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fut&11 ,\i!jJI OI'11 -gtt1~fffiCf)1 : DISTRICT CENSUS HANDBOOK .~ l_~~XICi\'i. ' DISTRICT : DEIIARADUN


1 I

2 ~ V 3 ~ CJiT 'l11fi1'51 4 ~ cf> 'l5fC1l{of ~ IX 5 ftrc;rr \11111 0111 6'R1g~CflI CJiT ~ ~Rl61ti XVI 6 Rt~clti4011fJ1Cfl ~ 1 7 ~- I(i) 'l11fi1'51 3TR 1fITf f.'i~~ICflI ' fc)-Ct)m ~ ~Ct>xl(11 18 2 ' fc)-Ct)m ~-~ 36 3 ' fc)-Ct)m ~ I4Cfllti111x 60 4 ' fc)-Ct)m ~ ti6tigx 68 5 ' fctcr,m ~-~ 84 6 tilj~I~Ct> fc)-Ct)m ~ \S~~qlcll 100 9 'Cl'11TJll 110 ~- I(ii) lJTlll cCr qOlfjfflSJ ~ 'x IdI 114 2 tilj~lfllCt> fctct>m ~-~ 121 3 tilj~lftlCfl fcrqm:r ~ I4CflltHlix 130 4 tilj~lftlCb fcrqm:r ~ ti6tig'< 133 5 'fiCflI fctm, 1988-89 186 IV fll&\JIPlCfl ~ 3Rl ~, 1989 188 IV 31~ ~ ~ If i(11&\JIPlq; ~ ~ ~, 1989 190 V ~fcf>f

Page No.

1 Foreword III 2 Preface VII 3 Map of District 4 Important Statistics of the District IX 5 Brief History of District Census Hand Book XXVII 6 Analytical Note 1 7 Section - I(i) Map and Village Directory 1 Community Development Block-Chakarata 18 2 Community Development Block-Kalsi 36 3 Community Development Block-Vikas Nagar 60 4 Community Development Block-Sahaspur 68 5 Community Development Block-Raipur 84 6 Community Development Block- 100 7 Forest Village 110 Section-I(ii) Alphabetical List ofViUages 1 Community Development Block-Chakarata 114 2 Community Development Block-Kalsi 121 3 Community Development Block-Vikas Nagar 130 4 Community Development Block-Sahaspur 133 5 Community Development Block-Raipur 139 6 Community Development Block-Doiwala 145 CONTENTS

7 Forest Village APPENDICES C.D. Block wise Abstract of Educational, Medical and other Amenities 149 II Land use data in respect of non-municipal towns (Census town) 155 III List of Villages where no Amenity other than the Drinking Water is available 156 IV List of Villages according to the population of scheduled caste & scheduled tribes to the total population by 157 ranges. Section 11- Town Directory I Status and Growth History 180 II Physical Aspects and Location ofTowns-1989 183 III Municipal Finance 1988-89 186 IV Civic and other amenities-l 989 188 IV A Civic and other amenities in notified slums- 1989 190 V Medical, Educational Recreation and Cultural facilities- 1989 192 VI Trade, Commerce Industry and Banking- 1989 196 APPENDICES Towns showing their outgrowth with population 198 ftrRr \11~110111 ~ffdChI3TI 'ChT ~ 1951 cGr \jH110HI cf; ~ ~ ~ 1J1IT ~ 1 ~ ~ ~ 3lir (fcfi ~ ~ \11~lloHI cf; ~ egg qRqd;fl/~ cf; ~ ~ ~ffe1ChI~ QC!'IlfllC'l 7fit \ill xtr tl ftrffi «R q;r !CPR ~ ~. l'l~llflCf)'j. ~ 3TR ~ cf; ~ ~ mA 3R'lRl ~ fir.ij sarr ~ 1 ~ if ftrRr \11'11101~1 ~ it \11~ti&41 ~ mt if 3Tfcr JOJ~('CI'iI'f \11~1101"11 flli(fOl~1 ~ 3lR fllJOJIRilCh flitcQRlijj ~ 3fR "flm tft ~ cf; ~ mlf 3tR ~ (mt-'CI'R) em ~ \11'1 1101'11 mx tft ~ fcmrr \jfffij" m1 1961 cGr \11'1 1101'11 r.f; ~ Qijjl~lC'I m- \11'1 1101"11 ~ff<1C!'1I3IT if ~ cnr ~. Q~lIflfrlCfl *liftcllc#l. \11'11101~1 *ll'(fOl~i 3lR ~ \111 1101"'11 tl'R • mli 3lR rrR PI~~ICflI~ f1~R:td ctr l'Jm \jfT'1'f ~ ~ ~~. r.f; ~ if ~ ~ m\il"A r.f; cmur "CPt M /~ ~ aT?IT if ~ QCflI ~'C1 ~ RPm \iIT ~ I 1981 if "IDl1 3lR ;prx PI ~ ~I Cfll cf; ~ em ";flIT "'(ijtf t;f cf; "flm-~ ftK;rr \11 ~ II 01 '11 ~ff<1 CflFm if c:gt9 ~ ~~ t@ ~ ~ f1 ~ R:t C1 cGr 1flfi I 1981 ctr \11'1l101~1 r.f; ~ ~ ~ ~ cf; ~ if GT m if QCflI~IC1 ~ 1J1IT 1 'mlf-3T if m 3lR ;prx PI~~IChI~ f1~R:tC1 ~ ~ 'mlf-if it ~ /~ m CICP cf; ¢lj*l\fi!C1 \ffifu /~j'fiR!C1 \11'1\11IR1 mo '\Jf0,";ffi0 • m 3tR ~ (crrt-m) 'ChT mO'\JfO";ffiO 'tifa1~C1 ~ I \iGI5,(01 cf; ~ ~ cpT ~ ~ ~ ~31l q;)- mlf PI~~lijjl it ~"flm ~ 1J1IT 3lR ~ ~ -wren i3"ff mlf if ~ 'ftff ~ cIT ~ till if i3"ff PlCflCC1&f ~ ctr ~ eft ~ ~ <:r6 ~ ~ ~ 1 ~ ~ 31Wl~CflC11 Cfll4iPJi ctr ~ 3I1c'H~ChC1I3TI q;)- ~ m cf; ~ mlf if ~ ~ ~. ~ ~ '3tl ~ 3ffi flljGlftlCfl ~ Ch4:qIRm ~ c:gt9 ~ 11Gl cf; m if \111~CflI~ eft ~ I ~ ~ mlf (fcfi ~ cf; 1Wf cf; mt if ~ ~ \11I1CflI~ ~ ~ -rr4t "C1'lfcp ~ ~ if ~ ri ctr ~ 'CflT -qor m.;r ~ 1 ~ 31Jq!l~CflC11 ~ ctr 31lq~lICflC1I3lT q;)- ewr if xmT sq "'1'R frl ~ ~14>13lT if ~ TRfr ~ cf; m if fcrcRvr-IV¢l q;)- ~ CfRTllT 1J1IT "C1'lfcp mwrr ~ ~ ~ cf; ffiR ~ 3lR 3l"tl ~ ~ m cf; ~ ~ ~ "CfR ~ 1 ~ fcrcRur if crf I 3fR crf IT ctiW ctr ~ ~ Cl>'t ~ 3tR 3RT ~ cf; ~ fu} 7]1)-, ~ 3ffiTCIT. 31j~C1 ~ 3lR 31j~C1 \11 '1\11 IRllli ctr \111ti&l1 ~ ~ mam=rr ~ /cfAft cf; ifR if Wlro: fcrcRur- rv aiR fcrcRur-V if ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 1J1IT1 1991 Cl>'t \,1'"1 110111 ctr ftrt;rr \11 ~ II 0I '11 ~R:d (t>l3TI cf; Q'ttl (11 (fli( 01 'CflT ~ ~ cnft ~ ii!T 1981 if 3ltRl

CfIf ~ q;;r ~ cti ~ ~ q;l ~ lfAT lim t I 3lmT t fcr; \rCRf tj:;d)~..n ~ m-wrr ~JT3lT q,1 3l'R ~ wmrr fcrcI>m ~ ~ m -q ~~I 1991 ctr \11''1 1101''11 cCr ~ 3WlRr 116Rl'iuf mti 1 am mo\iiOmO -q Q'!Al'!lllct ~ /cnwm /~ ~ ~ 'qX ~ cti ~ '$ ~ tR tll~GlftlCf> fcrq;m ~ W tR ~ ~ ~ ~ I 3mTr t fcr; m f.'\~~ICf>1 3l'R ;mO\jfOmO ~ mofcto ~ ~ 'qX ~ ltlIMCf> 4iW'lI~ ~ -if tll5l11dl ~ CfllTFcI; FclCf>ltlICilCf> '!¢llll~WIl cti fWl mofcro ~ ~ mtr Inll'HPtCf> ~ m«r ~ I ~1~R:Cf> tql /lfcll~lj'j I~ld ftcJ;rt ~ 1fIl1 Pt~~ICf>I/mO\ifOmO ~ cpr m m ~ l'I~"t1q;l ~ ~ 3iR ~31l cti ~ q;l 'tlFcl~IU1'"'1Cf> m l ~ 3tR ~ m tr m ~ TJ"4-g I ~ct ftm) 11<) t I ~ ~ ctr ~. [%U1I~'1 ~ ~ CPT ~ ~ '3'tr 1161'!Rn~1'< (tll+iIR1lCf> ~) ~o cfio,'<'iqctl ctr ~ ~ 3tR ~ ~ tR \i1'"'1 1101"1I/lR WlII01'11 ~ fe"arofr m m 3TtZm;; }I'li17T -q 'ticTtarr cCr 1J<.fi I 1"i$) l1Jlrc;~r'i fcpm I "ll ~ ~ em ~ t ~ ~ q Rll) ,11'1 I -q 3fCAT ~ ~ I

~m~ ~~ 'l1"ffif

Publication of the District Census Handbooks (DCHs) was initiated after the 1951 Census and is continuing since then with some innovations/modifications after each decennial Census. This is the most valuable district level publication brought out by the Census Organisation on behalf of each State Government / Union Territory administration. It inter alia provides datal information on some of the basic demographic and socio-economic characteristics and on the availability of certain important civic amenities /facilities in each village and town of the respective districts. This publication has thus proved to be of immense utility to the planners, administrators, academicians and researchers. The scope of the District Census Handbook was initially confmed certain important census tables on population, economic and socio-cultural aspects as also the Primary Census Abstract (p.C.A.) of each village and town (ward-wise) of the district. The District Census Handbook published after the 1961 Census contained descriptive account of the district, administrativ~ statistics, census tables and Villages and Town Directories including PCA. After the 1971 Census, two parts of the District Census Handbooks (part-A comprising Village and Town Directories and Part-B comprising Village and Town PCA) were released in all the States and Union Territories. The third part-C of the District Census Handbooks comprising administrative statistics and district census tables, which was also to be brought out could not be published in many StateslUTs due to considerable delay in compilation of relevant material. In 1981, some new features alongwith the restructuring of the formats of Village and Town Directory were introduced in the District Census Handbooks. These were published in two parts for each district after the 1981 Census. While part A comprised Village and Town Directories, the PCA of villages and towns (ward­ wise) including Scheduled Caste and Scheduled Tribe PCA upto tahsil/town level were provided in part B. To illustrate, all the ame~ties except electricity were brought together in the Village Directory and if an amenity was not available in the referent village, the distance in broad ranges from the nearest place having such amenity was given. Information on some new items such as adult literacy centres, Primary health sub-centres and Community health workers in the Village were provided so as to meet'Some of the requirements of the Revised Minimum Needs Propammes. Similarly, information on approach to the village was also provided for the first time in the Village Directory so as to give an idea about the number of inaccessible villages in each district. In case of Town Directories also, keeping in view the requirements of the Minimum Needs Programme; a Statement IV -A on slums, was provided so as to enable the planners to chalk out the programmes for providing better civic and other amenities in the slums. In this statement details on civic and other amenities were reported for the slums of Class I and Class II towns. A part from this, one column on the Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes population and another on adult literacy classes / centres were added in Statements IV and V respectively. The manner of presentation of the DCHs for the 1991 Census is by and large the same as followed in 1981. However, the format of PCA has been restructured slightly in the 1991 census for the benefit of data users. Nine-fold industrial classification of main workers has been given as against four-fold industrial classification presented in the 1981 census. In addition to this, the sex-wise population in the 0-6 age-group has also been included in PCA for the first time with a view to enabling data users to compute more realistic literacy rate as all children below 7 years of age have been treated as illiterate at the time of the 1991 Census. It is expected that the above mentioned modifications will help the planners in chalking out more effective developmental programmes. IV

One of the most important innovations in the 1991 Census is the Community Development Block level presentation of data in the Village Directory and PCA instead of the traditional TahsillralukaIPS level presentation. It is expected that the presentation of Village Directory and PCA data at C.D. Block level will help the planners in formulation of micro-level developmental plans, as the C.D. Block is the lowest administrative unit for developmental planning. In order to facilitate the task of administrators, planners and researchers intending to use Village directory/PCA data, either from the magnetic tapes/floppies or from the published records, both the computer and manual codes for each village have been pr~vided for the 1991 Census alongwith the corresponding codes of 1981. This publication is a joint venture of the State GovernmentlUnion Territory administration and Census Organisation. The data have been collected and compiled under the direction of Shri Vijender Paul, Director of Census Operations, Uttar Pradesh on behalf of the State GovernmentlUT administration which has borne the cost of printing. The task of planning, designing and co- ordination of the publication was initiated by Dr. K.P. Ittaman, former Deputy Registrar General (Social Studies) and Shri M.M. Dua, Joint Director. For the sake of unifonnity in presentation of information Idata and for preparation of analytical note depicting the salient features emerging from a micro-level analysis of Census/non-Census data, a model District Census Handbook from each State and Union Territory was thoroughly scrutinised in the Social Studies Division under the guidance of Shri M.K. Jain, the present Deputy Registrar General (S.S.). This task was camed out by Shri A.K. Singh, Deputy Director who was assisted by Shri N.S. Soam., Assistant Director and his staff. Technical guidance in the preparation of the maps was initially provided by Dr. B.K. Roy, former Deputy Registrar General (Map) and later by Mrs. Minati Ghosh, the present Deputy Registrar General (Map). I am. thankful to all those who have contributed to this project.

New Delhi A.R. Nanda June 11, 1992 Registrar General, ~ ~ 'ft ~ 1ft ~ * fcrcnR:r c#r \JfHcpl;ff ~ ~ ~ c#r ~ ~ \Jf1'icpl;ff ., m f?rcl;m * ~ ~ \1ll't ~ ~ xuRlfcf *~ cf> ftr4 'tR1l ~ t 3lfQg tIl4c:>ftf(f>cp ~ ~ ~Cj)ltl4Id ~ *~!ffl1T tg 1ft ~ ~ I ~ ~~ -q ~ ~ ~ 1ft ~ WID ~ fcp ~ ~ cpT"fficp cp ~ ~ -q l'1" ~ cf; tl'il't1R' ~ cR'rcr>T .q ~ ~ ~ I fil;x 1ft 3T~ ~ cfi ~ ~ ~ urI 1ft ~ ~ m, ~ ~ ~ ~ t U1"iti&l1 'lJ"fci fcrsrr;r c#r U1 1'i¢I~ i/S(f tr ~ xmfr t ~ (1~ em 3ltA1'Cf ~ \Jf'ilIUI'i1 ~ tIT fcp ~ cpr tli&lc6'llj ~ tiEl~ -qqi ~ ~ t 3ltA i3ffi'I1lrn ftrRr \J1'i llol1l g'R1~RdCfjI3lT cf; ~ cpr X6T t; ~ Wif 1951 ~ \Jf'illol'il ~ ~ S3TT I ~ ~ 'tI' ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ fcp ~ tg'J qRClct4i cf; ~ ~ \j11l1 ol"i 1 ~ cf; 'i.1CRRf ~q;I~1ct fclx) \iIl'C) -g I ct al?IT 'ft mfl1B ~ un fcp ~ ~ "g I *-~ (~tilqCfj,< ~ ~) 31Cl'ClI,RWf fcIxrr lJ<.IT ~ I ~ ~ ~ cCr tnaRCIT ~ cpT ~ QfcJ~fklct ~ 'tlPi~:qct ~ I ~ ~q;I~I'1'j cf; &m ~ mcm ~ \J1'I'j 4lul"i1 ~ cf; tlfAi~ct ~ m1991 cCr \J1"i llol"i1 cfi ~ "Gfiffi ~ if ~ ftirc;) if fcrfi1;;r 'Q"Cf)R cCr ~ ~ if tlfAi~ct ~ t iIR .q ~ fcrcR'aT ~ '\1IT ~ ~ I ~ iffi m+J PiGltfoft m:rr 1991 cCr \Jf"illol"il t ~ Willol'il 't1R ~ ~ lj~c6'Il4 "Eq /~ if ~ fclx) 'l'fl) ~ I ~ ~ if ~ 3mlTrr * ~ ~ WFIT ~ cR ~ Q~itl"l'jlj ~ ~ fcI;m W "<5T ~ \ill fcI; ~ "3T" om "if" og I 1iI1T "3T" em- m~ if 'i1icr lTm ~ I 3lJlWT I ~ Pi&~Iq;1 ~ CRffi ~ 't'fm 3lJlWT n YflR Pt&~lcpl cf; ~ cpT ~ emIT ~ I mlf ~ ~ PI&~1q;13l1 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~/~ qft fGP+lGI~ ~ mtPR qft ~ ~ dcp1~c6'I ~ ~ 3lR ~ cfi ~ ~ Ut) tpTlf/31j~lji ~litclt!jOI WIT >rcPm'1' \J!Yi 41U111

CI5l1f PI ~~II i.'1 ~, '\iffl"{ ~ cfi 3Rflfc; ~ I 1iI1T ''if'' ~ if 'tt'l'l1R ~ ~ \J1'i j IUHI ~ cfi 3l1tlR ~ ~ 00 ~ ~ 'ffCf) ~ ~ ~ og I ~ Pi~~ili.'1~ if ~ q;r m-ur ~ ~ ~ ~ 'Q1<1, ~ \JI1l[OI'i1 CI5l1f Pi~litllcll4, '\iffl"{ >mr cf; ~ ~ lWf ~ ~ 'i3"Cffi' ~ ~ "tt 3lR ~ fclmr 7J""m ~ I Pi~I\Jf'i om ~-~ cpr CI5l1f 6TO ~o~o ll~cl¥1'i ~ \)q ¥1tl'{fGt~I'{ (ttl¥1lfGtCP ~) m:rr ~ ~o~o ~3lT, ~ ~ '1mT "frtFf f$m 7J(:IT ~ I 5lJ '\FIcfi ~ ri -g I ~ ~oto ~ ~ \)q ¥1tl'{fGt~I'< ~1¥1lfGtCfl 3m) t lfi1f ~ if ~ Pi~litllcll4 ~ VI

~ fcmt 1f<)' ~ ~ ~ ~ Qlo,§ffi1f{l 'qX ~ RU4f{Jllll * 3mlR 'qX ctq,<1',c5) ~ ~ ~!i~t'loll~Cj) ~ 3hr em ~ m ~ ~ ~ ~ \1IT W5f ~ I 'tf ~ ~ ~ tl +l1'iRl::il ~ C)mt ~ iSTO cfto~o xm m ~ \3'tl' ligl'{R;j~I~ (~) &R ~ ~ ~ ~ \?j1i +lgl'{fGt~lx (~) CfiT ~ ~ >rl'{f S31T ~ I qCijtll'! ~ ~ PI~~IIt'\t1 (fj ~ ~ -q fcpm TflIT ~ I 'If ~ ~031'Ro ;p:: ~ Sjgl'{Rn~I'!. ~ ct M ~ ClfcRf CfR"ffi t ~ ~ cfi- ~ ~ ~~ -q ~ 3TT ~ l1lT1 ma m ~ . 'If 31tA- PI~~Ii(.l111 -$ wr ~ ~ 1Cf)~ijIR1I1 q;f ~ ~ t ~ ~ cfi ~. ~ m.rr Rl!iclt'lOI -;r ~ f7Em ~ ~ w.r tr ~ ~ cfi mff '4T ~ ~ -qcj ~ ~ ~ ~ fcIm ~ ~ cfi ~ \itT fcI; ~ ~ ~ ~ll\,llq,(1f ~ l'lq,1!i1'11 em ~ aliq!i(lq,ctl cfi ~ ~ I

~ \;ff. 1996 PREFACE

In the modern era of planning for developmental schemes, information regarding condition of human resoW"ces of an area is of prime consideration not only for determination of suitable strategy of development but also for an assessment of developmental process at mass level. The latter aspect is of considerable importance in view of the fact that huge resoW"ces have been pumped into for enhancement of the ~eople while the resultant benefit accrued to them is found to be either unsatisfactory or shaped into a slip-shod example of unproper implementation. In oW" country the age of planning has heralded dW"ing the fiftees and in the begitming of the ninetees we hear a shift in oW" approach to tackle problems. But whatever is our premises for directing the economy, the knowledge about population dynamics on a regional level is of immense importance. Adhering to the above objective Census Organization being country's sole organization dealing with statistics, has been trying to contribute its share of responsibilities. One of the useful exercise in this connection is the publication of the District Census Handbooks introduced since 1951 Census. This publication is now a regular feature published with some improvements after completion of decennial Censuses. The fact that out of every six Indians, one is from Uttar Pradesh itself reveals the huge population size of the State. The success of Indian planning efforts therefore largely depends upon being it successful in the State ofU.P. It is widely upheld that some of the districts in eastern U.P. are included in areas demarcated as most backward in country. Micro-level (especially district level) approach, should be adopted in planning process to ameliorate the condition of the masses. For the first time the District Census Handbooks data are being presented in both volumes at the C.D. Block level. With a view to educating all by year 2001 A.D. creation of educational infrastructure at primary level has got added impetus. To facilitate district level functionaries sex-wise population in the 0-6 age-group is being presented separately alongwith other details of Primary Census Abstract. This feature would ensUre a clear picture of literacy level in a district too. Through these publications, which are a joint effort of the State Government and Census Organization, now more details about workers engaged in various types of economic activities in a district are being shown in the data presented for 1991 Census. ~e have now stored data in respect ofV.D. and P.C.A. for 1991 Census on the magnetic tapes and floppies. The assistance received in this regard from local NrC Unit of Planning Commission is commendable. The data can now be obtained using nationwide NICNET facilities. It has ensured data users the benefit of computers regarding popUlation figures. In these publications village-wise computer codes are also being indicated for reference. To make still more useful these publications are being provided with usual extra features such as an exhaustive Analytical Note, Important Statistics of the district and some important maps. These publications are being brought out in two parts viz. part A and B. Part A is further divided into two sections. Section I incorporates the Village Directory and Section II contains the Town Directory Statements. The responsibility for collection/supply of data relating to village and town directories is of the State Government while the responsibility of providing technical guidance and printed forms! schedules for collection of data its tabulation analysis and publication rests with the Directorate of Census Operations, U.P. In the Part-B volume general popUlation figures in the form of primary Census Abstracts are provided upto the village and ward level. VII{

In this Directorate, the data was collected and compiled under the direction of Shri Vijender Paul, erstwhile Director of Census Opeations, Uttar Pradesh on behalf of Uttar Pradesh State. The planning and designing of this publication was carried out by Dr. K.P. Ittaman, fonner Deputy Registrar General (Social Studies) and Shri M.M. Dua, Joint Director. We are greatly indebted to them. Under the guidance of Shri M.K. Jain the present Deputy Registrar General (S.S.) the technical compilation and presentation of the "Analytical Note" portion was fmalized on the basis of his comments in regard to the draft submitted for a model district from this Directorate. I am thankful to him, Guidance in matter of preparation ofm.~ps was received from Dr. B.K. Roy, former I Deputy Registrar General (Map) and later by Mrs. Minati Ghosh, the present Deputy Registrar General (Map). In: the map unit of the Directorate this job was carried out accordingly. I place my sincere gratitude to Shri A.R. Nanda, the former Registrar General India for his kind direction without which this publication might not have seen the light of the day. I am thankful to all the officials/officers who have been associated wi~ the collection, compilation and analysis of the data and also to concerned departmental heads for their direct and indirect cooperation extended for collection or supply of data. In the end, I hope that data users will fmd these volumes pertinent to their needs.

Lucknow R.K. SINGH June, 1996 J oint Director _.is

o ::<1: N en a: W:J:!!! Q W w A ~o~Q. a: .... ~O ... - '- =»a:... til E 2i '"

~ L o" L :l ~~~= :

Important Statistics

Sl. No. Characteristics TRUlPMF State District UTTAR PRADESH 1 2 3 4 5

I. Population Total Persons 139112640 1025679 Males 74037145 556432 Females 65075495 469247 Rural Persons 111506725 510199 Males 59197326 274112 Females 52309399 236087 Urban Persons 27605915 515480 Males 14839819 282320 Females 12766096 233160 2. Decennial population growth 34.66 rate during 1981-91 25.48 3. Area (Sq. Kms.) 294411.00 3088.00 4. Density of population Total 473 332.15· (per Sq.km.) Rural 386 176.56 Urban 4927 2598.58 5. Sex Ratio (No. of females per 1000 males) A- General Total 879 843 Rural 884 861 Urban 860 826 B- Scheduled Castes Total 877 851 Important Statistics

Sl. No. Characteristics TRUIPMF State District UTTAR PRADESH DEHRADUN 1 2 3 4 5

Rural 880 846 Urban 854 858 C- Scheduled Tribes Total 914 889 Rural 920 898 Urban 820 684 6. Literacy rate (excluding children in age-group 0-6) A- General Total 41.60 69.50 Rural 55.73 77.95 Urban 25.31 59.26 B- Scheduled Castes Total 26.85 49.38 Rural 40.80 59.91 Urban 10.69 36.63 C- Scheduled Tribes Total 35.70 35.05 Rural 49.95 49.71 Urban 19.86 18.20 7. Percentage of urban population to total population A- General 19.84 50.26 B- Scheduled Castes 11.79 43.78 Xl

Important Statistics _

SI. No. Characteristics TRU/PMF State District UTIAR PRADESH DEHRADUN 2 3 4 5

C- Scheduled Tribes 5.86 3.65 8. Percentage to total pc.pulation A- General (i) Main workers Persons 29.73 32.42 Male 49.31 50.66 Females 7.45 10.80 (ii) Marginal workers Persons 2.47 2.12 Male 0.36 0.58 Females 4.87 3.95 (iii) Non workers Persons 67.80 65.46 Male 5Q.32 48.77 Females 87.68 85.25 B- Scheduled Castes (i) Main workers Persons 32.40 34.52 Male 50.40 51.95 Females 11.87 14.06 (ii) Marginal workers Persons 2.89 0.90 Male 0.40 0.73 Females 5.74 5.60 (iii) Non workers Persons 64.71 63.66 Male 49.20 47.32 Xll

Important Statistics ~

SI. No. Characteristics TRUIPMF State District UTTAR PRADESH DEHRADUN 1 2 3 4 5

Females 82.39 80.35 C- Scheduled Tribes (i) Main workers Persons 35.91 42.42 Male 51.08 54.58 Females 19.30 28.74 (ii) Marginal workers Persons 7.51 1.64 Male 1.96 1.54 Females 13.60 14.82 (iii) Non workers Persons 56.58 46.99 Male 46.96 43.88 Females 67.10 56.44 Break-up of Main workers

(i) Cultivators Persons 22031188 74593 Males 19694430 49268 Females 2336758 25325 (ii) Agricultural Labourers Persons 7833303 31582 Males 6095986 26136 Females (iii) Livestock, forestry, Persons 295687 11192 hunting, )<.Ill Important Statistics

SI. No. Characteristics TRUIPMF State District UTTAR PRADESH DEHRADUN 2 3 4 5

fishing & plantation Males 271073 10091 orchards & allied activities Females 24614 1101 (iv) Mining and quarrying Persons 34598 732 Males 31596 723 Females 3002 9 (v-a) Manufacturing, Persons 997166 2857 Processing, Servicing & Repairs in Males 824861 2276 Household Industry Females 172305 581 (v-b) Manufacturing, Persons 2208369 37719 Processing, Servicing & Repairs in Males 2089293 35248 other Than Household Females 119076 2471 Industry (vi) Constructions Persons 510520 15886 Males 495686 15407 Females 14834 479 (vii) Trade & Commerce Persons 2550858 38956 Males 2480495 37330 XIV

Important Statistics

SI. No. Characteristics TRUIPMF State District UTTAR PRADESH DEHRADUN 1 2 3 4 5

Females 70363 1626 (viii) Transport, Storage & Persons 771226 14769 Communications Males 763530 14518 Females 7696 251 (xi) Other services Persons 4127887 104266 Males 3763427 90870 Females 364460 13396 10. Percentage of Scheduled Persons 21.05 13.40 Castes Population to total population Males 21.07 13.34 Females 21.02 13.47 11. Percentage of Scheduled Persons 0.21 8.20 Tribes Population to total population Males 0.20 8.00 Females 0.21 8.43

12. Number of Households 22377820 191089 13. Number of occupied residential 21407433 189302 Houses 14. Number of tahsils 294 2 15. Number ofC.D. Blocks 884 6 xV

Important Statistics "

SI. No. Characteristics TRUIPMF State District UTTAR PRADESH DEHRADUN 1 2 3 4 5

16. Number ofNyaya Panchayats 8750 39 17. Number of Villages Total 123950 764 Inhabited 112804 746 Uninhabited 11146 18 18. Number of Towns 753 17

Note: The term' General' indicates total including scheduled castes and scheduled tribes' whereever it is used in the District Census Handbook.

1 O ~ u1'i I I'11 ~ 1lFf ~ 'ffCj) ct> ~ cpT ~ m ~ ~Cf)I~ld CfR't c#r ~ w t I 1941 ~ ''ftirr;rr \11"1 1101'11 'tlif&!lc61" ~ ct> 3Rflhl mll ~ ct> ~ ~ ~ 'lWT ~ ~ ~ ~Cf11 ~1t1 fcp<)- l]l} ~ I 1951 ~ ~ m ftrc;rr u1'1 1101"11 g'RlS~C/51 CfiT 'tl1,, 3Rrhr ~ ~ \Jl'1'tiI§aT ~ 'tl1\!~I~i ~ 'tl1\!~lm, 41RcllRct> ~ 3ITg ~ fll"<~llli. fll'1If\n4) ~ fli'Nlffj4) 'tl1\!~1~1' 3fR v11Q"1iCf1 xl 'w~l~rd" ~ ~ ~ 'tliRs;QC/~t 4:g41(.1'1, ~ ~ 3fR ~ ~ ~ ~ 4Id~II(.11 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ fG<) 111) ~I ~ ~ tr 'itffir U1"1*1'&l1 flif{s;QcA1~ld eM 1l1fr ~ I ~ "3l" it 1l1ll ~ ~ ~ cfr 1Tf1T--3R'flT) -qrrIT it JfCflI ~ Id fct;m \itT m t' ~ 'lWT "&" ~ ''if'' I 1WT "&" -q ~: wIT /m c#r 'I?f ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ \11"1 1101"11 ~ ~ ~ l]l} -g, ~ ah:IT ct ~ ~ ~ ~ c#r fliRs;QcClll ~ ~ lJTli" ~ * ~ flljG 1ftl Cf1 fctq;-m ~ ~ 0Cf) fl'1lR1te fcm) ~ tr ~j'1~d ~ / a:tj~d \iR vrrfcl ctT ffiiJlljXiI'l( \ii 'i'ti&l I, ~, ;:ft 3(ldlfllC"f> ern ct 3Rrfu ~: m crr~, ~'11R1Cfl Cf>Tl{ m CI'R'13tR Cf)111 ~ m?i'R1T ct fcrcRur ~ ~ g I 1991 ~ U1'i llol"ll Tf fq1n; \11"l1101"l1311 -$T ~ ~ ~ ~ Tf ~ CfR ~ ~ l]l} ~ I ~ ~~Cffir31T c#r ~lq!l4Cf)dl3lT em ~ if ~ ~. 'TC/?R 'tlljGlftlCf> fcrcprn ~ 1991 c#r \Jl"1 1Iul"1l cf; ~ ctr ~ ~ ~ I ~ ~ it 1981 ci> ~ ~ 1991 ct ~ qfr gc;RT m Tf 'fX't9 ~ m- ~ tl ~ fctcf>m ~ ~ ~ ~ cffr ~ ~ fB;;r ~I XV"

~ ~c:~f~ CfiT ~ 'ctfm fcp ~ ~ '$ ~ ~ ~ ~ i I ~ ~ Vl"lIIUHI3IT cfi fcrtR'ref ~ ~ "f(R tR ~ ~ "$1 3NaTT 1991 "$'I \l'j"PloHI -B 1fTli PI ~fllCf>1 1t ~ cf; 1fT1tur ~ cf> ~ tlljC:I~q; fcrcnm ~ / 1fTli ~ cf; ~ ~ ~ ~ I ~ fll!!Gl~C$ fcrm"m ~ cfi mtIT ctI ~ ~ ~ ~ ~. ~ 1991 ~ 1981 '*t Vl"1 I IUHI3lT II m cfi ~ m ~ ~ cTi ~ ~ /~ qUI,ljwf! -B ~ rnt ~ I 1991 cfi m ~ cfi ~ 1981 r$"CI5l6 ~ ~.m~. crrfcp ~ m G1'"Plul"1l31T.q ~ fctx).m m ctT tffiT.fR CfR ~!cm ~ ~ \iiT ~ I ern- 'll"m "GIl ~ ~ ;:PI,!ql~C$I3IT. ';f'ZR aBrr ~ 'fJTq';fr ~ ~ .m ~. ~ m11 f:1~~ICf>1 '*t 'Wfr ~ flfAi~d -..mT fcm:rr lTm ~ I \ilT'ID11 3TfWp x;;q ~ ~ eT?i ~ 'fltt;r l'Jm t ~ ~ 1WT em ~ XT\iR(f '!TJlT ~ ~ ~ m11 p!a~jC:t>1 ~ ~ ~ .m ~ I tmftt ~ lfllf ~ ~ ~

1. W'Itil1S4l ~ ~ 1991 ~ uHlloHI cf; 3FjX1R ~ m11 cf; ~ ~ 4 -q 1 ~. 1991 cf; ~ '*t G1"l'€i'!:Sll1 em ~ 7l

2. t1~~I~' ~ "$ Sit:I'!ft1~I'! Cf'1

"'l"lR ~<:tl'i~ CfJT ~ ~ P!~~lcpl -ij ~ cfi ~ ~ ~ CI Rlq~ftll$l:3lT -ij I ~ IV 31, V 3TR VI -ij fG<) 1J1l' ~ I

m em ~~cfi ~ ~~~ -rnft ~:- (I) '& ~ ";{TR' ~ ~ mo ~ ~ t 3fR \ill ~ "'flTX ~ cfi 1WT -.:rtt ~, ~ ~ *" qOlijSi'l"1 ~ l) ~ mx ~ fcmrPTm t I (II) ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ m 'cpT \ill -;;m 1"fm ~ I (IV) \jjO'PI OI'11 m cpt '41 Pt~~I¢1 cfi ~ ~ -ij ~ fc»m 1"fm t I 'lT6 '& ~ t un ~ ~ cfi ~ ~, ~ \iwI OI"11 ~ c5 ~ ~ "flTX l=IRT Tfm ~ I

ftrc;IT "$) ~ PI~~IC$lii ..,..m ct; mx i;Ci rf.G ~, ~, ~ i;Ci ~ cf> ~ ~, 1988-89 l) "1JI'l41~¢1 cffr fcrm ~ 1989 '('fq) "$) ~ l[Ci 3RT ~ 'tlRla1ii (~ ~ ~ em '41), ~, ~, Jj;f)~\i1"1I(+1Cfi 3fix 'ftiff{1lcl4'j ~ ~. 1i5IR1t1lcl~, ftRIiT m ~ tcPT ~ ~ c5 ~ -tr 3J"I(:Tf(f-mRr cCr ~ ~ cpl ~ ~ ~ ftR;IT cCr ';:j'lR Pt~~Ic:t>I3IT ~ ~ RlCl'l!fillc:t>laIT ~ ~ 1fm t I XIx.

~ ~ cfi fB"4 p.)kJf<;jRstd ~ -q ~ 11<) ~ 3TtRT<) 11<) ~ I (I) ~ 'tl~~lil' (~-5) m:=r 'if ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ctiT p.)kJiFcPct ~ 6RT ~ 7J'm t I ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 'if ~ l"f4T t :- ~ "lIT ~ ~. ~ ~. ~~. iIffi~. T{Cf ~. T{Cf ~. ~ ~ P ~~~.~61~~cl.~~ M l)~cg~~1'1 "lIT ~ "lIT 61~~cl. H "6lrftrer7T ~ TR $ wemrr q;err /~ AC ~~~ o

(II) III Rf>N11 'tl~~ Iil' (~-6 ) 'IDll 'if ~ RtPcPN11 ~. q;f ffi ~ 6RT ~ 1]"lIT t I IDl1 'if ~ ~ ~ ~ "lIT ~ m ~ ~ ~ ~ cCr 'ffism ~ 'if eft ~ t :- RtPcPN1lcl~ H 11TQ ~ iIffi ~ R MCW ~'!6 MH iIffi~~ CWC ~~~ PHC l ~~ He ~~~ PHS ~'CIlcl~ D ;xx

~m PO

~qTIRm PTO em "'ER TO e:clICfjl'1 ~ Phone

(V) m ci> ~ (~-9) ~ ~ ~ -:l ~ ~ <:IT ~ -q ~ ~ WTffi" t mm ~ T ~ 'flIT ~ I ~ ci> 'Wl ~. ~. 411clCllx. ~. ~. ~ 3TR ~R ~ ~ ~ 1J'"

(VI) ~ (~-1 0)

(VII) 7Jiq if "\il"R cf> fc;r4 11flf (~-11) 7fiq -:l \i'fA ~ +wIT q;T ~ ~ &Rf ~ 1Tm ~ :- ~~ PR ~~ KR ~ ~ lfl7f NR ~~ FP ~ \iRif lfTlf NC \iRif lfTlf (~. ~. ~ ~) NW

(VIII) f.1Cflcct&J ~ (~-12) ~ ~ f.1Cflcdli "l'R q;r 'Wl ~ 1Tm~. 3TR ~ ~ "CflT ~ -:l Fch

~~cf;~~ ED ~q;f4~~ EAG a:R:T 1Olcfr ~ :­ mlf~ lWfCfl cpffq;,,(OI (qrf $ W1f * ~) 1. CR ~ -14) q.; (1) 2. ~ ~ ftffm:f ~-15) q I fd fcI 45 mm 'l"!IT ffir 3.~~-16) ~ ~ (4.1+4.2) 4. ~~~~ ~-17) 1. ~ ~ a:R:T illxl l l18 (3.1) 2. ~ ~ m ~ x1i1lPtld (3.2) 3. ~ "ljTl!T ~ ~ (3.3) XX,)

5.~~~~~-18) 1. ~c(i3lfcrfuRr~~1)~~~(2.1) 2. ~ -c;ti ~ cf> ~ ~ (2.2)

~"*~ Clltdf4Cfl ~ ffir "* ~ .mm cpT ~ ~ am ~ TRIT t :- ~~ GC cg3l'f (#ffi ~) w ~~~ PC cg3l'f (~ ~) . WE ~(~~) TW ~(~~) TWE ~ TK ~ R ~ L ~ WF ~ 0 ~ T ~ f.1~~ICflI Ti ~ ~ cpr fI'l~'(OI -;;fofr 1,00,000 ~ 3TfWP I 50,000 99,999 II 20,000 49,999 III 10,000 19,999 IV 5,000 9,999 V 5,000 ~ Cf)l1 VI X.X\\\

''11' I ~ CJ) Mli!ll fI "1 (fcrcRur I ~-2) '1'R cfi ~ 1roRFf cCr ~ -cp) f.11:;:r ~ &RT fGm 'l1IT t :­ '9<-x \ V

~ PI 'R11 '{ 0 1 tr.&fff (fcrcRur IV 't[Ci IV 31 ~-11 3fR 12) ~ PI 'R11 '! 01 ~ ~ q ~ftilk'1l1 ST ~ PI'R1I,!ul S

Gl q iJTC:' ~ ~ cp)' ~ Gffi ~ l'fm ~:- ~ \11t'lllffif (fcrcRur IV ~-12 31h' 13) ~ \i1 <.'11 gfif $r qCG R! 41 /.moT cf; fB<) f.::f.:I=l'41:rf.f{;j~RsI~d ~ cnr ~ fcl?m '

(~) ~ ~ (~-13) ~tq; OHT ~ \i1&11~11I SR o:R't ~ ~ RG ~ '4'fi't:i1T ~ BWF >1m tcP PT 3l17"'1:t1"l"'1 ~ (fcrcRur IV~ 14) ~ ~ cf; ~ 3l17"'1~1>j"'1 ~ ~ ~ m 'ID' ~ "GW1T t ~ <$ ~ ";flR ct> ~ ~ '"'11ff ~ m ~ ~ cf; f.:I Cf)cM ~ 'T rn+f \jfgf 31 17'1 !t111"'1 -mrr ~ t fGm ffil ~ cf; ~ PI~~{tjt1 ~ tP'i ~ ~ 'nIT t :- H ~'t::jI('111 D tJfurR ~ll)G1'1 ~ FPC ~ ~ /~ ~ ~ / ~ \1ti ~ / HC ~~~~ t)ocfro crJl~C$ TB ~Nli(~~) NH ¢Ri o

~ ~Rt>ffil 4CGRldf ci> ~ P\klrtJRsld ~ q;l 3ltATm lTm t" :- 3I1g4~Cf) A ~ Hom. ~ U ~~~-q~ ~ ~ Rm-rrmt"m ~Rt>ffil"*t ~~ q;l~ ~I ~PcPffil ~ 3i'R ~"*t ~ fqPcPffil ~ cpl ~ ~ ~ m ci> Wl?l

cf;crc;r Cj;"ffi, fcMA ~ ~ ASC ~ L .x...xV t

u o

(II) ~ ~ ~1l{!R1f{t ~ ~ *t ~ ~ 3R{ OQ(N11~CfI 1'I~11ft"l ~ ~ (fcrcRur V ~-10) ~ ~3lT cnT ~ m ~ -.m :g :- SH TYPE 311 ~f<1 fq "([Ct icpur SH., TYPE

~ 0 (III) t:12Nfl$O~1/~uc:,<4'lr:gqc:/~qR:ft'l/~ Ri€llC'lll ~/~/l)~cg<9t~I"'I/ ~ ~ 31'R ~ ~ -qct ~ ~ (~ V~ 11-14) Cl'>eTI V crcP ct> Fc1€lIC'ltl cr>1 ~ Ri€llC'ltl l1Fl1 Tfm ~ I cpen VIII ~ '$ Fc1€lIC'ltl "CfIT ~ ~ m ~ ~. cpen X oq:; "CfIT Pct€llC'ltl -i'\f~~~Ch=-:><9t~~n-=H

~ RiEOlIC'ltl ~ ~ ~ cf; ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~'gl ~ WPR~

~~~~~~~W~~~~~~~I ~ <=rR -q ~ XjFctm ~ ~ t or ~ cfi PiCflcd'1 ~ llq)c:'l II ~ 7J

~q;ef RR


There has been a tradition of collecting and publishing village level data at each Census. In 194i village level statistics were published in separate volumes under the title "DISTRICT CENSUS STATISTICS". In 1951 the District Census Handbook was brought out for the first time with enlarged tabulation plan co~taining general population tables, economic tables, household and age tables, social and cultural tables and data relating to vital statistics, agricultural statistics, livestock, agricultural machinery and implements and primary schools. Besides, a separate publication was also brought out under the title DISTRICT POPULATION STATISTICS having only population figures at village level for rural areas and at townlwardlmohalla level for urban areas. Thus the series of DCH publication which started in 1951 continued to be published in each consecutive Census thereafter. In 1961, DCH was published in a single volume containing 3 parts viz. Part A, B and C. Part A contained Census tables, part B related to official statistics and in part C Village Directory data was presented. Thus both content and coverage of data in DCH publication has been changing from time to time according to requirements of the data users. In 1971 it was published in two separate volumes viz., part A and B, Part A volume contained Village and Town directories while in part B volume Primary Census Abstract was presented. This pattern was followed in 1981 as well. Like wise in 1991 also DCHs are being published in two separate volumes viz., Part A and B. Part A volume contains mainly non-census data on basic amenities available in villages/towns. Village level data alongwith land use statistics have been aggregated at community development block level while for urban areas only town level data have been presented. The tables containing village level data is called Village Directory and the tables containing town level data is called town directory. The non-census data which relate to year 1989-9011990-91 are almost synchronous with 1991 population census. Part B volume contains Primary Census Abstract (PCA) for each village and town alongwith their wards. The PCA gives sex wise total population as returned by population census of 1991 with sex-wise details in respect of Scheduled Caste/Scheduled Tribe, Literates, Main wo{kers by nine industrial categories, Marginal workers and Non-workers. In 1991 Census, there is, a departure from the traditional way of presentation of data. Keeping in view the requirement of the data users, basically those who are involved with the preparation and execution of development plans, the village-wise data have been aggregated at C.D. block level for Part A volume as well in 1991 as against tahsil! village level presentation at previous censuses. Thus C.D. block is the main unit of presentation of data in 1991 Census, Hence, there may be some difficulty in comparing tahsil level infonnation presented for 1981 Census with that of 1991, specially in those cases where C.D. block boundaries are not co-tenninus with tahsil boundary.

SCOPE OF VILLAGE DIRECTORY The village directory as the title connotes presents infonnation pertaining to rural areas of the district at C.D. block / village level as against traditional pattern of presenting villages-wise infonnation at tahsil level in previous Census. For each C.D. block a list of villages serialised by HindilEnglish alphabetical _.xXVlll

order alongwith their location code numbers of 1991 and 1981 censuses has been presented. The rationale of giving 1991 location code alongwith 1981 location code is to facilitate the identification of village for matching information collected at each CeJ1sus. The villages which have been wholly merged in Municipal Boards, Town Areas or Cantonments have not been included in the list. In case of partly merged villages, the remaining rural part of the villages has been treated as independent revenue village and the data have been presented for such villages in the Village Directory. , 'I - However, the villages treated as an outgrowth of an Urban Agglomeration or town are listed in the Village directory but no data are presented against the name of these villages in the Village Directory. The fact that a village is an outgrowth of town is indicated against the name of such village. All these villages are listed in the Primary Census Abstract (rural) without presenting their data for providing cross references, Uninhabited or de-populated villages are listed but only area of the village and land use pattern is given. A note against such ~ village indicates the state of its being depopulated or uninhabited. The village directory brings out some basic information about a village. These data can broadly be classified into the following categories :- I. Population and households Col.4 2. Amenities Cols. 5 to 10 3. Other infrastructural facilities etc. Cols. 11 to 13 4. Total area of the village land use pattern Cols.3 and 14-18

1. POPULATION AND HOUSEHOLD The population of each village as on sun-rise of March 1991, enumerated at the 1991 Census is given in column alongwith number of households in brackets.

2. AMENITIES If an amenity is available within the village, the kind of amenity available is indicated by the code(s) prescribed by the office of the Registrar General, India. Ifnot available dash (-) is indicated and the distance is indicated in ranges. For this purpose three ranges of distance have been formed for presentation of data. These are: (a) below 5 kms. indicated by (-5), (b) 5-10 kms. indicated by (5-10) and (c) 10 kms. and above indicated by (10+).

SCOPE OF TOWN DffiECTORY The Town Directory covers all the towns in a district. The towns are arranged by English alphabetical order. The data are presented in seven statements serially numbered I to IV A, V and VI.

The following mode of listing of towns has been followed :- (i) All the towns having statutory status which are not part of an Urban Agglomeration are listed once in the alphabetical arrangement of the towns. XXIX

(ii) All the towns which are part of an Urban Agglomeration and enjoy independent status of a statutory town are listed twice in the alphabetical arrangement of the towns as well as under the main town of an Urban Agglomeration. However, the data are presented separately only once under the main UA. In alphabetical arrangement a note is given against such towns that they are part of such and such Urban agglomeration. (iii) The outgrowth(s) of a town which do not qualify themselves for being treated as independent town are not listed in the main body of the Directory. Against name/names of the town having outgrowth(s) an asterisk (*) has been placed to in4fcate that the town has outgrowth(s). (iv) Census towns are also listed in the body of Directory. These are the towns which do not enjoy statutory status but are declared towns for the purpose of population census.

Town Directories of the districts give an account of status and growth hist_oTY of towns, location and physical aspects of the towns. Municipal finances during 1988-89, civic and other amenities upto 1989 (as well in notified slums), medical, educational, recreational and cultural facilities by year 1989 and trade commerce, industry and banking activities in year 1989. In this way population and growth rates of towns from 1901 to 1991, density in 1991, sex-ratios during 1971, 1981 and 1991 censuses, rainfall and temperature of the towns, receipts and expenditure in the towns of the district, road length, system of sewerage, number of latrines, method of disposal of night soil, water supply position and electrification, number of telephone connections, number of hospitals, colleges, cinemas etc. and number of banks as well as commodities of imports and exports are enumerated vividly in various statements relating to the town directories of the districts.



The codes used for depicting amenities are explained in the following paras:-

(1) Educational Amenities (Col.S) The type of educational instin:tions located within the villages is represented by the following codes, the number of each of such an institution is given within brackets:-

Primary or Elementary School, Nursery School, - Kindergarten, Pre-basic, pre-primary, Junior basic. P Senior Basic School, Junior High School, Middle School M Matriculation or Secondary, High School H Higher Secondary, Intermediate College, Pre-university. PUC College, (Graduate level and above) C Industrial School I Training School TR Adult Literacy Class ICentre AC Other Educational Institutions 0

(II) Medical Amenities (Col. 6) The availability of medical facilities within the village is indicated by the following codes. The number of institutions located within the village(s) or serving practitioners is given within brackets :- Hosptial H Maternity & Child Welfare Centre MCW Maternity Home MH Child Welfare Centre CWC Primary Health Celltre PHC Health Centre HC Primary Health Sub Centre PHS x-x X\

Dispensary D Family Planning Centre FPC T.B. Clinic TB Nursing Home NH Registered Private Practitioner RP Subsidised Medical Practitioner SMP Community Health Worker CHW Community Health Guide CHG Others O·

(llI) Drinking Water (Col.7) The sources of potable drinking water supply available within the village are denoted by the following codes:- Tap water T Well water W Tank water TK Tube-well water TW Hand Pump HP River water R Fountain F Canal C Lake L Spring S Nallah N Others 0 Infonnation not available NA

(IV) Post and Telegrapb (Col. 8) The post and telegraph facilities available within the villages are indicated by the following codes :- I Post Office IPO I ~ost & Telegraph Office PTO Telegraph Office Telephone Connection

(V) Day or days of the market I hat (CoI.9) If a weekly or bi-weekly market is held within the village, the name of day or days on which it is h,~ld is indicated. The days are indicated by abbreviations viz. Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday and Saturday. If a market is held fortnightly or monthly in a remote village, the, fact is clearly brought out by indicating monthly / fortnightly.

(VI) Communication (Col. 10) If a bus stop or railway station is located within the village or is served by navigable water range, the following codes have been used to indicate the kind of facilities available withln the villages: - Bus Stop BS Railway Station RS Navigable water ways NW

(VII) Approach to the village (Col. II) The approach to the villages is represented by the following codes:-

Pucca Road PR Kachcha Road KR Navigable River NR Foot Path FP Navigable Canal NC Navigable water way (including river, canal, lake water NW

(VIII) Nearest town (Col. 12) The name ofthe nearest town to a village is indicated and the distance is given in Kilometres within bracket. X..xxll\

(IX) Power Supply (Col. 13) The following codes are used for the power supply available within the village:- Electricity for domestic purpose ED Electricity for Agriculture EAG Electricity for other like industrial, commercial etc. EO Electricity for all purpose listed above EA (X) Land use Data Area oftbe village (Col.3) The area of the village is based on village records. Land use classification: The standard classification of land use data is given below :- 1. Forest 2. Not available for cultivation 2.1 Land put to non-agricultural uses 2.2 Barren and uncultivable lands 3. Other uncultivated lands excluding fallow lands 3.1 Permanent pastures and other grazing lands. 3.2 Land under miscellaneous tree crops and groves not included in the net area sown. 3.3 Culturable Waste. 4. Fallow-lands 4.1 Current fallows 4.2 Other fallows 5. Net area sown There is a departure from the standard classification in presentation of land used in village directory. However, both classifications are identifiable with each other as given below :- Village Directory Standard classification (with SI. No. of category) 1. Forest (Col. 14) Forest (1) 2. Irrigated by sources (CaLl 5) Net area sown plus X.xx:.1V

3. Unirrigated (Col. 16) Fallow-lands (4.1 + 4.2) 4. Culturable waste (Col. 17) 1. Permanent pastures and other grazing lands (3.1) 2. Land under miscellaneous crops etc. (3.2) 3. Culturable waste (3.3) 5. Area not available for cultivation 1. Land put to non agricultural uses (2.1) (Co1.18) 2. Barren and uncultivable lands (2.2)

Irrigation by sources The sources of net irrigated area are represented by the following code:- Government Canal GC Well (without electricity) W Private Canal PC Well (with electricity) WE Tube-well (without electricity) TW Tube-well (with electricity) TWE Tank TK River R Lake L Waterfall WF Others 0 Total T

EXPLANATION OF THE CODES USED IN THE TOWN DIRECTORY The important concepts used in the Town Directory are discussed in the following paras:­ Class of Town (Statement 1 col.2) The towns are classified into the following six groups by population size criterion :- Population Class 1,00,000 and above I 50,000-99,999 II 20,000-49,999 III 10,000-19,999 IV 5,000-9,999 V Below 5,000 VI

Civic Administration (Statement 1 co1.2) The civic administration status of a town is indicated by codes explained below: - Municipal Corporation ICorporation M.Corp. Municipal Board M.B. Cantonment Board I Cantonment C.B. Notified Area Committee N.A.C. Town Area Committee T.C. Census Town C.T.

Name of CD Block (Statement I-Col.5) To locate the census town in the appropriate C.D. Block the name of C.D. Block is given. Road Length (Statement IV Co1.6) The total road length within each town is given by the foItowing codes :- I Pucca Road IPR Kachcha Road KR

System of Sewerage /drainage (Statement IV and IV A Col.7) The system of sewerage / drainage are represented by the following codes:- Sewer S Open Surface Drains OSO Box Surface Drains BSO Sylk Drains SO Cesspool Method CO Pit System Pt. . The systems In order of Importance, one followmg the other, are mdlcated In codes . XXXV1

Method of disposal of Night Soil Statement IV and IV-A (col.ll & 12) The various methods of disposal of night soil are indicated by the following codes :- Head Loads HL Baskets B Wheel barrows WB Septic Tank Latrines ST Sewerage S

Two methods, out of the prevailing methods, have been indicated in codes in order of their importance. Protected water supply (Statement IV. Cols. 12 and 13) The following codes are used for indicating protected water supply system/sources. (A) Sources of water supply (col.12) Tube weIll Hand Pump TW Tap Water T Well Water W Tank Water TK

(B) System of Storage (co1.13) Overhead Tank OHT Service Reservoir SR River infiltration gallery RG Bore well pumping system BWP Pressure Tank PT

Fire Fighting Service (Statement IV coL14) 'Yes' is recorded if fire fighting services are available within the town, In case these are not available within the town the name of the nearest place if in the same district or name of nearest district if outside the district where fire fighting services are available is indicated.

Medical Facilities (Statement V col. 4 and 5) The following codes are used for presenting medical facilities:- I Hospital I H ,X...XXVll

Dispensary D Family Planning Centre FPC Health Centre/ Primary health centre/ Primary health sub HC centrel Primary health unit etc. T.B. Clinic TB Nursing Home NH Others 0 To cover various system of medicine, the following procedure has been adopted :-

IA~;c~::~eopathiC IA~OM I

If none of the above codes is"given, an allopathic system of medicine is indicated.

The system of medicine practised and number of institutions are indicated within parenthesis appended to the code representing the type of medical institutions. For example code H(A-l,2), D(Hom.2,U-l) exhibit that there are three hospitals, one Ayurvedic and 2 Allopathic and D (Hom. 2,U-I) represents that, there are two Homoeopathic and one Unani dispensaries.

The information on number of beds in each institution is provided in col.5.

Educational Facilities (Statement V Col.6 and 9) (i) The following codes are used for depicting Arts, Science and Commerce Colleges imparting education of degree level and above:- Arts only A Science only S Commerce only C Arts and Science only AS Arts and Commerce only AC Arts, Science and Commerce only ASC Law L University U Others 0 XXXVII\

(ii) Recognised Shorthand, Typewriting and other vocational training institutions (Satement V Col. 10) These are represented by the following codes ._ Shorthand SH Typewriting I TYPE Shorthand & Typewriting SH.TYPE Others 0

(iii) Higher Secondary/lntermediate/PUClJunior College level/Secondary Matriculation, Junior Secondary and Middle School & Primary SchooL (Statement V.CoL 11-14) Schools upto class V are treated as Primary School. Upto Class VIII these.are treated as Junior Secondary or Middle School. Schools upto Class X are considered as Matriculation or Secondary or High School. Schools or Colleges upto class XI or XII are put in the group of Higher SecondarylIntermediate !Pre-Universityl Junior College etc. Composite schools like middle schools with Primary classes, or secondary school with middle classes, are also included in the number of primary and middle schools respectively. For illustration, there are two primary schools and one middle school with primary classes the number of primary schools are given as three and that of middle school as one even though there are only three educational institution. So also in case of secondary or higher secondary schools. If there are more than on educational institutions, the number is indicated within bracket. If an educational facility is not available within the town, name of the nearest place within the district or name of the district if outside the district where such a facility available is indicated. The distance from the town of such a place is given in Kms. within brackets.

Recreational and cultural facilities Public Libraries including Reading Rooms (Statement V. Col. 2) The following codes are used :- I Public Libraries I ~ . Reading Room .



According to Skunda Purana, Dun formed part of the region called Kedar khand. It was included in the kingdom of Ashoka by the end of the 3rd century B.C. It is revealed by history that for centuries the region formed part of the Garhwal kingdom with some interruption from Rohillas. For about two decades ti111815 it was under the occupation of the Gorkhas. In April 1815 Gorkhas were ousted form Garhwal region and Garhwal was annexed by British. In that year the area now comprising tahsil Dehra Dun was added to district Saharanpur. In 1825, however, it was transferred to the Kumaon Division. In 1828, Dehra Dun and Jaunsar Bhabar were placed under the charge of a separate Deputy Commissioner and in 1829, the Dehra Dun district was transferred from the Kumaon Division to the Meerut Division. In 1842. Dun was attached to and placed under an officer subordinate to the Collector of the district but since 1871 it is being administered as a separate district. In 1668 the district was taken out from Meerut division and included in the newly formed Garhwal division.


The district is named after its chief city Dehra Dun "Dehra" appears to be a corruption of dera signifying a temporary abode or camp. During the reign of Aurangzeb, Ram Rai, Guru of the Udasi Sikhs been ordered by the MughaJ king to retire to the wilderness of the Dun, had pitched his tents here in what is now the Khurbura locality of the town and has also built a temple near Dhanawala. Around there two sites grew up the town popularly known as Dehra. The term dun or doon means the low lands at the foot of a mountain range, and as the bulk of the district lies in such a tract, it justifies the dun part of the name. Another derivation of the term dun is stated to be from Dronashram, stated to be form Dronashram, hermitage of Guru Dronachary of Mahabharata fame, who sojourned for a season in the village of Devara, situated near Dehra to perform his devotions at a lonely spot.

The district is situated in the north -west corner of the state. It is bounded on the north and to some distance in the north-west by the district of Uttar Kashi, in the east by the district Tehri Garhwal and Garhwal and in the south by the district of Saharanpur at its southern tip touching the boundary of district Bijnor. Its western boundary adjoins the Sirmor District of Himanchal Pradesh with the rivers tons and separating two. it lies between 29° 51' and 31° 2' north latitudes and 7~ 35' and 78° 20' east longitudes. With an area of 3088 sq.km. it ranks 53 rd in the State.

Topography and Climate

DehroolW'l can be divided ir. to two district tracts i.e. the montane tract and the sub-montane tract. The montane tract covers whole tahsil of the district and consists entirely of a succession of mountains and gorges and comprises Jaunsar Bhabar. The mountains are very rough with steep slopes. The most important feature of this tract is the ridge which separates the drainage area of Tons on the west from that of Yamuna on the east. Below the mountain tract follows the sub-montane tract, which the famous dun valley bounded by Siwalik hills in the south and outer scrap of the Himalayas in the north. The siwalik (outer and lower ranges of Himalayas) lies at its feet, the outer-scrape of the Himalayas bound it on the north and the sacred Ganga and the Yamuna skirt it on the east and the west respectively. The Ganga enters the district in the eastern Dun at japoban and meandering sout-west goes to Hardwar via Raiwala near . The Yamuna enters the district in Jaunsar and flows southwards for about 32 kms., on the south-east border of the district. Besides Ganga and Yamuna, the other rivers that flow in the district are Asan, Suswa, Tons, Rispana, Bindal and Amalaya.

The climate of the district is generally temperate. It varies greatly from tropical to severe cold depending upon the altitude of the area. The district being hilly, temperature variations due to difference in elevation are considerable. In the hilly regions, the summer is pleasant but in the Dun, the heart is often intense, although not to such degree as in the plains of the adjoining district. The temperature drops below freezing point not only at high altitude but even at places like Dehra Dun during the winters, when the higher peaks are also under snow. The area receives an average annual rainfall of 2073.3mm. Most of the annual rainfall in the district received during the months from June to September, July and August being rainiest.

Flora and fauna

Owing to the variation in altitudes and aspects, the flora of the district vary from tropical to alpine species, different types of forests and varying species of shrubs, climbers and grasses, depending upon the aspect, altitude and soil condition are found in the district.

Sal forests and coniferous forests are predominant in the western part of tahsil Dehra Dun. Chir is the only coniferous species in the old reserved forests of Dehra Dun. Besides other associates of Chir, a few deodar trees are also seen in the district. Wide ranges of sal forest occur in this part of the tahsil. Sal is the main tim ber species and is generally found towards the siwalik ridges. A mixture of miscellaneous species are found in the lower parts.

In the eastern part of tahsil Debra Dun, the flora may be divided into a number of Botanical division mentioned below.

Moist siwalik sal forests

These forests are found in the Motichur and Thano forest ranges. Low quality of sal is found in these forests. The main associates of sal is found in these forests. The main associates of sal are bakli and sain.

Moist bhabar doon sal forests

These forests are found in a large areas in Thano and Barkot forest ranges. Sal is pure in the overwood and its typical associates are sain and dhauri. The underwood growth includes karaunda and chameli.

West Gangetic moist deciduous forests These are found in the Kansro, Barkot, Motichur and Thano forest ranges. These are closed forests from medium to goo4 height. The main associates of Sal and Safed Siris, jhingan, bohera and dhauri.

Sub-montane hill valley forests

These forests are found in Motichur, Barkot and Lachhiwala Forets ranges and consists of evergreen species viz. gular, jamun , safed siris etc..

Dry siwalik sal forests

These forests are found on the higher slopes of Siwaliks in Chakrata tahsil. They occur near the junction of the Tons and the Yarnuna rivers in the neighbourhood of Kalsi. Sal is the predominant species mixed with other associates viz. bakli, sain, inaldu, jhingan etc.

Besides the above, many other types of forests occur in small belts in the plains of the district.

A large variety of mammals and various species of birds, reptiles and fish are found in the district. The chief carnivore found in the district are tigers, panthers and leopards. Tiger is not found in tahsil Chakrata but panthers and leopards are found almost everywhere in the district. The Himalayan black bear is fairly common in deodar and fir forests near Molta and Chambi. A large variety of antelopes are found in those forests. Among them are sambhar, sported deer, hog deer, musk deer and gural. The musk deer frequents steep hills near Mundali and is found above the altitude of 2 100m. Gural is found in the hilly forests of the Ninhar, Bkarna, Batoli and Rekholi forest blocks. The wild cat is also found near Kalsi forest block and preys on birds and poultry. The elephant is the biggest representative of the non-game animals and are seen in the forets of west Dehra Dun division along the Siwalik slopes where they generally come in herds from the Lansdowne side and operate mainly between Karwa pani and Timli.

Nearly, all varieties of birds of the plains are found in the . Black partridge, gray partridge, red jungle sripe, brahumini duck, teal goose, spot bill duck, green pigeon, Chakor partridge, black bulbul, etc. are among the game bird found in the district. The Kaliz is common birds which inhabits areas below 2600m. Chakor is found on rocky slopes throughout Jaunsar Bhabar, the black partridge is sighted upto the altitude of 1800m in grassy shrub patches. The hill partridge or peora and harial are the dwellers of ban forests.

Many well-known European species are also found in the hills. The chief amongst them are thrushes, water ouzel, yellow and pied wagtails, swallows, king-sishers, wood-pieckers, cuckoo, tree-creepers, robins, red starts etc.

The commonest reptile in the district is the harmless dhaman (rat snake) whereas the most poisonous one is the Cobra. King Cobra and python also occur occasionally in these forests.

Fish are found in abundance in the rivers of the district. The most popular varieties offish are karaomch, doongra, mahasher, bhitti, singhi, sua, bam and parhan. Place of Interest

1. Debra Dun

The city, headquarters of the district, is visited by a large number of tourists every year, many of them en-route to . The climate of the city is temperate. Even during summer, it is not so warm at Dehm Dun as in the district south of it. The Forest Research Institute which is world famous for its research work in forestry and is the only institution of its kind in Asia is situated here. Besides, headquarters of the important establishments like the Oil and Natural Gas Commission, Survey of India etc., the Military Academy are also located here. The Gurudwam built by Guru Ram Rai during the reign of Aurangzeb in the Dhamanwala locality of the town is a religious place of eminence. The other places of importance is the Robber's cave situated at a distance of 8 lans. from Dehmdun. The cave is the natural picnic spot surrounded by hills where water suddenly disappears form sight and goes under ground only to reappear after a few yards in the form of a stream. The city has many beautiful rest houses and good hotels to provide accommodation to the tourists. For many years, it has been one of the best known educational centres in northern India. Dehra Dun is well linked by rail and road with Delhi, Bombay Calcutta, Lucknow and Varanasi.

2. Mussoorie

Mussoorie, the queen of hill stations, is famous for its scenic beauty, gay social life and entertainment. The excellent climate makes it an attractive holiday resort. The thronged by holidayers, it vibmtes with quietly and merry-making during the summer season. There are no steep inclines and the more adventurous can undertake enjoyable excursions to various beauty spots in the vicinity. Mussoorie affords glorious views of the night Himalayan peaks.

Kempty falls which are about 11 lans. from the town attract hundreds of people every day. The Bhatt falls are also famous for scenic beauty. Though the tourist here is smaller than that of Kempty yet it is a picnic spot near to the town. Yet another place of interest in the town is the Depot Hill; popularly known as 'Lal Tibba'. It is the highest point in Mussorie and beautiful Himalayan panorama is visible on all clear days from this spot. The Badrinath, Kedarnath, Bandarpoonch, Sri Kantha and Nanda devi peaks can be seen from here. Camel's back hill can be reached by electric trolly. The top commands a very beautiful view both of the hills as well as the valley. On clear days, one can see even the Ganga and the Yamuna from here. Mussoorie is well connected by roads with Dehm Dun, Delhi, Roorkee and Saharanpur. There are some good hotels, recreation clubs and restaurants to cater to the needs of the tourists.

3. Kalsi

Kalsi, situated at a distance of 41 lons. from Dehm Dun is another place of tourist interest, the scenic beauty around Kalsi is picturesque. From the Yamuna upto Kalsi the land on the western back of the river is formed in two successive ledges, each about 30 meteres high. Near the foot of the upper ledge is the kalso stone containing one of Ashoka's edicts.

3. Lakhmandal Lakhmandal is situated on the bank of Yamuna at a distance of 35 kms. from Chakrata and 128 kms. from Dehra Dun. To the antiquarian it provides considerable materials of interest. It contains temples dedicated to Siva, the five Pandava brothers, Parasuram and Kedar. In order to bum the Pandavas, the Kaurvas had built their 'Laksha Grih' (house oflac.). The two remarkably well executed figures in stone of Arjuna and the other ofBhima are available in the villages.

4. Sahasra Dhara

Sahasra Ohara, literally meaning, the thousand fold spring is situated at a distance of 11 kms. from Dehra Dun. The place makes an ideal picnic spot and is of immense attraction to visitor. The water here has a fall of about 9 metres and leaves an incrustation of lime of all its touches. Particles thus accumulating over the centuries have formed a projecting ledge, and a sort of cave, from the roof of which falls a perpetual shower. There is also a sulphur spring in which visitors often take bath. Its water is said to cure skin infections and possess other medicinal properties.

5. Dak Pathar

It is situated amidst scenic surrounding at a distance of 45 kms. north-west of sage Vasishtha to do penance for killing Ravana., the king of Lanka. The town is situated on the right bank of the Ganga at a distance of about 42 kms. from Debra Dun. After the fairs at hardwar, pilgrims no longer deterred by the difficulties of the journey, now visit the place in large numbers. There are scores of ancient temples and ashrams imparting spiritual solace to pilgrim, the important among them being temple of Bharata. Puskar temple, Shatrughan temple, Lakshmana temple, Geeta Bhawan and the Punjab Kshetra.

Administrative Units

There are only two tahsil in the district, Dehra Dun and Chakrata with the headquarters located at Dehra Dun. However, the number of sub-division exceeds that of tahsils. The sub-division Chakrata, which is co-terminus with the tahsil of the same name, Mussoorie, comprising the mountainous part of tahsil of Dehra Dun and Dehra Dun which comprises the valley parts of the tahsil of the same name. There are six development blocks in district. The following table gives the details of administrative units of the district down to village! town level. Table 1 Administrative Units

Sl. No. Name of Tahsil I Development Area in sq. km. Number of- Block Gram Nayay Panchayats Gram Sabhas I Revenue villages I I Total I Inhabited I Towns I 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 1. Chakrata Tahsil 276.02 17 105 357 356 1 (A) Chakrata Block 144.33 9 SO 153 153 1 (B) Kalsi Block 131.69 8 55 204 203 - 2. Dehra Dun Tahsil 1042.28 22 183 386 369 16 (A) Vikas Nagar Block 224.27 5 35 61 58 3 (B) Sahaspur Block 354.54 6 52 120 113 1 (C) Raipur Block 287.94 6 53 129 123 6 (D) Doiwala Block 175.53 5 43 76 75 6

Total District· 3088.00 39 288 743 725 17 ... Excludes forest vIllages



The district is served both by roads and to some extent by rails. Dehra Dun and Rishikesh are the two railway terminals of the northern railway. The length of railway line in Dehra Dun district is 64.50 kms. A national highway does not pass through this district. The district is served by a total length of 1211.71 kms. of roads giving a ratio of 174.63 lans. of road per 100000 population (1988-89), of the total road length, the State Public Works Department manages 943.00 kms. of which State Highway accounts for 154.06 kms. main district roads 148.45 kms. other district roads 516.43 kms and villages roads 124.06 kms. Besides, 268.71 kms. of roads are managed by the local bodies. Drinking water facility in the district per thousand inhabited villages was 950.30 as against state average of 749.61 (1988.89).

The total consumption of electricity amounts to 253.43 million kwh. out of which 175.63 kwh. is for industrial consumption and 37.37 million for domestic consumption. It ranks second amongst the district of the state as far consumption of electricity is concerned.

The gross area irrigated by different means of irrigation amounts to 37309 hectares. Irrigation network includes 270.82 kms. of canals and 288 kms. of guls. The percentage of gross irrigated area to gross cultivable area was 37.86. The gross cultivable area in the district was reported to be 78534 hectares where as the net cultivable area 79796 hectares and the net irrigated area remained to 25721 hectares. 1he percentage of net irrigated area to net cultivable area was 43.01 percent.

Agriculture and allied sector

Agriculture in the Doon Valley is carried on the same way as in the plains, but in the hill areas, it requires hard labour and skill. The facilities for irrigation from canals and rivers are abundant but there is great deficiency of the manure. Cultivation in the hill tract of Dehra Dun tahsil and throughout the Jaunsar bhabar area is of two descriptions, regular and intermittent. The hills, however, contain very little level ground and terraced cultivation is, therefore, the rule. Intermittent cultivation consists of small patches of hill sides cleared of shrubs and grass usually by fire. These patches are cultivated for a year or so and then left fallow both to recuperate and also to enable the coarse grass to grow.

In the district there are two harvests, the Kharif sown in June or little earlier in the hills and reaped in September and October and the rabi sown in October­ November and reaped in March in the plains in April and May in the hills. Paddy is one of the most important Kharif food crops in the district. Many kinds of rice are sown 7

in this area both superior and inferior. The district is famous for its basmati rice. Other important Kharif crops are maize, mandus, jhangora, sonk, urd, kulath, tur (arhar) and sugar cane. Wheat is the principal crop of rabi and is grown in almost all parts of the district. Barley and mustard are other important rabi crops. In 1988-89 the area under forest was 219168 hectares and uncultivable land due to other reasons remained to 1735 hectares.

The important fruits grown in the district are the mango, guava, peach, grape, strawberry, pear, lemon and litchi. Dehra Dun is famous for the litchi. Among vegetables, potato is the most important crop. Potato cultivation in the Mussoorie hills is an old and established occupation. Besides, catering to the needs of the town of the district, a considerable portion of the production of potato is exported to other district of the state. In 1990-91 the production of potato was to the extent of 145776 quintals.

Dehra Dun is distinguished from most other di,tricts in the state by the existence of very large forests chiefly stocked with sal. Forest products play an important role in the economy of the district. Besides, supplying fuel, fodder, bamboos and medicinal herbs, they also yield a variety of products like honey, lac, gum, resin, catechu, wax, horns and hides. The forests account for 219168 hectares of area, giving a percentage of 42.69 of the total area of the district.

Live stock plays an important role in rural areas in raising the income of small scale farms. According to 1988 live stock census, the live stock popUlation stood at 4.50 lakhs. Cows and buffaloes are the main sources of milk, while male cattle are used for ploughing the fields. Sheep and goats are also reared in great number, both for meat and wool. As per 1988 live stock census the number of goats and sheep was 132200 and 60450 respectively. Wool is of immense importance and is used for making home-spun woolen cloth and blankets. The production of milk per milch animal is very low. Action is being taken for the improvement of breed of the cattle. There is ample scope for pOUltry development in the district.

The rivers of the district swarm with fish, the chief being the mahasher which in the Ganga and the Yamuna attains an anormous size, sometimes weighing 36 kgs. to 40 kgs. Other kinds of fish are the tront, saul, chal, giri, rohu, kalabans. Fishing spots for mahasher are at Raiwala on the Ganga and the junction of the Yamuna and the Asan.

Mining Quarrying and Industry

In this district, geology and mineral development work is done by the Uttar Pradesh Mineral Development Corporation and Directorate of Geology and Mining.

Tourist Industry possesses tremendous possibilities of development. On the one had, there are beautiful hill resorts like Queen of Hills - Mussoorie, Chakrata. There are places like Sahasra Dhara, famous for its sulphur springs, religious and ancient places like Rishikesh and Lakhmanda, Dak Pathar- ideal picnic spot and Kalsi-place of historical importance, Ashoka's edict. Many institutions of national importance like the Forest Research Institute, Oil and Natural Gas Commission, Indian Military Academy, Indian Petrol Research Institute and Survey of India etc. are located at Debra Dun which makes it a place of national importance attracting tourists in large numbers.

The number of persons engaged per lac of population in the registered factories was 1130. The per capita gross industrial population in the district was accounted to Rs. 1248.26 during the year 1986-97. There are two heavy industries in the district. The Indian Drugs and Pharmaceuticals Ltd., a Government of India undertaking was established with Soviet collaboration at for manufacturing antibiotics. The Sturdia Chemicals Ltd. which produces calcium carbonate, another heavy industry in the private sector established in 1963. Woolen and synthetic tops, woolen cloth, sugar, cotton, yarn, wheat products, medicines and miniature bulbs are manufactured in seven large scale units. They are Sri Janki Sugar Mills Co. Ltd. Amitash Textile Mills Ltd., Miniatures Bulb Industries of India Ltd., Bengal Immunity Ltd. Doon Valley Combers (P) Ltd. India Woolen Textile Mills (P) Ltd. and Raj Narain Floor Mills Ltd. ' A variety of items are produced in small scale units of industries like dairy, canning and preservation, bakery, chocolate, khandsari, tea, malt, textiles, card board boxes, printing timber goods, steel furniture, liquor, ayurvedic medicines resin and turpentine, tubes, leather products musical instruments- optical lenses, miniature bulbs medical instruments, automobile industry, agricultural implements, utensils and hospital equipments, weigh bridges, sewing machines, metal goods and plaster of paris etc.

In the rural areas of the district a number of cottage and village industries like wool industry, handloom cloth, power loom, durries, tailoring, oil, gur. rice, apiary, baskets, cots and mats, walking sticks, pottery, brick kilns, smithy, leather etc, flourish.

Under the sericulture scheme the Government Control Silk Farm was established at Prem Nagar in the district. The Farm distributes healthy mulberry trees to the silk worm rearers in the district and a good amount is earned from the production of cocoons.


The availability of amenities within easy reach reflects on the infrastructural development of the area. Educational, drinking water, medical, transport and communication and market facilities etc. as available in villages and towns have been reviewed for rural and urban areas separately.

The following table shows the distribution of villages by the availability of amenities.

Table 2 Distribution of villages according to the availability of different amenities

Sl. No. Community No. of inhabited Number (with percentage) of viII ages having one or more of the following amenities development villages Education Medical Drinking water Post & Market! Communication Approach Power block Telegraph hat by pucca supply road 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 1 Chakrata 153 121(79.08)- 153(100.00) 153(100.00) 42(27.45) 2(1.31) 27(17.65) 19(12.42) 117(76.47) 2 Kalsi 203 136(67.00) 203(100.00) 203(100.00) 31(15.27) 8(3.94) 36(17.73) 31(15.27) 188(92.61) 3 58 48(82.76) 58(100.00) 58(100.00) 27(46.55) 3(5.17) 39(67.24) 48(82.76) 58(100.00) 4 Sahaspur 113 79(69.91) 113(99.12) 113(100.00) 25(22.12) 6(5.31 ) 84(74.34) 68(60.18) 112(99.12) 5 Raipur 123 88(71.54) 123(100.00) 123(100.00) 25(20.33) 17(13.82) 50(40.65) 64(52.03) 120(97.56) 6 Doiwala 75 56(74.67) 75(100.00) 75(100.00) 28(37.33) 37(49.33) 50(66.67) 61(81.33) 73(97.33) ... District 725 528(72.00) 724(99.87) 725(100.00) 178(24.00) 73(10.00) 286(39.00) 291(40.00) 688(92.00)

... Excludes forest villages

It is seen from the table that drinking water and medical facilities were available to almost all the villages of the district. At district level, educational facility was available in 72% villages. Among the C.D. blocks, the facility percentage was highest (82.76) in Vikas Nagar and least (67.00) in Kalsi. The availability of post and telegraph services was the highest (46.55) in Vikas Nagar and was almost double as compared to the percentage (24.00) observed for the district. The market / hat facility available at district level was only 10%, whereas it was 49.33 in Doiwala. The reason behind this phenomenon is that Doiwala C.D. Block falls in the plain area of the district, on highway of Haridwar, Dehra Dun-Rishikesh. The communications facility was around only 18% in Chakrata and Kalsi C.D. Blocks, while on the other hand the percentage of this facility varied between 40.65 to 74.34 in other C.D. Block.

Approach to villages by pucca road was the least (12.42 percent) in Chakrata C.D. Block, preceded by Kalsi 15.27. Both these Blocks are having hilly tract. Sahaspur and Raipur are partly on hilly tract and partly in plain areas. The two C.D. Blocks viz. Vikas Nagar and Doiwala are located in plain area, accordingly the percentage of pucca road was the highest, 82.76 and 81.33 respectively. Power supply was available in all the villages of Vikas Nagar C.D. Block. Except Chakrata (76.47), the power supply was available in more than 90 percent of villages in other C.D. Blocks.

Table 3 Proportion of rural population served by different amenities

Sf. Community Development Block Total Popu-Iation of Pro~ortion of Rural Po~ulation served b:t: the ameni~ of No. inhabi-ted viII-ages in Edu-cation Medical Drinking Post & Mame! Commun Apprach Power CD Blocks Water Telegraph /Hat i-cations By pucca Supply roads 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 1 Chakrata 49097 87.71 100.00 100.00 39.41 2.49 21.55 15.06 81.26 2 Kalsi 49514 78.77 100.00 100.00 23.42 9.77 29.03 27.11 94.94 3 Vikas Nagar 87500 97.36 100.00 100.00 69.17 3.80 81.41 93.46 100.00 4 Sahaspur 102315 92.96 100.00 100.00 58.64 16.41 88.91 81.91 100.00 5 Raipur 108088 93.85 100.00 100.00 64.88 44.81 17.83 86.16 99.51 6 Doiwala 102749 94.48 100.00 100.00 74.53 81.28 89.07 95.80 98.32 • DlUd4t 100.00 100.00 59.72 ~3 72.67 93.15.67 91J1BPO 100.00 59.72 31.67 72.67 75.67 97.20 ... Excludes forest villages

At district level 93.31 percent of the rural population is served by educational facility. Barring Chakrata and Kalsi C.D. Blocks the percentage of population served by this facility was more than districts percentage.

As per information available it has been observed that total rural population of the district was served by the facilities of drinking water and medical. The percentage of population served by Post and Telegraph was the highest in Doiwala and Vikas Nagar C.D. Blocks which tall in plain areas. The proportion of rural population served by market / hat was on the higher in Doiwala and Raipur C.D. Blocks as compared to districts percentage of 31.67. It has been observed that in four of the six C.D. Blocks the amenity relating to communications had higher proportion of population served than at district level.

Only 15.06 and 27.11 percent of population served by pucca road in Chakrata and Kalsi C.D. Blocks respectively. The proportion of population covered by power supply was 81.26 or more in four C.D. Blocks and cent per cent in two C.D. Blocks. I ()

Table 4 Distribution of villages not having certain amenities, arranged by distance ranges from the places where these are available

SI. Villages not having the amenity No. of No. of villages where the amenity is not available and available at distance of- -5 Kms. r 5-10 KIns. T lO+K.ms. I Total(Cols. 3-5) 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 Education 190 6 1 197 2 Medical I 0 0 I 3 Post & Telegraph 449 73 25 547 4 MarketlHat 177 194 281 652 5 Communications 265 130 44 439 Excludes forest VIllages

The table 4 shows that 190 villages out of 197 villages where the amenity of education was not available, but it was available at a distance of less than five kilometres. There was only one village where the medical facility was not available but it was available at a distance of less than five kilometres. Out of 547 villages where post and telegraph facility was not available within the village, 449 had this facility at a distance of 5 kms. In 281 out of total 652 villages the facility of market / hat was available at a distance of more than 10 kms. Similarly, in 265 out of total 439 vilages where communication amenity was not available, availed this facility at a distance of less than five kilometres. TableS Distribution of villages according to the distance from the nearest town and availability of different amenities

No. ofInhabited No. ~with Eercenta8e~ of villages having the ameni~ of villages Education Medical Drinking Post & Market I Communica Approach by Power Water Telegraph Hat tions Pucca Road supply

2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 89 76(85.39) 89(100.00) 89(100.00) 36(40.45) 20(22.47) 60(67.42) 68(76.40) 88(98.88) 6-15 258 183(70.93) 258(100.00) 258(100.00) 69(26.74) 43(16.67) 157(60.85) 160(62.02) 255(98.84) 16-50 288 203(70.49) 287(99.65) 288(100.00) 53(18.40) 7(2.43) 47(16.32) 48(16.67) 243(84.38) 51+ 90 66(73.33) 90(100.00) 90(100.00) 20(22.22) 3(3.33) 22(24.44) 15( 16.(7) 82(91.11 ) Unspecified Total'" 725 528(72.83) 724(99.86) 725(100.00) 178(24.55) 73(10.07) 286(39.45) 291(40.14) 668(92.14) *Excludes forest villages If

The table reveals that all the villages have been split into four Categories according to the distance from the nearest town under medical amenity, maximum (288) all villages in the category of 16-50 kilometres while the next largest number (258) fall under 6-15 kilometrs range. Seventy six (85.39) out of 89 villages located at a distance of up to 5 kilometres from the nearest town had the educational amenity.

The amenity of medical and drinking water was available in almost all the villages falling under different distance ranges.

Post and telegraph amenity was available in 178 (24.55) villages of the district. It has been observed the maximum number of 69(26.74) villages having this facility were located with distance category of 6-15 kms. from the town. However, 36 out of 89 villages enjoying this facility depict the highest percentage (40.45) of all the four distance categories from the nearest town.

Among the distance categories the highest percentage of villages having the facility of market / hat 22.47 were situated at a distance of less than five kms. At district level only 10.07 percent of villages possessed the facility of market / hat.

More than sixty percent of villages in the distance ranges of up to 5 kms. and 6-15 kms. had the communication amenity. At district level only 39.45 percent of villages had this amenity.

More than three fourth (76.40 percent) of villages situated at a distance of upto 5 kms and 62.02 percent situated at a distance between 6-15 kms. had the amenity of pucca road for approaching the villages. At district level 40.14 percent of total villages enjoyed this facility. More than 90 percent of villages had at different ranges power supply amenity at district level with 92.14 percent of the total villages had this facility.

Table 6 Distribution of villages according to population range and amenities available

Population No. of No. (with percentage) of villages having the amenity of Range Inhabited Education Medical Drinking Post & Market/Hat Communications Approach by Power supply villages in Water Telegraph Pucca Road each ran e 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 0-499 516 330(63.95) 515(99.81) 516(100.00) 71(13.76) 16(3.10) 136(26.36) 134(25.97) 462(89.53) 500-1999 161 150(93.17) 161(100.00) 161(100.00) 63(39.13) 33(20.50) 105(65.22) 109(67.70) 158(98.14) 2000-4999 34 34(100.00) 34(100.00) 34(100.00) 30(8S.24) 17(50.00) 31(9I.lS) 34(100.00) 34(100.00) 5000+ 14 14(100.00) 14(100.00) 14(100.00) 14(100.00) 7(50.00) 14(100.00) 14(100.00) 14(100.00) Total ... 725 528(72.83) 724(99.86) 725(100.00) 178(24.55) 73(10.07) 286(39.45) 291(40.14) 668(92.14) ... Excludes forest villages In table 6 that all the inhabited villages of the district have been classified into four population categories. The maximum number of villages (516) had their population below 500 persons. The medical and drinking water facility was available in almost all the villages. Under this category 89.53 percent villages had power supply and 63.95 percent educational amenity. Around 26 percentage villages had the facilities of communications and pucca road respectively.

In the next higher population range of 500-1999 there were 161 villages. Following the pattern of villages in other population range the amenities of medical and drinking water were available in almost all villages. The amenity of education and power supply were available in 93.17 and 98.14 respectively. Similarly the amenities of communication and pucca road were available in more than 65 percent villages. The bigger size villages falling under the population range of 2000-4999 were 34 and a total of 14 villages had their population more than 5000 persons. Under both these categories 50% villages had the facility of market I hat. As above table shows that all the 14 villages with more than 5000 population enjoyed all the amenities except market I Hat which is enjoyed by fifty percent villages

Table 7 Distribution of villages according to land use

Sl. No. Community Development Block No. of inhabited Villages Total Area Percentage of Percentage of irrigated cultivable area to area to total cultivable total area area

1 Chakrata 153 14433.46 50.51 20.37 2 Kalsi 203 13168.85 54.32 11.69 3 VikasNagar 58 22426.90 43.40 47.15 4 Sahaspur 113 35454.01 33.31 35.83 5 Raipur 123 28794.19 25.07 28.65 6 Doiwala 75 17553.48 55.87 82.89 10 District 72S 131830.89 40.21 40.25

Cultivable area = Irrigated + Unirrigated area • Excludes forest villages.

This table reveals the land use data at C.D. block and district level. At district level the percentage of cultivable area to total area was 40.21. Similarly the percentage of irrigated area to total cultivable area was 40.25. In C.D. Block Chakrata, Kalsi and Doiwala percentage of cultivable area to total area was more than 50 percent. In Doiwala and Vikas Nagar the percentage of irrigated area to total cultivable area was more than that of the district (40.25) while in the remaining C.D. Blocks the corresponding rates were 11.69 in Kalsi, 20.37 in Chakrata, 28.65 in Raipur and 35.83 in Sahaspur respectively.

Per capita receipt amounted to Rs. 155.62 in the urban areas as against 56.36 per head during 1981 while expenditu~e per capita calculated to Rs. 154.55. Receipts through other sources was Rs. 95.94. Major part of the income was spent on public health and convenience to the tune of Rs. 68.36 per head whereas Public works Rs. 40.77 and general administration Rs. 19.24. The table given below states per capita receipts and expenditure. Table 8 Per capita receipt and expenditure in towns

SI. Class, name & civic status of the Per capita (in Rs.) No. town Receipt Expenditure Total Receipt Receipt Total General Expenditure on Public Expenditure on Other through taxes from all Expenditure administration public health & works public aspects etc. other conveniences Institutions sources 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 IV Adhoiwala C.T. not availlable 2 VI Chakrata Cantt. 724.32 86.59 637.73 690.32 34.69 294.93 77.30 I I 1.54 171.86 3 IV Cantt. 477.74 49.93 427.81 453.47 13.35 178.68 188.71 23.16 49.57 4 VI Dak Pathar C.T. not availlable 5 I Dehra Dun M.B. 118.18 58.24 59.94 125.65 18.96 68.08 23.01 15.60 6 III Dehra Dun Cantt. 345.60 87.95 257.65 342.25 8.02 126.51 115.28 38.33 54.1 I 7 V Doiwala T.A. 49.06 9.49 39.57 33.90 9.43 13.72 10.75 8 VI F.R.! & College Area C.T. not availlable 9 V Harbertpur T.A. 27.73 27.73 30.15 5.31 24.48 0.36 10 VI Landaur Cantt. 268.42 91.16 177.26 235.91 31.30 108.46 84.00 2.06 10.09 11 HI Mussoorie M.B. 345.91 176.86 169.05 366.15 64.91 130.78 126.67 3.16 40.63 12 IV Raipur C.T. not availlable 13 VI Raiwala C.T. not availlable 14 III Rishikesh M.B. 188.20 98.37 89.83 136.82 33.42 47.64 28.95 26.81 15 IV Rishikesh C.T. not availlable 16 IV Vikas Nagar M.B. 211.38 44.73 166.65 221.45 60.19 62.89 75.62 1.81 20.94 17 IV Virbhadra N.A. not availlable Total 155.62 59.68 95.94 154.55 19.24 68.36 40.77 5.24 20.94

The table placed below give details in respect of schools per ten thousand of population in the towns. Table 9 Schools per ten thousand of population in towns

SI.No. Class, name & civic status of the town Number per ten thousand population Higher Secondary InterlPUClJunior Secondary / Junior Secondary/ Primary College Matriculation Middle 2 345 6 IV Adhoiwala C.T. 2.24 2 VI Chakrata Cantt. 2.14 2.14 2.14 6.42 3 IV Clement Town Cantt. 1.65 1.65 2.19 1.65 4 VI Dak Pathar C.T. 0.97 0.97 3.89 1.95 5 I Debra Dun M.B. 0.96 1.22 2.55 4.85 6 III Dehra Dun Cantt. 0.70 0.70 0.93 0.70 7 V Doiwala T.A. 1.34 1.34 6.69 6.69 8 VI F .R.I & College AreaCT 2.12 2.12 2.12 2.12 9 V Harbertpur T.A. 1.17 1.17 1.17 3.52 10 VI Landaur Cantt. 3.44 3.44 3.44 6.88 11 III Mussoorie M.B. 4.49 4.86 6.74 10.85 12 IV Raipur C.T. 1.08 1.62 1.62 2.70 13 VI Raiwala C.T. 2.43 2.43 2.43 2.43 14 III Rishikesh M.B. 0.67 0.67 2.25 6.97 15 IV Rishikesh C.T. 0.89 0.89 0.89 0.89 16 IV Vikas Nagar M.B. 1.82 1.82 2.73 1.82 17 IV Virbhadra N.A. 1.25 1.25 1.25 1.88 Total 1.18 1.36 2.48 4.42

It is evident from the table that there were 4.42 primary schools per ten thousand population as against 2.48 junior secondary/ middle, 1.36 secondary / matriculation and 1.18 higher secondary Ilnter Colleges per ten thousand in the district. Number of primary schools and junior secondary and higher secondary and intcr werc largest in Mussorrie M.B. Is'

The following table gives number of beds available per thousand population in the urban areas of the district.

Table 10 Number of beds in medical institutions per thousand population in towns

Sl. No. Class, name & civic administration Number of beds in medical institution per 1,000 population I status of the town _I 1 2 3 1 IV Adhoiwala C.T. - 2 VI Chakrata CanU. 4.28 3 IV Clement Town CanU. 0.77 4 VI Dak Pathar C. T. 4.87 5 I Dehra Dun M.B. 3.50 6 III Dehra Dun CanU. 0.51 7 V Doiwala T.A. 1.07 8 VI F .R.! & College AreaCT 5.94 9 V Harbertpur T.A. 5.83 10 VI Landaur CanU. 28.21 11 III Mussoorie M.B. 3.97 12 IV Raipur C.T. 3.67 13 VI Raiwala C.T. - 14 III Rishikesh M.B. 0.72 15 IV Rishikesh C.T. - 16 IV Vikas Nagar M.B. 0.55 17 IV Virbhadra N.A. 3.13 Total 2.89

The table 10 reveals that the availability of beds per thousand of population was 2.89. The CanU area of Landaur enjoyed 28.21 beds while it was 4.28 in Chakrata Cantt, Dak Pathar 4.87, Harbertpur 5.83 and FRI and college area 5.94.

The proportion of slum population to total population stood 25.29 persons of the total urban population in the district with density of 4289 persons per sq. km. No other population recorded living in slum in any urban area of the district. This is placed in table II. /6

Table 11 Proportion of slum population in towns

SI. No. Class, name & civic administration status of the town Proportion of slum population to total population of the Density in slums (per Sq. Km.) I I town I 1 2 3 4 1 Dehra Dun M.B. 25.29 4289

The following table presents important commodities imported, manufactured and exported in towns.

Table 12 Most important commodities manufactured, exported and imported in towns

SI. No. Class, name & civic administration status of Most important commodity the town Manufactured I Exported I Imported 1 2 3 4 5 1 IV Adhoiwala C.T. Calcium Calcium Food Grains 2 VI Chakrata Cantt. Furniture Wood Food Grains 3 IV Clement Town Cantt. Soap Soap Food Grains 4 VI Dak Pathar C.T. - - Natural Gas 5 I Debra Dun M.B. Khukari Khukari Wood 6 III Dehra Dun Cantt. Carpet Lime Stone Wheat 7 V Doiwala T .A. Sugar Sugar Food Grain 8 VI F.R.! & College AreaCT - . Food Grain 9 V Harbertpur T.A. Carpet Rice Potato 10 VI Landaur Cantt. . - Food Grains 11 III Mussoorie M.B. Artificial Jewellery Artificial Jewellery Woollen Garment 12 IV Raipur C.T. - - - 13 VI Raiwala C.T. - Wooden Sleeper Grocery 14 III Rishikesh M.B. Calcium Carbonate Plaster of Paris Grocery 15 IV Rishikesh C.T. - - Food Grain 16 IV Vikas Nagar M.B. Tea Leaf Rice Ginger 17 IV Virbhadra NA Medicine Medicines Food Grain

As can be seen from the table that the commodities manufactured in the towns were furniture, soap, medicine, calcium carbonate artificial jewellery and sugar and carpets. These items had been exported to out side district and the items imported included food grains specially rice, natural gas grocery, potato and woollen garments.

lit 17

__a_ " () --;sJTH - I rl zc: I :L J ;m-

V / L-I--.A (j, E - D I )<-/.:3 c_ TO.R.... Y

199 1 ;;RT]1lRT ~991 CENSUS "l'lmawiimt l'1"f.:IITIES M1D

;)lstr~ct Name : Dehradun

llT'! 11 ~ ;;r.HIfif>mt • [.ll'r., 5·10f1l;.-.:ft. ~ IO+f1l;.ll'r. 'Ift~'llfOrtii-q~TJ1i\~1 Amenitles Available - [If not available withIn the vIllage, a dash (-) has been shown in the column and next to it, In brackets, the dlstance in broad ranges VlZ. -5 Kms., 5-10 Kms. and 10+ Kms. of the nearest place where the faCILIty is available has been glven.]

~ llT'! '!iT:W:; '!fT11'!iT¥l ~ ~m -.itm'~ '!i1:5:'- 'ft!qt~tr' ~~"1 OR ~'!iT =111 ~~ ~~''R,'IR. ;;f<'!'lT'T ~~,>3.::.:..-)r :";a.me ot Vi Llag€ T()L3.1 ::lr-ea Total popu- EducatIonal Medical Drinking Water Post and Day (s) of Communicatlons ~::'::'8 of the vll'..age lation and = (Potable) Telegraph market/hat, (Bus stop, '\c. ( lC hectares) number of if any Railway statIon, households ------Water way) ------10

~ r 31 y::~ Ct",c,(.r3ta Tahsil Chakrata :J Bcir=: .:r iJ C. 35 374 P (1) CHW(11 T -(5-10) -(10+) -(5-10) (53)

~ " . .... t;::;c. 97.54 427 P {II CHW(ll T - (-51 -(5-10) -(-5) ( 56)

Bhat_ga::h::... DB.Do 437 P (2) CHW (I) T -(-S) -(5-10) -(-S) (51)

3hagwat 2B.]] 105 P (1) CHW (I) T PO -(5-10) -(5-10) (11)

Serlya :5.90 149 P (1) CHW (1) T -(-5) -(5-10) -(5-10) ( 15)

Megnatll ]8.04 107 P (1) CHW(l) T -(-51 -(5-10) -(5-10) (12 )

Brlnad BastJ..l 164.70 1363 PIl),M(ll,H(l) PHS ( 1) , D ( 1 ) T PO -(5-10) BS (304) PUC (1)

Kuna 170.,7 417 P (1) CHW(l) T -(-51 -(5-10) BS (55)

Bag.l 58.28 242 P (1) CHW(l) T -(5-10) -(5-10) 8S (30)

.v Malndraeh 59.49 318 P (1) CHW (1) T PO -(5-10) as (54 )

Ii :-:ano:' 15.38 156 P (1) ,M (1) CHW(l) T -(5-10) -(10+) BS (29)

12 Chaera 80.13 496 P (1) CHW(I) T -(S-10) - (10+) -(-S) (891

Census ------Dlrectorate, Uttar Pradesh



fqq;m= ~ ~ ,2 CHAKRATA ED 5.00 PCI9.00] 41.00 41.00 5.35 95 GiR1F

,2 CHAKRATA ED 10.00 GCI20.00) 45.00 22_00 0.54 91 fflIm

FP CHAKRATA ED 8.00 GCI3.00) 50.00 47.00 0.05 3 92 ~

FP CHAKRATA ED PCIO.51) 23.49 4.00 0.33 91 ~

FP CHAKRATA ED 8.00 PCIl.OO) 10.00 5.00 1. 90 5 90 ~

,p CHAKRATA ED PCI2.00] 28.00 7.00 1. 04 86 ~

PR CHAKRATA ED, EO PCI1.OO] 94.00 60.00 9.70 80 ~~

PR CHAKRATA ED 100.00 64.00 6.77 82 ~

FP CHAKRATA ED 48.00 8.00 2.28 9 84 iIl'Tt

FP CHAKRATA ED GCI8.00) 31.00 15.00 5.49 10 89 ~ 0

PR CHAKRATA ED RIl.OO] 5.00 8.00 1.38 11 98 ~

FP CHAKRATA ED GC (30.00) 30.00 20.00 0.l3 12 99

14 Koti 45.33 355 P (1) ,M( 1) CHW (1) T PTO,PHONE -15-~O) - ,-5) ( 66)

15· Kanda 78.51 277 P11) CHW 11) T 110+) -(10+) -(5-10) (39)

16 Chhumra 36.42 169 P (1) CHW 11) T -1-5) -15-10) -(5-10) (21)

17 Raigi 80.13 608 P (1) ewc II I , PHS ( lJ T - (-5) - (-5) -(-5) ( 1711

1~ Dersa 49.17 136 PIli CHW(1) T -1-5 ) -15-101 -(5-10) (23)

19 Plvnal 11.70 286 p (2) CHW(1) T -1-5) -15-10) -(5-101 (39)

20 Mundhol 81.82 282 Pill ,M(l) CHW(11 T PO - (5-l01 -(S-:O) (281

21 Kulaha ;] 123.03 418 P (11 CHW(l) T -15-10) -[5-101 -(5-10) (52 )

22 Ranu 111.17 661 p(2) CHW (1) T - (-5) -[5-10) -15-10) (16)

23 Anu 116.96 405 p(l) ,M(l) ewe (1) , PHS ( 1) T PO - (10.) [lS (60)

24 Sainj 151.03 401 P(1) CHW(1) T -(5-10) -[5-10) -15-:0) (54)

25 Pheirij [J 27.11 120 -(-5) CHW(1) T -(-5) - 1-5) 3S (13)

26 Hartal ::J 65.15 714 p(l) ,M(l) MWC (1) ,ewc ( 1) , PHS (1) T PO ::JAIL"! BS (101) O( 1)

27 Tiutad 123.43 362 PIll CHW (1) T -(5-10) -15-~0) -15-10) (45)

28 Chausal 106.84 296 p(l) CHW(l) T -(-5) -(5-10) BS (39)

29 D~rmiqar 97.91 25 1'(1) CHW(l) T PO - I 'J-l 0) BS (8)

30 Pur tad 88.63 332 1'(1) caw (1) T -15-101 -110+) -[5-10) (39)

Census Directorate, Uttar Pradesh 1: 13 14 15 16 17 18 ------F? C H.:".I. KR.;' T .:".I._ PCI2.00) 77.00 24.00 5.46 f.r.:m 13 93

FP CH.>."RA7A ED 29.00 9.00 7.33 'fiiit 14 85

FP CHAKRATA ED 8.10 PC(9.7U 28.73 21.04 10.93 ~ 15 H

FP CHAKRATA ED PC(3.23) 25.00 7.00 1.19 16 85 'fIffi

FP CHAKRATA ED GCI24.00) 35.00 11.00 10.13 \l'ITft 17 84

FP CHAKRATA ED PCl1.00) 32.00 12.00 4.37 m 18 90

FP CHAKRATA 10.00 GCI30.00) 15.00 15.00 7.70 fiI

FP CHAKRATA 20.00 GC(ls.00) 15.00 5.00 17.82 20 92 ~

FP CHAKRATA ED PCIS.OO) 50.00 49.00 16.03 21 88 ~ fP CHAKRATA 10.00 PCIJ2.78) 93.98 26.83 7.58 q 22 90

PR CHAKRATA ED 5.00 PCII0.2S) 66.37 22.07 13.24 23 91 a!"L

FP CHAKARATA ED PCIlS.78) 78.92 57.06 5.27 oPr 24 96

FP CHAKARATA ED 5.00 PC'3.00) 6.00 10.00 3.11 ~ 25 90

PR CHAKRATA ED 15.00 GeI20.00) 5.00 10.00 15.15 W«I1i'I . 26 99

FP CHAKRATA ED PC(23.88) 44.11 45.32 10.12 27 70 ~

PR CHAKRATA ED 73.00 2B.OO 5.B4 ~ 28 SS

PR CHAKRATA ED GeI60.00) 3.00 30.00 4.91 29 92 ~

FP CHAKARATA ED E'C 114. 00) 27.00 41.00 6.63 30 94 ~ .;l-L------_-----_--- 2 3 5 6 B ------_------31 Phanar 188.98 436 Pill ,M(l) D (1) T PO - (10·) - ( -10 ) (50)

32 Bagoor 55.44 302 P(l) CHW (1) T -(5-10) - (10 +) -(-5) (22)

33 Obraser C 26.71 102 -(10+) CHW(l) T -(5-10) -(lOti BS (11)

34 Dirnad 0 116.56 295 Pill CHW(l) T -(-5) -(10+) -(-5) (44 )

35 Bhoot 0 91.46 304 P(l) CHW (1) T - (-5) - (10+) -(5-10) (36)

36 Nimaga 0 71.63 218 P(ll CHW(l) T - (-5) -(10+) - (-5) (25)

37 Chhajad Hartad 0 309.18 410 - (-5) CHW (1) T -(-5) -(10+) - (-5) (51)

38 Bhatar 0 51.39 241 P(l),M(l) ,H(l) PHS(l),D(l),FPC(l) T PO - (10+) - (-5) (43)

39 Bhunar 0 68.80 191 Pill CHW(l) T -(-5) -(10+) - (-5) (26)

40 Kerardei 0 23.06 165 P(l) ,M(l) CHW(l) T PO -(10+) BS (21)

41 Kistur 0 96.32 342 Pill CHW(l) T - (-5) -(10+) - (-5) (39)

42 Sunir 0 22.66 230 P(l) CHW(1) T - (-5) - (10+) -(-5) (24)

43 Sarni 0 56.26 218 P (1) CHW(l) T -(-5) - (l0+) -(-5) (28)

44 Patyuri 0 90.65 222 P (1) ClIW(l) T -(5-10) -(10+) -(5-10) (27)

45 Aithan 0 221.36 469 Pill CHW(l) T -(-5) -(5-10) -(5-10) (611

46 Sana ChUar 0 203.55 929 P(3) ,M(11 ewC(ll. D (1) T PO -(10+) BS (115)

47 Sunoi 0 42.90 35 -(-5) CHW(l) ,. - (5-101 - (10+) - (-5) ( 41

48 Sainj 0 45.33 175 P(l) CHW(l) F -(-5) -(10+) -(5-10) ( IS)

Census Directorate, Uttar Pradesh 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 2 ----~------31 FP CHJl.XARA7.'\ ED 0.81 PC(11.74) 68.79 99.96 7.68 ~ 144

,p CH.!\KRATA GCI3.24) 26.83 15.37 0.00 32 110 ""Ii

PR CHAKRATA ED 2.00 5.00 1. 71 ~ 33 109

,p CH.!\KRATA PCI3.00) 73.00 38.00 2.56 ~ 34 93

F'P CHAKRATA ED PCI1.00) 35.00 40.00 15.46 35 40 'll'f

PR CH.!\KRATA ED PC(23.47) 20.64 22.26 5.26 f.:!1F1T 36 10

F'P CH.!\KRATA ED PCIO.(0) 159.50 131.52 17.76 37 28 ~~

PR CH.!\KRATA ED 36.42 14.35 0.62 38 30 ~

F'P CH.!\KRATA ED 42.09 19.02 7.69 39 35 'fIT\

PR CH.!\KRATA ED 16.99 3.64 2.43 40 73 ~

FP CH.!\KRATA ED PC(7.27) 26.30 36.43 26.32 41 76 ~

FP CH.!\KRATA 17.40 2.43 2.83 42 76 ~

FP CH.!\KRATA PC(1.00) 24.00 21.00 10.26

FP CH.!\KRATA 26.00 59.00 5.65 44 30 ~

FP CliAKRATA 115.00 99.00 7.36 t{aFr 45 32

FP CliAKRATA ED GC(17.00) 108.00 64.00 14.55 ~~ 46 62

FP CliAKRATA PC(2.83) 31.16 6.07 2.84 47 47 ~

FP CliAKRATA 8.00 PC(7.68) 23.47 4.04 2.14 -R 48 44 0 ------2 5 :0 ------49 Kunain 65.56 300 P (1) DUI T -15-10) - r 1 O-r) -(5-10) 138)

50 Kholara 16.60 28 -(5-10) caw (1) F -15-101 - (10 t I - (-5) ( 6)

51' Retad 'J 10.11 57 - (5-101 CIlW{ll F -{5-101 -{10+1 -{-51 (7 )

52 Kharora U 90.24 379 PIl) CHW(l) T PO -(10+) -(-51 (43)

53 Arnarad Jhabrad rJ 89.84 198 -1-5) CHW(l) F -(-5) - (10' I -(-51 121)

54 Dunqri 0 166.32 390 Pill ,M(l) ,H(l) CaW(l) T -(5-10) -(10+) -(5-10) (60)

55 Bhadroli 0 29.95 157 P (1) CHW (1) T PO -(10+) BS (22)

,56 Silaura 0 23.06 246 P(1) CHW(l) T - (-51 -(10+) BS (23)

57 Chaajoi 0 58.28 184 Pill CHW(l) T -(-5) -(10+) - (-5) (21)

58 Dimich iJ 28.74 297 P( 1) CHW( 1) T -(-5) -(10+) -(-5) (24)

59 Penuwa 0 42.49 157 P(l) CHW(l) T -(5-10) -(10+) - (-51 (20)

60 Kawa Khera 0 96.72 189 Pill CHW(l) T -(-5) -(5-10) -(5-10) (18)

61 Thartha 0 118.98 260 - (-5) CHW(1) T -(-5) -(lO+) -1>10) (31)

62 Pinquwa 0 114.94 217 pel) CHW(l) T PO -(10+) -(>10) (25)

63 Kunwa 0 28.14 177 -(-5) CHW(l) F -(-5) -(10+) - (>10) (21)

64 Gorcha 0 36.42 225 P(l) CHW(l) .. -(-5) -(10+1 -(>10) (20)

65 Punig fJ 53.02 150 -(-5) CHW(l) r -(-5) -(10+) -( >10) (11)

66 Kandoi 0 139.91 392 P(ll,M(l) CHW(1) T PO -(10+) -(>10) (71)

------~~~~------.------~-~~------Census Directorate, Uttar Pra 1 ' 13 14 lr) 16 17 18 2

~------. ------_------_------'"" CH ...\:-\~.:! r.~ ED 8.09 GC ll:2. ')5) 35.61 8.09 1.22 ~ 4 ~ lti

,2 CH.~r_,.~.:l.:;:.. 0.81 PC (4 .85) 6.47 3.24 1.23 13TMm 50 40 f'P CHAKRA'I'iI 0.B1 7.28 1. 62 O. ~ () ~ 51 10

C'C} CHAKRATA ED 12.14 GC(20.23) 40.06 14.16 3.65 ~ 52 43

2.84 53 tP CHAKRATA ED 6.07 PC(4.45) 60.30 1-6.18 ~~ 43

,p CHAKRATA ED 16.18 GC(11.73) 86.60 40.47 11. 34 {1m 54 55

?R CHAKRATA ED 4.86 GC(1.21) 19.02 3.24 1. 62 ~ 55 50

F? CHAKRATA ED 14 .56 6.88 1.62 ~ 56 63

tP CHAKRATA ED 2.62 GC(l6.18) 36.02 2.24 1. 22 ~ 57 54

FP CHAKRATA ED 3.24 GC(2.83) 15.78 4.05 2.84 ~ 58 53

FP CflAKRATA 3.24 GC(1.62) 29.94 5.26 2.43 59 50 • FP CHAKRATA 3.64 GC(2.02) 39.66 10.93 40.47

F? CHAKRATA 0.80 PC(8.90) 12.95 73.99 22.34 0ffilT 61 30

tP CHAKRATA 36.42 PC(5.26) 21.84 42.50 8.92 62 29 ~

FP CHAKRATA 2.44 6.07 16.18 4.05 63 37 ~

FP CHAKARATA 2.43 PC (1. 62) 12.95 8.09 11. 33 11lwT 64 37

FP CHAKRATA 4.04 PC(5.661 10.92 20.23 12.17 65 35 'f-!rr

FP CHAKRATA 8.09 PC(3.24) 19.11 60.21 48.16 ~ 66 38

------1-~~- ~~,"3TR~ -. ------~------51 Baiqi ------21.04 7B - (-5'. CHW;;ll , - :'>-10; - \ ;0-'. -, <'.)) ,8)

68 Bagani 76.49 291 P( 1) CRWII) T -(S-IO) - (~~-) -', - (30)

~~ Bula1: 47.75 181 Pll) ,10111) Dill T PO -(lC+1 -I "~\ (49)

70 Vndawa 61. 91 p i.64 11) CHW{l) T -t5-10i - ~,_, 0 ~ J : 2lJ -:"-,0)

71 Bayala 199.10 ,6:) P(21 Cll;; (1) T P8 -( to.) - (:,-"!_)) 194 )

12 Asoi 9Q.2~ 26C Pili CIIW I il T -IS-lei - {10+, -(-'» (391

13 Rajanu 99.56 374 P(l: CllW(t) T -l5-10} -(10+) -1,3-10) (50)

H Ha!'tad Santad 111. 28 318 PI, t\ CWII111 T -1-5) -lle·) -(o-le) (n)

75 Kot.i IOI>.H - 359 Pili ,Mill 0(1) ! PO -\:0-) 3S 148) lb 'Mangt.ad 49.77 185 - I-51 CHWIL} T - 1-5\ -llCh) - \ -5) C.. S;

17 Masak. 203.96 467 Pili CKWill T PO -110+ ) -;5-:'01 (6<)

78 Luhari US.S7 645 PI],) ,Mil) <:we(l} T ~O - (10-; -(-ji I E81

H '1'iona 8LS8 177 P(ll CHW(ll T -(-5) -11:).} ,:!;j (251 gO Jari C 178.06 ]58 PI" I MWC(l) T PO - (10+) ES 141)

81 8ur:aila. 112.51 223 -(-5) CHWC) (10+ } - ~:o +-) -(-:::'1 (20)

82 Jaqthan 111.10 396 P 11) CHW(l) T -(5-101 - 10+) - (S -11)) 150 }

81 Mungad 252.52 667 P(2) CHWI1J T - (- 5 J -(1Ut! - ~ - ') I :,80)

84 Secjala 21.44 122 -(-51 CRW(l\ T - t -S 1 - 110+) -(5-:"0) 115)

------~----~------_----- Census Directorate .. Uttar PradeSh ------1', i.3 ~ I h 16 1-: ------"_ ------':W,,"II'IJ..' :_' 1.,JO GC: -l .l~C) 7.00 9.00 0.04 ~ 67 _~ "

;:;-? CH.\(\~;~.-'\ 2C(C.00) 38.00 34.00 3.~9 'II'Fi'r 68 ::; ~

F? CHA~KATA GC(3.00) 24.00 19.00 1. 75 69 3" ~

FF CHF-.KRl'.TA PC(1.00) 33.00 26.00 1. 91 70 31 ~

?P -:B.:;K~.'!'~_ 19.00 GC(:'6.00) 66.00 86.00 2.10 71 3e ~

C? CHAi«KAT." GC(lO.OO) 30.00 40.00 10.24 72 24 ~

FP CHA,GATA ED 4.00 50.00 40.00 5.56 73 28 <'ifOI.

FP CHAKAATA ED 5.00 PC(1.62) 70.00 30.00 4.66 74 26 ~~

?R CHAKAATA ED 8.00 PC(5.00) 40.00 30.00 3.61 'lftiT 15 29

F"P CHAKAATA ED 2.00 PC(3.64) 20.00 18.00 6.13 76 31 ~

F? CHAKRATA ED 7.00 PC(8.96) SO.OO 70.00 3S.00 77 24 ~

F? CHAKAATA ED 15.00 PCI3.00) 48.00 84.00 28.87 78 21 ~

PR CHAKAATA ED 3.00 GCI5.00) 40.00 30.00 6.58 79 30 ~

PR CHAKRATA ED 10.00 53.00 70.00 45.06 80 15 ~

FP CHAKRATA 10.00 GC(16.00) 26.00 55.00 5.51 81 28 ~

FP CHAKRATA 17.00 PC(2.80) 40.20 51.00 0.10 "I'NR 82 32

FP CHAKRATA ED 8.00 30.00 160.00 54.52 83 15 ~

FP CHAKRATA 4.00 PCI1.00) 6.00 10.00 0.44 84 18 ~

------~ ';$

------~------5 8 "V ------

85 Matiyana 104.00 229 Pill CHW( 1) T - (-5) ~ , - 1 -5 I (27)

86 Dasson 233.10 355 p (1) MWC (11 , PHS (1) ,0 ( 1) T PO - (:'J": t3..3 (40)

87 Haja 281.26 805 P(2) CHW (11 T PO - ( 10 + I '3S (S7 )

88 Oadowa 54.63 155 -(-5) CHW( 11 T - (-5) -(10+1 -(-5) (11)

89 Kitrauli 60.30 159 -(-5) CHW(l) T - (5-10) - (10+) -(S-10) (22)

90 Sunoda 86.20 124 -(-5) CHW(l) T -(-5) - (10+) -(-5) (14 )

91 Kata 105.22 457 - (-5) CHW( 11 T -(-5) - (10+ I BS (71 )

92 Bhoopau ;] 41.68 163 - (-5) RP(ll T -(-5) - (l 0+ I -(-5) ( 16)

93 Matad 20.64 120 -(-5) CHW (l) T -(5-10) - (10+1 - (5-10) (15)

94 Daudha 134.34 354 -(-5) CHW(l) T -(-5) -(10+1 -(-5) (42)

95 Gamari 63.53 204 P (1) CHW(1) T -(5-10) - (10+ I -(5-10) ( 18)

96 Gawala 114.94 393 Pill ,M(l) CHW(l) T - (-5) - (10+) - : -5) ( 43)

.:J 97 Manghgaon 50.58 510 P (1) ,M(l) MWC(1) , D (1) T PO ~ (10 'I ?oS ( 106)

98 Meloth IJ 106.44 480 P (1) CHW rI) T - (-5) - (10+) - (-5) (631

99 Dunawa 54.23 143 - (-5) CHW(1) T - (-5) - (10 _) • [5-10) ( 14)

100 Ma1aitha :::; 184.13 819 PI 1) ,M (1) CHW(l) T PO - (10+) -(-5) (75)

101 Kandar 'l 78.51 261 -(-51 CHW II) T -(5-10) - (10-1 - [5 -1 () I (22)

102 Baniyana 108.48 342 P( 1) CHW (1) T -(5-10) - (lJ-1 -(5-101 (53)

Census Directorate, Uttar Pradesh 2-~ ------_------lj l~ 10 1'; 17 ~ ':3 ------_------_------_------:::-;:c...... :;~~. :- ;~ ED ?C',l.CC; 34.00 40.00 :9.00 ~ 85

? .", :: f'.'"\ ~.'\ :- '\ ED, EO GCr:.()O) 89.00 142.00 0.10 ~ ~6

,-R CH.:l,,,::Z ..'\!' .. \ ED 10.00 PC(35.00) 30.00 135.00 41. 26 ~ 87 10

FP C:H~Q.~.Tp... ED 2.00 PC(2.00) 32.00 18.00 0.63 88 1\1 • ,::;> ::Hi'>:'\:.i....J...·:-A EO 2.00 PC(0.15) 23.85 28.00 6.30 f

FF CHAkRA'!'A ED GC(3.00) 30.00 40.00 13.20 90 Ie ~

?R V!KASNAGAR ED 40.00 41.00 24.22 ififGr 91 64



KR CHAKRATA ED S.OO PC(SO.OO) 50.00 29.34 0.00 ~ 94 18

KR VlKASNAGAR ED PC(20.00) 30.00 13.53 0.00 IT'Iit 95 64

KR CHAKRATA ED GC(6.47) 38.44 64.75 5.28 1J

KR VlKASNAGAR ED 14.00 GC(13.00) 0.00 23.58 0.00 'IWi'iq 97 66

KR VIKASNAGAR ED GC(l.21) 42.49 59.08 3.66 ~ 98 62

FP CH!>'KRATA ED 1.02 PC(0.81) 25.09 25.14 2.17 99 16 ~

FP CHAKRATA ED GC(J2.42) 79.72 70.24 1. 75 ~ 100 14

FP CHAKRATA 101 ED 14.00 PC(28.00) 16.00 1. 99 18.52 ~ 13

FP CHAKRATA 16.00 GC(l.OO) 29.13 12.95 49.40 ~ 102 24 Jo ------_. 103 Manghgaon 100.77 309 ['(1) CHW (1) T - (-s \ (4Z)

104 Mendal 13: .74 335 P (1) ,"I (1) CWC ( 1 ) , J : i) T PO - \:"0": - \ - S ~ (47)

105 Sawara 36.42 385 P (1) CHW(l) T -(-s) -(S-~:J) - (-::) (60)

106 Endro1i 46.54 256 P(2) CHW (1) T -(-5) - (10 t) -(-5) (36)

107 Mohana 200.32 808 P(2) PHS (1) T -(-5) -(5-10) - (-5) (105)

108 Sujao 41.68 196 P (11 CWC (1) , PHS (1) T PO -(5-10) RS (32 )

109 Kurar Khanar Sichar 149.33 462 P(2) CHW (1) T - (-5) -(10+) - (-5) - (68 )

110 Samog , 111.29 319 -(-5) CHW(l) T -(5-10) - (10+) -(-5) (46)

111 Khatuwa 378.38 298 P (1) CHW(l) T -(-5) -(5-10) -(5-10) (43)

112 Kharsi 259.00 886 P(2) CHW(l) T PO - (-5) - (-5) (97 )

113 punaha Po khan 199.91 483 P (1) CHW(l) T -(5-10) -(5-10) 9S (59)

114 Siri Barkoti 97.54 397 P (1) CHW (1) T - (-5) -(-5) - (-s) (50)

115 Rango 72.85 354 P (1) ,M (1) MWC(l),CWC(l),PHS(l) T PO -(5-10) -(5-:0) (51)

116 Bijanu .48.56 329 Pl11 CHW (1) T - (-5) -(-5) - (-5) (41)

117 Birpa IJ 33.59 157 P (1) CHW (1) T - (-5) - (-5) BS (18)

118 Chunnauti 65.96 112 -(-5) CHW(l) T - (-5) -(5-10) -(5-10) (12)

119 Kandidhar 'I 34.00 129 -(-5) CHW 11) T - (-5) -(-5) -(-5) (18)

120 Jogiyou 182.11 769 P(2) ,M(l) ,HI1) RPI1) T PO - (-5) - (-5) (94)

Census Directorate, Uttar Pradesh :6\ ------1: ' , 13 14 15 16 17 2 ------~------~-p CHAK~1..T.~_ ED PC(S.OO) 44.88 28.90 1.99 ~ 103 ~o

FP CH"\KR.-\T.'\ ED PC 112 .00) 40.00 50.00 30.14 ~ 104 Ib

FP CHAKNl.TA ED 12.00 PC (1.00) 9.00 8.00 6. ~ 2

FP CHAKRAT.'\ ED 12.00 PC(1.00) 8.00 15.00 10.54 ~ 106 13

FP CHilKRATA ED 10.00 PC(20.00) 50.00 10.00 50.32 ~ 101 9

FP CHAKRATiI ED PC(1.00) 10.00 30.00 0.68 108 8 ~

FP CHAKRATA ED 22.00 PC(6.00) 80.00 39.00 2.33 109 11 ~~~

FP CHAKRATA ED 12.00 GC 14 .00) 65.00 22.00 8.29

FP CHAKRl'.TA ED 20.00 PC(70.00) 130.00 90.00 68.38 111 41 ~

,p CHAKRATA ED 55.00 PC (50.00) 10.00 115.00 29.00 112 ]9 mm

KR CHAKRATA ED PC(50.00) 40.00 50.00 59.91 113 46 'l'!m 1l1trn fP CHAKRATA E:D PC(4.05) 64.36 24.68 4.45 mu~ 114 41

FP CHAKRATA ED PCllO.OO) 21.00 36.00 5.85 115 40 't11f

,p CHAKRATA ED PC(6.88) 24.69 13.35 3.64 116 38 ~

KR CHAKRATA ED PC (1.22) 20.23 10.92 1. 22 fqrn 111 38

,p CHAKRATA ED ~CI2.02) 36.02 25.50 2.42 118 40 ~

,p CHAKRATA SD ~CIO.41) 24. 4 6 8.71 0.42 ~ 119 37

FP CHAKRATA ED 10.00 GCI30.00) 80.00 60.00 2.11 120 11 ..nnrr

------. 121 ':hanta 65.16 246 P (11 CHW (11 T - (-5) - - 1261

122 Patl 31. 57 169 Pll) CHWI1) T -1-5) - -:;" -\-s) 1181

123 Rawana 63.13 296 P 11) CHW (1) T -1-5) - (-5) -(-5) 134 )

124 Buraswa 191.01 503 PI1) CHW 11) T PO - 15-10) -(S-CO) (66)

125 Mahrawana 61.11 202 PILI ,Mil) PHS (1) ,0 (1) T - (-5) -(5-10: -(5-10) (25)

126 Shirva 103.60 342 Pili CHw (1) T -(5-101 - (5-10) - (5-10) (51)

127 Dawala C 84.99 369 P (1) C!lW(l) T PO -(5-10) -(5-10) (42)

128 Jasta 0 162.68 238 Pil) CHW(1) T -(-5) -(5-10) -(5-10) 122)

129 Kota 124.24 585 PI 1) ,Mil) CHWI1) T PO - 1-5) -1-5) (70)

130 Khabau 74.87 365 P(1) HWC(1),MHCI1),PHSl1) T PO -(5-10) - 1,5-10) (42) D12) ,FPC(l)

131 Mahapuata 45.73 179 P11) CllWI1) T -15-10) -1,0+) - 1>10) (21)

132 Bal.moo 0 40.06 192 P 11) CHW(l) T -1-5) -15-10) -(5-10) (20)

133 Kolaha 40.06 156 P il) CI!W (1) T -1-5) -(10+) - (> 10) " (15)

134 55.85 178 P(l) CHW 11) T - (-5) -(5-10) - (,-10) (17)

135 Silamu 0 56.26 265 P11) CI!WI1) T -1-5) - (-5) - (-s) (30)

136 Rampur Sarana 57.87 198 1"11) CIlWlll T -(-5) -(-51 -(-5) (28)

137 S'lhiya 36.42 180 P11) PIlC(1) T - (-5) -IS-lIl) -(5-101 (23)

138 Bisau r::i 29.14 90 P(1) ,Mil) CHWl11 T -1-5) -15-101 -(5-10) (9)

------Census Directorate, Uttar pradesh ------33 13 14 15 16 18 ------_------?? CEAt...~:.._!L'. ED 10.00 PC{16.DOj 24.00 10.00 S.l6 ~ 121 ~ 1

F? C,J;i.J<.,.;...\T.j, ED 3.00 PC (5 .00) 15.00 8.00 0.57 '!lit 122

~' t.-' CH.'\r.::\..':;'~l\ ED 10.00 GC(10.00) 30.00 10.00 3.13 ~ 123 4

F? CHi'.r(RATA ED 10.00 GC (15.00) 40.00 30.00 96.01 124 ~

~p C!--f;'.K~;:''; ED 5.00 PC(S.OO) 20.00 30.00 1.11 ~ 125 5

FE' CHA~RA:A ED PC(30.00) 40.00 30.00 3.60 fuq\ 126 l8

F? CHl'.KRA':'A ED PC(lO.OO) 30.00 30.00 14.99 127 7 ~

,I" C;{AK;

FP BARKOY ED 4.00 PC(12.00) 95.00 21.00 2.24 q;)a 129 45

,I" CHAKRATA ED 6.00 PC(3.00) 53.00 12.00 0.87 lSqil't 130 :6

FP CHAKRATA ED 2.00 PC(8.00) 20.00 15.00 0.73 ~ 131 11

,p CHAKRATA ED 5.00 PC(S.OO) 20.00 10.00 0.06 132 9 ~

,I" CHAKRATA ED 2.00 30.00 8.00 0.06 ~ 133 12

FP CHAKRATA ED 10.00 PC(lO.OO) 20.00 10.00 5.85 134 9

FP CHAKRATA ED 5.00 PC(2.00) 30.00 19.00 0.26 fu<'Il'{ 135 20

FP CHAKARATA ED PC(7.00) 20.00 20.00 10.87 136 16 ""'l'

FP CHAKRATA ED 5.00 GC(4.00) 11.00 10.00 6.42 137 20 mr

FP CHAKRATA ED PC(S.OO) 20.00 4.00 0.14 r.m\ 138 18 ------~------_------139 Ghanta 81.75 372 P (1) CHW(l) T PO -(5-10~ - ',0-10: 139)

140 Derio 62.32 191 -(-5) CHW (1) T -1-5) -(0-10) -~5-10) 123)

141 Nada 65.56 31B P (1) CHW(l) T PO - (10·) - (> 10) (42)

142 LaW'ari 251.31 882 P(2) CHW(l) T PO - (10 +) -(5-10) ( 99)

143 Bhatar Chhautar 74.06 324 P(ll,M(l) 0(1) T - (-5) - (10+ 1 - (-51 (44)

144 Chhu1tar 34.40 161 P (1) CHW(l) T - (-5) - (10+) - (-5 I (21)

145 Kandoi Bondar 133.55 423 - (-51 CHW(l) T PO - (10+) - (-5) (61)

146 Kandi Chamagata '-" 184.77 562 P (11 CHW(I) T -1-5) - (10+) as (59)

147 Maurhi 46.95 215 -(-5) CHW(l) T -1-5) - (10+) -(-5) (29)

148 Ghaura Pudia 95.91 277 -(-5) CHW(l) T - (-5) -(10+1 - (-3) (571

149 Lakha Mandal :J 39.66 447 P(l),M(l) ,Oil) 0(1) T PO DA:~"{ 9S (84)

150 Guthad 115.75 200 P (I) CHW(l) T - (-5) -(10+1 - (-5 I (25)

151 Megar 26.71 65 -(-51 CHW(l) F - (-5) -(10") -(-5) (6)

152 Myvada C. 185.35 467 P (11 CHW(l) T PO - (10+ I -(5-10) (55)

153 Kuna '1 91. 05 266 P (1) CHW(11 T PO - (10+) -(5-10) (31)

Total : 14433.46 49097 PIl35) ,M(26) MCW(6) ,MH(11 6445 H ( 4 ) , PUC ( 1 ) ewC(8), PHC(l) 0(1) ~HS\1l1,D\16) FPC(2), RP(21 CHW (128) 35-

16 2 ------:,-., ,.... ~ , ." "-,,, !'\ Z., '. ~' S.JO '.''- ~.). ,_ L ! :20.00 30.00 11.75 "ERffi 13,

.. ~: ;..,.::...\"'-..:... -:-~ ED 2 ..')0 ?C: :. 0.00: 30.00 10.00 ;0.32 ~ 140 :::1

;...~ !3:'\R",::r ::25.00 PCIIO.OO) 15.00 17.00 J.'jf) 'lm 141 j,)

E'? RARKC":" ED 10.00 GCleD.DO) 120.00 100.00 1.31 ~ 142 .. u

.. 3A?KC':' ~D 2.00 PC(:O.OO) 40.00 12.00 10.06 ~~ 143 ::''1

?? 19.00 10.00 5.40 144 CHAKRATA ED ~ 3l

,? CHI'.K RP.T 1'. ED 9.00 PCI4.00) 100.00 20.00 0.55 ~oiPa 145 3D


FP CHAKRATA ED 2.00 PCI2.00) 30.00 10.00 2.95 ~ 147 1

KR BARKO'!' ED GCI8.00) 64.00 14.00 9.91 148 24 >mr'lWrr

KR BARKOT ED GC 110.00) 15.00 5.00 9.66 MTm~ 149 23

~D BARKOT ED 15.00 GCISO.OO) 50.00 0.75 0.00 150 :5 ~

,p BARKOT 5.00 PCI1.00) 10.00 0.00 10.71 151 31 ~

FP BARKOT 81.00 PCI2S.00) 50.00 25.00 4.35 fqq;r 152 33

FP BARKOT 20.00 PC 111.00) 20.00 30.00 10.05 153 40 'PT

m-rr : 847.85 GCI587.71),PC(896.12) 5804.89 4726.38 1526.51 R(l.OO) l ; i ! ~ ~ ..

I 99 I "1-!1l1lRT 1991 CENsers or.!~mi t'.MENITIE:S jlND

District Name: Dehradun

lI11!ii~"",~ ·r"llkll11!iimam~:ritkni*",,(·I"i'!11T'fi!;_lI11!"RfJln;iI<:it'Q7~ ~hii';;:-it. mi 10+ fit.

~ lI11!'IiT'IT'l 1:[T'l'IiT'fM 'I>M~ ~ ~'liTqr;ft m>~ 0IT'il"R/m:'f;T mm-~ m-:i. ~ mi"


C.D. Block Kalsl Tahsil Chakrata

:54 Lorll 113.32 365 P(l) ,AC(l) CHW(1) T - (-5) - (5-10) -(5-10) (40)

155 Kothl 104.41 189 P(1) ,AC(1) CHW(l) T PO - (10+) -(>10) (21 )

:"56 Astao 188.19 308 Pill ,AC(l) CHW (I) T -(-5) -(5-10) -(S-10) (29)

lS-=:-' Hoda 3S.62 120 -(-5) CHW (I) T - (-S) -(-S) -(-S) (12)

158 Manqraul.l 86.61 273 Pill ,AC(l) CHW(l) T -(-S) -(-5) -(-S) ( 42)

159 Dakrena 84.99 139 Pill ,Mil) ,0(11 CHW(l) T -(-S) -(5-10) -(5-10) (17 )

160 Kwarana 61. 91 281 P (1) CHW(l) T -(S-10) -(5-10) -(S-10) (29)

161 Thana 200.72 563 P(l) ,Mil) ,H(l) CHWIl) T -(-S) - (-5) BS (19)

162 Tugara 81. 7 S 330 P( I) CHW(l) T PO -(S-10) -IS-10) (35)

163 Kuruwa 168.36 47S P(1) ,M(2) ,AC(lI PHS (1) T PO,PHONE - (10+) BS (S5)

1'T'-l KOtl 21.92 14S 0(1) CHW(l) T -(-S) -(10+) BS (lS)

: 65 B150i 14 .06 2S2 P (1) CHW( 1) T -(-5) -(10+) -(-S) (24 )

Census Directorate, Uttar Pradesh lJ]"q~ . . .. ~~. , ._.r'\.~_ s7

'Illif Vl trI'r

11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 2

~=:- ~ ~:- ~ FP CHKRATA ED 10.00 PCI4.00) 35_00 62_00 2.32 i'ffi;ft 154 8

FP CHAKRATA ED PCIO.80) 2L46 64.76 17.39 '!».it 155 16

KR CHAKRATA 5.00 156 ED PCI3.00) 41.00 135. 00 4.19 ~ 6

FP CHAKRATA ED 2_00 PCILOO) 14.00 16_00 2.62 157 4 ~

FP CHAKRATA ED PCI3.00) 23.00 55.00 5.61 ~ 158 4

FP CHAKRATA ED 5.00 PCI6.00) 23.00 48.00 2.99 ~ 159 8

FE' CHAKRATA ED PCI2.00) 22.00 34.00 3.91 'I

PR CHAKRATA ED 4.00 PC 14 .00) 106_00 72 .00 18.72 CRT 161 4

FE' CHAKRATA ED PCI5.00) 32.00 4LOO 3.75 162 7 ~

PR VIKASNAGAR ED 15.00 RI5.00) 74.00 1LOO 63.36 ~ 163 5

PR CHAKRATA ED 2_00 RI14.00) 9.00 2_00 0.92

KR CHAKRATA ED Fel4.00) 32.00 35.00 3_06 165 14 ~ ------_ ------_------166 Blr-mau 76.89 263 p(ll,!'.en, 0(11 ':' t'O,?HON~ ::.:;-:_'~ , 3::: (28;

167 Ril10: (391

168 Tikari Khera 9.30 55 -(-5) CHW 111 T -15-10) -(5-10,1 -(5-:0) (6)

169 Sainsa 53.42 193 P(l) CHW 111 T -(-5) - \:"'O+-) 3S (201

170 Sainda 90.24 225 P i1 J PHS III T -(5-10) -10-10: 35 (23)

171 Nitala 29.95 181 P (1) CHW III T - (5-10) -10-101 - (-51 (18)

112 Chhatau 75.68 391 P 11) CHW \1\ T -(-5) -10-10) 88 (531

173 Chorkunawa .., 69.61 323 P11) CHW(lJ T PO -15-10) - (-5 J 146)

174 Hayotagari 94.29 512 PI1) ,Dill CHW(1) T -1-5) -(5-10) -(5-101 (58 )

175 Kyawa 72 .44 ISS -1-5) CHW(1) T -1-5) -15-10) as (29)

176 Sibhau 24.69 113 -1-5) CHW(ll T -15-10) -110+) -(5-10) 112)

177 Kattari 39.25 212 P (1) CWC(I) T -(-5) -(10+) - 1-5) 120)

118 Ghingho 53.80 18? 0(1) CHW(1) T -1-5) -1-5) -1-5 I 118)

179 Naqau 59.09 266 P!lI,MI1I MIlC!lI. Oil) T PTO DAIL·{ BS 134 )

180 Makhti 72 .85 279 p(2) ,AC( 11 I?HS(l) f -1-5) -110 ,) as (43)

181 Ratar '~ 25.49 106 - (-0) CHW(l) T -(-5) -110+) - [-5) ( 16)

182 Kuna 42.49 122 1?(1) MWCI1) T - (-5) - I III t) - 1-5) 115)

183 Daqura 61. 51 150 M(l), H(1) ,AC(1) 0(1) T - (-5) -(10+) - 1-5 I (27)

Census Directorate, Uttar Pradesh 39

13 14 1'0 16 17 18

------~ !,\r. :--:,(.'l;"'K.=\T.':I SD petS.DO; 32.00 35.00 4.89 f

:;-::> CH_'\rd;;'.:\TA ED ~C(4 .00) 45.00 46.00 6.18 ~ 167 1';

fP CllAKRATr\ F.D 5.00 4.00 0.30 ~~ 168 ~ t)

PR CHAKRATA ED 31.00 21.00 1. 42 -mu 169 15

?? CHAK?ATA ED R(c.OO) 19.00 58.00 7.24 ~ 170 18

KR CHAKARATA ED PC(1.00) 13.00 14.00 1. 95 ~ 171 10

?R CHAKR..'.TA EA PC(2.00) 49.00 18.00 6.68 .m 172 6

E'~ CHAKAATA EA PC(3.00) 40.00 20.00 6.61 173 8 ~

?~ CflAKAATA ED PC(2.00) 56.00 32.00 4.29 ~ 174 9

,p CflAKRATA ED PC(4.00) 46.00 22.00 0.44 ~ 0 175 10

F~ CflAKRATA PC (0.69) 16.00 6.00 2.00 ~ 176 16

FP CHAKAATA PC(2.00) 24.00 13.00 0.25 ~ 0 177 15

OP CHAKRATA PC(2.00) 26.00 22.00 3.80 ttrerr 178 15

KR CflAKAATA ED PC(6.001 39.00 11.00 3.09 ~ 179 11

?R CHAKRATA EA PC10.851 52.00 14.00 6.00 ~ 180 12

KR CHAKRATA EA 1.00 4.00 20.00 0.49 181 14 ~

FP CHAKRATA ED PC(2.001 26.00 10.00 4.49 182 14 'FIT

KR CHAKRATA ED 7.00 PC (16 .001 18.00 14.00 6.51 183 15 ~ yo -_------_------_---_-_------_------_------_------_------3 6 ':4 _ J ------_------_------_ 184 Mu":iyawa 51. 80 256 P(ll,Mil) CHW(ll T PO - (~:] +-. - (S-::"'J~ (26)

185 ::Johajhusau 57.47 195 0(1) CHW(l) T - (-5) - (lO+1 - (:, - ~;); (201

186 Kaknoi 36.83 151 ~ (1\ CHW(1) T -(5-10) -\:'..0+) -: -'» ( 16)

187 Owanu 72.85 123 P (1) CHW(ll T - (-5) - (10+) - (5-1Gl (20)

188 Bodala 27.92 124 -(-5) CHW(ll T - (-5) -(10+) -(5-1C) (14)

189 Maralha Khokra 35.21 217 P (1) CWC(l) T PO -(10+1 -(5-10) (271

190 Sawai 67.58 352 P (1) CHW(l) T - (-5) - (:0+) - (-5) (35)

191 Tiprara 26.31 121 -(-5) CHW(1) T - (-5) -(10+) - (5-101 (14)

192 Bajau 40.47 219 -(-5) CHW (1) T - (-51 -(10+1 -(-5) (23)

193 Oabaca 74.47 146 -(-5) CHW (11 T - (-5) -[10·) -(5-10: (17)

194 44.92 177 -(-51 CHW[1) T - (-5) - (10+) -(5-101 (171

195 Gangro 91. 05 380 P(ll PHS( 1) T PO -(5-101 -(5-101 (39)

196 Kachta 115.74 390 P(l) ,Mil) CHW 11) T - (-5) -(5-101 -(5-10) (48)

191 Asta 45.33 112 - (-5) CHW 11) T - (-5) -(5-10) -;S-10) (12)

198 Kusyau 28.33 109 -(-5) CHW(ll T - (-51 -(5-101 -(5-101 (14 )

199 Bhunau 14.16 81 -1-5) CHW( 1) T - (-5) -(5-101 -(5-101 (81

200 Khati 74.87 307 Pill ,AClll CHW( 1) T PO -(0-101 -(5-10) (30)

201 Jendo 68.80 245 P( 1) CHW(l1 T - (-5) -(5-101 -(5-101 (29)

census Directorate, Uttar Pradesh ------~------l -~ 14 ' c 16 17 l~ ------'-=:L:":-;::<'.:\ :-:. ------[~C \ 3.00 l 2~ .ca 20.00 ._L~D 11fn

~T' C)'_;\K;_~'!".\ GCIS.OOI 29.00 13.00 10.47 185 20 ~

F'P CHAKA"-.:\'; ..1. GC(:'.OO) 19.00 9.00 6.83 186 "0 ~

?? CH.AK;'.R..,\1iJ. F'ct~O.DO) 24.00 16.00 12.85 187 ::0 ~ 0

,p CHAMR.\TA PC(1.00) 18.00 6.00 2.92 188 18 ~

KR CHAKA."ATA 25.00 8.00 2.21 189 1'1 1ffi'l:T~

E'P CHAKAKATA EA 44.00 17.00 6.58 190 16 ~

FP CHAKARA1'P. EA 1.00 16.00 7.00 2.31 191 16 ~

,p C!lAKAAATA ED 2.00 23.00 10.00 5.47 192 14 ~

FP CHAKARATA ED PC(1.00) 54.00 17.00 2.47 193 30 mom

E"P CIIAKARATA ED 3.00 21.00 17.00 3.92 194 31

FP V.NAGAR ED 4.00 PC(2.00) 64.00 18.00 3.05 195 66 T1itRT

FP V.NAGAR ED PC(l.OO) 92.00 20.00 2.74 196 70 ~

E"P V.NAGAR ED 1.00 PCI2.00) 26.00 14.00 2.33 197 70 3lIt<'IT rp 'I. NAGAR SO 23.00 4.00 1. 33 198 65 ~

FP V.NAGAR ED 5.00 5.00 4.16 199 67 ~

FE' V.NAGAR ED 4.00 PC(ln.oo) 25.00 25.00 10.87 200 68 mID

,p CHAKARATA ED 16.00 PC(2.001 32.00 17 .00 1.80 201 32 ~

------~------.------~------_--- 5 6 ------~------_------l- ~) -lo~ 2(11 ~H~l', :'i T (33)

PO - '. ')-:.:: \ - '\ S-', :): 203 Badt-o.au 39.25 277 POl CHWl11 (291 "

T - (-S I -(~-iQl - ·5<0: '20~ Chirtad 70.01 33) Pili CH" 11: 140 I

T -(-5: -I-51 - 1-5) 205 Ral

T - (-51 -: -5: -;: - '5 \ 206 Umau 42.90 Itl ? 'll CHWlll li3i

C::H~lll ~ - (5-10) 15-10 I -(S-lDl 20' Khunna A~ma.n 55.04 252 Pll) 129)

T 1'0 DAIL·i -15-10) 208 Kyari 41.58 159 E'll) CHI< 111 119)

T -(-51 -(5-1e: -(S-lO) 209 Kandoi 25.09 108 -(-51 CIIWlll (111

T - (-51 -15-l0) -(5-101 210 Dwina 59.1l9 148 - (-51 CII"ll) (16)

T -(-51 -(-5) - :-5: 211 Kwasa 35.21 243 Pili CHW(ll 129)

CHW(l) T - ,:5-101 -(5-10) - 15-10) 212 Chichrar C 17.00 38 P( 11 \;;1

T PO DAlLY as 213 Mundhan 61.,,1 214 !?Ill ,Mil) ,l'>Cl) Dl1; (361

T PC -'5-101 -; 5-:0) 214 Rampur 34.81 12.2 -1-5) orw (1) - (191

T -(-51 -15-10) - 1=-111 215 Sila 6">.">6 182 P(1: CHWl11 -' (511

1 -(-5J - (- 5 i - 1 -5, 216 Bisoi ,- 79.92 311 I?Cl) .AC:ll CHW (l:- 1.391

CliWlll T -1-5) -(.'J-1OJ -:'r:"O; 217 ~8ha.'3a3a 39.25 6) - (-51 (e)

Po - (S-;'CJ -(5-10) 21B Ludhera 31.23 153 1'11) CHWlll r ( l71

CIlW 11) T -(-51 -Io-:O} -(5-101 213 Sa.-s:i.yar. :n.91 46 - (-'.») : 41

-----~------~------~------~------_------_------~---_-----_------c~osus Directorate, Uttar P~adesh ------~------13 1 i :'5 16 17 1 j ------~------202 .. .".: .... ~,.;.l.:.,: ',~ ED 3.00 PC I!. 00) 55.00 :6.00 .~ . a 1 fmiR

F[ CH ..\i'\ .... R...... T,i ED 4.00 pel1.0D) 20.00 12.00 2.25 emit 203 ~o

FP V. N/\G;\H ED PC[2.00) 52.00 14.00 2.01 ~ 204 69

205 ,p V.NAGAR ED 17.00 3.00 0.64 ~ 60

F? V.NI'.GAR ED PC(5.00) 23.00 13 .00 1. 90 ~ 206 69

207 FP V.NAGAR ED PC(1.00) 31.00 20.00 3.04 ~ar.Il!R 62

,p V.NAGAR ED PC(4.00) 19.00 17.00 1.58 m 208 64

FP V.NAGAR ED PC [1.00) 17.00 5.00 2.09 ~ 209 102

,p 'I.NAGAR ED 2.00 32.00 17.00 8.09 fA 0 210 :35

,p V.NAGAR ED 27.00 7.00 1. 21 "I

FP V.NAGAR ED PC(2.00) 11.00 LOa 0.00 ~ 212 60

FP CHAKARATA ED PC(3.00) 42.00 15.00 1. 51 If-'lR 213 30

f'p CHAKARATA ED PC(2.00) 20.00 10.00 2.81 W'fIl' 214 60

FP CHAKARATA ED 2.00 PC (4 .00) 32.00 24.00 3.56 lfu;rr 215 60

FP CHAKARATA ED 3.00 PC(5.00) 50.00 18.00 2.92 Iiml{ 216 60

FP CHAKARATA ED PC (9.00) 17.00 11.00 2.25 ~ 217 66

FP V.NAGAR ED PC(3.00) 12.00 16.00 6.23 ~ 218 65

FP V.NAGAR ED PC(5.00) 14.00 8.00 4.97 ~ 219 63

~~~;~~;~~~------1------______~_\i ______3 :C ------220 Gadol 19.02 112 - (-5: MWC (1) ,MHC (:) , C·NC (1) T - (-5) - '~- 1- ~: -\5-LQ (11) PHS (I)

221 L.ac::hchha 65.15 207 ?(2) ,M(ll ,H (1) He (i) T -(-5) -(-5) - (-:,) (33) PUC(l)

222 Chila 14.57 so -(-5) CHW (1) T -(5-10) -(~-1(]) -(5-10) (5 )

223 Banto 72 .85 gO -1-5) CHW (1) T - (-5) -(5-10) -(-5) ( 111

224 Binau 48.16 95 -(-5) CHW (11 T -(-5) -(5-10) -(-5) (10)

225 Uprauli 78.92 350 P (1) CHW \l) T -\-5) -(0-10) - 15-10) (36)

226 Rari 48.79 186 -(-5) CHW(l) T,N -(-5) -(5-10) - (-5) (16)

227 Udaipalta 229.45 672 P (I) CHW(l) T - (5-10) - (5-10) - (5-10) (95)

228 Bori 33.59 128 P 11) CHW (1) T -(-5) -(-5) - (-5) (13)

229 That yo 35.21 147 -(-5) CHW (1) T -(-5) - (5-10) -(5-10) (12)

230 Phatyo 42.09 170 Pill CHW(l) T -(-5) -15-10) -(5-10) (18)

231 l'at.a 23.87 87 P(l) CHW (11 T -(-5) -(5-10) -(5-101 (8)

232 Kurauli 33.19 220 Pill CHW (II T -(5-10) - (5-10) -(5-10) (17 I

233 Nevi C 47 .35 908 -(-5) CHW (l) T - (-5) -(-5) - (-5) (133)

234 Khatasa ~ 24.28 100 !? (1) CHW(l) F -(-5) -(-5) -(-51 Ill)

23:> Jhuso Bhakero 35.21 159 - (-5) CHW(ll T,N -(-51 -(5-10) -(5-101 (15)

236 !chhala 44.11 187 P(l) CHW(l} T,N -1-5) -(5-101 -(5-101 (17 )

237 Barnrar 'J 16.60 101 -(-5) CHW (1) T,N -(-51 -(5-10) -(5-10) 181

Census Directocate, Uttar Pradesh 13 ,4 l5 16 17 1'3

'.~D '/. N,:1C;'.r\ ED 3.00 12.00 3.00 1. 02 ~ 220 cO

?? 'v' .~r\l;AR ED 6.00 30.00 19.00 10.15 <'IT'

,p V. NAGi'.R ED 11.00 3.00 0.57 ;;iR;rr 222 ""

,p 'I. NAGi'.R ED PCIZO.OO) 42.00 9.00 1. 85 iRfr 223 31

r.'~ '/. NAGc'\R ED PCIZ.OO) 25.00 20.00 1.16 f.R't 224 34

,p V.NAGAR ED 2.00 55.00 20.00 1.92 ~ 225 33

FP V.NAGAR ED FCI1.00) 27.00 18.00 2.79 wft 226 33

?p V.Ni'.GAR ED 6.00 PC(20.00) 108.00 90.00 5.45 ~ 227 29

,p V.NAGAR ED 10.00 18.00 5.59 omT 228 31

FP V.NAGAR ED 3.00 20.00 9.00 3.21 ~ 229 34

,p V.NAGAR ED 2.00 14 .00 18.00 8.09 ~ 230 34

,p V.NAGAR ED 14. DO 8.00 1.87 'lRJ 231 32

FP V.NAGAR ED 22.00 9.00 2.19 232 33 ~

,p V.NAGAR ED FCI1.00) 19.00 19.00 8.35 *it 233 29

FP V.NAGAR ED 16.00 7.00 1.28 1901lIT 234 31

FP VlKASNAGAR ED 12.00 12.00 8.00 3.21 235 32 ~~

,p V.NAGAR ED 2.00 14.00 24.00 4.11 WTMT 236 34

FP V.NAGAR ED 10.00 4.00 2.60 237 33 ~ 3 ------_------23'9 Amta 45.73 195 Pill CHW (1) T -(-5) - ,:;-.:.- - .- (17)

239 SamaLta Dadau11 187.78 667 Pill ,M(l) ,H(l) MWC ( 1) , PHC ( 1) T PTa -(-5; 0, (114) PIJC! 1)

240 Panuwa 113.32 455 P (1) CHW (1) T,N -(-5) -15-,:' -;s-:..o: ( 36)

241 Malaitha 57.47 132 P (I) CHW (1) T -1-5) -IS-1C} -(::-:"0: (14 )

242 Badanu 72.43 219 PI 1) CHW(1) T -1-<;) -:s-:~, - (5-1..0) (20)

243 Datanu 65.97 180 -(-5) CHW (1) T PTa - (S-:_ 'J 1 -15-10) (171

244 Gadaiata 73.26 160 -(-5) CHW (1) T -(-5) -15-10: -(5-10) ( 12)

245 Basaha 76.49 162 P (11 ,M(l) PHS (1) T -15-10) -(10+) -(>lOI 124)

246 Masrad 65.97 204 Pill CHW (1) T -(5-10) -{lO+) -1>10) (23)

247 Mathyau 77.30 211 Pill CHW (1) T - (5-10) - (10.) -(>!.O) (20)

248 Lalau 77.30 158 P(1) CHW(1) T -15-10) -(10') -(>10) (14 )

249 Hamarau 49.37 117 -(-5) CHW(l) T -(5-10: - (10') -I>~OJ (13)

250 Gothan Joshi 136.79 264 P(l) CHW (1) T -(5-10) -110+) -(>10) (28)

251 Jamuwa 55.04 162 P11) ,ACll) ,all) CHW (1) C (10+) -(10+) as (20)

252 Hajta 175.63 445 P(l) ,AC(2) ,0(1) CHW (11 E" -1-5) -1-5) - ~ - S) 155)

253 Naraya 134.36 364 P11) ,AC(2) PHS(l) T PO -110+ ) 8,S (44)

254 Khamrauli Chlmau 10 1. 58 561 P (1) ,AC (4) CHW (1) f" PO - (10+) -(-5) (54 )

255 Boha 60.71 331 P(l) ,AC(l) CHW(l) T -1-5) - (10+) as (36)

Census Directorate, Uttar P~adesh 1 ' 13 16 17 ------~~ '~'l :-...:..:; l'i.'"\l~"":<" ED 3.00 ::8.00 1:.00 2.73 3!J:InT 238 3';

~ l' \', N:\('l\R ED 3.00 rc ( ,3. ,)0: 125.00 44.00 2.78 ~~ 239 31

Fr v. :--;\\~/\R ED 5.00 PC(O. 4, I 88.59 18.00 1. 32 240 ~ 3 ~

,? V.NAGAR ED pC(l.OO) 26.00 25.00 5.47 ~ 241 3]

FF v .~.';GAR ED 60.00 5.00 7.43 242 35 ~

Ft-' V.NAGAR ED PC (1.001 39.00 15.00 10.97 243 76 ~

F? V.NAGAR ED PC(3.00) 57.00 10.00 3.26 %TI 244 37

rP V.NAGAR ED 4.00 GC(3.00) 56.00 10.00 3.49 ~ 245 39

'-P V.N.'>.GAR ED 2.00 PC (2 .00) 26.00 30.00 5.97 ~ 246 39

F? V.NAGAR ED 3.00 PC(l.OO) 35.00 33.00 5.30 ~ 247 42

FP V.NAGAR ED 35.00 40.00 2.30 ~ 248 39

F? V.NAGAR ED 3.00 GC(5.00) 22.00 16.00 3.37 ~ 249 40

FP V.NAGAR ED 2.00 GC(6.00) 65.00 59.00 4.79 ~"Ilm 250 40

PR V.NAGAR ED PC(3.00) 27.00 22.00 3.04 251 45 "1fIICIT

FP PC(2.00) V.NAGAR ED 3.00 98.00 68.00 4.63 ~ 252 48

PH V.NAGAR ED 2.00 PC(6.00) 63.00 6.00 57.36 "'Ri'IT 253 46

,p V.NAGAR ED 6.00 PC(25.DO) 20.00 42.00 8.58 ~f"q'r 254 41

PR V.NAGAR ED 8.00 16.00 28.00 8.71 255 , F? 44 ~ Lt<6' ------_-----_------3 c 6 ------_------250 3alja 53.94 320 P(1) ,AC(l1 ,Oil) CHW III F - (-=ll - ( ~,-n ... 1 3S 131 )

257 KDthatarh 14 3.66 501 P(1) ,AC(1) ,0(1) CHW (l) T - (-5) - (5-:0) 33 (45 )

258 Timara 57.41 290 PIl) ,M(l) CHW(l) T -15-10) -(5-10) - (-5) (27 )

259 lJ..rra 14.87 330 Ptl) CHW (1) T (10+ I - 110+) -1-5) (36)

260 Oilo 68.39 235 -(-5) MWC(l) T - (5-10) - (5-10) -15-10) (24 )

261 Tipau j 64.75 240 - (-5) CHl'l(l) T (10+) -(10+) -(-5) (26)

262 Supau 49.71 192 -(-5) CHW(1) T -(5-10) -(5-10) -i-51 (21 )

263 Keshau 54.63 lOS 0(1) CHl'lll) T -(5-10) - (5-10) -1-5) (14 )

264 Khoi 61.51 201 -(-5) CHl'l (1) T (10+) -(10+) -(-5) (24 )

265 Chandau 5S.85 223 Pill ,Mil) ,H(l) PHS (1) r (10+) -{lO+) -;-5) (21)

266 Malhau :J 33.99 147 0(1) CEl'l(l) T (10+) -(10+) - (-5) (16)

267 Sainj 47.35 146 Pill CHW(l) T (10+) - (10 ... : - (-5) (15)

268 Kharaya :J 59.49 209 -(-5) CHW(l) T (10+ ) -110+) -I-S) 1271

269 Ubharau c: 127.0B 556 P (1), M (1) CHl'l( 1) T -(S-10) -15-10) -(5-10) (52)

270 Mandauli 67.58 307 o (1) CHW( 1) T -(S-10) -15-101 -(5-10) (32)

271 Suryo 125.0S 408 P (1) ewC(l) T -(-S) - (-51 - (-5) (SO)

272 Gharana Urf Jismau ,~ 90.24 35S P (1),0 (1) HIl) T PO -15-10) -(5-10) (60)

273 Kakari 'c 6S.16 219 P11) CHW (1) T -1-5) -(-5) -1-5) (26)

census Directo~ate, Uttar Pradesh 13 16 17 18 ------?, -:. :.~;' t:D 3.00 PC(~.J'::) 26.68 26.00 4 .94 If

?R " . ',,: ._..;:\ ED :0.00 ~-.;C (:.:: • CO) 80.00 44.00 7. flfi ~ 257 -'"

c-;:: c'v'.:-I,1._,:.:lR IOC(4.00) 28.00 18.00 7.47 258 H fn'IU

FP 1/.~i\C-",\R ED 3.00 PC (3. CO) 28.00 36.00 4.87 259 ; 9 am 0

FP .~ . . :-,;'Il:::.l.R ED 35.00 25.00 8.39 f<;ffi 260 ""

F'P VI"'\SE:--III.G\K ED 2.00 36.00 20.00 6.75 fuq'f 261 C flO VI KiI-.S!iNAGAR ED 4.00 PC{2.00) 22.00 18.00 3.77 262 44 ~

=P VlKA5HNAGAR ED 6.00 PC(3.00) 27.00 14.00 4.63 263 44 -.m

?? VlKA5HNAGAR ED PC(2.00) 27.00 28.00 4.51 264 44 ~

=? VIKASHNAGAR ED 4.00 PC\3.00) 27.00 18.00 3.85 265 43 ~

,2 VI KJl.S BNAGAR ED 18.00 10.00 5.99 266 33 ~

'10 VlKASHNAGAR ED 8.00 22.00 14 .00 3.35 267 45 WI'

FP VlKASBNAGAR ED 6.00 PC{3.00) 28.00 16.00 6.49 268 43 ~

FlO VlKASBNAGAR ED 8.00 pC(3.aOI 58.00 50.00 8.08 269 42 ~

fP VlKASHNAGAR ED 4.00 PC(2.00) 30.00 27.00 4.58 27(J 42 ~

flO VlKASHNAGAR ED 9.00 65.00 42.00 9.05 271 4S wIT

E'P VlKASHNAGAR ED 6.00 PC(3.00) 57.00 18.00 6.24 272 45 lffi'IT O'i; ~

FlO VlKASHNAGAR ED 8.00 PC(2.00) 33.00 19.00 3.16 273 34 ~

------_)o ------_------_------_------~------~------_ 6 ----~------_------274 Kanbua 140.84 439 Pil) ,~I;),Oll) CWell) -(5-1";, - )-: ~ , ::,- _v, (491 -

275 BhanJara 103.19 310 P (1) CHW (1) T -(-5) - \ -5; - : -~: (40)

216 Devu 113.72 335 P (1) D(l) N - (-5) -{S-l;)) -(5-13) (U)

277 Alsi 79.72 231 P (1) CHW Il) N -(5-101 -(-5-101 -(5-101 (23)

278 SaKani 99.15 248 P (1) CHW(l) T -15-101 -(S-lO) -(5-10) (28)

279 Koti 83.35 1144 p(2) ,M(l) ,fI(l) PHS (1) T PO,TO,PHONE DAILY BS (279)

280 Tikau 21.85 52 -1-5) CHWI1) T -1~5) -I-51 - (-5) (6)

281 Parihar 23.07 92 --:(-5) CHW(l) T -(-5) -(-5) - (-5) (13)

282 Semog 87.42 308 pll) CH'" (I) or - (-5) -(-5) - 1-5) 145)

283 Lelta 132.33 406 pel) ewell) T -15-10) -IS-IO) -IS-IO) (59)

284 Pata 23.87 130 P11) CHW 11) T -1-5) ~15-10) -IS-IO) (18)

285 D~sau 50.99 189 Pill ,Mil) CHili (1) T PO -(S-10) -15-10) (30)

286 Jadana ~ 60.70 216 -(5-101 CHW(1) T -(-51 -110+1 -( >10) 123)

267 Dimau ,~ 125.05 188 P (1) C'ilC(l),PI1S(l) or PO -15-10) -(5-10) (104)

268 Dau 79.32 253 PIl) CHW(l) T -15-10) -(5-10) -(5-101 (45)

289 Kherooa 29.94 50 -1-5) CHW (1) T -15-10) -15-10) -IS-lO} 116)

2 ..0 !\t.t \ y<:> 54.23 240 -1-5) CHW( 1) l' -(5-10) -(5-l01 - (c)-lOI (31 )

291 Rupau 117.77 460 Pill ,Mil) CHWlll T -1-5) - (10+) - (>10) 167)

Census Directorate, Uttar Pradesh ------~------~------13 14 15 16 1, :8 ------~------.. T/:r\::1.:S:.:~l.:',,;_.:.R ED PC(~.uO) 63.00 70.00 ".04 :s ~3lT 274

:P VI Ki\3j-:tlC\t;l\R ED 50.00 40.00 4" l3 .19 ..:;.::;m 27S

,2 VI KAS HNI'.GAR ED 30.00 75.00 51 8.72 ~ 276 f"P VI KAS HNAGi\R ED PC (1.00) 46.00 28.00 30 4.72 ~ 277 fP VlKASHNAGAR ED 36.00 34.00 32 29.15 ~ 278

PR VlKASHNAGAR EA 40.00 30.00 3:' 13.35

FP VlKASHNAGAR 10.00 12.00 35 1.07 mm 281

F? VIKASHNAGAR ED P<:(2.00) 50.00 34 28.00 7.42 "R'i\Tr 282

FP VIKASHNAGAR ED 2.00 P<:(1.00) 67.00 51.00 3 7 11.33 ~ 283

,p VlKASHNI'.GAR EO 2.00 PC(1.00) 13.00 6.00 40 1. 87 tfRJ 284

KR VIKASHNAGAR EO 3.00 25.00 41 19.. 00 3.99 ~ 285

FP VlKASHNAGAR ED 4.00 32.00 22.00 43 2.70 ~ 286

KR VlKASHNAGAR ED 6.00 PC(2.00) 37 82.00 26.00 9.05 ~ 287 fP VlKASHNAGAR ED 46.00 38 25.00 8.32 '* 288 f"p V.NAGAR ED 45 6.00 0.00 23.94 lIlo:3lT 289 fP VIKASHNAGAR ED 32.00 38 18.00 4.23 ~ 290 fP VIKASHNAGAR ED 68.00 44.00 39 5.11 ~ 291

---~------~------. S"~ ------_------_------_------2 3 -" -_------_------_------_------_------_-- 292 Danda 52.61 283 ? (1) ,M( 1) CHW (1) T PO ( 31)

293 P~hanl 39.25 78 -(-5) CHW (1) T -1-5) - ,:i.C-; - ( >lO; ( 1l)

294 Saradi 48.97 333 P (1) CHW (1) T -IS-1O) - I 10 -.-; - (>10:- (60)

295 Ncchhiya 76.09 194 Pill ,AC(l) CHW (1) T (10+ ) - 110 +; -(>10) (22)

296 Thurau 25.49 85 I'.C (I) CHW (1) T (lOT) - (18'_) - l :>10) (10)

297 Bansar 30.35 III - (-5) CHW (1) T (10+) - (lO+) - (5-l0) (14 )

298 Panjiya 132.74 397 P(l),AC(l) CWC (1), PHS (1) T ( 10+) -110-) BS (46)

299 Bhugtari 46.14 82 -(-5) CHW(ll T,F - (5-10) - (10+) -(>10) (9)

300 Kophati C 42.90 121 Pill ,AC(l) OIl) r -(-5) -(10+) -(>10) (l5)

301 Bhandauta 27.92 106 -(5-10) CHW(l) T -(5-10) -(10.,.) -(>10) (15 )

302 Bhoda 29.95 72 -(-5) CHW(l) T -(5-10) -(lOti -(S-10) (6 )

303 Balanu ,= 46.14 47 -(-5) CHW (l) r - (5-10) -(lOt) -(5-10) (7 )

304 Sarsona L 38.85 32 AC(l) CHWlll T -(5-10) -(10+) - (>10) (4 )

305 Patiyana 14.57 61 -(-5) CHW(l) T -(5-10) -110+ ) -I >101 (6)

306 Utail 55.44 99 -(-5) CHWll) T - (-5) - (lOt) -(>10) (13)

307 Baitha r; 44.52 58 P(l),AC(l) CHWIl) T - 1-5) -(10+) -(>10) (6)

308 Semaha '" 22.66 79 - (-5) CHW(1) T -(5-10) -(10+) -(5-10) (8)

309 Khatar 43.31 209 AC(1) CHW (1) T -(-5) -(10+) -(5-10) (20)

Census Directorate, uttar Pradesh ------~ '.J 16 ------.. ',' ~ i'v.:'.~:r;:,J ..c.':_::.'\~ S8 ·1.00 34.00 12.00 r 2.61 mr 292

[-~ !-' \' I i,.\.~HN.:\,=.\R ED 3.00 PC I 1. 00) 19.00 1·3.00 3.25 293 ~r:, mAT

,p VI K.:lSHNi\G;\R ED 4.00 PC 12 .00) 25.00 13.00 4.97 294 43 mTit

FP VI K.'\5 HNAGAR ED 42.00 28.00 6.09 295 15 ~

FF VI K.·\SHNAGAR ED _. 14 .00 9.00 2.49 ~ 296

,p VI KASHNA(_,AR ED 19.00 10.00 1.35 297 25 'iR

?R VI KiI.SHNAGAR ED PCI1.00) 68.00 57.00 6.74 298 , FP 30 ~

FP VlKAS'lNAGA« ED PCl3.00) 18.00 17.00 8.14 299 30 ~

O~ 'J1K;l..SHNAGAR 'ED 32.00 7.00 3.90 300 ]0 ~

=0 VI KiI.S HNAGAR ED 14. 00 11.00 2.92 301 ~8 ~

,p VIK!1.SHNAGAR ED PCI1.00) 16.00 10.00 2.95 302 38 ~

FP VIKASHNAGAR PCI3.00) 19.00 22.00 2.14 303 38 iffi'I"l.

FP VIKASHNAGAR 4.00 18.00 15.00 1.85 304 23 ~

,p VlKASHNAGAR ED 8.00 :9 5.00 1.57 ~ 305

FP VlKASHNAGAR PCI1.00) 28.00 11.00 15.44 306 34 ~

FP VIKASHNAGAR ED 2.00 18.00 18.00 6.52 31 iIll"IT 307

E'P VlKASHNAGAR ED pel1.001 13.00 6.00 2.66 29 W1m 308

PR VlKASHNAGAR ED 27.00 13.00 3.31 32 1ilIR 309

------~------~------. ------~------1 3 S 6 7 • > ------310 Dadhau 44.52 127 P (1), i'.C 11) CHW (I) T (10+) - (18 .... ) - -S 1 (11)

311 Cc.apanu 29.14 156 AC II) CHW (1) T (10+) - (;0+) as ( 16)

312 Amraha 15.38 142 - (-5) CHW (1) T ( 10+) - (10·) - (-5) (17)

313 Jhutaya 26.71 87 -(-5) CHW(l) T ( 10+) - ( 10 +) -15-10) 112)

314 Dhera 112.51 642 Pill ,AC(l) CHW(l) T ( 10+) - (10+) - ,-5) 1105)

315 Sairi 12.55 52 P (1) ,AC (1) CHW(l) T ( 10+) - (10+) - (5-10) (8)

316 Thaina 152,57 204 Pill ,M(l) ,AC(l) CWC(l),PHS(l) T PO - (10+) 3S (26)

317 Kuitha 59.09 107 AC(I) CHW(I) T - (-5) -(10+) - (>10) (15)

318 Badhana 57.06 218 P(l] ,I\CI1) CHW(1) T -(-5) - (10+) -(>;'0) (22)

319 Kaha-Nehra-Punaha 100.37 366 PIl) ,AC(1) CHW 11) T -(-5) -110+; -,5-10) (43)

320 Khari 65.56 125 P11) ,AC(l) CHW (1) T - (-5) - (:'0"') -(>10, (19 )

321 Kat.hi Bhasendl 43.30 197 P(l) ,AC(l) CHW(l) T -(5-10) -15-10) -15-10) (23)

322 Bijoo 60.30 222 P(l) ,AC(l) CIlW(l) T -15-10) - 110-: - (> i 0) (24)

323 Kalasi 59.49 1404 P(J) ,M(l) ,H(1) MIlC (1) , ewc I 1) T PTO,PHONE DAILY as (278) PUC( 1) ,AC (1)

324 Tilwart 91. 46 410 P(4) ,AC( 1) CWC(l), Plle(!) ,RPI~) T PO - 1- 'J) L~~~ (104)

325 Vyas Shood 54.23 1140 -(-5) CIlW(l) T -(-5) - (-5) as 12191

326 Vyas Nahri 147.72 1655 AC(3) CHW( I) T -(-5) - (-5) BS (330)

327 Hari Pur 76.49 985 P(ll ,AC(1) ,0(1) R?(3) ,CHW(1) T -(-5) DAILY 8S (lSl)

------~ Census Directorate, Uttar Pradesh . 1_' , ' . .. l ~ 1~ , . 1~ ------_. ~- =' "1 !:...__."\..::: '; ~ ,,' ',' , t.:A ?~: ( .'::J) 19.00 l~.OC -j.')2 ~ 310 _0

rq '.;1r....·\.~ l~~t'\,:.'\.R EA PC ( ~ . l~()) 18.00 M.OO ::.11 3 J 1 . J '

f'? VIKi'\SHNP.~~j'I.R SA 8.00 6.00 1. 38 ~ 312 ::.'5

FP VI KA.:3HNi\Gr\R ED PCI1.00) 18.00 3.00 4.71 313 , "' ~

c? VIKt-.... SF-i~~;'-GJ".. R ED PC(l.OO} 86.00 16.00 9.';1 314 ! 4 .m

2'? '/ I K:\ S HNAG ...'\R SD B.OO 4.00 0.55 315 ::6 -M

~R VI K.:l. .s N;\GA...!:( ED PCI3.00) 98.00 46.00 5.57 $IT 316 , FP 35

:;-p 'J 1: KAS H NJl.GAR EO PCIl.OO) 36.00 16.00 4.09 317 31 ~

fP VIKASH:-JAGAR ED PCI2.00) 27.00 ZO.OO 8.06 1I1'AT 318 30

fP '1IKASHNAGAR 5.00 PCIZ.OO) 62.00 ZO.OO 11.37 319 38 T~'f'Im

,? 'I I EQ.S HNAGil.R EO 36.00 26.00 3.56 320 31 ~

~~ VIKASHNAGAR ED 6.00 PCI1.00) 22.00 11. 00 3.30

E'? VTKASHNAGAR ED 12.00 PCI2.00) 23.00 20.00 3.30 322 3: ~

PR VlKASHNAGAR EA PC 118.00 I 19.00 7.00 15.49 'ifilffift 323 10

PR VIKASHNAGAR EA PCIll.OO) 6.00 2.00 12.46 324 10 ~

PR VlKASHNAGAR ED PC(37.00) 11.00 3.00 3.23 325 10 OI!A'I~

PR VlKASHNAGAR EA PC (111.00) 0.00 5.00 31.72 OI!A'I~ 326 8

PR VlKASHNAGAR EA PCI60.00) 3.00 4.00 9.49 327 9 lir'F

------3 --_------_------_------_----_-_------_------3:, JcJ.:ala 41. 2B 43 - (-5) CHW (1) T - (-s; - -:, ! (g)

329 Basan 98.34 147 - (-51 CHW(ll T - (-.5) a,.-; (39)

330 Loharna 33.19 94 -(-5) CHW(l ) T -1-5) - ~ - 5 ) -(-5) (11 )

331 Khadin 31. 56 88 P( 1) CHW(ll T -1-5) -(10+) !3S (10 I

332 Lohari 27.52 95 P(11 MWC(1) T - (-51 - 11 C") BS (13)

333 Dhirci 27.92 99 M(l) RP(1) ,CHW(l) T - (-5) - i :0") BS (13)

334 Sigauta 21. 85 84 -(-5) CHW( 1) T -15-10) -(10+) -(5-10) (121

335 Khari 23.06 126 Pili ,Mil) CHW (1) T - (-5) -110+) BS (17)

336 Chunau c::; 51. 39 63 -(-5) CHWll) T -(-5) - 110+) -1-5) (41

337 Kamla 21. 44 63 P(ll,M(1) PHS(l) T PO - (10+) -(5-10) (9)

338 Gadauq Sakraul 170.38 174 P (1) PHS (1) T - (-51 -(10+) -(-5) (21 )

339 Thalin ~ 104.81 179 P 11) CHW(ll T - (-51 - 110+) -i-5) (20)

340 Munshi 78.10 155 P (11 CHW(11 T -(5-101 - (10+ I -(5-10) (16)

341 Pinqiri 39.66 77 Pll) H 11) T -(-5) - (lO") - (-5) (101

342 Barhait 39.66 138 -(-5) CHW (1) T - {-51 -(10+1 -(-5) (IS)

343 Luhan 121. 41 120 - (-51 CIlW (11 T - (-5) - (10,) RS (17)

344 Laksiyar 97.94 215 pel) ,0111 RP (11 ,CHW (1) T PO DAILY as (30)

345 Kenota 12.95 90 - (-51 CIlW(l) T -(-5) -(-5) - (-5) (101

Census Directorate, Uttar Pradesh ------~~------13 ,5 16 17 IS

~,:-\ I ~ K..:::' :~,';\\_;:... S. ED 7 .00 PC ( =7.0 J) 1.00 3.00 3.28 ~ 328

:\'\ ·./:j{_:',3;...N~.~.21~__ 3 ED PC (58.00) 35.00 1.00 4.34 omr-r 329

K'"I. ';: K.~, •.:,,01i\(_:?,::;. F.D PCI3.(0) 14.00 14.00 2.19 ~ 330 L

KR V:;<;<.SJ-:!'-lAGAK ED PCI2.00) 14.00 12.00 3.56 ,_m, 331

?R v: 't(.\~'; i! ~.=\Gi\R ED 13.00 12.00 ::.52 ~ 332 5'j

?R V: KAS H NAGr.R ED 22.00 5.00 0.92 Nm 333 H

,p VlKASHNAGF.? ED PCI2.0D) 10.00 6.00 3.85 ~ 334 40

PR '1: i{)l.S HNAGAR ED 12.00 9.00 2.06 335 43 ~

?P VI Kil.S HNAGAR ED PCllS.DO) 15.00 16.00 5.39 336 52 ~

,p VlKASHNAGAR ED pel1.0D) 7.00 11. 00 2.44

FP VlKASHNAGAR ED 3.00 I?CI3.0D) 84.00 68.00 12.00 ~~ 338 28

FP VlKASHNAGAR ED 10.00 26.00 61.00 7.81 Oi'il'f 339 61

KR V, K<,\S HNI\G"'.R ED 32.00 44.00 2.10 340 28 'Fft

FP VIKASHNAGAR ED 22.00 26.00 1.66 fiRfJm 342 48

,p VIKASHNAGAR ED 18.00 19.00 2.66 342 61 a$f i?R 'IIKASHNAGAR ED PC(3.00) 35.00 24.00 59.41 343 60 ~

PR VI KAS HNAGAR ED I?C(6.001 36.00 40.00 15.94 ~ 344 45

,p VlKASHNAGAR ED 6.00 4.00 2.00

.347 Sawara 43.71 95 -(-5) CHW I 1) T - (-5) - (-5) 3S (12 )

348 Ghamargaon 7.28 ------U N - r N H AB I T E D ------fR 3lIanG ------_-

349 Bansu 70.01 143 P (1) CHW (1) T - (-5) -(-5) -:-5) (18)

350 Chunho 46.14 190 -(-5) CHW (1) T -(-5) - (-5) -(-5) (37)

351 Dinda1 33.59 385 -(-5) CHW I 1) T - (-5) -15-10) -1-5) (114 )

352 Gaski 72.04 177 P(l) ,M(l) CHW (1) T - (-5) - (-5) 88 (23)

353 Bagi C 41.28 71 P(l) CHW (1) T - (-5) -(5-10) -(-5) (11)

354 Bihar '-, 47.75 122 -(-5) CHW(l) T -IS-IO) -15-10) -15-10) Il8)

355 Lohari 25.90 386 P(l) ,M(ll ,0(1) H (1) T PO -110+) as (76)

356 Jakhnog Bhistau 20.64 204 - (-5) CHW{l) T -(-5) -110+) -1-0) (27)

357 Dhandha [j 91.05 343 -1-5) CHW(l) T -(-5) -(10+) -1-5) (42)

Total ; 13168.85 49514 P(130) ,M(28) H (3) ,Mew ( 5 ) 6708 H (8) , PUC ( 4 ) MH (3), ewc I 11) AC(48),O(17) He (1) , PHC 12 ) PH8(15) ,D(6) RP(7) ,CHW(167) ------:'3 1-1 16 17 ------_------::J.OC :::C,:i.OC; 56.00 113.00 O •.?!l ~ 346

:-~ : !\ ...... ::_ ,;:"',;.::':Z 18.CO L'.OO 2.71 347 -- ;.) ~

1\;' \ ! !\.l~~N \\. I.Z 0.00 1I.0U 1 .. )1-:1 348 ~) -1 ~ q .... V [K.0.3HNilGi\R ED PC [1.001 22.00 44.00 3.01 349 ~) S il'i

:? VI Kil S "NAGI\R ED PCIl.OOI 14.00 8.00 10.59 351 68 ~

?!'. '/IK;lS'iNF.G\R ED PCI2.00) 28.00 32.00 10. 04 352 ,F? 66 '1fl1

~~ 'J1 KASHNAGAR ED 15.00 24.00 2.28 353 65 iIT'ft

FP 'J1 K.'IShNAGAR ED PCIS.OO) 18.00 18.00 6.75 354 30 f.!m

?R V: KiI.5HNJlGil.R ED PCI2.00) 9.00 6.00 8.90 355 26 ~

,p V~ KASHNAGil.R ED 16.00 4.00 0.64 356 53 ~~

F? VI KJl.:3 HNAGAR ED PCIl.Oo) 46.00 40.00 4.05 357 51 ~

------384.00 GCI26.00),PCI785.07) 6316.73 4424.76 1209.96 RI25.00)


W R K A L VIKAS KHAND VIKAS NAGAR &. SAHASPUR E> '" ( TAHSil DEHRA DUN) "- \ ~ I ., DISTRICT DEHRA DUN ~ ...... ,f ..- -<: (" c. "'I R \ A DIS T ...... eJK_II.,.·..... Y··_S aie11lt.,I • ....es1 (!. f ~ART!S.1'"A.l'E __._ ... _ ?



5 T R o R c .,. 5

1991~ l~'jl CENSr..;S OR~mi Al'1ENIT rES AND Dlstn.ct Name : Dehradun =ii~OR~ - r*1IT'iiiWcM~'liiinT~(-)i'fITRin~=*f;;tn::ftm1l1~ ~ifllitmlliZrfu 'l7rnll"lil1~-51in.tiT.• 5-10 f,n.-.ft. tT

~ =,.;r'1!'1 '-!1'!""¥l iTn!) <'IT(' ~Iin~ r~~· (~ii) qft'!i@rr ~'IilhT :::r. :...ocat:cn Name of VllliJge Total area popu- Educatlona! ='Medical Drinking Water and Day(s) of Communications Total Post Code of the vIllage latlon and (Potable) Telegraph market/hat, (Bus stop, No. (in nectaresl number of if any RaIlway station, households Water way)


~ . Q. 82_':jcy' 'I_kasna(;ar TahSil Dehradun

Dumet 490.89 2034 P(2) .M(l) H (1) T PO - (10+) - (-5) (360)

Anfield Tea Company 280.04 396 -(5-10) CHW (li T - (-5) -(10+) -(-5) (82 )

Ambarl T.K Jungle 172.79 U N - I N H A B I TED ------"'~

]l..mbarl 134.36 1410 P(3) ,Mil) ,AC(1) CHW(l) T PO, PTO, PHONE -(5-10) BS (247)

Jiwangarn 410.76 5321 P(2),M(1),AC(1) PHS (1) T PO, PHONE -(5-10) BS (894 )

Mehunoowald Khalsa 161.47 1956 PIl),PUCI1) CHW (1) T -(-5) -(5-10) -(-5) (390)

Danda Jungle 370.29 119 - (-5) CHW(l) T - (-5) -(5-10) - (-5) (22)

Arnbar .1 Jungle H2.51 U N - I ------N H A B I TED ------"'~ ------

P!'athvlpu!' ";ung2._e 9 94 .30 76 -(-5) CHW(l) T,W,TK -(-5) -(5-10) -(5-10) ( 15) TW,HP

10 Bulaklwala 99.96 1697 P11), PUCIl),AC(l) CHW (1) T,TK,TW - (-5) -(5-10) -15-10) (302) HP

Anf~eld Grant 1688.35 7167 P(5) ,MI2),H(1) H (1) ,MWC (1) T PO -(-5) BS (1132) PUC(2).AC(1)

, 0 Badamwala 502.63 3305 P(4) ,M(l) ,H11) MHCll),CWC(l) T,HP PO,PHONE -(-5) -1-5) (599) AC(l)

Census DLrectorate, Uttar Pradesh

61 'lfq lIlIin ~_,."l:lD '_'SE

'lfq ~ Land US~ (~ •.,\;,i;;-1J'''''' ·""""'omTi;;-aRIlin~·~-q~t-~ ,4!~' ,~" ~3i'fihl~) (i.e. a~ea under different type of land use in hectares rounded upto two decimal places) =1'f'I) ~~ ~f'lT'l ~ ~"I>f fi$.~ "iio!<11fl:r ~~ ~". "'IT'T (R;~n'iil .. -q) ("I1Tirr~

11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18

~~:. ~ m

KR VI KASNAG1'.R ED 116.75 PC(6.67) 65.51 BO.77 10.34 JIDlgie ~it~;;jlffi

KR VI Ki'.SNAGAR 172.79 0.00 0.00 0.00 ~iT.i;;-.;;jlffi 11

PR DAKP.~THAR ED 2.90 PC (71 . 60) 33.18 2.62 24.06 ~

PR VlKASNAGAR ED PC(303.96) 29.25 7.99 69.56 8 ~

PR DAKPATHAR ED GC(39.881 94.84 3.39 23.36 ~lmmT 6

KR DAKPATHAR ED 354.34 12.48 1. 33 2.14 mr;;jlffi 5

KR DAKP.'ITTHAR 112.51 0.00 0.00 0.00 ~;;jr1<'! 8 7

KR VIKASNAGAR EA 958.02 32.02 0.00 4.26 ~-.rwr 9 8

KR VlKASNAGAR EA 7.45 GC(63.26) 14.79 2.45 12.46 10 7 ~

PR VlKASNAGAR EA 92 .34 PC(B01.58) 178.82 112.21 503.40 ~1IR: 11 2

PR VIKASNAGAR EA 0.48 PC(297.29) 141. 99 7.13 55.74 ~ 12 3 3

13 Jamankhata 479.59 2491 p(3) ,Mil), H(1) MWC ( 1: , !'1HC ( 1 ; T,H? PO 1457 ) AC(1)

14 Jamnlpur 472.66 4156 P I 2) ,M (1) ,AC I 1 ) MWC (1) ,C'';C ( 1: , He I ; : TW,HP PO -IS-:~ (741)

is Athanbagh 167.41 618 P(ll ,Mil) H ( 11 ,MHC ( 1 I , TB (1) T,W,TW ?O -(-5~ 123) HP

16 Prathvipur 56.66 288 P(1) ,Mill ,AC(l) CHW(l) T,HP,C PTO, PHONE -(5-1C) -(5-10) (54)

17 Bahadurgarh 148.12 24 -(-5) CHW( 1) T,TW,C -(-5) -15-LO: - (S -lO; 14 )

18 Khera Pachhuwa 155.80 801 -(-5) CHW(l) T -(-5) -(-5) 1124)

19 Dhummipura Gang Mewa= 101. 98 62 - (-5) CHW(11 T,C - (-5) -(-51 -1-5) (11)

20 Mandi Gang Mewa 108.05 84 - (-5) CHW(l) T,C -(-0) -(-S} 167)

21 Dhakrani Colony 8.50 851 P {l) PHS (1) , D ( 1) ,RP (1) T PTO,PHONE -(-;,) as (192)

22 Bentwali Mand~ 63.53 40 -(-5) CHW (1) T,e -(-5) - (-5) -1-5) 110)

23 DhakranilDehat) 246.85 6960 P (5 ) , M 11 ) , TR 11 ) cwc (1), PHS (I) T PO - (-5) 3$ (1342) AC (1)

24 Mlrzapur Urf DhalipuC 220.15 2846 P121,MIl) ,AC(1) H (1) ,CWC (1) , HC 11) T PTO, PHONE -(5-10) 3S (543)

25 Lakhanwa1a(Nevat) 103.60 1241 P(l) ,hC(l) ,0(1) CllWll) T,W,TW -1-5) -(5-10) 3S (2391 HP

26 Katapatthar J 125.86 492 Pll) ,M(l) ,AC(l) MWC (1) ,CWC (1) , PHS (1) T PO - (10+) BS (90) D(l),FPC(l),RPll)

27 Binhar 4299.78 3072 P(81 ,M(l) ,AC(l) MWCI1),MHC(I),CWC(1) T PO -(10+) as (5891

28 Langha 312.42 1309 P 12 I , H (1) , PUC ( 11 H (1) ,MWC (1) ,MHC III T PO -(10+) BS (2371 AC(l) ,0(1) PHS (11 ,0 (1)

29 T"uli 239.t7 H87 P(4) ,M(ll ,ACIlI CHW (11 PTO, PHONE -Illl f) -(-'11 (2721

30 Dhartawala Khalsa 111. 70 U N - I N H A BIT E D

Census Directorate, Uttar Pradesh 16 17 1':'1 ------_------:'R ':.:'...oi..l', ..... "''l't='Utl. Sl\ ?C \ :::QtJ. -;7 \ I} 247.17 1".30 1 3 . ~ ~ 13

;1; ';;::K.-.... ,;;:J.\l;. .J.,rl. ~r"\ PC(3)J0.19) 30.52 4,72 57.23 ~ 14

,1< V 1 Ki\SN ..,\G.-='\!{ EA ~C(P3.15) 37.60 4.54 2.12 15 3 l!O'I'WT

1')\ VT K.\.:Ni\l'l'\l{ PC(411.U) ~A 2.1>3 0.68 12.92 ~ 16

?R V"S. KP-.3 ~ iAGP-.ri ED 66.94 GC(O.69) 10.88 0.40 0.90 ~ 17 i\R VlKAS NP.GA." ED 33.34 PC(24.37) 66.81 2.50 28.78 18 10 ~~

:.(R VI KA.S NAGAR ED PC(56.31) 21. 84 2.23 21. 60 ~*"~ 19

?K VIKASNAGAR ED GC(58.39) 19.31 2.63 27.82 ~1i'l*"r 20

PR EA 0.00 0.00 8.50 ~

?R VlKASNAGAR ED PC(32.70) 8.02 2.91 19.90 ~lI"it 22

PR ilARBARTPUR ED GC(97.74) 99.19 30.42 19.51 23 3 ~mr)

PR HARBART~UR ED PC (23.47) 103.65 2.99 90.04 24 8 ~-aQ;~

PR HARBARTPUR ED PC(9S.50) 4.58 0.15 13 .37 25 5 ~~)

PR VlKASNAGAR EA PC (43.08) 24.79 15.16 42.83 26 11 ~

PR VlKASNAGAR ED 3683.2 PC(31.?8) 436.43 68.14 78.27 fir;m' 21 19

PR VlKASNAGAR ED 93.02 PC(33.80) 149.11 5.22 31. 27 28 17 <"Ii'Err

KR VlKASNAGAR EA 69.94 PC(27.21) 107. H 2.41 31. 87 29 19 ~

KR VlKASNAGAR Hi. 70 0.00 0.00 0.00 30 20 >mWUi'Il'~

------_------by ------_-----_------_------_------_------6 ll) ------31 Rudrapur 534.61 1622 P(J) ,Mil) ,i'.C(2) MHC (1) , cwe (l) , PHC ( 1 ) T PO - (5-1JI 3S (287 )

32 Barwa 289.76 644 P(l) ,M(l) ,AC(l) MWC(l),PHS(l) T PO -110+) as (124)

33 Dhalani 582.34 517 PII) ,Mil) ,AC(l) MWCII),CWC(l),PHS(l) T,S -(-5) -tlO+) -(5-1D) (79) FPC 11)

34 Koti 330.63 226 P 11) , PUC (1) ,AC 11) Dlll,CHWIl) T,S PO -(10+) -(5-10) (32)

35 Sarna 1154.16 1562 P(3) ,Mil) ,Hll) CHW(1) T,S - (-5) -(10+) as (285 ) PUC (I)

36 Horawala 879.79 1545 P(2) ,Mil) ,H(1) 0(1) T PO -(5-10) 3S (273 ) PUClli ,ACI2)

37 Chandpu~ Khurd 70.01 179 Pill ,M(l) ,ACI1) CHW (l) T,F - (-5) -(5-10) as 128)

38 Chandpu~ Kalan C 61. 91 154 AC(l) CEW( 1) T,F -(-5) -(5-10) as (26)

39 Kedarwala ':C 261.02 1815 PIli ,AC(3) CHW (1) T - (-5) -(-5) 38 1314}

40 Baluwala 249.30 B47 P(lI ,AC(21 CHW (I) TW PTO, PHONE -(5-:0) as ( 151)

41 Bairagiwala 92.27 1388 P(lI ,AC(Z) ,0(11 CHW (1) T,W,TW -(-51 - (-5) 3S (2331 HP,N

42 Lakhanwala Khas 15S.Bl 492 AC (1) ,0 (1) CHW(ll T,W,TW -(-51 -(-51 3S (83) HP

43 Jassowala [' 373.12 2021 P(ll ,Mill ,AC(31 MWC(1),CWC(11,PHS(1) T,W ?TO,PHONE -(5-10) 8S 1360) o III , FPC ( 1 )

44 Parteetpur KalyanpurC 157.03 898 P(1),ACI21 MWCI11,MHCI1),CWC(11 T,W,TW -(-51 - (-5) BS 11491 HP

45 Dharmawala r, 167.13 1293 2(1) ,M(l) ,AC(3) MWCIl),CWCll),R2(1) T,W,TW PO,PTO,PHONE - (-5) 3S (2451

46 Shahpur Kalyanpur 660.85 1172 2(1) ,M(l) ,AC(2) RP(l) T,W -(-51 -15-10) -(-5) (2421

41 Aduwala r; 210,]0 1289 P(l) ,AC (I) RP( 1) T,W,TW -(-5) - 15-LO) -(-5) ( 243)

4B Kunja Grant r:: 228.65 996 P(l) ,M(l) ,AC(l) MWC(l),CWCll),PHS(I) T -(-5) -15-10) -(-5) (171)

Census Directorate, Uttar Pradesh (o_)------13 1:' :6 17 18 ------14 ------~- !~ - '"\ -"~ ;',1 I,. ";' SD ~:~.59 ?C;)C.;b) 160.W; 1.32 S8.97 31 :1 ~


F? VI i\.. ,,\S NACi"\R EA 369.31 PC 1,19.54) 117.83 14.21 31. 4') il'IT'ft 33 .' b

F? '11KF-.3!-lAG;'.R EA 242.23 PC 114 .00) 31. 56 3.47 39.3, onTit 34 26

PR VI K~SNAGil.R EA 752.24 PC(~64.52i 45.15 5.73 86.52 ~ 35 ~>l

PR VI KASNAGi\R EA bl4.99 PC(113.97) 129.32 2.14 19.37 ~ 36 :0

?R VI Kll.S :.JJl.GAR EA 16.34 PCI21.08) 22.86 5.34 4.39 37 19 ~~

~R,KR 'J1 KASNil.GJlB EA 28.96 PC (16.46) 12.75 2.03 1.71 ~

?R 'lIKASNAGAR EA 27.46 PC(22.28) 162.35 4.22 44.71 ~ 39 l2

- PR VI Ki'.S NAGAR EA 7.67 PC(12.19) 211.05 1.07 17.32 40 ~ "-

PR HERBAR'!"PUR EA GC (61.18) 27.38 0.14 3.57 ~ 41 3

PR ~ER9ARTPUR ED PC(90.08) 14.75 0.19 50.79 ~'!im 42 4

?R HERBERT PUR EA PC(143.791 67.62 9.78 151. 93 ~ 43 5

PR HERBERT PUR ED 5.75 PC (44.411 74.37 0.42 32.08 44 1 ~~

PR HERBERT PUR EA 4.53 R(72.221 37.20 3.60 49.58 ~ 45 4

PR HERBERT PUR EA 22.16 GC(27.56) 8.51 2.30 6.32 46 5 ~~

PR HERBERT PUR EA 6.86 GC (23.96) 95.92 17.38 66.18 47 9 ~

PR PAUNTA EA 46.66 TWE (14 .17) 68.26 1.43 98.13 48 7 ¥'fTlIR ~, ------_----_------49 Kunja ~65.07 1378 !I.Cll) MWC (1) , ewe ( 1: , =?C ,1: T,W' -(-5) -; -::;) ~s (255)

.50 Kulhal 146.90 1519 P(2) ,AC(2) MWC (1) ,CWC I 1) , D, 1 ) T,W PO Tr.l..: 5.' (315) RPll)

51 Timali 122.62 1913 Pll) ,Mil) ,AC(2) MWCll),eWCll),PHSll) T,TW PTO -15-10) BS (292) fPC I 1) , RP I I)

52 Medan~ Badripur 269.52 2114 P(1) ,Mil) ,ACll) MWC I 1), ewc (1) T,W,TW -1-5) -(S-IO) B5 (422) Oil) HP

53 Majd 76.09 1136 P (1) ,Ae (2) PHS(l) T,W -(-5) -15-10) as (217 )

54 JatDwala 139.62 990 AC(l) CHiI(l) T,W -1-5) -15-10) as (171)

55 Tiperpur 244.43 1729 Pll),ACll) MWC ( 1 ) , cwe ( 1 ) T,W,TW -1-5) WED BS (357)

56 Peerwala r: 11.40 78 -(-5) CHW (1) T,W,TW -(-5) WED as ( 16)

57 Sabhawala 558.12 2734 P(2) ,M(l) ,AC(3) MWC(I),CWC(I),PHSlt) T,W PTO -(10+) BS (501) Oil) ,FPCIl)

58 Kalyanpur 133.14 387 PIl) ,AC(2) CHW(l) T,W -15-10) -(5-10) 3S (69\

59 Hasanpur 214 .38 634 - (-5) CHWIl) T,W -(-5) -(5-10) 5S (116)

60 Sherpur 382.43 2652 P(l) ,M(l) ,AC(I) MWC 11) , PHS 11) T.W PO -110+) BS (515)

61 Shishambada 498.58 1567 Pll) CHW II) T,W -15-10) - 110+) BS (217)

Total : 22426.90 87500 P(81) ,M(29) H (5) ,MCW(19) 15886 H (6), PUCIS) MH (7) ,ewc (18) TR(l) ,AC(60) HC(Z), PHC(l) DIS) PHS I 13) , D (7 ) FPC I 6) , TB ( 1 ) RI?(1) ,CHW(27) 011) ------_------13 16 17 19 ------"S :. '!'1 EA 0.71 CCI~~.'i5) 80.5f} 10.58 144.77 'FIT 49 t!' :-.;i_:\ ~.; EA RI0.08) 23.45 16.63 106.74 50 ~

!'t\ 'i':R:1f.RTP'jR EA 13.86 84.05 3.58 21. 13 51 J folfM1

PR ~ER3i':RTPUR EA R(45.36) 154.61 2.71 66.84 52 6 ~~

PR HERBERTPtJR EA PCI19.84) 40.22 0.10 15.93 53 10 ttr.!iI

PR HERBERT PUR EA PC(53.36) 68.58 3.67 14.01 54 7 ~

PR HERBERT PUR EA PCI73.60) 130.70 4.31 35.82 55 10 ~

PR HERBERT PUR ED TWE(15.52) 0.00 0.00 1. 88 56 15 ~

PR HERBERT PUR EA GC(122.62) 278.30 8.82 149.10 57 14 tNIlm'IT

PR HERBERT PUR EA PCI16.12) 64.91 0.70 51. 41 58 10 ~

PR HERBERT PUR EA PCII0.90) 168.12 5.25 90.11 59 10 ~

PR HERBERTPUR EA PCI16.1B) 242.77 7.15 116.33 60 15 ~

PR HERBERT PUR EA 0.69 GCI74.49) 285.11 9.74 128.55 61 18 ~

------8344.41 GC(657.69),PC(3784.02) 5143.45 561.20 3134.01 TWE(29.69),R(117.66)


W I< tl A L VIKAS KHAND VIKAS NAGAR & SAHASPUR c:;. A I ( TAHSIL DEHRA DUN) "- \ y. DISTRICT DEHRA DUN ~ . -.:. (' " .../ .- ./ ""', 2J.~Km c. ~ R \ A T A D I S i v._ 1Qoad...... , .. dIMes stfi>" ..., '.""'51 ~ 1 BOUrIDAtfY.&TA_'JE ______·~ ___._-_ ?



s T ,! \) c ",. R r

)99 1 "iRTf1JRT ~991 CENSUS ;;r-f~l"'i ~.MEN:!:TIES lI.ND

D~str~ct Name : ------Dehradun l!1lI1'i

~ 1lJl1 "" '1m lpJa;)'m-:i. aa16M l"'i'lil

C.D. Block : - Sahaspur Tahsil Oehcadun 62 Misraspattl. 2044.07 622 P (4) ,M( 1) CHW(l) "T -(5-10) - (5-10) -(5-10) (105)

63 Bakacana 491.30 203 P (1) CHW(l) T -(5-10) - (5-10) -15-10) (34)

64 Bidi"'.aull 296.06 356 P (1) CHW(l) T -(5-10) -(5-10) - (5-10) (64 )

6<; Kanswall Kothri 812.:0 1179 P (2) ,Mil) CHW(l) F -(5-10) -(5-10) -(5-10) (Z09)

66 Dudhal 451. 23 477 P (1) CHW(l) T -(5-10) -(10+) -(5-10) (87)

67 t1ad 72.44 193 Pll) CIIWIt) "T (10+) -(10+) BS (33)

68 Kotra Kalyanpur 175.22 540 Pil) CHW(l) T ( 10+) -(10+) BS ( 98)

69 Birsanl 295.42 291 P(l) ,M(l) CHW(l) T - (5-10) -(10+\ -(5-10\ (53 )

70 13hagwanpur Julo 95.10 384 -(5-10) CHW(1) T -(5-10) -(10+) -(5-10) ( 69)

11 Ramsahaywala 11. 73 10 P (1) CHW(1) T -(5-10) -(5-10) as ( 12)

Jagatpur 222.59 471 Pil) CHW(1) T -(-5) -(10+) -(-5) (89)

73 Rampur Shamo/ala 201.12 483 P(l),PUC(l) H(l) ,(WCIt) T PO -(5-10) 8S ( 133)

Census------Directorate, Uttar Praaesh

1WI~ ';.: :"~::"::':': _' = ~ = :1'(;:;: ~ ~'Fir'T L"\t~C ~':.._:r

oqfij m Land Use (~'lfq*~ -~~~~ff,~~P'i~*~ (i.e. area under different type of land use in hectares rounded Ilpto two decimal places) ~q,l q.! :ft. if) (ll1lT ~.mrrr) !\pprl'ddl NCd[(:!st Town Power ,",Hes t Irrigdted Unirrigated Culturable Area not Name of Village Location to v:..lldq€ and dlst:mce supply (by source) waste (including a"a~lable code 11 n Kms. I gaucher and tor No. groves) cultivatl.on

11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 2

~~.- mR1'F ~:- ~ ;(R DEHRADUN ED 1565.7 PC(O.72) 200.44 24.83 252.39 Ii!lJlffi~ 62 23

KR DEH?A~UN ED 408.14 48.06 9.15 25.95 ~ 63 26

KR DEH. C:J..N'fT ED 159.66 GC(14.43) 61.71 46.53 14.23 fWwft 64 10

KR DEHRADUN ED 473.75 GC(45.BB) 167.89 7.17 117.51 ~'!i'toit 65 10

fP DEH. Cl'.NTT ED 318.70 ~C(23.9l) 84.36 0.77 23.49 66 20 ~

KR SAHASPUR 20.12 12.70 1.47 67 ED GC(33.36) 4.79 ~ 15

PR SAHASPUR E:D 79.77 GC 148 .13) 32.16 2.82 12.34 q;)w~ 68 14

KR SAHASPUR EO 198.09 PCI9.52) 81.30 2.62 3.89 f.rrnFfi 69 15

PR DEH.CANTT ED GC(26.25) 25.12 0.00 43.73 70 15 ~~

KR SAHAS?UR ED GC(6.17) 4.80 0.00 0.76

PR SAHASPUR ED 98.49 GC(SO.54) 55.42 2.06 16.08 72 15 "fl1lf'i'

PR DEH.CANTT EA 61.97 GC{3.96) 121.80 0.00 13.39 W1'l'~ 73 5 70

••> ------~------_------~------74 BhanwalB 93.49 258 p [11 CHWrl) T - (-5) -\"~->:;~ -1-:); (50)

T D 75 Chaknugaon 30.35 ----~----- U t< - I N H A B I E ------>R~ _------

76 Manduwala 309.59 420 P!ll ewe(l) T -(5-10) - (5-le) BS (901

77 Bishanpur 32.79 _--_-_--_- U N - I N H A B I T E D --_----_-- ~~ ------

78 Nauganwa 155.00 594 P(ll,O(l) CHW[11 T -(-51 - (10'1 8S 11211

79 Barowala 96.72 321 P(2) ,AC(I) CHW(11 T -I-51 -110. ) - 1-5) [55)

-(5-10) -(5-101 - (lO-t") -15-10 ) 80 Rampur Khucd " 33.59 1 -15-101 T (l)

81 Tilwari 231. ee 520 Pll) ,M{l) CWC[l) T (10+) - 110+) es (1001

82 Karimpur 49.77 193 Pili CHW(l) T -[-5) -(S-10) BS (28)

63 Ohoomnagar 159.86 145 - (5-10) CHW ill T -1-5) -(5-10) as (21)

84 Einaspur U 971. 00 15 -1-5) CMII (1) l' - I -51 -(5-10) as (3)

85 Kutubpur 26.71 52 -1-5) CHW(l) T -1-5) -[5-10) BS 110)

86 Abdullapur 87.01 406 -(-5) CHW(l) T - (-5) -15-101 as - (61)

87 Bakhta.,.,arpu:r:: Grant G 154. 60 839 P(ll CHW(I) T -(-5) -(5-101 as (1601

~8 Rajaw

89 Pcdwala 46.54 173 rll) ewCll) T -(-5) -110+1 BS 137)

90 Rikhaull 4431. 37 652 P(2) 0(1) T -(5-10) - (5-101 -(5-101 1114)

91 Bhitarwali 'C 969.63 346 P (1) ewe (1) T -(5-10) -15-10) -15-10) 160) 7( ------~------1J 14 16 i7 1S ------n H ~~ DE,.;..\:;L ; ED ~. 19 GC (; 0.::::; 30.34 3.71 41.C3 'I1WlTffi

0.00 75 "'; :'Er;;'.-"'2'_:~ .: ..:!.:,,: ~ 3G.33 0.00 0.02 ~ ll_

48.66 76 ?~ DE r.. CA..'rI':' :04.69 GC I 0.4';) 47.76 8.02 ~ ;,)

77 KR DE H • C.il.NTT • 32.79 0.00 0.00 0.00 , 0 ~

78 PR DEH. C.'.NT:' EO 20.23 GC (1. 43) 69.60 8.58 55.16 ~ 13

KR DEH.CANTT ED GC(9.32) 65.87 0.00 21. 53 ~ 79 14

KR DEHR:>.DlJN GC(6.70) 0.00 0.00 26.89

PR SAP.ASPlJR ED 113.83 GC(32.27) 63.06 0.41 22.31 ~ 81 12

KR SAilASPlJR ED GC(18.41) 11. 58 0.00 19.78 ~ 82 9

1.87 83 KR SAHASPlJR ED 115.02 GC(20.77) 22.20 0.00 ~ 9

KR SAHASPUR ED 961.29 GC(7.62) 1. 78 0.00 0.31 ~ 84 9

KR SAHASPUR ED GCI7.41) 13.12 0.00 6.18 ¥¥'F 85 9

28.68 86 K;>' SAMASPUR ED GC(oO.33) 7.70 0.30 ~ 8

PR DEH.CANTT ED GC(59.50) 37.49 0.00 57.61 ~"UR: 87 9

PR OEH.CANTT ED 42.75 GC I 7 9 .15) 62.13 0.00 19.93 ~ 88 10

PR OEH.CANTT ED 7.44 GCltZ.10) 23.72 0.00 3.28 ~ 89 11

KR MUSSOORIE ED 4098.3 88.48 195.07 49.50 ~ 90 5

KR MUSSOORIE ED 736.15 83.05 117.29 33.34 ~ 91 5

------~ 72------cV ------92 Kyar Kuli Shatta 1244.01 824 P (ll CWC (ll T -(5-10) -:5-l~: -~5-l~: (143)

93 Kha1a Gaon 123.84 127 - (-S) CHW (1) T -(S-10) -(S-10: 3S (32)

94 Dooma1 Gaon 28.74 101 - (-S) CHW(l) T -(-S) - (10+) 8S (17 )

9S 8handar Gaon 81. 35 128 -(-5) CHW (1) T -(5-10) -(5-10: B::; 130)

96 Bagral Gaon 86.61 269 -I-S) CHW (1) T -15-10) -(5-10) as 144 )

97 Thani Gaon S9. 4 9 282 P(l) ,M( 1) CHW (1) T -(5-10) - (10+) BS 129)

98 Doom Gaon 64.75 40 -(5-10) CHW(l) T -(5-10) - (10+) as (7 )

99 Punka1 Gaon 126.27 462 -(-5) CHW (1) T -(5-10) -(S-10) BS 1106)

100 Makkawala C2 22.66 82 -(-S) CHW (1) T -(S-10) -(S-10) BS 113)

101 Bhagwantpur Ci 28.74 131 P 11) ewc III , He ( 1 ) T PO -(5-10) BS 126)

102 Danion Ka Danda 61. 91 86 -(5-10) CIIW(l) T -(S-10) -(10+) BS (20)

103 Kirsali Gaon iJ 14.97 27 -(5-10) CHWI1) T -15-10) -(5-10) BS (8)

104 Kuthal Gaon C 31.16 165 Pill CHW(l) T -15-10) -(10+) BS (40)

105 Brahman Gaon 0 31.16 57 -(5-10) CIIW(l) T -(5-10) -(5-10) -(5-10) 116)

106 Salan Gaon rJ 41.28 215 Pill CIIW (1) T -15-10) -110+) -(5-10) (46)

107 Khera Gopiwala 'J 137.19 81 -(5-10) CIIW(l) T -15-10) -(5-10) - (-5) (12)

108 Sighliwala i.J 53.82 167 -(-5) CHW(l) T -15-10) -(5-10) -(5-10) (32)

109 Utari Gaon 0 48.56 159 -(-5) CHW( 11 T -(-51 -(5-10) BS (36) 13 13 :5 16 17

'C;q: :: ED 36.75 nO.18 4 4.24 "!flIl{

C'E~;:<',i.D[;:-1 ED 49.90 9.10 6.84 58.00 1j[ffi Tfiq 93 1 ~)

DEHKilDUN W 4.28 0.00 24.46 V""f'lfui 94 l~

DEHRADUN ED 41. 4 8 15.21 0.88 23.78 ~rflcr 95 10

PR DEHR.n.DUN ED 15.77 PC(0.911 22.11 0.00 47.82 'I"l

DEHRADUN ED 15.50 7.46 0.00 36.53 'lFftrflcr 97 12

KR MUSSOORIE ED 14.54 R (2.35) 8.83 3.57 35.46 vrrflcr 98 9

PR DEHRADUN ED 52.84 R (9.81) 14.60 0.89 48.13 99 10 ~'Ilt.f

PR DEHRADUN ED PC(0.57) 9.51 0.00 12.58 ~ 100 10

PR DEHRADUN ED S.60 0.00 20.14 101 9 ~

PR DEHRADUN ED 33.49 16.18 0.00 12.24 102 , 0 ~'IiI=

PR DEHRADIJN ED 4.01 0.00 10.96 ml!r.fr'1ic! 103 10

PR DEHRADUN ED PC(D.56) 14.34 0.00 16.26 104 1: ~'1ic!

KR DEHRADUN ED 15.11 0.00 16.05 9(ffl:FIrflcr 105 10

KR DEHRADUN ED PC(ll.05) 11.23 0.00 19.00 'l'R'tR'Ifui 106 11

KR DEHRADlJN CANTT ED 112.54 PC(6.90) 7.63 2.43 7.69 107 8 ~~

KR DEHRADlJN CANTT ED 22.22 21. 41 1.11 9.08 IDS 6 ~

PR DEHRADUN CANTT ED 8.94 26.45 0.00 13.17 109 9 ~'Ifui ------. , 110 Jamanl.wala 34.80 66 - I -5) CHW (~) T - 1-5: - :5- -. -(-s) (7)

111 Gunlya1 GacT1 67.50 125 ~(3),MI2), Hili CHWlll T -{5-:0; - . ::;-l::: \ 3.3 (34) ACll)

112 Jamoliwala 22.66 235 PI 1) CHW(1) T -15-10) -(5-l0) as 14 0)

113 Bisht GaOT1 156.62 515 PIl) CHW(l) T -(-51 - (10') -1-5) ( 91)

114 Galjawari 712.66 1212 P(2) ,M(1) CHW(l) T -(5-10) -(5-10: -(5-10) (222)

115 Gango1e Panditwarl 86.61 357 -(5-10) CHW(l) T -(5-10) -15-10) -(5-10) (64)

116 Sa1oniwa1a 38.85 74 P(l) ,M(l) CHW (1) T - (-5) -(5-10) 3S (18)

117 S~naula 164.70 635 P(l) CHW (1) T PO -15-10) as (123)

118 Malsi 120.19 523 P(1) CHW (1) T -(5-10) -15-10) BS (112)

119 Johari 86.20 1085 P(2) RP(2) ,CHW(1) T - 15-10) -15-10) 8S (204)

120 Chandrauti 79.32 254 -15-10) MWC(1),CWCl1),PHSl1) T -(5-10) -15-10) -(5-10) (61) FPC (1) ,CHW 11)

121 Vijepur Goplwala 46.54 812 P(1) CHW(l) T PO -15-10) BS (215)

122 Gajiyawala 34.81 668 P(1) ,Mil) ,H(1) PHS(1),FPCl1) T -15-10) -(5-10) -(-5) (133)

123 Vijepur Hathibarkala,'; 54.63 1378 PI 1) RP (1) ,CHW (1) T PO DAILY BS (245)

124 Kharakhet 150.95 193 PI 1) CHW(1) T -15-10) - (10+) -(S-10) 140)

125 Chauki 429.38 270 - I-51 CHW 11) T,F,C -1-5) -(10+) BS (55)

126 IJl raodi 65.16 74 - 1-5) CHW 111 T t r - 1-5) - Ill), I 8S 1131

127 Saliyawa1a C 101.17 105 -(-51 CHWl11 T,F PO - I-51 -(5-101 1191

Census Directorate, Uttar Pradesh ------~------;' 13 ,~ lS 16 17 l~ ------,~ D::h.?.)·.~lJN -=:.~ll':- :' ED 16.75 1. 45 16.60 ~ 110

~R 0, CII"\NTT ED 7.30 21. 89 0.00 38.}! III 7 ~TJiq

PR DEH',\~)UN ~: ...\NT :- ED WF (6.6:') 8.19 0.00 7.~? ~ 112

KR DEHRl>.DUN C~TT ED 39.00 R(1.47) 76.33 0.00 39.82 ~TJiq 113 15

;.DUN C.4.NT'I' ED 603.23 55.80 17.11 36.52 ~ 114

KR DEHRADUN ED 6.83 32.60 0.00 47.18 115 8 -:i>iiM~

;(R DEHRADUN ED 1. 96 17.32 0.00 19.57 116 10 ~

PI'. DEHRADUN ED 95.24 R (3.84) 43.20 0.00 22.42 117 10 ~

PR DEHRADUN ED 33.22 24.86 0.00 62.11 118 10 ~

PR DEHRADUN ED 11. 57 42.57 0.00 32.08 119 10 ~

?R DEHRADUN ED 1. 67 PC(I1.09) 36.41 0.00 30.15 120 10 -.mit

KR DcHRADUN ED PC (4003) 21.91 0.00 20.60 121 7 ~~

KR DEHRADUN ED GC(1.41) 19.35 0.00 14.05 122 8 ~

?R DEHRADUN ED 37.52 0.00 17.11 123 1 ~~

FP DEHRADUN ED 82.52 R(4.40) 38.76 1. 21 24.06 124 15 ~

PR DEHRADUN ED 359.69 R 13.83) 55.89 0.13 9.84 125 23 ~

PR DEHRADUN CANTT ED 20.48 26.80 1. 43 16.45 126 14 ~

KR DEHRADUN ED 28.10 39.20 3.30 30.57 127 30 ~

------76 3 6 :J ------_------_------128 Chak Saliyawala 6.88 _-_------U N - I N H A B I T E D ------m:~ ------

129 Hariyawala Kalan 112.10 176 P(2),MI1),HI1) CWC (1) T,C - 1-5) - (j_Ot: B:3 134 ) AC(1)

130 Manjhaun 273.16 73 ACll) CHW II) T,E" -1-5) -(5-10, 303 (15)

131 Dhaulas 329.01 666 P(2) ,AC(1) D(1) T,C -(-5) -110+) 3S (126)

132 Hanyawala Khurd 108.46 747 P(1) CHW II) T - (-5) -1-5) 35 (133)

133 Purohitwala 78.51 419 -1-5) CHW 11) T,C -1-5) -(-5) -1-5) (77)

134 Ghanghora 46.54 804 P(1) ,Mil) ,ACIl) CHWIl) T,F PO -(5-10) BS (167)

135 Harnole 57.47 75 P(1) CHW 11) T,F - 1-5) -(5-10) 3S (13)

136 Aarnwala 144.47 540 P(2),Mll) ,ACIl) CHW(l) T,R -(-5) -(-5) 3S (93)

137 Gujrada Karanpur 180.44 456 P 11) CHW 11) T -15-10) -(5-::]) -1-5) 184)

138 Fulsani 112.10 335 P11) CHII 11) T -1-5) -(5-10) BS 168)

139 Bilaspur Kand1y 169.96 512 P 12) ,Mil) MIICI1) T -15-10) -15-10) as 197 )

140 Bajawala 14 4.88 227 P 12) ewell) T -15-10) -15-10) BS 140)

141 Prempur Mafi 37.23 1712 P12) H (1) ,MIIC 11) ,MHC II) T - 1-5) - 1- 5) as 1316 ) RPI3)

142 Kolagarh 106.43 2874 P 12 ) ,M 12) , PUC II) H II) ,MHC 11) , RP II) T PO DAILY as - (562 )

143 Gopiwala ,l 67.58 ------U N - I N H A B I T E 0 ------m:~ ------

144 Garhi 293.39 1625 P(1) ,M(l) ,HIl) CHII 11) T PO DAILY as (323)

145 Loharwala 3.64 698 P II) CHWI1) T -1-5) -(-5) BS (122)

Census Directorate, Uttar ~radesh 7 7 ------,. -----_------~------~------:3 : ~ 1 (~ 16 Ii i>:{ ------Jt..;--'";_I=L '! :.63 " 4.16 O.QO 0.09 'qqi~ 12~

?f' JEt~~\:;l ~~ ED 77.07 GC(2.::: :) 30.17 0.00 2.65 129 i.9 ~~

"i, 1\f-,Hi','\llll~J ,';U~; '1' Ell .'tJ I. /0 PC (.'_'. 1,8) 15.11 21.23 ".44 130 ~ ~

PR DEP"".DUN ::::P-.l'i7':' ED 131. 75 128.26 0.81 18.19 131 1 ~; ~

PR DEHR.';DUN 68.50 R(S.17) Cill.:' ED 13.58 0.00 21.21 ~~ 132

PR ~,D(J~ ED 40.08 1. 65 0.00 36.78 ~ 133

?R DEHRP-.L)UN ED 22.25 R(1.04) 11.24 0.00 12.01 ~ 134

KR DEHRADUN ED 22.04 R (4. 03) 10.81 0.00 20.59 mRor 135

PR DEHRA:JUN CAN':'';' ED 62.12 PC(S.53) 43.43 10.70 19.69 136 4 ~

KR DEHRJI.DL:N ED 77.91 R{12.5B) 65.37 0.41 24.21 137 ~~

PR D.Ou'l"T ED 23.05 PC(1.11) 48.31 31.11 8.5:1 138 b ~

KR D.CAN':'T ED 2.85 GC(13.391 25.44 0.00 128.28 ~~ 139

PR D.CANTT ED R (D. 811 14.79 0.00 129.28 140 6 ~

?R D.ellNTT ED 18.26 0.40 18.57 141 4 ~lil'!iT

PR DEHRADUN ED GC (16.60) 40.88 3.24 45.71 142 4 ~

KR DEHRADUN 0.00 0.00 67.58 143 5 ~

PR DEHRJl.DUN ED GC(18.11) 18.54 85.44 171. 30 144 5 TJ;'f

PR DEHRJl.DUN CANTT ED 0.00 0.68 2.96 145 1 ~

------IS ------3 5 :~ _------_------_------_------_------146 Kandhaull 1516.36 1690 P(SI ,M(::I ,H(ll CHW (11 T -(5-10) - (10 j-; 98 (306)

147 Paundha 527.31 968 P(lI ,M(l) ,H(ll RP(2) ,CHW(tl T PO -11O.' SS (179)

148 Kotra Santaur 195.06 569 P(21,M(1) CHW(l) T - (-5) -(5-10) BS ( 111)

149 Kolhupani 185.74 427 P(ll CHW(l) TW -(-51 -(5-101 8S ( 97)

150 Sudhauwa1a 196.68 1234 P(ll,M(l) RP(ll,CHW'(l) T,rw - (-51 -(10+1 8S (241)

151 Jhajra 314.44 1408 P(ll,M(ll MWC(1),CWC(1I,D(11 T,TW,HP PO DAILY BS (2541 RP(21

152 Banshiwala ~ 61.11 432 - (-5) CHW(1) W,HP -(5-10) - (10+) BS (681

153 Dhulkot Khalsa 31.91 141 -1-5) CRW\l) T -(5-10) -\5-10) 55 (49)

154 Mehreka Gaon 15.18 365 PILI CHW\ll T,HP - (-5) - (10+1 BS (741

155 Dhulkot Mafi C 104.81 448 P\l) CRW(l) T,HP -(-5) - (10+1 BS (80)

156 Central Rope Town C 1265.86 4727 P(l),M(l) H\l),MWC{l),CWC{l) T,W,TW PO TUE: BS (937) 0(1), RP(4) HP

157 Chharba C 1565.33 4511 P(4) ,M(2) ,H(l) H\l) ,D(l) T,W,TW PO - (10+1 5S (7941

158 Shankarpur HakumatpuD 858.34 4148 P(3) CHW{l) T,W,TW -(-51 - (-51 as (6SS) HP,C

159 Atakfarm 0 957.89 2116 P(3),M(2) ,Hll) CllW\l) TW PO -(5-10) 5S (417)

160 Rampur Kalan 1-, 416.02 1928 I? (1) RP(l) T,HP,C PO _ (_C, I BS (322)

161 Laxmiwala u 183.31 1425 P (l) CHW(l) T,HP,C -(5-10) - (5-10) as (252)

162 Indripur U 60.10 138 -(5-10) CHW (1) T,W,HP -(5-10) -(5-10) 5S (29)

163 Sahaspur 0 425.33 4783 P(6I,M(II,H(I) HC (1) , D (4) , FPC (11 T,W,HP PO SUN BS (852) PUC (1)

Census Directorate, Uttar Pradesh iq ------_. 13 16 ------_.146 GC:~3.]:) 260.64 ~.OO :'4.<\5 ~ :<~ ~.:.. -,,-_ \.. .. =::; ::08.B

78.66 :6.46 147 "'; :' ~_!i; .~ .. ~-:: 1_, ~~ E~ ::':5.67 "FI:7.:'9) 169.23 ~ ;4

·,c GC(25.8l} 10.24 (l.OO l:q .61 148 !\" ~{R... "\~li_lN ED 31. 36 ~1RIR

0.00 106.10 149 K~ DEHF-.:;:UN ED 69.42 GCI2.61) 7.61 ~ 9

116. SO lS0 ?R JEi-lR.:'I.:;lj~ EA 3.08 TWEISS.22) 21.88 0.00 ~ 1.2

144.42 151 ?~ DE !-iR}\J UN EAG 3.52 TWE 121.19) 145.31 0.00 ~

0.00 35.75 152 ?~ DEHRi'.DUN ED 6.98 TWE(1.19) 17.19 ~ 18

29.74 153 ?R DEHRADUN CANT'!. ED TWE(1.231 1.00 0.00 ~~ 9

154 PR DEHRADUN ED 11. 62 GC(14.79) 17.54 0.00 31.23 ~'1icr 18

155 PR DEHRADUN EAG 6.07 TWE (44.62) 19.66 0.00 34.48 ~lI1'I>1 20

156 PR DEHRADUN EA 2.83 TWE (286.11) 687.16 48.97 240.79 ~mm:r 18

157 PH, KR VlKASHNAGAR EA 471. 88 GC 1415.06) 382.73 27.71 267.95 tm 0 7

158 PR DEHRADUN EA 80.99 TW(273.39) 310.26 71.70 122.00 ~~ 27

159 PR DEHRi'.DUN ED 257.61 GC(182.33) 399.57 2.00 116.38 ~ 21

160 PR HERBERT PUR EA GC(212.79) 27.36 25.98 149.89

161 PR HERBERT PUR ED GC(70.12) 67.74 2.12 43 .33 ~ 10

162 PR DEHRADUN ED TW(12.23) 30.44 0.81 17.22 ~ 0 24

163 PR DEHRADUN EA GCIll1.66) 161.85 1.62 1">0.20 tnl' 25 ------· " ------164 Dhakimay Chak 57.07 :;374 P(2) ,0111 CHW (~) T,W,H~ -1-5) -(S-l)' 303 1423 ) C

165 Ghamolo 120.60 704 -1-5) CHWll) T,W,HP -1-5) -(S-:,~) as 1172)

166 Khushalpur 375.14 1749 PIli CHWll) T,W,HP -15-10) - (10+: 3S 1274)

167 Dhartawala Mafl 127.08 723 PI2), M12) CHWll) T PO -(5-1:): 35 ( 160)

168 Panditwari Mat, 154.60 3396 P(3),M(2),HI1) H(1) ,RP(l: T PTa -(5-10) 3$ (683)

169 Shahpur Santaure 92.67 ------U N - I N H A 8 I T E 0 ------Itt~ ------

170 Rangharwala 148.12 93 -(5-10) CHW(l) T PO -(5-10) 8S (19)

171 Mitthi Behd, 132.74 558 P(l) CHWll) T -(-5) -(5-10) 8S (119)

172 Malukawala 110.89 ------U N - I N H A 8 I T E D ------Itt~ ------

173 Khernadoj ~ 20.23 ------_--- U N - I N H A B I T E D ------_ Itt~ ------

174 Arkedia Grant 1755.59 10367 Pill ,M(2) ,PUCIl) RPIl) T PO -(5-10) 8S (1976)

175 Arnbiwa1a 61. 51 697 P12) ,Mil) CHW (1) T,W PTa -15-10) 8S (130)

176 Dankwala ~ 46.95 68 -(-5) CHW (1) HP -(-5) -(5-10) as (17 )

177 Keshowa1a Cl 53.02 195 -(5-10) CHW (1) W,HP -(5-10) -(10+) -(5-10) (32)

178 Polio Nathuw2II,) 184.31 1102 -15-10) H (1) T,W,HP PO - ( LO+) GS (193)

179 East Hope Town 2189.35 11210 P(9),M(2),H(1) Hll) ,MWC(l) ,RP(2) T,W, HP PO -(10+) 8S (2060) PUC(l)

180 Malhan Grant IJ 173.60 370 P (1) CHW( 1) T -(5-10) -(5-10) as 167 )

181 Karbari Grant 'J 444.75 1208 P11) CHW(l) HP PO - (10+) BS (221)

Census Directorate , Uttar Pradesh SI ------:3 :4 " 16 17 l~ ;:~ Jr- l ; ------1..\2C·\ SA PC (J. bl)) .::) 39.17 0.00 14.30 ~- 1Ii4

?:.:.. :'.E'r\.';':--CN EA TW(bl.31) 25.56 : 7 4.01 29.72 "EPirM'I 165

KR nr.h~/dl[JN EA TW (ll3 .0'1) ... 136.88 7.17 llA.OS 1 f,f, ~

PR DEHRADUN ED GCI7.43) 0.00 0.00 ') 119.65 ~~ 167

?R DEHRADUN ED GC(16.17) 0.00 0.00 5 138.43 ~~ 168

n~ DEHR,\DUN 0.00 0.00 b 92.67 ~'!Rl1< 169

?R D.DUN CANTT ED GCIL68) 0.00 0.19 6 143.25 ~ 170

KR DEHR!'.DUN ED 6.07 GC(14.16) 37.03 0.45 7 75.03 ~~ 171



PI<. DEHRADUN E;A 194.14 GC(654.15) 431.11 9.53 8 466.66 ~1JR 174

?R DEHRADUN ED RI38.74) 12.72 10 3.39 6.66 ~ 175

KR DEHAADUN ED R(35.68) 0.85 2.27 10 8.15 ~ 176

KR DEHAADUN ED RI35.17) 1. 31 1. 60 12 14.94 ~ 177

PR DEHRADUN CANTT ED 0.64 RI92.49) 33.46 31.33 14 26.39 ~~ 178

PRo DEHRADUN E;A 179.57 GC(489.60) 1013.36 2.45 16 504.37 ~mm'l 179

?R JEHRADUN E:A 34.09 R I 7 .21) 18 68.88 53.90 9.52 ~= 180

?R DEHRADUN E:A 177.79 TWI114.92) 52.57 22.44 12 77.03 ~1JR 181 ------Total : 3S~S4.01 102315 P(l~S) ,M(39) H ( " ) , MC~ : 6 ) 19043 H ( 11) , PL:C (5: MH (2) I ewe (13; AC 17) ,0 (2) HCI2),PHCI1: PHS ( 2] , D [ 9] FPC (31 • RP 1211 CHW[87] '83 ---~------. > 3 C • "C I , PC I : 0 S • 18 ) 1883.27 obCJ.96 T'iJ (S"7 4. ;:

1 o G A W A L

( j ~ ... --) '( I IL 5 ;----/ ~ /- .• ·Or. _. ,.J 6 ------. _.j I \ I' -i


'. :-.

199 1 "HflURT 1991 CENSUS ;;r.r~U.MENIT I ES AND

DIstrIct Name : Dehradun = ii?:'lMo!I;;r.r ~ - r"llfu = ii"l!fuvr?:'lMo!I 'liT k"ffr ~ (-) M1'1T'f in

~ ='IiT'llli lII'f'IiT'Ff ~

2 b 9 10

C.D. alock Ralpur Tahsil Dehradun G

18 ~ Shllla 1535.38 981 P (1) CHW(1) T -(5-10) -15-10) -(5-10) 1177)

18] Klyara 58:.5] 474 PII) ,M(l) CHW 11) T -(5-10) -110+) -15-10) (116)

184 S unl yar 1 184.13 101 -(5-10) CHW (1) T -(5-10) - I 10+) -(5-10) (23)

185"'Fulet 362.20 218 PI 1) CHW(l) T -1-5) -(-~ - (>10) 145 )

:86 Nah~ Kalan 765.27 413 PI 1) CHWll) T -15-10) -110+) -(5-10) (54 )

187 Chamasarl 4333.78 622 P(l) ,Mil) ,AC(1) CHWll) T -15-10) -(5-10) -(5-10) (l08)

188 Karllgard 344.00 120 PI 1) CHW (I) T -15-10) - 110+) -(5-10) (20)

189 Sarauna 576.67 384 P (1) HI 1) ,MWC (1) ,MHC I 1) T PO -110+) -(5-10) (66) CWell)

190 Chhamrol.l :56.97 231 P (1) CHW (1) T -1-5) -(10+) -15-10) (40)

191 Bhalnswad Gaon 301.90 197 P (1) CHW(1) T - 1-5) -15-10) -(-5) (37)

19. Bagara Dhauran 102.79 166 P (1) CHW (1) T -(-5) -110+) -(-5) (22)

19] Manjhara 119.39 69 P(1) CHWll) T -15-10) - (10+) -(5-10) (12)


'!fir JIlim Land Use (~ ...... ~"."., .tmo;am~3l'n1in~-~ii~~<;l ,"11"" ,~" ,~". ~<>i

ID'li'f'f> ~~ q.j

1~ 13 14 15 16 17 18


KR DEHRADUN ED 405.20 018.13) 168.20 0.00 0.00 fin>mr 183 30

KR DEHRl'.DUN 110.00 0112.16) 51.32 0.00 10.65 fi:ri1:r'ITfr 184 22

KR DEHRADUB·.N ED 257.57 019.17 ) 34.51 57.30 3.65 185 29 'F'ffi

KR DEHRl'.DUN ED 674.17 0(0.90) 2.06 19.89 68.25 "'I1ir'l><'li 186 16

KR MUSSOORIE ED 3318.9 0(18.58) 242.65 28.00 125.69 ~ 187 6

KR DEHRADUN ED 302.93 0(3.84 ) 22.60 6.43 8.20

KR DEHRADUN ED 412.44 89.78 68.64 5.81 m);rr 189 20

KR DEHRADUB N 146.81 R(3.03) 45.26 50.15 11.72 ~ 190 25

KR DEHRADUN 207.08 GCI8.04) 0.05 76.43 10.30 ~TTi

KR DEHRl'.DUN ED 73.46 0111.(9) 3.63 0.45 13.76 ~'l'R:1 192 20

KR DEHRADUN ED 48.81 017.54 ) 4.76 4.63 53.65 ~ 193 19 ------194 Tirnali Mansingh 269.52 634 CH'Il (1) T,N - 1-5: - \ -:.: 1130)

195 Sarkhet 85.80 525 i.' 11) CHW(l) T -1-5) -(-5: (128)

196 Kairwan Karanpur 663.49 139 PIl) CHW (1) T -(-5) - (-5) 120 )

197 Chalang 250.10 398 P(l) CHW [1) T -(-5) - (10, ) - 1-5) 161 )

198 Khuranwa 118.57 134 -1-5) CHW (11 T -1-5) - {-5) (26)

199 Dhanaula 139.22 223 PIl) MWC(l) T -(5-101 -110-) as (45 )

200 Bandawali 137.19 156 -1-5) CHW(l) T -(-5) -(-5) (31)

201 Sindhowali Dhoran 19.02 110 -15-10) CHWll) T -(5-10) -15-10) -15-10) 121 )

202 Nagalhat Nala 27.92 405 P( 1) CHWIl) T -1-5) -(5-10) 8S (89)

203 Marotha 84.58 219 -(-5) CHWIl) T -1-5) -(S-10) - (-5) (36)

204 Kulhan Karanpur 40.47 117 -(-5) CHWIl) T PO -(5-10) -(5-10) (18)

205 Kulhan Mans>ngh u 42.49 86 -(-5) CHW(l) T -(-5) -15-10) as (17)

206 Danda Dhoran 14.87 259 Pill CHW(1) T -1-5) -1-5) as (43)

207 Kirsali 74.87 1121 Pll) CHW(1) T -1-5) -15-10) BS (239)

208 Tarla NagaI 152.57 650 ? 11 I CHW(l) T -(-5) -15-10) as 1143)

209 Dhoran Khas \] 195.46 253 PILI CHW( 1) T -(-5) -1-5) -1-5) 153)

210 Gujrada Mansingh I) 126.67 615 P(ll ,MIZ) ,HII) H (1) , MWC ( I) , MHC ( I ) T PO, PTO, PHONE -1';-10) 1102) PUC( II ewc ( 1) , PHC (1) , PHS ( 1) D (1) , FPC (1 )

211 Jagatkhana 34.00 U N - I N H A BIT E D

Census Directorate, Uttar Pradesh 87 ------~------~------13 14 ", 16 17 l8 2 ------~------~ s.; C£1-\9...:'l.JUN ED 188 .• 7 9.60 66.49 5.9" f<;t;l'ft "'IRfu;; 1.94 : 8

"R =E:~' :;;_~'01'N ED .; 9.59 :;C , -l . :~"7 J 0.65 : 1. :5 ~G. 14 lJ5 ::'~

F!=' DE:hF..fi.=':~I!\' E~ 132.40 GC(B.CJ7) 12.81 1.15 B1.2E 196 19 ~~

p< !'F.HR.~\~\IN (,e (1. ()j) I ~c 77.':JJ 6~. 11 1".4, '.:C}I 1 ~'l I "ffi'iTT

:'<::-. m::'rtR..,::,.~vN ED ;~.:J~ 24.{)~ 124:: C= 1.99 198 8 ~

~R DEHRlIDUN ED 92.7J 13.72 7.15 25.62 199 14 >R'tiorr

PR DEHAADUN ED 98.63 GC112.80l O.7() n.25 13 .19 200 15 ~

?\R DEHJ>..RADUN ED 6.4t 8.15 4.H 201 '3 ~>itB r:~ DEHARADUt-O ED 5.14 13.88 8.90 202 9 ~;m;u

?R DEHARADUN ED KI9.7e) 23.20 28.24 23.36 203 10 1'I""iror

?R :lEHARADUN ED 20.40 14.45 5.62 204 03 ~~

PR DE HAE<.F,:xrt'l E.O di .]~ GC(l.~;;) 15. ~3 I.B5 C • l'l 2()S 9 ~~

PR DEfiA.'1.ADUN EA 13.6. 25.82 35.36 206 4 :sRI" >iTr-i ell. DEflARADUN ED 8.56 39.18 lB.53 8.00 201 ~ f.rnnffi


PR DEJ-L~LTN ED 17.54 53.18 91.90 32.84 209 4 ~~

PR CEHARA:lU)I E:A 15.52. 40.43 46.67 23.85 210 6 'l"'ml~

KR DE:l-lRAJ'';N 25.22 loU 1. ~ 1 0.00 211 7 ~

------______v ______~ ______~ ______J ------212 Oanda Lakhaund 177.65 426 - (-5) CHW (1) T -(-5) -~5-1C) ~.::- (86)

213 Danda Khudanewala 69.21 346 P(2) CHW (1) T -(5-10) - \ 10-, :::'l.~ (65)

214 Chirowall 43.30 244 -(-51 CHWlll T - 15-lQI - (5-10) BS (44)

215 Danda Nooriwala 55.44 ------_-- U N - I N H A B I T E D ------Tt<~ ------

216 Brahmawala 14.16 ------..... -- U N - ! N H A 8 I T E D ------Tt<~ ------

217 Kalagaon L~! 57.47 495 P(l) CHW(l) T - (-5) -(5-10) BS (97 )

218 !?ustari 50.18 55 -1-5) CHW(l) T -(-5) - (10+) -(-51 (9)

219 Bavantha 265.41 203 P(l) CHW(l) T -(-5) -110'1 - (-5) (29)

220 Khari Mansingh ::J 152.98 301 P (1) CHW 11) T -1-5) -(5-10) -(5-10) (42)

221 Gujarmi 33.59 36 - (-5) CHW (1) T -(-5) - (10 +) -(5-10) (7)

222 Bhandariwala 41.68 24 -(-5) CHW 11) T - (-5) -(5-10) BS (4 )

223 Asthal 81.23 258 P(l) CHW( 1) T -(-5) -(10+) 8S 142)

224 Rainiwala '::: 24.69 99 -(-5) CHW(l) T - (5-10) -15-10) 8S 116)

225 Seraki rJ 89.03 319 - (-5) CHW (1) T - (-5) -(5-10) BS (62)

226 Thewa 116.10 540 P(2) ,M(2) ,H(l) MWC ( 1) ,MHC ( 1 ) ,CWC (1) T PO - 1')-10) BS ( 1031 D ( 1) ,CHW ( 1 )

227 Bajhet 171.17 211 -(-5) CHW(l) T -(-51 -(5-10) BS (42)

226 Aamwala Upada 25.90 ------U N - I N H A B I T E 0 ------_------'" 31T

229 Aamwala Manjhala ::J 30.35 231 P (1) CHW{l) T -(-51 -(5-10) 8S (53)

Census Directorate, Uttar Pradesh ------~-~------110 2 ------~~ .:£> ,=-. :..;-:\,~ ,~ ED !.1. 63 98.83 61.66 2.53 m:Gl~ 212

~!' ~E;:.O;'_:'CL··; ED 17.69 20.32 19.19 12.01 213 :3 m:Gl~

PR l)£ht\..:\[~lT"l ED 21. 39 8.50 13. -1l 214 " ~

KR D£!-lRP.DC~l 17.60 19.4S 18.39 =~ 215

h;-; I'l:ii ~ "\ Ill: 0J 0.00 l1 .34 ) .)o~ 2 ,l ~ 0 216

~? Df~rif\Fl,[)[JU ED 33.40 15.51 6.96 1. 60 217 18 ~

KR DEBAAADUN ED 28.09 GC(6.J6) 0.64 3.65 11. 44 218 12 ~

,2 DEHAAADUN ED 153.02 48.48 46.60 7.37 219 16 ~

KR DEHAAADCN ED 42.45 GC(16.59) 7.73 48.51 37.70 220 14

KR DEHAADUN ED 3.27 2.54 23.91 3.87 221 17 'PWft

?R DEHRl'.DUN ED 13.71 4.25 9.86 13 .86 222 10 ~

PR DEHR.'I.DUN ED 28.58 GC(3.0B) 29.05 10.74 9.78 ~ 223 ,FP H

PR DEHAADUN ED 8.04 PC (8.94) 0.24 4.16 3.31 224 15 ~

PR ~EHRA;)UN ED 40.99 GC(24.37) 0.50 15.30 7.97 225 l~ ~

PR DEHAADUN EJ\ 88.81 GC(21.00) 15.76 15.26 5.27 226 " olm

?R DEHAADUN EO 128.46 GC(6.83) 6.75 19.07 lCL06 227 , F? 12 -.mer

KR DE:HAADUN 20.27 0.36 5.27 228 13 ~~

P9.,KR DEHAADUN EO 21.95 0.78 7.62 7 3tJtIl!IIi'IT~ 229

------3 -_ 0 ------230 Sundhowall Mansingh 21. 04 235 P (1) CHW (I) T - (-0) - S-!..\-:; \ - ;:1-: I~) (44:

231 Tiboawala Panc._ 161.87 ------U N - I N H A B I T E D ------>tt am!lG ------

232 Hatwal Gaon 2.02 489 P (1) CHW (1) T - (-5) -{5-10) -(5-10) (92 )

233 Aamwala Tar 1a 156.81 280 P (1) CHW (1) T -(5-10) -(5-10) -(5-10) (70 )

234 Kandhauli 61. 91 765 P (1) CHW(l) T - (5-10) -(5-10) BS (157)

235 Aamwala Karanpuc 10.11 ------U N - I N H A B I T E D ------'" am!lG

236 Nanurkhera 73.66 653 P (1) PHS (1) T -(-S) - (-S) -(-S) (121)

237 Mangaluwala 92.67 351 P(1) ,M(l) CHW (1) T PO -(-S) -(S-10) (67)

238 Haryawala J 27.ll 183 PIl) CHW(l) T - (-5) -(5-10) -(5-10) (34)

239 Sunderwala 78.10 2082 P(l) CHW(l) T PO -(-5) as (423)

240 Chak Dalanwala 12.14 2 - (5-10) CHW(l) TN - (5-10) -(5-10) -(5-10) (11

241 Ladpur 148.12 700 P (31 ,M(l) RP(l) ,CHII(l) T -(-51 -(-5) - (5-:01 (155)

242 Dwara 1120.57 1460 P (3) ,M (1) CHW(l) T PO -(5-10) -1>101 (218 )

243 Akhandwali Bhilang " 348.85 496 P (1) CHW (1) T - (-5) -15-10) -1>,0) (84 )

244 Sauda Sarauli 544.32 720 P (11, H (1) PHS (11 T -(-5) ~ (-~)) RS (120)

245 Landwakot 288.95 196 P (1) CHII(l) T PO - (10+) -1>10) (32)

246 Ha1dwarL 1-] 362.20 176 P (1) CHW (1) T -(-5) - ( I i1, I - 1',-\0) (28)

247 Nahl Kalan 304.32 106 P(l) CHW il) T -(5-10) -(10+) -15-101 (17)

Census Directorate, Uttar Pradesh '-11 ------~------_------16 ------~:< 22::-- :;_~:::, ._.:' l~.:;S 0.30 >i. ·13 ~~ 230

«; )E~.::~'='~N :57.87 0.00 2.04 1.9'; ~'lFi\ 231

PR '''';;". :', 1. 49 0.02 0.51 .F? ~lJiq 232

':\~ ~EHl'.;:UN ED 20.92 80.67 29.74 25.48 ~1'R\'IT 233

t'!, t)L H .,,\, l_'r~ ED 36.00 2.90 23.01 ~ 234

'<~ DEH;<.;l.uUN 7.60 0.00 2.51 ~~ 235

~R,KR 8EHR.A.:)UN ED 6.31 28.44 1.53 37.38 3 ~ 236

?R,KR DEnRP.DUN ED 50.21 17.90 15.13 9.43 ~ 237

?S,.:"::R :JEHRPDUN ED 19.41 6.Q5 0.48 1.11 9 ~ 238

?R DEHRADUN ED 23.65 7.85 21.04 25.56 239 4 ~

KR DE:HRADUN ED 6.24 4.14 0.74 1.02 12

PR DEHRADUN ED 95.00 4.99 31.32 16.81 6 ~ 241

FP DEHRAOUN E:A 759.43 273.31 78.99 8.84 15 mr 0 242

FP DEHRADUN ED 243.40 PC(22.55) 39.19 37.71 6.00 16 ~NWT 243

PR DEHRAOUN ED 246.86 PC(12.18) 83.31 20.17 181.80 10 .~ 244

KR DEHRADUN ED 223.96 33.56 20.84 lQ.59 35 ~ 245

KR DSHRADUN ED 291.13 33.05 32.04 35 5.98 ~ 246

KR DEHRADUN SD 8.14 127.04 13.39 155.75 34 'ml

------9'z__ ------_------5 ~J ------24g Sataili Ga.l~·rI"l.i 540.27 148 P(1) ,M (1) CHW (:) T 110" ; -: -;.c-·, -: >lJ) (27 )

249 Raithwan Gaon 575.95 6: P (1) CHW (1) T 110, ) - I to..- i - (::.<0) (H)

250 Kairwan Malkot 256.97 67 P(l) CHW (1) T -(5-10) -(5-10: - (:'-10) (14 )

251 Jakar 47.35 38 - (-5) CHW (1) T -(5-10) -(S-lCI -(5-101 (7)

252 Farti 169.15 85 -(5-101 CWC(l) ,CHW(1) T -(5-10) -(S-lO) -(S-lO; (IS)

253 Sanqaon 276.40 370 P(2) ,M{l) MWCIl) T -(5-10) -15-10) - (5-10) (68)

254 Sindhwal Gaon " 386.48 320 P(ll,M(l) Cl!W(l) T -(5-10) -15-10) - (5-10) (58)

255 Kotala 72.84 50 - (-5) Cl!W(1) T -15-10) -[10+) -(5-10) IS)

256 Nahin Khurd 53.42 29 - (-5) CHW(l) T -(5-10) - 110·1 -(5-10) (4)

257 Baderna Kalan 135.57 92 1'(1) Cl!W(l) T -(5-10) - (10+) -:5-10) ( 19)

258 Baderna Khurd 158.69 115 P (1) CHW( 1) T -(5-10) - (10+) -(5-10) (21)

259 Tamauli Garh 199.10 154 Pill Cl!W (1) t -(5-10) -(10+) -(5-10) (291

260 Paled 285.71 144 P(l) CHW(l) T -(5-10) -(10+) -(5-10) (22)

261 Talai I; 215.27 225 P(ll CHW( 1) T -1-5) -(10+) -(5-10) (4 0)

262 Dharkot iJ 74.47 71 PIl) H (1) , PHS 11) T -IS-IO) -(10+) - IS-lO) ( 13)

263 Simiyandh CJ 39.25 82 -(-5) CHW(l) T -15-10) -(10+) -(5-10) (13 )

- (10,) - (';-10) 264 8aderna MajhnJ~ I, 87.01 71 P(ll CHW( 1) t -IS-lO) ( 9)

265 Kuthar U 42.49 93 -(5-10) Cl!W(l) T -(5-10) -(10+) -(5-10) (17 )

------~------Census Directorate, Uttar Pradesh 13 14 ------~~------16 17 13 2 ------_. K~ ::'E!-tR...:"~CN ED 405.99 pCle. b) B3.l3 ~.89 42.10 lIffi;it~ 24a

KR :JEER)..DUN ED 332.17 121.53 0.00 142.25 ~ti\a; 249 40

KR DEHRl'.DUN ED :10.66 PC11.15) 24.86 2.50 17.80 ~"Iffi'I

KR DEHRADUN ED 21. 87 PC (0.13) 10.44 10.73 4.18 "ITiiIi< 251 33

KR DEHR,.;'DUN ED 93.31 PC(O.67) 56.79 13.77 4.61 'MIl 0 252 3,

KR DEH~AD[JN ED 85.78 128.70 22.29 39.63 tR"'1icf 253 30

KR DEHRADUN ED 111.25 PC 13.35 i 153.56 62.46 49.86 ~.,,;q. 254 33

KR DEHRADUN ED 36.82 26.39 5.12 4.51 ~ 255 33

KR DEHRADUN ED 41. 28 9.11 0.00 3.03 256 33 ~~

KR DEHRADUN ED 54.70 38.33 42.08 0.46 ~'Ii<'\T 257 34

KR DEHRl'.DUN ED 93.14 34.06 21. 74 9.75 258 33 ~~

KR DEHRADUN EO 131. 40 34.49 0.36 32.85 ~11; 259 , ,? 32

KR DEHRADUN ED 215.16 PCI0.84) 41.78 21.75 6.18 260 28 ~

KR DEHRADUN EO 109.93 71.13 13.20 20.41 261 , FP 33 ffi'ITt

KR DEHRADUN EO 28.42 26.41 4.69 14.95 ~ 262 32

KR DEHRADUN ED 9.79 11.98 3.95 7.53 ~ 263 31

KR DEHRADUN 1':0 44 .00 27.61 9.12 5.62 ~~ 264 32

KR DEHRADUN ED 13 .27 "C(l. 74) 20.52 1. 61 5.35 265 , FP 31 ~

------~------· ,;

------~------266 Kar,~ , ( 9)

267 Karkot Kalan 59.09 15 -(-5) CHW( 1) T - (S-18} ~ -; (S-:J; (2)

~68 Kalimatl 63.53 177 P(I) CHW( 1) T -(5-10: -:S-lC: -(5-::"O; (27)

269 Ilhopalpanl Grant 542.37 288 P(l) CHW( 1) T -(5-10) -\)-~CI 38 (57)

270 8arasi Grant 351.13 804 P(1) .MD) MWC(I) T PO -:0-1:: -(5-~O) (142)

271 Pawala Sauda 32.38 219 p(l) CHW( 1) T - (-51 -:'0-10: 3S (36)

CHW(l) -(5-10) - (: O"f") -(5-101 272 Siron ~ 23.06 68 - (5-10) T (14 )

273 GhandQl 10.52 14 P(1) CHW( 1) T -(-51 - (:0+1 -(-5) (4 )

274 Chauki 10.92 33 P (11 CHW( 1) T -(-5) - (:0+ I -(-5) (71

275 Kaknawa Hay Chak Tal= 60.30 269 P(ll CRW(ll T - (-5) -(10+) -(-5) (43)

276 Thano 3.24 74 P(ll,M(II,H(I) PHC (11 T PO -(10-1-) 8S (20) PUC (1)

277 Kot.l May Chak 150.95 268 - (-5) CHW (11 T -1-5) -(10+1 - (-51 (44 )

278 Ram(lagar Danda 426.95 1465 P (21 ,M(ll ,PC(ll T PO -(IG'I -(-51 (231 )

279 Kandogal '] 29.14 220 - (-5) CHW(ll T - (-5) - ( 10+ I - (- 5) (391

280 Kuthal 49.77 295 -(-51 CHW (1) T - (-5) - ( i.d t-) -(-51 (531

281 AJabpur KaJ.an 458.57 11232 P (3) ,M(l) PHC (1) T PO -(-51 9S 12288)

282 Natthanpur 222.99 3033 P(2) D(2) ,RP(21 T,W PO - ('J- L0 I BS 1554)

283 Chak Shahnagar 'J 17.00 201 -(-51 RP ( 11 , CHW ( 1) T -(-5) -(-5) as ( 42)

------~------Census Directorate, Uttar Pradesh 16 17 __ ~ ___ J ______- ______------

"K CCC: • '-~.< l',; ~~ :".~9 6,92 o.n ~~ 266

~ ~ :OJ

'(R _. - ;_'-;:L'~J ;::> ~, . 64 13 .80 22_63 1,02 ~'fWli 267 J.l

KR St-;_:.. Dl:N ED 45.93 ~. 1>3 11.53 ~ 268 31

FR, K:;:;I. Df":~;{,\['I[;N F.D 61, J'l .'1. JJ ;'0: . I j "~uR 2t,-IJ I

?<:F: c.I:I-.:--v"._:";~. E~ ::<1 .23 120.19 10.31 6.40 ~>;{R 27Q .j

?R Dr:::f!iV.~U"~ ED 2.:,)2 23.33 2.37 4.36 ~~ 271 :3

K". DI::HRl'.DU!-< ED 20.26 2.48 0.32 Rm 212 3L

PR,KR DE,Ri\DUN 2:D 0.42 8.04 1.65 0.41 ~ 213 33

2R,i<::<. DtHR.!l.DUN EO 3.58 5.99 0.60 0.75 ~ 274 30

!(R :)r:~RJ._DUN ED GCC:!5,,:'3.~ 23.5() L22 S.CO ain 'Ii

PR DEH:<.ADUN ED GC(D.]:') 2.30 0.00 0.62

KR Dt:-{rt..~DUN ED ~O4.51 PC(lO.DO) 26.14 4.64 5.66 ..m\~'F6 277 ~1

?3:. DEHR..'1DCN ED 184.73 GC(120.021 105.30 2.75 14. LO 2~8 JC ~~

?~,KR DEHRADt:~· ED GC(24.97;· 0.00 1.34 2.83 ~ 219 29

KR Q£.H:t..:l.."JUN ZD GC()C.361 18.20 ~.OO 1.21 2~O 30 ~ eR D£HRADUN EA 2.44 GC (119.92) 88.89 2.24 245.08 ~~ 281

PR,KR DEHRA:JUN EA GC(31.38) 43.99 0.00 141. 72 ~ 282

?R DEHRADUN EA 6.37 0.00 10.63 283 3 -~

------~---;------_------;------9(:, ------_------_------_------_------1 6 _ J ------_------284 Ajabpur Khurd 187.37 1992 P( 11 CHWlll T,W - (-5) -,::-:'0: 3S 13BJ)

285 Dehra Khas 6.0, 717 PIll,MllI,H(ll H (11 ,MWC (l) ,MHC I 1) T,W,H? PO, PTC D.::l...i:LY 8S (1491 PUC (11 cwe I 11 , TB (11 , NH I 11

286 Kedarpur 133.55 243 P (11 CHW I 1) T PTO, PHONE -15-101 5S (47)

287 Shahnagar 91. 05 1149 Pill RPll),CHWlll T,W -(-5) -1-5) BS 1237 )

288 Banjarewala Mafi 195.06 1162 Pili ,Mill CHW(ll T PTO -(-51 BS (196)

289 Kargi Grant 103.60 1399 P(2) ,M(2) PHCll) T,C -15-10) -(5-10) BS 12341

290 Chak Banjar~wala 2.43 35 -1-5) CHWll) TW -I-51 -(5-10) 3S 17 )

291 Mothorowala 484.82 2132 PIZ) ,M(ll ,1l(1) PIlS(ll T,W,HP PTO DAILY as (395) PUC (1) R

292 Badripur 178.01 1616 P(1) !'HS(1) T,W - (-51 DAILY 30; 13131

293 Indrapur 27.92 35 -1-5) CHW(1) TW - 1-5) DAILY "IS (6)

294 Haripur 38.85 501 - 1-5) CHW(l) 1', HP -1-5) DAILY 3S (97)

295 Nawada 144.47 1601 P(1) ,M( 1) RP(l) .CHW(ll T,W,HP - (-5) DI'ILY 3S (302)

296 Kanwali , 688.39 15174 P(l) ,M(2) ,H(3) RP(1) .CHW(ll T,W,HP PO DAILY 35 13049) PUCI~) C(1)

297 Brahamanwala 120.60 1107 P(2),M(1),I(1) CHW(1) T,W - (-5) DAILY -(-51 (194 ) 011)

298 Sewla Kalan 201.12 3061 P 121 ,M(2) PHS (1) T -(-5) DAILY -(-51 15061

299 Niranjanpur 270.33 6045 P(31,M(11,Ill) H ( 1) , D (11 • NH 11 ) T PTO,!'HONE DlII LY 3S (1198) TR(1) RP(ll

300 Harbanswala 119.79 1605 P(1) CHW(1) T PTO,PHONE DAIL'i BS (2911

301 Harbhajwala '- 116.96 536 P (1) CHi'll 1) 1,1'1'1 !'TO,PHONE -(-51 - (-5) lIla)

Census Directorate, Uttar Pradesh ------~------13 17 2 ------::'~, !<..L-Z ,~2:_i~:...:f_·\) EA GC(:'::J.S~) 35.60 2.70 23.50 ~~ 284

?.z ~E:::~.;:,;N EA GCIS.30; 0.00 0.00 0.77 mr'.ID"H 285

?R )S:: tv-\..:;Li~~ ED GC159. 7:;) ,TWE(:3.60) 10.26 3.02 46.95 ~ 286

,'R, K" r}F.H~~".; :In ED GC(9.551 \8.62 0.00 62.88 287 1 'fflRTR

=R :'S;l;_:'.:::--,~l ED GC(120.13) 32.00 0.00 42.93 ~llT'liT 288

PR, KR DEHR:,Do'N EA GC(47.32) 21. 70 0.00 34.58 ~lIR 289

PR,KR DEHRADLJN ED GC(2.43) 0.00 0.00 0.00 290 10

?R.K? DEHRADUN ED 19.62 GC( 188.17) 50.18 101. 29 125.56 291 9 ~

?R,KR DEHRADLIN EA GC(50.14) 29.17 1. 86 96.84 292 4 ~

?R,KR DEHRADUN EA GC(3.72) 10.98 0.00 13.22 293 7 ~ 0

?R DEHRADUN EA GC(5.H) 26.56 2.54 4.34 294 6 ~

?R DEHRADUN EA 51.47 GC(26.28) 51. 60 5.29 9.83 295 6 ~

PR DEHRADUN EA 29.86 GC(68.84) 216.07 0.74 372.88 296 7 ~

PR DEHRADUN EA GCI72.05) 27.31 0.00 21. 24 297 7 ~

PR DEHRADUN ED GC(107.21) 55.49 0.00 38.42 298 7 ~

PR DEHRADUN EA 3.32 GC(87.11) 38.53 0.00 141. 37 299 11 ~

PR DEHRADUN ED 1.22 GC(5.65) 84.28 0.00 28.64 300 5 ~

KR DEHRADUN ED Ge(7? .21) 27.43 0.00 12.32 301 12 ~

------~-----~------_--- _c ------_------30~ Menhuwala Mafi 416.02 7717 E'(:2),M(l),H(l) MWC(li ,~?::) T,'iI,rW E'TC, ?!-:8N:: (12~8 :

303 Pl.tthuwala 86.61 791 P (2) CHW (~) T,W -(-5) :~: :_:1 - (\5) (159)

304 Sewla Khurd 65.15 1139 PIli CHW (1) T -(-5) !)AILY as (172)

305 Mohabbeywala 63.13 1894 P (1), M( 1) PHS(l) T PO DjlILY BS (380)

306 Majra 333.76 7900 P(3),Mt5),H(1) H (1) , He t 1) , PHS ( 1) TW PTO, PHONE DAILY 85 (1414) , I (1) 0(1) ,R?(3)

307 Chandrabani Khalsa 31.57 464 - (-5) CHW (l) T -(-5) DAILY BS (96)

308 Bharuwala Grant G 344.39 2653 P(2),M(5),H(3) H(l),NH(l) ,RP(3) TW PTO DAILY !lS (529) PUC (1)

309 Chandrabani Grant 324.96 61 - (-5) CHW(l) T - (-5) -(10+) 55 (12)

310 Asarori CJ 518.82 1724 -(-5) CHW(1) T - (-5) -llO+ I 8S (383)

Total : 28794.19 108088 P(llO) ,!l(40) H(7) ,MCW (8) 20450 H (14) , PUC (7) I1H(4) ,CWC(5) C(l), I (3) HC(1),PHC(4) TR ( 11 , AC (1 ) PHS (9),0(6) 0(1) FPC[2),TB[1) NH (3), RP (l5) CHW I 101) 13

~~ ~ . '-"_ SO 1).91 ::;C ( : 7 3 . ~:. ; 163.51 ~.OO -: 1. ? l_j ~'l1'li\ 30~

_r~ ,. , .' ED GC: 14". =J: 23.00 0.00 1').41 ~'1"-ffi'IT 30]

:-,:" " .. "'< l:~ S/\ (~C (3'. ~) 'l) l2. 1 q 0.00 .'o.rl ~~ 304

S'F H R.-''\[1!JN SA 1. 32 29.58 0.00 33.55 ~ 305 11

:JErl?u'l,DLiN EA GC{112.31) 115.84 0.00 105.61 ll!;;m 306 6

PR DEHRADUN ED 6.85 1B.70 0.00 6.02 ~~ 307 11

PR DEHAADUN EA 7.30 TW{0.40) B7.77 68.69 180.23 308 9 ~=

KR DEHAADUN ED 319.B6 3.18 0.00 1. 92 309 11 ~=

PR DEHAADUN ED 464.95 37.77 0.00 16.10 310 12 ~

-.:Wr : 14415.00 GC{1899.23) ,PCI6L 71) 5151.14 2169.62 4674.83 TW{0.40),TWEI13.60) RI12.Bl) ,0IBO.25)



\ 991 "R111lRT 1~91 r:SN3US OR "Ilfumii l7;;mr<>lT .m;i. ~ ;:Q!:~r' (fR~)

312 Kaucasl 86.:0 154 P (1) ,M II) CHW(l) T -I-51 -(-5) BS 125)

3!3 Paligacn 4 i. 29 291 -(-5) CHW(l) T -1-5) -(-5) -(-5) 1561

314 Khaldhar: 64.75 74 P (I) CHW (I) F - (-51 -(-5) -1-5) 1161

315 Bag~ 58.68 187 I' (1) CKW(l) T -(-5) -(-5) -(-5) 141 )

316 Bangal 19.83 179 -(-5) CKW (1) T -1-5) -(-5) -(-5) (231

317 Naurtuwala 19.83 107 -(-5) CKW(l) T -1-5) -(-5) -1-5) (19)

318 Rakhwal Gaon 16.60 201 P (I) ,M 111 CKW(l) T -(-5) -1-5) -(-5) (40 )

319 Govindwala 8.90 39 -(-5) CKW(l) T -(-5) -(-5) -(-5) 181

320 Badogal 77.70 199 -(-5) CKW(1) T PO -(-5) -(-5) (32)

32~fagSl 67.18 139 P (1\ CKW(l) T -1-5) -(-5) -(-5) (2JI

322 Vishangarh 25.50 214 -(-5) CRW 11) T -(-5) -(5-10) BS 140)

Census Dlr:ecto~~~~~-~~~~;-;~~~;~h------

(6 \ .qfqll"1iPT :..r\NJ ~ . .._~._

GfqJlll)1y Land Use (~'lfq",'l"l'" -'f~~~fr,~~~(ii~"'~ (l.e. are,l unl1er different type of land use in hectares round(~d uplo two decimal places)

In;!~ ~'I>lmI

11 12 13 14 15 16 18 2

~~ : ~ ~ PR,KR DOIWALA ED 2175.6 PC{5Z.661 264.66 42.79 95.54 311 7 TJWf

PR DOIWALA ED 11. 86 PC{S.661 11.30 0.60 3.78 312 8 ~

KR DOIWALA ED 15.44 PC{2.37) 21. 63 0.15 1. 69 ~ 313 10

KR DOIWALA 39.71 PCIO.S81 23.32 0.34 0.50 ~ 314 8

KR DOH/ALA ED 29.98 GCI1 7 .93I,PCI9.601 14.28 1.56 3.26 'Wit 315 18

?R DO IW!'.LA ED GC{17.93) 0.49 0.05 1. 36 316 11 ~

KR DOIWALA ED GC19.491 3.80 0.00 6.54 317 10 ~

PR DOIWALA ED 2.20 GC{8.68) 3.14 0.00 2.58 ~1Jiq 318 12

KR DO IWALA EA GC{8.42) 0.00 0.36 0.12 319 10 ~

KR DO IWALA ED 25.77 PC{23.92) 25.22 1.06 1. 73 320 11 ~

KR DO I WALA ED 36.97 PC (1. 05) 10.91 0.00 18.25 321 12 ~

PR DOUWALA EA GC(22.23) 0.00 1. 71 1.56 322 10 ~

------.------I 0.2-

6 10

32J Bairagarh Mafl 13.76 171 - 1-5) CHW( 1) T -(-5) 3S (35)

324 Sa rang Dharwala 23.47 443 -1-5) CHW(ll T -(-51 - 1-:' I BS (83)

325 Bhogpuo 110.08 1062 P14) ,M(3) ,H(l) H (1) ,MWC (1 I , PHS (11 T PTO DAILY BS (158) PUC (1)

326 Chak Baokot 5.26 U N - I N H A BIT E D

327 Falsuwa 34.40 169 P (1) CHW(11 T -(-5) - (-5) - (-:, I (3D)

328 Baokot Mafi 366.65 1941 P(3) ,Mil) CHW(11 T -(-51 -(-5) 3S (328)

329 Rani ~okhari Grant 425.33 1800 P(4),M(3),HI2) H(1I,MWC(1I,MHC(1) T PTO, PHONE DAILY BS (356) PUC(2) CWC(1I,~HS(1I,FPCI1) RP III

330 Rani ~okhari 179.27 1961 Pill CHW(l) T -(-51 DAILY as (319)

331 Listrabad 446.78 841 P(2) ,Mil) CHW(ll T - (-51 -I-51 3S (129)

332 Rainapur Grant 1165.50 1049 Pill CHW(ll T -1-5) -I-51 BS (160)

333 Kaluwala 127.08 531 Pill CHW(l) T - (-5) - 1-5 I - (- 5) (102)

334 Sangatiyawala Kalan - 60.70 54 -(-5) CHW(ll T - (-51 -I-51 - (-5 I (11)

335 Bhang lana 15.78 164 P (1 I CHW(11 T -I-51 DAILY - (-?) (31)

336 Badowala I] 95.51 672 P(l) ,M(l) ,Hili CHW(ll T PO, PTO, TO -(0-10) -15-10) (113) PUC 11)

337 Banswala Grant 33.59 210 -(-5) CHW(ll T -I-51 DAILY BS (30)

338 Jauli Grant 859.90 4722 P(71 ,MIZI ,Hili H 11 I ,MWC III ,cwe (1 I T PO DAILY 8S (740) PUC III I (lJ HC(1I,PHS(1I,D(41 RP(ll

339 Sanqatiyawa1a Khurd 66.78 421 PO) CHW(ll T -(-51 - (-? I -(-5) (72)

340 Baksarwala u 41. 68 107 -(-5) CHW (l I T -(-5) - (-51 (19)

Census Directorate, Uttar Pradesh /03 16 l' i8 ------~- :.. _~, l' ~ ,,'.' .'\ E,\ GC (IC.· b) 1. 10 1. 17 1. 33 ~1IJQ>'\ 323

?l:I. 0C:;"'i_:~L:'J.. EA GC(12.12) 6.08 1. 80 3.47 lIWr 'iW-ffi'IT 324

PR DO Ii,o.)i\l.A EA GC\64.io) 22.30 1. 10 2.53 320 1: ~

Ki< DO:WALI'. 0.00 0.00 5.26 'IiIi~ 326 I:

PR oP.r",J1.LP. EA 5.63 GC(13.18) 2.09 2.40 11.10 327 12 ~

PR DAIWALA EA 13.52 GC(178.71) 0.00 98.15 16.27 ~1IJQ>'\ 328 10

PR DAIWALA EA 2.94 GC(276.24) 32.25 47.34 66.56 l!'ft -.mrn"YR 329

PR DAlilA:A EA GC(1S1.191 0.00 1.05 21.03 l!'ft-.mrn 330 15 pq DO IWALA EA 229.39 GC(47.83),TWE(100.00) 45.59 3.49 20.48 331 :'2 ~

PR DAIWALA EA 891. 95 GC(118.43) 15.19 34.23 45.10 ~llR 332 13

KR DOIWALA EA GC(12.63) 104.52 2.85 7.08 333 5 ~

KR DO IWALA ED PC(44.77) 0.00 11.50 4.43 ~'fiW 334 4

KR DO I WALA EA PC(I1.19) 1.16 1. 43 2.00 "Ii>lMRr 335 5

PR DAIWALA EA PC(B5.46) 1. 21 0.11 8.73 ~ 336 5

PR DAIWALA EA PC(27.74) 2.59 0.00 3.26 ~llR 337 3

PR DAIWALA EA 141. BO GCI126.24),TWEI29B.08) 131. 27 30.20 126.31 ;;i;.ftllR 338 5

KR DO IWALA EA PCI59.46) 0.08 1.64 5.60 339 5 ~~

KR DAIWALA ED 14 .29 PC(23.63) 0.21 l. 95 l. 60 ~ 340 ,FP 6 tOL{ ------~------_------3 ------341 Kanharwala 157.43 1593 P (2), M (1) MWC(1),C~C;:'I~?C(:) T -(-5: C.:'.I::'" ! 3:3 (283) "P(l)

342 Bhaniyawala 273.57 1560 P 13) ,M(2) PHC (1) T PO, PHONE CAILY BS (279)

343 Jeevanwala 88.22 433 P (1) CHW(l) T -(-5) -(5-10) as ( 84)

344 Fatehpur Tanda 174.82 635 P11) MWC(1),C~CI11,PHS(11 T -(-5) DAILY as (l06)

345 Majn Grant 1328.59 6057 P18) ,M(2) ,H(l) D (1) T PO DAILY as (1049) PUC(l)

346 Chak Tunwala 234.32 2087 P (4) MWC(1I,,,P(ll T PO DAILY BS (369)

347 Nathuawala 484.83 3567 ~ (2I,M(2), H (1) D (1) T PO,PHDNE DAILY BS 16361

348 8alawala c:: 107.10 5080 P (21 ,M (21, PUC (1) PHSl11,Dl11 T PO, PHONE DAILY 8S (911) ,1(1)

349 Nakraunda c:: 428.17 2191 P (2) ,Mil) MWC(ll T PO DAILY 8S (408)

350 Harrawala 161.87 2440 P(2) ,M(21 MWClll,PHS(ll,D(1) T PO DAILY BSKS (517 )

351 Miyanwala 181. 70 1383 Pill ,M(l) MWC (11 T - (-5) -(5-10) 3S (239)

352 Majari Mafi 102.79 1702 P(2) ,MO) MWC (1) , PHS (1 I ,D 11) T PTO DAILY BS (3181

353 Mohkampur Kalan r; 16.19 273 - (-5) CHii (1) T - (-5) -(5-10) BS (54)

354 Mohkampur Khurd ::; 201. 93 2102 P(21 RP(ll,CHWOI T PTO DAILY BS (425)

355 Kuwanwala 11 163.08 1215 P(l) CHW( 11 T - 1-5) DAILY BS (285)

356 Mohakampur Barkali ,j 140.03 238 -(-5) CHW(l) T -(-5) -(-51 -I-51 (47)

357 Phanduwala n 36.83 118 PO) CHii( 1) T - (-5) -(-5) - (-51 (251

358 Dudhali 0 106.03 891 P(l) ,M(1),Hl1) PHS (11 T PTO,PHONE DAILY BS (182) PUC (1)

Census Directorate, Uttar Pradesh -----~------13 16 17 18 ------~------~ : ,,' ::"1"". 7 . 3"~ PC \ ~f). 0.;; 29.7 7 5.11 19.16 ~ 341

,~ )'-\::'1:"':""-; PC (1:)1. :"4) E:i\ ·14.85 11. 37 14.28 11. 93 ~ 342

tJR DAI'N.-LA EA PC(79.94) 1.82 2.18 4.28 343 8 ~

?R DAIWl'.LA EA PC(123.31) 13.57 2.43 35.51 344 8 ~~

PR DAIWALA EA 21. 21 PC (859. 33) ,TWE (104.71) 107.12 69.87 166.35 345 8 1!J'iIirllR:

PR DEHRADlJN EA 8.20 GC(170.12) 11.60 10.25 34.15 346 1: ~'fl'IR'IT

PR DEHRADUN EA 33.91 GC(279.72) 116.33 33.40 21. 57 347 6 ~

PR DEGRADUN EA 14.51 GC(77.01) 13.86 0.00 1.72 348 7 ~

?R DEHRADUN EA GC(153.28),TWE(133.81) 96.76 1. 70 42.62 349 14 ~

PR DEHRADUN EA GC(81.14) 41.41 1. 29 38.03 350 8 ~

PR DEHRADUN EA GC(107.53) 3.87 54.26 16.04 351 8 ~

PR DEHRADUN EA GC(78.06) 3.41 5.24 16.08 -qJqft 352 6 l!FiR\

PR DEHRADlJN EA GC(11.16) 1.32 3.50 0.21 353 6 ~~

PR DEHRADUN EA 17.04 GC(39.61) 69.61 68.18 7.49 7 ~~ 354

PR DEHRADUN EA 25.03 98.93 2.34 36.78 355 10 ~

PR OEHRADUN EA 32.20 PC(60.30) 9.67 1. 26 36.60 356 15 ~~

PR DAIWALA EO 3.92 PC(26.91) 0.41 1.22 4.37 357 10 ~

PR DAIEALA EA PC(86.30) 0.32 2.92 16.49 12 ~ 35B


360 K~shanpur 31.16 265 -(-51 CHW (1 I T -(-51 - : -s; 3S (461

361 NagaI Jwa Lapur 169.49 841 -(-5) CHW (1) T PO D.UL! as (149)

362 Slmlas Grant 148.12 814 P(11 CHW (11 T -(-5) DAILY 3S (1461

363 Lachchhiwala 93.89 1111 P (1) ,M(l) CHW (I) T PO DA:':"Y 95 (2031

364 Missarwala Kalan 116.15 218 Pill PHC I I) T - (-5) DA~LY 85 (40)

365 Missarwala Khurd ,- 44.52 14 Pill CHW Il) T -{-51 -(-5) 85 (31

366 H.ansuwal.a 68.39 211 -\-SI CH'ri \1\ 'l' -\-S\ - '\-s 1 BS (35)

361 Doiwala 10.82 225 ?{ll ,Mill ,Hili I?HSIlI T ?TO, ?HONE DAILY BS (41 I PUC ( 1)

368 Ghisarpari 116.56 751 -(-5) CHW III T -1-5) -(-5) 3S (207 I

369 Markham Grant 2221. 32 13727 P(14) ,M(31 ,Hll) ewCl11 ,Dill ,RP(21 T,ni PO DA:Lf BS (2350)

370 Birpur Khurd 21.85 584 P (1) D{ll T,HP - (-5) - (-5) -(-5) ( 110)

311 Gumaniwala 138.00 3756 ? (1) ewc (ll T,HP ?TO DAILY BSRS (791)

372 Bhattowala 36.02 577 P (1) CRW(ll T,RP -(-51 -(-5) -(-51 (901

373 Garhi May Chak 171. 98 1615 PIll,MIII,HIl) ewC(ll,PHS(l) T, HP -(-51 DAILY -(-5) (264 I PUC (11

374 Bibiwala 15.78 214 P (1) CWC(l) T,HP -(-51 DAILY BS (351

375 ShyamplJC 222.98 2510 P 11) ewc (I) T, HP PTa 1'11\[ LY H,s (446)

376 Kharakmaf [J 413.97 3581 P(2) ,Mill CWC(l) T,HP PTO DAILY BS {6l01

------~------Census Directorate, Uttar Pradesh ------13 16 17 :8 ------2;' Ji\:~'i.:1.:._;J.. EA 2(;(53.491 0.49 0.02 8.32 :wlM~ 359 "V

?K DAI'.'I)t\~t\ ED PC (c6. "I: I ., 0.00 0.12 4.32 ~ 360 i_)R DAIWALA EA PC(146.331 0.77 6.97 15.42 361 7 :wlM~

FR DAIWAI.A ED GC(lc4.651 0.23 2.47 "0.77 fw<;mr lI'R: 362

?R JP..IWAY.J'\ EO 44.02 PC/40.781 0.22 2.09 6.78 363 2 ~

FR DOrWALA EO GC(22.731 2.57 0.00 90.85 364 1 ~!Iil'!i

PR DOIWALA EO PC(15.251 0.17 7.09 22.01 365 3 ~~

PR DOIWll.LA EA PC(61.9BI 0.00 2.39 4.02 366 4 Ri"1ffi

PR DOrWALA EA GC(43.1BI 0.08 0.17 27.25 ~ 367

?R,KR DO IWAI..A EA PC(23.771 0.00 1. 32 91.47 ~ 368

PR,KR DOIWALA EA GC(649.411.PC(754.39) 153.34 77.62 592.56 369 ~=

PR RISHIKESH EA GC(3.90) 9.87 0.23 7.85 370 4 ~~

PR,KR RISHIKESH EA GC(8S.11) 20.40 0.00 29.49 371 S ~

KR RISHIKESH ED GC(33.40) 0.00 0.00 2.62 372 7 ~

PR RISHIKESH EA GC(16.93) 16.62 74.94 63.49 373 11 ~~-

PR RISHIKESH EA GC(13.94) 1. 05 0.00 0.79 374 4 ~

PR RISHIKESH EA GC(1l6.82) 50.84 0.00 55.32 375 4 ~

PR RISHIKESH EA 59.69 GC(267.04) 0.00 0.00 87.24 11 ~ 376

------'RTJ1IRT~. '3'ff<~ ------~------~------_------_----_. 377 Thakurpur 16.60 218 P11) CHI, (1) T,HP -(-5) DAILY as (38)

316 Kl:\al.ri Khurd 101.11 H40 ~111 ,M(11 ~HS ( 1) , 0 ( 11 T,H2 PO D!l.ILY BS (211)

379 Khaid Kalan 67.58 686 -(-51 CHW( 1) T,HP - (-5) DAILY BS (98)

380 Chhidrawala 252.11 2601 ~(3) ,MI11.Rll) HIlI, ewc 111 , ~HS ( 11 H~ PO SA1 8S (447) PUC(l) D(l), FPC(l) ,RP(3)

381 Chak Jogiwala 126.27 671 P(l) CHW(l) flP -1-5) -(-5) - (-5) (lOS)

382 Joqiwala Mafl. 84.99 818 Pili FRS (l) \lP - (-51 - (-5) - (-51 (136)

383 Sahaboagar " 138.81 1648 F(2) CHW(l) HP -1-5) -(-5) -(-5) '" (276)

384 Mehri MaEi C 341.16 1426 P(2) O(ll,CHIf(l) H~ -(-51 -(-51 - (-51 1234 )

385 Pratitnagac 369.48 6341 P(2) ,M(l) ,H(1) H(1) ,MWClll ,MI1C(l) T,HP PTO DAILY BSRS " (1080) PUC (1) CWC(l)

386 Haripur Kalan 315.25 2498 P12) ,M(1) ,HIl) H(l).MWCll),CWC(l) T,HP PTO Di\ILY 9S (4781 FHS (11 • 0 (J )

Total : 17553.48 102749 P(llOI,MI39) R(6) ,HCW(13) 18287 H(15), PUC(13) MH (2) ,ewc (13) I(2) He I 1) , PHC (2) PHS (151,0116) FE'C(3),RP(lO) CfIW(45) 13 14 15 16 17 c~ ;. ~:::;-r:::~~Sr GC(14.11: 0.14 0.00 2.35 377 ~

?R RI2rilKt:'sH EA 3.63 PC(74.62) 0.15 3.44 19.33 378 ,FP l2 lift~

~'[\ RI:3HiKESH EA GC (42.1:) 8.88 1. 59 14.69 liftifi<'ii 379 , FP 11

PR DOIWALA EA 6.95 PC(150.00) ,TWE(37.38) 14 .22 5.62 37.94 ~ 380 16

PR :)O:'tJ,\LA SA 19.37 PC (52. fiO), TWf. (29.00) B.05 3.76 13.49 381 15 "'" ;;!rrftcm;rr lJR DOIWM.i\ EA 5.30 PC(68.37) 2.22 1. 75 7.35 ;;!rrftcm;rr~ 382 17

?R ROSrtIKESH , " 1.02 GC(1.03) ,PC(1.04) 1.15 1.16 1.17 ~ 383 1 ,W(1.05) ,WE(1.06) TW(1.07),TWE(1.0B) TK 11. 0 9) , R 11. 10) KR RISHIKESH EA 119.48 GCI160.05) 0.00 21.13 40.50 ~l!T'IiT 384 FP 13

PR RISHIKESH EA 140.23 PCI138.92) 6.02 23.94 60.37 ~ 385 14

PR HAR!:.IWAR EA 40.28 GC(156.34) 4.06 65.27 49.30 386 6 ~ifi<'ii

110 1991~ :991 CENSUS "R~1JQ' P.MENrTIES AND Distrlct Name ; Dehradun ------1:rrrf ~ ~ "R 1lfu>rrii - rft~1 Arnenlties AV~ltable - [If not available within the village, a dash (-) has been shown in the COLumn and next to it, In brackets, the distance in b["oad ranges viz. -5 Kms., 5-10 Kms. and 10+ Kms. o-f the nearest place wher.i_? the faclilty Is available has been qlven./

~ tiR'liTt1T'iI ~afu: w.m-~ WlT (ft;t

Molta Range 6821.30 94 P(21,Mlll RP(ll T - (-5) -(-5) 8S (34)

Ba.car Range 6390.40 67 P(21 ,Mil) 0(1) T PO DAlLY 8S (231

Rlk;-mad Range 9072.70 30 P (1) CHW{ll T PO -(-5) - (-5) (21 )

K60nasar :\ange 6643.40 126 Pill ,M(l) .Hlll H(l) ,PHCI1) ,FPC(l) T PTO DAlLY 8S (51) PUC 111 RP(3)

Rive!:' Range 2434.20 330 PI31 ,Mill ,Hili PHC(1),FPC(1),RP(4) T,F PTO, PHONE OAILY 8S 1811 PUC 111 ,AC (1) ,0 (2 I 0(1)

Musso.(ie Range 8900.19 19 -(-51 -(-5) T PHONE - (-5) -(-5) (201

Rs.:.puc Ranq~ 3524.60 131 -(-5) -(-5) T -(-5) -(-51 -(-5) (721

Ramgarh Range 7703.00 597 -(-5) -(-5) R -(-51 - (-51 -(-5) (781

Kanscon Range 7932.70 228 P(ll - (10+1 N (10+) -(10+1 RS (431

79]2.70 228 P( 11 - (10+) N (10+) - [10+1 RS (431

0 Motlchur Range ~ 8042.20 -- 599 P (1) -(-5) W,R,N -(-5) -(-5) BSRS (116)

Q PCA NOT FOUND 10 Pill 0(1) T" PTO, PHONE DAILY 8S (4 ) ------Census Dlrectorate,------Uttar Pradesh ------

\ l \

------"lfl:I~ Lund Use (~.-.Frr~""= -m>=

~~ q;! -.itnmr q;for 1I1ni w3"lliiT'i,ir ~ q;for~~ mll~~ ~ ~


o 110


o 5,)

)1 o

o , FP 10

o • FP

• fP 15


o 15 o

10 o

o 11 o

------6 :0 ------Rampur Mandl PCA NOT ,OUND 10 Pill D(ll T,F PTO, PHONS DJI.;S: as 14 ;

II Choharpur Range 6681. 60 18 -(-51 -(-5) T -(-5) -1-5) 35 19)

'0 Maj ra Range 6841.60 95 P(l) ,M(1) - (-5) T, HP -(-5) - 1-5) BS 130)

Thano Range 11674.50 70 -(-5) -(-5) T -1-5) - (-5) -(-5) 126)

Lachhiwala Range 9709.90 664 - (-5) - (-5) T -1-5) -1-5) -(-5) 1125)

0 Barkot Range C 12192.50 6748 P(l) -(10+) T,TW,HP (10+) - (10+) BS (1268)

0 Timli Range 9906.00 592 P 11) - (-5) T -1-5) - (-5) 8S (146)

0 Malhan Range 7590.90 294 P (1) -(-5) HP -1-5) - (-5) as (46)

0 Asharodi Range 4444.50 46 - (-5) -(-5) T - (-5) - (-5) -(-5) (20)

Langha Range 6730.30 63 -(-5) -(-5) T - (-5) -(-5) -(-5) (9)

------Census Directorate, Uttar Pradesh 113 ------___ :~______------_------13------14:5 16 ------17 18 --2------~------=------TIIl'F"Iiit



o ::0

o ]0



o 11


------~~,~~ ------

ri ~ qUlfj)$b'f ~ Alphabetical List of Villages

$!iii ~o IIJlPIiT ';j'JlJ ~.;jo 51. No. Name of Village Location Code No. ~~ ~ Manual Computer 2 3 4 Tahsil: Chakrata C.D. Block Chakrata 1· Mahrawna 4/10/10(125 04(0010/0010(0125 2· Amarad Jhabrad 4/10/10/53 04/0010/0010/0053 3· Anu 4110/10123 04/0010/001010023 4· Asoi 411 0/1 On2 04/0010/001010072 5· Baela 411 0/1 om 04/0010/001010071 6· Bagan 4/10/10/68 04/0010/001010068 7· Bagi 4/10/10/9 04/0010/0010/0009 8· Bagoor 4/10/10/32 04/0010/0010/0032 9· Baigi 4/10/10/67 04/0010/0010/0067 10· Banachilar 4/10/10/46 04/0010/0010/0046 11· Baniyana 4/10/10/102 04/0010/001010102 12· Banpur 4/10/10/1 04/0010/0010/0001 13· Bhagawat 4/10/10/4 04/0010/0010/0004 14. Bhalaitha 4/10/10/100 04/0010/001010100 15. Bhandroli 4/10110155 04/0010/001010055 16· Bhatar 4/10/10/38 04/0010/0010/0038 17- Bhatar Chhautar 4/10/10/143 04/0010/0010/0143 18. Bhatgarhi 4/10/10/3 04/0010/0010/0003 19· Bhatiyana 4/10/10/85 04/001010010/0085 20· Bhegar 411 011 0/151 04/0010/001 % 151 II _)-

$lili "fl 0 mq C!iT -rrrt ~cm-;fo 51. No. Name of Village Location Code No. ~\Jffl ~ Manual Computer 1 2 3 4 21. Bhoopau 4/10/1C.'92 04/0010/0010/0092 22· Bhoot 4/10/10/35 04/0010/0010/0035 23. Bhugar 4/10/10/83 04/001 0/001 Of 0083 24. Bhunar 4(10(10(39 04/001010010(0039 25· Bhundhola 4(10f10/20 04/0010/0010/0020 26. Bijanu 4/10/10/116 04/0010/0010/0116 27· Bisau 4/10/10/138 04/001010010/0138 28· Brinad Bastil 4/10/10/7 04/0010/0010/0007 29· Bulad 4/10/10/69 04/0010/0010/0069 30· Buraila 4/10/10/81 04/001010010/0081 31. Buraswa 4/10/10/124 04/0010/0010/0124 32· Chanjoi 4/10/10/57 04/0010/001010057 33· Chatra 4/10/10/12 04f001 0/001 010012 34· Chausal 4/10/10/28 04/0010/0010/0028 35· Chhajad Hartad 4/10/10/37 04/0010/0010/0037 36· Chunauti 4/10/10/118 04/0010/001010118 37. Danduwa 4/10/10/88 04/0010/0010/0088 38· Darmigar 4/10/10/29 04/0010/0010/0029 39· Dasau 4/10/10/86 04/0010/0010/0086 40· Daudha 4/1 0/1 Of94 04/0010/0010/0094 41· Dawala 4/10/10f127 04/0010/0010/0127 42· Derasa 4/10/10f18 04f0010/0010/0018 43· Derio 4/10/10/140 04/001010010/0140 44· Dhananta 4110/10/139 04/0010/0010/0139 1/6

~ "HO '!IJlf

~~ ~ Manual Computer 2 3 4 45· Dhaura Pudia 4/10/10/148 04/0010/0010/0148 46· Dhhultar 4/10/10/144 04/0010/0010/0144 47· Dhhumara 4110/10/16 04/0010/0010/0016 48· Dimich 4/10/10/58 04/0010/0010/0058 49· Dimad 4/10/10/34 04/0010/0010/0034 50· Dunawa 4/10/10/99 04/0010/0010/0099 51. Dungri 4/10/10/54 04/0010/0010/0054 52· Eithan 4/10/10/45 04/0010/0010/0045 53. Gamari 4/10/10/95 04/0010/0010/0095 54· Gawaila 411q/10/96 04/0010/0010/0096 55. Gorchha 4/10/10/64 04/0010/0010/0064 56· Guthar 4/10/10/150 04/0010/0010/0150 57· Haja 4/10/10/87 04/0010/0010/0087 58· Hanoi 4/10/10/11 04/0010/0010/0011 59· Hartal 4/10/10/26 04/0010/0010/0026 60· Hartar Santar 4/10/10174 04/0010/0010/0074 61. Indroli 4/10/10/106 04/0010/0010/0106 62. Jadi 4/10/10/80 04/0010/0010/0080 63· Jagkan 4/10/10/82 04/0010/0010/0082 64. Jashta 4/10/10/128 04/0010/0010/0128 65· Jhilah 4/1011012 04/0010/0010/0002 66· Jogyo 4/10110/120 04/0010/0010/0120 67. Kaba Sera 4/10/10/60 04/0010/0010/0060 68. Kanda 4/10/10/15 04/0010/00 10/0015 ~~o '!IPf 'liT 'fTl{ ~.;jo SI. No. Name of Village Location Code No. ~~ ~ Manual Computer 2 3 4

69· Kandar 4/10/1 011 0 1 04/0010/0010/0101 70· Kandi Chamagata 4/10/1 0/146 04/0010/001010146 71. Kandidhar 4/10/10/119 04/0010/001010119 72. Kandoi 4/10/10/66 04/00101001010066 73· Kerardei 4/10/10/40 04/0010/0010/0040 74. Khabao 4/10/10/130 04/001010010/0130 75· Kharaura 4/10/10/52 04/0010/0010/0052 76· Kharsi 4/10/10/112 04/0010/0010/0112 77. Khatuwa 4/10/10/111 04/00101001010111 78· Kholara 4/10/10/50 04/00101001010050 79· Kitrauli 4/10/10/89 04/00101001 010089 80· Kolaha 4/10/10/133 04/0010/001 010133 81. KondoiBondar 4/10/10/145 04/00101001010145 82· Kota 4/10/10/129 04/00101001010129 83· Kota 4/10/10/91 04/001010010/0091 84. Koti 4/10/10175 04/001010010/0075 85· Koti 4/10/10/14 04/00101001010014 86· Kotuk 4/10/10/134 04/0010/001 010134 87. Kulaha 4/10/10/21 04/0010/001010021 88. Kuna 4(10(10/8 04(0010(0010(0008 89· Kunaun 4(10(10/49 04/0010/001 0/0049 90. Kunna 4(10(10/153 04/0010/0010/0153 91. Kunwa 4(10(10/63 04/0010/0010/0063 92. Kurar Khanarsichaee 4(10/10/109 04/0010(001 0/0109 I J '6

~ 'Ro mq

93· Lakha Mandai 4/10/10/149 04/00101001010149 94. Lawari 4/10/101142 04/0010/0010/0142 95· Luhari 4/10/10178 04/001010010/0078 96· Maghgaon 4/10/10/103 04/00101001010103 97· Maghgaon 4/10/10/97 04/0010/0010/0097 98· Mahpavata 4/10/10/131 04/001010010/0131 99· Mailoth 4/10/10/98 04/0010/0010/0098 100· Maindrath 4/10/10/10 04/0010/0010/0010 101· Mangtar 4/10/10176 04/0010/0010/0076 102. Masak 4/10/10177 04/0010/001010077 103· Matar 4/10/10/93 04/0010/0010/0093 104· Maurhi 4/10/10/147 04/0010/0010/0147 105· Meghatu 4/10/10/6 04/0010/0010/0006 106. Mendal 4/10/10/104 04/001010010/0104 107. Mivtha 4/10/10/152 04/0010/0010/0152 108· Mohana 4/10/10/107 04/0010/0010/0107 109· Nada 4/10/10/141 04/001010010/0141 110. Nibhar 4/10/10/36 04/0010/0010/0036 111. Ninus 4/10/10/13 04/0010/0010/0013 112· Obraser 4/10/10/33 04/0010/0010/0033 113. Pati 4/10/10/122 04/0010/0010/0122 114. Paturi 4/10/10/44 04/0010/0010/0044 115. Penuwa 4/10/10/59 04/0010/0010/0059 116· Phanar 4f1 0/1 0/31 04/0010/0010/0031 119

Sfill ~o WP'iT~ ~.;fo SI. No. Name of Village Location Code No.

~~ ~ Manual Computer 2 3 4 117. Phrij 4/10/10/25 04/0010/0010/0025 118· Pingur 4/10/10/62 04/0010/0010/0062 119· Pivnal 4/10/10119 04/0010/0010/0019 120· Punaha Pokhari 4/10/10/113 04/0010/0010/0113 121. Punig 4/10/10/65 04/0010/001010065 122· Purtad 4/10/10/30 04/0010/001010030 123. Radu 4/10/10/22 04/0010/001010022 124· Raigi 4110/10117 04/0010/0010/0017 125. Raitad 4/10/10/51 04/0010/0010/0051 126· Rajroo 4/10/10/73 04/0010/001010073 127· Rampur Sarana 4/10/10/136 04/0010/0010/0136 128. Rangyo 4/101101115 04/0010/001010115 129· Rawana 4/10/10/123 04/0010/0010/0123 130· Ristur 4/10/10/41 04/0010/0010/0041 131· Sahiya 4/10/101137 04/001010010/0137 132. Sainj 4110/10148 04/001010010/0048 133. Sainj 4/10/10/24 04/0010/0010/0024 134· Samog 4/10/10/110 04/0010/0010/0110 135· Sam; 4/10/10/43 04/0010/0010/0043 136. Sawara 411 011 0/1 05 04/0010/0010/0105 137· Seriya 4/10/10/5 04/0010/0010/0005 138. Shirwa 411 0/1 01126 04/0010/0010/0126 139. Sijla 4/10/10/84 04/0010/0010/0084 140. Silamu 4/10/10/135 04/0010/0010/0135 iI)1f '{{o '!Il'll'

141· Silaura 4/10/10/56 04/0010/0010/0056 142· Siribarkoti 4/10/10/114 04/0010/0010/0114 143· Sujau 4110/10/108 04/0010/0010/0108 144· Sunir 4/10/10/42 04/0010/0010/0042 145· Sunoda 4/10/10/90 04/0010/001 0/0090 146· Sunoi 4/10/10/47 04/0010/0010/0047 147. Thanta 4/10/10/121 04/0010/0010/0121 148· Thartha 4/10/10/61 04/0010/0010/0061 149· Tithulad 4/10/10/27 04/0010/0010/0027 150. Tuna 4/10/10n9 04/0010/0010/0079 151. Undawa 4/1 0/1 ono 04/001010010/0070 152. Vaimoo 4/10/10/132 04/001010010/0132 153· Virpa 4/10/10/117 04/0010/0010/0117 / :2. ,


SIV{ ~o '!!T'Plir ';fT'f ~cm-;fo SI. No. Name of Village Location Code No. ~~ ~ Manual Computer 2 3 4 Tahsil: Chakrata C.O. Block Kalsi 1· Aisi 4110(201277 04/0010/0020/0277 2. Amraha 4/10(20/312 04/0010/0020/0312 3· Ara 4/10120/259 04/0010/0020/0259 4. Asta 4/10(20/197 04/0010/0020/0197 5. Astad 4/10/20/156 04/00101002010156 6. Atliyo 4/10/20/290 0410010/002010290 7· Badanu 4/10/20/242 0410010/0020/0242 ~ 8· Badhana 4/10(20/318 04/0010/0020/0318 9. Badhau 4/10(20/203 04/001010020/0203 10· Bagi 4/10/20/353 04/0010/0020/0353 11. Baitha 4/10/20(307 04/0010/0020/0307 12· Bajau 4/10/20/192 04/0010/0020/0192 13· Balanu 4/10/20/303 04/0010/0020/0303 14· Bamrar 4/10/20/237 04/0010/0020/0237 15· Banghu 4/10/20/349 04/0010/0020/0349 16· Bantar 4/10/20/297 04(0010/0020/0297 17· Banto 4/10/20(223 04(0010/0020/0223 18· Barhait 4/10/20(342 0410010/0020/0342 19· Basaha 4/10/201245 0410010/002010245 20· Basan 4/10/201329 04/0010/0020/0329 21· Bhandraul 4/10/201301 04/0010/0020/0301 ~ 22· Bhoda 411 0/20/302 04/001010020/0302 23· Bhugtari 411 0/201299 0410010/0020/0299 ij;1f "6'0 IDlf cpr

35. Chapanu 4/10/20/311 04/0010/0020/0~.11 36. Chhatau 4/10/20/172 0.4/0010/0020/0172 37. Chhau 411 0/20/187 04/0010/0020/0187 38· Chichrar 4/10/20/212 04/0010/0020/0212 39· Chila 4/10/20./222 0.4/0010/002010222 40.. Chirtad 4/10/20/204 0.4/0010/0020/0204 41· Chorkunawa 411 0/20/173 04/0010/0020/0173 42. Chunau 4/10120/336 0.4/0010/0020/0336 43· Chunho 4/10/20./350 04/0010/0020/0350 44. Oabara 4/10/20/193 04/0010/002010193 45. Oadhau 4/10/20/310 04/0010/002010310 46· Oagura 4/10/20/183 04/00.1010020/0183 47· Oakrena 4/10/20/159 04/0010/0020/0159 12.3

, iPi 'fio '!IPf CfiT 'WI" ~~ijo 51. No. Name of Village Location Code No. ~~ ~ Manual Computer 2 3 4

48· Damta 4/10/20/238 04/0010/0020/0238 49. Danda 4/101201292 04/001010020/0292 50· Datanu 4/10/20/243 04/0010/0020/0243 51· Dau 4/10/20/288 04/0010/0020/0288 52· Desau 411 0/20/285 04/0010/002010285 53· Deu 4/10/20/276 04/0010/0020/0276 54. Dhaira 4/10/20/314 04/0010/0020/0314 55· Dhalin 4/10/20/339 04/0010/0020/0339

...", I 56· Dhiroi 4/10/20/333 04/0010/0020/0333 ~ 57· Dilau 4/10/20/260 04/0010/002010260 58. Dimau 4/10/20/287 04/0010/0020/0287 59· Dindal 4/10/20/351 04/0010/0020/0351 60· Dohajhusau 4/10120f185 04/0010/0020/0185 61· Dwandau 411 0/20/357 04/0010/0020/0357 62· Dwina 4110/20/210 04/0010/0020/0210 63. Gadaiata 4/10120/244 04/001 Of0020/0244 64· Gadaul'3 Sakraula 4/10/20/338 04/0010/0020/0338 65· Gadol 4/10/20/220 04/0010/0020/0220 66· Gangro 4/10/20/195 04fOO 1Of 0020/0 195 67· Gaski 4/10/20/352 04/0010/0020/0352 68· Ghamara Gaon 411 0/20/348 04/0010/0020/0348 69· Ghal'3na Urf Jismau 411 0/201272 04/001 Of 0020/0272 70· Ghighau 411 0/20/178 04/0010/0020/0178 71. Gothan Joshi 4/10/201250 04/0010/0020/0250 q;if ~o !lI1{ <6T 'fill' ~~;fo 51. No. Name of Village Location Code No. ~am ~ Manual Computer 2 3 4 72· Hajta 4/10/20/252 04/001010020/0252 73· Hamarau 4/10/20/249 04/001010020/0249 74. Hari Pur 4/10/20/327 04/0010/0020/0327 75· Hayotagari 4/10/20/174 04/0010/0020/0174 76· Hoda 4/10/20/157 04/0010/0020/0157 77· JchhaJa 4/10/20/236 04/0010/0020/0236 78· Jadana 4/10/20/286 04/0010/0020/0286 79· Jakhnoj Bhisto 4/10/20/356 04/0010/0020/0356 80· Jamuwa 4/10/20/251 04/0010/0020/0251 81· Jendo 4/10/20/201 04/0010/0020/0201 82· Jhutaya 4/10/20/313 04/0010/0020/0313 83. Jikala 4/10/20/328 04/0010/0020/0328 84. Jusau Bhakrau 4/10/20/235 04/0010/0020/0235 85· Kachta 4/10120/196 04/001010020/0196 86· Kaha-nehra-punagh 4/10/20/319 04/0010/0020/0319 87. Kaitari 4/10/20/177 04/0010/0020/0177 88· Kakari 4/10/20/273 04/0010/0020/0273 89· Kaknoi 4/10/20/186 04/0010/0020/0186 90· Kalasi 4/10/20/323 04/0010/0020/0323 91· Kamla 4/10/20/337 04/0010/0020/0337 92. Kanbua 4/10/20/274 04/0010/0020/0274 93. Kandoi 4/10/20/209 04/0010/0020/0209 94. Kauthi Bhaundi 4/10120/321 04/0010/0020/0321 95. Kenota 4/10120/345 04/0010/0020/0345 ifiif ~o WlJ

~ '{fo 1rT1J q;r ';fllJ ~m;jo 51. No. Name of Village Location Code No. ~~ ~ Manual Computer 1 2 3 4 168· Sainj 4/10120/267 04/0010/002010267 169· Sainsa 411 01201169 0410010/0020/0169 170. Sairi 4/10120/315 0410010/0020/0315 171· Sakani 4/10120/278 04/0010/0020/0278 172· Salja 4/10120/256 04/00101002010256 173· Samalta Dadauli 4/101201239 04/0010/0020/0239 174· Saradi 4/10120/294 04/0010/0020/0294 175· Sariyan 4/10120/219 04/0010/0020/0219 176· Sarsona 4/10120/304 04/0010/0020/0304 177· Sawai 4/10120/190 04/0010/0020/0190 178· Sawara 4/10120/347 04/0010/0020/0347 179· Semaha 4/10/20/308 04/0010/0020/0308 180· Semog 4/10/20/282 04/0010/0020/0282 181. Sighor 4/10/20/202 04/0010/0020/0202 182· Sila 4/10/20/215 04/0010/002010215 183. Simbhau 4/10/20/176 04/0010/002010176 184. Sinauta 4/10/20/334 04/0010/002010334 185· Supau 411 0/20/262 04/0010/0020/0262 186. Suryau 4/10120/271 04/0010/002010271 187. Thaina 4/10/20/316 04/0010/002010316 188· Thana 4/10/20/161 04/00101002010161 189· Thatyo 4/10/20/229 04/0010/0020/0229 190· Thurau 4/10/20/296 04/001010020/0296 191. Tikau 4/10/20/280 04/0010/0020/0280 Sf)lf ~o ~l'P:ppr ;wr ~cm;jo SI. No. Name of Village Location Code No. ~~ ~ Manual Computer 2 3 4

192· Tikri Khera 4/10/20/168 04/0010/002010168 193· Tifwari 4/10/20/324 04/0010/0020/0324 194. Timara 4/10/20/258 04/0010/002010258 195. Tipau 4/10/20/261 04/0010{0020/0261 196· Tiprara 4/10/20/191 04/001010020/0191 197. Tugara 4/10/20/162 04/001010020/0162 198. Udapalta 4/10/20/227 04/0010/0020/0227 199· Umau 4/10/20/206 04/001010020/0206 200· Umrau 4/10/20/269 04/0010/0020/0269 201. Uprauli 4/10/20/225 04/001010020/0225 202· Utail 4/10/20/306 04/0010/0020/0306 203· Vyas Shood 4/10/20/325 04/001010020/0325 204· Vyas Nahri 4/101201326 04/0010/0020/0326 q)tJ tl'o 3rflPlir orrq ~~;fo 51. No. Name of Village Location Code No.

~~ ~ Manual Computer 2 3 4 Tahsil : Dehradun C.D. Block Vikas Nagar 1. Aduwala 4/20/30/47 04/0020/003010047 2. Ambari 4/20/30/4 04/0020/003010004 3· Ambari Jungle 4/20/30/8 04/0020/003010008 4· Ambari T.k Jungle 4/20/30/3 04/00201003010003 5· Anfield Grant 4/20/30/11 04/0020/003010011 6· Anfield Jungle 4120/3012 0410020/0030/0002 7. Athan Bagh 4/20/30f15 04/0020/0030/0015 8· BadamWala 4/20/30f12 04/0020/003010012 9. Bahadur Gam 4/20/30/17 04/0020/0030/0017 10· Baluwala 4/20/30f40 04/0020/003010040 11. Baragiwala 4/20/30/41 04/0020/0030/0041 12· Barwa 4/20/30/32 04/00201003010032 13. Bentwali Mandi 4/20/30/22 04/0020/0030/0022 14. Binhar 4/20/30/27 04/0020/003010027 15· Bulaki Wala 4/20/30/10 04/0020/003010010 16· Chandpur Kala 4/20/30/38 04/0020/0030/0038 17. Chand pur Khurd 4/20/30/37 04/0020/003010037 18. Danda Jungle 4/20/30/7 04/0020/003010007 19· Dhakrani Colony 4/20/30/21 04/00201003010021 20· Dhakrani( dehat) 4/20/30/23 04/00201003010023 21. Dhalani 4/20/30/33 04/0020/003010033 22. Dharrnawala 4/20/30/45 04/0020/003010045 23· Dhartawala Khalsa 4/20/30/30 04/00201003010030 131

$!iii "«0 lIPPJ;T "Ill{ ~m"ifo SI. No. Name of Village Location Code No. ~i3ffi ~ Manual Computer 2 3 4

24. Dhummipur Ganj Mewa 4/20/30119 04/002010030/0019 25. Dumet 4/20/3011 04/0020/0030/0001 26. Hashanpu~ 4/20/30/59 04/0020/0030/0059 27. Horawala 4/20/30/36 04/0020/0030/0036 28. Jaman Wala 4/20/30/13 04/0020/0030/0013 29. Jamni Pur 4/20/30/14 04/0020/0030/0014 30· Jassawala 4/20/30/43 04/0020/003010043 31. Jatowala 4/20/30/54 04/0020/0030/0054 32. Jiwan Gam 4/20/30/5 04/0020/0030/0005 33. Kalyanpur 4/20/30/58 04/0020/0030/0058 34. Katapatthar 4/20130/26 04/0020/0030/0026 35. Kedarwala 4/20/30/39 04/0020/0030/0039 36· Khera Pahuwa 4/20/30/18 04/0020/0030/0018 37. Kati 4/20/30/34 04/0020/0030/0034 38. Kulhan 4/20/30/50 04/0020/0030/0050 39· Kunja 4/20130149 041002010030/0049 40. Kunja Grant 4120/30/48 04100201003010048 41. Lakhanwala Kash 4/20/30/42 04/002010030/0042 42· Lakhanwala Nevat Khas 4/20/30/25 04/0020/0030/0025 43· Landha 4/20/30/28 04/0020/0030/0028 44. Majri 4/20/30/53 04/0020/0030/0053 45· Mandi Gang Mewa 4/20/30/20 04/0020/0030/0020 46· Mednipur Badripur 4/20/30/52 04/002010030/0052 47. Mehunwala Khalsa 4/20/30/6 04/0020/0030/0006 5filJ 'ffO !lllfCliT 0fTli ~~;fO SI. No. Name of Village Location Code No.

~~ ~ Manual Computer 2 3 4 48. Mirzapur Urf Dhalipur 4(20(30(24 04(002010030/0024 49· Parteetpur Kalyanpur 4/20/30/44 04/0020/0030/0044 50. Peerwafa 4/20(30/56 04/0020/0030/0056 51· Prithvipur 4/20/30116 04/0020/0030/0016 52. Prithvipur Jungle 4/20/30/9 04/0020/0030/0009 53. Rudra Pur 4/20/30/31 04/0020/0030/0031 54· Sabhawala 4/20/30/57 04/0020/0030/0057 55· Shahpur Kalyanpur 4/20/30/46 04/0020/0030/0046 56· Sherpur 4/20/30/60 04/0020/0030/0060 57. Shisham Bara 4/20/30/61 04/0020/0030/0061 58. Soma 4120/30/35 04/0020(0030/0035 59. Tauli 4/20/30/29 04/0020/0030/0029 60. Timali 4/20/30151 04/0020/0030/0051 61. Tiparpur 4/20/30155 04/0020/0030/0055 133

ijiJJ ~o !fI1J q;r Of(lf ~.;:fo 51. No. Name of Village Location Code No. ~\3ffi ~ Manual Computer 2 3 4 Tahsil: Dehradun C.D. Block 5ahaspur 1· Aamwala 4/20/40/136 04/0020/0040/0136 2. Abdullapur 4/20/40/86 04/0020/0040/0086 3· Ambiwala 4/20/40/175 04/0020/0040/0175 4. Arcadia Grant 4/20/40/174 04/0020/0040/0174 5. Atakfarm 4120/401159 0410020/0040/0159 6. Bagral Gaon 4120/40196 0410020/0040/0096 7. Bajawala 4120/40/140 04/0020/0040/0140 8· Bakhtawarpur Grant 4/20/40/87 04/0020/0040/0087 9. Bakrana 4/20/40/63 04/0020/0040/0063 10. Banshiwala 4120/401152 04/0020/0040/0152 11. Baronwala 4/20/40179 04/0020/0040/0079 12· Bhagwanpur Julo 4/20/40170 04/0020/0040/0070 13· Bhagwant Pur 4/20/40/101 04/0020/0040/0101 14. Bhandar Gaon 4/20/40/95 04/0020/0040/0095 15· Bhanwala 4/20/40174 04/0020/0040/0074 16· BhitarWali 4/20/40/91 04/0020/0040/0091 17· Bidhauli 4/20/40/64 04/0020/0040/0064 18. Bilas Pur Kandali 4/20/40/139 04/0020/0040/0139 19· Binaspur 4/20/40/84 04/0020/0040/0084 20· Birabari 4/20/40/126 04/0020/0040/0126 21. Birsani 4/20/40/69 04/0020/0040/0069 22. Bishanpur 4/20/40177 04/0020/0040/0077 23· Bisht Gaon 4/20/40/113 04/0020/0040/0113 ~~o '!fI1:r

SJjlJ tto JIl'1{ cpr "IJlf ~~;fo 51. No. Name of Village Location Code No. ~\;ffi ~ Manual Computer 2 3 4

48· Ghanghora 4/20/40/134 04/0020/0040/0134 49- Gopiwala 4/20/40/143 04/0020/004010143 50. Gujrara Karan Pur 4/20/40/137 04/0020/004010137 51· Guniyal Gaon 4/20/40/111 04/0020/004010111 52· Hakumatpur 4/20/40/158 04/00201004010158 53· Hariyawala Kalan 4/20/40/129 04/0020/0040/0129 54· Hariyawala Khurd 4/20/40/132 04/0020/0040/0132 55· Hamaul 4/20/40/135 04/0020/004010135 56· IndroWala 4120/40/162 0410020/004010162 57· Jagatpur 4/20/40/72 04/0020/004010072 58. Jamniwala 4/20/40/110 04/0020/0040/0110 59· Jamoliwala 4/20/40/112 04/0020/0040/0112 60· Jhajra 4120/401151 041002010040/0151 61· Johari 4/20/40/119 04/0020/004010119 62· Kandhauli 4120/40/146 0410020/004010146 63- Kanswali Kothari 4/20/40/65 04/0020/004010065 64. Karbari Grant 4/20/40/181 04/002010040f0181 65- Karimpur 4/20/40/82 04/0020/0040f0082 66· Kaulagarh 4/20/401142 04/0020/0040/0142 67. Keshowala 4/20/40/177 04/0020/0040fO 177 68. Khala Gaon 4/20/40/93 04/002010040{0093 69· Kharakhet 4/20/40/124 04/0020/0040{0124 70· Khemadoj 4/20/40/173 04/0020/0040/0173 71. Kheragopiwala 4/20/40/107 04/0020/0040/0107 136

iii'{ tio mq <6{ "Ill{ ~~;:fo 51. No. Name of Village Location Code No. ~~ ~ Manual Computer 2 3 4 72· Khushal Pur 4/20/40/166 04/0020/0040/0166 73· Kirsali Gaon 4/20/40/103 04/0020/0040/0103 74· Kolhupani 4120/40/149 04/0020/0040/0149 75· Kotra Kalyanpur 4/20140168 0410020/004010068 76· Kotra Santaur 4/20/40/148 04/00201004010148 77. Kuthal Gaon 4/20/40/104 04/002010040/0104 78· Kutubpur 4/20/40/85 0410020/004010085 79. Kyar Kuli Bhatta 4/20/40/92 04/0020/0040/0092 80. lakshmi Wala-. 4/20/40/161 04/0020/004010161 81. loharWala 4120/40/145 04/0020/0040/0145 82. Majhaun 4/20/40/130 04/0020/0040/0130 83. MakkaWala 4/20/40/100 04/0020/0040/0100 84· Malhangrant 4/20/40/180 04/0020/0040/0180 85. Malsi 4/20/4Of118 0410020/0040/0118 86. Malukawala 4/20/401172 04/002010040/0172 87. Mandowala 4120f40176 04f0020/0040/0076 88. Mehreka Gaun 4/20/40/154 0410020/0040f0154 89. Misraspatti 4/20/40/62 04/0020/0040/0062 90. Mitt Behti 4/20(401171 04(0020/0040/0171 91· Narh 4/20/40/67 04/00201004010067 92· Navgaon 4f20/40178 04/0020/0040/0078 93· Panditwari Mafi 4/20/40/168 04/0020f0040/0 168 94. Paurwala 4120/40/89 0410020/0040/0089 95. Phulsani 4/20/40/138 04fOO20/0040/0138 137

ifi1l' "{!I'o 3I'fIT Cfi£ ;rrq ~cm;fo 51. No. Name of Village location Code No. ~~ ~ Manual Computer 2 3 4

96· Polio Nathuwala 4/20/40/178 04/0020/0040/0178 97. Pondha 4/20/40/147 0410020/0040/0147 98· PrempurMafi 4/20/40/141 04/0020/0040/0141 99. Punkal Gaon 4/20/40(99 04/00201004010099 100. Purohit Wala 4/20/40/133 04/0020/0040/0133 101. Rajawala 4/20/40/88 04/0020/0040/0088 102. Rampur Bhauwala 4/20/40173 04(0020/0040/0073 103· RampurKala 4/20/40/160 04/002010040/0160 104· Rampur Khuro 4/20140/80 04/0020/0040/0080 105· Ramshahwala 4/20/40171 04/0020/004010071 106· Randharwala 4/20/40/170 04/002010040/0170 107. Rikhauli 4/20{40{90 04/0020/0040/0090 108. Sahas Pur 4/20/40/163 04/0020/0040/0163 109· SalanGaon 4/20/40/106 04/0020/004010106 110. Saliyawala 4/20/40/127 04/0020/0040/0127 111. Saloniwala 4/20/40/116 04/0020/0040/0116 112· Shahpur Santore 4/20/40/169 04/0020/0040/0169 113. SigliWala 4/20/40/108 04/0020/0040/0108 114. Sinaula 4/20/40/117 04/0020/0040/0117 115· Sudhauwala 4/20/40/150 04/0020/0040/0150 116. Thanigaon 4120/40/97 0410020/0040/0097 117. Tilwari 4/20/40/81 04/0020/0040/0081 118· Utari Gaon 4/20/40/109 04/0020/0040/0109 119. Vijepur Gopiwala 4120/40/121 0410020/0040/0121 $JjIf «0 3l"(lJ q;r ;:rrq ~

~ 'ijo !I11PIiT 0fI1l' ~m;fo 51. No. Name of Village Location Code No.

~-are ~ Manual Computer 2 3 4 Tahsil: Dehradun C.D. Block Raipur 1. Ajabpur Kalan 4/20/50/281 04/0020f0050f0281 2· Ajapur Khurd 4/20/501284 04/0020f0050/0284 3. Akhandwali Bhilang 4/20/501243 04/0020f0050/0243 4· Amwal Tarala 4f20/50/233 04/0020f0050/0233 5. Amwala Karanpur 4/20/50/235 04/002010050/0235 6· Amwala Manjhala 4/20/50/229 04/002010050/0229 7· Amwala Uparla 4/20150/228 (14/002010050/0228 8. Asarori 4/20/50/310 04/0020f0050/0310 9· Asthal 4/20/501223 04/0020f0050/0223 10· Bader Kalan 4/20f50f257 04/0020/0050/0257 11. Baderana Majhala 4/20/50(264 04/0020f0050/0264 12· Badema Khurd 4/20/50/258 04/0020/0050/0258 13· Badripur 4/20/50/292 04/0020/0050/0292 14· Bagradhauran 4/20/50f192 04/0020/005010192 15· Bajhet 4/20/50/227 04/0020/005010227 16· Bandawali 4/20/50/200 04/0020/0050/0200 17· Banjarewala Mafi 4/20/50/288 04f0020f0050/0288 18· Banvtha 4/20/50/219 04/0020/0050f0219 19· Barasi Grant 4/20/50f270 04/0020/0050/0270 20· Bhaiswargaon 4f20/50f191 04/0020/0050/0191 21. Bhandariwala 4/20/50/222 04/0020/0050/0222 22· Bharu Wala Grant 4/20/50/308 04/0020/0050/0308 23· Bhopalpani Grant 4/20/50/269 04(0020/0050/0269 ~ "«0 ID"'{ q;r 'Wi ~

$fill 11'0 JfflPliT ;uxr ~cm--;fo SI. No. Name of Village Location Code No. ~~ ~ Manual Computer 1 2 3 4 48· Ghewa 4/20/50/226 04/0020/0050/0226 49· Gujrami 4/20/50/221 04/0020/0050/0221 50· Gujrara Mansingh 4/20/50/210 04/0020/005010210 51· Haldwari 4/20/50/246 04/0020/0050/0246 52. Harbans Wala 4/20/50/300 04/0020/0050/0300 53· Harbhajan Wala 4/20/50/301 04/0020/0050/0301 54. Haripur 4/20/50/294 04/0020/0050/0294 55· Haryawala 4/20/50/238 04/0020/0050/0238 56. Hatwalgaon 4/20/50/232 04/0020/0050/0232 57. Indrapur 4/20/50/293 04/0020/0050/0293 58. Jagatkhana 4/20/50/211 04/0020/0050/0211 59. Jakar 4/20/50/251 04/0020/0050/0251 60. Kairwan Karanpur 4/20/50/196 04/0020/0050/0196 61. Kairwan Malkot 4/20/501250 04/0020/005010250 62· Kak.nawamaychak. Talai 4/20/50/275 04/0020/0050/0275 63. Kalagaon 4/20/50/217 04/0020/0050/0217 64· Kalimati 4/20/50/268 04/0020/0050f0268 65· Kandauli 4/20/501234 04/0020/005010234 66· Kandogal 4/20/50/279 04/0020/0050f0279 67· Kanwali 4/20/50/296 04/0020/0050/0296 68· Kargigrant 4/20/50/289 04/0020/0050/0289 69· Karkot Kala 4/20/50/267 04/0020/0050/0267 70· Karkot Khurd 4120/501266 04/0020/0050/0266 71- Karliguard 4120/50/188 0410020/0050/0188 lll.'2-

q;q'ij'o '!IfIl' CfiT ;::uq ~cm-;fo 51. No. Name of Village Location Code No. ~~ ~ Manual Computer 1 2 3 4

72· Kedarpur 4/20/50/286 04/0020/0050/0286 73· Kheri Mansingh 4/20/50/220 04/0020/0050/0220 74. Khuranwa 4/20/50/198 04/002010050/0198 75· Kirsali 4/20/50/207 04/002010050/0207 76· Kiwara 4120/501183 041002010050/0183 77· Kotala 4/20/50/255 04/002010050/0255 78· Kotimay Chak 4/20/50/277 04/0020/0050/0277 79· Kudhal 4/20/50/280 04/002010050/0280 80. Kulhan Karanpur 4/20/50/204 04/0020/0050/0204 81. Kulhan Mansingh 4/20/50/205 04/002010050/0205 82· Kuthar 4/20/501265 04/0020/0050/0265 83. Ladpur 4/20/501241 04/0020/0050/0241 84. Landwakot 4/20/501245 04/002010050/0245 85· Majara 4/20/50/306 04/0020/0050/0306 86· Majhara 4/20/50/193 04/0020/0050/0193 87. Maled 4120/501260 041002010050/0260 88. Mangaluwala 4/20/50/237 04/002010050/0237 89· Marautha 4/20/50/203 04/002010050/0203 90· Wala Mafi 4/20/50/302 04/002010050/0302 91. Mohabbey Wala 4/20/50/305 04/002010050/0305 92· Mothoro Wala 4/20/50/291 04/002010050/0291 93· Nagalhat Nala 4/20/50/202 04/002010050/0202 94. Nahi Kalan 4/20/50/247 04/002010050/0247 95· Nahikhurd 4120/50/256 041002010050/0256 $fjlf tio WI <6f ifTlf ~mofo SI. No. Name of Village Location Code No. ftJ~ ~ Manual Computer 2 3 4

96· Naliwala 4/20/50/186 04/0020/0050/0186 97. Nanu Khera 4/20/501236 0410020/0050/0236 98· Natthan Pur 4/20/501282 04/0020/0050/0282 99· Nawada 4/20/50/295 04{0020/0050/0295 100· Niranjan Pur 4/20/50/299 04/0020/0050/0299 101. Pawala Soda 4/20/50/271 04/00201005010271 102. Pitthuwala 4/20/50/303 04/0020/005010303 103. Pustari 4/20/50/218 04{0020/0050/0218 104· Rainwan Gaon 4/20/50/249 04/00201005010249 105. Ramnagar Danda 4/20/50/278 04{0020/005010278 106. Reniwala 4/20/50/224 0410020/0050/0224 107. Sangaon 4/20/50/253 04/0020/005010253 108. Sarauna 4/20/50/189 04/00201005010189 109. Sarkhet 4/20/501195 04/0020/0050/0195 110· Sataili Gairwal 4/20/501248 04/0020/0050/0248 111. Seraki 4/20/50/225 04/0020/0050/0225 112. Shah Nagar 4/20/50/287 04/0020/005010287 113· Shewala Kala 4/20/50/298 04io020/005010298 114· Shewala Khurd 4/20/50/304 04/0020/0050/0304 115. Silla 4/20/501182 04/0020/0050/0182 116· Simiyanah 4/20/50/263 04/0020/0050/0263 117. Simiyari 4/20/50/184 04/002010050/0184 118· Sindhauwali Dhauran 4'20'50'201 04/0020'0050'0201 119. Sindhwal Gaon 4/20/50/254 04/0020/0050/0254 ~ "fio lIJlJ CjjJ' ;rrq ~.;fo 51. No. Name of Village Location Code No.

~awr ~ Manual Computer 2 3 4

120· Siron 4/20/50/272 04/0020/0050/0272 121. Sodasaroli 4/20/50/244 04/0020/0050/0244 122· Sunderwala 4120/50/239 04/0020/0050/0239 123· Sundhowali Mansingh 4/20/50/230 04/0020/0050/0230 124· Talai 4/20/50/261 04/0020/0050/0261 125· Tangauli Garh 4/20/50/259 04/0020/0050/0259 126. Tarla Nagai 4/20/50/208 04/0020/0050/0208 127· Thano 4/20/50/276 04/0020/00~0/0276 128. Tibbabanala Pani 4/20/50/231 04100201005010231 129. Timilimansingh 4/20/50/194 04/0020/0050/0194 ijjlJ tio JI1lf

~~ ~ Manual Computer 2 3 4

Tahsil: Dehradun C.D. Block Doiwala 1· Badogal 4/20/60/320 04/0020/0060/0320 2· Badowala 4120/60/336 041002010060/0336 3. Bagi 4120/60/315 04/0020/0060/0315 4. 8airag Mafi 4/20/60/323 04/00201006010323 5· 8aksarWaia 4/20/60/340 04/0020/006010340 6· 8alawala 4/20/60/348 04/00201006010348 7· 8angai 4120/60/316 04/0020/0060/0316 8. 8answala Grant 4/20/60/337 04/0020/0060/0337 9· 8arkot Mafi 4/20/60/328 04/0020/0060/0328 10· Bhaglana 4/20/60/335 04/0020/006010335 11· 8haniya Wala 4/20/60/342 04/0020/0060/0342 12. Bhattonwala 4/20/60/372 04/0020/006010372 13. Bhogpur 4/20/60/325 04/00201006010325 14. Bibiwala 4/20/601374 04/0020/006010374 15· Birpur Khurd 4/20/601370 04/0020/0060/0370 16. Chak Jogi Wala 4120/60/381 04/0020/0060/0381 17. Chakbarkot 4/20/601326 04/0020/0060/0326 18· Chaktonwala Grant 4/20/60/346 04/00201006010346 19· Dolwala Oehat 4/20/60/367 04/0020/0060f0367 20· Oudhani 4/20/60/358 04/002010060f0358 21· Fagsi 4/20/601321 041002010060/0321 22. Falsuwa 4/20160f327 04/0020l0060f0327 23. Fatehpur Danda 41201601344 041002010060f0344 ~~o lWrcliT ';{Il{ ~.-.jo SI. No. Name of Village Location Code No. ~~ ~ Manual Computer 1 2 3 4 24. Gadool 4/20/60/311 04/0020/0060/0311 25· Garhimayi Chak 4/20/60/373 04/0020/0060/0373 26· Ghissar Pari 4/20/60/368 04/0020/0060/0368 27· Govind Wala 4/20/60/319 04/0020/0060/0319 28· Gumaniwala 4/20/60/371 04/0020/0060/0371 29· Hansuwala 4/20/60/366 04/0020/0060/0366 30· Haripur Kalan 4/20/60/386 04/002010060/0386 31· Harrawala 4/20/60/350 04/0020/0060/0350 32· Jauligrant 4/20/60/338 04/0020/0060/0338 33· Jeevan Wala 4/20/60/343 04/002010060/0343 34· Jogiwala Mafi 4/20/60/382 04/0020/0060/0382 35· Kaluwala 4/20/60/333 04/0020/0060/0333 36· KanharWala 4/20/60/341 04/0020/0060/0341 37· Kaudasi 4/20/60/312 04/0020/0060/0312 38· Khaldhar 4/20/60/314 04/0020/0060/0314 39· Kharakmaf 4/20/60/376 04/0020/0060/0376 40· Kheri Kalan 4/20/60/379 04/0020/0060/0379 41· Khen Khurd 4/20/60/378 04/0020/0060/0378 42· Kishan Pur 41201601360 04100201006010360 43· KuwanWala 4/20/60/355 04/0020/0060/0355 44· LachhiWala 4/20/60/363 04/0020/0060/0363 45· Liktrabad 4120/60/331 04/0020/0060/0331 46· Majari Mafi 4/20/60/352 04/0020/0060/0352 47· Markham Grant 4/20/60/369 04/0020/0060/0369 ILt,

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48· Mazri Grant 4/20/60/345 04/0020/0060/0345 49· Missar Wala Kala 4/20/60/364 04/002010060/0364 50· Missar Wala Khurd 4/20/60/365 04/00201006010365 51. Miy~wala 4120/60/351 04/0020/006010351 52· Mohammadpur Barkali 4/20/60/356 04/0020/006010356 53· Mohkam Pur Kala 4/20/60/353 04/0020/006010353 54. Mohkam Pur Khurd 4/20/60/354 04/00201006010354 55. Mohr! Mafi 4/20/60/384 04/0020/0060/0384 56· Nagai Bulandawala 4/20/60/359 04/0020/0060/0359 57· Nagai Jwal Pur 4/20/60/361 04/0020/0060/0361 58· Nakraundh 4/20/60/349 04/0020/0060/0349 59· Natthuwala 4120/60/347 04/0020/0060/0347 60· Naurtuwala 4/20/601317 04/0020/0060/0317 61· Paligaon 4/20/60/313 04/0020/0060/0313 62· Phanduwala 4120/60/357 04/0020/0060/0357 63· Pratit Nagar 4/20/60/385 04/0020/0060/0385 64. Raina Grant 4/20/60/332 04/0020/0060/0332 65· Raini Pokhari Grant 4120/60/329 04/0020/0060/0329 66· Rakhwal Gaon 4120/60/318 04/0020/0060/0318 67· RaniPokhari 4/20/60/330 04/0020/0060/0330 68· Sahab Nagar 41201601'383 04/0020/006010383 69· Sangatiya Walakala 4/20/60/334 04/0020/0060/0334 70· Sangatiya Walakhurd 4/20/60/339 04/0020/0060/0339 71· Sarangdharwala 4/20160/324 04/0020/006010324 ijil{ tl'o WPIiT 'I'll!' ~~ifo 51. No. Name of Village Location Code No. ~\3WI' ~ Manual Computer 2 3 4 72. Shyampur 4/20/60/375 04/0020/0060/0375 73· Sidhra Wala 4/20/60/380 04/002010060/0380 74. Simlas Grant 4/20/60/362 04/0020/0060/0362 75. Thakurpur 4/20/60/377 04/0020/0060/0377 76. Vishan Garh 4/20/60/322 04/0020/0060/0322


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0) ~ .t:.... 'If 0 en -0) ~ ..0.;:; (I) Ol -"0 .!!! ~ ~ i :::I 5 "0 ~ 0 tW- CD .c -(I) u ~ E rn zro i "0 C ...co III .Il! "0 -g en j ..t: 0 :5 .. co ... rf 10 .. 0 10 ;j; :e .! r: l! .. .r:: ·0 OJ ~ ~ II) .2> >. :;, ." "0 :; ..c. OJ "0 Ii :!§ .. (Ii ~ c ..c. :E "0 a. co 0> r1V III c: °E ~ ~ .E II! c: :2> c: OJ OJ ., c: (Ii OJ .~ en ·iii (i a g '" ~ i ! ..c: ..c: :> ~ ~ ..c: ~ :2 ..c. ..c: II> 0 CP () (}. '" ::i! ..., .. II) II) C/) CD ::i! :J:'" o Z ~ < ,5 r:D en I ffi'6 0 r:D < :.:: :.:: :.:: I- 10 '" ..J ~ r:D -, "0 C ~ III (I) :::I Q: "0 ~ -I "0 ~ 8 ~ CD >. c:: .c ..0 ~ .2 :!:S ~ u C t~ ro c en 0 0 :;:; ~ 0 0 It> It> <0 ~ It> C\I It) z ~ ~ co .... co '0 III (l) co N N 0 ~ ~ ...... , It) ~ N UJ ~ N .., ...... 8l ~ ...... :! .... ~ ~ co ..... ~ ~ ~ ~ :! ;:!: ..... N ("') "'I:t' l() Q. C "5 '" '" '" Q. 0 Q. I .- 0 ii .cOl « len 1:0. I '!6' i~~ ·1 0 ~~ Q.- Ilrm oS c:: ~ .... 0 - u .Q Q. ... ii::> ~..... Cii i~ CD .c ~ N "5 .c c:: Co t o 0 ... en a :;::: a.. 0 ....a ro (1)"3 ;;:;- ~ I- I CD 01 a. <"f) V) -c c a I +' 0 :g ~a. 'C '"-6 -. c: ... Ii ~ ~ ~ 0 :5 u .~ u t ~ Ul III <.) OJ g (I) .Q Ol CD CD ,m C) t c:i=== :> 1!! ~ E Ul ~ u CIl OJ i :> ~ cI- "0 Q) S .5 ::> 0 :::: 0:1 (3 E x -... i CIl ~ 1.2 (I) z :::: 0:1 W :::::i Ii ..c: t D U /7/

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:; Cl. '5 c: Cl. :§ '">- Iii ro ~ '" ~ ::> :; Cl. :; iii'" Cl. iii'" 0t:: J: ~ e- ~ ::> "0 CI) J: '"C- CI) VI'" ~ :::!:'" i= 0-


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c: .2ro N "S Q. a..0 I-en 0 c:

==.~ VI Q) 0> ..!!! > VI Q) -0 ::I ~ W..


-;pr{ ~ TOWN DIRECTORY ~ - I Statemenl-I ~~~~ Status and Growth History

il>'l ~>tt~,"'IT'!~ oilif;~R ~ ~ ~ ~ qftqffi"OOl ~~3i!i!m~ Population and Growth rate oflhe lown at the Censuses of ER«I ~ 'fl'1ftq> l/QITfR mfl"Ifir .m ;t. fiItt m (1991 >tt m ~"" ~~~~ "'IT'! ,,""'IT'! il) (1991 >tt "f'i'T"AT "f'i'T"AT) il)

SI. Class. Name & Civic Location N~mcof N~meof Area (in Number of House 1901 1911 1921 1931 1941 1951 1961 1971 1981 1991 Density Sex Ralio No. Administration St~lus of Code Tahsil H.Q. C.D. Sq.km.) holds including (1991 1971 1981 1991 Town No. Block houseless Census) tt >tt

households (in 'lI'I'I"1'II"I'f'l"FfT~ 1991Census) 1971 1981 1991 Census Census Census 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21

IV Adholwala (C.T.) Sec Dehradun Urban Agglomeration Sec Dchradun Urban Agglomeration

VI Chakrata Cann. (C.B.) O4IIIXVI Chakrata 15.98 821 1250 1890 1459 1374 957 1283 3194 6105 5217 4670 292 144 271 320 ("'51.20) (-22.80) (-5.83) (-30.35) (+34.06) (+148.95) (+91.14) (-14.55) (-10.48)

IV Clement See Debradun Urban Agglomeration See Dehradun Urban Agglomeration Town Cantt. (C. B.)

4 IV Dak Panhar (C.T.) O4f21XV Dehradun Vin.nagar 1.25 2402 Treated as urban for the filSt time in 1991 Census 10211 8217 825

1II Dehradun Cann. (C.8.) See Dehradun Urban Agglomeration See Dehradun Urban Agglomeration

I Dehradun (M.B.) See Debradun Urban Agglomeratl(lII See Dehradun Urban Agglomeration

n.hr.dud V.A. 86.00 72069 30995 42568 S08S8 52921 80S80 151936 172478 220571 293010 349959 4069 765 802 844 (+37.34) (+19.47) (+4.07) (+52.25) (+88.55) (+13.52) (+27.88) (+32.84) (+19.44)

(a) I Dehradull (M.B.) 041211 Dehradun 37.17 53438 30995 42568 50858 43206 59S35 116404 129764 169827 220530 270159 7268 810 8S2 S7S (+37.34) (+19.47) (-15.05) (+37.79) (+95.52) (+11.48) (+30.87) (+29.86) (+22.50)

(b) VI FR.l.& 04/2fV Dehradun Sabaspur 4.69 1043 Treated as urban for the fiISt time in 1991 Census 4716 1006 790 College Are. (C.T.)

(c) IV Adoolwala (C.T.) 0412flV Dehradun Chakrata 1.50 2720 Treated as urban for the first time in 1991 Census 13378 8919 859

(d) III Dehradun Cantl. (C.B.) 04/2111 Dehradun 20.98 8037 9721 21045 27812 26577 33637 43566 43031 20S1 680 . 641 720 (+116.49) (+32.lS) (-4.44) (+26.56) (+29.52) (-1.23)

(c) IV Clement 04121111 Dchradun 7.07 3054 7720 7793 11898 15450 18237 2579 448 571 644 Town Cantt. (C.B.) (+0.95) (+52.68) (+29.85) (+18.04) lSI

'I'R~ TOWN DIRECTOR\' ~ - I Statement - I ~afr\~~ Status and Growth History Population and Growth rate of the town at the Censuses of 16"1 m .1j\ 'lfWU <€I m ~~~G{ (1991 'lit 'il'l 'IiI;;'JI1 q) ( \ 99 \ <€r "R'T"RT "R'T"RT) it)

SI. Class. Name & Civic Location Name of Name of Area (in Number of House 1901 1911 1921 1931 1941 1951 1961 1971 1981 1991 Density Sex Ratio No. Administration Status of Code Tahsil H.Q. C.D. Sq.km.) holds including (1991 1971 1981 1991 Town No. Block houseless Census)

(I) IV Raipur(C.T.) 04I2NI Dchradun Raipur 14.~9 3777 8344 ~209 13464 18532 \270 801 893 889 (-37.57) (+158.48) (+37.64)

7 V Doiwala (T.A.) 04121X1II Dchradun 1.91 1367 Treated as urban for the Ii ... time in \991 Census 7476 39\4 888

8 VI F.R.I.& Sec Dehradun Urban Agglomeration S.. Dehradun Urban Agglomeration College Area (C.T.)

9 V Herbcrtpur (T.A.) 04I2!X Dchradun 7.33 ($22 Treated as urt>an for the fint time in 1991 Census 8571 1169 907

10 VI Cantt. (C.B.) Sec Mussoorie Urban Agglomeration Sec Mussoorie Urban Agglomeration

II III Mussoorie (M.B.) See Mussoorie Urban Agglomeration See Mussoorie Urban Agglomeration

Mu ...... rle V.A. 68 5998 6461 8052 9702 6116 7172 85~0 11238 20389 18233 29629 438 586 654 682 (+24.62) (+20.49) (-36.96) (+17.27) (+19.21) (+31.44) (+81.43) (-10.57) ('62.50)

(a) III Mussoorie (M.B.) 0412/XI Dehradun 64.75 5232 4741 6552 8297 4966 S966 7133 9849 18038 16323 26722 413 570 649 616 (+38.20) (+26.63) (-40.lS) (+20.14) (+19.56) (+38.08) (+83.15) (-9.51) (+63.71)

(b) VI Landour Cantl. (C.B.) 04121X1I Dchradun 2.90 766 1720 1500 1405 II~O 1206 1417 1389 23~1 1910 2907 1002 712 692 733 (-12.79) (-6.33) (·18.15) (+4.87) (+17.50) (-\.98) (+6926) (-18.16) (+52.20)

12 IV Raipur (C.T.) S.. Dehradun Urban Agglomeration See Dehradun Urban Agglomeration

13 VI Raiwala (C.T.) 04/2IXVII Dchradun Doiwala 4.73 882 Treated as urban for the fit>t time in 1991 Census 4115 870 859

14 IV Ri.hikesh (C.T.) Sec Rishikesh Urban Agglomeration. S•• Rishikc.h Urban Aggloll1eration.

IS III Rishikcoh (M.B.) S.. Rishikesh Urban Agglomeration. S•• Rishikesh Urban Agglomeration. !8L


~ - I Statement - I ~~~~ Statu•• nd GroMh llistory

iii'! 1 ':MI, 'If'I

SI. Class, Nam~ & Civic Localton Name of Name of Area (in Number of House 1901 1911 1921 1931 1941 1951 1961 1971 1981 1991 Density Sex Ratio No. Administration Status of Code Tahsil H.Q. C.D. Sq.km.) holds including (1991 1971 1981 1991 Town No. Block houseless Census) 'liI <€I 'liI households (in 'lI"l'T"Al "A'l"AI :Jl'I'I1"Al 199 I Census) 1971 1981 1991 Census Census Census 2 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21

Ri.hike.h U A. 12.12 15039 1515 2319 3438 3975 5020 7495 10925 17646 41752 71704 5916 516 781 819 (+53.01) (+4825) (+15.62) (+2629) (+49.30) (+45.16) (+61.52) (+136.61) (+71.74)

(a) III Rishlkesh (M.B.) 04/2IVU Dehradun 2.59 9335 1515 2319 3438 3975 5020 7495 10925 17646 29145 44481 17176 694 762 782 (+S3.0?) (+48.25) (+\5.62) (+26.29) (+49.30) (+45.76) (+61.52) (+65.\6) (+52.64)

(b) IV Virbhadra (N.A.C) 04/2/Vlll Dehradun 1.78 3255 12607 15982 8919 827 885 (+26.17)

(e) IV Rlshlkcsh (C.T.) 04I21IX Dehradun Doiwala 7.75 2449 Treated as urban for the f.... t time in 1991 Cens.. 11235 1450 881

16 IV Vikasnagar (M.B.) 04/2/XIV Dehradun 1.40 1924 7066 9001 10991 78S1 827 845 876 (+27.38) (+22.11)

17 IV Virbhadra (N.A.C.) Se. Rishikesh Urban Agglomeration. S.. Risbikesh Urban Agglomeration. ;m:~ TOWN DIRECTORY

~-II Statement· II

"if'Rf if;f ~ IW ~ ~, 1989 Physical Aspects and Location of Towns, 1989

~ ~l(\)~~~ ~

~ ffi':IllR tpq~ flR;rr ~ ~~ ~\im'~~~ ~m omlWf ~m) (~.~. ill (~il) ~

SI. Class and Name of Rainfall Temperature State HQ. District HQ. Tahsil HQ. Nearest city With Railway Station Bus route Navigable No. Town (inm.m.) (in centigrade) Population of one lakh river/canal (if and more within 10 Kms) ~ ~ Maximum Minimum 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 II 12

[V Adhoiwala See Dehradun Urban Agglomeration See Dehradun Urban Agglomeration

2 VI Chakrata Cantt. 2136.7 27.7 14.6 Lucknow Dehradun Chakrata Dehradun Dehradun Chakrala (643) (98) (0) (98) (98) (0) IV Clement Town Can See Dehradun Urban Agglomeration See Dehrodun Urban Agglomeratton

4 IV Oak Patth8l' 2136.7 27.7 [4.6 LucknolV Dehradun Dehradun Dehradun Dehradun Dak Patthar (590) (45) (45) (45) (45) (0) 5 III Dehradun Cantt. See Dehradun Urban Agglomeration See Dehradun Urban Agglomeration

6 Dehradun See Dehradun Urban Agglomeration See Dehradun Urban Agglomeration Oehradun U.A. See Constiruent Units .. See Constiruenl Units (a) Dehradun 2.136.7 27.7 14.6 Lueknow Dehradun Dehradun Haridwar Dehradun Dehradun (545) (0) (0) (52) (0) (0) (b) VI F.R.!.& 2136.7 27.7 14.6 Lucknow Dehmdun Dehmdun Dehmdun Dehradun F.R.I.& College Area College Area (552) (7) (7) (7) (7) (0) (c) IV Adhoiwala 2136.7 27.7 14.6 Lucknow Dehradun Dehradun Dehradun Dehradun Adhoiwala (551) (6) (6) (6) (6) (0) (d) 111 Dehmdun Cantt. 2136.1 27.7 14.6 Lucknow Dehrndun Dehradun Dehradun Dehrndun Dehradun Cantt. (549) (4) (4) (4) (4) (0) fImIrr -II Statement - II "f'["{I '6l ~ ~ ~ ffqftr, 1989 Pbyslc.1 Aspects and Locution of Towns, 1989

'Ii'! ~'!it~Jfn~ ~~ ~ ~ lIT"i <6r ~ (f

SI. Class and Name of Rainfall Temperature State HQ. District HQ. Tahsil HQ. Nearest city With Railway Station Bus route Navigable No. Town (in m.m.) (in centigrade) Population of one lakh river/canal (if and more within 10 Kms) ~ ~ Maximum Minimum 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 1\ 12

(el IV Clement 2136.7 27.7 14.6 Lucknow Dehradun Oehradun Oebradun Oehradun Clement Town TownCantt. (555) (10) (10) (10) (10) (0) (I) [V Raipur 2136.7 27.7 14.6 Lucknow Oehradun Dehradun Oehradun Oehradun Raipur (553) (8) (8) (8) (8) (0) V Ooiwala 2136.7 27.7 14.6 Lucknow Oehradun Dehradun Oehradun Oehradun Ooiwala (525) (20) (20) (20) (20) (0) VI F.R.I.& See Dehradun Urban Agglomeration See Debradun Urban Agglomeration College Area 9 V Hcrhcrtpur 2136.7 27.7 14.6 Lucknow Dehradun Dehradun Dehradun Dchradun Hcrbertpur (58\) (36) (36) (36) (36) (0) 10 VI Landour Cantl. Sec Mussoorie Urban Agglomeration See Mussoorie Urban Agglomeration

11 III Mussoorie Sec Mussoorie Urban Agglomeration See Mussoorie Urban Agglomeration

Mussoorie U.A. See Constituent Units See Constituent Units

(al III Mussoorie 2136.7 27.7 14.6 Lucknow Dehradun Dehradun Dchradun Dchradun Mussooric (576) (31) (31) (31) .. (31) (0) (b) VI Landour Cantl. 2136.7 27.7 14.6 Lucknow Oehradun Oehradun Oehradun Dchradun Mussoorie (579) (34) (34) (34) (34) (3) 12 IV Ruipur See Dehradun Urban Agglomeration Sec Dehradun Urban Agglomellition

13 VI Raiwala 2136.7 27.7 14.6 Lucknow Dehradun Dehradun Hardwar Raiwala Raiwala (503) (42) (42) (14) (0) (0) 14 IV Rishikesh See Rishikesh Urban Agglomellition. See Rishikesh Urban Agglomeration.

15 III Rishikesh See Rishikesh Urban Agglomeration. See Rishikesh Urban Agglomeration. ~-II Statement· II

'I'lif ~ ~ 1nf ~ ~. 1989 Physical Aspects and Location or Towns, 1989

crrd ffitIll'rt "{J;;q ~ flR;rr ~ ~~ ~~JfR~~ ~~~R

SI. Class and Name of Rainfall Temperature StateHQ. District HQ. Tahsil HQ. Nearest city With Railway Station Bus route Navigable No. Town (inm.m.)

RIshlkesh U.A. See Constituent Units See Constituent Units

(a) III Rishikesh 2136.7 27.7 14,6 Lucknow Dehradun Dehradun Hardwar Rishikesh Rishikesh Ganga(R) (SIS) (44) (44) (24) (0) (0) (h) [V Virbhadra 2[36,7 27.7 [4,6 Lucknow Dehradun Dehradun Hardwar Virbhadra Virbhadra Ganga(R) (510) (39) (39) (18) (0) (0) (c) [V Rishikesh 2136,7 27.7 14.6 Lucknow Dehradun Dehradun Hardwar Rishikesh Rishikesh Ganga(R) (518) (43) (43) (24) (0) (0) 16 IV Vikasnagar 2136,7 27.7 14,6 Lucknow Dehradun Dehradun Dehradun Dehradun Vikasnagar (5&5) (40) (40) (40) (40) (0) 17 IV Virbhadra Sec Rishikcsh Urban Agg[omeration. See Rishikcsh Urban Agg[omeration, 136

;prr~ TOWN DIRECTORY fcrcRvJ - III Statement. III 'It I~':II~'61 fcIrn, 1988· 1989 Municipal Finance, 1988 ·1989

3RtIrn ~lIlfu' ~ 1I~m:R ~ ~ ~ ~~

IV AdhOlwala C.T. See Dehradun Urban Agglomeration See Dehradun Urban Agglomeration VI Chakratv Cantl. C.B. 4044 11947 12091 5553 191 33826 1620 13773 3610 5209 8026 32238 IV Clement Town Canlt. C.B. See Dehradun Urban Agglomeration See Dehradun Urban Agglomeration 4 IV Dak Patthar C.T. 5 III Dehradun Canlt. C.B. See Dehradun Urban Agglomeration See Dehradun Urban Agglomeration 6 I Dehmdun M.B. See Dehradun Urban Agglomeration Sec Dchradun Urban Agglomeration Dthradun U.A. See Constituent Units See Constituent Units (a) Dehradun M.B. 157347 7508 118752 35660 319267 51219 30708 183919 62154 11444 339444 (b) VI F.R.I.&College Area C.T. (e) IV Adhoiwala C.T. (d) !II Dehradun Cantt. C.B. 37844 38686 69032 3154 148716 3450 7854 54439 49608 16494 15427 147272 (e) IV Clement Town Cantl. C.B. 9105 28865 37430 1277 10448 87125 2435 4085 32585 34416 4224 4955 82700 (I) IV Ralpur C.T. 7 V Doiwala T.A. 710 359 2599 3668 705 1026 803 2534 8 VI F.R.I.&College Area C.T. See Dehradun Urban Agglomeration See Dehradun Urban Agglomeration 9 V Herbertpur TA 46 1700 631 2377 455 2098 31 2584 10 V Landour Canlt. C.B. See Mussoorie Urban Agglomeration See Mussoorie Urban Agglomeration II III Mussoone M.B. See Mussoorie Urban Agglomeration See Mussoorie Urban Agglomeration Mussoorie VA. See Constituent Units See Constituent Unit. (a) III Mussoorie M.B. 47261 11674 22902 10596 92433 17346 858 34947 33850 845 9996 97842 (b) VI Landour Cantt. C.B. 2650 137 3600 865 551 7803 910 293 3153 2442 60 6858 w ~ TOWN DlRECfORY ~ - III Statement - III

~~I(qI~~1 ~, 1988- 1989 Municipal Finance, 1988 -1989 iIi1'! ~q,'t~afn::;w:r ~ ~( 'OO~~) ~ ('00 ~~) Reeeipt (in Rupees' 00) Expenditure (in Rupees' 00) ~ ~ ~~ ~

it lIJ1q mm 81. Class and name of town Civic Receipt Revenue Derived Government Loans Advances Other Total General Public Public health Public Public Others Total No. admini- through from municipal Grant sources Receipt administration Safety and works Institutions expenditure stration taxes etc. properties and conveniences status powers apart from (in (990) taxation I 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 II 12 13 14 15 16 17 12 IV Raipur C.T. See Deltradun Urban Agglomeration See Dehradun Urban Agglomeration 13 VI Raiwala C.T. 14 IV Rishikesh C.T. See Rishikesh Urban Agglomeration. See Rishikesh Urban Agglomerallon. 15 III Rishikesh M.B. See Rishikesh Urban Agglomeration. See Rishikesh Urban Agglomeration. Rlshikesh U.A. See Constituent Units See Constituent Units (3) III Rishikesh M.B. 43762 15495 24467 83724 14868 6283 21194 12877 5647 60869 (b) IV Virbhadra N.A.C. N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. (e) IV Rishikesh C.T. 16 IV Vikasnagar M.B. 4916 1719 15592 1006 23233 6615 487 6912 8311 199 1816 24340 17 IV Virbhadra N.A.C. See Rishikesh Urban Agglomeration. See Rishikesh Urban Agglomeration. m ~ TOWN DIRECTORY ~ - IV Statoment-IV ~ ~ ~ ~.wr. 1989 Civic and Other Amenities, 1989

~ ~~$: ~>tt~ "ffi-'lOIf.1tt~ 4 '!iT ~>tt~WlT IiRr m~~if (~it) 51. Class, and name orrown Civic Population Scheduled Castes and Road Length System of Water Service others Method of Source of System o[Storage Fire Fighting DomestIC Industrial Commercial Road Others No. Administratio Scheduled Tribes (in Kms.) Sewemge Borne Disposalof Supply With Capacity in Services Lighting n Status Population Night Soil Litres (in (Points) (in 1990) Brackets)

2 3 4 5 6 7 g 9 10 II 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19

IV AdhOlwala C.T. Sec Dohradun Urban Agglomemtion See Dohradun Urban AgglomcralioQ

VI ehaxrat. Cantt. C.B. 4670 SC 626 PR 20.2 OSD 12 WB,B T,TW OHT(IOOOOO) Dehradun SIO 3 109 ST 550 (98) IV Clement Town Canlt. C.B. See Dehradun Urban Agglomeration See Oehradun Urban Agglomeration

IV Oak Palthar C.T. 10271 SC 1188 PR 10.0 S 560 ST T OHT(182000) Yes 1000 105 ST 148 III Dehradun Cantl. C.B. Sec Dehradun Urban Agglomeration See Dchradun Urban Agglomeration

Dohradun M.B. See Dchradun Urban Agglomeration See Dehradun Urban Agglomeration

Dohradun U A. 368053 SC 42942 PR 353.0 14215 OHT(2112600) 83430 980 4793 lOlOl lSI ST 1298 KR 55.0 SR(133000) (a) I Dehradun M.B. 270159 SC 31231 PR 220.0 OSO,PT 20 8,ST TW OHT(387600) Yes 59495 744 4534 5503 76 ST 785 KR 55.0 SR(133000) (h) VI F.R.I.&Colle~e Area C.T. 4716 SC 816 PR 30.0 S 742 S TW OHT(500000) Yes 684 300 25 ST 94 (c) IV Adhciwala C.T. 13378 SC 2085 PR 4.0 OSO 3000 ST TW OHT(lOOQOO) Dchradun 4000 200 200 200 50 ST 116 (6) (d) III Dohradun Cantt. c.B. 43031 SC 4456 PR 72.0 S,BSO 8446 s TW OHT(800000) Dchradun 15921 14 39 1473 ST 158 (8) (e) IV Clement Town Cann. C.B. 18237 SC 1908 FR 7.1 080,PT 7 ST TW OHT(200000) Dchradun 1130 10 20 125 ST 28 (10) (I) IV RaillUf C.T. 18532 SC 2446 PR 20.0 S.PT 2000 120 S,ST TW OHT( 12SOOO) Y.s 2200 IS 2S01 ST 117 V Doiwala T.A. 7476 SC 560 PR 4.0 OSD,PT 209 285 PT TW OHT(2oooo) Dehraduo 423 25 19S ST 23 (20) VI F.R.I.&College Area C.T. See Dchradun Urban Agglomeration Sec Dehradun Urban AgglomeratiOn

V HerbeltjJur T.A. 8S71 SC 1114 PR 7.0 OSO 3SS o T OHT(100000) Dcbradun 800 10 100 ISO ST 41 (36) 10 V Landour Canlt. C.B. See Mussoorie Urban Agglomeration See Mussoorie Urban Agglomeratioll 1~'1

"1 ~ TOWN DIRECTORY ~ - IV Statement - IV

~ ~ -lI"'!~, 1989 ClvI ••nd Other Amenitl.5, 1989

~ ~ ~;:;nflI'!lf aft\ ~ >€t ~ "",,-lffi f.I1mft lIW!l'l ~~ (fili.!ft.if) ~ Number of Latrines Protected Water Supply Electrification (Number of Connections) ~ >€t~ ~q;r rn>€t~WIT (1990 if) m :m>€t!lf1ffil m if (~if)

SI. Class aod name of town Civi< Population Stheduled Castes and Road Lengt!t . System of Water Service othe", Method of Source of System of Storage Fire fighting Domestic Industrial Commercial Road Othel:\< No. Administratio Scheduled Tribes (inKms.) Sewerage Borne Disposal of Supply With Capacity in Services Lighting n Slarus Population Night Soil lilIeS (in (Points) (in 1990) Bmckets)

2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 II 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19

11 III Mussooric M.B. Sec Mussoorie Urban Agslomeration See Mussoorie Urban Agglomeration

Mussooric U.A. 29629 SC 4456 PR 107.2 41 OHT(203000) 4186 32 1224 1848 ST 240 KR 72.3 (a) III Mussooric M.B. 26722 SC 3955 PR 98.2 S.OSD 30 S.sT T OHT( 193000) Yes 3286 32 1224 1668 ST 130 KR 72.3 (b) VI Landour Cantl. C.B. 2907 SC 501 PR 9.0 S.OSD 11 S,ST T OHT(IOOOO) Mussoorie 900 180 ST 110 (1) 12 IV Raipur CT. See Dehradun Urban Agslomcration Sec Dehradun Urban Agglomeration

13 VI RaiwaIa C.T. 4115 SC 506 PR 5.0 OSD,PT 625 53 ST,O TW OHT(20000) Haridwar ST 331 (6) 14 IV Rishikesh C.T. Sec Ri.hikcsh Urban Agslomeration. See R.shike,h Urban Agglomeration.

IS III Rishikesh M.B. Sec Ri.hikcsh Urban Agslomcration. See Rishikesh Urban Agglomeration.

Rishikesh U.A. 71704 SC 7295 PR 73.0 6803 952 855 OHT(2602500) 9009 245 3408 1530 ST 230 KR 49.0 (a) III Rishikesh M.B. 44487 SC 4005 PR 43.0 S,OSD 3800 950 850 S,WB T,TW OHT(2225OOO) Yes 5409 241 3368 970 ST 81 KR 49.0 (b) IV Virbhadra N.A.C. 15982 SC 2074 PR 20.0 S 3000 S TW OHT(177500) Yes 3400 4 40 500 ST 86 (c) IV Rishikcsh C.T. 11235 SC 1216 PR 10.0 S 2 S TW OIIT(200000) Ri'hikcsh 200 60 ST 63 (I) 16 IV V;ka.na~ M.B. 10991 SC 1490 PR 16.5 S 1500 ISO 20 S TW OHT( I 57500) Dehrndun mo 38 600 400 ST 210 (40) 17 IV Virbhadra N.A.C See Rishikesh Urban AgslometlltiolL See Rishikesh Urban Agglomerntion. ';f'I'\ ~ TOWN DIRECTORY fcIwr - IV (JI:) Statement- IV(A) ~ m ~ if ~ tt

~~'Iil~'iffilI'li\ ~~'li\~ "W{~ ~qRf'li\ ~(~~~) Number or Latrines ~ ~ <61 ~ ~

51. Class and name ofrown Name of Slum Area of Slum Population of Paved Roads System of ~ Method of No.ofTap Electrification (No. of No. (in sq.kms.) Slum (inkms.) Sewerage . Disposal of PointsIPublic Connections) ____Pri_·v_ale~--- Commumty nightsoil Hydrants qRf~ ~ -3R installed for supply of Protected Water Road Lighting Others Water borne Service Other Domestic (Points)

4 5 6 7 g 9 10 II 12 13 14 15 16

[ Oehradun AdhOlwala 0.110 540 0.26 aSD 33 42 12 B 55 13 AhItMandi 0.420 1450 1.26 OSD.PT 80 73 22 B 6 1.:10 36 Amamath Anand Colony 0.380 2500 2.16 OSD.PT ISS 30 45 13 B 190 19 4 Amtood Wala 0.070 250 0.48 OSD IS 12 22 B 4 175 38 5 Aryanagar 0.240 10SO 1.39 OSD.PT 78 73 14 B 2 105 13 Aryanagar D.L.Road 0.210 9S0 1.23 aSD 30 20 14 B 1 100 22 7 BadnnathCo[ony NeshBiJaRd. 0.090 350 1.23 aSD,PT 30 14 13 B 4 38 32 Balblr Road Tegbahadur.Rd. 0.300 1350 1.69 OSD.PT 135 30 32 B 6 125 11 Ball. Pur 0.5S0 1440 1.86 OSO 30 45 52 B II 275 39 10 Banj"", Wala 0.040 420 0.26 oso.as 35 13 B 2 40 9 II Blt&rri Wala 0.060 198 0.26 aso.PT 33 44 13 B 33 37 12 B

29 Kh.llk Mohallo 0.090 450 1.86 OSO 33 14 II B 45 17 30 Kultlhar Mand, 0.240 540 0.36 OSO 29 33 13 B 60 II) 31 Luni. Mohalla 0.630 400 0.36 OSO 33 24 \3 B 165 23 32 M.driI3i Colony 0.150 1500 1.29 OSO 195 20 J) B 5 225 22 33 Mahanhi Balmiki Basti 0.250 1400 1.26 OSO.BS 83 23 14 B 5 125 29 }4 Muslim Colony 0.840 3600 1.26 OSO ISO 30 45 B 300 37 35 Na, Basti Oan~'Walmarg 0.160 940 0.96 OSO 135 14 12 B 100 16 36 Nala Pani Road 0.180 590 1.36 OSD.PT 80 73 22 B 60 15 37 Nala Pani Road Rajiv Nag. 0.180 1200 0.9 OSO,PT 85 30 22 B 110 21 38 Nay. KanwDli Road 0.450 1350 3.29 OSO 135 16 65 B 175 12 39 Nay. Khur Bura 0.750 2700 2.16 OSO 315 23 20 B 4 25 17 40 Patel Nagar East 0.040 1600 1.3 OSO.PT 16 18 5 B 2 20 60 41 Patel Nagar East Phos·2 0.200 1700 1.76 OSO.PT 135 50 45 B 4 175 17 42 Pathariy Pir Phas III 0.180 750 0.36 OSO 60 33 13 B 4 75 10 43 Patbariya Pir Phos I 0.390 700 2.16 OSO 65 32 13 B 125 44 Pathariya Pit Ph .. II 0.260 900 0.36 OSO 90 35 12 B 4 100 17 4S Puran Basti (ndar Road 0.400 2500 2 OSO,PT 70 95 40 B 7 250 27 46 Race Coune Block 0.240 100 1.36 OSO 135 40 30 B 100 22 47 Race Coune Block.C 0.710 1100 1.86 OSO 65 30 70 2 B \0 118 19 48 Race Coune C 0.230 3520 3.12 OSO.PT 31S 50 45 B 4 350 20 49 Raipur Road Chanda Road 0.250 2S00 2.36 OSO 55 92 33 B 7 250 37 50 S.,yad Monhalla 0.320 750 1.26 OSD 32 12 13 B 4 80 23 5 I Sanjay Colony 0.350 500 2.18 OSO,PT 58 14 29 B 4 40 27 52 Satljay Nagar Patel Naglll" 0.360 1250 1.56 OSO.PT 2S 10 9 B S 75 19 S) Sari Niwas 0.220 1200 0.96 OSD.PT 125 30 13 B 3 110 22 S4 Vijay Colony 0.350 1300 1.26 OSD.PT 13 85 65 B 6 150 33 ij1!{ ~ TOWN DIRECTORY ~ - V Statement-V ~, ~,~ ~ ~ ~, 1989 Medical, Educational, Recreational and Cultural Facilities, 1989 '!i!!r 'Mmrl ~ ~I '1le~'Iit f

51 Class and Name ofTown Population Hospitals! Beds in Arts/Science Medical Engineering Polytcclutic Recopiscd Hillher Sccondary Junior Primary Adult Working Stadia Cinema Auditorial Public No Dispensaries I medical ICommereel Colleges Colleges Shorthand Secondaryllnt Matriculation Secondary School Literacy Women's Drama! Librnries T. B. Clinics Institutions Colleges Type Writinll enoediate and Middle Classes! Hostels Communit including e!C. noted in (degree level and PUC (Pre- School Centres, with yHalis Reading co\um04 and above) Vocational University Others Number Rooms Training College Junior (Specify) of Seats Institution College leyel)

4 6 8 9 10 \I t2 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20

IV Adhoiwal. See Dcbradun Urban A¥glomeration See Dchradun Utban Agglomeration

VI Chakr.lta Cantl. 4670 HC(I) 20 Dchradun Hardwar Roork.. Dchradun Dchradun Raipur

H(l) (98) (150) (170) (98) (98) (98)

IV Clement Town Cant See Dchradun Urban Agglomeration See Dchradun Urban Agglomeration

IV Dak Patthar 10271 0(1) 50 Dchradun Hardwar Roorkee Dehradun Dehradun 4 2 Raipur RR(I) H(2) (45) (97) (\II) (45) (45) (35)

III Dehrndun Cantl. See Dehradun Urban Agglomeration Sec Dehradun Urban Agglomeration

I Dehradun See Dcbradun Urban Agglomeration See Dehradun Urban Agglomeration

Dehradun U.A. 368053 FPC(4),TB(I) 1078 AS(l) J TYPE(4) 38 46 81 146 1(266) 15 7 PL(6) D(I%),HC(2) ASC(I) RR(4) H(l6) (a) I Dehrndun 270159 FPC(3), 946 AS(2), Hardwar Roorkee 3 TYPE(3) 26 33 69 131 Raipur 2(266) 13 PL(2) TB(I).O(IO) ASC(2) (52) (72) (8) H(12) 19 :J ;;>R ~ TOWN DIRECTORY

~ - V SllItement-V ~, ~,~ .;fr{ ~ ~, 1989 Medlc.~ Educational, Recreational and Cultural Fadlltles, 1989

Medical Facilities Educational Facilities '-'*1

:1rair'*1 cCI ~~ llfmr!r ~~ m mfr:!) ~ ~l\'R)

51. Cl ... and Name or Town Population Hospitals/ Beds in ArtslScience Medical Engineering Polytechnic Recognised Higher Secondary Junior Primary Adolt Working Stadia Cinema Auditorial Public No. Dispensaries I medical ICommercel Colleges Colleges Shortband Secondaryflnt Matriculation Secondary School Literacy Women's Dramal Libraries T.B. Clinics Institutions Colleges Type Writing ermediate and Middle Ciusesl Hostels Communit including etc. DOted in (degree level and PUC (Pre- School Centres. with y Halls Reading column 4 and ahove) Vocational University Others Number Rooms Training College Junior (Specify) of Seats Institution College level)

2 4 6 9 10 II 12 13 14 IS 16 17 18 19 20 ~--.

(b) VI F.R.I.& College Area 4716 H(I) 28 Dehradun Hardwar Roorkee Dehradun Dehradun Raipur PL(Z)

(7) (60) (79) (7) (7) (8) RR(4J

(cJ IV Adhoiwala 13378 Dehradun Dehradun Hardwar Roorkee Dehradun Dehradun Dehradun Dehradun Dehradun Raipur (6) (6) (45) (70) (6) (6) (6) (6) (6) (4)

(d) III Dehradun Cantt. 43031 HCCI).FPe(l) 22 Dehradun Hardwar Roorkee Dehradun Debradun 4 Raipur Pl(I) H(I) (4) (62) (76) (4) (4) (7)

(e) IV Clement Town 18237 H(I) 14 Dehradun H.rdwar Roorkee Dehradun Dehradun Raipur PL(I) Cantt. (10) (62) (82) (10) (10) (S)

(I) IV Raipur 18532 HC(l) 68 Dehradun Hardwar Roorkee Dehradun TYPE(I) 0(2),H(I) (8) (~O) (70) (S)

V Doiwala 7476 HCCI). FPC(I) 8 Debradun Hardw.r Roorkee Debradun Debradun Raipur

0(2),H(I) (20) (30) (52) (20) (20) (IS)

\" 8 VI F.R.I.& College Area See Oehradun Urban Al!lllomCralion Sce Dehradun Urba" Agglomeration

9 V Herbertpur 8571 0(1) SO Debradun Hardw.r Roorkee Debradun Dehradun 2 H(I) (36) (88) (102) (36) (36) ;prr ~ TOWN DIRECTORY ~ - V Statement-V ~. ~. ~ ~ ~ ~. 1989 Medical. Education.l. Recreation.land Cultural Facilities. 1989 ~ Medical Facilitie. Educational FDcilitics mJif If; Number of Recreational and Cultural ------~------~~~~- ~/ 'ffiI'! 4 it

51. Class and Name of Town Population Hospitals! Beds in Arts/Science Medical Engineering Polytechnic Recognised Higher Secondary Junior Primary Adult Working Stadia Cinema Auditorial Public No Dispensaries / medical / Commereel Colleges Colleges Shorthand Secondary/lnt Matriculation Secondary School Literacy Women's Drama! Libraries T.B.Clinics Institutions Colleges TypeWriting ennediate and Middle Classes! Hostels Communit including etc. noted in (degree level and PUC (Pre- School Centres, with y Halls Reading column 4 and above) Vocational University Othcn Number Rooms Training College Junior (Specify) o(Seals Institution College level)

4 8 9 10 II 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20

10 VI Landour Canlt See Mussoorie Urban Agglomeration Sec Mussoorie Urban Agglomeration

II lit Muss.oorie See Mussoorie Urban Agglome ..tion See Mussoorie Urban Agglomeration

Mussoorie tJ.A. 29629 0(6) 188 SH.1YPE(3) 13 14 19 31 4 PL(l) H(7).0(1)

(a) ill Mus,oone 26722 0(3) 106 Hardwar Roork .. Dehrodun SH.1YPE(3) 12 13 18 29 Raipur 4 PL(2) H(6).0(1) (92) (83) (38) (35)

(b) VI Landour Cantl. 2907 0(3) 82 Mussoorie Hardwar Roark .. Dehrodun Mussoorie Raipur H(I) (I) (QO) (85) (36) (I) (32)

12 IV Raipur See Dehradun Urban Agglomeration See Dehrodun Urban Agglomeration

13 VI Raiwala 4115 H(I) Rishikesh Hardwar Roork .. Narendrana Rishikesh Raipur 11&1" (18) (10) (53) (32) (18) (35)

14 IV Rishikesh See Rishikesh Urban Agglomeration. See Rishikesh Urban Agglomeration.

15 III Rish.ke,h See Rishikesh Urban Agglome ..tion. See Rishikesh Urban Agglomeration.

Rishik.. h U.A. 71704 HC(I).TB(I) 92 A(I).S(I) SH.1YPE(I) 13 35 PL(S) 0(5),H(5) RR(3)

(a) III Rish.kcsh 44487 HC(I).TB(I) 42 A(I).S(I) Hardwar Roarkee Narendra SH.1YPE(I) 10 31 Raipur PL(S) Nagar 0(5).H(3) (22) (SO) (19) (35) - /0;5

"1'11: ~ TOWN DIRECTORY ~ - V SIlltement·V ~,~,~ .tR ~ ~, 1989 Medlc.I, Educational, Recreational and Cultural Fa.ilitles. 1989 iii'!' m~~oiR'lT'! ~ ~~ ~~ ~ 'I'itm' 3l'R ~ ~JiI ~ It M Medical Facilities Educational Facilities ~~.;- Number of Recreallonal and Cultural ~I ~4~ <6ffi1 ~ f

Sl Clas. and Name of Town Population Hospitalsl Beds in Arts/Science Medical Engineering Polytechnic Reccgnistd Higher Secondary Junior Primary Adult Working Stadia Cinema Auditorial Public No. Dispensaries I medical /Commercel Colleges Colleges Shorthand Secondary/lnt Matriculation Secondary School Literacy Women's Drama! libraries T.B. Clinics Institutions Colleges Type Writing ermediate and Middle Classesl Hostels Communi I including etc. noted in (degree level and PUC (Pre· School Centn:s. with y Halls Reading column 4 and above) Vocational Unive ..ity Othe .. Number Rooms Training College Junior (SpecifY) afSeats Institution College level)

-/ 2 4 6 8 9 10 II 12 13 14 IS 16 17 18 19 20

(b) IV Virbhadra 15982 H(I) SO Rishikesh Harowar Roark.. Narenclra Rishikesh 2 2 Raipur RR(3) Nagar (5) (18) (4S) (19) (5) (36)

(c) IV Rishikesh 11235 H(I) Rishikesh Harowar Roark.. Narendar Rishikesh Rishikesh Rishikesh Raipur Nagar (1) (20) (SO) (19) (I) (I) (I) (35)

16 IV Vikasnagar 10991 H(I),O(I) 6 Dehradun H.rowar Roorke. Dehradun lYPE(2) 2 Raipur FPC(I) (40) (92) (106) (40) (30)

17 IV Virbhadra See Rishikesh Urban Agglomeration. See Rishikesh Urban Agglomeration. w ~ TOWN DIRECTORY ~ - VI Stat.... nt·VI iiIl1I11:, cnfV1;:;q, m afrr~, 1989 Trade. Commerce, IndU5try and Bankin" 1989

SI. Cla:,s Jnd Name ofTowli Name orTIuee Most Important Commodities Imported Name ofTIuee Most Important Commodities Exported Name of TItre. Most Important Commodities Manufactured No. of Banks No. of No. of Non· No Agricultural agricultural credit credit societies societies


IV Adhoiwala See Oehradun Urban Agglomeration See Oehradun Urban Agglomeration

VI Chakrata Cantt. Foodgrains Cloth Oil Wood Potato Fruit Furniture Woolen Garments 3

IV Clement Town Cantt. See Oehradun Urban Agglomeration See Oehradun Urban Agglomeration

IV Dak Patthar Natural Gas foodgrains Oil

III Dehradun Cantt. See Oehradun Urban Agglomeration See Oehradun Urban Agglomeration

Dehradun See Oehradun Urban Agglomeration See Oehraduo Urban Agglomeration

Dehradun U.A. See Constituent Units See Constituent Units

(a) Dehradun Wood Coal foodlll"'ins Khukhari Bulb Lime Khukhari Bulb Lime 42 41 lIS

(b) VI F.R.I.&College Area Foodgrams Cloth Utensils

(c) IV Adhoiwala Lai Marble Stone Calcium MarbleCbip Bidi Marble chip Lei

(d) III Dehradun CantL Wheat Rice Pulses Lime Stone Basmati Rice Honey Cal Khukhari Wooden furniture 4

(e) IV Clement Town Cantt. Foodgrains Grocery Hosiery Soap Lim. Wooden Goods Marble Chips Lime Wooden Goods

(I) IV Ratpur

V Doiwala foodb'l'llins Cloth Sugarcane Sugar

VI F.R.I.&College Area Sec Oehradun Urban Agglomeration Sec Oehraduo Urban Agglomeration

V Herbertpur Potato Edible Oil foodgrains Rice Licbee Tea Leaf Carpet Green leaf Tea

10 V landour Cantt. See Mussoorie Urban Agglomeration See Mussoorie Urban Agglomeration 197

"I'R ~ TOWN DIRECTORY ~ -VI Statement·VI oznqrr, ~, ::;QIty aftt~, 1989 Trade, Comme.... Industry and Banking. 1989

~tt ~'1i:"f ~'1i:"f"'~ m ~tt 'lIffi~'lit Ws>lr m SI. Class and Name of Town Name of Three Most Imponant Commodities Imported Name of Three Most Imponant Commodities Exported Name of Three Mostlmponant Commodities Manufactured No. of Banks No of No. of Non- No. Agricultural agricultural credit credit societies societies

3rd 3rd 5 II 14

II III Mussoorie See Mussoorie Urban Agglomeration See Mus,oorie Urban Agglomeration

Mussoorie U.A. See Constituent Units See Constituent Units

(a) III Mussoorie Woolen Garment Building Material Foodgrains Artificial Jewelry Wooden Stick Lime Stone Artificial Jewellery Wooden Stick Lime Stone 15

(b) V Landour Canlt Foodgrains Cloth Building Material

12 IV Raipur See Dehradun Urban Agglomeration See Dehradun Urban Agglomeration ...

13 VI Raiwala Grocery Cloth Foodgrains Wooden Sleeper Wooden fuel

14 IV Rishikesh See Rishikesh Urban Agglomeration. See Rishikesh Urban Agglomeration.

15 III Risbikesh See Rishlkesb Urnan Agglomeration. See Risbikesb Urn.n Agglomeration.

Rishikesh U.A. See Constituent Units See Constituent Units

(a) III Rishikesh Grocery Hardware Foodgrains Plaster of Pairs Glass Item Calcium Calcium Carbonate Plaster Of Paris Glass Item Goods Carbonate (b) IV Virbhadra Foodgrains Cloth Glucose Medicines Medicines

(c) IV Rishikesh Foodgrains Oil Cloth

16 IV Vikasnagar Ginger Cloth Iron Rice Tea Leaf Ginger Tea Leaf Rice Dry Ginger

17 IV Virbhadra See Rishikesh Urban Agglomeflltion. See Rishikesh Urban Agglomeration. I:o '; CIS "5 oCo Co .s::. OJ.... ::l I/) - .s::. o >

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