Phyllis Chesler on War Crimes in Bosnia
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WINTER 1996 $3.95 • CANADA THE PROGRESSIVE WOMAN'S QUARTERLY iRLE HOFFMAN iN "JANE ROE" BELL HOOKS: >UGH TALK FOR .'OUGH TIMES MINISM'S OST IROQUOIS PHYLLIS ROOTS CHESLER ON WAR FED UP i/ITH THE DIET CRIMES INDUSTRY IN BOSNIA ;„„„>""'""" ////""'"""""rw,,,,,,,,,,,,,//" SPECIAL REPORT 64> 74470 78532 PRO GRES SI VE. C O N F R O N TAT I O N AL. INFORMATIVE. FREE- THINKING. C A N YOU SAY THE SAME ABOUT Y° U R P H O N E BILL? x trange as it may sound, thousands of competitive with those of AT&T," MCI" Americans actually look forward to receiving and Sprint? And we offer plenty of built- their monthly phone bill. A 1 in discounts. What's more, we'll give you These are not sad, lonely citizens, I 60 FREE MINUTES of long distance desperate for any contact with the outside calls as soon as you sign up. world. They are among the country's But we never compromise on quality. most progressive thinkers. They're 1 We use major carriers' lines - so calls are • k crystal clear. 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We name key political decision-makers and bill should make very interesting reading. give you free and easy ways to confront them. Just a Last year, our customers made their voices tew victories zJ^k> WORKING ASSETS Working Assets' heard over 450,000 times - becoming one of customers ^•^ Long Distance helped win. By lo.ning I aurhome Working Aura Long IW« w becom, my primary long the most powerful citizen groups in America. distance earner Working Assets will mail me a certificate good fc | interstate calling at the 3.000-milc rughtAreekend rate- The certificate cm be redeemed by enclosing it into an, bill 1 choose. Then, on the fbllowtng bill, die GO free minurra credit will appear Offer void where prohib- In addition, our basic interstate rates are ited. Rate comparisons effective 5/1/95 and sub|cct to change . OIR-1 page 60 COLUMNS DEPARTMENTS WHAT IS JUSTICE THE SEDUCTION OF HOFFMAN FRONT LINES FOR A RAPE VICTIM? CERTAINTY 3 2 12 38 TROJAN HORSES BACK (I THINK) Prosecuting Bosnian War Losing Feminist Daughters "Jane Roe," George FROM BEIJING Crimes to Orthodoxy McKenna, Naomi Wolf, by Phyllis C/io/n by Andrea Gurwitt and the Selling of the FEEDBACK Pro-choice Movement 6 THE IN-YOUR-FACE GINA GOLD ART OF ANKE AND THE WIN SOME/ FEUCHTENBERGER THREE-LEGGED DOG RAPPING LOSE SOME 17 41 9 8 by Christiane Bauinanu Profile of an THE BLAME GAME Ex-Lap Dancer Famous Trials and CHOICE BOOKS IS EQUALITY by lody Elizabeth Gchrman Tribulations 47 INDIGENOUS? BELL HOOKS: 21 FED UP WITH THE TOUGH TALK FOR The Iroquois Influence on DIET INDUSTRY TOUGH TIMES TALKING FEMINIST Feminism 44 AN OT1 INTERVIEW 26 by Sally Roesch 11 agner A mother and daughter ALSO: A FRAT-BOY'S ESCAPE battle size discrimination, • Body Politic FROM ANIMAL HOUSE BEIJING WORLD not weight • Practical Magic by Scott Straus CONFERENCE ON by Dawn and Mary E. Atkins • Reasonable Creatuies WOMEN • Books in Brief 29 Pigoy Simpson's 20 Vein CUTTING SOME I Veil1 'Julie Minus's SLACK Restaurant Parleys • Frames 60 Kissling on Fundamentalism ADVICE ' Laura Flanders on the FROM SAINT SYBIL ON THE COVER Media • Soelecn Heyzei on by Margaret Oakcs Cox Agenda Setting • Ellen Illustration for Siiortland on the Chinese Pelei O.v THE Iwiisby Principle • and more Anke Feuchtenberger contentON THE ISSUES* WINTER 199d v VOLUME V NUMBER sONE FRONT LINES ROniMI SANDROFF OTHE NPROGRESSIV HEE WOMAN' ISSUES QUARTERLSY Back (I Think) VOL.V • NO 1 WINTER \')')(, Publ h 1 I Jitor in Chief From Beijing MERLE HOFFMAN Edirui RONNI SANDROFF I • 1 I liior JOHN STOLTENBERC tditor.ii Liu PHYLLIS CHESLER 've been uncharacteristically tongue-tied Art I about my adventures at the Fourth World Conference on Women in |OY TOLTZIS MAKON Beijing, China. Somehow the experience looms too I.iri»e to be Special IV'i • 1 1 \ilvi ' -I JULIA KACAN Isqueezed into pun) sentences. How to sum up the dozens of excited, spirited ANNE MOLLECEN SMITH conversations with bright, brave, colorful women who came from places as JOY SILVER close to home as Detroit and far away as Samoa and East Timor, each a leading Uook Uoir» Editor expert in agriculture, urban slum problems', circus arts, international politics, SALLY OWEN I'mdi 11 LJ11.11 spirit dancing, or some field I'd never heard of? How to find my tongue in BARBARA A. HERNANDEZ time to give our readers a ground's-eye view of the historic meeting that C.intril j l-ditfis proved, among other things, that the women's movement is wry much alive JILL BENDERLY CHARLOTTE BUNCH and fermenting around the globe? VINIE BURROWS IRENE DAVALL I didn't sol\e the problem alone. 1 got saved. Unsolicited, unexpected reports BELL HOOKS on the conference zipped in over the fax line. From Belgrade came Julia Menus s FLO KENNEDY FRED PELKA warm account of how former Yugoslav's evaded Chinese restrictions. From Cali- ELAYNE RAPPING fornia, Ellen Snortland sent a funny HELEN M. STUMMER piece on boy-child preference. Advertising and Sales ) 'irector CAROLYN HANDEL Disp.iuhes from Warsaw arrived Circuljtiuii/liusincss Consultant from I'eggy Simpson. Then the ANNE S. KEATING blooms that I'd tended in China began to flower, proof that the O\ THE ISSI rs The I'rojjressisc Woman's world can be changed from the Quarterly a k'lmnist, humanist magazine ufiritical dynamic new head of UNIFEM, thinking, dedicated to fostering collective responsibility Singapore's Noeleen Hey/er; an tor positive social change. ( KTnr IsiUFsThe Progressive Woman's (Ju irtcrly analysis of the appeal of fundamen- (ISSN IW'(5-I.IPI4) is published quarterly as an talism, from Fran Kissling of informational and educational service of CHOICES Women's MCIIK I t lenter, Inc ,^7-77 Queens Klvd. Catholics tor Choice: and dramatic Forestalls NY 11374-3317. Fax-(718) W7-I2H6 views ot the conference from pho- World Wide V*el> Your team in Beijing: tographer Joan Roth. Home page—Imp // Merle Hoffman (left), Joy Silver (center), Stitching it all together, the pri- Unsolicited Manuscripts All material will be and Ronni Sandroff. by the editors. For return, enclose a sjt-.iddressi.d. mary importance of this gathering stamped envelope with proper postage Articles should of 30,(1(10 women became clear: It was proof that we are not working in a vacu- not be more than 2,(1(10 words. All editing decisions are um. The isolation we often feel is induced by the mass media which seldom give at the discretion of the editors Feminist cartoons are also acceptable under the same provisions us a glimpse of the competent, knowledgeable, committed women, at home and IK THE ISSUES dues not accept fiction or poetry. around the world, willing to help with the great tasks we set for ourselves. Advei using accepted at the discretion of the publisher. Acceptance does not imply endorsement. Are the interests of women across the globe remote from our own? Read Publisher's Note: The opinions expressed by con- Phyllis C :hesler's powerful inquiry into rape as a war crime in Bosnia, in Algeria, tributors and by those we interview are not necessarily in Rwanda, and in the gender wars at home. Take heart from the arresting those of the editors ON Tin Isst ES The Progressive Woman's Quarter]) is a forum where women' m.n have poster art of Anke Feuchtenberger from Germany, who also designed tin's their voices heard without censure or censorship. month's cover And consider the conversation between bell hooks and book Subscription Information: I year $14.95. 2 years review editor Sally Owen (former owner of Judith's Room bookstore m New S24 45,3 years S>4 45. Institutional rate: Add SI•) first seal, S5 eai h additional year Add S4 per yen for York) about women as the new proletariat. Canadian orders. S7 per vcar foreign (surface mail) or This issue also brings you .1 unique collection of •<•>(><, stories of S20 per year foreign (air mail) Send to O\ THE ISSUES The Progressive Woman's Quarterly I'd BO\ 3(1(111 personal/political conversions: "born-again" Norma McCorvey (Jane Roe); an Dept OTI.Denwllc.NJ II7K.M Second-Class Postage ex-trat boy who's sworn off women-hating; young feminists turned Orthodox I'.ud at Forest Hills, rsJY and additional mailing otVice. Postmaster: Send address changes to Jews; and an ex-lap dancer who defends the integrity of her former colleagues. ONl HE ISSUES The Progu-ssive Woman's Quarterly With the help of our readers and the women of the world, we're proud to PO Bos 30(1(1,1)ept.