Fraternities to Hold Dances Start Spring Social Season Sports The
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APRIL ROUNDS CORNER FIRST MPUS Volume XXV Storrs, Connecticut, Tuesday, March 28, 1939 Z 88 No. 20 Catalog Appears FORESTRY.GROUP In About One Week Fraternities To Hold Dances Sports |! IN PROGRAM FOR Fee Reduction, Staff Changes, In- Start Spring Social Season PETERSON IS CAPTAIN crease In Enrollment, Announced WILDLIFE WEEK SET FOR GALA WEEKEND Herbert Peterson has been named A reduction of 10 dollars In tlio George McReynolds captain of the 1939 Football team, it Hosley atnd Hunter of Wesleyan Ad- dress Forestry Meeting on Prob- college fee, making the yearly tuitlcn- Will Replace Brewer City Club, Bond, Norwich Inn, Rock- was today announced by Coach J. lems of Game iil expenses at the College 150 dollars, ledge. Mohegan, To Be Sites of Orleans Christian. an increase in enrollment, several Maine Professor To Teach History Frat Dances "Pete" has been an end on the additions to the faculty, and a num- And Government Here varsity team tor two years, playing The Forestry Club held an open ber of course changes are announced regularly and never being out of a meeting last Thursday night at the in the 1939-40 Conn. State College Dr. George E. McReynolds, now Fonnals. Informal* and dinner game for more than a quarter. He is Community House in commemora- Catalog, which is to be released working in the history and govern- dances will be the order of spring so- a junior from East Hartford and a tion of National Wildlife Week. The about April 1. ment department at Maine Univer- cial affairs to be held shortly by all member of the varsity basketball and speakers were Professor Hosley of A total student enrollment of 1027. sity, has been secured to replace Dr. the fraternities on the hill. Most of baseball teams. the Forestry department and Dr. 713 men and 314 women is recorded, John W. Brewer, assistant professor the events will take place this Fri- Track Teams Lose Hunter, professor of zoology at Wes- with the following figures: 160 Sen- of history and government here, who day evening, though one will be held Both the Varsity and freshman leyan University. iors, 193 juniors, 269 sophomores, and will teach international affairs at Saturday and two more during the track teams went down to defeat at President Russell Potter opened the 406 freshmen. The addition of a new George Washington University in vacation. the hands of the Wesleyan Cardinals meeting and introduced the speakers curricula in Business Administration Washington. D. C. beginning next On Friday night. Theta Sigma Chi last Saturday afternoon at Middle- to the audience. haa been made; course additions and fall. and Alpha Phi will hold semi-formal town. The Varsity was defeated by a Professor Hosley spoke on "What substitutions for those discontinued Dr. Reynolds taught at Connecto- dances In Hartford: Shakes going to Bcore of 65-48 while the cubs were Wildlife Week Is and Means". He are announced. cut State College before when he the Hartford City Club, while Alpha repelled by the tune of 54-42. discussed the abundance of game in The 13 resignations which have oc- substituted for Mr. Andre Schenker, Phi has arranged a dinner dance in Wesleyan broke six cage records colonial timeu and the rapid decline curred among the faculty have been then on sabbatical leave, during the the Egyptian Room of the Hotel and took nine out of thirteen firsts. in their numbers due to unnecessary replaced completely, and nine addi- second semester of the school year Bond. On the same evening Eta Captain Harry Heermans of Wesley- slaughter. He also mentioned the tions have been made. Five staff 1934-35. At that time he taught his- I-ambda Sigma will be located at the an broke both the half-mile and mile toll taken by predatory animals, over- members are now absent from the tory courses. In the fall of 1935 he Hilltop House in East Hartford; records. He turned in a time of stocking, and improper environment. College on sabbatical leave. started teaching at Maine Univer- Alpha Gamma Hho will dine and 2:03.2 for the SS0 and a time of He stated that the recent increase in sity. dance formally at the Norwich Inn: 4:32.4 for the mile. Spence of State the numbers of both hunters and Dr. Reynolds received his B.A. at Pi Alpha I'i will also have a formal broke the cage record in the 45 yard fishermen has made it necessary to Student Senate Notes Indianna University; and taught dinner dance at the Rockledge Coun- low hurdles. He won in the time of further restrict hunting and fishing. there for two years while working on try Club; and Phi Mu Delta has se- :05.7. He spoke of the enjoyment and re- his master's degree. In 1937 he re- cured the Hotel Mohican in New Lon- Seymour Bloom was a high per- creation that people get from Wild- Edward Finn, '40 of Hartford, re- ceived his doctor's degree in Interna- don for its Formal dance. former for the day also. Bloom plac- life, from mere nature study, as well ported that Mr. Van Bibber had had tional Relations at Clark University. The Sigma Phi Gamma's formal is ed second in three events: the 16 as from hunting and fishing. the diving board examined by experts Author of several articles on the scheduled for Norwich Inn on Satur pound shot, running broad jump, and He stated that the first North and had found it to be safe. Far Eastern situation and Interna- day evening. Phi Epsilon Pi and Tau 45 yard low hurdles. Sid Anderson American Wildlife Conference, which Epsilon Phi will have their affairs Melvin Weber, '40 of Hartford, re- tional Relations, Dr. McReynolds is won a first place in the pole vault, was called together in 1936 by Pres- during vacation week. Tau Ep at ported that Miss Carr found it neces co-author of the book "Japan in and Hanna tied for first in the 440 ident Roosevelt, was to protect Wild- Seven Gables in Milford on Friday sary to have students carry their American Public Opinion", published yard run. Koch finished in a triple lile. and Phi Ep at Tuniblebrook Country meal tickets inasmuch as it was im- In 1937. tie In the high Jump. Johnson. Rice, Dr. Hunter spoke on "Stream Im- possible to know every student. How- Club in Bloomfleld on Saturday. and Wheaton all finished second in provement". Dr. Hunter is a special- ever, students forgetting their tick- their respective events. ist in fish pathology. He mentioned ets would not have to pay for that To Hold Conference Navickas and Hubbard were out- tin Black Ledge River, which has meal. Open Forum Of Women standing for the State frosh in their been very much improved by the ad- At Wesleyan Apr. 6 loss. The former won the 45 yard dition of artificial dams, shade trees, Edward Kuehn, '40 of West Hart- Talks Of Rule Change dash, finished second in the 45 yard ford, reported that a bus has been etc He stated that the results of the 500 Students Expected To Attend low hurdles, and a third in the broad experiment proved that the oxygen chartered for students wishing to Morris, Fraser. Weinstein, Fealrn. and Ninth Annual Science Confab jump. The latter placed second in the content of the water increased; and ride into Hartford and return at the Graves Elected To Committee 45 yard high hurdles and a third in Easter Vacation, said bus to leave on that the amount of natural fish food The ninth annual Connecticut Val- the high jump. Peterson. Bowen. Tui- Saturday, April 1, at one P.M. and such as Dobson flies. Hellgranites. ley Student Scientific Conference At the open forum for women stu- bou. took firsts in the 12 lb. shot. 880, etc. Increased greatly, return on Easter Sunday, April 9, at will be held at Williams College be- dents held last night in Holcomb and the mile events respectively. 6 P.M. ginning April 15. Drawing room at 8 o'clock ruling of Intra-Murals It was decided to remunerate the Approximately 500 students are ex- the W.S.G.A. Executive Council and At the conclusion of the first week Swarthmore Debaters former Editor and Business Manager pected to attend. Most of these will proposed changes in these rulings of Intra-mural volleyball competition. of the Connecticut Campus to the ex- be members of the Connecticut Val- were discussed. Alpha Phi is found at the top of the Meet Denlinger Team tent of $25 each, in view of the ley Scientific Conference, but it is A committee of students not on league standing with three victories discrepency between their salary and not necessary to belong to the group the Council was elected to investigate and no defeats. Sussman and Jackscn Uphold Nega- that of the present staff, considering, to attend the meeting. further possible changes and to make tive In Debate also the quality of the work rendered Professor Emeritus George A. a report on their findings at a later American International League and the profits realized. Parker, a member of the Harvard date. baseball pictures will be shown in Leonard Posner. '39 of Hartford, The committee chosen consists of the Armory on April 12 at eight Alfred Sussman. '41 of Willimantic. Zoology department has been engag- and Robert Jackson. '42 of Stamford. brought up the matter of a student ed to speak on Saturday morning in Ruby Morris. '40 of New Haven, p.m.