13 Mahuat 602 591 II 38 38 65 65 84 81 3 Mllawah 248 244 4 212 210 2 20 18 2 82 81 Nagla Pawal 237 230 7 3 3 19 19 81 80 Kathauh 115 173 2 9 9 2 2 II 1 I Dhuayai 198 196 2 5 5 4 4 13 13 Ahmadabad 88 88 29 29 1 5 5 DharikpuT Loya 165 162 3 52 52 IS 14 63 61 2 Nagata Dhcemar 86 84 2 9 9 41 17 24 127 101 26 Kuthila Layakpur 61 58 3 98 98 13 ij Babarpur ------Un-inhabited------Mu\ctayaIpUT ------Un-inhabited------Chak Ramnagar 226 222 4 88 87 1 18 10 8 191 186 5 On 10 8 2 2 2 Taharpur Barauli 264 262 2 56 54 2 11 10 52 51 Garhi Talluka Barauli 19 79 13 13 3 3 JahaIpur Barauli 82 65 17 21 16 5 II II Lalpur Barauli 145 140 S I 2 2 30 28 2 Sahaspur Barauli 17 17 I 6 6 Khedia Mazaraon 144 144 20 20 3 3 8 8 Kutubpur Mazaraon 120 !15 5 5 5 4 4 13 14 S9 Udaitpur Mazaraon 144 144 23 23 4 4 40 40 Bahanpur 17S 174 I 6 6 Jungalpur 309 299 10 2 2 24 23 I Bhagpur Barauli 95 94 I 32 31 I Kunetha Ta Barauli 136 136 I 1 9 2 Barauh 113 III 8 8 Wajidpur Barauli 45 44 2 2 • 7 7 Kamalpur Barauli 317 315 2 4 4 I I Achalpur 137 136 I 2 2 8 8 Maljadpur 103 99 4 7 1 19 19 Nahchalpur Loya 327 319 8 87 86 18 18 51 46 5 Bendula 252 251 I 8 8 I I 26 26 Pehara MaJra Kabir Pur 181 180 1 2 2 13 13 Kabirpur MaJara Pahara 146 143 3 2 2 7 7 Mirzapur Kabirpur 967 951 16 145 141 4 27 26 84 83 Khadaua 164 160 4 2 2 4 4 Pahral 435 426 9 74 12 2 18 17 78 7J 5 Ramnagar Jalalpur 580 549 31 70 64 6 42 31 5 317 303 14 Kanala 67 61 30 29 4 4 37 37 SarJanpur 28 28 22 22 3 3 8 8 Paindapur 234 229 5 40 40 12 I I 48 46 2 Hamawah 52 49 3 6 (, 1 I Banham Majara Kartala 58 58 3 2 10 10 Milik Banhara 246 244 2 46 46 7 7 Jalalpur Palara 498 493 5 64 (lJ 3 11 II Naraun 341 331 4 102 99 3 4 4 Palam 78 15 3 I 1 6 6 5 5 Harchandpur

785 DISTRICT CENSUS HANDBOOK: ETAH VILLAGE PRIMARY CD Block- Industrial category Location code Marginal workers Cultivators Agriculturallabourcrs number Name of Village Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females 2 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 0111 Shllalpur (Tolal) 13.669- 8,342 5.327 3.826 i.245 2,581 6.649 4.824 1.825 0171 . Sllltalpur(Rural) 13,669 8.342 5.327 3.826 1.245 2.581 6.649 4.824 1.825 0171 Shitaillur (Urban) Shltalpur (Rural) 01852800 Nagla Jagmop 463 241 222 8 5 3 401 196 205 01852900 Bharthara Dcwkishan 373 231 142 77 26 I 51 186 149 37 01853000 Khutiyana 16 15 I 4 4 9 9 01853100 Bhartharn Bhagwandas 686 269 417 82 37 45 413 182 231 01853200 Jirsami 1.016 572 444 293 83 210 613 422 191 01853300 Udyanpur Ramnagar 105 22 83 52 2 50 42 14 28 01853400 Shahpul' Mllawali 34 24 10 23 14 9 2 I I 01853500 Bhogpur 29 17 12 6 6 14 II 3 01853600 Mau Talluka Baroh 6 6 6 6 01853700 Mahual 220 118 102 129 62 , 67 51 37 14 01853800 Milawah 470 154 316 371 84 281 74 51 23 01853900 Nagla Pawal ]9 ]6 3 2 I 14 13 I 01854000 Kathauli 109 103 6 I I 77 74 3 01854100 Dhuayai 16 5 II 11 2 9 4 3 01854200 Ahmadabad 41 41 9 9 32 32 01854300 Dharikpur Laya 9 2 1 9 2 7 01854400 Nagata Dheemar 94 87 7 3 3 81 74 7 01854500 Kuthila Layakpur 1]0 107 3 2 98 91 1 01854600 Babarpur 3 3 01854700 Muklayarpur ------Un-tnhablted------01854800 Chak Ramnagar ------Un-inhablted------01854900 On 35 21 8 844 21 21 01855000 Taharpur Harauli 01855100 Garhi Talluka Bamuli 65 60 5 3 2 51 50 01855200 Jabarpur Barauli 2S 25 25 25 01855300 Lalpur Barauli 39 4 35 36 35 3 3 01855400 Sahaspur Bamuli 18 10 8 8 4 4 2 2 01855500 Khedia Mazamon 33 31 2 11 10 I 21 20 01855600 Kutubpur Mazaraon 3 3 I 1 1 I 01855700 Udaitpur Mazamon 61 29 38 37 22 IS 10 7 3 01855800 Bahanpur 372 126 246 199 72 127 149 41 108 01855900 Jungalpur I I I 01856000 Bhagpur Barauli I I 01856100 Kunetha Ta Bamuli 01856200 Barauli 01856300 Wajidpur Bamuli 01856400 Kamalpur Hamuli \2 n \2 12 01856500 Achalpur 5 1 4 01856600 Ma~adpur 186 66 120 180 63 117 3 3 01856700 Nahchalpur Laya 22 19 3 15 12 3 01856800 Bendula 56 44 12 I 51 41 10 01856900 Pehara Majra Kabir Pur 31 15 16 17 6 ] 1 9 9 01857000 Kabirpur Majara Pahara 3 3 01857100 Mirzapur Kabirpur 24 23 I 19 18 I 01857200 Khadaua 176 97 79 36 32 4 117 45 72 01857300 Pahral 13 13 II II 01857400 Ramnagar JalaJpur 183 176 7 10 7 3 138 138 01857500 Kartala 72 50 22 II I 10 42 34 K 01857600 Smjanpur 12 12 2 2 7 7 01857700 Pamdapur 34 33 21 20 01857800 Hamawali 67 63 4 3 3 23 23 01857900 Banhara Majara Kartala 40 26 14 40 26 14 01858000 Milik Banhara 72 70 2 3 3 69 67 2 01858 100 Jalalpur Palara 01858200 Namuri 79 78 78 77 01858300 Palara 01858400 Hat"Chandpur 2 2

786 PRIMARY CENSUS ABSTRACT CENSUS ABSTRACT Shitalpur of marginal workers Location Household indust~ workers Other workers Non-workers code Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Name ofVillagc number 50 51 52 53 54 55 26 57 58 2 1 752 367 38S 2.442 1.906 536 142.446 58.776 83.670 Shnalpur (Total) 0171 752 367 385 2.442 1.906 536 142.446 58.776 83.670 Slutalpur (Rural) 0171 SllIlalpur (Urban) 0171 Shltalpur (Rural) 16 5 II 38 35 3 1,338· 605 733 Nagla Jagroop 01852800 38 5 33 72 51 21 2,164 911 ].253 Bharthara Dewkishan 0]852900 3 2 I 540 206 334 Khutiyana 0]853000 52 24 28 139 26 113 2,844 1.218 1.626 Bharthara Bhagwandas 01853100 26 21 5 84 46 38 8,455 3,523 4.932 Jirsami 01853200 2 2 9 4 5 769 340 429 UdyanpuT Ramnagar 01853300 8 8 1,041 400 641 Shahpur Mllawali 01853400 5 5 4 4 735 283 452 Bhogpur 01853500 865 337 528 Mau Talluka Bamli 01853600 17 6 I I 23 13 10 2,291 1.018 1.273 Mahuat 01853700 II 8 3 14 II 3 1.969 827 1.142 MilawaJi 01853800 2 I 1.708 666 1.042 Nagla Pawal 01853900 30 28 2 1,306 527 779 Kathauli 01854000 894 400 494 Dhuayai 01854100 935 400 535 Ahmadabad 01854200 364 133 231 Dharikpur Loya 01854300 2 2 8 8 1,142 447 695 Nagala Dheemar 01854400 2 2 8 7 768 291 477 Kuthila Layakpur 01854500 3 3 513 213 300 Babarpur 01854600 ------Un-inhabited------Muktayarpur 01854700 ------Un-inhabited------..:------Chak Ramnagar 01854800 S 2 3 1,6.35 675 960 On 01854900 .37 15 22 Taharpur Barauli 01855000 II 9 2 1,032 406 626 Garbi Talluka Barauli 01855100 247 101 146 Jaharpur Barauli 01855200 169 76 93 Lalpur Barauli 01855300 8 4 4 500 188 312 Sahaspur Barauli 01855400 184 75 109 Khedia Mazaraon 01855500 1 489 191 298 KUtUbpUT Mazaraon 01855600 20 20 257 134 • 123 Udaitpur Mazamon 01855700 17 10 7 7 3 4 390 167 223 Bahanpur 01855800 413 144 269 Jungalpur 01855900 815 320 495 Bhagpur Barauli 01856000 278 96 182 Kunetha Ta Barauli 01856100 337 129 208 Barauli o I 85620Q 289 108 181 Wajidpur Barauli 01856300 138 52 86 Karnalpur Barauli 01856400 5 4 707 268 439 Achalpur 01856500 3 3 370 145 225 MaljadpuT 01856600 6 6 512 208 304 Nahchalpur Loya 01856700 4 2 2 1,295 SI5 780 Bendula 01856800 5 5 715 300 415 Pehara Majra Kabir Pur 01856900 3 3 496 180 316 Kabirpur Majara Pahara 01857000 4 4 501 193 308 Mirzapur KabillJur 01857100 4 3 19 17 2 3.399 1.279 2.120 Khadaua 01857200 I 497 210 287 Pahrai 01857300 15 12 3 20 19 2.088 817 1.271 Ramnagar Jalalpur 01857400 5 4 14 11 ) 2.903 1.103 1.800 Kartala 01857500 3 3 481 187 294 Saljanpur 01857600 13 13 333 131 202- Paindapur 01857700 10 7 3 31 30 1.249 530 719 Hamawali 01857800 221 91 130 Banhara Majara Kartala 01857900 341 121 220 Milik Banhara 01858000 748 284 464 Jalalpur Palara 01858100 1.488 590 898 Narauri 01858200 1.230 461 769 Palara 01858300 257 101 • 156 Harchandpur 01858400

787 DISTRICT CENSUS HANDBOOK: ETAH VILLAGE PRIMARY CD Block- Total population (including Location Area of institutional and houselcss Population in thc code Village in Number of population) age-group 0-6 number Name ()f Village hectares households Persons Males Females Persons Males Females . 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 01858500 Nagala Dunya 120.8 161 983 530 453 237 130 107 01858600 Mamadhcr 311.7 249 1.724 926 798 364 191 173 01858700 Sonsa 511 I 537 3.347 1,828 1.519 659 355 304 0' 858800 RaJpur 237.0 176 1.137 645 492 217 122 95 01858900 Jyuri 254.2 203 1,212 647 565 229 122 107 01859000 Jamalpur 617.1 168 1.234 669 565 228 112 116 01859100 Oumya 29.6 70 463 258 205 90 55 35 01859200 Nagmal 90.5 18 135 69 66 32 18 14 01 859300 Bagwala 1057 797 4.769 2.631 2.138 801 453 348 01859400 Kansuri 1.3250 905 5.907 3.164 2.743 1,193 607 586 01859500 Babrauti Nasil-pur 604.4 316 2.025 1.071 954 457 259 198 01859600 Kutabpur Urf Kundanpur 41 3 68 445 246 199 91 46 45 01859700 Talibpur Khcdia 268.7 131 792 433 359 168 79 89 01859800 Labheta .354.1 278 1,886 989 • 897 361 204 157 01859900 Koyana 370.2 119 830 457 373 172 84 88 01860000 ShlVsinhpur Urf Nagla 276.0 183 1.375 756 619 228 121 107 NtJam 01860100 Barthari 323.0 205 1.287 719 568 258 131 127 01860200 Loyabadshahpur Balban 197.3 185 1.195 643 552 236 133 103 Singh 01860300 Loya Badshahpur Peetam 201.4 195 1,186 649 537 282 ]49 133 Singh 018"60400 Chacbar Mau 69.0 38 315 169 146 56 35 21 01860500 Himmatpur Chachar Mau 29.2 59 360 187 173 71 35 36 01860600 Rampur Keelar Mau 358.1 71 415 230 185 77 42 35 01860700 Jeesukhpur Etah 128.1 270 1,700 908 792 338 172 166 01860800 Kee1ar Mau 648.0 521 3,528 1,946 1,582 614 335 279 01860900 Bhatmai 114.1 154 1,001 535 466 236 122 114 01861000 Kasaun Nijampur 429.6 412 2.519 1,370 1.149 500 259 241 01861100 Manoopur 97.6 114 922 508 414 187 93 94 01861200 Shayampur Biran .40.3 ------Un-inhilbited------01861300 Shayampur Siya Pur 52.6 t03 580 299 ·281 104 47 57 01861400 Singhpur Loya 98.0 63 400 208 192 83 36 47 01861500 Kishanpur Loya 86.3 69 511 291 220 103 55 48 01861600 Pawans 338.6 446 2.714 1,428 1,286 575 279 296 01861700 Lakhmi Pur 78.5 82 507 271 236 118 62 56 o1861800 Senthan 415.4 153 1.171 593 578 236 105 131 01861900 Neorai 661.2 861 5.738 3,137 2.601 1,021 537 484 01862000 Nagalafand 222.7 264 1,781 936 845 341 180 161 01862100 Etah Debat 320.3 406 2,820 1,500 1,320 598 325 273 01862200 Lalgarhi 4.0 241 1,657 872 785 315 167 148 01862300 Shitalpur 201.0 394 2,627 1,425 1.202 491 260 231 01862400 Rampur Ghanshyam 290.8 336 2.081 1,119 962 440 233 207 01862500 Narahara 145 894 504 390 175 93 82 01862600 Kusan 131 771 411 360 170 79 91 01862700 ChandpurJindahar 189.0 63 352 198 154 70 36 34 01862800 Kunawali 129.3 HI 642 348 294 136 15 61 01862900 Manpur 406.4 215 1.310 725 585 237 126 I I I 01863000 Bhadon 134.6 124 886 473 413 187 108 79 01863100 Pura 396.0 225 1.426 763 663 327 175 15:! 01863200 Rarpatti 805.7 894 5.352 2.884 2.468 931 484 447 01863300 Asarnuli 3860 484 3.303 1.745 1.558 590 305 285 01863400 Kaseli 1056 107 771 406 365 179 76 103 01863500 Doolhepur 130.2 292 1.762 946 816 313 159 154 01863600 Chhitauni 35 224 1.422 760 662 281 151 130 01863700 Vtrnmpur Elah 38 173 1.077 570 507 209 117 92 01863800 Kakarnwali 555 J 586 3.909 2.152 1.757 774 415 359 01863900 Nehachalpur Aratharn 98.6 20 153 82 71 36 18 18 01864000 Jawaharpur Arathara 157.5 104 721 390 331 185 91 94 01864 100 Umaraypur Arthara 55.0 82 500 270 230 101 49 52 01864200 Barthar 502.0 753 4.914 2.721 2,193 892 509 383


Scheduled Castes I!()(!uation Scheduled Tribes eo(!ulatlon Literates Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males F<''11lales Name of Village I I 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 2 315 163 152 479 326 153 Nagala Duriya 130 63 67 800 525 275 Mamadhcr 502 289 213 1.574 1.071 503 Sonsa 513 364 149 Raj pur 59 26 33 635 427 208 Jyuri III 62 49 696 404 292 Jamalpur 98 53 45 122 95 27 Dumya 51 35 16 Nagmai 1.016 'i1') 481 2.572 1.730 842 Bagwala 630 .127 303 2.981 2.008 973 Kansuri 324 182 142 852 ql< 314 Babrautl Na""l1ur 163 121 42 KUlabpur uri Kundanpur 15 7 8 262 193 69 TalibpuT Khedla 304 168 136 1.013 620 393 Labheta 364 276 88 Koyana 110 61 49 786 524 262 Shivsinhpur Urf Nagla Nijam 359 207 152 636 436 200 Barthari 23 13 10 583 391 192 LoyabadsbahpuT Balban Singh 650 352 298 444 321 123 Loya BadshahpuT Peetam Singh 228 124 104 CbacharMau 7 4 3 135 84 51 HimrnatpuT Cbachar Mau 221 157 64 Rampur Keelar Mau 490 249 241 856 557 299 Jeesukbpur Etah 729 417 312 1,511 1.045 466 KeelarMau 83 56 27 523 347 176 Bhatmai 292 155 137 1,127 817 310 Kasaun Nijampur 513 350 163 Manoopur ------Un-inhabited------Shayampur Biran 82 43 39 335 205 130 Shayampur Siya PUT 241 158 83 Singbpur Loya 393 227 166 256 166 90 Kisbanpur Loya 1,085 562 523 1.071 712 359 Pawans 21 8 13 218 152 66 Lakbmi Pur 450 240 210 553 345 208 Senthari 699 372 327 2.629 1,850 779 Neorai 303 160 143 1.067 684 383 Nagalafarid 558 287 271 1.328 854 474 Etah Dehat 128 65 63 955 617 338 Lalgarhi 240 129 I II 1.415 90S 510 Shitalpur 1.007 54~ 461 1.017 100 317 RampuT Ghanshyam 349 277 72 Narahara 359 239 120 Kusari 220 [ [8 102 194 no 64 Chandpur Jindahar 167 85 82 229 175 54 Kunawah 249 136 113 518 370 148 Manpur 11 6 11 491 325 166 Bhadon 183 95 88 614 430 184 Pura 905 469 436 2.492 1.711 775 RarpaUI 434 222 212 1.901 1.216 685 Asarauh 41 19 22 228 171 57 Kaseti 29 15 14 667 502 165 Doolhepur 340 192 148 124 494 230 Chhitauni 249 131 liS 595 367 228 Virampur Etah 442 239 203 1.911 1.311 594 Kakarawali 54 41 13 Nehachalpur Arathara 206 150 56 Jawaharpur Arathara 104 54 50 175 120 5S Umaraypur Arthara 2.293 1.268 1.025 2.522 1.615 847 Barthar


Location code III iterates Total worker;. Main workers number Name of Village Pel"sons Males Females Persons Males f'!01alcs. Persons Males Females r 2 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 01858500 Nagala Duriya 504 204 300 236 233 3 208 208 01858600 Mainadhcr 924 401 523 555 427 '28 .218 205 13 01858700 Sonsa 1.773 757 1.016 1.368 819 5·\9 '.012 741 271 01858800 RaJPur 624 ~81 343 762 452 :'It(l 040 414 226 01858900 Jyun 577 220 357 528 JJ3 195 50.5 327 178 01859000 Jamalpur 538 265 273 363 297 66 los 290 15 01859100 Duntya 341 163 178 120 112 8 6 3 3 01859200 Nagmal 84 34 50 94 47 47 .";1 32 9 01859300 Bagwala 2.197 901 1296 1.283 1.202 81 1.14~ 1,111 34 01859400 Kansun 2.1)26 1.\56 1.770 1.42\ 1,340 81 1.214 ::201 13 01859500 Babrauti Nasirpur 1,173 'i33 640 574 520 54 522 472 50 01859600 Kutabpur Urf Kundanput 21U 125 157 107 lOS 2 105 104 1 01859100 Talibput Khedia 530 240 290 268 ·211 57 180 178 2 01859800 Labheta 873 369 504 476 454 22 474 454 20 01859900 Koyana 466 181 285 230 228 2 229 227 2 01860000 Shivsinhpur Un Nagla 589 232 357 366 360 6 352 346 6 NiJam 01860100 Barthari 651 283 368 371 354 17 107 298 9 01860200 Loyabadshahpur Balban 612 252 360 309 296 13 '2'92 284 ~ Singh 01860300 Loya Badshahpur Pectatn 742 328 414 328 319 9 2(7 210 7 Singh 01860400 ChacbarMau 81 45 42 86 80 6 S5 7Q 6 01860500 Himrnatpur Chachar Mau 225 103 122 120 83 37 119 82 Yl 01860600 Rampul" Keelar Mau 194 73 121 10.3 99 4 86 8~ 1 01860700 Jeesukhpur Etah 844 351 493 427 408 ,~ 370 356 V 01860800 KeelarMau 2,017 901 1,116 906 860 46 746 717 J'f 01860900 Bbatmai 478 188 290 236 231 S ~32 228 4 01861000 Kasaun Nijampur 1.392 553 839 971 747 0..:.24 no 603 \17 01861100 Manoopur 409 158 251 246 246 245 245 01861200 Shayampur Biran ------Un-inhabited------.... -- 01861300 Shayampur Siya Pur 245 94 151 128 126 '. . 109 108 01861400 Singhpur Loya 159 50 109 90 84 69 69 Ot861500 Kishanpur Loya 255 125 130 148 136 I:;_ 131 124 7 01861600 Pawans 1.643 716 927 691 645 46 567 544 23 01861700 Lakhmi Pur 289 119 170 133 128 5 133 t28 5 01861800 Senthari 618 248 370 293 275 18 264 25~ 12 01861900 Neorai 3.109 1.287 1,822 2.190 1,588 602 1.436 1.279 157 01862000 Nagalararid 114 252 462 441 415 26 324 305 19 01862100 Etah Dehat 1.492 646 846 667 '632 35 446 424 22 01862200 Lalgarhi 702 255 447 535 361 174 110 J2:n 90 01862300 Shitalpur 1.212 520 692 624 584 40 ,Vl6 572 . 34 01862400 Rampul" Ghanshyam 1.064 419 645 555 520 35 2~.1 276 12 01862500 Narahara 545 227 31g 384 ZSO 134 24~ Z:n 8 01862600 Kusan 4\2 \12 1.40 3\7 200 \\7 204 W t \3 01862700 Chandpur Jjndahar 158 68 90 98 C;j 82 82 01862800 Runawali 413 173 240 ISS 145 10 74 72 2 01862900 Manpur 792 355 437 375 348 27 166 162 4 01863000 Bhadon 39.5 148 247 278 2{4 34 229 ZZ3 6 01863100 Pura 812 333 479 352 342 10 305 300 5 01863200 Rarpaui 2.860 1.167 1.693 1.562 1.203 359 1.052 914 138 Ol863300 Asamuh [.402 529 873 806 776 3q 602 584 18 01863400 Kasell 543 235 308 113 [ I I 2 56 56 01863500 DooI hepur 1.095 444 651 604 490 114 S72 462 110 01863600 Chh.itauni 698 266 432 323 309 14 297 214 13 01863700 Vir..l.Inpur Etah 482 203 279 271 248 23 197 It',g 9 01863800 Kakarawali 1.998 835 1.163 1.001 844 157 706 68S 20 01863900 Nellaehalpur Arathara 99 41 58 78 47 31 41 38 3 01864000 Jawaharpul" Arathara 515 240 275 276 174 102 169 156 IJ 0\864\00 Umaraypur Artham 325 150 175 220 118 t02 114 114 01864200 Barthar 2.392 1.046 1.346 1,236 1.139 97 959 882 77

790 PRIMARY CENSUS ABSTRACT CENSUS ABSTRACT Shitalpur Industrial category of main workers Household industry Cultivators Agricultunll labuurcrs workcrs Other workers Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Pcrsons Males Females Persons Males Females Name of Village 29 30 3' 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 2 174 174 34 34 Nagala Duriya 136 129 7 8 4 4 6 5 68 67 Mamadhcr 606 549 57 234 46 188 28 23 5 144 [23 21 Sonsa 596 372 224 8 8 (, 5 30 29 1 Rajpur 480 305 175 7 7 I 17 15 2 Jyun 267 260 7 10 7 3 10 8 2 18 15 3 Jamalpur 5 2 3 Dumya 40 31 9 Nagmal 852 83() 22 142 J40 2 17 II 6 134 130 4 Bagwala 816 809 7 237 236 I 36 35 1 125 [2[ 4 Kansun 342 324 18 47 43 4 31 13 IS 102 92 10 Babrauti Naslrpur 92 91 I 8 8 5 5 Kutabpur Un Kundanpur 173 171 2 7 7 Talibpur Khedia 411 391 20 28 28 3 3 32 32 Labheta 214 212 2 10 10 4 4 Koyana 187 184 3 158 155 3 4 4 3 3 Shlvsinhpur Urf Nagla Nijam 259 256 3 13 [ 3 19 13 6 16 16 Barthari 199 196 3 46 45 2 45 42 3 Loyabadshahpur Balban S10gh 92 88 4 115 113 2 2 2 8 7 Loya Badshahpur Pcetam Singh 76 71 5 8 7 J Cbachar Mau 41 41 78 41 37 Himmatpur Chachar Mau 58 58 to 10 2 16 16 Rampur Keelar Mau 163 163 172 159 13 1 1 II 24 23 Jeesukhpur Etah 666 643 23 10 9 32 27 5 38 38 Keelar Mau 205 201 4 13 13 14 14 Bbatmai 555 471 84 26 25 52 43 9 87 64 23 Kasaun NijampuT 213 213 3 3 28 28 ManoopuT ------Un-inhabited------Shayampur Biran 74 13 2 2 33 33 Shayampur Siya Pur 38 38 31 31 Singhpur Loya 106 105 I 13 13 • 12 6 6 Kishanpur Loya 318 306 12 54 52 2 44 44 151 142 9 Pawans 128 124 4 1 4 3 Lakhmi PUT 58 58 159 [48 II 1 I 46 45 Senthari 894 833 61 309 275 34 121 65 56 112 106 6 Neorai 87 81 6 124 119 5 50 45 5 63 60 3 Nagalafilrid 245 238 7 48 38 10 14 14 139 134 5 Etah Dehat 201 186 15 68 63 5 9 7 2 132 64 68 Lalgarlu 280 265 IS 57 S3 4 19 19 250 235 15 Shitalpur 159 147 12 32 32 7 7 90 90 Rampur Ghanshyam 190 183 1 12 12 I 42 41 Narahara 186 174 12 18 17 Kusan 30 30 16 16 J5 3S Chandpur Jindahar 63 62 I 7 6 4 4 Kunawali 144 142 2 12 12 5 3 2 5 5 Manpur 142 139 J 30 29 6 6 51 49 2 Bhadon 246 241 5 5 5 29 29 25 25 Pura 548 501 47 213 133 80 21 19 2 270 261 9 RarpaUi 126 123 3 9 8 31 30 436 423 13 Asarauh 40 40 6 6 10 10 Kaseli 312 290 22 19: 101! 85 9 6 3 58 58 Doolhcpur 59 53 6 [73 168 S 10 10 55 53 2 Chhilaum 110 104 6 2) 23 (, (1 58 55 3 Virampur Etah 277 270 7 59 59 2M 24 4 342 333 9 Kakarawah 39 36 3 2 2 Nchachalpur Ardlhara 152 151 3 3 13 2 I 1 Jawaharpur Arathara lOS 105 8 8 Umaraypur Arthara 68 65 3 208 203 5 67 64 3 b16 S50 66 Barthar

791 DISTRICT CENSUS HANDBOOK: ETAH VILLAGE PRIMARY CD Block- Industrial category Location code Marginal workers Culti vators Agricultural labourers number Name of Village Persuns Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females 2 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 01 858500 Nagala DUTiya 28 25 3 3 3 20 20 01858600 Mamadher 337 222 115 125 22 103 198 188 10 01858700 Sonsa 356 78 278 217 30 187 101 27 74 01858800 RaJpur 122 38 84 107 26 81 '2 9 3 01858900 Jyun 23 6 17 19 3 16 3 01859000 JamalpuT 58 7 51 9 5 4 48" 47 01859100 Duniya 114 109 5 5 5 103 98 5 01859200 Nagmal 53 15 38 53 15 38 01859300 Bagwala 138 91 47 S5 28 27 69 53 !~ 01859400 Kansun 207 139 68 74 29 45 96 85 11 01859500 Babrauti Naslrpur 52 48 4 19 17 2 r , II 01859600 Kutabpur Urf Kundanpur 2 I 01859700 Tahbpur Khedia 88 33 55 69 15 514 10 9 01859800 Labheta 2 2 2 2 01859900 Kayana I 01860000 ShivsinhpuT UrfNagla 14 14 1 13 13 Nijam _ o 1860 100 Barthari 64 56 8 9 6 3 39 36 3 01860200 Loyabadshabpur Balban 17 12 5 I 13 10 3 Singh 01860300 Loya Badshahpur Peetam III 109 2 108 106 2 Singh 01860400 Chachar Mau 01860500 Himmatpur Chacbar Mau 1 01860600 Rampur Kee]ar Mau 17 14 3 6 6 01860700 Jeesukbpur Etah 57 52 5 9 6 3 36 34 2 01860800 Keelar Mau 160 143 17 15 13 2 120 110 10 01860900 Bhattnai 4 3 I 1 01861000 Kasaun Nijampur 251 144 107 177 94 a.: 23 16 7 01861 ]00 Manoopur I 01861200 Shayampur Bimn ------Un-inhabited------01861300 Shayampur Siya Pur 19 18 I 9 9 0]861400 Singhpur Loya 21 15 6 14 8 (; 2 2 01861500 Kishanpur Loya 17 12 5 10 7 3 4 3 I 01861600 Pawans 124 101 23 15 8 7 51 41 10 01861700 Lakhmi Pur o 1861800 Senthari 29 23 6 I 1 22 21 1 01861900 Neomi 754 309 445 189 58 131 31:3 195 118 01862000 Nagalafarid 117 110 7 1 I 96 91 5 01862100 Etah Debat 221 208 13 29 21 8 51 48 3 01862200 Lalgami 125 41 84 22 10 12 18 13 5 01862300 Shitalpur 18 12 6 3 2 1 I 2 01862400 Rampur Gbanshyam 267 244 23 5 4 I 179 119 20 01862500 Narahara 139 13 126 134 10 124 4 2 2 01862600 Kusan 113 9 104 104 3 101 I 01862700 Chandpur Jindahar 16 16 13 13 01862800 Kunawali 81 73 8 6 4 2 75 69 6 01862900 Manpur 209 186 23 19 18 I 183 163 20 01863000 Bhadon 49 21 28 34 16 18 14 5 9 01863100 Pura 47 42 5 6 5 30 29 I 01863200 Rarpaui 510 289 221 17 12 5 454 240 214 01863300 Asarauh 204 192 12 6 5 1 7 5 2 01863400 KaseH 57 55 2 2 I 44 44 01863500 Doolhcpur 32 28 4 8 4 19 19 01863600 Chhitauni 26 25 1 20 19 I 01 863700 Virampur Etah 74 60 14 10 5 5 40 32 8 01863800 Kakarawali 295 158 137 16 8 8 163 57 106 01863900 NehachalpuT Arathara 37 9 28 37 9 :II 01864000 Jawaharpur Aralhara 107 18 89 16 13 3 2 2 01864100 Urnaraypur Arthara 106 4 102 85 2 15 2 13 01864200 Barthar '3 277 257 20 15 • 10 5 37 34 3

792 PRIMARY CENSUS ABSTRACT CENSUS ABSTRACT Shitalpur of marginal workers Location Household industry workers Other workers Non-workers codc Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Name of Village number 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 2 5 5 747 297 450 Nagala Duriya 01858500 2 2 12 10 2 1.169 499 670 Mallladher 01858600 4 2 2 34 19 15 1.979 1.009 970 Sonsa 01858700 3 J 375 193 182 RalPur 01858800 684 314 370 Jyun 01858900 1 871 372 499 Jamalpur 01859000 4 4 2 2 343 146 197 Duniya 01859100 41 22 19 Nagmai 01859200 8 5 3 (, 5 3.486 1.429 2.057 Bagwala 01859300 13 3 10 24 22 2 4.486 1.824 2.662 Kansun 01859400 8 7 I 14 13 1.451 551 900 Babmuu Nasirpur 01859500 I 338 141 • 197 Kutahpur Urf Kundanpur 01859600 3 3 6 6 524 222 302 Talibpur Khcdia 01859700 1.410 535 875 Labhcta 01859800 600 229 371 Koyana 01859900 1,009 396 613 Shivsinhpur Urf Nagla 01860000 Nijam 3 2 13 13 916 365 551 Barthari 01860100 2 886 347 539 Loyabadshahpur Balban 01860200 Singh 3 3 858 330 528 Loya Badshahpur Peetam 01860300 Singh 229 89 140 ChachaT Mau 01860400 I 240 104 136 Himmalpur Chachar Mau 01860500 2 2 9 8 312 l31 181 RampuT KeeiaT Mau 01860600 I 11 II 1.273 500 773 Jeesukhpur Etah 01860700 7 4 3 18 16 2 2,622 1,086 1.536 Keelar Mau 01860800 3 3 765 304 461 Bhatmai 01860900 24 15 9 27 19 8 1,548 623 925 Kasaun Nijampur 01861000 676 262 414 Manoopur 01861100 ------Un-Inhablted------Shayampur Dimn 01861200 10 q 1 452 173 279 Shayampur Siya Pur 01861300 5 5 310 124 186 Singhpur Loya 01861400 3 2 I 363 ISS 208 KishanpuT Loya 01861500 57 52 5 2.023 783 1.240 Pawans 01861600 374 143 23 I Lakhmi Pur 01861700 1 I 5 I 4 878 318 560 Senthari 01861800 216 24 192 36 32 4 3,548 1.549 1.999 Neomi 01861900 18 17 I 2 I 1.340 521 • 819 Nagalafarid 01862000 13 12 I 128 127 2,153 868 1.285 Etah Oehat 01862100 2 2 83 18 65 1.122 511 61 I Lalgarhi 01862200 2 I 10 8 2 2.003 841 1.162 Shitalpur 01862300 2 2 81 79 2 1.526 599 927 Rampur Ghanshyam 01862400 I 1 510 254 256 Narahara 01862500 8 6 454 21l 243 Kusari 01862600 3 3 254 100 154 Chandpur Jindahar 01862700 487 203 284 Kunawati 01862800 5 3 2 2 2 935 377 558 Manpur 01862900 1 608 229 379 Bhadoll 01863000 9 6 3 2 2 1.074 421 653 Pura 01863100 3 3 36 34 2 3.790 1.681 2.109 Rarpattl 01863200 7 5 2 184 177 7 2.497 969 1.528 Asarauli 01863300 2 2 9 M 658 295 363 Kaseli 01863400 I 4 4 1.158 456 702 Doolhcpur 01863500 4 4 1.099 451 648 Chhllauni 01863600 24 23 806 322 484 Vn.unpur Etan 01863700 12 10 2 104 83 21 2.908 1.308 I .600 Kakarawali 01863800 75 35 40 Nchachalpur Arathara 01863900 89 3 86 445 216 229 Jawaharpur Arathara 01864000 6 6 280 152 128 Umaraypur Arthara 01864100 19 13 6 206 200 6 3.678 1,582 2.096 Barthar 01864200

793 DISTRICT CENSUS HANDBOOK: ETAH VILLAGE PRIMARY CD Block- Total population (including Location Area of institutional and houscless Population in the code Village in Number of population} agc-gmul?; 0-6 number Name of Village hectares households Persons Males Females Persons Males Females I 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 01864300 Choncha Bangaon 186.0 525 3.549 1.936 1.613 622 336 286 01864400 Chamkan 3232 303 2.()82 1,076 1,006 382 205 177 01864500 Ponth 60 (1 48 398 211 187 93 44 49 01864600 Ghilaua .840 206 1,496 810 686 305 175 130 01864700 Bhaglpur 415.8 1,368 8,674 4,679 3,995 1.638 900 738 01864800 Yusurpur UrI" Nagla Dham 2883 241 1,770 960 810 328 178 150 01864900 Kishangarh 790 73 396 218 178 90 46 44 01865000 Gajlpur Pah


    Scheduled Castes popuation SchL'


    Location code Illiterates Total workers Main workers number Name of Village P"Tsuns Males Females Persons McIIcs Females Persons Males Females 1 2 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 01864300 Choncha Bangaon 1,322 569 753 707 670 37 657 622 35 01864400 Chamkan 830 334 496 600 503 97 360 337 23 01864500 Pooth 208 89 119 III 107 4 106 102 4 01864600 Ghllaua 556 247 309 403 364 39 219 188 31 01864700 Bhagipur 3,888 1.599 2.289 1.925 1.792 133 1,179 1.101 78 01864800 Yusufpur Urf Nagla Dham 817 294 523 414 404 10 405 395 10 01864900 Klshangarh 229 101 128 82 73 9 60 54 6 01865000 Gajlpur Pahor 628 244 384 365 307 58 240 194 46 01865100 Kasllnpur 409 151 258 190 183 7 132 127 5 01865200 Bahadurgal It 265 89 176 344 1111 163 220 181 39 01865300 Prathavirajpur 276 116 160 176 174 2 93 93 01865400 Hao;anpur 176 67 109 194 115 79 115 100 15 01865500 ChmtaE;ur 263 131 132 112 t07 5 105 103 2


    Industrial categ()~ of main workers Household industry Cultivators Agricultural laboun..Ts workers Other workers Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Name of Village 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 2 25 20 5 10 10 3 3 619 589 30 Choncha Bangaon 185 177 8 35 35 139 125 14 Chamkan 34 32 2 9 8 63 62 I Poolh 82 79 3 22 22 12 10 2 10) 77 26 Gbilaua 20r 187 14 79 77 2 71 60 II 828 771 51 Bhagipur 352 343 9 I 9 9 43 43 Yusufpur Urf Nagla Dham 45 40 5 8 8 2 5 5 Kishangarh 151 140 II 17 17 1 71 36 35 GaJipur Pahor 78 74 4 8 8 46 45 I Kaslmpur 171 167 4 8 8 41 6 35 Bahadurgarh 85 85 2 2 1 5 5 Pnithavirajpur 67 61 6 34 25 9 3 3 II II Hasanpur 94 94 7 7 4 2 2 ChmtaEur


    Industrial eat~0!l: Location (."ode Margina. workers Cultivators AsrieuJturaJ labourers number Name of Villase Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females I 2 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 01864300 Choncha Ballgaon 50 48 2 2 2 01864400 Chamkan 240 166 74 5 2 3 200 135 65 01864500 Poolh 5 5 01864600 Ghllaua 184 176 8 5 4 171 167 4 OI86470() Bhagtpur 746 691 55 69 62 7 236 222 14 01864800 Yusul"pur Urr Nagla Dhani Q 9 I I 018(,4900 Klshangarh 22 19 3 9 7 2 10 'I 01 8650(}() Gajipur Pahor 125 \13 12 13 9 4 80 7R 2 01865100 Kasimpur 58 56 2 2 2 I 01865200 Bahadurgarh 124 124 123 123 01865300 Prathav i raj pur 83 81 2 4 4 72 72 01865400 Hasanpur 79 15 64 53 II 42 24 2 22 01865500 Chmlal!ur 7 4 3 6 3 3 I

    798 PRIMARY CENSUS ABSTRACT CENSUS ABSTRACT Shitalpur of marginal workers Location Household industry workers Other workers Non-workers eode Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Name of VIllage number 50 51 52 53 54 5S S6 S7 S8 2 48 46 2 2,842 1.266 1.576 Choncha Bangaon 01864300 6 2 4 29 21 2 1.4,82 573 909 Chamkan 01864400 4 4 287 1()4 183 Poolh 01864500 It 8 1,093 446 647 Ghilaua 01864600 102 1)4 8 339 313 26 6.149 2.887 3.862 Bhaglpur 01864700 It 8 1.356 556 800 Yusulpur Urf Nagla Dham 01864800 2 2 314 145 169 Klo;hangarh 01864900 5 "i 27 21 6 962 417 545 GaJlpur Pahor 01865000 "i"i 53 2 605 233. 372 Kasllnpur 01865100 1 377 207 170 Bahadurgarh 01865200 • 7 5 • 2 511 211 300 Prath_avnaJPur 01865300 2 2 185 80 105 HasanpuT 01865400 355 148 207 Chintapur 01865500


    PRIMARY CENSUS ABSTRACT SAKIT CD BLOCK DISTRICT CENSUS HANDBOOK: ETAH VILLAGE PRIMARY CD Block- Total population (including Location Area of institutional and houseless Population in the code Village in Number of population) age-group 0-6 number Name of Villagc hectares households PCI"Sons Males Females PCI"Sons Males Females 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 0172 Sakn ( 1ntal) 36.4843 26.393 171.607 93.336 78.271 34.336 18.176 16.160 0172 Sakn (I(urnl) 36.484 3 26.393 171607 93,336 78.271 34.336 18.176 16.160 fJ 172 Sakil (lJrbdIJ) SakI( (Ruml) 01865600 Chilasam· 361.5 414 2.324 1,291 1.033 430 233 197 01865700 Saradal Gnl"h 183.3 69 390 198 192 73 31 42 01865800 Vigor 1896 149 1,148 683 465 172 103 69 01865900 Nagala Khokar n07 93 536 290 246 12~ 65 60 o 18660()O Haldcrpul 1639 73 368 203 165 ()2 60 32 01866100 Mi!oolm 141.5 70 473 252 221 88 52 36 o 1866200 Danda 223 1 219 1.550 846 704 314 171 143 01866300 Nidhauh KhunJ 593.3 493 3,133 1.639 1,494 592 300 292 o I 866400 Jar 128.8 98 623 331 292 119 58 61 o I 866500 Saral Jawaharpur 227.5 203 1,149 593 55,6 251 126 125 01866600 Mi17..apur Sal 202.8 208 1,441 783 658 304 176 128 01866700 GUlnanpur 137.8 109 796 426 370 189 99 90 01866800 Bmdraban 65.3 30 170 88 82 21 9 12 01866900 Saletnpur Sarni 49.0 13 105 51 48 22 9 13 01867000 Dalelput' 81.0 177 1,133 599 SJ4 232 124 108 01861100 Kurina Daulatpur 1630 196 1.309 687 622 284 134 150 01867200 Ramgarh 69 I 51 333 181 152 14 39 35 01861300 Bhartoli 168.2 166 1.183 609 574 240 128 112 01867400 Nagala Bhajua 188.1 194 1,218 670 548 217 131 86 01867500 Chapmi Sikandarpur 593.1 286 1.706 928 778 353 190 163 01867600 Utnrnarpur Fafotoo ------Un-inhabited------01867100 Dhumaria 4.8 291 2,074 1,149 925 424 230 194 01867800 Kadampur 71.3 42 263 149 114 47 27 20 01867900 Ummedpur Rijor 167.5 129 974 S25 449 161 87 74 01868000 Bidhee Kheria 86.2 36 275 ISO 125 63 36 27 • 01868100 Sarfilddeen Husainpur 84.8 52 321 170 1St 69 35 34 01868200 Garhiya Yadgarpur 74.8 29 181 96 85 29 13 16 01868300 Ummarpur RiJor 129.4 103 575 319 • 256 120 68 52 01868400 Yadgarpur Daulalpur 56.7 17 475 257 218 86 54 32 01868500 Radheynagar 195.8 186 1,243 672 571 290 159 131 01868600 Kishanpur Kawar 84.7 7 59 N ~ 18 8 10 01868700 Nandpur Nagala BOOJua 144.3 ------Un-mhabited------01868800 Bakarabad 121.1 79 488 266 222 75 43 32 01868900 Mansukhpur 137.9 93 754 396 358 197 110 87 01869000 Antrampul 32.3 18 148 68 80 41 16 25 01869100 Vlkrampur 124.3 81 474 257 217 85 39 46 01869200 Nagla Bacha 108 1 108 667 352 315 143 72 71 01869300 Sundarpur 1274 117 600 329 211 112 62 50 01869400 Fafuloo 542 I 399 2.143 {'535 1.208 552 323 229 01869500 Jagatpur 97.2 98 670 358 312 121 62 65 01869600 Ahmadpul" UI'" Nagala Dhar 416.0 141 939 544 395 197 120 17 01869100 Singhpul" Fafotoo 119.1 92 515 320 255 126 72 S4 01 869800 Rajkol 176.2 185 1.280 717 563 300 168 132 01869900 Hat'ChandpuT Khul"d 134.2 U8 861 411 390 111 92 19 01870000 Nagla Veer Sahay 148.9 ------Un-Inhabiled------01810100 Churaitha 156.5 178 1.131 608 523 217 121 01870200 Nagala Ran.icet 13.8 ------Un-mhabitcd------01870300 Naga1a Bike 103.2 163 1.143 625 518 257 145 112 01870400 Khu!:1halgarll 128.7 109 702 377 325 156 88 68 01870500 Mubankpul Chhachhana 152.6 184 1.152 642 510 235 138 97 01870600 Sakulpul" Etah 319.3 165 1.052 567 485 206 104 102 01810700 Umnupul" Bccgor 2203 43 259 149 110 57 39 18 01 870800 Dhutlat 1356 107 687 ]64 323 134 74 60 01870900 Nagala Hal11lT 138.8 178 1.128 599 529 220 114 106 01871000 Kawllr 192.5 448 2.743 1.501 1,242 522 285 237 o 187 1 tOO K;.nnlnapul 96.1 11 483 263 220 92 50 42 01 871200 Angadpur 281.2 251 1.482 795 687 324 177 147


    Sehcdu Icd Castes popilation Scheduled Tribes 202ulation Literates Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Name of Village J J 12 J3 14 15 16 17 18 19 2 26.675 14.452 12.223 77.378 53.022 24.356 Sakil (Tolal) 26.675 14.452 12.223 77.378 53.022 24.356 SakI( (Rural) Saki. (Urban) Sakal (Rural) 514 290 224 995 .673 322 Chilasani 177 126 51 Saradal GaTh 267 164 103 768 526 242 Vigor 195 103 92 236 156 80 Nagala Khokar 229 124 105 173 104 69 Halderpur 223 III! 105 268 160 108 Mishn 174 103 71 759 516 243 Danda 558 265 293 1.356 863 493 Nidhauli Khurd 104 55 49 347 225 122 Jar 116 56 60 605 404 201 Sarai Jawaharpur 265 138 127 827 526 301 Mirzapur Sai 48 32 16 388 253 135 Gumanpur 98 50 48 66 51 15 Bindraban 42 30 12 Salcmpur Sarai 582 394 188 Dalelpul' \54 85 69 550 369 ]81 Kurina Daulatpur 67 41 26 173 125 48 RamgaTh 197 106 91 597 356 241 Bhartoli 348 181 167 466 317 149 Nagala Bhajua 153 84 69 566 393 173 Chapmi Sikandarpur ------Un-inhabited------Ummarpur Fafotoo 196 103 93 848 636 212 Dhumaria 113 86 27 Kadampur 77 41 36 426 274 152 Ummedpul' Rijor 122 86 36 Bidhee Kheria 39 19 20 119 80 39 Sarfuddeen Husainpur 117 74 43 Garhiya Yadgarpur 455 248 207 270 192 78 Ummarpur Rijor 267 171 96 Yadgarput' Daulatpur 187 101 86 416 317 99 Radheynagar 16 12 4 Kishanpur KawaI' ------Un-inhabited------NandpUT Nagala Bhajua 246 161 8S Bakarabad 41 22 19 273 178 9S Mansukhpur 52 37 15 Antrampur 98 52 46 232 ]64 68 Vikrampul' 341 234 107 Nagla Bacha 137 72 65 169 123 46 Sundarput' 700 384 316 1.244 860 384 Fafutoo 215 125 90 Jagatpur 193 113 80 398 297 101 Ahmadpur Urf Nagala Dhar 325 219 106 Singhpur Fafotoo 42 20 22 495 378 117 Rajkot 83 38 45 472 321 151 Harchandpur Khurd ------Un-inhablled------Nagla Veer Sahay 28 17 II 637 403 234 Churaitha ------Un-'nhabitcd------Nagala RanJeet 59 30 29 523 372 151 Nagala Bike 263 180 83 Khushalgarh 491 334 157 Mubarikpur Chhachhana 4 2 2 50R 355 153 Sakatpur Etah 144 96 48 Umraipur Beegor 423 272 151 Dhutlai 189 105 84 532 375 157 Nagala Hamil' 1.183 628 555 1.277 882 395 Kawar 179 91 82 251 172 85 Kammapur 63 32 31 157 528 229 Angadpur


    Location code Illiterates Total workers Main workers number Name of Village Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females 2 20 2) 22 23 24 25- 26 27 28 0172 Sakit (Total, 94.229 40.314 53.915 46.229 41.887 4.342 39.271 37.377 1.894 0172 Sakll (Rural) 94.229 4().314 .53.915 46.229 41887 4342 39.271 37.377 1.894 0172 Sakil fUrb.·In) Sakll (Rurdl) 01865600 Chilasam 1.329 618 111 751 582 175 464 435 29 01865100 Saradal Garh 213 12 141 100 99 100 99 01865800 Vigor 380 151 223 289 258 J I 183 174 9 0' 865900 Nagata Khokar 300 134 166 210 \63 41 162 \23 39 01866000 Hatdcrpur 195 99 96 135 rn 38 74 11 3 01866100 Mishn 20S 92 113 137 136 1 75 74 01866200 Danda 191 330 461 424 409 IS 395 394 I 01866300 Nldhauli Khurd 1.777 716 1.001 735 ·668 (17 351 319 32 01866400 Jar 276 106 170 186 175 II 161 152 9 01866500 Sarai Jawaharpur 544 189 355 422 297 125 358 236 122 01866600 Mirnapur Sai 614 257 357 369 355 14 340 331 9 01866100 GUlnanpur 408 173 235 189 185 4 162 161 I 01866800 Bindraban 104 37 67 37 34 3 31 34 3 01866900 Salempur Sara I 63 27 36 27 2S 2 25 25 01861000 Dalclpur S51 205 346 281 273 8 277 271 6 01867100 Kurina Daulalpur 159 3]8 441 399 323 76 371 305 66 01867200 Ramgarh 160 56 104 87 85 2 87 85 2 01867300 Bhartoli 586 253 333 291 265 26 260 249 11 01867400 Nagala Bhajua 752 353 399 367 268 99 95 82 13 01867500 Chaprai Silcandarpur 1.140 535 605 341 333 8 319 313 6 01867600 Ummarpur Fafotoo ------Un-inhabited------01867100 Dhumaria ].226 513 713 639 493 146 465 455 10 01867800 Kadampur 150 63 87 60 54 6 54 51 3 01867900 Ummedpur Rijor 548 251 291 235 235 172 172 01868000 Biclhee Kheria 153 64 89 78 72 6 77 72 5 01868100 Sarfuddeen Husainpur 202 90 112 81 81 78 78 01868200 Garhiya Yadgarpur 64 22 42 42 42 41 41 01868300 Ummarpur Rijor 305 127 178 157 145 12 144 134 10 01868400 Yadgarpur Daulatpur 208 86 122 129 113 16 125 112 13 01868500 Radheynagar 827 355 472 433 287 146 254 246 8 01868600 Kishanpur Kawar 43 17 26 17 16 16 16 01868700 Nandpur Nagala BhaJua ------Un-inhabiled------01868800 Bakarabad 242 lOS 137 123 [19 4 122 119 3 01868900 Mansukhpur 481 2]8 263 163 159 4 161 159 2 01869000 Anlrampur 96 31 65 29 • 29 29 29 01869100 Vikrampur 242 93 149 132 130 2 132 130 2 01869200 Nagla Bacha 326 118 208 153 151 2 153 151 2 01869300 Sundarpur 431 206 225 118 lit 7 118 III 7 01869400 Fafutoo 1.499 615 824 761 705 56 605 581 24 01869500 Jagatpur 455 233 222 159 157 2 4 4 01869600 Ahmadpur Urr Nagala Dhar 541 241 294 255 249 6 212 210 2 01869700 Singhpur Fafotoo 250 101 149 132 127 5 130 127 3 01869800 Rajkot 785 339 446 316 303 13 306 293 13 0}8699OO Harchandpur Khurd 389 150 239 253 199 54 112 165 1 01810000 Nagla Veer Sahay ------Un-inhabitcd------01870100 Churditha 494 205 289 250 247 3 242 239 3 01870200 Nagala RanJccl ------Un-inhabttL"li------01870300 Nagala Bike 620 2SJ 367 262 252 10 203 197 6/ 01810400 Khushalgarh 439 191 242 165 161 4 164 160 4 01870500 Muborikpur Chhachhuna 661 308 353 286 215 I I 272 263 9 01870600 Sakalpur Elah 544 212 332 259 246 13 246 238 8 01870100 Umraipur Becgor 115 53 62 58 56 2 50 48 2 01870800 Dhulloi 264 92 172 181 113 14 119 110 9 01870900 Nagala Hanllr 59(1 224 372 281 273 14 265 258 7 01871000 Kawar 1,4(1(1 619 847 728 555 113 568 449 119 01811100 Karnrnapur 226 91 135 153 110 43 152 109 43 01871200 Angadpur 725 267 458 449 363 86 435 350 85

    804 PRIMARY CENSUS ABSTRACT CENSUS ABSTRACT Saklt Industrial category of main workers Household industry Cultivators Agricultural labourers workers Other workers Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Name of Village 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 2 29.714 28.543 1.171 4.389 4.139 2S0 747 634 113 4.(161 360 SakI( (Total) 29,714 28.543 1.171 4.389 4.139 2S0 747 634 113 4.061 360 Saklt (Rural) Sakit (Urban) Sakil (Rural) lOS 95 10 ISS 143 12 39 34 5 165 161 2 Chilasani 76 76 5 5 19 Ig I Saradal Garb 89 89 I I II 83 74 9 Vigor 56 S4 2 13 13 93 56 37 Nagala Khokar 37 34 3 24 24 13 13 HaiderpuT 39 39 9 9 27 26 Mishn 236 235 I 116 116 4 4 39 39 Danda 237 215 22 69 63 6 20 19 25 22 3 Nidhauli Khurd 156 148 8 3 2 I Jar 337 21S 122 2 2 19 19 Saral Jawaharpur 272 268 4 13 II 2 5 2 3 50 50 Mirzapur Sai 79 78 44 44 39 39 Gumanpur 35 32 3 2 2 Bmdraban 22 22 3 3 Salempur Sarai 225 222 3 12 9 3 3 3 37 37 Dalelpur 181 164 17 S9 48 II 93 56 37 38 37 Kunna Daulatpur 82 81 1 2 2 2 I I Ramgarb 164 158 6 57 53 4 39 38 Bhartoli 65 57 8 14 10 4 15 IS Nagata BhaJua 236 230 6 4 4 7 7 72 72 Chaprai Sikandarpur ------Un-inhabited------Ummarpur Fafotoo 385 380 S 30 30 16 II 5 34 34 Dhumana 52 49 3 1 I I I Kadampur 157 157 IS IS Ummedpur Rijor 57 57 8 8 II 6 5 Bidhee Kheria 73 73 4 4 . I I Sarfuddeen Husainpur 34 34 1 I 6 6 Garbiya Yadgarpur 67 64 3 46 44 2 13 10 3 18 16 2 Ummarpur Rijor 64 61 3 33 33 2 26 17 9 Yadgarpur Daulatpur 237 233 4 8 7 8 5 3 Radheynagar 14 14 2 2 Kishanpur Kawar ------Un-inhabitoo------­ Nandpur Nagata Bhajua 115 112 3 I 6 6 Bakambad 160 IS8 2 Mansukhpur 2S 25 4 4 Anlrampur 89 88 I 42 41 Vikrampur 149 147 2 2 2 2 2 Nagla Bacha 104 100 4 2 2 10 7 J 2 2 SundarpuT 331 326 5 95 95 11 10 I 168 ISO 18 Fafuloo I I 2 2 Jagatpur 201 199 2 6 6 5 5 Ahmadpur Urf Nagata Dhar 115 112 3 6 6 9 9 Singhpur Fafotoo 2S6 249 7 8 7 8 8 34 29 5 Rajkot 133 127 6 2 2 37 36 I Harchandpur Khurd ------Un-inhabited------Nagla Veer Sahay 208 206 2 21 21 13 12 Churnitha ------Un-inhabiled------Nagala RanJcct 137 134 3 32 31 I 4 4 30 28 2 Nagala BIke 160 156 4 3 3 Khushalgarh 205 201 4 23 21 2 <} 7 2 35 34 Mubankpur Chhachhana 168 161 7 57 57 I I 20 19 Sakatpur Elah 49 47 2 Umrnipur Becgor 170 161 9 2 I . 6 6 Dhutlal 227 220 7 II II 6 6 21 21 Nagala Hamlf 426 39(, 30 46 II 35 18 12 6 78 30 48 Kawar ISO lOS 42 2 I Kammapur 389 304 8S 25 25 7 7 14 14 Angadpur

    805 DISTRICT CENSUS HANDBOOK: ETAH VILLAGE PRIMARY CD Block- Industrial catego!J: Location code Ma~inal workers Cultivators Agricultural labourers number Name of Village Persons Males Females Persons. Males Fcmalt;S Persons Males Females • , ] 2 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 0172 Sakll (Tolal; 6.958 4.510 2.4411 2.205 1.051 l.t54 3,366 2.362 1.004 0172 SaICll (Rural) 6,958 4,510 2,448 2,205 1.051 1.154 3,366 2,362 1,004 0172 Sakll (Urban) Sakil (Rural) 01865600 Chilasam 293 147 146 124 23 101 55 20 35 01865700 Saradal Gam 01865800 Vigor 106 84 22 67 53 14 18 16 2 01865900 Nagala Khokar 48 40 8 38 31 7 9 9 01866000 Haidf.."tpur 61 26 3S 22 12 10 16 S 11 01866100 Mishn 62 62 II II SO 50 01866200 Danda 29 15 14 16 3 13 12 12 01866300 Nldhauh Khurd 384 349 35 40 31 9 332 )07 25 01866400 Jar 2S 23 2 2 1 I 5 5 01866500 SaraI Jawaharpur 64 61 3 18 18 36 34 2 01866600 Muzapur Sai 29 24 5 I I 26 21 5 01866700 Gumanpur 27 24 3 18 16 2 8 8 01866800 Bindraban 01866900 Salempur Sarai 2 2 01867000 Dalelpur 4 2 2 2 1 2 I 1 01867100 Kunna Daulatpur 28 18 10 13 7 6 6 5 1 01867200 Ramgarb 01867300 Bhartoli 31 16 15 4 4 25 14 11 01867400 Nagala Bhajua 272 186 86 118 75 43 139 97 42 01867500 Cbaprai Sikandarpur 22 20 2 6 5 8 8 01867600 Ummarpur Fafotoo ---Un-inhabited------01867700 Dhumaria 174 38 136 9 8 1 149 14 135 01867800 Kadampur 6 3 3 5 2 3 01867900 Ummedpur Rijor 63 63 3 3 60 60 01868000 Bidhee Kheria I 01868100 Sarfuddeen Husainpur 3 3 1 01868200 Garhiya Yadgarpur 1 I 1 01868300 Ummarpur Rijor 13 11 2 3 2 1 1 01868400 Yadgarpur Dau]atpul' 4 I 3 01868500 Radheynagar 179 4] 138 161 24 137 13 13 01868600 Kishanpur Kawar 1 1 1 01868700 Nandpur Nagata Bhajua ------Un-inhablted------01868800 Bakarabad I I I 1 01868900 Mansukhpur 2 2 2 2 01869000 Antrampur 01869100 Vikrampur 01869200 Nagla Bacha 01869300 Sundarpur 01869400 Fafutoo 156 124 32 19 3 16 115 109 6 01869500 Jagatpur 155 153 2 154 152 2 01869600 Ahmadpur Urr Nagala Ohar 43 39 4 13 10 3 28 28 01869700 Singhpur Farotoo 2 2 2 2 01869800 Rajkot 10 10 2 2 6 6 01869900 Harchandpur Khurd 81 34 47 14 8 6 61 21 40 01870000 Nagla Veer Sahay ------Un-inhabited------OIFOIOO Chumitha 8 8 4 4 01870200 Nagata Ranject ------Un-inhabited------·------01870300 Nagala Bike S9 SS 4 2 2 30 30 01870400 Khushalgarh 1 01870500 Mubarikpul- Chhachhana 14 12 2 6 6 01810600 Saka\pur Etah 13 8 S 11 6 5 01870700 Umraipur Seegor 8 8 01870800 Dhutlai 8 3 5 01810900 Naga1u Hmmr 22 15 7 9 .2 7 10 10 01871000 Kawar 160 106 54 9 1 2 S5 40 15 01871100 Kammapur 1 1 1 I 01871200 Angadpur 14 13 2 2 5 4

    806 PRIMARY CENSUS ABSTRACT CENSUS ABSTRACT Sakit of mar,&inal workers Location Houscl1old indusl!l: workers Other workers Non-workCl'"S eode Persons Males Females Persons Males Females PCI'"Sons Males Females Name ofVilla8;e number 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 2 274 166 108 1.113 911 182 125.378 51449 73.929 Sakll ("loCal) 0172 274 166 108 LIB <}]l 182 125.378 51.449 1).929 SakI! (Rural) 0172 SakI! {Urban} 0172 Sa\u\ (Rum\) 16 II 5 98 93 5 1,567 709 858 Chilasani 01865600 290 99 191 Saradal Garh 01865700 21 15 6 859 425 434 Vigor 01865800 I 326 127 199 Nagala Khokar 01865900 3 2 20 H 12 233 106 127 Haidcrpur 01866000 336 116 220 Mishri 01866100 1.126 437 689 Danda 01866200 5 5 7 6 2,398 971 1,427 Nidhauli Khurd 01866300 18 17 437 156 281 Jar 01866400 3 3 7 6 727 296 431 SaralJawvaha~uT 01866500 2 2 1,072 428 644 MlrzaPUT Sai 01866600 607 241 366 Gumanpur 01866700 133 54 79 Bindraban 01866800 2 2 78 32 46 SalempuT Sarai 01866900 852 326 526 Dalelpur 01867000 S 6 2 910 364 546 Kurina DaulatpuT 01861100 246 96 150 Ramgarh 01867200 2 2 892 344 548 Bhartoh 01867300 8 1 1 7 1 851 402 449 Nagala Bhajua 01867400 2 2 6 5 1,365 595 770 Chaprai SikandarpuT 01867500 ------Un-inhabited------...:-- Ummarpur Fafotoo 01867600 5 5 11 1 I 1,435 656 779 Dhumaria 01867700 1 I 203 95 108 Kadampur 01867800 739 290 449 Ummedpur Rijor 01867900 197 78 119 Bidbee Kheria 01868000 240 89 151 Sarfuddcen Husainpur 01868100 139 S4 85 Garhiya Yadgarpur 01868200 2 I I 418 174 244 UmmarpuT Rijor 01868300 3 1 2 346 144 202 Yadga~uT Daulatpur 01868400 2 3 3 810 385 425 Radheynagar 01868500 42 13 29 Kisbanpur Kawar 01868600 ------Un-inhabited------Nandpur Nagala Bhajua 01868700 365 147 218 Bakarabad 01868800 591 237 • 3S4 Mansukbpur 01868900 119 39 80 Antrampur 01869000 342 127 215 Vikrampur 01869100 514 201 313 Nagla Bacha 01869200 482 2UI 264 Sundarpur 01869300 22 12 10 1.982 830 1,152 Fafutoo 01869400 511 201 310 Jagatpur 01869500 684 295 389 Ahmadpur Ur( Nagala Dhar 01869600 443 193 250 Singhpur Fafotoo 01869700 2 2 964 414 550 Rajkot 01869800 3 2 3 3 608 272 336 Harchandpur Khurd 01869900 ------Un-Inllablted------Nagla Veer Sabay 01870000 4 4 881 361 520 Chumitha 01870100 ------UI1-i11hal'lI(oo------Nagala Ranjeet 01870200 5 3 2 22 22 881 373 508 Nagala Bike 018'70300 537 216 321 Khushalgarh 01870400 2 2 6 6 866 367 499 Mubankpur Chhachhana 01870500 793 321 472 Sakatpur Etah 01870600 (, 6 201 93 108 Umraipur Becgor 01870700 8 3 5 500 191 309 Dhullai 01810800 2 2 841 326 515 Nagala Hamir 01870900 34 23 11 62 36 26 2.015 946 1.069 Kawvar 01811000 330 153 J 77 Kammapur 01871100 4 4 3 3 1.033 432 601 Angadpur 01871200

    807 DISTRICT CENSUS HANDBOOK: ETAH VILLAGE PRIMARY CD Block- Total population (,"eluding Location Area of institutional and hou"iclc."is Population in the code Village in Number of population) age-group 0-6 numbCT Name of ViI1age hectares households Persons Males Females Persons Males Females 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 () 1871300 Nckpur 870 47 3()7 165 142 49 23 26 (J 18 71400 Sawalpur 343 I liS 852 449 • 403 180 101 79 01811500 Muharulcpur Nlharua )322 218 1.433 764 669 270 128 142 01811600 Nampur 223.7 94 615 )29 286 120 63 57 01811700 DaudalpuT 48.4 56 314 161 153 72 27 45 01871800 Chandpur LokaspUT 1688 120 780 383 397 163 67 96 01871900 Sausapur 85.0 93 461 26l 198 17 39 38 01872000 Bahlnlpur 171.3 131 837 440 397 143 81 62 01812100 Harchandpur Kalan 24()O 122 951 "14 443 184 105 79 01812200 Chhachh,lIna 1162 3\2 2.195 I 11~ U)l1 399 232 161 OJ872300 MamkpuT 333.4 347 2.080 1.123 957 425 219 206 01812400 Saldpuf 1311 191 \.206 ()SO SS6 \CJ2 91 95 01872500 Lal Dundwara 195.5 87 627 35~ 275 143 69 74 01872600 Nigoh Hasanpur 896.2 477 3.259 1.773 1.486 634 332 302 01872700 Madhupur 347.3 173 1,062 594 468 209 120 89 01872800 Puraw 287.5 197 1.341 729 618 202 93 109 01872900 Aaspur 274.9 177 1.158 599 559 251 122 129 01873000 Pipehra 208.2 44 268 13.3 135 65 30 35 01873100 MilikChhachhaina 60.2 17 115 67 48 25 16 9 01873200 MuzafTarpur Hiraundl 594.7 242 1.384 743 641 286 145 141 01873300 Brisinghpur 312.5 346 2.137 1.172 965 495 259 236 01873400 Sonhar 8.3 560 3.156 1,756 1.400 603 314 289 01873500 Rasoolpur 164.8 273 1.785 999 186 350 178 172 01873600 Lakhapuf 19.2 79 599 338 261 133 78 SS 01873700 Jalalpur Sathal 166.4 219 1,424 791 633 288 150 138 01873800 ~spur 83 60S 311 294 129 60 69 01873900 Kunwarpur Nagriya 239.2 198 1,345 734 61t 289 145 144 01874000 ]ailpura 45.6 114 678 351 327 145 76 69 01874100 Noorpur 24.5 85 501 259 ' 248 111 55 56 01874200 Nagriya ILl 13 80 37 43 12 9 3 01874300 Nawada 242.3 237 1,348 721 627 245 125 120 01874400 Oevpura 96.7 62 364 200 164 99 57 42 01874500 Gadiyasbeelam 424.2 408 2,516 1.366 1.150 553 286 267 01874600 Raannagar 188.0 165 982 538 444 226 126 toO 01874700 Fatehpura 15.4 ------Un-Inhabitcd------01874800 Ayal 215.0 209 1.096 629 467 202 120 82 01874900 UmmarpuT 139.0 62 398 221 177 72 40 32 01875000 Malawan 1.099.0 1.063 6.956 3.740 3.216 1.535 810 725 01875100 Darouh 120.5 107 668 362 306 166 88 78 01&75200 Mohammadpur 97 655 375 280 142 77 65 01875300 Nag1a Pancham 135.9 47 333 172 161 64 30 34 01875400 Mahua Khcra 6123 389 2.517 1.347 1.170 485 249 236 01875500 Kangraul 2692 242 1.552 S69 683 269 148 121 01875600 Akbarpur 148.7 64 341 182 159 61 28 33 01875700 Bam KhclCl 81.0 60 471 262 209 93 50 43 01875800 OutPUT 99.3 84 467 241 220 19 41 38 01875900 Shahpur UrfManikpuT 53.0 ------Un-Inhablted------01876000 Salcmpur Khedia 236.6 117 952 519 433 176 8l 9S 01876100 TItarauli 2143 259 1,955 I .066 889 226 144 82 01876200 Vir;llnl"ur Sakec."t 113 I 17 510 219 231 102 58 44 01876)00 Chandpur Sakeet 241.0 1 10 749 435 314 117 65 52 01876400 Shdh Alampur 3584 176 1,140 5R8 5:52 231 109 122 01876500 Bawli 227.3 222 1.416 167 649 282 142 140 0\&16600 SahaspuT Sakcc\ 238.5 7(, 524 2&4 240 102 46 56 01876700 Balmdurpur 1804 99 767 432 335 127 70 57 01 876800 Rcwilliri 3000 292 2.127 1.163 • 964 396 205 191 01816900 Sakatpur Sakcct 240.0 10 501 218 229 117 (~3 54 01877000 Mansuomagar 127') 71 437 248 189 101 56 51 01877100 Bhagwcsntpur 4443 398 2.561 1.377 1.184 554 286 268 0[877200 Jahangirnbad 145.4 92 631 346 285 133 73 60 01877300 Sakccl 1.7670 507 3,748 1.993 1.755 834 412 422


    Scheduled Castes popuation Scheduled Tribes ~)Eulation Literates Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Name of Village II 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 2 117 92 25 Nckpur 153 H6 67 330 241 89 Sawalpur 151 76 75 437 338 99 Mubarakpur Nibarua 303 221 82 Nainpur 314 161 153 146 108 38 Daudalpur 38 IS 23 331 241 90 Chandpur Lokaspur 264 146 118 192 136 S6 Sausapur 431 278 153 Bahlolpur 50 27 23 438 310 128 Harchandpur Kalan 156 79 77 1.398 844 554 Chhachhama 806 439 367 1.144 745 399 Manikpur 8 4 4 570 394 176 Saldpur 135 85 SO 346 235 1 I I LaIDundwara 652 349 303 1.573 1,032 541 Nigoh Hasanpur 214 112 102 490 34S 145 Madhupur 227 124 103 686 447 239 Puraw 193 102 91 538 346 192 Aaspur 29 10 19 106 72 34 Pipehra 57 38 ]9 Milik Chhachhaina 283 147 136 644 443 201 MuzaffiupuZ" Hiraundi 496 273 223 937 653 284 BrisinghpuT 765 426 339 1.392 911 48J Sonhar 528 308 220 53J 374 157 RasoolpuT 245 178 67 LakhapuT 145 80 65 534 396 138 Jalalpur Sathal 61 33 28 305 201 104 Oaspur 168 89 79 432 334 98 Kunwarpur Nagriya 55 30 25 332 208 124 Jaitpura 177 92 85 266 167 99 Noorpur 57 24 33 Nagriya 151 78 73 591 413 178 Nawada 73 56 17 Devpura 199 III 88 1,281 837 444 Gadiyasheelam 364 206 158 385 269 116 Ramnagar ------Un-inhabited------Fatehpura 563 315 248 562 384 178 Ayar 283 148 135 108 84 24 Ummarpur 1.560 847 713 3.145 2,062 1,083 Malawan 280 199 81 Datauli 136 80 56 300 230 70 Mohammadpur 39 r9 20 179 r07 72 Nagra Pancham 825 421 404 1.201 776 425 Mahua Khera 93 45 48 788 527 261 Kangraul 122 64 58 190 123 67 Akbarpur 250 175 75 Bara Khera 9 8 108 84 24 Dalpur ------Un-Inhabited------Shahpur UrfManikpur 347 268 79 Salempur Khedia 353 196 157 1.083 746 337 Tharauh 237 173 64 Virampur Sakcct 394 288 106 Chandpur Sakeet 536 365 171 Shah A lampur 114 58 56 741 484 257 Bawli 353 187 166 232 156 76 Sahaspur Sakcet 277 192 85 Bahadurpur 298 1(,6 132 968 643 32S RcwiJan 4 I 3 223 16(, 57 Sakatpur SiJkcct 119 (,6 53 210 149 61 MansoomagiJr 255 135 120 US7 810 377 Bhagwantpur 73 40 33 274 196 78 Jahangirabad 205 111 94 1.162 832 330 Sakect


    Location code Illiterates Total workers Main workers number Name of VjIJagc Persons Malcs Fcmales Persons Males Females Persons MaJes Females - 2 20 21 22 23 24 2S 26 27 28 011171300 Nckpur 190 73 117 104 87 17 100 85 15 01 II 7140(} Sawalpur 522 208 314 258 161 97 164 150 14 () 1871500 Mubarakpu(" Nlbarua 99C) 426 510 348 33R Hl 332 323 9 o187160(} Nampur 312 108 204 155 154 115 J 14 () 1 M71 700 Oaudalpur 168 53 115 72 6J! 4 72 68 4 () 1871800 Chandpur Lokaspur 449 142 307 214 205 9 190 183 7 01871900 Sausapur 269 127 142 121 II R 3 116 115 I 01872000 Bahlolpur 406 162 244 200 ,186 14 191 178 13 01872100 Harchandpur Kalan 519 204 315 188 Ili4 4 187 183 4 01872200 Chhachhama 797 334 463 538 515 23 <;13 493 20 () 1872300 Manikpur 936 378 558 548 522 26 487 461 26 o 1872400 Said pur 636 256 380 322 320 2 314 3\3 I 01872500 La10undwara 281 117 164 142 141 I 142 141 I 0\ 872600 Nlgoh Has8npur 1.686 74\ 945 881 RI4 67 699 ~9 50 01872700 Madbupur 572 249 323 276 255 21 257 248 9 01872800 Puraw 661 282 379 380 369 II 349 342 7 01872900 Aaspur 620 253 367 260 246 14 228 217 I I 01873000 Pipehra 162 61 101 73 72 1 72 71 I 01873100 Milik Chhachham8 58 29 29 27 24 3 27 24 3 01873200 MuzalTarpur Hiraundi 740 300 440 439 366 73 350 323 27 01873300 Brisinghpur 1.200 519 681 580 567 13 566 555 II 01 873400 Sonhar 1,764 845 919 884 872 12 838 826 12 01873500 Rascolpur 1,254 625 629 497 484 13 456 447 9 01873600 Lakhapur 354 160 194 158 153 5 157 152 5 01873700 Jalalpur Sathal 890 395 495 364 356 8 327 320 7 01873800 Daspur 300 110 190 172 157 IS 163 IS7 6 01873900 KunwBq)ur Nagriy8 913 400 513 372 368 4 364 360 4 01874000 Jailpura 346 143 203 162 ]56 6 128 124 4 01874100 Noorpur 241 92 149 105 101 4 93 89 4 01874200 Nagriya 23 13 10 tl 11 11 It 01874300 Nawada 757 308 449 362 359 3 323 321 2 01874400 Devpura 291 144 147 93 92 I 83 82 I 01874500 Gadiyashcelam 1,235 529 706 666 640 26 596 576 20 0' 874600 Ramnagar 597 269 328 323 270 53 235 195 40 01874700 Fatehpura ------Un-inhablled------01874800 Ayar 534 245 289 380 '324 56 379 324 5S 01874900 Umlnarpur 290 137 153 129 122 7 114 113 I 01875000 Malawan 3.81 I 1.678 2.133 1.916 1.727 189 1.733 1,558 17S 01875100 Datauh 388 163 225 169 167 2 168 166 2 01875200 Mohammadpur 355 145 210 167 162 5 133 132 01875300 Nagla Pancbam 154 6S 89 In "9 73 84 84 01875400 Mahua Khera 1.316 571 745 664 611 53 639 589 50 01875500 Kangrau] 764 .142 422 426 416 10 405 402 3 01875600 Akbarpur 151 59 92 84 83 I 84 83 01875700 Bara Khera 221 87 134 154 121 33 122 121 01875800 Oalpur 359 163 196 90 90 90 90 01875900 Shahpur Urr Manikpur ------Un-Inhablted------01876000 Salcmpur Khcdia 605 251 354 270 264 6 266 261 5 01876100 TIlar.tuli 872 320 552 499 486 13 495 483 12 01876200 Vlrampur Sakcet 273 106 167 142 142 142 142 01876300 Chandpur Sakcct 355 147 208 207 196 II 178 170 8 I 01876400 Shah Alampur 604 223 38\ 339 3tH 38 315 300 15 01876500 Sawli 675 283 392 )61 :ns 23 254 251 3 () 1876600 Sahilspur Sllkcct 292 128 164 229 149 80 95 94 1 01876700 Bahadurpur 490 240 250 190 ISo 4 190 186 4 01876800 Rcwaan 1.159 520 639 781 601 180 666 584 82 01876900 Sakalpur SUkCCl 284 112 172 102 S2 20 99 81 18 01877000 Mansoomagar 227 99 128 92 89 3 91 88 3 01 877100 Bhagwantpur 1.374 567 807 898 632 266 565 540 25 01877200 Jahangirclbad 357 150 207 135 129 6 IJS 129 6 01877300 Silk,,'Cl 2.586 1,161 1.425 978 9)8 40 871 849 22

    810 PRIMARY CENSUS ABSTRACT CENSUS ABSTRACT Sakit Industrial category of main workers Household industry Cultivators Agricultural laboun...-rs workers Other workers Persons Males Females Parsons Males Females Persons Females Persons Males Females Name of Village 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 2 78 78 2 2 20 5 15 Nekpur 77 75 2 83 72 II I J 3 Sawalpur 284 277 7 26 24 2 3 3 19 19 Mubarakpur Nlbarua JCJI! 107 I 2 2 I 4 4 Nainpur 3 3 63 59 4 I 1 5 5 DaudaJpur 92 86 6 58 58 3 3 37 36 Chand pur Lokaspur 90 89 1 15 15 11 II Sausapur 147 139 8 44 39 5 Bahlolpur 141 138 3 23 23 23 22 Harchandpur Kalan 327 317 W 51 51 1 1 128 1 18 '0 Chhachhama 228 205 23 61 61 3 3 195 192 ] MaOlkpur 310 309 4 4 Said pur 141 140 I Lal Dundwara 413 401 12 49 48 22 11 5 215 183 32 Nigoh Hasanpur 242 233 9 2 2 1 I 12 12 Madhupur 235 229 6 47 41 2 2 65 64 Puraw 170 162 8 5 5 6 5 47 45 2 Aaspur 57 57 4 3 11 It Pipehra 24 21 3 3 3 Milik Chhachhaina 237 211 20 65 63 2 7 6 41 31 4 MuzatTarpur Hinsundl 520 509 II 39 39 1 I 6 6 Brisinghpur 558 SSO S 250 247 3 9 9 21 20 Sonhar 282 216 6 143 140 3 17 17 14 14 Rasoolpur 68 63 5 84 84 2 2 3 3 Lakhapur 292 285 1 24 24 2 2 Q 9 Jalalpur Sathal 109 104 5 31 31 7 6 16 16 Daspur 281 218 3 70 10 10 10 3 2 1 K.unwarpur Nagriya 128 124 4 Jaitpura 81 18 3 6 5 5 5 Noorpur 11 II Nagriya 303 302 7 7 5 5 8 7 Nawada 80 79 3 3 Devpura 552 536 16 4 3 1 2 2 38 35 3 Gadiyasheelam 172 162 10 II 7 4 30 18 12 22 8 14 Ramnagar ------Un-inhabited------Fatehpura 226 195 31 97 89 8 18 IS 3 38 25 13 Ayar 97 96 I 9 9 7 7 Ummarpur 917 825 92 290 229 61 44 42 2 482 462 20 Malawan 147 147 20 18 2 1 Datauli 105 104 12 12 16 16 Moharnmadpur 72 72 9 9 3 3 Nagla Pancham 478 443 35 108 95 13 13 13 40 38 2 Mahua Khera 386 383 3 S 5 • 14 14 Kangraul 33 33 43 43 7 6 Akbarpur 113 112 I I 8 8 Bara Khera 90 90 Dalpur ------Un-inhabited------Shahpur Un Mamkpur 249 244 5 I 16 16 Salernpur Khctha 322 311 II 4 4 168 161 Tharauli 112 112 29 29 Virampur Sakcet 176 168 8 1 I Chandpur Sakcet 283 210 13 31 30 Shah Alampur 242 239 3 7 7 2 3 3 Bawlt 77 77 16 IS 2 2 Sahaspur Sakcct 188 184 4 2 2 Bahadurpur 563 511 52 32 30 ::? 5 ~ 66 39 21 Rewaan 79 66 IJ 2 2 S 7 10 8 2 Sakatpur Sakcct as 84 6 4 ::? Mansoomagar 296 287 9 216 200 16 3 3 SO 50 Bhagwanlpur 121 116 5 I 13 12 I Jahanguabad 389 375 14 190 187 16 16 276 271 S Sakcct

    811 DISTRICT CENSUS HANDBOOK: ETAH VILLAGE PRIMARY CD Block- Industrial eateg.0!:X Location code Ma~inal workers Cu hi vators Asrieulturallabourers number Name of ViJlaGe Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females I 2 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 01871300 Nekpur 4 2 2 01871400 Sawalpur 94 II 83 90 11 79 01871500 MubanJ;kpur Nibarua 16 15 9 8 I I 01871600 Nainput 40 40 5 5 34 34 01871700 Daudalpur 01871800 Chandpur Lokaspur 24 22 2 4 3 17 16 [ 01871900 Sausapur 5 3 2 5 3 2 01812000 Bahlolpur 9 R 6 6 01872100 Harchandpur Kalan 1 1 01872200 Chhachhaina 25 22 3 6 5 12 10 2 01872300 Manikpur 61 61 19 19 15 IS 01872400 Saldput 8 7 4 4 01872500 Lal Dundwa13 01872600 Nigoh Hasanpur 182 165 17 18 16 2 109 104 5 OJ 872700 Madhupur 19 7 12 5 2 3 14 5 9 01872800 Pmaw 31 27 4 3 3 20 18 2 01872900 Aaspur 32 29 3 3 3 2 1 01873000 Pipehra 01873100 Milik Chhachhaina 01873200 Muzaffilrpur Hiraundi 89 43 46 43 12 31 26 23 3 01873300 Brisinghpur 14 12 2 1 1 10 9 01873400 Sonhar 46 46 5 5 40 40 01873500 Rasoolpur 41 37 4 5 4 33 33 01873600 Lakhapur 1 1 1 1 01873700 Jalalpur Sathal 37 36 - 1 6 5 30 30 01873800 Despur 9 9 01873900 Kunwarpur Nagriya 8 8 7 7 01814000 Jaitpura 34 32 2 34 32 2 01874100 Noorpur 12 12 9 9 01874200 Nagriya 01874300 Nawada 39 38 2 2 31 30 01874400 Devpura 10 10 2 2 7 7 01874500 Gadiyasheelam 70 64 6 5 4 I 52 47 5 01874600 Ramoagar 88 75 13 54 45 '9 15 14 1 01874700 Fatehpun ------Un-inhabited------01814800 Ayar 1 I 01874900 Ummarpur IS 9 6 9 5 4 4 3 01815000 Malawan 183 169 [4 12 12 109 lOS 4 01815100 Datauli 1 1 01875200 Mohammadpur 34 30 4 17 14 3 12 11 I 01875300 Nagla Pancham 108 35 13 60 4 S6 2 1 1 01815400 Mahua Khera 25 22 3 I I 23 20 3 01815500 Kangraul 21 14 7 10 . 4 6 01875600 Akbatpur 01875100 Bara Khera 32 32 2 2 01875800 DalpLlT 01875900 Shahpur UrfManikpur ------Un-tnhabtted------01876000 Salernpur Khedia 4 3 1 I 01816100 Tharauli 4 3 1 01876200 Virampur Sakeet 01816300 Chandpur Sakeet 29 26 3 4 2 2 2S 24 01816400 Shah Alampur 24 23 23 I 22 01876500 Bawli 107 87 20 7 3 4 31 20 1I 01876600 Sahaspur Sakeet 134 55 79 7 3 4 127 52 75 01876700 Bahadurpur 01816800 Rcwaari 115 17 98 98 9 89 01876900 Sakatpur Sakcct 3 I 2 2 2 01817000 Mansoomagnr 1 I I 01871100 Bhagwantpur 333 92 241 57 42 IS 261 37 224 01877200 Jahangirabad 01877300 Sakect 101 89 18 15 2 13 59 54 5

    812 PRIMARY CENSUS ABSTRACT CENSUS ABSTRACT Sakit of marginal workers Location Household indust!):: workers Other workers Non-workers codc Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males • Females Name of Village number 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 2 I 4 2 2 203 78 125 Nckpur 01871300 3 3 594 288 306 Sawalpur 01871400 6 6 l.085 426 659 Mubarakpur Nibarua 01871500 I 1 460 175 285 Nainpur 01871600 242 93 149 Daudalpur 01871700 3 3 566 178 388 ChandpuT Lolcaspur 01871800 340 145 195 Sausapur 01871900 637 254 383 Bahlolpur 01872000 769 330 439 Harchandpur Kalan 01872100 6 6 1.657 663 994 Chhachhama 01872200 27 21 1,532 601 931 Manikpur 01872300 J 3 884 330 554 Saldpur 01872400 485 211 274 Lal Dundwara 01872500 13 8 5 42 37 5 2.378 959 1,419 Nigoh Hasanpur 01872600 786 339 447 Madhupur 01872700 8 6 2 967 360 607 Puraw 01872800 2 2 25 25 898 353 545 Aaspur 01872900 195 61 134 Pipehra 01873000 88 43 45 Milik Chhachhaina 01873100 19 8 Il 945 377 568 MuzatTarpur Hiraundl 01873200 I 2 2 1,557 605 952 Brisinghpur 01873300 I I 2.272 884 1,388 Sonhar 01873400 2 2 1.288 515 773 Rasoolpur 01873500 441 185 256 Lakhapur 01873600 I 1.060 435 625 Jalalpur Sathal 01873700 9 9 433 154 279 Daspur 01873800 973 366 607 Kunwarpur Nagriya 01873900 516 195 321 Jaitpwa 01874000 3 3 402 158 244 Noorpur 01874100 69 26 43 Nagriya 01874200 5 5 986 362 624 Nawada 01874300 I I 271 108 163 Devpura 01874400 12 12 1.850 726 1,124 Gadiyasheelam 01874500 17 14 3 2 2 659 268 391 Ramnagar 01874600 ------Un-inhablted------Fatehpura 01874700 I I 116 305 411 Ayar 01874800 1 1 1 1 269 99 170 Umrnarpur 01874900 3 2 59 50 9 5,040 2.01 '\ 3.027 Malawan 01875000 499 195 304 Oatauli 01875100 5 5 488 213 275 Mohammadpur 01875200 45 29 16 141 53 88 Nagla Pancham 01875300 1.853 736 1,117 Mahua Khera 01875400 3 3 8 7 1.126 453 673 Kangraul 01875500 257 99 158 Akbarpur 01875600 30 30 317 141 176 Bara Khera 01875700 377 157 220 Oalpur 01875800 ------Un-inhabited------Shahpur Urf Manikpur 01875900 3 3 682 255 427 Salempur Khedia 01876000 3 2 1.456 580 876 Tharauli 01876100 368 137 231 Virampur Sakeet 01876200 542 239 303 Chandpur Sakeet 01876300 801 287 514 Shah Alampur 01876400 6 2 4 63 62 1.055 429 626 Bawli 01876500 295 135 160 Sahaspur Sakcct 01876600 577 246 331 Bahadul1'ur 01876700 17 8 9 1.346 562 784 Rcwaari 01876800 405 196 209 Sakatpur Sakeet 01876900 345 159 186 Mansoomagar 01877000 4 2 2 11 II 1.663 745 918 Bhagwantpur 01877100 496 217 279 Jahangirabad 01877200 33 33 2.770 1,055 1.715 Sakect 01877300

    813 DISTRICT CENSUS HANDBOOK: ETAH VILLAGE PRIMARY CD Block- Total population (inc1uding Location Area of institutional and houscless Population in the code Village in Number-of ~o~ulationl age-Groue 0-6 number Name of Village hectares households Persons Malt.-s Females Persons Males Females 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 \0 01877400 Nagala Qazi 202_8 254 1.601 879 722 341 180 161 01877500 Muharikpur Saral 177_1 161 972 550 422 203 105 98 01877600 RasakpuT \128 74 456 255 201 102 51 51 01877100 Kardlnchandpur 1905 145 1,077 575 502 226 I 111 108 01877800 Kulla Habibpur 1908 210 1.323 715 608 268 137 131 01871900 Doogarpur 1150 64 491 281 210 86 54 32 01878000 Sadarpur 270_0 118 674 379 295 140 72 68 01878100 Mahgam 1 5 lUI 45 293 160 133 63 29 34 01878200 Shahwa7.pur I I() 0 62 385 209 176 78 42 36 01878300 Sikandarpur Rljor 91S0 70 424 231 193 83 44 39 01878400 Wahld Bibipur 3458 ISO 860 463 391 88 40 48 01878500 Plpal Khcria 1367 334 2.187 1,222 965 474 239 235 01878600 Rljor 4214 368 2.210 1.170 1,040 467 242 225 01878700 Dantpur RijOT ------Un-lnhabited~------01878800 Chak Banda ------Un-inhabited------01878900 Ramnagar Rijor 2345 156 1,188 677 51 ] 256 15S 101 01879000 Hasanpur Urf Gilodiya 139.1 85 472 253 219 102 54 48 01819100 Jeesuknpur Un Nagla Bari 124_7 127 753 413 340 182 109 73 01879200 Salempur Sani 40_t 113 736 432 304 52 26 26 01879300 Sillel1lpur UrfKunwarpur 722 112 652 352 300 132 76 56 01819400 Mustafapur Urf Rajpur 1095 61 462 252 210 102 54 48 01879500 Prdtapur 120A 28 177 88 89 29 20 9 01879600 Chak Gadhiya 965 4 30 11 ]3 5 3 2 01879700 Bakshipur Rijor 139_0 70 464 274 190 83 50 33 01879800 Ibrahimpur Nagariya 219_0 261 ],591 872 719 333 119 154 01879900 Mahmoodpur Urf Nagla Be 99_2 ------Un-lnhabited------01880000 Jeesukhpur Saani 228_8 104 689 377 312 155 85 70 0-1880100 Junaipur 9L7 S 52 29 23 11 8 3 01880200 Akaspur 180_1 75 411 245 226 104 48 56 01880300 Vais Khriya 474_7 247 1,504 792 112 275 137 t38 01880400 l..othara 464_6 142 888 480 • 408 171 86 85 01880500 BakshipuT Khas 212_1 200 1,172 628 544 253 1]9 134 01880600 Nazerpur 163 1 146 1.074 586 488 232 133 99 01880700 Maligawan 162.5 208 1_368 745 623 267 143 124 01880800 Rajpura 313_9 307 2,274 1,261 1.013 469 250 219 01880900 Lale Pur UrfKamalpur 68A 18 99 58 4] 6 2 4 01881000 Mubarikpur Rijor 563 18 130 62 68 28 11 n 01881100 Nandpur Khodara 130_7 152 1,014 564 450 167 86 81 01881200 Fatehpur 1189 136 894 473 421 164 77 87 0]881300 Safedpur 1144 40 238 126 112 47 20 27 01881400 Scnakalan 623_3 289 2,000 1,096 904 352 175 177 01881500 Nagala Harkishnpur 514_7 127 834 495 339 111 60 51 01881600 Tlkampur 728 76 479 274 205 96 61 35 01881700 Nagla Khangar 51 8 21 106 57 49 16 8 8 01881800 Ummedpur Sena 902 40 241 il3 108 45 28 \1 01881900 Kamalpunnai 3058 154 1.097 613 484 230 132 98 01882000 Ishara Purbe Patti 5225 352 2.229 1.223 1,006 435 222 213 01882100 Belal1lai 369_7 177 1.266 689 577 264 146 118 0\882200 OaUpur Kunjput 395 q 424 2.768 1.524 1.244 513 276 237 01882300 Ishara Pachhami Patti 5938 287 1.860 993 867 360 200 160 01882400 CI1I1amapur 178 1 135 993 557 436 195 102 93 01882500 Kanmpur 2465 151 942 525 417 170 85 85 0\882600 Nagla N\toU 1048 16 139 77 62 24 8 16 01882700 KOllciu 2550 195 1,493 795 698 412 212 200 01882800 Khar.lgpur I 27_() 98 616 353 263 104 58 46 01882900 Gulariya Konchi 80 6 22 131 68 63 23 9 14 01883000 GilTlil Konchi 2355 165 1,118 583 535 258 123 135


    Scheduled Castes l?:0l?:uation Scheduled Tribes eo[!uJation Literates Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Name of Village ] I 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 2 60 34 26 760 521 239 Nagala Qazi 116 66 50 337 244 93 Mubankpur Sarai 45 26 19 213 155 58 Rasakpur 61 35 26 468 344 124 Karamchandpur 812 434 378 640 408 232 Kulla Habibpur 212 123 89 265 178 87 Dooga11lur 71 39 32 203 157 46 Sada11lur 162 100 62 Mahgam 69 35 34 139 107 32 Shahwazpur 303 165 138 151 104 47 Sikanda11lur R1Jor 28 17 II 373 244 129 Wahld Biblpur 223 122 101 875 657 218 PI pal Kheria 518 281 231 915 610 305 Rljor ------Un-inhablled------Dantpur RiJor ------~---Un-lnhabited------Chak Banda 4_52 349 103 Ramnagar RiJor 261 145 116 225 145 80 Hasanpur UrfGilodiya 202 102 100 261 187 74 Jeesukhpur Urf Nagla Ban 51 30 21 493 338 155 Salempur Sani 55 32 23 330 218 112 Salempur Urf Kunwarpur 79 44 35 253 159 94 Mustafapur Un Rajpur 103 52 51 Pratapur 20 14 6 Chak Gadhiya 250 161 83 Bakshipur Rijor 318 177 141 689 415 214 Ibrahimpur Nagariya ------Un-inhabited------Mahmoodpur UrfNagla Be 125 66 59 232 191 41 Jeesukhpur Saani II 10 1 Junaipur 238 135 103 241 142 99 Akaspur 21 14 I3 607 420 187 Vais Khriya 276 150 126 491 337 154 Lothara 113 61 52 476 359 II7 Bakshipur Khas 15 9 6 491 343 148 Nazerpur 227 119 108 426 328 98 Maligawan 373 206 167 1,033 755 218 Rajpura 55 39 16 Lale PUT Un Kamalpur 67 42 25 Mubarikpur Rijor 521 372 149 Nandpur Khodara 200 109 91 437 317 120 Fatehpur 48 40 8 Safedpur 587 328 259 1,051 715 336 Senakalan 380 294 86 Nagala Harkishnpur 184 142 42 Tikampur 72 43 29 Nagla Khangar 66 38 28 122 8S 37 Ummedpur Sena 34 20 14 574 397 177 Kamalpunnai 195 105 90 1.034 727 307 Ishara Purbe Paui 663 449 214 Belamai 135 68 67 1.373 945 428 Datlpur Kunjpur 45 25 20 932 607 325 Ishara Pachhaml Patti 196 I II 85 491 341 150 Chdamapur 70 41 29 324 249 75 Karimpur 71 54 17 Nagla Nlmtl 290 16\ 129 181 lSI 36 Kllnchl 255 193 62 Kharclcpur II 5 (1 63 36 27 Gulariya Konchi 118 60 58 340 259 81 Garia Konchi


    Location code III i tcratl.'S Total workers Main workers number Name of Village Mak'S Females Pl."I"Sons Males Females Persons Males Females 2 20 21 22 23 24 2S 26 27 28 01877400 Nagala Qazi 841 358 483 318 369 9 363 358 5 01877500 Muharikpur Sana I 635 306 329 290 283 1 288 282 6 01877600 Rasakpur 243 100 143 115 115 92 92 01817700 Karamchandpur 609 231 318 270 264 6 265 259 6 01877800 Kulla Habibpur 683 301 376 360 333 21 293 285 8 01877900 Doogarpur 226 103 123 ]35 133 2 134 132 2 01878000 Sadarpur 411 222 249 118 172 6 165 160 5 01878100 Mahgani 131 60 11 90 90 9() 90 01 878200 Shahwazpur 246 102 144 109 108 I 109 108 I 01878300 Slkandarpur RiJor 213 127 146 102 94 8 100 92 3 01818400 Wahid Bibipur 487 219 268 185 177 8 180 115 5 01878500 Pipal Khcria 1.312 5(,5 141 526 510 16 524 509 15 01878600 Rijor 1.295 560 135 553 525 28 462 449 13 01878700 Dantpur Rijor ------Un-inhabitcd------·------o 1878800 Chak Banda ------Un-inhllbited------01878900 Ramnagar Rijor 736 328 408 296 283 13 260 251 9 01879000 Hasanpur UrfGilodiya 241 108 139 112 109 3 104 104 01879100 Jeesukhpur UrfNagla Bari 492 226 266 16] 160 I 128 128 01879200 Salempur Sani 243 94 149 226 213 13 213 209 4 01879300 Salempur Urf Kunwarpur 322 134 188 141 141 6 139 135 4 01879400 Mustafapur UrfRajpur 209 93 116 139 137 2 136 134 2 01819500 Pratapur 74 36 38 51 46 5 44 39 5 01879600 ChakGadhiya 10 3 7 1 5 2 6 5 01819100 Bakshipur Rijor 214" 107 107 143 139 4 S5 54 01819800 Ibrahimpur Nagariya 902 397 505 371 351 20 364 344 20 01819900 Mahmoodpur Urf'Nagla Be ------Un-inhabited------01880000 Jeesukhpur Saani 457 186 211 142 142 136 136 01880 I 00 Junaipur 41 19 22 IS 14 15 14 01880200 Akaspur 230 103 127 172 138 34 101 100 I 01880300 Vais Khriya 891 372 52S 513 372 141 352 349 3 01880400 Lothara 391 143 254 18] 174 7 178 173 5 01880500 Bakshipur Khas 696 269 427 39S 331 64 244 231 7 01880600 Nazerpur 583 243 340 270 270 262 262 01880700 Maligawan 942 411 525 382 286 96 281 280 7 01880800 Rajpura 1.241 506 135 544 538 6 411 466 5 01880900 Lale Pur Urf Kamalpur 44 19 25 37 33 4 36 33 3 01881000 Mubarikpur Rijor 63 20 43 25 23 2 25 23 2 01881100 Nandpur Khodara 493 192 301 447 309 138 291 282 9 01881200 Fatehpur 457 156 301 193 182 II ]60 151 9 01881300 Safedpur 190 86 104 57 55 2 51 5S 2 01881400 Senakalan 949 381 568 516 492 24 501 418 23 01881500 Nagala Harkishnpur 454 201 253 208 196 12 175 115 01881600 Tikampur 295 132 163 114 114 110 110 01881700 Nagla Khangar 34 14 20 30 30 30 30 01881800 Ummedpur Sena 119 48 71 58 5S 3 58 55 3 01881900 Katnalpunnai 523 216 301 300 293 1 288 283 5 01 882000 Ishara Pume Patti 1.195 496 699 521 506 15 355 351 4 01882100 Belamai 603 240 363 353 348 5 333 329 4 01882200 Dattpur Kunjpur 1.395 519 816 674 529 145 435 430 5 01882300 Ishara Pachhami Patti 928 386 542 450 428 22 440 422 IK 01 882400 Chilamapur 502 216 286 219 264 15 275 264 II 01882500 Karimpur 618 216 342 347 268 19 274 264 III 01882600 Nagla Niroli 68 23 45 43 42 I 43 42 I 01882700 Konclll 1.306 644 662- 323 318 5 180 111 3 () 1882800 Kharagpur 361 1(,0 201 146 141 S 146 141 5 01882900 Gulanya KOIlChl 68 32 36 38 33 5 38 33 5 01883000 Gilria Konchi 118 324 454 291 282 9 261 252 ')

    816 PRIMARY CENSUS ABSTRACT CENSUS ABSTRACT Sakit Industrial category of main workers Household industry Cultivators AgriculturallabouTLTS workers Other workcrs Persons Males Females Persons Males Femak.-s Pcrsons Males Females Persons Males Females Name of Village 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 2

    266 262 4 79 78 1 17 17 Nagala Qazi 201 196 '5 7 7 J 3 77 76 MubankpuT Sara I 86 86 4 4 2 2 Rasakpur 256 250 (, 9 Q Karamchandpur 160 159 109 IO~ 4 2 2 22 19 3 Kulla Hablbpur 133 131 2 1 Ouogarpur 151 147 4 13 13 Sadarpur 89 X9 Mahgalll 95 94 9 (} 4 4 Shahwa,pur 79 72 7 15 14 4 4 2 2 SlkandarpuT RIJUI 141 138 3 2 2 6 6 31 29 2 Wahld Blblpur 378 369 I) 68 66 2 31 28 3 47 46 I Plpal Khcna 203 197 6 176 170 6 2 81 81 RIJor ------~--Un-il1hablted------DantpuT Rljor ------lln-mhabited------Chak Banda 230 224 6 16 16 6 6 8 5 3 Ramnagar Rijor 81 81 12 12 10 10 Hasanpur UrfGllodiya 119 119 5 5 • 3 3 JeesukhpUT Urf Nagla Ban 208 204 4 4 4 SalempuT Sani 132 128 4 I 5 5 I I SaJempuT Urf Kunwarpur 106 104 2 17 17 5 5 8 8 Mustafapur Un Rajpur 39 34 5 4 4 Pratapur 5 4 Chak Gadhiya SI 50 4 4 BakshipuT Rijor 217 217 31 30 18 17 98 80 18 Ibrahimpur Nagariya ------Un-'nhabited------­ Mahmoodpur Un Nagla Be 119 119 II I I 6 6 Jeesukhpur Saani 11 11 2 2 1 1 Junaipur 83 82 I 9 9 9 9 Akaspur 332 330 2 10 10 9 8 • Vais Khnya 153 151 2 2 2 23 20 3 Lothara 197 191 6 25 25 21 2. Bakshipur Khas 258 258 2 2 2 2 Nazerpur 211 207 4 48 48 1 27 24 3 Maligawan 405 400 5 41 41 5 5 20 20 Rajpul1l 35 32 3 I Laic PUT Un Kamalpur 16 15 9 8 Mubarikpur Rijor 265 257 8 1 I 10 1 IS 15 Nandpur Khodara 150 143 7 2 2 8 6 2 Fatehpur 57 55 2 Safedpur 452 430 22 20 20 II I I 18 17 Senakalan 163 163 5 5 7 7 Nagala HaTkishnpur 94 94 12 12 4 4 Tikampur 26 26 2 2 Nagla Khangar 49 47 2 • 9 8 Ummedpur Sena 284 279 S I 3 3 Kamalpunna, 295 295 19 19 9 7 2 :n 10 2 Isham Purbe Pat\! 326 322 4 2 2 5 5 Belamai 340 337 3 76 74 3 3 16 16 Datlpur KunJpur 411 393 18 4 4 II II 14 14 Ishara Pachhaml Patti 240 230 10 22 21 13 \3 Chilnmapur 268 258 10 I 1 :; 5 Karimpur 41 40 1 2 2 Nagla NlrOll 57 5(, 86 17 16 20 20 Konclll 141 I~H 3 2 3 3 Kharagpur 37 J:! S Gulanya Konclll 248 241 7 3 3 10 8 2 Gana Konclll

    817 DISTRICT CENSUS HANDBOOK: ETAH VILLAGE PRIMARY CD Block- Industrial categ0!::X Location code Marginal workers Cultivators Agriculturallabourers number Name of ViUage Persons Males females Persons Males females Persons Males Females 1 2 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 01877400 NagalaQazi 15 II 4 6 5 4 3 01877500 Mubankpur Saral 2 I 01877600 Rasakpur 23 23 II II 12 12 01877700 KaramchandpuT 5 5 5 5 01811800 Kulla HahihpuT 67 48 19 6 5 44 41 3 01877900 Ooogalllur 1 I I 01878000 Sadarpur 13 12 2 10 10 01878100 Mahgani 01878200 SlmhwazpUl 01878300 Sikandarpur Rijor 2 2 01878400 Wahid Bibipur 5 2 3 4 2 2 01878500 Pipal Khena 2 1 2 1 01878600 Rljor 91 76 15 16 13 3 32 27 5 01878700 Dalllpur RijOT ------Un-mhabited------01878800 Chak Banda ------Un-Inhablted------01878900 Ramnagar RiJor 36 32 4 7 3 4 13 13 01879000 Hasanpur UrfGilo

    818 PRIMARY CENSUS ABSTRACT CENSUS ABSTRACT Sa kit of marginal workers LocatIOn Household mdust~ workers Other workers Non-workers code Persons Males Females Persons Males Fcmak.-s Persons Males Females Name of Village number 50 SI 52 S3 54 S5 56 57 58 2 2 3 2 1.223 510 713 Nagala Qazi 01877400 2 682 267 415 Mubankpur Saral 01877500 341 140 201 Rasakpur 01877600 S07 311 496 Karamchandpur 01877700 3 3 14 2 12 963 382 581 Kulla Hablbpur 01877800 356 148 208 Doogarpur 01877900 496 207 289 Sadarpur 01878000 203 70 133 Mahgam 01878100 276 101 175 Shahwazpur O187820() 322 137 185 Sikandarpur RIJor 018711300 675 286 389 Wahid Blblpur 01878400 1.661 712 949 Plpal Khena 01878500 2 2 41 ~6 5 1.657 645 1.012 RIJor 01878600 ------L.; n -III hahllcd------Dantpur RIJor 01878700 ------LJn-lnhahltt.-d------Chak Banda 01878800 13 13 3 3 892 394 498 Ramnagar Rljor 01878900 2 2 360 144 216 Hasanpur Urf Gilodiya 01879000 2 2 592 253 339 Jeesukhpur urr Nagla Ban 01879100 11 4 7 1 510 219 291 Salempur Sani 01879200 505 211 294 Salempur Urr KUl1warpur 01879300 2 2 323 ItS 208 Mustafapur Urf Rajpur 01879400 126 42 84 Pmtapur 01879500 23 12 H Chak Gadbiya 01879600 321 135 186 Bakshipur Rijor 01879700 1.220 521 699 Ibrahimpur Nagariya 01879800 ------Un-Inhablh:d------Mahmoodpur urr Nagla Be 01819900 547 235 312 Jeesukhpur Saani 01880000 37 15 22 Junaipur 01880100 4 3 299 107 192 Akaspur 01880200 3 2 6 2 4 991 420 571 Va is Khriya 01880300 3 1 2 701 306 401 Lathara 01880~00 3 3 777 297 480 Bakshipur Khas 01880500 I 804 316 488 Nazerpur 01880600 5 4 986 459 527 Maligawan 01880700 1.730 723 1,007 Rajpura 01880800 62 25 37 Lale Pur urr Kamalpur 01880900 105 39 66 Mubarikpur Rijor 01881000 3 3 2 2 567 255 312 Nandpur Khodara 01881100 2 2 3 3 701 291 410 Falehpur 01881200 181 71 110 Safedpur 01881300 q 8 1.484 604 880 Senakalan Ol8S1400 5 5 I I 626 299 327 Nagala Harklshnpur 01881500 3 '\ 365 160 205 Tikampur 01881600 76 27 49 Nagla Khangar 01881700 183 78 105 Ummedpur Sena 01881800 3 3 3 2 797 320 477 Kamalpunnal 01881900 7 6 10 t) 1.708 717 991 Isham Purbe PaUl o I 88::!OOO I 1 18 1M 913 341 572 Belamai 01882100 3 2 25 20 5 2.094 995 1.099 Oaupur KunJPur 0188:::':200 1.410 565 845 Ishard Pachhami Pall! 0188:::':300 714 293 421 Chllamapur OI88:::':~OO 5()5 257 338 Karimpur OI8lC:,OO 96 35 61 Nagla NlfOlI () 18!C600 140 UX 2 1.170 477 693 KOllehl 01882700 470 212 258 Khamgpur Ol882S00 93 35 58 Gulanya Konclll () 18!C900 21 :!I 827 301 S2(~ Gana K\\llclll UI883000


    PRIMARY CENSUS ABSTRACT JALESAR CD BLOCK DISTRICT CENSUS HANDBOOK: ETAH VILLAGE PRIMARY C 0 B\~k- Total population (including Locatioll Area of l11o;titutional and hou'iclcss Popu lation In the code Village in Numher of population) age-group 0-6 numher Name of Village heclilre~ househ()ld~ Persons Males Females Persons Males Females 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 017' Jah.:,"r ( 1(131) 27 7tJq II 24. '51) 15R.40l! lSI) 267 72 141 31.972 16.9&1 14.991 (tI73 Jalc~a,. (Rum!) ?7 7(>q 1/ 24 .~ ,I) 1511.-:108 ff(J.2c'i7 72141 31.972 1c'i.91U 14.991 {l171 Jalc~dr (Urban. Jalc~.lr (I(uml, OII 105 53 52 01887200 RU!ollipUf 1320 181< 1.222 644 578 235 119 116 01887300 Molmnpur 3220 191 1.096 562 534 254 121 133 01887400 AI.lbgal'h 3()40 106 634 351 283 122 70 52 01887500 Gopalpur 3040 139 938 469 469 209 93 116 Ol887flnO '\.tlllilmpUi 138 l) 137 8H 447 367 168 94 74 01887700 S.ltl ... Nal"1lpul 672 (I 23'5 1.484 84() 644 228 12Q 99 l) IR8 71WO ·\.k1'''''11ul" Salim 1'550 182 1.198 724 514 200 114 76 o HIli 7900 KUOlilipur 120 () 20K 1.338 718 620 287 144 143 ouu~lmoo Bc",1 S8U 0 4qQ 3.200 1."'143 1.45"'1 5()ll 306 1R-t tll81


    Sdu..-dulcd Cnsles ~).euati()n Sch(.-duhxJ Tribes ~I!ulatlon Literdtes Persons Males Females r'el"Snlls Males Females Persons Males Females Name of Village II 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 2 33 506 IK 2..,1 15.215 11.871 4"'.421 22.444 Jalc'>IIr (I OIall 33506 IK.2VI 15.215 11.871 49.427 22.444 Jalcsar (Runsl) Jalc"ar (Urban) Jalc<;ar (Rura" Kl 5(1 31 147 102 45 Kapral 141 74 67 298 196 102 Sirgawan 272 155 117 425 311 114 Pavra 750 JH!l 362 955 639 316 Mlo;auh 17 K 9 901 633 268 Nagwal 524 363 161 Nagla MCCI"3 716 395 321 1.210 889 321 Mahamnal 398 215 183 1.222 853 369 SlInrdu 202 115 87 193 151 42 Khanpur 404 218 186 164 109 55 NaglaChand 160 120 40 Kcsrd Amratpur 1.036 559 477 1.292 930 362 Jamon 3 2 I 62 49 13 Begampur 110 56 54 443 319 124 Khera Gwarau 44 26 18 207 140 67 Amarpur 92 46 46 339 242 97 Devkaranpur 145 73 72 <:46 272 174 Faridpur 262 162 100 397 271 126 Muhabbatpur 553 304 249 1.055 684 371 Jainpura 1.036 544 492 514 324 190 Pasiapur Begampur 1.285 717 568 1.998 1.407 591 Chirgawan 902 494 408 1,456 1,039 417 Shamaspur 430 230 200 395 279 116 Jamalpur DUfJan 146 75 71 87 62 25 Habibullapur 154 146 8 Bisuneepur 35 27 8 Nagla Ohara 178 129 49 Ataullapur 98 66 32 Ibrahim Nagar 211 108 103 286 188 98 Banwaripur 317 117 140 916 578 338 Patna 513 284 229 565 367 198 Sikanderpur Marhl 105 59 46 737 50] 236 Murae Prahlad Nagar 397 277 120 Sanil Rajnagar ------Un-inhabited------Akbarpur Haweli 276 160 t 16 1.639 1.123 516 Jalesal(Dehat) 548 357 191 Daulalpur Mushkl 208 114 94 286 228 58 Budhera 156 91 65 248 181 67 Muhammadpur Gaharwar 471 240 231 955 682 273 Hasangarh 380 205 175 321 214 107 Rajarampur 106 86 20 Bnjpur Chanda 527 385 142 Rasidf)ur 437 225 212 430 296 134 Mohallpur 562 312 250 204 139 65 Arabgarh I I I 57 54 417 279 138 Gopalpur 33 16 )7 291 209 82 Mojampul 771 438 333 873 557 316 Satha NnbJPul 19 17 12 811 515 296 Akbarpur Salha 149 81 68 655 439 216 KUl1J31pur 805 426 379 1.423 953 470 Bcnll :!6J 146 117 I.:? SO 893 387 Lohch.. N.lharpUJ 144 76 68 644 473 111 Bachhcpul":'1 2~(l 106 12(1 759 50S 251 BhhlU l):? I "02 419 1.980 1.296 684 Uchagaol\ 4'l 30 19 376 273 103 Mlrzapur Shcrpur 36 18 18 no 498 222 Rilnau~ (,61 369 292 618 405 213 Sar:.lIl\c... ·W


    Location code Illiterates Total workers Main workers number Name of Village Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females 1 2 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 0173 Jalesar (Total) 86.537 36.840 49,697 44.869 39,56S 5.304 34,997 )3,059 1.938 0173 lalesar (Rural) 86.537 36.840 49.697 44.869 39.565 5,304 34,997 33,OS9 1.938 0173 JalesaT (Uroan) lalesar CRural) 01883100 Kaprai 147 69 78 69 67 2 55 55 01883200 Slrgawan 282 115 167 167 158 9 86 78 8 01883300 Pavra 390 144 246 195 180 15 106 99 1 01883400 M,sauli 1,048 45J 597 532 SOl 31 466 442 24 01883500 Nagwai l.l30 471 659 479 470 9 406 402 4 01883600 Nagla Meera 552 214 338 234 230 4 205 202 3 01883700 Maharllnal 2.191 951 1.240 1.014 853 161 591 545 46 01883800 Silnr'3u 1,422 576 846 129 666 63 446 438 8 O\SS3900 KhanpuT lOS \3\ 111 \24 1\1 1 S6 SS \ 01884000 Nagla Chand 217 128 149 129 105 24 38 36 2 01884100 Kesra AmratpuT 267 117 150 119 115 4 117 113 4 01884200 Jamon 1.748 745 1,003 711 669 42 464 442 22 01884300 Begampur 121 50 71 58 54 4 58 54 4 01884400 Khera Gwarau 631 250 381 504 286 218 246 236 10 0\884500 AmarpuT 372 113 199 211 136 75 138 130 8 01884600 Devkaranpur S44 229 315 448 243 205 200 183 17 01884700 Faridpur 324 124 200 257 215 42 162 158 4 01884800 MuhabbalpuT 458 216 242 400 2S6 144 163 143 20 01884900 Jampura 806 317 489 640 445 195 482 413 69 01885000 Pasiapur Begampur S55 235 320 261 243 18 246 234 12 01885100 Chirgawan 2.452 1.069 1,383 1,122 1,066 S6 871 854 17 01885200 Shamaspur 1.447 572 875 775 728 47 639 628 11 01885300 Jamalpur Dutjan 658 267 391 283 270 13 181 170 11 01885400 Habibullapur 138 56 82 71 67 4 51 47 4 01885500 Bisuneepur 400 236 164 198 193 5 195 193 2 01885600 NaglaOham 60 24 36 24 24 24 24 01885700 Alaullapur 211 92 119 85 • 84 65 64 01885800 Ibrahim Nagar 85 38 47 59 59 S9 59 01885900 Banwaripur 274 107 167 134 134 130 130 01886000 Patna 601 249 352 377 360 17 326 321 5 01886100 Sikanderpur Marhi 467 207 260 281 266 15 266 254 12 01886200 Murae Prahlad Nagar 689 268 421 379 368 11 369 363 6 01886300 Sarai Rajnagar 428 158 270 199 190 9 183 175 8 01886400 Akbarpur Haweli ------Un-inhabited------01886500 Jalesa1'(Dehat) 1.758 70[ J,057 873 831 42 75[ 739 [2 01886600 Daulatpur Mushki 356 160 196 311 285 26 210 201 9 01886700 Budhera 542 230 312 208 202 6 78 75 3 01886800 Muhammadpur Gaharwar 279 103 176 138 137 I 136 135 01886900 Hasangarh 1.497 596 901 575 527 48 509 493 16 01887000 Rajarampur 323 136 187 167 161 6 128 126 2 01887100 Brijpur Chanda 355 159 196 135 130 5 73 73 01887200 Rasidpur 695 259 436 336 334 2 336 334 2 01887300 Mohanpur 666 266 400 262 252 10 251 243 8 01887400 Arabgarh 430 212 218 173 169 4 164 162 2 01887500 Gopalpur 521 190 331 240 231 9 221 214 7 01887600 Mojampur 523 238 285 273 191 82 177 114 3 01887700 Sarha Nabipur 611 283 328 430 399 JI 411 392 19 01887800 Akbarpur Satha 487 209 278 348 343 5 336 331 5 01887900 Kunjalpur 683 279 404 313 311 2 313 311 2 01888000 Berni 1,777 790 987 780 735 4S 643 610 33 01888100 Lohcha Naharpur 2.283 1.030 1.253 1.086 897 189 849 739 110 0\888200 Bachhcpura 903 386 517 497 388 109 350 342 8 01888300 Bhiau 900 372 528 517 473 44 409 376 33 01888400 Uchagaon 2.181 975 1.206 1.314 1; 138 176 1.039 977 62 01888500 Muzapur Sherpur 472 213 259 190 187 3 175 172 3 01888600 Ranausa 836 355 481 532 397 135 490 361 129 01888700 Saraineew 537 222 315 416 332 84 340 293 47

    824 PRIMARY CENSUS ABSTRACT CENSUS ABSTRACT Jalcsar Industrial category of main workers Household industry Cultivators Agricultural labourers workers Other workers Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Name of Village 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 3.8 39 40 2 19,544 18,973 571 8,250 7.901 349 1,431 1,217 214 5.772 4,968 804 Jalcsar (l0Ia1) 19,544 18,973 571 8,250 7,901 349 1.43 I 1,217 214 5,772 4,968 804 Jalcsar (Rural) Jalesar (Urban) Jalc'iU (Rural) 51 51 I I 3 3 Kapral 49 42 7 5 5 4 4 211 27 Sirgawan 88 81 7 4 4 2 2 12 12 Pavra 279 267 12 153 144 9 2 2 32 29 3 Mlsauh 247 247 105 104 I 6 6 48 45 3 Nagwai 8 7 182 180 2 5 5 10 10 Nagla Mcera 322 301 21 155 138 17 21 19 2 93 87 6 Mahanmal 375 374 I 36 36 4 4 31 24 7 Slmrdu 54 53 Khanpur 15 13 2 4 4 18 18 Nagla Chand 36 35 75 72 3 6 6 Kesra Amratpur 323 305 18 85 84 10 10 46 43 3 Jamon 27 26 I 9 7 2 22 21 1 Begampur 150 144 6 67 66 1 3 3 26 23 3 Khera Gwarau 47 46 1 16 13 3 2 2 73 69 4 Amarpur 107 103 4 82 74 8 I I 10 5 5 Devkaranpur 124 123 I 17 16 I I 20 18 2 FaridpUl 1 I 1 105 6 33 19 14 19 19 Muhabbatpur 169 163 6 105 99 6 7 5 2 201 146 S5 Jainpul'a 134 127 7 61 61 5 4 46 42 4 Pasiapur Begampur 632 619 13 128 128 J 7 17 94 90 4 Chirgawan 434 428 6 127 126 9 8 69 66 3 Shamaspur 146 137 9 II 10 9 9 IS 14 Jamalpur DuJjan 33 30 3 13 13 2 1 3 3 Hablbullapur 192 190 2 3 3 Bisuneepur 23 23 I Nagla Dhala 56 55 9 9 Ataull3put 49 49 10 10 Ibrahun Nagar 48 48 56 56 17 17 9 9 Banwanpur 97 97 136 135 lJ 9 84 80 4 Patna 70 69 I 148 144 4 20 20 28 21 7 Sikanderpur Marhl 188 186 2 143 143 3 I 2 3S 33 2 Murae Prahl ad NagaI 45 40 S 72 71 2 64 63 Saral Rajnagar ------Un-I nImbI led ------Akbarpur Haweh 397 394 3 267 265 2 7 7 80 73 7 Jalesal'(Dehat) 129 123 6 4S 45 35 32 3 Daulatpur Mushkl 54 53 10 9 2 12 11 Budhera 136 135 Muhammadpul'" Gaharwm 270 261 9 92 89 3 II 11 136 132 4 Hasangalh 68 68 26 25 16 16 18 17 I RaJardmpUl 63 63 6 6 4 4 BriJpur Chanda 211 210 3 3 7 7 liS 114 1 Rasldpur 175 169 6 33 33 3 3 40 38 2 Mohanpur 30 30 15 15 2 2 117 115 2 Arabgarh 131 127 4 40 38 2 49 49 Gopalpur 156 153 3 19 19 2 2 MOJmnpur 285 274 II 76 73 3 (1 3 3 44 42 2 Satha Nablpur 299 294 5 3 3 11 11 23 23 Akbarpur Salha 225 224 48 48 .25 25 15 14 KUI1Jaipur 262 241 21 256 247 \) IS 18 107 104 3 Bentl 602 576 26 89 86 3 14 10 4 '44 67 77 Lohelm Naharpur 215 213 2 29 28 15 15 91 86 5 Baehhcpum 300 293 7 63 58 39 17 7 3 4 BhiLlU 36(, 362 4 227 219 INO 168 I:! 266 228 38 Uelmgaon 125 123 2 18 18 32 31 1 MII"Zapur Sherpur 125 120 5 145 145 3 2 217 95 122 Ran .. usa 53 47 6 123 12() 3 19 18 145 108 37 Samineew

    825 DISTRICT CENSUS HANDBOOK: ETAH VILLAGE PRIMARY CD Block- Industrial category Location code Marginal workers Cultivators Agricultural labourers number Name of Village Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females 2 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 0173 Jalesar (Tolal) 9.872 6.506 3.366 1.319 754 565 5.254 4.119 1.135 0173 Jalcsar (Rural) 9.872 6.506 3.366 1.319 754 565 5.254 4.119 1.135 0173 Jalcsar (Urban) Jalesar (Rural) 01883100 Kaprai 14 12 2 2 2 12 10 2 01883200 Sirgawan 81 80 1 2 2 63 62 1 01883300 Pavra 89 81 8 2 2 82 74 8 01883400 Misauli 66 59 7 47 40 7 01883500 Nagwai 73 68 5 2 65 62 3 01883600 Nagla Meera 29 28 29 28 01883700 Mahanmai 423 308 115 41 17 24 314 250 64 01883800 Simrau 283 228 55 32 30 2 220 167 53 01883900 Khanpur 68 62 6 7 7 1_ 23 22 01884000 NaglaChand 91 69 22 2 2 51 45 6 01884100 Kesra Amratpur 2 2 2 2 01884200 laman 247 227 20 50 44 6 175 16) 14 01884300 Begampur 01884400 Khera Uwarau 258 50 208 35 18 17 97 ]8 79 01884500 Amarpur 73 6 67 2 2 59 6 53 01884600 Devkaranpur 248 60 188 23 17 6 142 42 100 01884700 Faridpur 9S 57 38 4 4 84 52 32 01884800 Muhabbatpur 237 113 124 1 1 84 78 6 01884900 Jainpura 158 32 126 9 6 3 47 13 34 01885000 Pasiapur Bcgampur 15 9 6 9 3 6 5 5 01885100 Chirgawan 251 212 39 21 19 2 161 153 8 01885200 Shamaspur 136 100 36 )0 7 3 55 48 7 01885300 Jamalpur Ouljan 102 100 2 73 72 01885400 Habibullapur 20 20 16 16 01885500 Bisuneepur 3 3 3 3 01885600 Nagla Ohara 01885700 Ataullapur 20 20 7 7 12 12 01885800 Ibrahim Nagar o t 885900 Banwanpur 4 4 4 4 01886000 Palna 51 39 12 8 7 26 23 3 01886100 Sikanderpur Marhl 15 12 3 I 1 01886200 Murae Prahlad Nagar 10 5 5 4 4 01886300 Sarai Rajnagar 16 15 12 11 01886400 Akbarpur Hawell ------Un-inhablted------01886500 lalesar(Dehal) 122 92 30 16 8 8 81 74 7 01886600 Daulatpur Mushki 101 84 17 21 10 1 1 62 59 3 01886700 Budhera 130 127 3 10 10 82 82 01886800 Muhammadpul Gaharwar 2 2 1 1 I 01886900 Hasangarh 66 34 32 40 15 25 9 6 3 01887000 RajarampUi 39 35 4 38 35 3 01887100 Brijpur Chanda 62 57 5 1 6 52 48 4 01887200 Rasidpur 01887300 Mohanpur II 9 2 II 9 2 01887400 Arabgarh 9 7 2 2 4 3 I 01887500 Gopalpur 19 17 2 2 1 1 16 IS 01887600 Mojampur 96 17 79 96 17 79 01887700 Satha Nabipur 19 7 12 6' 2 4 4 3 01887800 Akbarpur Salha 12 12 10 10 01887900 Kunjalpur 01888000 Beml 137 125 12 13 12 98 90 8 01888100 Lohcha Naharpur 237 158 79 50 16 34 69 68 1 01888200 Bachhcpul1I 147 46 101 21 16 5 13 12 01888300 Shiau 108 91 11 16 14 2 91 83 8 01888400 Uchagaon 275 161 114 40 12 18 128 73 55 01888500 MIl"Zc'lpur Shcrpur IS 15 01888600 Ranausa 42 36 6 5 2 3 26 26 01888700 Saraineew 76 39 37 2 1 44 23 21

    826 PRIMARY CENSUS ABSTRACT CENSUS ABSTRACT Jalesar of marginal workers Location Household industry workers Other workers Non-workers code Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Pen;ons Males Females Name of Village number 50 51 52 53 54 55 59 - 57 58 2

    757 309 448 2.542 1.324 1.218 J 13.539 46,702 66.837 Jalcsar (Total> 0)73 757 309 448 2.542 1.324 1.218 113.539 46.702 66.837 Jalesar (Rural) 0173 Jalesar (Urban) 0173 Jalesar (Rural) 225 104 121 Kapral 01883100 5 5 II II 413 153 260 Sirgawan 01883200 4 4 620 275 345 Pavra 01883300 18 18 1.471 589 882 Misauli 01883400 6 5 1,552 634 918 Nagwai 01883500 842 347 495 Nagla Meera 01883600 13 6 7 55 35 20 2,387 987 1,400 Mahallmal 01883700 18 18 13 13 1.915 763 1,1 52 Simrau 01883800 37 32 5 377 165 212 Khanpur 01883900 37 21 16 312 132 180 Nagla Chand 01884000 308 122 186 Kesra Amratpur 01884100 21 21 2,329 1,006 1,323 Jamon 01884200 125 45 80 Begampur 01884300 3 3 123 14 109 570 283 287 *-hera Gwarau 01884400 12 12 368 177 191 Amarpur 01884500 5 4 78 78 435 228 207 Devkaranpur 01884600 3 3 4 3 513 181 332 Faridpur 01884700 140 22 118 12 12 455 231 224 Muhabbatpur 01884800 20 19 82 12 70 1,221 556 665 Jainpura 01884900 808 316 492 Pasiapur Begampur 01885000 1 68 39 29 3,328 1,410 1,918 Chirgawan 01885100 8 5 3 63 40 23 2,128 883 1,245 Shamaspur 01885200 5 4 I 23 23 770 276 494 Jamalpur DUIjan 01885300 I I 3 3 154 51 103 HabibulJapur 01885400 356 189 167 Bisunecpur 01885500 71 27 44 Nagla Dhara 01885600 304 137 167 Ataullapur 01885700 124 45 79 Ibrahim Nagar 01885800 426 161 265 Banwaripur 01885900 9 3 6 8 (, 2 1,140 467 679 Patna 01886000 12 10 2 751 308 443 Sikanderpur Marhi 01886100 5 5 1.047 401 646 Murae Prahlad Nagar 01886200 4 4 626 245 381 Sarai Rajnagar 01886300 ------Un-inhablted------Akbarpur Haweli 01886400 25 10 15 2.524 993 1,531 Jalesar(Dehat) 01886500 17 15 2 593 232 361 Daulatpur Mushki 01886600 14 I I 3 24 24 620 256 364 Budhera 01886700 389 147 242 Muhammadpur Gaharwar 01886800 17 13 4 1.877 751 1,126 Hasangarh 01886900 477 189 288 Rajarampur 01887000 3 3 326 115 21 I Brijpur Chanda 01887100 886 310 576 Rasidpur 01887200 834 310 524 Mohanpur 01887300 3 3 461 182 279 Arabgarh 01887400 698 238 460 Gopalpur 01887500 541 256 285 Mojampur 01887600 7 6 2 1.054 441 613 Salha Nabipur 01887700 I 950 381 569 Akbarpur Satha 01887800 1,025 407 6 I 8 Kunjalpur 01887900 6 4 2 20 [I.) 2,420 1,008 1,412 Benu 01888000 7 5 2 III 69 42 2.477 1.026 1.45 I Loheha Naharpur 01888100 15 12 3 98 (1 92 1.050 471 579 Bachhcpura 01888200 1 1,142 407 735 Bhiau 01888300 I.) 2 7 98 64 34 2.847 1.133 I .7 14 Uchagaon 01888400 15 15 658 299 359 Mirzapur Shcrpur 01888500 10 8 2 1.024 456 568 Ran8usa 01888600 I I 5 6 19 10 9 739 295 444 Sarainecw 01888700

    827 DISTRICT CENSUS HANDBOOK: ETAH VILLAGE PRIMARY CD Block- Total population (including Location Area of institutional and housclcss Population in the code Village in Number of eoeu latton1 age-srou~ 0-6 number Name of Village hectares households Persons Males Females Persons Males Females 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 01888800 Mukatpur 79.0 97 593 335 258 93 48 45 01888900 Bichhpuri 3410 556 3,704 2,001 1,703 713 371 342 01889000 Badanpur KunJmanpur 2870 174 1,019 554 465 180 93 87 01889100 Ramrnipur 25 181 103 78 39 24 15 01889200 Naglamitan 636 4.397 2,398 1.999 831 447 384 01889300 Karhla KaslinpUi 331.0 109 685 357 328 151 78 73 01889400 Salwahanpur 2222 256 1,620 858 762 370 ' 189 181 01889500 Mohammad Nagar Urf 486 39 318 175 143 59 35 24 Murgal·ha 01889600 Gudau 4060 236 1,773 971 802 372 203 169 01889700 Kosma 2760 315 2,223 1.220 1,003 473 266 207 0]889800 Shahnagar Tlmarua 1,124.0 1.201 7.859 4,357 3,502 1.602 857 745 01889900 Nagla Anni 170.0 178 1.124 607 517 182 92 90 0\890000 Paindapur 186.0 131 919 497 422 182 96 86 01890100 Barasamaspur 353.0 483 3,147 1.697 1,450 704 362 342 01890200 Razanagar 153.0 63 408 209 199 ]00 47 53 01890300 Bahadurpur Kasimpur 74.0 148 1,051 572 479 192 105 87 01890400 Takhawall 373.0 468 2,776 1,544 1.232 549 303 246 01890500 Rajmalpur Timarua 265.0 244 1,545 832 713 330 183 ]47 01890600 Ardzibirhara 310 51 348 181 161 63 28 35 0]890100 Mai 206.0 164 1,118 609 509 233 121 112 01890800 Sona 2990 224 1,531 868 669 315 176 139 01890900 Karthani 740 157 1,095 564 531 229 104 125 0]891000 Badanpur KaZlpur 155.0 259 1.814 979 835 379 199 180 01891100 Pahannalpur 560 64 435 241 194 78 31 41 01891200 Shakrauli 1,1420 1.090 1,700 4,180 3,520 1.591 838 759 01891300 Walipur UrfNagla Wale 110.0 89 546 288 258 124 64 60 01891400 Gorakhpur 77.0 ------l1n-lnhabited------01891500 Gwaliyara 96.0 88 631 343 288 138 77 61 01891600 Hasanalipur Ahpur Basal 4630 140 929 499 430 192 98 94 01891100 Nagla Sukhdev 3740 223 1,388 750 638 280 144 136 »)1891800 Gothua 4060 361 2,228 1.181 1.047 482 235 241 0)..891900 Ramgarh Urf Ummergarh 2.645.0 2.065 13,081 7.087 5,994 2.720 1.434 1.286 ,AS 1 892000 Baghal 266.0 12:\ 1,065 575 490 187 91 96 ft.{892 100 Bhainsabnjpur 253.0 215 1.206 683 523 236 130 106 ;61892200 Rampur 1580 55 366 200 166 58 24 34 ~1892300 Shekhupur RaJlnal 9630 810 5.168 2.853 2.315 1.I14 622 492 ;!!892400 Shekhpur Mandanpur 506.0 407 2,665 1,453 1.212 504 258 246 01892500 Pahanpur Bhodela 4590 422 2,469 1.379 1.090 486 273 213 01892600 RaJa WaH 3100 252 1.812 1.002 810 336 186 150


    Scheduled Castes popuation Scheduled Tribes population Lilcrdtcs Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Name of Village 1 1 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 2 368 249 119 Mukalpur 1.087 600 487 1,928 1,273 6.55 Bichhpuri 71 37 34 486 332 1.54 Badanpur Kunjrnanpur 110 71 39 Rarnraipur 115 6() 55 2.040 1.449 591 Naglal11itan 155 77 78 300 207 93 Karhla Kasimpur 206 105 101 715 513 202 Salwahanpur 174 117 57 Mohammad Nagar urr Murgarha 64 29 35 838 566 272 Gudau 265 134 131 969 711 258 Kosma 1,115 639 476 3,779 2,648 1,131 Shahnagar Tirnarua 84 46 38 566 403 163 Nagla Anni 183 101 82 556 361 195 Pamdapur 721 385 336 1,182 838 344 Barasamaspur 30 14 16 138 101 37 Razanagar 148 80 68 654 414 240 Bahadurpur Kasllnpur 1.161 638 523 1,242 867 375 Takhawan 98 56 42 707 506 201 Rajmalpur Timarua 177 121 56 Arazibirhara 314 167 147 535 378 157 Mai 211 121 90 727 500 227 Sona 472 333 139 Karthani 73 34 39 787 570 217 Badanpur Kazipur 189 144 45 Pahannalpur 1.366 732 634 2,956 1,995 961 Shakrauh 484 258 226 246 151 95 Wlilipur Urf Nagla Wale ------Un-Inhabited------Gorakhpur 260 138 122 330 213 117 Gwahyara 229 123 106 416 286 130 Hasanalipur Ahpur Basai 503 283 220 707 469 238 Nagla Sukhdcv 102 49 53 907 624 283 Gothua 4,554 2,505 2,049 5,613 3,848 1.165 Rarngarh Urf Umrnergarh 303 163 140 660 410 250 Baghal 239 132 107 578 398 180 Bhainsabrijpur 27 12 15 250 163 87 Rampur 967 540 427 1.885 1,372 513 Shekhupur Rajmal 629 351 278 1.260 819 441 Shekhpur Mandanpur 757 444 313 1.011 116 301 Pahanpur Bhodehl 126 15 51 1,040 639 401 Raja Wah


    Location code lIIiterdtcs Total workers Main workers number Name ofVillag;e Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females 1 2 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 01888800 Mukalpur 225 86 139 129 119 10 119 115 4 01888900 Bichhpuri 1,776 728 1.048 U57 900 251 763 743 20 01889000 Badanpur Kunjmanpur 533 222 311 340 299 41 274 256 18 01889100 Ramraipur 71 32 .39 61 51 10 44 40 4 01889200 Naglamilan 2,357 949 1.408 1,287 1.123 164 889 869 20 01889300 Kartda Kasimpur 385 150 235 175 172 3 144 142 2 01889400 Salwahanpuf 905 345 560 410 .407 3 380 311 3 01889500 Mohammad Nagar Un 144 58 86 68 67 67 66 Murgarha 01889600 Qudau 935 405 530 511 459 52 377 369 8 01889100 Kosma 1.254 509 745 456 431 19 360 341 13 01889800 Shahnagar Timarua 4,080 1,709 2.371 2,405 2.025 380 1,900 1,728 172 01889900 Nagla Anni 558 204 354 274 273 262 261 I 01890000 Paindapur 363 136 227 234 226 8 234 226 8 01890100 Barasamaspur 1.965 859 1,106 929 821 108 601 S92 IS 01890200 Razanagar 270 108 162 101 93 8 81 80 I 01890300 Bahadurpur Kasimpur 397 158 239 236 224 12 223 213 10 01890400 Takhawan 1.534 611 857 691 658 33 513 494 19 01890500 Rajmalpur Timarua 838 326 512 352 344 8 333 326 7 01890600 Arazibirhara 111 60 1 I I 110 76 34 67 63 4 01890700 Mai 583 231 352 289 281 8 252 241 5 01890800 Sona 810 368 442 571 405 166 476 365 111 01890900 Karthani 623 231 392 334 298 36 219 213 6 01891000 Badanpur Kazipur 1,027 409 618 688 437 251 379 359 20 01891100 Pahannalpur 246 97 149 108 98 10 81 76 5 01891200 Shakrauli 4,744 2.185 2,559 2,060 1,965 95 1,703 1,657 46 01891300 Walipur UrfNagla Wale 300 137 163 172 141 31 142 127 15 01891400 Gorakhpur ------Un-Inhabited------01891500 GwaJiyara 301 130 171 157 152 5 137 135 2 01891600 Hasanalipur Alipur Basai 513 213 300 235 231 4 219 215 4 01891100 Nagla Sukhdev 681 281 400 359 337 22 277 256 21 01891800 Gothua 1.321 557 764 883 627 256 579 415 164 01891900 Ramgarh Urf Ummergarn 7.468 3.239 4.229 3,727 3,205 522 2,889 2,703 186 01892000 Baghai 405 165 240 249 ,244 5 224 222 2 01892100 BhainsabriJpur 628 285 343 301 294 7 285 278 7 01892200 Rampur 116 37 79 90 87 3 35 35 01892300 Shekhupur RaJmal 3.283 1.481 1.802 1.434 1.335 99 1.245 1,172 73 01892400 Shekhpur Mandanpur 1.405 634 771 717 689 28 611 591 20 0\892500 Pabaripur Bbode\a \.452 663 789 672 601 1\ 564 528 36 01892600 Raja Wali 772 363 409 515 496 19 504 485 19

    830 PRIMARY CENSUS ABSTRACT CENSUS ABSTRACT Jalesar Industrial catego!):: of main workers Household industry Cultivators Agricu ltural labourers workers Other workers Persons M ales Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Name of Village 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 2 103 99 4 7 7 9 9 Mukalpur 468 457 II 165 161 4 29 29 101 96 5 Bichhpuri 214 206 8 16 16 J J 10 33 24 9 Badanpur Kunjmanpur 32 31 I 5 3 2 6 5 I RatnnlipuT 422 413 9 302 294 8 18 18 147 144 3 Naglamitan 79 77 2 44 44 6 6 15 15 Karhla Kasimpur 278 277 10 10 14 14 78 76 2 Salwahanpur 67 66 Mohammad Nagar Urf Murgarha 281 274 7 43 43 4 4 49 48 Gudau 196 190 6 98 92 6 5 5 61 60 Kosma 867 845 22 538 523 15 77 75 2 418 285 133 Shahnagar Tirnarua 87 87 128 127 I 15 15 ·32 32 Nagla Anm 178 172 6 53 51 2 3 3 Paindapur 386 378 8 174 170 4 11 1I 36 33 3 Barasarnaspur 17 17 24 23 1 40 40 Razanagar 143 139 4 30 30 9 9 41 35 6 Bahadurpur KasimpuT 330 324 6 120 I I 1 9 8 6 2 55 53 2 Takhawan 241 239 2 39 37 2 5 5 48 45 3 Rajmalpur Timarua 54 52 2 4 3 I 3 3 6 5 Arazlbirhara 140 136 4 57 57 12 12 43 42 1 Mai 204 201 3 82 73 9 80 38 42 110 53 57 Sona 196 193 3 4 4 78 75 3 Karthani 276 271 5 27 27 2 2 74 59 15 Badanpur Kazipur 68 64 4 I I 1 1 11 10 I Paharmalpur 861 840 21 539 526 13 53 53 250 238 12 Shakmuli 29 29 49 48 6 6 58 44 14 Wahpur Urf Nagla Wale ------Un-inhablted------Gorakhpur 107 106 6 6 10 10 ]4 13 Gwaliyara 160 157 3 29 29 9 9 21 20 1 Hasanalipur Alipur Basai 157 151 6 42 37 5 11 7 4 67 61 6 Nag1a Sukhdev 233 184 49 256 149 107 8 7 I 82 75 7 Gothua 1,385 1.319 66 817 794 23 260 189 71 427 401 26 Rarngarh Un Umrnergarh 91 91 50 50 l) 9 74 72 2 Baghai 175 171 4 100 97 3 4 4 6 6 BhainsabriJpuT 10 10 23 23 2 2 RalnpUT 654 645 9 337 324 13 80 67 13 174 136 38 Shekhupur Rajrnal 354 347 7 156 154 2 5 5 96 85 11 ShekhpurMandanpur 197 191 6 170 162 H 79 65 14 118 110 8 Paharipur Bhodela 398 387 II 62 55 7 8 8 .36 35 Raja Wali

    831 DISTRICT CENSUS HANDBOOK: ETAH VILLAGE PRIMARY CD Block- Industrial cateGoQ: Location code MarGinal workers Cultivators Agricultural labourers number Name of VillaGe Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females I 2 41 42 43 44 4S 46 47 48 49 01888800 Mukalpur 10 4 6 I I 01888900 Bichhpuri 394 157 237 74 13 61 16 16 01889000 Badanpur Kunjmanpur 66 43 23 13 7 6 34 31 3 01889100 Ramraipur ,17 11 6 3 2 I II 7 4 01889200 Naglamilan ~98 254 144 7 3 4 291 192 99 01889300 Karhla Kasimpur 31 30 29 29 01889400 Salwahanpur 30 30 2 2 6 6 01889500 Mohammad Nagar Urf 1 Murgarha 01889600 Gudau 134 90 44 15 8 7 58 49 9 01889700 Kosma 96 90 6 6 5 1 62 57 5 01889800 Shahnagar Timaru3 505 29'1 208 46 35 11 271 182 89 01889900 Nagla Anni 12 12 4 4 01890000 Paindapur 01890100 Barasamaspur 322 229 93 202 120 82 103 94 9 01890200 Razanagar 20 13 7 5 4 1 7 6 01890300 BahadurpuT Kasimpur 13 I I 2 4 2 2 8 8 01890400 Takhawan 178 164 14 31 22 9 120 115 5 01890500 Rajrnafpur Timarua 19 18 I I I II II 01890600 Arazibirhara 43 13 30 8 2 6 34 10 24 01890700 Mal 37 34 3 5 5 20 19 1 01890800 Sona 95 40 55 4 4 33 23 10 01890900 Karthani 5S 25 30 38 22 16 I 1 01891000 Badanpur Kazipur- 309 78 231 15 7 8 9'1 60 37 01891100 Pahannalpur 27 22 5 6 2 4 9 8 01891200 Shakrauli 357 308 49 46 30 16 229 222 7 01891300 Walipur Urf Nagla Wale 30 14 16 4 4 6 2 4 01891400 Gorakhpur ------Un-jnhabited------01891500 Gwaliyara 20 17 3 13 13 01891600 Hasanalipur Alipur Basal 16 16 7 7 8 8 01891100 Nagla Sukhdev 82 81 5 5 64 64 01891800 GOlhua 304 212 92 26 13 13 198 130 68 01891900 Ramgarh Urf Ummergarh 838 502 336 69 38 31 406 275 131 01892000 Baghal 25 22 3 5 2 3 4 4 01892100 BhainsabnJpur 16 16 2 2 8 8 01892200 Rampur 55 52 3 43 40 3 01892300 Shekhupur RaJmal 189 163 26 9 6 3 147 131 16 01892400 Shekhpur Mandanpur 106 98 8 12 11 I 82 78 4 01892500 Paharipur Bhodela 108 73 35 10 8 2 22 20 2 01892600 Raja Wali 11 11 4 4 3 3

    832 PRIMARY CENSUS ABSTRACT CENSUS ABSTRACT Jalesar of marginal workers Location Household indust!l: workers Other workers Non-workers code Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Name of Village number 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 2 I I I II 4 4 464 216 248 Mukatpur 01888800 12 10 2 292 118 174 2,547 1,101 1,446 Bichhpuri 01888900 15 4 II 4 3 679 255 424 Badanpur Kunjmanpur 01889000 2 I I 120 52 68 Ramraipur 01889100 3 3 97 56 41 3,110 1,275 1,835 Naglamltan 01889200 1 510 185 325 Karhla Kasimpur 01889300 2 2 20 20 1,210 451 759 Salwahanpur 01889400 250 108 142 Mohammad Nagar Urr 01889500 MUTgarha 35 8 27 26 25 1,262 512 750 Gudau 01889600 28 28 1,767 783 984 Kosma 01889700 30 7 23 158 73 85 5,454 2,332 3,122 Shahnagar Timarua 01889800 8 8 850 334 516 Nagla Anm 01889900 685 271 414 Paindapur 01890000 2 15 14 1 2,218 876 1,342 Barasamaspur 01890100 8 3 5 307 116 191 Razanagar 01890200 815 348 467 Bahadurpur Kasl Inpur 01890300 3 3 24 24 2,085 886 1,199 Takhawan 01890400 7 7 1,193 488 705 Rajrnalpur Tlrnarua 01890500 238 105 133 Arazibirhara 01890600 2 2 10 8 2 829 328 501 Mai 01890700 49 8 41 9 5 4 966 463 503 Sona 01890800 16 2 14 761 266 495 Kal1ham 01890900 6 6 191 II 180 1,126 542 584 Badanpur Kazipur 01891000 12 12 327 143 184 Pahannalpur 01891100 20 14 6 62 42 20 5,640 2,215 3,425 Shakrauli 01891200 20 12 8 374 147 227 Walipur UrfNagla Wale 01891300 ------Un-inhabiled------Gorakhpur 01891400 3 2 4 2 2 474 191 283 Gwahyara 01891500 I I 694 268 426 Hasanalipur Alipur Basai 01891600 2 2 11 10 1,029 413 616 Nag1a Sukhdcv 01891700 5 5 75 64 II 1.345 554 791 GOlhua 01891800 211 91 120 \52 98 54 9,354 3,882 5,472 Rarngarh urr Urnmergam 01891900 2 2 14 14 816 331 485 Baghai 01892000 2 2 4 4 905 389 516 Bhainsabrijpur 01892100 2 2 10 10 276 113 163 Rampur 01892200 9 6 3 24 20 4 3,734 1,518 2,216 Shekhupur Raj rna I 01892300 12 9 3 1.948 764 1,184 Shekhpur~andanpuT 01892400 28 20 8 48 25 23 1.797 778 1,019 PaharipuT Bhodela 01892500 4 4 1.297 506 791 Raja Wali 01892600


    PRIMARY CENSUS ABSTRACT AWAGARH CD BLOCK DISTRICT CENSUS HANDBOOK. ETAH VILLAGE PRIMARY CD Block ~ Total population (including Location Area of institutional and housclcss Population in the code Village in Number of population) age-group 0-6 number Name of Village hectares households Persons Males Females Persons Males Females 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 0174 Awagarh {Total) 26.5190 20,457 112.772 72.078 60.694 27,050 14,316 12,734 0174 /\.wawarh (Rural) 26,519.0 20,457 132.772 72.078 60.694 27.050 14,316 12.734 0174 AwaWirh (Urban) Awagarh (Rural) 01892700 Sakam 6100 197 1.159 646 513 235 118 117 01892800 Lakhmlpur 350.0 136 747 410 337 195 106 89 01892900 ~aksudpur 796.0 417 2,822 1.535 1.287 690 384 306 01893000 Pilkhalrd 8260 337 2.[79 1.186 993 425 222 203 01 893100 Ganeshpur 9330 511 3.837 2.114 1,723 726 381 339 01893200 Badhawall 565.0 450 2.9!5 1.600 1.315 597 329 268 01893300 Narhul i 4930 357 2.466 1.324 1.142 509 218 231 01893400 ReJua 411.0 351 2,539 1,359 I.ISO 470 243 221 01893500 Jamalpul· Gadun 3080 241 1,345 741 604 273 132 141 01893600 Salcmpur Milrol 1610 173 1,002 538 464, 217 112 105 01893700 Mitrol 261.0 331 2,140 1.128 [,012 446 230 216 01893800 Dulha 232.0 166 1.195 624 571 267 143 124 01893900 Rasidpur Mitraul 90.3 115 673 343 330 139 65 74 0\894000 Pabha 208.0 164 1,133 623 510 282 148 134 01894100 Gadun 318.0 197 1.120 606 514 239 121 \\8 01894200 Abdulhaipur 3340 165 1,048 515 473 218 116 102 o 1894300 Rasldpur Urr Kheria Khati III 0 68 435 249 186 79 49 30 0189440{) Hadidadpur 162.0 126 761 406 355 139 64 75 01894500 Dalsahpur 297.5 156 1,103 576 527 199 98 101 01894600 Khairara 373.0 343 2.388 1,311 1,077 505 263 242 0\894700 Khcranuh 399.0 223 \,389 752 637 244 129 liS 01894800 Nuhkhas 961.0 612 4,220 2.304 1.916 850 444 406 01894900 Balesam 295.0 265 1,721 966 755 323 167 156 01895000 ~andanpur 398.0 269 \,89\ 1..026 865 401 220 \8\ 01895100 Kuswa 651.0 457 3.023 1,631 1,392 612 309 303 01895200 Misakhul-d 195.0 126 769 415 354 139 65 14 0\895300 Narom 495.0 363 2,614 1.459 • 1.155 556 300 256 01895400 Udcn 1530 110 715 392 323 168 86 82 01895500 Sarkari 1550 98 565 302 263 102 55 47 01895600 Mlsaka[an 750.0 434 2.732 1.484 1.248 529 293 236 01895700 Kheriataj 261.0 158 1.110 584 526 224 113 I II 01895800 Gadesara 123.0 116 872 487 385 101 53 48 01895900 Burrakhuro 4190 258 1.814 999 815 360 201 159 01896000 Bambhodcla 279.0 338 2.060 1.103 957 446 230 216 01896100 Barai Kalyan Pur 7310 597 4.063 2.179 I.S84 916 418 438 01896200 Bimagar 704.4 475 2.970 1.586 1.384 622 323 299 01896300 Awagarh 784.8 970 6.IS[ 3.321 2.830 1.272 686 586 01896400 Jamlll Khurd Kalan 477.0 672 4.056 2.231 1.825 888 478 410 01896500 Salamai 123.0 132 984 496 488 157 77 80 01896600 Walidad PUI 176.0 393 2.566 1.392 1.174 430 234 196 01 896700 Punhem 7350 549 3.603 2.001 1.602 639 347 292 01896800 Pondri 2520 441 2.900 1.533 1.367 621 316 305 01896900 Mchkikhurd Kalan 2720 186 I. HI3 642 541 23\ \33 98 () J 897000 Narau BII Nagai 428.0 317 2.017 1.105 912 429 218 211 01897100 Daulatpur Gilaula 1950 96 596 331 265 129 60 69 01897200 Lodillpur 1060 137 843 439 404 201 106 95 01897300 DoshpUi 209 () 150 904 484 420 205 109 96 01897400 Jalukhcra 402.0 231 1.632 882 750 330 164 166 O\S97500 Nimkhcm 4940 196 1.\8 \ 630 55\ 255 148 \01 01897600 Gahla 1450 84 583 308 275 112 57 55 () 1897700 Bun-akulan S33.0 643 4.353 2.379 1.974 K92 472 410 01897800 Mursawan 4390 \69 \.048 563 485 \49 90 59 I) 1897900 lsauh 6530 535 3.433 1.875 1• ."i58 659 354 305 OJ 898000 Bubarpur 5800 40') 2.407 1.330 • 1.077 505 282 223 () 1898100 Tlkathar 949.0 70S 4.107 2.305 1.802 867 491 376 () 1898200 AbhalHlJpur IS8.0 105 557 307 2."iO 109 58 51 OlS98300 Sahnauu 429.0 358 2.349 1.2S3 1.066 480 264 216


    Scheduled Castes ~o~uation Scheduled Tribes ~o~ulati()n Literates Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Name of Villa~e \1 \2 13 14 \5 16 \1 \8 \9 2

    32.285 17.550 14.735 59.911 41JH4 18.877 AW3~r11 (Total) 32.285 17,550 14,735 59.911 41.0~4 18.877 Awagar11 (Rural) AW3K3rh (Urban) Awagarh (Rural) 1M 9 9 638 446 192 Sakarn 645 339 306 322 234 88 Lakhmlpur 249 \42 \OJ 926 6\9 30"1 MaKsudpuf 414 244 170 1,000 689 311 Pilkhatra 274 151 123 1,578 1,110 468 Gancshpur 100 62 38 1.543 1.035 508 Badhawall 967 521 446 1,331 856 415 Narhuh 185 101 84 1,316 913 403 Rejua 552 291 255 653 432 221 lamalpur Gadun 165 82 83 500 355 145 Salcmpur Mltrol 210 131 133 967 681 2.r6 Mitrol 158 90 68 485 336 14~l Dulha 334 242 92 Rasldpur Mitraul 272 155 117 404 294 110 Pabha 4%\ 255 226 525 34\ \84 t."-adun 194 106 88 458 314 144 Alldulhaipur 5 2 3 209 lSI 58 RID Idpur Urf Khena Khati 362 196 166 415 270 145 Hadidadpur 214 115 99 597 377 220 Dalsailpur 291 161 124 719 548 171 Khana,~ 515 281 234 881 513 368 Kheranu!1 937 497 440 1,534 1,113 421 Nuhkhas 148 85 63 861 610 251 Balesara 688 366 322 782 539 243 Mandanpu1 746 392 354 1,327 951 376 Kuswa 220 115 105 354 246 108 Misakhurd 965 538 421 \ ,207 855 352 Narom 8 5 3 290 205 85 Uderi 309 168 141 250 166 84 Sarkan 420 233 187 1,013 693 320 Misakalan 323 169 154 469 326 143 Khenalaj 262 149 113 634 384 250 Gadesarn 912 489 423 694 484 210 Bunakhurd 815 448 367 829 579 250 Barabhodela 956 489 467 1,688 1.215 473 Barai Kalyan Pur 684 332 352 1,474 1.014 460 Birnagar 1.466 790 676 2.450 1,677 773 Awagarh 1.273 689 584 1.578 1,162 416 Jarana Khurd Kalan \9 \ \ 8 591 )4) 254 Salamal 99 48 51 940 675 265 Walidad Pur 974 549 425 2.000 1.327 673 Punhern 942 478 464 1.538 1.006 532 Pondra 136 80 56 629 403 226 Mehkikhurd Kalan 661 3"15 286 883 630 253 Narau Bir Nagar 179 104 75 308 231 77 Daulatpur Gllaula 76 35 41 347 239 108 Lodlllpur 70 34 36 504 315 189 Doshpur 449 239 210 726 502 224 lalukhera 289 1{}7 122 614 389 225 Nnnkhera 204 120 84 331 206 125 Gahla 998 536 462 2.00.1 1.397 606 Bunakalan 226 128 98 635 365 270 Mursawan 1.114 629 485 1.444 958 486 IS:lUh 655 376 279 1.2Q4 &48 446 Babarpu, 1.355 760 595 1.829 1.307 522 Tlkathar 188 106 82 330 214 116 Abhau'3jpur 1.221 663 558 917 635 282 Sahnaua


    Location code Illiterates Total workers Main workers number Name of Village Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females 2 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 () 174 Awagarh (Total) 72,861 31.044 41,817 38,569 33,792 4,777 29,981 27.783 2.198 0174 Awagarh (Rural) 72,861 31.044 41,817 38,569 33,792 4.777 29,981 27.783 2.198 0174 Awagarh (Urban) Awap;arh (Ruml) 01892700 Sakard 521 200 321 309 301· 8 226 219 7 01 892800 Lakhmipur 425 176 249 197 170 27 153 147 6 01892900 Maksudpur 1,896 916 980 183 639 144 427 390 31 01893000 Pllkhatrd 1.179 497 682 639 604 35 360 348 12 01893100 Gancshpur 2.259 1.004 1,255 1,242 1,028 214 1,096 911 185 01893200 Badhawah 1.372 565 807 781 '168 19 717 703 14 01893300 Narhuh 1.135 468 667 630 601 29 389 377 12 01893400 RCJua 1.223 446 777 685 622 63 484 464 20 01893500 Jamalpur Gadurl 692 309 383 426 341 85 337 269 68 01893600 Salcmpur Mltro1 502 183 319 373 264 109 267 255 12 0[893700 Mitral 1,173 447 726 607 548 59 364 348 16 01893800 Dulha 710 288 422 511 302 209 241 223 18 01893900 Rasidpur Mltraul 339 101 238 258 173 85 158 156 2 01894000 Pabha 729 329 400 287 278 9 274 269 5 01894100 Gaduri 595 265 330 335 311 18 305 298 7 01894200 Abdulhaipur 590 261 329 324 316 8 295 293 2 01894300 Rasidpur UrfKhcna Khati 226 98 128 120 120 120 120 01894400 HadidadpuT 346 136 210 207 203 4 204 200 4 01894500 Da1sahpUi 506 199 307 326 306 20 251 242 9 01894600 Khairara 1.669 763 906 580 547 33 401 380 21 01894700 Kheranuh 508 239 269 347 309 38 306 291 15 01894800 Nuhkhas 2,686 1,191 1,495 1,005 911 28 790 777 13 01894900 Balesara 860 356 504 415 405 10 360 352 8 01895000 MandanpuT 1,109 487 622 516 477 39 449 439 10 01895100 Kuswa 1,696 680 1,016 756 726 30 720 699 21 01895200 Misakhurd 415 169 246 219 215 4 143 140 3 01895300 Narora 1.407 604 803 872 748 124 669 610 59 01895400 Uded 425 187 238 14 10 4 11 7 4 01895500 Salkari 315 136 179 216 161 49 184 145 39 01895600 Misakalan 1.119 791 928 982 741 241 128 647 81 01895700 KhenataJ 641 258 383 462 285 177 362 256 106 01895800 Gadesara 238 103 135 409 216 193 377 188 189 01895900 Bumtkhurd 1.120 515 605 434 ,412 22 307 287 20 01896000 Barabhodela 1.231 524 707 835 594 241 592 491 101 01896100 Barai Kalyan PUI 2,375 964 1.4 11 1,133 1,013 60 1.075 1.044 31 01896200 Bimagar 1,496 572 924 799 732 67 654 632 22 01896300 Awagarh 3.701 1,644 2.057 1,671 1.521 156 1,538 1.445 93 01896400 Jarani Khurd Kalan 2,478 1.069 1.409 1.068 1.025 43 743 715 28 01896500 Salamai 387 153 234 359 244 liS 195 183 12 01896600 Walidad Pur 1,626 717 909 1.114 799 375 181 717 64 01896700 Pun hera 1.603 674 929 969 928 41 916 886 30 01896800 Pondn 1.362 521 835 780 670 110 500 424 16 01896900 Mehkikhurd Kalan 554 239 315 321 309 12 )OS 294 11 01897000 Narau Blr Nagar 1.134 475 659 727 586 141 512 391 121 01897100 Daulatpur Gilaula 288 100 188 237 171 66 161 167 01897200 LodlllpUi 496 200 296 355 234 121 265 210 55 01897300 DoshpUI 400 169 231 231 222 g 227 219 ~ 01897400 Jalukhern 906 380 526 456 444 12 454 443 II 01897500 NlInkhcm 567 241 326 295 286 9 293 286 7 01897600 Gah1a 252 102 150 158 147 II 151 142 9 01897700 Burrakalan 2.350 982 1.368 1.075 1.019 56 894 815 19 01897800 Mursawan 413 198 215 317 .311 6 210 206 4 01897900 Isaull 1.989 917 1.072 1,072 1.041 31 141 718 23 () 1898000 Babml'ur 1.113 482 631 (175 642 33 550 539 II 01898100 Tlkathar 2.278 998 1.280 1,259 1.031 228 712 554 158 01898200 Abh31rnjpur 227 93 134 212 150 (12 183 122 61 01898300 Sahnaua 1.432 648 784 623 586 37 504 483 21

    838 PRIMARY CENSUS ABSTRACT CENSUS ABSTRACT Awagarh Industrial category of main workers Household industry Cultivators Agricultural labourers workers Other workers Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Fl.'t1lales Name of Village 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 2 17.334 16.383 951 7.020 6.603 417 1.280 980 300 4.347 3.817 530 Awahrarh (Total) 17.334 16.383 951 7,020 6.603 417 1.280 980 300 4.347 3817 530 Awa~arh (Rural) Awa~arh (Urban) Awa~arh (Rural) 176 173 3 37 35 2 8 6 2 5 5 Sakarn 136 131 5 12 II I 2 2 3 3 Lakhmlpur 332 303 29 62 56 6 14 13 19 18 Maksudpur 220 212 8 84 82 2 15 14 41 40 1 Pllkhatra 647 609 38 352 247 105 35 21 14 62 34 28 Gancshpur 582 571 11 72 71 29 28 I 34 33 Badhawali 210 206 4 92 91 35 31 4 52 49 3 Narhuh 295 289 6 15 15 10 10 164 ISO 14 RCJua 248 184 64 30 28 2 53 52 6 5 Jamalpur Gadun 163 155 8 32 32 64 62 2 8 6 2 Salempur Mitrol 291 287 4 12 8 4 20 IS 5 41 38 3 Mitrol 227 209 18 4 4 3 3 7 7 Dulha 94 92 2 30 30 3 3 31 31 Rasidpur M itraul 101 98 3 139 138 I 7 7 27 26 Pabha 189 186 3 92 89 3 4 4 20 19 Gaduri 196 195 86 86 12 II Abdulhalpur 60 60 59 59 I 1 Rasldpur Urf Kheria Khatl 155 151 4 43 43 6 6 Hadldadpur 160 155 5 53 53 7 5 2 31 29 2 Oalsahpur 220 212 8 123 I I 1 12 7 7 51 50 Khairarn 142 139 3 121 II I 10 8 7 35 34 Khcrnnuh 411 406 S 213 208 5 48 48 118 115 3 Nuhkhas 240 236 4 42 42 16 13 3 62 61 Balesarn 258 256 2 13 12 18 12 6 160 159 Mandanpur 394 386 8 219 213 6 24 22 2 83 78 5 Kuswa 107 104 3 26 26 I 1 9 9 Misakhurd 206 200 6 367 342 25 8 4 4 88 64 24 Narorn 8 6 2 3 2 Uderi 113 99 14 16 16 23 4 19 32 26 6 Sarkari 593 519 74 35 33 2 5 5 95 90 5 Misakalan 194 126 68 142 106 36 3 3 23 21 2 Khcriataj 307 172 135 1 1 12 8 4 57 7 50 Gadesara 264 260 4 6 6 I 36 21 IS Burrakhurd 226 212 14 114 104 10 46 22 24 206 153 53 Barabhodela 529 514 15 359 353 6 19 19 168 158 10 Barni Kalyan Pur 403 392 \68 \63 5 \2 12 71 65 6 Bimagar 582 543 39" 449 422 27 80 71 9 427 409 18 Awagarh 308 296 12 155 ISO 5 3 3 277 266 II Jarnni Khurd Kalan 114 lOS 9 71 69 2 10 9 I Salarnai 179 173 6 353 331 22 119 112 7 130 101 29 Wahdad Pur 471 460 II 289 277 12 23 21 2 133 128 5 Punhera 237 219 18 104 99 5 20 20 139 86 53 Pondri 113 109 4 170 163 7 II II 11 II Mehkikhurd Kalan 216 204 12 72 69 3 119 25 94 105 93 12 Narau Bir Nagar 159 159 2 2 I I • 5 5 Daulatpur Gllaula 144 109 35 65 57 8 14 3 I I 42 41 Lodhlpur 116 113 3 70 69 7 5 2 34 32 2 Doshpur 205 197 8 236 234 2 4 3 9 9 Jalukhern 185 180 5 91 89 2 2 2 15 15 Nllnkhcra 71 68 3 53 49 4 4 4 23 21 2 Gahla 579 566 13 217 215 2 18 15 3 80 79 BUlTakalan 188 184 4 5 5 16 16 Mun.awan 446 434 12 172 165 7 19 17 104 \02 2 l!ooauli 310 308 2 75 74 1 33 30 132 127 5 -BnbarpUl 488 396 92 66 51 IS 36 24 12 122 83 39 Tlkalhar 52 52 25 25 4 4 102 41 61 Abhall~.IPur 129 12t! 260 255 5 44 35 71 65 6 Sahnaua

    839 DISTRICT CENSUS HANDBOOK: ETAH VILLAGE PRIMARY CD Block- Industrial category Location code Marginal workers Cultivators Agriculturallabourcrs number Name of Village Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females 2 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 0174 Awagarh fI olal) 8.588 6.009 2.579 1.593 663 930 4.858 4.068 790 0174 Awa~arh (Rural) 8.588 6,009 2.579 1,593 &63 930 4.858 4.068 790 0174 Awaga.-h (Urban) Awagarh (Rurnl) 01892700 Sakara 83 82 I 4 4 73 72 01892800 Lakhmipur 44 23 21 9 4 S 26 15 11 01892900 MaksudpUT 356 249 101 40 17 23 242 199 43 01893000 Pitkhalrn 279 256 23 15 12 3 252 235 17 01893100 Ganeshpur 146 117 29 23 17 6 94 81 13 01893200 Badhawah 70 65 5 17 14 3 51 49 2 01893300 Narhuh 241 224 17 24 22 2 198 187 II 01893400 Rejua 201 158 43 28 19 9 87 83 4 01893500 Jamalpur Gadun 89 72 17 8 4 4 53 47 6 01893600 Salempur MUrol 106 9 97 74 7 67 24 24 01893700 Mitrol 243 200 43 11 8 3 215 181 34 01893800 Dulha 270 79 191 114 15 159 88 59 29 01893900 Rasidpur Mitrnul 100 17 83 11 11 (ill 29 6 23 01894000 Pabha 13 9 4 1 1 8 3 01894100 Gaduri 30 19 11 24 13 11 01894200 Abdulhalpur 29 23 6 23 22 01894300 Rasidpur Urf Kheria Khatl 01894400 Hadidadpur 3 3 2 2 01894500 Dalsahpur 75 64 II 7 2 5 64 59 5 01894600 Khall"3ra 179 167 12 13 10 3 33 30 3 01894700 Kheranuh 41 18 23 5 5 22 10 12 01894800 Nuhkhas 215 200 15 14 12 2 182 173 9 01894900 Balesara 55 53 2 \6 14 2 28 28 01895000 Mandanpur 67 38 29 28 9 19 JS 9 6 0[895100 Kuswa 36 27 9 4 3 25 18 7 01895200 M isakhurd 76 75 1 2 2 70 69 01895300 Narora 203 138 65 10 6 4 133 113 20 01895400 Uden 3 3 3 3 01895500 Sarkari 32 22 10 27 18 9 3 3 01895600 Misakalan 254 94 160 172 35 137 71 50 21 01895700 Kheriataj 100 29 71 49 11 38 50 17 33 01895800 Gadesara 32 28 4 9 5 4 23 23 01895900 Burrakhurd 127 125 2 9 9 I II 110 01896000 Barabhode1a 243 103 140 55 30 25 173 65 108 01896100 Barai Kalyan Pur 58 29 29 2 2 5 5 01896200 Birnagar 145 100 45 23 20 3 61 59 2 01896300 Awagarh 139 76 63 8 6 2 58 39 19 01896400 Jaram Khurd Kalan 325 310 15 32 24 8 151 141 4 01896500 Sa1amat 164 61 \03 18 11 7 135 42 93 01896600 Wahdad PUt 393 82 311 22 5 17 39 25 14 01896700 Punher8 53 42 1 I 14 9 5 23 17 6 01896800 Pondn 280 246 34 68 53 15 176 160 16 01896900 MehkikhUld Kalan 16 IS 9 8 01897000 Narau BII Nagar 215 195 20 18 14 4 151 138 13 01897100 Daulalpur Gllaula 70 4 66 67 3 64 01897200 LodhlpUl 90 24 66 62 10 52 16 8 01897300 Doshpur 4 3 I 3 2 01897400 Jalukhcl1l 2 I 1 01897500 Nnnkhcm 2 2 2 2 01897600 Gallia 7 5 2 2 4 3 I 01897700 Burrakalan 181 144 37 34 25 137 112 25 () 1897800 Mursawun 107 105 2 12 12 87 86 01897900 h.auli 331 323 8 21 :W I 287 284 3 01898000 Bab3l11UI 125 103 22 8 5 3 74 68 6 01898100 Tlkathar 547 471 70 43 42 316 295 21 0' 898200 Ahhail"3jpur 29 28 28 27 1 01898300 Sahnaua 119 103 16 8 5 3 31 29 2

    840 PRIMARY CENSUS ABSTRACT CENSUS ABSTRACT Awagarli of marginal workers Location Household industry workers Other workers Non-workers code Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Name of Village number 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 2 650 231 419 1.487 1.047 440 94.203 38.286 55.917 AW31!am (Total) 0174 650 231 419 1,487 U147 440 94.203 3K.286 55.917 A"'Hl!am (Rural) 0174 A ...·Hl!am CUrban) 0174 Aw.lj!am CRural) 4 4 2 2 850 345 505 Sakara 01892700 8 3 5 550 240 310 Laklllnlpur 01892800 61 21 40 13 12 2,039 896 1,143 Mak<;udpur 01892900 3 I 2 9 8 1,540 582 958 Pllkhatra 01893000 II 6 5 18 13 5 2,595 1.086 1,509 Gam:'shpur 01893100 2 2 2.128 832 1.296 Batlha ... all 01893200 9 5 4 10 10 1.836 723 1.113 Narhull 01893300 7 5 2 79 51 28 1,854 737 1.117 RCJua 01893400 27 20 7 I 919 400 519 Jamalpur Gadun 01893500 5 2 3 3 3 629 274 355 Salcmpur Mltrol 01893600 10 6 4 7 5 2 1,533 580 953 Mltrol 01893700 5 3 2 3 2 684 322 362 Dulha 01893800 415 170 245 Rasldpur Mttraul 01893900 1 846 345 501 Pabha 01894000 5 5 785 289 496 Gadun 01894100 5 4 724 259 465 Abdulhalpur 01894200 315 129 186 Rasldpur Urf Khcna Khali 01894300 1 I 554 203 351 Hadldadpur 01894400 3 2 777 270 507 Dalsahpur 01894500 9 7 2 124 120 4 1,808 764 , 1,044 Khalrara 01894600 6 5 8 2 6 1,042 443 599 Khcralluh 01894700 3 2 16 14 2- 3,215 1.327 1.888 Nuhkhas 01894800 3 3 8 8 1,306 561 745 Balcsara 01894900 5 4 19 16 3 1.375 549 826 Mandanpur 01895000 6 6 2.267 905 1.362 Kuswa 01895100 4 4 550 200 350 Mlsakhurd 01895200 23 23 37 19 18 1,742 711 1,031 Narora 01895300 701 382 319 Udcn 01895400 2 349 135 214 Sarkan 01895500 4 2 2 7 7 1.750 743 1.007 Mlsakalan 01895600 I I 648 299 349 KhenataJ 01895700 463 271 192 GadCS1ra 01895800 1 6 I 1.380 587 793 Burrakhul-d 01895900 6 5 9 7 2 1.225 509 716 Barabhodcla 01896000 51 24 27 2,930 1,106 1.824 Baral "-,llyan Pur 01896100 36 8 28 25 13 12 2.171 854 1.317 Bmlagar 01896200 14 (, 8 59 25 34 4,474 1.800 2.674 Awagarh 01896300 2 2 140 137 3 2.988 1.206 1.782 Jara11l Khuld Kalan 01896400 2 I 9 7 2 625 252 373 Salam.ll 01896500 141 20 121 191 32 159 1,392 593 799 WahJ.ld Pur 01896600 16 16 2,634 1.073 I .561 Punhcnl 01896700 9 8 27 25 2 2,120 863 1.257 Pondn 01896800 6 6 862 333 529 MchJ...lkhurd Kalan 01896900 4 2 2 42 41 1.290 519 771 Narnu BIT Nagar 01897000 I I 2 2 359 160 199 Daulutpur Gllaula 01897100 4 3 8 5 3 488 205 283 Lodlllpur 01897200 673 262 411 Dos;hpur 01897300 1.176 438 738 JaluJ...h.:-ra 01897400 886 344 542 NUllkhcl a 01897500 425 161 264 Gilhl.1 01897600 6 4 4 3 3.278 1.360 I .91 8 8urr.lkalan 01897700 I 7 7 731 252 479 Mun...lw,m 01897800 10 () 4 13 13 2.361 834 1.527 I<;aull 0189790() 17 4 13 26 26 1.732 688 1.044 8ah.lI'pUf 01898000 20 8 I::! 168 132 36 2.848 1.274 1.574 Tlkathar 01898100 1 345 157 188 AbhalrdJpul 01898200 5 74 68 (1 1.726 697 1.029 Sahn;lua 01898300

    841 DISTRICT CENSUS HANDBOOK: ETAH VILLAGE PRIMARY CD Block- Total population (including Location Area of institutional and houscless Population in the code Village in Number of EOEulation} ase-STOul!: 0-6 number Name of Village hectares households Persons Males Females Persons Males Females 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 01898400 Jinawali 604.0 415 2,543 1,381 1,162 530 287 243 01898500 Sardni 183.0 204 1.372 723 649 282 128 154 01898600 Tisar 3080 225 1,533 800 733 296 140 156 01898700 Churtharn 293 () 176 1,341 738 60.3 254 141 113 01898800 Khalauta 642.0 540 3,282 1,769 1,513 698 372 326 01898900 Hinauna 331.0 252 1,595 883 712 320 165 155 01899000 Aunern 1860 128 913 485 428 188 90 98 01899100 Rohina MIf"Za~ur 2930 1,139 7,205 3,899 3.306 1,419 775 704


    Scheduled Castes popuahon Scheduled Tribes I?:ogulation Literates Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Name of Village I I 12 13 14 15 16 ]7 18 19 2 404 225 179 999 672 327 Jmawali 455 244 211 529 405 124 Sarani 144 74 70 82B 543 285 Tlsar 199 124 75 653 438 215 Churthara , 708 401 307 1,455 1,024 431 Khatauta 409 229 180 695 499 196 Hmauna 232 114 118 447 301 146 A un era 2,416 1,295 1,121 3,201 2,187 1,014 Rohina Mrrzapur


    Location code Illiterates Total worh.-rs Main workers number Name of Village Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females I 2 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 01898400 Jmawah 1,544 709 835 616 594 22 504 496 8 01898500 Sardni 843 318 525 31J6 357 39 278 272 6 01898600 TIS3T 705 257 448 385 372 13 301 294 7 01898700 Chunhara 688 300 388 455 388 67 396 379 17 01898800 Khalauta 1,827 745 1,082 840 816 24 690 677 13 01898900 Hinauna 900 384 516 497 391 106 373 362 II 01899000 Auncrd 466 184 282 265 239 26 236 232 4 01899100 Rohina M1I"Za~UT 4,004 1,712 2,292 2,035 1,734 301 1,566 1,435 131

    844 PRIMARY CENSUS ABSTRACT CENSUS ABSTRACT Awagarh Industrial catcBo!l: of main workers Household industry Cultivators Ag;rieultural labourcrs workers Other workcrs Persons Malcs Females Persons Males Females Pcrsons Males Females Persons Males FL'1TIales Name of Village 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 2

    403 399 4 36 34 2 21 25 -2 38 38 Jmawah 202 198 4 31 29 2 9 9 36 36 Saram 209 206 3 12 12 6 6 74 70 4 Tlsar 182 116 f} 101 103 4 107 11)0 7 Churthara 577 567 10 39 38 I II 10 63 62 I Khalauta 182 ISO 2 111 162 9 3 3 17 17 Hmauna 211 210 1 15 15 3 3 7 7 Auncra 979 939 40 338 315 23 98 56 42 151 125 26 Rohina MIr'Zapur

    845 DISTRICT CENSUS HANDBOOK: ETAH VILLAGE PRIMARY CD Block- Industrial category Location code Marginal workers Cultivators Agricultural labourers number Name of Village Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females 2 41 42 43 44 4S 46 47 48 49 o 1898400 Jinawah 112 98 14 7 4 3 51 51 6 01 898500 Saruni 118 85 33 7 7 106 75 31 01898600 Tisar 84 78 6 II 10 40 39 I () 1898700 Chul1har.. 59 9 SO 20 .5 15 2 2 01 898800 Khalaula 150 139 II 3 2 I 91 89 8 01898900 Hinauna 124 29 95 91 3 88 26 20 6 01899000 Aunc...... 29 7 22 4 4 S J 2 01899100 Rohina MIl-zapur 469 299 170 66 41 2S 235 195 40

    846 PRIMARY CENSUS ABSTRACT CENSUS ABSTRACT Awagarh of marginal workers Location Household industry workers Olher workers Non-workers code Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Name of Village number 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 2 1 25 21 4 23 22 I 1,927 787 1,140 . Jmawali 01898400 1 1 3 I 976 366 610 Saran! 01898500 2 31 28 3 1,148 428 720 Tlsar 01898600 37 2 35 886 350 536 Churthara 01898700 2 2 48 48 2,442 953 1,489 Khalauta 01898800 5 4 2 2 1.098 492 606 Hinauna 01898900 15 15 5 4 1 648 246 402 Auncrd 01899000 108 30 78 60 33 27 5,170 2,165 3,005 Rohma Mlrzapur 01899100


    URBAN PRIMARY CENSUS ABSTRACT URBAN PRIMARY Area of Location Name of Tuwn! Ward Town! Ward Number of Total population (mcludmg Population in the code in square households IIlstllutlC)nal and hnuseles<; age-group 0-6 number Kilometre population) Persons Male<; Female'! Pcr<;()ns Male'! Females 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

    41701000 Soron (NPP) 1.00 4,1-46 26,678 14,264 12,414 , 4,663 2,417 2,246 0001 Ward No 1 150 968 512 456 176 83 93 0002 Ward No 2 183 1.176 617 559 228 111 115 0003 Ward No.3 107 725 44(J 285 131 72 59 0004 Wal'd No 4 133 1160 461 399 127 65 62 0005 WaHl No 5 142 1179 451 428 194 93 101 0006 Wald No 6 144 911 45() 461 162 82 80 0007 Ward No 7 226 1.493 7<)3 700 2711 140 1311 0008 Wald No 8 257 1.~42 821 721 303 159 144 0009 Ward No 9 142 1115 453 362 181 106 75 0010 Ward No 10 156 931 506 425 129 61 68 0011 Ward No 11 234 1.365 782 583 287 162 125 0012 Ward No 12 148 1.080 554 526 178 103 75 0013 Ward No 13 163 UJ38 567 471 151 67 84 0014 Ward No. 14 116 840 440 400 148 83 65 0015 Ward No. 15 146 1.085 536 549 224 106 118 0016 Ward No. 16 120 712 390 322 115 62 53 0017 Ward No. 17 228 1.450 759 691 188 103 85 0018 Ward No 18 208 1.603 850 753 324 167 157 0019 Ward No 19 190 1.235 684 551 204 107 <)7 0020 Ward No 20 178 973 540 433 147 72 75 0021 Ward No. 21 144 845 448 397 126 78 48 0022 Ward No. 22 144 919 472 447 129 65 64 0023 Ward No 23 119 754 386 368 117 48 69 0024 Ward No. 24 136 816 460 356 103 66 37 0025 Ward No 25 232 1.663 892 771 313 154 159

    41702000 Bilram (NP) 2.50 1,545 12,143 6,516 5,627 2,372 1,263 1,109 0001 Ward No I 155 1.172 639 533 ~38 120 118 0002 Ward No 2 154 1.24<) 687 562 200 100 100 0003 Ward No 3 115 1045 565 480 217 124 93 0004 Ward No 4 118 79<) 427 372 154 93 61 0005 Ward No 5 205 1.793 949 844 418 218 200 0006 Ward No 6 100 687 374 313 104 55 49 0007 Ward No 7 178 1.459 768 691 273 148 12:'i 0008 Ward No 8 160 1.186 637 549 218 120 98 0009 Ward No 9 154 1.IR9 647 542 260 141 119 0010 Ward No 10 206 1.564 823 741 ~90 144 146

    41703000 Kasganj (NPP) 7.54 14,045 92.541 49,12~ 43.418 14.719 7.733 6.986 0001 Ward No.1 630 4 162 2.234 1.928 717 3711 339 0002 Wm'd No 2 633 3 ~7(, 2.106 1.770 683 34!! 13<; 0003 Wm'd No 3 770 5.1 SO 2.777 2.403 999 501 49!! 0004 Wal'd No 4 459 3.491 1.887 1.604 676 391 2115 0005 Ward No 5 769 4.K 13 2.620 2.193 838 452 386 0006 Wm'd No 6 660 4.1 II I 2.200 1.981 713 381 332 0007 Ward No 7 369 2.36~ 1.236 1.132 372 184 IS!! 0008 Wan! No 8 556 3.615 I.Ji9S 1.717 576 ~93 2S3 0009 Wmd No 9 472 3 OS9 1.663 IA~6 463 252 211 0010 W


    Name of Townl Ward Scheduled Castes population Scheduled Tribes population L.iteratcs

    Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females II 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 2

    4,130 2,215 1,915 12.860 7,942 4,918 Soron (NPP) 452 241 211 441 282 159 Ward No I 599 321 278 528 353 175 Ward No 2 635 358 277 302 229 73 Ward No 3 345 192 153 496 306 190 Ward No 4 320 166 154 227 166 61 Ward No 5 24 10 14 639 328 311 Ward No 6 307 149 158 748 473 275 Ward No 7 218 114 104 789 502 287 Ward No 8 119 84 35 Ward No 9 104 57 47 461 296 165 Ward No 10 172 99 73 252 213 39 Ward No 11 126 67 59 725 377 348 Ward No 12 81 43 38 618 393 225 Ward No 13 434 256 178 Ward No 14 249 123 126 289 172 117 Ward No 15 67 38 29 454 269 185 Ward No 16 38 23 15 808 497 311 Ward No. 17 4 2 2 612 412 200 Ward No 18 534 332 202 Ward No 19 389 212 177 514 357 157 Ward No 20 631 356 275 Ward No 21 710 394 316 Ward No. 22 538 322 216 Ward No. 23 617 367 250 Ward No. 24 374 206 168 Ward No. 2S

    2.747 1.528 1.219 3.495 2,411 1,084 Bilram (NP) 660 375 285 295 229 66 Ward No I 143 80 63 497 354 143 Ward No 2 32 18 14 114 94 20 Ward No.3 300 172 128 186 120 66 Ward No 4 466 256 210 366 241 125 Ward No 5 74 39 35 410 263 147 Ward No 6 160 86 74 406 282 124 Ward No 7 202 110 92 415 262 153 Ward No 8 450 248 202 .11·61 328 133 WardNo 9 260 144 116 345 238 107 Ward No 10

    12.505 6,718 5.787 5 2 J 55.332 32.155 23,177 Kasgallj (NPP) 2.034 1.110 924 2.162 1,330 832 Ward No 1 1.235 653 582 1.999 1.269 730 Ward No 2 1,682 896 786 2.238 1.419 819 Ward No 3 915 514 401 1.306 802 504 Ward No 4 1.122 608 514 2.993 1.825 1.168 Ward No 5 840 430 410 2.342 1.379 963 Ward No.6 628 334 294 1.574 885 689 Ward No 7 726 391 335 2.254 1.319 935 Ward No 8 612 355 257 1.559 938 621 Ward No 9 259 135 124 2.150 1.263 887 Wurd No 10 334 177 157 1.269 764 505 Ward No II 261 IN 132 2.665 1,40(l 1.259 Ward No 12 406 216 190 2.024 1.13Q 885 Ward No 13 164 84 80 2.086 1.156 930 Ward No 14 IQ:! 100 Q2 2.055 1.190 865 Ward No 15 QO 48 42 2523 1.381 1.142 Ward No 16 163 82 81 2.098 1.152 946 Ward No 17 3M 193 171 1.969 1.148 821 Ward No 18 91 56 35 2.477 1.354 1.123 Ward No. 19


    Lo~ation Name of Townl Ward code III i tcratcs Total workers Main workers number Persons Males Females Persons Males Female... Persons Males females 2 20 21 22 23 25 26 27 28

    41701000 Soron (NPP) 13.818 6,321 7,496 7,380 6.646 734 5.973 5,639 334 0001 Wan) No I 527 230 297 267 259 8 233 227 6 0002 Ward No 2 648 264 384 304 279 2S 261 251 10 0003 Ward No.3 423 211 212 179 176 3 115 113 2 0004 Wal'd No 4 364 155 209 241 218 23 225 205 20 OOOS Ward No 5 652 285 367 247 226 21 236 215 21 0006 Ward No 6 212 122 150 229 222 7 216 210 6 0007 Ward No 7 745 320 425 384 359 25 322 300 22 0008 Ward No.8 753 319 434 437 392 45 375 361 14 0009 Ward No.9 696 369 327 314 223 91 74 65 9 0010 Ward No. 10 47() 210 260 299 267 32 218 203 15 0011 Ward No II 1.113 569 544 491 331 160 301 294 7 0012 Ward No 12 355 177 178 231 22t 10 220 21t 9 0013 Ward No. 13 420 174 246 303 284 19 239 233 6 0014 Ward No. 14 406 184 222 219 203 16 167 160 7 001S Ward No 15 796 364 432 251 237 14 219 209 10 00(6 Ward No (6 258 121 137 247 214 33 241 208 33 0017 Ward No. 17 642 262 380 446 386 60 402 361 41 0018 Ward No. 18 991 438 553 389 377 12 363 352 It 0019 Ward No 19 701 352 349 327 305 22 170 165 5 0020 Ward No 20 459 183 276 303 262 41 288 249 39 0021 Warn No. 21 214 92 122 193 186 7 142 138 4 0022 Ward No. 22 209 78 131 246 242 4 241 237 4 0023 Ward No. 23 216 64 152 203 192 11 200 191 9 0024 Ward No. 24 199 93 106 239 227 12 239 227 12 0025 Ward No. 25 1,289 686 603 391 • 358 33 266 254 12

    41702000 Bilram (NP) 8.648 4,105 4,543 3,194 2,857 337 :1,702 2,510 182 0001 Ward No. I 877 410 467 342 290 52 245 230 15 0002 Ward No 2 752 333 419 331 322 9 331 322 9 0003 Ward No.3 931 471 460 282 263 19 278 261 17 0004 Ward No.4 613 307 306 241 154 87 162 141 21 0005 Ward No 5 1.427 708 719 409 401 8 315 309 6 0006 Ward No.6 277 III 166 215 173 42 197 158 39 0007 Ward No.7 1.053 486 567 358 338 20 338 323 15 0008 Ward No 8 771 375 396 281 252 35 277 244 33 0009 Ward No 9 728 319 409 337 305 32 194 191 3 0010 Ward No 10 1,219 585 634 392 359 33 365 341 24

    41703000 Kasganj (NPP) 37,:109 16,968 20,241 :13,355 11,567 1,788 11,"703 10,331 1,371 0001 Ward No I 2.000 904 1.096 972 891 81 768 727 41 0002 Ward No 2 1.877 837 1.040 922 869 53 857 817 40 0003 Ward No J 2,942 1.358 1.584 1,293 1.150 143 1.241 1.125 116 0004 Ward No 4 2,185 1.085 1.100 895 823 72 783 737 46 0005 Ward No 5 1,820 795 1.025 1.149 1.090 59 1.081 1.032 49 0006 Ward No.6 1.839 821 1.018 1,039 925 114 885 826 59 0007 Ward No 7 794 351 443 611 531 80 583 514 69 0008 Ward No.8 1.361 579 782 980 885 95 889 814 15 0009 Ward No.9 1,530 72S 805 956 841 liS 719 652 67 0010 Ward No 10 805 288 517 615 575 40 595 5S8 37 001( Ward No. II 2.225 1.108 1.117 849 808 41 825 785 40 0012 Ward No. 12 533 231 302 803 751 52 797 746 51 0013 Wald No. 13 584 269 315 625 . 568 57 614 561 53 0014 Ward No 14 1.033 461 572 879 835 44 865 825 40 0015 Wa,d No 15 981 430 551 747 703 44 736 695 41 0016 W~lfd No 16 749 363 386 830 745 85 797 720 77 0017 Ward No. 17 576 261 315 690 644 46 649 610 39 0018 Ward No. 18 1.216 523 693 769 125 44 734 704 30 0019 Wm-d No 19 700 ]40 360 758 724 34 757 723 34

    852 CENSUS ABSTRACT Industrial category of main workers Name of Townl Ward Household industry Agrieultund labourers Other workers Cultivators workers

    Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 2

    511 498 13 216 213 3 422 350 72 4,824 4,578 246 Soron (NPP) 5 5 5 5 I 1 222 217 5 Ward No 1 15 15 9 8 15 11 4 222 217 5 Ward No 2 49 49 40 40 26 24 2 Ward No 3 5 5 219 204 IS Ward No 4 9 7 2 54 53 3 3 170 152 18 Ward No.5 7 5 2 I 208 204 4 Ward No.6 49 49 19 19 10 9 244 223 21 Ward No 7 57 57 5 5 17 17 296 282 14 Ward No 8 10 <) 5 4 2 I 57 51 6 Ward No 9 16 16 6 6 41 40 155 141 14 Ward No. 10 176 173 J 44 44 5 5 76 72 4 Warn No J J 1 I 219 210 9 Warn No. 12 9 9 5 5 17 16 208 203 5 Ward No 13 15 15 7 7 35 33 2 110 105 5 Ward No. 14 21 21 2 2 196 186 10 Ward No. 15 I 17 17 223 190 33 Ward No 16 [5 [5 4 4 79 Sf 28 304 291 13 Ward No [7 80 76 4 282 275 7 Ward No 18 4 4 6 5 I 160 156 4 Ward No 19 18 16 2 86 63 23 183 169 14 Ward No 20 4 3 7 7 131 128 3 Ward No 21 8 8 2~3 229 4 Ward No. 22 198 190 8 Ward No. 23 238 226 12 Ward No. 24 20 19 244 233 II Ward No 25

    489 475 14 131 125 6 67 56 11 2,015 1,864 151 Bilram(NP) 58 58 30 30 2 2 155 140 15 Ward No.1 5& 5S 3 14 \2 2 3 3 256 252 4 Ward No 2 18 18 26 26 4 3 230 214 16 Ward No.3 I 4 3 2 2 155 135 20 Ward No.4 9 9 3 3 I I 302 296 6 Ward No.5 106 96 10 22 13 9 69 49 20 Ward No 6 40 40 26 25 I 2 2 270 256 14 Ward No.7 28 28 18 16 2 I 1 230 199 31 Ward No.8 91 90 10 10 26 25 61 66 Ward No.9 80 80 4 4 281 257 24 Ward No 10

    405 382 23 252 242 10 1,172 986 186 19,874 18,722 1.152 Kasganj (NPP) 1 7 7 18 17 742 702 40 Wa.·d No I 22 22 1 1 I 1 48 38 10 776 746 30 Ward No.2 20 20 'S 1 8\ 42 39 \.\32 \.056 16 Ward No.3 8 7 I 3 3 60 44 16 712 683 29 Ward No.4 66 64 2 II 10 81 76 5 923 882 41 Ward No 5 7 7 42 39 3 29 21 8 807 759 48 Ward No 6 8 8 50 40 10 524 466 58 Ward No 7 33 32 26 23 3 830 759 11 Ward No 8 6 5 I 6 6 57 47 10 650 594 56 Ward No 9 2 2 10 10 583 548 35 Ward No. 10 13 II 2 19 19 91 7(1 15 702 679 23 Wmd No r r 7 7 I J 789 739 SO WaidNo 12 2 2 8 8 42 33 9 562 518 44 Ward No 13 6 (1 4 3 I 855 816 39 Ward Nll 14 69 68 40 ]8 627 589 38 Ward No 15 12 12 I I 48 41 1 736 666 10 W"rd No 16 2 2 38 37 I 609 .571 38 Ward No 17 23 21l 3 8 8 32 30 671 646 25 Ward No 18 I I 7 7 749 715 34 Ward No 19

    853 URBAN PRIMARY Industrial category Location Name of Townl Ward code Marginal workers Cul.ti~ators Agriculturallabourcrs number Persons Males Females Persons Males Femalc.."i Persons Males Females 2 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49

    41701000 Soron (NPP) 1.407 1,007 400 16 II 5 215 242 43 0001 Ward No I 34 32 2 3 2 14 13 0002 Wan! No 2 43 28 IS 1\ 7 4 0003 Ward No 3 64 63 I 32 32 0004 Ward No 4 16 13 3 OOOS Ward No 5 II II 0006 Ward No 6 13 12 I 0007 Ward No 7 62 59 3 8 8 0008 Ward No 8 62 31 31 7 4 J 0009 Ward No 9 240 158 82 43 39 4 0010 Ward No 10 81 64 17 I I 15 9 6 0011 Ward No. II 190 37 153 7 4 3 14 13 0012 Ward No 12 II 10 I 0013 Ward No 13 64 51 13 14 8 6 0014 Ward No. 14 52 43 9 25 21 4 001S Ward No 15 32 28 4 0016 Ward No. 16 6 6 0017 Ward No. 17 44 25 19 22 12 10 0018 Ward No 18 26 25 2 2 0019 Ward No. 19 157 140 17 56 52 4 0020 Ward No 20 15 13 2 0021 Ward No 21 51 48 3 7 1 0022 Ward No 22 5 5 0023 Ward No 23 3 I 2 0024 Ward No. 24 002S Ward No. 25 125 104 21 14 14

    41702000 Bilram (NP) 492 337 ISS 29 18 11 140 117 23 0001 Ward No. I 97 60 37 18 10 8 34 18 16 0002 Ward No 2 0003 Ward No 3 4 2 2 0004 Ward No 4 79 13 66 OOOS Ward No 5 94 92 2 4 4 0006 Ward No.6 18 15 3 3 2 10 10 0007 Ward No 7 20 15 5 I I 11 0008 Ward No 8 10 8 2 0009 Ward No 9 143 114 29 7 7 58 S6 2 0010 Ward No 10 27 18 9 22 17 5

    41703000 Kasganj (NPP) 1,652 1.235 417 19 13 6 34 23 II 0001 Ward No I 204 164 40 I 7 3 4 0002 Ward No.2 65 52 13 2 2 0003 Wanl No 3 52 25 27 2 0004 Ward No 4 112 86 26 0005 Ward No 5 68 58 10 0006 Ward No 6 154 99 55 2 2 0007 Ward No 7 28 11 ) I 0008 Ward No 8 91 71 2() 2 2 0009 Ward No 9 237 189 48 2 2 I I 0010 Ward No 10 20 11 3 0011 Wan! No. II 24 23 0012 Wu.'d No 12 6 5 0013 Ward No 13 II 7 4 0014 Ward No 14 14 10 4 OOIS Ward No 15 II 8 3 0016 Ward No 16 33 25 K 0017 Ward No 17 41 34 7 0018 Ward No. 18 35 21 14 0019 Wilrd No. 19

    854 CENSUS ABSTRACT of marginal workers Name of Townl Ward Location Household industry Other workers Non-workers code workers • number Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 2

    165 57 108 941 697 244 19,298 7.618 11,680 Soron (NPP) 41701000 17 17 701 253 448 Ward No I 0001 3 2 29 20 9 872 338 534 Ward No.2 0002 31 30 I 546 264 282 Ward No.3 0003 16 13 3 619 243 376 Ward No.4 0004 10 10 632 225 407 Ward No.5 0005 3 3 10 9 I 682 228 454 ,Ward No.6 0006 4 4 50 47 3 1.109 434 675 Ward No.7 0007 45 21 24 10 6 4 1.105 429 676 Whood No.8 0008 63 3 60 133 116 17 501 230 271 Wan' No.9 0009 13 8 5 52 46 6 632 239 393 Ward;.lo 10 0010 I I 168 20 148 874 451 423 Ward Nl'. II 0011 II 10 849 333 516 Ward No: 12 0012 4 3 46 40 6 735 283 452 Wan! NO"-ll 0013 6 2 4 20 19 1 621 237 384 Ward No. 14 0014 31 27 4 834 299 535 Ward No. 15 0015 6 6 465 176 289 Ward No. 16 . 0016 13 5 8 9 8 1,004 373 631 Ward No. 17 9017 4 4 20 19 1,214 473 741 Ward No. 18 O~U 101 88 13 908 379 '529 Ward No. 19 0019 4 2 2 II I I 670 278 392 Ward No. 20 0020 44 41 3 652 262 390 Ward No. 21 0021 5 5 673 230 443 Ward No. 22 .0022 2 2 551 194 357 Ward No. 23 OU23 577 233 344 Ward No. 24 06'24 2 109 89 20 1,272 534 738 Ward No. 25 002i

    29 3 26 294 199 9S 8,949 3,659 5,190 BUr-am (NP) 417010M 45 32 13 830 349 481 Ward No. I 0001 918 365 553 WaniNo.2 0002 2 763 302 461 Ward No. 3 0003 78 13 65 558 273 285 Ward No. 4 0004 89 87 2 1.384 548 836 Ward No.5 0005 5 4 472 201 271 Ward No. 6 0006 3 3 6 4 2 1,101 430 671 Ward No. 7 0007 10 8 2 899 385 514 Ward No.8 0008 23 2 21 55 49 6 852 342 510 Ward No. 9 0009 4 3 1.172 464 708 Ward No. 10 0010

    185 76 109 1,4J4 1.123 291 69,186 27.556 41.630 K.sganj (NPP) 41703000 13 8 5 183 152 31 3,190 1.343 1.847 Ward No. I 0001 3 3 60 47 13 2.954 '-237 \.717 WanlNo.2 0002 14 6 8 36 18 18 3.887 1.627 2.260 Ward No.3 0003 17 1 16 94 85 9 2.596 1.064 1.532 Ward No.4 0004 10 8 2 58 50 8 3.664 1.530 2.134 Ward No.5 0005 23 4 19 129 95 34 3.142 1.275 1.861 Ward No 6 0006 10 5 5 18 12 6 1.757 705 1.')52 Ward No.7 0007 II 6 5 78 63 15 2.635 1.013 1.622 Ward No 8 0008 14 9 5 220 177 43 2.133 822 1.311 Ward No.9 0009 20 17 3 2.340 976 1.364 Ward No to 0010 2 2 21 20 2.645 1.064 I 51:11 Ward No. 11 0011 (1 5 I 2.395 886 1.5l19 Ward No 12 0012 9 5 4 1.983 840 1.143 Ward No. 13 0013 13 10 3 2.240 782 1.458 Ward No 14 0014 I I 8 3 2.289 917 1.312 Ward No. 15 0015 4 3 29 22 7 2.442 999 1.443 Ward No 16 0016 40 33 7 1.984 169 1.215 Ward No. 17 0017 31 20 11 2.416 946 1.470 Ward No. 18 0018 I I 2.419 970 1.449 Wan! No 19 0019

    855 URBAN PRIMARY Area of Location Name of Townl Ward T()wnl Ward Number of Total population (including Population in the code in square households institutional and houselcss age-group 0-6 number Kilometre population) Persons Males Females Persons Males Females 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 0020 Ward No. 20 1,115 6,691 3,505 1,186 982 5\4 468 0021 Ward No. 21 764 5,130 2,752 2,318 868 471 397 0022 Ward No. 22 397 2.622 1,367 1,25.5 320 161 159 0023 Ward No 23 762 5.914 3.136 2,778 1,240 637 603 0024 Ward No. 24 378 2,843 1,499 1.344 385 212 173 002.5 Ward No 25 492 3,848 2.016 1,832 623 322 301

    41704000 Sahawar (NP) 6.82 2,690 20,470 10,76. 9,709 4,092 2,142 1,9S0 0001 Ward No. I 232 1.418 764 654 315 173 142 0002 Ward No.2 115 880 472 408 246 130 116 0003 Ward No 3 157 1,168 612 556 217 113 104 0004 Ward No.4 324 1.925 1,012 913 348 177 171 0005 Ward No .5 168 1,300 685 615 312 169 143 0006 Ward No.6 191 1,431 735 696 280 150 130 0007 Ward No.7 296 2,238 1,148 1.090 478 225 253 0008 Ward No. 8 197 1,599 845 754 255 141 114 0009 Ward No.9 72 60S 308 291 107 52 55 0010 Ward No. 10 177 1,588 861 727 2'2 128 124 0011 Ward No. II 142 1,186 615 571 199 102 97 0012 Ward No. 12 249 2,023 1,075 948 4S1 241 210 0013 Ward No. 13 194 1,670 881 789 363 195 168 0014 Ward No. 14 176 1,439 748 691 269 146 123

    41705000 Amanpur (NP) 2.19 1,288 9,121 4,779 4,342 1,788 931 857 ODD} Ward No. } 206 1,248 672 576 212 105 . 107 0002 Ward No. 2 \5\ 995 52\ 474 224 114 110 0003 Ward No.3 122 912 481 431 16.5 79 86 0004 Ward No.4 142 1.039 572 467 209 132 77 OOOS Ward No. 5 108 880 446 434 21S liS 100 0006 Ward No.6 150 947 49:! 455 173 85 88 0007 Ward No.7 119 920 467 453 181 94 87 0008 Ward No.8 69 494 2S1 243 92 50 42 0009 Ward No.9 84 675 341 334 132 68 64 0010 Ward No. 10 137 1.011 536 475 185 89 96

    41706000 Mohanpur (NP) 2.00 70S 5,300 2,842 2,458 1,105 585 520 0001 Ward No. I 44 295 157 138 69 38 31 0002 Ward No.2 10 510 211 239 112 61 51 0003 Ward No. 3 69 4S8 238 220 88 48 40 0004 Ward No.4 89 822 447 375 200 104 96 0005 Ward No.5 78 663 369 294 148 84 64 0006 Ward No.6 4S 270 145 125 43 23 20 0007 Ward No.7 86 587 314 273 138 74 64 0008 Ward No.8 14 SIS 280 2J5 90 4S 45 0009 Ward No.9 72 533 264 269 78 38 40 0010 Ward No. !O 78 647 357 290 139 70 69

    41107000 Ganj Dundwara (NPP) 2.59 5,642 41,293 21,121 19,572 7.821 4,141 3,680 0001 Ward No I 374 2.438 1.285 1.153 447 242 205 0002 Ward No.2 194 1.485 774 711 349 189 160 0003 Ward No.3 233 1.740 919 821 419 230 189 0004 Ward No 4 140 958 514 444 204 101 103 0005 Ward No 5 338 2.434 1.256 1.178 520 278 242 0006 Ward NO.6 217 1.531 816 715 255 139 116 0007 Ward No.7 193 1.469 787 682 300 153 147 0008 Ward No.8 235 2.049 1.085 964 366 194 172 0009 Ward NO.9 171 1,186 620 S66 191 104 87 0010 Ward No. 10 165 1.174 639 535 275 151 124 0011 Ward No. II 306 2.202 1.171 1.031 385 216 169 0012 Waro No. 12 228 1569 822 747 383 196 187 00\3 Ward No. 13 169 1.296 674 622 276 140 136


    Name of Townl Ward Scheduled Castes population Schcduk-d Tribes population Liter-dtes

    Persons Male.... Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females I 1 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 2 237 124 113 5 2 3 4.722 2,663 2.059 Ward No 20 70 38 32 2.961 1,759 1.202 Ward No 21 5 3 2 2.066 1,109 957 Ward No 22 68 40 28 1,984 1,295 (,89 Ward No 23 1 2 5 1.114 991 111 Ward No 24 2.082 1.213 869 Ward No 25

    2,235 1.203 1,032 7,194 4,488 2,706 Sahawar (NP) 1,100 (lOB 492 440 288 152 Ward No 1 231 132 99 232 ]59 73 Wald No 2 50S 290 21S Ward No 3 473 249 224 1,035 640 395 Ward No 4 16 6 10 213 ]41 72 Ward No 5 154 83 71 666 401 265 Ward No 6 92 48 44 859 542 317 Ward No 7 137 61 76 1.006 591 415 Ward No 8 249 IS7 92 WaTd No 9 30 IS 15 424 270 154 Ward No 10 457 280 171 Ward No 11 201 140 61 Ward No 12 317 250 127 Ward No 13 2 530 339 191 Ward No. 14

    866 460 406 4,233 2,598 1,635 Amanpur (NP) 346 194 152 638 424 214 Ward No.1 260 130 ]30 492 309 183 Ward No 2 69 36 33 462 288 174 Ward No.3 89 5 I 38 530 329 201 Ward No 4 54 22 32 346 210 136 Ward No.5 24 14 10 480 290 190 Ward No.6 24 13 II 485 279 206 Ward No 1 323 167 156 Ward No 8 90 57 33 Ward No 9 387 245 142 Ward No JO

    879 471 407 1,455 1,584 871 Mohanpur (NP) 147 76 71 141 83 58 Ward No I 102 57 45 196 137 59 Ward No 2 251 130 121 170 106 64 Ward No 3 154 82 72 287 200 87 Ward No 4 162 93 69 301 203 98 Ward No 5 8 3 5 180 113 67 Ward No 6 18 II 7 224 148 76 Ward No 7 9 6 3 323 210 113 Ward No H 28 14 14 346 199 147 Ward No 9 287 185 102 Ward No 10

    4,023 2,161 1,862 18,027 10,741 7,186 Ganj Dundwara (NI"P) 889 490 399 1.362 196 566 Ward No I 888 469 419 611 376 235 Ward No 2 711 373 338 624 396 228 Ward No .1 336 172 164 291 194 97 Ward No 4 288 158 130 720 452 268 Ward Nt> 5 929 55S 314 Ward No 6 255 141 114 248 175 13 Ward No 7 149 79 70 1.271 750 521 Ward No 8 137 78 59 88t 473 408 WaJd No 9 J2 18 14 194 121 73 Ward No. 10 61 32 29 1.557 889 668 Ward No II 274 113 101 Ward No 12 188 135 53 Ward No 13


    Location Name of Townl Ward codc Illitcrdtes Total workers Main workers number Persons Male..o; Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females 2 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 0020 Ward No. 20 1,969 842 1.127 1,713 1,561 152 1.613 1.486 127 0021 Ward No. 21 2.169 993 1.176 1.274 1,168 106 1,161 1.093 68 0022 Ward No. 22 556 258 298 720 673 47 699 655 44 0023 Ward No 23 3.930 1.841 2,089 1,483 1.409 74 1,369 1,323 46 0024 Ward No. 24 1.069 502 567 760 710 50 132 685 47 0025 Ward No. 25 1.766 803 963 1.023 963 60 954 919 35

    41704000 Sahawar (NP) 1l.176 6.173 7,003 5,607 4.914 693 4,773 4,431 342 0001 Ward No.1 978 476 502 370 335 35 310 277 33 0002 Ward No.2 648 313 335 292 226 66 285 222 63 0003 Ward No.3 663 322 341 285 275 10 277 272 5 0004 Ward No.4 890 372 518 478 413 65 415 373 42 0005 Ward No.5 1.087 544 543 348 291 57 263 228 35 0006 Ward No. 6 765 334 431 392 324 68 329 300 29 0007 Ward No.7 1,379 606 773 557 489 68 S14 465 49 0008 Ward No. 8 593 254 339 437 • 395 42 406 377 29 0009 Ward No. 9 356 151 205 189 154 3S 147 145 2 0010 Ward No. 10 1,164 591 573 496 442 54 439 418 21 0011 Ward No. II 729 335 394 308 277 31 206 189 17 0012 Ward No. 12 1.822 935 887 580 SIS 65 487 479 8 0013 Ward No. 13 1.293 631 662 453 418 35 368 362 6 0014 Ward No. 14 909 409 500 422 360 62 327 324 3

    41705000 Amanpur (NP) 4,888 ~J81 ~707 2,5)6 2,183 333 1,582 ),454 128 0001 Ward No.1 610 248 362 348 310 38 227 204 23 0002 Ward No. 2 503 212 291 416 267 149 231 194 37 0003 Ward No. 3 450 193 257 211 197 14 131 127 4 0004 Ward No.4 509 243 266 285 242 43 179 157 22 0005 Ward No. 5 534 236 298 233 203 30 214 190 24 0006 Ward No.6 467 202 265 276 241 35 137 131 6 0007 Ward No. 7 435 188 247 221 214 7 219 212 7 0008 WanlNo.8 171 84 87 131 127 4 107 105 2 0009 Ward No 9 585 284 301 120 120 55 55 0010 Ward No. 10 624 291 333 275 262 13 82 79 3

    41706000 Mohanpur (NP) 1,845 1,158 1.587 1,410 1,335 75 1,187 1,142 45 0001 Ward No. I 154 74 80 68 68 51 51 0002 Ward No. 2 314 134 180 134 120 14 113 103 10 0003 Ward No.3 288 132 156 140 134 6 139 134 5 0004 WardNo.4 535 247 288 222 219 3 213 211 2 0005 Ward No.5 362 166 196 169 163 6 142 140 2 0006 Ward No. 6 90 32 58 64 64 64 64 0007 Ward No.7 363 166 197 156 , 148 8 73 72 I 0008 Ward No.8 192 70 122 151 145 12 134 131 3 0009 Ward No.9 187 65 122 109 103 6 81 78 3 0010 Ward No. 10 360 112 188 191 171 20 177 158 19

    41707000 Gallj DUlidwara (NPP) 23,266 10.980 12,286 10,872 9,505 1.367 9,151 8,455 696 0001 Ward No I 1.076 489 587 488 460 28 390 365 25 0002 Ward No.2 874 398 476 519 377 142 323 283 40 0003 Ward No.3 1,116 523 593 428 371 57 397 343 54 0004 Ward No 4 661 320 347 228 221 7 194 189 5 0005 Ward No 5 1.714 804 910 682 523 159 586 465 121 0006 Ward No.6 602 261 341 377 341 36 307 288 \9 0007 Ward No 7 1.221 612 609 374 341 33 307 282 25 0008 Ward No 8 778 335 443 543 521 22 511 507 10 0009 Ward N(). 9 305 147 158 283 271 12 272 262 10 0010 Ward No. 10 980 518 462 251 244 7 243 236 7 0011 Ward No. I I 645 282 363 499 485 14 453 442 II 0012 Ward No. 12 1.295 649 646 473 369 104 38S 347 38 0013 Ward No. 13 1.108 539 569 351 288 63 193 177 16

    858 CENSUS ABSTRACT Industrial category of main workers Name ofTownl Ward Household industry Cultivators Agncultural lahourers Other workers workers

    Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Fl.-males Persons Males Females 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 2 32 27 5 13 II 2 40 34 6 1.528 1,414 114 Ward No. 20 77 76 5 5 43 31 12 1,036 981 5S Ward No 21 4 4 20 18 2 674 632 42 Ward No 22 23 22 19 IH 93 80 13 1.234 1,203 31 Ward No. 23 26 24 2 II 11 142 135 7 553 515 38 Ward No 24 6 4 2 7 7 71 65 6 870 843 27 Ward No 2S

    602 580 22 551 532 19 449 300 149 3,171 3,019 152 Sahawar (NP) 93 89 4 55 54 I 5 5 157 129 28 Ward No I 51 51 S8 45 13 114 67 47 62 59 3 Ward No 2 26 26 30 30 15 15 206 201 5 Ward No 3 17 17 26 25 35 27 8 337 304 33 Ward No 4 83 83 6 5 50 23 27 124 117 7 Ward No 5 14 12 2 70 70 47 28 19 198 190 8 Ward No 6 75 65 10 17 16 53 33 20 3f)9 351 18 Ward No 1 20 20 19 18 13 13 354 326 28 Ward No.8 5 5 20 20 6 4 2 116 116 Ward No 9 10 10 75 75 36 18 18 318 315 3 Ward No 10 45 40 5 26 25 9 8 1 126 116 10 Ward No II 23 23 4 4 42 35 7 418 417 Ward No 12 70 70 20 20 19 19 259 253 6 Ward No. 13 70 69 125 125 5 5 121 125 2 Ward No 14

    223 216 7 171 160 11 371 310 61 817 768 49 Amanpur (NP) 97 93 4 7 6 I 76 60 16 41 45 2 Ward No 1 23 21 2 14 10 4 6 3 3 188 160 28 Ward No 2 I I 2 2 10 8 2 liB 116 2 Ward NO.3 2 2 24 23 106 89 11 47 43 4 Ward NO.4 38 38 17 17 46 25 21 113 110 3 Ward No.5 l7 17 20 20 22 22 78 72 6 Ward No 6 5 4 42 39 3 19 18 153 151 2 Ward No 7 4 4 1 82 82 20 18 2 Ward No 8 7 7 7 7 41 41 Ward No 9 29 29 37 35 2 4 3 12 12 Ward No 10

    471 465 6 139 134 5 60 45 15 517 498 19 Mohanpur (NP) 35 35 4 4 12 12 Ward No.1 33 32 15 14 8 7 57 50 7 Wain No.2 46 46 51 49 2 42 39 3 Ward No.3 87 87 35 35 5 4 86 85 Ward No 4 99 97 2 3 3 I I 39 39 Ward No 5 16 16 6 6 2 2 40 40 Ward No 6 31 30 7 7 24 24 11 11 Ward No 1 45 45 3 I 2 7 6 79 79 Ward No.8 29 29 6 (1 46 43 3 Ward No.9 50 48 2 9 q 13 12 105 100 5 Ward No 10

    313 299 14 746 715 31 2.077 1,714 363 6,015 5,727 288 Ganj DUlidwara (NPP) 10 10 31 31 2 2 347 322 25 Ward No. I 3 3 5 5 108 78 30 207 197 10 W3Id No.2 5 5 14 13 17 4 13 361 321 40 Ward Nt). 3 3 3 6 (I 14 13 171 167 4 Ward No 4 7 6 I 5 :; 412 295 117 162 159 3 Watd No S 32 26 6 2 14 II 3 259 :!50 9 Ward No 6 3 3 240 215 25 46 46 18 18 Ward No 7 I 4 4 19 17 493 485 8 W.lrd No 8 2 I 270 261 9 Ward No 9 38 3M SO 18 15 3 137 134 3 Ward No 10 2 2 2 15 15 434 423 I I Ward No II 31 30 68 68 39 19 20 247 230 17 Ward No 12 2 2 57 45 12 134 130 4 Ward No 13

    859 URBAN PRIMARY Industrial category Location Name ofT(}wnl Ward code Marginal workers Cultivators Agricultural labourers number Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females 2 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 0020 Ward No. 20 100 75 2S 6 S II 10 0021 Ward No 21 113 75 38 4 3 0022 Ward No. 22 21 18 3 0023 Ward No 23 114 86 28 2 2 0024 Ward No 24 28 25 3 4 4 O()25 Ward No 25 69 44 25

    41704000 Sall.war (NP) 834 483 351 52 16 ]6 185 160 2S 0001 Ward No I 60 58 2 52 51 I 0002 Ward No 2 1 4 3 0003 Warn No 3 8 3 5 3 2 0004 Ward No 4 63 40 23 8 7 1 ODDS Ward No.5 85 63 22 8 5 3 29 2S 4 0006 Ward No.6 63 24 39 17 12 5 0007 Ward No.7 43 24 19 I I 0008 Ward No 8 31 18 13 4 4 0009 Ward No.9 42 9 33 0010 Ward No. )0 57 24 33 2 2 0011 Ward No. II 102 88 14 3 3 3S 33 2 0012 Ward No. 12 93 36 57 I DOll Ward No. 13 85 56 29 1 7 0014 Ward No 14 9S 36 59 40 7 33 26 16 10

    4J705ooo Amanpur (NP) 934 729 205 Jl 10 2 461 442 20 0001 Ward No.1 121 106 15 51 50 0002 Ward No.2 185 73 112 3 2 25 19 6 0003 WardNo 3 SO 10 i{} 5 5 57 54 3 0004 Ward No.4 106 85 21 I 17 12 S 0005 Ward No.5 19 13 6 11 II 0006 Ward No. 6 139 110 29 69 66 3 0007 Ward No.7 2 2 0008 Ward No.8 24 22 2 19 18 0009 Ward No.9 65 65 51 51 OOlO Ward No. to 193 183 10 2 2 162 161

    41706000 Mohanpur (NP) Il3 193 30 11 10 1 t07 97 10 0001 Ward No. I 17 17 3 3 10 to 0002 Ward No.2 21 17 4 15 13 2 0003 Ward NO.3 I 0004 Ward NO.4 9 8 0005 Ward No.5 27 23 4 2 2 25 21 4 0006 Ward No 6 0007 Ward No.7 83 76 7 43 43 0008 Ward No 8 23 14 \) 9 S 4 0009 Ward No 9 28 25 3 4 3 3 3 0010 Ward No to 14 13 2 2 2 2

    41707000 Ganj Dundwara (NPP) 1,711 1.050 671 II 9 2 169 160 9 0001 Ward No 1 98 95 3 2 2 [I II 0002 Ward No.2 196 94 102 3 :2 9 6 3 0003 Ward No 3 31 28 3 2 2 0004 Ward No 4 34 32 2 0005 Ward No 5 96 58 38 5 4 0006 Ward No (~ 10 53 11 9 R 0007 Wani No 7 67 59 H 3S 35 0008 Ward No 8 26 14 12 12 12 0009 Wurd No l) II <) 2 0010 W.ud No 10 8 H 0011 Wurd No II 46 43 3 0012 Ward No 12 88 22 66 2 2 4 4 0013 Ward No. 13 158 III 47 3 3

    860 CENSUS ABSTRACT uf marginal workers Name of Townl Ward Location Household industry Other workers Non-workers code workers number Persons Males Females Persons Malt..-s Females Persons Males Females 50 51 52 53 54 S5 S6 57 58 2 10 5 5 73 55 18 4.978 1.944 3.034 Ward No 20 0020 21 (l 15 87 66 21 3.856 1.584 2.272 Ward No 21 0021 I I 20 17 3 1.902 694 1.208 Ward No 22 0022 13 I 12 98 !IS 13 4.431 1.727 2.704 Ward No 23 0023 J 3 21 IS 3 2.083 189 1.294 Ward No 24 0024 II 2 9 58 42 16 2.825 1.053 1.772 Ward No 25 0025

    275 62 213 322 245 77 14,163 5,847 9,016 Saltawar (NP) 41704000 I 7 7 1.048 429 619 Ward No I 0001 3 3 4 4 588 246 342 Ward No 2 0002 3 3 2 2 883 337 546 Ward No 3 0003 14 ] II 41 30 11 1.447 599 848 Ward No 4 0004 18 7 I I 30 26 4 952 394 558 WardNo 5 0005 3 3 43 12 31 1.039 411 628 Ward No. 6 0006 22 () 16 19 16 3 \,681 659 1.022 Ward No 7 0001 8 4 4 19 10 9 1.162 450 712 Ward No 8 0008 38 5 33 4 4 416 154 262 Ward No 9 0009 46 13 33 9 9 1,092 419 613 Ward No. 10 0010 9 4 5 55 48 7 878 338 540 Ward No II 0011 65 8 57 27 27 1.443 560 883 Ward No. 12 0012 34 II 23 44 38 6 1,217 - 463 754 Ward No 13 0013 II 10 18 12 6 1.017 J8g 629 Ward No. 14 0014

    171 124 47 289 ISJ 136 6,605 1.596 4,009 Amanpur (NP) 41705000 53 39 14 17 17 900 362 538 Ward No I 0001 6 2 4 151 50 101 579 254 325 Ward No.2 0002 17 10 7 I I 701 284 417 Ward No.3 0003 65 54 \\ H \9 4 754 33G 424 WaTdNo 4 OOM 8 2 6 647 243 404 Ward No 5 0005 I I 9 2 58 34 24 671 251 .420 Ward No. 6 0006 2 2 699 253 446 Ward NO.7 0007 5 4 363 124 239 Ward No.8 0008 14 14 555 221 334 Ward No 9 0009 14 6 15 14 736 274 462 Ward No. 10 0010

    30 18 12 75 68 7 3.890 1,507 2,383 Mohanpur (NP) 41706000 I I 3 3 227 89 138 Ward No. I 0001 2 2 4 4 376 \5\ 225 Ward No 2 0002 318 104 214 Ward No 3 0003 9 8 600 228 372 Ward No 4 0004 494 206 288 Warn NO.5 0005 206 81 125 Ward NO.6 0006 14 10 4 26 23 431 166 265 Ward No 7 a007 II (! 5 3 3 358 135 223 Ward NO.8 0008 21 19 2 424 161 263 Ward No 9 (l009 2 8 8 456 186 270 Ward No 10 0010

    441 1St 297 1,093 730 363 30.421 12.216 UI,lOS Ganj Dundwara (NPP) 41107000 85 82 3 1.950 825 1.125 Ward No I 0001 182 85 97 966 397 569 Ward No.2 0002 :2 2 24 23 I 1.312 548 764 Ward No 3 0003 33 31 2 730 293 437 Ward No 4 0004 70 36 34 21 UI 3 1.752 7J3 1.019 Ward No 5 OOU5 14 :2 12 47 43 4 1.154 475 679 Ward No.6 000(, ~; 21 4 7 3 4 1.095 446 649 Ward No 7 (lO(}7 1 7 7 2 5 1.506 5(>4 942 Ward NO.8 0008 II 9 2 903 349 • 554 Ward No.9 0009 (, (, ')23 )'}S 528 Wan! No 10 0010 l) II 37 35 2 1.703 686 1.(H7 Ward No. II 0011 31 2 29 51 14 37 1.096 453 643 Ward 1"10.12 0012 JQ 7 32 116 101 15 945 386 SS9 Ward No. 13 0013

    861 URBAN PRIMARV Area of Location Name of Townl Ward Town/ Ward Number of Total population (including Population in the code in square households institutional and houselcss age-group O~6 number Kilomet.-c population) Persons Males Females Persons Males Females 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 0014 Ward No 14 298 2.540 1.326 1.214 481 244 237 0015 Ward No 15 241 1.854 1.009 845 316 187 129 0016 Ward No 16 253 2,182 1.100 1.082 415 182 233 0017 Ward No. 17 354 2.659 1.393 1.266 532 282 250 0018 Ward No 18 290 [,587 826 761 244 142 102 0019 Ward No 19 139 1.032 547 485 150 77 73 DD20 Wal"d No. 20 246 1.877 1.010 867 381 216 165 0021 Ward No 21 154 1.072 568 504 174 93 81 0022 Ward No. 22 113 714 384 330 106 61 45 0023 Ward No 23 295 2.306 1.181 1.125 ]4S 174 171 0024 Ward No 24 151 889 470 419 139 72 61 0025 Ward No 25 145 1.050 545 50S 168 18 90

    41708000 Paliyali (NP) 4.00 1,849 12,245 6,481 5,764 2,395 1,243 1,152 0001 Ward No.1 146 1.038 549 489 241 130 III 0002 Ward No 2 235 1.521 80" 717 326 160 166 0003 Ward No.3 124 796 417 379 133 76 57 0004 Ward No.4 244 1.680 901 779 293 163 130 OOOS Ward No.5 306 2,029 1.063 966 402 207 195 0006 Ward No.6 109 829 434 395 189 105 84 0007 Ward No.7 119 697 365 332 121 64 57 0008 Ward No 8 248 1,620 854 766 341 157 184 0009 Ward No. 9 125 733 410 323 119 6S 54 0010 Ward No. 10 193 1.302 684 618 230 116 114

    41709000 Sidbpura (NP) 2.12 1,779 12,995 6,918 6.077 2,512 1,336 1,176 0001 Ward No. I 279 1,876 1,002 874 397 205 192 0002 Ward No. 2 95 802 423 379 141 88 59 0003 Ward No.3 163 1,346 726 620 249 137 112 0004 Ward No.4 253 1.589 824 165 297 161 136 0005 Ward No 5 281 2.211 1,192 1,019 453 241 212 0006 Ward No.6 195 1.360 155 605 251 134 117 0007 Ward No.7 127 843 438 405 170 86 84 0008 Wald No.8 123 908 466 442 150 78 72 0009 Ward No 9 113 863 460 403 162 76 86 0010 Ward No 10 150 1.197 632 565 236 130 106

    41710000 Bhargain (NP) 0.76 2,671 19,981 10,473 9.508 4,210 2,178 2,032 0001 Waro No. I 195 1.431 761 676 294 155 139 0002 Ward No.2 225 1.793 916 877 361 181 180 0003 Ward No.3 231 1.907 1.000 907 405 215 190 0004 Ward No 4 291 1.986 1.077 909 469 239 230 0005 Ward No 5 220 1.790 951 833 355 179 176 0006 Ward No 6 139 987 515 472 194 115 79 0007 Ward No 7 [53 1.029 518 51\ 250 117 133 0008 Ward No 8 240 1.980 1.055 925 431 237 194 0009 Ward No 9 167 1.106 584 522 240 134 106 0010 Ward No. 10 228 1.519 787 732 310 161 149 0011 Ward No. I [ 154 1.237 635 602 246 113 133 0012 Ward No 12 173 1.275 645 630 249 116 133 0013 Ward No l3 8'-) 691 366 325 \64 82 82 0014 Want No 14 166 1.244 657 587 242 134 lOR

    41711000 Raja ka Rampur (NP) 0.79 1.570 10.721 5,734 4.987 1.963 1.088 875 0001 Ward No \ 139 944 488 45(, 218 \ 18 100 0002 Ward No 2 159 1.128 615 513 211 128 83 0003 Ward No 3 154 1.089 578 511 225 122 103 0004 Ward No.4 110 702 396 306 92 57 35 0005 Ward No.5 lSI 1.045 553 492 216 114 102 0006 Ward No.6 196 1.266 661 605 242 144 98 0007 Ward No 7 157 1.001 546 455 155 81 74


    Name of Townl Ward SchL-rluled Castes populatIOn Scheduled Trihc..... population L,terates

    Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Malcs Females II 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 2 356 250 106 Ward No 14 4 2 2 466 3{)4 162 Ward No 15 802 499 303 Ward No 16 171 ~6 75 1.320 764 556 Ward No 17 43 2J 20 1.249 65H 591 Ward No 18 22 14 8 786 435 351 Ward No 19 778 481 297 Ward No. 20 342 220 122 Ward No 21 7 3 4 582 320 262 Ward No 22 7 2 5 1,191 726 465 Ward No 23 23 II 12 612 356 256 Ward No 24 393 243 150 Ward No. 25

    1,207 637 510 5,468 3,390 2,078 Patiyali (NP) 553 296 257 400 276 124 Ward No. I 209 104 105 408 267 141 Ward No.2 15 31 38 511 289 222 Ward No.3 97 56 41 696 45) 245 Ward No.4 101 S4 47 952 588 364 Ward No. S 248 167 81 Ward No 6 13 7 6 445 252 193 Ward No 7 158 82 76 559 357 202 Ward No 8 481 294 187 Ward No.9 768 449 319 Ward No lO

    1,226 667 SS9 6,721 4.083 2,638 Sidhpura (NP) 480 261 219 894 588 306 Ward No.1 70 38 32 508 277 231 Ward No.2 liS 61 54 609 382 227 Ward No.3 176 9[ 85 [,061 593 468 Ward No 4 14 5 9 844 566 278 Ward No 5 229 1)5 94 819 510 309 Ward No 6 116 66 50 418 258 160 Ward No.7 26 10 16 688 364 324 Ward No.8 371 229 142 Ward No 9 509 316 193 Ward No 10

    747 398 349 6.578 4,702 1.876 Bhargain (NP) 145 78 67 451 333 lt8 Ward No. I 75 44 )1 557 375 182 Ward No 2 155 85 70 684 484 200 Ward No 3 196 99 97 395 343 52 Ward No.4 43 22 21 671 483 188 Ward No 5 12 5 7 407 264 143 Ward No 6 52 29 23 268 202 66 Ward No 7 59 30 29 754 574 180 Ward No 8 10 (1 4 122 100 2! Ward No 9 501 342 159 Ward No 10 508 334 174 Ward No II 589 390 199 Ward No 12 215 159 56 Ward No 13 456 319 137 Wdrd No 14

    3,065 1,653 1,4lZ 5.474 3,36\ 1."3 Raja ka RaDlpur (:"oiP) 730 380 350 388 237 151 Ward No I 440 2J~ 202 434 295 1J9 \\imd No 2 411 2:!4 187 442 273 Ic,q Ward No 1 173 92 IU J71 234 137 W.lrd No 4 45'> NIJ 210 495 310 IR:'i Ward No S ~l'I 53 45 699 Jl)6 303 Ward No C. 97 54 4-' 6(>4 401 2(>3 Ward Nil 7


    Location Name of Townl Ward coue lIlitcratcs Total workL.'Ts Main workers numher Person" Males Females Pcr.. on .. Males Females Pcrsons Males Fcmales 2 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 0014 Ward Nu 14 2.184 1.()76 I.IOR 643 ,\R6 57 512 518 54 0015 Ward No IS 1 . .181< 705 61<3 568 511 57 545 494 S I 0016 Ward No I (J 1.-'811 601 779 607 565 42 546 51J ]) 0017 Ward Nn 11 1.339 629 710 649 562 1'17 54-' 478 f>5 0018 Ward No 18 338 168 17() 317 297 20 310 29J 17 001(.) Ward No 19 24{1 112 1,\4 292 249 43 249 242 7 (}(}20 Ward No 20 1.(}c}9 529 570 57(} 442 121< 412 JS6 26 0021 Ward No 21 730 348 182 402 279 123 28() 263 17 0022 Wan. No 22 111 64 6H 199 190 <) 193 IH5 8 n023 Ward No 23 1.115 455 66() 626 5711 41-1 545 51K 7 0024 Ward No 24 277 114 163 223 1M2 41 186 164 22 0025 Ward No. 25 (,51 302 35S 280 2,\2 28 203 195 8

    41708000 Patiyali (NP) 6,777 3,09' 3,686 3,089 2,795 294 2,296 2,169 127 0001 Ward No. I 638 273 365 229 171 52 146 100 46 0002 Ward No 2 l.\ 13 537 576 439 363 76 265 254 1 \ 0003 Ward No 3 28<; 128 157 270 229 41 17() 166 4 0004 Ward No 4 9K4 450 534 394 3(,1 21 309 298 11 0005 Ward No 5 1.077 415 (102 491 469 22 346 335 II 0006 Ward No 6 SKI 267 314 156 153 3 1:54 151 3 0007 Ward No 7 252 113 139 158 147 1 I 122 115 7 0008 Ward No 8 1.061 491 564 438 404 34 403 387 16 0009 Wal'(l No 9 252 116 136 199 182 17 156 144 12 0010 Ward No. 10 534 23S 299 315 304 II 225 219 6

    41109000 Sidhpura (NP) 6,274 2,835 3,439 3,160 2,901 253 2,SS9 2,426 133 0001 Ward No. I 982 414 568 424 404 20 314 306 8 0002 Ward No.2 294 146 148 208 191 17 189 180 () 0003 Ward No.3 737 344 393 320 309 11 264 256 8 0004 Ward No.4 528 231 297 375 329 46 349 3lS 34 0005 Ward No 5 1.367 626 741 505 460 45 266 26t 5 0006 Ward NO.6 541 245 296 307 289 18 275 264 11 0007 Ward No 7 425 180 245 210 206 4 200 198 2 0008 Ward No 8 220 102 IIX 23:'. 214 18 204 [93 11 0009 Ward No 9 492 ::!31 261 240 219 21 222 205 17 0010 Ward No. 10 688 316 372 339 286 53 276 248 28

    41710000 Blulrgain (NP) 1.1,4(1.1 5,771 7,632 7.256 4,554 2.702 5.188 3.892 1.296 0001 Ward No I 986 428 558 6M • 402 282 347 267 80 0002 Ward No 2 1.216 541 695 718 J94 324 511 348 '6J 0003 Ward No 3 1.223 SI6 71)7 833 438 395 710 407 303 0004 Ward No 4 1.591 734 1<57 797 483 114 447 348 99 0005 Ward No 5 1.119 474 645 504 423 loll 434 387 41 0006 Ward No 6 51<0 251 129 )<)(1 247 149 32M 23M 90 0007 Ward No 7 761 316 -'45 208 116 159 142 17 00011 Ward No 8 1,226 481 74<; 715 433 :.!K2 415 364 51 0009 Ward No.9 qM4 41'14 5\10 2511 233 25 218 211 7 0010 Ward No 10 UlIX 445 573 549 335 214 439 291 14K 0011 Ward No I I 729 .01 42H .. Hl5 286 119 2S0 229 21 0012 Ward No 12 6X6 255 ·01 29(l 247 49 215 244 11 0013 WardNo n 47(,~ 207 ::!.(,I) :'5\ \41 \n4 2H> \4:'0 65 0014 Ward No 14 71<8 331< -l'O "26 nN 24M 445 271 174

    41711000 Ihja ka Rampur (NP) 5.247 2.373 2.874 2.741 2.602 I.W 2.500 2.397 IO~ 0001 Ward No I 556 251 305 n(l 7 233 226 7 OCl(ll Ward No 2 (,94 .'1,20 "\74 2~5 :.!5K 1 :.!S2 :.!4K 0003 Ward No 3 647 30<; ''';2 24: :.!27 15 217 224 13" ()O(}4 Ward No 4 HI 162 I (,l) 1:-5 16.1 12 130 124 (; O(lOS Ward No S 550 243 \07 2Q(- :!76 20 2<;4 244 10 0006 Ward No (, ')67 265 3(}2 3J4 309 25 )U7 285 22 0007 Wat'd Nu 1 '~.. n \45 1'l2 :'5"1 14\ 16 234 22\ 13


    Indu~tnal calegory of main workers Name of Townl WarcJ IluuseholcJ industry Cultivators Agricultural lahourers Othcr workcrs wnrkcrs

    Pcrsons Males Fcmales Persons Malcs Female.. Persons Males Fcmales Persons Malc", Females 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 2 2 2 219 18] 36 350 332 18 Ward No 14 3 1 331 2H5 46 210 2()'; 5 Ward No 15 3 3 13 Il 296 269 27 2~4 22M (1 Ward No 16 16 16 84 XI J 55 41 14 38H 340 48 Ward Nil 17 I(J CJ 1 299 28~ 16 Ward No 18 8 H 241 234 7 Ward No 19 32 32 100 100 41 22 19 239 232 7 Ward No 20 77 77 66 6(1 23 16 7 114 104 III Ward No 21 II 9 182 176 (, Ward No 22 I I S ::; 313 110 3 226 222 4 Ward No 23 6 5 4 4 24 15 <:I 152 14() 12 Ward No 24 18 17 39 3Y (, "i 1 140 134 (1 Ward No 25

    297 290 7 238 2.3.3 ::; 61 45 16 1,700 1,601 99 Paliyali (NP) 32 27 5 4 3 I 110 7() 40 Ward No I 4 4 20 20 6 2 4 235 228 7 Ward No 2 32 32 4 4 2 1 132 129 3 Ward No 3 22 22 4 4 17 12 '; 266 260 6 Ward No 4 98 97 56 54 2 16 15 176 169 7 Ward No 5 93 92 I I 60 59 [ Ward No 6 26 26 2 2 4 4 90 83 7 Ward No 7 40 39 33 3] 7 ] 4 323 312 II Ward No 8 10 10 2 2 I 143 131 12 Ward No 9 33 33 20 19 7 7 165 160 5 Ward No 10

    267 261 6 198 193 5 14.3 134 9 1,951 1.838 113 Sidhpura (NP) 13 12 2 2 44 44 255 248 7 Ward No , 3 3 5 4 6 5 I 175 168 7 Ward No 2 64 64 42 42 3 3 ISS 150 5 Ward No 3 22 20 2 12 II 20 19 295 265 30 Ward No 4 5 5 9 9 16 16 236 231 5 Ward No 5 44 43 8 8 22 22 201 191 10 Ward No 6 II II -I I 188 186 2 Ward No 7 I 9 8 I 194 185 9 Ward No 8 51 51 63 60 3 I3 12 1 95 82 13 Ward No 9 53 52 57 57 9 7 2 157 132 25 Ward Nt, 10

    566 547 19 1.833 1,804 29 1.328 198 1.130 1,461 1.343 118 Bhargain (NP) 60 57 3 86 R4 2 81 10 71 120 116 4 Ward No I 53 53 176 173 1 154 16 138 128 106 22 Ward No 2 88 81 7 131 128 1 259 <) 250 232 189 43 Ward No 3 56 S6 91 88 1 109 17 92 191 187 4 Ward No.4 I I 323 3~3 60 11 47 50 50 Ward No 5 58 54 4 97 <) .:; '1'1. 15 78 SO 74 6 Ward No 6 28 26 2 51 51 24 IJ II 56 52 4 Ward No 7 78 78 36 36 47 4 43 254 246 8 Wald No 8 12 12 IMI 167 IJ 10 J 25 2~ J Ward No 9 28 27 165 158 7 173 37 136 73 69 4 Ward No 10 39 39 117 117 53 15 18 41 38 3 Ward No II 5 5 211'1 21~ 17 .:; I~ 35 22 13 \\t'lld No 12 12 11 41 4~ 67 62 88 87 Willd No 13 41( 47 131 130 178 169 88 ] V':,lId No 14

    KJI 821 10 5.JO .32 28 1.098 1.018 80 Raja ka Rampur (NP) 56 56 72 104 lJg (, Wald No I 1~4 124 78 50 46 4 ""'ani No 2 n 27 1(1 77 4 4 1~5 11(1 'I \\',Ird Nu 3 41 42 5 5 lC2 77 5 Ward No 4 lOX lOS 3 63 6~ 18 16 65 61 4 ""',lTd No 5 107 104 .1 40 .19 160 142 18 Ward No (1 (, I (\1 II I I 4 1'\8 14{l 12 Wmd No 7

    865 URBAN PRIMARV Industrial category Lucalum Namc ufTnwnl Ward code Mm-gmal worker!>. Cultivators Agricultural lahourcrs number Persons Mak."S female.. Pl.'Tson.. Males Fl."TTlalcs Persons Males Females 2 41 42 43 44 4S 46 47 48 49 0014 Ward No 14 71 6H "\ 0015 Ward No 15 :n 17 (, 0016 Ward No 16 61 52 I) 0017 Wiud No 17 106 84 2~ 27 24 3 OOUI Waltl No 18 7 '4 "\ 0019 Ward No 19 43 7 1(1 0020 W.ml No 2(] 158 56 102 14 14 0021 Waru No 21 122 16 106 9 II 0022 Waru No 22 (I 'i 1 0023 Ward No 23 81 40 41 8 M 0024 Ward No 24 .17 IS II} 8 H 0025 Ward No 25 71 51 20 10 10

    41708000 PaUyali (NP) 793 626 167 3ft 36 2 384 351 21 0001 Ward No_ I 10 17 () 3 2 66 62 4 0002 Ward No_ 2 174 109 65 2 2 73 64 9 0003 Ward No 3 \00 63 37 8 7 27 23 4 0004 Ward No 4 85 69 16 13 13 0005 Ward No 5 145 134 II 19 19 78 75 3 0006 Ward No 6 2 2 2 2 0007 Ward No 7 36 32 4 -, 2 23 20 ] 0008 Ward No g 35 11 IX 4 ] 0009 Ward No_ 9 43 38 5 30 30 0010 Ward No 10 90 85 " 3 3 68 6S 3 41709000 Sidhpura (NP) 601 481 120 8 5 3 206 201 5 0001 Ward No_ 1 110 98 12 25 23 2 0002 Ward No 2 19 II 8 I 0003 Ward No_ 3 56 53 3 54 53 0004 Ward No 4 26 14 12 I ODDS Ward No_ 5 239 199 40 84 83 0006 Ward No 6 32 2S 7 4 2 2 7 7 0007 Ward No 7 10 S 2 2 2 0008 Ward No 8 28 21 0009 Ward No 9 I H 14 4 3 3 0010 Ward No. 10 63 3~ 25 31 30

    41710000 8hargain (NP) 2,068 662 1.406 14 14 224 216 8 0001 Ward No I 337 135 202 4 3 0002 Ward No 2 207 46 I (, I 8 (1 2 0003 Ward No_ 3 123 ] I Co):! 18 18 0004 Ward No 4 35!l I3S 21" 36 35 0005 Ward No 5 70 36 1-1 26 26 0006 Ward No 6 68 (j <;'1 2 2 0007 Ward No 7 165 66 IJll 3 3 28 28 0008 Ward No 8 300 69 231 S 23 23 0009 Ward No 9 40 22 1M 13 13 0010 Ward No 10 110 44 h(> 40 39 0011 Ward No II 155 57 l)X 4 1M IX 0012 Ward No 12 21 .l IX 3 2 0013 W~,rd No 13 41 ''I 2 nOl4 Ward No 14 XI 7 7-1 3

    4171l00() Raja ka Rampur (NP) 241 205 J6 7 7 UH 99 2 0001 Ward No 1 UOO:! W

    866 CENSUS AflSTRACT of marginal workers Name of Townl Ward Location Household indu .. try Other workers Non-worker.. code worker.. number Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persuns Males Female.... 50 51 52 53 S4 S5 56 57 58 2 19 17 2 52 51 1.897 740 1,157 Ward No 14 0014 5 2 ] I K 15 ] 1.286 4911 788 Ward No 15 0015 18 14 4 41 17 4 1.575 535 1.040 Ward No 16 0016 12 4 H 67 ')6 11 2.010 831 1.179 Ward No 17 0017 7 4 3- 1.270 529 741 Ward No 18 0018 36 36 7 7 74() 298 442 Ward No 19 0019 29 8 21 115 ]4 HI 1.307 568 739 Ward l'.o 20 0020 24 24 89 8 HI 670 289 381 Ward No 21 0021 (1 '\ I 515 194 • 321 Ward No 22 0022 58 20 38 15 12 1 1.680 603 1.077 Ward 1'00 23 0023 21 2 19 8 K 666 288 378 Ward No 24 0024 25 5 20 41 41 770 293 477 Ward No 25 0025

    130 30 100 241 203 38 9.156 3,686 5.470 Patiyali (NP) 41708000 I 13 12 I 809 372 437 Ward No I 0001 45 3 42 54 40 14 1,082 441 641 Ward No 2 0002 27 27 38 33 5 526 188 338 Ward No 3 0003 18 4 14 53 51 2 1.286 534 752 Ward No 4 0004 13 8 5 35 32 3 1.538 594 944 Ward No 5 0005 673 281 392 Ward NO.6 0006 8 8 3 2 I 539 218 321 Ward No 7 0007 7 7 24 14 10 1.182 450 732 Ward No 8 0008 10 5 5 3 3 534 228 306 Ward No 9 0009 18 16 2 987 380 607 Ward No 10 0010

    84 211 56 303 247 56 9,835 4,011 5,824 Sidhpura (NP) 41709000 1\ 8 3 13 66 1 1.452 598 854 Ward No. \ 0001 11 3 8 1 7 594 232 362 Ward No 2 0002 2 2 1.026 417 609 Ward No 3 0003 8 3 5 17 10 1 1.214 495 719 Ward No 4 0004 34 7 27 121 109 12 1.706 732 974 Ward No 5 0005 11 7 4 10 9 1 1.053 466 587 Ward No 6 0006 8 6 2 633 232 401 Ward ~o 1 0007 4 4 24 21 3 676 252 424 Ward No 8 0008 2 2 13 11 2 623 241 382 Ward No 9 0009 3 3 28 8 20 858 346 • 512 Ward No 10 0010

    1.354 64 1,290 476 368 108 12,725 5,919 6,806 Bhargain (NF) 41710000 170 18 152 163 114 49 153 359 394 Ward No 1 0001 162 4 158 37 36 I 1,075 522 553 Ward No 2 0002 78 I 77 26 11 15 1.074 562 512 Ward No 3 0003 203 6 197 110 93 17 1.189 594 595 Ward No 4 0004 38 4 34 6 (, 1.286 534 752 Ward :\ll 5 0005 60 59 (, (, 591 268 32] Waad No 6 0006 III 14 97 23 21 2 705 ]10 395 Ward No 7 0007 225 I 224 47 40 7 1.265 622 643 Ward No 8 (I00S 17 4 13 10 5 5 848 351 497 Ward No 9 0009 67 4 63 ) I 2 970 452 518 Ward No \0 0010 103 :; 98 30 30 832 349 4~3 Ward No II 00 I I 14 14 4 I .1 979 39K SKI Ward No 12 0012 36 2 ]4 ) 3 440 219 221 Ward No 13 0013 70 70 Ii 4 4 718 379 JJ9 Ward No 14 0014

    10 120 89 :H 7.980 3,132 .... K4K Raja ka Ramp"r (NI') 41711000 711 2{1:! 449 Ward ~ll 1 0001 5 2 3 K63 357 50c> Wurd No :2 OO()2 J 2 K47 3.51 .. Ne. Want Nll J 000.1 1 I <­ 521 2:n ::!q4 Ward N", 4 (J(I()4 II 9 2 l) J () 749 277 472 Ward Nv 5 H005 14 II 3 '>32 352 5KO Ward Nt' {1 O()06 19 16 3 744 305 43q Ward Nt' 7 0007

    867 URBAN PRIMARY Arc.. of Locatl()I1 Name ufTuwn! Ward 1 own! Ward Number of Total population (including PUJ}ulation in the eode m square household .. 1O<;t1tutional and housc(cs<, age-group 0-6 number Kllumetre popu lallnn)

    I~erl>ons Males Females Persons Males Fcmall.-s 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 0008 Ward NO.8 224 1.548 M25 72] 279 154 12S 0009 Ward Nu 9 lJ4 952 530 422 16J 119 72 0010 Ward No. 10 146 1.046 542 504 164 HI 83

    4J712(JOO Aliganj (NPP) 1.6J .1,]69 24,260 12,942 11 •.1 IN 4,561 2,411 2,150 nool Ward No 1 141 945 527 418 195 92 10] 0002 Ward N~l 2 (}3 713 382 331 150 86 64 0003 Ward No 3 164 1.283 6M9 594 2lJI 136 125 0()()4 Ward No 4 166 I 118 5<)1 527 25S 140 115 OOOS Ward No 5 I!Jfj 814 447 367 182 98 84 0006 Ward No 6 206 1.335 734 601 233 129 104 0007 Ward No.7 1115 1.262 6M9 573 250 144 106 OOOR Ward No 8 118 896 489 407 184 101 lD 0009 Ward No 9 117 831 425 406 146 73 73 00 «J Ward No 10 ISO 981 51 [ 470 167 74 93 0011 Ward No ] I 176 1.186 644 542 219 119 100 0012 Ward No. 12 151 1.155 599 556 212 114 98 0013 Ward No. 13 82 810 450 ]60 150 87 63 0014 Ward No 14 191 1.309 704 605 277 147 130 0015 Ward No. 15 141 1.086 578 508 156 75 81 0016 Ward No. 16 21] 1.552 855 697 317 176 141 DOt? Ward No 17 222 1.705 897 808 305 161 144 0018 Ward No. 18 106 669 344 325 93 50 43 0019 Ward No. 19 107 736 399 337 104 53 51 0020 Ward No 20 92 6S2 343 309 114 68 46 0021 Wald No 21 98 826 411 415 179 86 93 0022 Ward No. 22 82 479 251 228 MO 45 35 0023 Ward No. 23 109 806 404 402 148 70 78 0024 Ward No. 24 61 426 214 212 71 30 41 0025 Ward No. 25 90 685 365 320 113 57 56

    41713000 Jaithara (NP) 0.60 1,538 10,165 5,441 4.124 1,991 1.107 RB4 0001 Ward No I 274 1.745 946 799 U() 180 146 0002 Ward No 2 132 880 472 408 171 96 75 0003 Ward No.3 151 985 531 4S4 217 126 91 0004 Wald No.4 203 1.232 658 574 244 139 105 0005 Ward No 5 10(, 6X8 367 ]21 136 71 65 0006 Ward No.6 p~ 813 429 384 1]6 76 60 0007 Ward No 7 84 676 387 289 111J 86 44 0008 Wiml No 8 26~ 1771 923 848 372 IS7 185 0009 Ward No.9 91 593 324 269 105 6J 42 0010 Waul No 10 Ill~ 782 404 378 1')4 83 71

    41714000 Sakit (NP) 1.50 9.17 6.941 .J.6JJ J.JOH 1.472 751 721 0001 Wnrd Ntl. I 101 (190 368 144 72 72 0002 Wald No_ 2 S7 (l06 318 2M8 IV, 79 57 0003 Ward No_ 3 114 714 384 JJ() J(,4 93 71 0004 Witld No 4 60 HO 182 15M 4') 29 20 0005 Ward No 5 76 615 314 301 14)1 71 77 0006 Wald No 6 6~ :-74 295 279 II') 6~ 'i3 0007 Ward No 7 110 I (l·U S5M 4~4 2'i4 D~ I I'} 0008 Want No 8 9';;; 763 387 J76 l'i') 74 It" non'> Wind No 9 II~ l(~5 4'" Jl\6 1"'\ ~O M (lUlU Ward No 10 lP 772 388 I l'l 56 If]

    41715000 l-:lah (NPP) 16.941' 107.110 56.1C'.3 50•. HI I 65{.4 K.'J29 1.635 nool Wilrd No 1 7S(.,. -L7I2 2.514 2.1 LIS 7X') -H7 UO()2 Ward No 2 79(> :; \)\)9 2.6N~ 2.414 1.1)"-' :;47 -lKO OUU] W:ud No ] 700 4."21 2.490 2.-01 74'1 ..C?I .128 U()()4 Weird N,) 4 57~ 4079 2.154 1.9.:!5 ,.lll 354 .. 16 oons Ward No 5 M~Q 4.192 2.244 l.Q..$M 7,1) 40(, 324


    Name ofTownl Ward Schcdu\cd Castes popu\atam Schcdu'ed Tribes population Literates

    PL"rsons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females 1 I 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 2 296 155 141 861 519- 342 Ward No. R 150 90 60 484 317 167 Ward No.9 211 118 93 636 379 257 Ward No 10

    3.741 2,035 1,706 12.608 7.551 5.056 Aliganj (NPP) 556 298 258 347 240 107 Ward No I 299 155 144 423 254 169 Ward No 2 606 334 272 613 389 224 Ward No.3 609 329 280 527 312 215 Ward No 4 245 136 1(J9 388 242 146 Ward No 5 26() 150 110 802 484 318 Ward No. (, 39 18 21 821 491 330 Ward No 7 120 68 52 291 l82 109 Ward No 8 68 44 24 380 230 150 Warn No 9 99 51 48 690 403 287 Ward No 10 67 39 28 449 271 178 Ward No II 30 13 17 453 295 158 Ward No 12 25 14 II 236 154 82 Ward No. 13 187 101 86 544 360 184 Ward No. 14 147 79 68 540 318 222 Ward No. 15 176 103 73 758 477 281 Ward No 16 126 58 68 853 497 356 Ward No 17 43 20 23 502 213 229 Ward No. 18 593 132 261 Ward No. 19 6 2 4 456 250 206 Ward No. 20 8 5 3 295 191 104 Ward No. 21 15 I 1 4 363 195 168 Ward No. 22 10 1 3 465 254 211 Ward No 23 294 166 128 Ward No. 24 525 292 233 Ward No. 25

    1,436 763 673 5,913 3,575 2.398 Jaitbara (NF) 503 278 225 911 566 345 Ward No. I 226 116 110 500 307 193 Ward No.2 294 156 138 516 311 205 Ward No 3 288 153 135 682 415 267 Ward No 4 31 IS 16 437 267 170 Ward No 5 67 32 35 523 312 211 Ward No 6 18 8 10 422 251 171 Ward No 7 1.029 611 418 Ward No 8 9 5 404 BS \69 Ward No 9 '" 549 300 249 Ward No 10

    1.519 81{} 709 2.961 1,820 1.141 Sakil (NP) 661 355 306 290 210 80 Ward No I 186 101 85 321 190 131 Ward No 2 181 105 76 308 191 117 Ward No 3 59 24 35 235 137 98 Ward No 4 199 128 71 Ward No 5 7 3 4 268 175 93 Ward No 6 104 63 41 132 82 50 Word No 7 10 :; 5 263 151 112 Ward No 8 33 11,1 14 453 278 175 Wan! No 9 2711 135 143 492 278 214 WmdNo 10

    14.221 7,SOfi 6,71:- 11.451 40.603 30.148 Elalt (NPP) 2.336 1.243 I.OI.)J 3.305 1.1.)33 1.372 Ward N(l I 2.274 1.208 1,0(>(, 2.221 1.350 871 Want No 2 2.349 1.231.) 1.1 10 2.868 1.58h 1.282 Ward No 3 991 540 451 2.444 l.403 1.041 Ward No 4 1.119 580 53'.) 2.785 l.6J3 1.152 Ward No 5


    Location Name of Townl Ward code Illiterates Total workers Main workers numher Persons Males Females Persons Males Femalc.'! Persons Males Female.... 2 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 0008 Ward No II 687 306 381 391 379 12 313 J09 4 0009 Ward No 9 4611 213 255 246 243 3 242 239 3 0010 WardNo 10 410 163 247 302 280 22 298 277 21

    41712000 Aligaoj (NPP) 11,652 5,390 6,262 6,190 5,749 441 5,287 5,044 243 0001 Ward No 1 598 287 311 263 251 12 194 189 5 0002 Ward No 2 290 128 162 210 183 27 170 167 3 0003 Wald No.3 670 300 370 316 299 17 313 296 17 0004 Ward No 4 591 279 312 284 263 21 216 201 15 0005 Walll Nu 5 426 205 221 201 193 14 158 149 9 0006 Ward No.6 533 250 283 337 308 29 293 279 14 0007 Wanf No 7 44 f 198 243 285 263 22 209 20J 6 0008 Wald No II 605 307 298 236 204 32 204 194 10 0009 Ward No 9 451 195 256 273 241 32 194 183 II 0010 WaI-d No. 10 291 108 183 234 2\5 19 212 197 IS 0011 Ward No II 737 373 364 319 286 33 247 238 9 0012 Ward No. 12 702 304 398 334 300 34 277 263 14 0013 Ward No. 13 574 296 278 183 171 6 I 13 I I 1 2 0014 Waro No 14 765 344 421 316 301 15 254 244 10 0015 Ward No. 15 546 260 286 249 239 10 235 231 4 0016 Ward No. 16 794 378 416 344 330 14 305 295 10 0017 Ward No. 17 852 400 452 474 439 35 468 434 34 0018 Ward No 18 167 71 96 172 152 20 161 144 17 0019 Ward No. 19 143 67 76 183 179 4 176 173 3 0020 Ward No. 20 196 93 103 174 162 12 . 172 161 1 I 0021 Ward No. 21 531 220 311 205 190 15 171 164 7 0022 Ward No. 22 116 56 60 118 114 4 107 103 4 0023 Ward No. 23 341 ISO 191 194 192 2 164 163 I 0024 Ward No. 24 132 48 84 102 94 8 100 92 8 0025 Ward No 25 \60 73 87 \78 \74 4 \74 170 4

    41713000 Jaithara (NP) 4,192 1,866 2.326 2,301 2.150 lSI 2,009 1,897 111 0001 Ward No. I 834 380 454 376 365 II 330 321 9 0002 Ward No.2 380 165 215 183 163 20 150 140 10 0003 Ward No.3 469 220 249 204 194 10 203 193 10 0004 Ward tlo 4 550 243 307 328 294 34 262 247 15 0005 Ward No.5 251 100 151 151 140 II 148 138 10 0006 Ward No 6 290 117 173 197 169 28 190 164 26 0007 Ward No 7 254 136 118 146 139 7 113 107 6 0008 Ward No II 742 312 430 416 397 19 327 310 17 0009 Ward No 9 \89 89 \00 12S \\8 1 no \14 6 0010 Ward Nu 10 233 104 129 175 , 171 4 166 163 3

    41714000 Snkit (NP) 3,980 1,813 2.167 1.733 1,624 109 1,507 1.445 62 0001 Ward No. I 400 158 242 174 169 5 174 169 5 0002 Ward No 2 285 128 157 156 146 10 154 145 9 0003 Ward No 3 406 193 213 169 166 3 106 105 0004 Ward No 4 IDS 45 60 71 67 4 65 61 4 0005 Ward No 5 416 186 230 177 147 30 119 112 7 0006 WLlrd No 6 306 120 186 117 112 5 103 98 5 0007 Ward No 7 910 476 434 239 234 5 235 233 2 Ward No 8 199 9. 0008 SOD 236 264 234 21S 19 208 I 0009 Wm-d No 9 372 161 211 208 198 10 175 171 4 0010 Ward No 10 2aO 110 170 188 17!) 18 168 152 16

    41115000 Etall (NPP) 35,659 16,160 19,499 25.071 22,686 2,385 22,332 20,307 2.025 0001 Ward No I 1.407 581 826 934 8S8 76 861 791 70 ()0()2 Ward No 2 2.878 1.3lS 1.543 1.075 958 117 927 827 100 Q003 Ward No 3 2.053 904 1.149 1,156 977 179 U148 882 166 0004 Ward No 4 1.635 751 884 1.022 939 83 912 840 72 0005 Ward No 5 1.407 611 796 869 786 83 768 698 10

    870 CENSUS ABSTRACT Industria' category of main workers Name of Townl Ward Household industry Cultivators Agricultural labourers Other workers workers

    Persons Males Females Persons Males F('''I11ales Persons Males Females Persons Males FL"I11ales 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 2 84 84 5 5 223 219 4 Ward No 8 75 74 112 I 1 1 54 53 Ward No.9 146 144 2 71 70 4 3 71 60 17 Ward No 10

    415 410 5 415 405 10 416 351 6S 4,041 3,878 163 AUganj (NPP) 28 28 1 I 5 5 160 155 5 Ward No.1 7 7 3 3 36 36 124 121 3 Ward No 2 9 9 43 43 39 38 222 206 16 Ward No 3 l) 9 24 24 26 24 2 151 144 13 Ward No.4 14 14 4 4 140 131 9 Ward No 5 11 I I 8 8 2 1 272 259 13 Ward No 6 SS 55 S 5 18 17 131 126 5 Ward No 7 41 41 58 53 5 2 I 103 99 4 Ward No 8 19 19 20 19 20 12 K 135 133 2 Ward No 9 5 5 32 29 3 175 163 12 Ward No. 10 35 35 88 86 2 29 23 6 95 94 Ward No. 11 2 2 48 47 56 49 7 171 165 6 Ward No 12 I I 112 110 2 Ward No. 13 76 75 38 38 5 4 135 130 5 Ward No 14 16 16 12 12 18 17 189 186 3 Ward No 15 32 31 20 19 253 245 8 Ward No 16 19 19 6 6 32 8 24 411 401 10 Ward No 17 3 3 2 2 156 139 17 Ward No. 18 1 2 2 173 170 3 Ward No. 19 2 2 24 19 5 145 139 6 Ward No 20 15 13 2 26 26 7 7 123 118 5 Ward No 21 5 5 I I 8 7 93 90 3 Ward No. 22 7 7 2 2 45 4S 110 109 Ward No. 23 4 3 8 8 I 1 87 80 7 Ward No. 24 5 5 169 165 4 Ward No. 25

    323 309 14 119 118 177 159 18 1,390 1,311 79 Jaithara (NP) 16 16 4 4 13 12 297 289 8 Ward No.1 63 63 10 10 7 7 70 60 10 Ward No.2 43 43 S5 5S 45 42 J 60 53 7 Ward No.3 37 32 5 10 9 37 34 3 178 172 6 Ward No.4 12 11 I 3 3 1 1 132 124 8 Ward No 5 29 28 12 12 8 4 4 141 120 21 Ward NO.6 9 9 I 21 18 3 82 79 3 Ward No 7 94 89 5 24 24 43 40 3 166 157 9 Ward No 8 16 14 2 104 100 4 Ward No.9 4 4 2 2 160 151 3 Ward No 10

    216 212 4 62 61 109 100 9 1,120 1,072 48 Sakit (NP) 45 43 2 2 2 127 124 3 Ward No I 12 12 141 132 9 Ward No.2 51 51 54 53 I Ward No 3 7 7 1 7 51 41 4 Ward No 4 14 12 2 13 13 14 13 78 74 4 Ward No 5 [5 [5 1 I 6 5 81 77 4 Ward No 6 13 13 40 40 23 22 I 159 158 1 Ward No 7 7 7 32 31 I 169 161 8 Ward No 8 51 51 3 3 7 4 3 114 IIJ I Ward No.9 13 13 8 6 2 146 IJJ 13 Ward No 10

    454 378 76 \58 140 18 987 Rft.I 12~ 2(1.733 18.925 1,808 Etab (NPP) 25 18 7 5 5 12 1 1 819 757 62 Ward No 1 14 13 I 6 5 9 .:'i 4 898 804 94 Ward No 2 10 S 5 2 II I(l I 1,025 866 159 Ward Nu J 8 1 33 28 5 871 80S 66 Ward No.4 13 9 4 5 5 3 2 747 683 64 Ward No.5

    871 URBAN PRIMARV Industrial category Location Name of Townl Ward code Marginal workers Cultivators Agricultural labourers number Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females 2 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 0008 Warn No 8 78 70 8 18 18 0009 Ward No.9 4 4 I I 0010 Ward No 10 4 3 2 2

    41711000 Alig.oj (NPP) 903 70S 198 21 16 5 IJl 104 29 0001 Ward No I 69 62 7 3 3 0002 Ward No 2 40 16 24 0003 Ward No 3 3 3 1 0004 Ward No 4 68 62 6 3 3 0005 Ward No 5 49 44 5 0006 Ward No 6 44 29 IS 3 2 0007 Ward No 7 76 60 16 14 10 4 15 13 2 0008 Ward No 8 32 10 22 4 I 3 0009 Ward No 9 79 58 21 22 14 8 0010 Wald No 10 22 18 4 2 0011 Ward No 11 72 48 24 4S 37 8 0012 Ward No. 12 57 37 20 9 9 0013 Ward No 13 70 66 4 0014 Ward No. 14 62 57 5 2 2 6 3 3 0015 Ward No. 15 14 8 6 0016 Ward No 16 39 35 4 18 ]6 2 0017 Ward No 17 6 5 I 0018 Ward No. 18 II 8 3 0019 Ward No. 19 7 6 0020 Ward No 20 2 I 002] Ward No. 21 34 26 8 2 2 0022 Ward No 22 II II I 1 0023 Ward No. 23 30 29 0024 Ward No. 24 2 2 0025 Ward No. 25 4 4

    41713000 Jaithara (NP) 192 253 39 7 7 11 20 1 0001 Ward No 1 46 44 2 0002 Ward No 2 33 23 [0 6 S 0003 Ward No.3 I I 0004 Ward No 4 66 47 19 4 4 OOOS Ward No.5 3 2 I 0006 Ward No 6 7 S 2 2 2 2 2 0007 Warn No 7 33 32 I I 0008 Ward No 8 89 87 2 12 12 0009 Ward No 9 5 4 DOlO Ward No 10 9 8

    41714000 Saki. (NP) 226 179 47 10 10 57 57 0001 Ward No. I 0002 Ward No.2 2 0003 Ward No 3 63 61 2 43 43 0004 Ward No 4 6 6 0005 Ward Nl) 5 S8 35 23 3 3 8 8 0006 Wald No 6 14 14 4 4 0007 Ward No 7 4 1 3 0008 Wald No 8 26 16 10 2 2 0009 Ward No 9 33 27 6 5 5 0010 Ward No Hl 20 \8 2

    41715000 E.ali (NPP) 2.739 2.379 360 35 • 29 6 60 49 It 0001 Ward No I 73 67 6 6 5 OOOl Ward N(, 2 14M 131 17 3 3 1 0003 Ward No 3 1014 95 IJ 0004 Ward No 4 110 99 II 0005 Ward No.5 101 88 13 6 6 5 2 3

    872 CENSUS ABSTRACT of marginal workers Name of Townl Ward Location Household industry Other workers Non-workers eodc workers number Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males FL'I}1ales 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 2 60 52 8 1.157 446 711 Ward No 8 0008 2 2 706 287 419 Ward No.9 0009 744 262 482 Ward No 10 0010

    110 53· 57 639 532 107 18,070 7,193 10,877 Aligaoj (NPP) 41712000 8 4 4 57 54 3 682 276 406 Ward No. I 0001 23 8 15 17 8 9 503 199 304 Ward No.2 0002 2 2 967 390 577 Ward No 3 0003 12 7 5 53 52 1134 328 506 Ward No 4 0004 49 44 5 607 254 353 Ward No.5 0005 4 1 3 37 27 10 998 426 572 Ward No.6 0006 5 3 2 42 34 8 977 426 551 Ward No.7 0007 5 5 23 9 14 660 285 375 Ward No 8 0008 9 3 6 48 41 7 558 184 374 Ward No 9 0009 5 5 IS 12 3 747 296 451 Ward No 10 0010 8 5 3 18 5 13 867 358 509 Ward No 11 0011 23 9 14 ~5 19 6 821 299 522 Ward No. 12 0012 70 66 4 627 273 354 Ward No. 13 0013 3 3 51 49 2 993 403 590 Ward No. 14 0014 IJ 7 6 837 339 498 Ward No. 15 0015 21 19 2 1,208 525 683 Ward No 16 0016 6 5 I 1,231 458 773 Ward No. 17 0017 10 8 2 497 192 305 Ward No. 18 0018 7 6 .5.53 220 333 Ward No. 19 0019 2 I I 478 181 297 Ward No. 20 0020 2 2 30 22 8 621 221 .400 Ward No. 21 0021 9 9 361 137 224 Ward No. 22 0022 30 29 612 212 400 Ward No. 23 0023 2 2 324 120 204 Ward No. 24 0024 4 4 507 191 316 Ward No. 25 0025

    53 38 15 211 188 23 7,864 3,291 4,573 Jaithara (NP) 41713000 5 5 41 39 2 1.369 581 788 Ward No. I 0001 2 2 25 16 9 697 309 388 Ward No 2 0002 1 I 781 337 444 Ward No 3 0003 27 12 15 34 30 4 904 364 540 Ward No.4 0004 3 2 I 537 227 310 Ward No.5 0005 3 I 2 616 260 356 Ward No.6 0006 3 3 29 28 I 530 248 282 Ward No 7 0007 12 12 65 63 2 1,355 526 829 Ward No 8 0008 I I 4 3 468 206 262 Ward No 9 0009 3 3 6 5 607 233 374 Ward No. 10 0010

    30 5 25 129 107 22 5,208 2,009 3.199 Sakit (NP) 41714000 516 199 317 Ward No I 0001 2 450 172 278 Ward No.2 0002 4 16 15 545 218 327 Ward No.3 0003 6 6 269 115 154 Ward No 4 0004 16 16 31 24 7 438 167 271 Ward No.5 0005 10 10 457 183 274 Ward No.6 0006 2 2 2 803 324 479 Ward No.7 0007 8 7 16 13 3 529 172 357 Ward No.8 0008 27 21 6 617 241 376 Ward No 9 0009 19 17 2 584 218 366 Ward No. 10 0010

    203 158 45 2,441 2,143 298 82.039 34,077 47.962 Et.h (NPP) 41715000 66 61 5 3.778 1.656 2.122 Ward No I ()OOI (> 138 122 16 4.024 1.727 2.297 Ward No.2 O()02 1 106 93 13 3.765 1.513 2.252 Ward No 3 0003 4 4 106 95 11 3.057 1.215 1.842 Ward No 4 0004 6 3 3 84 77 7 3.323 1.458 1.865 Ward No 5 0005


    Arcil of Location Name nfTownl Ward Townl Ward Number of Total population (including Population in the code 111 square households institutional and house1ess age-group 0-6 number Kilometre population) Persons Males Fcmale.q Persons Males Females 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 0006 Ward No.6 960 6.098 3.217 2.881 1.050 542 508 0007 Ward No 7 925 5,574 2.945 2.629 1.123 599 524 0008 Ward NO.8 567 4.047 2.112 1.935 686 367 319 O()09 Ward No 9 938 5.868 3.452 2.416 830 453 371 0010 Wflrd No 10 676 4,107 2.173 1,934 683 357 326 0011 Ward No II 958 5.570 3.003 2.567 782 451 331 0012 Ward No 12 976 6.191 3.281 2.910 1.027 533 494 0013 Ward No 13 791 4.605 2.467 2.138 685 376 309 0014 Ward No 14 506 2,938 1.558 1.380 354 185 169 0015 Ward No 15 369 2.295 1.202 1.093 338 185 153 0016 Ward No. 16 972 5.521 2.927 2.594 697 392 305 0017 Ward No. 17 715 4.832 2.526 2.306 749 400 349 0018 Ward No. 18 463 3.112 1.629 1.483 497 273 224 0019 Ward No 19 452 3.015 1,567 1,448 365 191 174 0020 Ward No 20 681 4.178 2,149 2,029 547 290 257 0021 Ward No. 21 512 3,344 1.792 1.552 441 231 210 0022 Ward No. 22 524 3.257 1,697 1,560 441 247 194 0023 Ward No. 23 473 2.783 1,475 \,308 405 223 \82 0024 Ward No. 24 494 3.597 1,896 1.701 511 282 229 0025 Ward No 25 447 3.175 1,608 1.567 388 187 201

    41716000 Marehra (NPP) 5.18 2,441 17,777 9,362 8,~15 3,467 1,795 1.671 0001 Ward No I 125 877 46"1 410 199 102 97 0002 Ward No.2 106 763 401 362 139 67 72 0003 Ward No.3 93 587 325 262 115 68 47 0004 Ward No.4 99 688 373 315 134 75 59 0005 Ward No.5 97 526 292 234 112 71 41 0006 Ward No 6 109 766 416 350 145 74 71 0007 Ward No.7 I J 8 769 416 353 186 89 97 0008 Ward No 8 83 622 312 310 156 77 79 0009 Ward No.9 66 613 321 292 108 55 53 0010 Ward No. 10 120 780 387 393 177 74 103 0011 Ward No II 79 603 317 286 121 70 51 0012 Ward No. 12 70 425 233 192 55 31 24 0013 Ward No. 13 III 868 442 426 167 81 86 0014 Ward No 14 63 577 307 270 124 64 60 0015 Ward No. IS 95 694 364 330 133 69 64 0016 Ward No 16 101 678 347 331 122 65 57 0017 Ward No 17 105 888 469 419 193 100 93 0018 Ward No. 18 132 1.102 543 559 219 103 116 0019 Wilrd No 19 94 833 437 396 162 77 85 0020 Ward No 20 152 979 517 462 156 81 75 0021 Ward No 21 93 718 383 335 113 64 49 0022 Ward No 22 25 207 110 97 50 28 22 0023 Ward No 23 129 1.023 542 481 210 109 101 0024 Watd No 24 84 578 315 263 78 47 31 0025 Ward No 25 92 613 326 287 93 54 39

    41717000 Nidhauli Kalan (NP) 0.78 1,116 7,501 4,122 3.379 1,390 792 598 0001 Ward No I 164 969 516 453 189 100 89 0002 Willd No 2 75 490 262 228 80 49 .).~I 0003 W:'Ird No 3 279 1.713 974 799 341 204 137 0004 WUld No 4 79 558 322 236 133 84 49 0005 Ward No 5 76 518 283 235 100 58 42 0006 W(lrd No 6 98 (,28 346 282 106 64 42 0007 Ward No 7 84 516 274 242 80 40 40 OOOR Ward No 8 74 634 351 283 103 54 49 0009 W;lT(i No ') 79 691 400 291 107 60 47 0010 Ward No 10 108 724 394 3J() 151 79 72


    Name of Town! Ward Scheduled Castes population Schcduk.-d Tribes populati()n Liter-cltes

    Persons Males Females Pcrsons Males Females Persons Males FClrllcs II 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 Il.. 2 737 3118 349 3.167 1.845 1.3.'2 Ward No II 1,051 537 514 3.146 1,864 I ,2ti' Ward No 7 566 294 212 2,338 1,341 9\1. Ward No R 813 454 359 4.139 2.561 1.57H Ward No 9 - 269 130 139 2.938 1,684 1.254 Ward No. 10 638 32M 310 4.085 2.303 1.7112 Ward No II 215 1()4 III 3.567 2.088 1.479 Ward No 12 182 101 81 3.237 1,886 1.351 Ward No. 13 126 65 61 2.256 1.241 1.015 v:ard Nt_•• 14 12 7 5 1,750 948 802 Y(a"d Nd \~ 141 75 66 4.476 2,467 2.009 W

    5,270 2,833 2,437 6,874 4,441 2,433 Marehra CPlPP) 742 407 335 248 185 63 Ward Nli. ( 700 365 335 225 159 66 Ward No.2 552 308 244 236 161 75 Ward No 3 551 308 243 311 208 103 Ward No.4 415 225 190 147 96 51 Ward No 5 507 266 241 316 227 89 Ward No.6 555 298 257 258 193 65 Ward No.7 312 157 ISS 271 170 101 Ward No.8 125 62 63 225 145 80 Ward No 9 185 101 84 176 103 73 Wan! No. 10 148 7S 73 276 166 1\0 Ward No II 55 31 24 116 85 31 Ward No 12 343 195 148 Ward No. 13 40 24 16 122 86 36 Ward No. 14 69 36 33 232 153 79 Ward No. 15 58 31 27 287 168 119 Ward No. 16 40 18 22 399 258 141 Ward No. 17 346 220 126 Ward No 18 335 211 . 121 Ward No. 19 192 lOR 84 491 321 164 Ward No 20 214 141 72 Wm'd No 21 56 j'J 11 Ward No 22 12 8 4 414 2M 149 Ward No 23 440 ;48 192 Ward No 24 12 5 1 390 128 162 Ward No 25

    622 339 283 3.551 2.22Z 1.329 Nidhauli Kalan (NP) 271 154 111 615 3Sg 251 Ward No I 112 56 56 298 1:8 120 Ward No.2 IOK 61 47 854 546 308 Wan! No 3 128 .' 3 45 Ward No 4 126 65 61 222 139 83 Wmd No 5 452 ~~4 19M Ward No 6 5 J 2 349 2(1[) 143 Ward Nu 7 206 IS"! 54 Wm-d No 8 J33 III I J:! Ward Nil. 9 294 20i M9 Ward No 10


    Location Name ()[ Townl Ward code III iterates T otai workers Main workers number Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females 2 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 0006 Ward No 6 2.931 1.372 1.559 1,475 1.329 146 1,167 1.059 108 0007 Ward No 7 2.428 1,081 1,347 1.311 1.194 117 1,113 1,031 82 0008 Ward No II 1.709 771 938 935 865 7() 901 838 63 0009 Ward No 9 1.129 891 838 1.761 1.613 148 1.661 1.538 123 0010· Ward No 10 1,169 489 680 979 884 95 893 810 8J 0011 Ward No. 11 1.485 700 785 1,161 1,026 135 1.101 976 125 0012 Ward No 12 2.624 1.193 1.431 '.427 1.301 120 1.209 1.114 95 0013 Ward No 13 1.368 581 787 90S • 846 59 807 761 46 0014 Ward No. 14 682 317 365 795 689 106 766 663 103 0015 Ward No 15 545 254 291 551 5)0 41 541 502 )9 0016 Ward No 16 1,045 460 585 1,192 1.097 95 1.106 1.018 88 0017 Wan! No 17 2,034 889 1,145 1.024 958 66 814 768 46 0018 Ward No. 18 998 478 520 711 672 39 597 560 37 0019 Ward No 19 583 264 319 853 763 90 792 737 55 0020 Walu No. 20 803 356 447 966 874 92 864 783 81 0021 Ward No 21 773 355 418 993 813 180 941 167 174 0022 Ward No. 22 914 407 501 775 723 52 594 559 35 0023 Ward No. 23 666 296 370 620 566 54 552 502 50 0024 Ward No. 24 1.148 553 595 864 180 84 807 736 71 0025 Ward No. 25 645 271 374 717 659 58 590 547 43

    41716000 Marehra (NPP) 10,903 4,911 5,982 4,454 4,156 198 3,281 3,113 169 0001 Ward No.1 629 282 347 245 234 II 16 16 0002 Ward No 2 538 242 296 228 213 15 54 54 0003 Ward No.3 351 164 187 186 )37 49 184 137 47 0004 Ward No 4 377 165 212 177 167 10 53 51 2 0005 Ward No 5 379 196 183 152 144 8 126 123 3 0006 Ward No.6 450 189 261 159 153 6 159 153 6 0007 Ward No 7 5 II 223 288 210 196 14 193 185 8 0008 Ward No.8 351 142 209 146 144 2 145 143 2 0009 Ward No 9 388 176 212 126 120 6 124 li8 6 ooro Ward No 10 604 284 320 201 193 8 198 191 7 0011 Ward No II 327 151 176 139 138 I 138 137 0012 Ward No 12 309 148 161 112 106 6 110 104 6 0013 Ward No. 13 525 247 278 221 .206 15 98 95 3 0014 Ward No 14 455 221 234 144 124 20 47 44 3 0015 Ward No. 15 462 211 251 191 161 36 179 161 18 0016 Ward No 16 391 179 212 162 157 5 158 153 5 0017 Ward No 17 489 211 278 205 199 6 205 199 6 0018 Ward No 18 756 323 433 252 240 12 102 99 3 0019 Ward No. 19 498 223 275 195 189 6 192 188 4 0020 Ward No. 20 488 190 298 214 199 15 173 161 12 0021 Ward No. 21 .504 241 263 152 141 II 23 23 0022 Ward No 22 151 71 80 35 34 J 31 31 0023 Ward No. 23 609 277 332 212 251 21 263 249 14 0024 Ward No 24 138 67 71 161 159 2 161 159 2 0025 Ward No 25 223 98 125 163 151 12 ISO 139 II

    41717000 Nidhauli Kalan (NP) 3~950 1,900 2,050 1,717 1.606 III 1.485 1.405 80 0001 Ward No. I 354 158 196 220 198 22 169 151 18 0002 Ward No 2 192 84 108 99 94 5 96 92 4 0003 Ward No 3

    876 CENSUS ABSTRACT Industrial category of main workers Name of Townl Ward Household industry Cultivators Agricultuml labourers Other workers workers

    Persons Males Females Persons Malc..~ Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females 29 30 3 I 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 2 13 II 2 10 6 4 122 116 6 1,022 926 96 Ward No_ 6 <} H 9 7 2 32 25 7 1,063 991 72 Ward No_ 7 14 13 13 13 33 30 3 841 782 59 Ward No 8 203 171 26 41 36 5 2() 18 2 1,397 1,307 90 Ward No 9 17 13 4 9 8 19 16 3 848 173 15 Ward No 10 10 (, 4 17 15 2 68 58 10 1,006 897 109 Ward No_ II [ I 9 9 164 157 7 1,035 941 88 Ward No 12 7 7 5 4 40 36 4 755 714 41 Ward No_ 13 17 16 1 5 5 50 47 3 694 595 99 Ward No 14 7 4 3 534 498 36 Ward No_ 15 17 II 6 31 29 2 1.058 978 80 Ward No 16 10 7 3 3 3 19 18 7112 740 42 Ward No. 17 II II 6 6 583 546 37 Ward No_ 18 5 4 3 3 86 84 2 698 646 52 Ward No 19 14 12 2 8 7 33 32 809 732 77 Ward No 20 15 13 2 121 61 54 805 687 118 Ward No. 21 4 4 5 5 7 6 , 518 544 34 Ward No. 22 6 6 2 2 5 5 539 489 50 Ward No. 23 5 4 37 33 4 765 699 66 Ward No. 24 2 26 26 561 519 42 Ward No. 25

    145 143 2 346 336 10 74 63 II 2,717 2,511 146 Marehra (NPP) 16 16 WardNo I 2 2 52 52 Ward No.2 3 3 21 21 2 I 158 112 46 Ward No 3 2 I 7 7 44 43 I Ward No.4 3 3 14 12 2 IP8 101 1 Ward No 5 49 48 43 39 4 61 66 1 Ward No.6 II II 24 24 9 8 149 142 7 Ward No 7 2 2 143 141 2 Ward No 8 7 (, 25 24 92 88 4 Ward No.9 12 12 92 91 94 88 6 Ward No. 10 18 18 15 15 2 2 103 102 Ward No II 5 5 37 36 6 6 62 57 5 Ward No. 12 (, 6 92 89 3 Ward No 13 4 4 2 2 41 38 3 Ward No. 14 6 6 11 II 7 5 2 155 139 16 Ward No IS 3 3 3 3 152 147 5 Ward No 16 5 5 199 193 6 Ward No 17 I 5 4 95 93 2 Ward No 18 (, 6 186 182 4 Ward No 19 2 171 160 II Ward No. 20 5 5 III 18 Ward No 21 31 31 Wald No 22 8 8 49 49 13 8 5 193 184 9 Ward No 23 3 3 158 156 2 Ward No 24 6 6 5 5 138 127 11 Ward No 25

    21(1 201 9 42 41 55 49 6 1.178 1,114 64 Nidhauli Kalan (NP) II S 3 158 143 15 Ward No I 6 (1 6 5 3 2 79 77 2 Wald No 2 71 70 l) 9 241( 237 I J Ward No J <) <} 23 23 81( 83 5 W~lld No 4 4~ 43 2 7 7 f2 21 I \V,lrd No 5 -" 137 129 R Ward No 6 6 6 103 99 4 Ward Nu 7 (, (1 126 120 (l Ward Nu 8 J _l 22 21 3 1 122 115 7 Ward No 9 57 ~4 3 5 :' 4 l)~ 90 5 Ward No 10


    Industrial cate,Go!l: Location Name of Townl Ward code Marginal workers Cultivators Agricultural labourers number

    Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females 2 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 0006 Ward No 6 308 270 38 4 3 3 3 0007 Ward No 7 198 163 35 I 0008 Ward No 8 34 27 7 0009 Ward No 9 100 75 25 10 7 3 4 2 2 0010 Ward No 10 86 74 12 6 5 I 0011 Ward No 11 60 50 10 5 5 0012 Ward No 12 218 193 25 3 3 0013 Ward No 13 98 85 13 I I 0014 Ward No 14 29 26 3 4 2 2 0015 Ward No 15 10 8 2 0016 Ward No 16 86 79 7 I I 0017 Ward No. 17 210 190 20 8 8 0018 Ward No. 18 114 112 2 4 4 0019 Ward No. 19 61 26 35 0020 Ward No. 20 102 91 II 4 2 2 6 5 0021 Ward No. 21 52 46 6 2 2 0022 Ward No. 22 181 164 17 0023 Ward No. 23 68 64 4 0024 Ward No. 24 57 44 13 0025 Ward No. 25 127 112 15 2 2 2 2

    41716000 Marehra (NPP) 1,172 1,043 129 4 4 S9 53 6 0001 Ward No.1 229 218 I I 9 8 0002 Ward No.2 174 159 15 0003 Ward No.3 2 2 0004 Ward No. 4 124 116 8 3 3 35 31 4 0005 Ward No.5 26 21 5 0006 Ward No. 6 0007 Ward No.7 17 I I 6 5 5 0008 Ward No.8 1 0009 Ward No.9 2 2 0010 Ward No. 10 3 2 0011 Ward No. 11 I I 0012 Ward No. 12 2 2 0013 Ward No 13 123 III 12 0014 Ward No. 14 97 80 17 3 3 0015 Ward No. 15 18 18 0016 Ward No. 16 4 4 0017 Ward No. 17 0018 Ward No 18 150 141 9 0019 Ward No. 19 3 1 2 0020 Ward No 20 41 38 3 0021 Ward No. 21 129 118 II 2 2 0022 Ward No 22 4 3 I 0023 Ward No 23 9 2 7 0024 Ward No 24 0025 Ward No. 25 13 12

    41717000 Nidhauli Kalan (NP) 232 201 31 8 8 113 109 4 0001 Ward No I 51 47 4 I 32 29 3 0002 Ward No 2 3 2 0003 Ward No 3 SO 73 7 (> (1 53 53 0004 Ward No 4 0005 Ward Nll 5 40 39 20 19 0006 Ward No 6 S (1 2 0007 Ward No.7 7 (l 0008 Ward No 8 14 III 4 2 2 0009 Ward No 9 22 IS 7 6 6 0010 Ward No 10 7 3 4

    878 CENSUS ABSTRACT of marginal workers Name of Townl Ward Location Household industry Other workers Non-workers code workers numher Person!! Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 2 6 6 295 258 37 4.623 1,888 2,735 Ward No.6 0006 24 6 18 173 156 17 4,263 1.751 2.512 Ward No 7 0007 I 33 26 7 3,112 1,247 1.865 Ward No 8 ODDS 7 3 4 79 63 16 4,107 1.839 2.268 Ward No 9 0009 7 6 1 73 63 10 3,128 1.289 1.839 Ward No 10 DOlO H 6 2 47 39 8 4,409 1.977 2.432 Ward No II 00 I I 29 25 4 185 164 21 4.764 1.974 2.790 Ward No 12 0012 9 7 2 87 76 II 3.700 1.621 2.079 Ward No 13 0013 16 16 9 8 I 2.143 869 1.274 Ward No 14 0014 10 8 2 1.744 692 1.052 Ward No 15 0015 10 9 75 69 6 4.329 1.830 2,499 Ward No 16 0016 7 7 195 175 20 3.808 1.568 2.240 Ward No 17 0011 109 107 2 2,401 951 1.444 Ward No 18 0018 8 4 4 53 22 31 2,162 804 1.358 Ward No 19 0019 28 27 I 64 57 7 3,212 1,215 1,931 Ward No 20 0020 6 4 2 44 40 4 2.351 979 1-3 12 Ward No 21 0021 5 4 176 160 16 2.482 914 1.508 Ward No 22 0022 I I 67 63 4 2.163 909 1,254 Ward No 23 0023 5 3 2 52 4[ II 2,733 1.116 1.617 Ward No 24 0024 8 8 115 100 15 2.458 949 1.509 Ward No. 25 0025

    17 7 10 1,092 979 113 13,323 5,206 8.117 Marehra (NPP) 41716000 220 210 10 632 233 399 Ward No 1 0001 173 159 14 535 188 347 Ward No.2 0002 2 2 401 188 213 Ward No.3 0003 86 82 4 511 206 305 Ward No. 4 0004 26 21 5 374 148 226 Ward No.5 0005 607 263 344 Ward No.6 0006 9 3 6 3 3 559 220 339 Ward No 7 0007 I 476 168 308 Wan! No.8 0008 487 201 286 Ward No 9 0009 579 194 385 Ward No. 10 0010 464 179 285 Ward No 11 0011 I 313 127 186 Ward No. 12 0012 122 110 12 647 236 411 Ward No 13 0013 4 4 90 77 13 433 183 250 Ward No 14 0014 [8 18 497 203 294 Ward No. 15 0015 2 2 516 190 326 Ward No 16 0016 683 270 413 Ward No 17 0017 149 140 9 850 303 541 Ward No 18 0018 3 1 2 638 248 390 Ward No. 19 0019 41 38 3 765 318 447 Ward No 20 n020 127 116 11 566 242 324 Ward No 21 0021 4 3 I 172 76 96 Ward No 22 0022 9 2 7 751 291 460 Ward No. 23 0023 417 156 261 Ward No 24 0024 12 I [ 450 175 275 Ward No 25 0025

    16 95 HI 14 5,784 2.516 3,268 Nidhauli Kalan (NP) 4171700() 18 17 1 749 318 431 Ward No 1 (JOOI 2 391 168 223 Wilrd No 2 O()02 4 17 4 1.365 585 780 Ward NO.3 (1003 438 ::!.07 231 Ward No 4 0004 19 19 404 173 231 Ward Nll 5 0005 M (1 2 478 206 272 W;lrd Nu 6 000(1 I (l 'i 398 162 236 Ward No.7 DOll 7 3 3 l) X 487 214 273 W;lrd Nt) 8 OOOS .3 3 13 <) 4 519 245 274 Ward No 9 000l) 4 4 3 3 555 238 311 Ward No 10 OOIU

    879 URBAN PRIMARY Area of Location Name of Townl Ward Townl Wan! Number of Total population (including Population in the code In square households institutional and houselcss agc-group 0-6 number Kilometre population) Persons Males Females Persons Males Femal.:s 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 41718000 Jalcsar (NPP) 3.67 5.030 35,653 18,892 16,761 6,976 3,689 3,287 0001 Ward No I 150 1.206 655 551 254 131 123 0002 Ward No.2 250 1.818 1.013 805 391 206 185 0003 Ward No 3 217 1.391 724 667 233 115 118 0004 Ward No.4 131 864 454 410 185 97 8g 0005 Ward No 5 146 948 500 448 200 120 80 0006 Ward No.6 173 1.273 645 628 268 128 140 0007 Ward No 7 165 1.258 661 597 263 143 120 0008 Ward No.8 216 1.715 893 822 320 161 159 0009 Ward No 9 225 1.720 915 805 377 200 177 0010 Ward No. 10 204 1,476 771 705 301 149 152 0011 Ward No. II 258 1.566 842 724 288 ISS 133 0012 Ward No 12 304 2,263 1,237 1.026 481 263 218 0013 Ward No. 13 292 2,343 1.222 1.121 553 295 258 0014 Ward No. 14 180 1.240 671 569 117 100 77 0015 Ward No. IS 217 1,370 715 655 309 156 153 0016 Ward No. 16 179 1,420 759 661 278 150 128 0017 Ward No. 17 224 1.346 739 607 243 138 lOS 0018 Ward No. 18 112 863 464 399 111 95 82 0019 Ward No. 19 213 1,687 855 832 322 160 162 0020 Ward No. 20 170 1.058 559 499 152 87 65 0021 Ward No. 21 164 1,082 583 499 140 82 58 0022 Ward No. 22 164 1,148 623 525 186 1I2 74 0023 Ward No. 23 224 1,514 782 732 263 135 128 0024 Ward No. 24 232 1,726 902 824 354 188 166 0025 Ward No. 25 220 1.358 708 650 261 123 138

    41719000 A",agarh (NP) 1.50 1,646 10,768 5,708 5,060 1,888 1,030 858 0001 Ward No.1 199 1,455 758 697 307 170 137 0002 Ward No.2 233 1,605 870 735 318 190 128 0003 Ward No.3 171 1.193 623 570 234 118 116 0004 Ward No. 4 54 393 201 192 62 32 30 0005 Ward No.5 250 1.421 773 654 244 130 114 0006 WaTd No.6 ISO 1.013 531 476 169 91 78 0007 Ward No.7 163 1,013 556 451 153 86 67 0008 Want NO.8 141 918 461 457 150 70 80 0009 Ward No.9 134 829 442 387 III 65 46 0010 Ward No. 10 151 922 487 435 140 78 62


    Name of Townl Ward ScJwduled Castes population SchcduJeu Tribes population Literates

    Persons Male.... Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females 1 1 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 2 6.422 3.457 2.965 16,712 10,108 6,604 Jalesar (NPP) 830 453 377 416 264 152 Ward No I 947 536 411 196 545 251 Ward No_ 2 577 296 281 103 434 269 Ward No 3 348 119 169 370 247 123 Ward No 4 472 245 227 389 242 147 Ward No 5 514 263 251 653 370 283 Ward No_ 6 574 305 269 353 229 124 Ward No 7 76 43 33 700 450 250 Ward No 8 426 227 199 641 426 215 Ward No 9 118 62 56 563 336 227 Ward No 10 174 104 70 951 579 372 Ward No_ II 302 165 137 1,007 641 366 Ward No 12 150 79 71 667 377 290 Ward No_ 13 79 41 38 791 472 319 Ward No. 14 324 180 144 686 448 238 Ward No 15 40 23 17 629 383 246 Ward No_ 16 217 124 93 861 494 367 Ward No. 17 35 17 18 336 189 147 Ward No. 18 42 22 20 502 302 200 Ward No_ 19 4 1 3 816 445 371 Ward No_ 20 7 3 4 851 463 388 Ward No. 21 19 8 I I 756 425 331 Ward No. 22 122 68 54 922 559 363 Ward No_ 23 25 13 12 726 419 307 Ward No. 24 627 369 258 Ward No_ 25

    985 508 477 6,709 3,833 2,876 Awagarh (NP) 253 131 122 814 460 354 Ward No I 405 213 192 914 531 383 Ward No 2 133 64 69 450 258 192 Ward No.3 282 155 127 Ward No 4 140 72 68 931 560 371 Ward No 5 36 16 20 702 395 307 Ward No 6 6 4 2 706 422 284 Ward No 7 10 7 3 624 345 279 Ward No.8 666 358 308 Ward No. 9 2 620 349 271 Ward No. 10


    Location Namc of Townl Ward code Illiterates Total workers Main workers number Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females 2 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 41718000 .lalesar (NPP) 18,941 8,784 10.157 9.121 8,549 S72 8,650 8.281 369 0001 Ward No I 790 391 399 289 283 6 287 281 6 0002 Ward No 2 1,022 468 554 485 .446 39 483 444 39 0003 Ward No 3 688 290 398 328 305 23 296 277 19 0004 Wanl No 4 494 207 287 240 226 14 234 223 II 0005 Ward No 5 559 258 30t 247 246 , 239 239 0006 Ward No.6 620 275 345 300 294 6 296 290 6 0007 Ward No 7 905 432 473 345 301 44 305 284 21 0008 Ward No.8 1,015 443 572 502 438 64 423 419 4 0009 Ward No 9 1,079 489 590 458 423 35 403 385 18 0010 Ward No 10· 913 435 478 410 373 37 396 370 26 0011 Ward No. 11 615 263 352 374 366 8 365 359 6 0012 Ward No. 12 1,256 596 660 534 517 17 518 503 15 0013 Ward No. 13 1,676 845 831 515 478 37 483 463 20 0014 Ward No. 14 449 199 250 335 325 10 322 317 5 0015 Ward No. 15 684 267 417 346 314 32 338 308 30 0016 Ward No. 16 791 376 415 330 326 4 289 288 0017 Ward No. 17 485 245 240 343 322 21 313 294 19 0018 Ward No. 18 527 275 252 261 225 36 256 224 32 0019 Ward No. 19 1,185 553 632 383 365 18 376 363 13 0020 Ward No. 20 242 114 128 278 260 18 266 250 16 0021 Ward No. 21 231 120 III 341 331 10 340 330 10 0022 Ward No. 22 392 198 194 312 306 6 308 302 6 0023 Ward No. 23 592 223 369 354 339 15 346 332 14 0024 Ward No. 24 1,000 483 517 431 390 41 391 387 4 0025 Ward No. 25 731 339 392 380 350 30 377 349 28

    41719000 Awagarb (NP) 4,059 1,875 1.184 2,696 2,516 180 2,417 l,lB4 133 0001 Ward No. I 641 298 343 329 307 22 322 301 21 0002 Ward No.2 691 339 352 385 .372 13 379 369 10 0003 Ward NO.3 743 365 318 333 305 28 221 215 12 0004 Ward No.4 11 1 46 6S 77 76 1 76 7S 1 0005 Ward No.5 496 213 283 403 374 29 362 340 22 0006 Ward No.6 311 142 169 256 240 16 242 226 \6 0007 Ward No.7 307 134 113 273 251 22 210 197 13 0008 Ward No.8 294 116 178 215 199 16 213 199 14 0009 Ward No 9 163 84 79 212 196 16 186 176 10 0010 Ward No. 10 302 138 [64 213 196 17 200 186 14

    882 CENSUS ABSTRACT Industrial category of main workers Name of Townl Ward Household industry Agricultural labourers Other workers Cultivators workers

    Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 2 334 319 15 318 294 24 509 465 44 7,489 7,203 286 .Jalesar (NPP) 7 6 3 3 277 272 5 Ward No 1 5 4 65 48 17 27 24 3 386 368 18 Ward No 2 4 4 18 18 274 255 19 Ward No 3 16 16 30 29 188 178 10 Ward No 4 4 4 2 2 232 232 Ward No 5 24 24 271 265 6 Ward No.6 25 24 4 4 23 23 253 233 20 Ward No 7 27 27 4 4 74 72 2 318 316 2 Ward No 8 42 40 2 3 3 8 8 350 334 16 Ward No 9 I 1 40 38 2 354 330 24 Ward No 10 34 32 2 30 30 10 10 291 287 4 Ward No II 35 35 66 65 55 53 2 362 350 12 Ward No 12 II 8 56 49 7 419 406 13 Ward No 13 14 14 48 48 28 27 2'32 228 4 Ward No. 14 17 13 4 40 35 5 10 10 271 250 21 Ward No 15 2 2 I 1 6 6 280 279 Ward No 16 8 8 J J 17 II 6 285 272 13 Ward No. 17 4 3 6 6 42 26 16 204 189 15 Ward No. 18 3 3 3 3 5 2 3 365 355 10 Ward No 19 I 1 265 249 16 Ward No 20 9 8 8 7 323 315 8 Ward No. 21 7 7 3 3 3 3 295 289 6 Ward No 22 4 4 3 3 22 21 317 304 13 Ward No 23 6 4 2 45 45 340 338 2 Ward No. 24 28 28 3 3 9 9 337 309 28 Ward No. 25

    96 89 7 55 52 3 128 121 7 2,138 2,022 116 Awagarh (NP) 5 3 2 2 2 314 295 19 Ward No.1 3 3 4 4 3 3 369 359 10 Ward No.2 5 5 39 36 3 3 2 180 172 8 Ward No 3 1 1 II 4 4 60 59 Ward No.4 23 23 4 4 8 8 327 305 22 Ward No 5 7 5 2 4 4 13 I I 2 218 206 12 Ward No.6 20 18 2 60 59 130 120 10 Ward No.7 2 2 209 196 13 Ward No 8 3 3 32 31 151 142 9 Ward No 9 17 16 2 180 168 12 Ward No. 10

    883 URBAN PRIMARY Industrial eatego!:l: Location Name of Townl Ward codc Marginal workers Cultivators Agricultural labourers number Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females 2 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 41711000 Jalesar (NPP) 471 161 203 II 7 4 23 18 S 0001 Ward No I 2 2 I 0002 Ward No 2 2 2 0003 Ward No.3 32 28 4 0004 Ward No.4 6 3 3 OOOS Ward No.5 8 7 0006 Ward No.6 4 4 0007 Ward NO.7 40 17 23 2 I 2 0008 Ward No.8 79 19 60 2 2 0009 Ward No 9 SS 38 17 2 2 0010 Wanl No. 10 14 3 II 0011 Ward No. II 9 7 2 I I 0012 Ward No. 12 16 14 2 S S 0013 Ward No. 13 32 15 17 0014 Ward No. 14 13 8 5 S 4 OOIS Ward No. 15 8 6 2 0016 Ward No. 16 41 38 3 3 3 0017 Ward No 17 30 28 2 0018 Ward No. 18 S 1 4 2 0019 Ward No. 19 7 2 S 0020 Ward No. 20 12 10 2 0021 Ward No. 21 1 0022 Ward No. 22 4 4 3 3 0023 Ward No. 23 8 7 1 0024 Ward No. 24 40 3 37 0025 Ward No. 25 3 2

    41719000 Awagarh (NP) 279 232 47 2 1 I 68 54 14 0001 Wan! No.1 -, 6 0002 Ward No.2 6 3 3 1 0003 Ward No.3 106 90 16 37 29 8 0004 Ward No.4 1 1 0005 Ward No.5 41 34 7 7 6 0006 Ward NO.6 14 14 1 I 0007 Ward No.7 63 54 9 18 16 2 0008 Ward No 8 2 2 0009 Ward No.9 26 20 6 0010 Ward No. 10 13 10 3 3 2

    884 CENSUS ABSTRACT of marginal workers Name of Townl Ward Location Household industry Other workers Non-workers code worker" number

    Persons Males Females Persons Males Fcmalc... Persons Males Females 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 2 123 21 102 314 222 92 26,532 10,343 16,189 .Ialesar (NPP) 41718000 I I 917 372 545 Ward No I 0001 2 2 1.333 567 766 Ward No 2 0002 31 27 4 1,063 419 644 Ward No 3 0003 6 3 3 624 228 396 Watd No.4 0004 7 6 701 254 447 Ward No 5 0005 2 2 2 2 973 351 622 Ward No.6 0006 2 2 34 IS 19 913 360 553 Ward No 7 0007 59 4 55 17 14 3 1.213 455 758 Ward No 8 0008 II 8 3 41 27 14 1.262 492 770 Ward No 9 0009 5 5 9 1 6 1.066 398 • 668 Ward No 10 0010 8 6 2 1.192 476 716 Ward No II 0011 4 2 2 7 7 1,729 120 1.009 Ward No 12 0012 1 31 15 16 1,828 744 1.084 Ward No 13 0013 8 7 905 346 559 Ward No 14 0014 7 5 2 1,024 401 623 Ward No 15 0015 38 35 3 1.090 433 657 Ward No. 16 0016 30 28 2 1,003 417 586 Ward No 17 0017 3 1 602 239 363 Ward No 18 0018 I I S 4 1.304 490 814 Ward No 19 0019 4 4 8 6 2 780 299 481 Ward No. 20 0020 I 741 252 489 Ward No 21 0021 I 836 317 SI9 Ward No 22 0022 7 6 1,160 443 717 Ward No. 23 0023 28 28 12 3 9 1,295 512 783 Ward No. 24 0024 2 2 I 978 358 620 Ward No. 2S 0025

    48 32 16 161 145 16 8,072 3,192 4,880 Awagarh (NP) 41719000 6 5 I 1,126 451 675 Ward No.1 0001 4 2 2 I 1,220 498 722 WaniNo.2 0002 10 3 7 58 58 860 318 542 Ward No 3 0003 I 316 125 191 Ward No 4 0004 8 8 25 19 6 1,024 399 625 Ward No 5 0005 4 4 9 9 757 297 460 Ward No 6 0006 5 5 40 33 7 740 305 435 Ward No 7 0007 2 2 703 262 441 Ward No 8 0008 15 10 5 I 1 10 617 246 371 Ward No 9 0009 10 9 709 291 • 418 Ward No 10 0010





    Not provided for this district.


    The three factors affecting the population size of million at the 1991 Census, which accounted for 16 % the district are fertility. mortality and migration. These of India's total population. It grew by 25% between concepts are explained in detail under the caption 1981 and 1991 largely as a result of high fertility, the Census and Non- Census Concepts and Definitions in highest of any Indian state. the Analytical Note portion. One major aspect of The child mortality indicators at the 1991 Census consideration under mortality is infant and child in the district and the State was as following: mortality. The population of the UP state was 139

    Child Mortality Indicators in the State and the District Indicator PersonslMales/Females Up* Etah ql Persons 99 131 Males 98 118 Females 104 147 q2 Persons 117 144 Males 117 131 Females 118 167 q5 Persons 134 161 Males 135 146 Females 132 179

    (*Umh\'lllcd limn l'I'

    The child mortality by ages I, 2 and 5 years in the improved condition as compared to the state by was higher in the district as against the State. The ages 1, 2 and 5 years. ehild mortality indicators in the district tor females were


    Annexure - III Various Meas ures of I"ertility and Mean Age at Marriage - 1991

    SI Fertility Measures Uttar Etah No. Pradesh 2 4 5 CBR 37.2 3R.7 2 TFR 560 6.U J TMFR 6.30 68 4 GFR 172 IR6 5 GM FR 200 218

    6 M can age al marriage ( 1 98 1 -9 1 ) 17.3 175 7 Numher ufdllidren cvcr burn per ever marrlL'd woman dgl.U 15-49 year' 4.6 5 1 8 ChIld wmn

    Source. (I) EStimates of fcrtility IIltllcators Uttar Pradc!oh Table #. 2.23 (ii) District Profite Utlar Pradesh 1991

    Measures of fertility is an important 17.3 years for the state whereas 17.5 years has been component to describe fertility and mortality rate of observed for the district. It may be observed that any area. The table reveals that the Crude Birth Rate higher age at marriage leads to high rate of fertility in (CBR), which is the ratio of the number oflive births the state and district as welL Number of children born in a year to the mid year population, .is 38.7 per. per ever married woman aged 15-49 is higher in the thousand in the district which is higher than the figure district as compared to that of state. The state and the· of state of Uttar Pradesh i.e. 37.2 per thousand. In district figures are placed as 4.6 and 5.1 per thousand respect of Total Fertility Rate (TFR), Total Marital respectively. Number of children in the age group 0-4 Fertility Rate (TMFR), General Fertility Rate (GFR) and 5-9 years per one thousand women in the age and General Marital Fertility Rate (GMFR). the district group 15-49 has been calculated to 685 and 731 for presents all along a higher proportion when compared the district while in case of the state the corresponding with the state figures. The conclusion that may be figures are 631 and 152. The various measures of drawn is higher fertility ratio for the district. The mean fertility presents that fertility levels as such are below age at marriage during the period 1981-91 has been to the state average.


    Annexure - IV Percentage dir.lrihulion of Migrant'! 1991 Census In-migrants by Place of nirlh 1 nt,d M Igr.mts Fmm other dU.triLL'i o( the slatc Fmm ottx.... Statcs Itn~s From othcr Countnc'i ('eninn Male Female Person Mille Femalc Persoll Malc rClllllie Pcrson Male Female 2 J 4 S 6 7 8 9 10 II 12 Uttar Pradesh I 1.5110,28S 2.3(,2,S06 9,217.779 9,417.119 1.717.013 7.6110,3()(, 1.1170.226 493,253 1.37(,.973 292.740 132.240 160.5(K) 1000 UK) () 1000 HI 3 73 S 833 162 2(J 9 14.9 2S 56 I 7 ni'itrict I-:tah 257.159 20,237 236,922 246,IH9 111.697 228,182 9,540 1,410 8,13() 740 130 610 UKIO HK)() I

    In-Migrant'! by PlaC'C' of r..B'I1 Rnidcnl:"c with dura lion of Rnidcncc 0-9 ycan.. ., otal Mlg ...nt .. FR,m other d,... tncL.. orthe state rmm other States fUrs rmm uther Countne.. I' M ,. I' M F I' M F I' M I 2 3 4 5 6 7 101 9 10 11 12 Uttar Pradc'ih 3,8(,2,338 1,074,934 2,787,404 3,075,049 79K.639 2,276,410 72!U29 249,463 478,86(, 58,%0 26,832 32,128 WOO I(X) 0 1000 79.6 743 HI 7 189 232 17.2 1 S 25 12 I>i'llrict Etah 78330 10140 68190 9260 64200 4460 840 3620 410 40 370 1000 1000 1000 938 91 3 94.2 57 1013 5.3 OS 04 OS

    Annexure - IV (a) Percentage distribution of Migarants 2001 Census In-migrants by Place of Birth State) Total Migrants From other distncts of the state From other States I UT's From other Countries District Person Male Female Person Male Female Person Male Female Person Male Female I 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 II 12 13 Uttar 14,580,015 2.960,201 11,619,814 I 1,607,904 2, I 12,073 9,495,831 2,807,680 788,995 2,018,685 164,431 59,133 105,298 Pradesh 100.0 100.0 100.0 79.6 71.3 81.7 19.3 26.7 17.4 1.1 2.0 0.9 274,582 23,565 251,017 258,041 20,831 237,210 16,151 2,660 13.491 390 74 316 Etah 100.0 100.0 100.0 94.0 88.4 94.5 5.9 11.3 5.4 0.1 0.3 0.1 In-migrants by Place of Last residence with duration of Residence 0-9 years State) Total Migrants From other districts of the state From other States I UT's From other Countries District Person Male Female Person Male Female Person Male Female Person Male Female I 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 I 1 12 13 Uttar 4,289,555 1,175,866 3,113,689 3,178,390 767,271 2,411,119 1,079.055 398,230 680,825 32, J to 10,365 21,745 Pradesh 100 (l 100.0 100.0 74 1 65.2 774 25.2 33.9 21.9 0.7 0.9 0.7 74,678 9,204 65,474 67,784 7.612 60,172 6.787 1.578 5.209 107 14 93 Etah 100.0 100.0 100.0 l)O 8 82.7 919 9.1 17.1 8.0 0.1 0.2 0.1 The annexure presented abbve shows percentage other states to this district was increased in 200 1 in distribution of in-migrants as per the 1991 and 2001 Census comparison to 1991. At district level in-migration from other amongst the total migrants in the state and distriCt. There countries was 0.3 percent in 1991 and O. 1 percent in 200 I . are two type of in-migration in the dIstrict such as ltl- While at state level figures were 2.5 percent and 1.1 percent migration by place of birth (in which a person IS enumerated during 1991 and 200 1 Census respectively. during the census at a place other than place of birth) and In respect ofin-migrants by place oflast reSIdence, in-migration by place of last residence (a person is it is eVIdent that in-migrants from other districts of the state enumerated during the Census at other than hIS place oflast amongst total migrants, constituted 79.6 percent 111 1991, residence). The comparison between 1991 Census and 200 I while it was recorded 74.1 percent in 200 1 at state level. Census reveals that among the total migrants the proportion District level figures were 93.8 percent and 90.8 percent during of in-nugrants within the state (from other dls1ncts of state) 1991 and 200 I ·Census respectively. The percentage of in- was 81.3 percent in 1991 census and 79 6 percent migrants from other states worked oullo be 18.9 m 1991 and respect,,:ely. The corresponding figure for the dlstnct was 25.2 percent til 2001 at state level. whereas district ligures 96.0 in 1991. while til 200 1 it was 94.0 percent I·cspectlvely. tor both the Censuses were 5.7 percent and 9.1 percent The proportion of in-migrants from other stales was 16.2 respectively. The movement of population from other percent at state level during 1991 Census, whereas It rose to countries in the dIstrict was 0.5 percent in 1991 and 0.1 19.3 pcrcent in 2001. The district level figure was 3.7 percent percent in 200 1, while state level figures were 1.5 percent and 5.9 percent respectively. This shows in-mtgration from and 0.7 percent respectively. 891 DISTRICT CENSUS HAND BOOK: ETAH ANNEXURE

    Annexure - V 11 rief Rccount of mRin relic ions in the State/Dis tto/Tah. as I!er 1991 Census State/Distt.lTah. Total Religion I'upu lation (Percent to total popu lation) Buddhist ('h r1stian Hindu Jain Muslim Sikh Other Religion Relig ion s not Stated 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 (.) 10 Uttar Pradesh 139,1 12,2M7 221,433 J 99,575 113,712,829 176,259 24, I 09,684 675,775 8,392 8,340 100 () 0.2 0.1 81.1 0.1 17.3 0.5 0.0 0.0 2.244,998 6,381 3,728 1.973.015 5,432 254,222 1,885 335 () 100.0 0.3 0.2 87.9 02 I 1.3 (). I o.n OJ) Kasg anj Tah S II 612,159 554 1.043 530,124 335 78,945 1,131 27 0 1000 01 01 86.6 0.1 129 02 00 00 Pally all Tahs iI 379,130 2,920 168 302,219 15 73,280 269 259 0 roo 0 O.S 00 797 00 19.3 o 1 0.1 0.0 lalcsar Tahsil 272,717 316 139 242,450 1,512 28,221 39 40 0 100.0 n. I o I 88.9 0.6 10.4 0.0 0.0 00 Etah Tahsil 646,124 856 1.792 592,987 3,429 46,610 441 9 0 1000 01 03 91.8 0.5 7.2 0.1 0.0 0.0 A liganj Tahsil 334,868 1.735 586 305,235 141 27,166 5 0 0 100.0 0.5 0.1 91.2 0.0 8.1 0.0 0.0 0.0 Source: Religion Table C-9

    Annexure - V (a Brief Recount of main reli ions in the State/ Disttol Tahsil as er 2001 Census Statel ReligIOn (Percent to total population) D istt! Religion Tah Total Other not Population Buddhist Christmn Hmdu Jain Muslim Sikh Religions Stated 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Uttar 166,197.921 302,03 I 212,578 133,979,263 207,111 30,740,158 678,059 9,281 69.440 Pradesh J 00.0 0.2 () J 80.7 0.1 ] 8.5 0.4 0.0 0.0 Etah 2.790,410 18,815 4.272 2,434.856 7.013 319,386 5.084 23 961 D istnct 100.0 0.7 0.2 87 I 0.3 I 1.5 0.2 0.0 0.0 K asganJ 750.407 2,546 1,326 648.907 497 94.354 2,539 I I 227 Tahsil 100.0 o 3 () 2 86.5 0.1 12.6 0.3 0.0 00 Patiyali 478.298 6.418 604 374.634 157 95,770 602 0 113 T ah s ,I 100.0 1.3 01 78 5 0.0 20.0 0.1 0.0 () 0 A liganJ 414.724 4.607 255 374,352 212 34.823 306 3 166 Tahsil 100.0 1 I 0.1 90 2 0.1 8.4 0.1 0.0 () () Etah 809.380 4,919 1.798 738.117 4,323 58,562 1,324 9 328 TahSIl 100.0 () 6 02 91.3 0.5 7.2 o 2 0.0 0.0 J alcsar 337,601 325 2M9 298.846 1.824 35.877 313 0 127 TahSIl 100.0 (). I 0.1 88 () 0.5 10.6 (). 1 0.0 00

    Annexure-V presents composition based on and 8701 percent ill 2001, while Muslim were 11.3 religions at the state, district and tahsil level. If we percent in 1991 and 11.5 percent in 2001. Rest of the compare the data for 1991 and 2001 Census. we find feur religions i.e. Buddhist. Christian, Jain and Sikh that demographic pattern based on religions IS almost alongwith combined population of other religion had same in both Censuses at the state leveL Hindu religion insignificant proportion which was less than one predominates with 81.7 percent population in 1991 and pel-cent oftolal population for each religion. SimIlar 80.7 percent in 2001 followed by Muslim which were trend is visible for state, district and at tahsil level in 17.3 and 18.5 percent respective1y. Againsr rhis. district 1991 as well as 2001 Census. figure for Hindu religion were 87.9 percent in 1991



    Marui Status Divorced & Uts pee ifled TOlal Population Never Manicd Married Wdov.cd Separated Status P M F M F M F M F M F M F 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 lfrTAR PRADESH

    All ages 139.112,287 74JJ36957 65.075,330 40,272.592 29,IJ83J)43 31,400.421 32.150.734 2,222.537 2968,952 87~97 53,278 53.710 19,323

    100.0 lOOD 1000 544 45.9 424 494 3D 4.6 0.1 01 01 00 0-9 39.136.485 20,393,831 18.742.654 20.)93JJ31 18.742.654 o o o o o o o o 100.0 100.0 1000 100.0 loon on 0.0 0.0 on on 0.0 OD 00 10-14 16,937.616 9,231.769 7.703.847 8,925.815 7.142,627 291.714 546,980 4.710 5280 2,990 2.180 8,540 6.780 100.0 1000 100.0 96.7 927 32 7.1 OJ 0.1 0.0 0.0 01 01 15-19 12,984,323 7,357,772 5,626,551 6,092,526 2,980.513 '1,243,736 2,629,188 10.020 9D90 4,480 4,310 7.010 3,450 100.0 1000 100.0 82.8 53.0 169 46.7 01 02 0.1 0.1 0.1 01

    20-24 11,,359.808 5.821,885 5,537,923 2,432.031 450,626 3,333~17 5»50,825 39,327 26,512 I1J)90 8,800 5.720 1.160

    100.0 100.0 I 100.0 41.8 8.1 57.3 912 0.7 0.5 02 02 01 0.0 25-29 10,250JJ52 5,252,516 4997.476 785,349 75.405 4,382,643 4,877.185 67,764 37,806 12,430 6.700 4,390 380 100.0 100.0 100.0 15.0 1.5 83.4 97.6 1.3 0.8 02 0.1 0.1 00 30-34 8,971,702 4,563,374 4,408,,328 301,950 31,333 4.148.120 4,303,209 97,938 67,096 11,506 6,310 3.860 380 100.0 1000 1000 6.6 0.7 909 97.6 22 1.5 0.3 01 0.1 on 35-39 7,884912 4.128.962 3,755,950 163,205 12,230 3,838,233 3.P47988 • 114,274 90/180 9/170 4942 3,580 110 1000 1000 1000 4.0 0.3 93D 97.1 2.8 2.4 02 01 0.1 OD 40-44 6,834007 3.719.737 3J 14,270 156,497 20,316 3,384,885 2927,754 167,440 161.770 8,145 4,220 2.770 210

    100.0 1000 1000 42 0.7 91D 940 4.5 52 02 0.1 0.1 00 45-49 5.716.733 2,967007 2.749,666 111,388 16.P40 2,678»47 2,548.106 169,204 181.747 6»28 3.040 2.400 133 100D 1000 1000 3.8 0.6 90.3 92.7 5.7 6.6 02 0.1 01 0.0 50-54 5.116,617 2966,928 2.149,689 105,5 14 12,530 2,582.701 1.781,()99 269,983 353009 6,490 2,881 2,240 170 100D 1000 100.0 3.6 0.6 871 829 9.1 16.4 02 0.1 0.1 00 55-59 3,398,345 1,694.107 1.704.238 51.765 3.451 1.457.146 1.466»80 181,216 232,937 2.930 1.710 1»50 60 100.0 100.0 100.0 3.1 02 86D 860 107 13.7 02 0.1 0.1 OD 60-64 3,863,925 2.181,123 1,682B02 74.102 11.740 1.756,627 1.056,469 344.814 611.728 4.130 2.775 1,450 90

    100.0 100.0 100.0 3.4 07 80.5 62.8 15.8 36.4 02 02 01 00 65-69 2,079fj59 1.100,721 978.938 32,509 3.770 862970 636,285 202.252 337,363 2.220 1,4 70 770 50

    100.0 100.0 100.0 3.0 04 784 65.0 184 34.5 02 02 OJ 00 70+ 3f,03359 2,060,424 1,542,935 158,563 69.780 1346,308 620.281 547955 848,804 4.588 3.450 3,010 620 100.0 100.0 1000 7.7 4.5 653 402 266 550 02 02 02 00 974.744 594.681 380,063 487.547 309.428 93,574 59285 5,640 5,130 UX)O 490 6920 5.730 Age nol stated 100.0 100.0 1000 821) 814 157 15.6 10 1.4 02 01 12 1.5


    District Etah Marital Statlli Divoreed& Unspecified Total Population Never Married Married Wim....w Sepanl.tccl &atus

    A'#!!}! Group Person Male Female Male Female Male Female Male Female Male Female Male female 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 AUap 2,244,998 1,230,561 1,014.437 103,828 464,113 484,539 490,815 • 41,244 58,169 940 570 10 50 ]00.0 100.0 100.0 57.2 45.8 39.4 48.4 3.4 5.8 0.1 0.1 0.0 0.0 Allagcs 2,244,998 1,230,561 1,014,431 703,828 464,173 484,539 490,875 41,244 58,769 940 570 10 50 ]00.0 100.0 100.0 57.2 45.8 39.4 48.4 3.4 5.8 0.1 0.1 0.0 0.0 0-9 628,333 335,464 292,869 335,464 292,869 o o o o o o o o 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 14-Oct 269,416 156,371 113,105 154.211 110,045 2,090 2,910 60 130 10 10 o 10 100.0 100.0 100.0 98.6 97.3 1.3 2.6 0.0 0.1 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 15-]9 212,505 128,306 84.199 115,496 47,019 12,630 31,020 140 150 40 o o 10 100.0 100.0 100.0 90.0 55.8 9.8 44.0 0.1 0.2 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 20-24 190,350 102.710 87,640 41,250 5,430 54,570 81,460 750 ' 620 140 130 o o 100.0 100.0 100.0 46.0 6.2 53.1 93.0 0.7 0.7 0.1 0.2 0.0 0.0 25-29 166,585 89,135 71,450 15.891 1,130 71,568 75,310 1,470 960 200 SO o o 100.0 100.0 100.0 17.8 1.5 80.3 97.2 1.7 1.2 0.2 0.1 0.0 0.0 30-34 140,419 73,519 66,900 6,930 sao 64,449 64,930 2,060 1,380 80 90 o o 100.0 100.0 100.0 9.4 0.8 87.7 97.1 2.8 2.1 0.1 0.1 0.0 0.0 35-39 121.017 63.247 57,770 3,680 110 56,850 55,620 2,597 1,980 ]20 60 o o 100.0 100.0 100.0 5.8 0.2 89.9 96.3 4.1 3.4 0.2 0.1 0.0 0.0 40-44 109.549 59,789 49,760 3,410 450 52,169 45,474 4,100 3,756 110 80 o o - 100.0 100.0 100.0 5.7 0.9 87.3 91.4 6.9 7.6 0.2 0.2 0.0 0.0 45-49 90,634 46,589 44,045 3,200 630 40,039 39,692 3,320 3,683 30 40 o o 100.0 100.0 100.0 6.9 1.4 85.9 90.1 7.1 8.4 0.1 0.1 0.0 0.0 50-54 88,619 51,050 37,569 2.680 310 43,010 29,759' 5,300 7,470 60 30 o o 100.0 100.0 100.0 5.3 0.8 84.3 79.2 10.4 19.9 0.1 0.1 0.0 0.0 55-59 58,584 28,734 29,850 1,160 '110 23,864 24,810 3,650 4,920 60 10 o o 100.0 100.0 100.0 4.0 0.4 83.1 83.1 12.7 16.5 0.2 0.0 0.0 0.0 60-64 63,820 36,290 27,530 1,870 310 28,210 15,200 6,180 12,000 30 20 o o 100.0 100.0 100.0 5.2 1.1 77.7 55.2 17.0 43.6 0.1 0.1 0.0 0.0 65-69 30.787 15,467 15,320 780 100 1l,760 8,950 2,927 6,270 o o o o 100.0 100.0 100.0 5.0 0.7 76.0 58.4 18.9 40.9 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 70+ 60,270 34,930 25,340 4,790 1,080 21,490 8,880 8,600 15,340 50 40 o o 100.0 100.0 100.0 13.7 4.3 61.5 35.0 24.6 60.5 0.1 0.2 0.0 0.0 AffJ! not 14,050 8,960 5.090 7,010 4,080 1,840 860 90 110 10 10 10 30 statal 100.0 100.0 100.0 78.2 80.2 20.5 16.9 1.0 2.2 0.1 0.2 0.1 0.6 Source: Part - IV (a) table No. - C (I)


    Annexure - VI (a) Marital Status of Different AGe Groups Of Population As Per 2001 Census Uttar Pradesh MaritaLStatus DbIIm:ed..&. Uospedfim :rotal~lation Nevef"JtIIan:led Manied Vllldowed Status c::., p I M I F M I F M I F M r F M I F MI F 1 2 I 3 I 4 5 I 6 7 I 8 9 r 10 11 I 12 13 I 14

    ~Iages 166,197,921 87,565,369 78,632,552 50,293,457 38,455,809 34,854,050 36,300,720 2,286,618 3,763,168 131,244 112,855 0 ( 1000 1000 1000 575 489 398 462 26 48 01 01 00 DC 0-9 45,612,898 23,885,961 21,726,937 23,885,961 21,726,937 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 C 1000 100d 1000 1000 1000 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 OC 10-14 22,310,434 11,986,055 10,324,379 11,622,376 9,973,612 150,276 330,133 8,058 15,834 5,343 4,800 0 C - 1000 1000 1000 986 966 13 32 01 02 00 DO 00 DC 15-19 16,044,641 8,976,423 7,068,418 8,272,060 5,129,765 690,029 1,917,280 8,950 14,531 5,384 6,842 0 C 1000 1000 1000 921 726 77 271 0' 02 01 01 00 OC 20-24 13,311,974 6,974,638 6,337,336 3,744,296 1,019,787 3,181,762 5,261,466 33,909 38,448 14,651 17,635 0 C 1000 1000 1000 537 161 45'6 830 05 06 02 03 00 DC 25-29 11,792,446 5,981,334 5,811,112 1,137,665 171,237 4,756,194 5,562:,963 65,110 59,356 20,365 17,536 0 C 1000 100.0 1000 190 30 796 95.7 1 1 10 03 03 00 O.C 30-34 10,814,273 5,339,396 5,414,877 368,129 53,986 4,856,793 5,306,215, 94,806 98,423 19,668 16,253 0 ( 1000 1000 100.0 68 10 91.0 969 1.8 1.8 04 03 00 DC 35-39 9,aoa,560 5,076,548 4,732,012 190,645 28,721 4,747,237 4,541,089 121,496 148,392 17,170 13,810 0 C 1000 1000 1000 38 06 93.5 960 24 31 03 03 00 DC 40-44 8,047,432 4,314,100 3,733,332 131,755 22,995 4,016,181 3,493,170 152,402 205,962 13,762 11,185 0 ( - 1000 100.0 100.0 31 0.6 93.1 936 35 55 0.3 03 00 O(

    45-49 6,639,015 3,452,212 3,186,803 fE,on 13,431 3,196,529 2,920,267 160,105 245,844 9,501 7,261 0 ( 1000 100.0 1000 25 05 926 91.6 46 7.7 03 0.2 00 DC 50-54 5,334,446 3,013,249 2,321,197 76,820 11,263 2,710,711 1,942,782 217,862 361,585 7,796 5,567 0 C 1000 1000 1000 25 05 900 83.7 72 156 03 02 00 DC 55-59 4,095,223 1,982,803 2,112,420 49,028 7,672 1,745,863 1,800,960 183,466 300,796 4,446 2,992 0 0 1000 1000 1000 24 04 881 853 93 142 02 01 00 DC ~64 4,292,319 2,263,835 2,028,484 72,411 21.926 1,867,889 1,334,332 318.489 668,663 5,046 3,563 0 0 1000 1000 1000 3.2 10 825 65.8 141 330 02 02 00 00 ~ 2,906,703 1.467,691 1,439,012 53.837 20,726 1,158,387 923,190 252,621 493,059 2,846 2,037 0 0 1000 1000 1000 37 14 789 642 172 343 02 01 00 00 70+ 4,450,446 2,443,368 2,007,078 120,893 54,754 1,655.776 849.381 662,060 1,100,0138 4,639 2,855 0 0 1000 1000 1000 49 28 678 42.3 271 548 02 01 00 DC 736,911 407,756 329,155 281,502 198,997 118,343 /!!genol 117,472 7,284 12,167 627 519 0 C staled 1000 1000 1000 690 604 290 357 18 37 02 02 00 DC


    Annexure - VI (a) Marital Status of I)ifferl'nt Age Groups Of Population As Per 2001 Cens us Elah M arnal Statu.!> DIV(}Tccd Unspeci­ & fied Age Tntall~()pulatinn Never M uTTied M ilrTled W Ido wed Separated Statu s Group I' M F M F M F M F M F M F 2 3 4 5 (, 7 8 9 In II 12 13 14 All 2.790,410 1.509.199 1.2M 1.21 I 1(99.681 639.571 565,219 571.399 42.()46 68.796 1,653 1.445 () 0 age.!> I no 0 loo.n I nO.n 59 (, 49.() 375 44.6 2 H 54 0.1 n I () 0 0.0 0-9 797.922 424,170 373.752 424.170 373.752 () '0 (J () o () () o Ion n 1 nO.n 1 nO.n 100.0 J oO.n n.n 00 00 00 no o () 0.0 00 10-14 3Mn.9~(, 210,934 170.052 2()~.890 165.772 1.8' 8 3.883 123 113 103 84 () () 1 O() (J Ion 0 100 () 99.0 97.5 0.9 23 () I n.2 0.0 00 0 () (l.0 15-19 259. 175 154.354 104,S21 146,714 79,630 7.]92 24.833 167 2S1 81 77 0 o loo.n 100.0 loo.n 95.0 75.9 4.8 23.7 01 n.3 0.1 0.1 0.0 (J.O 20-24 215.407 IIM.801 96.606 68.341 13.340 49,556 82,392 722 (,78 182 196 () o 100 {J 100.0 loo.n 57.5 13.8 41.7 85.3 o.() 0.7 0.2 0.2 0.0 0.0 25-29 202,072 106,586 95,486 22,924 1.906 81,930 92,128 1,505 1.232 227 220 0 o 100.0 100.0 100.0 21.5 2.0 76.9 96.5 14 1.3 0.2 0.2 0.0 0.0 30-34 183,821 94,424 89,397 8.297 609 83.635 86,648 2.243 1,916 249 224 0 o 1 nO.n 100.0 100.0 8.7 0.7 88.6 96.9 2.4 2.1 0.3 0.3 0.0 0.0 35-39 160,3l5 85,685 74,630 4,603 322 78,243 71,326 2,624 2,794 215 188 0 o 100.0 100.0 100.0 5.3 0.4 91.3 95.6 3.1 3.7 0.3 0.3 0.0 0.0 40-44 129,497 72.048 57.449 3.172 323 65,328 53.154 3.358 3,831 190 141 0 o 100.0 100.0 100.0 4.3 0.6 90.7 92.5 4.7 6.7 0.3 0.2 0.0 0.0 45-49 103.929 53.631 50.298 1.928 196 48.339 45.642 3.253 4,376 I I 1 84 0 o 100.0 100.0 100.0 3.6 0.4 90.1 90.7 6.1 8.7 0.2 0.2 0.0 0.0 50-54 88.893 50,618 38,275 1.714 149 44.521 30.913 4.283 7,125 100 88 0 o 100.0 100.0 100.0 3.3 0.4 88.0 80.8 8.5 18.(, 0.2 0.2 0.0 0.0 55-59 68,785 32,501 36.284 1,122 129 27,869 30,374 3,465 5,734 4S 47 0 o 100.0 100.0 100.0 3.5 0.4 85.7 83.7 10.7 15.S 0.1 0.1 0.0 0.0 60-64 73,798 39,439 34.359 1,630 418 31,539 20,542 6,213 13.357 57 42 0 o loo.n 100.0 100.0 4.1 1.2 80.0 59.S 15.8 38.9 0.1 0.1 0.0 0.0 65-69 45,675 22.286 23.389 1,118 401 17.035 14.648 4.099 8.321 34 19 0 o I on () 100.0 100.0 5.0 1.7 76.4 62.6 IS.4 35.(J 0.2 0.1 0.0 0.0 70+ 72JDO 39.404 33.426 2.386 969 26.486 13.73210,4NI 18.(J90 51 35 () o )oo.n 100.0 100 () (J.I 2.9 67.2 41.1 26.6 55.9 0.1 o I 0.0 0.0 Age 7.305 4.31 ~ 2.9X7 2.672 1.655 1.528 1.184 lin 148 8 () n () 11 {) I 1000 I (lo.n Inn () (,1.9 55.4 35.4 25 5.0 0.2 0.0 0.0 0.0 staled

    Annexure-VI deals with maritnl status ofdifTercnt percent male and 48.9 percent female in 2001 at state age groups of population. On perusal ufthe annCXUl-e level, while it rosc marginally in the district from 57.2 f()J" state and dIstrict for two respective Census in the percent male and 45.8 pcrcent female to 59.6 perccnt years 19l)1 and 2001, it is evident that, for all ages the male and 49.9 percent lcmalc. Percentage of man'icd percentage ofnevcr married is higher than propol1ion male and female shows declining trend in comparison of married for state and at the district level also. to 1991 from 42.4 percent male and 49.4 percent Percentage of ncver married has increased from 54.4 female to 39.8 percent male ~md 46.2 percent female percent male Hint 45.9 percent remale in 1991 to 57.5 or 2001 Cells'us. In the district also percentage of 896 DISTRICT CENSUS HAND BOOK: ETAH ANNEXURE male and female have a decline trend form 1991 percent male and 5.8 percent female in 1991 Census. Census to 200 I Census, as in Census 1991 the Percentage of divorced and Separated remained percentage of married male and female were 39.4 constant at 0.1 percent for male and female in state percent and 48.4 percent but in Census 2001 it shows and district level during 1991 and 2001. None person a decreased figure of 37.5 percent 44.6 percent was recorded in the category of Unspecified marital respectively. Percentage for widowed persons at state status in state and district during 2001 Census. Among level was 3.0 percent male and 4.6 percent female in the age groups; the proportion is in the descending order 1991 and in 2001 it was 2.6 percent male and 4.8 for never married and ascending order for widowed. percent female. At district level in 200 I it was 2.8 The trend for married is pyramidal the peak being percent male and 5.4 percent female while it was 3.4 between 25-29 and 45-49 (years) age-groups.

    Annexure - VII A~ge. S ex andEd ucat.on '" testatehid' .str ct 199 1 census. Percentage dlstnbutlOn of Uterates by dIfferent level of education % of IllIterate to tcUl Total Population LIterate without Matnculabon and Age population Primary Middle Group educational level above Person Male Female Male Female Male Female Male Female Male Female Male Female 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 Uttar Pradesh

    139,112,287 74,036,957 65,075,330 40,926,HE 52,041,983 1,465,535449,171 7,933.631 3,934,633 7,215,543 2,420,334 9,991,012 2,874,45E All ages 10000 10000 10000 5528 7997 198 069 1072 6.05 975 372 1349 4.4i

    28,199,623 14,627,899 13,571,724 14,627.8~ 13,571,724 0 0 0 a a a a (J 0-6 10000 10000 10000 100.00 100.00 000 000 0.00 000 0.00 000 000 0.00

    27,874,478 14,999.701 12.874,777 5,846,901 7,950,935 463.197 198,530 3,073,611 1.592.580 1.144,748 590.456 104,855 63.705 7-14 10000 100.00 10000 3898 61.76 3.09 154 20·19 12.37 7.63 4.59 070 049

    12,984,323 7,357.772 5,626,551 2,330,724 3.452,861 121.242 37,573 952,621 546,837 1.796,973 644,923 1,853,616 787, 17~ 15-19 10000 10000 10000 31.68 61.37 1.65 0.67 1295 972 2442 1146 2519 1399

    11,359,808 5,821,885 5,537,923 2,087,946 4,031.669 106,028 32,388 606,314 398,841 945,648 332.867 1,880,115 638,01~ 20-24

    10000 100 00 10000 35.86 72.80 1.82 058 1041 720 16.24 6.01 3229 11.5~

    10,250,052 5,252,576 4,997,476 2,101,867 3,826,974 100,760 28,830 558,013 341,547 812,500 250,163 1,496,088 456,53~ 25-29 10000 10000 100.00 4002 76.58 192 0.58 10.62 683 1547 501 2848 914

    23,690.621 12.412,073 11.278,548 5.726,510 39,239,151 263,694 62,340 1,351,9

    14,231.695 7,628,102 6,603,593 4,422,538 5,936,165 192,156 31,909 818.018 246,342 643,997 127,914 1,182,394 167,29E 45-59 10000 10000 10000 579B 8989 252 048 1072 373 844 194 1550 253

    9,546,943 5,342,268 4,204,675 3,701,473 3,946,256 157,506 18,881 499,846 97,089 315,853 43,869 335,441 39,60~ 60+ 10000 10000 10000 6929 9385 295 045 936 231 591 104 628 09.t1

    974.744 594,681 380,063 80.250 86,248 60,952 38,720 73.300 40.600 38.240 14,860 59.143 20,30(J ANS 10000 100 00 10000 1349 22.69 10 25 10 19 1233 1068 643 391 995 534


    District Eta" 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 2,244,998 1,230,561 1,014,437 698,98B 832,38o! 4,23[J 1,80[J 142,049 65,167 145,925 39,29., 146,699 32,74C All ages \0000 100.00 10000 56B 821 OJ 02 11 5 64 11.9 39 119 32 467,61L 247,793 219,819 247,793 219,819 [J [J [J [J 0 (J (J 0 0-6 10000 10000 100 00 1000 1000 00 DO 00 DO 00 0.0 00 00 430,197 244,042 186,155 97,861 118,855 1,700 87(] 56,341 24,100 21,080 8,880 1,53IJ 730 7-14 10000 10000 10000 40.1 638 07 05 231 129 8.6 4a 06 04 212,505 128,306 84,199 43,795 53,444 330 12C 16,221 8,96C 37,080 10,45C 27,04[J 9,590 15-19 100 00 10000 10000 341 635 03 01 126 10 e 289 124 21 1 114 190,350 102,710 87,640 39,67[J 66,070 300 170 10,730 6,970 19,881l 5,74C 29,621l 7,560 20-24 100 00 '00.00 10000 386 754 03 02 104 80 194 65 288 86 166,58 89,135 77,450 36,620 61,440 220 80 9,480 6,01C 17,75 4,00C 22,770 4,870 25-29 10000 10000 10000 41 1 793 02 01 106 78 199 52 255 63 370,985 196,555 174,430 91,638 145,193 720 340 22,057 11,947 31,210 7,070 45,480 7,720 30-44 10000 10000 10000 466 832 04 0.2 112 68 159 4 1 231 44 237,837 126,373 111,464 76,784 101,681 420 90 16,27,0 4,730 12,63CJ 2,193 15,769 1,730 45-59 100.00 10000 10000 60 a 912 03 o 1 12.9 42 100 20 125 1 6 154,817 86,687 68,19C 63,787 64,64[) 23[) 20 9,560 1,77[) 5,280 710 3,610 270 60+ 100.00 10000 10000 736 94B 03 00 11 0 26 6 1 1 0 42 04 14,050 8,960 5,090 1,040 1,240 310 110 1,390 680 1,010 250 880 270 ANS· 100 00 10000 10000 116 244 35 2;< 155 134 11 3 49 98 53 Note - Educational status below pnmary IS excluded. Source - SOCial & Cultural Table Pt IV A (Table # C-2) *Age not stated Annexure·VII {a) Age, Sex and Education in the statel district 2001 Census Percentage distribution of literates b:l! different level of education Population and Literate without Matriculation and Percentage of illiterate , Age Total Po~ulatlon to total ~o~ulation eduGatlonal level Prlmll!X Middle above , Group Person Male Female Male Female Male Femal. Male Female Male Female Male Female . 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 . Uttar Pradesh All ages 166,197,921 87,565,369 78,632,552 38,663,956 51,814,681 1,961,714 1,310,621 11,368,153 7,326,401 9,819,868 4,509,966 14,461,484 5,716,743 1000 100 0 1000 442 659 28 21 160 11 5 138 71 204 90 0-6 31.624,628 16509,033 15,115,595 16.509,033 15,115,595 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 00 00 0.0 00 0.0 00 00 00 7-14 36,298,704 19,362,983 16,935,721 4,678,913 6,087.372 283,716 227,686 4,406,653 3,072,478 1,273.576 902.318 0 0 1000 1000 1000 242 359 1 0 13 228 181 66 53 00 00 15-19 16.044.841 8.976,423 7.068.418 1.869.289 2,809,961 175.987 136,719 1,584.362 1.039,221 2.443.564 1,228.966 2.370.804 1.508,356 1000 1000 1000 208 398 20 19 177 147 272 174 264 210 20-24 13,311,974 6,974,638 6.337336 1.679,600 3,462,976 191,666 150,427 872,075 628,316 1.353,384 629.911 2.603.362 1.295.658 1000 1000 1000 241 546 30 24 125 99 194 99 373 200 25-29 11.792.446 5,981,334 5.811,112 1.676.230 3,611,954 189,089 137,648 738,548 547,333 1.068,370 485,184 2,075.081 877.106 1000 1000 1000 280 622 30 24 123 94 179 83 347 150 30-59 44,738.949 23,178.308 21.560.641 8,533,920 15.745,271 779.749 473,046 2.991.138 1.784,271 3.206,989 1.155.870 6.644.639 1.908.852 1000 100 0 1000 368 730 30 22 129 83 138 54 287 90 60+ 11.649.468 6.174.894 5.474,574 3.548.275 4,786,100 227.349 115.775 747,588 238,200 449.912 97,057 726,235 111.517 1000 1000 1000 515 87.4 40 21 121 44 73 1 8 11 8 20 ANS 136.911 407.756 329,155 168,696 195.452 114.158 69,320 21.789 16,582 24.073 10.660 41.363 15.254 1000 1000 1000 414 594 280 21 1 68 50 59 32 101 50 District - Etah 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 8 9 10 11 12 13 14

    All ages 2.790,410 1.509,199 1,281.211 688,850 881,162 27.913 16,176 192.311 116,802 171.502 69.961 237,901 69,754 1000 1000 1000 456 688 23 16 158 115 14 1 69 196 68 0-6 556,441 294.222 262.219 294,222 262.219 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1000 1000 1000 100 0 1000 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 7-14 622.467 340.862 281.585 93.531 112.477 3.733 2.776 73.325 45.943 21.191 13.091 0 t9 1000 1000 1000 274 399 10 10 21 5 163 62 46 00 00.. 15-19 259.175 154,354 104.821 36.037 45,136 2.393 1.725 27.476 16.399 38.899 16.865 40.311 19.41 .. 1000 1000 1000 233 431 20 16 178 156 252 161 261 190 20-24 215.407 118.801 96.606 31.846 56.133 2.872 1.898 14.060 10.103 22.410 9,866 43,318 16.248 100 0 1000 1000 268 581 20 20 11 8 105 189 102 365 170 25-29 202.072 106.566 95.486 31.476 62,164 3.062 1.975 12,574 9.356 19.709 8.480 36.084 10.768 100 0 1000 1000 295 657 30 21 11 8 98 185 89 339 11 0 30-59 735.240 388.907 346.333 140.728 259.615 11.637 6.502 51.256 30.759 60.779 19.993 108.060 22.193 1000 1000 1000 362 750 30 19 132 89 156 58 278 60 60+ 192.303 101,129 91.174 58.917 80.147 3.226 1.646 13,293 4,038 8.200 1.543 9.67'4 1.012 1000 1000 1000 583 886 30 18 131 44 81 1 7 96 10 ANS 7.305 4.318 2,987 2.093 2.071 790 252 325 204 314 123 454 116 100 0 1000 1000 485 693 180 84 7S 68 73 41 105 40 898 DISTRICT CENSUS HAND BOOK: ETAH ANNEXURE

    Age and sex wise education in the stale and district Similar trend can be observed in the district also. has been presented in the Annexure - VII. From the Illiterates were 56.8 percent male and 82.1 percent annexure it can be observed that pcrcentage of female in 1991 which declined to 45.6 percent male illiterates has dcclined from 55.3 percent male and 80.0 and 68.8 percent female in 2001. Primary level percent female in 1991 to 44.2 percent male and 65.9 education was I I .5 percent male and 6.4 percent female percent female in 200 I at the state level. Consequently in 1991, which was 15.8 percent male and 1 1.5 percent percentage oflilcrates has increased in all educational female in 2001. Middle level education was 1 1.9 percent levels. Percentage ofliter-ates without educational level male and 3.9 percent fema Ie in 1 991 and 14. 1 percent was 2.0 percent male and 0.7 percent female in ] 991 male and 6.9 percent female in 2001. Matriculation at state level. which increased to 2.8 percent male and and above level of education was achieved by 11.9 2.1·percenl female in 2001. Similarly primary level percent male and 3.2 percent female in 1991 which education was 10.7 percent male and 6.1 percent was 19.6 percent male and 6.8 percent female in 200 1. female in 199 I and percentage for male and female Primary level of education was highest in the age-group rose to 16.0 and I 1.5 respectively in 2001. Middle level 7 -14 111 200 1, while middle level education was highest education was 9.8 percent male and 3.7 pcrcent female in 15-19 and the age group that had highest percentage in 1991 which increased to 13.8 percent male and 7.1 of matriculation and above level of education was 20- percent female in 2001. Matriculation and above level was 13.5 percent male and 4.4 percent female in 1991 24 (years). 'which was 20.4 percent male and 9.0 percent female in 200 l.

    Annexure - VIII o Istr butlon 0 f d I fferent mother tonaues returned In 1991 Census Uttar Pradesh Tolal Hindi Urdu BhoJPun Garhwall Kumaunl Punjabl Awadhl Bengali Bundel· Nepah Jaun·san Smdhl Sansknl Populatioll khandl 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 139112287 114240698 12492619 6806047 1829530 1701845 646085 470180 165299 114727 99855 96932 52167 44847 (100.0) (82.1 ) (90) (4.9) (1.3) (1 2) (0 5) (0.3) (O.l) (O 1) (0.1) (0 1) (00) (O.O)

    Bral Bhasha Maralhl Malayalam Tamil Onya GUj8ratJ Telugu Tibetan RaJas· Bholla Reang Kash·mlri Dogn TOlalof Ihani Olher Mother Tongues 15 16 17 16 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 19834 17500 15606 15533 14613 11258 10549 8379 7391 7331 6935 5213 4933 206381 (DO) (00) (0 0) (00) (0 0) (0.0) (0.0) (00) (O.O) (0.0) (0.0) (00) (0 0) (02) District - Etah Tolal Hindi Urdu Punlabl Smdhl Bengali Sanskrit RaJas· Malaya·lam Population . Iham 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 2244998 2112092 130835 940 523 343 43 36 29 1000 941 58 00 00 00 00 00 00 Nepali Arablcl Arbl Onya Tamil Maralhl Assa·mese GUla·rall Kuma·um Total of Olher Mother Tongues

    10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 26 17 13 13 12 9 6 6 55 00 00 00 00 00 00 . 00 00 Source Dlstrtct ProfIle Uttar Pradesh - 1991


    An nexu re - VIII (a) Distribution or dirrerent mother tongues returned in 1001 Cen~us Uttar Pradesh Total Bundclil Pop u lat ion I findi Urdu Bhnjpuri Awadhi Punjahi Nepali Bengali Bundclkhandi Bnyhhasha 2 .3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 166,197,921 137,X23,602 13.272,074 10,994,863 2,502,330 511.71 I 263,935 181,608 174,305 127,922 1000 83.1 M.O 6.6 1.5 0.3 02 0.1 (J.I 01

    Ga"hwali SlIldl" Chh3tt,~garhi M aluyalam Khuri Boli Oriya Tamil Marathi Engli~h Kumuuni II 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 43,813 311,32 I 28,919 19,355 17,669 14.960 13,549 12.640 11,163 9.561 00 n.o 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 on 00 0.0 TotalOfOthl..T Arabic/Arbl Gujarati Ao;samcsc Tclugu M aithili M arwari Dogn M ot her T ()ngu~ 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 8,493 lUllS 7,914 7,913 7,550 7.214 7,048 5,159 4.464 75.848 00 0.0 (J.O 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 OJ) 00 0.0 District - Etah Total TutalOrOther Population I-f lIldi Urdu Brajbhasha Punjabi Banjari M OtlU.T T ongucs 2 3 4 5 6 7 2,790.410 2,626,724 159,917 669 660 646 1,794 100.0 94.2 5.7 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.1

    Note For lotale level only lirst 28 mother tongues and at dlstlict level only those mother tongues are shown in the table whose pmponlOll is grcater lhat 0.02 percent The remaining tongues have been mcrged in the column of ""Total of olher mother tongue"

    Annexure-VI II presents distribution of popUlation 94.2 percent in 2001. Urdu returned as second largest according to different mother tongues with percentage spoken mother tongue as 9.0 percent was recorded in for the state and the district. There is identical trend 1991 and 8.0 percent in 2001 at the state level whereas for Census of 1991 and 2001 as the highest percentage 5.8 percent and 5.7 percent at district level in 1991 of the people reporting Hindi as the mother tongue (82.1 and 2001 Census respectively. Persons speaking other percent in 1991 and 83.1 percent in 2001). This trend is languages as mother tongue were very small in visible tor the dlSlt;ct as well. The district reported Hindi number in both the state, and district. in both Censuses. as mother tongue for 94.1 percent person in 1991 and
