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Coperte 2019 Engl.Cdr GOVERNMENT OF ROMANIA NATIONAL ANTI-DOPING AGENCY ANNUAL REPORT 2019 Together for a Clean Sport! Together for a CLEAN SPORT! The National Anti-Doping Agency was established in October 2005, as a public institution with legal personality and decisional and operational autonomy in anti-doping. The Agency operates under the aegis of the Romanian Government and it relies on self-generated income and on subsidies granted from State budget through the General Secretariat of the Government. The Agency is tasked with implementing the anti-doping policies at national level, in elite sports and regulated grassroots. The Agency fights doping with an aim to support fair-play in all sports competitions, to protect the health of athletes and a level-playing field for all, to support clean sport in Romania and the Romanian athletes who proudly represent our country in international competitions. National Anti-Doping Agency 37-39 Basarabia Blvd., Bucharest Postal Code 022103 phone/fax: +4021.311.55.41 ROMANIAN NATIONAL ANTI-DOPING AGENCY ANNUAL REPORT 2019 Together for a Clean Sport! ABBREVIATIONS 1. ABP ATHLETE BIOLOGICAL PASSPORT 2.ADAMS ANTI-DOPING ADMINISTRATION AND MANAGEMENT SYSTEM 3. ADRV ANTI-DOPING RULE VIOLATION 4. OOC OUT -OF-COMPETITION 5. RNADA NATIONAL ANTI-DOPING AGENCY 6. ROA ROMANIAN OLYMPIC ACADEMY 7. CAHAMA EUROPEAN AD-HOC COMMITTEE FOR WADA 8. RAPEFM ROMANIAN ASSOCIATION FOR PEDIATRIC EDUCATION IN FAMILY MEDICINE 9. CAS COURT OF ARBITRATION FOR SPORTS 10. EOC EUROPEAN OLYMPIC COMMITTEE 11. IOC INTERNATIONAL OLYMPIC COMMITTEE 12. NC NATIONAL CHAMPIONSHIP 13. CNOPJ NATIONAL OLYMPIC CENTER FOR JUNIORS' TRAINING 14. NPC NATIONAL PARALIMPIC COMMITTEE 15. CoE COUNCIL OF EUROPE 16. COP CONFERENCE OF THE PARTIES 17. ROSC ROMANIAN OLYMPIC AND SPORTS COMMITTEE 18. SC SPORT CLUB 19. MSC MUNICIPAL SPORT CLUB 20. NSC NATIONAL SPORT CLUB 21. SSC SCHOOL SPORT CLUB 22. USC UNIVERSITY SPORT CLUB 23. CTUE COMMITTEE FOR THERAPEUTIC USE EXEMPTIONS EUROPEAN ATHLETICS 24. EAA ASSOCIATION 25. EPO ERYTHROPOIETIN 26. EYOF EUROPEAN YOUTH OLYMPIC FESTIVAL 27. RF ROMANIAN FEDERATION 28. hGH GROWTH HORMONE 29. DCL DOPING CONTROL LABORATORY 30. EG EUROPEAN GRANTS 31. FF FILING FAILURE 32. SHS SPORT HIGH SCHOOL 33. RTP REGISTERED TESTING POOL 34. IAAF INTERNATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF ATHLETICS FEDERATIONS 35. INADO INSTITUTE OF NATIONAL ANTI-DOPING ORGANIZATIONS 1 RNADA 2019 ABBREVIATIONS 36. MT MISSED TEST 37. MYS MINISTRY OF YOUTH AND SPORT 38. NADO NATIONAL ANTI-DOPING ORGANIZATION 39. DCO DOPING CONTROL OFFICER 40. NAEP NATIONAL ANNUAL EDUCATION PLAN 41. NATP NATIONAL ANNUAL TESTING PLAN 42. IMCS INTERNAL MANAGERIAL CONTROL SYSTEM 43. SEAP PUBLIC PROCUREMENT ELECTRONIC SYSTEM 44. SGG GENERAL SECRETARIAT OF THE GOVERNMENT 45. ISL INTERNATIONAL STANDARD FOR LABORATORIES 46. ISPPPI INTERNATIONAL STANDARD FOR THE PROTECTION OF PRIVACY AND PERSONAL INFORMATION 47. ISTI INTERNATIONAL STANDARD FOR TESTING AND INVESTIGATIONS 48. ISTUE INTERNATIONAL STANDARD FOR TUE 49. TUE THERAPEUTIC USE EXEMPTION 50. TDSSA TECHNICAL DOCUMENT FOR SPORT SPECIFIC ANALYSES 51. T/E>4 TESTOSTERONE/EPITESTOSTERONE>4 52. UCI INTERNATIONAL CYCLING UNION 53. EU EUROPEAN UNION 54. UEFA UNION OF EUROPEAN FOOTBALL ASSOCIATIONS 55. UNESCO UNITED NATIONS EDUCATION, SCIENCE AND CULTURE ORGANIZATION 56. WADA WORLD ANTI-DOPING AGENCY 2 RNADA 2019 SUMMARY CHAPTER I - INSTITUTIONAL DEVELOPMENT PROGRAM / page 5 I.1. ONGOING IMPROVEMENT OF THE QUALITY MANAGEMENT SYSTEM WITHIN THE AGENCY / page 5 I.2. IMPLEMENTATION STATUS OF THE INTERNAL/ MANAGEMENT CONTROL SYSTEM WITHIN RNADA / page 6 I.3. THE PROJECT “ADJUSTMENT OF RELEVANT LEGISLATION FOR FIGHTING AGAINST DOPING IN SPORT” / page 7 I.4. IMPROVING THE LEGISLATIVE FRAMEWORK AND HARMONIZING THE DOMESTIC LEGISLATION WITH THE RELEVANT INTERNATIONAL REGULATIONS IN THE AGENCY’S SPECIFIC FIELD OF ACTIVITY / page 8 I.5. CAPITALIZING EFFECTIVELY AND EFFICIENTLY ON THE AGENCY’S RESOURCES IN ACHIEVING ITS OBJECTIVES / page 9 CHAPTER II - EDUCATION AND INFORMATION PROGRAM / page 11 II.1. THE CAMPAIGN „FIRST STEP FOR A CLEAN SPORT” / page 12 II.2. SPECIFIC CAPMAIGNS FOCUSING ON OLYMPIC GAMES / page 14 II.3. THE CAMPAIGN „SAY NO! TO DOPING” / page 14 II.4. „ATHLETE OUTREACH” CAMPAIGN / page 17 II.5. EDUCATIONS PARTNETSHIPS / page 18 II.6. SOCIAL SCIENCE RESEARCH / page 18 II.7. COMMUNICATION ACTIVITY / page 20 CHAPTER III - DOPING TESTING PROGRAM / page 23 III.1. NATIONAL ANNUAL TESTING PLAN / page 23 III.2. DOPING TESTING PROGRAM FOR ATHLETES QUALIFIED FOR THE OLYMPIC GAMES / page 31 III.2.1. Winter Youth Olympic Festival in Sarajevo & East Sarajevo 2019 / page 31 III.2.2. European Games in Minsk 2019 / page 31 III.2.3. European Youth Olympic Festival in Baku 2019 / page 33 III.2.4. Beach World Games of ANOC in Doha 2019 / page 34 III.2.5. Winter Youth Olympic Games in Lausanne 2020 / page 34 III.3. REGISTERED TESTING POOL / page 35 3 RNADA 2019 SUMMARY III.4. DOPING TESTING REQUESTED BY INTERNATIONAL BODIES / page 36 III.5. TRAINING AND RE-TRAINING OF DOPING CONTROL OFFICERS / page 37 III.6. THERAPEUTIC USE EXEMPTIONS / page 37 III.7. DOPING CONTROL RESULTS MANAGEMENT / page 38 III.7.1. ATYPICAL FINDINGS / page 42 III.7.2. ATHLETES BIOLOGICAL PASSPORT / page 42 III.7.3. MANAGEMENT OF DOPING CASES BEFORE THE COURT FOR ARBITRATION IN SPORT / page 42 III.7.4. INVESTIGATIONS / page 42 CHAPTER IV - PREVENTION AND FIGHT AGAINST THE MANUFACTURE AND ILLICIT TRAFFIC OF DOPING SUBSTANCES DEPARTMENT / page 43 IV.1. CERTIFICATION OF BODYBUILDING AND FITNESS GYM / page 43 IV.2. ANTI-DOPING TRAINING COURSES / page 45 IV.3. INSPECTION OF BODYBUILDING AND FITNESS GYMS / page 46 IV.4. SEIZURE OF THE PROHIBITED SUBSTANCES / page 48 IV.5. DESTRUCTION OF PROHIBITED SUBSTANCES / page 50 CHAPTER V - INTERNATIONAL COOPERATION PROGRAM / page 51 CHAPTER VI - PERSPECTIVES / page 54 4 RNADA 2019 CHAPTER I INSTITUTIONAL DEVELOPMENT PROGRAM GENERAL OBJECTIVE - The organization, functioning and coordination of the Agency's activity with the aim of ensuring the completion of the mission and the general and specific objectives. SPECIFIC OBJECTIVES Ongoing improvement of the quality management system at the level of the Agency; Identifying the issues and establishing the public policies in anti-doping and the deterrence of the illicit traffic of doping substances; Improving the legislative framework and harmonizing the national legislation with the relevant international regulations in the activity sectors specific to the Agency; Developing the internal/management control system within the structure of the Agency; Using the Agency's resources in an economic, effective and efficient manner for achieving its mission and objectives; Ongoing training and re-training of anti-doping experts within the Agency. I.1. ONGOING IMPROVEMENT OF THE QUALITY MANAGEMENT SYSTEM WITHIN THE AGENCY The Agency's quality management system was first certified in 2007 in compliance with the The quality management system is based on the International Standard SR EN ISO 9001:2000 which quality policy statement and the system procedures later became SR EN ISO 9001:2008 and in 2015 it was determining the activities frame. The certification amended through SR EN ISO 9001:2015. This procedure was conducted by the TÜV CERT of TÜV international standard involves a process-based Rheinland InterCert, one of the most renowned approach including the cycle “Plan-Do-Check-Act”. international certification bodies based in Cologne, The process-based approach allows to an Germany. This certification was conducted in organization to plan its processes and their compliance with the TÜV CERT procedures for interactions. auditing and certification. RNADA Mission: To promote, coordinate and monitor the fight against doping in sport on national level by adopting and enforcing anti-doping policies and rules in compliance with the applicable legislation. RNADA Vision: A world that appreciates and promotes clean sport. During October 31st–November 1st 2019, Considering that, since 2008 RNADA conducts RNADA was visited by an audit team from TÜV its activity also on the basis of the program for Rheinland, who conducted the audit of the 5th prevention and fight against the manufacturing and recertification. illicit traffic of doping substances, the validity scope 5 RNADA 2019 of the certificate issued in 2013 has extended to Prevention implementation, enforcement and conformity with the of and fight against doping in sport and illicit traffic of prohibited reference standard SR EN ISO 9001:2015, of the quality substances. management results in relation to the requirements and ongoing improvement. Comparatively to ISO 9001:2008, The objectives of the audit were: the new Standard refers to a risk based approach of the ź to establish the compliance of the management processes. system with the audit criteria; ź to establish the management system capability to The clients' satisfaction percentage was of 97%. This ensure that RNADA meets the applicable percentage indicates that the services provided by RNADA contractual and legal requirements; are of high quality, in terms of the relevant international ź to determine the management system efficiency standards. The international recognition of the quality to ensure the client that it is reasonably management system represents a guarantee for the quality expectable to accomplish the specified of the services provided to our beneficiaries. objectives; ź to identify the areas of potential improvement of The audit team established that the organization has the management system. developed
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