Remote Sensing and Geographic Information System (RS&GIS)
PILOT PROJECT ABSTRACT Remote Sensing and Geographic Information System (RS & GIS) PG Course (Phase-I) First PG Course in RS & GIS (April 1996-December 1996) Development of Spatial Decision Support System for optimum location of additional Optimum land use planning by Remote Sensing & GIS techniques village amenities Supervisors Mr. Jo IL Gwang Mr. L.M. Pande, ASD, Supervisors DPR Korea Dr. Jitendra Prasad, ASD Mr. Iftikhar Uddin Sikder Dr. K.P. Sharma, RRSSC-D, IIRS, Dehradun, India Bangladesh Dr. A.P. Subudhi, HUSAG Dr. P.S. Roy, FED IIRS, Dehradun, India sing multisspectral data, it was attempted to prepare thematic maps of a region. UFurther, Iand evaluation was made using standard techniques to assist in an optimum he study intended to develop a Spatial Decision Support System (SDSS) to aid decision landuse planning and land utilization scheme for the region. Tmakers to plan in spatial context, especially with respect to village ammenities. Various parameters like human settlement, service population, distance factor of the farthest settlement from any of the service cantre were used as indicators to derive at the optimum location of amenities. Emphasis was laid on location of hospitals. The System offers a menu based interface for the prospective planner. Development of Spatial Decision Support System for optimum location of additional Watershed prioritization using remote sensing, GIS and AGNPS model village amenities Supervisor Mr. Hong Yong IL Mr. P.L.N. Raju, GID Supervisor DPR Korea IIRS, Dehradun, India Ms. Nagma Yasmin Mr. R.C. Lakhera, GSD Bangladesh IIRS, Dehradun, India sing multispectral remote sensing data & topographic maps, estimating of runoff and soil loss were attempted.
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