Annotation of the discipline Discipline name Philosophy / Философия Content Philosophy, its object and place in culture; The philosophy of the Ancient world; The philosophy of the Middle ages and Renaissance; The philosophy of the epoch of New time and Education; German classical philosophy; Modern Western philosophy; The development of Russian philosophy from antiquity to the XIX century; Russian philosophy in the XIX-early-XXI centuries; The problem of existence in philosophy; Development philosophy; Philosophy of consciousness; Theory of knowledge; Scientific knowledge; People, society, culture; Philosophical anthropology; Society and its structure; Philosophy of history; Culture and civilization; Philosophical problems in the field of professional activity Realized UC -5 - To be able to control own time, to draw up and realize a trajectory competences of self-development based on the principles of education during his/her lifetime. Learning UC -5 outcomes of the To know: discipline - the essence, types and stages of the career; specificity of career processes (module) and the factors determining the course of a career. To be able to: -critically evaluate personal strengths and weaknesses; design a career management mechanism in the organization. To master: - pursuance of personal and professional self-development; high motivation to perform professional activities; ability to analyze and design interpersonal, group and organizational communications; the ability to assess the conditions and consequences of the adopted organizational and managerial decisions. Volume of 3 CP credits, CP Forms of Exam, 3 term assessment (including terms) Basic and additional reading list Basic reading list 1. Alekseev, P. V. History of philosophy: textbook / V. P. Alekseev ; Mosk. state Univ. M. V. Lomonosov Moscow State University, Philosopher. FAK. – M. : Prospekt, 2015. – 240 p. 2. Philosophy: the textbook for bachelors / ed. by L. A. Demina. – M.: Pro- SPECT, 2015. – 360 p. Additional 1. Grinenko G. V. History of philosophy: textbook: on discipline reading list "Philosophy" for students of higher educational institutions / G. V. Grinenko. – 3rd ed., Rev. and extra – M.: yurait, 2010. – 689 p.: ill. – (Fundamentals of science). 2. History of philosophy: [a textbook for high schools] / edited by A. S. Kolesnikova. – SPb. : Peter, 2010. – 651 p. 3. History of philosophy : textbook for universities / ed. ed Kochanowski V. P., V. P. Yakovlev. – 7th ed. – Rostov n/D : Phoenix, 2011. – 732 p. 4. Readings in philosophy: textbook / comp. P. V. Alekseev. – 3rd ed., revised and enlarged. – M.: Prospect, 2010. – 574 p. 5. Philosophical dictionary / [V. N. Miroshnichenko, L. V. Ostapenko, E. V. Shakhova] ; under the editorship of A. P. Eremenko. – Rostov n/D : Phoenix, 2004. – 560 p Annotation of the discipline Discipline name Иностранный язык / Foreign language () Content Foreign language (Russian language) as an academic discipline. Phonetic, grammatical, lexical, morphological and syntactic norms of the Russian language. Noun. Possessive pronouns. Imperative. Paradigm of verbs I conjugation. Numerical. Adjective. The concept of the verb tenses. Prepositions in and on. The paradigm of verbs II conjugation. Verbs of motion. Type of verb. The case system of the Russian language. The declension of nouns with pronouns and adjectives in the singular. The system of declension of nouns in the plural. Orthoepic norms of the Russian language. Accentological norms of the Russian language. Morphological norms: the word-formation norms of the Russian language. The word- formation norms of the Russian language. Morphological norms: noun, adjective. Morphological norms of nouns, adjectives. Morphological norms: adjective, numerative, pronoun. Morphological norms of the name of numerals, pronouns. Syntactic norms of the Russian language. Syntax of a simple and complex sentence. Realized UC -4 - ability to work in a team, tolerant to perceive social, ethnic, competences confessional, cultural differences Learning UC -4 outcomes of the To know: discipline - the basic rules of speech behavior in typical situations of (module) communication of educational and professional and official business spheres;

To be able to: - to perceive information, to correctly communicate information; at the initial level to use the skills of communication and business communication; To master: - general communication and business communication skills Volume of 3 CP credits, CP Forms of exam, 1 term assessment (including terms) Basic and additional reading list Basic reading list 1. Antonova E. S. Russian language: a textbook / ES Antonova, TM Voiteleva. - Moscow: Academy, 2014. - 384 p .: ill. - Grif .: Rec. FGAU "FIRO" 2. Rosenthal D.E. Modern Russian language: a textbook / D.E. Rosenthal, I.B. Golub, MA Telenkov. - 13 th ed. - Moscow: Iris Press, 2014. - 448 c. 3. Russian language: a textbook / ed. L. L. Kasatkina. - 4 th ed., Pererab. - Moscow: Academy, 2011. Additional 1. Valgina N.S. Orthography and punctuation: directory / NS. Valgina, V.N. reading list Svetlyshev. - M .: Author's Academy, 2008. 2. Lysenko VI, Mayatskaya NK, Belik LM, Bolkunova EV We study the Russian language. Practical course for foreign medical students speaking English - Stavropol, 2008. 3. Rosenthal D. E. The Russian language. Spelling. Punctuation / D.E. Rosenthal, I.B. Golub. - 16 th ed. - Moscow: Iris Press, 2013. 4. Rosenthal, DE Russian language: a reference book: management in Russian. Practical stylistics / ДЭЭ. Rosenthal. - M .: Onyx, 2007.

Annotation on the discipline

Discipline Всеобщая история / World History name Content Ancient civilization Medieval Western European Civilization Byzantine civilization Formation of an industrial society: Industrial revolution, demo-graphic shifts and social processes American version of Western civilization World War I. Western Europe in the interwar period. The Second World War. World civilization of the 20th century. Realized competences UC – 5

Learning outcomes of To know: the intercultural diversity of society in the socio-historical, ethical and the discipline (module) philosophical contexts. Be able to: to perceive the intercultural diversity of society in the socio-historical, ethical and philosophical contexts Have skills: the ability to perceive the intercultural diversity of society in the socio- historical, ethical and philosophical contexts Volume of credits, CP 1 Forms of assessment Grading test: 1 semester (including terms) Methodical and informational support of the discipline Basic reading list 1.Всемирная история [Электронный ресурс] : учебник для студентов вузов / Г.Б. Поляк [и др.]. — 3-е изд. — Электрон. текстовые данные. — М. : ЮНИТИ-ДАНА, 2017. — 888 c. — 978-5-238-01493-7. — Режим доступа: 2. Всеобщая история : учебник / И. В. Крючков, А. А. Кудрявцев, И. А. Краснова [и др.] ; под редакцией И. В. Крючкова, С. А. Польской. — Ставрополь : Северо-Кавказский федеральный университет, 2019. — 420 c. — ISBN 2227-8397. — Текст : электронный // Электронно- библиотечная система IPR BOOKS : [сайт]. — URL: (дата обращения: 21.04.2021). — Режим доступа: для авторизир. пользователей

Additional reading list 1.История мировых цивилизаций [Электронный ресурс] : методические указания к практическим занятиям и самостоятельной работе для студентов бакалавриата, обучающихся по направлению подготовки 38.03.04 Государственное и муниципальное управление / . — Электрон. текстовые данные. — М. : Московский государственный строительный университет, Ай Пи Эр Медиа, ЭБС АСВ, 2016. — 28 c. — 978-5-7264-1417-1. — Режим доступа: 2.Фоменко С.В. Новейшая история стран Европы и Северной Америки (1918-1945 гг.). Часть 2 [Электронный ресурс] : учебное пособие / С.В. Фоменко. — Электрон. текстовые данные. — Омск: Омский государственный университет им. Ф.М. Достоевского, 2016. — 404 c. — 978-5-7779-1952-6. — Режим доступа: 3. Алексеев, С. В. Всемирная история с древнейших времен до начала XX века [Электронный ресурс] : курс лекций / С. В. Алексеев, О. И. Елисеева. — Электрон. текстовые данные. — М. : Московский гуманитарный университет, 2016. — 240 c. — 978-5-906822-84-01. — Режим доступа:

Annotation of the discipline Discipline name История России/History of Contents History subject. Methods and history methodology. Historiography of . History periodization. Primitive era of mankind. The most ancient civilizations in the territory of Russia. Scythian culture. Volga Bulgariya. Hazaria Kaganat. Alania. The Old Russian state of IX - the beginnings of the XII centuries. Preconditions of creation of the Old Russian state. Theories of an origin of the state:" Norman" theory. First Russian princes: domestic and foreign policy. The social and economic relations in Old Russian society. Pagan stage of . Christianity acceptance, its value and influence on internal and external development of the country. State development Kievan Rus' in the X-XII centuries. Vladimir Monomakh's reforms. Russian lands and principalities at the beginning of XII-of the XIII century. Ancient Russia and Europe: general tendencies and essential features of development. Blossoming of Kievan Rus'. Yaroslav Mudrogo, Vladimir Monomakh's activity. Features of the political device of Vladimiro-Suzdalsky, Galitsko- Volynsky principalities and Novgorod seigniorial republic. Features of feudalism in Russia. Economic and foreign policy preconditions of dissociation of Russian lands. Culture of Russia in the IX-XIII centuries. Formation of the Mongolian state led by Genghis Khan. Invasion of mongolo-Tatar to Russia, its influence on development of Old Russian society. Features of vassal dependence on the Golden Horde. Fight of northwest Russia against aggression of German and Swedish feudal lords. Alexander Nevsky. Russia between the East and the West. Formation of the Russian state (XIV - нач. The XVI centuries) Reasons, characteristic features and features of formation of the uniform state. Main political centers of Russia. Reasons of an eminence of Moscow. Stages of association of Russian lands to the uniform state. Domestic and foreign policy of the Moscow princes. Ivan's III reforms. The Russian state in the XVI century. Formation of a class and representative monarchy in Russia. Palace and patrimonial and mandative control systems. Politician Ivan IV. Problems of relationship of Ivan the Terrible and Seigniorial thought. Alternatives of reforming of the country: Chosen It is glad and опричнина. Fight for an exit to the Baltic Sea. An assessment of the personality and Ivan the Terrible activity in a domestic historical science. Russia in the I half of the XVIII century. Peter the Great time. Era of palace revolutions. An absolutism in Russia. Russia during Peter the Great era. Reasons of modernization of Russia. Peter's I reforms. Formation of Russia as great European power: Peter's I foreign policy. Azov campaigns and Great embassy. Northern war and exit to the Baltic Sea. East gains. Value and price of Petrovsky reforms. The in the second half of the XVIII century. Ekaterina's II domestic and foreign policy." The educated absolutism". Country war of 1773-1775 under Yemelyan Pugacheva's leadership. Autocracy and serfdom strengthening. Zhalovannye of the diploma to the nobility and cities. Inclusion in structure of the empire of Old Russian lands. Pavel's I counterreforms and crisis of military and bureaucratic system. Russian culture of the XVIII century Russia in 1801-1825 Russia in Alexander's I board. Beginning of reign of Alexander and M. M. Speransky's activity. Evolution of state and legal and political system of Russia. Main directions of foreign policy of the beginning of the XIX century. Patriotic war of 1812. Foreign campaign of Russian army. Vienna congress. Secret societies and movement of Decembrists. Military settlements. A.A.Arakcheev's activity. Consequences of board of Alexander I. Russia in the second half of the XIX century. Russia during an era of reforms and counterreforms of 1860- 1890. Reasons of cancellation of a serfdom. Alexander II Osvoboditel. Serfdom cancellation. Bourgeois reforms 60 - the 70th of the XIX century: zemsky, judicial, city, military, etc. Poreformennoye country development. Foreign policy at Alexander II. Alexander's III counterreforms. Emergence of the revolutionary organizations. Origin of the proletariat and the beginning of distribution of Marxism in Russia. The Russian culture of the second half of the XIX century the Russian Empire at a boundary of the XIX-XX centuries Russia on a change of eras. Domestic and foreign policy at the end of XIX - the beginning of the XX centuries at Nikolay II - the last emperor of Russia. S.Yu. Vitte and P.A.Stolypin's reforms. Results of social and economic reforms. Russian-Japanese war of 1904-1905. First Russian revolution of 1905-1907: reasons, features, stages. Manifesto on October 17, 1905 and its value. Activity of the State Dumas. Features of the Russian parliamentarism. Russia in the First World War (1914-1918) and power crisis. Russia in the conditions of national crisis: from the Russian Empire to the Republic of Councils (1917-1921) Aggravation of national crisis at the beginning of 1917. Nature of , feature, results and value. Alternatives of development of Russia after revolution. Political parties in the conditions of revolution. Domestic and foreign policy of the new power. Three crises of Provisional government. Diarchy elimination. Continuation of participation of Russia in war. Radikalizatsiya of masses. Bolshevizatsiya Sovetov. Kornilovsky mutiny. October armed revolt in Petrograd. II congress of Councils. Coming to power of Bolsheviks. Economic and foreign policy of the Bolsheviks, first decrees of the Soviet power. Formation of new statehood in Russia. Radical social and economic restructurings at the end of 1917 - to the first half are 1918. Constituent assembly and its dissolution. Brest world. Constitution of RSFSR 1918. The beginning of formation of one-party political system in Russia. Civil war and intervention. Their sources, essence. Main military- political events of 1918-1921. Military intervention, its purposes and task. Economic, social, national, foreign policy of leaders of red and white camps. Policy and practice of «military communism». The statement of an one-party mode in the country. First wave of Russian emigration: centers, ideology, political leaders. Reasons of a victory of Bolsheviks and defeat of White movement in war. Results, consequences and war lessons. The Soviet state in the 1920-1930th. Economic and sociopolitical crisis in the country at the end of 1920 - the beginning of 1921. X RKP congress. New Economic Policy. Formation of the USSR. Constitution of 1924. Fight in VKP management concerning country development. Political debates in the country. Alternatives of historical development of the USSR in the late twenties. I.Stalin's eminence. New Economic Policy folding. Course on socialism construction in one country. Features of the international relations during the intermilitary period. League of the nations. Adaptation of the Soviet Russia on the world scene the World economic crisis of 1929 and «a great depression». Alternative ways of recovery from the crisis. The general and special in economic history of the developed countries in the 1920th years fascism Arrival to the power in Italy and Germany. «A new course» F.Roosevelt.« Popular fronts» in Europe. Need of modernization of the Soviet economy, feature of its implementation. The forced industrialization: preconditions, accumulation sources, methods, rates. Policy of continuous collectivization of agriculture, its economic and social consequences. Raskulachivaniye. Ethnic and sociocultural changes. Features of the Soviet national policy and national state system model. Policy of the power in the field of welfare construction. Political system of the USSR in the 30th years. Folding of democratic tendencies, decrease in a role of Councils in political life. Constitution of 1936. Repressions of the 30th years. Foreign policy of the USSR in the 30th years, its discrepancy. The in the Second World War (1939-1945). Participation of the USSR in political blocks of the 30th and its results. Policy of "collective security" in Europe. Soviet-German pact and its consequences. Second World War reasons. Great Patriotic War beginning, its main stages. Value of Stalingrad and Kursk fights. International conferences of allies. Opening of the second front and Second World War final stage. War results. Development of the USSR in 1946-1985: searches of ways of updating. Birth and crash of "thaw" (1953-1964). Race for power and reorganization of power structures. XX congress. Criticism of a cult of personality Stalin. Attempts of democratization of political life. Transformations in economy and the social sphere. Liberalization of a foreign policy. Brezhnev's "stagnation" (1964-1982). «Cold war». From reorganization to the updated Russia (the second half of the 80th of XX - the beginning of the XXI centuries). "Reorganization" in the USSR (1985-1991). Russia at a boundary of the XX-XXI centuries. Society liberalization. "Publicity" and democratization concept. Multi-party system." New political thinking". International conflicts. Disintegration of the USSR. Formation of the CIS. Russia on a way of sovereign development. B. N. Yeltsin. Transition to radical economic reforms. Privatization, freedom of the prices. Constitution of 1993. Chechen crisis (1994-1996). Modern Russia. V. V. Putin's presidency (2000-2008). Russia in the conditions of modern political and economic life. D.A.Medvedev - the third . World economic crisis. Russia at V. V. Putin. The Russian science and culture at a boundary of the XX-XXI centuries. Realized competences (UK-5) - It is capable to perceive intercultural diversity of society in sociohistorical, ethical and philosophical contexts Results of UK-5 development of To know: discipline (module) main directions, problems and methods of historical knowledge; to have scientific idea of the main stages and regularities of historical development of society; to know the main and key events of history of Russia and the world since an antiquity till today; to know key dates and names of outstanding historical figures of national and world history. To be able: to analyze the main stages and regularities of historical development for formation of patriotism and a civic stand; to work with versatile sources and to analyze them; to do logic conclusions and generalizations; to conduct effective search of necessary information and to carry out its analysis; to use information for receiving new knowledge with a view of judgment of dynamics of processes of world and Russian history in their interrelation and contradictions. To own: awareness of the social importance of assimilation of historical knowledge and its place in future professional activity; the main historical concepts and terms, culture of thinking, ability to generalization and the analysis, skills to set the purpose and to choose ways of its achievement; skills to form and give reason for the civic stand standing on a fruit stand. Labor input. 2 c.p. Reporting forms Grading test, 2nd term List of the main and additional literature necessary for development of discipline

Main literature 1. Данилов, А. А; История России с древнейших времен до наших дней в вопросах и ответах : учебное пособие / А. А. Данилов. - Москва : Проспект, 2017. - 320 с. - На тит. л.: Электронные версии книг на сайте - ISBN 978-5-392-21699-4, экземпляров неограниченно 2. История России с древнейших времен до наших дней : учебник : в 2 т. / под ред. А. Н. Сахарова, Т. 1. - Москва : Проспект, 2017. - 720 с. - Электронные версии книг на сайте - ISBN 978-5-392-21702-1, экземпляров неограниченно 3. История России : учебник / А. С. Орлов, В. А. Георгиев, Н. Г. Георгиева, Т. А. Сивохина ; МГУ им. М. В. Ломоносова, Ист. фак-т. - 4-е изд., перераб. и доп. - Москва : Проспект, 2017. - 528 с. - ISBN 978-5-392-23104-1, экземпляров неограниченно Additional literature 1. Федоров, В. А; История России с древнейших времен до наших дней : учебник / В.А. Федоров, В.И. Моряков, Ю.А. Щетинов ; Моск. гос. ун-т им. М.В. Ломоносова, Ист. фак. - Москва : Проспект, 2017. - 536 с. ; 22. - ISBN 978-5-392- 21479-2, экземпляров неограниченно 2. История России (Россия в мировой цивилизации) : [учеб. пособие] / [Е.И. Федоринов, А.А. Радугин, Н.А. Кувшинова и др.] ; под ред. А.А. Радугина. - М. : Библионика, 2007. - 352 с. - (Alma Mater). - ISBN 5-98685-003-3, экземпляров 1 3. Россия в многообразии цивилизаций. - Москва : Весь Мир, 2011. - 892 с. - (Старый Свет — новые времена). - ISBN 978- 5-7777-0487-0, экземпляров неограниченно 4. Нарочницкая, Н. А. Россия и русские в мировой истории. - М. : Международные отношения, 2004. - 536 с. - ISBN 5- 7133-1132-5, экземпляров 15

Annotation on the discipline Module name Современные навыки профессионала: критическое мышление, креативность, коммуникации, командная работа / Modern skills of professionals: critical thinking, creativity, communication and team work Discipline name Цифровая грамотность и обработка данных / Digital Literacy and Data Processing Content Information and digital information technology. Fundamentals of information theory The concept of information, signal, data; information properties. Methods of estimating of information, approaches to its measurement. Measuring the amount of information for equally probable and non-equally probable events. The concept of digital literacy and information technology. Classification of information technologies of data processing. Data representation in computer memory Number and coding systems. Methods of representation of numbers in different positional number systems. Computer representation of symbolic, graphic and sound information. Fundamentals of computer Operation principles of von Neumann. Computer architecture. Principles of operation of the Central processor. Computer memory structure. Basic hardware configuration Basic PC units. Motherboard. Microprocessor. Internal memory. External storage device. Keyboard. Manipulators. Peripheral devices of personal computers. Software Concept and classification of software (SOFTWARE) Operating systems: purpose and classification. The notion of a file, the FAT table. Utility software. Characteristics of General-purpose application software packages (PPP). Application packages for the organization of work in the office: processing of text and graphic data; technology to work with them. Data models and modeling technology Concept of model, classification of models. Material models and their brief characteristics. Abstract models and their brief characteristics. The concept of modeling. The purpose of modeling. Types of modeling. Basic concepts of computer modeling. Information models (databases) Databases: concept, basic terms and definitions. Types of data models and their structural elements. Relational database: basic terms, definitions and requirements for its development. General principles of database design. Database management systems: definition and functions. The main objects of DBMS: table, form, report, query. Types of requests. Fundamentals of information and communication technologies and distributed computing data processing systems Local computer network. The benefits of using Ethernet in the solution of applied problems of data processing. The main characteristics of the quality of the computer network Classification of computer networks. Topology of computer networks. Characteristics of messaging in computer networks: types of synchronization, modes of transmission, methods of switching data. Seven- level ISO/OSI Model: definition, brief description of each level; concept of interface, Protocol, main types of switching equipment. The history of the global computer network Internet. Basics functioning of the Internet: data transmission; Internet connection. Internet addressing system. DNS. Big Data Technology Principles of working with big data, the main approaches to processing big data. Parallel computing paradigm. MapReduce. Tools for working with big data. Information security Methods and means of data protection. Technical and software methods of information security. Classification of computer viruses and antivirus programs. Data protection from unauthorized access. Realized UK-1 competences UK-2

Learning UK-1 outcomes of the To know: discipline - theoretical foundations of Informatics and information technologies, (module) opportunities and principles for the use of modern computer technology; - main characteristics of the processes of collection, transmission, retrieval, processing, and storing information; - the basics of working with databases;

Be able to: - apply theoretical knowledge in solving practical problems, using the capabilities of computer technology and software; - use operating system and basic office applications; - work in local and global networks, and to use them in solving practical problems of data processing. To master: - the basic method of operation on a computer using a universal application programs; - methods quantitative processing, search and information transfer UK-2 To know: - features of physical effects and phenomena, used for information security; - one of the programming languages; Be able to: - to work as a user PC with the use of external media for data exchange, backup and data archives; To master: - skills used in professional activities basic knowledge in computer science and modern information technologies; - use knowledge of computers and information technology in professional activity; - use the possibilities of computer technology and software in the industry; - technical and software means of information protection while working with computer systems, including techniques of antivirus protection; PC-1 To know: - hardware and software implementation of information technologies; - the basics of application of computer-aided design; Be able to: - to use knowledge of computer and information technologies and criteria of science in professional activity; To master: - the skills to use the basic methods of experimental data processing; - search methods and information sharing in global and local computer networks Volume of 2 credits, CP Forms of Grading test - 1st term on module «Современные навыки профессионала: assessment критическое мышление, креативность, коммуникации, командная (including terms) работа / Modern skills of professionals: critical thinking, creativity, communication and team work» List of the main and additional literature necessary for development of discipline Main reading list 1. Digital literacy and big data processing. Teaching manual and Laboratory workshop on English / Lebedeva I.V., Lebedev V.I., Servetnik O.L. - Ministry of science and higher education of the Russian Federation, Federal University. Stavropol, 2020. Additional 3. Fundamentals of Computer Modeling: A Training Manual / K.A Katkov, reading list I.P Khvostova, VI Lebedev, E. N. Kosova, (and others);. - Stavropol: SKFU Publishing House, 2013. - 273 p. 4. Gurikov, S. R. computer science: a textbook for universities / S. R. Gurikov. - Moscow: Forum, 2014. – 460 p., : ill., table. 5. Sovetov B.Ya. Information technology: [textbook for bachelors]. Moscow: Yurayt Publishers, 2013. - 263 p. 6. Theoretical Foundations of Informatics: [Textbook] / R.Yu. Tsarev, A.N. Pupkov, V.V. Samarin and others; Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation, Siberian Federal University. - Krasnoyarsk: Siberian Federal University, 2015. - 176 p. : tab., schemes., ill. - Bibliography: p. 140. ISBN 978-5-7638-3192-4; [Electronic resource]. - URL:

Annotation of the discipline Discipline name Правоведение /Jurisprudence Content Definition, essence and types of state. State authority as a special kind of public authority. State form: form of government, form of state, regime. Functions and mechanism of state. The concept and features of legal state and civil society. Definition, principles and functions of . The system of Russian law. Legal norm, its structure. Legal institution. Branch of law. Forms (sources) of law. Normative legal acts and their classification. Lawmaking. Definition and types of legal relationships. Breach of law and legal responsibility. Legal conscience and legal culture. Foundations of Constitutional Order. The rights and freedoms of man and citizen. Federal form of state. President of Russian Federation. Federal Assembly. Government of Russian Federation. Judicial branch. Local government. Amendments to the Constitution and Revision of the Constitution. The concept, content and types of civil matter. Physical bodies and legal entities. The objects of civil matters. The bases of origination, modification and termination of civil matters. Exercise of civil rights and fulfilment of duties. Right to protection. Civil liability. terms. Basics of family legislation, exercise and protection of family rights. Marriage and dissolution of marriage. Rights and responsibilities of spouses. Rights and responsibilities of parents and children. Alimony obligations of members of the family. Forms of education of children without parental care. Basics of labour law. Labour relations. Parties of labour relations. The grounds of labour relations. Social partnership in employment. Legal regulation of employment and job placement. Labour contract: definition, parties, form and content. Conclusion, modification and termination of labour contract. Labour hours. Time of rest. Labour discipline and disciplinary liability. Material responsibility of employer and employee. Labour disputes: concept and types, and investigation procedure. Administrative enforcement. Administrative infraction and its composition. Administrative responsibility: definition, content and features. Administrative sanctions. Responsibility of juveniles according to the Administrative Code. Information: definition and types. Normative legal acts in the field of information security. The legal basis of state secrets protection. The responsibility for breaches of law in the field of information. Criminal law, tasks and principles of Criminal Code of the Russian Federation. Crime: the concept, categories, persons subject to criminal liability. Circumstances Excluding the Criminality of a Deed. The concept and purposes of punishment. Penalties. Sources of environmental law: types, general characteristics. Citizens’ and Non-governmental as well as other organisations’ rights and obligations in the field of environment protection. Ecological monitoring: purposes, tasks and types. Legal liability for law violation in the field of environmental protection. Realized UC-2 Able to determine the range of tasks in the framework of the goal and competences choose the best ways to solve them on the basis of existing law, existing resources and restrictions Learning UC -2 outcomes of the To know: discipline - basic legal documents; the Russian Federation Constitution’s provisions (module) regarding the constitutional order, the rights and freedoms a person and citizen, organisation and execution of state authority. To be able to: - know the system of legislation and normative legal acts regulating the sphere of professional activity; interpret and apply the and other normative legal acts; competently work out a legal documents. To master: - the skills of using the legal norms in the professional and social activities . Volume of 2 CP credits, CP Forms of Exam, 2 term assessment (including terms) Basic and additional reading list Basic reading list 1. Matuzov, N.I. Theory of State and Law: textbook / N.I. Matuzov, A.V. Malko. Moscow: Delo, 2020. ELS IPR BOOKS : [сайт]. — URL: 2. Jurisprudence: textbook / S.V. Barabanova, Yu.N. Bogdanova, S.B. Vereshchak et al .; by ed. S.V. Barabanovoy. - Moscow: Prometheus, 2018. - 390 p. Additional 1. Alekhin, A.P. Administrative . General part: textbook for reading list universities / A.P. Alekhin, A.A.Karmolitsky. - 4th ed. - Moscow: Zertsalo-M, 2018 .-- 480 p. - ISBN 978-5-94373-420-5. - Text: electronic // Electronic library system IPR BOOKS: [site]. — URL: 2. Constitutional law of Russia: a textbook for university students studying in the direction of "Jurisprudence" / V. O. Luchin, B. S. Ebzeev, E. N. Khazov [and others]; edited by V.O. Luchin [and others]. - 10th ed. - Moscow: UNITY-DANA, 2019 .-- 687 p. - ISBN 978-5-238-03214-6. - Text: electronic // Electronic library system IPR BOOKS: [site]. — URL: 3. Civil law: the textbook / ND Ėriashvili, PV Alexis TM Anikeeva [et al.]; edited by A. N. Kuzbagarov, V. N. Tkachev. - 6th ed. - Moscow: UNITY- DANA, 2019 .-- 767 p. - ISBN 978-5-238-03169-9. - Text: electronic // Electronic library system IPR BOOKS: [site]. - URL: 4. Bobrakov, I.A.Criminal law: textbook / I. A. Bobrakov. - Saratov: University education, 2018 .-- 736 p. - ISBN 978-5-4487-0189-4. - Text: electronic // Electronic library system IPR BOOKS: [site]. - URL: 5. Family law: textbook / B. M. Gongalo, P. V. Krasheninnikov, L. Yu. Mikheeva, O. A. Ruzakova; edited by P.V. Krasheninnikov. - 4th ed. - Moscow: , 2019 .-- 318 p. - ISBN 978-5-907139-04-6. - Text: electronic // Electronic library system IPR BOOKS: [site]. - URL: 6. Markin, NS Labor law: the textbook for undergraduate / N. Markin, Vladimir Nadvikova VI Shkatulla; edited by V.I.Shkatulla. - Moscow: Prometheus, 2019 .-- 584 p. - ISBN 978-5-907100-72-5. - Text: electronic // Electronic library system IPR BOOKS: [site]. - URL: 7. Environmental law of Russia: a textbook / NV Rumyantsev, ND Eriashvili, S. Ya. Kazantsev [and others]; edited by N. V. Rumyantsev, F. G. Myshko. - 6th ed. - Moscow: UNITY-DANA, 2019 .-- 367 p. - ISBN 978-5-238-03215-3. - Text: electronic // Electronic library system IPR BOOKS: [site]. - URL:

Annotation of the discipline Discipline name Основы научно-исследовательской работы / Basics of scientific work Content Search, accumulation and processing of scientific and technical information. Conducting research calculations using the Mathcad program. Writing a report for a scientific conference. Preparation of the presentation of the report. Presentation at a scientific conference. Preparation of abstracts for submission to the collection of scientific papers. Processing of the results of experimental studies and their design in the form of a scientific article. Mathematical modeling of the system under study, its decomposition. Selection of the efficiency criterion. Evaluation of research performance. The concept and content of the final qualification work. The sequence of performance of the qualification work Design of the qualification work. Technical and intellectual creativity and its legal protection. Search, accumulation and processing of patent information. Development of new technical solutions, drawing up diagrams of the proposed devices. Registration of an application for an alleged invention. Realized UC -1 - To be able to search, critically analyze and synthesize information, competences and apply a systematic approach to solving tasks. Learning UC -6 outcomes of the To know: discipline - methods of searching, collecting and processing information; (module) - current Russian and foreign sources of information in the field of professional activity; - method of system analysis. To be able to: - apply methods of searching, collecting and processing information; - perform critical analysis and synthesis of information obtained from different sources; - apply a systematic approach to solving the tasks. To master: - methods of search, collection and processing, critical analysis and synthesis of information; - the methodology of a systematic approach to solving the tasks. Volume of 1 CP credits, CP Forms of Grading test, 2 term assessment (including terms) Basic and additional reading list Basic reading list 1. Kuznetsov I. N. Scientific research: methods of conducting and design/ Kuznetsov I. N. – Dashkov M, 2004 – 432 p. - Bibliogr.: p. 424. 2. Mushtaev, V. I. Fundamentals of engineering creativity: [textbook. manual] / V. I. Mushtaev, V. E. Tokarev. - M.: DROFA, 2005. - 254 p.: (Higher education). - On the textbook vulture: Extra UMO. Bibliogr.: p. 251. - ISBN 5-7107-79793-8; 3. Shklyar, M. F. Fundamentals of scientific research: textbook. manual / M. F. Shklyar. - 6th ed. - M.: Dashkov and Co., 2016. - 208 p. - Adj.: p. 197-206. - Bibliogr.: p. 195-196. - ISBN 978-5-394-02518-1; 4. Bromberg, G. V. Fundamentals of patent business / G. V. Bromberg. - 2nd ed.,corrected and added - M.: Exam,, 2002. - 224 p. - Adj.: pp. 170- 222. - Bibliogr. in substrings note - ISBN 5-94692-029-4. Additional 1. Lantukh, N. I. (North Caucasus STU). Fundamentals of licensing and reading list certification activities: textbook. manual: a course of lectures for students of the specialty 071900 (230201) "Information systems and technologies" / N. I. Lantukh ; rev. V. V. Fedorenko, V. P. Mochalov. - Stavropol: North Caucasus STU, 2005. - 86 p. - Bibliogr. p. 85; 2. Patenting and intellectual property protection. Electronic resource: Textbook / V. L. Tkalich [etc]. - Patentology and protection of intellectual property,2022-10-01. - St. Petersburg: ITMO University, 2015. - 173 p. - The book is in the premium version of EBS IPR BOOKS. - ISBN 2227-8397; 3. Shestak, N. V. Research activity in higher education (Basic concepts, stages, requirements) Electronic resource / N. V. Shestak, E. V. Chmyhova. - Research activity at the university (Basic concepts, stages, requirements), 2019-09-20. - Moscow: Modern Humanitarian Academy, 2007. - 179 p. - The book is in the premium version of EBS IPR BOOKS. - ISBN 978-5-8323- 0433-5; 4. Rodionova, D. D. Fundamentals of research work (students): textbook / D. D. Rodionova, E. F. Sergeeva. - Kemerovo: KemGUKI, 2010. - 181 p. -

Annotation of the discipline Discipline name Основы проектной деятельности / Basics of project activity Content Types of projects: 1. Goals and objectives of the course. The project as one of the types of independent activity of students. Types of projects: 2. Types of projects by field of activity Choosing and formulating a topic, setting goals. Defining a hypothesis: 1. Select a topic. Determining the significance of the project topic. Requirements for the choice and formulation of the topic. Relevance and practical significance of the study Choosing and formulating a topic, setting goals. Defining a hypothesis: 2. Definition of goals and objectives. Typical ways to define a goal. The effectiveness of goal setting. The concept of "Hypothesis". The process of constructing a hypothesis. Formulation of a hypothesis. Proof and refutation of the hypothesis Stages of work on the project: 1. Stages of work on the project. Preparatory stage: choosing a topic, setting goals and objectives for the future project Stages of work on the project: 2. Planning: selecting the necessary materials, determining how to collect and analyze information. Methods of working with the source of information: 1. Types of literary sources of information: educational, reference and information, scientific literature. Information resources (Internet technologies). Rules and features of information search on the Internet. Methods of working with the source of information: 2. Types of reading. Types of information recording. Types of generalization of information. Processing of information search methods: 1. Stages of information processing. Technological solutions for information processing. Processing of information search methods: 2. Processing of information search methods Project design rules: 1. General requirements for the design of the text (GOST standards for the design of typewritten works: the choice of paper size, the design of fields, punctuation marks, page numbering, text categorization, ways to highlight individual parts of the text) Project design rules: 2. Rules for the design of the title page, the content of the project. Design of the bibliographic list. General requirements for creating a project: 1. Presentation of the project. Features of working in PowerPoint. Requirements for the content of slides. Requirements for presentation design. Presentation forms General requirements for creating a project: 2. The algorithm for writing the report. Strengths and weaknesses of the work Project protection requirements: 1. Protection time. Editing of abstracts and demonstration materials. Project protection requirements: 2. Criteria for evaluating project activities. Realized UC -2 - To be able to determine the range of tasks within the framework of competences the set goal and choose the best ways to solve them, based on the current legal norms, available resources and restrictions Learning UC -2 outcomes of the To know: discipline - types of resources and restrictions for solving professional tasks; (module) - basic methods for evaluating different ways to solve problems; - current legislation and legal norms governing professional activity. To be able to: - analyze the set goal and formulate the tasks that need to be solved in order to achieve it; - analyze alternative options to achieve the intended results; - use the regulatory and legal documentation in the field of professional activity. To master: - methods for developing the project goals and objectives; - methods for assessing the resource requirements, duration and cost of the project; - skills in working with regulatory documents. Volume of 1 CP credits, CP Forms of Grading test, 2 term assessment (including terms) Basic and additional reading list Basic reading list 1. Fundamentals of automation of design work. Course of lectures Electronic resource: Textbook / A. Yu. Slyunyaev [et al.]. - Novosibirsk : Novosibirsk State Technical University, 2014. - 80 p. - The book is in the premium version of EBS IPR BOOKS. - ISBN 978-5-7782-2470-4 2. Mandel, B. R. Fundamentals of project activity: a textbook for students in the system of SPO / B. R. Mandel. - Moscow|Berlin: Direct-Media, 2018. - 294 p.: ill., tab., schematics. - - ISBN 978-5-4475- 9655-2. Additional 1. Organization of project activities: textbook / L. M. Tukhbatullina, L. A. reading list Safina, V. V. Khammatova, R. G. Fattakhova, Z. M. Ibragimova; Ministry of Education and Science of Russia; Kazan National Research Technological University. - Kazan : KNITU, 2018. - 100 p.: tab., schematics, ill. - - Bibliogr.: p. 81. - ISBN 978-5-7882-2373-5. 2. Organization of project activities of students Electronic resource: Chrestomatiya / E. S. Polat [et al.]; comp.: V. L. Pestereva, I. N. Vlasova. - Perm : Perm State Humanitarian and Pedagogical University, 2017. - 164 p. - The book is in the premium version of EBS PiS books. - ISBN 2227-8397. 3. Mikhalkina, E. V. Organization of project activity Electronic resource: Textbook / E. V. Mikhalkina, A. Yu. Nikitaeva, N. A. Kosolapova. - Rostov- on-Don : Southern Federal University, 2016. - 146 p. - The book is in the premium version of EBS IPR BOOKS. - ISBN 978-5-9275-1988-0.

Annotation of the discipline Discipline name Самоменеджмент / Selfmanagement Content The meaning and essence of self-management. Career planning. The components of effective self-management. Analysis of working time losses. Causes and consequences of time scarcity. Time management techniques. Planning the personal work of the manager. Personal self-development program. Realized UC -6 - To be able to control own time, to draw up and realize a trajectory competences of self-development based on the principles of education during his/her lifetime. Learning UC -6 outcomes of the To know: discipline - content and principles of self-organization and self-development. (module) To be able to: - plan the goals and directions of your social and professional activities. To master: - theoretical and practical knowledge of the studied discipline; skills to manage your time, build and implement a trajectory of self-development based on the principles of lifelong education. Volume of 2 CP credits, CP Forms of Grading test, 2 term assessment (including terms) Basic and additional reading list Basic reading list 1. Self-management / S.N. Kalyugin. - Moscow: Direct Media, 2014. - 498 p. - ISBN 978-5-4458-5146-2, copies unlimited 2. Time management. Full course / G.A. Arkhangelsk. - 3rd ed. - Moscow: Alpina Publisher, 2016. - 311 p. - ISBN 978-5-9614-1881-1, unlimited copies Additional 1. Resnick, S. D. Personal management pictures, diagrams and definitions / reading list S. D. Reznik / I. S. Chemezov : textbook ; edited by S. D. Reznik Electronic resource. - Personal management in drawings, diagrams and definitions 2019-03-06 : Rosins ; Moscow, 2016. - 257 c. - The book is in the basic version of EBS IPRbooks. - ISBN 978-5-4365-0804-7, unlimited instances 2. Arkhangelsk, G. A. Corporate time management / Gleb Arkhangelsky : a practical guide Electronic resource. - Corporate time management, 2018-08- 31: Alpina publisher; Moscow, 2017. - 212 c. The book is the basic version of the IPRbooks electronic library system. - ISBN 978-5-9614-5899-2, unlimited copies

Annotation of the discipline

Module name Коммуникативные аспекты профессиональной деятельности / Communication aspects of professional activity Discipline name Практика профессиональной коммуникации на русском языке / Practice of professional communication in Russian language Content Topic 1. Communication theory as a science and academic discipline. Communication theory as a promising branch of modern scientific knowledge. The subject of communication theory. Categories and laws of communication. Functions of communication theory. Communication theory methods. Communicative competence in the system of professional training of a specialist. Topic 2. Theoretical and applied communication models. The concept of a communicative model. Theoretical and applied communication models. Communication as an object of research in the humanities. Cultural, sociological and anthropological communication models. Topic 3. Types, types, functions, means of communication. The variety of communications and their classification. Types of communication. Types of communications. Functions of communication and communicative act. Forms of communication: oral, written, visual. Means of verbal and non-verbal communication. Topic 4. Professionally oriented communication. Communication as a form of organization management. Types of communications in organizations. Forms of business communication in organizations. Interpersonal interaction in business communication. Topic 5. Characteristics of the communicative process. The concept of communication as a process and structure. Similarities and differences between the concepts of "communication process" and "communication process". Definition of the communication process. Structural communication models. Features of the structural components of communication in various communication processes. Advantages and disadvantages of the considered communication models. Specificity of the two-channel model of speech communication. Description of the main elements of the communication process. Requirements for the source of the message (communicator). Approaches exist in the theory of communication, considering the concepts of "code", "channel". "Encoding" and "decoding" of information. The value of feedback in the communication process. Knowledge about the recipient of the information necessary to improve the effectiveness of communication. The audience as an object of informational influence. Argumentation in the communication process. Topic 6. Verbal aspects of business communication. Verbal communication. Communication means. Natural language and other sign systems. Language and speech. Verbal communication: concept, characteristics, features. Written-verbal communication: properties, types, functions. Types fixation of written and speech works. Topic 7. Psychological aspects of business communication. Communication as the perception of each other by people. Perception properties. Psychological mechanisms of perception in intergroup communication. The role of social stereotypes in communication. Psychological culture of business communication. Rules of conduct for speech interaction. Psychological types of interlocutors in communication. Topic 8. Types of communication. Verbal communication. Properties and situational conditioning of oral speech communication. Speaking as a type of speech activity. Hearing as a type of speech activity. Feedback concept. The skills required for the effective transfer and perception of information in business communication. Ways to Speak and Listen Effectively. Interferences and barriers to effective speaking and listening. Topic 9. Written speech communication: properties, types and functions. Skills and abilities in mastering competencies in writing. Compilation of high- quality abstracts. Types of reading. Professional communication in scientific works. Rules for compiling a reference and bibliographic apparatus and rules for the design of citations. Writing as a type of speech activity. Household and business letters. Advertising as a form of social and business communication.Тема 10. Невербальная коммуникация. Components of the structure of non-verbal behavior. Paralinguistic features of NDT. Psychological "lie detector". External manifestations of emotional states. Analysis of human expression. Possibility of "programming space". Zones and distances of communicating partners. Types of gestures. Gesture activity. General rules for "reading" a pose. Non-verbal messages, their functions. Non-verbal cues from people from different cultures. Topic 11. Non-verbal elements of professional communication. Non-verbal communication in the professional sphere. Interpretation of facial expressions. The interpretation of the look. Gestures reflecting the inner state of the interlocutor. Gestures in professional communication. Voice in non- verbal communication. Interpretation of the human voice in professional communication. Topic 12. Communication barriers and ways to overcome them in professional activity. Communication barriers, definition of the concept. The reasons for the emergence of communication barriers. Types of communication barriers. Basic techniques for overcoming communication barriers in professional activity. Topic 13. Speech etiquette and its role in professional communication. Basic concepts about etiquette. Business etiquette. Etiquette formulas in business communication. Greeting rules in business communication. Telephone etiquette. Organization of a business breakfast, lunch, dinner. Psychological determinants of the image of a business person. Topic 14. Speech behavior in conflict situations. Types of conflict speech situations. The concept of verbal aggression (invectives). Ways to neutralize verbal aggression. Topic 15. Constructive criticism and conflicts in professional communication. Definition of the concept of "constructive criticism". The main stages of the correct construction of criticism. Definition of the concept of "conflict". Three groups of conflicts. Prevention of conflicts. Objective reasons for the emergence of business conflicts. Subjective reasons for the emergence of business conflicts. Constructive and non-constructive conflicts. Styles of human behavior in conflict. The role of social attitudes in conflict resolution. Topic 16. Interpersonal, specialized and mass communications. The main approaches to the study of communication in small groups. Features of communication in small groups. Effective interpersonal communication. Specificity of specialized communications. Theoretical directions in the study of mass communication. The process of creating and transforming mass media. The role of communicators in creating mass information. The mechanism of transformation of social information into mass information. Mass media. Topic 17. Features of public speaking. Types (types) of public speaking. The structure of public speaking. Distinctive features of academic performance. Distinctive features of the court performance. Distinctive features of socio-political performance. Distinctive features of social performance. Stages of preparing and conducting a public speech. Speech requirement. Methods of logical structuring of public speech. Techniques for speech improvisation. Figures of speech that help to achieve expressiveness and dynamics of speech. Factors that interfere with effective speech. Behavior during performance. Ways of the speaker's interaction with the audience. Topic 18. Intercultural communication. Intercultural communication concept. Levels and forms of intercultural communication. Identification "friend or foe". Linguocultural differences in intercultural communication. Non-verbal aspects of intercultural communication. Barriers to intercultural communication. Realized UC -4 – Able to carry out business communication in oral and written forms competences in the state language of the Russian Federation and foreign language (s) Learning UK-4 outcomes of the To know: discipline - features of oral and written speech in the implementation of business (module) communication; - types of linguistic norms, the observance of which allows you to logically correctly, reasonably, clearly and correctly build speech; - the main features and types of texts, methods of transformation and interpretation of texts; - types of business documents; - general rules for processing business papers; - features of language design and editing of business papers; - rules for conducting business correspondence; - types and features of speech activities necessary for the implementation of successful business communication in oral and written forms in the state language of the Russian Federation and foreign language (s). To be able to: - understand, generalize, analyze the information received in the framework of business communication; - to apply in practice linguistic norms that allow logically correct, reasoned, clear and correct construction of oral and written speech; - compose, transform and interpret texts of various styles and genres; - to observe generally accepted rules of speech behavior, to improve the level of one's own speech culture in the business sphere; - draw up various types of business documents; - draw up business papers in accordance with the general rules for their preparation; - conduct business correspondence; - freely use all types of speech activities in order to implement successful business communication in oral and written forms in the state language of the Russian Federation and foreign language (s). To master:: - skills of speech culture; the skills of applying in practice linguistic norms that allow logically correct, reasoned, clear and correct construction of oral and written speech; - the skills of applying in practice linguistic norms that allow logically correct, reasoned, clear and correct construction of oral and written speech; - skills in composing, transforming and interpreting texts of various styles and genres; - skills in drawing up various types of business documents; - general rules for processing business papers; - skills in language design and editing of business papers; - business correspondence skills; - the skills of using all types of speech activity in order to implement successful business communication in oral and written forms in the state language of the Russian Federation and foreign language (s). Volume of 2 CP credits, CP Forms of Grading test, 1 term on module «Коммуникативные аспекты assessment профессиональной деятельности / Communication aspects of professional activity» Basic and additional reading list Basic reading list 1. Derevyankin, EV Business communication [Electronic resource]: tutorial / EV Derevyankin. - Electron. text data. - Yekaterinburg: Ural Federal University, EBS ASV, 2015 .-- 48 p. - 978-5-7996-1454-6. - Access mode: 2. Krasikova, E. N. Theory and practice of speech communication [Electronic resource]: workshop / E. N. Krasikova, A. S. Kalashova. - Electron. text data. - Stavropol: North Caucasus Federal University, 2016 .-- 118 p. - 2227-8397. - Access mode: 3. Linchevsky, E. Management communication. Everything is so simple, everything is so complicated [Electronic resource]: situations, problems, recommendations / E. Linchevsky; ed. E. Pautova. - Electron. text data. - M .: Alpina Publisher, Alpina Business Books, 2016 .-- 274 p. - 978-5-9614-0849- 2. - Access mode: Additional 1. Belaya, E. N. Intercultural communication. Search for an effective way reading list [Electronic resource]: textbook / E. N. Belaya. - Electron. text data. - Omsk: Omsk State University. F.M. Dostoevsky, 2016 .-- 312 p. - 978-5-7779-1974- 8. - Access mode: 2. Vigovskaya ME Professional ethics and etiquette [Electronic resource]: a textbook for bachelors / ME. Vigovskaya. - Electron. text data. - M .: Dashkov and K, IP Er Media, 2014 .-- 144 p. - 978-5-394-02409-2. - Access mode: 3. Morozova, NS Pedagogical communication [Electronic resource]: tutorial / NS Morozova. - Electron. text data. - Saratov: IP Er Media, 2018 .-- 162 p. - 978-5-4486-0182-8. - Access mode: 4. Ponomareva, EA Practice of business communication [Electronic resource]: tutorial / EA Ponomareva, IA Senyugina. - Electron. text data. - Stavropol: North Caucasus Federal University, 2014 .-- 163 p. - 2227-8397. - Mode access: 5. Prevention and resolution of social conflicts [Electronic resource] / OI Andreeva, Ya. S. Vasilyeva, VV Volkova [and others]; ed. E. V. Zmanovskaya. - Electron. text data. - SPb .: Saint Petersburg State Institute of Psychology and Social Work, 2011. - 277 p. - 978-5-98238-028-9. - Access mode: 6. Psychology and ethics of business communication (5th edition) [Electronic resource]: textbook for university students / V. Yu. Doroshenko, L. I. Zotova, V. N. Lavrinenko [and others]; ed. V.N. Lavrinenko. - Electron. text data. - M .: UNITI-DANA, 2015 .-- 419 p. - 978-5-238-01050-2. - Access mode:

Annotation of the discipline Discipline name Химия / Chemistry Content Basic terms and foundation of chemistry. Atoms models. Mendeleev's Periodic Table in the points of view from the modern knowledge about atoms. Chemical bonds and structure of matter. Foundations of chemical thermodynamics. Chemical kinetics and chemical equilibrium. Solutions. Reactions in the electrolyte solutions. Redox reactions. Electrochemical systems. Metal corrosion and preventive methods from metal corrosion. Fundamentals of analytic and organic chemistry Realized GPC – 4 (ОПК-4) competences - able to conduct scientific measurements and observations, analyze and summarize experimental data Learning GPC – 4 outcomes of the To know: - properties of the atomic nucleus and elementary particles; discipline chemical properties of the elements and their compounds of the periodic (module) table, the chemical bond in the compounds, types and styles of intermolecular interactions, structure and properties of complex compounds, thermodynamic and kinetic conditions of chemical reactions, equilibrium in homogeneous and heterogeneous systems To be able: determination of the concentration of solutions of various compounds, thermodynamic characteristics of chemical reactions and the equilibrium concentration of the substances, the reaction rate and the impact of various factors on it, To master: the skills to perform basic chemical laboratory operations, methods of synthesis of inorganic and simple organic compounds. Volume of 4 CP credits, CP Forms of exam, 3 term assessment (including terms) Basic and additional reading list Basic reading list Chemistry the central science.—Thirteenth edition / Theodore L. Brown, University of Illinois at Urbana-Chanmpaign, H. Euguene LeMay, Jr., University of Nevada, Reno, Bruce E. Bursten, University of Tennessee, Knoxville, Catherine J. Murphy, University of Illinois at Urbana- Chanmpaign, Patrick M. Woodward, The Ohio State University, Matthew W. Stoltzfus, The Ohio State University, Pearson Education, Inc. 2015. – 1246 p. Additional Stewart B. Progress with chemistry. Eastbourne : Cassell and Company ltd., reading list 1985.– 275 p.

Annotation on the discipline Discipline Теоретическая механика / Theoretical mechanics name Fundamental notions in “Theoretical mechanics”. Systems of forces. Moment of a force. Supports and their reactions. Conditions of equilibrium of a plane and spatial systems of forces. Introduction to kinematics. Position of the particle. Content Trajectory. Velocity and acceleration. Kinematics of the particle in Cartesian coordinates. Introduction to dynamics. Moments of inertia. Fundamental notions in dynamics. General theorems of dynamic GPC-1. Able to solve problems related to professional activity, using methods Realized of modeling, mathematical analysis, natural science and general engineering competences knowledge To know: principle of inertia, Principle of the parallelogram, Principle of transmissibility, force as a vector, the addition of forces, force projection on an axis, on a plane, the moment of force about the axis, the moment of force relative to the plane, Varignon's theorem, smooth surface, weightless, inextensible thread, cylindrical hinge, movable articulated support (support on the rollers), spherical hinge and thrust bearing, weightless rods (with hinges at the ends), Learning outcomes hard termination, axiom of supports, three conditions of equilibrium of a plane of the discipline and spatial systems of forces, trajectory, velocity and acceleration, kinematics of (module) the particle in Cartesian coordinates, moments of inertia, general theorems of dynamic. To be able: determine the reactions of the supports from the equilibrium conditions of the plane and spatial system of forces, calculate the main kinematic characteristics of a moving body, and determine the dynamic indicators. To master: methods of static, kinematic and dynamic calculations. Volume of credits, 3 CP Forms of Exam– 2th term. assessment (including terms) List of basic and additional literature required for mastering disciplines Basic reading list 1. Theoretical Mechanics: Lecture notes and sample problems. Part one. 2020, 206 p. 2. Szolga V. Theoretical Mechanics: Lecture notes and sample problems. Part two. 260 p. Additional 1. Dolgov A.M. Theoretical Mechanics. Dynamics: tutorial. – Dnepropetrovsk: reading list National mining university, 2012. – 160 p. 2. Da Silva, Vitor Dias Mechanics and Strength of Materials / Vitor Dias da Silva. - Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg, 2006. – 529 p.

Annotation on the discipline Discipline Сопротивление материалов / Strength of materials name Basic concepts of strength of materials. Peculiarities of loading and calculation of strength in tension (compression), torsion, direct bending for homogeneous and inhomogeneous stress states. Geometric characteristics of flat cross- Content sections. Features of loading and strength calculations for complex resistance. Basic theories of strength and fracture. Calculation for the stability of compressed rods. Strength condition under cyclic stresses. Foundations of the theory of stress and strain state. GPC-2. Able to participate in the design of technical objects, systems and Realized technological processes, taking into account economic, environmental, social competences and other restrictions. To know: basic concepts of Strength of Materials; peculiarities of loading and calculation of tensile (compression) strength, shear, torsion, direct bending; geometric characteristics of flat sections; peculiarities of loading and strength analysis with complex resistance; basic theories of strength and fracture; calculation for the stability of compressed rods; condition of strength at cyclic Learning outcomes stresses; foundations of the theory of stressed and deformed state. of the discipline To be able: determine internal forces using the section method; make (module) calculations for tensile (compression) strength, shear, torsion, direct bending; determine the geometric characteristics of flat sections; perform strength calculations with complex resistance; perform stability analysis of compressed rods and under dynamic loads. To master: a technique for constructing diagrams of internal forces, stresses and displacements; methods of calculating strength, stiffness and stability. Volume of credits, 5 CP Forms of Graded credit– 3th term. assessment (including terms) List of basic and additional literature required for mastering disciplines Basic reading list 1. Beer, F.P. Mechanics of materials / F.P.Beer, E.R.Johnston, J.T.DeWolf, D.F.Mazurek. – 6th ed. New York, 2012. – 838 p. 2. Timoshtnko, S. Strength of Materials / S. Timoshtnko. - New York, Toronto, London.: D. VAN NOSTRAND COMPANY, Inc., 2008 – 359 p.

Additional 1. Case, John Strength of Materials and Structures / John Case, Lord Chilver, Carl reading list T.F. Ross. - New York, Toronto.: John Wiley & Sons Inc., 1999 – 706 p. 2. Da Silva, Vitor Dias Mechanics and Strength of Materials / Vitor Dias da Silva. - Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg, 2006. – 529 p.

Annotation of the discipline

Discipline name Геология/Geology

Content Geology studies methods of geological research, with initial information of the structure and age of the earth, an exogenous and endogenous processes, laws of the basic structural elements, the impact of humanity on the environment; basic geological research methods; provides the first information on the material composition of the Earth's crust - rocks, minerals, conditions of their formation, consideration of the main structural elements of the earth. Realized GPC-7 - To be able to analyze, make and apply the technical documents competences connected with professional activity in accordance with the existing regulation Learning GPC-7 outcomes of the To know: discipline the main features of the Earth and the Earth’s crust composition and (module) structure; formation conditions of rocks and minerals, physical and chemical properties of minerals; the main processes of internal and external dynamics To be able: To distinguish the essential minerals and rocks, modes of their occurrence, determine name of mineral according to the properties To master: basic skills in the field of geology and knowledge of special geological terminology; basic geological research methods Volume of 3 credits, CP Forms of Grading test, 1st term assessment (including terms) Basic and additional reading list Basic reading - Minerals and Rocks 1st edition/ J. Richard Wilson – Ventus Publishing, 2010. list – 162 p. (Available: - Principles of Geology/ Charles Lyell – eBook, 2010. – 834 p. (Available: Additional - Geology: the key ideas / David A. Rothery. – London: Hodder Education, reading list 2010. – 334 p. - Understanding Earth/ Frank Press, Raymond Siever. – 2nd edition, 1998. – 682 p.

Annotation on the discipline Discipline Основы нефтегазового дела / Introduction to Oil-and-Gas Engineering name Content Oil and gas in the development of human society. The role of oil and gas in the fuel and energy complex. The physical properties of oil and gas. Drilling of oil and gas wells. A method of drilling oil and gas wells. Drilling rigs, equipment, tools. Rinse well. The concept of the well design. Cementing casing. Development of oil and gas fields. Methods for the operation of oil and gas wells. Methods to improve well productivity. Well workover. Fishing collection and processing of oil and gas. Transportation of oil and gas. Processing of oil and gas. Realized GPC-6 - To be able to make reasonable technical decisions in professional competences activity, to choose effective and safety technical means and technologies

Learning Code of the competence GPC-6 outcomes To know: the main production processes presented a single chain of oil-and- gas technologies; functions of the production departments in organization and production connections between them; the rules of technical operation of technological objects of oil-and-gas complex and management methods of modes of their working. To be able to: In combination with service companies and specialists of engineering services to correct the technological processes taking into account the real situation To master: supervision skills of production processes in oil-and-gas field with application of the modern equipment and materials. Volume of 3 credits Forms of Grading test, 1st term assessment (including terms) Basic and additional reading list Required 1. К. М. Tahirov Exploitation of oil and gas wells: textbook for students of reading list institutions of higher education/K.M. Tahirov. - M .:Publishing center" Academy".– 2012. – 336 p. 2. Oil and gas scientific-technical encyclopedia / А.I. Bulatov. -2nd revised edition. - Krasnodar: Education-South, 2009. – 317 p.

Additional 1. Kudinov V.I. Fundamentals of oil field engineering. – Moscow-Izhevsk: reading list Institute of Computer Science; UdmurtState University.2004, 720 p. 2. Mishchenko I. Т. Proc. manual for higher education / Mishchenko I. Т.. – М.: Federal State Unitary Enterprise Publishing "Oil & Gas"; Russian State University of Oil and Gasnamed after Gubkin, 2003. – 816 p. 3. Oil and gas construction: Textbook./Under the total. Ed. prof. I.I.Mazurand Professor. V.D. Shapiro – М.:ОМЕGА-L, 2005. 4. Korshak A.A. Shammazov A.M. Fundamentals of the oil and gas engineering. Textbook for High Schools-Ufa LLC "DizaynPoligrafServis"2001.-544 p. 5. Kalinin A.G. Drilling of oil and gas wells: Textbook. - M.: Publishing house: «LitNefteGas», 2008. - 848 p.

Annotation of the discipline

Discipline name Геология нефти и газа/Petroleum Geology Content Petroleum Geology studies basic elements of petroleum systems, plate tectonics and sedimentary basins, importance of sedimentary environments to petroleum industry, the origin of petroleum; recognize names of major sedimentary rock types; identify hydrocarbon trap types; define and describe the important geologic controls on reservoir properties, porosity and permeability Realized PC-6 - ability to apply the process approach in the practical activity, to competences combine theory with practice in accordance with the selected field of the professional activity; Learning PC-6 outcomes of the To know: discipline principles of Chemistry of oil and gas; physical-chemical properties of (module) hydrocarbons; chemical composition of oil and methods of analysis; conditions for the occurrence of hydrocarbons; To be able: to explain the genesis of the various classes of hydrocarbons; evaluate the physical and chemical properties of oil and gas; to analyze and summarize the research data; identify favorable conditions for the formation and placement of zones of accumulation of hydrocarbon resources in different geological environments; To master: geochemical information processing techniques and methods of using these data to predict oil and gas potential; correlation techniques in systems oil - oil, oil - dispersed organic matter. Volume of 3 credits, CP Forms of Grading test, 3rd term assessment (including terms) Basic and additional reading list Basic reading - Basic petroleum Geology Book by Halliburton, Peter.K.Link – list Halliburton, 2001. – 87 p.(Available: Geology-BOOK-by-HALLIBURTON-pdf) -Elements of Petroleum Geology (3rd edition), Richard C.Selley and Steve Sonnenberg – Academic Press, 2014. – 526 p. (Available: Selley/isbn-9780123860323/) Additional -Geology: the key ideas / David A. Rothery. – London: Hodder Education, reading list 2010. – 334 p.

Annotation of the discipline

Discipline name Экономика/Economics Content Foundations of economic research. Principles of economic organization of society. Introduction to economic science. General problems of economic organization of society. Property in the system of economic relations. General characteristics of a market economy. The basics of microeconomics. The theory of supply and demand. Enterprise in a market economy. Production costs and maximize profits. Perfect and imperfect competition. Markets of factors of production and the formation of factorial income. The basics of macroeconomics. The national economy as a whole. The main macroeconomic indicators. Economic cycle, inflation and unemployment. Macroeconomic balance. Money, monetary circulation and monetary policy of the state. Financial system and fiscal policy. The main directions of economic activities of the state in a market economy. Economic growth and development. The foundations of the world economy. International economic relations. Foreign trade. International migration of capital. International labour migration. Currency system and currency relations. Realized GPC-3 - able to participate in the management of professional activities, competences using knowledge in the field of project management Learning GPC-3 outcomes of the To know: discipline - basic concepts and categories of Economics; (module) - economic laws and regularities; - categories and laws of commodity economy; - main categories of factor markets and factor income. To be able to: - to analyze the economic situation; - to apply the laws and methods of economic Sciences in solving professional tasks; - to use the basics of economic knowledge in different spheres of life. To master: - methods of calculation of the indicators of production efficiency; - methods of estimating the equilibrium price and price elasticity of supply and demand; - means for determining the volume of production, allowing the company to receive the greatest benefit in the markets of goods and resources; - methods of assessing the efficiency of resource use. Volume of 3 CP credits, CP Forms of Exam, 1 semester assessment (including terms) Basic and additional reading list Basic reading list 1.Turina, A.D.
& nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; Economics Electronic resource: Textbook for SPO / A. D. Tyurin, S. A. Shilin. - Economics, 2020- 08-30. - Saratov: Scientific book, 2019 .-- 316 p. - The book is in the premium version of EBS IPR BOOKS. - ISBN 978-5-9758-1901-7, unlimited copies 2. Dolgova, T.V. Economics / T.V. Dolgova / E.B. Ermishina: study guide Electronic resource: Southern Institute of Management, IP Er Media; Krasnodar, Saratov, 2017 .-- 69 p. - The book is in the basic version of EBS IPRbooks., Unlimited copies Additional 1. Kozyrev, V. M. Economic theory / V.М. Kozyrev. - Moscow: Logos, 2015 reading list .-- 350 p. - ISBN 978-5-98704-817-7, unlimited copies 2. Narovlyanskaya, T.N. Economic theory (political economy) / T.N. Narovlyanskaya / N.P. Schepacheva / E.O. Sazonov: study guide Electronic resource: Orenburg State University, EBS ASV; Orenburg, 2016 .-- 267 p. - The book is in the basic version of EBS IPRbooks. - ISBN 978-5-7410-1470- 7, unlimited copies 3. Litvin, N.I. Economic theory / N.I. Litvin / V.S. Paramonov: study guide Electronic resource. - Economic Theory, 2019-03-06: Rusines; Moscow, 2015 .-- 184 p. - The book is in the basic version of the EBS 4. Belyaeva, O. V. The economy of an enterprise (organization). Collection of tasks: teaching aid / O.V. Belyaeva; J.A. Belyaeva Electronic resource: University education; Saratov, 2017 .-- 52 p. - The book is in the basic version of EBS IPRbooks. - ISBN 978-5-4487-0009-5, unlimited copies 5. Nosova, SS Economic theory: textbook: for university students studying in economics. specialties / S. S. Nosova. - 3rd ed., Erased. - Moscow: KnoRus, 2016 .-- 792 p. : tab. - Neck: Rec. UMO. - Bibliography: p. 638. - ISBN 978-5-406-00317-6, unlimited copies 6. Economics (in English) Lazareva N.V., Dotdueva Z.S., Babayants V.V., Solovyeva I.V., Simonova N.A., Fursov V.A. Textbook. manual / Moscow, 2017.- [Electronic version].

Annotation on the discipline Discipline Гидромашины и компрессоры в нефтегазовом деле / Hydraulic name machinery and compressors in Oil-and-Gas Engineering Content The role of pumps and compressors in oil and gas industry. General classification of pumps and compressors. Blade pumps: classification, working principles, fitting. Reciprocating pumps: classification, working principles, fitting. Rotary pumps. Hydraulic downhole motors. Turbodrill: purpose and working principles. Working characteristics of turbine. Screw hydrodrill (downhole motor): classification, working principles, fitting. Turbo-screw motors. Reciprocating pumps: classification, working principles, types and schemes. Rotor and centrifugal compressors. Compressor units: purpose and content. Compressor cooling system. Realized PC-6 - ability to apply the process approach in the practical activity, to competences combine theory with practice in accordance with the selected field of the professional activity; Learning Code of the competence PC-6 outcomes To know: the main production processes presented a single chain of oil-and- gas technologies; functions of the production departments in organization and production connections between them; the rules of technical operation of technological objects of oil-and-gas complex and management methods of modes of their working. To be able to: In combination with service companies and specialists of engineering services to correct the technological processes taking into account the real situation To master: supervision skills of production processes in oil-and-gas field with application of the modern equipment and materials.

Volume of 3 credits Forms of assessment Grading test,4th term (including terms) Basic and additional reading list Required reading 3. Hydraulics, hydraulic machinery and hydraulic and pneumatic drive: list Textbook for universities and colleges / [T.V. Artemeva and others]; edited by S.P. Stesin.- 4th edition., stereotype.- M.: Akademiya, 2009. – 336 p. : il. – (High professional education). – Bibliogr.: 332 p. 4. Oil and gas scientific-technical encyclopedia / А.I. Bulatov. -2nd revised edition. - Krasnodar: Education-South, 2009. – 317 p.

Additional 5. Hydraulics, hydraulic machinery and hydraulic and pneumatic drive: reading list textbook / edited by S.P. Stesin. - M.: Akademiya, 2009. – 336 p. 6. Sheipak A.A. Hydraulics and hydraulic and pneumatic drive: textbook, Vo;ume I : Fundamentals of fluid and gas mechanics / A.A. Sheipak. – 4th edition, stereotype. – M.: MGIU, 2005. - 192 p. 7. Sheipak A.A. Hydraulics and hydraulic and pneumatic drive: textbook, Vo;ume II : Fundamentals of fluid and gas mechanics / A.A. Sheipak. – 5th revised edition. – M.: MGIU, 2006. - 266 p. 8. Ivanovsky V.N., Darishchev V.I., Nikolaev N.M. and others Equipment for oil-and-gas production: in II volumes. – M.: Publishing house «Oil and gas» RGU of oil and gas in the name of I.M. Gubkin, 2003. - 793 p. 9. Kasiyanov V.M. Hydraulic machinery and compressors: Textbook for universities and colleges. – 2nd revised edition. – M.: Nedra, 1981. – 295 p.

Annotation of the discipline Discipline name Введение в инженерную деятельность / Introduction to engineering Content The role of the oil and gas complex in the national . Intellectual and organizational support for the functioning of oil and gas industry enterprises. The role of the engineering and technical component in improving the efficiency of production enterprises, in the development and modernization of the main parts of the technological process (well drilling – development and operation of oil fields, collection and transport, oil and gas processing). The role of engineers in ensuring the environmental friendliness of production facilities, in labor protection and safety. Realized PC -10 - To be able to conduct applied scientific research on the problems competences of the oil and gas industry in accordance with the chosen field of professional activity. Learning PC -10 outcomes of the To know: discipline - methods for analyzing information on technological processes and the (module) operation of technical devices in the oil and gas industry; To be able to: - plan and conduct the necessary experiments, process, including using application software products, interpret the results and draw appropriate conclusions; To master: - using physical and mathematical apparatus for solving computational and analytical problems that arise in the course of professional activity. Volume of 3 CP credits, CP Forms of Grading test, 2 term assessment (including terms) Basic and additional reading list Basic reading list 1. Tagirov K. M. Exploitation of oil and gas wells: textbook.manual for students. institutions of higher education. education / K. M. Tagirov – - M.: Publishing Center "Academy". - 2012. - 336 p. 2. Oil and Gas Industry scientific and technical Encyclopedia. comp. A. I. Bulatov. - 2nd ed., add. and specify. - Krasnodar: Prosveshchenie-Yug, 2009. - 317 p.Maslova T. D., Bozhuk S. G., Kovalik L. N. Marketing: Textbook for universities. 3rd ed., reprint. and add. - St. Petersburg: Piter, 2009. - 384 p.: ill – - (Series "Textbook"). Additional 1. 1. Kudinov V. I. Fundamentals of oil and gas industry. - Moscow- reading list Izhevsk: Institute of Computer Research; Udmurt State University. 2004, 720 p. 2. Mishchenko, I. T. Borehole oil production: textbook.manual for universities / I. T. Mishchenko. - M.: FSUE Publishing House "Oil and Gas"; Gubkin Russian State University of Oil and Gas, 2003. - 816 p. 3. Oil and gas construction: Training manual./Under the general editorship of Prof. I. I. Mazur and Prof. V. D. Shapiro-M.: OMEGA-L, 2005. 4. Korshak A. A., Shammazov A.M. Fundamentals of oil and gas business. Textbook for universities:- Ufa: OOO "DesignPoligrafServis", 2001. 5. Kalinin A. G. Drilling of oil and gas wells: textbook. - M.: publishing center "LitNefteGaz". - 2008. - 848 p.Organization, planning and management of oil and gas industry enterprises: Textbook for universities / A.D. Brents, V. E. Tishchenko, Yu. I. Malyshev et al.; Edited by A.D. Brents and V. E. Tishchenko. - 2nd ed., reprint. and add. - M.: Nedra, 1986 – - 511 p.

Annotation of the discipline Discipline name Особенности нефтегазового дела в морских условиях / Specific aspects of offshore oil-and-gas engineering Content The main coastal elements. Hydrometeorological factors affecting the well construction process. Drilling bases. Transport, installation and operation of drilling bases. Wellhead equipment. Blowout prevention equipment. Well casing with underwater wellhead. Offshore drilling services. Features of equipment and operation of wells with subsea wellhead. Equipment for offshore wells; surface and underwater operation; collection and preparation of hydrocarbons for transport; design of development of offshore oil and gas fields under normal conditions in shallow water, great depths, in arctic conditions; scientific and methodological foundations for choosing the optimal strategy for the development of the shelf; support services and infrastructure; urgent tasks and problems in the field of engineering and technology for the operation of offshore production facilities and wells; directions of scientific and technological progress in the development and operation of deposits on the continental shelf and onshore. Realized UC-1 - Ability to implement and adjust the technological processes of oil and competences gas production in accordance with the chosen field of professional activity Learning UC-1 outcomes of the Know: applies knowledge of the main production processes that represent a discipline single chain of oil and gas technologies; (module) Is able to: in combination with service companies and specialists of technical services, to adjust technological processes taking into account the real situation; Owns: possesses the skills of managing production processes using modern equipment and materials. Volume of 3 z.e. credits, CP Forms of Credit with a grade, 7 semester assessment (including terms)

Basic reading list 1. Aizuppe, E.A. Well drilling: textbook / E.A. Aizuppe; Feder. Education Agency, State. educated. institution of higher. prof. education "Sam.gos. Tech. Un-t ".- Samara: Samara State Technical University, 2007.- 124, [1] p .: ill.- Bibliography: p. 123 (9 titles). 2. Wartkin P.P. Offshore oil and gas facilities / textbook for universities, in 2 parts. M .: LLC "Nedra-Business Center", 2006. - 555s .: ill. 3. Skrypnik S.G. Equipment for drilling oil and gas wells at sea. - M .: Nedra, 1989.Разведочные работы на суше и континентальном шельфе России: Сборник научных трудов, ОАО НПО «Бурение», выпуск 14. – Краснодар, 2005 г. – 402 с. Additional 1. Sereda N.G., Soloviev E.M. Drilling oil and gas wells. - M .: Nedra, reading list 1974 .-- 456 p. 2. Beisebaev A.M., Tulyakbaev N.T., Fedorov B.V. Well drilling and mining exploration. Textbook. - M .: Nedra, 1990 .-- 303 p. 3. Basarygin Yu. M., Bulatov AI, Proselkov Yu. M. Drilling of oil and gas wells: Textbook. M .: OOO "Nedra-Business Center", 2002. – 632s .: ill. 4. Technology of drilling oil and gas wells: Textbook for universities / A.N. Popov, A.I. Spivak, T.O. Akbulatov and others; Ed. A.I. Spivak. - M .: LLC "Nedra-Business Center", 2003. - 509 p .: ill.

Annotation of the discipline Discipline name Основы геофизики / Basics of Geophysics

Content Theoretical foundations of geophysical research in the well (GIS). Theory of electrical logging methods. Theory of methods of radioactive logging. Theory of acoustic logging methods. Field-geophysical methods for monitoring the technical condition of an open borehole: inclinometry, cavernometry, thermometry. GIS control methods: mechanical and thermoconductive flow rate measurement, methods for monitoring the medium in the wellbore, pressure gauge, coupling locator. Technology for performing GIS control in a well under pressure (studies through a lubricator). Perforation, tack detector, emergency response by torpedoing. Realized PC-4 – ability to perform the organization of works on operating competences accompaniment of technological processed in accordance with the selected field of the professional activity;

Learning PC-4 outcomes of the To know: discipline - theory of GIS methods for open-trunk research; (module) - the main types of logging designed to determine the lithology and saturation of reservoir layers. Be able to: - perform primary processing of GIS data; - use GIS methods for various geological and technical conditions of drilling and operation. Own: - GIS data processing methodology for dissecting the geological section of political science; - a technique that allows you to calculate the main petrophysical characteristics of the reservoir formation. Volume of 3 CP credits, CP Forms of Examination, 5th term assessment (including terms) Basic and additional reading list Basic reading list 1. Lukyanov, E. E. Geological and technological research and geophysical research in the drilling process / E. E. Lukyanov, - Novosibirsk: Publishing House "Historical Heritage of ", 2009. - 752 p. 2. Lukyanov, E. E. Information and measurement systems of geological-technological and geophysical research in the drilling process / E. E. Lukyanov, - Novosibirsk: Publishing House "Historical Heritage of Siberia", 2010. - 816 p. 3. Geofizicheskie issledovaniya boreholes. - V. M. Dobrynin, B. Yu. Vendelshtein, R. A. Rezvanov, A. N. Afrikyan-Ed. V. M. Dobrynin M.: "Oil and Gas", Gubkin Russian State University of Oil and Gas, 2004. Textbook for the university – 400 p. 4. Strelchenko, V. V. Geophysical studies of wells: textbook / V. V. Strelchenko. - M.: Nedra, 2008. - 551 p.: ill. - (Priority national projects. Education). - Bibliogr.: p. 541. - Adj.: p. 542-548. - ISBN 978-5-8365-0314-7. 5. Geophysical and hydrodynamic control of the development of hydrocarbon deposits / A. I. Ipatov, M. I. Kremenetsky – - Izhevsk: Scientific and Publishing Center "Regular and Chaotic dynamics", 2010 – - 780 p. Additional 1. Borehole geophysical information and measurement systems. - V. N. reading list Shirokov, E. M. Mityushin, V. D. Neretin, E. E. Lukyanov, D. V. Belokon. M.: Nedra, 1996. Textbook for the University – 317 p. 2. Shnurman, I. G. The study of terrigenous reservoirs of the Ciscaucasia according to the results of geophysical studies of wells / I. G. Shnurman-Krasnodar, Prosveshchenie-Yug, 2003. - 397 p. 3. Borehole geophysical information and measurement systems. - V. N. Shirokov, E. M. Mityushin, V. D. Neretin, E. E. Lukyanov, D. V. Belokon, M.: Nedra, 1996. Textbook for the University – 317 p. 4. Geophysical methods of well research. Edited by V. M. Zaporozhets. Handbook of Geophysics. Moscow: Nedra, 1983.

Annotation of the discipline Discipline name Бурение скважин в заданном направлении / Directional wells drilling Content Goals and objectives of directional well drilling. Profiles of directional and horizontal wells. Designing these profiles. The mechanism and processes of trunk curvature when drilling directional wells. Layout of the bottom of the drill string for conducting directional and horizontal wells; selection and calculation of layouts. Control and operational management of directional- curved wells wiring. Technical means and methods for orienting deflecting layouts. Survey work when drilling directional and horizontal wells. Technology for drilling directional and horizontal wells. Equipment and technology for restoring idle oil and gas wells. Features of construction of bushes of directional wells. Realized PC -1 - To be able to implement and adjust the technological processes of competences oil and gas production in accordance with the chosen field of professional activity Learning PC -1 outcomes of the To know: discipline - how to apply knowledge about the main production processes that (module) represent a single chain of oil and gas technologies; To be able to: - adjust technological processes in combination with service companies and specialists of technical services considering the real situation; To master: - the skills to manage production processes with the use of modern equipment and materials. Volume of 3 CP credits, CP Forms of Grading test, 2 term assessment (including terms) Basic and additional reading list Basic reading list 1. Grechin E. G. Design of technical means for drilling curved wells.: textbook / E. G. Grechin, V. P. Ovchinnikov. - Tyumen. Publishing and printing center "Express" - 2010. - 211 p. 2. Ovchinnikov V. P., Dvoynikov M. V., Gerasimov G. T., Ivantsov A. Yu. Technologies and technical means of drilling curved wells: a textbook for universities. - Tyumen: Publishing house "Express", 2008. - 152 p. Additional 1. Kalinin A. G., Nikitin B. A., Solodkiy K. M., Povalikhin A. S. Profiles of reading list directional wells and line-ups of the bottom of drill columns. - M.: Nedra, 1995 – - 305 p. 2. Kalinin A. G., Nikitin6 B. A., Solodkiy K. M., Sultanov B. Z. Drilling of inclined and horizontal wells: handbook. - M.: Nedra, 1997. -648 p. 3. Ganjumyan R. A., Kalinin A. G., Nikitin B. A. Engineering calculations for drilling deep wells: A reference manual. - Moscow: JSC "Nedra Publishing House", 2000. - 498 p.

Annotation of the discipline Discipline name Осложнения и аварии при бурении нефтяных и газовых скважин / Complications and accidents in drilling of oil and gas wells Content General information about complications and accidents during drilling. Absorption of the washing liquid. Violations of the stability of the well walls. Tacks and tightens of the pipe column, gutter formation. Gas and oil- water phenomena. Gryphons and annular manifestations. Complications during drilling in the MMP. Spontaneous curvature of the borehole. Accidents during the construction of wells. Realized PC -3 - To be able to perform work to control the safety of work during competences the technological processes of oil and gas production in accordance with the chosen field of professional activity Learning PC -3 outcomes of the To know: discipline - the safety rules in the oil and gas industry, including in the event of (module) abnormal and emergency situations; To be able to: - organize work on the prevention and elimination of emergency and emergency situations with the involvement of service companies, assess risks; To master: - the skills to perform technical control of the condition and operability of technological equipment. Volume of 5 CP credits, CP Forms of Examination, 1 term assessment (including terms) Basic and additional reading list Basic reading list 1. Fountain hazard in drilling, operation and repair of wells: monograph / L. U. Chabaev, D. M. Chudnovsky, S. R. Khlebnikov et al. - Krasnodar: Prosveshchenie-Yug, 2009. - 267 p.: ill. - Bibliogr.: pp. 262-267. - ISBN 978-5-93491-240-7 2. Basarygin, Y. M. Complications and accidents during drilling of oil and gas wells: textbook for universities / Y. M. Basarygin, A. I. Bulatov, Y. M. Proselkov. - M.: Nedra, 2000. - 679 p.: il. - Vulture: Dop. UMO for specials. "Drilling of oil and gas wells". - Bibliogr.: p. 677. - ISBN 5-8365- 0028-2. Additional 1. Mezhlumov, A. O. Complications and accidents in drilling wells using reading list gaseous agents / A. O. Mezhlumov, N. S. Makurin. - M.: Nedra, 1970. - 192 p. - Bibliogr.: pp. 189-191. 2. Aizuppe, E. A. Complications in drilling wells : a textbook / E. A. Aizuppe; Samar. state. tech. un-t". - Samara : SSTU 2007,. - 68 p.: ill. - Bibliogr.: p. 68. - ISBN b 978-5-7964-0993-0. 3. Yasov, V. G. Complications in drilling : a reference manual / V. G. Yasov, M. A. Myslyuk. - M.: Nedra, 1991. - 334 p. - Prem. decree: p. 332. - ISBN 5-247-02249-1. 4. Complications and accidents when drilling of oil and gas wells: educational method. manual: Training direction 131000.62-Oil and gas business. Preparation profiles "Drilling of oil and gas wells". Baccalaureate / Yu. K. Dimitriadi, A.V. Matsko ; Sev. - Kav. feder. un-t< / font>. - Stavropol : NCFU, 2014. - 130 p.

Annotation of the discipline Discipline name Особенности нефтегазового дела в морских условиях / Specific aspects of offshore oil-and-gas engineering Content The main coastal elements. Hydrometeorological factors affecting the well construction process. Drilling bases. Transport, installation and operation of drilling bases. Wellhead equipment. Blowout prevention equipment. Well casing with underwater wellhead. Offshore drilling services. Features of equipment and operation of wells with subsea wellhead. Equipment for offshore wells; surface and underwater operation; collection and preparation of hydrocarbons for transport; design of development of offshore oil and gas fields under normal conditions in shallow water, great depths, in arctic conditions; scientific and methodological foundations for choosing the optimal strategy for the development of the shelf; support services and infrastructure; urgent tasks and problems in the field of engineering and technology for the operation of offshore production facilities and wells; directions of scientific and technological progress in the development and operation of deposits on the continental shelf and onshore. Realized UC-1 - Ability to implement and adjust the technological processes of oil and competences gas production in accordance with the chosen field of professional activity Learning UC-1 outcomes of the Know: applies knowledge of the main production processes that represent a discipline single chain of oil and gas technologies; (module) Is able to: in combination with service companies and specialists of technical services, to adjust technological processes taking into account the real situation; Owns: possesses the skills of managing production processes using modern equipment and materials. Volume of 3 z.e. credits, CP Forms of Credit with a grade, 7 semester assessment (including terms)

Basic reading list 1. Aizuppe, E.A. Well drilling: textbook / E.A. Aizuppe; Feder. Education Agency, State. educated. institution of higher. prof. education "Sam.gos. Tech. Un-t ".- Samara: Samara State Technical University, 2007.- 124, [1] p .: ill.- Bibliography: p. 123 (9 titles). 2. Wartkin P.P. Offshore oil and gas facilities / textbook for universities, in 2 parts. M .: LLC "Nedra-Business Center", 2006. - 555s .: ill. 3. Skrypnik S.G. Equipment for drilling oil and gas wells at sea. - M .: Nedra, 1989.Разведочные работы на суше и континентальном шельфе России: Сборник научных трудов, ОАО НПО «Бурение», выпуск 14. – Краснодар, 2005 г. – 402 с. Additional 1. Sereda N.G., Soloviev E.M. Drilling oil and gas wells. - M .: Nedra, reading list 1974 .-- 456 p. 2. Beisebaev A.M., Tulyakbaev N.T., Fedorov B.V. Well drilling and mining exploration. Textbook. - M .: Nedra, 1990 .-- 303 p. 3. Basarygin Yu. M., Bulatov AI, Proselkov Yu. M. Drilling of oil and gas wells: Textbook. M .: OOO "Nedra-Business Center", 2002. – 632s .: ill. 4. Technology of drilling oil and gas wells: Textbook for universities / A.N. Popov, A.I. Spivak, T.O. Akbulatov and others; Ed. A.I. Spivak. - M .: LLC "Nedra-Business Center", 2003. - 509 p .: ill.

Annotation of the discipline Discipline name Технологическое предпринимательство / Technological business

Content Technological business: basic concepts and definitions. Creation of an innovative business. Team building and development. Business idea, business model, business plan. Marketing. Market assessment. Product development and market launch. Intangible assets and intellectual property protection, licensing. Risks and methods of their management. Financing of scientific and technical projects. Infrastructure to support innovation. Assessment of the investment attractiveness of the project Realized competences GPC-3 - Able to participate in the management of professional activities using knowledge in the field of project management Learning outcomes GPC-3 To know: the basics of making management decisions; features of the formation of organizational structures To be able to: develop a competency model of an entrepreneur in the field of technology entrepreneurship To master: the ability to organize processes for the implementation of a business idea in the field of technological entrepreneurship Volume of credits 2 cu Forms of assessment Test, 2 term (including terms) Methodical and information support of discipline Required reading list 1. Romanenko, E. V.
& nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; Innovative economy and technological entrepreneurship Electronic resource / Romanenko E.V.: guidelines. - Omsk: SibADI, 2020 .-- 52 p., Unlimited copies 2. Sukhorukova, M. V.
& nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; Introduction to entrepreneurship for IT projects Electronic resource / M. V. Sukhorukova, I. V. Tyabin. - Introduction to Entrepreneurship for IT Projects, 2021-11-30. - Moscow: Internet University of Information Technologies (INTUIT), IP Er Media, 2019 .-- 123 p. - The book is in the premium version of EBS IPR BOOKS. - ISBN 978-5-4486-0510- 9, unlimited copies Additional reading list 1. Innovative entrepreneurship in Russia: trends, tools and development potential: monograph / O.E. Akimova, S.K. Volkov, I.V. Mitrofanova, N.P. Ivanov, V.S. Fomichev. - Moscow | Berlin: Direct- Media, 2019 .-- 127 p. : ill., tab. - - Bibliography: p. 113-123. - ISBN 978-5-4475-9925-6, unlimited copies 2. Disruptive innovation. How to reach new consumers by simplifying and reducing the cost of the product Electronic resource / S. Anthony [et al.]; per. A. Solomina. - Disruptive innovation. How to reach new consumers by simplifying and making the product cheaper, 2020-02- 28. - Moscow: Alpina Publisher, 2018 .-- 344 p. - The book is in the premium version of EBS IPR BOOKS. - ISBN 978-5-9614-5155-9, unlimited copies